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Grammar Search
"lambaka" has 1 results
lambaka: masculine vocative singular stem: lambaka
Monier-Williams Search
29 results for lambaka
lambakam. (in geometry) a perpendicular View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakam. (in astronomy) the complement of latitude, co-latitude View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakam. a particular implement or vessel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakam. Name of the 15th astrological yoga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakam. Name of the larger sections or books in the kathā-sarit-sāgara- (there are 18 lambaka-s containing 124 taraṃga-s or chapters) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakam. wrong reading for lambhaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇamf(ā-or ī-)n. having pendulous ears, long-eared View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. a he-goat, goat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. an elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. a hawk, falcon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. Alangium Hexapetalum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. of an ass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lambakarṇam. of a hare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avalambakamfn. hanging down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avalambakam. (in geometry) a perpendicular View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avalambakan. Name of a metre. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhīmakalambakam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hemalambakam. Name of the 31st (or 5th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalambakam. a species of Kadamba View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kolambakam. the body of a lute (the whole of it except the strings) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcalambakan. Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pralambakam. fragrant rohiṣa- grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prālambakan. prālamba
rolambakadamban. a swarm of bees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākakalambakam. leek, garlic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilambakam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipralambaka wrong reading for lambhaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
lambaka लम्बकः 1 A perpendicular (in geom.). -2 The complement of latitude, colatitude (in astr.). -3 A particular implement or vessel.
kolambaka कोलम्बकः The body of a lute.
prālambakam प्रालम्बकम् See प्रालम्बम्.
Macdonell Search
13 results
alaṃkāra m. adornment; ornament, trinket; rhetorical figure; -ka, m. or nament; -vatî, f. T. of the 9th Lambaka in the Kathâ-sarit-sâgara; -sîla, m. N.
caturdaśa a. (î) fourteenth; con sisting of fourteen; î, f. fourteenth day of a fortnight: -dasa-dh&asharp;, ad. fourteenfold; -dasán (or ká-), num. fourteen; -dasama, a. fourteenth; -dasarká, a. hvg. fourteen verses; -dârikâ, f. N. of the fifth lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara; -dikkam, ad. to the four quarters; -disam, ad. id.; -dvâra-mukha, a. (î) having four gates as mouths; -dhâ, ad. in four parts; fourfold.
pañcan a. pl. five; T. of the 14th Lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara.
pañcamaya a. (î) consisting of five (elements); -mâshaka (or ika), a. consisting of or amounting to five mâshas; -mâsya, a. needing five months for its development (seed); -mukha, a. five-faced; having five points (arrow); -mûla, m. N. of an attendant on Durgâ; -yâma, a. having five courses; -yoganî, f. distance of five yoganas; -râtra, n. period of five days; a. (á) lasting five days; n. general designation of the sacred book of Vishnuite sects: -ka, a. lasting five days; -lakshana, a. having five characteristics; -lambaka, m. T. of the 14th Lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara; -vata, m. N.; N. of a locality: î, f. id.; -varga, m. group orseries of five; -varna, a. five-coloured; of five kinds; -varsha: -ka, -varshîya, a. five years old; -vârshika, a. recurring every five years; -vimsá, a. (î) twenty-fifth; consisting of or containing twenty-five; -vimsati, f.twenty-five: -tama, a. twenty-fifth; -vidha, a. fivefold; -vrit, ad. five times; -sata, n. pl. five hundred; consisting of five hundred panas (fine); paying a fine of five hundred (panas); five-hundredth: e kâle, in the 500th year; n. 105; 500; î, f. 500; -sara, m. (five-arrowed), Kâma; -sikha, a. wearing five top-knots (ascetic); m. N. of an attendant of Siva; -sîrsha, a. five-headed.
padmāvatī f. ep. of Lakshmî; N.; ep. of Uggayinî in the Krita age; T. of the 17th Lambaka in the Kathâsaritsâgara.
madira a. id.: â, f. spirituous li quor; ep. of Durgâ; N. of the mother of Kâdambarî; (a)-dris, a. having ravishing eyes; (a)-nayana, a. id.; -½aksha, a. (î) id.; â-vat-î, f. N. of a girl and title of the 13th Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara.
mahāpakṣa a. having many ad herents, having a large following; -pa&ndot;ka, n. (?) deep mud; -pa&ndot;kti, f. a metre of forty-eight syllables; -pandita, a. extremely learned; m. great scholar; -patha, m. prin cipal street; high road; the great journey, pilgrimage to the other world (-m yâ, die); a certain hell; a. having a great path: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -padma, n. a certain high number; m. one of the eight treasures connected with the magic art padminî; N. of a Nâga: -pati, m. lord of millions, ep. of Nanda, -saras, n. N. of a lake, -salila, n. id.; -padya-shatka, n. T. of a poem (at tributed to Kâlidâsa) consisting of six classi cal verses; -½aparâdha, m. great crime or injury; -parvata, m. high mountain; -pasu, m. large cattle; -pâta, m. long flight; a. flying far (arrow); -pâtaka, n. great crime or sin (of which there are five: killing a Brâhman, drinking spirituous liquor, theft, adultery with a teacher's wife, and asso ciation with persons guilty of those four crimes); -pâtakin, a. guilty of a capital sin; -pâtra, n. prime minister; -pâda, a. large footed; -pâpa, n.great crime; -pâpman, a. very harmful; -pâra, 1. m. a certain per sonification; 2. a. having distant banks, wide (sea); -pârsva, a. having broad sides (leech); N.; -pâsupata, a. with vrata, n. the great vow of a worshipper of Siva Pasupati; m. zealous worshipper of Siva Pasupati; -pîtha, n. high seat; -pumsa, m. great man; -punya, a. very auspicious (day); very good or beau tiful; very holy; -purá, n. great fortress: î, f. great citadel; -purusha, m. great or eminent man; supreme spirit; -pûta, pp. extremely pure; -prishtha, a. broad-backed; -pai&ndot;gya, n. T. of a Vedic text; -prakarana, n. main treatment of a subject; -pragâpati, m. great lord of creatures, ep. of Vishnu; -pratâpa, m. of great dignity, majestic; -pratîhâra, m. head janitor; -pradâna, n. great gift; -prapañka, m. the great world; -prabha, a. of great lustre, very splendid; -prabhâ, f. great brightness;-prabhâva, a. very mighty; -prabhu, m. great lord, sovereign; chief; ep. of Vishnu; -pramâna, a. very exten sive; -pralaya, m. great dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic age: -kâla, m. time of the --; -prasna,m. great or im portant question; -prasâda, m. great pre sent; a. very gracious; -prasthâna, n. great departure, decease; -prâgña, a. very wise or prudent (person); -prâna, m. hard breath ing, aspirate sound; great strength; a. pro nounced with a hard breathing, aspirated; of great endurance or physical strength; -plava, m. great flood, deluge; -phala, n. large fruit; great reward; a. producing a great reward; -bala, a. very strong, power ful, or effective; m. N.; -bâdha, a. very in jurious; -bâhu, a. long-armed, strong-armed; m. ep. of Vishnu; N.; -bila, n. deep hole; -buddhi, a. of great intellect, extremely clever; m. N. of an Asura; N.; -brihatî, f. a metre (8+8+8+8+12 syllables); -brah ma: -n, m. the great Brahman (the god); -brâhmaná, m. great Brâhman (also used sarcastically); n. Great (=Tândya) Brâh mana; -bhata, m. great warrior; N.; -bha ya, n. great danger or straits; -bhâga, a. having great good fortune, very lucky, greatly blessed; greatly distinguished, very illus trious (frequently used as a term of address); -bhâgin, a. very fortunate, greatly blessed; -bhâgya, n.high position, great importance or power; a. extremely fortunate: -tâ, f. great good fortune; -bhânda½agâra, n. chief treasury; -bhârata, a. (± a word meaning &open;battle&close;), the Great Battle of the Bharatas; n.(± âkhyâna), the Great Story of the Bharatas, T. of the well-known great Epic (which contains about 100,000 slokas); -bhâshya, n. the Great Commentary of Patañgali on the Sûtras of Pânini and the Vârttikas of Kâtyâyana (probably composed in the second century b. c.); -bhikshu, m. the great mendicant, ep. of Sâkyamuni; -½abhi- gana, m. high descent, noble birth; -½abhi yoga, m. great plaint or charge; -½abhishava, m. N. of a prince; -½abhisheka, m. great inauguration; T. of the fourteenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -bhîta, pp. greatly terrified; -½abhîsu, a. brilliant, lustrous; -bhuga, a. long-armed; -bhûta, pp. being great, large (E.); m. great creature; n. gross element (ether, air, fire, water, earth); -bhû mi, f. great realm; whole territory (of a king); -½âbhoga, a. of great extent, wide spreading; -bhoga, 1. a. having great coils (serpent); m. serpent; -bhoga, 2. m. great enjoyment; -bhoga, m. great prince; -½abhra, n. great or thick cloud; -makha, m. great sacrifice (=-yagña); -mani, m. costly jewel; -mati, a. of great wit, clever; m. N.; (&asharp;) manas, a. lofty-minded, proud, haughty; high-minded, magnanimous; -manushya, m. great man, man of rank; -mantra, m. very efficacious spell (esp. against snake-poison); -mantrin, m. chief counsellor, prime minister; -mahá, a. high and mighty (RV.); -mah as, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sâlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahâ½upâ dhyâya, m. very great preceptor (a desig nation applied to great scholars, e.g. Malli nâtha); -mâmsa, n. delicious flesh (esp. human flesh); -½amâtya, m. prime minister; -mâtra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, --°ree;); m. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -mânin, a. extremely proud; -mâya, a. at tended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -mâyâ, f. the great illu sion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mây ûra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (--°ree;); -mârga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mâhesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha,n. large mouth (also of rivers); a. (î) large mouthed; -muni, m. great sage; -mûdha, a. very stupid; m. great simpleton; -mûrkha, m. great fool; -mûrdhan, a. large-headed (Siva); -mriga, m. large wild animal; ele phant;-mridha, n. great battle; -megha, m. great or dense cloud; -medha, m. great sacrifice; (&asharp;)-meru, m. the great Mount Meru; -moha, m. great mental confusion or infatuation; -mohana, a. causing great men tal confusion; -moha-mantra, m. very effi cacious spell: -tva, n. abst. n.; -yaksha, m. great Yaksha, prince of the Yakshas; -yag- ñá, m. great or chief sacrifice (one of the five daily sacrifices of the householder, called bhûta-, manushya-, pitri-, deva-, and brah ma-yagña); -yantra, n. great mechanical work: -pravartana, n. execution of great mechanical works; -yama-ka, n. a great Yamaka (a stanza, all the four lines of which contain identically the same words but differ in meaning, e.g. Kirâtârgunîya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yâna, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Nâgâr guna: opp.hîna-yâna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; -½âyudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n.saffron; a. coloured with saffron; -rana, m. great battle; -½aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -rathá, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathyâ, f. main road; -½ârambha, m. great under taking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -râgá, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -½adhirâga, m. lord of great kings, emperor; -râgñî, f. reigning princess, queen; ep. of Durgâ; -râgya, n. sovereign rule; -râtra, n. advanced time of night, end of the night; -râtri, f. id.; great night follow ing the dissolution of the world; -râva, m. loud yell; -râshtra, m. pl. the Mahrattas: î, f. Mahratta language, Mahrattî: a-ka, a. (ikâ) belonging to the Mahrattas; m. pl. the Mahrattas; -rug, -ruga, a. very painful; -roga, m. dangerous disease; -roman, a. very hairy (Siva); -raudra, a. extremely terrible; -½argha, a. of great price, precious, valuable; expensive: -tâ, f. preciousness, great value, -rûpa, a. having a splendid form; -½arghya, a. precious, valuable: -tâ, f. preciousness; -½arnava, m. great sea, ocean; -½artha, m. great matter; a. having great wealth, rich; of great significance, important; m. N. of a Dânava; -½arha, a.valuable, costly, splen did; -lakshmî, f. the Great Lakshmî, Nârâ yana's Sakti; also=Durgâ or Sarasvatî; -li&ndot;ga, n. a great Li&ndot;ga; -vamsya, a. of high lineage; -vanig, m. great merchant; -vada, m. great teacher (i.e. of the most essential Vedic knowledge); (&asharp;)-vadha, a. having a mighty weapon (RV.); -vana, n. great forest; -varâha, m. great boar (i.e. Vishnu's incarnation as a boar); N. of a prince; -vallî, f. great creeper; -vâkya, n. long composition, literary work; great pro position; -vâta, m. violent wind, gale; -vâyu, m. id.; -vârttika, n. the Great Vârttika, N. of Kâtyâyana's Vârttikas to the Sûtras of Pânini; -vâstu, n. great space; a. occupy ing a great space; -vikrama, a. of great courage, very valiant; m. N. of a lion; -vighna, m. n. great obstacle; -vigña, a. very sensible; -vidagdha, pp. very clever; -viraha, m. grievous separation; -visha,a. very poisonous; -vistara, a. very prolix (book); -vîki, m. (having great waves), a certain hell; -vîrá, m. great hero; large earthenware fire-pot (mostly used at the Pravargya cere mony); N. of various princes; N. of an Arhat, founder of the Jain sect: -karita, n. life of the great hero (Râma), T. of a play by Bhavabhûti, -karitra, n. life of Mahâ vîra (the Arhat), T. of a work; (&asharp;)-vîrya, a. mighty, very potent; -vrikshá, m. great tree; -vriddha, pp. very aged; -vrishá, m. great bull: pl. N. of a people in the western Himâlayas; -vega, a. greatly agitated (sea); very swift; -vaipulya, n. great extent; -vaira, n. great enmity; -vairâga, n. N. of a Saman;-vyâdhi, m. serious disease; -vyâhriti, f. the great exclamation (i.e. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id.; a. practis ing the five fundamental duties of the Jains; -vratîya, a. relating to the Mahâvrata cere mony (day); -vrîhi, m. large rice; -sakti, a. very mighty (Siva); -sa&ndot;kha, m. great conch; -½asana, a. eating much, voracious (leech); m. great eater, glutton; -½asani dhvaga, m. flag with a great thunderbolt; -sabda, m. loud sound; title beginning with &open;mahâ&close; or the corresponding office; -½âsaya, 1. m. ocean; 2. a. high-minded, noble; -sayyâ, f. splendid couch; -sarîra, a. having a large body; -salka,m. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. of Benares; -srotriya, m. great theologian or spiritual teacher; -½asva, m. N.: -sâlâ, f. great stable; office of head groom; -svetâ, f. N. of a god dess; N.; -samkata, n. great danger or straits; -satî, f. extremely faithful wife, pattern of wifely fidelity; -sattrá, n. great Soma sacrifice; -sattva, m. great creature; a. strong-minded; high-minded, noble; very courageous; containing large animals: -tâ, f. strength of character and containing large animals; -½âsana, n. splendid seat; -samdhi- -vigraha, m. office of chief minister of peace and war; -sabhâ, f. great dining hall; -samudra, m. ocean; -sarga, m. great crea tion (after a great dissolution); -sâdhana bhâga, m. head of the executive; -sâdhu, a. extremely good: v-î, f. pattern of wifely fidelity; -sâmtâpana,m. kind of penance; -sâmdhi-vigrah-ika, m. chief minister of peace and war; -sâmânya, n. generality in the widest sense; -sâra, a. strong; valuable, costly; -sârtha, m. great caravan; -sâhas ika, a. very daring, excessively rash; m. highwayman, robber: -tâ, f. great energy: in. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) m. great saint; -siddhânta, m. great manual of as tronomy, T. of a work by Âryabhata the younger; -siddhi, f. great magical power; -subhiksha, n. great abundance of provisions, very good times (pl.); -sûkta, n. great hymn: pl. the great hymns of the tenth book of the Rig-veda (1 to 128); m. composer of the great hymns of RV. X; -sûkshma, a. extremely minute; -sûki, a. w. vyûha, m. kind of array of troops in battle; (&asharp;)-sena, a. having a large army; m. ep. of Skanda; N. of various princes; -senâ, f. great army; -stoma, a. having a great Stoma (day); -½astra, n. great or mighty missile; -sthâna, n. high place or position; -sthûla, a. very gross; -snâna, n. great ablution; -½âspada, a. mighty; -sva na, m. loud sound; a. loud-sounding, shout ing loud; loud (noise); -½âsvâda, a. very savoury; -hanu, a. having great jaws; -harm ya, n. great palace; -½âhava, m. great battle; -hava, m. great sacrifice; -hasta, a. large handed (Siva); -hâsa, m.loud laughter; a. laughing loud; -½ahí, m. great serpent: -sayana, n. sleep (of Vishnu) on the great serpent (Sesha); -½ahna, m. advanced day time, afternoon; -hrada, m. great pond.
ratna n. [√ râ] V.: gift; goods, wealth; C.: treasure, precious stone, jewel, sp. pearl, (--°ree;, jewel of a,=best of, most excellent); mag net; m. N.; -kalasa, m. N.; -kûta, n. N. of an island; -kosha-nikaya, m. heap of jewels and treasure; -khâni, f. mine of jewels; -garbha, a. filled or studded with jewels: â, f. earth; -kandrâ-mati, m. N.; -kkhâyâ, f. reflexion or glitter of jewels; -talpa, m. jewelled couch; -traya, n.the three jewels (=Bud dha, dharma, and samgha: B.); -datta, m. N.; -darpana, m. mirror of jewels; -dîpa, m. lamp of jewels (which supply the place of a burning wick); -druma, m. coral; -dvîpa, m. N. of an island; -dhá, -dh&asharp;, a. (V.) be stowing gifts or wealth; possessing wealth; -nadî, f. N. of a river; -nidhi, m. mine of pearls, ocean; -parvata, m. mountain (= repository) of jewels, Meru; -pura, n. N. of a city; -prakâsa, m. T. of a dictionary; -pra dîpa, m. (--°ree; a. -ka)=-dîpa; -prabha, m. N.: â, f. earth; N.; T. of the seventh Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -prâsâda, m. jew elled palace; -bandhaka, m. seller of gems, jeweller; -bhûta,pp. resembling a jewel; -mañgarî, f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or abounding in jewels; -mâlâ, f. necklace of gems or pearls; T. of various works; -mâlin, a. wearing a necklace of jewels; -ratna, n. pearl of pearls; -râgi, f. string of pearls; -râsi, m. heap of gems, quantity of pearls; -rekhâ, f. N. of a prin cess; (rátna)-vat, a. attended with gifts (RV.1); abounding in jewels or pearls, jew elled; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -varsha, m. N. of a prince of the Yakshas; -samghâta, m. quantity of jewels; -sû, a. producing gems; -sûti, f. earth; -svâmin, m. N. of a statue (erected by Ratna).
viṣamaśara m. (odd-arrowed =five-arrowed), god of love; -silâ, f. uneven rock; -sîla, m. ep. of Vikramâditya; T. of the 18th Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara called after him; -stha, a. standing in a dangerous place; being in distress.
śaktikara a. producing strength; -kumâra, m. N.; -gña, a. knowing his powers; -tas, a. according to ability; -deva, m. N.; -dvaya-vat, a. possessed of two powers; -dhara, a. bearing a spear; m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -dhvaga, m. ep. of Skanda; -nâtha, m. ep. of Siva; -pâni, m. (holding a spear in his hand), ep. of Skanda; -mat, a. possessed of power, mighty, capable, able, to (inf., lc. of vbl. n.); provided with a female energy (god): -tva, n. possession of power; -moksha, m. loss of power and discharge of a spear; -yasas, f. N. of a fairy, after whom the tenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara is called; -rakshita: -ka, m. N. of a prince of the Kirâtas; -vara, m. N. of a warrior; -vega, m. N. of a fairy; -sena, m. ep. of Skanda; -hara, a. depriving of strength.
śaśāṅka m. (hare-marked), moon; N.: -kula, n. lunar race: -bhûshana, n. ornament of the --; -pura, n. N. of a town; -mukuta, m. (having the moon as a diadem), N. of Siva; -lekhâ, f.moon-streak, cres cent; -vat-î, f. N. of a princess (after whom the twelfth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâ gara is called); -vadanâ, f. moon-faced wo man; -½ardha, m. half-moon: -mukha, a. having a head shaped like a half-moon (arrow), -sekhara, m. ep. of Siva.
surañjita pp. well-coloured; -rána, a. joyous (RV.); n. joy (RV.); -rata, (pp.) n. great joy; sexual enjoyment: -prabhâ, f. N., -priyâ, f. N., -mañgarî, f. N. of a daughter of the fairy Matamgadeva and T. of the sixteenth Lambaka of the Kathâsarit sâgara called after her.
sūrya m. [svar] sun; sun-god; N. (C.): -ka, m. N.; -kara, m. sunbeam; -kân ta, m. (beloved of the sun), sun-stone, sun crystal; -kandra, m. N.; -tapas, m. N. of a sage; -tegas, n. sunshine;(s&usharp;rya)-tvak, a. having a sun-bright skin or covering (RV.); -pâda, m. sunbeam; -putra, m. son of the sun, pat. of the Asvins, planet Saturn, and Yama: î, f. daughter of the sun, the Yamu nâ; -prabha, a. sun-bright; m. N. among others of the king after whom the eighth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara is called: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -prabhava, a. sprung from the sun (race); -prabhîya, a. belonging to king Sûryaprabha; -prasishya, m. ep. of Ganaka; -bimba, m. or n. disc of the sun; -mandala, n. id.; -matî, f. N. of a princess; -ratha, m. car of the sun; -rasmi, m. sun beam; -ruk, f. sunlight; -vamsa, m. solar race of kings; -vams-ya, a.belonging to the solar race; -varman, m. N. of a Dâmara; -vâra, m. Sunday; -sishya, m. ep. of Yâgña valkya: -½antevâsin, m. ep. of Ganaka; -samkrama, m. entrance of the sun into a new sign of the zodiac; -samkrânti, f. id.; -siddhânta, m. T. of an astronomical trea tise ascribed to the Sun; -suta, m. (son of the sun) planet Saturn; the monkey Sugrîva; -stuti, f., -stotra, n. praise of the sun.
9 results
lambaka noun (masculine) (in astron.) the complement of latitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
(in geom.) a perpendicular (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular implement or vessel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
co-latitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the 15th astrological Yoga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the larger sections or books in the Kathāsaritsāgara (there are 18 Lambakas containing 124 Taramgas or chapters) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64071/72933
lambaka adjective hanging
Frequency rank 64070/72933
lambakarṇa noun (masculine) Alangium Hexapetalum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a hawk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a he-goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a Rākṣasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an elephant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
falcon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a hare (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an ass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of Śiva's attendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38875/72933
lambakarṇa adjective having pendulous ears (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
long-eared (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64072/72933
avalambaka adjective
Frequency rank 45225/72933
avalambaka noun (masculine) (in geom.) a perpendicular (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of phlegm
Frequency rank 45227/72933
kolambaka noun (masculine) the body of a lute (the whole of it except the strings) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50212/72933
kolambakarṇa noun (masculine) Alangium hexapetalum
Frequency rank 50213/72933
pralambaka noun (masculine) fragrant Rohisha grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni name of a Rākṣasa
Frequency rank 37357/72933


clinging phlegm; one of the five variants of sleṣma or kapha.

Wordnet Search
"lambaka" has 10 results.


ajaḥ, vastaḥ, chagalakaḥ, stubhaḥ, chagaḥ, chagalaḥ, chāgalaḥ, tabhaḥ, stabhaḥ, śubhaḥ, laghukāmaḥ, krayasadaḥ, varkaraḥ, parṇabhojanaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, menādaḥ, vukkaḥ, alpāyuḥ, śivāpriyaḥ, avukaḥ, medhyaḥ, paśuḥ, payasvalaḥ   

paśuviśeṣaḥ, yaḥ apraśastaḥ, kharatulyanādaḥ, pradīptapucchaḥ kunakhaḥ vivarṇaḥ nikṛttakarṇaḥ dvipamastakaśca।

ajaḥ parvataṃ gacchati।


gajaḥ, hastī, karī, dantī, dvipaḥ, vāraṇaḥ, mātaṅgaḥ, mataṅgaḥ, kuñjaraḥ, nāgaḥ, dviradaḥ, ibhaḥ, radī, dvipāyī, anekapaḥ, viṣāṇī, kareṇuḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, padmī, śuṇḍālaḥ, karṇikī, dantāvalaḥ, stamberamaḥ, dīrghavaktraḥ, drumāriḥ, dīrghamārutaḥ, vilomajihvaḥ, śakvā, pīluḥ, māmṛgaḥ, mataṅgajaḥ, ṣaṣṭhihāyanaḥ   

paśuviśeṣaḥ- saḥ paśuḥ yaḥ viśālaḥ sthūlaḥ śuṇḍāyuktaḥ ca।

gajāya ikṣuḥ rocate।


śaśaḥ, śaśakaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, lonakarṇaḥ, lolakarṇakaḥ, mṛdulomakaḥ   

paśuviśeṣaḥ mūṣakajātīyaḥ mahāmṛgaḥ।

śaśaḥ śākabhakṣaḥ asti।


śyenaḥ, kravyādaḥ, krūraḥ, āpatikaḥ, nakhadāraṇaḥ, puṅkhaḥ, prājikaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, vegī, śaśaghātakaḥ, śaśaghātī, śaśaghnī, sthūlanīlaḥ, patadbhīruḥ   

ekā khagajātiḥ। śyenena jhaṭiti mūṣakaḥ parigṛhītaḥ। /

śyenāḥ praśastāḥ prakṛtasvarāste



aṅkolaḥ, aṅkoṭaḥ, nikocakaḥ, aṅkoṭhaḥ, nikoṭhakaḥ, likocakaḥ, aṅkolakaḥ, bodhaḥ, nediṣṭhaḥ, dīrghakīlakaḥ, rāmaṭhaḥ, koṭharaḥ, recī, gūḍhapatraḥ, guptasnehaḥ, pītasāraḥ, madanaḥ, gūḍhavallikā, pītaḥ, tāmraphalaḥ, dīrghakīlaḥ, guṇāḍhyakaḥ, kolakaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, gandhapuṣpaḥ, rocanaḥ, viśānatailagarbhaḥ   


aṅkolasya bījaiḥ nirmitasya tailasya śarīre ālepanaṃ kriyate cet saḥ puruṣaḥ adṛśyaḥ bhaviṣyati iti lokoktiḥ vartate।


dhārākadambaḥ, prāvṛṣyaḥ, pulakī, pulakiḥ, bhṛṅgavallabhaḥ, meghāsaḥ, priyakaḥ, nīpaḥ, prāvṛṣeṇyaḥ, kalambakaḥ, dhārākaṭmbakaḥ, meghāgamapriyaḥ, bhramarapriyaḥ, śiśupālakaḥ   


rameśaḥ utplutya utplutya dhārākadambasya patrāṇi chettuṃ prayatate।


śyenaḥ, patrī, śaśādaḥ, śaśādanaḥ, kapotāriḥ, kravyādaḥ, krūraḥ, vegī, khagāntakaḥ, karagaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, raṇapriyaḥ, raṇapakṣī, picchavāṇaḥ, sthūlanīlaḥ, bhayaṅkaraḥ, śaśaghātakaḥ, khagāntakaḥ, ghātipakṣī, nīlapicchaḥ, satkāṇḍaḥ, patadbhīruḥ, grāhakaḥ, mārakaḥ   

pakṣiviśeṣaḥ-yaḥ bhāratadeśe sarvatra dṛśyate।

śyenaḥ kākasadṛśaḥ śvetodaraḥ nīlapṛṣṭhavān asti।


gajaḥ, hastī, karī, dantī, dvipaḥ, vāraṇa-, mātaṅgaḥ, mataṅgaḥ, kuñjaraḥ, nāgaḥ, dviradaḥ, ibhaḥ, radī, dvipāyī, anekapaḥ, viṣāṇī, kareṇuḥ, padmī, lambakarṇaḥ, śuṇḍālaḥ, karṇikī, dantāvalaḥ, stamberamaḥ, dīrghavaktraḥ, drumāriḥ, dīrghamārutaḥ, vilomajihvaḥ, śakvā, pīluḥ, mahāmṛgaḥ, mataṅgajaḥ, ṣaṣṭhihāyanaḥ   

vanyapaśuḥ , yasya vakṣo atha kakṣāvalayaḥ,ślathāśca lambodarasaḥ tvagbṛhatīgalaśca pecakena saha sthūlā kukṣiḥ asti। tathā ca yaḥ śuṇḍāvān asti।

hayā jiheṣire harṣād gambhīraṃ jagajuḥ gajāḥ।




kiṃ bhavān avalambakasya viṣaye mām adhikaṃ jñāpayati।



ekaḥ rājā ।

vilambakasya varṇanaṃ kathāsaritsāgare asti

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