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Monier-Williams Search
5 results for le ni
पादमूलn. "foot-root", the sole or heel (also as a polite designation of a person) (le ni-pat-,to fall at a person's feet ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वरात्रm. the whole night View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सार्वरात्रिकmfn. (fr. sarva-rātra-) lasting the whole night (as a lamp) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुखरात्रिf. a quiet or comfortable night (see saurātrika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुखरात्रिकाf. a quiet or comfortable night (see saurātrika-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
sārvarātrika सार्वरात्रिक a. Lasting the whole night (as a lamp).
Macdonell Search
1 result
sarvadeva m. pl. all the gods; -devatâ-maya, a. (î) containing all deities; -devatyã, a. sacred to or representing all the gods; -deva-maya, a. (î) containing or representing all gods; -desîya, a. coming from every country; -daivatya, a. representing all gods; -dravya, n. pl. all things; -dhar ma-maya, a. containing --, -vid, a. knowing all laws; -nara, m. every one; -nâma-tva, n. pronominal nature; -nâman, n. (general name), pronoun; -nâma-sthâna, n. case termination added to the strong base; -nâsa, m. complete lack; loss of everything, com plete ruin: -m kri, lose everything; -niyan tri, m. all-subduer: -tva, n. abst. n.; -patta maya,a. made of fabrics of all kinds; -path îna, a. occupying the whole road; -prabhu, m. lord of all; -prâna, m.: in. with all one's might; -prâyaskittá, a. (&isharp;) atoning for every thing (Br.); n. (V.) expiation for everything; a certain libation in the Âhavanîya; -prâ yaskitti, f. complete atonement; -bhaksha, a. eating or devouring everything, omnivor ous; -bhakshin, a. id.; -bhâva, m. whole heart or soul; complete satisfaction:in., °ree;--, with one's whole soul (love etc.): pl. all ob jects; -bhûta, pp. being everywhere; n. pl. °ree;--, all beings: with na, no being: -krit, a. framing all beings, -maya, a. (î) containing or representing all beings, -½âtman, m. soul of all beings; -bhûmi, a. owning the whole earth; -bhogya, fp. advantageous to all; -ma&ndot;gala, a. universally auspicious: â, f. ep. of Durgâ (sts. also of Lakshmî); -manorama, a. delighting every one; -máya, a. (î) con taining everything; -mahat, a. greatest of all: -tara, cpv. greater than all the rest; -mâmsa½ada, a. eating every kind of flesh; -mâya, m. N. of a Râkshasa; -medhá, m. universal offering (a ten days' Soma sacrifice); -medhya-tva, n. universal purity; -yagña, m. every sacrifice: pl. all sacrifices; -yatna, m. every effort: in. with all one's might, to the best of one's ability; -yatna- vat, a. making every possible effort; -yoni, f. source of all; -yoshit, f. pl. all women; -ratna, m. N.: -maya, a. formed of all gems; entirely studded with jewels, -samanvita, pp. possessed of all jewels; -rasa, m. all kinds of juices or fluids (pl. or °ree;--); every taste: pl. all kinds of palatable food; -râtra, m. (?) the whole night: °ree;-or -m, ad. the whole night through; (sárva- AV., or sarvá- SB.)-rûpa, a. (V.) having all colours; having or assum ing all forms; of all kinds; -½ritu-ka, a. habitable in every season (house); -li&ndot;ga, a. having all genders, adjectival; -loká, m. V., C.: the whole world; C.: the whole people; every one: pl. or °ree;--, all beings; every one: -bhayamkara, a. appalling to the whole world, -mahesvara, m. ep. of Siva and of Krishna; -loha, a. entirely red; n. metals of all kinds (°ree;--): -maya, a. (î) entirely of iron; -vâram, ad. all at once, simultaneously; -vikrayin, a. selling all kinds of things; -vigñân-in, a. knowing everything: (-i)-tâ, f. omniscience; -víd, a. omniscient; -vinâsa, m. entire destruction; -vinda, m. a certain mythical being; -vishaya, a. relating to everything, general; (sárva)-vîra, a. all-heroic, consisting of, relating to, accompanied by or leading all men or heroes (V.); -ved asá, a. attended by a gift of all one's goods (sacrifice; V.); bestowing all his property on priests after a sacrifice (C., rare); n. en tire property (V.): -dakshina, a. attended with a gift of all one's property as a sacrificial fee (sacrifice; V., C.); -vedin, a. omniscient; knowing all the Vedas; -vainâsika, a. be lieving in complete annihilation; m. Bud dhist; -vyâpad, f. complete failure; -vyâp in, a. all-pervading; -vrata, n. universal vow; a. all-vowing; -sakti, f. entire strength: in. with all one's might; -sa&ndot;kâ, f. suspicion of every one.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results1 result
yas tvā śāle nimimāya # AVś.9.3.11a.
Vedabase Search
16 results
rātri-dina the whole night and dayCC Antya 16.150
niśi the whole nightSB 9.14.43
sarva-rātri the whole nightCC Madhya 15.147
rātri the whole nightCC Madhya 15.147
saba rātri throughout the whole nightCC Antya 4.39
rātri-dina the whole night and dayCC Antya 16.150
rātri-sakala the whole nightCC Antya 18.4
saba rātri the whole nightCC Antya 18.114
sarva-rātri the whole nightCC Antya 19.60
rātrye rātrye during the whole nightCC Madhya 20.33
rātrye rātrye during the whole nightCC Madhya 20.33
saba rātri throughout the whole nightCC Antya 4.39
saba rātri the whole nightCC Antya 18.114
rātri-sakala the whole nightCC Antya 18.4
sarva-rātri the whole nightCC Madhya 15.147
sarva-rātri the whole nightCC Antya 19.60
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