bhākuri | a word invented to explain bhek/uri-  |
cana | ind. (ca n/a- ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force;a preceding verb is accentuated[ ];in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other negative particle, whereas in the later language another negative is usually added exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpaś can/apr/a minanti vrat/aṃ vāṃ-,"not even the waters violate your ordinance" ; n/āha vivyāca pṛthiv/ī can/āinaṃ-,"the earth even does not contain him", iii, 36, 4;in class. Sanskrit it is only used after the interrogatives k/a-, katar/a-, katam/a-, katham-, k/ad-, kad/ā-, kim-, k/utas-, kva-,making them indefinite) etc. also  |
cūḍa | m. (see k/ūṭa-) a sort of protuberance on a sacrificial brick (also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
jātya | mfn. (in grammar) equals nitya- Name of the svarita- accent resulting in a fixed word (not by saṃdhi-See kṣaipra-) from an udātta- originally belonging to a preceding i- or u-, (exempli gratia, 'for example' kva-fr. k/ua-; kany/ā-fr. kan/iā-)  |
kakud | f. Name of a metre (equals kak/ubh-)  |
kakunmat | mfn. equals kak/ud-mat- q.v  |
kaula | mf(ī-)n. (fr. k/ula-), relating or belonging to a family, extending over a whole family or race  |
kaulaka | mfn. fr. k/ūla- gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
kaulakāvatī | Nominal verb dual number m. (fr. k/ūla-and āv/at-?), Name of two ṛṣi-s  |
kaulāla | m. (Ved. equals k/ul- Va1rtt. 1) a potter ["the son of a potter"commentator or commentary ]  |
kaulāla | n. (fr. k/ul-), potter's ware, pottery  |
kauṇapa | mfn. (fr. k/uṇ-,) , coming from corpses  |
kauravaka | mfn. fr. k/uru-  |
kauravāyaṇi | m. patronymic fr. k/uru- gaRa tikādi-.  |
kauṭa | mfn. (fr. k/ūṭa-), fraudulent, dishonest  |
ku | a pronominal base appearing in k/utas-, k/utra-, kuv/id-, k/uha-, kv/a-, and as a prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt  |
ku | as a separate word ku- occurs only in the lengthened form 3. k/ū- q.v  |
kūcid | ind. (k/ū--) anywhere  |
kūcidarthin | See 2. k/ū-.  |
kuhacid | ind. (k/uha--) wherever  |
kuhaśrutīya | mfn. belonging to the hymn that begins with k/uha śrut/aḥ- ( )  |
kūj | cl.1 P. k/ūjati- (perf. cukūja- ), to make any inarticulate or monotonous sound, utter a cry (as a bird), coo (as a pigeon), caw (as a crow), warble, moan, groan, utter any indistinct sound etc. ; "to fill with monotonous sounds", etc. See kūjita- ; to blow or breathe (the flute)  |
kulālakṛta | (k/ul-) mfn. made by a potter  |
kulāyana | See k/ula-.  |
kulecara | etc. See k/ula-.  |
kulī | See k/ula-.  |
kulika | See k/ula-.  |
kulin | See k/ula-.  |
kūlin | etc. See k/ūla-.  |
kulīna | etc. See k/ula-.  |
kuliśāsana | equals kuliśāana- q.v (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order k/uliśa-) or equals kuli-śāsana-,"one who commands with his hand (kuli-) ", Name of śākya-muni-  |
kulmala | n. the part of an arrow or spear by which the head is attached to the shaft (once k/urmala-)  |
kulya | 1. kuly/ā-. See k/ula-.  |
kumanas | (k/u--) mfn. displeased, angry  |
kumudvat | mfn. (k/umud--) ( ) abounding in lotuses  |
kurmala | See k/ulmala-.  |
kuśara | (k/u--) m. a kind of reed  |
kusita | f. (k/ustā-) iv, 2, 3.  |
kuśri | or k/uśri- m. Name of a teacher  |
kuṣṭha | m. (equals kakundara-) cavity of the loin [Comm.;but perhaps equals k/uṣṭhikā-]  |
kuṣṭha | m. equals k/uṣṭhikā- (taken as measure equal to"one-twelfth")  |
kuṣṭhikā | etc. See k/uṣṭha-.  |
kuṭaja | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order k/uṭa-.  |
kutra | ind. k/utrā cid- ([ ]) or kutra cid- ([ etc.]) , anywhere, somewhere, wheresoever  |
kuts | (perhaps related to k/utas-) cl.10 P. kutsayati- ([also A1. yate- ;rarely cl.1 P. kutsati- ;once cl.4 P. kutsyati- ]), to despise, abuse, revile, contemn ; ([ confer, compare Lithuanian kussinu.])  |
kutsa | n. the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus (see k/autsa-, puru-k/utsa-,etc.)  |
kutsya | 1. and 2. kutsya- See kuts- and k/utsa-.  |
kuyava | mfn. (k/u--) causing a bad harvest (Name of a demon slain by indra-)  |
kuyava | n. a bad harvest(?) See k/ū-y-.  |
kvala | m. plural (equals k/uvala-) jujube fruit (used for coagulating substances)  |
pṛdāku | m. an adder, viper, snake (also pṛdākū dāk/ū-, f.)  |
śak | cl.5 P. ( ) śaknoti- (perfect tense śaś/āka-, śek/uḥ- etc.; Aorist /aśakat- etc. [Ved. also Potential śakeyam-and śakyām-; imperative śagdhi-, śaktam-]; future śaktā-,or śakitā- grammar; śakṣyati-, te- etc.; śakiṣyate-, te- grammar; infinitive mood -śaktave- ; śaktum-or śakitum- grammar), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with accusative dative case or locative case,rarely accusative of a verbal noun, or with an infinitive mood in am-or tum-;or with pr. p. ; exempli gratia, 'for example' with grahaṇāya-or grahaṇe-,"to be able to seize"; vadha-nirṇekam- a-śaknuvan-,"unable to atone for slaughter"; śak/ema vāj/ino y/amam-,"may we be able to guide horses"; vīkṣitum- na- śaknoti-,"he is not able to see"; pūrayan na śaknoti-,"he is not able to fill") etc. etc. (in these meanings Epic also śakyati-, te-,with inf in tuṃ- confer, compare ) ; to be strong or exert one's self for another (dative case), aid, help, assist ; to help to (dative case of thing) : Passive voice śakyate- (Epic also ti-), to be overcome or subdued, succumb ; to yield, give way ; to be compelled or caused by any one (instrumental case) to (infinitive mood) ; to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an infinitive mood in pass. sense exempli gratia, 'for example' tat kartuṃ śakyate-,"that can be done";sometimes with pass. p. exempli gratia, 'for example' na śakyate vāryamāṇaḥ-,"he cannot be restrained";or used impersonal or used impersonally,with or with out instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi-[ tvayā-] śakyate-,"if it can be done by thee","if it is possible") : Causal śākayati- (Aorist aśīśakat-), grammar : Desiderative See śikṣ-. ([ confer, compare according to to some, Greek , German HagHeckehegen;behagen.]) |
saṃkalpakulmala | (p/a--) mfn. (an arrow) whose neck (See k/ulmala-) is (formed by) desire  |
śaṅkukarṇa | becomes śaṅk/ū-- karṇa- when it means"having the ear marked with a śaṅku- or like a ś-", . 2, 112; vi, 3-115  |
sīda | See k/usīda-, .  |
sindha | See k/us-, .  |
svarita | m. n. the svarita- accent (a kind of mixed tone, produced by a combination of high and low tone, and therefore named in sam-āhāra-,the high and low tones being called ud-ātta-,"raised"or"acute", and an-udātta-,"low"or"grave";the svarita- corresponds to the Greek circumflex and is of four kinds, viz. kṣaipra-[as in vy-/āpta-for v/i-āpta-], jātya-[as in kv/a-for k/ua-], praśliṣṭa-[as in div/īva-for div/i iva-],or abhinihita-[as in t/e 'bruvan-for t/e abruvan-];it is marked in by a small upright stroke above a syllable;and when produced by an udātta-immediately preceding is sometimes called "a dependent svarita-", and, when it properly belongs to a word, an"independent svarita-")  |
takṣ | cl.1 P. kṣati- (Epic also A1. imperfect tense t/akṣat-, /atakṣat- ;rarelycl.2 3. plural t/akṣati-[ ] ; imperfect tense [ Aorist ?] atakṣma-,2. plural ataṣṭa- ;once cl.5. [ takṣṇoti- ] Potential kṣṇuyur- ;See also apa--; Aorist, atakṣīt- ;3. plural kṣiṣur- ; subjunctive takṣiṣat-[ ], ; perfect tense tat/akṣa-,once A1. kṣ/e- plural ksk/ur- ,once takṣur-, ;2. dual number takṣathur-, ; pr. p. f. t/akṣatī-, ; pf.Pass.p. taṣṭ/a-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) to form by cutting, plane, chisel, chop etc. ; to cut, split ; to fashion, form (out of wood etc.), make, create ; to form in the mind, invent ; to make (any one young;double accusative), make able or prepare for (dative case) ; (in mathematics) to reduce by dividing ; ; = tvac- ; to, skin : Causal takṣayati- (Aorist atatakṣat-) ; see tvakṣ-. 2. takṣ-,"paring" ; See kāṣṭha--.  |
trikakubh | m. See k/ud-.  |
trikakud | mfn. having 3 peaks or points or horns (k/ud ev/a samān/ānām-[ kup sam- ]"thrice excelling one's equals")  |
trikūṭa | mfn. Name of a mountain (equals -kak/ud-), ( )  |