anukṛti | f. imitation; -kritya, fp. to be imitated; -krishta-tva, n. the being supplied from a preceding rule (gr.). |
anṛkṣara | a. thornless; -rik, -rika, a. not versed in the Rig-veda; -rigú, a. not straight; dishonest; -riná, a. unin debted: -tâ, f., -tva, n. -ness (to, g.); -rinatâ kritya, n. intention of paying one out; -ri na½akartos, g. inf. to free from debt; -rinin, a. free from debt. |
anyo&100;nya | m. f. (used in oblique cases only) one another: °ree;--, mutual, -ly, reciprocally; -kalaha, a. quarrelling together; -kritya, n. pl. reciprocal services; -gata, pp. reciprocal; -bhâva, m. mutual exchange of condition; -½abhâva, m. mutual non-existence; -½upamâ, f. mutual simile. |
apakṛt | a. injuring; -krita, (pp.) n., -kriti, f., -kritya, n.=apa-kâra; -krishta, pp. low, inferior, mean. |
apātra | n. (m.) unworthy recipient, -person; -krityâ, f. action making one un worthy of receiving presents; -bhrit, m. cherisher of the undeserving; -varshana, n. bestowing on the unworthy; -varshin, a.be stowing (lit. raining) on unworthy persons. |
arthakara | a. (î) useful; -kâma, n. sg., m. du. the useful and the pleasant; a. de sirous of wealth; wishing to be useful; -kâm ya, a. id.; -kârsya, n. destitution, poverty; -kilbishin, a. transgressing with money; -krikkhra, n. difficult matter; -krit, a. use ful; -kritya, n., â, f. accomplishment of an affair; -grahana, n. taking away of money; import of the meaning; -ghna, a. (î) pro digal; -kitta, a. intent on riches; -kintaka,a. knower of the useful; -gâta, n. sg. pl. money; things, objects; -gña, a. understanding the matter or the meaning; -tattva, n. real state of things; fact of a matter; true sense: -tas, ad. for a purpose; for the sake of (--°ree;); for the sake of gain; in truth, really, according to the meaning; -trishnâ, f. thirst for gold, avarice; -tva, n. serviceableness for (--°ree;); -da, a. useful; liberal; -datta, m. N. of wealthy merchants; -darsana, n.judging a matter; -dâna, n. present in money; -dûshana, n. prodigality; unjust seizure of property. |
itikartavya | n. (thus it must be done), proper measure: -tâ, f. abst. n.: -mûdha, pp. completely at a loss what to do; -kârya, n. (-tâ, f. abst. n.), -kritya, n. (-tâ, f. abst. n.) proper measure; incum bency; -krama, m.; in. in such a manner; -thá, a. (î) such and such; -vat, ad. just so, in this very way; -vritta, n. incident, event. |
ku | prn. st. in ku-tas &c.; °ree;--, bad, in significant; badly, very; -kanyakâ, f. bad girl; -karman, n. wicked deed; -kalatra, n. bad wife; -kavi, m. bad poet, poetaster; -kâv ya, m. bad poem; -kutumbinî,f. bad house wife; -kritya, n. infamous deed, wickedness. |
kṛtaka | a. artificial, feigned, false; adopted (son): -m, feignedly, -tva, n. quality of being artificially produced; -kartavya, a. having fulfilled his task; -karman, n. an ac complished deed; a. having fulfilled one's duty; -kârin, a. doing a thing; -kârya, n. an at tained object; a. having accomplished his ob ject; satisfied: -tva, n. abst. n.; -kâla, m. ap pointed time; -kritya, a. having done his duty; having attained his object, satisfied (as to, lc.): -tâ, f. satisfaction; -kriya, a. hav ing performed a sacred rite; pious; -kshana, a. having an appointed time, i. e. waiting im patiently for (lc., ac. w. prati, inf., --°ree;); -ksho bha, a. shaken; -ghna, a. ignoring benefits, ungrateful: -tâ, f., -tva, n. ingratitude; -kûda, a. having received the tonsure; -gan man, a. planted; -gña, a. recognising benefits, grateful: -tâ, f. gratitude. |
kṣura | m. sharp knife, razor; -karman, n. shaving; -kritya, n. id.; -klipta, pp. shaved; -kriyâ, f. shaving; -dhâná, n. razor-case; -pra, a. sharp as a razor; m. arrow, knife, or scythe as sharp as a razor; -bhânda, n. razor-case. |
guṇakarman | n. unessential secondary action; remote object (gr.); -ka lusha, n. coalescence of the three fundamental qualities; -kritya, n. function of a bow-string; -gana, m. multitude of excel lences; -grihya, a. appreciating excellences; -grahana, n. recognition of merit, eulogy; -grâma, m. multitude of virtues; -grâhin, a. appreciating merit; -ghâtin, a. detract ing from merit; -kkheda, m. breaking of the ropeand disappearance of virtue; -gña, a. recognising merits: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -tantra, a. guided by virtue; -tas, ad. conformably to the fundamental qualities; with regard to good qualities; -tâ, f. subordinateness; ex cellence; -tyâgin, a. forsaking virtue; -tva, n. consistency of a rope; accessoriness; excel lence; -deva, m. N. of a pupil of Gunâdhya. |
gṛhakapota | m. domestic pigeon; -karma-kara, m. domestic; -karma-dâsa, m. domestic slave; -karman, n. household affair; -kâraka, m. carpenter; -kârin, m. kind of wasp; -kârya, n. household affair; -kritya, n. id.; kind of tax; -gupta, (pp.) m. N.; -kkhidra, n. hole or weak point in the house; -ga, a. born in the house; -gana, m. family; -gâta, pp. born in the house; -dâru, n. beam of a house; -dâha, m. con flagration; -dîpti, f. light (=ornament) of the house; -devatâ, f. pl. domestic deities; -dvâra, n. house-door; -nadikâ, f. drain of a house; -nirvâha, m. housekeeping; -pá, m. guardian of the house; (á)-pati, m. master of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of Agni; one who has precedence at a Sattra; village magistrate; -pâta, m. collapse of a house; -pâla, m. guardian of the house; -poshana, n. maintenance of the household; -bali, m.domestic offering: -bhug, m. bird that feeds on the domestic offering (sparrows, crows, and other birds); -bhartri, m. master of the house; -bhogin, m. member of the house hold; -medhá, 1. m. domestic sacrifice; 2. a.performing or taking part in the domestic sacrifices; m. householder, paterfamilias; -medhín, a. id.; m. married Brâhman house holder (second stage in his religious life): -î, f. Brâhman housewife. |
carkṛti | f. praise; -krítya, a. praise worthy, renowned. |
citraka | m. small hunting leopard (Cheeta); n. mark (--°ree;, a. characterised by); picture, painting; -kara, m. painter (a mixed caste); -karman, n. painting; picture; adornment (Pr.); -kûta, m. hill of pleasure; (Bright-peak), N. of a mountain (in Bun delkund, now Kitrakote); N. of a town; -krit, m. painter; -kritya, n. painting; -ga, a., -gata, pp. (belonging to a picture), painted; -gupta, m. N. of a recorder of human actions in Yama's realm; -griha, n. apartment adorned with pictures; -grâvan, a. stony; -grîva, m. Spotted-neck, N. of a pigeon king; -nyasta, pp. put on canvas, painted; -paksha, m. (spotted-wing), kind of pigeon; N. of a demon causing headache; -pata, m. picture; -patta, m. id.: -gata, pp. painted; -putrikâ, f. female portrait; -phalaka, picture-panel, painting; (á)-bhânu, a. shining brightly; m. fire, Agni; -bhâshya, n. eloquence; -bhitti,f. painted wall, wall-painting; -mriga, m. spotted antelope. |
dārukarman | n. wood-carving; -kritya, n. function of wood; -ga, a. wooden. |
dina | n. day: -kara, m. (day-making), sun; N.; -kartavya, n. daily observance; -kartri, m. (day-maker), sun; -kârya, n. daily observance; -krit, m. sun; -kritya, n. =-kârya; -kshaya, m. decline of day, even ing; -naktam, ad. day and night; -nâtha, m. (lord of day), sun; -pati, m. id.; -bhartri, m. id.; -mani, m. id. (gem of day); -mukha, n. day-break. |
devakula | n. temple; (á)-krita, pp. made by the gods; -kritya, n.=deva-kârya; -kshetra, n. divine territory; -khâta, pp. dug by the gods=hollowed out by nature; -ganá, m. host of gods; -ganikâ, f.courtesan of the gods, Apsaras; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, N. of a mountain-range; -gupta, pp. protected by the gods; m. N.; -gurn, m. preceptor of the gods; ep. of Kasyapa and of Brihaspati; -grihá, m. n. house of the gods, temple; royal palace. |
dharmakarman | n. virtuous ac tion, good work; -kârya, n. religious duty; -kritya, n. performance of duty, religious rite; -kosa, m. treasury of the law; -kriyâ, f. performance of meritorious acts; religious ceremonies; -kshetra, n. Field of Law (= Kurukshetra); -gupta, pp. N. (law-protected); -gopa, m. N. of a prince; -ghna, a. violat ing the law, illegal; -kakra, n. wheel of the law (as a symbol of far-reaching justice); -karana, m., -karyâ, f. fulfilment of duties; -kârin, a. fulfilling one's duty, virtuous: (n)î, f. wife who is a companion in duty; -ga, a. begotten for the sake of duty; -gîv ana, a. living by the performance of good works; -gña, a. knowing the law, -one's duty or what is right: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gñâna, n. knowledge of the law, -of what is right. |
nityakarman | n. necessary duty or rite; -kâlam, ad. always, invariably; -kritya, n., -kriyâ, f. regular ceremony, daily routine; -gati, a. constantly moving; m. wind; -gâta, pp. being constantly born; -tâ, f., -tva, n. perpetuity, eternity; necessity; perseverance in, devotion to (--°ree;); -dâ, ad. perpetually; -parîkshana, n. constant inspection; -bhâva, m. eternity. |
parakṛta | pp. done or committed by another; -kriti, f. act of another; analogous case, precedent; -kritya, n. another person's business or affair; a. belonging to the enemy's party, supporting the enemy's cause: -paksha, m. hostile party; -kshetra, n. another's field; another man's wife; -gata, pp. belonging to another; -gâmin, a. benefiting another; relating to another (adjective); -guna, m. pl. or °ree;--, other people's merits: -grâhin, a. recognising the merits of others; -geha-vâsa, m. sojourn in another's house; -glâni, f. laxity of the enemy. |
putra | m. son, child; young of an animal, whelp: du. two sons or son and daughter; vc. (sg., du., pl.) often used in addressing young persons: î, f. daughter; (a)-ka, m. son, boy: often used as a term of endearment; N. of the reputed founder of Pâtaliputra; -kâmy&asharp;, f. wish for a son or children; -kri ta-ka, a. adopted as a child; -kritya, n. duty of a son; -krithá, m. n. procreation of children; -tâ, f., -tva, n.sonship; -dâra, n. sg. son and wife, wife and child; -nivesana, n. son's abode; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pau tra, n. sg. or m. pl. sons and grandsons: -ka, n. sg. id.; -pautrin, a. having sons and grand sons; -priya, a. dear toor beloved by one's son; -bhâga, m. heritage of a son; -bhânda, n. (?) substitute for a son; -vat, ad. like a son or sons; as in the case of the son; (á)-vat, a. having a son, sons, or children; possessed of a son in the true sense of the word. |
puras | ad. forward; before, in front, in the van; in one's presence; in or towards the east; previously, first, first of all; prp. before, in front or presence of (ac., ab., g., --°ree;); before (g. of time);puras-kri, place in front or at the head, cause to precede; honour; appoint for (lc.); make the chief thing; regard; prefer, choose; display: pp. puras krita, placed in front, advanced to the foremost rank, honoured; accompanied, attended, or distinguished by, possessed of, occupied with (--°ree;): -m, ad. amid, with (--°ree;); gd. pu raskritya, often=regarding, on account of, about; puro dhâ, place before or at the head; esteem, honour; consider; appoint to (d.), make one's priest (Â.); purah sthita, im pending, imminent. |
prātaḥkalpa | a. almost morning (night); -kârya, n. morning business or ceremony; -kâla, m. morning time, early morning; -kritya, n. morning ceremony; -kshana, m. morning time; -prahara, m.morning watch (six to nine o'clock a. m.). |
preta | pp. gone forward, i. e. departed, dead; m. dead man, corpse; ghost, spirit: -karman, n. funeral ceremony; -kârya, -kritya, n. id.; -gata, pp. gone to the de parted, dead; -gopa, m. guardian of the dead (in Yama's realm); -kârin, a. moving among the dead (Siva); -tva, n. condition of a dead man, death; condition of a ghost; -dhûma, m. smoke from a burning corpse; -nâtha, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama; -paksha: -ka, m. fortnight of the Manes, dark fortnight in the month Bhâdra; -patâ kâ, f. funeral flag; -pati, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama: -pataha, m. drum of death (fig.); -pinda-bhug, a. partaking of the funeral feast; -pitri, a. whose father is dead; -purî, f. city of the dead, Yama's abode; -prasâdhana, n. adornment of the dead; -bhâva, m. condition of one dead, death; -medha, m. funeral sacrifice; -râga, m. King of the dead,ep. of Yama; -loka, m. world of the dead; -vasa, m. power of the dead; -silâ, f. stone of the dead (a stone near Gayâ on which funeral cakes are offered); -suddhi, f., -sauka, n. purification for the dead or after a death; -samklipta, pp. pre pared in honour of a dead person (food); -sparsin, m. corpse-bearer; -hâra, m. id. |
bandhu | m. connexion, relation; kinship, kindred; (maternal) kinsman; relative; friend; husband; --°ree;, relation of=extremely like; friend of=visited by or favourable for; --°ree; a. (û), coming under the head of, i. e. being only in name: -kritya, n. duty of a kinsman; business of a friend, friendly service; -ksít, a. dwelling among kinsmen (RV.1); -gana, m. kinsfolk; relative; friend; -gîva, m. (liv ing in the family), a tree (Pentapetes phoenicea; it has a beautiful red flower which opens at noon and falls off next morning at sunrise): -ka, m. id.; N. of a kakravartin; (ú)-tâ, f. connexion, relation; kinship; -tva, n. kinship, relationship; -datta,pp. given by relatives; m. N. of a man; â, f. N.; -pâla, m. N.; -príkkh, a. seeking one's kin (RV.1); -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; -prîti, f. love of one's friend; -bhâva, m. relationship. |
bhūtikarman | n. rite for welfare (such as domestic ceremonies at birth etc.); -kalasa, m. N.; (bh&usharp;ti)-kâma, a. desirous of prosperity or wealth; -kâla, m. hour of prosperity, auspicious time; -krit, a. causing prosperity (Siva); -kritya, n. auspicious rite (birth-ceremonies etc.); -da, a. granting pros perity (Siva); -mat, a. prosperous, fortunate; -vardhana, a. increasing prosperity; -var man, m. N. of a Râkshasa; N. of a prince; -siva, m. N. |
madhya | a. middle (in V. like Latin medius=mid-, the middle of); central; mid dling, mediocre, of medium kind; middle sized; moderate; intermediate; neutral (â vritti, f. middle course); (m.) n. middle of the body, esp. woman's waist; n. middle, centre; inside, interior; meridian; interme diate condition between (g.); ten thousand bil lions (as being between koti and parârdha): -m, into the midst of, into, amongst (g. or --°ree;); in. in or through the midst of, between (ac., g., or --°ree;); ab. from the midst of, out of, from among (g. or --°ree;); lc. in the middle, between; in the midst of, within, in, into, among (g. or --°ree;); --°ree;--=ac. or lc.; madhye kri, place in the middle, make an intermediary of; ac count (--°ree;); -kritya, with regard to (ac.). |
mitra | m. [prob. for mit-tra, either fr. √ mith, accompany, or √ mid, be oily, ad here: cp. sneha], companion, friend; N. of an Âditya, generally invoked with Varuna (mostly V.); sun (C.); n.friendship (RV.); friend (ord. mg. and gender; in polity the prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour is called a &open;friend&close;); friend=image of: --°ree;,=resembling: -kar man, n. friendly actor service; friendship: -karma kri, conclude friendship with (in.); -kâma, a. wishing for friends; -kârya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; -kriti, f. friendly act; -kritya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; (á)-gupta, pp. guarded by Mitra; m. N.; -tâ, f. friendship; similarity with (--°ree;); -tva, n.id.; -druh, a. (nm. -dhruk) seeking to injure a friend, treacherous; -droha, m. injury of a friend, treachery; -drohin, a. treacherous; -bandhu-hîna, pp. desti tute of friends and relations; -bhâva, m. friendship; -bheda, m. separation of friends, breach of friendship; T. of the first book of the Pañkatantra; -máhas, a. having abun dance of friends (gnly. vc.; RV.); -mitra, n. friend's friend (in polity a prince whose dominions are separated from those of an other by the territories of three other princes); -lâbha, m. acquisition of friends; T. of the first book of the Hitopadesa; -vat, ad. like a friend (ac.); a. possessed of friends; -vat sala, a. devoted to one's friends; -varana, n. choice of friends; -varman, m. N.; -vi dhvasta, pp. ruined by a friend; -vaira, n. dissension among friends;-sarman, m. N. of various men; -samprâpti, f. acquisition of friends, T. of the second book of the Pañka tantra; -saha, m. (indulgent to friends), N. of a prince; -sâha, a. indulgent towards friends; -sneha, m. friendly affection, friend ship; -han, -hana, a. murdering a friend. |
rājakumāra | m. prince: i-kâ, f. princess; -kula, n. royal family (pl. kings); royal palace (serving also as a court of jus tice); high road: -bhatta, m. N. of a poet; -krít, m. king-maker; -kritya, n.duties of a king, state affairs; -kriyâ, f. business of a king; -gâmin, a. brought before the king (slander); -giri, m. N. of a locality; -guru, m. king's counsellor or minister; -griha, n. royal dwelling, palace; N. of the capital of Magadha (also î, f.); -ghâtaka, m. regi cide; -kihna, n. pl. royal insignia; -gambû, f. a tree. |
vaṣaṭkāra | m. exclamation vashat; (váshat)-kriti, f. id. (RV.); -kritya, fp. n. one should utter vashat. |
vinā | prp. (very rare in V.) without, except (with preceding or following ac., in., rarely ab., exceptionally --°ree;): -krita, pp. separated from, deprived or bereft of, lack ing, free from (in., ab., --°ree;); -kritya, gd. with out; -bhûta, pp. separated from, bereft of (in.). |
śīghra | a. quick, speedy, swift: (á)m, ad. quickly, rapidly: -kârin, a. operating quickly; -kritya, fp. to be performed quickly; -ga, a. moving rapidly, running swiftly; m. N. of a hare (-tva, n. rapid motion);-gâmin, a. id.; -ketana, a. quickly coming to its senses (dog); -tâ, f., -tva, n. quickness, speediness; -pâtin, a. flying swiftly, pro ceeding quickly; -pâyin, a. sucking rapidly (leech); -yâna, n. swift motion; a. moving swiftly;-vâhin, a. driving swiftly. |
saṃkaṭa | a. [put together: Pr.= krita] contracted, narrow; dense, impervious (forest); difficult, critical; --°ree;, full of (danger ous things); N.; Slender, N. of a gander; n. contracted space, narrow passage, defile; strait, difficulty, critical condition, distress, danger (to, from, --°ree;): â-ya, den. Â. grow too narrow; become contracted, grow less; -ka thana, n. conversation, with (in. ± saha, --°ree;); -kathâ, f.conversation, talk, with (in. ± saha, --°ree;), about (--°ree;); -kara, m. commingling, mixture; intermixture of castes by unequal marriages (=varna-); action equivalent to the mixture of castes (sts. n. in E.); mixture of figures of speech: -krityâ, f. act degrading to a mixed caste, î-karana, n. act which degrades to the position of a mixed caste; -karshana, m. Plougher, ep. of Halâyudha, elder brother of Krishna, among Vishnu wor shippers identified with the second person in the quaternity of Purushottama (=the soul); n. extraction; means of uniting; -kalana, n. putting or holding together; n., â, f. addi tion; -kalita, pp. added together. |
satkathā | f. good conversation or tale; -kartri, m. benefactor; -karman, n. good work, virtuous act; a. performing good actions; -kalâ, f. fine art; -kavi, m. good or true poet: -tva, n. true poetic gift;-kâra, m. sg., pl. kind treatment, hospitable recep tion, hospitality; praise, favour (of a king, --°ree;): -½arha, a. worthy of hospitable treat ment; -kârya, fp. effected; deserving of honour or hospitality; n. necessary exist ence of the effect (as inherent in the cause: in Sâ&ndot;khya phil.): -vâda, m. theory of the actual existence of the effect, -vâdin, m. ad herent of this theory; -kâvya, n. good poem; -kîrti, f. good reputation; a. having a --; -kula, n. good or noble family; a. belonging to a --; -krita, pp. honoured, treated hos pitably; n. honourable reception; -kriti, f. kind treatment, hospitable reception, hos pitality; -kritya, gd. having entertained hospitably; -kriyâ, f. putting in order, pre paration (rare); sg., pl. kind treatment, hos pitable reception, hospitality (ord. mg.); cele bration (of a wedding, --°ree;); -kshetra, n. good field. |
sahāya | m. [going with one: √ i] companion, associate, assistant (in, lc., --°ree;; on the way to, --°ree;); --°ree; a. having as a com panion, accompanied or supported by (--°ree;): -kritya, n.assistance. |
sāṃkarya | n. [samkara] mixture; confusion; -kalp-ika, a. (î) based on or pro duced by will or imagination (samkalpa); -kritya, m. pat. from Samkriti: -½âyana, m. pat. from Sâmkritya: î, f. N. of a mendi cant nun; -krandan-i, m. son of Indra (sam krandana), pat. of the monkey Vâlin; -krâm ika, a. [samkrama] passing over to others (qualities); -kshep-ika, a. [samkshepa] briefly expressed, concise. |
sādhukārin | a. acting well or rightly; -kritya, n. requital; advantage; -gana, m. good or honourable man; -tâ, f. rightness, correctness (of gr. form); good ness, honourableness; -tva, n. id.; excellence; kindness; -darsin, a. well-discerning; -dvitî ya, a. accompanied by a jeweller; -dhvani, m. applause; -bhâva, m. good nature; -mâtrâ, f. correct measure: in. in moderation. |
sukaṇṭha | a. (î) sweet-voiced: î, f. N. of an Apsaras; -kathâ, f. beautiful story; -kany&asharp;, f. N. of a daughter of Saryâta and wife of Kyavana (Br., C.); -kára, a. easily done, easy, for (g.), to (inf.): -tva, n. easi ness, feasibleness, -samdhi, a. easily united; -kárman, a. expert (V.); virtuous (C.); m. artificer (V.); -kalatra, n. good wife; -kavi, m. good poet; -kânta, pp. very handsome (youth); -kâlin, m. pl. a class of Manes; -kimsuká, a. adorned with Kimsuka flowers (car of Sûryâ; RV.1); -kîrtí, f. worthy praise (RV.); a. easily praised (RV.); m. N. of the composer of RV. X, 131 and of that hymn; -kukâ, a. f. having beautiful breasts; -ku mâra, a. (î) very tender or delicate; m. tender youth: -tva, n. tenderness, -½a&ndot;gî, a. f. very delicate-limbed; -kula, n. noble family; a. sprung from a noble family: -ga, -ganman, a. id., -tâ, f. noble birth;-kulîna, a. well-born; -kûrkura, m. N. of a demon injurious to children; -krit, a. doing good, benevolent; righteous, pious; m. pl. the Pious deceased, the Fathers who enjoy the reward of virtue in the other world (V.); 1.-kritá, n. good deed, meritorious act, righteousness, virtue, moral merit (V., C.); benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour (C.); world of virtue, heaven (V., rare); a. well done (RV.1); 2. (sú)-krita, pp. well done, made, orexecuted; well-formed, adorned, fine: w. karman, n. good work; w. loká, m.= sukritasya loka, world of righteousness (V.); -krita-karman, n. good or meritorious act; a. doing good deeds, virtuous; -krita-krit, a. id.; -krita-bhâg, a. meritorious; -krita½ar tha, a. having fully attained one's object; -kriti, f. good conduct; a. righteous, vir tuous; -kritin, a. doing good actions, vir tuous; prosperous, fortunate; cultivated, wise; -kritya, n.good work to be done, duty; good action; -krity&asharp;, f. (RV.) ex pertness; right conduct, virtue; -krishta, pp. well-ploughed; -kéta, a. benevolent (V.); m. N. of an Âditya (V.); -ketú, a. radiant (dawn; RV.1); m. N. of a prince of the Yak shas and of various kings (C.): -sutâ, f. daughter of Suketu, Tâdakâ; -ketri, m. a personification (identified with the sun); -kesa, a. (î) beautiful-haired; -kesânta, a. having fair locks; -komala, a. very soft or tender; -krátu, a. skilful, wise (gods; RV.); -klesa, a. very distressing; -kshatrá, a. (V.) ruling well (gods); conferring power (wealth); -kshatriya, a. good Kshatriya; -kshití, f. (V.) good abode, security, refuge; -kshétra, n. fine field, good soil; a. affording a fair field or dwelling-place; having fair fields; -kshetriy&asharp;, f. desire of fair fields (RV.1); -kshobhya, fp. easily agitated. |