abhikṝ | -kirati-, to pour over, throw over, cover.  |
apakṝ | A1. apa-s-kirate- ( ) to scrape with the feet ; (see ava-s-kṝ-): P. apa-kirati-, to spout out, spurt, scatter commentator or commentary ; to throw down  |
avakṝ | -kirati- (imperfect tense avākirat-; ind.p. -kīrya-) to pour out or down, spread, scatter, etc. ; (Potential -k/iret-) to spill one's semen virile (see /ava-kīrṇa-and rṇin-below) ; to shake off, throw off, leave ; to bestrew, pour upon, cover with, fill etc.: Passive voice -kīryate- (perf. -cakre- ,according to commentator or commentary also A1. -kirate- Aorist avākirṣṭa-) to extend in different directions, disperse, pass away ; A1. (Aorist 3. plural avākīrṣata-) to fall off, become faithless, , (see ava-s-kṝ-)  |
cilāti | equals kirātī-, in compound  |
kirāti | f. (equals kirātī-), Name of gaṅgā-  |
parikṝ | P. -kirati-, (ind.p. -kīrya-), to scatter or strew about ; to throw upon, impose, deliver over to (locative case),  |
paryavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter round or about, shed over  |
prakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter forth, strew, throw about etc. ; to issue forth, spring up : Passive voice (and P. Potential -kīryāt-) to disappear, vanish  |
pratikṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter towards (see prati-s-kṝ-and ) .  |
pratiskṝ | P. -kirati- (perfect tense -caskare-), to hurt, injure, to tear to pieces  |
pravikṝ | P. -kirati-, (ind.p. -kīrya-), to scatter about, disperse, diffuse  |
samākṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter or pour or strew over, cover or fill with anything  |
samavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter completely over, cover entirely, overwhelm with  |
saṃkṝ | P. -kirati-, to mix or pour together, commingle ; to pour out, bestow liberally or abundantly : Passive voice -kīryate-, to become mixed or confused  |
śvapaca | mf(ā-or ī-). "one who cooks dog", a man or woman of a low and outcaste tribe (the son of a caṇḍāla- and a brāhmaṇī-, or of a niṣṭya- and a previously unmarried kirātī-, or of an ugra- woman by a kṣatriya-, or of a hounds woman by an ugra-, or of a brāhmaṇī- by an ambaṣṭha-, often equals caṇḍāla-;he acts as a public executioner and carries out the bodies of those who die without kindred) etc.  |
upakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter or throw down, scatter upon ; to pour upon, besprinkle, bestrew etc. ; upa-s-kṝ- (with s-inserted or perhaps original) P. -skirati-, to cut up, split ; to hurt  |
utkṝ | (ud-kṝ-) P. -kirati-, to scatter upwards ; to pile up, heap up ; to dig up or out, excavate etc. ; to engrave  |
vikṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter, throw or toss about, disperse etc. ; to dishevel ; to pour out, utter, heave (sighs) ; to tear asunder, cleave, split, rend, burst etc. ; to scatter over, bestrew, cover, fill with (instrumental case) etc. ; to revile (?)  |
vyavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter or pour down or on or about  |