api | prp. w. lc. or °ree;--, at, in, near (V.); ad. also, likewise; even; but, yet; w. neg.= even; na ka½api, not even; makes interr. in definite: ko&zip;pi, some one; w. numerals=all: katvâro&zip;pi, all four; beg. sentences; interr. pcl.; w. potent. oh that! api -api or ka, both and; na kevalam -api, not only -but also; api ka, kâpi, moreover, likewise; ye&zip;pi te&zip;pi, those also, who --; api vâ, vâpi, or even; na -nâpi, neither -nor; api nâma (at beg. of sentences) perhaps; yadi½api, al though; tathâ½api, yet. |
kevala | a. (î; C. â) exclusively proper to (d., g.); alone, only, nothing but, mere, pure; whole, complete; every, all: -m, ad. only; entirely; but, only; na kevalam -api, not only -but; -tas, ad. only; -sas, ad.entirely; -vyatirekin, a. relating to separation only. |
yāvat | rel. a. (with its following cor. t&asharp;vat, so great etc.=) as great, much, many, far, long, manifold, or frequent as: yâvak karma dâru ka, (as much as=) nothing but skin and wood;yâvat tâvat, how much soever; iti yâvat, as much as, that is to say (frequent in commentators); n. y&asharp;vat, indc. as far, much, or often as, to what amount (gnly. w. following cor. -tâvat, so far etc.); as long as, while; meanwhile, just (w. 1 prs. pr. or 3 impv., to denote an intended action); till (w. pr., pot., ft., impf., aor., or ellipse of copula); as soon as (w. pr., pot., pf., aor., or ellipse of copula): na yâvat -tâvat, scarcely -when, no sooner -than; yâvan na, while not=till (w. pr., pot., ft., impf., or ellipse of copula); also=if not, whether not; na pa ram or kevalam -yâvat, not only -but even; y&asharp;vad yâvat -t&asharp;vat tâvat, as gradu ally -so; prp. w. (gnly. preceding) ac. during, for (e.g. a year); up to, as far as (e.g. one's house; sts. nm.+iti instead of ac.); till (e.g. the evening): adya yâvat, till to-day; w. following ab. till (rare); in. yâvatâ, as far or long as; till (pot.); as soon as (pr.); inas much as, since; w. na, while not=till; lc. y&asharp;vati, as far or as long as (cor. tâvati). |