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Grammar Search
"jalpati" has 3 results
jalpati: neuter locative singular stem: jalpat.
jalpati: masculine locative singular stem: jalpat.
jalpati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadajalp
Monier-Williams Search
6 results for jalpati
परिजल्प्P. -jalpati-, to chatter, talk about, speak of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रजल्प्P. -jalpati-, to talk, speak, tell, communicate, announce, proclaim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिजल्प्P. -jalpati-, to answer, reply View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संजल्प्P. -jalpati- (pr. p. -jalpat-,or pamāna-), to speak or talk together, converse, chatter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उतind. in this sense it may be strengthened by āho- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utāho surāṅganā-,art thou a mortal woman or divine? nala-) , or by āho-svit- (exempli gratia, 'for example' śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utāhosvid rājā nalaḥ-,can it be śālihotra- or king nala-?) Rarely kim- is repeated before uta- used in this sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutānyāgatā-,has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? ) etc. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (exempli gratia, 'for example' utādhīyīta-,would that he would read!) (uta-preceded by kim-) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (exempli gratia, 'for example' kam&iencoding=deva&lang=sans'>samartho 'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutaikam-,thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ) etc. (uta-preceded by prati-) on the contrary, rather (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa pṛṣṭo 'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih-,this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यतिजल्प्P. -jalpati-, to chatter together, gossip Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Vedabase Search
4 results
jalpati describeCC Madhya 6.142
jalpati he also talked looselySB 4.25.57-61
jalpati roaringSB 9.10.23
anujalpati He chatters in imitationSB 10.15.10-12
Parse Time: 1.746s Search Word: jalpati Input Encoding: Devanagari IAST: jalpati