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Amarakosha Search
1 result
harṣamāṇaḥ3.1.5MasculineSingularvikurvāṇaḥ, pramanāḥ, hṛṣṭamānasaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
20 results for kurv
kurvadrūpan. cause (according to the cārvāka-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvāṇamfn. (pr. p. A1.) doing, making View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvāṇamfn. acting as a servant, agent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvatmfn. (pr. p. P.,1. kṛ-) doing, acting, etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvatmfn. acting as a servant, agent, servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvatmfn. present, actual View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurvat= kula- (in compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākurvatīSee ā-kṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākurvatīmfn. (pr. p. f.), Name of a particular rocky hill View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupakurvāṇaka equals upakurvāṇaka- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakurvāṇaSee upa-- 1. kṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakurvāṇa(parasmE-pada of the A1.of upa--1. kṛ-See above) m. a brahmacārin- or student of the veda- who honours his religious teacher by a gift on completing his studies and becoming a gṛhastha- (opposed to the naiṣṭhika-, who stays with his teacher till death) commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakurvāṇakam. idem or '(parasmE-pada of the A1.of upa--1. kṛ-See above) m. a brahmacārin- or student of the veda- who honours his religious teacher by a gift on completing his studies and becoming a gṛhastha- (opposed to the naiṣṭhika-, who stays with his teacher till death) commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvāf. idem or 'n. and f(ā-). the ability to assume various shapes ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvaṇa vāṇa- See column 3. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvaṇam. (prob. for vi-kurvāṇa-) Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvaṇan. and f(ā-). the ability to assume various shapes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvāṇamfn. undergoing a change, modifying one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvāṇamfn. rejoicing, being glad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikurvitan. the assuming of various shapes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
kurvat कुर्वत् pres. p. Doing &c.; -m. 1 A servant. -2 A shoemaker.
upakurvāṇa उपकुर्वाण a. Doing service &c. -णः A Brāhmaṇa in a state of pupilage (ब्रह्मचारिन्) who wishes to pass on to the state of a house-holder (गृहस्थ).
aupakurvāṇaka औपकुर्वाणक a. Pertaining to a ब्रह्मचारी of a stipulated period; Bhāg.5.9.6.
vikurvāṇa विकुर्वाण a. 1 Undergoing or causing a change; वायोरपि विकुर्वाणाद्विरोचिष्णु तमोनुदम् Ms.1.77. -2 Feeling glad, delighted, rejoiced.
Macdonell Search
3 results
kurvāṇa pr. pt. Â. of √ kri, do.
kurvat pr. pt. of √ kri, do.
upakurvāṇa pr. pt. of √ kri; m. pupil who on concluding his Vedic studies with his teacher becomes a householder; -ka, m. id.
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results9 results
kurv imāḥ śB.,12; Kś.15.6.21.
kurvāṇācīram ātmanaḥ TA.7.4.2b; TU.1.4.2b.
kurvāṇāḥ pāpam ailabam AVś.12.5.48d.
kurvann eveha karmāṇi VS.40.2a; īśāU.2a.
kurvāṇo anyāṃ adharān sapatnān KS.5.2d; 32.2. See kṛṇvāno etc.
kurvantaṃ mā mā pratikārṣīḥ SMB.2.4.6; JG.1.2.
kurvate svāhā VS.22.8; MS.3.12.3: 161.7.
kurvato me mā kṣeṣṭa (GB.Vait. kṣeṣṭhāḥ) MS.1.4.12: 62.6; GB.2.1.7; Vait.3.20. See next.
kurvato me mopa dasat TS.; 7.1.6; KS.5.2; TB.; Apś.4.10.9. See prec.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"kurv" has 4 results
kurvata term found in the Brāhmaṇa works and used by ancient grammarians for the 'present tense'.
kurvadrūpaeffective or efficient, as opposed to dormant, as applied to निमित्त (cause); confer, compareनिमित्तशब्दोयमस्ति योग्यतामात्रे । कुसुलस्थेष्वपि बीजेषु वक्तारो भवन्ति अङ्कुरनिमित्तान्येतानीति अस्ति च कुर्वद्रूपे । Padamañjarī, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Haradatta. on P.VII.2.36.
kurvādia class of words headed by the word कुरु to which the taddhita affix य ( ण्य ) is added in the sense of अपत्य or descendant; exempli gratia, for example कौरव्यः गार्ग्यः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāś, on P.IV.1.51.
kurviṇīa kind of svarabhakti; see कर्विणी.
Vedabase Search
161 results
kurvadbhiḥ which are actingSB 12.10.31-32
kurvan actingSB 2.4.9
kurvan and keepingSB 9.1.38-39
kurvan creatingSB 10.86.37
kurvan doingBG 4.21
CC Antya 19.76
SB 10.61.23
SB 10.67.3
SB 10.78.1-2
SB 3.30.9
SB 4.12.13
kurvan doing anythingBG 5.13
kurvan doing continuouslyIso 2
kurvan having madeSB 10.82.3-6
kurvan intending to carry outSB 10.77.37
kurvan makingCC Antya 1.164
SB 10.37.1-2
SB 11.30.28-32
SB 4.30.5
SB 9.19.9
kurvan performingBG 12.10
BG 18.47
Bs 5.61
CC Madhya 11.1
SB 11.10.27-29
SB 11.29.28
SB 11.3.6
SB 4.21.7
SB 7.14.2
kurvan so doingSB 11.7.52
kurvan transformingSB 1.4.8
kurvan api although engaged in workBG 5.7
kurvan api although engaged in workBG 5.7
kurvāṇaḥ performingBG 18.56
SB 11.3.46
kurvāṇaḥ while actingSB 4.26.8
kurvāṇāḥ while performingSB 1.5.36
kurvāṇān doing soSB 4.22.2
kurvāṇau makingSB 10.38.28-33
kurvantaḥ continuously performingCC Madhya 24.120
kurvantaḥ doing soSB 9.1.29
kurvantaḥ doing thatSB 10.11.58
kurvantaḥ exhibitingSB 6.1.34-36
kurvantaḥ makingSB 11.31.4
kurvantam makingSB 10.69.31
SB 4.2.5
kurvanti actSB 3.9.7
kurvanti are keepingSB 1.14.13
kurvanti are makingSB 10.15.7
kurvanti causeSB 11.21.11
kurvanti createSB 10.30.30
SB 11.18.14
SB 6.4.31
kurvanti doCC Madhya 17.140
CC Madhya 24.5
CC Madhya 25.159
CC Madhya 6.108
CC Madhya 6.186
SB 1.7.10
SB 4.6.48
kurvanti do renderSB 1.2.22
kurvanti effect or bringSB 7.7.39
kurvanti executeSB 10.26.21
SB 10.8.18
SB 10.80.30
SB 8.20.7
kurvanti inspiresSB 1.3.39
kurvanti performSB 3.25.22
SB 3.29.4
SB 3.32.16
kurvanti such things are doneSB 10.6.3
kurvanti they awardSB 11.19.4
kurvanti they createSB 11.23.48
kurvanti they doBG 3.25
kurvanti they makeNBS 69
kurvanti they makeNBS 69
kurvanti they makeNBS 69
SB 10.2.30
SB 9.4.66
kurvanti they performBG 5.11
CC Madhya 24.305
SB 10.23.26
kurvanti they showSB 10.29.33
kurvanti will giveSB 10.2.10
kurvanti-pada the word kurvantiCC Madhya 24.25
kurvanti-pada the word kurvantiCC Madhya 24.25
kurvataḥ actingSB 3.22.35
kurvataḥ engaged inSB 7.13.19
kurvataḥ executingSB 8.24.12
kurvataḥ fixingSB 9.21.17
kurvataḥ performingSB 6.3.4
kurvataḥ those who are workingSB 11.11.16
kurvatām always engaged inSB 7.13.26
kurvate do they makeSB 1.10.30
kurvāte performSB 6.16.60
kurvatīḥ performingSB 11.4.12
kurvatīm bringing aboutSB 6.13.12-13
kurvatīnām makingSB 10.6.34
kurvatyaḥ just showeringSB 4.23.24
kurvīran can he equalizedSB 3.7.41
kurvīta one should executeCC Madhya 22.61
CC Madhya 9.266
SB 11.20.9
kurvīta one should haveSB 12.6.34
kurvīta should performSB 4.26.7
akurvan not doingSB 3.27.9
akurvata did they doBG 1.1
akurvata passedSB 3.17.12
akurvata executedSB 10.6.21
akurvatoḥ not executingSB 10.45.9
alańkurvīta he should decorateSB 11.27.32
ańgī-kurvan acceptingCC Madhya 15.1
anukurvan imitatingSB 10.83.6-7
apakurvantaḥ trying to do harmSB 12.8.29
aupakurvāṇaka of the brahmacarya-āśramaSB 5.9.6
āviṣkurvati He manifestsCC Adi 17.281
āviṣkurvati He manifestsCC Madhya 9.150
vikurvantaḥ ca exactly imitating themSB 10.12.7-11
oṃ kurvan giving charity by uttering the word oṃSB 8.19.41
ańgī-kurvan acceptingCC Madhya 15.1
tīrthī-kurvanti make into a holy place of pilgrimageSB 1.13.10
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy places of pilgrimageCC Adi 1.63
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy places of pilgrimageCC Madhya 10.12
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy placesCC Madhya 20.57
oṃ kurvan giving charity by uttering the word oṃSB 8.19.41
prakurvanti they makeSB 7.4.35
prakurvatoḥ who were manifestingSB 11.5.47
prakurvatyaḥ executingSB 10.43.33
prakurvīta one should performSB 11.27.10
pratikurvanti counteractSB 1.18.48
tīrthī-kurvanti make into a holy place of pilgrimageSB 1.13.10
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy places of pilgrimageCC Adi 1.63
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy places of pilgrimageCC Madhya 10.12
tīrthī-kurvanti make into holy placesCC Madhya 20.57
upakurvāṇaḥ not taken a vow of perpetual celibacySB 3.22.14
vikurvan being transformedSB 2.5.24
vikurvan becoming distortedSB 11.25.17
vikurvāṇaḥ being transformedSB 3.5.34
vikurvāṇāḥ undergoing transformationSB 11.22.18
vikurvāṇāt being transformedSB 2.5.23
vikurvāṇāt because of transformationSB 2.5.25
vikurvāṇāt being transformedSB 2.5.26-29
vikurvāṇāt by transformationSB 2.5.26-29
vikurvāṇāt on being transformedSB 2.5.26-29
vikurvāṇāt by transformationSB 2.5.26-29
vikurvāṇāt transformation ofSB 2.5.31
vikurvāṇāt being transformedSB 3.5.29
vikurvāṇāt by transformationSB 3.5.30
vikurvāṇāt undergoing a changeSB 3.26.23-24
vikurvāṇāt undergoing transformationSB 3.26.27
vikurvāṇāt undergoing transformationSB 3.26.29
vikurvāṇāt undergoing transformationSB 3.26.32
vikurvāṇāt undergoing transformationSB 3.26.41
vikurvāṇāt undergoing transformationSB 3.26.44
vikurvantaḥ ca exactly imitating themSB 10.12.7-11
vikurvat being transformedSB 3.5.33
vikurvat being transformedSB 3.5.35
vikurvat due to transformationSB 3.5.36
vikurvataḥ undergoing transformationSB 3.26.35
vikurvataḥ transformingSB 11.24.6
viprakurvan disturbingSB 10.67.8
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