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Grammar Search
"indrasya" has 2 results
indrasya: neuter genitive singular stem: indra
indrasya: masculine genitive singular stem: indra
Monier-Williams Search
22 results for indrasya
ainyam. (with indrasya-), Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arkamn. (with agneḥ-, indrasya-, gautamasaḥ-,etc.) Name of different sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharan. dual number (with indrasya-,or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of 2 sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhrātṛvyan. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māyāf. dual number (māye indrasya-) Name of 2 sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātif. a favour, grace, gift, oblation etc. etc. (in also"the Giver"conceived of as a deity and associated with bhaga-; indrasya rātī- varia lectio tiḥ-Name of a sāman- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasrabāhavīyan. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkraman. dual number (with indrasya-or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of two sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃvargam. (fr. saṃ-varga-) Name of a sāman- (with indrasya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvartan. dual number (with indrasya-) Name of two sāman-s (perhaps wrong reading for sāṃ-v- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃvartan. Name of various sāman-s (also with indrasya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaraṇan. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śirasn. of a sāman- (also with indrasya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svarājyan. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svārājyan. (fr. sva-rāj-) independent rule, uncontrolled dominion, sovereignty (according to to some" indra-'s heaven", fr. 2. svā-rāj-;also indrasya svārājyam-Name of a sāman-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
syaumaraśman. dual number (fr. syūma-raśmi-;with indrasya-) Name of two sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. (with or without indraśya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udbhidf. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāravantīyan. (fr. prec.) Name of a sāman- (also indrasya vāravantīyam-, vāravantīyādyam-,and vāravantīyottaram-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārtraghnan. (with indrasya-) Name of sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsavam. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman- of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛṣakan. (with indrasya-) Name of various sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results167 results
indrasya dūtīr iṣitā carāmi RV.10.108.2a.
indrasya dhṛṣitaṃ sahaḥ ā. See next but one.
indrasya dhruvo 'si (TS.Apś. dhruvam asi) VS.5.30; TS.;; MS.1.2.11: 21.6; KS.2.12; 25.10; śB.; Apś.11.10.15; Mś.
indrasya nādhṛṣe śavaḥ AVś.6.33.2d. See prec. but one.
indrasya nāma gṛhṇantaḥ AVś.19.35.1a; AVP.11.4.1a.
indrasya niṣkāṣaḥ MS.1.10.1: 140.15. See niṣkāṣo.
indrasya nu vīryāṇi pra vocam (AVś. nu prā vocaṃ vīryāṇi) RV.1.32.1a; AVś.2.5.5a; AVP.12.12.1a; ArS.3.2a; MS.4.14.13a: 237.7; AB.3.24.10; 5.17.1; KB.15.4; 20.4; 24.2; TB.; ā.; N.7.2,3. P: indrasya nu vīryāṇi TB.; Aś.5.15.22; 8.6.12; 9.8.21 (comm.); śś.7.20.8; 10.13.14; 18.19.2 (comm.); Svidh.3.6.5. Cf. BṛhD.3.104. Designated as hairaṇyastūpīya (sc. sūkta) śś.10.13.14,15; 18.19.2; Rvidh.1.18.1. Cf. indrasya vocaṃ.
indrasya nu sukṛtaṃ daivyaṃ sahaḥ RV.10.100.6a.
indrasya nṛmṇaṃ stha AVś.10.5.1--6.
indrasya pariṣūtam asi KS.1.2; 31.1.
indrasya pātha upehi KS.1.12. See indrasya priyaṃ.
indrasya prathamo rathaḥ AVś.10.4.1a; Kauś.139.8. P: indrasya prathamaḥ Kauś.32.20.
indrasya prāṇas sa te prāṇaṃ dadātu yasya prāṇas tasmai te svāhā KS.11.7. P: indrasya prāṇaḥ KS.11.8. See next.
indrasya prāṇo 'si TS.; 11.3; MS.2.3.4: 30.18; Mś. See prec.
indrasya priyam amṛtam apāyi RV.6.44.16b.
indrasya priyaṃ pātha upehi (and pātho apīhi) TS.,3. See indrasya pātha.
indrasya balaṃ stha AVś.10.5.1--6.
indrasya balāya svāhā TS.; KS.15.8. See indrasyendriyāya, and indrasyaujase.
indrasya bāhur asi dakṣiṇaḥ sahasrabhṛṣṭiḥ śatatejāḥ VS.1.24; TS.; MS.1.1.10: 5.12; KS.1.9; 31.8; śB.; TB. Ps: indrasya bāhur asi dakṣiṇaḥ TS.; MS.1.1.12: 7.11; TB.; Apś.2.1.1; indrasya bāhur asi Mś.;; indrasya bāhuḥ Kś.2.6.13. Fragment: sahasrabhṛṣṭiḥ śatatejāḥ MS.4.1.10: 12.14.
indrasya bāhur asi dakṣiṇo viśvasyāriṣṭyai (KS. dakṣiṇo yajamānasya paridhiḥ) VS.2.3; KS.1.11; śB.
indrasya bāhū sthavirau vṛṣāṇau (SV. yuvānau) AVś.19.13.1a; AVP.7.4.1a; SV.2.1219a; GB.2.1.18. First stanza of the apratiratha-hymn in the Atharvan version: see under apratiratha, and āśuḥ śiśāno.
indrasya bāhvor bhūyiṣṭham ojaḥ RV.8.96.3b.
indrasya bṛhaspates tvā sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi TS. Cf. under indraṃ sām-, and bṛhaspateṣ ṭvā.
indrasya brahmacāry asi śB.; PG.2.2.20.
indrasya bhadrikā vīrut AVP.8.7.11c.
indrasya bhāga ṛtayuḥ śatāyuḥ TB.
indrasya bhāgam ṛtviyam RV.10.179.1b; AVś.7.72.1b.
indrasya bhāga stha AVś.10.5.8. Cf. next but one.
indrasya bhāgaḥ suvite dadhātana Apś.7.17.2a. See indrāya bhāgaṃ pari.
indrasya bhāgo 'si VS.14.24; TS.;; MS.2.8.5: 109.9; KS.17.4; 21.1; śB.; Mś. P: indrasya bhāgaḥ Kś.17.10.14. Cf. prec. but one.
indrasya manmahe śaśvad id asya manmahe AVś.4.24.1a. See indrasya manve prathamasya, and indrasya manve śaśvad.
indrasya manyave jālmāḥ AVś.12.4.51c.
indrasya manve prathamasya pracetasaḥ TS.; MS.3.16.5a: 190.10; KS.22.15a. See next, and indrasya manmahe.
indrasya manve śaśvad yasya manvire AVP.4.39.1a. See prec., and indrasya manmahe.
indrasya muṣṭir asi vīḍayasva RV.6.47.30d; AVś.6.126.2d; AVP.15.11.10d; VS.29.56d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 187.11; KSA.6.1d.
indrasya muṣṭir marutām anīkam AVP.15.12.4b. See under indrasyaujo marutām.
indrasya yanti jaṭharaṃ supeśasaḥ RV.9.81.1b.
indrasya yantu prasave visṛṣṭāḥ RV.8.100.12d.
indrasya yasya sumakhaṃ saho mahi RV.10.50.1c; VS.33.23c; N.11.9c.
indrasya yāḥ prasave sasrur āpaḥ RV.10.111.8b.
indrasya yā mahī dṛṣat AVś.2.31.1a; AVP.2.15.1a. P: indrasya yā mahī Kauś.27.14.
indrasya yāhi niṣkṛtam RV.9.64.15b; SV.2.193b.
indrasya yāhi prasave manojavāḥ AVś.6.92.1b. See indrasyeva dakṣiṇaḥ.
indrasya yujyaḥ sakhā RV.1.22.19c; AVś.6.51.1c; 7.26.6c; SV.2.1021c; VS.6.4c; 10.31c; 13.33c; 19.3c (bis); TS.; 8.21.1c; MS.1.2.14c: 23.19; 2.3.8c: 36.2; 3.11.7c (bis): 150.7,9; KS.3.3c; 12.9c; 16.16c; TB.,3c; śB.;;;,10c.
indrasya yuñjate dhiyaḥ TB.
indrasya yonir asi VS.4.10; TS.;; MS.1.2.2: 11.5; 2.6.11: 70.11; 4.4.5: 55.5; KS.2.3; 15.7; 23.4; śB.; Apś.10.9.17; Mś.; P: indrasya yoniḥ Kś.7.3.31.
indrasya yonir asi janadhāḥ Apś.18.16.9. Cf. MS.2.6.11: 70.11; 4.4.5: 55.5.
indrasya rantyaṃ bṛhat AVś.6.33.1c; ArS.1.3c; ā.; śś.18.3.2c.
indrasya rādhaḥ prayataṃ puru tmanā TB.
indrasya rūpaṃ varuṇo bhiṣajyan VS.19.80d; MS.3.11.9d: 153.2; KS.38.3d; TB.
indrasya rūpaṃ śatamānam āyuḥ VS.19.93c; MS.3.11.9c: 154.14; KS.38.3c; TB.
indrasya rūpam ṛṣabho balāya VS.19.91a; MS.3.11.9a: 154.8; KS.38.3a; TB.
indrasya rūpam ṛṣabho vasānaḥ AVś.9.4.7c.
indrasya va indriyāvato devatābhir gṛhṇāmi KS.39.1; Apś.16.32.7.
indrasya va indriyeṇābhi ṣiñcet AVś.16.1.9.
indrasya vacasā vayam AVś.6.85.2a; Kauś.6.17a.
indrasya vacasā hata AVś.5.8.4b. Cf. indrasyaujasā.
indrasya vajra āyaso nimiślaḥ RV.8.96.3a.
indrasya vajraṃ haviṣā rathaṃ yaja RV.6.47.27d; AVś.6.125.2d; AVP.15.11.6d; VS.29.53d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 186.10; KSA.6.1d.
indrasya vajraḥ śnathitā hiraṇyayaḥ RV.1.57.2d; AVś.20.15.2d.
indrasya vajrāt tīkṣṇīyāṃsaḥ (AVP. tekṣṇī-) AVś.3.19.4c; AVP.3.19.3c.
indrasya vajrād abibhed abhiśnathaḥ RV.10.138.5c.
indrasya vajro apa hantu rakṣasaḥ AVś.2.3.6b; AVP.1.3.4a.
indrasya vajro marutām anīkam RV.6.47.28a; AVP.15.11.7a; VS.29.54a; TS.; MS.3.16.3a: 186.11; KSA.6.1a. See under indrasyaujo marutām.
indrasya vajro vapuṣo vapuṣṭaraḥ (SV. -ṭamaḥ) RV.9.77.1b; SV.1.556b.
indrasya vajro vṛṣabho vibhūvasuḥ RV.9.72.7c.
indrasya vajro 'si VS.10.21,28; śB.; 4.15--19; Apś.17.9.5; 18.3.1; 14.10; 17.1,10; 18.14; HG.1.11.7. P: indrasya vajraḥ Kś.15.7.11.
indrasya vajro 'si vājasāḥ (MSṃś. vājasaniḥ) VS.9.5; MS.2.6.11: 70.14; 4.4.5: 55.11; KS.15.8; śB.; Mś. P: indrasya vajraḥ Kś.14.3.1.
indrasya vajro 'si vārtraghnaḥ TS.; 8.12.2; 15.1; 16.2; MS.2.6.9: 69.8; 4.4.3: 53.9; KS.15.7; TB.; 7.6.8; 9.1; 10.5; Mś.; ApMB.2.9.5. Cf. indrasya vārtraghnam.
indrasya vajro 'si vārtraghnas tanūpā naḥ pratispaśaḥ TS.; Apś.17.9.6.
indrasya varūtham asi AVś.5.6.14; AVP.6.11.6; 6.12.2; KS.38.14; Apś.16.18.8.
indrasya vardhata priyaḥ RV.10.25.10b.
indrasya varmāsi AVś.5.6.13; AVP.6.11.6; 6.12.2; KS.38.14; Apś.16.18.8.
indrasya vāṃ vīryakṛto bāhū abhyupāvaharāmi (VSK. vāṃ bāhū vīryakṛtā upā-) VS.10.25; VSK.11.7.5; śB. P: indrasya vām Kś.15.6.34. See indrasya te.
indrasya vāyuṃ sakhyāya vardhayan SV.2.172d. See next but one.
indrasya vāyor abhi vītim arṣa RV.9.97.25b.
indrasya vāyoḥ sakhyāya kartave RV.9.86.20d. See prec. but one.
indrasya vārtraghnam asi VS.10.8; śB. P: indrasya vārtraghnam Kś.15.5.17. Cf. indrasya vajro 'si vārtraghnaḥ.
indrasya vīryaṃ stha AVś.10.5.1--6.
indrasya vṛtraghno vanve AVś.6.82.1c.
indrasya vṛṣṇo varuṇasya rājñaḥ RV.10.103.9a; AVś.19.13.10a; AVP.7.4.10a; SV.2.1207a; VS.17.41a; TS.; MS.2.10.4a: 136.8; KS.18.5a. P: indrasya vṛṣṇaḥ MS.4.14.13: 237.1.
indrasya vaimṛdhasyāhaṃ devayajyayāsapatno (Apś. adds vīryavān) bhūyāsam Apś.4.10.1; Mś. See indrasyāhaṃ vi-.
indrasya vocaṃ pra kṛtāni vīryā RV.2.21.3d. Cf. indrasya nu vīryāṇi.
indrasya vo balavato balena manyuṃ vi nayāmasi AVP.2.68.2.
indrasya śatrur vardhasva svāhā JB.2.155. See under indraśatrur vardhasva svāhā.
indrasya śardho maruto ya āsan RV.3.32.4b.
indrasya śarmāsi AVś.5.6.12; AVP.6.11.6; 6.12.2; KS.38.14; Apś.16.18.8.
indrasya śuco varuṇasya yāḥ śucaḥ AVP.2.36.4c.
indrasya śuṣmam īrayann apasyubhiḥ RV.9.76.2c; SV.2.579c. Cf. aindraḥ śuṣmo.
indrasya sakhyam amṛtatvam aśyām (RV. ānaśa) RV.10.62.1b; TB.; Apś.4.8.4d.
indrasya sakhyam āviśan RV.9.56.2c.
indrasya sakhyam ṛbhavaḥ sam ānaśuḥ RV.3.60.3a.
indrasya sakhyaṃ pavate vivevidat RV.9.86.9c.
indrasya sado 'si TS.; Apś.11.10.9.
indrasya samiṣo mahīḥ RV.8.50 (Vāl.2).2b; AVś.20.51.4b.
indrasya saha stha AVś.10.5.1--6.
indrasya sūno śavaso napātaḥ RV.4.37.4c.
indrasya soma jaṭhare sam akṣaraḥ RV.9.85.5d.
indrasya somaṃ jaṭhare yad āduhuḥ RV.9.72.2b.
indrasya soma pavamāna ūrmiṇā RV.9.76.3a; SV.2.580a.
indrasya soma rādhase RV.9.8.3a; 60.4a; SV.2.530a.
indrasya syūr asi VS.5.30; TS.;; MS.1.2.11: 21.6; KS.2.12; 25.10; śB.; Apś.11.10.15; Mś.
indrasya havyair jaṭharaṃ pṛṇānaḥ VS.20.45c; MS.3.11.1c: 140.15; KS.38.6c; TB.
indrasya hārdi somadhānam ā viśa RV.9.70.9b; 108.16a.
indrasya hārdy āviśan RV.9.60.3c.
indrasya hārdy (AVś. hārdim) āviśan manīṣibhiḥ (AVś. manīṣayā) RV.9.86.19d; AVś.18.4.58d; SV.1.559d; 2.171d.
indrasya ṛbhukṣā varuṇasya vibhvā RV.4.33.9d.
indrasya kartā svapastamo bhūt RV.4.17.4b.
indrasya karma yad ahiṃ vivṛścat RV.3.33.7b.
indrasya karma sukṛtā purūṇi RV.3.30.13d; 32.8a; 34.6b; AVś.20.11.6b.
indrasya kāmadughā stha Aś.6.12.4.
indrasya kāmam akṣaran RV.9.8.1b; SV.2.528b; JB.3.206.
indrasya kukṣir asi somadhānaḥ AVś.7.111.1a. P: indrasya kukṣiḥ Vait.17.9; Kauś.24.19.
indrasya kroḍaḥ (VSK. krolaḥ) VS.25.8; VSK.27.11; TS.; MS.3.15.7: 179.11; KSA.13.6.
indrasya gṛhā vasumanto varūthinas tān ahaṃ sumanasaḥ pra padye ApMB.2.15.13 (ApG.7.17.7). See next, next but two, and next but three.
indrasya gṛhāḥ śivā vasumanto (PG. gṛhā vasumanto) varūthinas tān ahaṃ pra padye saha jāyayā saha prajayā saha paśubhiḥ saha rāyas poṣeṇa saha yan me kiṃ cāsti tena (PG. pra padye saha prajayā paśubhiḥ saha) śG.3.4.10; PG.3.4.18. See prec., next but one, and next but two.
indrasya gṛho 'si AVP.6.11.6; 6.12.2. See trayodaśo māsa.
indrasya gṛho 'si taṃ tvā pra padye taṃ tvā pra viśāmi sarvaguḥ sarvapūruṣaḥ sarvātmā sarvatanūḥ saha yan me 'sti tena AVś.5.6.11. See next, indrasya gṛhā, and indrasya gṛhāḥ.
indrasya gṛho 'si taṃ tvā pra padye saguḥ sāśvaḥ saha yan me asti tena TB.; TA.4.42.2. See prec., indrasya gṛhā, and indrasya gṛhāḥ.
indrasya goṣṭham api dhāva vidvān AVP.5.28.3b; Vait.10.17b.
indrasya gaur amṛgaḥ VS.24.32; MS.3.14.13: 175.4.
indrasya graho 'sy agṛhīto grāhyaḥ (Apś. grāhyo devānām) KS.35.10; Apś.14.26.1.
indrasya gharmo atithiḥ TS.; MS.4.12.2d: 181.16; KS.8.16d; TA.1.8.8d; Aś.4.7.4d; śś.5.10.32d.
indrasya ca tvā kṣatrasya caujasā juhomy ojodām MS.4.7.3: 96.7. P: indrasya ca tvā kṣatrasya caujasā juhomi Mś.
indrasya carṣaṇīdhṛtaḥ (MS. -ṇīsahaḥ) RV.3.37.4c; AVś.20.19.4c; MS.4.12.3c: 184.6. Cf. mitrasya etc.
indrasya caṣālam asi MS.1.2.14: 23.13; 3.9.3: 117.13; Mś.
indrasya cāyuṣe 'vapat VSK.3.9.5b; MG.1.21.6b. See under agner indrasya etc.
indrasya cā rabhāmahe RV.6.57.5c.
indrasya cāvapac chiraḥ śG.1.28.15d.
indrasya chadir asi viśvajanasya chāyā VS.5.28; śB. P: indrasya chadiḥ Kś.8.6.10.
indrasya jaṭharam asi Apś.12.19.5; Mś. P: indrasya TS.; Apś.12.18.20.
indrasya jātasya pra papāta nābhiḥ AVP.3.39.6a.
indrasya tatra bāhū AVś.6.99.2c.
indrasya tanvaṃ (TS. tanuvaṃ) priyām TS.; KSA.4.9b. See priyām indrasya.
indrasya tigmam āyudham AVP.7.11.8c.
indrasya tu yathendrāṇī RVKh.10.85.4a.
indrasya tṛtīyā VS.25.4; MS.3.15.5: 179.3.
indrasya te adhaspadam AVP.7.18.7c. Cf. indra sa te.
indrasya te vīryakṛto bāhū upāvaharāmi TB. P: indrasya te vīryakṛtaḥ Apś.22.28.14. See indrasya vāṃ.
indrasya trātur ahaṃ devayajyayā trāto bhūyāsam Apś.4.10.1.
indrasya triṣṭub iha bhāgo ahnaḥ RV.10.130.5b.
indrasya tvaṃ tava vayaṃ sakhāyaḥ RV.9.97.43d.
indrasya tvā (sc. vratapate vratenādadhe) Kś.4.9.3. Vikāra of amuṣya tvā etc. See indrasya tvā marutvato, and indrasya tvendriyeṇa.
indrasya tvā cakṣuṣā paśyāmi AVP.9.21.11.
indrasya tvā jaṭhare sādayāmi (Aś. dadhāmi; GB.Kauś. sādayāmi varuṇasyodare) VSK.2.3.7; KB.6.14; GB.2.1.2; Aś.1.13.1; śś.4.7.14; Lś.4.11.14; Apś.3.19.7; 20.1; Kauś.65.14. See brahmaṇendrasya, and cf. next.
indrasya tvā jaṭhare sādayāmīti AVP.9.21.11. Cf. prec.
indrasya tvā bāhubhyām udyache TS.; MS.1.1.2: 2.3; 4.1.2: 4.1; KS.1.2; 31.1; TB.; Apś.1.4.15; Mś.
indrasya tvā bhāgaṃ somenā tanacmi (VSK. tanakmi) VS.1.4; VSK.1.2.4; KS.1.3; 31.2; śB. P: indrasya tvā Kś.4.2.33. See indrāya tvā bhāgaṃ, and somena tvātanacmī-.
indrasya tvā marutvato vratenādadhe MS.1.6.1: 86.8; 1.6.2: 87.4; 1.6.5: 94.15; KS.8.4. P: indrasya tvā Mś. See under indrasya tvā.
indrasya tvā vajreṇābhi tiṣṭhāmi (ApMB. vajreṇa ni dadhāmy asau) PG.3.15.3; ApMB.2.21.31 (ApG.8.22.1). See next.
indrasya tvā vajreṇābhy upa viśāmi HG.1.12.4. See prec.
indrasya tvā varmaṇā pari dhāpayāmaḥ AVś.19.46.4a; AVP.4.23.4a.
indrasya tvā sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi VSK.10.5.8; TS.; TB. P: indrasya Apś.17.19.8. Cf. under indraṃ sām-, and next but three.
indrasya tvāsyena prāśnāmi AVP.9.21.11.
indrasya tvā hastābhyām ā rabhe AVP.9.21.11.
indrasya tvendriyeṇa vratapate vratenādadhāmi TB.; Apś.5.11.7. See under indrasya tvā.
indrasya tvendriyeṇaujase balāyābhi ṣiñcāmi MS.3.11.8: 151.14. Cf. prec. but three.
indrasya tvaujasā sādayāmi VS.13.14; MS.2.7.15: 98.4; KS.16.15; śB.; Apś.16.22.5; Mś. P: indrasya tvā Kś.17.4.13.
indrasyaikādaśī VS.25.4,5; TS.; MS.3.15.4: 179.2; 3.15.5: 179.5; KSA.13.11. Cf. indrāṇyā ekā-.
indrasyauja stha AVś.10.5.1--6; VS.37.6; śB.; Kś.26.1.8. P: indrasyaujaḥ Kauś.49.3.
indrasyaujasā hata AVP.7.18.5b. Cf. indrasya vacasā hata.
indrasyaujase svāhā MS.2.6.12: 71.13; 4.4.6: 57.2. See under indrasya balāya.
indrasyaujaso bhiyasā jihāti RV.5.32.9d.
indrasyaujo marutām anīkam AVś.6.125.3a; GB.1.2.21; Vait.6.8. See indrasya muṣṭir marutām, and indrasya vajro marutām.
indrasyaujo varuṇasya bāhū AVś.9.4.8a.
indrasyaujo 'si KA.1.12; 2.12. See next.
indrasyaujo 'si prajāpate retaḥ MS.4.9.1: 121.5. P: indrasyaujo 'si Apś.15.2.1; Mś.4.1.11. See prec.
Vedabase Search
33 results
indrasya of IndraSB 10.72.24-25
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gaya-indrasya of the king of the elephantsSB 12.12.19
kula-acala-indrasya of the great mountainsSB 3.13.41
mahā-indrasya of the King of heaven, IndraSB 5.24.18
gaja-indrasya of the King of the elephantsSB 8.2.30
dānava-indrasya of the great demonSB 8.24.9
dānava-indrasya of VṛṣaparvāSB 9.18.5
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gaya-indrasya of the king of the elephantsSB 12.12.19
kośala-indrasya the King of KośalaSB 12.12.24
bhārgava-indrasya the greatest of the descendants of Bhṛgu MuniSB 12.12.25-26
yavana-indrasya of the king of the barbariansSB 12.12.37
gauḍa-indrasya of the ruler of Gauḍa-deśa (Bengal)CC Madhya 24.348
manaḥ-kari-indrasya of the elephant-like mindCC Antya 1.191
manaḥ-kari-indrasya of the elephant-like mindCC Antya 1.191
kośala-indrasya the King of KośalaSB 12.12.24
kula-acala-indrasya of the great mountainsSB 3.13.41
mahā-indrasya of the King of heaven, IndraSB 5.24.18
manaḥ-kari-indrasya of the elephant-like mindCC Antya 1.191
yādava-indrasya of the chief of the YādavasSB 10.90.20
yavana-indrasya of the king of the barbariansSB 12.12.37
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