कु | a pronominal base appearing in k/utas-, k/utra-, kuv/id-, k/uha-, kv/a-, and as a prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt  |
कु | originally perhaps ku- signified"how (strange!)"  |
कु | as a separate word ku- occurs only in the lengthened form 3. k/ū- q.v  |
कु | f. the earth  |
कु | f. the ground or base of a triangle or other plane figure, commentator or commentary on  |
कु | f. the number"one."  |
कु | See 1. kū-.  |
कुबाहुल | m. camel  |
कुबन्ध | m. a disgraceful stigma (see aṅka-bandha-.)  |
कुबन्धु | m. a bad relative.  |
कुबेर | m. or in later Sanskrit kuvera- (originally) Name of a chief of the evil beings or spirits or darkness having the N. vaiśravaṇa- etc.  |
कुबेर | m. (afterwards) the god of riches and treasure (regent of the northern quarter which is hence called kubera-guptā diś- ) etc.  |
कुबेर | m. (he is regarded as the son of viśravas- by iḍaviḍā-[ ],the chief of the yakṣa-s, and a friend of rudra-[ ];he is represented as having three legs and only eight teeth;with jaina-s he is the attendant of the nineteenth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-)  |
कुबेर | m. Name of a prince of devarāṣṭra-  |
कुबेर | m. of the great-grandfather of bāṇa-bhaṭṭa- (author of the kādambarī-)  |
कुबेर | m. of the author of the datta-candrikā-  |
कुबेर | m. the tree Cedrela Toona  |
कुबेर | mfn. deformed, monstrous  |
कुबेर | mfn. slow, lazy  |
कुबेरबान्धव | m. "a relation of kubera-'s", Name of śiva-.  |
कुबेराचल | m. " kubera-'s mountain", Name of the kailāsa- mountain  |
कुबेरदत्त | m. Name of a mythical being  |
कुबेराद्रि | m. idem or 'm. "kubera-'s mountain", Name of the kailāsa- mountain '  |
कुबेरगिरि | m. " kubera-'s mountain", the himālaya-  |
कुबेरहृदय | n. Name of a hymn  |
कुबेरहृद्य | n. Name of a hymn  |
कुबेरक | m. a kind of pot-herb  |
कुबेरक | m. the tree Cedrela Toona (equals tunna-)  |
कुबेराक्ष | m. Name of a plant (equals vallī-karañja-)  |
कुबेराक्षी | f. the plant Bignonia suaveolens  |
कुबेराक्षी | f. the plant Guilandina Bonduc  |
कुबेराक्षी | f. also Name of other plants  |
कुबेरनलिनी | f. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुबेरसेना | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a courtezan,  |
कुबेरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुबेरवल्लभ | m. " kubera-'s favourite", Name of a vaiśya-  |
कुबेरवन | n. "the forest of kubera-", Name of a place gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
कुबेरिका | f. Name of a woman gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
कुबेरिन् | m. Name of a mixed caste.  |
कुभा | f. the Kabul river (, a river falling into the indu-s)  |
कुभन्य् | according to to some - ku-- bhany/u-,"chattering, noisy".  |
कुभन्यु | mfn. desirous of water ([ ;said of the poets])  |
कुभर्तृ | m. a bad husband  |
कुभार्य | mfn. having a bad wife  |
कुभार्या | f. a bad wife  |
कुभिक्षु | m. a bad mendicant  |
कुभोग | m. bad pleasure  |
कुभोजन | n. equals -bhukta-.  |
कुभोज्य | n. idem or 'n. equals -bhukta-.'  |
कुभ्र | m. a hump-backed bull  |
कुभ्र | m. (unnat/a- )  |
कुभ्रातृ | m. a bad brother  |
कुभृत् | m. equals -dhara-  |
कुभृत् | m. (hence) the number"seven",  |
कुभृत् | See 2. ku-.  |
कुभृत्य | m. a bad servant  |
कुभुक्त | n. bad food  |
कुभुक्ति | f. idem or 'n. bad food '  |
कुभूमि | f. bad (id est barren) ground  |
कुबिम्ब | m. n. (?)  |
कुब्ज | mf(ā-)n. hump-backed, crooked etc.  |
कुब्ज | m. Name of a person born under certain constellations and being an attendant of the model man haṃsa-  |
कुब्ज | m. a curved sword  |
कुब्ज | m. a sort of fish (Bola Cuja)  |
कुब्ज | m. the plant Achyranthes aspera (equals apāmārg/a-)  |
कुब्जा | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
कुब्ज | m. ([ confer, compare nyubja-and kanya-kubja-; confer, compare also Lithuanian kupra,kupotas; Greek , ; Latin gibbus,gibba,gibber.])  |
कुब्जक | mfn. hump-backed, crooked  |
कुब्जक | m. the plant Rosa moschata  |
कुब्जक | m. the aquatic plant Trapa bispinosa |
कुब्जकण्टक | m. a white species of Mimosa  |
कुब्जकिरात | n. sg. a hump-backed person and a dwarf gaRa gavāśvādi-.  |
कुब्जलीढ | m. Name of the founder of a sect (varia lectio kubjāl-).  |
कुब्जालीढ | See kubja-l-.  |
कुब्जाम्र | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुब्जाम्रक | n. idem or 'n. Name of a tīrtha- '  |
कुब्जपुष्प | n. the flower of Trapa bispinosa  |
कुब्जता | f. the state of being humpbacked  |
कुब्जवामन | n. equals -kirāta- gaRa gavāśvādi-.  |
कुब्जि | f. (probably) a tiger's den,  |
कुब्जिका | f. a girl eight years old (personating the goddess durgā- at a festival of this deity).  |
कुब्जिका | (f. of kubjaka- q.v)  |
कुब्जीकरण | n. curving (as of a stalk)  |
कुब्जिकातन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुब्जिमत् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. crooked, curved.'  |
कुब्जित | mfn. crooked, curved.  |
कुब्र | n. a forest  |
कुब्र | n. a hole for sacrificial fire  |
कुब्र | n. a ring, ear-ring  |
कुब्र | n. a thread  |
कुब्र | n. a cart  |
कुब्रह्म | m. a degraded or contemptible Brahman  |
कुब्रह्मन् | m. a degraded or contemptible Brahman  |
कुब्राह्मण | m. idem or 'm. a degraded or contemptible Brahman '  |
कुबुद्धि | mfn. having vile sentiments  |
कुबुद्धि | mfn. stupid  |
कुबुद्धि | f. a wrong opinion.  |
कुच् | cl.1 P. kocati-, to sound high, utter a shrill cry (as a bird) ; to polish ; to go ; to connect, mix ; to bend, make curved ; to be curved or crooked ; to oppose, impede : to mark with lines, write : cl.6 P. kucati-, to contract ; to be or make small (see kuñc-.)  |
कुच | m. (generally dual number au-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), the female breast, teat  |
कुचाग्र | n. a nipple  |
कुचहरा | f. Name of an evil spirit who deprives women of their breasts  |
कुचैल | mf(ā-)n. badly clothed  |
कुचैलिन् | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. badly clothed '  |
कुचकुम्भ | m. the female breast.  |
कुचमुख | n. "breast-top", a nipple  |
कुचन्दन | n. red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus)  |
कुचन्दन | n. sappan or log-wood (Caesalpina Sappan see pattrāṅga-)  |
कुचन्दन | n. a leguminous plant (Adenanthera pavonina)  |
कुचन्दन | n. saffron  |
कुचण्डिका | f. the plant Aletris hyacinthoides (= mūrvā-)  |
कुचण्डिका | See 1. ku-.  |
कुचाङ्गेरी | f. a kind of wood sorrel (Rumex vesicarius, equals cukrikā-)  |
कुचफल | m. "having fruits shaped like the female breast", the pomegranate  |
कुचफल | m. the plant Feronia elephantum  |
कुचर | mfn. roaming about  |
कुचर | mfn. following evil practices, wicked  |
कुचर | mfn. speaking ill of any one, detracting  |
कुचर | m. a wicked man  |
कुचरित्र | n. evil conduct  |
कुचारु | m. a kind of bull like deer,  |
कुचर्या | f. idem or 'n. evil conduct '  |
कुचशतक | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a kāvya-.  |
कुचतट | n. idem or 'm. the female breast.'  |
कुचतटाग्र | n. "point of the breast", a nipple.  |
कुच्छ | n. the white water-lily  |
कुच्छिला | f. Name of a river  |
कुचेल | n. a bad garment  |
कुचेल | n. rag  |
कुचेल | mfn. badly clothed, dressed in dirty or tattered garments  |
कुचेला | f. Name of a plant (equals avi-karṇī-or viddha-parṇī-).  |
कुचेली | f. the plant Clypea hernandifolia (or according to to Haughton "Cissampelos hexandra")  |
कुचेष्टा | f. a wicked contrivance.  |
कुचिक | mf(ā-) a kind of fish (in shape like an eel, commonly Kunciya, Unibranchapertura Cuchiya, or Muraena apterygia synbrache;the Hindus affirm that its bite is mortal to cows, though perfectly harmless to men)  |
कुचिक | m. plural (varia lectio for kuśika-), Name of a people  |
कुचिका | f. Name of a plant  |
कुचिकर्ण | (ka-ṛṇa-) m. Name of a man  |
कुचीरा | f. Name of a river (varia lectio ku-vīrā- )  |
कुचीरा | See 1. ku-.  |
कुचित | mfn. contracted  |
कुचित | mfn. small  |
कुचोद्य | n. an unsuitable question.  |
कुचुमार | m. Name of the author of the aupaniṣadādhikaraṇa-.  |
कुचुण्टक | m. a kind of potherb  |
कुड् | cl.6 P. kuḍati-, to play or act as a child, trifle ; to eat ; to heap ; to plunge, dive  |
कुद् | cl.10 P. kodayati-, to tell a lie ; (varia lectio for kundr-.)  |
कुदाल | m. idem or 'm. ([for 1. ku-dāra-See 1. ku-.])' (see kuddāla-.)  |
कुडालगाच्छि | Name of a village (varia lectio kuḍālig-.)  |
कुदण्ड | m. unjust punishment  |
कुडङ्ग | m. (found in Prakrit) equals kuṭaṅga-(ka-), a bower  |
कुडप | mn. a measure of grain, etc. (= kuḍava-) gaRa ardharcādi-.  |
कुदार | mfn. having a bad wife  |
कुदार | m. mountain-ebony (Bauhinia variegata)  |
कुदार | m. ([for 1. ku-dāra-See 1. ku-.])  |
कुदारदार | m. plural a wife who is a bad wife  |
कुदर्शन | n. a heterodox doctrine. -1.  |
कुडव | mn. a measure of grain or of wood or of iron etc. (4th part of a prastha-, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep and containing 12 prakṛti-s or handfuls;also said to contain 13 1/2 cubic aṅgula-s, or to contain 64 cubic aṅgula-s[ ],or to be a finger and a half deep and three fingers each in length and breadth;it med. it is equal to two prakṛti-s or thirty-two tolaka-s)  |
कुडायी | f. idem or 'f. (in music) Name of a particular rāga-.'  |
कुडायिका | f. (in music) Name of a particular rāga-.  |
कुद्दल | m. = kudāra-2  |
कुद्दाल | m. idem or 'm. = kudāra-2 '  |
कुद्दाल | mn. a kind of spade or hoe  |
कुद्दालक | mn. (?) a spade or hoe  |
कुद्दालक | n. a copper pitcher  |
कुद्दालकखात | varia lectio for kuddāla-kh- q.v  |
कुद्दालखात | n. Name of a town  |
कुद्दालपाद | mfn. gaRa hasty-ādi-.  |
कुदेह | m. a miserable body  |
कुदेश | m. a bad country (where it is difficult to obtain the necessaries of life)  |
कुदेश | m. a country subject to oppression.  |
कुधान्य | n. an inferior kind of grain  |
कुधर | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
कुधर | See 2. ku-.  |
कुधर्म | m. a bad practice.  |
कुधर्मन् | n. bad or no justice  |
कुधी | mfn. foolish  |
कुधी | m. (īs-) a fool  |
कुधि | m. (equals kuvi-) an owl  |
कुधी | See 1. ku-.  |
कुध्र | m. idem or 'm. "earth-supporter", a mountain ' gaRa mūla-vibhujādi-.  |
कुध्र | See 2. ku-.  |
कुधृति | mfn. one who has little or no control over himself,  |
कुडि | m. (equals kuṭi-) the body  |
कुडी | f. (a wrong reading) for kuṭī- q.v  |
कुडिका | f. (equals kuṭa-) a water-pot (used by ascetics)  |
कुडिका | f. (perhaps for kuṇḍikā-.) |
कुदिन | n. an evil day  |
कुदिन | n. a rainy day.  |
कुदिन | n. (equals kṣiti-d-) a civil day  |
कुदिन | See 2. ku-.  |
कुडिश | m. a kind of fish (commonly Kurchi, Cyprinus Curchius)  |
कुदिष्टि | f. a measure of length (longer than a diṣṭi-, shorter than a vitasti-)  |
कुड्मल | mfn. filled with buds  |
कुड्मल | mn. a bud (sometimes written kuṭmala-) etc. (see stana-k-)  |
कुड्मल | n. a particular hell  |
कुद्मल | for kuḍm- q.v  |
कुड्मलदन्ती | f. Name of a metre (equals anukūlā-).  |
कुड्मलाग्रदन्त | mfn. one whose teeth look like buds  |
कुड्मलाग्रदत् | mfn. one whose teeth look like buds  |
कुड्मलता | f. the state of being shut like a bud.  |
कुड्मलाय | Nom. A1. yate-, to (look id est to) be shut like a bud  |
कुड्मलित | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) filled with buds  |
कुड्मलित | mfn. shut like a bud  |
कुद्रङ्ग | m. idem or 'm. a watch-house ("a dwelling raised on a platform or scaffold" ) '  |
कुद्रङ्क | m. a watch-house ("a dwelling raised on a platform or scaffold" )  |
कुद्रव | equals kodrava- q.v |
कुद्रव्य | n. bad riches.  |
कुद्रि | m. Name of a man gaRa gṛṣṭyādi-  |
कुद्रि | m. plural (ayas-) his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
कुद्रीची | f. (probably) Name (also title or epithet) of a shrub (= guḍīcī-),  |
कुदृष्ट | mfn. seen wrongly or indistinctly  |
कुदृष्टि | mfn. having bad eyes  |
कुदृष्टि | f. weak sight  |
कुदृष्टि | f. a heterodox philosophical doctrine (as that of the sāṃkhya-s, etc.)  |
कुदृष्टिन् | mfn. one who has adopted a heterodox doctrine  |
कुदृश्य | mfn. ill-favoured, ugly.  |
कुदृश्य | -deśa-, etc. See 1. ku-.  |
कुद्र्याक्षि | m. Name of a man  |
कुडूहुञ्ची | f. (a Mahratti Name of) Solanum trilobatum  |
कुडुक्क | m. (in music) Name of a measure or time.  |
कुडुप | m. the clasp or fastening of a necklace or bracelet  |
कुद्वार | n. back-door  |
कुद्वार | See 1. ku-.  |
कुड्य | n. a wall etc.  |
कुड्य | n. plastering (a wall)  |
कुड्य | n. curiosity  |
कुड्या | f. (gaRa kattry-ādi-) a wall  |
कुद्य | for kuḍya- q.v  |
कुड्यच्छेदिन् | m. a housebreaker, thief  |
कुड्यच्छेद्य | n. a hole in the wall, breach  |
कुड्यक | n. a wall  |
कुड्यलेप | m. a plasterer Va1rtt. 6  |
कुड्यमत्सी | f. idem or 'f. a house-lizard '  |
कुड्यमत्स्य | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a house-lizard ' '  |
कुड्यपुच्छा | f. a house-lizard  |
कुगणिन् | mfn. belonging to an evil set of people  |
कुगति | f. "wrong path", deviation from the path of righteousness  |
कुगेहिनी | f. equals -kuṭumbinī-  |
कुगो | m. a miserable or weak bull  |
कुग्रह | m. an unpropitious planet (five are reckoned, viz. maṅgala-, ravi-, śani-, rāhu-, and ketu-)  |
कुग्राम | m. a petty village (without a rājā-, an agnihotrin-, a physician, a rich man, or a river).  |
कुह् | cl.10 A1. kuhayate-, to surprise or astonish or cheat by trickery or jugglery  |
कुह् | See viṣū-k-.  |
कुह | m. ( ) Name of kubera-  |
कुह | m. a rogue, cheat (a-k-,"no deceiver") .  |
कुह | ind. (fr. 1. ku-), where?  |
कुहा | f. a kind of Zizyphus tree  |
कुहचिद् | ind. (k/uha--) wherever  |
कुहचिद् | ind. to any place  |
कुहचिद्विद् | mfn. wherever being  |
कुहक | m. ( ) a cheat, rogue, juggler  |
कुहक | m. an impostor  |
कुहक | m. a kind of frog  |
कुहक | m. Name of a nāga- prince  |
कुहक | n. juggling, deception, trickery etc.  |
कुहका | f. idem or 'n. juggling, deception, trickery etc.'  |
कुहक | ind. onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) from the cry of a cock, etc., only in compound  |
कुहकचकित | mfn. afraid of a trick, suspicious, cautious  |
कुहकजीवक | m. one who lives by slight-of-hand, juggler, cheat  |
कुहकजीविन् | m. idem or 'm. one who lives by slight-of-hand, juggler, cheat '  |
कुहकज्ञ | m. "knowing jugglery", cheat, juggler  |
कुहककार | mfn. practising jugglery, cheating.  |
कुहककारक | mfn. idem or 'mfn. practising jugglery, cheating.'  |
कुहककारिका | f. a bawd  |
कुहकाराव | m. neighing  |
कुहकस्वन | m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुहकस्वर | m. idem or 'm. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) '  |
कुहकवृत्ति | f. juggling, slight-of-hand  |
कुहकवृत्ति | f. hypocrisy.  |
कुहक्क | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
कुहकुहाराव | m. the clamour or cries of dātyūha-  |
कुहलि | m. the leaf of the Piper Betel (commonly called Pan) with small pieces of the Areca-nut and Catechu and a little lime (chewed by persons in the East and especially offered to the persons at a matrimonial ceremony)  |
कुहन | mfn. envious, hypocritical  |
कुहन | m. a mouse, rat  |
कुहन | m. a snake  |
कुहन | m. Name of a man  |
कुहना | (am-, ā-) f. hypocrisy, assumed and false sanctity, interested performance of religious austerities  |
कुहना | f. envy  |
कुहन | n. a small earthen vessel  |
कुहन | n. a glass vessel  |
कुहनिका | f. jugglery  |
कुहनिका | f. hypocrisy  |
कुहर | m. (fr. kuh- equals guh-?), Name of a serpent belonging to the krodha-vaśa- race  |
कुहर | n. a cavity, hollow, hole etc.  |
कुहर | n. a small window (?)  |
कुहर | n. the ear  |
कुहर | n. the throat or larynx  |
कुहर | n. a guttural sound  |
कुहर | n. proximity  |
कुहर | n. copulation  |
कुहरभाज् | mfn. dwelling in dens,  |
कुहरिन् | mfn. having holes,  |
कुहारीत | m. Name of a man  |
कुहरित | n. noise, sound  |
कुहरित | n. the song or cry of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo  |
कुहरित | n. a sound uttered in copulation  |
कुहारीत | See 1. ku-.  |
कुहश्रुतीय | mfn. belonging to the hymn that begins with k/uha śrut/aḥ- ( )  |
कुहावती | f. Name of durgā-  |
कुहया | ind. where?  |
कुहयाकृति | mfn. where active? (vocative case)  |
कुहेडी | f. idem or 'f. fog, mist '  |
कुहेडिका | f. fog, mist  |
कुहेलिका | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. fog, mist ' '  |
कुही | f. a mist, fog  |
कुहु | m. Name of a particular weight  |
कुहु | f. (= 1. kuhu-) the new moon  |
कुहु | ind. onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) from the cry of the Kolika, etc., only in compound  |
कुहु | ind. see 2. kuhū-.  |
कुहू | f. (fr. kuh- equals guh-?), the new moon (personified as a daughter of aṅgiras-) etc.  |
कुहू | f. the first day of the first quarter (on which the moon rises invisible)  |
कुहू | f. Name of one of the seven rivers of plakṣa-dvīpa-  |
कुहू | ind. = kuhu-2.  |
कुहूकण्ठ | m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo ()  |
कुहुकुहाय | (fr. kuhu-kuha-for kuha-kuha-,where? where?) Nom. A1. yate-, to show one's admiration  |
कुहूल | n. a pit filled with stakes  |
कुहुंकार | m. Name of a particular noise  |
कुहुंकार | See 1. ku-.  |
कुहूमुख | m. idem or 'm. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo () '  |
कुहूपाल | m. the king of turtles (supposed to uphold the world)  |
कुहुरव | m. the cry of the Kokila  |
कुहूरव | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo () ' '  |
कुहूरव | m. equals kuhu-rava-  |
कुहूस् | ind. = kuhu-2  |
कुह्वान | n. a disagreeable noise  |
कुह्वान | See 1. ku-.  |
कुज् | cl.1 P. kojati-, to steal : cl.6 P. kujati-, to be crooked  |
कुज | m. "born from the earth", a tree  |
कुज | m. "the son of the earth", Name of the planet Mars  |
कुज | m. of the daitya- naraka- (conquered by kṛṣṇa-)  |
कुजा | f. "earth-daughter", durgā-  |
कुजा | f. of sītā-  |
कुज | n. the horizon (equals kṣiti-ja-)  |
कुज | See 2. ku-.  |
कुजदिन | n. "the day of Mars" id est Tuesday  |
कुजम्भ | m. Name of a daitya- (younger brother of jambha- and son of prahlāda- or prahrāda-, a son of hiraṇya-kaśipu-)  |
कुजम्भल | m. a thief who breaks into a house (vv.ll. mbhira-and mbhila-; see kumbhila-).  |
कुजन | m. a bad or wicked man  |
कुजन | m. vulgar people.  |
कुजननी | f. a bad mother  |
कुजन्मन् | mfn. of inferior origin  |
कुजन्मन् | m. a low-born man, slave.  |
कुजन्मन् | m. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars.  |
कुजप | m. "whose protector is Mars", Name of the ancestor of kaujapa-. -2.  |
कुजीविका | f. a miserable kind of living  |
कुज्झटि | f. a fog or mist  |
कुज्झटी | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a fog or mist ' '  |
कुज्झटिका | f. idem or 'f. a fog or mist '  |
कुज्जिश | m. a sort of fish (see kudiśa-.)  |
कुज्ञान | n. imperfect or defective knowledge.  |
कुज्या | f. equals kṣiti-jyā-.  |
कुज्या | See 2. ku-.  |
कुक् | cl.1 A1. kokate-, to take, accept, seize  |
कुक | m.  |
कुक | mfn. taking, accepting  |
कुकभ | n. a kind of spirituous liquor  |
कुकलत्र | n. a bad wife  |
कुकन्यका | f. a bad girl  |
कुकर | mfn. having a crooked or withered hand  |
कुकर्मकारिन् | mfn. wicked, depraved.  |
कुकर्मन् | n. a wicked deed  |
कुकर्मन् | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
कुकर्मन् | mfn. performing evil actions, wicked  |
कुकार्य | n. a bad action, wickedness.  |
कुकथा | f. a bad or miserable tale  |
कुकवि | m. a bad poet, poetaster.  |
कुकाव्य | n. a bad poem,  |
कुखाटि | f. (equals asad-graha-) wantonness commentator or commentary on  |
कुखाटि | See 1. ku-.  |
कुख्याति | f. evil report, infamy  |
कुख्याति | f. bad reputation.  |
कुकील | m. "a pin or bolt of the earth", mountain  |
कुकीर्ति | f. ill-repute.  |
कुक्कुभ | m. the wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुक्कुभ | m. varnish, oily gloss  |
कुक्कुह | m. a particular aquatic bird,  |
कुक्कुर | m. ( ;fr. kurkur/a-), a dog  |
कुक्कुर | m. a despicable man of a mixed caste (equals kukkuṭa-)  |
कुक्कुर | m. Name of a muni-  |
कुक्कुर | m. of a prince (son of andhaka-)  |
कुक्कुर | m. of an author,  |
कुक्कुर | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुक्कुर | n. a vegetable perfume  |
कुक्कुरद्रु | m. the plant Blumea lacera  |
कुक्कुरी | f. a bitch  |
कुक्कुट् | ind. an onomatopoetic word imitating the cock's cry  |
कुक्कुट | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) a cock etc.  |
कुक्कुट | m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुक्कुट | m. (equals kukuṭa-) the plant Marsilea quadrifolia  |
कुक्कुट | m. a whisp of lighted straw or grass  |
कुक्कुट | m. a firebrand, spark of fire  |
कुक्कुट | m. the offspring of a niṣāda- by a śūdra- woman (see kukkura-)  |
कुक्कुट | m. (ī-)  |
कुक्कुट | m. ( ) a hen  |
कुक्कुट | m. a small house-lizard  |
कुक्कुट | m. the plant Dolichos pruriens  |
कुक्कुट | m. (equals kukūṭī-) the plant Salmalia malabarica (or the silk-cotton tree Bombax heptaphyllum)  |
कुक्कुट | m. hypocrisy (see kaukkuṭika-)  |
कुक्कुट | n. equals kukkuṭāsana-  |
कुक्कुटाभ | m. "resembling a fowl", a kind of snake  |
कुक्कुटध्वज | m. Name (also title or epithet) of skanda-,  |
कुक्कुटध्वनि | m. the crowing of a cock, cackling of fowls.  |
कुक्कुटागिरि | m. Name of a mountain gaRa kiṃśulakādi-.  |
कुक्कुटाहि | m. equals ṭābha-  |
कुक्कुटक | m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुक्कुटक | m. the offspring of a niṣāda- by a śūdra- woman  |
कुक्कुटकन्थ | n. Name of a town gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
कुक्कुटमण्डप | m. Name of a sanctuary in Benares (standing on the right side of a statue of śiva-, a place where final emancipation may be attained) (see mukti-maṇḍapa-.)  |
कुक्कुटमञ्जरी | f. a sort of pepper (Piper Chaba)  |
कुक्कुटमर्दक | m. Name of a plant (with fragrant leaves)  |
कुक्कुटमर्दन | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. Name of a plant (with fragrant leaves) ' '  |
कुक्कुटमर्दिका | f. idem or 'm. Name of a plant (with fragrant leaves) '  |
कुक्कुटमस्तक | m. equals -mañjarī-  |
कुक्कुटमिश्र | m. a fictitious nickname ("Mr. Cock")  |
कुक्कुटनाडीयन्त्र | n. Name of an instrument.  |
कुक्कुटाण्ड | n. ( vArttika) a fowl's egg  |
कुक्कुटाण्ड | m. a species of rice  |
कुक्कुटाण्डक | m. a species of rice  |
कुक्कुटाण्डसम | m. Name of a plant (having a white fruit)  |
कुक्कुटपाद | m. "cock-foot", Name of a mountain |
कुक्कुटपक्षक | m. a knife shaped like the wing of a cock  |
कुक्कुटाराम | m. Name of a grove (celebrated hermitage near gayā-)  |
कुक्कुटार्म | n. Name of a place  |
कुक्कुटासन | n. a particular posture of an ascetic in religious meditation.  |
कुक्कुटशिख | m. "cockscomb", safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)  |
कुक्कुटव्रत | n. a religious observance (worship of śiva-, on the seventh of the light fortnight of the month bhādra-, by women, especially for the sake of offspring)  |
कुक्कुटेश्वर | m. Name of a mantra-  |
कुक्कुटेश्वर | n. Name of a liṅga-,  |
कुक्कुटेश्वरतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुक्कुटि | f. hypocrisy  |
कुक्कुटी | f. of ṭa- q.v  |
कुक्कुटिका | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
कुक्कुटीमर्कटीव्रत | n. a religious observance (in honour of śiva- and durgā-) (see kukkuṭa-vrata-.)  |
कुक्कुटीव्रत | n. idem or 'n. a religious observance (in honour of śiva- and durgā-) (see kukkuṭa-vrata-.)'  |
कुक्कुटोरग | m. equals ṭāhi-  |
कुक्कुट्यादि | Name of a gaṇa- ( ) .  |
कुक्कुवाच् | m. (fr. kukku-,an onomatopoetic word) , a kind of deer (equals sāraṅgamṛga-) (see kukū-vāc-and ku-ku-v-.)  |
कुकोल | m. the jujube (Zizyphus Jujuba) (see koli-.)  |
कुक्रिया | f. a bad action  |
कुक्रिय | mfn. wicked.  |
कुक्रिया | See 1. ku-.  |
कुकृत् | m. the plant Caesalpina Bonducella (equals pūtika-)  |
कुकृत | mfn. badly made  |
कुकृत | mfn. one who has acted badly  |
कुकृत्य | n. an evil deed, wickedness  |
कुक्ष | n. the belly  |
कुक्षेयु | varia lectio for kakṣ-  |
कुक्षी | f. idem or 'n. the belly '  |
कुक्षि | m. ([f. ]) the belly, cavity of the abdomen (in the earlier language generally used in dual number )  |
कुक्षि | m. the interior of anything  |
कुक्षि | m. the womb  |
कुक्षि | m. a cavity in general (exempli gratia, 'for example' adri-kukṣi-,cavity of a mountain )  |
कुक्षि | m. a valley  |
कुक्षि | m. (with sāgara-or samudra-) an ocean-cavity id est a bay, gulf  |
कुक्षि | m. the sheath of a sword  |
कुक्षि | m. steel  |
कुक्षि | m. Name of a son of priya-vrata- and kāmyā-  |
कुक्षि | m. of bali-  |
कुक्षि | m. of a king  |
कुक्षि | m. of a son of ikṣvāku- and father of vikukṣi-  |
कुक्षि | m. of a teacher  |
कुक्षि | m. of a region gaRa dhūmādi-  |
कुक्षि | (is-) f. Name of a daughter of priyavrata- and kāmyā- ; ([ confer, compare Latin coxa,coxendix; Greek ?; Old German bu7h; modern German Bauch.])  |
कुक्षिभेद | m. Name of one of the ten ways in which an eclipse terminates  |
कुक्षिगत | mfn. being in the belly  |
कुक्षिगतीकृ | (1 kṛ-) to devour  |
कुक्षिज | m. "born from the womb", son  |
कुक्षिकूजित | n. belching,  |
कुक्षिल | m. a species of evil spirit  |
कुक्षिमती | f. far advanced in pregnancy,  |
कुक्षिम्भरि | mfn. one who nourishes only his belly, filling or pampering the belly, gluttonous vArttika  |
कुक्षिरन्ध्र | m. a kind of reed (Amphidonax Karka)  |
कुक्षिरन्ध्रक | m. idem or 'm. a kind of reed (Amphidonax Karka) '  |
कुक्षिशूल | m. n. belly-ache, colic  |
कुक्ष्यग्नि | m. the (digestive) fire of the stomach,  |
कुक्ष्यामय | m. disease of the belly  |
कुकुभा | f. one of the female personifications of music or rāgiṇī-s  |
कुकुद | equals kūkuda- q.v  |
कुकुद्रु | n. Blumea lacera  |
कुकुद्रु | See 1. ku-.  |
कुकूल | mn. chaff  |
कुकूल | mn. conflagration or fire made of chaff  |
कुकूल | n. a hole filled with stakes  |
कुकूल | n. armour, mail  |
कुकूलाग्नि | m. idem or 'm. a fire made of chaff '  |
कुकूलमुर्मुर | m. a fire made of chaff  |
कुकूणक | m. a kind of disease of the eyes in infants  |
कुकूनन | mf(ā-)n. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) gargling  |
कुकुण्डक | n. the fruit of chattrāka-.  |
कुकुन्दनी | f. the plant Cardiospermum halicacabum  |
कुकुन्दर | n. dual number ([ au- m. dual number ]) = kakundara- q.v (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
कुकुन्दर | m. equals ku-ku-dru- q.v  |
कुकुन्ध | m. Name of a kind of evil spirit  |
कुकुन्दुर | n. equals kakundara-  |
कुकुर | m. ( ) equals kukkura- (a dog)  |
कुकुर | m. Name of a plant and perfume (equals granthi-parṇī-)  |
कुकुर | m. Name of a prince (son of andhaka-)  |
कुकुर | m. plural the descendants of that prince  |
कुकुर | m. Name of a people (branch of the yadu- race) (often named in connection with the andhaka-s or andhas-)  |
कुकुर | m. the country of the kukura- people.  |
कुकूरभ | m. a kind of evil spirit  |
कुकुराधिनाथ | m. "lord of the yādava-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-.  |
कुकुरजिह्वा | f. a species of fish (Acheiris Kookur Zibha)  |
कुकुरजिह्वा | f. the plant Leea staphylea  |
कुकुरजिह्वा | f. the plant Ixora undulata  |
कुकुट | m. (equals kukkuṭa-), Name of a pot-herb (equals sitāvara-,commonly called suṣaṇiśāka-,Marsilea quadrifolia)  |
कुकूटी | f. (equals kukkuṭī-) the plant Salmalia malabarica  |
कुकुटुम्बिनी | f. a bad house-wife  |
कुकुवाच् | m. "having a very disagreeable voice", jackal  |
कुकुवाच् | See 1. ku-.  |
कुकूवाच् | k-, m. equals kukku-vāc- (see ku-ku-vāc-.)  |
कुल् | cl.1. kolati-, to accumulate, collect ; to be of kin, behave as a kinsman ; to proceed continuously or without interruption ; to count  |
कुल | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a herd, troop, flock, assemblage, multitude, number, etc. (of quadrupeds, birds, insects, etc., or of inanimate objects exempli gratia, 'for example' go-kula-,a herd of cows etc.; mahiṣīk-,a herd of female buffaloes ; ali-k-,a swarm of bees etc.; alaka-k-,a multitude of curls )  |
कुल | n. a race, family, community, tribe, caste, set, company (exempli gratia, 'for example' brāhmaṇa-k-,the caste of the Brahmans ; padātīnāṃ kula-,infantry )  |
कुल | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with a genitive case sg.) a lot, gang (exempli gratia, 'for example' caurasya-k-,a gang of thieves)  |
कुल | n. the residence of a family, seat of a community, inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls commentator or commentary on ) |
कुल | n. a house, abode  |
कुल | n. a noble or eminent family or race etc.  |
कुल | n. high station (in compound"chief, principal" see kula-giri-,etc.)  |
कुल | n. the body  |
कुल | n. the front, forepart  |
कुल | n. a blue stone  |
कुल | n. (with śākta-s) Name of śakti- and of the rites observed in her worship (see kaula-)  |
कुल | n. equals kula-nakṣatra- q.v  |
कुल | m. the chief of a corporation or guild  |
कुल | m. equals kula-vāra- q.v  |
कुल | m. Name of a man  |
कुला | f. "a principal day", Name of the 4th and 8th and 12th and 14th day in a pakṣa-, or half-month  |
कुलबालिका | f. (equals -pālikā-) a virtuous high-born woman  |
कुलभ | m. Name of a daitya- (varia lectio sulabha-)  |
कुलभार्या | f. a virtuous or noble wife  |
कुलभट | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a śūrasena- chief.  |
कुलभव | mfn. born in a noble family.  |
कुलभवन | n. the chief residence  |
कुलभेदकर | m. one who causes discord in a family.  |
कुलाभि | varia lectio for ku-nābhi-  |
कुलाभिमान | n. family pride.  |
कुलाभिमानिन् | mfn. proud of birth or of family descent.  |
कुलभ्रष्ट | mfn. expelled from a family.  |
कुलभृत्या | f. the nursing of a pregnant woman  |
कुलभृत्या | f. a midwife, nurse (see kumāra-bhṛtyā-.)  |
कुलभूभृत् | m. equals -giri-  |
कुलभूभृत् | m. an excellent prince  |
कुलभूषण | mfn. "family-adorning", a family ornament.  |
कुलबीज | m. the head or chief of a guild  |
कुलाचल | m. equals kula-giri-  |
कुलाचल | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio for kulākula-)  |
कुलचन्द्र | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the  |
कुलचन्द्र | m. of the author of the durgā-vākya-prabodha-.  |
कुलाचार | m. the peculiar or proper duty of a family or caste.  |
कुलाचार्य | m. a family teacher, family priest  |
कुलाचार्य | m. a person well versed in pedigrees and customs of different families and employed to contract marriages between them  |
कुलाचार्य | m. a genealogist  |
कुलचूडामणि | m. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुलच्युत | mfn. expelled from a family.  |
कुलदैव | n. family destiny  |
कुलदैव | n. the family deity  |
कुलदैवत | n. the family deity  |
कुलदमन | mfn. subduing a family, holding it in subjection gaRa nandy-ādi-.  |
कुलदेव | m. the family deity  |
कुलदेव | f(ī-or metrically shortened i-). "principal goddess", Name of durgā-  |
कुलदेवता | f. the family deity etc.  |
कुलदेवता | f. equals -devī- Name of durgā-  |
कुलधर | m. "upholder of his family", Name of a prince  |
कुलधारक | m. "upholder of the family", a son  |
कुलाधारक | m. "upholder of a family", a son (see kula-dhār-.)  |
कुलधर्म | m. practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race  |
कुलधर्म | m. peculiar practice or duty of the kaula-s.  |
कुलधुर्य | mfn. one who is able to support a family (as a grown-up son)  |
कुलदीप | m. the lamp or light or glory of a race or family  |
कुलदीपिका | f. Name of work (treating on the noble families of Bengal).  |
कुलदीपोत्सव | m. Name of a festival.  |
कुलाद्रि | m. equals kula-giri-  |
कुलदुहितृ | ( Va1rtt. 9) f. the daughter of a noble family, high-born maiden  |
कुलदूषण | mfn. disgracing one's family  |
कुलाद्य | See adhivājya-k-.  |
कुलगरिमन् | m. family pride or dignity.  |
कुलगौरव | n. family importance.  |
कुलघ्न | mf(ā- ; ī- ) n. destroying a family.  |
कुलगिरि | m. a chief mountain-range (any one of the seven principal ranges supposed to exist in each varṣa- or division of a continent;those of bhārata-varṣa- are mahendra-, Malaya, sahya-, śuktimat-, ṛkṣa-, vindhya-, and pāripātra- or pāriyātra-)  |
कुलग्न | mfn. ominous, inauspicious,  |
कुलगोप | m. the protector of a domicile  |
कुलगोत्र | n. dual number family and tribe, .  |
कुलगृह | n. a noble house  |
कुलगुरु | m. the head of a family, family preceptor  |
कुलाह | m. a horse of a light-brown colour with black knees  |
कुलाहक | m. a lizard, chamelion  |
कुलाहक | m. the plant Celsia coromandelina  |
कुलाहल | m. Name of a plant (equals alambuṣa-, gocchāla-, bhū-kadamba-,commonly Kokasima, Coryza terebinthina or Celsia coromandelina [see kulāhaka-],a plant which dogs are fond of smelling before they expel urine)  |
कुलहण्डक | for kūla-h- q.v  |
कुलहीन | mfn. of low origin  |
कुलज | mf(ā-)n. born in a noble family, well-born, of good breed etc.  |
कुलज | n. sour gruel  |
कुलजन | m. a person belonging to a noble family  |
कुलजात | mfn. born in a noble family  |
कुलक | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a multitude  |
कुलक | n. the stone of a fruit  |
कुलक | n. a sort of gourd (Trichosanthes dioeca)  |
कुलक | n. a collection of three or four ([ ]) or five ([ ]) stanzas in which the government of verb and noun is carried throughout (contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each verse)  |
कुलक | n. a kind of prose composition with few compound words  |
कुलक | m. the chief of a guild  |
कुलक | m. any artisan of eminent birth  |
कुलक | m. an ant-hill, mole-hill  |
कुलक | m. a sort of mouse  |
कुलक | m. a green snake  |
कुलक | m. a kind of ebony (Diospyros tomentosa)  |
कुलक | m. another species of ebony (commonly ku-pīlu-)  |
कुलक | m. another plant (commonly maruvaka-, śukla-puṣpa-, tilaka-)  |
कुलक | m. plural Name of the śūdra-s in kuśa-dvīpa-  |
कुलकज्जल | m. disgrace of the family.  |
कुलककर्कटी | f. a species of gourd  |
कुलकलङ्क | m. "a family stain", any one who disgraces his family  |
कुलकलङ्ककारिन् | mfn. disgracing one's family  |
कुलकलङ्कित | mfn. causing disgrace to a family  |
कुलकण्टक | m. "a thorn in a family", a bad member of a family commentator or commentary on  |
कुलकन्या | f. idem or 'f. a girl of good family '  |
कुलकन्यका | f. a girl of good family  |
कुलकर | m. the founder of a family, ancestor  |
कुलकर्कटी | for kulaka-kark- q.v  |
कुलकर्मन् | n. the peculiar or proper duty of a family, any observance peculiar to a family  |
कुलकर्तृ | m. the founder of a family or race, ancestor  |
कुलकौशिक | m. Name of an author of mantra-s.  |
कुलक्क | m. a cymbal (beating time, in music)  |
कुलक्षण | mf(ā-)n. having fatal marks on the body  |
कुलक्षय | m. decay of a race or family  |
कुलक्षया | f. a sort of cowach (Mucuna pruritus)  |
कुलाक्षुता | f. a bitch  |
कुलाकुल | mfn. excellent and not excellent, middling  |
कुलाकुल | mfn. of mixed character or origin  |
कुलाकुल | m. (or kulākulavāra kulākula-vāra-,m.) Wednesday (see kula-vāra-)  |
कुलाकुल | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio li-)  |
कुलाकुल | n. (or kulākulatithi -tithi- f.) the second, sixth, and tenth lunar day in a half-month  |
कुलाकुल | n. (or kulākulanakṣatra -nakṣatra- n.) "an asterism of mixed character", Name of the lunar mansions ārdrā-, mūlā-, abhijit-, and śatabhiṣā-  |
कुलाकुलनक्षत्र | n. kulākula |
कुलाकुलनक्षत्र | n. See before.  |
कुलाकुलतिथि | f. kulākula |
कुलाकुलतिथि | f. See before.  |
कुलाकुलवार | m. kulākula |
कुलाकुलवार | m. See before.  |
कुलाकुलि | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio for kulākula-, q.v)  |
कुलकुमारी | f. a girl of good family,  |
कुलकुण्डलिनी | f. Name of a particular śakti-.  |
कुलकूणी | f. a harlot  |
कुलाल | m. (fr. kul- ), a potter etc.  |
कुलाल | m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुलाल | m. an owl  |
कुलाल | m. Name of a prince  |
कुलालचक्र | n. a potter's disk  |
कुलालकृत | (k/ul-) mfn. made by a potter  |
कुलालकुक्कुट | m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुलालम्बिन् | mfn. supporting or maintaining a family  |
कुलालशाला | f. a potter's workshop,  |
कुलालवत् | ind. like a potter.  |
कुलाली | f. the wife of a potter  |
कुलाली | f. (equals kulatthā-) the plant Glycine labialis  |
कुलाली | f. a blue stone applied as a collyrium to the eyes  |
कुलालिका | for lāyikā- q.v  |
कुलमार्ग | m. the best or principal way, way of honesty  |
कुलमार्ग | m. the doctrine of the kaula-s  |
कुलमार्गतन्त्र | n. a collective N. for 64  |
कुलमर्यादा | f. family honour or respectability.  |
कुलमातृका | f. a kind of spear  |
कुलाम्बा | f. "mother of a family", family deity  |
कुलम्भर | mfn. carrying or upholding a family (with anaḍ-vah-,a bull kept for breeding)  |
कुलम्भर | m. varia lectio for kujambhala- (a thief)  |
कुलंधर | mfn. upholding one's family  |
कुलमित्र | n. a friend of the family  |
कुलमित्र | m. equals -bīja-  |
कुलंकुल | mfn. visiting houses one after the other  |
कुलम्पुन | n. "purifying a family", Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुलम्पुना | f. Name of a river  |
कुलामृत | n. Name of work  |
कुलनाग | m. a chief of the nāga-s  |
कुलनक्षत्र | n. any nakṣatra- or lunar mansion distinguished above others, any auspicious asterism  |
कुलानल | m. "a family fire-brand (see kulāṅgāra-) ", Name of a man.  |
कुलानन्द | m. "the joy of his family", Name of an author of mantra-s.  |
कुलनन्दन | mf(ā-) a boy or girl causing joy or doing honour to a family  |
कुलनारी | f. a woman of good family, high-bred virtuous woman  |
कुलनाश | m. "destroying its family", a camel  |
कुलनाश | m. a reprobate, outcast  |
कुलनायिका | f. a girl worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left-hand śākta-s.  |
कुलङ्ग | m. (equals kuraṅga-) an antelope  |
कुलाङ्गना | f. a respectable or virtuous woman  |
कुलङ्गपमरिन् | m. a kind of demon,  |
कुलाङ्गार | m. "a family fire-brand", a man who foments domestic dissensions or ruins his family  |
कुलाङ्गारी | f. a woman who ruins her family  |
कुलङ्गी | f. varia lectio for kuliṅgī- q.v  |
कुलनिम्नगा | f. a principal river |
कुलनिन्दा | f. family disgrace.  |
कुलञ्ज | m. the plant Alpinia Galanga  |
कुलञ्जन | m. idem or 'm. the plant Alpinia Galanga '  |
कुलाङ्कुर | m. offspring of a family  |
कुलान्तकरण | mfn. one who ruins his family  |
कुलान्वय | m. noble descent  |
कुलान्वित | mfn. sprung from a noble family  |
कुलपा | mf. the chief of a family or race or tribe  |
कुलपालक | mfn. protecting or providing for a family  |
कुलपालक | m. a kind of orange (equals kurumba-)  |
कुलपालि | f. "family-protectress", a high-born virtuous woman  |
कुलपाली | f. "family-protectress", a high-born virtuous woman  |
कुलपालिका | f. a virtuous high-born woman  |
कुलपालिका | f. Name of a woman  |
कुलपालिन् | mfn. maintaining (the honour of) a family,  |
कुलपांसन | mf(ī-)n., disgracing a family, etc.  |
कुलपांसिन् | mf(ī-)n., disgracing a family, etc.  |
कुलपांसुका | f. an unchaste woman  |
कुलपांसुल | mfn. disgracing a family, etc. - pālin-, mfn. maintaining (the honour of) a family,  |
कुलपञ्चाशिका | f. Name of work  |
कुलपरम्परा | f. the series of generations comprising a race.  |
कुलपर्वत | m. equals -giri- q.v  |
कुलपात | for kūla-p-  |
कुलपतन | n. decay or disgrace of a family  |
कुलपति | m. the head or chief of a family  |
कुलापीड | m. the glory of a family  |
कुलप्रदीप | m. the lamp or light or glory of a family  |
कुलप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
कुलप्रसूत | mfn. born in a noble family  |
कुलप्रवाल | m. the scion or offspring of a family,  |
कुलपुरुष | m. a man of good family, noble or respectable man  |
कुलपुरुष | m. an ancestor, family progenitor  |
कुलपूर्वग | varia lectio for -pūrvaka- q.v  |
कुलपूर्वक | m. an ancestor (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).).  |
कुलपुत्र | m. a son of a noble family, respectable youth etc.  |
कुलपुत्र | m. the plant Artemisia indica  |
कुलपुत्रजन | m. a son of a noble family  |
कुलपुत्रक | m. a son of a noble family  |
कुलपुत्रक | m. the plant Artemisia indica  |
कुलपुत्री | f. the daughter of a good family, high-born or respectable girl (equals -duhitṛ-) Va1rtt. 9  |
कुलर | mfn. gaRa aśmādi- (not in )  |
कुलराजधानी | f. chief residence,  |
कुलरक्षक | mfn. preserving a family.  |
कुलरत्नमाला | f. Name of two works.  |
कुलरत्नमालिका | f. Name of two works.  |
कुलर्द्धिक | (ṛddh-) m. the son of a cousin  |
कुलार्णव | m. Name of a tantra- work  |
कुलार्णवतन्त्र | n. idem or 'm. Name of a tantra- work'  |
कुलस | mfn. ( so-) ruining a family commentator or commentary on  |
कुलशैल | m. equals -giri-  |
कुलसम्भव | mfn. idem or 'mfn. born in a noble family '  |
कुलसंगत | m. (= - mitra-),  |
कुलसंख्या | f. ranking or being reckoned as a family, family respectability  |
कुलसंनिधि | m. the presence of a number of persons or of witnesses  |
कुलसंतति | f. propagation of a family, descendants  |
कुलसमुद्भव | mfn. born in a noble family  |
कुलसार | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुलसत्त्र | n. a family sacrifice  |
कुलसौरभ | n. Name of a plant (equals maruvaka-)  |
कुलशेखर | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-- mālā-.  |
कुलसेवक | m. an excellent attendant or servant |
कुलशिखरिन् | m. equals -giri-  |
कुलशील | n. character or conduct honourable to a family  |
कुलशीलसमन्वित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. endowed with a noble character or disposition '  |
कुलशीलवत् | mfn. endowed with a noble character or disposition  |
कुलश्रेष्ठिन् | mfn. of good family, eminent in family  |
कुलश्रेष्ठिन् | m. the chief of a guild  |
कुलश्स्खरदेव | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
कुलस्तम्भ | (?) m. Name (also title or epithet) of chief,  |
कुलाष्टमी | f. (with śākta-s) Name of a particular eighth day.  |
कुलस्थिति | f. custom observed in a family  |
कुलस्थिति | f. antiquity or prosperity of a family  |
कुलस्त्री | f. a woman of good family, respectable or virtuous woman  |
कुलशुल्क | n. the present to be given to the father-in-law for his daughter before marriage  |
कुलसुन्दरी | f. Name of a deity  |
कुलसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
कुलट | m. (fr. kula-and aṭ- ), any son except one's own offspring (an adopted son, bought son, etc.)  |
कुलटा | f. (gaRa śakandhv-ādi-) an unchaste woman etc. (see kumāra-k-)  |
कुलटा | f. an honourable female mendicant  |
कुलाट | m. a kind of small fish  |
कुलतन्तु | m. "the thread coming down from a race", the last representative of a family  |
कुलटापति | m. the husband of an unchaste woman, cuckold  |
कुलटापती | f. (equals kunaṭī-) red arsenic  |
कुलतस् | ind. by birth.  |
कुलतत्त्वविद् | mfn. knowing the true state of a family.  |
कुलतिलक | m. the glory of a family.  |
कुलतिथि | f. equals kulā- q.v  |
कुलत्थ | m. (fr. kula-? see aśvattha-, kapittha-), a kind of pulse (Dolichos uniflorus) etc.  |
कुलत्थ | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुलत्था | f. a kind of Dolichos (Glycine labialis)  |
कुलत्था | f. a blue stone used in medicine and applied as a collyrium to the eyes and as an astringent to sores, etc.  |
कुलत्था | f. a species of metre.  |
कुलत्थिका | f. a kind of Dolichos (see araṇyak-)  |
कुलत्थिका | f. a blue stone used as a collyrium etc.  |
कुलवधू | f. a virtuous wife, respectable woman  |
कुलवधूता | f. virtue in a wife.  |
कुलवार | m. "a principal day", Tuesday or Friday  |
कुलवर्धन | mfn. increasing or advancing or propagating a family  |
कुलवर्णा | f. a species of the plant Convolvulus with red blossoms (equals rakta-trivṛt-)  |
कुलवर्त्मन् | n. (equals -mārga-) the doctrine of the kaula-s.  |
कुलवत् | mfn. (gaRa balādi-) belonging to a noble family  |
कुलविद्या | f. knowledge handed down in a family  |
कुलविप्र | m. a family priest  |
कुलव्रत | n. a family vow, traditional custom or manners in a family  |
कुलवृद्ध | m. the oldest member or head of a family  |
कुलवृद्धि | f. family advancement.  |
कुलव्यापिन् | mfn. attaching or applicable to tribe or caste.  |
कुलाय | n. (in later language also as- m. etc.) a woven texture, web, nest (of a bird) , case or investing integument, receptacle, home etc.  |
कुलाय | n. the body as the dwelling-place of the soul  |
कुलाय | n. the kennel or resting-place of a dog Va1rtt. 4  |
कुलाय | n. a place, spot in general  |
कुलाय | n. (with agneḥ- ;or with indrāgnyoḥ- ) Name of a particular ekāha- (see aindrāgna-k-.)  |
कुलायन | m. Name of a man  |
कुलायन | See k/ula-.  |
कुलायनिलाय | m. the act of sitting in a nest, hatching, brooding.  |
कुलायनिलायिन् | mfn. sitting in a nest, brooding  |
कुलायनिलायिता | f. the act of hatching, etc.  |
कुलायस्थ | m. "nest-dweller", a bird  |
कुलाययत् | mfn. (pr. p. P.) building nests or a resting-place  |
कुलायिका | f. a bird-cage, aviary |
कुलायिन् | mfn. forming a nest, shaped like a nest  |
कुलायिनी | f. an aviary  |
कुलायिनी | f. Name of a liturgical service commentator or commentary on  |
कुलयोषित् | f. a virtuous high-born woman  |
कुलयुक्ति | f. Name of work  |
कुलेचर | a kind of plant  |
कुलेशान | m. Name of an author of  |
कुलेश्वर | m. the lord or chief of a family  |
कुलेश्वर | m. "the lord ", Name of śiva-  |
कुलेश्वर | m. of an author of mantra-s  |
कुलेश्वरी | f. Name of durgā-  |
कुलेश्वरीतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुलेय | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' idem or 'mfn. belonging to the family of (in compound) '  |
कुल्हरी | f. idem or 'f. a pot '  |
कुल्हरिका | f. a pot  |
कुली | f. a wife's elder sister  |
कुली | f. the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum  |
कुलि | m. the hand  |
कुलि | f. (equals lī-) Solanum Jacquini (prickly nightshade)  |
कुली | See k/ula-.  |
कुलिज | n. a particular vessel  |
कुलिज | n. a sort of measure (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-[ ]or ī-).).  |
कुलिजिक | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' fr. kulija-  |
कुलिजीन | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' fr. kulija- '  |
कुलिक | mfn. of good family  |
कुलिक | a judge,  |
कुलिक | m. a kinsman  |
कुलिक | m. the chief or head man of a guild  |
कुलिक | m. any artisan of eminent birth  |
कुलिक | m. a hunter  |
कुलिक | m. a thorny plant (Ruellia longifolia or Asteracantha longifolia)  |
कुलिक | m. (equals kulavāra-) Tuesday or Friday  |
कुलिक | m. one of the eight chiefs of the nāga-s or serpent-race (described as having a half-moon on the top of his head and being of a dusky-brown colour) |
कुलिक | m. Name of a prince  |
कुलिक | m. a kind of poison  |
कुलिक | See k/ula-.  |
कुलीका | f. a kind of bird  |
कुलिकवेला | f. certain portions of each day on which it is improper to begin any good business.  |
कुलीकय | m. a kind of aquatic animal  |
कुलीकय | m. (kulīp/aya-)  |
कुलिन् | mfn. belonging to a noble family gaRa balādi-  |
कुलिन् | See k/ula-.  |
कुलीन | mf(ā- )n. belonging to the family of (in compound)  |
कुलीन | mf(ā- )n. of high or eminent descent, well-born etc.  |
कुलीन | mf(ā- )n. of good breed (as horses or elephants)  |
कुलीन | m. a horse of good breed  |
कुलीन | m. a Brahman of the highest class in Bengal (id est a member of one of the eight principal families of the vārendra- division or of one of the six chief families of the rāḍha- or Rarh division as classified by Balal Sen, rāja- of Bengal, in the twelfth century;common names of the latter families are Mukharjea, Banarjea, Chatarjea, etc.)  |
कुलीन | m. a worshipper of śakti- according to to the left-hand ritual  |
कुलीना | f. a variety of the āryā- metre  |
कुलीन | n. a disease of the nails  |
कुलीनक | mfn. of good family  |
कुलीनक | m. a kind of wild kidney-bean (Phaseolus trilobus)  |
कुलीनस | n. water  |
कुलीनता | f. rank, family respectability.  |
कुलीनत्व | n. idem or 'f. rank, family respectability.'  |
कुलिन्द | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुलिन्द | m. a prince of the kulinda-s  |
कुलिन्दोपत्यक | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुलिङ्ग | m. "having bad marks", kind of mouse  |
कुलिङ्ग | m. the fork-tailed shrike  |
कुलिङ्ग | m. a sparrow  |
कुलिङ्गा | f. a kind of oak-apple  |
कुलिङ्गा | f. Name of a town (or of a river)  |
कुलिङ्ग | ṅgaka- See 1. ku-.  |
कुलिङ्गक | m. a sparrow (varia lectio kuliṅkaka-)  |
कुलिङ्गक | m. Name of a bird of prey  |
कुलिङ्गाक्षी | f. Name of a plant (equals peṭikā-, kuberākṣī-)  |
कुलिङ्गी | f. the female of the fork-tailed shrike  |
कुलिङ्गी | f. Name of a plant (-karkaṭaśṛṅgī-)  |
कुलिनी | f. the plant Impatiens balsamina  |
कुलिङ्कक | See liṅgaka-.  |
कुलीपय | See līk/aya-.  |
कुलिर | for līra- q.v  |
कुलीर | m. a crab  |
कुलीर | m. the sign of the zodiac Cancer  |
कुलीराद् | m. "eating i.e. destroying crabs", a young crab (the old crab being supposed to perish on producing young)  |
कुलीरक | m. a small crab |
कुलीरशृङ्गी | f. idem or 'f. a kind of oak-apple '  |
कुलीरविषाणिका | f. a kind of oak-apple  |
कुलिश | m. (fr. 1. ku-and liśa-for riśa-fr. riś-), an axe, hatchet  |
कुलिश | n. [ as- m. and ] the thunderbolt of indra- etc.  |
कुलिश | n. (equals vajra-) a diamond  |
कुलिश | m. a sort of fish  |
कुलिश | mn. the plant Heliotropium indicum  |
कुलीश | mn. (equals kuliśa-) indra-'s thunderbolt  |
कुलिशभृत् | m. equals -dhara-  |
कुलिशधर | m. "holding the thunderbolt", Name of indra-  |
कुलिशद्रुम | m. a sort of Opuntia tree  |
कुलिशलेप | m. equals vajra-l- q.v  |
कुलिशनायक | m. a kind of coitus.  |
कुलिशाङ्कुशा | f. Name of one of the sixteen vidyā-devī-s  |
कुलिशपाणि | m. equals -dhara-  |
कुलिशासन | m. "having a diamond seat", Name of śākya-muni-  |
कुलिशासन | equals kuliśāana- q.v (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order k/uliśa-) or equals kuli-śāsana-,"one who commands with his hand (kuli-) ", Name of śākya-muni-  |
कुलिशाय | Nom. A1. yate-, to be equal to the thunderbolt or to a diamond (in hardness)  |
कुलिशी | f. Name of a river (supposed to be in the middle region of the sky)  |
कुलीय | mfn. belonging to the family of (in compound)  |
कुल्लादित्य | m. Name (also title or epithet) of chief,  |
कुल्लूक | m. Name of a celebrated commentator on manu- (he was born in Gaur, and lived about 300 years ago)  |
कुल्लूका | f. (with śākta-s) Name of certain syllables preceding a mantra-.  |
कुल्लूकभट्ट | m. title given to the commentator  |
कुल्मल | n. the part of an arrow or spear by which the head is attached to the shaft (once k/urmala-)  |
कुल्मल | n. sin  |
कुल्मलबर्हिस् | m. idem or 'm. Name of a Vedic poet (author of ) '  |
कुल्मलबर्हिष | m. Name of a Vedic poet (author of )  |
कुल्माष | m. (also ās- m. plural ) sour gruel (prepared by the spontaneous fermentation of the juice of fruits or of boiled rice)  |
कुल्माष | m. an inferior kind of grain, half-ripe barley  |
कुल्माष | m. a kind of disease  |
कुल्माष | n. sour gruel  |
कुल्माष | n. forced rice  |
कुल्माष | n. a sort of Phaseolus (equals rāja-māṣa-)  |
कुल्माष | n. a species of Dolichos (equals yāvaka-)  |
कुल्माषाभिषुत | n. sour gruel  |
कुल्माषखाद | mfn. eating sour gruel  |
कुल्माषी | f. Name of a river  |
कुल्मि | m. or f. a herd  |
कुल्मि | cow's hair, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
कुलोचित | mfn. customary in a family  |
कुलोद्भव | mfn. equals kulodgata-  |
कुलोद्भूत | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals kulodgata- '  |
कुलोद्देश | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुलोद्गत | mfn. sprung from a noble family  |
कुलोद्वह | mfn. propagating the family of, descendant of (genitive case or in compound)  |
कुलोपदेश | m. family name  |
कुलोपकुल | n. "excellent and less excellent", Name of certain lunar mansions  |
कुलोत्कर्ष | m. family eminence.  |
कुलोत्कट | mfn. excellent by birth  |
कुलोत्कट | m. a horse of good breed  |
कुलोत्पन्न | mfn. sprung from a good family, well-born  |
कुलोत्पन्न | mfn. belonging to a family (as property, etc.)  |
कुल्फ | m. (equals gulph/a-;3. kal- ) the ankle  |
कुल्फ | mn. a disease  |
कुल्फदघ्न | mfn. reaching down to the ancle  |
कुलुक | n. the fur or foulness of the tongue (varia lectio kulvaka-).  |
कुलुक्कगुञ्जा | f. (for ulkā-g-?) a firebrand  |
कुलून | Name of a place gaRa kacchādi- ( )  |
कुलुञ्च | m. one who plucks out hairs  |
कुलुञ्च | See 1. ku-.  |
कुलुङ्ग | m. (equals kulaṅg/a-) an antelope  |
कुलूत | m. plural Name of a people  |
कुलूतक | m. plural idem or 'm. plural Name of a people '  |
कुलूतक | m. sg. a kulūta- man,  |
कुल्व | mfn. bald (confer, compare /ati-k-) ([ Latin calvus-.])  |
कुल्वक | See kuluka-.  |
कुल्य | mf(ā-)n. relating to a family or race (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (see rāja-k-)  |
कुल्य | mf(ā-)n. belonging to a congregation or corporation  |
कुल्य | mf(ā-)n. of good family, well-descended  |
कुल्य | m. a respectable man  |
कुल्य | m. Name of a teacher (the pupil of pauṣpañji-)  |
कुल्या | f. (perhaps) custom or habit of a family  |
कुल्य | m. a virtuous or respectable woman  |
कुल्य | m. the medicinal plant Celtis orientalis (equals jīvantikauṣadhi-)  |
कुल्य | m. the plant Solanum longum  |
कुल्य | n. friendly inquiry after family affairs or domestic accidents (condolence, congratulation, etc.)  |
कुल्य | 1. kuly/ā-. See k/ula-.  |
कुल्य | mfn. (fr. 2. kuly/ā-), presiding over a river (as a deity)  |
कुल्या | f. a small river, canal, channel for irrigation, ditch, dyke or trench etc.  |
कुल्या | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
कुल्या | f. Name of a river  |
कुल्य | n. a receptacle for bones (left from a burnt corpse)  |
कुल्य | n. a bone  |
कुल्य | n. flesh  |
कुल्य | n. a winnowing basket  |
कुल्य | n. a measure of eight droṇa-s  |
कुल्याय | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a river  |
कुम् | ind. an interjection gaRa cādi-.  |
कुमालक | m. plural Name of a people |
कुमालन | m. Name of a man  |
कुमालय | varia lectio for māraya- q.v  |
कुमनस् | (k/u--) mfn. displeased, angry  |
कुमनीष | mfn. of slow intellect  |
कुमनीषिन् | mfn. of slow intellect  |
कुमन्त्र | m. a bad advice  |
कुमन्त्र | m. a bad charm  |
कुमन्त्रिन् | m. a bad counsellor  |
कुमार | m. (fr. 1. ku-+ māra-, mṛ2-?"easily dying";fr.2. kam- ) a child, boy, youth  |
कुमार | m. son etc.  |
कुमार | m. a prince, heir-apparent associated in the kingdom with the reigning monarch (especially in theatrical language) etc.  |
कुमार | m. a groom  |
कुमार | m. Name of skanda- (or kārttikeya- q.v;represented as a beautiful youth;also as the author of certain grammatical sūtra-s see kalāpa-;also as causing certain diseases ) etc.  |
कुमार | m. Name of a son of agni- (who is the author of some Vedic hymns)  |
कुमार | m. one of the nine names of agni-  |
कुमार | m. Name of a prajāpati-  |
कुमार | m. of mañju-śrī-  |
कुमार | m. of a river  |
कुमार | m. of the sindhu- river  |
कुमार | m. of the author of a dharmaśāstra-  |
कुमार | m. of the attendant of the twelfth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
कुमार | m. a parrot  |
कुमार | m. the tree Capparis trifoliata (see kumāraka-)  |
कुमार | m. plural Name of a people (see kumālaka-)  |
कुमार | n. Name of a varṣa- governed by kumāra- (the son of bhavya-)  |
कुमार | n. pure gold  |
कुमारबन्धकी | f. equals -kulaṭā-  |
कुमारभट्ट | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
कुमाराभिरूपक | mfn. instructed while still a boy  |
कुमाराभिषेक | m. "inauguration of kumāra-", Name of  |
कुमारभृत्या | f. care of a young child or of a pregnant or lying-in woman, midwifery  |
कुमारब्रह्मचारिन् | mfn. chaste from infancy,  |
कुमारचपल | mfn. giddy while still a boy gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारदर्शन | m. Name of a prince of the gandharva-s |
कुमारदास | m. Name of a poet  |
कुमारदासी | f. a slave while still a girl gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारदत्त | m. "given by the god of war", Name of a son of nidhipati-  |
कुमारदेष्ण | (r/a--) mfn. whose gifts are like those of children, id est "who gives and takes back"  |
कुमारदेवी | f. Name of the mother of samudra-gupta-.  |
कुमारधारा | f. Name of a river  |
कुमाराध्यापक | m. a teacher while still a youth, gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारागार | m. "child's room", nursery  |
कुमारगर्भिणी | f. pregnant while still a girl  |
कुमारघातिन् | m. the slayer of a boy or child  |
कुमारगुप्त | m. "protected by the god of war", Name of several princes,  |
कुमारहारित | m. Name of a teacher  |
कुमारजीव | m. the plant putraṃ-jīva- Roxburghii  |
कुमारक | m. a little boy, boy, youth etc.  |
कुमारक | m. (also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṣi-k-,a young ṛṣi- ; nāga-k-,a young nāga- )  |
कुमारक | m. the pupil of the eye  |
कुमारक | m. Name of a nāga-  |
कुमारक | m. the plant Capparis trifoliata  |
कुमारकुलटा | f. unchaste while still a girl gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारकुशल | mfn. skilful while still a boy  |
कुमारललिता | f. "boy's play", Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of eight syllables each).  |
कुमारनिपुण | mfn. equals -kuśala- gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारपाल | m. Name of a king (equals śāli-vāhana- )  |
कुमारपाल | m. Name of a king of Guzerat  |
कुमारपण्डित | m. a scholar while still a boy  |
कुमारपटु | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -kuśala- gaRa śramaṇādi-.'  |
कुमारपित्रिमेष | m. a particular demon hostile to children,  |
कुमारप्रव्रजिता | f. religious while still a girl gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारराज | m. Name (also title or epithet) of harṣa-vardhana-,  |
कुमारसम्भव | m. the birth of skanda- or kārttikeya-  |
कुमारसम्भव | m. Name of a poem by kālidāsa-.  |
कुमारसेन | m. Name of a minister  |
कुमारसिंह | m. Name of an astronomer.  |
कुमारशिरस् | m. Name of the physician bharadvāja-  |
कुमारश्रमणा | f. equals -tāpasī- gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारसू | m. "the father of the god of war", Name of agni-  |
कुमारसू | f. (ūs-) "the mother of the god of war", Name of the river gaṅgā-  |
कुमारसू | f. of durgā-  |
कुमारस्वामिन् | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the mīmāṃsā-bhāṣya-.  |
कुमारतापसी | f. an ascetic while still a girl, gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
कुमारत्व | n. boyhood, youth  |
कुमारवाहिन् | m. "carrying skanda-", a peacock (as being skanda-'s usual vehicle)  |
कुमारवन | n. kumāra-'s (id est kārttikeya-'s) grove.  |
कुमारवारिधारा | f. equals -dhārā-  |
कुमारवत् | (r/a-.), m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man,  |
कुमारव्रत | n. a vow of eternal chastity  |
कुमारय | Nom. P. yati-, to play (as a child)  |
कुमारयु | m. a prince commentator or commentary on  |
कुमारेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुमार्ग | m. a bad way (literally and figuratively)  |
कुमार्ग | See 1. ku-.  |
कुमारी | f. a young girl, one from ten to twelve years old, maiden, daughter etc.  |
कुमारी | f. or (in the tantra-s) any virgin up to the age of sixteen or before menstruation has commenced  |
कुमारी | f. Name of certain flags (set up along with indra-'s banner)  |
कुमारी | f. Name of the wife of bhīma-sena- (son of parīkṣit-)  |
कुमारी | f. of a daughter of vasu-deva- by rohiṇī-  |
कुमारी | f. of sītā- (rāma-'s wife)  |
कुमारी | f. of the goddess durgā-  |
कुमारी | f. of dākṣāyaṇī- (in māyā-purī-)  |
कुमारी | f. of a metre (a kind of śakvarī-, consisting of four lines of sixteen syllables each)  |
कुमारी | f. the bird commonly called śyāmā-  |
कुमारी | f. the plant Aloe perfoliata  |
कुमारी | f. the plant Clitoria ternatea (equals a-parājitā-)  |
कुमारी | f. the plant Jasminum Sambac  |
कुमारी | f. the plant commonly called bandhyā-karkoṭakī-  |
कुमारी | f. the blossom of the plants taruṇī- and modinī-  |
कुमारी | f. great cardamoms  |
कुमारी | f. the most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent or of jambū-dvīpa- (the southern extremity of the peninsula, whence the modern name Cape Comorin [ kumārī-])  |
कुमारी | f. the central part of the universe (according to Hindu geography, jambū-dvīpa- or India)  |
कुमारी | f. Name of a river flowing from the mountain śuktimat-  |
कुमारी | f. of another river  |
कुमारी | f. (when a name is given to a pupil to indicate his attachment to any particular master, kumārī-may be prefixed to denote that the pupil's object is to gain the affections of the master's daughter exempli gratia, 'for example' kumārī-dākṣa- q.v sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order kumārī-)  |
कुमारि | (shortened for rī- q.v; see ) .  |
कुमारी | f. of r/a- q.v  |
कुमारी | mfn. desirous of a daughter  |
कुमारीभाव | m. maidenhood, virginity,  |
कुमारिदा | mfn. Ved."granting children" varia lectio for -dārā- q.v  |
कुमारीदाक्ष | m. plural the dākṣa-s desirous of a girl  |
कुमारिदारा | f. "being a wife while still a girl"(?)  |
कुमारिदत्त | m. Name of a man  |
कुमारिका | f. a girl from ten to twelve years old, virgin etc.  |
कुमारिका | f. a female servant  |
कुमारिका | f. an insect (Sphex asiatica)  |
कुमारिका | f. double jasmine (Jasminum Sambac)  |
कुमारिका | f. large cardamoms  |
कुमारिका | f. Name of a part of bhārata-varṣa- (a division of the known continent)  |
कुमारिका | f. Name of a river  |
कुमारिक | mfn. furnished with or abounding in girls gaRa vrīhy-ādi-.  |
कुमारिका | f. of rak/a- q.v  |
कुमारिकाखण्ड | n. idem or 'n. Name of a part of bhārata-varṣa-.'  |
कुमारिकाखण्ड | n. Name of a section of the  |
कुमारिकाक्षेत्र | n. Name of a part of bhārata-varṣa-.  |
कुमारीकल्प | m. Name of work  |
कुमारीक्रीडनक | n. a plaything for girls gaRa yāvādi-.  |
कुमारिल | m. Name of a renowned teacher of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy.  |
कुमारिलभट्ट | m. idem or 'm. Name of a renowned teacher of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy.'  |
कुमारिलस्वामिन् | m. idem or ' m. idem or 'm. Name of a renowned teacher of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy.' '  |
कुमारिन् | mfn. (gaRa vrīhy-ādi-) having children  |
कुमारिन् | mfn. granting children  |
कुमारीपाल | m. the guardian of a virgin or bride  |
कुमारीपूजा | f. the worship of kumārī- or durgā- (a ceremony performed at the great durgā- festival, when a girl between ten and twelve years old is placed on a pedestal as the representative of the goddess, and fed with offerings made to the idol).  |
कुमारीपुर | n. a part of the gynaeceum in which the girls are kept  |
कुमारीपुत्र | m. (gaRa sthūlādi-) the child of an unmarried woman  |
कुमारीपुत्रक | mfn. fr. -putra- gaRa sthūlādi-.  |
कुमारीश्वशुर | m. the father-in-law of a maiden, gaRa sthūlādi-.  |
कुमारीश्वशुरक | mfn. fr. śura-  |
कुमारितमा | f. (superl.)  |
कुमारीतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कुमारितरा | f. (Comparative degree)  |
कुमत | n. a bad doctrine  |
कुमत | -mati-, etc. See 1. ku-.  |
कुमति | f. vile sentiment  |
कुमति | f. weak intellect, folly  |
कुमति | mfn. of slow intellect, foolish  |
कुम्ब् | cl.6.10.P. kumbati-, bayati-, to cover  |
कुम्ब | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a kind of head-dress for women  |
कुम्ब | mn. the thick end (of a bone or of a club)  |
कुम्ब | according to to some also,"the horn or point of anything".  |
कुम्बा | f. ( ) a thick petticoat  |
कुम्बा | f. an enclosure round a place of sacrifice  |
कुम्बकुरीर | m. a kind of headdress for women  |
कुम्भ् | varia lectio for kumb- q.v  |
कुम्भ | m. a jar, pitcher, water-pot, ewer, small water-jar [often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) exempli gratia, 'for example' chidra-k-,a perforated pitcher ; āma-k-,a jar of unbaked clay ; hema-k-,a golden ewer ; jala-k-,a water-pot ] etc.  |
कुम्भ | m. an urn in which the bones of a dead person are collected  |
कुम्भ | m. the sign of the zodiac Aquarius etc.  |
कुम्भ | m. a measure of grain (equal to twenty droṇa-s, a little more than three bushels and three gallons;commonly called a comb;some make it two droṇa-s or sixty-four Seers)  |
कुम्भ | m. the frontal globe or prominence on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant (there are two of these prominences which swell in the rutting season) etc.  |
कुम्भ | m. a particular part of a bed  |
कुम्भ | m. Name of a plant (and also of its fruit)  |
कुम्भ | m. the root of a plant used in medicine  |
कुम्भ | m. a religious exercise, viz. closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing  |
कुम्भ | m. the paramour of a harlot, bully, flash or fancy man  |
कुम्भ | m. Name of a mantra- (pronounced over a weapon)  |
कुम्भ | m. Name of a dānava- (a son of prahlāda- and brother of nikumbha-)  |
कुम्भ | m. of a rākṣasa- (son of kumbhakarṇa-)  |
कुम्भ | m. of the father of the nineteenth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
कुम्भ | m. of a monkey  |
कुम्भ | m. one of the thirty-four jātaka-s or former births of śākya-muni-  |
कुम्भ | m. Name of work  |
कुम्भा | f. a harlot  |
कुम्भा | f. the plant Tiaridium indicum  |
कुम्भा | f. (fr. kumbh-) covering  |
कुम्भ | n. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum  |
कुम्भ | n. a fragrant resin (g/uggulu-), or the plant which bears it  |
कुम्भ | n. gold  |
कुम्भ | n. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin cymba.])  |
कुम्भबाहु | m. Name of a daitya-  |
कुम्भभव | m. (equals -janman-) the star Canopus (= agastya-).  |
कुम्भभू | m. equals -janman-  |
कुम्भबीजक | m. a kind of karañja-  |
कुम्भबिल | n.  |
कुम्भदास | m. ?  |
कुम्भदासी | f. a harlot  |
कुम्भदासी | f. a bawd  |
कुम्भधान्य | mfn. having grains only to fill a single pot  |
कुम्भधर | m. "pot-holder", the sign Aquarius  |
कुम्भधर | m. Name of a mantra- (pronounced over a weapon)  |
कुम्भधारिका | f. a female slave,  |
कुम्भघोणतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
कुम्भहनु | m. "having a chin shaped like a kumbha-", Name of a rākṣasa-  |
कुम्भजन्मन् | m. "born in a pitcher", Name of agastya-  |
कुम्भक | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a pot  |
कुम्भक | m. a measure (of grain, etc.)  |
कुम्भक | m. the prominence on the upper part of an elephant's forehead  |
कुम्भक | mn. stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the right hand (a religious exercise) etc.  |
कुम्भक | m. the base of a column  |
कुम्भक | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
कुम्भकामला | f. a bilious affection (sort of jaundice together with swelling of the joints ; see kumbha-pāda-).  |
कुम्भकपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
कुम्भकार | m. a potter (being according to some authorities the son of a Brahman by a wife of the kṣatriya- caste) etc.  |
कुम्भकार | m. a serpent  |
कुम्भकार | m. a wild fowl (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुम्भकारक | m. a potter  |
कुम्भकारककुक्कुट | m. a wild fowl (Phasianus gallus)  |
कुम्भकारी | f. the wife of a potter  |
कुम्भकारी | f. Name of a girl  |
कुम्भकारी | f. a mineral substance used as an application to strengthen the eyes and beautify the eyelashes  |
कुम्भकारी | f. red arsenic  |
कुम्भकारिका | f. the wife of a potter, woman of the potter caste  |
कुम्भकारिका | f. a sort of collyrium  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. "pot-eared", Name of a rākṣasa- (the brother of rāvaṇa-, described in as sleeping for six months at a time and then waking to gorge himself)  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. Name of a daitya-  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of a muni-  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of a locality  |
कुम्भकर्ण | m. of śiva-  |
कुम्भकर्णवध | m. "the slaughter of kumbhakarṇa-", Name of a section of the  |
कुम्भकेतु | m. Name of a son of śambara-  |
कुम्भला | f. a plant the flowers of which are compared to those of Nauclea Cadamba (Sphaeranthus Hirtus)  |
कुम्भलग्न | n. that time of day in which Aquarius rises above the horizon.  |
कुम्भमण्डूक | m. "a frog in a pitcher", id est an inexperienced man gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi- (see kūpa-maṇḍūka-.)  |
कुम्भमूर्धन् | m. "pot-headed", a particular demon causing diseases  |
कुम्भमुष्क | (bh/a--) mfn. having a jar-shaped scrotum (Name of demons)  |
कुम्भनाभ | m. Name of a son of bali-  |
कुम्भाण्ड | m. plural (perhaps a Prakrit form for kuṣmāṇḍa- q.v,but see kumbh/a-muṣka-) "having testicles shaped like a kumbha-", a class of demons (at whose head stands rudra-)  |
कुम्भाण्ड | m. Name of a minister of the asura- bāṇa-  |
कुम्भाण्डक | m. plural the class of demons called kumbhāṇḍa-  |
कुम्भाण्डक | m. Name of an attendant of skanda- (varia lectio kumbhāṇḍakodara-).  |
कुम्भाण्डी | f. a pumpkin gourd (varia lectio for kuṣmāṇḍī-)  |
कुम्भान्त | mfn. concluding with the (ceremony of interring the) urn,  |
कुम्भपाद | mf(-padī-)n. having swollen legs bulging like a pitcher  |
कुम्भपदी | f. of -pāda- q.v  |
कुम्भफला | f. the plant Cucurbita Pepo  |
कुम्भराशि | m. the sign Aquarius. |
कुम्भरेतस् | n. semen virile deposited in a kumbha-  |
कुम्भरेतस् | m. a form of agni-  |
कुम्भरी | f. a form of durgā-  |
कुम्भशाला | f. a pottery  |
कुम्भसम्भव | m. (equals -yoni-), Name of agastya-  |
कुम्भसम्भव | m. of nārāyaṇa-  |
कुम्भसंधि | m. the hollow on the top of an elephant's head between the frontal globes  |
कुम्भसर्पिस् | n. butter placed in a jar  |
कुम्भस्तनी | f. ( ) having breasts like jars  |
कुम्भताल | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
कुम्भतुम्बी | f. a kind of large round gourds  |
कुम्भवक्त्र | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
कुम्भयोनि | m. "born in a water-jar", Name of agastya-  |
कुम्भयोनि | m. of droṇa- (the military preceptor of the kuru-s and pāṇḍu-s)  |
कुम्भयोनि | m. of vasiṣṭha-  |
कुम्भयोनि | f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly droṇa-puṣpī-)  |
कुम्भयोनि | f. "having a jar-shaped pudendum", Name of an apsaras-  |
कुम्भेष्टका | f. Name of a particular brick  |
कुम्भेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुम्भी | f. a small jar or pot, earthen cooking vessel etc.  |
कुम्भी | f. Name of a hell  |
कुम्भी | f. of a plant  |
कुम्भी | f. a small tree (the seeds of which are used in medicine, commonly kaṭphala-)  |
कुम्भी | f. Bignonia suaveolens  |
कुम्भी | f. Pistia Stratiotes  |
कुम्भी | f. another plant (commonly romaśa-)  |
कुम्भी | f. the plant Croton polyandrum  |
कुम्भी | f. the plant Myrica sapida  |
कुम्भि | (in compound for bhin- q.v)  |
कुम्भी | (f. of bha- q.v)  |
कुम्भीभगाल | n. (probably) a potsherd or fragment of a broken jar, < |