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Monier-Williams Search
3 results for kartati
ahīndram. "lord of the snakes", patañjali- (mentioned under this name in mahīpa-'s anekārthatilaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakṛtP. -kṛntati-, (Epic also -kartati-), to cut off ; to cut up, cut to pieces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikṛtP. -kṛntati-, (rarely -kartati-), to cut into or through, divide by cutting, tear or rend asunder : Causal -kartayati- idem or 'f. a kind of simile (in which the object of comparison is represented as produced from that to which it is compared exempli gratia, 'for example'"thy face, O fair one, seems to be cut out from the disc of the moon") ' (See -kartita-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.711s Search Word: kartati Input Encoding: IAST: kartati