kartavya | mfn. (future pass. p. of | ||||||
kartavya | n. that which ought to be done, obligation, duty, task | ||||||
kartavya | mfn. (future pass. p. of | ||||||
kartavya | n. that which ought to be done, obligation, duty, task | ||||||
kartavyatā | f. the state of being necessary to be done or accomplished | ||||||
kartavyatā | f. necessity, obligation, task etc. | ||||||
kartavyatā | f. the possibility or suitableness of being done | ||||||
kartavyatva | n. the state of being necessary to be done or accomplished | ||||||
kartavyatva | n. necessity, obligation, task etc. | ||||||
kartavyatva | n. the possibility or suitableness of being done | ||||||
ahaṃkartavya | mfn. "to be done by self", being the object of ahaṃkāra-, | ||||||
bālamaraṇavidhikartavyatā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dinakartavya | n. "day-duty", ceremonies to be performed daily | ||||||
itikartavya | mfn. proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions | ||||||
itikartavya | n. duty, obligation | ||||||
itikartavyatā | f. any proper or necessary measure, obligation. | ||||||
itikartavyatāmūḍha | mfn. embarrassed, dumb-foundered, wholly at a loss what to do | ||||||
itikartavyatāmūḍha | mfn. embarrassed, dumb-foundered, wholly at a loss what to do | ||||||
kakṣīkartavya | mfn. to be adopted or admitted (as an opinion) | ||||||
kiṃkartavyatā | f. any situation or circumstances in which one asks one's self what ought to be done? (see iti-kart-.) | ||||||
kṛtakartavya | mfn. one who has performed what was to be done, one who has done or discharged his duty | ||||||
nikartavya | ni-kartana-, ni-karṣa- etc. See ni-kṛt-, ni-kṛṣ-, ni-krish etc. | ||||||
nikartavya | mfn. to be acted badly or basely, to be injured | ||||||
nirākartavya | mfn. equals karaṇīya- | ||||||
prakartavya | mfn. to be prepared | ||||||
prakartavya | mfn. to be disclosed or brought to light | ||||||
prakartavya | mfn. to be appointed to (locative case) | ||||||
pratikartavya | mfn. to be requited or returned, to be repaid (literally and figuratively) | ||||||
pratikartavya | mfn. to be counteracted or resisted | ||||||
pratikartavya | mfn. to be treated or cured | ||||||
puñjīkartavya | mfn. to be heaped or collected | ||||||
puraskartavya | () mfn. to be placed in front or honoured or prepared or fitted out or made complete. | ||||||
sākṣātkartavya | mfn. to be made fully perceptible or evident, | ||||||
saṃskartavya | mfn. to be arranged or prepared or made ready | ||||||
satkartavya | mfn. one who is to be honoured | ||||||
sthirīkartavya | mfn. to be encouraged | ||||||
svīkartavya | mfn. to be accepted | ||||||
svīkartavya | mfn. to be assented or agreed to | ||||||
tatkartavya | mfn. proper to be done with reference to any particular circumstance (see iti-k-) | ||||||
upakartavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) a service is to be rendered to (genitive case), (Bombay edition). | ||||||
yathākartavya | mfn. proper to be done (under any particular circumstances) | ||||||
yatikartavyagaṅgāstuti | f. Name of work |
kartavya | कर्तव्य a. What ought to be cut or lopped, fit to be destroyed or put down; पुत्रः सखा वा भ्राता वा पिता वा यदि वा गुरुः । रिपुस्थानेषु वर्तन्तः कर्तव्या भूतिमिच्छता ॥ Mb. |
kartavya | कर्तव्य pot. p. What is fit or ought to be done; हीनसेवा न कर्तव्या कर्तव्यो महदाश्रयः H.3.11; मया प्रात- र्निःसत्त्वं वनं कर्तव्यम् Pt.1. -व्यम्, -कर्तव्यता What ought to be done, a duty, obligation; कर्तव्यं वो न पश्यामि Ku. 6.61,2.62; Y.1.331. |
kṛtaka | a. artificial, feigned, false; adopted (son): -m, feignedly, -tva, n. quality of being artificially produced; -kartavya, a. having fulfilled his task; -karman, n. an ac complished deed; a. having fulfilled one's duty; -kârin, a. doing a thing; -kârya, n. an at tained object; a. having accomplished his ob ject; satisfied: -tva, n. abst. n.; -kâla, m. ap pointed time; -kritya, a. having done his duty; having attained his object, satisfied (as to, lc.): -tâ, f. satisfaction; -kriya, a. hav ing performed a sacred rite; pious; -kshana, a. having an appointed time, i. e. waiting im patiently for (lc., ac. w. prati, inf., --°ree;); -ksho bha, a. shaken; -ghna, a. ignoring benefits, ungrateful: -tâ, f., -tva, n. ingratitude; -kûda, a. having received the tonsure; -gan man, a. planted; -gña, a. recognising benefits, grateful: -tâ, f. gratitude. |
dina | n. day: -kara, m. (day-making), sun; N.; -kartavya, n. daily observance; -kartri, m. (day-maker), sun; -kârya, n. daily observance; -krit, m. sun; -kritya, n. =-kârya; -kshaya, m. decline of day, even ing; -naktam, ad. day and night; -nâtha, m. (lord of day), sun; -pati, m. id.; -bhartri, m. id.; -mani, m. id. (gem of day); -mukha, n. day-break. |
nirākaraṇa | n. expulsion; re pudiation of a wife; removal; disproval; -âkaranîya, fp. to be disproved; -âkari shnu, a. repudiating (ac.); seeking to remove from (ab.); forgetful; -âkartavya, fp. to be disproved; -âkartri, m. contemner of (g.); a. disproving; -âkâ&ndot;ksha, a. expecting nothing; having no desires; requiring no supplement; -âkâra, a. formless, bodiless; having no object, vacant; -âkula, a. not crowded, unfrequented; not confused, orderly; unconcerned, calm; -â kriti, a. formless; neglecting one's religious duties; -âkranda, a. unprotected; affording no protection; m. or n. unsheltered place; -âkri yâ, f.expulsion; disproval; -âgas, a. guiltless; -âgraha, a. not obstinately insisting on any thing; -âkikîrshu, des. a. wishing to refute any one (ac.); -âgîvya, a. affording no livelihood; -âdambara, ad. without much talk (°ree;--); -âta&ndot;ka, a. free from ailment or anxiety; causing no ailment or anxiety; -â- tapa, a. sheltered from the heat of the sun, shady; -âtapatra, a. destitute of an umbrella; -âtithya, n. inhospitable (forest); -âdara, a.showing no respect towards (lc.); -âdhi, a. free from care; -ânanda, a. joyless, sad; -ântra, a. disembowelled; -âpad, a. free from adversity; -âbâdha, a. undisturbed; harm less; frivolous, futile; -âmaya, m. health, welfare; a. healthy, well; salubrious; in fallible; -âmarsha, a. putting up with every thing, apathetic; -âmisha, a. fleshless; hav ing no sensual desires: -½âsin, a. not eating flesh, not carnivorous; -âyata-tva, n. lack of extension, shortness; -âyati, a. having no future; -âyâsa, a. involving no trouble; causing no fatigue; -âyudha, a. unarmed; -ârambha, a. unenterprising, inactive; -â lamba, a. having no support; suspended in the air; self-supported, isolated, affording no support; -âlâpa, a. not talking; -âloka, a. devoid of light, dark; blind, foolish; -âvar ana, a. uncovered, manifest; -âsa, a. having given up all hope or expectation, despairing (of, ac. with prati, d., ab., lc., or --°ree;): -kara, a. taking away all hope of, rendering impos sible, -tva, n. hopelessness; -âsa&ndot;ka, a. fear less; not afraid of (lc.); -âsa&ndot;kya, fp. not to be feared; -âsâ, f. renunciation of all hopes: -½âsanna, pp. verging on despair; -âsitva, n. despair; -âsin, a. having renounced all hope, hopeless; -âsis, a. having no desires or hopes; -âsî-bhû, lose all hope; -âsrama, a. being in none of the four stages of a Brâh man: -pada, a. having no hermitages (forest); -âsramin, a. id.; -âsraya, a. shelterless, un supported; independent; unprotected; -âsa, m. expulsion, exclusion, rejection, repudiation; -âstha, a. taking no interest in, not caring about (--°ree;); -âhâra, m. fasting; a. abstaining from food, having nothing to eat: -tâ, f. abst. n. |
prakara | m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: î, f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; --°ree; a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., °ree;--, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler;n. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; --°ree;, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpanâ, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kâ&ndot;kshâ, f. appetite; -kânda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; --°ree;=pre-eminent, excellent; -kâmá, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or°ree;--, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kâra, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; --°ree; a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakârena, in what way? how? prakâraih, in one way or another; râmâyanasya bhâratasya vâ pra kârah, a kind of Râmâyana or Mahâbhârata; -kâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) of the nature of, -like; -kâra-tâ, f. speciality; -kâra-vat, a. belonging to a species; -kârya, fp. to be exhibited; -kâlana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Nâga. |
pratikañcuka | m. man armoured against all assaults, obstinate adversary; -kantham, ad. singly, one by one; -kara, a. (î) counteracting (--°ree;); m. compensation (--°ree;); -karkasa, a. equally hard with, of the same hardness as (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be re quited (of good or evil); to be repaid to (g.); to be done by way of compensation; to be paid back (debt); to be opposed or counter acted; n. (impl.) one should requite (d., lc.); -repay as a debt to (d.); -counteract any one (g.); -give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, m. requiter; opponent; -karma, ad. for every act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, n. requital; corresponding action (--°ree;); counter action; (medical) treatment; personal adorn ment; -karsha, m. combination; -kâ&ndot;k shin, a. desiring (--°ree;); -kâmám, ad. accord ing to wish, at pleasure; -kâmin, a. dis agreeable; -kâminî, f. female rival; -kâya, m. (counter body), adversary; -kâra, m. re quital (of good or evil), compensation for (--°ree;); counteraction, employment of remedies; alleviation, remedy: -karman, n.opposition, resistance, -vidhâna, n. medical treatment; -kârin, a. obviating, counteracting (--°ree;); -kâr ya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adver sary at play; -kuñgara, m. hostile elephant. |
yathākaniṣṭham | ad. according to age from the youngest upwards; -kartavya, fp. to be done according to the circumstances; n. proper course of action; -karmá, ad. according to the respective action or actions; -karma-gunam, ad. according to the actions and (three) qualities; -kalpam, ad. according to the ritual; -kândam, ad. according to the sections; -kâma-kâra, m. action according to one'sdesire; -k&asharp;mam (SB. ám), ad. according to wish, at will or pleasure, agreeably; leisurely; -kâma- gyeya, fp. to be oppressed at pleasure; -kâma-prayâpya, fp. to be sent away at pleasure; -kâma-vadhya, fp. to be chastised at pleasure; -kâma-vikârin, a. wandering about at will; -kâma½arkita½arthin, a. satis fying supplicants according to their desire; -kâmin, a. acting according to one's will, unrestrained; -kârya, fp. to be done according to circumstances; -kâla, m. proper time: -m, ad. at the right or usual time, seasonably; -kula-dharmam, ad. according to the family usage; -krita, pp. properly done (--°ree;); agreed upon: (á)-m, ad. as usual (RV.); as it hap pened; as agreed upon; -krama, °ree;--, -m, ena, in due order, successively; -kriyamâna, pr. pt. as being done, usual, customary; -ksham am, ad. according to one's power, as much as possible; -kshipram,ad. as possible; -½âkhyânam, ad. according to the statement, as before stated; -½âgata, pp. by which one came (way): -m, e-na, ad. by the way one came; -½âgama, a. orthodox: -m, ad. in accordance with tradition; -gunam, ad. according to the qualities or virtues; -griham, ad. into one's respective house; -gotra-kula-kalpam, ad. according to the usage of the family or the tribe; -½a&ndot;gám, ad. member by member; -½âkâram,ad. according to usage; -kintita, pp. previously intended; -kkhandas, ad. metre by metre; -gâta, pp. as if born into the world; stupid, foolish; -gosham, ad. to one's heart's content; -gñapta, pp. previously directed orordered; -gñapti, ad. according to command; -gñânam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -gñeyam, ad. id.; -gyeshtham, ad. according to age from the eldest downwards, by seniority. |
śaṅkā | f. apprehension, alarm, fear (Br., C.), of (ab., --°ree;, sts. lc., prati); C.: sus picion, of (lc.); doubt, hesitation, misgiving, uncertainty: --°ree;, doubting; supposition, be lief, presumption (of, that -is, --°ree;): pâpa- sa&ndot;kâ na kartavyâ, you should suspect no evil: -½âta&ndot;kita, pp. overcome with fear and anxiety; -½abhiyoga, m. accusation based on mere suspicion; -½âspada, n.ground of sus picion; -sprishta, pp. filled with dread. |
saṃskaraṇa | n. preparation; cre mation; -skartavya, fp. to be prepared; -skartri, m. preparer (of food); consecrator, performer of a rite; producer of an impression. |
sthirīkaraṇa | n. corroboration; -kartavya, fp. to be encouraged; -kâra, m. corroboration; -kri, confirm, strengthen; stop (a horse); make permanent, establish; cor roborate; steel (the heart); encourage; -bhû, take courage. |
svīkaraṇa | n. making one's own, accepting, acquiring anything; taking to wife, espousal; assenting, agreeing; -kartavya, fp. to be accepted; -kartri, m. one wishing to win any one; -kâra, m.acquirement; re ception (of any one); assent, promise: -gra ha, m. robbery; -kârya, fp. to be taken pos session of; -received; -got into one's power (person); -assented to. |
kartavya | noun (neuter) duty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) obligation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) task (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) that which ought to be done (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8095/72933 | |
kartavyatā | noun (feminine) necessity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) obligation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) task (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the possibility or suitableness of being done (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the state of being necessary to be done or accomplished (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15601/72933 | |
akartavya | adjective not to be done Frequency rank 16339/72933 | |
akartavyatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 41522/72933 | |
itikartavya | adjective proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12848/72933 | |
kiṃkartavyatā | noun (feminine) any situation or circumstances in which one asks one's self what ought to be done? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27536/72933 | |
yathākartavya | adjective proper to be done (under any particular circumstances) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29777/72933 |