khalu | ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly etc. | ||||||
khalu | ind. (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further etc.; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Latin atqui etc. | ||||||
khalu | ind. ([ khalu-is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase;it is frequently combined with other particles, thus /atha kh-, u kh-, v/ai kh-, kh v/ai-,= now then, now further etc.;in later Sanskrit khalu-frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive;it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind.p. [ khalu kṛtvā-,"desist from doing that"] [also tam-] );or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry ; na khalu-,by no means, not at all, indeed not ]) | ||||||
khaluj | m. (kha-luk-?) darkness | ||||||
khalureṣa | m. a kind of wild quadruped | ||||||
khalureṣaka | m. idem or 'm. a kind of wild quadruped ' | ||||||
khalutas | ind. (equals khalu-) certainly | ||||||
gokhalu | See la-. |
khalu | खलु ind. A particle implying :-- (a) 1 Certainly, surely, verily, indeed; मार्गे पदानि खलु ते विषमीभवन्ति Ś.4.15; अनुत्सेकः खलु विक्रमालङ्कारः V.1; न खल्वनिर्जित्य रघुं कृती भवान् R.3.51. (b) Now, now then, now further; Rv.1.34.14. -2 Entreaty, conciliation ('pray'); न खलु न खलु बाणः सन्निपात्योयमस्मिन् Ś.1.1; न खलु न खलु मुग्धे साहसं कार्यमेतत् Nāg.3. -3 Inquiry; न खलु तामभिक्रुद्धो गुरुः V.3. (= किं अभिक्रुद्धो गुरुः); न खलु विदितास्ते तत्र निवसन्तश्चाणक्य- हतकेन Mu.2; न खलूग्ररुषा पिनाकिना गमितः सा$पि सुहृद्गतां गतिम् Ku.4.24. -4 Prohibition (with gerunds); निर्धारिते$थ लेखेन खलूक्त्वा खलु वाचिकम् Śi.2.7. -5 Reason (for); न विदीर्ये कठिनाः खलु स्त्रियः Ku.4.5. (G. M. cites this as an illustration of विषाद or dejection); विधिना जन एष वञ्चितस्त्वदधीनं खलु देहिनां सुखम् 4.1. -6 खलु is sometimes used as an expletive. -7 Sometimes only to add grace to the sentence (वाक्यालङ्कार); Bṛi. Up.1.3.6. |
khaluj | खलुज् m. Darkness. खलूरिका (-रकम्) A place for military exercise, a parlour, a reception hall, a drawing room round a house; Māna. XXXIV.434-39. |
khalu | khálu, adv. indeed, x. 34, 14 [p. 227]. |
khalu | pcl. [plainly], indeed, certainly; however, and yet: often merely emphatic; khálu vaí, certainly; nu khalu, with inter. pray? I wonder? na khalu, not at all; kha lu½api, now again (introducing a new topic); khalu with gd.=enough of --, do not --. |
khalu | indeclinable (as a continuative particle) now (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (as a particle of asseveration) indeed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) certainly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) now further (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) now then (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) truly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) verily (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 485/72933 |