kara | mf(ī-,rarely ā-)n. (for 2.See) (1. kṛ-), a doer, maker, causer, doing, making, causing, producing (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; confer, compare duḥkhakara-, bhayaṃ-k-, sampat-k-,etc.; confer, compare Latin cerus-,"creator") etc. |
kara | mf(ī-,rarely ā-)n. helping, promoting |
kara | m. the act of doing, making etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see īṣatkara-, su-k-, duṣ-k-,etc.) |
kara | m. "the doer", the hand etc. |
kara | m. a measure (the breadth of twenty-four thumbs) |
kara | m. an elephant's trunk etc. |
kara | m. the claws of a crab |
kara | m. symbolical expression for the number two |
kara | m. the lunar mansion hasta- |
kara | m. (for 1.See) ( kṝ-), a ray of light, sunbeam, moonbeam etc. |
kara | m. hail |
kara | m. royal revenue, toll, tax, tribute, duty |
karabadara | n. "a jujube lying in the hand", anything quite clear to all eyes, |
karabaka | m. a species of bird |
karabāla | See -vāla- below. |
karabha | m. (for 2.See column 3) ( kṝ- ;but more probably connected with 1. kara-), the trunk of an elephant etc. |
karabha | m. a young elephant |
karabha | m. a camel etc. |
karabha | m. a young camel |
karabha | m. the metacarpus (the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers) commentator or commentary on etc. |
karabha | m. (in mus.) a singer who wrinkles the forehead when singing |
karabha | m. a kind of perfume |
karabha | m. a wall |
karabha | m. Name of danta-vakra- (king of the karūṣa-s) |
karabhā | f. a particular plant |
karabha | (for 1.See column 2) n. the lunar mansion called hasta- |
karabha | etc., for 1. See |
karabha | for 2., . |
karabhādanī | f. a species of Alhagi (equals -priyā-above) . |
karabhagrāma | m. Name of a village |
karabhagrīva | m. Name of a fortress in the vindhya- mountain |
karabhājana | m. Name of a Brahman |
karabhaka | m. Name of a messenger |
karabhaka | m. of a village (see karabha-grāma-above.) |
karabhakāṇḍikā | f. Echinops Echinatus |
karabhañjaka | m. plural Name of a people |
karabhañjika | varia lectio for the above |
karabhapriya | m. a sort of tree |
karabhapriyā | f. a sort of Alhagi |
karabhāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
karabhavallabha | m. Feronia Elephantum. |
karabhī | f. a she-camel |
karabhī | f. Tragia Involucrata |
karabhin | m. "having a trunk", an elephant |
karabhīya | mfn. tending camels, |
karabhorū | f. a woman whose thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant |
karabhū | m. a fingernail. |
karabhūṣaṇa | n. a hand-ornament, bracelet. |
karacchada | m. Trophis Aspera |
karacchadā | f. a species of tree (commonly called sindūra-puṣpī-vṛkṣa-) |
karaculi | m. Name of a country |
karad | onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) (with iti-), |
karada | (1. kara-da-;for 2.See) mfn. one who gives his hand |
karada | mfn. paying taxes, subject to tax, tributary |
karadakṣa | mfn. handy, dexterous, ready |
karadāyaka | mfn. paying tribute, |
karadhṛta | mfn. held or supported by the hand |
karadīkṛ | to render tributary |
karadīkṛta | mfn. made tributary, subjugated |
karadruma | m. Name of a poisonous tree (equals kāra-skara-) |
karadvīpa | m. Guilandina Bonducella |
karadviṣ | m. plural Name of a tribe or school |
karagharṣaṇa | m. a churning-stick |
karagharṣaṇa | m. (n.) the act of rubbing the hands together |
karagharṣin | m. a churning-stick |
karaghāṭa | m. a kind of poisonous tree |
karāghāta | m. a blow with the hand |
karāgra | n. (for 2.See) the tip of an elephant's trunk |
karāgra | n. tip of the finger |
karāgra | (for 1.See) n. point of a ray. |
karagraha | (1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage |
karagraha | m. (2. kara-graha-;for 1.See) levying or gathering taxes |
karagraha | m. a tax-gatherer. |
karagrāham | ind.p. so as to take the hand on |
karagrahaṇa | (1. kara-grahaṇa-;for 2.See) n. idem or '(1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage ' (see pāṇi-gr-.) |
karagrahaṇa | (2. kara-grahaṇa-) n. levying or gathering taxes. |
karagrāhin | mfn. (1. kara-grāhin-;for 2.See) taking the hand |
karagrāhin | mfn. a bridegroom |
karagrāhin | (2. kara-grāhin-) mfn. levying a tax, a tax-collector. |
karāgrapallava | m. "hand-shoot", a finger |
karāgrapallavaja | m. a finger-nail. |
karagṛhīti | f. the act of taking the hand |
karagrihīti | f. levying taxes (and"shaking hands"), |
karahañcā | f. Name of a metre of four lines (each consisting of seven syllables). |
karahāra | mfn. taking tribute |
karahāṭa | m. the tree Vangueria Spinosa |
karahāṭa | m. the fibrous root of a lotus |
karahāṭa | m. Name of a region. |
karahāṭaka | m. Vangueria Spinosa |
karahāṭaka | m. Name of an heretical prince |
karahāṭaka | m. a series of six śloka-s with one sentence running through commentator or commentary on |
karahati | f. a blow with the hand. 1. |
karaja | m. "produced in or from the hand", a finger-nail etc. |
karaja | m. Pongamia Glabra (equals karañja-) |
karaja | n. a kind of perfume (resembling a nail in appearance, equals vyāghra-nakha-) |
karajākhya | n. a perfume (equals -ja-) |
karajāla | n. a pencil of rays, a stream of light |
karajapya | m. Name of a man |
karajapya | m. plural Name of his tribe |
karajavardhana | m. Name of a prince |
karajyoḍi | m. Name of a tree (equals hasta-jyoḍi-) |
karaka | m. (for 2.See column 3) a water-vessel (especially one used by students or ascetics) |
karaka | m. a species of bird |
karaka | m. hand (?) |
karaka | m. Name of several plants (the pomegranate tree, Pongamia Glabra, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinia Variegata, Mimusops Elengi, Capparis Aphylla) |
karaka | m. a cocoa-nut shell |
karaka | mn. a cocoa-nut shell hollowed to form a vessel |
karaka | m. plural Name of a people |
karaka | n. fungus, mushroom |
karaka | m. (for 1.See column 1) hail |
karaka | m. toll, tax, tribute. |
karakābhighāta | m. shower of hail, 1. |
karakacaturthī | f. the fourth day in the dark half of the month āśvina-. |
karakacchapikā | f. a particular position of the fingers. |
karakalaśa | m. the hand hollowed to receive water |
karakamala | n. "hand-lotus", the hand (especially of a lover or a mistress) (see -padma-, -paṅkaja-,etc. below.) |
karakāmbhas | m. idem or 'm. the cocoa-nut tree ' |
karakāmbu | m. the cocoa-nut tree |
karakaṇṭaka | m. "hand-thorn", a finger-nail |
karakapātrikā | f. a leather vessel for holding water. |
karakarṇa | m. Name of a man |
karakāsāra | m. a shower of hail. |
karakāsāra | Nom. P. karakāsārati-, to pour or shower down like hail |
karakaṭa | m. an elephant's temple (see karaṭa-) |
karakaṭa | m. Centropus Pyropterus |
karakatoya | m. the cocoa-nut tree |
karakāyu | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra- (see kanakāyu-) |
karakisalaya | m. n. "hand-bud", the hand closed in the form of a bud |
karakisalaya | m. "hand-shoot", the finger |
karakoṣa | m. the hand hollowed to receive water (see -kalāśa-.) |
karakṛtātman | mfn. "living from hand to mouth", destitute |
karakudmala | n. "hand-bud" (see above) , the finger |
karāla | mfn. opening wide, cleaving asunder, gaping (as a wound) etc. |
karāla | mfn. having a gaping mouth and projecting teeth |
karāla | mfn. formidable, dreadful, terrible |
karāla | m. a species of animal, musk-deer |
karāla | m. a mixture of oil and the resin of Shorea Robusta |
karāla | m. Name of a region |
karāla | m. of an asura- |
karāla | m. of a rakṣas- |
karāla | m. of a deva-gandharva- |
karālā | f. Hemidesmus Indicus |
karāla | m. Name of durgā- |
karāla | m. of a procuress |
karāla | m. a sword |
karāla | n. a sort of basil |
karāla | n. a kind of Ocimum |
karālabhairava | n. Name of a tantra- ([ ]) |
karāladaṃṣṭra | mfn. having terrific teeth |
karālajanaka | m. Name of a prince (also called janaka-) |
karālaka | n. a kind of Ocimum. |
karālakara | mfn. having a powerful arm or hand |
karālakara | mfn. having a large trunk (as an elephant). |
karālakesara | m. Name of a lion |
karālākṣa | m. "having terrible eyes", Name of a follower of skanda- |
karālalocana | mfn. terrific. |
karālamba | m. a support of the hand, means of safety |
karālamba | mfn. stretching out one's hand to support or raise another |
karālambana | n. the act of supporting the hand, helping, sustaining. |
karālamukha | mfn. having a terrible mouth |
karālānana | mfn. having a terrific face. |
karālatripuṭā | f. a species of corn |
karālavadana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a terrible mouth ' |
karālavadanā | f. Name of durgā-. |
karālavaktra | mfn. having a terrible mouth |
karalāya | Nom. A1. yats-, to become terrible, |
karālī | f. one of the seven tongues and nine samidh-s of agni- |
karālika | m. a tree |
karālika | m. a sword |
karālikā | f. Name of durgā-. |
karālin | mfn. singing with a gaping and distorted mouth |
karālin | m. a tree |
karālita | mfn. rendered formidable, afraid of, alarmed at |
karālita | mfn. magnified, intensified |
karama | m. (equals kalama-) a reed for writing with |
karamadhya | m. a particular measure (equals karṣa-), |
karamālā | f. the hand used as a rosary (the joints of the fingers corresponding to the beads) |
karamāla | m. smoke (probably a corruption of khatamāla-). |
karāmalaka | n. equals karatalāmalaka-. |
karamanda | m. Name of a man. |
karamaṇḍalin | m. Achyranthes Aspera |
karamarda | m. Carissa Carandas etc. |
karamardā | f. Name of a river, |
karāmarda | m. equals kara-marda-. |
karamardaka | m. idem or 'f. Carissa Carandas ' |
karamardaka | n. the fruit of Carissa Carandas |
karamardī | f. Carissa Carandas |
karamarī | f. a prisoner |
karamaṭṭa | m. the betel-nuttree |
karamba | mfn. (1. kṛ- ), mixed |
karamba | mfn. set, inlaid |
karamba | m. a kind of gruel. |
karambha | m. groats or coarsely-ground oats etc. |
karambha | m. a dish of parched grain, a cake or flour or meal mixed with curds, a kind of gruel (generally offered to pūṣan- as having no teeth to masticate hard food) etc. |
karambha | m. a mixture |
karambha | m. Name of a poisonous plant |
karambha | m. of a son of śakuni- and father of devarāta- |
karambha | m. of the father of asura- mahiṣa- |
karambha | m. of a monkey |
karambha | m. of a brother of rambha- |
karambhā | f. Asparagus Racemosus |
karambhā | f. fennel |
karambhā | f. Name of the daughter of a king of kaliṅga- and wife of akrodhana- |
karambha | mfn. mixed (as an odour) |
karambhabhāga | mfn. one who receives gruel for his part |
karambhād | mfn. eating groats or gruel |
karambhaka | m. a kind of Achyranthes |
karambhaka | m. Name of a man |
karambhaka | m. plural Name of a people |
karambhaka | n. groats, coarsely-ground oats etc. |
karambhaka | n. a document drawn up in different dialects |
karambhapātra | n. a dish of gruel |
karambhavālukā | f. Nominal verb plural hot sand as gruel (a certain punishment in hell) |
karambhavālukātāpa | m. plural the pains caused by this punishment |
karambhi | m. Name of a son of śakuni- and father of devarāta- |
karambhi | m. (ayas-) plural the lineage of karambhi-. |
karambhin | mfn. possessing gruel |
karambita | mfn. intermingled, mixed etc. |
karambita | mfn. pounded, reduced to grains or dust |
karambita | mfn. set, inlaid |
karāmbuka | m. Carissa Carandas |
karaṃdhama | m. Name of two princes |
karaṃdhaya | mfn. sucking the hand |
karāmla | m. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas ' |
karāmlaka | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas ' ' |
karamocana | n. idem or 'm. the act of setting free the hand (of the bride by her father when the wedding is finished; see ) ' |
karamokṣa | m. the act of setting free the hand (of the bride by her father when the wedding is finished; see ) |
karamukta | n. (scilicet astra-) a missile, weapon thrown with the hand |
karamukta | n. a dart, javelin etc. |
karamukteśvara | n. Name of a temple. |
karaṇa | mf(ī-)n (once karaṇ/a- ) doing, making, effecting, causing (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see antakaraṇa-, uṣṇaṃ-k-,etc.) etc. |
karaṇa | mf(ī-)n clever, skilful |
karaṇa | m. a helper, companion |
karaṇa | m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast kṣatriya- ;or the son of a śūdra- woman by a vaiśya- ;or the son of a vaiśya- woman by a kṣatriya- ;the occupation of this class is writing, accounts etc.) |
karaṇa | m. writer, scribe |
karaṇa | m. (in grammar) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context;in this sense usually n.) on commentator or commentary on |
karaṇa | m. (in mus.) a kind of time |
karaṇa | n. the act of making, doing, producing, effecting etc. (very often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' muṣṭi-k-, virūpa-k-) |
karaṇa | n. an act, deed |
karaṇa | n. an action (especially a religious one) |
karaṇa | n. the special business of any tribe or caste |
karaṇa | n. a calculation (especially an astronomical one) |
karaṇa | n. an astrological division of the day (these karaṇa-s are eleven, viz. vava-, valava-, kaulava-, taitila-, gara-, vaṇija-, viṣṭi-, śakuni-, catuṣpada-, kintughna-,and nāga-,two being equal to a lunar day;the first seven are called a-dhruvāṇi-or movable, and fill, eight times repeated, the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane;the four others are dhruvāṇi-or fixed, and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) etc. |
karaṇa | n. pronunciation, articulation, |
karaṇa | n. (in grammar) a sound or word as an independent part of speech, separated from its context etc., (karaṇa-may be used in this way like kāra- exempli gratia, 'for example' iti-karaṇa- ) |
karaṇa | n. the posture of an ascetic |
karaṇa | n. a posture in sexual intercourse |
karaṇa | n. instrument, means of action |
karaṇa | n. an organ of sense or of speech |
karaṇa | n. (in law) an instrument, document, bond |
karaṇa | n. (in grammar) the means or instrument by which an action is effected, the idea expressed by the instrumental case, instrumentality |
karaṇa | n. cause (equals kāraṇa-) |
karaṇa | n. a spell, charm (see karaṇa-prayoga-) |
karaṇa | n. rhythm, time |
karaṇa | n. body |
karaṇa | n. Name of a treatise of varāha-mihira- on the motion of the planets |
karaṇa | n. of a work belonging to the śiva-darśana- |
karaṇa | n. a field |
karaṇa | n. the mind, heart (see antaḥ-karaṇa-) |
karaṇa | n. grain |
karaṇa | n. (also) a sinew, tendon, muscle, |
karaṇābda | m. plural the years used in astronomical calculations id est years of the sāka- era commentator or commentary on |
karaṇādhikāra | m. a chapter on the subject of pronunciation. |
karaṇādhipa | m. "lord of the organs", the principle of life, living soul |
karaṇādhipa | m. the god presiding over each sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' the sun is the lord of the eye etc.) |
karaṇagrāma | m. the senses collectively |
karaṇakesarin | m. Name of work |
karaṇakutūhala | n. Name of work on practical astronomy by bhāskara-. |
karaṇamantra | m. a mantra- pertaining to any sacred rite, , Scholiast or Commentator |
karaṇaneri | m. a kind of dance. |
karaṇanerika | m. a kind of dance. |
karaṇaniyama | m. repression or restraint of the organs of sense. |
karaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work |
karaṇaprabodha | m. Name of work |
karaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
karaṇaprayoga | m. spell, charm |
karaṇaprayoga | m. . |
karaṇasāra | m. Name of work on practical astronomy by bhāskara-. |
karaṇasthānabheda | m. difference of articulation or organ of pronunciation. |
karaṇasūtra | n. Name of work , |
karaṇatā | f. instrumentality, the state of being an instrument on |
karaṇatrāṇa | n. "protecting the organs of sense", the head |
karaṇāṭṭa | n. Name of a place. |
karaṇatva | n. instrumentality, mediate agency |
karaṇavat | mfn. articulated |
karaṇavigama | m. death (= deha-- tyāga-), |
karaṇavinyaya | m. manner of pronunciation |
karaṇavyāpāra | m. action of the senses |
karaṇayati | f. a kind of time (in mus.) |
karaṇḍa | mf(ī- )n. () a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-work etc. |
karaṇḍa | mf(ī- )n. a bee-hive, honey-comb |
karaṇḍa | m. a sword |
karaṇḍa | m. a sort of duck |
karaṇḍa | m. a species of plant (equals dalāḍhaka-) |
karaṇḍa | n. a piece of wood, block |
karaṇḍa | See . |
karaṇḍaka | mf(ikā-). a basket |
karaṇḍakanivāpa | m. Name of a place near rājagṛha-. |
karaṇḍakavat | ind. like a basket |
karaṇḍaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum |
karaṇḍavyūha | m. Name of a Buddhist work. |
karaṇḍin | m. (karaṇḍas tad-ākāro 'sty asya- ) a fish |
karāṅgaṇa | m. a much-frequented market |
karaṅgaṇa | (varia lectio for karāṅgaṇa-) m. a market, fair |
karāṅgaṇa | See under 1. kar/a-, . |
karāṅguli | f. a finger of the hand |
karaṇī | f. a woman of the above mixed tribe |
karaṇī | f. (with sutā-) an adopted daughter |
karaṇī | f. (in arithmetic) a surd or irrational number, surd root |
karaṇī | f. the side of a square commentator or commentary on |
karaṇī | f. a particular measure commentator or commentary on |
karaṇī | f. a particular position of the fingers |
karaṇi | f. doing, making (see a-karaṇi-) |
karaṇi | f. form, aspect |
karanihita | mfn. held in the hand |
karaṇin | mfn. having instruments |
karaṇin | m. Name of a teacher. |
karaṇīya | mfn. to be done or made or effected etc. |
karaṇīya | n. an affair, business, matter, |
karañja | m. the tree Pongamia Glabra (used medicinally) |
karañja | m. Name of an enemy of indra- (slain by this god) |
karañjaha | mfn. pernicious to karañja- |
karañjaka | mf(ikā-). Pongamia Glabra |
karañjaka | mf(ikā-). Verbesina Scandens |
karañjaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum |
karañjī | f. Galedupa Piscidia |
karaṅka | m. the skull, head |
karaṅka | m. a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel |
karaṅka | m. a kind of sugar-cane (see the next) |
karaṅka | m. any bone of the body |
karaṅka | m. ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin carina,cornu,cancer; English horn; confer, compare karka.]) |
karaṅkaśāli | m. a sort of sugar-cane. |
karaṅkiṇī | f. Name of a yoginī- |
karānta | m. the tip of a finger, |
karantha | m. plural Name of a people |
karanyāsa | m. marking the hand with mystical figures |
karanyastakapolāntam | ind. the end of the cheek held in the hand. |
karapadma | mn. equals -kamala- above. |
karapāla | (1. kara-pāla-;for 2.See) m. "hand-protecting", a sword, scymitar |
karapāla | (2. karapāla-;for 1.See) m. chief tax-gatherer |
karapālaka | m. idem or '(1. kara-pāla-;for 2.See) m. "hand-protecting", a sword, scymitar ' |
karapāli | m. a kind of sword |
karapālikā | f. a cudgel, short club or wooden sword, a sword or one-edged knife |
karapallava | m. "hand-shoot", a finger |
karapallava | m. equals -kisalaya- above |
karapaṅkaja | m. equals -kamala- above. |
karapaṇya | n. a commodity given as tribute |
karaparṇa | m. Abelmoschus Esculentus |
karaparṇa | m. a kind of Ricinus |
karapātra | n. splashing water about while bathing (see -pattra-above) |
karapātra | n. the hand hollowed so as to hold anything |
karapātrī | f. a cup made of leather |
karapattra | n. a saw |
karapattra | n. splashing water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in water |
karapattrā | f. a species of fig-tree |
karapattraka | n. a saw |
karapattravat | m. Borassus Flabelliformis (the leaves being compared to a saw) |
karapattrikā | f. playing in water (see -pattra-.) |
karaphu | a particular high number () |
karapraceya | (1. kara-praceya-;for 2.See) mfn. to be held or taken hold of by the hand |
karapraceya | mfn. to be collected by taxes. |
karaprada | (1. kara-prada-;for 2.See) mfn. giving the hand etc. |
karaprada | (2. kara-prada-) mfn. paying taxes, tributary |
karaprāpta | mfn. held in the hand, obtained, possessed |
karapṛṣṭha | n. the back of the hand |
karapuṭa | m. joining the palms of the hands in token of respect |
karapuṭa | m. the hands joined and hollowed to receive anything |
karapuṭa | m. a box, chest with a lid |
karapuṭaṭāñjali | m. cavity made in joining the palms of the hands |
karapuṭī | f. the hollow of the hand, |
kararddhi | f. (kara-ṛddhi-) equals -tālī- above |
kararddhi | f. indication of luck by the hand |
kararddhi | f. a cymbal |
karārgala | n. a lute |
karārin | m. (riṇas- plural), Name of a sect worshipping devī-. |
karāroha | m. idem or 'm. finger-ring.' |
karāroṭa | m. finger-ring. |
karārpaṇa | n. marriage, |
karārpita | mfn. placed in hand. |
kararuddha | mfn. stopped by the hand, held tight or fast. |
kararudh | mfn. warding off a hand (and"a ray"), |
kararudh | mfn. ray-obstructing. |
kararuha | m. "growing from the hand", a finger-nail etc. |
kararuha | m. Unguis Odoratus |
kararuhapada | n. a scratch with the finger-nail |
karas | n. a deed, action |
karas | See under 1. kar/a-. |
karasāda | (1. kara-sāda-;for 2.See) m. languor of the hands |
karasāda | (2. kara-sāda-;for 1.See) m. the fading away of rays |
karaśākhā | f. a finger |
karasaṃdaṃśa | m. the thumb and forefinger of the hand, |
karasaṃdaṃśahīnaka | ( masculine, feminine and neuter; or adjective deprived of the thumb and forefinger), |
karaśīkara | m. water expelled by an elephant's trunk |
karasna | m. the fore-part of the arm |
karasna | m. a finger-nail |
karasna | See under 1. kar/a-. |
karaspanda | m. trembling of the hands. |
karaspanda | (2. kara-spanda-;for 1.See) m. trembling of rays. |
karasphoṭa | m. extending the hands |
karasphoṭa | (2. kara-sphoṭa-;for 1.See) m. extending the rays. |
karastha | mfn. lying in the hand |
karasthālin | m. "using the hands for a jar", Name of śiva- |
karasthīkṛ | to lay on the hand. |
karaśuddhi | f. cleansing the hands with fragrant flowers |
karaśūka | m. "hand-spicule", a finger-nail |
karasūtra | n. an auspicious string (tied to the hand at marriage etc.) |
karasvāmin | m. Name of a tīrtha-. |
karasvana | m. sound produced by clapping the hands |
karaṭa | m. an elephant's temple etc. |
karaṭa | m. the spot between the forehead and ear of a bird |
karaṭa | m. a crow etc. |
karaṭa | m. a kind of drum commentator or commentary on |
karaṭa | m. a man of a low or degraded profession |
karaṭa | m. a bad Brahman |
karaṭa | m. an atheist, unbeliever, impugner of the doctrines of the veda- |
karaṭa | m. a kind of funeral ceremony |
karaṭa | m. Carthamus Tinctorius |
karaṭa | m. plural Name of a people |
karaṭa | m. of a royal dynasty |
karaṭā | f. an elephant's temple |
karaṭā | f. a cow difficult to be milked |
karaṭa | mfn. dark-red |
karāṭa | m. Name of gaṇeśa- |
karaṭaka | m. a crow |
karaṭaka | m. Name of a jackal |
karatala | m. the palm of the hand etc. |
karatalā | f. a knife |
karatāla | mf(ī-). a musical instrument, a cymbal |
karatāla | n. beating time by clapping the hands |
karataladhṛta | mfn. held in the hand |
karatalagata | mfn. being in the hand or in one's possession |
karatālaka | n. a cymbal |
karatalamalaka | n. "a myrobalan lying in the hand", anything quite clear to all eyes. |
karatalastha | mfn. resting in the palm of the hand |
karatalatāla | m. clapping the hands |
karatālikā | f. clapping the hands |
karatālikā | f. beating time by clapping |
karatālikā | f. a kind of cymbal |
karatalīkṛ | to take in the palm of the hand |
karatalīkṛta | mfn. taken in the open hand, lying open. |
karaṭāmukha | n. the spot where an elephant's temple bursts |
karatanu | m. (see karatantarvika-) |
karatas | ind. from the hand, out of the hand. |
karatha | m. Name of a physician |
karaṭī | f. a crow |
karaṭikautuka | n. Name of work treating on elephants. |
karaṭin | m. an elephant |
karatoyā | f. Name of a river in the north-east of Bengal (said to have, originated from the water poured into the hand of śiva- at his marriage with pārvati-, and thrown by him on the ground) |
karatoyinī | f. Name of a river (probably = the last) |
karatṛṇa | n. Pandanus Odoratissimus |
karaṭu | m. the Numidian crane (see kareṭavyā-, kareṭu-,etc.) |
karavāla | m. a sword, scymitar etc. (see -pāla-above) |
karavāla | m. a finger-nail |
karavālaputrī | f. a knife |
karavāli | m. a kind of sword |
karavālikā | f. equals -pālika- above |
karavallī | f. a kind of plant |
karavāraka | m. Name of skanda- |
karavāri | n. water from the hand. |
karavartam | ind.p. whilst turning the hand on |
karavat | mfn. paying tribute. |
karavī | f. the leaf of the plant Asa Foetida (see karvarī-, kavarī-, kāvarī-.) |
karavīka | m. Name of a mountain. |
karavimukti | f. Name of a tīrtha-. |
karavinda | m. Name of an author. |
karavindīya | n. (fr. the last) , the work of karavinda-. |
karavīra | m. Oleander (Nerium Odorum) |
karavīra | m. a species of soma- |
karavīra | m. a sword |
karavīra | m. a particular spell (for recovering a missile of mystic properties after its discharge) |
karavīra | m. the thumb |
karavīra | m. a cemetery |
karavīra | m. Name of a nāga- |
karavīra | m. of a daitya- |
karavīra | m. of a town on the river Venva (founded by padma-varṇa-) (see kara-vīra-pura-below) |
karavīra | m. of a town on the river dṛṣadvatī- (the residence of candraśekhara-) |
karavīra | m. of a mountain |
karavīrā | f. red arsenic |
karavīra | n. the flower of Oleander |
karavīra | See . |
karavīrabhujā | f. Cajanus Indicus |
karavīrabhūṣā | f. equals -bhujā- |
karavīraka | m. the poisonous root of Oleander |
karavīraka | m. Terminalia Arjuna |
karavīraka | m. a sword |
karavīraka | m. a cemetery |
karavīraka | m. a particular part of the face |
karavīraka | m. Name of a nāga- |
karavīrakā | f. red arsenic |
karavīraka | n. the flower of Oleander |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a species of onion |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a bulb (equals tailakanda-) |
karavīrākara | n. Name of a wood |
karavīrakarambhin | n. Name of a wood (varia lectio karavīrākara-) |
karavīramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
karavīrapura | n. Name of a town founded by padma-varṇa- (see karavīra-) |
karavīravrata | n. a certain rite |
karavīrī | f. a woman who has borne a son, a mother |
karavīrī | f. a good cow |
karavīrī | f. Name of aditi- |
karavīrya | m. Name of a physician |
karavraṇa | m. Name of bhīmasena- |
karāyikā | f. a bird, a small kind of crane |
karb | cl.1 P. karbati-, to go, move, approach |
karbara | See 2. karvara-. |
karbela | m. Name of the copyist viṣṇu-bhaṭṭa-. |
karbu | mfn. variegated, spotted |
karbudāra | m. Bauhinia candida |
karbudāra | m. Bauhinia variegata |
karbudāra | m. Barleria caerulea |
karbudāraka | m. Cordia latifolia |
karbuka | m. plural Name of a people |
karbura | mf(ā-)n. variegated, of a spotted or variegated colour etc. |
karbura | m. sin |
karbura | m. a rakṣas- |
karbura | m. Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet |
karbura | m. a species of Dolichos |
karburā | f. a venomous kind of leech |
karbura | m. Bignonia suaveolens |
karbura | m. equals barbarā- |
karbura | n. gold |
karbura | n. thorn-apple |
karbura | n. water |
karbūra | m. a rakṣas- |
karbūra | m. Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet |
karbūrā | f. a kind of venomous leech |
karbūra | n. gold |
karbūra | n. a yellow orpiment |
karburaka | mfn. variegated, spotted |
karbūraka | m. a kind of Curcuma |
karburāṅgā | f. a species of fly or bee |
karburaphala | m. a particular plant |
karburī | f. Name of durgā- |
karbūrita | mfn. variegated, many-coloured |
karcarī | f. a kind of medicinal substance |
karcarikā | f. a kind of pastry or cake |
karcarikā | f. (Beng. kacurī-.) |
karcūra | m. turmeric |
karcūra | n. an orpiment |
karcūra | n. gold (see karbura-, karbūra-.) |
karcūraka | m. turmeric (see karbūraka-.) |
karcūṭikā | f. a kind of pastry |
kard | cl.1 P. kardati-, to rumble (as the bowels) ; to caw (as a crow) ; to make any unpleasant noise (see pard-.) |
karda | m. mud, clay (see kardama-.) |
kardama | m. () mud, slime, mire, clay, dirt, filth etc. |
kardama | m. sin commentator or commentary on |
kardama | m. shade, shadow (in veda- according to ) |
kardama | m. Name of a prajāpati- (born from the shadow of brahmā-, husband of devahūti- and father of kapila-) |
kardama | m. a kind of rice |
kardama | m. a kind of poisonous bulb |
kardama | m. Name of pulaka- (a son of prajāpati-) |
kardama | m. of a nāga- |
kardama | n. flesh |
kardama | n. Civet |
kardama | mfn. covered with mud or mire or dirt, dirty, filthy |
kardamaka | m. a kind of rice |
kardamaka | m. a kind of poisonous bulb |
kardamaka | m. a kind of snake |
kardamaka | m. a kind of erysipelas |
kardamākhya | m. a kind of poisonous bulb |
kardamarāja | m. Name of a man (a son of kṣema-gupta-) |
kardamarājan | m. Name of a man (a son of kṣema-gupta-) |
kardamāṭaka | m. a receptacle for filth, a sewer etc. |
kardamavīsarpa | m. a kind of erysipelas |
kardameśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
kardamī | f. a species of jasmine |
kardamila | n. (gaRa kāśādi-), Name of a place |
kardamila | mfn. slippery, |
kardaminī | f. a marshy region gaRa puṣkarādi-. |
kardamita | mfn. muddy, dirty, soiled |
kardamodbhava | m. marsh-produced kind of rice |
kardana | n. rumbling of the bowels, borborygm |
kardana | m. Name of a prince |
kardanī | f. equals kūrdanī- q.v |
kardaṭa | m. mud, dirt |
kardaṭa | m. the fibrous root of the lotus |
kardaṭa | m. any aquatic weed (as Vallisneria etc.; equals paṅkāra-) |
kareḍuka | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. the Numidian crane ' ' (see karaṭu-,etc.) |
karenara | m. benzoin, storax |
karenduka | m. a sort of grass |
kareṇu | m. () an elephant etc. |
kareṇu | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium |
kareṇu | f. (us-[and ūs- ]) a female elephant etc. |
kareṇu | f. a sort of plant |
kareṇu | f. the svarabhakti- (q.v) between r- and h- commentator or commentary on |
kareṇubhū | m. Name of pālakāpya- |
kareṇuka | n. the poisonous fruit of the plant kareṇu- |
kareṇukā | f. a female elephant |
kareṇumatī | f. Name of the wife of nakula- (and daughter of a king of the cedi-s) |
kareṇupāla | m. "keeper of an elephant", Name of a man. |
kareṇusuta | m. equals -bhū- above. |
kareṇuvarya | m. a large or powerful elephant. |
kareṭa | m. a finger-nail |
kareṭa | See . |
kareṭavyā | f. the Numidian crane |
kareṭu | m. idem or 'f. the Numidian crane ' |
karevara | m. Olibanum |
karhi | ind. (fr. 2. ka-), when ? at what time ? |
karhi | ind. (with svid-,or cid-or api-[ ]) at any time etc. |
karhi | ind. (with cid-and a particle of negation) never, at no time ; ([ confer, compare Gothic hvar,"where ?" English where?]) |
kari | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing, accomplishing (see śakṛt-k-) |
kari | m. the hand |
kari | (in compound for karin- column 3) . |
karibandha | m. the post to which an elephant is tied |
karibha | m. Ficus Religiosa |
karicarman | n. an elephant's hide. |
karidanta | m. an elephant's tusk |
karidanta | m. ivory |
karidāraka | m. a lion |
karigarjita | n. the roaring of elephants |
karihasta | m. a particular position of the hands. |
karija | m. a young elephant |
karikā | f. (ikā-) a wound caused by a finger-nail |
karika | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (equals karin-) an elephant |
karikā | f. See 1. karaka- |
karikaṇā | f. Piper Chaba |
karikaṇāvallī | f. idem or 'f. Piper Chaba' |
karīkṛ | to offer as a tribute |
karikrata | m. Name of the author of |
karikṛṣṇā | f. Piper Chaba |
karikṛt | m. Pongamia Glabra |
karikumbha | m. the frontal globe of an elephant. |
karikusumbha | m. a fragrant powder prepared from the flowers of nāgakeśara- |
karikusumbhaka | m. idem or 'm. a fragrant powder prepared from the flowers of nāgakeśara- ' |
karīladeśa | m. Name of a country. |
karimācala | m. "destroyer of elephants", a lion |
karimakara | m. a fabulous monster |
karimaṇḍita | n. Name of a wood |
karimukha | m. "elephant-faced", Name of gaṇeśa- |
karimuktā | f. a pearl (said to be found sometimes in an elephant's head) |
karin | mfn. doing, effecting etc. on |
karin | m. "having a trunk", an elephant |
karināsā | f. the trunk of an elephant |
karināsikā | f. a kind of musical instrument |
karīndra | m. a large elephant a war or state elephant |
karīndra | m. indra-'s elephant |
kariṇī | f. (fr. the next) , a female elephant |
kariṇī | f. See above. |
kariṇīsahāya | m. the mate of the female elephant. |
karipa | m. the keeper of an elephant ([ ]) gaRa cūrṇādi- |
karipatha | m. the way of an elephant gaRa devapathādi- |
karipattra | n. Name of a plant (see tālīśa-pattra-.) |
karipippalī | f. Pothos Officinalis |
karipippalī | f. Piper Chaba |
karipota | m. a young elephant |
karira | mn. the shoot of a bamboo (see karīra-.) |
karīra | mn. the shoot of a bamboo |
karīra | m. a water-jar |
karīra | m. Capparis Aphylla (a thorny plant growing in deserts and fed upon by camels) |
karīra | f(ā-or ī-). the root of an elephant's tusk |
karīra | m. a cricket, small grasshopper |
karīra | n. the fruit of Capparis Aphylla. |
karīraka | n. fight, battle |
karīrakuṇa | m. the fruit-season of Capparis Aphylla. |
karīraprastha | m. Name of a town |
karīraprastha | m. (varia lectio karīriprastha-.) |
karirata | n. "elephant's coitus", a kind of coitus |
karīravatī | f. Name of a woman. |
karīrikā | f. the root of an elephant's tusk |
karīṣa | mn. (1. kṝ- ), rubbish, refuse |
karīṣa | mn. dung, dry cow-dung |
karīṣa | mn. Name of a mountain. |
karīṣagandhi | m. Name of a man commentator or commentary on |
karīṣāgni | m. a fire of dry cow-dung (this substance is very generally used as fuel in Hindustan) |
karīṣaka | m. plural Name of a people |
karīṣaṃkaṣa | mf(ā-)n. sweeping away dung |
karīṣaṇī | f. (applied to the goddess of fortune), |
kariśāvaka | m. a young elephant under five years old |
karīṣin | mfn. abounding in dung |
karīṣiṇī | f. Name of a river |
karīṣiṇī | f. a region abounding in dung gaRa puṣkarādi- |
kariskandha | m. a herd of elephants on |
kariṣṇu | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') doing, accomplishing |
karīṣottha | m. (scilicet agni-) idem or 'm. a fire of dry cow-dung (this substance is very generally used as fuel in Hindustan) ' |
kariṣṭha | mfn. (superl.) doing most, doing very much |
karisundarikā | f. a gauge, water-mark |
kariṣya | mfn. to be done ([ equals kartavya- ]) |
kariṣyat | mfn. (fut.p. of1. kṛ- q.v) about to do |
kariṣyat | mfn. future |
karīti | m. plural Name of a people |
karitva | mfn. fit for work or business, |
karivaijayantī | f. a flag carried by an elephant |
karivara | m. an excellent elephant. |
kariyādas | n. a water-elephant, hippopotamus |
karīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree) one who does more (?) |
karj | cl.1 P. karjati-, cakarja-, etc., to pain, torment |
kark | (a sautra- root) , to laugh. |
karka | mf(/ī-)n. ( kṛ- ; see karaṅka-), white |
karka | mf(/ī-)n. good, excellent |
karka | m. a white horse |
karka | m. a crab |
karka | m. the sign Cancer |
karka | m. a water-jar |
karka | m. fire |
karka | m. a mirror |
karka | m. a younger brother of the father |
karka | m. beauty |
karka | m. a particular gem |
karka | m. Name of a plant (equals karkaṭa-) |
karka | m. Name of a commentator |
karkā | f. a white mare |
karkacandreśvaratantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
karkacirbhiṭā | f. a species of cucumber |
karkāhva | m. Name of a plant |
karkakhaṇḍa | m. plural Name of a people |
karkākṣa | mfn. "white-eyed"(said of the owl) (edition Bombay) . |
karkandhu | mf. us-, ūs- (fr. karka-and dhā- commentator or commentary on ;according to others fr. karka-and andhu-,"a well") , Zizyphus Jujuba |
karkandhu | n. (u-) the fruit of this tree, the jujube berry etc. |
karkandhu | m. (us-) a well without water, one dried up commentator or commentary on |
karkandhu | m. Name of a man |
karkandhu | f. (ūs-) a term or name applied to a fetus which is ten days old |
karkandhūkā | f. a small berry of the jujube tree (?) |
karkandhukuṇa | m. the fruit-season of the jujube tree gaRa pīlvādi- |
karkandhumatī | f. Name of a woman gaRa madhv-ādi- |
karkandhuprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi- |
karkandhurohita | mfn. red like a berry of the jujube tree |
karkandhusaktu | m. plural flour of jujube berries |
karkaphala | n. Name of a plant |
karkara | mf(ā-)n. (perhaps connected with karka-) hard, firm |
karkara | m. a bone |
karkara | m. a hammer |
karkara | m. a mirror (see karphara-) |
karkara | m. Name of a nāga- |
karkara | mn. stone, limestone (especially the nodule found in Bengal under the name of Kankar ), |
karkara | mn. a species of date |
karkara | mn. ([ confer, compare karaṅka-, śarkara-; Greek , ; Latin hallus,calx; Hibernian or Irish carraice; Gaelic carraig careg.]) |
karkāra | m. a tree, |
karkaracchadā | f. Name of a plant |
karkarāhvā | f. Name of a plant |
karkarāja | m. Name of a man. |
karkarākṣa | m. a wagtail |
karkarāndhaka | m. a blind well (one of which the mouth is over grown with grass etc. so as to be hidden; see kark/andhu-and andhakūpa-) |
karkarāndhuka | m. a blind well (one of which the mouth is over grown with grass etc. so as to be hidden; see kark/andhu-and andhakūpa-) |
karkarāṅga | m. idem or 'm. a wagtail ' |
karkarāṭu | m. a glance, side-look |
karkarāṭuka | m. the Numidian crane |
karkareḍu | m. |
karkareḍuka | m. idem or 'm.' |
karkareṭa | (connected with karka-?) m. the hand curved like a claw for the purpose of grasping anything |
karkareṭu | m. idem or 'm. the Numidian crane ' |
karkari | f. is-, ī- a kind of lute |
karkarī | f. a water-jar etc. |
karkarī | f. a kind of plant |
karkarika | m. a kind of lute |
karkarīkā | f. a small water-jar commentator or commentary on |
karkarikarṇa | mf(ī-)n. having ears like a lute |
karkāru | m. Beninkasa Cerifera (a species of gourd) |
karkāru | n. the fruit of this plant |
karkāruka | m. Beninkasa Cerifera |
karkāruka | n. its fruit |
karkaśa | mf(ā-)n. (perhaps connected with karka-and karkara-) hard, firm, rough, harsh (literally and metaph.) etc. |
karkaśa | m. a sword, scymitar |
karkaśa | m. Cassia or Sennia Esculenta |
karkaśa | m. a species of sugar-cane |
karkaśa | m. equals guṇḍorocanī- |
karkaśā | f. Tragia Involucrata |
karkaśa | m. Name of an apsaras- |
karkaśacchada | m. Trophis Aspera |
karkaśacchada | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca |
karkaśacchadā | f. Luffa Acutangula |
karkaśacchada | f. equals dagdhā- |
karkaśadala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca |
karkaśadalā | f. equals dagdhā- |
karkasāra | n. flour or meal mixed with curds |
karkaśatva | n. hardness |
karkaśatva | n. harshness, rough manners |
karkaśī | f. the wild jujube |
karkaśidhurohita | () m. a tree, |
karkaśikā | f. wild jujube |
karkasvāmin | m. Name of a man. |
karkaṭa | m. a crab etc. |
karkaṭa | m. the sign Cancer etc. |
karkaṭa | m. a particular bird |
karkaṭa | m. Name of several plants |
karkaṭa | m. the fibrous root of a plant |
karkaṭa | m. the curved end of the beam of a balance (to which the strings supporting the scale are attached), Mit. |
karkaṭa | m. a pair of compasses in a particular position |
karkaṭa | m. a particular position of the hands |
karkaṭa | m. a kind of fever |
karkaṭa | m. a kind of coitus |
karkaṭā | f. Momordica Mixta |
karkaṭāhva | m. Aegle Marmelos |
karkaṭāhvā | f. gall-nut (see śriṅgī-above) |
karkaṭaka | m. a crab etc. |
karkaṭaka | m. the sign Cancer |
karkaṭaka | m. a pair of tongs |
karkaṭaka | m. a pair of compasses (see karkaṭa-) |
karkaṭaka | m. a kind of plant |
karkaṭaka | m. a particular position of the hands |
karkaṭaka | m. Name of a nāga- |
karkaṭaka | n. a kind of poisonous root |
karkaṭaka | n. a particular fracture of the bones |
karkaṭakāsthi | n. the shell or crust of a crab |
karkaṭākhyā | f. gall-nut |
karkaṭākṣa | m. Cucumis Utilissimus |
karkaṭāṅgā | f. idem or 'f. gall-nut ' |
karkaṭapura | n. Name of a town. |
karkaṭaśriṅga | n. the claw of a crab. Mit. |
karkaṭaśriṅgī | f. gall-nut (an excrescence on Rhus Succedana) |
karkaṭaśriṅgikā | f. idem or 'f. gall-nut (an excrescence on Rhus Succedana) ' |
karkaṭāsthi | n. the shell or crust of a crab |
karkaṭavallī | f. Achyranthes Aspera |
karkaṭavallī | f. Piper Chaba |
karkaṭavallī | f. Carpopogon Pruriens |
karkaṭeśa | m. Name of a sanctuary |
karkaṭeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-, |
karkaṭī | f. a female crab |
karkaṭī | f. Cucumis Utilissimus, a kind of cucumber commentator or commentary on |
karkaṭī | f. a small water-jar |
karkaṭī | f. the fruit of Bombax Heptaphyllum |
karkaṭī | f. Name of a rākṣasī- |
karkaṭī | f. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin cancer-.]) |
karkaṭi | f. Cucumis Utilissimus |
karkaṭikā | f. a sort of plant |
karkaṭikā | f. a kernel |
karkaṭinī | f. Curcuma Xanthorrhiza |
karkaṭu | m. the Numidian crane (see karaṭu-,etc.) |
karkavallī | f. Achyranthes Aspera |
karkeṇata | m. a species of quartz |
karketana | m. idem or 'm. a species of quartz ' |
karketila | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a species of quartz ' ' |
karki | m. the sign Cancer. |
karkī | f. a white calf. |
karkin | m. idem or 'm. the sign Cancer.' |
karkiprastha | m. Name of a town |
karkīprastha | m. Name of a town |
karkoṭa | m. Name of one of the principal nāga-s of pātāla- etc. |
karkoṭa | m. plural Name of a people |
karkoṭa | n. Name of a plant |
karkoṭaka | m. Momordica Mixta |
karkoṭaka | m. Aegle Marmelos |
karkoṭaka | m. the sugar-cane |
karkoṭaka | m. Name of a nāga- etc. |
karkoṭaka | m. plural Name of a people |
karkoṭaka | n. the fruit of Momordica Mixta |
karkoṭakaviṣa | n. the poison of karkoṭaka- |
karkoṭakī | f. Name of a plant with yellow flowers |
karkoṭakī | f. Momordica Mixta |
karkoṭaki | m. Name of a nāga- (see above) |
karkoṭavāpī | f. Name of a reservoir of water in Benares |
karkoṭī | f. Name of a plant with a bitter fruit |
karkoṭikā | f. Momordica Mixta |
karkyādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
karma | (in compound for k/arman-above) . |
karmabāhulya | n. much or hard work. |
karmabandha | m. the bonds of action (id est transmigration or repeated existence as a result of actions) |
karmabandhana | n. idem or 'm. the bonds of action (id est transmigration or repeated existence as a result of actions) ' |
karmabandhana | mfn. bound by bonds of actions (as worldly existence) |
karmabhedavicāra | m. Name of work |
karmābhidhāyaka | mfn. enjoining or prescribing duties or acts |
karmābhidhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. enjoining or prescribing duties or acts ' |
karmabhū | f. tilled or cultivated ground |
karmabhūmi | f. the land or region of religious actions (id est where such actions are performed, said of bhārata-varṣa-) etc., (see -kṣetra-above; see also phala-bhūmi-) |
karmabhūmi | f. the place or region of activity or work |
karmabhūya | n. the becoming an action, (ṃ-bhū-,to assume the peculiar characteristic of any action commentator or commentary on ) |
karmābhyāsa | m. the performance of a sacred rite, |
karmabīja | n. the seed of works. |
karmabuddhi | f. the mental organ of action, manas- (q.v) |
karmacaṇḍāla | m. "a caṇḍāla- by work"(as opposed to a born caṇḍāla-), a contemptible man |
karmacaṇḍāla | m. Name of rāhu- |
karmacandra | m. Name of several princes. |
karmacārin | mfn. engaged in work. |
karmaceṣṭā | f. active exertion, activity, action |
karmacit | mfn. collected or accomplished by work |
karmacodanā | f. the motive impelling to ritual acts |
karmadaṇḍa | m. control of actions, |
karmadāyāda | m. heir of works (id est one who has to bear their consequences), |
karmadeha | m. the active body, |
karmadeva | (k/arma-) m. a god through religious actions (diśrautakarmaṇā devalokaṃ prāpnuvanti te karmadevāḥ&iencoding=&lang='>ye 'gnihotrādiśrautakarmaṇā devalokaṃ prāpnuvanti te karmadevāḥ- commentator or commentary on ) |
karmadhāraya | m. Name of a class of tatpuruṣa- (q.v) compounds (in which the members would stand in the same case[ samānādhikaraṇa-]if the compound were dissolved) (See ) |
karmādhikāra | m. the right of action |
karmadhvaṃsa | m. loss of benefit arising from religious acts |
karmadhvaṃsa | m. destruction of any work, disappointment |
karmādhyakṣa | m. overseer or superintendent of actions |
karmadīpa | m. Name of work |
karmāditya | m. Name of a king. |
karmadoṣa | m. a sinful work, sin, vice |
karmadoṣa | m. error, blunder |
karmadoṣa | m. the evil consequence of human acts, discreditable conduct or business |
karmaduṣṭa | mfn. corrupt in action, wicked in practice, immoral, disreputable. |
karmagati | f. the course of Fate |
karmaghāta | m. annihilation or termination of work or activity (see -kṣaya-above.) |
karmagrantha | m. Name of a jaina- work. |
karmagranthiprathamavicāra | m. idem or 'm. Name of a jaina- work.' |
karmaguṇa | m. a quality or condition resulting from human acts (as separation, reunion etc.) |
karmagupta | n. a kind of artificial sentence which has the object hidden, |
karmahasta | mfn. clever in business |
karmahetu | mfn. caused by acts, arising from acts. |
karmahīna | m. plural Name of a vaiṣṇava- sect. |
karmaja | mfn. "act-born", resulting or produced from any act (good or bad) etc. |
karmaja | m. Ficus religiosa |
karmaja | m. the kaliyuga- (q.v) |
karmaja | m. a god |
karmajanya | mfn. produced by acts, |
karmajanyatā | (f.) |
karmajit | mfn. Name of a king |
karmajita | mfn. won or acquired by acts, |
karmājīva | m. livelihood earned by work, trade, profession |
karmajña | mfn. skilled in any work |
karmajña | mfn. acquainted with religious rites |
karmaka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals karman-, work, action etc. (see a-k-, sa-k-,etc.) |
karmakāla | m. the proper time for action |
karmakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
karmakāṇḍa | n. that part of the śruti- which relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites |
karmakāṇḍa | n. Name of a jaina- work. |
karmakara | mf(ī-)n. doing work, a workman, a hired labourer, servant of any kind (who is not a slave ), mechanic, artisan etc. |
karmakara | m. Name of yama- |
karmakara | m. Momordica monadelpha |
karmakāra | mfn. = doing work (but without receiving wages, according to native authorities) on etc. |
karmakāra | m. a blacksmith (forming a mixed caste, regarded as the progeny of the divine artist viśva-karman- and a śūdrā- woman) |
karmakāra | m. a bull |
karmakāraka | mfn. one who does any act or work. |
karmakārāpaya | Nom. P. yati-, to cause any one to work as a servant |
karmakarī | f. Sanseviera zeylanica |
karmakārī | f. equals -karī- above |
karmakarībhāva | m. the state of being a female servant |
karmakārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') doing or accomplishing any act or work or business (see tat-k-, śubha-k-.) |
karmakārmuka | m. a strong bow (?) |
karmakartṛ | m. (in grammar),"an object-agent"or"object-containing agent" id est an agent which is at the same time the object of an action (this is the idea expressed by the reflexive passive, as in odanaḥ pacyate-,"the mashed grain cooks of itself") (see grammar ) |
karmakartṛ | m. dual number (ārau-) the work and the person accomplishing it. |
karmakaumudī | f. Name of work |
karmakīlaka | m. a washerman |
karmakośa | m. a store of good actions, |
karmakriyākāṇḍa | n. Name of work by soma-śambhu- (q.v) |
karmakṛt | mfn. performing any work, skilful in work etc. (see tīkṣṇa-k-) |
karmakṛt | mfn. one who has done any work |
karmakṛt | m. (t-) a servant, workman, labourer |
karmakṛtavat | m. the director of a religious rite, reciter of mantra-s (?) |
karmakṛtya | n. activity, the state of active exertion |
karmakṣama | mfn. able to do an action |
karmākṣama | mfn. incapable of business. |
karmakṣaya | m. annihilation or termination of all work or activity |
karmakṣetra | n. the place or region of (religious) acts (see -bhūmi-below.) |
karmalocana | n. Name of work |
karmamārga | m. the course of acts, activity |
karmamārga | m. the way of work (a term used by thieves for a breach in walls etc.) |
karmamāsa | m. the calendar month of thirty days. |
karmamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of or resulting from works |
karmamīmāṃsā | f. equals pūrva-mīmāṃsā- q.v |
karmamūla | n. kuśa- grass (as essential part in many religious acts) |
karman | n. (ā- m. ), ( kṛ- ), act, action, performance, business etc. |
karman | n. office, special duty, occupation, obligation (frequently in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action[ exempli gratia, 'for example' vaṇik-k-]or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed[ exempli gratia, 'for example' rāja-k-, paśu-k-]or a specification of the action[ exempli gratia, 'for example' śaurya-k-, prīti-k-]) etc. |
karman | n. any religious act or rite (as sacrifice, oblation etc., especially as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) etc. |
karman | n. work, labour, activity (as opposed to rest, praśānti-) etc. |
karman | n. physicking, medical attendance |
karman | n. action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the nyāya- philosophy;of these motions there are five, viz. ut-kṣepaṇa-, ava-kṣepaṇa-, ā-kuñcana-, prasāraṇa-,and gamana-,qq. vv.) |
karman | n. calculation |
karman | n. product, result, effect |
karman | n. organ of sense (or of actionSee karmendriya-) |
karman | n. (in grammar) the object (it stands either in the accusative [in active construction], or in the Nominal verb [in passive construction], or in the genitive case [in connection with a noun of action];opposed to kartṛ-the subject) (it is of four kinds, viz. a. nirvartya-,when anything new is produced exempli gratia, 'for example' kaṭaṃ karoti-,"he makes a mat"; putraṃ prasūte-,"she bears a son";b. vikārya-,when change is implied either of the substance and form exempli gratia, 'for example' kāṣṭhaṃ bhasma karoti-,"he reduces fuel to ashes";or of the form only exempli gratia, 'for example' suvarṇaṃ kuṇḍalaṃ karoti-,"he fashions gold into an ear-ring"; Calcutta edition prāpya-,when any desired object is attained exempli gratia, 'for example' grāmaṃ gacchati-,"he goes to the village"; candraṃ paśyati-,"he sees the moon";d. anīpsita-,when an undesired object is abandoned exempli gratia, 'for example' pāpaṃ tyajati-,"he leaves the wicked") |
karman | n. former act as leading to inevitable results, fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) , (see karma-pāka-and -vipāka-) |
karman | n. the tenth lunar mansion |
karmanāman | n. a name in accordance with or derived from actions |
karmanāman | n. a participle, |
karmanāśā | f. "destroying the merit of works", Name of a river between kāśī- and vihāra- |
karmanda | m. Name of a man (author of a bhikṣu-sūtra-) |
karmandin | m. one who studies karmanda-'s work |
karmandin | m. a beggar (equals bhikṣu-) |
karmāṅga | a particular śrāddha-, |
karmāṅga | n. part of any act, part of a sacrificial rite. |
karmaṇi | mfn. connected with or being in the action |
karmanibandha | m. necessary consequence of works. |
karmanirhāra | m. removal of bad deeds or their effects. |
karmanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
karmaniṣṭha | mfn. (Ved. -niṣṭh/ā-) diligent in religious actions, engaged in active duties |
karmaniṣṭha | m. a Brahman who performs sacrifices etc. |
karmanivṛtti | f. the end of a rite, |
karmānta | m. end or accomplishment of a work |
karmānta | m. end or conclusion of a sacred action |
karmānta | m. work, business, action, management, administration (of an office) etc. |
karmānta | m. tilled or cultivated ground |
karmāntara | n. interval between religious actions, suspense of such an action |
karmāntara | n. another work or action |
karmāntika | mfn. completing an act |
karmāntika | m. a labourer, artisan |
karmāntikaloka | m. labourers |
karmānubandha | m. connection with or dependance upon acts |
karmānubandhin | mfn. connected with or involved in works |
karmānurūpa | mfn. according to action, according to function or duty |
karmānurūpatas | ind. conformably to act or function |
karmānusāra | m. consequence of or conformity to acts |
karmānusāratas | ind. according to one's deeds |
karmānuṣṭhāna | n. the act of practising one's duties, discharging peculiar functions |
karmānuṣṭhāyin | mfn. practising duties, performing rites etc. |
karmaṇya | mfn. skilful in work, clever, diligent etc. |
karmaṇya | mfn. proper or fit for any act, suitable for a religious action etc. |
karmaṇya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relating to any business or to the accomplishment of anything |
karmaṇyā | f. wages, hire |
karmaṇya | n. energy, activity |
karmaṇyabhuj | mfn. receiving wages, working for hire |
karmaṇyābhuj | mfn. idem or 'mfn. receiving wages, working for hire ' |
karmaṇyakṛt | mfn. working for hire, a hireling, |
karmanyāsa | m. the giving up of active duties |
karmaṇyatā | f. cleverness |
karmaṇyatā | f. activity |
karmapaddhati | f. Name of work |
karmapāka | m. "ripening of acts", matured result of previous acts or actions done in a former birth (see -vipāka-below.) |
karmapāradā | f. Name of a goddess |
karmapātaka | n. a sinful deed, |
karmapatha | m. the way or direction or character of an action |
karmaphala | n. the fruit or recompense of actions (as pain, pleasure etc., resulting from previous acts or acts in a former life) |
karmaphala | n. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola |
karmaphalahetu | mfn. one who is actuated by the (thought of the) result of his acts, |
karmaphalodaya | m. the appearance of consequences of actions |
karmaploti | f. the thread of action, |
karmapradīpa | m. |
karmapradīpikā | f. Name of several works. |
karmaprakāśa | m. |
karmaprakāśikā | f. |
karmaprakāśinī | f. |
karmapravacanīya | mfn. "employed to denote an action" |
karmapravacanīya | m. (scilicet śabda-;in grammar) a term for certain prepositions or particles not connected with a verb but generally governing a noun (either separated from it or forming a compound with it;a karma-pravacanīya- never loses its accent, and exercises no euphonic influence on the initial letter of a following verb;See also upa-sarga-, gati-,and nipāta-) |
karmapravāda | m. Name of a jaina- work. |
karmara | m. Averrhoa Carambola (see karmāra-) |
karmāra | m. an artisan, mechanic, artificer |
karmāra | m. a blacksmith etc. |
karmāra | m. a bamboo |
karmāra | m. Averrhoa Carambola |
karmaraka | m. idem or 'f. the manna of the bamboo ' (see karma-raṅga-.) |
karmāraka | m. Averrhoa Carambola |
karmārambha | m. commencement of any act |
karmaraṅga | m. Averrhoa Carambola (see -phala-above.) |
karmarāṣṭra | Name (also title or epithet) of a country, |
karmaratnāvalī | f. Name of work |
karmāravana | n. Name of a place gaRa kṣubhnādi-. |
karmargha | (karma-+ ṛgha-fr. ṛghā-) m. Name of a teacher. |
karmārha | mfn. fit for work, able to perform a sacrificial rite |
karmārha | m. a man |
karmarī | f. the manna of the bamboo |
karmaśa | m. Name of a son of pulaha- (equals karma-śreṣṭha-) |
karmasa | m. varia lectio for the last. |
karmaṣa | equals kalmaṣa- q.v |
karmasaciva | m. an officer, assistant |
karmasādhaka | mfn. accomplishing a work. |
karmasādhana | n. implement, means |
karmasādhana | n. articles essential to the performance of any religious act. |
karmasākṣin | m. "the witness of all acts", the sun |
karmaśālā | f. workshop, the hall or room where daily work is done, sitting-room |
karmaśālī | f. Name of a river in caturgrāma-. |
karmaśalya | n. an impediment of action |
karmasamāpta | mfn. one who has performed all religious actions |
karmasaṃbhava | mfn. produced by or resulting from acts. |
karmasaṃgraha | m. assemblage of acts (comprising the act, its performance, and the performer) |
karmasaṃnyāsika | mfn. one who has given up works, an ascetic |
karmasaṃvatsara | m. the calendar year of 360 days. |
karmasaṅga | m. attachment to action, |
karmasaṅgin | mfn. attached to action, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
karmasārathi | m. a companion, assistant |
karmaśataka | n. Name of a Buddhist work. |
karmaśauca | n. humility |
karmāśaya | m. receptacle or accumulation of (good and evil) acts commentator or commentary on |
karmāśaya | m. on |
karmasena | m. Name of a king |
karmasenīya | mfn. belonging to that king |
karmasiddhi | f. accomplishment of an act, success |
karmaśīla | mfn. assiduous in work |
karmaśīla | mfn. one who perseveres in his duties without looking to their reward |
karmaśīla | m. Name of a man |
karmaśreṣṭha | m. Name of a son of pulaha- by gati- |
karmāśritabhakta | m. plural Name of a vaiṣṇava- sect. |
karmastava | m. Name of work |
karmastha | mfn. contained or being in the object. |
karmasthāna | n. public office or place of business |
karmasthāna | n. a stage or period in the life of an ājīvika- (q.v) |
karmaśūra | m. a skilful or clever workman |
karmaśūra | mfn. assiduous, laborious |
karmasūtra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
karmasvaka | mfn. one who has to bear the consequence of his acts |
karmatā | f. |
karmatattvapradīpikā | f. Name of work |
karmaṭha | mfn. capable of work, skilful or clever in work, clever |
karmaṭha | mfn. working diligently, eagerly engaged in sacred actions or rites etc. |
karmaṭha | m. the director and performer of a sacrifice |
karmātman | mfn. one whose character is action, endowed with principles of action, active, acting |
karmatva | n. the state or effect of action etc. etc. |
karmatva | n. activity |
karmatva | n. the state of being an object commentator or commentary on |
karmatyāga | m. abandonment of worldly duties or ceremonial rites |
karmavacana | n. (with ) the ritual. |
karmavāda | m. a text relating to sacrificial rites, |
karmāvaddna | n. a great deed, exploit, |
karmavajra | mfn. "whose power (thunderbolt) is work"(said of śūdra-s) |
karmavaśa | m. the necessary influence of acts, fate (considered as the inevitable consequence of actions done in a former life) |
karmavaśa | mfn. being in the power of or subject to former actions |
karmavaśitā | mfn. the condition of having power over one's works (as a quality of a bodhi-sattva-) |
karmavat | mfn. busy with or employed in any work |
karmavāṭī | f. "demarcation or regulation of religious actions", a lunar day. |
karmavidhi | m. rule of actions or observances, mode of conducting ceremonies |
karmavighna | m. an impediment to work, obstruction. |
karmavipāka | m. "the ripening of actions" id est the good or evil consequences in this life of human acts performed in previous births (eighty-six consequences are spoken of in the śātātapa-smṛti-) |
karmavipāka | m. Name of several works |
karmavipākasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
karmavipākasāra | m. idem or 'm. Name of work ' |
karmaviparyaya | m. perversity of action, perverse action, mistake |
karmavirodhin | mfn. disturbing or preventing any one's works |
karmaviśeṣa | m. variety of acts or actions |
karmavyatihāra | m. reciprocity of an action |
karmayoga | m. performance of a work or business (especially of religious duties) etc. |
karmayoga | m. active exertion, industry |
karmayoga | m. agriculture and commerce ([ ]) |
karmayoga | m. practical application |
karmayoga | m. connection with a sacrifice |
karmayoni | f. source of an action |
karmayuga | n. the kali-yuga- (q.v) |
karmendriya | n. an organ of action (five in number like the five organs of sense, viz. hand, foot, larynx, organ of generation, and excretion) |
karmika | mfn. active, acting gaRa vrīhy-ādi- and purohitādi-. |
karmin | mfn. acting, active, busy |
karmin | mfn. performing a religious action, engaged in any work or business etc. |
karmin | mfn. belonging or relating to any act |
karmin | m. performer of an action |
karmin | m. labourer, workman |
karmin | m. Butea frondosa |
karmīṇa | mfn. only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see anuṣṭ/up-karm/īṇa-, alaṃ-karmīṇa-. |
karmīra | equals kirmīra- q.v |
karmiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of the last) very active or diligent |
karmodāra | n. any honourable or valiant act, magnanimity, prowess |
karmodyoga | m. activity in work |
karmodyukta | mfn. actively labouring, busily engaged |
karmopakaraṇa | mfn. one who gives aid by work. |
karṇ | cl.10 P. karṇayati-, to pierce, bore ; (ā-karṇaya-,, is a Nom.fr. the next.) |
karṇa | m. ( kṛt- ;1. kṝ- ), the ear (/api k/arṇe-,behind the ear or back, from behind [ see apikarṇ/a-]; karṇe-,[in dramatic language ] into the ear, in a low voice, aside ; karṇaṃ- dā-,to give ear to, listen to ; karṇam ā-gam-,to come to one's ear, become known to ) |
karṇa | m. the handle or ear of a vessel etc. |
karṇa | m. the helm or rudder of a ship |
karṇa | m. (in geometry) the hypothenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon etc. |
karṇa | m. the diameter of a circle |
karṇa | m. (in prosody) a spondee |
karṇa | m. Cassia Fistula |
karṇa | m. Calotropis Gigantea |
karṇa | m. Name of a king of aṅga- (and elder brother by the mother's side of the pāṇḍu- princes, being the son of the god sūrya- by pṛthā- or kuntī-, before her marriage with pāṇḍu-;afraid of the censure of her relatives, kuntī- deserted the child and exposed it in the river, where it was found by a charioteer named adhi-- ratha- and nurtured by his wife rādhā-;hence karṇa- is sometimes called sūta-putra- or sūta-ja-, sometimes rādheya-, though named by his foster-parents vasu-ṣeṇa-) etc. |
karṇa | m. Name of several other men |
karṇa | (mfn. karṇ/a-), eared, furnished with ears or long ears |
karṇa | mfn. furnished with chaff (as grain) |
karṇa | (according to to some also, karṇ/a-, mfn. "cropped or defective on the ears") in compound |
karṇabhaṅga | m. bending the ears (varia lectio) |
karṇabhaṅga | a particular ear-disease, |
karṇābharaṇa | n. an ornament for the ear, |
karṇābharaṇaka | m. Cathartocarpus fistula |
karṇabhūṣā | f. idem or 'n. an ornament for the ear.' |
karṇabhūṣā | f. the art of ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 kalā-s). |
karṇabhūṣaṇa | n. an ornament for the ear. |
karṇacāmara | n. a cowrie as ornament for the ear of an elephant |
karṇacchidra | n. the outer auditory passage |
karṇadārin | mfn. ear-rending, |
karṇadarpaṇa | m. a particular ornament for the ear |
karṇādarśa | m. an ear-ring |
karṇadeva | m. Name of a king. |
karṇadeva | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
karṇadhāra | m. a helmsman, pilot etc. |
karṇadhāra | m. a sailor, seaman |
karṇadhārā | f. Name of an apsaras- |
karṇadhāraka | m. a helmsman |
karṇadhāratā | f. the office of a helmsman |
karṇadhāriṇī | f. a female elephant |
karṇadhvanana | n. singing in the ear. |
karṇādi | m. Name of a gaṇa- |
karṇadundubhi | f. "a drum in the ear", a kind of worm equals -kīṭā- above |
karṇaga | mfn. touching the ear, hanging on it, next to the ear, extending to it |
karṇagiri | m. Name of a mountain. |
karṇagocara | m. the range of hearing, anything perceptible by the ear |
karṇagrāha | m. a helmsman gaRa revaty-ādi- |
karṇagrāhavat | mfn. furnished with a helmsman (as a ship) |
karṇagṛhīta | mfn. seized by the ear |
karṇagṛhyā | ( -g/ṛhya-) ind.p. seizing by the ear |
karṇagūtha | mn. ear-wax |
karṇagūtha | m. hardening of the wax of the ear |
karṇagūthaka | m. idem or 'm. hardening of the wax of the ear ' |
karṇahallikā | f. a particular disease of the ear, |
karṇahīna | mfn. deaf |
karṇahīna | m. "earless", a snake |
karṇaja | m. ear-wax |
karṇajāha | n. the root of the ear |
karṇajalaukā | f. idem or 'n.' |
karṇajalaukas | n. |
karṇajalūkā | f. equals -kīṭā- above |
karṇajapa | m. "ear-whisperer", an informer |
karṇajāpa | m. the act of whispering in the ear |
karṇajāpa | m. tale-bearing, calumniating |
karṇajit | m. "the conqueror of karṇa-", Name of arjuna- (karṇa- having taken the part of the kuru-s, was killed by arjuna- in one of the great battles between them and the pāṇḍu-s see ) |
karṇajvara | m. affection of the ears. |
karṇajyoti | f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla |
karṇaka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel etc.), a tendril |
karṇaka | m. a rime, ring |
karṇaka | m. a kind of fever |
karṇaka | m. a particular defect of wood commentator or commentary on |
karṇaka | m. Name of a man |
karṇaka | m. plural the descendants of this man gaRa upakādi- |
karṇaka | m. dual number the two legs spread out |
karṇakaṇḍū | f. painful itching of the ear |
karṇākarṇi | ind. from ear to ear, whispering into each other's ear (see keśākeśi-,etc.) |
karṇakarṇikā | f. a kind of colocynth |
karṇakaṣāya | m. dirt in the ears |
karṇakavat | (k/arṇaka--) mfn. having prominences or handles etc., furnished with tendrils |
karṇakāvat | mfn. idem or '(k/arṇaka--) mfn. having prominences or handles etc., furnished with tendrils ' |
karṇakharaka | m. Name of a vaiśya- commentator or commentary on |
karṇakharika | m. Name of a vaiśya- commentator or commentary on |
karṇākhya | m. white amaranth |
karṇakīṭā | f. Julus Cornifex (an insect or worm with many feet and of reddish colour) |
karṇakita | mfn. having handles, furnished with tendrils etc. gaRa tārakādi-. |
karṇakīṭī | f. Julus Cornifex (an insect or worm with many feet and of reddish colour) |
karṇakiṭṭa | n. the wax of the ear |
karṇakrośa | m. an affection of the ear, singing in the ears |
karṇakṣveḍa | m. idem or 'm. an affection of the ear, singing in the ears ' |
karṇakubja | n. Name of an imaginary town |
karṇakumārī | f. Name of bhavānī-. |
karṇakutūhala | n. Name of work |
karṇakuvalaya | n. a lotus flower stuck into the ear (as an ornament) |
karṇala | mfn. furnished with ears gaRa sidhmādi-. |
karṇālaṃkāra | m. idem or 'n. an ornament for the ear.' |
karṇālaṃkaraṇa | n. an ornament for the ear. |
karṇālaṃkṛti | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'n. an ornament for the ear.' ' |
karṇalatā | f. the lobe of the ear |
karṇalatāmaya | mfn. representing the lobe of an ear |
karṇalatikā | f. the lobe of the ear |
karṇamadgura | m. a sort of fish, Silurus unitus |
karṇamala | n. the excretion or wax of the ear |
karṇamoṭā | f. Acacia arabica |
karṇamoṭi | f. Name of durgā- in her form as cāmuṇḍā- |
karṇamoṭī | idem or 'f. Name of durgā- in her form as cāmuṇḍā- ' |
karṇāmṛta | n. nectar for the ears |
karṇāmṛta | n. Name of work |
karṇamukha | mfn. headed by karṇa-, having karṇa- as leader. |
karṇamukura | m. a particular ornament for the ear |
karṇamūla | n. the root of the ear |
karṇamūlīya | mfn. belonging to the root of the ear. |
karṇamuni | m. Name of a man. |
karṇanāda | m. idem or 'n. singing in the ear.' |
karṇanāsā | f. dual number ear and nose |
karṇāndu | f. an ornament for the ear |
karṇāndu | f. an ear-ring |
karṇāndū | f. idem or 'f. an ear-ring ' |
karṇandu | f. equals karṇāndu- q.v |
karṇanīlotpala | n. a blue lotus-flower stuck into the ear, |
karṇanirvāka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man |
karṇāñjali | m. the ears pricked up |
karṇāntikacara | mfn. going close to the ear |
karṇānuja | m. " karṇa-'s younger brother", Name of yudhiṣṭhira- |
karṇapa | m. Name of a man |
karṇapāka | m. inflammation of the outer ear |
karṇapāli | f. the lobe of the ear, the outer ear |
karṇapālī | f. idem or 'f. the lobe of the ear, the outer ear ' |
karṇapālī | f. a particular ornament for the ear |
karṇapālī | f. Name of a river |
karṇapālyāmaya | m. a particular disease of the outer ear (produced from piercing the ear) |
karṇaparākrama | m. Name of work |
karṇaparaṃparā | f. the going from one ear to another |
karṇaparvan | n. Name of the eighth book of the mahābhārata-. |
karṇapāśa | m. a beautiful ear, (cf Ganar on ) |
karṇapatha | m. the compass or range of hearing, (m ā-yā-,to come within the range of or reach the ear, be heard ; m upa-i- idem or 'm. ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 kalā-s) ' ) |
karṇapathātithi | m. "a visitor in the compass of the ear", anything heard of or learnt |
karṇapattrabhaṅga | m. ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 kalā-s) |
karṇapattraka | m. the lobe of the ear |
karṇaphala | m. a sort of fish (Ophiocephalus Kurrawey) |
karṇapiśācī | f. Name of a goddess |
karṇapīṭha | n. the concha or outer end of the auditory passage |
karṇapitṛ | m. " karṇa-'s father", Name of sūrya- |
karṇaprādheya | m. plural Name of a people. |
karṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
karṇaprānta | m. the lobe of the ear |
karṇapratināha | m. a particular disease of the ear (suppression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and passed out by the nose and mouth) |
karṇapratīnāha | m. idem or 'm. a particular disease of the ear (suppression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and passed out by the nose and mouth) ' |
karṇaprāvaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. using the ears for a covering |
karṇaprāvaraṇa | m. plural Name of a fabulous people etc. |
karṇaprāvaraṇā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- |
karṇaprāveya | m. plural Name of a people. |
karṇaprayāga | m. Name of the confluence of the rivers gaṅgā- and Pindur. |
karṇapur | f. "the capital of karṇa-", campā- (the ancient N. for Bhagalpur) |
karṇapūra | m. n. an ornament (especially of flowers) worn round the ears etc. |
karṇapūra | m. a blue lotus-flower |
karṇapūra | m. Acacia Sirissa |
karṇapūra | m. Jonesia Asoka |
karṇapūra | m. Name of the father of kavicandra- and author of the alaṃkāra- kaustubha-. |
karṇapūraka | m. Nauclea Cadamba |
karṇapūraka | m. Name of a servant |
karṇapūraṇa | m. Name of an author (equals -pūra-above) |
karṇapūraṇa | m. the act of filling the ears (with cotton etc.) |
karṇapūraṇa | m. any substance used for that purpose |
karṇapurī | f. idem or 'f. "the capital of karṇa-", campā- (the ancient N. for Bhagalpur) ' |
karṇapūrīkṛ | to make (anything) an ornament for the ear |
karṇapuṣpa | m. blue Amaranth |
karṇapuṭa | n. the auditory passage of the ear |
karṇaputraka | m. the concha of the ear |
karṇaputrikā | f. idem or 'm. the concha of the ear ' |
karṇārā | f. an instrument for perforating the ear of an elephant |
karṇarandhra | m. the orifice or auditory passage of the ear |
karṇarasāyana | n. a feast for the ears, |
karṇārdha | m. n. (?) the radius of a circle |
karṇāri | m. " karṇa-'s enemy", Name of arjuna- |
karṇāri | m. Terminalia Arjuna |
karṇaroga | m. disease of the ear |
karṇarogapratiṣedha | m. cure of a disease of the ear |
karṇarogavijñāna | n. diagnosis of any disease of the ear. |
karṇārpaṇa | n. applying the ear, giving ear, paying attention, listening to. |
karṇārśas | n. a particular disease of the ears, |
karṇasakha | m. " sakha-'s friend", Name of jarāsaṃdha- |
karṇasaṃsrāva | m. running of the ear, discharge of pus or ichorous matter from the ear |
karṇaśaṣkulī | f. idem or 'f. the auditory passage of the ear ' |
karṇaśaṣkulikā | f. the auditory passage of the ear |
karṇaśirīṣa | n. a śirīṣa--flower fastened to the ear (as an ornament) |
karṇaśobhana | n. an ornament for the ear |
karṇāsphāla | m. the flapping to and fro of an elephant's ears |
karṇasphoṭā | f. Gynandropsis pentaphylla |
karṇaśrava | mfn. perceptible by the ears, audible |
karṇasrāva | m. equals -saṃsrāva- above |
karṇaśravas | m. Name of a man |
karṇaśrāvin | mfn. audible |
karṇasrotas | n. the auditory passage of the ear |
karṇasrotas | n. the wax of the ear |
karṇaśrut | m. Name of a Vedic author |
karṇasū | m. " karṇa-'s father", Name of sūrya- |
karṇasubhaga | mfn. pleasant to the ear, pleasant to be heard |
karṇasūci | f. a kind of insect. |
karṇaśūla | n. ear-ache |
karṇaśūlin | mfn. having ear-ache |
karṇasundarī | f. Name of a drama. |
karṇaśūnya | mfn. deaf |
karṇāśva | m. Name of a man. |
karṇatā | f. the being an ear |
karṇāṭa | m. plural Name of a people and the country they inhabit (the modern Karnatic;the name, however, was anciently applied to the central districts of the peninsula, including Mysore) etc. |
karṇāṭa | m. a king or inhabitant of karṇāṭa- |
karṇāṭa | m. (in mus.) a particular rāga- |
karṇāṭa | m. a kind of Mimosa |
karṇāṭa | m. (in mus.) a particular rāgiṇī-. |
karṇāṭabhāṣā | f. the language spoken in karṇāṭa- |
karṇāṭadeśa | m. the country of karṇāṭa-. |
karṇāṭagauḍa | m. (in mus.) a particular rāga-. |
karṇāṭaka | m. plural Name of a people and the country they inhabit |
karṇāṭakabhāṣā | f. the dialect of karṇāṭa-. |
karṇāṭakadeśa | m. the karṇāṭa- country. |
karṇāṭakalaha | m. a quarrel about nothing, |
karṇatāla | m. the flapping of an elephant's ears |
karṇatālalatā | f. the flap of the ear of an elephant |
karṇātarda | m. a hole on both sides of a chariot into which the poles are fixed commentator or commentary on |
karṇatas | ind. away from or out of the ear |
karṇāṭī | f. a queen of karṇāṭa- |
karṇāṭikā | f. (in mus.) a particular rāgiṇī-. |
karṇāvadhāna |