Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
ketuḥ | 3.3.67 | Masculine | Singular | strīkusumam | |
lavaṅgam | 2.6.126 | Neuter | Singular | devakusumam, śrīsaṃjñam | |
sumanasaḥ | Feminine | Plural | puṣpam, prasūnam, kusumam |
kusuma | n. (fr. | ||||||
kusuma | n. Name of the shorter sections of deveśvara-'s kavi-kalpa-latā- (the longer chapters being called stabaka-) | ||||||
kusuma | n. fruit | ||||||
kusuma | n. the menstrual discharge | ||||||
kusuma | n. a particular disease of the eyes | ||||||
kusuma | m. a form of fire | ||||||
kusuma | m. Name of an attendant of the sixth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- | ||||||
kusuma | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kusumabāṇa | m. "flower-arrowed", Name of the god of love | ||||||
kusumabāṇa | m. the flower-arrow of the god of love (varia lectio) | ||||||
kusumacāpa | m. equals -kārmuka- | ||||||
kusumacita | mfn. heaped with flowers. | ||||||
kusumadanta | m. (equals puṣpa-d-), Name of a mystical being | ||||||
kusumadāyin | mfn. putting forth buds, | ||||||
kusumadeva | m. Name of an author. | ||||||
kusumadhanus | m. equals -kārmuka- | ||||||
kusumadhanvan | m. idem or 'm. equals -kārmuka- ' , | ||||||
kusumadhvaja | m. equals -pura- | ||||||
kusumadruma | m. a tree full of blossom | ||||||
kusumajaya | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kusumakārmuka | m. "having flowers for his bow", kāma- (the god of love) | ||||||
kusumaketu | m. idem or 'm. "having flowers for his bow", kāma- (the god of love) ' , | ||||||
kusumaketumaṇḍalin | m. Name of a kiṃnara- | ||||||
kusumakomala | mfn. tender as a flower | ||||||
kusumalakṣman | m. "having flowers as a symbol", pradyumna- | ||||||
kusumalatā | f. a creeper in blossom | ||||||
kusumalāvī | f. a female gatherer of flowers, | ||||||
kusumamadhya | n. Name of a tree bearing a large acid fruit (commonly Ca1lita1 Gac, Cordia Myxa or Dillenia Indica) | ||||||
kusumamālā | f. a wreath of flowers, | ||||||
kusumamārgaṇa | m. (equals -bāṇa-) the god of love | ||||||
kusumamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of flowers | ||||||
kusumanaga | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
kusumanagara | n. equals -pura-, | ||||||
kusumaphala | m. the plant Croton Tamalgota | ||||||
kusumaprabha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
kusumapura | n. Name of the town pāṭali-putra- | ||||||
kusumasambhava | m. Name of the tenth month | ||||||
kusumasambhava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
kusumasanātha | mfn. possessed of flowers, having flowers. | ||||||
kusumaśara | m. equals -bāṇa- | ||||||
kusumasāra | m. Name of a merchant | ||||||
kusumaśarāsana | m. equals -kārmuka- | ||||||
kusumaśaratva | n. the state of one who has flowers for arrows | ||||||
kusumasāyaka | m. equals -bāṇa- | ||||||
kusumaśayana | n. a couch of flowers | ||||||
kusumaśekharavijaya | m. Name of a play | ||||||
kusumastabaka | m. a bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet | ||||||
kusumastabaka | m. Name of a metre. | ||||||
kusumavat | mfn. furnished with flowers, in flower | ||||||
kusumavat | f. equals kusuma-pura- | ||||||
kusumavatī | f. a female during menstruation | ||||||
kusumavicitra | mf(ā-)n. having various flowers | ||||||
kusumavicitrā | f. Name of a metre consisting of four lines of twelve syllables each. | ||||||
kusumavṛṣtyabhiprakīrṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
kusumaya | Nom. P. yati-, to produce flowers ; to furnish with flowers | ||||||
akālakusuma | n. a flower blossoming out of season. | ||||||
akusuma | mfn. flowerless. | ||||||
barhikusuma | n. equals -puṣpa- | ||||||
bisakusuma | n. a lotus-flower | ||||||
caṇḍīkusuma | n. "flower of passionate women", red oleander | ||||||
darbhakusuma | Name of an insect | ||||||
devakusuma | n. "divine flower", cloves | ||||||
gaganakusuma | n. "flower in the sky", any unreal or fanciful thing, impossibility. | ||||||
gaṇḍakusuma | n. the juice that exudes from the elephant's temples during rut | ||||||
gaṇeśakusuma | m. a variety of oleander with red flowers | ||||||
gīrvāṇakusuma | n. "flower of the gods", cloves | ||||||
jalajakusuma | n. "water-flower", lotus, in compound jalajakusumayoni ma-yoni- m. "lotus-born", brahmā- | ||||||
jalajakusumayoni | m. jalajakusuma | ||||||
jalaruhakusuma | n. an aquatic flower Yogay.vii, 7 | ||||||
japākusumasaṃnibha | m. "resembling the japā- -flower", the plant hiṅgūla- | ||||||
kalitakusuma | mfn. budded, blossomed, | ||||||
kandalīkusuma | n. the flower of kandalī- | ||||||
kandalīkusuma | n. a mushroom | ||||||
mallikākusumapriyā | f. a kind of citron | ||||||
maṇikusuma | m. Name of a jina- | ||||||
manorathakusuma | n. wish or desire compared to a flower | ||||||
meṣākṣīkusuma | m. Cassia Thora | ||||||
meṣakusuma | m. Cassia Thora | ||||||
muhūrtakalpadrumīyasaṃkrāntisaṃjñākusuma | n. muhūrtakalpadruma | ||||||
nipītakusuma | mfn. (a tree) whose blossoms are sucked by (instrumental case) | ||||||
nyāyakusumamañjarī | f. Name of work | ||||||
prasthakusuma | m. "flowering on mountain-tops", a species of plant, a variety of tulasi- or basil | ||||||
prathamakusuma | m. or n. (?) white marjoram | ||||||
rītikusuma | n. calx of brass | ||||||
salājakusuma | mfn. accompanied with sprinkled grain and flowers | ||||||
samantakusuma | m. Name of a deva-putra- | ||||||
saṃdaṣṭakusumaśayana | mfn. indenting (by pressure of the limbs) a couch of flowers | ||||||
śaṅkhakusuma | n. Andropogon Aciculatus | ||||||
śilākusuma | n. storax | ||||||
śirīṣakusuma | n. the flower of the śirīṣa- tree | ||||||
sugandhikusuma | n. a fragrant flower | ||||||
sugandhikusuma | m. yellow oleander | ||||||
taṇḍulakusumabaliprakāra | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v). | ||||||
taṇḍulakusumabalivikāra | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v). | ||||||
vanakusuma | n. a forest flower | ||||||
vāsantīkusuma | n. the flower vāsantī- | ||||||
visrastakusumasraj | mfn. one whose garland of flowers has fallen off |
kusumam | कुसुमम् 1 A flower; उदेति पूर्वं कुसुमं ततः फलम् Ś.7.3. -2 Menstrual discharge. -3 A fruit. -4 A disease of the eyes. -मः A form of fire. -Comp. -अञ्जनम् the calx of brass used as a collyrium. -अञ्जलिः a handful of flowers. -अधिपः, -अधिराजः m. the Champaka tree (bearing yellow fragrant flowers). -अवचायः gathering flowers; अन्यत्र यूयं कुसुमावचायं कुरुध्वमत्रास्मि करोमि सख्यः K. P.3. -अवतंसकम् a chaplet. -अस्त्रः, -आयुधः, -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः 1 a flowery arrow. -2 N. of the god of love; अभिनवः कुसुमेषुव्यापारः Māl. 1 (where the word may also be read as कुसुमेषु व्यापारः); तस्मै नमो भगवते कुसुमायुधाय Bh.1.1; तव प्रसादात् कुसुमायुधो$पि Ku.; Ṛs.6.34; Ch. P.19.24; R.7.61; Śi.8.7, so कुसुमशरबाणभावेन Gīt.1. -आकरः 1 a garden. -2 a nosegay. -3 vernal season; ऋतूनां कुसुमाकरः Bg.1.35; so Bv.1.48. -आत्मकम् saffron. -आपीडः 1 a garland or chaplet of flowers. -2 the god of love; कुसुमापीडव्याजेन Māl.1 (where it has both senses). -आसवम् 1 honey. -2 a kind of spirituous liquor (prepared from flowers). -उज्ज्वल a. brilliant with blossoms. -कार्मुकः, -चापः, -धन्वन् m. epithets of the god of love; कुसुमचापमतेजयदंशुभिः R.9.39; Ṛs.6.27. कुसुमकार्मुककार्मुकसंहितद्रुतशिलीमुखखण्डितविग्रहः । Śi.6.16. -चित a. heaped with flowers. पीडाभाजः कुसुमचिताः साशंसम् Ki. -द्रुमः a tree full of blossom; आधूय शाखाः कुसुमद्रुमाणाम् R.16.36. -पुरम् N. of the town of Pāṭaliputra; कुसुमपुराभियोगं प्रत्यनुदासीनो राक्षसः Mu.2; पितृवधपरित्रासादप- क्रान्ते कुसुमपुरात्कुमारे मलयकेतौ ibid. -प्रवृत्तिः, -प्रसूतिः f. appearance of flowers; आद्ये वः कुसुमप्रसूतिसमये यस्या भवत्यु- त्सवः Ś.4.8. -लता a creeper in blossom. -शयनम् a bed of flowers; V.3.1. -स्तबकः a nosegay, boquet; कुसुमस्तबकस्येव द्वे गती स्तो मनस्विनाम् Bh.2.33. |
kusumandhayaḥ | कुसुमन्धयः A bee; उदलसद्दलसत्कुसुमन्धयैः Rām. Ch.4.24. |
kusumavat | कुसुमवत् a. Furnished with flowers, flowering. |
kusumavatī | कुसुमवती 1 A woman in her courses. -2 N. of the town Pāṭaliputra. |
kusumaya | कुसुमय Nom. P. 1 To produce flowers. -2 To furnish with flowers; कुसुमयन्फलिनीरलिनीरवैः Śi.6.62. |
kusuma | n. flower, blossom: -kârmu ka, m. Kâma (having a bow of flowers); -ketu, -kâpa, m. id.; -komala, a. soft as flowers; -druma, m. flowering tree; -dhanus, -dhar van, m. Kâma (having a bow of flowers); -pura, n. Flower city, ep. of Pâtaliputra; -bâna, m. flower-arrow; -maya, a. (î) con sisting of flowers; -mârgana, m. Kâma. |
kusumalakṣman | m. ep. of Pradyumna; -latâ, f. flowering creeper; -lâvî, f. flower gatherer; -sayana, n. couch of flowers; -sara, a. having flowers as arrows (-tva, n. abst. n.); m. Kâma: -½âsana, m. id.; -sâyaka, m. Kâma; -sâra, m. N. of a mer chant; -surabhi, a. fragrant with flowers; -stabaka, m. bunch of flowers. |
kusumaya | den. P. furnish with flow ers: pp. -ita, flowering, blossoming. |
akālakusuma | n. untimely flower. |
namas | taṇḍāya namaḥ kusumāya # AVP.7.11.9a. |
kusuma | noun (neuter) blossom (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fruit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) menstrual discharge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the shorter sections of Deveśvara's Kavikalpalatā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) particular disease of the eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1262/72933 | |
kusuma | noun (masculine) form of fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an attendant of the sixth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49875/72933 | |
kusumadhanvan | noun (masculine) name of Kāma Frequency rank 21118/72933 | |
kusumaka | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 49876/72933 | |
kusumamodinī | noun (feminine) name of a goddess Frequency rank 49878/72933 | |
kusumapura | noun (neuter) name of the town Pāṭaliputra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49877/72933 | |
akusuma | adjective flowerless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41555/72933 | |
ikṣukusuma | noun (masculine) Saccharum Spontaneum Frequency rank 46852/72933 | |
gaṇeśakusuma | noun (masculine) red oleander Frequency rank 51005/72933 | |
gandhakusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 51057/72933 | |
caṇḍīkusuma | noun (masculine neuter) red oleander (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51978/72933 | |
darbhakusuma | noun (masculine) [medic.] a class of worms Frequency rank 35598/72933 | |
devakusuma | noun (neuter) cloves (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21486/72933 | |
pītakusuma | noun (masculine) yellow amaranth Frequency rank 36936/72933 | |
prasthakusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of Ocimum Frequency rank 59539/72933 | |
bisakusuma | noun (neuter) a lotus-flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60275/72933 | |
mallikākusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61611/72933 | |
meṣakusuma | noun (masculine) Cassia Thora (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38399/72933 | |
raktakusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of tree Frequency rank 38588/72933 | |
rītikusuma | noun (neuter) calx of brass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) puṣpāñjana Frequency rank 29919/72933 | |
vasantakusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 64851/72933 | |
sugandhikusuma | noun (masculine) oleander with yellow flowers Frequency rank 70750/72933 | |
sthirakusuma | noun (masculine) Mimusops Elengi Frequency rank 71778/72933 |