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Monier-Williams Search
3 results for irana
ātarpaṇan. (equals prīṇana-) satisfying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikrīA1. -krīṇīte- (;really more frequent in P. exempli gratia, 'for example' imperfect tense -akrīṇam- ; Potential -krīṇīyāt- ; ind.p. -krīya- ), to purchase, buy, barter, gain, acquire (with instrumental case or dative case of the price exempli gratia, 'for example' śatena-,or śatāya-,to buy for a hundred ) ; to hire, engage for stipulated wages ; to recompense, reward (only p. A1. -krīṇāna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrāṇaka() or vīrānaka- (),Name of a place. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
14 results
amṛta pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god; â, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -tegas, m. N. of a fairy prince; -tvá, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -dîdhiti, m. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dhâyin, a. sipping --; -pâyin, a. drinking nectar=hearing fine speeches; -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; â, f. N.; -bhavana, n. N. of a monastery; -bhâsh ana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhug, m. god; -bhogana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices; -máya, a. (î) immortal; nectar-like; consist ing of nectar; -rasmi, m. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -latâ, f. creeper yielding nectar; -loka, m. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hrada, m. lake of nectar.
aśiśira a. hot; -tâ, f. heat; -kara, -kirana, -rasmi, m. sun.
uṣṇa a. hot, warm; deep (sigh): -m, ad. deeply (sigh); n. heat; hot season; -kara, m. sun; -kâla, m. hot season; -kirana, m. sun; -tâ, f., -tva, n. heat; -dîdhiti, -bhâs, -rasmi, -ruki, m. sun; -vârana, n.umbrella; -samaya, m. hot season; -sparsa-vat, a. hot to the touch.
caṇḍakarman m. N. of a Râkshasa (acting cruelly); -kirana, m. (hot-rayed), sun; -ketu, m. N.; -kausika, m. N. of a son of Kakshîvat; n. T. of a drama; -ghosha, m. N.; -tâ, f., -tva, n.passionateness; wrathfulness; -dîdhiti, m. (hot-rayed), sun; -pota: -ka, m. N. of an elephant; -prabha, m. N.; -bhuga&ndot;ga, m. N.; -mahâsena, m. N. of a prince; -rava, m. N. of a jackal (yelling fiercely); -rasmi, m.(hot-rayed), sun; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -vikrama, m. N. of a prince; -sîla, a. choleric; -simha, m. N. of a prince; -½amsu, m. (hot-rayed), sun.
tuhina n. sg. & pl. cold, (hoar)-frost, snow; dew; mist: -kana, m. snow-flake; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -giri, m. (snow mountain), Himâlaya; -dyuti, m. moon; -mayûkha, m. id.
tuṣāra a. cold; m. sg. and pl. (hoar) frost, snow; dew; spray; mist: -kana, m. snow-flake; -kara, -kirana, m. (cool-rayed), moon; -gaura, m. camphor (white as snow); -dyuti, m. moon; -patana, n.snowfall; -mûr ti, m. moon; -rasmi, m. id.; -varsha, m. snowfall; -varshin, a. snowing; -sikharin, m. Himâlaya; -saila, m. id.
manda a. slow, sluggish, in (lc. or --°ree;); apathetic, indifferent to (d.); weak, slight; faint, low (voice), gentle (rain, wind); dull-witted, stupid, foolish; unhappy; dis eased, ill: -m, ad. slowly, gradually (also °ree;--); slightly; faintly, softly, in a low voice: mandam mandam, ad. very slowly, quite gradually; m. the planet Saturn: -ka, a. scanty, little; dull, stupid; -karni, m. N. of a sage; -karman, a. inactive; -kârin, a.acting foolishly; -kirana, a. weak-rayed; -ga, a. moving or going slowly; m. planet Saturn; -gati, a. moving slowly: -tva, n. slow pace; -ketas, a. absent-minded; dull witted, stupid, foolish; -kkhâya, a. having its beauty dimmed, dull-looking, lustreless; -garas, a. aging slowly; -gâta, pp. slowly produced; -tâ, f. indolence; slightness, in significance; dulness, stupidity, foolishness; -tva, n. slightness, insignificance, feebleness; -dhî, a. dull-witted, stupid, foolish; -pâla, m. N. of a Rishi; -punya, a. unfortunate, ill-fated; -pragña, a. dull-witted; -preman, a. having little affection; -phala, a. bearing little fruit; having an insignificant result; -buddhi, a. dull-witted; -bhâgin, a. ill fated, wretched; -bhâgya, n. misfortune; a. ill-fated, unlucky, unfortunate, miserable: -tâ, f. wretchedness; -bhâg, a. ill-fated; -ma ti, a. dull-witted; m. N. of a wheelwright; N. of a lion; -mandam,ad. very slowly or gradually, by degrees; very softly; -mand a½âtapa, a. having very slight heat, cool.
vikira m. rice (etc.) scattered as an offering to conciliate beings obstructive of sacrifice; (scraper), kind of gallinaceous bird; -kirana n. scattering, strewing; -kîrna, pp. (√ krî) scattered etc.
śiśira a. [√ syâ] first spring, cold season (one of the six seasons, comprising the months Mâgha and Phâlguna; V., C.); cold, frost (C.); coolness (C.); a. (C.) cool, cold: -kara, -kirana, m. moon; -tâ, f. coolness, cold (in a-, heat); -dîdhiti, m. moon; -math ita, pp. blighted by frost (lotus); -mâsa, m. cool month; -½ritu, -samaya, m. cold season.
śītodā f. (having cold water), N. of a mythical river; -½upakâra, m. treat ment with cold remedies; -½ushna, a. cold and warm: -kirana, m. du. moon and sun.
śvasana a. hissing, panting; m. (C.) wind; god of wind; vital air; n. (C.) hissing (of a serpent); heavy breathing; breathing, breath; sighing, sigh: -samîrana, m. breath; -½asana, m. (living on air), serpent.
samīra m. wind (also in the body); -îrana, a. setting in motion; stimulating; m. wind; god of wind; -îra-lakshman, n. (token of wind), dust; -îhâ, f. desire, long ing, striving after (--°ree;); -îhita, pp.√ îh; n. desire, wish.
sahasra m. (rare), n. thousand (also used to express a large number or great wealth); sp. a thousand cows, -Panas: con strued with an app. (sg. or pl.), g., sg. or pl., --°ree; (rarely °ree;--); in an a. cpd. it is always --°ree;: -ka, 1. n. thousand: --°ree; a. (ikâ) having or amounting to a thousand; 2. thousand-headed; -kara, m. (thousand-rayed), sun: -pan-netra, a. having a thousand hands, feet, and eyes; -kalâ, f. N.; -kirana, m. (thousand-rayed), sun; -kritvas, ad. a thou sand times; (sahásra)-ketu, a. having a thousand forms (RV.1); -gu, a. possessing a thousand cows; thousand-rayed; m. sun; -guna, a. thousandfold: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gunita, pp. multiplied a thousand times; -kakshu, a. thousand-eyed (AV.); -git, a. con quering or winning a thousand (RV.); (-hás ra)-nîtha, a. having a thousand expedients or shifts (V.); m. N. (C.); -tama, spv. (î) thou sandth; -taya, n. a thousand; -da, a. giving a thousand (cows); (sahásra)-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a thousand (kine; V.); -dîdhiti, m. sun; (á)-dvâr, a. thousand-doored (RV.1); -dhâ, ad. a thousand-fold; in a thousand ways or parts; -dhî, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -nayana, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -netra, a., m. id.; -pati, m. chief of a thousand (vil lages); -pattra, n. (having a thousand petals), lotus; -pûrana, a. thousandth; receiving a thousand; -poshá, m. thousandfold welfare (V.); a. thriving a thousandfold (S.); -buddhi, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -bhakta, n. a certain festival at which thousands are fed; -bhânu, a. thousand-rayed; -bhrishti, a. thousand-pointed (V.); -ma&ndot;gala, N. of a locality; -mukha, a. having a thousand exits; -rasmi, a. thousand-rayed; m. sun; -li&ndot;gî, f. a thousand Li&ndot;gas; -lokana,a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -vartman, a. thousand-pathed; -vâka, a. containing a thousand verses or words; -satá-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows); -sás, ad. by thousands (referring to a nm., ac., in.); -sîrsha, a. thousand-headed: â, f. a certain verse (according to comm. the hymn RV. X, 90); (hásra)-sri&ndot;ga, a. thou sand-horned (RV.); -saní, a. gaining a thou sand (V.); -sâ, a. id.; -sâvá, m.thousand-fold Soma-pressing.
sāmīraṇa a. relating to the wind (samîrana).
Bloomfield Vedic
14 results0 results15 results
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇām # VS.40.10c,13c; īśāU.10c,13c.
indraṃ madanty anu dhīraṇāsaḥ # RV.3.34.8d; AVś.20.11.8d.
indro vṛdhām indra in medhirāṇām # RV.10.89.10c.
ud īratām avara ut parāsaḥ # RV.10.15.1a; AVś.18.1.44a; VS.19.49a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 157.4; AB.3.37.12; Aś.2.19.22; 5.20.6; AG.2.4.6; N.11.18a. Ps: ud īratām avare Apś.1.8.8; ud īratām śś.3.16.5; 8.6.12; 7.16; (14.57.11); Vait.30.14; 37.23; Mś.; Kauś.80.43; 87.14,29; BṛhD.6.159. Cf. udīrāṇā avare.
udīrāṇā utāsīnāḥ # AVś.12.1.28a. P: udīrāṇāḥ Kauś.24.33.
ud rathānāṃ jayatāṃ yantu ghoṣāḥ (TS. jayatām etu ghoṣaḥ) # RV.10.103.10d; SV.2.1208d; VS.17.42d; TS. Cf. ud vīrāṇāṃ.
ud vīrāṇāṃ jayatām etu ghoṣaḥ # AVś.3.19.6b; AVP.1.56.2d. Cf. ud rathānāṃ.
eved anu dyūn kiraṇaḥ sam ejāt # RV.10.27.5d.
naḍasya vīraṇasya ca # AVP.9.7.12b.
brahmaṇa udīraṇam asi # TA.1.12.5.
bhiyā dṛḍhāsaḥ kiraṇā naijan # RV.1.63.1d.
mātuṣ ṭe kiraṇau dvau # AVś.20.133.2a; śś.
yatasrucā barhir u tistirāṇā # RV.1.108.4b.
yathāham eṣāṃ bhūtānām (AVś.AVP. vīrāṇām) # RV.10.174.5c; AVś.1.29.6c; AVP.1.11.5c.
yūyaṃ ha bhūmiṃ kiraṇaṃ na rejatha # RV.5.59.4c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"irana" has 1 results
iranataddhita affix. affix ( इर ) in the sense of possession applied in Vedic Literature; to मेघा exempli gratia, for example confer, compare P. मेधिरः V.2.109 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
Wordnet Search
"irana" has 1 results.



uḍīsārājye vartamānam ekaṃ nagaram।

balāṅgiranagaraṃ pūrvaṃ paṭanārājyasya rājadhānīnagaram āsīt।

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