Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
kaustubhaḥ | 1.1.28 | Masculine | Singular | jewel of krishna | |
mṛgaḥ | 3.3.24 | Masculine | Singular | snānīyam, rajaḥ, kausumaḥreṇuḥ |
kausala | mfn. (often spelt kauśala-) belonging to the kosala-s (a country) | ||||||
kausala | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
kausala | m. of a dynasty | ||||||
kausala | m. varia lectio for kos- q.v | ||||||
kausalā | f. Name of one of kṛṣṇa-'s wives, | ||||||
kausalaka | m. plural (spelt kauśal-), Name of a people | ||||||
kausalaka | mfn. belonging to the kosala-s | ||||||
kausaleya | m. equals lyeya- | ||||||
kausalī | f. Name of one of vasu-deva-'s wives | ||||||
kausalya | mfn. (often spelt kauś-) belonging to the people of the kosala-s | ||||||
kausalya | m. () a prince of the kosala-s etc. | ||||||
kausalyā | f. "daughter of a prince of the kosala-s", Name of the wife of pūru- and mother of janam-ejaya- | ||||||
kausalya | m. of the wife of satvat- | ||||||
kausalya | m. of daśa-ratha-'s wife (mother of rāma-candra-) | ||||||
kausalya | m. of the mother of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
kausalya | m. of the mother of pāṇḍu- | ||||||
kausalyā | (f. of lya- q.v) | ||||||
kausalyāmātṛ | m. "having kausalyā- for his mother", rāma- | ||||||
kausalyānandana | m. "son of kausalyā-", rāma- | ||||||
kausalyāyani | m. patronymic fr. lya- | ||||||
kausalyāyani | m. metron. fr. lyā- (or patronymic fr. kosala-), Name of rāma- | ||||||
kausalyeya | m. metron. fr. lyā- Name of rāma-candra- | ||||||
kausida | m. (spelt kos-) idem or 'm. Name of a pool (mentioned in connection with kusit/āyī- q.v) ' | ||||||
kausīda | mf(ī-)n. (fr. kus-), connected with or relating to a loan, usurious | ||||||
kausīdya | n. sloth, indolence (printed edition kauṣ-) | ||||||
kausīdya | n. the practice of usury | ||||||
kausita | m. Name of a pool (mentioned in connection with kusit/āyī- q.v) | ||||||
kausṛtika | m. (fr. ku-sṛti-), a juggler, conjurer | ||||||
kaustra | n. the state of being a bad wife (ku-strī-), gaRa yuvā | ||||||
kaustubha | mn. (see kust-), Name of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of kṛṣṇa- or viṣṇu-) etc. | ||||||
kaustubha | m. a manner of joining the fingers | ||||||
kaustubha | m. equals kiṃtughna- | ||||||
kaustubha | n. a kind of oil (sarṣapo | ||||||
kaustubha | n. Name of work | ||||||
kaustubhabhṛt | m. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' | ||||||
kaustubhadhāman | m. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- | ||||||
kaustubhadūṣaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work | ||||||
kaustubhalakṣaṇa | m. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' | ||||||
kaustubhavakṣas | m. "whose breast is decorated with the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' ' | ||||||
kaustubhīya | mfn. relating or belonging to the kaustubha- jewel | ||||||
kaustubhoras | m. idem or 'm. "whose breast is decorated with the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' ' ' | ||||||
kausuma | mf(ī-)n. (fr. kus-), coming from or belonging to flowers (as pollen) | ||||||
kausuma | mf(ī-)n. made of flowers | ||||||
kausuma | n. (equals kusumā | ||||||
kausuma | n. a heap of flowers, | ||||||
kausumāyudha | mfn. (fr. kus-), relating to the god of love | ||||||
kausumbha | mf(ī-)n. prepared with safflower | ||||||
kausumbha | mf(ī-)n. ( ) dyed with safflower, orange | ||||||
kausumbha | m. wild safflower | ||||||
kausumbha | n. (with śāka-) safflower prepared as a potherb, | ||||||
kausumbha | n. anything dyed with safflower | ||||||
kausumbhaka | mfn. dyed with safflower | ||||||
kausurubinda | m. patronymic fr. kus- | ||||||
kausurubinda | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- ceremony | ||||||
kausurubindi | m. patronymic fr. kusurubinda- | ||||||
alaṃkārakaustubha | m. work on rhetoric | ||||||
bhāṭṭakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work | ||||||
bhāvārthakaustubha | n. Name of work | ||||||
bṛhatkaustubhālaṃkāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
dānakaustubha | mn. Name of work | ||||||
mīmāṃsākaustubha | mn. Name of work | ||||||
mitrakaustubha | m. Name of a man | ||||||
nāmadheyapādakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work | ||||||
nāmakaustubha | m. or n. Name of a stotra-. | ||||||
nirṇayakaustubha | mn. Name of work | ||||||
nyāyakaustubha | mn. Name of work | ||||||
pratiṣṭhākaustubha | mn. Name of work | ||||||
prayogakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work | ||||||
puraścaraṇakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājakaustubha | n. equals -dharmakaustubha- q.v | ||||||
śābarakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work | ||||||
śabdakaustubha | m. Name of a gram. by īśvarī-prasāda- and of a commentator or commentary on | ||||||
śabdakaustubhadūṣaṇa | n. Name of a gram. work by bhāskara-dīkṣita-. | ||||||
sakirīṭakaustubha | mfn. having a diadem and breast-jewel | ||||||
saṃskārakaustubha | m. Name of work (or saṃskārakaustubhadīdhiti -dīdhiti- f.) | ||||||
saṃskārakaustubhadīdhiti | f. saṃskārakaustubha | ||||||
saṃvatsarakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
smṛtisaṃskārakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
śṛṅgārakaustubha | m. Name of a rhetoric work | ||||||
subhāṣitakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
vaidyakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
vedāntakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
vedāntakaustubhaprabhā | f. Name of work | ||||||
vyākaraṇakaustubha | mn. Name of gram. work |
kausalya | कौसल्य a. Belonging to the people of the Kosalas; Mb.7.49.38. -ल्यः A prince of the Kosalas; कौसल्यश्चा- श्वलायनः Praṣna. Up.1.1. -ल्या The wife of Daśaratha and mother of Rāma. -Comp. -नन्दनः, -मातृ m. epithet of Rāma. |
kausīda | कौसीद a. 1 Connected with a loan; न त्वेवाधौ सोपकारे कौसीदीं वृद्धिमाप्नुयात् Ms.8.143. -2 Usurious. |
kausīdyam | कौसीद्यम् [कुसीद-ष्यञ्] 1 The practice of usury. -2 Sloth, indolence. |
kausṛtikaḥ | कौसृतिकः [कुसृत्या चरति ठक् P.V.2.75] 1 A cheat, knave. -2 A juggler; |
kaustubhaḥ | कौस्तुभः [कुस्तुभो जलधिस्तत्र भवः अण्] 1 N. of a celebrated gem obtained with 13 other jewels at the churning of the ocean and worn by Viṣṇu on his breast; सकौस्तुभं ह्रेपयतीव कृष्णम् R.6.49;1.1. -2 A kind of oil. -3 A manner of joining the fingers. -4 A twist of hair on a horse's neck; कौस्तुभः स्याद्देवमणौ कण्ठा- वर्ते$पि वाजिनाम् Nm. -Comp. -लक्षणः, -वक्षस् m. -हृदयः epithets of Viṣṇu. |
kausuma | कौसुम a. [कुसुम-अण्] Flowery, flowering; सेयं मृदुः कौसुमचापयष्टिः N.7.28. -मम् 1 The ashes of brass (used as a collyrium). -2 Pollen of flowers (पराग); विनयति सुदृशे दृशः परागं प्रणयिनि कौसुममाननानिलेन । Śi.7.57. |
kausumbha | कौसुम्भ a. [कुसुम्भ-अण्] 1 Prepared with safflower. -2 Dyed with safflower, red; कौसुम्भं पृथु कुचकुम्भसङ्गि वासः Śi.8.3. -भः Wild safflower; दिनकरकरसङ्ग व्यक्तकौसुम्भ- कान्तिः Śi. |
kausalya | a. belonging to the Ko salas; m. king of the Kosalas; â, f. queen of Kosala (mother of Râma). |
kausīda | a. (î) proceeding from a loan. |
kaustubha | m. n. jewel produced at the churning of the ocean, an ornament of Vishnu; -bhrit, m. ep. of Vishnu. |
kausuma | a. coming from or made of flowers; -½âyudha, a. relating to Kâma. |
kausumbha | a. (î) coming from, coloured with or like safflower; n. substance coloured with safflower. |
kauṣītaka kaushîtaka, ˚ki | m. pat. from Kushîtaka: (ki)-brâhmana, n. Brâhmana of the Kaushîtakins (also called Sâ&ndot;khâyana Brâhmana); (ki)-½upanishad, f. Kaushîtaki upanishad. |
kausalya | Prince of Kosala,’ is the designation of Para Atnāra in the śatapatha Brāhmana, and of Hiranyanābha in the śāñkhāyana śrauta Sūtra. Áśvalāyana is styled Kausalya, as ‘ belonging to the Kosala country,’ in the Praśna Upanisad, and the Kāśi-Kausalyāh, or the * Kāśis and people of Kosala,’ are mentioned in the Gopatha Brāhmana. |
kausita | Appears in the Maitrāyanī Samhitā in connexion with the demon Kusitāyin as the name of a lake. The Kāthaka Samhitā has Kausida instead. |
kausurubindi | ‘descendant of Kusurubinda,’ is the patronymic of Proti Kauśāmbeya in the śatapatha Brāhmana. In the Gopatha Brāhmana the form is Kausuravindu. |
proti kauśāmbeya kausurubindi | (‘Descendant of Kusuru- binda’) is mentioned in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa as a pupil and contemporary of Uddālaka. In the Taittirīya Sarphitā, on the other hand, Kusurubinda is called Auddālaki, ‘descendant of Uddālaka,’ a fact which seems to indicate that little value is to be attached to these patronymics and allegations of contemporaneousness. |
kaustubha | Kaustubha gem | SB 3.28.14 |
kaustubha | of the Kaustubha gem | SB 11.14.36-42 |
kaustubha | the Kaustubha gem | SB 3.21.11 |
SB 8.10.54 | ||
kaustubha | the Kaustubha gem used by the Lord | SB 5.7.7 |
kaustubha | the Kaustubha jewel | SB 2.2.10 |
SB 3.8.30 | ||
kaustubha | with the gem Kaustubha | SB 10.51.1-6 |
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam | His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewel | SB 4.8.48 |
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam | His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewel | SB 4.8.48 |
kaustubha-ābharaṇa-grīvam | His neck is decorated by the Kaustubha jewel | SB 4.8.48 |
kaustubha-ābharaṇām | whose chest was decorated with the Kaustubha gem | SB 8.6.3-7 |
kaustubha-ābharaṇām | whose chest was decorated with the Kaustubha gem | SB 8.6.3-7 |
kaustubha-ākhyam | known as Kaustubha | SB 8.8.6 |
kaustubha-ākhyam | known as Kaustubha | SB 8.8.6 |
kaustubha-maṇeḥ | of the Kaustubha gem | SB 3.28.26 |
kaustubha-maṇeḥ | of the Kaustubha gem | SB 3.28.26 |
kaustubha-maṇi | the jewel known as Kaustubha-maṇi | CC Madhya 4.193 |
kaustubha-maṇi | the jewel known as Kaustubha-maṇi | CC Madhya 4.193 |
kaustubha-maṇim | the Kaustubha gem | SB 10.66.12-14 |
kaustubha-maṇim | the Kaustubha gem | SB 10.66.12-14 |
kaustubha-vyapadeśena | represented by the Kaustubha gem | SB 12.11.10 |
kaustubha-vyapadeśena | represented by the Kaustubha gem | SB 12.11.10 |
kaustubhaḥ | the Kaustubha gem | SB 8.18.3 |
kaustubham | the Kaustubha gem | SB 10.89.54-56 |
SB 11.27.27 | ||
SB 11.27.38-41 | ||
SB 8.4.17-24 | ||
kaustubham | the pearl of the name | SB 4.24.49 |
kaustubham | with the Kaustubha gem | SB 10.39.51-52 |
kaustubhena | by the Kaustubha jewel | SB 3.15.41 |
kaustubhena | with the Kaustubha gem | SB 10.51.23-26 |
SB 11.30.28-32 | ||
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
śrīvatsa-kaustubhaḥ | the jewel known as Kaustubha and the mark of Śrīvatsa | SB 6.4.35-39 |
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
śrīvatsa-kaustubhau | the Śrīvatsa mark and Kaustubha jewel | SB 6.9.29-30 |
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
śrīvatsa-kaustubhaḥ | the jewel known as Kaustubha and the mark of Śrīvatsa | SB 6.4.35-39 |
śrīvatsa-kaustubhau | the Śrīvatsa mark and Kaustubha jewel | SB 6.9.29-30 |
kausalya | noun (masculine) a prince of the Kosalas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the Kosalas Frequency rank 9590/72933 | |
kausalyā | noun (feminine) name of the mother of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the mother of Pāṇḍu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the mother of Rāma name of the wife of Pūru and mother of Janamejaya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the wife of Satvat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2579/72933 | |
kausalī | noun (feminine) name of one of Vasudeva's wives (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50299/72933 | |
kausenduka | noun (masculine) a kind of rice Frequency rank 50302/72933 | |
kaustubha | noun (masculine neuter) name of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6499/72933 | |
kausuma | adjective coming from or belonging to flowers (as pollen) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) made of flowers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50301/72933 | |
kausuma | noun (neuter) the ashes of brass (used as a collyrium) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) puṣpāñjana Frequency rank 34327/72933 | |
kausumbha | noun (neuter) anything dyed with safflower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) safflower prepared as a potherb (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) puṣpāñjana Frequency rank 27685/72933 | |
kausumbha | adjective dyed with safflower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) orange (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) prepared with safflower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17828/72933 | |
kausumbha | noun (masculine neuter) wild safflower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17827/72933 | |
kausumbhī | noun (feminine) a kind of grain Frequency rank 34328/72933 | |
kausīda | adjective connected with or relating to a loan (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) usurious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50300/72933 |