krad | See krand-.  |
kraḍana | n. (for kruḍ-?) submerging, ducking commentator or commentary on  |
kradhiṣṭha | mfn. superl. of kṛdh/u- q.v  |
kradhīyas | mfn. Comparative degree of kṛdh/u- q.v  |
kraiḍina | mf(ī-)n. (fr. krīḍ/in-), belonging to the marut-s or winds  |
kraiḍinīyā | f. scilicet iṣṭi-, the iṣṭi- or sacrificial oblation sacred to the marut-s  |
kraivya | m. a king of the krivi-s  |
krakaca | mn. a saw etc.  |
krakaca | m. a kind of musical instrument  |
krakaca | m. Ardea virgo  |
krakaca | m. Name of a plant (Capparis aphylla )  |
krakaca | m. of a hell  |
krakaca | m. of a kāpālika- priest  |
krakacā | f. equals -cchada-  |
krakacacchada | m. "saw-leaved", Pandanus odoratissimus  |
krakacapad | (Nominal verb -pād-) m. "saw-footed", a lizard, chameleon  |
krakacapattra | m. the teak tree |
krakacapṛṣṭhī | f. "saw-backed", Cojus Cobojus (a fish with numerous small spines in the back)  |
krakacatvac | m. idem or 'm. "saw-leaved", Pandanus odoratissimus '  |
krakacavyavahāra | m. a particular method of computing or rating a heap of wood  |
krakaṇa | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a kind of partridge (commonly Kayar, Perdix sylvatica) (see kṛkaṇa-.)  |
krakara | m. idem or 'm. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a kind of partridge (commonly Kayar, Perdix sylvatica) (see kṛkaṇa-.)'  |
krakara | m. (See also -tva-)  |
krakara | m. (equals krakaca-) Ardea virgo  |
krakara | m. the plant Capparis aphylla  |
krakara | m. a saw  |
krakara | m. a poor man  |
krakara | m. disease  |
krakaraṭa | m. a lark  |
krakarāṭa | m. idem or 'm. a lark '  |
krakaratva | n. the state of a partridge (= ) .  |
krakṣ | an obsolete root See ava-krakṣ/in-, vana-krakṣ/a-.  |
krakṣamāṇa | mfn. (pr. p. A1.) roaring, raving  |
krakucchanda | m. Name of the 1st of the five buddha-s of the present kalpa-  |
kram | cl.1 P. A1. kr/āmati- ( ; Epic also kramati-), kramate- ( , Epic also krāmate-;according to cl.4 P. krāmyati-[ kramyati- ]; Aorist akramīt- etc.; A1. kr/amiṣṭa-, kraṃsate-[ ] , 3. plural c/akramanta-[ ]; perf. cakrāma-,or cakrame-; parasmE-pada cakramāṇ/a- ; future kramiṣyati-or kraṃsyate- ind.p. krāntvā-, krantvā-,or kramitvā- ), to step, walk, go, go towards, approach (with /accha-, /adhi- accusative or locative case) etc. ; to approach in order to ask for assistance (with locative case) ; to go across, go over etc. ; Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) ; to cover (in copulation) ; to stretch over, project over, tower above, (ind.p. krāntvā-) ; to take possession of ; A1. to undertake, strive after, make effort for (dative case) ; (locative case) ; A1. ( ) to proceed well, advance, make progress, gain a footing, succeed, have effect ; to be appliable or practicable ; P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called krama- (id est to be doubled, as a letter or word) ; A1. to read according to the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text (a-krānta-): Causal P. kramayati-, to cause to step ; kramayati- or krām-, to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called krama- (id est to double a letter or word) etc.: Intensive caṅkramyate- ( ; parasmE-pada caṅ-kramy/amāṇa-[ ]or kramam- and ) or caṅkramīti- ( ; imperfect tense 2. plural caṅkramata- ; future parasmE-pada caṅkramiṣy/at- ; ind.p. mitvā- ; see mit/a-), to step to and fro, walk or wander about.  |
krama | m. a step etc.  |
krama | m. going, proceeding, course (see kāla-k-)  |
krama | m. the way  |
krama | m. a position taken (by an animal etc.) before making a spring or attacking  |
krama | m. the foot  |
krama | m. uninterrupted or regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, succession (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṇa-krameṇa-,"in the order of the castes" ) etc.  |
krama | m. hereditary descent  |
krama | m. method, manner (exempli gratia, 'for example' yena krameṇa-,in which manner ; tad-anusaraṇa-krameṇa-,so as to go on following him )  |
krama | m. diet  |
krama | m. custom, rule sanctioned by tradition  |
krama | m. (kramaṃ-1. kṛ-,"to follow that rule")  |
krama | m. occasion, cause (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
krama | m. "progressing step by step", a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member, either word or letter, to the 2nd, then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd, the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4th, and so on;this manner of reading in relation to words is called pada--[ ] , in relation to conjunct consonants varṇa--[ib.])  |
krama | m. the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner  |
krama | m. (in dramatic language) attainment of the object desired (or according to to others "noticing of any one's affection")  |
krama | m. (in rhetoric) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession)  |
krama | m. power, strength  |
krama | m. according to order or rank or series  |
kramabhaṅga | m. interruption of order  |
kramabhāvin | mfn. successive  |
kramabhraṣṭa | n. interrupted or irregular order of words or meanings,  |
kramacandrikā | f. Name of work ,  |
kramacaṭa | m. idem or 'm. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.' (varia lectio -jaṭā-).  |
kramadaṇḍa | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramadhvaja | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramādhyayana | n. reciting or reading according to the krama- method  |
kramādhyāyin | mfn. studying the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text  |
kramadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
kramadīśvara | m. Name of the author of the grammar called saṃkṣipta-sāra-.  |
kramāditya | m. Name of king skanda-gupta-.  |
kramāgata | mfn. come into the way of (genitive case),  |
kramāgata | mfn. descended or inherited lineally, (anything) coming from one's ancestors in regular succession  |
kramāgata | mfn. (a servant) etc.  |
kramāgata | mfn. often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'  |
kramāgata | mfn. successive, in due order  |
kramagatatva | n. hereditary succession or possession  |
kramaghana | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramaja | mfn. produced by the krama- arrangement,  |
kramajaṭā | f. See -caṭa-.  |
kramajit | m. Name of a prince  |
kramajyā | f. idem or 'f. the sinus '  |
kramajyakā | f. the sinus  |
kramaka | mfn. going, proceeding  |
kramaka | mfn. orderly, methodical  |
kramaka | m. succession  |
kramaka | m. a student who goes through a regular course of study, who proceeds methodically  |
kramaka | m. one who reads or knows the krama-(-pa1t2ha)  |
kramakāla | m. equals -pāṭha-  |
kramakālayoga | m. (equals kāla--) the events as resulting successively in time  |
kramakārikā | f. Name of work  |
kramākrama | m. dual number equals krama-yaugapadya- q.v  |
kramākrānta | mfn. attacked by any one who has taken up a position of advantage  |
kramakṛt | mfn. following traditional rule or custom  |
kramalekhā | f. a kind of kramapāṭha-.  |
kramamālā | f. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramamāṇa | mfn. (pr. p. A1.) proceeding.  |
kramaṇa | m. a step  |
kramaṇa | m. the foot  |
kramaṇa | m. a horse  |
kramaṇa | m. Name of a son of bhaja-māna-  |
kramaṇa | n. stepping, walking, going  |
kramaṇa | n. stepping or treading upon (in compound)  |
kramaṇa | n. transgressing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (at end)  |
kramaṇa | n. a step  |
kramaṇa | n. approaching or undertaking anything (dative case)  |
kramaṇa | n. treatment of words or letters according to the krama- arrangement (id est doubling letters or words etc.)  |
kramaṇeṣṭakā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a brick (close to the adhvaryu-patha-), , Scholiast or Commentator  |
kramaṇīya | mfn. to be gone to or beyond  |
kramānusāra | m. regular order, due arrangement.  |
kramānuyāyin | mfn. following the methodical order.  |
kramānvaya | m. idem or 'm. regular order, due arrangement.'  |
kramapada | n. the conjunction of words in the krama- reading (more usually pada-krama-) |
kramapāra | m. a kind of kramapāṭha-.  |
kramapāṭha | m. the krama- reading (i.e. a peculiar"step by step" arrangement of a Vedic text made to secure it from all possible error by, as it were, combining the saṃhitā-pāṭha- and the padapāṭha- id est by giving the words both as connected and unconnected with following and preceding words;See also krama-above )  |
kramaprāpta | mfn. obtained by hereditary descent  |
kramapravaktṛ | m. a teacher of the krama-(-pa1t2ha)  |
kramapūraka | m. Name of a tree (perhaps Getonia floribunda)  |
kramarājya | n. Name of a locality  |
kramaratha | m. a kind of krama-pāṭa-  |
kramaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
kramasaṃdarbhaprabhāsa | m. Name of a chapter (khaṇḍa-) in a particular work.  |
kramasaṃgraha | m. Name of a treatise.  |
kramasaṃhitā | f. a Vedic saṃhitā- written according to the krama- method commentator or commentary on  |
kramasaṃhitodāharaṇa | n. an example from a krama-saṃhitā-.  |
kramasāra | m. Name of work  |
kramasaras | n. Name of a sacred pond  |
kramaśas | ind. gradually, by degrees etc.  |
kramaśas | ind. regularly, seriatim  |
kramaśāstra | n. rules relating to the krama-(-pa1t2ha)  |
kramaśaṭha | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramaśikhā | f. a kind of krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramastuti | f. Name of work  |
kramāt | ind. ablative in regular course, gradually, by degrees etc.  |
kramatas | ind. gradually, successively  |
kramatas | ind. in order.  |
kramatrairāśika | a particular method of applying the direct rule of three (opposed to vyasta-tr-or viloma-tr-).  |
kramavarta | See -vattu-.  |
kramāvasāna | n. the end of a word in the krama-pāṭha-.  |
kramavat | ind. in the manner of the krama-(-pa1t2ha)  |
kramavattu | m. Name of a district in kaśmīra-  |
kramavattu | m. (-varta-) .  |
kramavṛddhi | f. gradual growth or increase  |
kramavyatyaya | m. inverted order,  |
kramāyāta | mfn. descended or inherited lineally, coming from one's ancestors in regular succession  |
kramāyāta | mfn. one who has acceded to the throne by succession  |
kramāyāta | mfn. proceeding in regular order  |
kramayaugapadya | n. dual number successive order and simultaneousness  |
kramayoga | m. succession, regular order, successive or methodical practice  |
kramayogena | ind. instrumental case in regular manner  |
kramela | m. (borrowed fr. Greek ) the camel,  |
kramelaka | m. idem or 'm. (borrowed fr. Greek) the camel, '  |
krameṇa | ind. instrumental case in regular course, gradually, by degrees etc.  |
krametara | mfn. not arranged according to the krama-pāṭha- gaRa ukthādi-.  |
krami | for kṛmi- (q.v), a worm (kṛmi- edition Bomb.)  |
kramika | mfn. (anything) that comes from one's ancestors in regular succession, inherited lineally  |
kramika | mfn. successive commentator or commentary on |
kramitṛ | mfn. walking etc.  |
kramoḍhā | f. married in order (id est not before an elder sister)  |
kramodvega | m. an ox  |
kramokta | mfn. enjoined for the krama- arrangement  |
kraṃś | cl.1 P. (?) śati-, to illuminate (see knaṃs-, knas-.)  |
kramu | m. the betel-nut tree (Areca Faufel or Catechu)  |
kramu | m. Name of a river in plakṣadvīpa- (varia lectio for kratu-)  |
kramuka | m. (see kṛm-) the betel-nut tree (Areca Faufel or Catechu)  |
kramuka | m. the mulberry tree (Morus indica, brahmadāru-)  |
kramuka | m. a red variety of the lodhra- tree (paṭṭika-lodhra-)  |
kramuka | m. a variety of Cyperus (bhadramustaka-)  |
kramuka | m. the fruit of the cotton tree  |
kramuka | m. plural Name of a people  |
kramukaphala | n. the Areca nut  |
kramukapuṣpaka | m. Name of a tree  |
kramukī | f. the betel-nut tree  |
kramuñja | m. Name of a mountain  |
kramya | mfn. to be treated or attended medically (see saha-k-.)  |
kramya | See kram-.  |
krand | cl.1 P. A1. kr/andati-, krandate- (varia lectio kradate-fr. krad- ; subjunctive kr/andat-; imperfect tense krandat-and /akrandat-; Aorist 2. sg. kradas-, cakradas-,and /akrān-,3. sg. akrān-and /akrān-; akrandīt- ; parasmE-pada kr/andat-), to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds and to wind and water) ; to creak (as a wheel) ; to sound, make a noise ; to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow etc. ; to call out piteously to any one (accusative) (perf. cakranda-) : Causal krandayati- (Aorist /acikradat-,3. plural dan-), to cause to roar ; to cause to weep or lament ; to roar, rave ; to neigh after (accusative) : Intensive P. k/anikrantti- (A1. ntte- ; parasmE-pada k/anikradat-,once k/anikrat- ; parasmE-pada A1. kanikrady/amana- ) , to neigh, roar, rave, cry out ; to creak, crackle ; ([ confer, compare Gothic gre1ta,"to lament."])  |
kranda | m. neighing  |
kranda | m. a cry, calling out  |
krandadiṣṭi | mfn. moving with a great noise or roaring (said of vāyu-)  |
krandana | m. "crier", a cat  |
krandana | n. crying out, calling  |
krandana | n. mutual daring or defiance, challenging  |
krandana | n. lamenting, weeping  |
krandanadhvani | m. cry of grief, lamentation  |
krandanu | m. roaring, shaking  |
krandas | n. battle-cry  |
krandas | n. (asī-) dual number two contending armies shouting defiance ["heaven and earth" ]  |
krandita | mfn. wept, called or cried out  |
krandita | n. weeping  |
krandita | n. calling  |
krandita | n. mutual daring  |
kranditṛ | mfn. crier, roaring, crying  |
krandya | n. neighing (see parj/anya-k-.)  |
krap | cl.1 A1. krapate-, to compassionate ; to go (see kṛp-.) |
kraśiman | m. (gaRa dṛḍhādi-) leanness, emaciation  |
kraśiman | m. shallowness (of a river)  |
kraśiṣṭha | mfn. superl. of kṛś/a-  |
kraśita | mfn. (fr. kraśaya- Nom. P.;fr. kṛś/a-), made thin or lean, emaciated  |
kraśīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree of kṛś/a- ) extremely lean  |
kraṣṭavya | mfn. ( kṛṣ-), to be dragged  |
kraṣṭavya | mfn. to be drawn out (as from the womb)  |
krath | cl.1 P. thati-, to hurt, kill : Causal krāthayati-, to hurt, injure, destroy (with genitive case of the person hurt ) ; to rejoice, revel, be in high gig (see knath-, klath-.)  |
kratha | m. plural Name of a race (always named together with the kaiśika-s and belonging to the yādava- people)  |
kratha | m. Name of a son of vidarbha- and brother of kaiśika- (ancestor of the kratha-s)  |
kratha | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
kratha | m. (equals krathana-) Name of an asura-  |
krathana | mfn. one who is in danger of suffocation  |
krathana | m. Name of an asura-  |
krathana | m. of a nāga- (son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-)  |
krathana | m. of a monkey  |
krathana | n. cutting through (as with an ax)  |
krathana | n. slaughter, killing  |
krathana | n. sudden interruption of breath  |
krathanaka | m. Name of a camel  |
krathanaka | n. a black sort of Agallochum  |
kratu | m. (1. kṛ-,or 2. kṛ-), plan, design, intention, resolution, determination, purpose  |
kratu | m. desire, will (instrumental case kr/atvā-,willingly, readily ; /ekena kr/atunā-,through the mere will )  |
kratu | m. power, ability  |
kratu | m. deliberation, consultation  |
kratu | m. intelligence, understanding (exempli gratia, 'for example' bhadr/a kr/atu-,right judgement, good understanding;also in conjunction or in compound or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with d/akṣa-See kr/atu-d/akṣau-and dakṣakrat/ū-)  |
kratu | m. inspiration, enlightenment  |
kratu | m. a sacrificial rite or ceremony, sacrifice (as the aśva-medha- sacrifice), offering, worship (also personified ) etc.  |
kratu | m. kratu- as intelligence personified (as a son of brahmā- and one of the prajā-pati-s or the seven or ten principal ṛṣi-s etc.;[Name of a star] ;married to kriyā- and father of 60,000 vālikhilya-s ;husband of haya-śirā-, )  |
kratu | m. Name of one of the viśve-devā-s  |
kratu | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
kratu | m. of a son of ūru- and āgneyī-  |
kratu | m. of the author of a dharma-śāstra-  |
kratu | m. or f. (?) , Name of a river in plakṣa-dvīpa- (varia lectio kramu-) [ see a--, /adbhuta--, abh/i--,etc.; see also .]  |
kratubhuj | m. "one who eats the sacrificial oblation", a god, deity  |
kratucchada | m. one skilled in sacrifice (?)  |
kratucchada | m. for kraku-cchanda-  |
kratūdakṣau | Nominal verb dual number m. intelligence and ability  |
kratudakṣiṇā | f. sacrificial reward  |
kratudeva | m. Name of the man  |
kratudhvaja | m. Name of a rudra- (varia lectio ṛtu-dh-).  |
kratudhvaṃsin | m. "destroyer of dakṣa-'s sacrifice", Name of śiva-  |
kratudruh | (Nominal verb -dhruk-) m. an enemy of sacrifices, asura-  |
kratudviṣ | (Nominal verb -dviṭ-) m. idem or '(Nominal verb -dhruk-) m. an enemy of sacrifices, asura- '  |
kratuhaya | m. a sacrificial horse  |
kratujit | m. Name of a man (see -v/id-.)  |
kratukaraṇa | n. Name of a sacrificial offering  |
kratukarman | n. a sacrificial ceremony  |
kratukriyā | f. idem or 'n. a sacrificial ceremony '  |
kratumat | mfn. (kr/atu--) intelligent, prudent, wise  |
kratumat | mfn. having power, vigorous (as indra-)  |
kratumat | m. (ān-) Name of a son of viśvā-mitra-  |
kratumaya | mfn. endowed with intelligence  |
kratupā | mfn. watching one's sentiments or intentions  |
kratupaśu | m. a sacrificial animal  |
kratupaśu | m. a horse (especially one fit for the aśva-medha-)  |
kratupati | m. "lord of a sacrifice", the performer of a sacrifice, iv, 19, 29.  |
kratuphala | n. the reward of a sacrifice, object for which it is performed.  |
kratuprā | mfn. granting a desire or power  |
kratuprā | mfn. becoming inspired or enlightened, iv, 39, 2.  |
kratuprāvan | mfn. granting a desire or power, .  |
kratupuruṣa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
kraturāj | m. the chief of sacrifices, most excellent sacrifice (id est the aśva-medha-)  |
kraturāj | m. (the rāja-sūya-)  |
kraturāja | m. the chief of sacrifices (id est the rāja-sūya- sacrifice performed by a monarch who has made all the princes of the world tributary to himself)  |
kraturāta | m. varia lectio for kīrti-r-  |
kratusaṃgraha | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
kratusaṃgrahapariśiṣṭa | n. idem or 'm. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the '  |
kratusaṃkhyā | f. Name of the thirteenth of kātyāyana-'s pariśiṣṭa-s.  |
kratuśeṣa | m. Name of work  |
kratusiddhi | f. completion of a sacrifice, attainment of the object for which it is performed.  |
kratuspṛś | mfn. causing inspiration  |
kratusthalā | f. Name of an apsaras- (equals kṛta-sth-, q.v) (see ṛtu-sth-, ghṛta-sth-.)  |
kratūttama | m. equals kratu-rāja-  |
kratutulya | mfn. equal to an aśvamedha- in merit  |
kratuvid | mfn. granting power or knowledge  |
kratuvid | mfn. causing inspiration, inspiring  |
kratuvid | mfn. prudent, wise  |
kratuvid | m. (t-) Name of a man (see -j/it-.)  |
kratuvikrāyaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who sells the possible benefits of a sacrifice performed by himself '  |
kratuvikrayin | mfn. one who sells the possible benefits of a sacrifice performed by himself |
kratūya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to exert the intellect  |
kratuyaṣṭi | f. a kind of bird  |
kratvāmagha | mfn. constituting a reward gained through intelligence (horses)  |
kratvaṅga | n. a sacrificial utensil  |
krauḍa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. kroḍ/a-), belonging to a hog  |
krauḍa | mf(ī-)n. coming from a hog  |
krauḍa | mf(ī-)n. (equals vārāha-) relating to viṣṇu-'s Avatar as a hog  |
krauḍa | m. plural the school of kroḍa- on Va1rtt. 6.  |
krauḍi | m. patronymic fr. kroḍ/a-  |
krauḍyā | f. of ḍi-  |
kraulāyana | m. patronymic fr. krola- (for ḍa-) (krol- manuscript)  |
kraulāyana | See krauḍa-.  |
krauñca | mfn. (fr. kr/uñca- gaRa prajñādi-),"curlew-like", with vyūha- equals cāruṇa-  |
krauñca | m. a kind of curlew etc.  |
krauñca | m. the emblem of the fifth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
krauñca | m. an osprey  |
krauñca | m. patronymic (or metron. fr. kruñcā- ) , Name of a pupil of śākapūrṇi-  |
krauñca | m. Name of a mountain (part of the himālaya- range, situated in the eastern part of the chain on the north of Assam;said to have been split by kārttikeya- ) etc.  |
krauñca | m. Name of one of the dvīpa-s of the world (surrounded by the sea of curds)  |
krauñca | m. Name of an asura- or rakṣas-  |
krauñcā | f. the female curlew commentator or commentary on  |
krauñca | n. a kind of poison  |
krauñca | n. (scilicet astra-) Name of a mythical weapon  |
krauñca | n. Name of several sāman-s |
krauñca | n.  |
krauñca | n. of a particular kind of recitation (scilicet gāna-)  |
krauñca | n. a particular method of sitting,  |
krauñcabandham | ind. so as to make a knot called after the wings of a curlew  |
krauñcabradhna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (also plural)  |
krauñcācala | m. the krauñca- mountain  |
krauñcācaladveṣin | m. "enemy of the krauñca- mountain", Name of paraśu-rāma- (See krauñca-randhra-)  |
krauñcādana | n. "curlew's food", the fibres of the stalk of the lotus  |
krauñcādana | n. the plant Arum orixense  |
krauñcādana | n. long pepper  |
krauñcādana | n. another plant (equals ciñcoṭaka-)  |
krauñcādanī | f. the seed of a lotus  |
krauñcadāraṇa | m. " krauñca--splitter", kārttikeya-  |
krauñcadvīpa | m. Name of a dvīpa- (See krauñca-)  |
krauñcākṣi | m. patronymic fr. kṣa-  |
krauñcaniṣadana | n. a particular kind of being seated (practised by yogin-s)  |
krauñcaniṣūdana | m. equals -dāraṇa- (edition Bomb.)  |
krauñcapadā | f. a metre of 4 x 25 syllables.  |
krauñcapadī | f. Name of a locality (varia lectio kroñc-).  |
krauñcapakṣa | mfn. (horses) the flanks of which are similar to the wings of a curlew  |
krauñcapura | n. Name of a town  |
krauñcarandhra | n. the krauñca- pass (split by the deity kārttikeya- and by paraśu-rāma-)  |
krauñcāraṇya | n. Name of a forest (see ) .  |
krauñcārāti | m. equals krauñca-ripu-  |
krauñcāri | m. idem or 'm. equals krauñca-ripu- '  |
krauñcāri | m. (equals cācala-dveṣin-), Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
krauñcaripu | m. "enemy of the krauñca- mountain" equals -dāraṇa-  |
krauñcārṇa | m. a kind of battle array  |
krauñcaśatru | m. equals -ripu-  |
krauñcasūdana | m. idem or 'm. equals -ripu- '  |
krauñcavana | n. Name of a town  |
krauñcavat | m. Name of a mountain (equals krauñca-)  |
krauñcī | f. idem or 'f. the female curlew commentator or commentary on '  |
krauñcī | f. Name of a daughter of tāmrā- and mother of the curlews  |
krauñcikīputra | m. Name of a teacher  |
kraurya | n. (fr. krūr/a-), cruelty, fierceness, hard-heartedness (plural)  |
kraurya | n. terribleness  |
krauśaśatika | mfn. (fr. krośaśata-), one who goes 100 krośa-s or leagues Va1rtt. 1  |
krauśaśatika | mfn. one who deserves to be approached from a distance of 100 leagues (a teacher) Va1rtt. 2.  |
krauśna | m. a beast of prey,  |
krauṣṭāyana | varia lectio for ṣṭrāy-.  |
krauṣṭra | mfn. fr. kroṣṭri- on Va1rtt. 1.  |
krauṣṭrāyaṇa | m. patronymic fr. kroṣṭri- gaRa arīhaṇādi-.  |
krauṣṭrāyaṇaka | mfn. fr. yaṇa-  |
krauṣṭukarṇa | mfn. coming from kroṣṭukarṇa- gaRa takṣaśilādi-.  |
krauṣṭuki | m. patronymic fr. kroṣṭuka- Name of a grammarian  |
krauṣṭuki | m. of an astrologer  |
krauṣṭuki | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe belonging to the trigarta-ṣaṣṭha-s  |
krauṣṭukīya | m. a prince of the warrior-tribe called krauṣṭuki-s  |
kravaṇa | mfn. timid ([ ;"worshipping" ])  |
kravi | See /a-kravi-hasta-.  |
kravis | n. raw flesh, carrion,  |
kravis | n. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin cruor,cruentus,cru1dus,caro; Lithuanian krauja-s,"blood"; Russian krovj; Hibernian or Irish cru; Old German hreo.])  |
kraviṣṇu | mfn. desirous of raw flesh, .  |
kravya | mfn. equals krūr/a-  |
kravya | m. perhaps equals agni kravyād- (q.v)  |
kravya | n. ( ) raw flesh, carrion  |
kravyabhakṣin | mfn. eating carrion, carnivorous  |
kravyabhojana | mfn. carnivorous  |
kravyabhuj | mfn. idem or 'mfn. eating carrion, carnivorous '  |
kravyabhuj | m. (k-) a rākṣasa-  |
kravyād | mfn. ( ) consuming flesh or corpses (as the fire of the funeral pile or agni- in one of his terrible forms)  |
kravyād | mfn. (said of a yātu-dhāna- and other evil beings, imps, and goblins) etc.  |
kravyād | mfn. carnivorous  |
kravyād | m. (t-) a carnivorous animal, beast of prey  |
kravyād | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
kravyāda | mf(ā-)n. ( ) consuming flesh or corpses (as agni-)  |
kravyāda | m. a carnivorous animal, beast of prey  |
kravyāda | m. a lion  |
kravyāda | m. a hawk  |
kravyāda | m. a goblin, rākṣasa-  |
kravyāda | m. the fire of the funeral pile  |
kravyāda | m. Name of a metallic substance  |
kravyādā | f. Name of one of the nine samidh-s  |
kravyāda | m. plural Name of a class of Manes  |
kravyāda | m. of a people (varia lectio vyākhya-).  |
kravyādas | m. a beast of prey  |
kravyaghātana | m. "killed for its flesh (see ) ", a deer, antelope  |
kravyākhya | See kravyāda- at end. |
kravyamukha | m. "one who has flesh in his mouth"Name of a wolf  |
kravyāśin | mfn. carnivorous  |
kravyāśin | m. a demon  |
kravyāśin | m. an anthropophagus  |
kravyavāhana | mfn. carrying corpses (said of agni-) ([ varia lectio kavya-v-(q.v) ; see ])  |
kraya | m. buying, purchase etc.  |
kraya | m. the purchase-price  |
krayadravya | n. anything for which anything else is bought or exchanged  |
krayākraya | "buying and not buying", commerce  |
krayākrayikā | f. gaRa śāka-pārthivāadi-  |
krayakrīta | mfn. bought, purchased  |
krayalekhya | n. deed of sale, conveyance,  |
krayaṇa | n. buying  |
krayāṇaka | n. any purchasable object, ware commentator or commentary  |
krayaṇīya | mfn. to be bought  |
krayāroha | m. "place where goods are piled up for sale", a market, fair  |
krayaśīrṣa | n. (equals kapi-s-) the coping of a wall  |
krayavikraya | m. sg. and dual number buying and selling, trade  |
krayavikrayānuśaya | m. repenting of a purchase, annulling of purchase or sale  |
krayavikrayika | m. a trader or merchant, dealer  |
krayavikrayin | mfn. one who buys or sells, who strikes a bargain  |
krayavikrayin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
krayika | mfn. ( ) buying  |
krayika | m. a buyer, trader, dealer  |
krayin | m. a buyer, purchaser  |
krayin | m. Name of rudra-  |
krayin | m. (krīvi- )  |
krayya | mfn. ( ) exhibited for sale, purchasable  |
krayya | mfn.  |
abhikram | (Aorist -akramīt- ind.p. -kr/amya-) to step or go near to, approach etc. ; to attack, overpower ; to step upon ; to undertake, begin ; (with gamanāya-) to get on one's way : Caus. -kramayati-, to bring near  |
abhikrama | m. stepping near, approaching  |
abhikrama | m. assault, attack  |
abhikrama | m. overpowering  |
abhikrama | m. ascending  |
abhikrama | m. undertaking, attempt, beginning.  |
abhikramaṇa | n. stepping near, approaching  |
abhikramanāśa | m. unsuccessful effort  |
abhikrand | (Aorist 2. sg. -kran-) to shout at, roar at, neigh or whinny at : Causal (Aorist -acikradat-), idem or 'mfn. insolent, haughty ' : Intensive (parasmE-pada -k/anikradat-) idem or 'mfn. insolent, haughty '  |
abhikranda | m. a shout  |
abhikratu | mfn. insolent, haughty  |
abhinikram | (Aorist 2. sg. -akramīs-) to tread down (with accusative)  |
abhiniścikramiṣā | f. desire of going forth from home,  |
abhiniṣkram | to go out towards ; to lead towards (as a door) ; to leave the house in order to become an anchorite and  |
abhiniṣkramaṇa | n. going forth  |
abhiniṣkramaṇa | n. leaving the house in order to become an anchorite and  |
abhiprakram | P. -krāmati-, to go up to (accusative)  |
abhiprakramya | mfn. to be stepped upon or walked on  |
abhivikrama | mfn. endowed with great courage  |
abhyapakram | -kram-, -krāmati-, to go away towards (accusative) ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -/apakramīs-) to come up to |
abhyatikram | (ind.p. -kramya-;Inf. -krāntuṃ-) to step over, walk through ; to overpower ; to transgress, violate  |
abhyavakrand | to call out towards (accusative)  |
abhyutkram | to go upto, ascend : P. (future 1. plural -kramiṣyāmas- ) and Causal P. -kramayati- ([ ]) or -krāmayati- ([ ]) to cause to go or step towards (locative case)  |
acakra | mfn. having no wheels  |
acakra | mfn. not wanting wheels id est moving by itself  |
acakravarta | see cakra-- vṛtta-.  |
acyutacakravartin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of a commentator or commentary on the Da1ya-bha1ga, .  |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence  |
ādhāracakra | n. Name of a mystical circle on the posterior part of the body  |
adhicaṅkrama | mfn. ( kram-), walking or creeping over  |
adhikram | to ascend, mount up to.  |
adhikrama | m. an invasion, attack  |
adhikramaṇa | n. act of invading  |
adhivikram | A1. to come forth on behalf of (dative case)  |
adhivyatikrama | m. passing over or through (compound),  |
adhvaryukratu | m. sacrificial act performed by the adhvaryu-  |
adhyākram | to attack ; to choose  |
adhyākramaṇa | n. stepping over,  |
adṛptakratu | (/adṛpta--) mfn. sober-minded  |
agnicakra | n. the sphere or range of fire,  |
ahalyāsaṃkrandana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a drama.  |
ahicakra | n. a certain Tantric diagram.  |
āhṛtayajñakratu | (/āhṛta--) mfn. intending to accomplish a prepared sacrifice  |
aiḍakrauñca | n. Name of certain sāman-s.  |
ājakrandaka | mfn. belonging to the aja-kranda- people  |
ājakrandaka | etc. See āja-.  |
ājakrandi | m. a descendant of an ājakrandaka- man or prince  |
ajitavikrama | m. "having invincible power", Name of king candragupta- the second.  |
ājñācakra | n. a mystical circle or diagram (one of the six described by the )  |
akaḍamacakra | n. idem or 'n. a kind of Tantrik diagram.'  |
ākāśacakra | n. the region of ether,  |
akra | mfn. ( kṛ-), inactive  |
akra | m. a banner  |
akra | m. a wall, fence (prākāra-), according to durga- on  |
akra | 2 (according to to some also) a horse,  |
ākram | P. A1. (parasmE-pada P. -krāmat- ; parasmE-pada A1. ā-kr/amamāṇa- ; Aorist ā-akramīt- ; perf. p. A1. -cakramāṇ/a- ; ind.p. -kr/amya- etc.) to step or go near to, come towards, approach, visit etc. ; to step or tread upon (accusative [ etc.] or locative case [ ]) ; (ind.p. -kramya-) to hold fast with the hands, seize ; to attack, invade (Inf. -kramitum-) ; (in astronomy) to eclipse ; to undertake, begin (with infinitive mood) : A1. -kramate- ( ; future parasmE-pada -kraṃsy/amāna-) to rise, mount, ascend etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to come or step near ; to cause any one (instrumental case) to enter into (accusative) : Desiderative -cikraṃsate-, to wish to ascend  |
ākrama | m. approaching, attaining, obtaining, overcoming (see dur-ākr-.)  |
akrama | mfn. not happening successively, happening at once  |
akrama | m. want of order, confusion.  |
akramam | ind. not by degrees, simultaneously,  |
ākramaṇa | mfn. approaching, stepping upon  |
ākramaṇa | n. stepping upon, ascending, mounting etc.  |
ākramaṇa | n. marching against, invading, subduing commentator or commentary on  |
ākramaṇa | n. spreading or extending over (locative case, dikṣu-)  |
ākramaṇīya | mfn. an-- negative , not to be ascended.  |
akramaśas | ind. idem or 'ind. not by degrees, simultaneously, ',  |
akramoḍhā | f. a woman married out of the regular order (as the younger sister before the elder etc.),  |
ākramya | mfn. an-- negative idem or 'mfn. an-- negative, not to be ascended.'  |
ākrand | P. -krandati- (Aorist 3. plural ākrandiṣuḥ- ) to shout out ; to invoke, call for help : P. A1. to cry with sorrow, lament, weep etc.: Causal (imperative 2. sg. -krandaya-) to inspire (courage) by its sound (as a drum) ; (parasmE-pada -krand/ayat-) to shout at, roar at ; to cry without interruption : to cause to lament or weep  |
ākranda | m. crying, crying out  |
ākranda | m. war-cry  |
ākranda | m. lamenting, weeping etc.  |
ākranda | m. "a friend or protector"[only negative anākranda an-ākranda- mf(ā-)n."not having on whom to call for help","without a protector" ]  |
ākranda | m. a king who is the friend of a neighbouring king and checks the attack made on him by another king (called pārṣṇi-grāha- q.v)  |
ākranda | m. (equals saṃgrāma-) war, battle  |
ākrandana | n. lamentation  |
ākrandanīya | mfn. to be called for help  |
ākrandika | mf(ī-)n. running to where cries for help are heard  |
ākrandin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' invoking in a weeping tone  |
ākrandita | mfn. invoked  |
ākrandita | n. a cry, roar  |
ākrandita | n. lamentation  |
akrandita | mfn. not pressed (as tila-),  |
ākraṣṭavya | mfn. to be dragged towards (accusative)  |
ākraṣṭavya | See ā-kṛṣ-  |
akratu | mfn. destitute of energy or power ["of sacrifices" ]  |
akratu | mfn. foolish  |
akratu | mfn. free from desire  |
akravihasta | mfn. not having bloody hands ["not having niggardly hands, not close-fisted" ]  |
akravyād | mfn. not consuming flesh (Name of an agni-)  |
akravyād | mfn. not carnivorous  |
akravyāda | mfn. not carnivorous  |
ākraya | and ā-kray/ā- See ā-krī-.  |
ākraya | m. trade, commerce  |
ākrayā | f. idem or 'm. trade, commerce '  |
alātacakravat | (ind.)  |
ālikrama | m. a kind of musical composition.  |
amitakratu | (/amita--) mfn. of unbounded energy  |
amitavikrama | m. "of unbounded valour", a Name of viṣṇu-.  |
amoghavikrama | m. "of unerring valour", Name of śiva-.  |
anākranda | mf(ā-)n. ākranda |
anantavikramin | m. Name of a bodhisattva-.  |
anapakrama | m. not going away.  |
anapakramin | mfn. not departing from  |
anapakramin | mfn. devoted, attached to.  |
anatikrama | m. not transgressing  |
anatikrama | m. moderation, propriety.  |
anatikramaṇīya | mfn. not to be avoided, not to be transgressed, inviolable.  |
antaḥkratu | ind. during a sacrifice,  |
antaḥkraurya | n. inward cruelty, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
antaracakra | n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass  |
antaracakra | n. a technical term in augury.  |
anukrakaca | mfn. dentated like a saw, serrated.  |
anukram | to go on, go after, follow ; to go through in order, enumerate, supply with an abstract or index. |
anukrama | m. succession, arrangement, order, method  |
anukrama | m. an index showing the successive contents of a book  |
anukramam | ind. in due order.  |
anukramaṇa | n. proceeding methodically or in order  |
anukramaṇa | n. following.  |
anukramaṇī | f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).  |
anukramaṇikā | f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).  |
anukrand | (perf. A1. -cakrad/e-) to shout or cry after one  |
anunikram | -krāmati- (subjunctive -krāmāt-) to follow in the steps  |
anuparikram | to walk round in order, to make the circuit of, visit in a regular round.  |
anuparikramaṇa | n. walking round in order  |
anuparipāṭikrama | m. regular order  |
anusaṃkram | to walk or go up to, to reach  |
anuṣṭhānakrama | m. the order of performing religious ceremonies.  |
anūtkram | to go up or out after  |
anuvākānukramaṇī | f. a work referring to the ṛg-- veda-, attributed to śaunaka-.  |
anuvakra | mfn. somewhat crooked or oblique.  |
anuvakraga | mfn. having a somewhat oblique course (as a planet, etc.)  |
anuvikram | A1. to step or walk after, follow  |
anvākram | A1. to ascend towards or to : P. to visit in succession  |
anvapakram | to run away after another  |
anvavakram | to descend or enter in succession  |
apakram | to go away, retreat, retire from ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps : Causal -kramayati-, to cause to run away : Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, to intend to run away or escape (with ablative)  |
apakrama | m. going away etc.  |
apakrama | m. flight, retreat  |
apakrama | mfn. not being in the regular order (a fault in poetry).  |
apakramamaṇḍala | n. ecliptic, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apakramaṇa | n. passing off or away, retiring.  |
apakramin | mfn. going away, retiring.  |
aparikrama | mfn. not walking about, unable to walk round  |
apatyavikrayin | m. "seller of his offspring", a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.  |
āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra | mfn. (scilicet jñāna-,knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion etc.) subside or cease completely  |
apratisaṃkrama | mfn. having no intermixture.  |
ardhacakravartin | m. "half a cakravartin- ", Name of the nine black vāsudeva-s (of the jaina-s)  |
āśācakravāla | n. the whole horizon  |
asakra | mfn. ( saśc-), not ceasing to flow or drying up  |
asakra | mfn. ( .)  |
asarvakratu | (/a-sarva--) m. not a general sacrifice, not an optional sacrifice ,  |
āskra | mfn. ( kram- skṛ-=1. kṛ- ), attacking, assaulting ([ ])  |
āskra | mfn. joined, united ([ ])  |
aśmacakra | (/aśma-.) mfn. furnished with a disk of stone  |
aṣṭācakra | (aṣṭ/ā-.) mf(ā-)n. having eight wheels  |
aṣṭādaśavakra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
aṣṭāracakravat | mfn. "having a wheel with eight spokes", a Name of mañjuśrī-  |
aṣṭāvakra | m. Name of a Brahman (a son of kahoḍa-)  |
aṣṭāvakra | m. of another man  |
āśuvikrama | mfn. having a quick step  |
aśvacakra | m. Name of a man  |
aśvakranda | (/aśva--) m. Name of a mythical being ("Name of yakṣa-"commentator or commentary)  |
asvāmivikraya | m. sale of property by one who is not the rightful owner, (confer, compare ).  |
aśvavikrayin | m. a horse-dealer  |
atikram | to step or go beyond or over or across, (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-kr/ame-,to be walked on ) ; to pass, cross ; to pass time ; to surpass, excel, overcome ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, transgress, violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ; to part from, lose: Caus. -krāmayati-, or -kramayati-, to allow to pass (as time) ; to leave unnoticed.  |
atikrama | m. passing over, overstepping  |
atikrama | m. lapse (of time)  |
atikrama | m. overcoming, surpassing, conquering  |
atikrama | m. excess, imposition, transgression, violation  |
atikrama | m. neglect  |
atikrama | m. determined onset.  |
atikramaṇa | n. the act of passing over , surpassing, overstepping  |
atikramaṇa | n. excess  |
atikramaṇa | n. passing, spending (time).  |
atikramaṇa | mf(ī-)n. committing excess or sin (sexually),  |
atikramaṇīya | mfn. to be passed beyond or over  |
atikramaṇīya | mfn. generally negative an-atikramaṇiya- q.v  |
atikramin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') exceeding, violating, etc.  |
atikramya | ind. having passed beyond or over.  |
atimanorathakrama | m. excess of desire, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding v, 35.  |
atiśakra | mfn. superior to indra-.  |
atiśukra | (/ati--) mfn. too bright.  |
ativakra | mfn. very crooked or curved  |
ātmaniṣkrayaṇa | mfn. ransoming one's self  |
ātmavikraya | m. sale of one's self id est of one's liberty  |
atyākhaṇḍalavikrama | mfn. surpassing indra- in heroism,  |
atyākram | (ind.p. -kr/amya-) to walk past  |
atyatikram | to approach for sexual intercourse  |
atyutkram | to surpass, excel.  |
aupasaṃkramaṇa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upa-saṃkramaṇa-), that which is given or proper to be done on the occasion of passing from one thing to another gaRa vyuṣṭādi-  |
avakra | mfn. not crooked, straight  |
avakra | mfn. upright, honest.  |
avakragamitā | f. having a straight gait (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
avakrakṣin | mfn. (see kr/akṣamāṇa-) rushing down  |
avakram | (optative, -krāmet-) to step down upon (accusative) ; (Aorist 3. plural -kramuḥ-[ see ]; pr. p. kr/āmat-) to tread down, overcome ; to descend (into a womb) : Causal (parasmE-pada -kramayat-) to cause to go down |
avakramaṇa | n. descending (into a womb), conception  |
avakrand | (Imper. -krandatu-,2. sg. -kranda-; Aorist -cakradat, 2. sg: cakradas-) to cry out, roar Caus. (Aorist acikradat-) to rush down upon (accusative) with a loud cry  |
avakranda | m. roaring, neighing  |
avakrandana | n. crying, weeping aloud  |
avakraya | m. letting out to hire  |
avakraya | m. rent, revenue  |
avāryakratu | (avāry/a-.), (6) mfn. of irresistible power  |
aviharyatakratu | mfn. one whose will cannot be averted (["doer of acts undesired (by his foes)" ])  |
avikrama | mfn. without heroism  |
avikrama | m. non-prohibition of the change of a visarga- into an ūṣman-  |
avikramaṇa | n. suppression of the krama-pāṭha- (quod vide),  |
avikraya | m. non-sale.  |
avikrayya | mfn. not to be sold,  |
aviprakramaṇa | n. not quitting or retiring  |
avyatikrama | m. non-transgression  |
āyatavikrama | mfn. far-striding,  |
bāḍhavikrama | mfn. of excessive prowess, very powerful or strong  |
bahiṣkratu | ind. outside or apart from the sacrifice  |
bahukrama | m. a krama- (q.v) of more than three words  |
bahuvikrama | mfn. very powerful  |
balacakra | n. "circle of power", dominion, sovereignty ( balacakravartin -vartin- m.a powerful sovereign)  |
balacakra | n. an army, host  |
balacakravartin | m. balacakra |
balakrama | m. Name of a mountain  |
balaparākrama | mfn. strong and heroic and valorous  |
barhaṇacakra | n. Name of a mountain village  |
bhacakra | n. the whole multitude of stars or asterisms  |
bhacakranābhi | f. the centre of the zodiac  |
bhagavadārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhāgavatakramasaṃdarbha | m. Name of work  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabhāvārthadīpikāprakaranakramasaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatasaptāhānukramaṇikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagnakrama | n. the breaking id est violating of grammatical order or construction  |
bhagnaprakrama | n. "broken arrangement", (in rhetoric) the use of a word which does not correspond to one used before (also bhagnaprakramatā -tā- f. )  |
bhagnaprakramatā | f. bhagnaprakrama |
bhāgyakrameṇa | ind. in course of fortune  |
bhaktyupakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhārgavakalpavallīcakravidyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhartṛvyatikrama | m. transgression against a husband  |
bhāvicakravartin | m. a future king, hereditary prince  |
bhīmaparākrama | mfn. possessing formidable power or prowess  |
bhīmaparākrama | m. Name of a man of śiva-  |
bhīmaparākrama | m. of work  |
bhīmavikrama | mfn. of terrific prowess  |
bhīmavikrama | m. Name of one of the sons of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
bhīmavikrama | m. of work  |
bhinnakrama | mfn. out of order or place, displaced commentator or commentary  |
bhiṣakcakracittotsava | m. Name of work  |
bhiṣakcakranidāna | n. Name of work  |
bhūcakra | n. "earth-circle", the equator or equinoctial line  |
bhūrivikrama | mfn. of great valour  |
bhūśakra | m. "earth- indra-", a king, prince  |
bījopticakra | n. a kind of astrology diagram for indicating good or bad luck following on the sowing of seed  |
bījotkraṣṭṛ | m. one who picks out (a few good) grains (to make a person think the rest is equally good)  |
bradhnacakra | n. the zodiac  |
brahmacakra | n. " brahmā-'s wheel", the circle of the universe  |
brahmacakra | n. Name of a particular magical circle  |
brāhmaṇātikrama | m. disrespect towards Brahmans  |
brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
bṛhacchrīkrama | (hac-+ śrī-) m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. "cycle of bṛhas-pati-", the Hindu cycle of 60 years  |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. a particular astrological diagram  |
cakra | n. (Ved. rarely m.; gaRa ardharcādi-;fr. car-?;1. kṛ- ) the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sun's chariot[ ],of Time [ ]; kr/aṃ-car-,to drive in a carriage ) etc.  |
cakra | n. a potter's wheel (see -bhrama-etc.)  |
cakra | n. a discus or sharp circular missile weapon (especially that of viṣṇu-)  |
cakra | n. an oil-mill  |
cakra | n. a circle etc. (kalāpa--,"the circle of a peacock's tail" )  |
cakra | n. an astronomical circle (exempli gratia, 'for example' rāśi--,the zodiac)  |
cakra | n. a mystical circle or diagram,  |
cakra | n. equals -bandha- q.v  |
cakra | n. a cycle, cycle of years or of seasons  |
cakra | n. "a form of military array (in a circle)" See -vyūha-  |
cakra | n. circular flight (of a bird)  |
cakra | n. a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon  |
cakra | n. a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes; 6 in number, one above the other, viz. 1. mūlādhāra-,the parts about the pubis;2. svādhiṣṭhāna-,the umbilical region;3. maṇi-pūra-,the pit of the stomach or epigastrium;4. anāhata-,the root of the nose;5. viśuddha-,the hollow between the frontal sinuses;6. ājñākhya-,the fontanelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures;various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows)  |
cakra | n. Name of a metre (equals -pāta-)  |
cakra | n. a circle or a similar instrument (used in astronomy)  |
cakra | n. (also m. ) a troop, multitude (krāvalī-, q.v) etc.  |
cakra | n. the whole number of (in compound)  |
cakra | n. a troop of soldiers, army, host (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., )  |
cakra | n. a number of villages, province, district  |
cakra | n. (figuratively) range, department  |
cakra | n. the wheel of a monarch's chariot rolling over his dominions, sovereignty, realm  |
cakra | n. (plural) the winding of a river  |
cakra | n. a whirlpool  |
cakra | n. a crooked or fraudulent device (see cakrikā-)  |
cakra | n. the convolutions or spiral marks of the śāla-grāma- or ammonite  |
cakra | n. Name of a medicinal plant or drug  |
cakra | n. of a tīrtha-  |
cakra | m. the ruddy goose or Brahmany duck (Anas Casarca, called after its cries; see -vāk/a-)  |
cakra | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
cakra | m. (gaRa aśvādi-) Name of a man, , 1 Scholiast or Commentator  |
cakra | m. of another man  |
cakra | m. of a nāga-  |
cakra | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
cakra | m. of a mountain  |
cakra | m. (dual number kriyau-)  |
cakra | m. ([ confer, compare a--, aṣṭ/ā--, uccā--, /eka--, kāla--, kū--, daṇḍa--, dik--, dharma--, mahā--, mātṛ--, r/odha--, viṣṇu--, sa--, sapt/a--, hiraṇya--; tri--and sucakr/a-; confer, compare also, , Latin circus; Anglo-Saxon hveohl,Engl.wheel.])  |
cākra | mfn. (fr. cakr/a-) carried on (a battle) with the discus  |
cākra | mfn. belonging to a wheel  |
cākra | mfn. circular  |
cākra | m. Name of a man  |
cakrabālā | f. Hibiscus cannabinus  |
cakrabandha | m. a stanza artificially arranged in a diagram,  |
cakrabandha | m. all that holds a wheel, togrther, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
cakrabandham | ind. so as to fasten or bind in a particular way  |
cakrabandhanā | f. a kind of jasmine  |
cakrabāndhava | m. "friend of cakra-(-va1ka)birds (supposed to couple only in day-time)", the sun  |
cakrabhaṅga | m. break of a wheel  |
cakrabhānu | m. Name of a Brahman  |
cakrabhedinī | f. "dividing the cakra-(-va1ka) couples (see -bāndhava-) ", night  |
cakrabhrama | mfn. turning like a wheel  |
cakrabhrama | m. equals mi- (varia lectio)  |
cakrabhramaṇa | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakrabhrami | f. rotation of a wheel  |
cakrabhrānti | f. rotation of the wheels (of a chariot)  |
cakrabhṛt | m. "discus-bearer", viṣṇu-  |
cakracara | m. plural "going in a circle", Name of a class of superhuman beings,  |
cakracara | m. "a juggler" (see cakrāṭa-) or"a potter" (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakracara | m. "circle-goer", one who goes by turns (to the houses of Brahmans, kṣatriya-s and vaiśya-s, scilicet for alms), (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakracārin | mfn. flying in a circle (a bird) |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. "round jewel (in a coronet)", a honorific Name of  |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of the elder brother of the astronomer bala-bhadra- (17th century)  |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of a treatise.  |
cakradaṃṣṭra | m. "having curved tusks", a hog (varia lectio vakr-).  |
cakradantī | f. Name of a plant  |
cakradantībīja | m. "having seeds resembling those of the plant cakra-danti-", Name of a plant  |
cakradatta | m. (equals -pāṇi-datta-), Name of an author  |
cakradattanāmakagrantha | m. Name of work  |
cakradeva | m. "having the wheel (of a war-chariot) for his deity", Name of a warrior  |
cakradhanus | m. Name of a ṛṣi-,  |
cakradhara | mfn. or m. bearing a wheel, wheel-bearer (once -dhāra-)  |
cakradhara | mfn. equals -bhṛt-  |
cakradhara | mfn. driving in a carriage (?,"a snake"or"a governor"Scholiast or Commentator; see )  |
cakradhara | m. a sovereign, emperor, iii, xii  |
cakradhara | m. governor of a province  |
cakradhara | m. equals caraka-  |
cakradhara | m. a snake  |
cakradhara | m. a village tumbler (see cakrāṭa-)  |
cakradhara | m. Name of a man  |
cakradhara | m. of other men etc.  |
cakradhara | m. of a locality  |
cakradhāra | for -dhara- q.v  |
cakradhārā | f. the periphery of a wheel  |
cakradhāraṇa | n. an axle,  |
cakradharman | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- prince  |
cakradīpikā | f. "diagram-illuminator", Name of a work  |
cakradṛś | mfn. "circular-eyed", Name of an asura-  |
cakradundubhya | mfn. relating to a wheel and to a drum  |
cakradvāra | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakragaja | m. Cassia Tora  |
cakragaṇḍu | m. a round pillow  |
cākragartaka | mfn. fr. cakra-garta-  |
cakragati | f. rotation, revolution  |
cakragoptṛ | m. dual number "wheel-protectors"two men whose business is to preserve the wheels of a carriage from damage (see -rakṣa-.)  |
cakragrahaṇī | f. "army-keeper", a rampart (Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
cakraguccha | m. "having circular clusters", Jonesia aśoka-  |
cakragulma | m. "having a circular excretion", a camel  |
cakrahasta | m. (equals -pāṇi-) idem or 'm. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.'  |
cakrahrada | m. Name of a lake  |
cakrajāti | f. equals -bandha-.  |
cakrajīvaka | m. "living by his wheel", a potter  |
cakrajīvin | m. idem or 'm. "living by his wheel", a potter '  |
cakraka | mfn. resembling a wheel or circle, circular  |
cakraka | m. a kind of serpent (see cakra-maṇḍalin-)  |
cakraka | m. Dolichos biflorus  |
cakraka | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
cakraka | n. a particular way of fighting (varia lectio citraka-)  |
cakraka | n. arguing in a circle  |
cakrakā | f. a kind of plant having great curative properties (white Abrus )  |
cakraka | n. a crooked or fraudulent device, .  |
cakraka | m. (also) the ring on an umbrella,  |
cakrakāraka | n. the perfume unguis odoratus  |
cakrakāśraya | m. arguing in a circle  |
cakrakulyā | f. a kind of fern (citra-parṇī-)  |
cakrala | mfn. (see cakkala-) crisp, curled (barbara-)  |
cakralā | f. a kind of Cyperus  |
cakralakṣaṇā | f. Cocculus cordifolius  |
cakralakṣaṇikā | f. idem or 'f. Cocculus cordifolius '  |
cakralatāmra | for -talāmra-  |
cakramanda | m. Name of a nāga-  |
cakramaṇḍalin | m. the Boa constrictor  |
cakramarda | m. equals -gaja-  |
cakramardaka | m. idem or 'm. equals -gaja- '  |
cakramardikā | f. Name of a wife of līlāditya-  |
cakramāsaja | mfn. stopping the wheels (of a chariot)  |
cakramaṭha | m. Name of a college (built in a circular form by cakra-varman-)  |
cakramauli | "having a circular diadem", Name of a rākṣasa- |
cakramaulin | mfn. having the wheels turned upwards  |
cakramedinī | for -bhedinī-  |
cakramelaka | Name of a locality in Kashmir  |
cakramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
cakramukha | m. equals -daṃṣṭra-  |
cakramusala | mfn. (a battle) carried on with the discus and club (see 5648) .  |
cakranābhi | f. the nave of a wheel  |
cakraṇadī | f. equals -nadī- gaRa girinady-ādi-.  |
cakranadī | f. (gaRa girinady-ādi-) Name of a river  |
cakranakha | m. equals -kāraka-  |
cakranāman | m. equals -sāhvaya-  |
cakranāman | m. a pyritic ore of iron (mākṣika-)  |
cakranārāyaṇīsaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
cakranāyaka | m. the leader of a troop  |
cakranāyaka | m. equals -kāraka-  |
cakranemi | f. "wheel-felly", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
cakraṇitamba | m. equals cakr/a-nitamba-  |
cakranitamba | m. equals cakr/a-ṇitamba- gaRa girinady-ādi-.  |
cakrapāda | m. "wheel-footed", a carriage  |
cakrapāda | m. "circular-footed", an elephant  |
cakrapadmāṭa | m. equals -gaja-  |
cakrapakṣa | m. a goose,  |
cakrapāla | m. the superintendent of a province  |
cakrapāla | m. one who carries a discus  |
cakrapāla | m. a circle  |
cakrapāla | m. the horizon  |
cakrapāla | m. Name of a poet  |
cākrapāleya | fr. cakra-pāla- gaRa sakhy-ādī-.  |
cakrapālita | m. Name of a man.  |
cakrapāṇi | m. "discus-handed", viṣṇu-  |
cakrapāṇi | m. (ṇin-)  |
cakrapāṇi | m. Name of a medical author  |
cakrapāṇidatta | m. idem or 'm. Name of a medical author'  |
cakrapāṇin | for ṇi- q.v  |
cakraparivyādha | m. Cathartocarpus fistula  |
cakraparṇī | f. equals -kulyā-  |
cakrapāta | m. a metre of 4 x 14 syllables.  |
cakrapatha | m. a road for wheels, carriage-road,  |
cakraphala | n. a missile weapon (kind of discus)  |
cakrapura | n. Name of a town (built by cakra-mardikā- )  |
cakrapuṣkariṇī | f. Name of a sacred tank at Benares  |
cakrarada | m. equals -daṃṣṭra-  |
cakrarāja | m. Name of a mystical diagram  |
cakrarakṣa | m. dual number equals -goptṛ-  |
cakraratna | n. an excellent wheel or disk (one of the 7 treasures of a king),  |
cakrārdhacakravāla | a semicircle  |
cakrasāhvaya | m. the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakrasaktha | mfn. bow-legged  |
cakrasaṃjña | n. tin  |
cakrasaṃvara | m. Name of a buddha- (vajra-ṭīka-)  |
cakraśatapattra | Name of a plant  |
cakrasena | m. Name of a son of tārā-candra- and father of siṃha-  |
cakrasenā | f. Name of a princess  |
cakraśreṇī | f. Odina pinnata (bearing a curved fruit)  |
cakrasvāmin | m. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.  |
cakrasvastikanandyāvarta | m. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha-  |
cakrataila | n. oil prepared from the cakra-(- gaja- ?) plant  |
cakratalāmra | m. a kind of mango tree  |
cakratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- (see cakra-) etc.  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. (kr/a--) "circular-beaked", a kind of mythical being  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. a kind of fish  |
cakravāḍa | m. fire  |
cakravāḍa | m. the mountain-range cakra-vāla-  |
cakravāḍa | n. "a circle", or"a troop, multitude"  |
cakravadgati | mfn. turning like a wheel  |
cakravāka | m. the cakra- bird (Anas Casarca;the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night) etc.  |
cakravāka | f(ī-). the female of the cakra-(vāka-) bird  |
cākravāka | mfn. proper for the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakravākabandhu | m. equals kra-bāndhava-  |
cakravākamaya | mfn. consisting of cakra- birds  |
cakravākavatī | f. "abounding in cakra-vāka-s", (probably) Name of a river gaRa ajirādi-  |
cākravākeya | fr. cakra-vāka- gaRa sakhy-ādi- (vāleya-[fr. cakra-vāla-] )  |
cakravākin | mfn. filled with cakra-vāka-s  |
cakravākopakūjita | mfn. made resonant with the cooing or cry of the cakra-vāka-  |
cakravāla | n. (fr. -vāḍa-) a circle  |
cakravāla | n. equals la-yamaka-  |
cakravāla | m. n. a mass, multitude, number, assemblage etc.  |
cakravāla | m. Name of a mythical range of mountains (encircling the orb of the earth and being the limit of light and darkness) : (lādri-)  |
cakravāladhi | m. "curved-tail", a dog (see vakr-.)  |
cakravālaka | n. a kind of rhetorical figure,  |
cakravālātman | f. Name of a goddess  |
cakravālayamaka | n. a kind of artificial stanza (as )  |
cākravāleya | See vākeya-.  |
cakravarman | m. Name of a king of Kashmir  |
cākravarmaṇa | m. (patronymic fr. cakra-varman-, ) Name of a grammarian, 1, 130  |
cakravarta | See -vṛtta-.  |
cakravartin | mfn. rolling everywhere without obstruction  |
cakravartin | m. a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without obstruction, emperor, sovereign of the world, ruler of a cakra- (or country described as extending from sea to sea; 12 princes beginning with bharata- are especially considered as cakravartin-s) etc.  |
cakravartin | mfn. supreme, holding the highest rank among (genitive case or in compound)  |
cakravartin | m. Chenopodium album  |
cakravartin | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on ,  |
cakravartin | m. Nardostachys jaṭāmāṃsi-  |
cakravartin | m. equals alaktaka-  |
cakravartinī | f. the fragrant plant jantukā-  |
cakravartitā | f. the state of a universal emperor  |
cakravartitva | n. idem or 'f. the state of a universal emperor '  |
cakravat | mfn. furnished with wheels, wheeled  |
cakravat | mfn. armed with a discus  |
cakravat | mfn. circular  |
cakravat | m. an oil-grinder  |
cakravat | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
cakravat | m. a sovereign, emperor  |
cakravat | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakravat | n. a chariot  |
cakravat | ind. like a wheel, in rotation  |
cakravāṭa | m. a limit, boundary  |
cakravāṭa | m. a lamp-stand  |
cakravāṭa | m. engaging in an action (?, kriyāroha-)  |
cakravāta | m. a whirlwind  |
cakravimala | Name of a plant  |
cakravṛddhi | f. interest upon interest  |
cakravṛddhi | f.  |
cakravṛddhi | f. wages for transporting goods in a carriage, 156.  |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (kr/a--) turned on a potter's wheel  |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (a-cakravarta-,for vṛtta- negative) (see kru-v-.)  |
cakravyūha | m. any circular array of troops (see also 3108)  |
cakravyūha | m. Name of a kiṃnara- prince  |
cakrayāna | n. any wheel-carriage  |
cakrayodhin | m. "discus-fighter", Name of a dānava-  |
cakrayoga | m. applying a splint or similar instrument by means of pulleys (in case of dislocation of the thigh)  |
cālukyavikramakāla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of an era established by the Western cālukya- king vikramāditya- VI; (its first year corresponds to the expired śaka- year 998 = D. 1076-77).  |
caṇḍavikrama | mfn. of impetuous valour  |
caṇḍavikrama | mfn. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍīśaparyākrama | m. Name of work  |
candrakālānalacakra | n. idem or 'n. a kind of diagram'  |
candravikrama | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-,  |
caṅkrama | m. (fr. Intensive kram-) going about, a walk  |
caṅkrama | m. a place for walking about  |
caṅkramā | f. going about, a walk  |
caṅkramamāṇa | mfn. irregular pr. p. Intensive kram-.  |
caṅkramaṇa | mfn. going about, walking  |
caṅkramaṇa | mfn. going slowly or crookedly  |
caṅkramaṇa | n. going about, walking  |
caṅkramaṇa | n. going tortuously or slowly  |
caṅkramaṇa | n. rotation (of a wheel)  |
caṅkramaṇa | n. a place for walking about  |
caṅkramāvat | mfn. moving slowly or crookedly  |
caṅkramita | mfn. one who has wandered about  |
caṅkramita | n. walking about  |
caturakrama | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
caturdvīpacakravartin | m. the sovereign of the 4 dvīpa-s  |
caturviṃśativikrama | mf(ā-)n. (c/at-) measuring 24 paces  |
catuścakra | m. Name of a sacrifice  |
catuścakra | m. of a phenomenon in the sky  |
catuścakra | n. Name of a mystical diagram, |
catuṣkrama | m. a krama- (or method of reading and writing the veda-) consisting of 4 parts  |
chattracakra | n. (in astrology) a kind of diagram.  |
cikraṃsā | f. ( kram- Desiderative) desire of attacking or springing upon  |
citrapadakramam | ind. at a good or brisk pace  |
cukra | mn. [ ] vinegar made by acetous fermentation (of grain or of -phala-)  |
cukra | mn. sorrel  |
cukra | n. equals -vedhaka-  |
cukracaṇḍikā | f. the tamarind tree  |
cukraka | n. sorrel  |
cukraka | f. equals kra-vedhaka-  |
cukraphala | n. the tamarind fruit  |
cukravāstūka | n. sorrel  |
cukravedhaka | n. a kind of sour rice-gruel  |
dādhikra | mf(ī-)n. relating to dadhi-krā-  |
dādhikra | n. (agnes-) Name of a sāman-  |
dadhikra | m. Name of a man ( )  |
dakṣakratu | m. du kr/ad/u-d/akṣau-  |
dakṣakratu | mfn. able-minded  |
dakṣiṇopakrama | mfn. beginning on the right,  |
daṇḍacakra | n. equals -sthāna-  |
daṇḍacakra | n. Name of a mythical weapon  |
dantavakra | m. Name of a karūṣa- prince (also called vakradanta-and vakra-;described as a dānava- or asura-)  |
dāraḍārāṇukramaṇa | n. Name of a chapter of the  |
darvīsaṃkramaṇa | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dāyādhikārakramasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dāyakramasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
deśākramaṇa | n. invasion of a country  |
devacakra | n. a divine wheel  |
devacakra | n. (with śākta-s)"the holy circle" , Name of a mystical diagram  |
devālayotsavādikrama | m. Name of work  |
devānukrama | m. "series or order of the gods."Name of work  |
devārcanakramapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
devatānukrama | (tān-) m.  |
devatānukramaṇī | f. index of the Vedic deities.  |
devatārcanakrama | m. Name of several works.  |
devīmāhātmyamantravibhāgakrama | m. Name of work  |
dhanurvakra | mfn. crooked like a bow  |
dharmacakra | n. the wheel or range of the law  |
dharmacakra | n. a particular mythical weapon  |
dharmacakra | m. "having or turning the wheel of the law", a buddha-  |
dharmacakrabhṛt | m. "holding the wheel of the law", a buddha- or jaina-  |
dharmacakrapravartana | n. setting in motion the wheel of the law, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ;  |
dharmātikrama | m. transgression of the law  |
dharmavyatikrama | m. transgression of the law  |
dhātukramamālā | f. Name of works. on verbal roots.  |
dhṛṣṭaparākrama | mfn. of daring valour  |
dhruvacakra | n. Name of work  |
digvakrasaṃstha | mfn. standing apart from the right direction  |
digvijayakrama | m. going forth to conquer the world, invasion  |
dikcakra | n. the circuit of the quarter of the compass, the horizon  |
dikcakra | n. the compass, the whole world  |
dikcakravāla | n. the whole range of sight, the scenery all around  |
dīkṣākramaratna | n. "the jewel of the regular order of initiation", Name of work  |
ḍimbhacakra | n. Name of a mystical diagram.  |
dīnākrandanastotra | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
dravaccakra | mfn. having rapid wheels  |
dṛḍhavādaparākrama | mfn. firm in words and acts  |
dṛḍhavikrama | mfn. of firm fortitude  |
drutavikrama | mfn. having a quick step  |
duḥsamatikrama | mfn. difficult to be surmounted  |
durākrama | mfn. difficult to be ascended or approached  |
durākramaṇa | n. unfair attack  |
durākramaṇa | n. difficult approach  |
durākranda | mfn. having bad (or no) friends  |
duratikrama | mfn. hard or difficult to be overcome, insurmountable, inevitable etc.  |
duratikrama | m. Name of a Brahman (regarded as son of śiva-)  |
duratikrama | m. Name of śiva-  |
duratikramaṇīya | mfn. impassable,  |
duratyayānukramaṇa | mfn. whose ways are past finding out (God)  |
durgākramaṇa | n. the taking of a fort  |
durniṣkramaṇa | n.  |
durupakrama | mfn. difficult of access or approach  |
durupakrama | mfn. difficult of cure,  |
duṣkrama | mfn. ill-arranged, unmethodical ( duṣkramatā -tā- f. )  |
duṣkrama | mfn. difficult of access  |
duṣkrama | mfn. going ill  |
duṣkramatā | f. duṣkrama |
dvicakra | m. Name of a dānava- (Calcutta edition -vaktra-)  |
dvicakra | m. a particular phenomenon in the sky  |
dvikrama | m. a krama- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) consisting of 2 elements  |
dviparājavikrama | mfn. having the gait of the king of elephants,  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇadīdhititīkā | f. Name of work  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
dvitīyacakravartilakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ekacakra | mf(ā-)n. having one wheel (said of the sun's chariot)  |
ekacakra | mf(ā-)n. possessing only one army, governed by one king (as the earth)  |
ekacakra | m. Name of a dānava- etc.  |
ekacakra | m. the state of being sole master, supremacy (of a king)  |
ekacakravartitā | f. the state of revolving on one wheel (said of the sun)  |
evaṃkratu | mfn. thus minded  |
gajanakra | m. "elephant-crocodile", a rhinoceros  |
gajendravikrama | mfn. having the valour of an excellent elephant  |
gaṇacakra | n. Name of a magical circle  |
gaṇacakraka | n. a guild dinner  |
garbhasaṃkramaṇa | n. entering the womb  |
ghṛṅkarikra | mfn. ( kṛ-, Intensive) bleating  |
ghṛtavikrayin | m. a vendor of ghee  |
giricakravartin | m. "the mountain-king", Name of the himavat-  |
gītakrama | m. the arrangement of a song  |
gītakrama | m. equals varṇa-  |
goniṣkramaṇa | n. "the going out of cows on the pasture-ground"  |
goniṣkramaṇatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
gopālacakravartin | m. Name of a scholiast  |
gṛdhracakra | m. dual number the vulture and the cakra-vāka-  |
gurukrama | m. succession of teachers or (with śākta-s) of authors of mantra-s.  |
gurukratu | m. a great sacrifice  |
haṃsacakrapraśna | m. Name of work  |
harirāmacakravartin | m. Name of a man. ( ) |
hatavikramodyama | mfn. bereft of strength and energy  |
helācakra | m. Name of a man  |
hemacakra | mfn. having golden wheels  |
hīnakrama | m. diminishing series or order of succession  |
hīnakratu | mfn. one who neglects to sacrifice  |
hiraṇyacakra | (hiraṇya-) mfn. golden-wheeled  |
homakālātikramaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
ihakratu | (ih/a-) mfn. one whose intentions or thoughts are in this world or place  |
indrasyābhikranda | m. m. Name of a sāman-.  |
itikrameṇa | ind. in this manner,  |
jalacakra | n. Name of a mythic region  |
jalayantracakra | n. a wheel for raising water  |
jātyutpattikrama | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
jīvasaṃkramaṇa | n. transmigration of soul  |
jyotiścakra | n. "luminary circle", the zodiac  |
jyotiścakra | n. GarP.  |
kādikramastuti | f. Name of work attributed to śaṃkarācārya-.  |
kālacakra | n. the wheel of time (time represented as a wheel which always turns round) etc.  |
kālacakra | n. a given revolution of time, cycle [according to the jaina-s, the wheel of time has twelve ara-s or spokes and turns round once in 2000000000000000 sāgara-s of years; see ava-sarpiṇī-and ut-s-]  |
kālacakra | n. the wheel of fortune (sometimes regarded as a weapon)  |
kālacakra | n. Name of a tantra-  |
kālacakra | m. Name of the sun  |
kālacakrajātaka | n. Name of work  |
kālacakraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
kālakākranda | m. Name of two sāman-s.  |
kālakrama | m. lapse of time  |
kālakramāt | ind. ablative idem or 'ind. instrumental case in process of time'  |
kālakrameṇa | ind. instrumental case in process of time  |
kālātikramaṇa | n. lapse of time, loss or destruction by lapse of time  |
kālavikrama | m. power of time, death.  |
kālikākrama | m. Name of work (equals kālī-kr-).  |
kālīkrama | m. equals kālikā-kr-.  |
kāmacakra | n. a kind of mystical circle.  |
kāṇḍānukrama | m.  |
kāṇḍānukramaṇī | f. an index of the kāṇḍa-s of the taittirīya-- saṃhitā-.  |
kāṇḍānukramaṇikā | f. an index of the kāṇḍa-s of the taittirīya-- saṃhitā-.  |
kanikrada | mfn. ( krand-, Intensive) , neighing  |
kapotavakra | n. a particular plant  |
karikrata | m. Name of the author of  |
karṇaparākrama | m. Name of work  |
kathākrama | m. uninterrupted progress of conversation, continuous conversation  |
kaulālacakra | n. a potter's wheel  |
kavāṭavakra | n. Name of a plant (commonly kavāṭa-veṭu-,or kavāḍa-veṇṭuyā-)  |
kavicakravartin | m. Name of pūrṇānanda-.  |
kavikrama | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on metres  |
kavikratu | mfn. (kav/i--) having the insight of a wise man, full of discernment, wise (said of agni- and the soma-) |
kavikratu | mfn. one who possesses wisdom or sacrifices  |
ketucakra | n. a kind of diagram.  |
kimparākrama | mfn. of what power?  |
kopakrama | (1. kopa-krama-,for 2.See below) m. one who goes to anger, passionate  |
kopakrama | n. (fr. 3. k/a-), brahmā-'s creation  |
koṭacakra | n. a kind of diagram.  |
krīḍācaṅkramaṇa | Name of a locality  |
kṛtakraya | m. one who makes a purchase, a purchaser.  |
kṛtavikrama | mfn. displaying valour, making vigorous efforts.  |
kṣitiśatakratu | m. idem or 'm. equals -puru-hūta- ' , .  |
kṣmācakra | n. the orb  |
kūcakra | n. (for kūpa-c-?) a wheel for raising water from a well ([ ;"the female breast" ])  |
kulālacakra | n. a potter's disk  |
kūpacakra | n. a wheel for raising water from a well  |
kūrmacakra | n. Name of a mystical diagram.  |
kuvakra | mfn. slightly bent  |
kuvakra | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kuvikrama | m. bravery exhibited in the wrong place  |
laghukrama | mfn. having a quick or rapid step, going quickly  |
laghukramam | ind. with quick step, quickly, hastily  |
laghuparākrama | mfn. of quick resolution  |
laghuparikrama | mfn. moving quickly (= tva-rita-gati- commentator or commentary)  |
laghuvikrama | m. a quick step  |
laghuvikrama | mfn. having a quick step, quick-footed  |
lakṣyakrama | mfn. having an indirectly perceptible method  |
lalitākramadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
lāṅgalacakra | n. a particular plough-shaped diagram  |
līlārasakramastotra | n. Name of work  |
līlāsampādanakrama | m. Name of work  |
lokanāthacakravartin | m. Name of a Scholiast  |
madhukrama | m. a bee-hive  |
madhukrama | m. a honeycomb  |
madhukrama | m. plural a drinking bout  |
madyavikraya | m. the sale of intoxicating liquors  |
mahābalaparākrama | mfn. of great power and strength (viṣṇu-)  |
mahābhāratādhyāyānukramaṇī | f. Name of work  |
mahābhiniṣkramaṇa | (hābh-) n. "the great going forth from home", Name of buddha-'s celebrated abandonment of his own family  |
mahācakra | n. a great wheel, a great discus  |
mahācakra | n. the mystic circle or assembly in the śākta- ceremonial  |
mahācakra | m. "having a great wheel or discus", Name of a dānava- (varia lectio -vaktra-)  |
mahācakrapraveśajñānamudrā | f. Name of a mudrā- (q.v)  |
mahācakravāḍa | m. Name of a mythical mountain  |
mahācakravāla | m. Name of a mythical mountain  |
mahācakravartin | m. a great emperor or universal monarch ( mahācakravartitā ti-tā- f.the rank of a great emperor)  |
mahācakravartitā | f. mahācakravartin |
mahādānānukramaṇikā | f. Name of work  |
mahadvyatikrama | m. a great transgression  |
mahākathahacakra | (hāk-) n. a particular magical diagram  |
mahākrama | m. "wide-striding", Name of viṣṇu-  |
mahākratu | m. a great sacrifice (see -yajña-).  |
mahāmāṃsavikraya | m. selling human flesh  |
mahāṣaṭtakrataila | n. a particular mixture  |
mahāsenāvyūhaparākrama | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
mahāvikrama | mfn. very valorous or courageous  |
mahāvikrama | m. Name of a lion  |
mahāvikrama | m. of a nāga-  |
mahāvikramin | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāvīryaparākrama | mfn. of great power and heroism  |
mahāvrataprayogānukrama | m. Name of work  |
mahāyajñakratu | m. equals mahāyajñ/a- above  |
makarasaṃkramaṇa | n. the passage of the sun from Sagittarius into Capricornus  |
mālacakraka | n. the hip-joint  |
māṃsaparivikrayin | m. a flesh-monger  |
māṃsaśukrala | mfn. producing flesh and semen  |
māṃsavikraya | m. the sale of flesh  |
māṃsavikrayin | ( ) m. a flesh-seller (the former also used as a term of reproach).  |
mānavikrayin | mfn. selling one's honour  |
mānotsekaparākramavyasanin | mfn. possessing intense diligence, prowess, haughtiness and pride  |
mantrānukramaṇikā | f.  |
mantrapārāyaṇakrama | m. mantrapārāyaṇa |
mantrarājānuṣṭhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
mārjārīkramaṇa | See mārjāra-karaṇa-.  |
maryādāvyatikrama | m. overstepping bounds or limits  |
mātaṃganakra | m. a crocodile as large as an elephant  |
mātaṃgīkrama | m.  |
mātṛcakra | n. a kind of mystical circle  |
mātṛcakra | n. the circle or assemblage of (divine) mothers  |
mātṛcakrapramathana | m. "afflicter of the circle of divine mother"Name of viṣṇu-  |
mattavāraṇavikrama | mfn. mattavāraṇa |
medhācakra | m. Name of a king  |
mithyākraya | m. a false price  |
mṛgacakra | n. the zodiac (?)  |
mugdhācakra | n. a particular mystical circle  |
mūtraśukra | n. a particular disease (in which urine and semen are ejected together)  |
nābhicakra | n. (magical) navel-circle  |
nāḍīcakra | n. Name of work  |
nadīvakra | n.  |
naiṣkramaṇa | mfn. (oblation) offered or (rite) performed when a new-born child is taken out of the house for the first time gaRa vyuṣṭādi-.  |
naiṣkramya | n. indifference (especially to worldly pleasures), resignation (wrong reading for naiṣ-karmya-or -kAmya?)  |
nakra | m. (according to na-+ kra-) crocodile, alligator etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
nakra | m. the sign of the zodiac Scorpio  |
nakra | n. the nose (alsof(ā-).)  |
nakra | n. a particular disease of the nose  |
nakra | n. the upper timber of a door-frame (see n/ākra-and ) .  |
nākra | m. a kind of aquatic animal (see nakra-).  |
nakracakra | n. a multitude of crocodiles  |
nakrahāraka | m. idem or 'm. a shark or any other large sea animal (literally king of the nakra-s) ' (literally seizer of the Nakras)  |
nakraketana | m. Name of the god of love (see makara-k-).  |
nakramakṣikā | f. a kind of fly  |
nakrarāj | m. a shark or any other large sea animal (literally king of the nakra-s)  |
nakrarājaka | m. a shark or any other large sea animal (literally king of the nakra-s)  |
nakṣatrabhuktaghaṭīcakra | n. Name of work  |
nakṣatracakra | n. a particular diagram  |
nakṣatracakra | n. the nakṣatra-s collectively  |
nakṣatracakra | n. the sphere of the fixed stars  |
nāradīyakrama | m. Name of work  |
nārāyaṇacakravartikośa | m. Name of his work  |
nārāyaṇacakravartin | m. Name of a grammarian  |
naukrama | m. a bridge of boats  |
nausaṃkrama | m. going in a ship or a bridge of boats  |
navadvīpaparikramā | f. Name of work  |
navagrahacakra | n. Name of work  |
navagrahayantroddharaṇakrama | m. Name of work  |
navatiprakrama | (t/i--) mf(ā-)n. 90 steps long  |
nemicakra | m. a prince descended from parī-kṣit- (said to have removed the capital of India to kauśāmbi- after the inundation of hāstina-pura-)  |
nicakrayā | ind. with down-rolling chariots or without chariots  |
niḥśukra | mfn. without fire or energy  |
nikram | P. -krāmati-, (Aorist nyakramīt-), to put down the feet, tread down (accusative) ; to enter (locative case)  |
nikramaṇa | n. putting down the feet, footstep, footfall  |
nikrand | cl.1 P. -krandati-, (Aorist ny-akrandīt-), to cry from above (as a bird on a tree) : Causal -krandayati-, to cause to roar  |
nikrandita | mfn. cried or roared (said of a faulty recitation),  |
nīlakrauñca | m. the blue heron  |
nirākram | P. -krāmati-, to come forth, go out of (ablative)  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. having no friend or protector  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. finding no help from (locative case)  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. affording no shelter or protection  |
nirākranda | m. or n. a place that affords no place  |
nirapakrama | mfn. not to be escaped from  |
nirupakrama | mfn. not to be cured, incurable  |
nirupakrama | mfn. having no commencement  |
nirvikram | -krāmati- (perfect tense -cakrāma-), to step out  |
niśātikrama | (śāt-) m. the passing away of night  |
niścikramiṣā | f. (from Desiderative of niṣ- kram-) desire to escape,  |
niścikramiṣu | mfn. wishing to escape or leave (especially worldly life), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
niṣkram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (-kramati- ind.p. -kramya-; infinitive mood -krāmitum-, -kramitum-,or -krāntuṃ-), to go out, come forth, go or come from (ablative,rarely genitive case), depart etc. ; to leave (worldly life) ; (in dramatic language) to make an exit: Causal -krāmayati- (Passive voice -krāmyate-), to cause to go out, drive or let out, deliver  |
niṣkrama | m. going out, coming forth, an exit, departing from (ablative)  |
niṣkrama | m. the first carrying out (of a child; see next)  |
niṣkrama | m. degradation, loss of caste, inferiority of tribe  |
niṣkrama | m. intellectual faculty  |
niṣkramaṇa | n. going forth or out, departing  |
niṣkramaṇa | n. taking a child for the first time out of the house in the fourth month after birth to see the sun  |
niṣkramaṇa | f(ā-, ikā-). (also ṇikā- ) ceasing, disappearing |
niṣkramaṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
niṣkramaṇita | mfn. (a child) taken out for the first time gaRa tārakādi-.  |
niṣkraya | m. redemption, ransom  |
niṣkraya | m. compensation, equivalent (in money) commentator or commentary  |
niṣkraya | m. price, reward, hire, wages etc.  |
niṣkraya | m. return, acquittance  |
niṣkrayaṇa | mfn. redeeming, ransoming (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
niṣkrayaṇa | n. redemption, buying off  |
niṣkrayaṇa | n. ransom  |
niṣparākrama | mfn. powerless, weak  |
niṣprakrama | mfn. unruly, rash  |
nītivyatikrama | m. error of conduct or policy  |
nityakarmānuṣṭhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
nityārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
niviṣṭacakra | mf(ā-)n. one who has entered anybody's domain  |
nyāyāvakrākramaṇa | mfn. walking rightly on the straight path ( nyāyāvakrākramaṇatā -tā- f.)  |
nyāyāvakrākramaṇatā | f. nyāyāvakrākramaṇa |
padakrama | m. a series of steps, pace, walking (see citra-padakramam-)  |
padakrama | m. a series of quarters of verses  |
padakrama | m. a particular method of reciting or writing the veda- (See krama-)  |
padakrama | m. plural (or in the beginning of a compound) the pada-pāṭha- and the different krama-pāṭha-s  |
padakramaka | n. the pada-- and krama-pāṭha-  |
padakramalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
padakramavid | mfn. familiar with the pada- and krama-pāṭha-  |
pādakramika | mfn. (fr. padakrama-) one who recites or knows the pada-krama- gaRa ukthādi- ( pada-, krama-for pada-k-).  |
pādānukramaṇī | f. Name of work  |
pañcakrama | m. a particular krama- (or method of reciting the Vedic text) consisting of 5 members (See pāṭha-)  |
pañcakrama | m. Name of a Buddhist work (also pañcakramaṭippanī -ṭippanī- f.)  |
pañcakramaṭippanī | f. pañcakrama |
pañcamīkramakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
pañcavikrama | mfn. (a carriage) moving in a fivefold manner  |
paṅguvakrakarmaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
paṅktikrama | m. order, succession  |
paṇyavikraya | m. trade, commerce  |
paṇyavikrayaśālā | f. a market-place, bazar  |
paṇyavikrayin | m. a trader, merchant  |
paracakra | n. the army of a foe (Scholiast or Commentator"a hostile prince")  |
paracakrasūdana | m. destroyer of it  |
parākram | P. A1. -kramati-, te- (see ; ind.p. -kramya- ; Aorist parākraṃsta- ), to march forward, advance ; to show courage or zeal, excel, distinguish one's self etc. ; to turn back  |
parakrama | m. doubling the other (id est second) letter of a conjunction of consonants  |
parākrama | m. (sg. and plural; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) bold advance, attack, heroism, courage, power, strength, energy, exertion, enterprise etc.  |
parākrama | m. going out or away  |
parākrama | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
parākrama | m. of a warrior on the side of the kuru-s  |
parākrama | m. of a chief of the vidyā-dhara-s (associated with ā-krama-, vi-krama- and saṃkrama-)  |
parākramabāhu | m. Name (also title or epithet) of various kings in Ceylon,  |
parākramajña | mfn. knowing the strength (of an enemy)  |
parākramakesarin | m. Name of a prince (son of vikrama-kesarin-)  |
parākramavat | mfn. showing courage or strength, exerting power. ( )  |
parākramin | mfn. showing courage or strength, exerting power. ( )  |
paramāpakrama | m. equals para-krānti-  |
pāramparyakramāgata | mfn. derived from tradition  |
parasparākrandin | mfn. calling to one another  |
pārāyaṇakrama | m. Name of work  |
paribhagnakrama | mfn. stopped in one's course, checked in one's progress  |
paricakra | m. Name of a chapter of the dvā-viṃśaty-avadānaka-  |
parikram | P. -krāmati- (rarely A1. te-; parasmE-pada -krāmat-; perfect tense -cakrāma-, -cakramur-; Aorist -akramīt-; infinitive mood -krāntum-; ind.p. -kr/āmam-,or -kramya-), to step or walk round or about, circumambulate, roam over, walk through, visit (with accusative) etc. ; to go past, escape ; to outstrip, overtake : Intensive -caṅkramati-, to move or walk about perpetually  |
parikrama | m. roaming about, circumambulating, walking through, pervading  |
parikrama | m. transition (varia lectio parā-kr-)  |
parikrama | m. following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank up to its source again  |
parikrama | m. succession, series, order (read āvṛt-parikramam-)  |
parikrama | m. a remedy, medicine  |
parikramaṇa | n. walking or roaming about  |
parikramasaha | m. "one who bears running about", a goat  |
parikrand | (only Aorist Caus. -acikradat-), to cry or make a noise round about (accusative)  |
parikraya | m. giving up at the cost of (see prāṇaparikr-)  |
parikraya | m. hire, wages  |
parikraya | m. redemption, buying off  |
parikraya | m. a peace purchased with money  |
parikrayaṇa | n. hiring, engaging  |
parivikrayin | mfn. ( krī-) selling, trading in (genitive case)  |
parjanyakrandya | (j/an-) mfn. muttering like parjanya- or a rain-cloud  |
pārthaparākrama | m. Name of a drama.  |
paryāyakrama | m. order of succession, regular rotation or turn  |
pautakrata | m. metron. fr. pūtakratā-  |
pavanacakra | n. whirlwind (see cakra-vāta-).  |
phalavikrayiṇī | f. a female fruit-seller  |
phaṇīcakra | n. Name of work  |
piśācakālacakrayuddhavaṇana | n. Name of work  |
pīṭhacakra | n. a chariot with a seat  |
prabhāsakṣetratīrthayātrānukrama | m. Name of work |
pracakra | n. an army in motion  |
prājyavikrama | mfn. possessing great power  |
prakāśakraya | m. a purchase made publicly  |
prakram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, (P.) to step or stride forwards, set out, walk on, advance, proceed, resort to (accusative; Aorist A1. -c/akramanta- ; prākraṃsta- ), march, pass, go etc. ; (with pradakṣiṇam-) to walk around from left to right ; to cross, traverse ; (A1.) to undertake, commence, begin (with accusative, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',or infinitive mood) (also P. exempli gratia, 'for example' varayām pra-cakramuḥ-= yāṃ-cakruḥ-, ) etc. (see ) ; to act or behave towards (locative case) : Causal -krāmayati-, to cause to step forwards : Desiderative cikraṃ-siṣyate- Va1rtt. 2 |
prakrama | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) stepping, proceeding  |
prakrama | m. a step, stride, pace (also as a measure of distance, the length of which is variously stated at 2 or 3 or 3 1/2 pada-s, also at more or less)  |
prakrama | m. commencement, beginning, procedure, course  |
prakrama | m. leisure, opportunity  |
prakrama | m. relation, proportion, degree, measure  |
prakrama | m. method, order, regularity (esp in the position of words and in gram. construction; see -bhaṅga-)  |
prakrama | m. the reading of the krama- (equals krama-pāṭha- q.v)  |
prakrama | m. discussing any point in question  |
prakrama | m. the case in question  |
prakrama | m. (plural) a series of oblations corresponding to the movements of a sacrificial horse  |
prakramabhaṅga | m. (in rhetoric) want of order or method, the breaking of symmetry in composition or the violation of gram. construction (= bhagna-prakramatā-)  |
prakramabhaṅgavat | mfn. wanting method or symmetry, irregular, unsymmetrical  |
prakramaṇa | n. stepping forwards, proceeding, advancing towards (compound)  |
prakramaṇa | n. issuing forth  |
prakramaṇīya | ( ), ( ) mfn. to be gone or proceeded.  |
prakramatṛtīya | n. the third of a square pace  |
prakramaviruddha | mfn. stopped in the beginning  |
prākramika | mfn. (fr. -krama-) one who undertakes much (without finishing anything)  |