kāma | m. (fr. | ||||||
kāma | m. pleasure, enjoyment | ||||||
kāma | m. love, especially sexual love or sensuality | ||||||
kāma | m. Love or Desire personified (see ) | ||||||
kāma | m. Name of the god of love | ||||||
kāma | m. (represented as son of dharma- and husband of rati-[ ];or as a son of brahmā- ;or sometimes of saṃkalpa- ; see kāma-deva-) | ||||||
kāma | m. Name of agni- | ||||||
kāma | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
kāma | m. of baladeva- (see kāma-pāla-) | ||||||
kāma | m. a stake in gambling | ||||||
kāma | m. a species of mango tree (equals mahā-rāja-cūta-) | ||||||
kāma | m. Name of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each | ||||||
kāma | m. a kind of bean | ||||||
kāma | m. a particular form of temple | ||||||
kāma | m. Name of several men | ||||||
kāma | n. object of desire | ||||||
kāma | n. semen virile | ||||||
kāma | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
kāma | mfn. wishing, desiring | ||||||
kāma | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') desirous of, desiring, having a desire or intention (see go-k-, dharma-k-;frequently with infinitive mood in tu- see tyaktu-k-.) | ||||||
kāmabaddha | mfn. bound by love | ||||||
kāmabaddha | n. a wood | ||||||
kāmabala | n. force of desire, sexual power | ||||||
kāmabāṇa | m. an arrow of the god of love. | ||||||
kāmabhāj | mfn. partaking of sensual enjoyment, enjoying all desires | ||||||
kāmabhakṣa | (edition -bhakṣya-) m. eating according to one's inclinations commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kāmabhoga | m. plural gratification of desires, sensual gratification | ||||||
kāmabindu | m. "wish-drop", anything dropped into the fire to procure the fulfilment of a wish, drop of melted butter | ||||||
kāmacakra | n. a kind of mystical circle. | ||||||
kāmacālana | n. an erotic term. | ||||||
kāmacandra | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kāmacara | mf(ī-)n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained | ||||||
kāmacāra | mf(ā-)n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained | ||||||
kāmacāra | m. free unrestrained motion, independent or spontaneous action | ||||||
kāmacāra | m. the following one's own desires, sensuality, selfishness commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kāmacaraṇa | n. free or unchecked motion | ||||||
kāmacāratas | ind. according to one's inclination, voluntarily | ||||||
kāmacaratva | n. the state of being free to move or act as one likes | ||||||
kāmacāravādabhakṣa | mfn. following one's inclinations in behaviour and speech and eating | ||||||
kāmacāreṇa | ind. at pleasure, at will commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kāmacarī | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- | ||||||
kāmacārin | mfn. moving or acting at pleasure, acting unrestrainedly | ||||||
kāmacārin | mfn. indulging the desires, behaving libidinously (para-strī-kāma-cārin-,lusting after the wife of another) | ||||||
kāmacārin | m. Name of a yakṣa- | ||||||
kāmacārin | m. a sparrow (caṭaka-) | ||||||
kāmacārin | m. Name of garuḍa- | ||||||
kāmacārin | m. an Artemisia | ||||||
kāmacāriṇī | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in mount mandara- | ||||||
kāmacāritva | n. moving or acting at pleasure | ||||||
kāmacāritva | n. lewdness | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. giving what is wished, granting desires etc. | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. Name of the sun | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. of skanda- | ||||||
kāmadā | f. equals -dhenu- | ||||||
kāmadā | f. betel-pepper | ||||||
kāmadā | f. the yellow Myrobalan | ||||||
kāmadā | f. a Sanseviera | ||||||
kāmadā | f. Name of one of the mothers in attendance on skanda- | ||||||
kāmadā | f. of a daughter of śata-dhanvan- | ||||||
kāmada | m. "gracious lord", | ||||||
kāmadahana | n. "the burning up of the god of love by śiva-", Name of a chapter of the | ||||||
kāmadahana | n. a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month phālguna-. | ||||||
kāmadaminī | f. "taming love", Name of a libidinous woman | ||||||
kāmadāna | n. a gift to one's satisfaction | ||||||
kāmadāna | n. a kind of ceremony among prostitutes | ||||||
kāmadantikā | f. varia lectio for -dattikā- | ||||||
kāmadarśana | mfn. having the look of a charming person, looking lovely | ||||||
kāmadattā | f. Name of work | ||||||
kāmadattikā | f. Name of a daughter of śata-dhanvan- | ||||||
kāmadatva | n. the granting desires. | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. the god of love (See kāma-above;according to some, son of sahiṣṇu- and yaśo-dharā- ) | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. Name of viṣṇu- (as the god who creates, preserves, or destroys at will) (see ) | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. of śiva- | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. of a poet | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. of a king of jayantī-purī- | ||||||
kāmadeva | m. Name of the author of the prāyaścitta-paddhati- | ||||||
kāmadevamaya | mfn. representing the god of love | ||||||
kāmadevatva | n. the being the god of love | ||||||
kāmadhara | m. Name of a lake in kāma-rūpa- | ||||||
kāmadharaṇa | n. the procuring of desires, fulfilment of desire | ||||||
kāmadharma | m. amorous behaviour. | ||||||
kāmadhātu | m. the region of the wishes, seat of the kāmā | ||||||
kāmadhenu | f. the mythical cow of vasiṣṭha- which satisfies all desires, cow of plenty (equals surabhi-) | ||||||
kāmadhenu | f. Name of a goddess | ||||||
kāmadhenu | f. Name of several works | ||||||
kāmadhenugaṇita | n. Name of work | ||||||
kāmadhenutantra | n. Name of work on the mystical signification of the letters of the alphabet. | ||||||
kāmadhvaṃsin | m. "subduing the god of love", Name of śiva- | ||||||
kāmadohanā | f. yielding milk easily, yielding desires | ||||||
kāmadohinī | f. "yielding desires" equals -dhenu- | ||||||
kāmadugha | mf(ā-)n. ( ) "milking desires", yielding objects of desire like milk, yielding what one wishes etc. | ||||||
kāmadughā | f. equals -dhenu-. | ||||||
kāmadughākṣiti | mfn. "possessing wish-granting imperishableness", | ||||||
kāmaduh | mfn. (Nominal verb sg. -dhuk-) idem or 'mfn. "possessing wish-granting imperishableness", ' | ||||||
kāmaduha | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. (Nominal verb sg. -dhuk-) idem or 'mfn. "possessing wish-granting imperishableness", ' ' | ||||||
kāmaduhā | f. the cow of plenty | ||||||
kāmadūtī | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo | ||||||
kāmadūtī | f. the plant Bignonia suaveolens | ||||||
kāmadūtikā | f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum | ||||||
kāmaga | mfn. going or coming of one's own accord | ||||||
kāmaga | mfn. moving or acting as one pleases | ||||||
kāmaga | mfn. following one's impulses, indulging one's passions, running after men or women (of a woman equals kulaṭā- commentator or commentary) | ||||||
kāmaga | m. one who comes accidentally or unexpectedly, casual visitor, one who travels about without any specific purpose | ||||||
kāmagā | f. a female Kokila | ||||||
kāmagama | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. going or coming of one's own accord ' | ||||||
kāmagama | m. plural a class of deities of the eleventh manvantara- | ||||||
kāmagāmin | mfn. equals -gati- | ||||||
kāmagati | mfn. going or coming of one's own accord | ||||||
kāmagavī | f. equals -dhenu-. | ||||||
kāmagiri | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
kāmago | f. equals -dhenu-. | ||||||
kāmaguṇa | m. "quality of desire", affection, passion | ||||||
kāmaguṇa | m. satiety, perfect enjoyment | ||||||
kāmaguṇa | m. an object of sense | ||||||
kāmaguṇa | m. plural the objects of the five senses, sensual enjoyments | ||||||
kāmahaituka | mfn. caused or produced by mere desire, of one's own accord | ||||||
kāmahāni | m. Name of a teacher. | ||||||
kāmaja | mfn. produced or caused by passion or desire, arising from lust | ||||||
kāmaja | mfn. begotten or born of desire or lust | ||||||
kāmaja | m. "born of kāma-", Name of aniruddha- | ||||||
kāmaja | m. plural equals kāmagamās- | ||||||
kāmajāla | m. equals -tāla- | ||||||
kāmajāna | m. idem or 'm. the Indian cuckoo ' | ||||||
kāmajananī | f. betel-pepper | ||||||
kāmajani | m. the Indian cuckoo | ||||||
kāmajit | m. "conquering desire", Name of skanda- | ||||||
kāmajyeṣṭha | (k/āma--) mfn. having the god Desire at the head, led by kāma- | ||||||
kāmakākurava | m. a dove | ||||||
kāmakalā | f. Name of rati- (wife of kāma-) | ||||||
kāmakalābīja | n. the essential letter or syllable of a charm or spell. | ||||||
kāmakalāṅganāvilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
kāmakalātantra | n. another work | ||||||
kāmakalikā | f. Name of a surā | ||||||
kāmakāma | mfn. "wishing wishes", having various desires or wishes, following the dictates of passion | ||||||
kāmakāmin | mfn. "wishing wishes", having various desires or wishes, following the dictates of passion | ||||||
kāmakānana | n. kāma-'s grove, | ||||||
kāmakandalā | f. Name of a woman. | ||||||
kāmakāntā | f. the plant Jasminum Sambac | ||||||
kāmakāra | mfn. fulfilling the desires of any one (genitive case) | ||||||
kāmakāra | m. the act of following one's own inclinations, spontaneous deed, voluntary action, acting of one's own free will, free will | ||||||
kāmakāraṃkṛ | to act as one likes | ||||||
kāmakārāt | ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously | ||||||
kāmakāratas | ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously | ||||||
kāmakāreṇa | ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously | ||||||
kāmakarśana | in /a-kāma-k- q.v | ||||||
kāmakāti | (k/āma--) mfn. requesting the fulfilment of a wish | ||||||
kāmakeli | m. "love-sport", amorous sport, sexual intercourse | ||||||
kāmakeli | m. the vidūṣaka- of the drama | ||||||
kāmakeli | mfn. having amorous sport, wanton | ||||||
kāmakelirasa | m. a kind of aphrodisiac. | ||||||
kāmakhaḍgadalā | f. the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus (see svarṇa-ketakī-) | ||||||
kāmakḷpti | f. arranging to one's liking | ||||||
kāmakoṣṇī | f. Name of a river | ||||||
kāmakrīḍā | f. amorous sport | ||||||
kāmakrīḍā | f. Name of a metre consisting of four lines of fifteen long syllables each. | ||||||
kāmakrodha | m. dual number desire and anger, | ||||||
kāmakṛta | mfn. done intentionally or knowingly | ||||||
kāmakuṇḍa | n. Name of a liṅga- | ||||||
kāmakūṭa | m. the paramour of a harlot | ||||||
kāmakūṭa | m. wanton caresses | ||||||
kāmala | mfn. libidinous, lustful | ||||||
kāmala | m. the spring | ||||||
kāmala | m. dry and sterile soil, desert | ||||||
kāmala | mf. a form of jaundice | ||||||
kāmala | mf. excessive secretion or obstruction of bile | ||||||
kāmalā | f. Name of an apsaras- | ||||||
kāmalabhida | mfn. fr. kamala-bhidā- | ||||||
kāmalakīkara | mfn. fr. kamala-kīkara- gaRa palady-ādi-. | ||||||
kāmalakīṭa | mfn. fr. kamala-kīṭa- | ||||||
kāmalatā | f. membrum virile, penis | ||||||
kāmalatā | f. the plant Ipomaea (Quamoclit Pennata). | ||||||
kāmalāyana | m. a descendant of kamala-, Name of upakosala- | ||||||
kāmalāyani | m. a descendant of kamala- | ||||||
kāmalekhā | f. a harlot, courtezan (see -rekhā-) | ||||||
kāmalī | f. Name of a daughter of reṇu- (also called reṇukā-) | ||||||
kāmali | m. a descendant of kamala-, Name of a pupil of vaiśampāyana- | ||||||
kāmali | m. gaRa taulvaly-ādi- in the | ||||||
kāmalika | mfn. customary in (or symptomatic of) jaundice | ||||||
kāmalin | mfn. suffering from jaundice | ||||||
kāmalin | m. plural the school of kamala- | ||||||
kāmalola | mfn. overcome with desire or passion | ||||||
kāmalubdha | mfn. libidinous, | ||||||
kāmam | ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order | ||||||
kāmam | ind. (accusative of k/āma- gaRa svarā | ||||||
kāmam | ind. with pleasure, readily, gladly | ||||||
kāmam | ind. (as a particle of assent) well, very well, granted, admitted that, indeed, really, surely | ||||||
kāmam | ind. well and good, in any case, at any rate | ||||||
kāmam | ind. (with na-,"in no case") | ||||||
kāmam | ind. granted that, in spite of that, notwithstanding etc. | ||||||
kāmam | ind. though, although, supposing that (usually with imperative) (kāmaṃ-na-or na tu-or na ca-,rather than exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmam ā maraṇāt tiṣṭhed gṛhe kanyā-- na enām prayacchet tu guṇa-hīnāya-,"rather should a girl stay at home till her death, than that he should give her to one void of excellent qualities";the negative sentence with na-or natu-or na ca-may also precede, or its place may be taken by an interrogative sentence exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmaṃ nayatu māṃ devaḥ kim ardhenā | ||||||
kāmamaha | m. the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month caitra- or March-April) | ||||||
kāmamālin | m. Name of gaṇe | ||||||
kāmamañjarī | f. "love-bud", Name of a woman | ||||||
kāmamardana | m. "destroyer of the god of love", Name of śiva- | ||||||
kāmamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of desire | ||||||
kāmamaya | mf(ī-)n. answering all desires | ||||||
kāmaṃdhamin | m. a brazier (equals kāraṃ-dhamin-) | ||||||
kāmaṃgāmin | mfn. equals -gati- | ||||||
kāmaṃgāmin | See kāma-. | ||||||
kāmamoha | m. infatuation of lust. | ||||||
kāmamohita | mfn. infatuated by desire or love or passion. | ||||||
kāmamūḍha | mfn. infatuated by lust | ||||||
kāmamūta | (k/āma--) mfn. strongly affected or impelled by love | ||||||
kāmana | mfn. lustful, sensual, lascivious ([ confer, compare O. Persian kamana,"loving, true, faithful"]) | ||||||
kāmanā | f. wish, desire | ||||||
kāmanā | f. the plant Vanda Roxburghii | ||||||
kāmanāśaka | mfn. destroying irregular desires, subduing sensual appetite. | ||||||
kāmanda | m. Name of a ṛṣi- | ||||||
kāmandaka | m. equals kāmanda- | ||||||
kāmandaka | n. Name of work commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kāmandakī | f. Name of a Buddhist priestess | ||||||
kāmandakī | f. Name of a town | ||||||
kāmandaki | m. "son of kamandaka-", Name of the author of a nīti-śāstra- called nīti-sāra- (in which are embodied she principles of his master cāṇakya-). | ||||||
kāmandakīya | mfn. relating to or composed by kāmandaki- | ||||||
kāmaṇḍalava | mfn. (fr. kamaṇḍalu-), contained in a water-pot | ||||||
kāmaṇḍalava | n. the business or trade of a potter gaRa yuvā | ||||||
kāmaṇḍaleya | m. a metron. fr. kamaṇḍalū- | ||||||
kāmaṇḍaleyī | f. gaRa śārṅgaravā | ||||||
kāmanīḍā | f. musk | ||||||
kāmanīyaka | n. loveliness, beauty | ||||||
kāmapāla | m. "gratifier of human desires", Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
kāmapāla | m. of śiva- | ||||||
kāmapāla | m. of baladeva- | ||||||
kāmapāla | m. of a man | ||||||
kāmapālaka | m. Name of baladeva- | ||||||
kāmaparṇī | f. Trichodesma Zeylanicum | ||||||
kāmaparṇikā | f. Trichodesma Zeylanicum | ||||||
kāmapati | m. the lord of desire. | ||||||
kāmapatnī | f. the wife of kāma- (viz. rati-) | ||||||
kāmaphala | m. a species of mango tree | ||||||
kāmapīḍita | mfn. tormented with lust or irregular desires. | ||||||
kāmapra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fulfilling wishes, gratifying desires ' | ||||||
kāmapra | n. the fulfilment of desire | ||||||
kāmaprada | mfn. granting desires | ||||||
kāmaprada | m. a kind of coitus | ||||||
kāmapradīpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
kāmapraśna | m. questioning as one pleases, asking unrestrainedly | ||||||
kāmaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa mālā | ||||||
kāmaprasthīya | mfn. relating to that town gaRa gahā | ||||||
kāmapri | m. one whose wishes are fulfilled ([ ;"son of kāma-pra-", Name of marutta- ]) | ||||||
kāmapriyakarī | f. Physalis Flexuosa | ||||||
kāmapūra | mfn. fulfilling wishes, gratifying desires | ||||||
kāmapuṣ | mfn. granting wishes, | ||||||
kāmarāja | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kāmarāja | m. of a poetry or poetic | ||||||
kāmarasa | m. enjoyment of sexual love | ||||||
kāmarasika | mfn. libidinous | ||||||
kāmaratna | n. Name of a tantra-. | ||||||
kāmarekhā | f. a harlot, courtezan (see -lekhā-) | ||||||
kāmarūpa | n. a shape assumed at will | ||||||
kāmarūpa | mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean | ||||||
kāmarūpa | m. a god | ||||||
kāmarūpa | m. plural Name of a people and of their country (east of Bengal and in the west part of Assam) etc. | ||||||
kāmarūpadhara | mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean | ||||||
kāmarūpadharatva | n. the state of assuming any form at will | ||||||
kāmarūpanibandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
kāmarūpapati | m. Name of an author | ||||||
kāmarūpatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
kāmarūpayātrāpaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
kāmarūpin | mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean | ||||||
kāmarūpin | m. a pole-cat | ||||||
kāmarūpin | m. a boar | ||||||
kāmarūpin | m. a vidyā-dhara- (a kind of subordinate deity) | ||||||
kāmarūpiṇī | f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa | ||||||
kāmarūpīyanibandha | m. equals -rūpa-nibandha-. | ||||||
kāmarūpodbhavā | f. a kind of musk | ||||||
kāmaśaila | m. Name of a mountain (edition Bomb.) iv, 43, 28. | ||||||
kāmasakha | m. " kāma-'s friend", spring | ||||||
kāmasakha | m. the month caitra- | ||||||
kāmasakha | m. the mango tree | ||||||
kāmaśalya | (kāma--) mf(ā-)n. having love for a shaft | ||||||
kāmasaṃkalpa | mfn. having all kinds of wishes | ||||||
kāmasamūha | m. Name of work of ananta-. | ||||||
kāmasamuttha | mfn. sprung from desire, | ||||||
kāmasaṃyoga | m. attainment of desired objects | ||||||
kāmasani | mfn. fulfilling wishes | ||||||
kāmaśara | m. "love's shaft", an arrow of the god of love | ||||||
kāmaśara | m. the mango tree | ||||||
kāmaśaronmādinī | f. Name of a surā | ||||||
kāmaśāsana | m. "punisher of kāma-", Name of śiva- | ||||||
kāmaśāstra | n. a treatise on pleasure or sexual love | ||||||
kāmaśāstra | n. equals -sūtra- Name of several erotic works. | ||||||
kāmasena | m. Name of a king of rāmavatī- | ||||||
kāmasenā | f. the wife of nidhipati-. | ||||||
kāmasū | mfn. gratifying wishes | ||||||
kāmasū | f. (ūs-) Name of rukmiṇī- | ||||||
kāmasūkta | n. a kind of hymn | ||||||
kāmasuta | m. aniruddha- (the son of kāma-deva-) | ||||||
kāmasūtra | n. Name of a treatise on sexual love by vātsyāyana-. | ||||||
kāmatāla | m. the Indian cuckoo (considered as an incentive to love) | ||||||
kāmatantra | n. Name of work | ||||||
kāmataru | m. the god of love considered as a tree (see -vṛkṣa-) | ||||||
kāmataru | m. the plant Vanda Roxburghii | ||||||
kāmatas | ind. according to wish or affection, passionately, from passion or feeling (opposed to dharma-tas-) | ||||||
kāmatas | ind. of one's own accord, of one's own free will, willingly, intentionally, by consent (see a-kāma-tas-.) | ||||||
kāmaṭha | mfn. (fr. kamaṭha-), peculiar or belonging to the tortoise | ||||||
kāmaṭhaka | m. Name of a nāga- | ||||||
kāmatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-. | ||||||
kāmavāda | m. speech at will commentator or commentary on (see ) | ||||||
kāmavādin | mfn. speaking according to pleasure, | ||||||
kāmavaktavyahṛdaya | mfn. enamoured (?), | ||||||
kāmavallabha | m. "love's favourite", spring | ||||||
kāmavallabha | m. a species of mango tree | ||||||
kāmavallabha | m. the cinnamon tree | ||||||
kāmavallabhā | f. moonlight | ||||||
kāmavara | m. a gift chosen at one's own liking or will | ||||||
kāmavarṣa | mfn. (= - varṣin-), | ||||||
kāmavarṣin | mfn. raining according to one's wishes. | ||||||
kāmavaśa | m. subjection to love | ||||||
kāmavasati | f. an erotic term. | ||||||
kāmavāsin | mfn. dwelling where one pleases, choosing or changing one's residence at will | ||||||
kāmavaśya | mfn. being in subjection to the god of love, enamoured | ||||||
kāmavat | mfn. (k/āma--) being in love, enamoured, wanton | ||||||
kāmavat | mfn. containing the word kāma- | ||||||
kāmavatī | f. (tī-) a species of Curcuma (Curcuma Aromatica, dāru-haridrā-) | ||||||
kāmavatī | f. Name of a town. | ||||||
kāmavatsa | (k/āma--) mf(ā-)n. having the wish for a calf, having the wish in place of a calf | ||||||
kāmaveraṇi | varia lectio in gaRa gahā | ||||||
kāmaveraṇīya | mfn. fr. the preceding | ||||||
kāmaveśin | mfn. entering at will, | ||||||
kāmaviddha | mfn. wounded by the god of love | ||||||
kāmaviddha | m. Name of a man gaRa kārtakaujapā | ||||||
kāmaviddha | m. plural his descendants | ||||||
kāmavihantṛ | mfn. disappointing desires | ||||||
kāmavihārin | mfn. roaming at will, | ||||||
kāmavīrya | m. "displaying heroism at will", Name of garuḍa- | ||||||
kāmavivarjita | mfn. freed from all desires | ||||||
kāmavṛddhi | f. increase of sexual desire or passion | ||||||
kāmavṛddhi | m. a shrub of supposed aphrodisiac properties (called kāma-ja- in the karṇāṭaka-) | ||||||
kāmavṛkṣa | m. a parasitical plant (vandāka-,Vanda Roxburghii) | ||||||
kāmavṛntā | f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia suaveolens). | ||||||
kāmavṛtta | mfn. eating licentiously, dissipated | ||||||
kāmavyāhārin | mfn. singing sweetly. | ||||||
kāmayā | ind. (instrumental case of kāmā- q.v) only used with brūhi- or pra-brūhi- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmayā me brūhi deva kas tvam-,"for love of me, say, O god, who thou art") | ||||||
kāmayāna | mfn. (irreg. pr. p. , Causal | ||||||
kāmayitṛ | mfn. libidinous, lustful, desirous | ||||||
abhagnakāma | mf(ā-)n. whose desire or wishes are not disturbed | ||||||
abhikāma | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) affection, desire, N. | ||||||
abhikāma | mf(ā-)n., affectionate, loving, desirous (with accusative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') | ||||||
abhikāmam | ind. with desire , (see ābhikāmika-.) | ||||||
adṛṣṭakāma | m. passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen. | ||||||
ahalyākāmadhenu | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a modern law-book | ||||||
akāma | mf(ā-)n. without desire or wish | ||||||
akāma | mf(ā-)n. unintentional, reluctant | ||||||
akāma | mf(ā-)n. (in grammar) the saṃdhi- which causes the dropping of a final r- before a succeeding r-. | ||||||
akāmahata | (/a-kāma--) mfn. unaffected with desire, calm | ||||||
akāmakarśana | (/a-kāma--) mfn. not disappointing desires | ||||||
akāmasaṃjñapana | n. unintentional killing of a victim before a sacrifice, | ||||||
akāmatā | f. freedom from desire, etc. | ||||||
akāmatas | ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. | ||||||
akṣakāma | (akṣ/a--) mfn. fond of dice | ||||||
anakāmamāra | mfn. not killing undesiredly | ||||||
anarthakāma | mfn. wishing evil to (genitive case), | ||||||
anekakāma | (/aneka--) mfn. having many wishes | ||||||
anikāmatas | ([ ]) or a-nik/āmam- ([ ]) ind. involuntarily, unintentionally. | ||||||
annādyakāma | mfn. desirous of food. | ||||||
annakāma | (/anna--) mfn. desirous of food | ||||||
antakāmana | n. the jaws of Death, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding | ||||||
anukāma | m. desire | ||||||
anukāma | mfn. according to one's desire, agreeable | ||||||
anukāmakṛt | mfn. fulfilling one's desire | ||||||
anukāmam | ind. as desired, at pleasure | ||||||
anyakāma | mfn. loving another. | ||||||
anyatkāma | mfn. desirous of something else, | ||||||
apakāma | m. aversion, abhorrence | ||||||
apakāma | m. abominableness | ||||||
apakāmam | ind. against one's liking, unwillingly | ||||||
apatyakāma | mfn. desirous of offspring. | ||||||
apratilabdhakāma | mfn. never satiated in one's desires. | ||||||
āptakāma | mfn. one who has gained his wish, satisfied | ||||||
āptakāma | mfn. (in philosophy) one who knows the identity of brahman- and ātman- | ||||||
āptakāma | m. the supreme soul | ||||||
arthakāma | n [ varia lectio ] m. dual number [ ] m. plural [ ] utility and desire, wealth and pleasure | ||||||
arthakāma | mfn. desirous of wealth, N. , desiring to be useful. | ||||||
ātmakāma | mf(ā-)n. loving one's self, possessed of self-conceit | ||||||
ātmakāma | mf(ā-)n. loving the supreme spirit () | ||||||
ātmakāma | mfn. desirous of emancipation, | ||||||
avāptukāma | mfn. desirous of attaining, | ||||||
avitṛptakāma | mfn. having the desires unsatisfied | ||||||
avṛṣṭikāma | mfn. not, wishing rain | ||||||
ayaskāma | m. a blacksmith | ||||||
āyuṣkāma | mfn. wishing for long life or health | ||||||
bahukāma | mfn. having many wishes or desires | ||||||
balakāma | mfn. desiring strength | ||||||
bandhukāma | mfn. loving relations or friends | ||||||
bhagakāma | mf(ā-)n. desirous of sexual pleasure | ||||||
bhagnakāma | See a-bhagnak-. | ||||||
bhṛtyakāmakṛt | mfn. acting kindly to servants | ||||||
bhūtikāma | mfn. (bh/ūti--) desirous of wealth or property etc. | ||||||
bhūtikāma | m. a king's councillor | ||||||
bhūtikāma | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- | ||||||
bhūyaskāma | mfn. very desirous of anything ( bhūyaskāmatā -tā- f.) | ||||||
bhūyaskāmatā | f. bhūyaskāma | ||||||
brahmavarcasakāma | mfn. desirous of holiness or sacred knowledge | ||||||
cakṣuṣkāma | (c/akṣ-) mfn. wishing for the faculty of seeing | ||||||
caṇḍikāmahānavamī | f. a particular 9th day on which durgā- is worshipped | ||||||
dānakāma | (d/ā-) mfn. fond of giving, liberal | ||||||
darśayitukāma | mfn. wishing to show. | ||||||
daśakāmajavyasana | n. the 10 vices arising from love of pleasure (See ) . | ||||||
devakāma | (v/a-k-) mfn. loving the gods, pious | ||||||
devṛkāma | (v/ṛ--) mfn. loving one's brother-in-law. | ||||||
dhanakāma | (dh/ana-.) mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous | ||||||
dharmakāma | mfn. loving justice, observing right | ||||||
dharmakāma | m. Name of a demon, on (son of pāpīyas-) | ||||||
dharmārthakāmamokṣa | m. plural religious merit, wealth, pleasure and final emancipation (the 4 objects of existence) | ||||||
dogdhukāma | mfn. wishing to milk or to suck out, i.e. so strip or impoverish | ||||||
dohakāma | (do | ||||||
draṣṭukāma | mfn. wishing to see, desirous of seeing , | ||||||
dyukāma | m. Name of a man (see dyaukāmi-). | ||||||
gaṇakāma | mfn. desirous of a body of attendants | ||||||
gantukāma | mfn. wishing to go, on the point of departure | ||||||
gantukāma | mfn. about to die | ||||||
garbhakāma | mf(ā-)n. desirous of impregnation | ||||||
ghaṭikāmaṇḍala | n. the equatorial circle | ||||||
gokāma | (g/o--) mfn. desirous of cattle | ||||||
grāmakāma | mfn. (gr/āma--) one who wishes to possess a village | ||||||
grāmakāma | mfn. desirous of villages, fond of living in villages | ||||||
grāmyakāma | m. plural idem or 'n. equals ma-caryā- ' | ||||||
hantukāma | mf(ā-)n. (hantu-for tum-) desirous of killing | ||||||
hiraṇyakāmadhenu | f. a golden figure representing the kāma-dhenu- (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s;See mahā-dāna-, tulā-puruṣa-), cit-. | ||||||
hiraṇyakāmadhenudāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
hitakāma | mfn. wishing well to, desirous of benefiting | ||||||
indriyakāma | (indriy/a-) mfn. desiring or endeavouring to obtain power | ||||||
iṣṭakāmaduh | f. "granting desires", Name of the cow of plenty | ||||||
iṣṭakāmaya | mfn. made of bricks. | ||||||
iṣukāmaśamī | f. Name of a region commentator or commentary on | ||||||
janikāma | (j/an-) mfn. wishing for a wife | ||||||
jātakāma | mfn. fallen in love, | ||||||
jetukāma | mfn. (fr. infinitive mood tum-) desirous of victory | ||||||
jīvitukāma | mfn. equals tā | ||||||
jvālārāsabhakāmaya | m. equals -gardabhaka- | ||||||
kācakāmala | n. a kind of disease of the eyes. | ||||||
kācakāmalin | mfn. afflicted with the preceding disease. | ||||||
kāmābhikāma | mfn. lustful | ||||||
kartukāma | mfn. desirous or intending to do. | ||||||
kastūrikāmada | m. musk. | ||||||
kāvyakāmadhenu | f. Name of a commentator or commentary by vopa-deva- on his work called kavi-kalpadruma-. | ||||||
kṛtakāma | mf(ā-)n. one whose desire is attained, satisfied | ||||||
kṣemakāma | (kṣ/ema--) mfn. longing for rest | ||||||
kṣiprakāma | mfn. one who wishes to obtain anything speedily | ||||||
kumbhakāmalā | f. a bilious affection (sort of jaundice together with swelling of the joints ; see kumbha-pāda-). | ||||||
kuṇḍalikāmata | n. Name of a tantra-. | ||||||
kuśalakāma | mfn. desirous of happiness | ||||||
kuśalakāma | m. desire for happiness. | ||||||
labdhakāma | mfn. one who has gained his wishes | ||||||
lokakāma | mfn. longing for a particular world | ||||||
mādhavānalakāmakandalakathā | f. idem or ' f. idem or 'n. Name of a love-story' ' | ||||||
makṣikāmala | n. "excretion of bees", wax | ||||||
māṃsakāma | mfn. fond of flesh Va1rtt.7 | ||||||
maṇikarṇikāmahiman | m. Name of work | ||||||
mātṛkāmaha | See pra-mātṛkā-maha- under 2. pra-māt/ṛ-. | ||||||
mātṛkāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of mystic characters | ||||||
medhākāma | mfn. wishing intelligence to or for (genitive case) | ||||||
mitrakāma | mfn. desirous of friends | ||||||
mokṣakāma | mfn. (= - kāṅkṣin-), | ||||||
moktukāma | mfn. wishing to let go, desiring to shoot or cast | ||||||
mṛṇālikāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of lotus-fibres | ||||||
muhuskāma | mf(ā-)n. loving or desiring again and again Va1rtt. 1 | ||||||
nānākāma | m. plural many desires or wishes = | ||||||
narakāmaya | m. equals pre | ||||||
nāsikāmala | n. "nose-dirt", nose-mucus, snot | ||||||
nāthakāma | (th/a--) mfn. seeking help | ||||||
nidhanakāma | n. Name of several sāman-s | ||||||
nikāma | m. desire, wish, pleasure | ||||||
nikāma | ind. in the beginning of a compound , = (am-) according to wish or desire, to one's heart's content, abundantly, excessively etc. (see yadā-nik/āmam-) | ||||||
nikāma | mfn. desirous, covetous, greedy | ||||||
nikāma | m. Name of an agni- | ||||||
nikāmabhāmabhāṣya | n. Name of work | ||||||
nikāmadharaṇa | mfn. bearing according, to wish | ||||||
nikāmajala | mfn. (a river) yielding abundant water | ||||||
nikāmakāma | mfn. covetous | ||||||
nikāman | (n/i--) mfn. desirous, eager | ||||||
nikāmana | n. desire | ||||||
nikāmaniraṅkuśa | mfn. freely ruling over (genitive case ,), | ||||||
nikāmasukhin | mfn. exceedingly happy | ||||||
nikāmatapta | mfn. excessively burnt | ||||||
nikāmavarṣa | mfn. having plenty of rain | ||||||
nikāmavarṣin | mfn. raining according, to wish | ||||||
niṣkāma | mfn. (n/iṣ--) desireless, disinterested, unselfish etc. | ||||||
niṣkāmacārin | mfn. acting without interest or selfishness | ||||||
niṣkāmaṣa | mf(ā-)n. stainless, sinless, pure etc. | ||||||
niṣkāmaṣībhū | to become stainless etc. | ||||||
pādukāmantra | m. Name of work | ||||||
pakveṣṭakāmaya | mf(ī-)n. made of burnt bricks | ||||||
pārakāma | mfn. desirous of reaching the opposite bank | ||||||
parokṣakāma | mfn. (kṣ/a--) liking what is secret or mysterious | ||||||
paryāptakāma | mfn. one whose desires are accomplished or allayed | ||||||
paśukāma | (ś/u--) mfn. desirous of possessing cattle | ||||||
patikāma | (p/ati--) mfn. wishing for a husband | ||||||
pavitrakāma | mfn. desirous of purification, | ||||||
payaskāma | mfn. (prob.) wishing for milk | ||||||
phalakāma | m. desire of reward | ||||||
phalakāmanā | f. desire of a result or consequence | ||||||
pipīlikāmadhya | mfn. Name of a kind of fast (beginning on the day of full moon with 15 mouthfuls, decreasing by one daily until the day of new moon, and after that increasing by one daily until the next day of full moon) on | ||||||
prajākāma | (j/ā--) mfn. desirous of offspring etc. | ||||||
prajākāma | (j/ā--) m. desire of offspring | ||||||
prajananakāma | mfn. desirous of begetting or bringing forth | ||||||
prajātikāma | (pr/a--) mfn. desirous of propagation | ||||||
prājyakāma | mfn. rich in enjoyments | ||||||
prakāma | m. joy, delight | ||||||
prakāma | m. plural objects of desire | ||||||
prakāma | in the beginning of a compound with delight, willingly, according to desire, sufficiently, very much, indeed | ||||||
prakāmabhuj | mfn. eating till satisfied, eating enough | ||||||
prakāmam | ind. with delight, willingly, according to desire, sufficiently, very much, indeed | ||||||
prakāmatas | ind. with delight, willingly, according to desire, sufficiently, very much, indeed | ||||||
prakāmavikasat | mfn. expanding or blooming abundantly | ||||||
prakāmavinata | mfn. quite drooping | ||||||
prakāmavistāra | m. great expansiveness | ||||||
prakāśakāma | mfn. wishing for renown | ||||||
prākṛtakāmadhenu | f. Name of work | ||||||
praśāntakāma | mfn. one whose desires are calmed, content | ||||||
pratikāma | mfn. being according to wish or desire, desired, beloved | ||||||
pratikāmam | ind. according to wish, at will | ||||||
pratiṣṭhākāma | mfn. (ṣṭh/ā--) desirous of a firm basis or a fixed abode or a high position | ||||||
priyakāma | mf(ā-)n. desirous of showing kindness to (genitive case), friendly disposed | ||||||
pṛthakkāma | mfn. (plural) having different wishes | ||||||
pulukāma | mfn. having many desires, covetous | ||||||
punaḥkāma | m. a repeated wish | ||||||
pūrṇakāma | mfn. one whose wishes are fulfilled, satisfied | ||||||
pūrṇakāmatā | f. | ||||||
purodhākāma | mfn. (-dh/ā--) desirous of the rank of a purohita- | ||||||
pūrtikāma | mfn. (p/ūrti--) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') desirous of completing or supplying | ||||||
pūrtikāma | mfn. desirous of a grant or reward | ||||||
puruṣakāma | mfn. desirous of men | ||||||
pūrvaiṣukāmaśama | mfn. (fr. prec.) | ||||||
pūrvakāmakṛtvan | mfn. having fulfilled wishes in the past | ||||||
pūrveṣukāmaśamī | f. Name of a village Scholiast or Commentator | ||||||
puṣṭikāma | (p/u-) mfn. wishing for prosperity | ||||||
putrakāma | mfn. (putr/a--) desirous of sons or children | ||||||
putrakāmakṛthṇapañcamīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
rahaskāma | m. fond of solitude ( rahaskāmatā -tā- f.) | ||||||
rahaskāmatā | f. rahaskāma | ||||||
rāmāliṅganakāma | (rāmā | ||||||
rāṣṭrakāma | (rāṣṭr/a--) mfn. desiring a kingdom | ||||||
ratikāmapūjā | f. Name of work | ||||||
rāyaskāma | etc. See . | ||||||
rāyaskāma | (rāy/as--) mfn. desirous of property, anxious to become rich | ||||||
ṛddhikāma | mfn. desiring prosperity or wealth | ||||||
rukkāma | etc. See under 1. ruk-. | ||||||
rukkāma | (r/uk--) mfn. desiring splendour, eager for lustre | ||||||
sābhikāma | mf(ā-)n. having affection, loving, affectionate | ||||||
sāgarikāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of nothing but sāgarikā-s (in Prakrit) . | ||||||
sahasrapoṣakāma | mfn. "desirous of a thousand-fold wealth" | ||||||
sahasrapoṣakāma | mfn. "desirous of a thousand-fold wealth" | ||||||
sajātakāma | mfn. desirous of dominion over his kin | ||||||
sakalakāmadugha | mf(ā-)n. granting all wishes | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. satisfying desires | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. having one's wishes fulfilled, satisfied, contented etc. | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. consenting, willing (said of a girl) | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') wishing, desirous of | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. acting on purpose or with free will | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. full of love, loving, a lover etc. | ||||||
sakāma | mf(ā-)n. betraying love (as speech) | ||||||
sakāmam | ind. with pleasure, for the pleasure of (accusative) | ||||||
samarakāmadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
samavāptakāma | mfn. samavāpta | ||||||
samayakāma | mfn. (samay/a-) desiring an agreement | ||||||
sampūrṇakāma | mfn. filled with desire | ||||||
samṛddhikāma | mfn. (s/am-) desirous of prosperity | ||||||
sanikāma | (san/i--) mfn. desirous of gain or reward | ||||||
śaṅkāmaya | mf(ī-)n. full of doubt or uncertainty, fearful, afraid | ||||||
śāntikāma | m. desire of tranquillity | ||||||
śāntikāma | mfn. desirous of tranquillity , | ||||||
śarmakāma | mfn. desirous of happiness | ||||||
sarvakāma | m. plural all kinds of desires etc. | ||||||
sarvakāma | mfn. wishing everything | ||||||
sarvakāma | mfn. fulfilling all wishes | ||||||
sarvakāma | mfn. possessing everything wished for | ||||||
sarvakāma | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
sarvakāma | m. of a son of ṛtu-parṇa- | ||||||
sarvakāma | m. of an arhat- | ||||||
sārvakāma | mfn. (fr. sarva-kāma-) designed for one who wishes for all things | ||||||
sarvakāmada | m. "granting all desires", Name of śiva- | ||||||
sarvakāmadugha | mf(ā-)n. yielding everything wished for (like milk) | ||||||
sarvakāmaduh | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. yielding everything wished for (like milk) ' | ||||||
sarvakāmagama | mfn. going or moving wherever one wishes | ||||||
sarvakāmamaya | mf(ī-)n. full of wishes | ||||||
sarvakāmasamṛddha | mfn. amply stocked with all desired objects, fulfilling every desire | ||||||
sarvakāmasamṛddha | m. See sārvakāma-s-. | ||||||
sārvakāmasamṛddha | m. the sixth day in the karma-māsa- (prob. wrong reading for sarva-k-) | ||||||
sarvakāmavara | m. "best of all objects of desire", Name of śiva- | ||||||
śaśvatkāma | mf(ā-)n. always intent on love | ||||||
satyakāma | mfn. (saty/a--) truth-loving, lover of truth | ||||||
satyakāma | m. Name of various men etc. | ||||||
satyakāmatīrtha | m. Name of a man | ||||||
siddhakāma | mfn. having the wishes fulfilled | ||||||
śikṣitukāma | mfn. (śikṣitu-for infinitive mood tum-) one who is willing to learn, a beginner in his art | ||||||
śivakāmadughā | f. Name of a river | ||||||
somakāma | (s/oma--) mfn. desirous of soma- | ||||||
śravaskāma | (śr/avas--) mfn. desirous of praise | ||||||
śreyaskāma | mf(ā-)n. desirous of welfare or prosperity | ||||||
śreyaskāmatā | f. desirous of causing happiness or rendering happy | ||||||
śrīkāma | mfn. (śr/ī-) desirous of distinction or glory | ||||||
śrīrāṣṭramitrāyuṣkāma | mfn. wishing eminence and dominion and friends and long life | ||||||
śrīyaśaskāma | mfn. śrīyaśas | ||||||
śṛtakāma | (śṛt/a--) mfn. liking boiled milk | ||||||
śrutakāma | mfn. desirous of sacred knowledge | ||||||
strīkāma | mfn. (str/ī--) desirous or fond of women etc. (-tama-,superl. ) | ||||||
strīkāma | mfn. desirous of female offspring | ||||||
strīkāma | m. desire for women or for a wife | ||||||
strīrahaskāma | mfn. one who seeks to be alone with women | ||||||
śubhakāma | mfn. desirous of welfare | ||||||
śucikāma | mfn. loving purity | ||||||
sukāma | mfn. having good desires | ||||||
sukāmada | mf(ā-)n. abundantly granting desires | ||||||
sukāmavrata | n. a particular religious observance (varia lectio kāmya-v-). | ||||||
śūkāmaya | m. equals śūka-doṣa- | ||||||
suśīmakāma | mf(ā-)n. deeply in love (equals tīvra-manmatha-) | ||||||
suvargakāma | mfn. (g/a--) equals svarga-k-, desiring heaven | ||||||
svādukāma | mfn. liking sweets ( svādukāmatā -tā- f.) | ||||||
svādukāmatā | f. svādukāma | ||||||
svapnakāma | mfn. wishing for sleep | ||||||
svārājyakāma | mfn. desirous of sovereignty or heaven | ||||||
svargābhikāma | mfn. desirous if heaven, ib. | ||||||
svargakāma | mfn. desirous of heaven | ||||||
tārakāmaya | mfn. on account of (bṛhas-pati-'s wife) tārakā- (or tārā-;said of the war waged by gods and demons for her rescue) | ||||||
tārakāmaya | mfn. | ||||||
tārakāmaya | m. "full of stars", śiva- | ||||||
taruṇīkaṭākṣakāma | m. Clerodeesdrum phlomoides | ||||||
tejaskāma | mfn. (t/ej-) longing for manly strength or vital power | ||||||
tejaskāma | mfn. desiring influence or authority or dignity | ||||||
toyakāma | m. "fond of water", Calamus fasciculatus | ||||||
tvāṃkāma | mfn. longing for thee | ||||||
tyaktukāma | mfn. wishing to leave. | ||||||
ubhayakāma | mfn. wishing both | ||||||
udgātukāma | mfn. wishing to singular | ||||||
udvoḍhukāma | mfn. desirous of marrying. | ||||||
utsraṣṭukāma | mfn. wishing to let go or put down. | ||||||
vadhakāma | mfn. desirous of killing | ||||||
vākprasārikāma | mfn. (prob. wrong reading for -prasārikā-kāma-or -prasāra-k-) wishing that (a child) may advance in speaking | ||||||
vaktukāma | mfn. desirous of speaking, intending to speak, | ||||||
vālukāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of sand | ||||||
vanakāma | mfn. fond of (or living in) a forest | ||||||
varṣakāma | mfn. desirous of rain | ||||||
vikāma | mfn. free from desire | ||||||
vinivṛttakāma | mfn. one whose desires have ceased, foiled in one's wishes | ||||||
vīrakāma | mfn. desirous of male offspring | ||||||
vīryakāma | mfn. wishing manly vigour or virility | ||||||
viṣayakāma | m. desire of worldly goods or pleasures | ||||||
vītakāma | mfn. free from desire | ||||||
vitrāsayitukāma | mfn. (infinitive mood of Causal + k-) wishing to frighten or terrify | ||||||
vitṛptakāma | mfn. See a-vitṛ-. | ||||||
vittakāma | mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous, avaricious | ||||||
vivāhakāma | mfn. desirous of marriage | ||||||
vṛṣakāma | mfn. desirous of the male | ||||||
vṛṣṭikāma | (v/ṛṣṭi--) mfn. desirous of rain | ||||||
vṛṣṭikāmanā | n. f. desire of rain | ||||||
vyacaskāma | mfn. desirous of wide space | ||||||
vyāvṛtkāma | (v/ṛt--) mfn. desirous of superiority | ||||||
yadānikāmam | ind. when it pleases | ||||||
yajñakāma | (yajñ/a--) mfn. desirous of sacrifice or worship | ||||||
yaśaskāma | mfn. (y/aśas--) desirous of fame or glory, ambitious | ||||||
yaśaskāma | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
yaṣṭukāma | mfn. desiring to sacrifice | ||||||
yathābhikāmam | (thā | ||||||
yathākāma | mfn. (y/athā--) conformable to desire | ||||||
yathākāma | mfn. acting according to wish | ||||||
yathākāmacāra | n. action according to pleasure or without control | ||||||
yathākāmajyeya | mfn. to be oppressed at pleasure | ||||||
yathākāmam | ind. (-k/āmam- ; -kām/am- ) according to wish, as one likes, at pleasure, easily, comfortably etc. | ||||||
yathākāmaprayāpya | mfn. to be sent away at pleasure | ||||||
yathākāmavadhya | mfn. to be chastised or punished at pleasure | ||||||
yathākāmavicārin | mfn. roaming at pleasure | ||||||
yatkāma | mfn. (y/at--) desiring or wishing which | ||||||
yatrakāmam | ind. wherever one pleases according to to pleasure or wish | ||||||
yāvatkāmam | ind. as long as one likes | ||||||
yoddhukāma | mfn. wishing to fight, anxious for battle |
kāmaḥ | कामः [कम्-घञ्] 1 Wish, desire; संतानकामाय R.2.65, 3.67; oft. used with the inf. form; गन्तुकामः desirous to go; संगात्संजायते कामः Bg.2.62; Ms.2.94. -2 Object of desire; सर्वान् कामान् समश्नुते Ms.2.5; Bṛi. Up.1.3.28. Kaṭh. Up.1.25. -3 Affection, love. -4 Love or desire of sensual enjoyments, considered as one of the ends of life (पुरुषार्थ); cf. अर्थ and अर्थकाम. -5 Desire of carnal gratification, lust; Ms.2.214; न मय्यावेशितधियां कामः कामाय कल्पते Bhāg.1.22.26. -6 The god of love. -7 N. of Pradyumna. -8 N. of Balarāma. -9 A kind of mango tree. -1 The Supreme Being. -मा Desire, wish; उवाच च महासर्पं कामया ब्रूहि पन्नग Mb.3.179.2. -मम् 1 Object of desire. -2 Semen virile. [Kāma is the Cupid of the Hindu mythology the son of Kṛiṣṇa and Rukmiṇī. His wife is Rati. When the gods wanted a commander for their forces in their war with Tāraka, they sought the aid of Kāma in drawing the mind of Śiva towards Pārvatī, whose issue alone could vanquish the demon. Kāma undertook the mission; but Śiva, being offended at the disturbance of his penance, burnt him down with the fire of his third eye. Subsequently he was allowed by Śiva to be born again in the form of Pradyumna at the request of Rati. His intimate friend is Vasanta or the spring; and his son is Aniruddha. He is armed with a bow and arrows--the bow-string being a line of bees, and arrows of flowers of five different plants]. -Comp. -अग्निः 1 a fire of love, violent or ardent love. -2 violent desire, fire of passion. ˚संदीपनम् 1 inflaming fire of love. -2 an aphrodisiac. -अङ्कुशः 1 a fingernail (which plays an important part in erotic acts). -2 the male organ of generation. -अङ्गः the mango tree. -अधिकारः the influence of love or desire. -अधिष्ठित a. overcome by love. -अनलः see कामाग्नि. -अन्ध a. blinded by love or passion. (-न्धः) the (Indian) cuckoo. -अन्धा musk. -अन्निन् a. getting food at will. -अभिकाम a. libidinous, lustful. -अरण्यम् a pleasant grove. -अरिः 1 an epithet of Śiva; ते समेत्य तु कामारिं त्रिपुरारिं त्रिलोचनम् Rām.7.6.3. -2 a mineral substance. -अर्थिन् a. amorous, lustful, lascivious. -अवतारः N. of Pradyumna. -अवशा(सा)यिता f. 1 Self-control. -2 a kind of Yogic power. -अवसायः suppression of passion or desire, stoicism. -अशनम् 1 eating at will. -2 unrestrained enjoyment. -आख्या, -अक्षी N. of Durgā. -आतुर a. love-sick, affected by love; कामातुराणां न भयं न लज्जा Subhāṣ. -आत्मजः an epithet of Aniruddha, son of Pradyumna. -आत्मन् a. lustful, libidinous, enamoured. कामात्मानः स्वर्गफलाः Bg.2.43. Mb.1.119.3-4. Ms.7.27. -आयुधम् 1 arrow of the god of love. -2 membrum virile. (-धः) the mango-tree. -आयुस् m. 1 a vulture. -2 Garuḍa. -आर्त a. love-stricken, affected by love; कामार्ता हि प्रकृतिकृपणाश्चेतनाचेतनेषु Me.5. -आश्रमः the hermitage of the god of love; Rām.1. -आसक्त a. overcome with love or desire, impassioned, lustful. -इष्टः the mango tree. -ईप्सु a. striving to obtain a desired object, यत्तु कामेप्सुना कर्म Bg.18.24. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera; -2 the Supreme soul. -3 a person possessing all wealth. अपास्य कामा- न्कामेशो वसेत्तत्राविचारयन् Mb.12.287.56. -उदकम् 1 voluntary libation of water. -2 a voluntary libation of water to deceased friends exclusive of those who are entitled to it by law; कामोदकं सखिप्रत्तास्वस्रीयश्वशुर- र्त्विजाम् Y.3.4. -उपहत a. affected by or overcome with passion. -कला N. of Rati, the wife of Kāma. -काम, -कामिन् a. following the dictates of love or passion, गतागतं कामकामा लभन्ते Bg.9.21; स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी Bg.2.7. -कार a. acting at will, indulging one's desires. (-रः) 1 voluntary action, spontaneous deed; Rām.2.11.18; Ms.11.41,45. -2 desire, influence of desire; अयुक्तः कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते Bg.5. 12. -कूटः 1 the paramour of a harlot. -2 harlotry. -कृत् a. 1 acting at will, acting as one likes. -2 granting or fulfilling a desire. (-m.) the Supreme soul. -केलि a. lustful. (-लिः) 1 a paramour. -2 amorous sport. -3 copulation. -क्रीडा 1 dalliance of love, amorous sport. -2 copulation. -ग a. going of one's own accord, able to act or move as one likes. (-गा) 1 an unchaste or libidinous woman; Y.3.6. -2 a female Kokila. -गति a. able to go to any desired place; अध्यास्त कामगति सावरजो विमानम् R.13.76. -गुणः 1 the quality of passion, affection. -2 satiety, perfect enjoyment. -3 an object of sense. -चर, -चार a. moving freely or unrestrained, wandering at will; सर्वेषु लोकेष्वकामचारो भवति Bṛi. Up.7.25.2; नारदः कामचरः Ku.1.5. -चार a. unchecked, unrestrained. (-रः) 1 unrestrained motion. -2 independent or wilful action, wantonness; न कामचारो मयि शङ्कनीयः R.14.62. -3 one's will or pleasure, free will; अव्यपवृक्ते कामचारः Mbh. on Śiva Sūtra 3.4. कामचारानुज्ञा Sk.; Ms.2.22. -4 sensuality. -5 selfishness. -चारिन् a. 1 moving unrestrained; Me.65. -2 libidinous, lustful. -3 self-willed. (-m.) 1 Garuḍa. -2 a sparrow. -ज a. produced by passion or desire; Ms.7.46,47,5. -जः anger; रथो वेदी कामजो युद्धमग्निः Mb.12.24.27. -जननी betel-pepper (नागवेली). -जानः, -निः See कामतालः. -जित् a. conquering love or passion; R.9.33. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Skanda. -2 of Śiva. -तन्त्रम् N. of a work. -तालः the (Indian) cuckoo. -द a. fulfilling a desire, granting a request or desire. (-दः) an epithet of Skanda and of Śiva. -दहनम् a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month फाल्गुन (Mar. होलिकोत्सव). -दा = कामधेनु q. v. -दर्शन a. looking lovely. -दानम् 1 a gift to one's satisfaction. -2 a kind of ceremony among prostitutes; B. P. -दुघ a. 'milking one's desires', granting every desired object; प्रीता कामदुघा हि सा R.1.81,2.63; Māl.3.11. -दुघा, -दुह् f. a fabulous cow yielding all desires; आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् Bg.1.28. स्वर्गे लोके कामधुग्भवति Mbh. on P.VI.1.84. -दूती the female cuckoo. -दृश् f. a woman; विमोचितुं कामदृशां विहारक्रीडामृगो यन्निगडो विसर्गः Bhāg.7.6.17. -देव 1 the god of love. -2 N. of Śiva. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. -दोहिन् a. granting desires. -धर्मः amorous behaviour. -धेनुः f. the cow of plenty, a heavenly cow yielding all desires; कलतिवलती कामधेनू; or कलिवली कामधेनू Vyākraṇa Subhāṣita. -ध्वंसिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -पति, -पत्नी f. Rati, wife of Cupid. -पालः N. of Balarāma; also of Śiva. -प्रद a. granting desires. (-दः) 1 a kind of coitus. -2 the Supreme Being. -प्रवेदनम् expressing one's desire, wish or hope; कच्चित् कामप्रवेदने Ak. -प्रश्नः an unrestrained or free question; स ह कामप्रश्नमेव वव्रे Bṛi. Up.4.3.1. -फलः a species of the mango tree. -ला the plantain tree. -भाज् a. partaking of sensual enjoyment; कामानां त्वा कामभाजं करोमि Kaṭh.1.24. -भोगाः (pl.) sensual gratifications; प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु Bg.16.16. -महः a festival of the god of love celebrated on the full-moon day in the month of Chaitra. -मालिन् m. N. of Gaṇeśa. -मूढ, -मोहित a. influenced or infatuated by love; यत्क्रौञ्च- मिथुनादेकमवधीः काममोहितम् U.2.5. -रसः 1 seminal discharge. -2 the spling -रसिक a. lustful, libidinous; क्षणमपि युवा कामरसिकः Bh.3.112. -रूप a. 1 taking any form at will; जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me.6. -2 beautiful, pleasing. (-पाः) (pl.) a district lying in the east of Bengal (the western portion of Assam); तमीशः कामरूपाणाम् R.4.83,84. -रूपिन् a. 1 taking any form at will; कामान्नी कामरूपी Tait. Up.3.1.5. -2 beautiful. -m. 1 a pole-cat. -2 a boar. -3 a Vidyādhara. -रेखा, -लेखा a harlot, courtezan. -लता membrum virile. -लोल a. overcome with passion, love-stricken. -वरः a gift chosen at will. -वल्लभः 1 the spring. -2 the moon. -3 the mango tree. (-भा) moonlight. -वश a. influenced by love. (-शः) subjection to love. -वश्य n. subject to love. -वाद a. saying anything at will. -विहन्तृ a. disappointing desires. -वीर्य a. 'showing heroism at will,' an epithet of Garuḍa. -वृक्षम् a. paracitical plant. -वृत्त a. addicted to sensual gratification, licentious, dissipated; विशीलः कामवृत्तो वा गुणैर्वा परिवर्जितः । उपचर्यः स्त्रिया साध्व्या सततं देववत्पतिः ॥ Ms. 5.154. -वृत्ति a. acting according to will, self-willed, independent; न कामवृत्तिर्वचनीयमीक्षते Ku.5.82. (-त्तिः) f. 1 free and unrestrained action. -2 freedom of will. -वृद्धिः f. increase of passion. -वृन्तम् the trumpet flower. -शर 1 a love shaft. -2 the mango tree. -शास्त्रम् the science of love, erotic science. -संयोगः attainment of desired objects. -सखः 1 the spring. -2 the month of Chaitra. -3 the mango tree. -सू a. fulfilling any desire. किमत्र चित्रं यदि कामसूर्भूः R.5.33. -m. N. of Vāsudeva. -f. N. of Rukmiṇi; -सूत्रम् 1 N. of an erotic work by Vātsyāyana. -2 'thread of love', love-incident' औद्धत्यमायोजितकामसूत्रम् Māl.1.4. -हैतुक a. produced by mere desire without any real cause; Bg.16.8. |
kāmala | कामल a. Lustful, libidinous. -लः 1 The spring. -2 A desert. -3 Excessive obstruction of bile. |
kāmalikā | कामलिका Spirituous liquor. |
kāmalin | कामलिन् a. Suffering from jaundice. |
kāmam | कामम् ind. 1 According to wish or inclination, at will; कामंगामी. -2 Agreebly to desire; ये तिष्ठन्ति भवन्तु ते$पि गमने कामं प्रकामोद्यमाः Mu.1.25. -3 To the heart's content, U.3.16. -4 Willingly, joyfully; Śānti.4.4. -5 Well, very well (a particle of assent), it may be that; मनागनभ्यावृत्त्या वा कामं क्षाम्यतु यः क्षमी Śi.2.43. -6 Granted or admitted (that), true that, no doubt, (generally followed by तु, तथापि, yet, still); कामं न तिष्ठति मदाननसंमुखी सा भूयिष्ठमन्यविषया न तु दृष्टिरस्याः Ś.1.3; 2.1; कामं कर्णान्तविश्रान्ते विशाले तस्य लोचने R.4.13; कामं जीवति मे नाथः R.12.75; कामं नृपाः सन्तु सहस्रशो$न्ये R.6.22; Māl.9.34. -7 Indeed, forsooth, really; R.2.43; (often implying unwillingness or contradiction). -8 Better, rather (usually with न); काममामरणात्तिष्ठेद् गृहे कन्यर्तुमत्यपि । न चैवेनां प्रयच्छेत्तु गृणहीनाय कर्हिचित् ॥ Ms.9.89; H.1.112. कामयमान kāmayamāna कामयान kāmayāna कामयितृ kāmayitṛ कामयमान कामयान कामयितृ a. Lustful, libidinous; स्त्रियमकृत विरूपां स्त्रीजितः कामयाम् Bhāg.1.47.17. R.19. 5; Ś.3. |
kāmana | कामन a. Lustful, libidinous. -नम् Desire, wish. -ना Wish, desire. कामनीयकम् kāmanīyakam कामनीयम् kāmanīyam कामनीयकम् कामनीयम् Beauty, attractiveness. |
kāmandakiḥ | कामन्दकिः N. of the author of a नीतिसार. |
kāmaṇḍaluka | कामण्डलुक a. (A pearl) shaped like a कमण्डलु; Kau. A.2.11. |
kāmandhamin | कामन्धमिन् m. Brazier. |
kāmataḥ | कामतः कामेन ind. 1 Of one's own accord, willingly. -2 Voluntarily, knowingly, intentionally, wilfully; Ms.4.13; पदा स्पृष्टं च कामतः Y.1.168. -3 From passion or feeling, lustfully; भ्रातुर्मृतस्य भार्यायां यो$नुरज्येत कामतः Ms.3.173. -4 At will, freely, unrestrained. |
kāmaṭha | कामठ a. [कमठ-अण्] Peculiar or belonging to the tortoise. इति श्रुत्वा हृषीकेशः कामठं रूपमास्थितः Rām.1.45.29. ...... कामठीं तनुमाददे Śiva. B.13.17. |
kāmaṭhaka | कामठक 1 N. of घृतराष्ट्र. -2 N. of one of the serpents burnt in the सर्पसत्र. |
kāmavat | कामवत् a. 1 Desirous, wishing. -2 Lustful. |
akāma | अकाम a. [नास्ति कामो यस्य] 1 Free from desire, affection, love; अकामस्य क्रिया काचिद् दृश्यते नेह कर्हिचित् Ms.2.4. everything is an act of his will. -2 Reluctant, unwilling; यो$कामां दूषयेत्कन्यां स सद्यो वधमर्हति । Ms.8.364; also नाकामो दातुमर्हति. -3 Uninfluenced by, not subject to, love; भयादकामापि हि दृष्टिविभ्रमं Ś.1.23. -4 Unconscious, unintentional; अकामोपनतेनेव साधोर्हृदयमेनसा R.1.39 unconsciously committed. -5 The Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final र् before a following र्. -Comp. -कर्शन a. Ved. not frustrating desire; शिक्षानरः प्रदिवो अकामकर्शनः Rv.1.53.2. -हत a. not smitten with desire or affection, free from desire, calm. |
akāmataḥ | अकामतः adv. [अकाम-पञ्चम्यास्तसिल्] Unwillingly, reluctantly, unintentionally, unconsciously; इतरे कृतवन्तस्तु पापान्येतान्यकामत: Ms.9.242; अकामतः कृते पापे प्रायश्चित्तं विदुर्बुधा: 11.45; अकामतः कृतं पापं वेदाभ्यासेन शुध्यति 11.46. |
akāmatā | अकामता Absence of desire; न चैवेहास्त्यकामता Ms.2.2. |
adhikāma | अधिकाम a. [अधिकः कामो यस्य] Of vehement desires, impassioned, lustful. -मः [कर्म.] Strong desire. |
anukāma | अनुकाम a. [कामस्य सदृशः अनुरूपो वा] 1 Agreeable to, according to one's desire. -2 [अनुकामयते कम्-अच्] Desirous, lustful. -मम ind. At will, according to desire or wish, as desired, at pleasure. -मः [अनुरूपः कामः] Proper or worthy desire; desire; ˚कृत् fulfilling one's desires. |
apakāmaḥ | अपकामः Ved. Abhorrence, aversion, abominableness; absence of what is dear. धनुः शत्रोरपकामं करोति Rv. 6.75.2. -मम् ind. Unwillingly, against one's will. |
abhikāma | अभिकाम a. [कम्-अच् or अभिवृद्धः कामो यस्य] Affectionate, loving, desirous, wishing for, हृष्टमस्माकमत्यन्तमभिकामं च नः सदा (प्रह्वम्) Mb.6.76.2. lustful, with the object of love in acc. or in comp.; याचे त्वामभिकामाहम् Mb. कामाभिकाममनु यः प्रपतन्नसङ्गात् Bhāg.7.9.28. -म 1 Affection, love. -2 Wish, desire. -मम् ind. Longingly, with desire. |
utsraṣṭukāma | उत्स्रष्टुकाम a. Wishing to let go or put down. |
draṣṭukāma | द्रष्टुकाम a. Desirous of seeing; ततो भर्तृदारिकां द्रष्टुकामया भगवत्या... Māl.2./1. |
nikāma | निकाम a. [नि कम् घञ्] 1 Plentiful, copious, abundant; निकामजलां स्रोतोवहाम् Ś.6.16. -2 Desirous of. -मः, मम् Wish, desire; हातुं प्रचक्रमे राजां तां पुरीमनिकामतः Bhāg. 4.28.1. -मम् ind. 1 According to one's wish or desire, agreeably to desire. -2 To one's satisfaction, to the heart's content; रात्रौ निकामं शयितव्यमपि नास्ति Ś.2 'I cannot even sleep at ease or comfortably at night'. -3 Very much, exceedingly; निकामं क्षामाङ्गी Māl.2.3; often used as the first member of comp. when it loses its final म्; निकामनिरङ्कुशः Gīt.7; Ku.5.23; Śi.4.54. |
nikāmanam | निकामनम् Desire, longing after. |
prakāma | प्रकाम a. 1 Amorous. -2 Excessive, much, to the heart's content, at pleasure; प्रकामविस्तार R.2.11; प्रकामालोकनीयताम् Ku.2.24. -मः Desire, pleasure, satisfaction. -मम् ind. 1 Very much, exceedingly; जातो ममायं विशदः प्रकामम् (अन्तरात्मा) Ś.4.22; R.6.44; Mk. 5.25. -2 Sufficiently, to the heart's content, according to wish or desire. -3 Voluntarily, willingly; ये तिष्ठन्ति भवन्तु ते$पि गमने कामं प्रकामोद्यमाः Mu.1.25. -भुज् a. eating till satisfied or to the heart's content; न प्रकामभुजः श्राद्धे स्वधासंग्रहतत्पराः R.1.66. |
prakāmataḥ | प्रकामतः ind. 1 At will. -2 With pleasure, willingly. |
vaktukāma | वक्तुकाम a. Desirous of speaking. |
sakāma | सकाम a. 1 Full of love, impassioned, loving. -2 Lustful, amorous. -3 One who has got his desired object satisfied, contented; काम इदानीं सकामो भवतु Ś.4; किमन्यत् सकामा कपालकुण्डला Māl.9. -मम् ind. 1 With pleasure. -2 Contentedly. -3 Assuredly, indeed. |
kāma | ká̄m-a, m. desire, i. 85, 11; x. 34, 6; 129, 4 [kam desire]. |
anukāmam | anu-kāmám, (acc.) adv. according to desire, viii. 48, 8. |
pratikāmam | prati-kāmám, adv. at pleasure, x. 15, 8 [ká̄ma desire]. |
kāma | m. wish, desire, for (d., g., lc.); intention; pleasure; desired object; benefit; (sexual) love; god of love; --°ree;, a. (often after inf. in -tu) desirous of, intending to: ab. willingly; voluntarily; intentionally. |
kāmakāma | a. having all kinds of desires; -kâmin, a. id.; -kâra, a. fulfil ling the wishes of (g.); m. voluntary act; free dom of will: -tas, in., ab., °ree;--, intentional ly; voluntarily; -krita, pp. done intention ally; -ga, a. going anywhere at one's own free will; following one's desires; -gati, a. going anywhere at will; -gama, a. id.; -go, f. cow of plenty; -kara, a. (î) moving at will: -tva, n. abst. n.; -kârá, m. freedom of action; voluntary or intentional action; self-indulg ence: -kâra-vâda-bhaksha, a. acting, speak ing, and eating at will; -kâr-in, a. moving at will: -i-tva, n. freedom of action; -ga, a. produced from love of pleasure; begotten through sensual passion; -tantra, n. T. of a work (book of love); -taru, m. Kâma (as a) tree; -tas, ad. through desire, lust, or love of pleasure; voluntarily; intentionally; -da, a. granting desires: -tva, n. abst. n.; -daminî, f. ironical N. of a lascivious woman (love-con trolling); -dúgha, a. milking=yielding every wish: â, f. cow of plenty; -duh, f. (nm. -dhuk) id.; -deva, m. god of love; -dhenu, f. cow of plenty. |
kāmam | ac. ad. at will, at pleasure; to one's heart's content; according to desire, willingly, gladly; indeed; at all events; yet; even though, supposing (generally with impv.); kâmam -tu, kimtu, ka, kim ka, punar, athâ pi or tathâpi, it is true -but, although yet; kâmam -na tu or na ka, certainly--but not, rather -than; yadi½api -kâmam tathâ pi, although -yet. |
kāmamūta | pp. impelled by love. |
kāmanā | f. wish, desire. |
kāmandaka | m. N. of a Rishi; î, f. N. of a Buddhist nun; N. of a city; i, m. pat. N. of a writer on polity: -sâstra, n. Institutes of Kâmandaki; î-ya, a. composed by Kâmandaki. |
kāmapāla | m. N.; -pûra: -ka, a. fulfilling wishes; -prada, a. granting wishes; -bhaksha, m. eating at pleasure; -bhoga, m. pl. sensual enjoyments. |
kāmarasika | a. indulging in love; libidinous; -rûpa, n. any form desired; a. assuming any form at will; m. pl. N. of a people in western Assam; -rûpin, a. id.; -vat, a. enamoured; -varsha, a.raining as desired; -vâda, m. talking as one lists; -vâs in, a. changing one's abode at pleasure; -vritta, pp. indulging one's desires, pleasure-loving; -sara, m. arrow of Kâma; -sâsana, m. ep. of Siva; -sâstra, n. treatise on love, T. of various works; -sû, a. granting desires; -sûtra, n. a Sûtra treating of love; -haituka, a. caused by desire only. |
kāmavṛtti | a. self-willed, independent. |
kāmayā | (in. f.) ad. frankly (with brûhi or pra-brûhi). |
akāmatā | f. freedom from desire or love. |
akāmatas | ad. involuntarily; unwillingly. |
akāma | a. not desiring; unwilling, reluctant; not in love. |
anakāmamāra | a. slaying not without approval. |
annakāma | a. desirous of food; -da, a. giving food; -dâtri, m. giver of food; -dâna, n. gift of food; -dosha, m. offence in diet, eating forbidden food; -pakti, f. prepar ation of food; -pati, m. lord of food (Savitri, Agni, or Siva); -prada, a. bestowing food; -prâsana, n. first feeding of an infant with rice; -bhatta, m. N. of an author; -maya, a. con sisting of food; -mala, n. secretion of rice; -yoni, arrack; -rasa, n. sg. & m. pl. food & drink; taste in preparing food: -maya, a. con sisting of food & drink; -vat, a. hvg. food, rich in food; -vikâra, m. transformation of food: -tva, n. abst. n.; -samskâra, m. preparation of viands. |
abhagnakāma | a. whose desire for (lc.) is not disturbed by (in.); -mâna, a. in which honour does not suffer. |
iṣṭakāmaduh | f. (nm. -dhuk) cow of plenty (milking=) granting all desires. |
gantukāma | a. desirous of going. |
grāmakāma | a. desirous of a village; fond of village life; -kukkuta, m. (village=) tame cock; -ghâta, m. plundering of a village; -karyâ, f. village ways= sexual enjoyment; -kaitya, m.sacred tree of the village; -gâta, pp. grown in a village or in cultivated soil; -nî, m. leader of a host; chief of a community; *barber (chief person in a village); -tâ, f. number of villages; -dasa½îsa, m. chief of ten villages;-dharâ, f. N. of a rock (supporting villages); -dharma, m. village custom; -nivâsin, a. dwelling in villages, tame (birds); -pishta, pp. ground at home; -yâgaka, -yâgin, a. sacrificing (through avarice) for all members ofthe community (whether admissible or not); -vâsin, a. living in villages, tame (animal); m. villager; -vriddha, m. old man of the village; -sîmâ, f. village field; -sûkara, m. domestic hog. |
tejaskāma | a. desirous of manly vigour; aiming at dignity or distinction; -vat, a. brilliant, splendid, glorious: -î, f. N. of a princess; -vi-tâ, f. energy; dignity, majesty; -vi-tva, n. splendour; -vín, a.sharp; bright; strong, energetic; dignified; glorious. |
tyaktukāma | a. wishing to leave. |
dātukāma | a. wishing to make a present. |
nikāma | m. desire, pleasure: °ree;--, -m, -tas, ad. according to wish, at pleasure; one's fill, sufficiently, abundantly; altogether; -kâyá, m. assemblage, class, society; multi tude; body; -kâra, m.humiliation, insult. |
yatkāma | a. desiring which (V.); -kâmy&asharp;, ad. with which intention (Br.); -kâranam, ad. on which account, wherefore; since, because (also ât); -kâryam, ad. with which intention; -kimkana-kâraka, a. doing anything that occurs to one, acting at ran dom; -kimkana-kâr-in, a. id.: (-i)-tâ, f. haphazard conduct; -kimkana-pralâpin, a. talking at random; -kimkana-vâda, m. random assertion; -kimkid-api-samkalpa, m. desire for something or other; -kimkid-duh kha-ka, n. pl. trifling pains of whatever kind; -kula, a. of which family; -krite, ad. for the sake of whom or which. |
yāvatkāmam | ad. as long as one likes; -kâlam, ad. as long as it lasts; -kritvas, ad. as often as; -pramâna, a. how great; -sattvam, ad. to the best of one's understanding. |
vaktukāma | a. intending to speak. |
śucikāma | a. loving purity; (súki)-kranda, a. clear-voiced (RV.1); -kar ita, a. upright in one's dealings; (súki)-gan man, a. having a pure or radiant birth (RV.); -tâ, f., -tvá, n. clearness, pureness; upright ness, integrity; (ritual) purity; (súki) dant, a. bright-toothed (RV.); -p&asharp;, a. drink ing clear Soma (RV.); (súki)-pesas, a. ra diantly adorned (RV.1); (súki)-pratîka, a. radiant-faced (RV.1); (súki)-bhrâgas, a.ra diantly refulgent (RV.1); -mânasa, a. pure hearted; -vâsas, a. wearing a pure garment; (súki)-vrata, a. pure in one's actions or dealings; -smita, a. having a bright smile, smiling sweetly. |
samavāptakāma | a. having gained one's desire; -ava½aya, m. coming together, encounter, with (g., --°ree;); meeting, assembly, crowd; collection, aggregate; contact, combination; conjunction (of heavenly bodies); collision; close connexion, intimate union, concomitance, inherence; course, duration (rare, E.): in., ab. in combination; -m (or â-n) kri, combine, flock together; -avây-in, a. consisting of a combination (of humours); concomitant, inherent in (--°ree;); w. purusha, m. soul combined with a body, incarnate or individual soul. |
sābhikāma | a. loving; -gñâna, °ree;-or -m, ad. together with tokens of recog nition; -nivesa, a. attended with a great predilection for sthg.; -prâya, a. having a distinct aim, knowing one'smind; spoken with a purpose (words); -mâna, a. full of self-satisfaction, proud, of (lc.); self-interested (action): -m, ad. proudly; -lâsha, a. full of longing, for (esp. the opposite sex, lc., prati, --°ree;); -sara, a. together with companions. |
kāmapri | (‘ descendant of Kāmapra ’) is the patronymic of Marutta in the Aitareya Brāhmana. In the St. Petersburg Dictionary it is suggested that the reading in this passage should be kāmapre, ‘ fulfilling desires,’ as an epithet of the sacrifice (yajñe). Kamalāyana (‘ descendant of Kamala ’) is the patronymic of Upakosala in the Chāndogya Upanisad. |
upakosala kāmalāyana | Is mentioned as a teacher and a pupil of Satyakāma Jābāla in the Chāndogya Upanisad. |
satyakāma | (‘Lover of truth’) Jābāla ('descendant of Jabālā') is the name of a teacher, the son of a slave girl by an unknown father. He wás initiated as a Brahmacārin, or religious student, by Gautama Hāridrumata according to the Chāndogya Upaniṣad. He is often cited as an authority in that Upaniṣad and in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, where he learns a certain doctrine from Jānaki Áyasthūṇa. He is also mentioned in the Aitareya and the Satapatha Brāhmaṇas. |
kāma | āyātaṃ kāmāya tvā vi muñcatu ApMB.1.7.12d. |
kāma | kāmaṃ ma āvartaya PB.1.6.14; Mś. P: kāma Lś.2.11.20. See kāmaṃ-kāmaṃ mā etc. |
kāma | kāmena bṛhatā sayoniḥ AVś.19.52.1c. See sa kāma kāmena etc. |
kāma | veda te nāma mado nāmāsi SMB.1.1.2; GG.2.1.10. |
kāmacārāya | svāhā TB. |
kāmadāṃ | sarvakāminām MG.2.13.6b. |
kāmadughā | amutrāmuṣmiṃl loke MS.3.3.4: 36.8; TB.; Apś.1.14.12e. |
kāmadughā | bhavantu AVś.18.4.33b. |
kāmaḥ | karoti Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2. |
kāmaḥ | kartā Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2. |
kāmaḥ | kāmāyādāt AVś.3.29.7; AVP.1.30.6; MS.1.9.4: 135.1; PB.1.8.17; Aś.5.13.15. P: kāmaḥ kāmāya KS.9.9,12; TB.; TA.3.10.1,4; Apś.14.11.2. See kāmo 'dāt. |
kāmaḥ | kārayitā Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2. |
kāmaḥ | pratigrahītā AVś.3.29.7; AVP.1.30.6; VS.7.48; MS.1.9.4: 135.2; KS.9.9; PB.1.8.17; śB.; TB.; TA.3.10.2,4; Aś.5.13.15; śś.4.7.15; Apś.14.11.2. |
kāmaḥ | (and kāmas) samudram see kāmaṃ samudram. |
kāmaitat | te AVś.3.29.7; AVP.1.30.6; VS.7.48 (cf. VSK.9.2.9); KS.9.9,12; MS.1.9.4: 135.2; PB.1.8.17; śB.; TB.; TA.3.10.2,4; Aś.5.13.15; śś.4.7.15; Apś.14.11.2; Mś.; MG.1.8.9. Cf. under etat te kāma. |
kāmajyeṣṭhā | iha mādayadhvam AVś.9.2.8b. |
kāmakāmāya | svāhā VāDh.23.3. |
kāmaṃ | vājebhir aśvibhiḥ RV.6.45.21b. |
kāmaṃ | viprasya tarpayanta dhāmabhiḥ RV.1.85.11d. |
kāmaṃ | śikṣāmi haviṣājyena AVś.9.2.1b. |
kāmaṃ | samaca TB. |
kāmaṃ | (AVś.AVP.PB. kāmaḥ; KS. kāmas) samudram ā viśa (AVś.AVP. viveśa; KS.PB. viśat) AVś.3.29.7; AVP.1.30.6; KS.9.9,12; PB.1.8.17; TB.; TA.3.10.2,4; Aś.5.13.15; Apś.14.11.2. |
kāmaṃ | stutvod ahaṃ bhideyam AVś.9.2.2d. |
kāmaṃ | kāmadughe dhukṣva VS.12.72a; TS.; MS.2.7.14a: 95.10; 3.2.5: 22.3; KS.16.12a; śB.; Apś.16.19.5; Mś. |
kāmaṃ | kṛṇvāne pitari yuvatyām RV.10.61.6b. |
kāmaṃ | duhātām iha śakvarībhiḥ AVś.13.1.5d. See rāṣṭraṃ duhāthām. |
kāmaṃ | nu devam ūha of aryamaṇaṃ nu devam, implied in kāmena MG.1.11.17. |
kāmaṃ | no agne abhiharya digbhyaḥ TB. |
kāmam | asya samṛddhyai TB. |
kāmam | in me maghavan mā vi tārīḥ RV.10.54.5c. |
kāmam | uddhriyatāṃ kāmam agnau ca kriyatām ApDh. |
kāmam | eṣāṃ sam ā pṛṇa AVP.8.18.4d. |
kāmaṃ | pratyāsābhyām TS.; KSA.13.9. |
kāmaṃ | prasāraya TB. |
kāmaṃ-kāmaṃ | yajamānāya duhrām (AVP. duhām) AVś.18.4.5d; AVP.14.5.5d. |
kāmaṃ-kāmaṃ | mā āvartaya MS.4.2.3: 24.8. See kāma kāmaṃ. |
kāmamālinyai | dhīmahi MahānU.3.14b. |
kāmamūtā | bahv etad rapāmi RV.10.10.11c; AVś.18.1.12c. |
kāmapradāṃ | rajanīṃ viśvarūpām MG.2.13.6a. |
kāmapram | ṛdhyatāṃ mahyam ApMB.1.13.4a (ApG.3.8.13). |
kāmapraś | chandasā saha AVś.11.7.8b. |
kāmaprasyāyanaṃ | bhava AVP.14.6.5d. |
kāmaprayavaṇaṃ | me astu TA.1.27.6a. |
kāmapreṇa | sa kalpate AVś.10.9.4b. |
kāmapreṇeva | manasā carantā RV.1.158.2d. |
kāmaś | ca me saumanasaś ca me VS.18.8; TS.; MS.2.11.3: 141.9; KS.18.8. |
kāmas | tad agre sam avartatādhi (AVś.AVPṇṛpU. avartata) RV.10.129.4a; AVś.19.52.1a; AVP.1.30.1a; TB.; 8.9.4a; TA.1.23.1a; NṛpU.1.1a. Ps: kāmas tad agre TB.; Kauś.6.37; 45.17; kāmas tat Kauś.68.29. Designated as kāmasūkta Kauś.79.28, note. |
kāmasya | tṛptim ānandam TB. |
kāmasya | tvā sannamā apidadhāmi KS.37.13. |
kāmasya | brahmacaryasyāsau (read brahmacāry asy asau ?) śG.2.4.2. |
kāmasya | yatrāptāḥ kāmāḥ RV.9.113.11c. |
kāmasyendrasya | varuṇasya rājñaḥ AVś.9.2.6a. See somasyendrasya. |
kāmasyeṣuḥ | susaṃnatā AVś.3.25.3b. |
kāmavatsāmṛtaṃ | duhānā TB. |
kāmayamāno | etc. see kāyamāno. |
anukāmaṃ | tarpayethām # RV.1.17.3a. |
apakāmaṃ | syandamānāḥ # AVś.3.13.3a; AVP.3.4.3a; TS.; MS.2.13.1a: 152.11; KS.39.2a. |
dānakāmaś | ca no bhuvat # AVś.3.20.6e. |
nikāmam | aramaṇasaṃ yena # RV.6.17.10c. |
yatkāma | idaṃ juhomi tan me samṛdhyatām # TB. Cf. prec. but two, and yatkāmās. |
yatkāma | idam abhiṣiñcāmi vo 'ham # AVś.6.122.5c; 10.9.27c; 11.1.27c. |
yatrakāmaṃ | bharāmasi # AVś.9.3.24d. |
yatrānukāmaṃ | caraṇam # RV.9.113.9a. |
yathākāmaṃ | kṛṇuta somyaṃ madhu # AVP.5.15.6b. |
yathākāmaṃ | ni padyate # RV.10.146.5d. See yatra kāmaṃ. |
kāma | a desire | CC Madhya 21.104 |
kāma | all desires | CC Madhya 21.97 |
kāma | amorous love | CC Adi 4.115 |
kāma | amorous passion | Bs 5.55 |
kāma | and sense enjoyment | SB 11.23.12 |
kāma | and sense gratification | SB 11.23.9 |
kāma | as Cupid | CC Antya 17.57 |
kāma | as he desired | SB 10.55.3 |
kāma | at will | SB 10.76.6 |
kāma | based on desire for sense gratification | BG 4.19 |
kāma | because of desires | SB 10.28.13 |
kāma | business | CC Antya 8.46 |
kāma | by lust | SB 10.48.1 |
SB 11.26.7 | ||
kāma | by lusty desires | SB 10.33.18 |
SB 9.8.25 | ||
kāma | by material desires | SB 10.40.27 |
kāma | by the lust | SB 10.29.38 |
kāma | by whim | SB 10.65.26 |
kāma | Cupid | CC Madhya 2.75 |
kāma | desire | BG 5.23 |
CC Antya 3.241 | ||
NBS 65 | ||
SB 1.8.35 | ||
SB 10.13.53 | ||
SB 10.90.24 | ||
kāma | desires | SB 10.31.5 |
SB 10.88.29 | ||
SB 3.21.21 | ||
SB 3.23.13 | ||
SB 3.9.40 | ||
SB 4.20.5 | ||
kāma | desires for sense satisfaction | SB 1.6.35 |
kāma | desiring | SB 4.25.28 |
kāma | due to lusty desire | SB 6.2.36-37 |
kāma | execution of the duty | CC Madhya 19.23 |
kāma | for material desire | SB 10.80.2 |
kāma | from desires | BG 5.26 |
kāma | from lust | SB 5.17.13 |
kāma | fulfillment of desires | SB 1.9.28 |
kāma | full of lust | SB 4.27.5 |
kāma | in the pleasure | SB 10.59.43 |
kāma | lust | BG 16.11-12 |
CC Adi 4.162 | ||
CC Adi 4.164 | ||
CC Adi 4.165 | ||
CC Adi 4.171 | ||
CC Antya 5.45-46 | ||
CC Madhya 8.215 | ||
SB 11.19.36-39 | ||
SB 3.25.16 | ||
kāma | lust and desire | SB 1.2.19 |
kāma | material desire | CC Madhya 24.198 |
kāma | material desires | CC Madhya 22.140 |
SB 8.8.20 | ||
kāma | material lusty desires | SB 11.10.27-29 |
kāma | necessities | SB 1.10.4 |
kāma | of Cupid (Pradyumna) | SB 10.62.29-30 |
kāma | of desires | SB 10.60.43 |
kāma | of lust | BG 16.11-12 |
BG 17.5-6 | ||
NBS 44 | ||
SB 10.35.2-3 | ||
SB 10.48.2 | ||
SB 11.19.40-45 | ||
SB 11.2.50 | ||
SB 11.7.29 | ||
kāma | of lusty desires | CC Madhya 22.14-15 |
kāma | of lusty desires or Cupid | CC Antya 1.151 |
kāma | of material desire | SB 10.48.10 |
SB 10.87.39 | ||
kāma | of material desires | SB 11.13.11 |
kāma | of sense enjoyment | SB 4.29.23-25 |
kāma | of sense gratification | SB 10.69.43 |
kāma | of sexual desire | SB 6.9.9 |
kāma | passion | BG 7.11 |
kāma | satisfaction of the senses | CC Antya 12.30 |
kāma | sense activities | SB 11.11.23-24 |
kāma | sense gratification | BG 18.34 |
CC Adi 1.90 | ||
SB 3.32.5 | ||
SB 3.7.32 | ||
SB 3.9.7 | ||
SB 4.22.34 | ||
SB 4.23.35 | ||
kāma | sexual pleasure | SB 3.23.46 |
kāma | the desire | CC Adi 4.36-37 |
CC Madhya 1.282 | ||
kāma | the desires | SB 10.31.13 |
kāma | the kāma-bīja (klīṃ) | Bs 5.24 |
kāma | to sensual pleasures | SB 3.22.12 |
kāma chāḍi' | giving up all desires for material enjoyment | CC Madhya 22.41 |
kāma chāḍi' | giving up all desires for material enjoyment | CC Madhya 22.41 |
kāma lāgi' | for fulfillment of one's material desires | CC Madhya 22.41 |
kāma lāgi' | for fulfillment of one's material desires | CC Madhya 22.41 |
kāma-abhikāmam | desiring the sense objects | SB 7.9.28 |
kāma-abhikāmam | desiring the sense objects | SB 7.9.28 |
kāma-abhiniveśita | fully absorbed in sense gratification | SB 1.18.45 |
kāma-abhiniveśita | fully absorbed in sense gratification | SB 1.18.45 |
kāma-abhivarṣaṇāt | who showers down the fulfillment of desires | SB 12.10.34 |
kāma-abhivarṣaṇāt | who showers down the fulfillment of desires | SB 12.10.34 |
kāma-adhvara | sacrifices for sense gratification (like Dakṣa-yajña, the sacrifices performed by Dakṣa) | SB 8.7.32 |
kāma-adhvara | sacrifices for sense gratification (like Dakṣa-yajña, the sacrifices performed by Dakṣa) | SB 8.7.32 |
kāma-ādi | aspirations | CC Madhya 24.96 |
kāma-ādi | aspirations | CC Madhya 24.96 |
kāma-ādi | for sense gratification | SB 7.15.23 |
kāma-ādi | for sense gratification | SB 7.15.23 |
kāma-ādi | material desires and so on | CC Madhya 24.97 |
kāma-ādi | material desires and so on | CC Madhya 24.97 |
kāma-ādibhiḥ | by lust and so on | SB 11.25.9 |
kāma-ādibhiḥ | by lust and so on | SB 11.25.9 |
kāma-ādibhiḥ | by various lusty desires | SB 7.15.35 |
kāma-ādibhiḥ | by various lusty desires | SB 7.15.35 |
kāma-ādīnām | of my masters such as lust, anger, greed, illusion and envy | CC Madhya 22.16 |
kāma-ādīnām | of my masters such as lust, anger, greed, illusion and envy | CC Madhya 22.16 |
kāma-agninā | by strong sex urges | SB 3.9.8 |
kāma-agninā | by strong sex urges | SB 3.9.8 |
kāma-aktam | tainted with lust | SB 10.20.14 |
kāma-aktam | tainted with lust | SB 10.20.14 |
kāma-analam | the blazing fire of lusty desires | SB 7.9.25 |
kāma-analam | the blazing fire of lusty desires | SB 7.9.25 |
kāma-anujena | by the younger brother of lust (anger) | SB 3.15.31 |
kāma-anujena | by the younger brother of lust (anger) | SB 3.15.31 |
kāma-anusevayā | by enjoying acquired desired objects | SB 10.20.21 |
kāma-anusevayā | by enjoying acquired desired objects | SB 10.20.21 |
kāma-arka-tapta-kumudinī | exactly like lilies becoming very hot in the sun of lusty desire | CC Antya 19.38 |
kāma-arka-tapta-kumudinī | exactly like lilies becoming very hot in the sun of lusty desire | CC Antya 19.38 |
kāma-arka-tapta-kumudinī | exactly like lilies becoming very hot in the sun of lusty desire | CC Antya 19.38 |
kāma-arka-tapta-kumudinī | exactly like lilies becoming very hot in the sun of lusty desire | CC Antya 19.38 |
kāma-ārtāyāḥ | of a woman very much bereaved because of sexual desire | SB 9.9.35 |
kāma-ārtāyāḥ | of a woman very much bereaved because of sexual desire | SB 9.9.35 |
kāma-āśayaḥ | pursuing different types of desires | SB 4.29.30-31 |
kāma-āśayaḥ | pursuing different types of desires | SB 4.29.30-31 |
kāma-āśayam | all lusty desires | SB 12.6.6 |
kāma-āśayam | all lusty desires | SB 12.6.6 |
kāma-āśayam | full of lusty desires | SB 7.11.33-34 |
kāma-āśayam | full of lusty desires | SB 7.11.33-34 |
kāma-ātmā | lusty | SB 4.25.56 |
kāma-ātmā | lusty | SB 4.25.56 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | aspiring for sense gratification | SB 3.32.17 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | aspiring for sense gratification | SB 3.32.17 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | desirous of sense gratification | BG 2.42-43 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | desirous of sense gratification | BG 2.42-43 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | lusty by nature | SB 10.60.52 |
kāma-ātmānaḥ | lusty by nature | SB 10.60.52 |
kāma-āturam | always full of different desires and lusty propensities | SB 7.9.39 |
kāma-āturam | always full of different desires and lusty propensities | SB 7.9.39 |
kāma-bāṇe | by the arrow of Cupid | CC Madhya 8.115 |
kāma-bāṇe | by the arrow of Cupid | CC Madhya 8.115 |
kāma-bhoga | enjoyment of sense gratification | SB 5.24.8 |
kāma-bhoga | enjoyment of sense gratification | SB 5.24.8 |
kāma-bhogān | the materials for sense gratification | SB 4.25.37 |
kāma-bhogān | the materials for sense gratification | SB 4.25.37 |
kāma-bhoge | to enjoy with Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 21.116 |
kāma-bhoge | to enjoy with Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 21.116 |
kāma-bhogeṣu | in sense gratification (in gṛhastha life) | SB 8.1.7 |
kāma-bhogeṣu | in sense gratification (in gṛhastha life) | SB 8.1.7 |
kāma-bhogeṣu | to sense gratification | BG 16.16 |
kāma-bhogeṣu | to sense gratification | BG 16.16 |
kāma-bīje | by the spiritual seed of desire called klīm | CC Madhya 8.138 |
kāma-bīje | by the spiritual seed of desire called klīm | CC Madhya 8.138 |
kāma-bījena | with the kāma-bīja (klīṃ) | Bs 5.3 |
kāma-bījena | with the kāma-bīja (klīṃ) | Bs 5.3 |
kāma-bindubhiḥ | by small drops of clarified butter | SB 7.11.33-34 |
kāma-bindubhiḥ | by small drops of clarified butter | SB 7.11.33-34 |
kāma-cāra-kriyāsu | of extravagance | CC Madhya 24.69 |
kāma-cāra-kriyāsu | of extravagance | CC Madhya 24.69 |
kāma-cāra-kriyāsu | of extravagance | CC Madhya 24.69 |
kāma-cāriṇī | one who could move according to her own desire | SB 10.6.4 |
kāma-cāriṇī | one who could move according to her own desire | SB 10.6.4 |
kāma-dāḥ | who give sense gratification | SB 11.8.36 |
kāma-dāḥ | who give sense gratification | SB 11.8.36 |
kāma-daiḥ | those who give such sense gratification | SB 11.23.27 |
kāma-daiḥ | those who give such sense gratification | SB 11.23.27 |
kāma-devam | as Cupid | SB 10.55.7-8 |
kāma-devam | as Cupid | SB 10.55.7-8 |
kāma-devam | the lusty desires | CC Madhya 13.79 |
kāma-devam | the lusty desires | CC Madhya 13.79 |
SB 10.90.48 | ||
kāma-devam | the lusty desires | SB 10.90.48 |
kāma-devāt | from the hands of Cupid or lusty desire | SB 6.8.17 |
kāma-devāt | from the hands of Cupid or lusty desire | SB 6.8.17 |
kāma-dhenu | cows that can fulfill all desires | CC Madhya 14.223 |
kāma-dhenu | cows that can fulfill all desires | CC Madhya 14.223 |
kāma-dhenu | of desire cows | CC Madhya 15.179 |
kāma-dhenu | of desire cows | CC Madhya 15.179 |
kāma-dhenu | of kāma-dhenu cows that can deliver unlimited milk | CC Madhya 14.228 |
kāma-dhenu | of kāma-dhenu cows that can deliver unlimited milk | CC Madhya 14.228 |
kāma-dhiyaḥ | desires for sense gratification | SB 6.16.39 |
kāma-dhiyaḥ | desires for sense gratification | SB 6.16.39 |
kāma-dhuk | bestower | BG 3.10 |
kāma-dhuk | bestower | BG 3.10 |
kāma-dhuk | supplying all the necessities | SB 6.14.10 |
kāma-dhuk | supplying all the necessities | SB 6.14.10 |
kāma-dhuk | the mystic cow, milked for fulfillment of any desire | SB 10.52.31 |
kāma-dhuk | the mystic cow, milked for fulfillment of any desire | SB 10.52.31 |
kāma-dhuk | the surabhi cow | BG 10.28 |
kāma-dhuk | the surabhi cow | BG 10.28 |
kāma-ditsayā | wishing to fulfill the desire | SB 10.3.36 |
kāma-ditsayā | wishing to fulfill the desire | SB 10.3.36 |
kāma-doṣe | the fault of lust | CC Adi 4.195 |
kāma-doṣe | the fault of lust | CC Adi 4.195 |
kāma-dṛśām | of lusty women | SB 7.6.17-18 |
kāma-dṛśām | of lusty women | SB 7.6.17-18 |
kāma-dugha | fulfilling all desires | SB 4.21.33 |
kāma-dugha | fulfilling all desires | SB 4.21.33 |
kāma-dugha | yielding all desires | SB 3.21.15 |
kāma-dugha | yielding all desires | SB 3.21.15 |
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam | the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruits | SB 3.8.26 |
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam | the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruits | SB 3.8.26 |
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam | the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruits | SB 3.8.26 |
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam | the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruits | SB 3.8.26 |
kāma-dughāḥ | fulfilling all desires | SB 5.16.24 |
kāma-dughāḥ | fulfilling all desires | SB 5.16.24 |
kāma-dughāḥ | full of their respective opulences | SB 9.10.52 |
kāma-dughāḥ | full of their respective opulences | SB 9.10.52 |
kāma-dughaḥ | source of all desires | SB 3.1.34 |
kāma-dughaḥ | source of all desires | SB 3.1.34 |
kāma-dughāḥ | which can deliver as much milk as one desires | SB 7.4.16 |
kāma-dughāḥ | which can deliver as much milk as one desires | SB 7.4.16 |
kāma-dughaiḥ | yielding desire | SB 3.15.16 |
kāma-dughaiḥ | yielding desire | SB 3.15.16 |
kāma-dughaiḥ | yielding desires | SB 4.6.13 |
kāma-dughaiḥ | yielding desires | SB 4.6.13 |
SB 4.6.28 | ||
kāma-dughaiḥ | yielding desires | SB 4.6.28 |
kāma-dughān | which fulfill one's desires | SB 8.16.9 |
kāma-dughān | which fulfill one's desires | SB 8.16.9 |
kāma-ga | going wherever one desires | SB 11.10.25 |
kāma-ga | going wherever one desires | SB 11.10.25 |
kāma-gam | able to fly anywhere he desired | SB 8.10.16-18 |
kāma-gam | able to fly anywhere he desired | SB 8.10.16-18 |
kāma-gam | moving at his will | SB 10.76.8 |
kāma-gam | moving at his will | SB 10.76.8 |
kāma-gam | moving at will | SB 3.23.12 |
kāma-gam | moving at will | SB 3.23.12 |
kāma-gandha | the slightest bit of lust | CC Adi 4.172 |
kāma-gandha | the slightest bit of lust | CC Adi 4.172 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a scent of material lust | CC Antya 7.39 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a scent of material lust | CC Antya 7.39 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a scent of material lust | CC Antya 7.39 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a trace of lust | CC Adi 4.197 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a trace of lust | CC Adi 4.197 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without a trace of lust | CC Adi 4.197 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without any scent of lust | CC Adi 4.209 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without any scent of lust | CC Adi 4.209 |
kāma-gandha-hīna | without any scent of lust | CC Adi 4.209 |
kāma-gāyatrī | hymns of desire | CC Madhya 8.138 |
kāma-gāyatrī | hymns of desire | CC Madhya 8.138 |
kāma-gāyatrī-mantra-rūpa | the hymn known as Kāma-gāyatrī | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-gāyatrī-mantra-rūpa | the hymn known as Kāma-gāyatrī | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-gāyatrī-mantra-rūpa | the hymn known as Kāma-gāyatrī | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-gāyatrī-mantra-rūpa | the hymn known as Kāma-gāyatrī | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-gena | which flew according to his desire | SB 3.23.41 |
kāma-gena | which flew according to his desire | SB 3.23.41 |
kāma-giriḥ | Kāmagiri | SB 5.19.16 |
kāma-giriḥ | Kāmagiri | SB 5.19.16 |
kāma-graha-grastaḥ | being haunted by the ghost of lusty desire | SB 9.19.4 |
kāma-graha-grastaḥ | being haunted by the ghost of lusty desire | SB 9.19.4 |
kāma-graha-grastaḥ | being haunted by the ghost of lusty desire | SB 9.19.4 |
kāma-haitukam | it is due to lust only | BG 16.8 |
kāma-haitukam | it is due to lust only | BG 16.8 |
kāma-hataḥ | being enchanted by lust | SB 6.3.33 |
kāma-hataḥ | being enchanted by lust | SB 6.3.33 |
kāma-hataḥ | conquered by lusty desires | SB 3.21.16 |
kāma-hataḥ | conquered by lusty desires | SB 3.21.16 |
kāma-hatam | being defeated by lusty desires | SB 7.15.32-33 |
kāma-hatam | being defeated by lusty desires | SB 7.15.32-33 |
kāma-hatasya | because of being victimized by lusty desires | SB 9.19.13 |
kāma-hatasya | because of being victimized by lusty desires | SB 9.19.13 |
kāma-īpsunā | by one with desires for fruitive results | BG 18.24 |
kāma-īpsunā | by one with desires for fruitive results | BG 18.24 |
kāma-jñāna | understanding as Cupid | CC Antya 17.57 |
kāma-jñāna | understanding as Cupid | CC Antya 17.57 |
kāma-kāmāḥ | desiring sense enjoyments | BG 9.21 |
kāma-kāmāḥ | desiring sense enjoyments | BG 9.21 |
kāma-kāmaḥ | one who desires sense gratification | SB 2.3.9 |
kāma-kāmaḥ | one who desires sense gratification | SB 2.3.9 |
kāma-kāmī | one who desires to fulfill desires | BG 2.70 |
kāma-kāmī | one who desires to fulfill desires | BG 2.70 |
kāma-kāmyayā | with a desire for sense gratification | CC Madhya 22.137-139 |
kāma-kāmyayā | with a desire for sense gratification | CC Madhya 22.137-139 |
SB 9.4.18-20 | ||
kāma-kāmyayā | with a desire for sense gratification | SB 9.4.18-20 |
kāma-karaṇḍaḥ | the storehouse of fruitive desire | SB 5.14.4 |
kāma-karaṇḍaḥ | the storehouse of fruitive desire | SB 5.14.4 |
kāma-kārataḥ | acting whimsically in lust | BG 16.23 |
kāma-kārataḥ | acting whimsically in lust | BG 16.23 |
kāma-kāreṇa | for enjoying the result of work | BG 5.12 |
kāma-kāreṇa | for enjoying the result of work | BG 5.12 |
kāma-karma-indriya-āśayaḥ | being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities | SB 9.8.26 |
kāma-karma-indriya-āśayaḥ | being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities | SB 9.8.26 |
kāma-karma-indriya-āśayaḥ | being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities | SB 9.8.26 |
kāma-karma-indriya-āśayaḥ | being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities | SB 9.8.26 |
kāma-karmabhiḥ | from fruitive activities | SB 1.9.23 |
kāma-karmabhiḥ | from fruitive activities | SB 1.9.23 |
kāma-koṣṇīm | to Kāmakoṣṇī | SB 10.79.11-15 |
kāma-koṣṇīm | to Kāmakoṣṇī | SB 10.79.11-15 |
kāma-krīḍā | lusty affairs | CC Madhya 8.215 |
kāma-krīḍā | lusty affairs | CC Madhya 8.215 |
kāma-krīḍā | pastimes of sexual enjoyment | CC Madhya 8.187 |
kāma-krīḍā | pastimes of sexual enjoyment | CC Madhya 8.187 |
kāma-lampaṭaḥ | a person who is very attached to lusty desires for bodily enjoyment | SB 5.19.14 |
kāma-lampaṭaḥ | a person who is very attached to lusty desires for bodily enjoyment | SB 5.19.14 |
kāma-lavāya | for obtaining trivial pleasures | SB 3.21.14 |
kāma-lavāya | for obtaining trivial pleasures | SB 3.21.14 |
kāma-likhana | writing of letters disclosing the gopīs' attachment for Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.140 |
kāma-likhana | writing of letters disclosing the gopīs' attachment for Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.140 |
kāma-liptena | decorated with turmeric to incite lusty desires | SB 6.1.61 |
kāma-liptena | decorated with turmeric to incite lusty desires | SB 6.1.61 |
kāma-lobhena | impelled by lust and greed | SB 7.15.16 |
kāma-lobhena | impelled by lust and greed | SB 7.15.16 |
kāma-madhu-lavān | little drops of honeylike sense gratification | SB 5.14.22 |
kāma-madhu-lavān | little drops of honeylike sense gratification | SB 5.14.22 |
kāma-madhu-lavān | little drops of honeylike sense gratification | SB 5.14.22 |
kāma-maya | full of desire | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-maya | full of desire | CC Madhya 21.125 |
kāma-mohitā | being illusioned by lust | SB 4.27.21 |
kāma-mohitā | being illusioned by lust | SB 4.27.21 |
kāma-mohitaḥ | being deluded by lusty desires | SB 5.26.26 |
kāma-mohitaḥ | being deluded by lusty desires | SB 5.26.26 |
kāma-mūḍhaḥ | infatuated by lust | SB 3.32.2 |
kāma-mūḍhaḥ | infatuated by lust | SB 3.32.2 |
kāma-nāma | the name 'lust.' | CC Madhya 8.215 |
kāma-nāma | the name 'lust.' | CC Madhya 8.215 |
kāma-nirvāpaṇa | satisfaction of lust | CC Madhya 8.116 |
kāma-nirvāpaṇa | satisfaction of lust | CC Madhya 8.116 |
kāma-preme | in lust and love | CC Adi 4.171 |
kāma-preme | in lust and love | CC Adi 4.171 |
kāma-pūra | fulfilling desires | SB 10.62.5 |
kāma-pūra | fulfilling desires | SB 10.62.5 |
kāma-pūraḥ | who fulfills everyone's desire | SB 7.9.52 |
kāma-pūraḥ | who fulfills everyone's desire | SB 7.9.52 |
kāma-pūram | who fulfills all desires | SB 8.12.47 |
kāma-pūram | who fulfills all desires | SB 8.12.47 |
kāma-rūpa-dharān | who could assume any form, according to their own desire | SB 10.4.44 |
kāma-rūpa-dharān | who could assume any form, according to their own desire | SB 10.4.44 |
kāma-rūpa-dharān | who could assume any form, according to their own desire | SB 10.4.44 |
kāma-rūpaḥ | Takṣaka, who could assume any form he wished | SB 12.6.12 |
kāma-rūpaḥ | Takṣaka, who could assume any form he wished | SB 12.6.12 |
kāma-rūpam | assuming any body that one desires | SB 11.15.6-7 |
kāma-rūpam | assuming any body that one desires | SB 11.15.6-7 |
kāma-rūpam | in the form of lust | BG 3.43 |
kāma-rūpam | in the form of lust | BG 3.43 |
kāma-rūpeṇa | in the form of lust | BG 3.39 |
kāma-rūpeṇa | in the form of lust | BG 3.39 |
kāma-rūpī | assuming any form at will (such as that of the snakes who live upon the hill) | SB 10.24.37 |
kāma-rūpī | assuming any form at will (such as that of the snakes who live upon the hill) | SB 10.24.37 |
kāma-rūpiṇaḥ | who could assume any form they liked | SB 3.2.30 |
kāma-rūpiṇaḥ | who could assume any form they liked | SB 3.2.30 |
SB 8.15.32 | ||
kāma-rūpiṇaḥ | who could assume any form they liked | SB 8.15.32 |
kāma-rūpiṇīm | very attractive to fulfill lusty desires | SB 4.25.21 |
kāma-rūpiṇīm | very attractive to fulfill lusty desires | SB 4.25.21 |
kāma-sambhavaḥ | the rise of desire | SB 3.26.27 |
kāma-sambhavaḥ | the rise of desire | SB 3.26.27 |
kāma-sandohāḥ | fulfilling one's desirable objectives | SB 4.21.23 |
kāma-sandohāḥ | fulfilling one's desirable objectives | SB 4.21.23 |
kāma-santaptaḥ | being agitated by lusty desires | SB 9.20.10 |
kāma-santaptaḥ | being agitated by lusty desires | SB 9.20.10 |
kāma-śare | by the arrows of lust | CC Antya 17.36 |
kāma-śare | by the arrows of lust | CC Antya 17.36 |
kāma-sukha | of sense gratification | SB 4.29.54 |
kāma-sukha | of sense gratification | SB 4.29.54 |
kāma-timińgile | the transcendental Cupid in the form of timińgila fish | CC Madhya 13.142 |
kāma-timińgile | the transcendental Cupid in the form of timińgila fish | CC Madhya 13.142 |
kāma-upabhoga | sense gratification | BG 16.11-12 |
kāma-upabhoga | sense gratification | BG 16.11-12 |
kāma-upabhoge | for sense enjoyment | MM 5 |
kāma-upabhoge | for sense enjoyment | MM 5 |
kāma-upanayena | by satisfying | SB 8.20.10 |
kāma-upanayena | by satisfying | SB 8.20.10 |
kāma-upasṛṣṭaḥ | being afflicted by all sorts of desires | SB 4.7.28 |
kāma-upasṛṣṭaḥ | being afflicted by all sorts of desires | SB 4.7.28 |
kāma-varaḥ | the benediction to have whatever he wanted | SB 9.9.45 |
kāma-varaḥ | the benediction to have whatever he wanted | SB 9.9.45 |
kāma-varam | desired benediction | SB 4.1.32 |
kāma-varam | desired benediction | SB 4.1.32 |
kāma-varam | the desired benediction | SB 9.1.22 |
kāma-varam | the desired benediction | SB 9.1.22 |
kāma-varān | all benedictions to fulfill desires | SB 4.30.10 |
kāma-varān | all benedictions to fulfill desires | SB 4.30.10 |
kāma-vaśam | influenced by lusty desires | SB 9.10.27 |
kāma-vaśam | influenced by lusty desires | SB 9.10.27 |
kāma-vivarjanāt | by giving up the objective of sense desire | SB 7.15.22 |
kāma-vivarjanāt | by giving up the objective of sense desire | SB 7.15.22 |
kāma-yānā | is anxious to secure | SB 3.16.20 |
kāma-yānā | is anxious to secure | SB 3.16.20 |
kāma-yānāḥ | who are impelled by lusty desire | SB 10.30.35-36 |
kāma-yānāḥ | who are impelled by lusty desire | SB 10.30.35-36 |
kāma-yānāḥ | who were desiring the company of Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 19.207-209 |
kāma-yānāḥ | who were desiring the company of Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 19.207-209 |
kāmadeva | Kāmadeva | CC Adi 12.59 |
kāmadeva-svarūpeṇa | in the form of Kāmadeva (Cupid or Pradyumna) | SB 5.18.15 |
kāmadeva-svarūpeṇa | in the form of Kāmadeva (Cupid or Pradyumna) | SB 5.18.15 |
kāmadevena | with Kāmadeva | SB 8.10.32-34 |
kāmadhuk | becomes a source of prosperity | SB 7.15.5 |
kāmagamāḥ | the Kāmagamas | SB 8.13.25 |
kāmaḥ | Cupid | SB 10.55.1 |
SB 10.55.12 | ||
SB 12.8.25 | ||
SB 3.14.10 | ||
kāmaḥ | desire | BG 2.62 |
SB 1.6.22 | ||
SB 10.22.26 | ||
SB 10.24.4 | ||
SB 10.78.37 | ||
SB 11.15.17 | ||
SB 12.10.36 | ||
SB 2.10.30 | ||
SB 3.22.16 | ||
SB 3.7.3 | ||
SB 6.18.32 | ||
SB 6.4.44 | ||
SB 8.16.13 | ||
kāmaḥ | desire (there may be) | SB 11.15.4-5 |
kāmaḥ | desires | SB 10.51.17 |
SB 3.24.34 | ||
kāmaḥ | desiring | SB 10.70.41 |
SB 5.2.2 | ||
SB 8.6.17 | ||
kāmaḥ | desirous | SB 10.81.6-7 |
kāmaḥ | full-fledged material desire | SB 11.13.9-10 |
kāmaḥ | having desires | SB 4.27.11 |
kāmaḥ | Kāma | SB 6.6.10-11 |
kāmaḥ | lust | BG 16.21 |
BG 3.37 | ||
CC Adi 4.163 | ||
CC Madhya 8.216 | ||
SB 11.17.20 | ||
SB 11.21.19 | ||
SB 11.23.18-19 | ||
SB 12.3.2 | ||
SB 2.7.7 | ||
SB 3.12.26 | ||
SB 5.6.5 | ||
SB 8.6.25 | ||
kāmaḥ | lusty desires | SB 8.5.42 |
SB 9.19.14 | ||
kāmaḥ | material desire | SB 11.25.2-5 |
kāmaḥ | material opulence | SB 11.8.6 |
kāmaḥ | one who so desires | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kāmaḥ | one who so desires | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kāmaḥ | regulated sense gratification | SB 7.6.26 |
kāmaḥ | sense gratification | SB 1.2.9 |
SB 4.8.64 | ||
kāmaḥ | sense gratification derived from material things | SB 11.10.20 |
kāmaḥ | sex life | BG 7.11 |
kāmaḥ | so desiring | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kāmaḥ | the desire | Bs 5.8 |
SB 11.30.39 | ||
SB 6.7.27 | ||
SB 9.18.27 | ||
kāmaḥ | the lust | SB 11.26.14 |
kāmaḥ | what you desire | SB 10.72.27 |
kāmaḥ | whose material desires | SB 7.4.33 |
kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires in that way | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires in that way | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kāmaiḥ | (by Us) who wanted | SB 10.60.49 |
kāmaiḥ | according to the desires of the husband | SB 7.11.26-27 |
kāmaiḥ | by desires | BG 7.20 |
SB 10.80.30 | ||
SB 7.7.32 | ||
kāmaiḥ | by material desires | SB 10.51.58 |
SB 11.11.29-32 | ||
SB 7.13.24 | ||
kāmaiḥ | by opportunities for sense gratification | SB 11.14.17 |
kāmaiḥ | by presentations for sense enjoyment | SB 6.1.64 |
kāmaiḥ | by various presentations | SB 4.17.1 |
kāmaiḥ | desirable | SB 10.69.30 |
kāmaiḥ | desirable things | SB 10.53.35 |
kāmaiḥ | for satisfying one's desires | SB 8.19.23 |
kāmaiḥ | improvements of desire | SB 10.5.14 |
kāmaiḥ | of the objects of sense gratification | SB 11.23.27 |
kāmaiḥ | various objects of enjoyment such as sumptuous food, flower garlands, sandalwood paste, etc. | SB 7.14.18 |
kāmaiḥ | which can fulfill one's material desires | SB 7.13.31 |
kāmaiḥ | who desire | SB 10.48.30 |
kāmaiḥ | with desirable objects | SB 10.84.67-68 |
kāmaiḥ | with fulfillment of their desires | SB 10.70.12 |
kāmaiḥ | with sensory enjoyment | SB 11.23.7 |
kāmaiḥ | with such lusty desires | SB 9.19.11 |
kāmakoṣṭhī haite | from Kāmakoṣṭhī | CC Madhya 9.178 |
kāmakoṣṭhī haite | from Kāmakoṣṭhī | CC Madhya 9.178 |
kāmam | according to desire | SB 6.15.11 |
SB 9.1.38-39 | ||
kāmam | according to his desire | SB 9.14.24 |
kāmam | according to His satisfaction | SB 10.9.8 |
kāmam | according to the necessities of life | SB 8.19.20 |
kāmam | all desires | CC Madhya 22.137-139 |
kāmam | as desired | SB 12.10.19 |
kāmam | as He likes | SB 7.2.54 |
kāmam | as much as deserved | SB 3.15.49 |
kāmam | as much as necessary | SB 8.14.7 |
kāmam | as much as you desire | SB 10.23.14 |
kāmam | as pleased Him | SB 10.65.31 |
kāmam | as pleases me | SB 10.51.32 |
kāmam | as she desires | SB 9.6.39-40 |
kāmam | as you desire | SB 3.21.28 |
kāmam | as You like | SB 9.10.15 |
kāmam | as you like | SB 9.13.11 |
kāmam | as you wish | SB 10.22.10 |
SB 10.87.44 | ||
SB 3.24.38 | ||
kāmam | at will | SB 10.51.61 |
SB 10.82.11 | ||
kāmam | Cupid | SB 11.4.7 |
SB 12.8.16 | ||
SB 12.8.31 | ||
kāmam | desirable things | SB 4.25.28 |
kāmam | desire | SB 1.8.10 |
SB 3.14.15 | ||
SB 4.11.22 | ||
SB 4.12.7 | ||
SB 6.18.36 | ||
kāmam | desire without reservations | SB 1.19.2 |
kāmam | desired | SB 9.1.40 |
kāmam | desired objects | SB 4.21.10 |
kāmam | desires | SB 1.11.30 |
SB 3.14.17 | ||
SB 4.22.49 | ||
SB 7.12.13-14 | ||
kāmam | desiring to satisfy | SB 6.14.25 |
kāmam | everything desirable within this material world | SB 9.9.45 |
kāmam | everything needed | SB 1.10.4 |
kāmam | freely | SB 10.22.37 |
kāmam | her desire | SB 11.7.56 |
kāmam | here and there, as they wished | SB 10.22.38 |
kāmam | however they want | SB 11.2.23 |
kāmam | lust | BG 16.10 |
BG 16.18 | ||
BG 18.51-53 | ||
SB 1.17.39 | ||
SB 10.29.15 | ||
SB 2.7.7 | ||
SB 3.23.3 | ||
kāmam | lusty | SB 4.22.20 |
kāmam | lusty desire | SB 7.15.22 |
SB 8.8.41-46 | ||
kāmam | lusty desires | SB 5.1.18 |
SB 8.20.25-29 | ||
kāmam | lusty material desires | CC Antya 5.48 |
kāmam | lusty pleasure | SB 11.8.30 |
kāmam | material lust | SB 10.33.39 |
kāmam | necessities | SB 1.10.5 |
kāmam | of desires | SB 4.21.39 |
kāmam | satisfactorily | SB 12.9.7 |
kāmam | sense gratification | SB 11.14.10 |
SB 11.8.34 | ||
SB 3.32.1 | ||
SB 7.5.52 | ||
SB 8.20.2 | ||
kāmam | the desire | SB 10.85.32-33 |
SB 8.23.4 | ||
kāmam | this sex desire | SB 3.14.22 |
kāmam | with full satisfaction | SB 5.5.23 |
kāmam ca | and his desires | SB 9.4.18-20 |
kāmam ca | and his desires | SB 9.4.18-20 |
kāmanā | desires | CC Madhya 24.99 |
kāmanā | material desire | NBS 54 |
kāmasya | of all desires | SB 3.14.19 |
kāmasya | of Cupid | SB 10.55.7-8 |
kāmasya | of desires | SB 1.2.10 |
kāmasya | of lust | SB 5.6.4 |
kāmasya | of lusty desires | SB 8.12.27 |
kāmasya | of material desire | SB 3.22.12 |
kāmasya | of satisfaction of desires | SB 8.16.5 |
kāmasya | of the desire for sense gratification or the urgent needs of the body | SB 7.15.20 |
kāmasya | who desires | SB 10.84.64 |
kāmataḥ | rising out of lust | SB 10.85.41-43 |
kāmatvāt | because of accepting happiness with such characteristics | SB 11.10.21 |
kāmau | in all desires | SB 10.89.59 |
kāmau | sense gratification | SB 10.69.29 |
SB 4.25.39 | ||
kāmayāmahe | are desiring | SB 10.72.18 |
kāmayāmahe | we desire | SB 10.83.41-42 |
kāmayamānā | like ordinary lust | NBS 7 |
kāmayamānaḥ | desiring | SB 4.25.12 |
kāmayamānaiḥ | by those who are desiring | SB 5.25.14 |
kāmayamānānām | of those passionately longing for | SB 3.20.32 |
kāmayānām | desiring | SB 4.1.6 |
kāmayānām | who was impelled by lusty desire | SB 10.47.17 |
kāmayase | you desire | SB 10.90.22 |
kāmayase | you hanker for | SB 10.60.50 |
kāmayate | desires | SB 4.13.34 |
kāmayate | one desires | SB 7.7.43 |
kāmaye | desire | CC Adi 4.146 |
CC Madhya 20.182 | ||
CC Madhya 8.149 | ||
SB 9.21.12 | ||
kāmaye | do I desire | SB 4.20.24 |
kāmaye | I beg | SB 8.19.17 |
kāmaye | I desire | CC Antya 20.29 |
SB 11.8.30 | ||
kāmaye | I wish | SB 10.85.32-33 |
a-kāma-krodha-lobhatā | being free from lust, anger and greed | SB 11.17.21 |
abhikāmaḥ | positively aspiring for | SB 2.3.2-7 |
abhikāmam | you desire | SB 10.88.20 |
abhikāmaye | I desire | SB 4.3.9 |
ādhipatya-kāmaḥ | one who desires to dominate others | SB 2.3.2-7 |
agni-kāma | by the desire for fire | SB 5.14.7 |
aiche kāma | such acts | CC Madhya 24.242 |
akāma-ātmanām | with no motives for material profit | SB 6.16.34 |
akāma-vihitam | uninfluenced by material desires | SB 10.80.29 |
akāma-dam | who can never satisfy one's desires | SB 11.8.31 |
akāma | devoid of material desires | SB 11.10.1 |
akāma | desireless | CC Madhya 22.78-80 |
akāma | without material desires | CC Madhya 24.89 |
akāmaḥ | one who has no material desires to be fulfilled | SB 2.3.9 |
akāmaḥ | one who has transcended all material desires | SB 2.3.10 |
akāmaḥ | without material desire | SB 7.10.6 |
akāmaḥ | a pure devotee with no desire for material enjoyment | CC Madhya 22.36 |
akāmaḥ | without material desires | CC Madhya 24.90 |
akāmaḥ | without material desires | CC Madhya 24.197 |
akāmaiḥ | without material desires | SB 4.22.24 |
akāmasya | of one who has no desire for personal sense gratification | SB 5.15.11 |
akāmataḥ | although he did not want to do it | SB 9.2.9 |
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā | although maintaining all kinds of material desire | SB 5.18.21 |
alabdha-kāmam | not achieving your desired goals | SB 6.14.21 |
anāśīḥ-kāmaḥ | not desiring fruitive results | SB 11.20.10 |
anikāmataḥ | unwilling | SB 4.28.10 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring to have sons | SB 5.3.1 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring offspring | SB 5.3.13 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring a son | SB 5.9.12 |
apratilabdha-kāmaḥ | without achievement of the desired destination | SB 3.8.21 |
apratilabdha-kāmaḥ | not getting his desires fulfilled | SB 5.13.12 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | self-satisfied | SB 10.33.28 |
āpta-kāmasya | whose desires are already completely fulfilled | SB 10.47.46 |
āpta-kāmaiḥ | who have already realized all desires | SB 10.47.62 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | already fulfilled in all desires | SB 10.83.40 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | being satisfied in all His desires | SB 11.1.10 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
sva-artha-kāmayoḥ | of one's ultimate goal and benefit | SB 7.15.65 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
artha-kāmayoḥ | for the sake of lusty desires and getting more and more money | SB 8.19.25 |
aśānta-kāmaḥ | whose desires are unsatiated | SB 7.6.15 |
akāma-ātmanām | with no motives for material profit | SB 6.16.34 |
avidyā-kāma | by ignorance and lust | SB 5.14.5 |
avitṛpta-kāmaḥ | whose increasing desires are not satisfied | SB 7.6.11-13 |
āyuḥ-kāmaḥ | desirous of long life | SB 2.3.2-7 |
hṛdi baddha-kāmaiḥ | with hearts full of all sorts of material desires | SB 3.9.12 |
baddha-kāmaḥ | because of being bewildered by material lusty desires | SB 8.24.52 |
sakāma-bhakte | to devotees who still have material desires to fulfill | CC Madhya 24.102 |
sakāma-bhitare | in the division of material activities | CC Madhya 24.95 |
bhoktu-kāmasya | of Rantideva, who desired to eat something | SB 9.21.2 |
bhṛtya-kāma-kṛt | who is always ready to fulfill the desires of His servants | SB 8.8.37 |
caitanyera kāma | all the desires of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Adi 5.156 |
chāḍi' saba kāma | giving up all sorts of material desires | CC Madhya 24.218 |
akāma-dam | who can never satisfy one's desires | SB 11.8.31 |
darśayitu-kāmaḥ | desiring to exhibit how to perform | SB 5.3.20 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
hantu-kāmam | desiring to kill | SB 10.26.8 |
hantu-kāmaḥ | desirous of killing | SB 12.6.11 |
hṛdi baddha-kāmaiḥ | with hearts full of all sorts of material desires | SB 3.9.12 |
indriya-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires strong sense organs | SB 2.3.2-7 |
sarva-kāma-vara-īśvarīm | because you are the best of the demigods who can fulfill all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
śata-janera kāma | the work of hundreds of men | CC Madhya 12.114 |
sarva-kāma | all that we need | SB 2.6.7 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
sarva-kāma | all desirables | SB 4.18.26 |
sarva-kāma | all desirables | SB 4.18.28 |
sarva-kāma | all desires | SB 4.19.7 |
sarva-kāma | all kinds of desirable objects | SB 4.27.14 |
avidyā-kāma | by ignorance and lust | SB 5.14.5 |
agni-kāma | by the desire for fire | SB 5.14.7 |
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā | although maintaining all kinds of material desire | SB 5.18.21 |
prajā-kāma | of a desire to have sons | SB 6.14.37 |
pūrṇa-kāma | O Lord, whose desire is always fulfilled | SB 6.19.4 |
sarva-kāma | all desires | SB 6.19.19-20 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
bhṛtya-kāma-kṛt | who is always ready to fulfill the desires of His servants | SB 8.8.37 |
kānta-kāma | fulfilling one's desires | SB 9.11.30 |
strī-kāma | O you who have lusty desires for women | SB 9.18.36 |
sarva-kāma-vara-īśvarīm | because you are the best of the demigods who can fulfill all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
sarva-kāma | of all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
a-kāma-krodha-lobhatā | being free from lust, anger and greed | SB 11.17.21 |
sarva-kāma | of all material desires | SB 11.19.20-24 |
koṭi-kāma | ten million Cupids | CC Adi 4.242-243 |
caitanyera kāma | all the desires of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Adi 5.156 |
sarva-kāma | all kinds of lusty desires | CC Madhya 8.180 |
sarva-kāma | all material desires | CC Madhya 11.29-30 |
nija-kāma | their own duty | CC Madhya 12.85 |
śata-janera kāma | the work of hundreds of men | CC Madhya 12.114 |
kārya-kāma | occupational duties | CC Madhya 19.22 |
rāja-kāma | government service | CC Madhya 20.38 |
mokṣa-kāma | desiring to become liberated | CC Madhya 24.89 |
sarva-kāma | filled with all material desires | CC Madhya 24.89 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
mokṣa-kāma | transcendentalists pursuing spiritual knowledge for liberation | CC Madhya 24.95 |
sarva-kāma | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.218 |
chāḍi' saba kāma | giving up all sorts of material desires | CC Madhya 24.218 |
aiche kāma | such acts | CC Madhya 24.242 |
manaḥ-kāma | the desires of the mind | CC Antya 11.90 |
śuddhi-kāmaḥ | desiring deliverance from all sins | SB 1.1.16 |
indriya-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires strong sense organs | SB 2.3.2-7 |
prajā-kāmaḥ | one who desires many offspring | SB 2.3.2-7 |
śrī-kāmaḥ | one who desires beauty | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vasu-kāmaḥ | one who wants wealth | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vīrya-kāmaḥ | one who wants to be very strongly built | SB 2.3.2-7 |
rājya-kāmaḥ | those who hanker for kingdoms | SB 2.3.2-7 |
āyuḥ-kāmaḥ | desirous of long life | SB 2.3.2-7 |
puṣṭi-kāmaḥ | one who desires a strongly built body | SB 2.3.2-7 |
pratiṣṭhā-kāmaḥ | one who desires good fame, or stability in a post | SB 2.3.2-7 |
strī-kāmaḥ | one who desires a good wife | SB 2.3.2-7 |
ādhipatya-kāmaḥ | one who desires to dominate others | SB 2.3.2-7 |
yaśaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires to be famous | SB 2.3.2-7 |
kośa-kāmaḥ | one who desires a good bank balance | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vidyā-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires education | SB 2.3.2-7 |
rakṣā-kāmaḥ | one who desires protection | SB 2.3.8 |
ojaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires strength should worship | SB 2.3.8 |
rājya-kāmaḥ | anyone desiring an empire or kingdom | SB 2.3.9 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | one who has the sum total of material desires | SB 2.3.10 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | one who desires liberation | SB 2.3.10 |
samasta-kāmaḥ | all desires | SB 3.2.21 |
apratilabdha-kāmaḥ | without achievement of the desired destination | SB 3.8.21 |
sa-kāmaḥ | being sexually inclined | SB 3.12.28 |
parivoḍhu-kāmaḥ | desiring to marry | SB 3.21.15 |
udvoḍhu-kāmaḥ | desirous to marry | SB 3.22.15 |
strī-kāmaḥ | attached to sex life | SB 4.2.23 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring to have sons | SB 5.3.1 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring offspring | SB 5.3.13 |
darśayitu-kāmaḥ | desiring to exhibit how to perform | SB 5.3.20 |
mat-loka-kāmaḥ | desiring to go to My abode | SB 5.5.15 |
nikāma-kāmaḥ | having too many lusty desires for sense enjoyment | SB 5.5.16 |
apatya-kāmaḥ | desiring a son | SB 5.9.12 |
apratilabdha-kāmaḥ | not getting his desires fulfilled | SB 5.13.12 |
svarga-kāmaḥ | desiring the heavenly planets | SB 6.11.15 |
prajā-kāmaḥ | desiring offspring | SB 6.14.22 |
avitṛpta-kāmaḥ | whose increasing desires are not satisfied | SB 7.6.11-13 |
aśānta-kāmaḥ | whose desires are unsatiated | SB 7.6.15 |
martu-kāmaḥ | desirous of death | SB 7.8.11 |
śreyaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires auspiciousness | SB 7.14.30-33 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
vihartu-kāmaḥ | to enjoy His own pastimes | SB 8.24.31 |
baddha-kāmaḥ | because of being bewildered by material lusty desires | SB 8.24.52 |
putra-kāmaḥ | desiring to get sons | SB 9.2.1 |
śarma-kāmaḥ | a person desiring his own happiness | SB 9.19.16 |
stanya-kāmaḥ | Kṛṣṇa, who was desiring to drink her breast milk | SB 10.9.4 |
vihartu-kāmaḥ | desiring to enjoy pastimes | SB 10.15.2 |
satya-kāmaḥ | whose desires are always fulfilled | SB 10.33.25 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | self-satisfied | SB 10.33.28 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | already fulfilled in all desires | SB 10.83.40 |
āpta-kāmaḥ | being satisfied in all His desires | SB 11.1.10 |
anāśīḥ-kāmaḥ | not desiring fruitive results | SB 11.20.10 |
śreyaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires the highest goal in life | SB 11.22.58-59 |
hantu-kāmaḥ | desirous of killing | SB 12.6.11 |
yajuḥ-kāmaḥ | desiring to have the yajur-mantras | SB 12.6.72 |
pūrṇa-kāmaḥ | full in all desires | SB 12.10.33 |
satya-kāmaḥ | able to achieve anything desired | SB 12.10.33 |
satya-kāmaḥ | the Absolute Truth | CC Madhya 14.158 |
samasta-kāmaḥ | all desirable objects | CC Madhya 21.33 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | one who has no end to his desires for material enjoyment | CC Madhya 22.36 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | one who desires to merge into the existence of Brahman | CC Madhya 22.36 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.90 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | desiring liberation | CC Madhya 24.90 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.197 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | desiring liberation | CC Madhya 24.197 |
hṛdi baddha-kāmaiḥ | with hearts full of all sorts of material desires | SB 3.9.12 |
labdha-kāmaiḥ | by those brāhmaṇas, being fully satisfied | SB 9.4.33-35 |
āpta-kāmaiḥ | who have already realized all desires | SB 10.47.62 |
purī kāmakoṣṭhī | to Kāmakoṣṭhī-purī | CC Madhya 9.177 |
pūrṇa-kāmam | fully satisfied | SB 1.11.4-5 |
yathā-kāmam | as much as they desired | SB 4.18.13 |
yathā-kāmam | as much as one can desire | SB 4.22.58 |
prajā-kāmam | desiring to increase the population | SB 6.4.42 |
paripūrṇa-kāmam | who is fully satisfied | SB 6.9.22 |
alabdha-kāmam | not achieving your desired goals | SB 6.14.21 |
yathā-kāmam | as long as you are lusty | SB 9.18.37 |
yathā-kāmam | in accordance with Their desires | SB 10.15.44 |
hantu-kāmam | desiring to kill | SB 10.26.8 |
yathā-kāmam | according to one's desire | SB 11.19.33-35 |
putra-kāmasya | desiring to have a son | SB 4.13.32 |
putra-kāmasya | desiring to have a son | SB 6.15.17 |
prajā-kāmasya | desiring offspring | SB 8.16.24 |
bhoktu-kāmasya | of Rantideva, who desired to eat something | SB 9.21.2 |
pūrṇa-kāmasya | of Him whose every possible desire is fulfilled | SB 10.23.46 |
āpta-kāmasya | whose desires are already completely fulfilled | SB 10.47.46 |
pūrṇa-kāmasya | who is satisfied in all respects | SB 12.10.16 |
na kāmaye | I do not desire | SB 10.51.55 |
sva-artha-kāmayoḥ | of one's ultimate goal and benefit | SB 7.15.65 |
artha-kāmayoḥ | for the sake of lusty desires and getting more and more money | SB 8.19.25 |
kānta-kāma | fulfilling one's desires | SB 9.11.30 |
kārya-kāma | occupational duties | CC Madhya 19.22 |
kośa-kāmaḥ | one who desires a good bank balance | SB 2.3.2-7 |
koṭi-kāma | ten million Cupids | CC Adi 4.242-243 |
a-kāma-krodha-lobhatā | being free from lust, anger and greed | SB 11.17.21 |
bhṛtya-kāma-kṛt | who is always ready to fulfill the desires of His servants | SB 8.8.37 |
labdha-kāmaiḥ | by those brāhmaṇas, being fully satisfied | SB 9.4.33-35 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā | although maintaining all kinds of material desire | SB 5.18.21 |
a-kāma-krodha-lobhatā | being free from lust, anger and greed | SB 11.17.21 |
mat-loka-kāmaḥ | desiring to go to My abode | SB 5.5.15 |
manaḥ-kāma | the desires of the mind | CC Antya 11.90 |
martu-kāmaḥ | desirous of death | SB 7.8.11 |
mat-loka-kāmaḥ | desiring to go to My abode | SB 5.5.15 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | one who desires liberation | SB 2.3.10 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | one who desires to merge into the existence of Brahman | CC Madhya 22.36 |
mokṣa-kāma | desiring to become liberated | CC Madhya 24.89 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | desiring liberation | CC Madhya 24.90 |
mokṣa-kāma | transcendentalists pursuing spiritual knowledge for liberation | CC Madhya 24.95 |
mokṣa-kāmaḥ | desiring liberation | CC Madhya 24.197 |
na kāmaye | I do not desire | SB 10.51.55 |
nija-kāma | their own duty | CC Madhya 12.85 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
nikāma-kāmaḥ | having too many lusty desires for sense enjoyment | SB 5.5.16 |
nikāmaḥ | by Your sweet will | SB 10.48.22 |
nikāmam | until fully satisfied | SB 8.2.25 |
nikāmayet | fully desires | SB 5.18.21 |
niṣkāma | actually desireless | CC Madhya 19.149 |
ojaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires strength should worship | SB 2.3.8 |
paripūrṇa-kāmam | who is fully satisfied | SB 6.9.22 |
parivoḍhu-kāmaḥ | desiring to marry | SB 3.21.15 |
prajā-kāmaḥ | one who desires many offspring | SB 2.3.2-7 |
prajā-kāmam | desiring to increase the population | SB 6.4.42 |
prajā-kāmaḥ | desiring offspring | SB 6.14.22 |
prajā-kāma | of a desire to have sons | SB 6.14.37 |
prajā-kāmasya | desiring offspring | SB 8.16.24 |
prakāmam | however You desire | MM 6 |
pratiṣṭhā-kāmaḥ | one who desires good fame, or stability in a post | SB 2.3.2-7 |
purī kāmakoṣṭhī | to Kāmakoṣṭhī-purī | CC Madhya 9.177 |
pūrṇa-kāmam | fully satisfied | SB 1.11.4-5 |
pūrṇa-kāma | O Lord, whose desire is always fulfilled | SB 6.19.4 |
pūrṇa-kāmasya | of Him whose every possible desire is fulfilled | SB 10.23.46 |
pūrṇa-kāmasya | who is satisfied in all respects | SB 12.10.16 |
pūrṇa-kāmaḥ | full in all desires | SB 12.10.33 |
puṣṭi-kāmaḥ | one who desires a strongly built body | SB 2.3.2-7 |
putra-kāmasya | desiring to have a son | SB 4.13.32 |
putra-kāmasya | desiring to have a son | SB 6.15.17 |
putra-kāmaḥ | desiring to get sons | SB 9.2.1 |
rāja-kāma | government service | CC Madhya 20.38 |
rājya-kāmaḥ | those who hanker for kingdoms | SB 2.3.2-7 |
rājya-kāmaḥ | anyone desiring an empire or kingdom | SB 2.3.9 |
rakṣā-kāmaḥ | one who desires protection | SB 2.3.8 |
sa-kāmaḥ | being sexually inclined | SB 3.12.28 |
chāḍi' saba kāma | giving up all sorts of material desires | CC Madhya 24.218 |
sakāma-bhitare | in the division of material activities | CC Madhya 24.95 |
sakāma-bhakte | to devotees who still have material desires to fulfill | CC Madhya 24.102 |
samasta-kāmaḥ | all desires | SB 3.2.21 |
samasta-kāmaḥ | all desirable objects | CC Madhya 21.33 |
śarma-kāmaḥ | a person desiring his own happiness | SB 9.19.16 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | one who has the sum total of material desires | SB 2.3.10 |
sarva-kāma | all that we need | SB 2.6.7 |
sarva-kāma | all desirables | SB 4.18.26 |
sarva-kāma | all desirables | SB 4.18.28 |
sarva-kāma | all desires | SB 4.19.7 |
sarva-kāma | all kinds of desirable objects | SB 4.27.14 |
sarva-kāma | all desires | SB 6.19.19-20 |
sarva-kāma-vara-īśvarīm | because you are the best of the demigods who can fulfill all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
sarva-kāma | of all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
sarva-kāma | of all material desires | SB 11.19.20-24 |
sarva-kāma | all kinds of lusty desires | CC Madhya 8.180 |
sarva-kāma | all material desires | CC Madhya 11.29-30 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | one who has no end to his desires for material enjoyment | CC Madhya 22.36 |
sarva-kāma | filled with all material desires | CC Madhya 24.89 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.90 |
sarva-kāmaḥ | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.197 |
sarva-kāma | full of all material desires | CC Madhya 24.218 |
sarvakāmaḥ | by the name Sarvakāma | SB 9.9.16-17 |
śata-janera kāma | the work of hundreds of men | CC Madhya 12.114 |
satya-kāmaḥ | whose desires are always fulfilled | SB 10.33.25 |
satya-kāmaḥ | able to achieve anything desired | SB 12.10.33 |
satya-kāmaḥ | the Absolute Truth | CC Madhya 14.158 |
śreyaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires auspiciousness | SB 7.14.30-33 |
śreyaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires the highest goal in life | SB 11.22.58-59 |
śrī-kāmaḥ | one who desires beauty | SB 2.3.2-7 |
stanya-kāmaḥ | Kṛṣṇa, who was desiring to drink her breast milk | SB 10.9.4 |
strī-kāmaḥ | one who desires a good wife | SB 2.3.2-7 |
strī-kāmaḥ | attached to sex life | SB 4.2.23 |
strī-kāma | O you who have lusty desires for women | SB 9.18.36 |
śuddhi-kāmaḥ | desiring deliverance from all sins | SB 1.1.16 |
sva-artha-kāmayoḥ | of one's ultimate goal and benefit | SB 7.15.65 |
svarga-kāmaḥ | desiring the heavenly planets | SB 6.11.15 |
indriya-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires strong sense organs | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vidyā-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires education | SB 2.3.2-7 |
udvoḍhu-kāmaḥ | desirous to marry | SB 3.22.15 |
sarva-kāma-vara-īśvarīm | because you are the best of the demigods who can fulfill all material desires | SB 10.2.10 |
vasu-kāmaḥ | one who wants wealth | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vidyā-kāmaḥ tu | but one who desires education | SB 2.3.2-7 |
vihartu-kāmaḥ | to enjoy His own pastimes | SB 8.24.31 |
vihartu-kāmaḥ | desiring to enjoy pastimes | SB 10.15.2 |
akāma-vihitam | uninfluenced by material desires | SB 10.80.29 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
vīrya-kāmaḥ | one who wants to be very strongly built | SB 2.3.2-7 |
yajuḥ-kāmaḥ | desiring to have the yajur-mantras | SB 12.6.72 |
yaśaḥ-kāmaḥ | one who desires to be famous | SB 2.3.2-7 |
yathā-kāmam | as much as they desired | SB 4.18.13 |
yathā-kāmam | as much as one can desire | SB 4.22.58 |
yathā-kāmam | as long as you are lusty | SB 9.18.37 |
yathā-kāmam | in accordance with Their desires | SB 10.15.44 |
yathā-kāmam | according to one's desire | SB 11.19.33-35 |
kāma | noun (masculine) Artemisia vulgaris Linn.
a kind of bean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular form of temple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of mango tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a stake in gambling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) affection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) desire for (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) enjoyment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) especially sexual love or sensuality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Love or Desire personified (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) longing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) longing after (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Baladeva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) object of desire or of love or of pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 96/72933 | |
kāma | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) object of desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) semen virile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49120/72933 | |
kāmabīja | noun (neuter) name of a bīja Frequency rank 27482/72933 | |
kāmacara | adjective following one's own pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) moving freely (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unrestrained (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33966/72933 | |
kāmacāra | noun (masculine) free unrestrained motion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) selfishness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sensuality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the following one's own desires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12000/72933 | |
kāmacāriṇī | noun (feminine) an Artemisia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Dākṣāyaṇī in mount Mandara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 27478/72933 | |
kāmadatīrthamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 106 Frequency rank 49134/72933 | |
kāmadeva | noun (masculine) name of a king of Jayantīpurī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an aphrodisiac name of the author of the Prāyaścittapaddhati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8429/72933 | |
kāmadevarasa | noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation Frequency rank 33969/72933 | |
kāmadevī | noun (feminine) a form of Devī Frequency rank 33968/72933 | |
kāmadhenu | noun (feminine) cow of plenty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a goddess (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several works (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the mythical cow of Vasiṣṭha which satisfies all desires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) img/alchemy.bmp Frequency rank 12446/72933 | |
kāmadhenukā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva Frequency rank 49136/72933 | |
kāmadhātu | noun (masculine) seat of the Kāmāvacara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the region of the wishes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23686/72933 | |
kāmadohinī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 33970/72933 | |
kāmadughā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 16676/72933 | |
kāmaduh | adjective Frequency rank 27479/72933 | |
kāmaduh | noun (feminine) the cow of plenty Frequency rank 12889/72933 | |
kāmadūtī | noun (feminine) the female of the Indian cuckoo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant Bignonia suaveolens (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49135/72933 | |
kāmaga | noun (masculine) casual visitor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who comes accidentally or unexpectedly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who travels about without any specific purpose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49127/72933 | |
kāmaga | adjective following one's impulses (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) going or coming of one's own accord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) indulging one's passions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) moving or acting as one pleases (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) running after men or women (of a woman kulaṭā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8765/72933 | |
kāmago | noun (masculine) kāmadhenu Frequency rank 49129/72933 | |
kāmagā | noun (feminine) a female Kokila (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49128/72933 | |
kāmaiyā | noun (feminine) a desī word for kākamācī Solanum indicum Frequency rank 49180/72933 | |
kāmakalā | noun (feminine) a diagram of the Goddess
name of an aphrodisiac
name of Rati (wife of Kāma) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49121/72933 | |
kāmakeli | noun (masculine) the Vidūṣaka of the drama (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49124/72933 | |
kāmakhaḍgadalā | noun (feminine) the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49126/72933 | |
kāmakopā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva Frequency rank 49125/72933 | |
kāmakālī | noun (feminine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 49123/72933 | |
kāmakāntā | noun (feminine) the plant Jasminum Sambac (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49122/72933 | |
kāmakāra | noun (masculine) acting of one's own free will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) free will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spontaneous deed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of following one's own inclinations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) voluntary action (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10909/72933 | |
kāmalaka | adjective consisting of lotusses (?) Frequency rank 49152/72933 | |
kāmalika | adjective customary in (or symptomatic of) jaundice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49156/72933 | |
kāmalikā | noun (feminine) [medic.] a kind of disease Frequency rank 49155/72933 | |
kāmalin | noun (masculine) name of a Siddha Frequency rank 49151/72933 | |
kāmalin | adjective suffering from jaundice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the school of Kamala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33978/72933 | |
kāmalā | noun (masculine feminine neuter) excessive secretion or obstruction of bile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [medic.] a kind of pāṇḍuroga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3680/72933 | |
kāmalāvant | adjective [medic.] suffering from kāmalā Frequency rank 49154/72933 | |
kāmalāyana | noun (masculine) a descendant of Kamala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Upakosala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49153/72933 | |
kāmam | indeclinable (as a particle of assent) well (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) according to inclination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) admitted that (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) agreeably to desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) at any rate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) at will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) freely (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gladly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) granted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) in any case (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) indeed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) readily (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) really (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) surely (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) very well (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) well and good (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) willingly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) with pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2824/72933 | |
kāmamañjarī | noun (feminine) name of a woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15612/72933 | |
kāmamekhalā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 49142/72933 | |
kāmamodinī | noun (feminine) kāmapramodinī Frequency rank 49144/72933 | |
kāmamodinīharaṇavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 169 Frequency rank 49145/72933 | |
kāmamodī | noun (feminine) musk Frequency rank 49143/72933 | |
kāmanda | noun (masculine) name of a Ṛṣi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27480/72933 | |
kāmandaki | noun (masculine) name of the author of a nītiśāstra called Nīti-sāra (in which are embodied she principles of his master) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21061/72933 | |
kāmandakīya | adjective relating to or composed by Kāmandaki (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49138/72933 | |
kāmanā | noun (feminine) desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant Vanda Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33971/72933 | |
kāmanāyaka | noun (masculine) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 49137/72933 | |
kāmanāśana | noun (masculine) name of Śiva Frequency rank 23687/72933 | |
kāmapatnī | noun (feminine) the wife of Kāma (viś. Rati) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27481/72933 | |
kāmaphala | noun (masculine) a species of mango tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49141/72933 | |
kāmapiśāca | noun (masculine) a kind of piśāca Frequency rank 33972/72933 | |
kāmapramodinī | noun (feminine) name of a daughter of king Devapanna Frequency rank 23688/72933 | |
kāmapādapa | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 49139/72933 | |
kāmapāla | noun (masculine) Bezeichnung eines Amtes? (Bigger, Andreas (1998), 34)
name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Baladeva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13440/72933 | |
kāmapūra | adjective fulfilling wishes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gratifying desires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49140/72933 | |
kāmarasa | noun (masculine) enjoyment of sexual love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the spring Frequency rank 49149/72933 | |
kāmaratha | noun (masculine) name of a warrior Frequency rank 49148/72933 | |
kāmaraṅga | noun (neuter) a kind of plant Frequency rank 33973/72933 | |
kāmarūpa | noun (masculine neuter) a god (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a country (east of Bengal and in the west part of Assam) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12447/72933 | |
kāmarūpa | noun (neuter) a shape assumed at will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33975/72933 | |
kāmarūpa | adjective assuming any shape at will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) protean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12448/72933 | |
kāmarūpaka | adjective Frequency rank 33976/72933 | |
kāmarūpavant | adjective protean Frequency rank 49150/72933 | |
kāmarūpin | noun (masculine) a boar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a pole-cat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a Vidyādhara (a kind of subordinate deity) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33974/72933 | |
kāmarūpin | adjective assuming any shape at will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) protean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3703/72933 | |
kāmarūpitva | noun (neuter) the ability to assume any shape at will Frequency rank 33977/72933 | |
kāmarūpiṇī | noun (feminine) the plant Physalis Flexuosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Viṣṇu in seiner Form als Mohinī [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 27483/72933 | |
kāmasthāna | noun (neuter) erogene Zone Frequency rank 33983/72933 | |
kāmasundarī | noun (feminine) name of a magical pill Frequency rank 49166/72933 | |
kāmasuta | noun (masculine) Aniruddha (the son of Kāmadeva) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49165/72933 | |
kāmasūtra | noun (neuter) name of a treatise on sexual love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12449/72933 | |
kāmatantra | noun (neuter) name of a work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49132/72933 | |
kāmataru | noun (masculine) the god of love considered as a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant Vanda Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49133/72933 | |
kāmatas | indeclinable according to wish or affection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) by consent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) from passion or feeling (opposed to dharma-tas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intentionally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of one's own accord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) of one's own free will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) passionately (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) willingly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7804/72933 | |
kāmatā | noun (feminine) desire
wish Frequency rank 49131/72933 | |
kāmatīrtha | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33967/72933 | |
kāmavallabha | noun (masculine) a species of mango tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the cinnamon tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33980/72933 | |
kāmavallabhā | noun (feminine) moonlight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49158/72933 | |
kāmavant | adjective being in love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) containing the word kāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) enamoured (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wanton (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23689/72933 | |
kāmavara | noun (masculine) a gift chosen at one's own liking or will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33979/72933 | |
kāmavatī | noun (feminine) a species of Curcuma (Curcuma Aromatica) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a town (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49157/72933 | |
kāmavigarhaṇa | noun (masculine) name of Buddhacarita 11 Frequency rank 49159/72933 | |
kāmavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 49162/72933 | |
kāmavīrya | noun (masculine) name of Garuḍa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49160/72933 | |
kāmavṛddhi | noun (masculine) a shrub of supposed aphrodisiac properties (called Kāmaja in the Karṇāṭaka) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27484/72933 | |
kāmavṛkṣa | noun (masculine) Vanda Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49161/72933 | |
kāmavṛkṣaka | noun (masculine) Vanda roxburghii Frequency rank 33981/72933 | |
kāmay | verb (class 10 parasmaipada) to desire
to wish Frequency rank 2250/72933 | |
kāmayitṛ | adjective desirous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) libidinous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lustful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49146/72933 | |
kāmayoni | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 49147/72933 | |
kāmayā | indeclinable for love of me (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13441/72933 | |
kāmaśaila | noun (masculine) name of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49164/72933 | |
kāmaśara | noun (masculine) an arrow of the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the mango tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49163/72933 | |
kāmaśāsana | noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33982/72933 | |
kāmaśāstra | noun (neuter) a treatise on pleasure or sexual love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several erotic works (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17779/72933 | |
kāmaṇḍaluka | adjective (describes a pearl of low quality) Frequency rank 49130/72933 | |
akāma | adjective (in Gr.) the Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final оMDBOп~rоIV1поMDNMп before a succeeding оMDBOп~rоIV1поMDNMп (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) reluctant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unintentional (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) without desire or wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3876/72933 | |
akāmatas | indeclinable unintentionally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unwillingly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11875/72933 | |
akāmayāna | adjective not wishing to ... Frequency rank 26069/72933 | |
akāmavant | adjective not connected with a desire Frequency rank 41531/72933 | |
akāmahata | adjective calm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unaffected with desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41532/72933 | |
atikāma | adjective Frequency rank 31505/72933 | |
atistrīkāmatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 42274/72933 | |
attukāma | adjective Wishing to eat Frequency rank 42308/72933 | |
anāśīḥkāma | adjective without hope and desire Frequency rank 42909/72933 | |
anukāma | noun (masculine) desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 31883/72933 | |
apakartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 43565/72933 | |
apratilabdhakāma | adjective never satiated in one's desires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 43885/72933 | |
abhikāma | adjective affectionate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) desirous (with acc. or ifc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) loving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8223/72933 | |
abhikāma | noun (masculine) affection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44102/72933 | |
abhikāmay | verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to desire
to wish Frequency rank 12343/72933 | |
abhiṣektukāma | adjective wishing to consecrate Frequency rank 26545/72933 | |
avāptukāma | adjective wishing to get Frequency rank 45298/72933 | |
aśrotukāma | adjective not wishing to hear Frequency rank 45659/72933 | |
asakāma | adjective not willing Frequency rank 45752/72933 | |
ākraṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to attract Frequency rank 32983/72933 | |
āptukāma | adjective wishing to get Frequency rank 46475/72933 | |
āyuṣkāma | adjective wishing for long life or health (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13383/72933 | |
āhartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 27016/72933 | |
utsraṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to let go or put down (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27123/72933 | |
udgātukāma | adjective wishing to sing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47312/72933 | |
uddhartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 47347/72933 | |
udvoḍhukāma | adjective desirous of marrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47404/72933 | |
kartukāma | adjective desirous or intending to do (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12437/72933 | |
kumbhakāmalā | noun (feminine) a bilious affection (sort of jaundice together with swelling of the joints) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23744/72933 | |
krīḍitukāma | adjective wishing to play Frequency rank 50384/72933 | |
kṣeptukāma | adjective wishing to throw Frequency rank 50722/72933 | |
gantukāma | adjective about to die (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) on the point of departure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wishing to go (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12474/72933 | |
grahītukāma | adjective wishing to grasp Frequency rank 23917/72933 | |
calitukāma | adjective wishing to move Frequency rank 52182/72933 | |
chettukāma | adjective wishing to cut Frequency rank 52585/72933 | |
jālarāsabhakāmaya | noun (masculine) a kind of disease Frequency rank 52944/72933 | |
jijñāsitukāma | adjective wishing to know Frequency rank 52958/72933 | |
jetukāma | adjective desirous of victory (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24037/72933 | |
jñātukāma | adjective wishing to know Frequency rank 35211/72933 | |
taruṇīkaṭākṣakāma | noun (masculine) Clerodeesdrum phlomoides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53354/72933 | |
tartukāma | adjective wishing to cross Frequency rank 21371/72933 | |
tārakāmaya | noun (masculine) Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28191/72933 | |
tejaskāma | adjective desiring influence or authority or dignity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) longing for manly strength or vital power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35463/72933 | |
tyaktukāma | adjective wishing to leave (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28251/72933 | |
trātukāma | adjective wishing to protect Frequency rank 35497/72933 | |
dagdhukāma | adjective wishing to burn Frequency rank 28297/72933 | |
daṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to bite Frequency rank 54302/72933 | |
dātukāma | adjective wishing to give Frequency rank 21439/72933 | |
dogdhukāma | adjective wishing to milk or to suck out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wishing to strip or impoverish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55028/72933 | |
draṣṭukāma | adjective desirous of seeing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wishing to see (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7692/72933 | |
nāsikāmala | noun (neuter) nose-mucus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) snot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55923/72933 | |
nikāma | adjective Frequency rank 12092/72933 | |
nikāman | adjective desirous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) eager (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55941/72933 | |
nirvātukāma | adjective wishing to be liberated Frequency rank 56313/72933 | |
nivartayitukāma | adjective Frequency rank 36374/72933 | |
niṣkāma | adjective desireless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) disinterested (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unselfish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9866/72933 | |
niṣkāmatā | noun (feminine) Wunschlosigkeit Frequency rank 56441/72933 | |
nihantukāma | adjective wishing to kill Frequency rank 56534/72933 | |
netukāma | adjective Wishing to lead Frequency rank 56733/72933 | |
parijñātukāma | adjective Frequency rank 57263/72933 | |
parityaktukāma | adjective Frequency rank 57280/72933 | |
parivoḍhukāma | adjective Frequency rank 57418/72933 | |
parihartukāma | adjective wishing to avoid Frequency rank 36730/72933 | |
pātukāma | adjective wishing to drink Frequency rank 24582/72933 | |
pātukāmatā | noun (feminine) desire to drink Frequency rank 57718/72933 | |
pāyayitukāma | adjective Frequency rank 57792/72933 | |
pipīlikāmadhya | adjective name of a kind of fast (beginning on the day of full moon with 15 mouthfuls) [a subtype of cāndrāyaṇa] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 36915/72933 | |
prakartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 58567/72933 | |
prakāma | noun (masculine) delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) objects of desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8824/72933 | |
prakāmay | verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to desire
to wish Frequency rank 37091/72933 | |
pracchādayitukāma | adjective wishing to conceal Frequency rank 58658/72933 | |
prayoktukāma | adjective wishing to apply
wishing to use Frequency rank 59322/72933 | |
praveṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to enter Frequency rank 24764/72933 | |
praṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to ask Frequency rank 24768/72933 | |
prahartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 29271/72933 | |
prākāma | adjective desired (?) Frequency rank 59578/72933 | |
prāptukāma | adjective wishing to obtain Frequency rank 29292/72933 | |
bādhitukāma | adjective wishing to harass Frequency rank 60173/72933 | |
bodhayitukāma | adjective Frequency rank 60383/72933 | |
bhoktukāma | adjective wishing to enjoy Frequency rank 19781/72933 | |
makṣikāmala | noun (neuter) beeswax
wax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37943/72933 | |
madanakāma | noun (masculine) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 61269/72933 | |
madanakāmadeva | noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation Frequency rank 61270/72933 | |
martukāma | adjective wishing to die Frequency rank 24989/72933 | |
mahākāma | noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 61657/72933 | |
moktukāma | adjective desiring to shoot or cast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wishing to let go (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38402/72933 | |
yathākāma | adjective acting according to wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) conformable to desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2652/72933 | |
yathābhikāmam | indeclinable according to wish or desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62867/72933 | |
yaśaskāma | adjective ambitious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) desirous of fame or glory (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38522/72933 | |
yaṣṭukāma | adjective desiring to sacrifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38529/72933 | |
yoktukāma | adjective wishing to connect Frequency rank 38563/72933 | |
yoddhukāma | adjective anxious for battle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wishing to fight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10759/72933 | |
rakṣitukāma | adjective wishing to protect Frequency rank 38621/72933 | |
ratikāma | noun (masculine) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 63324/72933 | |
rasakāmadhenu | noun (feminine) name of an alchemical text Frequency rank 63442/72933 | |
rahaskāma | noun (masculine) fond of solitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63514/72933 | |
rahaskāmatā | noun (feminine) Geheimniskrämerei Frequency rank 63515/72933 | |
rāmāliṅganakāma | noun (masculine) name of the red-flowering globe amaranth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63645/72933 | |
lābhakāma | noun (masculine) name of a Marut (?) Frequency rank 64152/72933 | |
vaktukāma | adjective desirous of speaking (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intending to speak (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16082/72933 | |
vitrāsayitukāma | adjective wishing to frighten or terrify (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 65562/72933 | |
vihartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 39605/72933 | |
vettukāma | adjective wishing to know Frequency rank 66572/72933 | |
veddhukāma | adjective Frequency rank 66604/72933 | |
vyāhartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 66971/72933 | |
śreyaskāma | adjective desirous of welfare or prosperity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16204/72933 | |
satyakāma | noun (masculine) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14509/72933 | |
sarvakāma | noun (masculine) name of a son of Ṛtuparṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an Arhat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69435/72933 | |
sarvakāmaka | noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 69436/72933 | |
sarvakāmadughā | noun (feminine) name of a daughter of the cow Surabhi Frequency rank 69437/72933 | |
saṃhartukāma | adjective Frequency rank 30943/72933 | |
sādhayitukāma | adjective wishing to prepare Frequency rank 70273/72933 | |
sābhikāma | adjective affectionate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) having affection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) loving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70319/72933 | |
siddhakāma | adjective having the wishes fulfilled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70548/72933 | |
stotukāma | adjective wishing to praise Frequency rank 41187/72933 | |
snātukāma | adjective wishing to bathe Frequency rank 22711/72933 | |
spraṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to touch Frequency rank 71917/72933 | |
sraṣṭukāma | adjective wishing to create Frequency rank 22724/72933 | |
svaptukāma | adjective wishing to sleep Frequency rank 72094/72933 | |
hantukāma | adjective desirous of killing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12299/72933 | |
hartukāma | adjective wishing to destroy Frequency rank 31256/72933 |