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Amarakosha Search
1 result
gaṃgā1.10.31FeminineSingularbhāgīrathī, tripathagā, trisrotā, viṣṇupadī, bhīṣmasūḥ, jahnutanayā, suranimnagāganges(river)
Monier-Williams Search
12 results for jahnu
जह्नुm. Name of an ancient king and sage (son of aja-mīḍha-, of su-hotra-, of kuru-, of hotraka-;ancestor of the kuśika-s;the Ganges, when brought down from heaven by bhagī-ratha-'s austerities, was forced to flow over the earth and to follow him to the ocean and thence to the lower regions in order to water the ashes of sagara-'s sons;in its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of jahnu-, who drank up its waters but consented at bhagī-ratha-'s prayer to discharge them from his ears;hence the river is regarded as his daughter) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुm. Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुm. of a ṛṣi- of the 4th manv-antara- (varia lectio janyu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुm. of a himālaya- cavern (from which the gaṅgā- is bursting forth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुm. plural jahnu-'s race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुकन्याf. " jahnu-'s daughter", gaṅgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुकन्याf. (hnoḥ k- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुप्रजाf. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. (hnoḥ k- )' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुसप्तमीf. the 7th day in the light half of vaiśākha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुसुताf. equals -kanyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जह्नुतनयाf. idem or 'f. (hnoḥ k- )' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लोहितजह्नुm. Name of a man (plural his descendants) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
jahnu जह्नुः N. of an ancient king, son of Suhotra, who adopted the river Gaṅgā as his daughter. [The river Ganges, when brought down from heaven by the austerities of Bhagīratha, was forced to flow over earth to follow him to the lower regions. In its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of king Jahnu, who being angry drank up its waters. But the gods and sages, and particularly Bhagīratha, appeased his anger, and he consented to discharge those waters from his ears. The river is therefore regarded as his daughter, and is styled जाह्नवी, जह्नुतनया, -कन्या, -सुता, -नन्दिनी &c.; cf. R.8.95. जह्नोः कन्यां सगरतनयस्वर्गसोपान- पङ्क्तिम् Me.52. -सप्तमी The seventh day of the bright half of Vaiśākha.]
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
0 results1 result
jahnu Occurs only in the plural in the legend of Sunahśepa, who is said to have obtained, as Devarāta, both the lordship of the Jahnus and the divine lore of the Gāthins. A Jāhnava, or descendant of Jahnu, was, according to the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana, Viśvāmitra, who is said, by means of a certain catū-rātra or four-night ’ ritual, to have secured the kingdom for the Jahnus in their conflict with the Vrcīvants. He is here described as a king. Again, in the Aitareya Brāhmana, Viśvāmitra is addressed as a rāja-putra, ‘prince,’ and Bharata- rsabha, ‘bull of the Bharatas.’ It is therefore clear that the Brāhmanas, though not the Samhitās, saw in him at once a priest and a prince by origin, though there is no trace whatever of their seeing in him a prince who won Brahmanhood as in the version of the later texts.A Jahnāvī is mentioned twice in the Rigveda, being either the wife of Jahnu, or, as Sāyana thinks, the race of Jahnu. The family must clearly once have been a great one, later merged in the Bharatas.
Vedabase Search
6 results
jahnu by the name JahnuSB 9.15.1
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
4 results
jahnu noun (masculine) Jahnu's race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Himālaya cavern (from which the Gaṅgā is bursting forth) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Ṛṣi of the 4th Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an ancient king and sage (son of Ajamīḍha) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9373/72933
jahnusutā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 28089/72933
jahnutanayā noun (feminine) Gaṅgā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52852/72933
ajahnu noun (masculine) name of a son of Jahnu
Frequency rank 41894/72933
Wordnet Search
"jahnu" has 3 results.


viṣṇuḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥ, vaikuṇṭhaḥ, viṣṭaraśravāḥ, dāmodaraḥ, hṛṣīkeśaḥ, keśavaḥ, mādhavaḥ, svabhūḥ, daityāriḥ, puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ, govindaḥ, garuḍadhvajaḥ, pītāmbaraḥ, acyutaḥ, śārṅgī, viṣvaksenaḥ, janārdanaḥ, upendraḥ, indrāvarajaḥ, cakrapāṇiḥ, caturbhujaḥ, padmanābhaḥ, madhuripuḥ, vāsudevaḥ, trivikramaḥ, daivakīnandanaḥ, śauriḥ, śrīpatiḥ, puruṣottamaḥ, vanamālī, balidhvaṃsī, kaṃsārātiḥ, adhokṣajaḥ, viśvambharaḥ, kaiṭabhajit, vidhuḥ, śrīvatsalāñachanaḥ, purāṇapuruṣaḥ, vṛṣṇiḥ, śatadhāmā, gadāgrajaḥ, ekaśṛṅgaḥ, jagannāthaḥ, viśvarūpaḥ, sanātanaḥ, mukundaḥ, rāhubhedī, vāmanaḥ, śivakīrtanaḥ, śrīnivāsaḥ, ajaḥ, vāsuḥ, śrīhariḥ, kaṃsāriḥ, nṛhariḥ, vibhuḥ, madhujit, madhusūdanaḥ, kāntaḥ, puruṣaḥ, śrīgarbhaḥ, śrīkaraḥ, śrīmān, śrīdharaḥ, śrīniketanaḥ, śrīkāntaḥ, śrīśaḥ, prabhuḥ, jagadīśaḥ, gadādharaḥ, ajitaḥ, jitāmitraḥ, ṛtadhāmā, śaśabinduḥ, punarvasuḥ, ādidevaḥ, śrīvarāhaḥ, sahasravadanaḥ, tripāt, ūrdhvadevaḥ, gṛdhnuḥ, hariḥ, yādavaḥ, cāṇūrasūdanaḥ, sadāyogī, dhruvaḥ, hemaśaṅkhaḥ, śatāvarttī, kālanemiripuḥ, somasindhuḥ, viriñciḥ, dharaṇīdharaḥ, bahumūrddhā, vardhamānaḥ, śatānandaḥ, vṛṣāntakaḥ, rantidevaḥ, vṛṣākapiḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, dāśārhaḥ, abdhiśayanaḥ, indrānujaḥ, jalaśayaḥ, yajñapuruṣaḥ, tārkṣadhvajaḥ, ṣaḍbinduḥ, padmeśaḥ, mārjaḥ, jinaḥ, kumodakaḥ, jahnuḥ, vasuḥ, śatāvartaḥ, muñjakeśī, babhruḥ, vedhāḥ, prasniśṛṅgaḥ, ātmabhūḥ, suvarṇabinduḥ, śrīvatsaḥ, gadābhṛt, śārṅgabhṛt, cakrabhṛt, śrīvatsabhṛt, śaṅkhabhṛt, jalaśāyī, muramardanaḥ, lakṣmīpatiḥ, murāriḥ, amṛtaḥ, ariṣṭanemaḥ, kapiḥ, keśaḥ, jagadīśaḥ, janārdanaḥ, jinaḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, vikramaḥ, śarvaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ hindudharmānusāraṃ jagataḥ pālanakartā।

ekādaśastathā tvaṣṭā dvādaśo viṣṇurucyate jaghanyajastu sarveṣāmādityānāṃ guṇādhikaḥ।


gaṅgā, mandākinī, jāhnavī, puṇyā, alakanandā, viṣṇupadī, jahnutanayā, suranimnagā, bhāgīrathī, tripathagā, tistrotāḥ, bhīṣmasūḥ, arghyatīrtham, tīrtharījaḥ, tridaśadīrghikā, kumārasūḥ, saridvarā, siddhāpagā, svarāpagā, svargyāpagā, khāpagā, ṛṣikulyā, haimavratī, sarvāpī, haraśekharā, surāpagā, dharmadravī, sudhā, jahnukanyā, gāndinī, rudraśekharā, nandinī, sitasindhuḥ, adhvagā, ugraśekharā, siddhasindhuḥ, svargasarīdvarā, samudrasubhagā, svarnadī, suradīrghikā, suranadī, svardhunī, jyeṣṭhā, jahnusutā, bhīṣmajananī, śubhrā, śailendrajā, bhavāyanā, mahānadī, śailaputrī, sitā, bhuvanapāvanī, śailaputrī   

bhāratadeśasthāḥ pradhānā nadī yā hindudharmānusāreṇa mokṣadāyinī asti iti manyante।

dharmagranthāḥ kathayanti rājñā bhagīrathena svargāt gaṅgā ānītā।



ekaḥ rājarṣiḥ yena gaṅgāṃ pītvā anantaraṃ punaḥ karṇābhyāṃ srāvitā।

jahnoḥ kāraṇāt eva gaṅgāyāḥ nāma jāhnavī iti asti।

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