ho | ind. (a vocative particle[ gaRa cādi-]used in calling to a person or in challenging) ho! hallo! etc. (also expressive of surprise etc.)  |
hoḍ | (see huḍ-, hūḍ-) cl.1 A1. hoḍate-, to disregard, disrespect (= heḍ-) ; (also hauḍ-) to go, move  |
hoḍa | m. a raft, float, boat  |
hoḍa | m. a title of a particular class of kāyastha-s and of śrotriya- Brahmans in Bengal  |
hoḍā | f. gaRa ajādi- ( hoḍhā-). |
hoḍha | mfn. (thought by some to be fr. ha-+ ūḍha-) stolen  |
hoḍha | mfn. stolen goods on  |
hoḍha | Nom. A1. hoḍhate-, hoḍhāyate-  |
hoḍiman | m. (fr. prec.) gaRa pṛthv-ādi-.  |
hoḍṛ | (?) m. a robber, highway-robber  |
hohau | and hau- ind. vocative particles (used in calling and challenging)  |
hoiḍa | n. Name of a sāman-  |
hola | m. Name of a man  |
hola | m. plural a country belonging to udīcya-  |
holā | f. Name of a town  |
holā | f. the Holi festival  |
holaḍa | Name of places  |
holaka | m. half-ripe pulse cooked over a light fire  |
holāka | m. a kind of vapour-bath (induced over hot ashes for the cure of particular diseases, by sweating;also with sveda-)  |
holākā | f. See next. |
holākā | f. (perhaps from a cry or shout or sound in singing), the spring festival at the approach of the vernal equinox (commonly called Huli or holī-, and said to be dedicated to kṛṣṇa- and the gopī-s;it is celebrated during the ten days preceding the full moon of the month phālguna-, when people sprinkle red powder in sport and light fires;in some parts of India the holī- festival corresponds to or immediately precedes the dolā-yātrā- q.v)  |
holākhelana | n. the frolics practised at the holī- festival  |
holarā | Name of places  |
holasiṃha | m. Name of a man  |
holī | See above under holākā-.  |
holikā | f. the holī- festival (also applied to a rākṣasī- worshipped at it)  |
holikāmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
holikāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
holikāpūjā | m. Name of work  |
holikāpūjanā | f. Name of work  |
holikāvidhāna | n. Name of work  |
holikotpatti | f. Name of work  |
holinirṇaya | m. (prob. for holī-n-) Name of work  |
holīra | hosiṅga-kṛṣṇa-and hosiṭaka-bhaṭṭa- m. Name of authors  |
homa | m. the act of making an oblation to the deva-s or gods by casting clarified butter into the fire (See deva-yajña-and ) , oblation with fire, burnt-offering, any oblation or sacrifice (ayuta-h-,"a sacrifice of 10,000 burnt-offerings to the planets")  |
homabhāṇḍa | n. a sacrificial implement  |
homabhasman | n. the ashes of a burnt-offering  |
homadarpaṇavidhi | wrong reading for -tarp- (q.v) |
homadarvī | f. the sacrificial ladle  |
homadhānya | n. "sacrificial grain", sesamum  |
homadhenu | f. a cow yielding milk for an oblation  |
homadhūma | m. the smoke of a burnt-offering  |
homadravya | n. anything employed for a homa--sacrificial or oblation  |
homadravyapariṇāma | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāmaveda-.  |
homaduh | mfn. (a cow) giving milk for an oblation  |
homadvayaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homadvayasamāsaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homāgni | m. sacrificial fire  |
homaka | m. equals hotraka- (8 in number)  |
homakāla | m. the time of sacrifice  |
homakālātikramaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homakalpa | m. mode or manner of sacrificing,  |
homakarman | n. sacrificial act or rite  |
homakāṣṭhī | f. an implement for blowing on fire  |
homakuṇḍa | n. a hole in the ground for the sacred fire for oblations (equals agni-k-)  |
homalopaprāyaścittaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
homamantrabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
homānala | m. idem or 'm. sacrificial fire '  |
homanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
homapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
homaprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
homārjunī | f. equals homa-dhenu-  |
homaśālā | f. a chamber or place for keeping the sacred fire for oblations  |
homasvarottara | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
homatarpaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
homatattvavidhi | m. Name of work  |
homaturaṃga | m. the sacrificial horse  |
homavat | mfn. one who has offered an oblation or performed a sacrifice  |
homavelā | f. equals -kāla-  |
homavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
homavidhi | m. Name of work  |
homayūpa | m. the sacrificial post at the homa-  |
homendhana | n. sacrificial firewood  |
homi | m. fire  |
homi | m. clarified butter  |
homi | m. water  |
homin | mfn. offering, presenting an oblation of (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See kṣīra--, tila-h-etc.)  |
hominī | f. saṃjñāyām-  |
homīya | mfn. relating or belonging to or fit or destined for an oblation or sacrifice  |
homīyadravya | n. anything used for an oblation (as clarified butter)  |
homya | mfn. equals homīya-  |
homya | n. clarified butter  |
horā | f. (fr. Greek ) an hour (the 24th part of an aho-rātra-)  |
horā | f. the half of a zodiacal sign  |
horā | f. horoscope or horoscopy  |
horācūḍāmaṇi | m.  |
horādhyāya | (horādh-) m.  |
horākandarpajātaka | n.  |
horāmakaranda | m. Name of work  |
horāmakarandoharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
horāpradīpa | m. Name of work  |
horāprakaraṇa | (?) n.  |
horāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
horāratna | n. Name of work  |
horāsāra | m. n.  |
horāsārasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
horāśāstra | n. horoscopy, astrological science (also as Name of work)  |
horāśāstrārṇavasāra | mn. Name of work  |
horāśāstrasāra | mn. Name of work  |
horāśāstrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
horāṣaṭpañcāśikā | f.  |
horāsetu | m. Name of work  |
horāvid | mfn. versed in horoscopy  |
horilamiśra | m. Name of the author of a smṛti-saṃgraha-  |
horilasiṃha | m. Name of a man (perhaps equals prec.)  |
hoṣin | See pajra-hoṣin-.  |
hoṭā | f. varia lectio for hoḍhā-.  |
hotādhvaryū | m. dual number the hotṛ- and adhvaryu- Priests  |
hotāpotārau | m. dual number the hotṛ- and potṛ- priests  |
hotaryaja | the praiṣa- (q.v) consisting of the words hotar yaja-  |
hotavya | mf(ā-)n. to be offered or sacrificed etc.  |
hotavya | mf(ā-)n. to be sacrificed to or worshipped with sacrifices etc.  |
hotavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be sacrificed  |
hotāyakṣa | m. the praiṣa- (q.v) consisting of the words hotā yakṣat-  |
hotos | See 1. hu-.  |
hotṛ | m. (fr.1. hu-) an offerer of an oblation or burnt-offering (with fire), sacrificer, priest, (especially) a priest who at a sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the ṛg-veda-, a ṛg-veda- priest (one of the 4 kinds of officiating priestSee ṛtvij-,p.224;properly the hotṛ- priest has 3 assistants, sometimes called puruṣa-s, viz. the maitrā-varuṇa-, acchā-vāka-, and grāvastut-; to these are sometimes added three others, the brāhmaṇācchaṃsin-, agnīdhra- or agnīdh-, and potṛ-, though these last are properly assigned to the Brahman priest;sometimes the neṣṭṛ- is substituted for the grāva-stut-) etc.  |
hotṛ | m. Name of śiva-  |
hotṛ | mf(trī-)n. one who sacrifices (genitive case or compound), sacrificer  |
hotra | n. sacrificing, the function or office of the hotṛ-  |
hotra | n. a burnt-offering, oblation with fire, sacrifice  |
hotrā | f. See below.  |
hotrā | f. (for 2.See) the function or office of a priest (especially of the hotraka-s, also applied to the persons of the hotraka-s) :  |
hotrā | f. (for 1.See) calling, call, invocation (also personified)  |
hotrābhiḥ | ind. by good words  |
hotrācamasa | m. the ladle or other vessel used by the hotraka-s  |
hotraka | m. an inferior hotṛ- priest or an assistant of the hotṛ- (in a wider sense applied to all the chief priests; see under hotṛ-)  |
hotraka | m. Name of a son of kāñcana-  |
hotraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hotrāśāṃsin | m. "reciting the part of the hotṛ-", an assistant of the hotṛ-, hotraka-  |
hotravah | (or -v/āh-) mfn. bearing the sacrifice  |
hotravāhana | m. (idem or '(or -v/āh-) mfn. bearing the sacrifice ') Name of a Brahman and of a rājarṣi-  |
hotrāvid | mfn. knowing invocation  |
hotṛcamasa | m. the ladle or other vessel used by the hotṛ-  |
hotṛcamasīya | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
hotrī | See under hotṛ- above.  |
hotrin | See agni-hotrin-.  |
hotriya | n. the office or function of a priest  |
hotrīya | mfn. relating or belonging to the hotṛ- or the hotraka-s  |
hotrīya | n. equals havirgeha-  |
hotṛjapa | m. murmured recitation of the hotṛ-  |
hotṛka | m. equals hotraka-  |
hotṛkarman | n. the work or function of the hotṛ-  |
hotṛmat | (h/otṛ--) mfn. provided with a hotṛ-  |
hotṛpravara | m. election of a hotṛ- (also Name of work)  |
hotṛṣadana | (for -sad-) n. the hotṛ-'s seat or place where the hotṛ- sits at a sacrifice (said to be near the uttara-vedi-)  |
hotṛṣāman | n. Name of sāman-s  |
hotṛsaṃsthājapa | m. Name of a liturgical treatise.  |
hotṛtva | n. condition or office of the hotṛ-  |
hotṛvarya | ( ) n. election of the hotṛ-.  |
hotṛveda | m. the veda- id est ritual of the hotṛ-  |
hotṛvūrya | ( ) n. election of the hotṛ-.  |
hoturantevasin | m. the pupil of a hotṛ- priest  |
hotva | mfn. to be sacrificed or offered in sacrifice  |
hotvan | m. a sacrificer  |
abhicārahoma | m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.  |
abhighoṣam | ind. towards a station of herdsmen,  |
abhihoma | m. = abhi-hava-1  |
abhihotavai | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood to pour upon (an oblation)  |
abhoga | m. non-enjoyment  |
ābhoga | m. winding, curving, curve, crease etc.  |
ābhoga | m. a serpent  |
ābhoga | m. the expanded hood of the Cobra Capella (used by varuṇa- as his umbrella)  |
ābhoga | m. circuit, circumference, environs, extension, fulness, expanse etc.  |
ābhoga | m. variety, multifariousness  |
ābhoga | m. effort, pains  |
ābhoga | m. (for 2. ā-bhoga-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
ābhoga | m. (2. bhuj-), enjoyment, satiety, fulness, completion  |
ābhoga | m. Name of work  |
ābhoga | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' enjoying, eating  |
ābhoga | mfn. (for 1. ā-bhoga-See ā--1. bhuj-.)  |
ābhogaya | mfn. to be enjoyed  |
ābhogaya | m. [food, nourishment ]  |
abhogghan | m(Nominal verb plural -gh/anas-)fn. (fr. abhoj- equals /a-bhuñjat-), killing the stingy  |
ābhogi | f. food, nourishment  |
ābhogin | mfn. curved, bent  |
ābhogin | mfn. enjoying, eating  |
ābhogin | mfn. (for 1. ābhogin-See ā--1. bhuj-.)  |
ābhogin | 1 (also) of great extent,  |
abhogya | mfn. not to be enjoyed (v l. for a-bhoga- q.v)  |
abhogya | mfn. not to be enjoyed sexually  |
abhojana | n. not eating, fasting etc.  |
abhojana | n. plural idem or 'n. not eating, fasting etc.'  |
abhojin | mfn. not eating, fasting.  |
ābhojin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' eating, consuming  |
abhojita | mfn. not fed, not feasted.  |
abhojya | mfn. uneatable  |
abhojya | mfn. not to be eaten, prohibited as food etc.  |
abhojya | mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten  |
abhojyānna | mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten  |
abhoktavya | mfn. not to be enjoyed or used.  |
abhoktri | mfn. not enjoying, not using, abstemious.  |
abjabhoga | m. the root of a lotus  |
ācāryabhogīna | mfn. being advantageous or agreeable to a teacher, (gaRa kṣsubhnādi- q.v)  |
āccho | ( ā-cho-), -cchyati- (imperative 3. sg. -cchyatāt-,3. plural -cchyantu-) to skin, flay  |
acchoda | mfn. having clear water  |
acchodā | f. Name of a river  |
acchoda | n. Name of a lake in the himālaya- formed by the river acchodā-.  |
ācchodana | n. hunting, the chase (varia lectio ā-kṣod- q.v)  |
acchokti | f. invitation  |
ācchoṭita | mfn. pulled, torn  |
ācchoṭita | mfn. (from Causal of chuṭ-) torn off,  |
ādhibhoga | m. enjoyment or use of a deposit (use of a horse, cow, etc. when pledged)  |
adhibhojana | n. an additional gift  |
adhikaraṇabhojaka | m. a judge.  |
adhoakṣa | mfn. being below (or not coming up to) the axle  |
adhobāṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
adhobandhana | n. an under girth.  |
adhobhāga | m. the lower or lowest part, especially of the body.  |
adhobhāgadoṣahara | mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.  |
adhobhakta | n. a dose of medicine to be taken after eating.  |
adhobhava | mfn. lower.  |
adhobhūmi | f. lower ground  |
adhobhūmi | f. land at the foot of a hill.  |
adhobhuvana | n. the lower world. |
adhodāru | n. the under timber.  |
adhodeśa | m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body).  |
adhodiś | f. the lower region, the nadir.  |
adhodṛṣṭi | f. a downcast look  |
adhodṛṣṭi | mfn. having a downcast look.  |
adhodvāra | n. the anus, pudendum muliebre.  |
adhogama | m. descent, downward movement, degradation.  |
adhogamana | n. descent, downward movement, degradation.  |
adhogāmin | mfn. going downwards, descending.  |
adhogata | mfn. gone down, descended.  |
adhogati | f. descent, downward movement, degradation.  |
adhogati | mfn. going downwards, descending.  |
adhoghaṇṭā | f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera.  |
adhojānu | ind. below the knee  |
adhojihvikā | f. the uvula.  |
adhokṣaja | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
adhokṣaja | m. the sign śravaṇā-.  |
adhokṣam | ([ ]) ([ ]) ind. under the axle.  |
adhokṣeṇa | ([ ]) ind. under the axle.  |
adholamba | m. a plummet  |
adholamba | m. the perpendicular.  |
adholoka | m. the lower world.  |
adhomarman | n. the anus.  |
adhomayūkha | mfn. shining downwards,  |
adhoṃśuka | n. a lower garment,  |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. having the face downwards  |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. headlong  |
adhomukha | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. upside down  |
adhomukha | m. viṣṇu-  |
adhomukha | m. a division of hell  |
adhomukhā | f. the plant Premna Esculenta.  |
ādhomukhya | n. going downwards,  |
adhonābham | of  |
adhonābhi | ([ ]) ind. below the navel.  |
adhonāpita | m. the son of a karaṇa- and an ambaṣṭhā- (who catches fish),  |
adhoṅga | n. the anus  |
adhoṅga | n. pudendum muliebre.  |
adhonilaya | m. "lower abode", the lower regions, hell.  |
adhonīvī | f. having the girdle slipped down,  |
adhonivīta | mfn. having the sacred thread hanging down, (confer, compare )  |
adhopahāsa | (dh/as-up-) m. sexual intercourse  |
adhopara | n. the anus.  |
adhoraktapitta | n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra.  |
adhorāma | m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body)  |
ādhoraṇa | m. the rider or driver of an elephant  |
adhosrapitta | n. equals adhorakta-pitta- q.v  |
adhośvam | ind. under the horse  |
adhovadana | mfn. equals adho-mukha-.  |
adhovarcas | mfn. tumbling downwards  |
adhovaśa | m. pudendum muliebre.  |
adhovāsas | n. an under garment,  |
adhovāyu | m. vital air passing downwards  |
adhovāyu | m. breaking wind.  |
adhovekṣin | mfn. looking down.  |
adhoyantra | n. the lower part of an apparatus  |
adhoyantra | n. a still.  |
adhvagabhogya | m. "traveller's delight", the tree Spondias Mangifera.  |
adhyardhopā | f. an ūpā- and a half, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
aghodaka | n. (probably) the daily bath during the period of uncleanness,  |
aghora | mfn. not terrific  |
aghora | m. a euphemistic title of śiva-  |
aghora | m. a worshipper of śiva- and durgā-  |
aghorā | f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of bhādra-, which is sacred to śiva-.  |
aghoracakṣus | (/aghora--) mfn. not having an evil eye  |
aghoraghaṇṭa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of an adherent of a particular sect worshipping devī-, (confer, compare ).  |
aghoraghorarūpa | m. "having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific", Name of śiva-  |
aghoraghoratara | mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific  |
aghoramārga | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
aghorapathin | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
aghorapramāṇa | n. a terrific oath  |
aghos | ind. vocative case of agha-vat-, O sinner! See also  |
aghoṣa | m. (in grammar) "non-sonance, absence of all sound or soft murmur", hard articulation or effort as applied to the hard consonants and visarga-  |
aghoṣa | mfn. soundless, hard (as the hard consonants).  |
āghoṣa | m. calling out to, invocation  |
āghoṣa | m. proclaiming, boastful statement  |
āghoṣaṇā | f. public announcement  |
āghoṣayat | mfn. (Caus. p.) causing to sound  |
āghoṣayat | mfn. causing to proclaim aloud  |
āghoṣiṇī | f. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of demons, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
āghoṣita | mfn. proclaimed aloud  |
agnihoma | m. oblation put into the fire  |
agnihotṛ | (agn/i-) m. having agni- for a priest  |
agnihotra | mfn. (agn/i--) sacrificing to agni-  |
agnihotra | n. etc. oblation to agni- (chiefly of milk, oil, and sour gruel;there are two kinds of agnihotra-, one is nitya- id est of constant obligation, the other kāmya- id est optional)  |
agnihotra | n. the sacred fire etc.  |
agnihotradevatā | f. the deity of the agnihotra-  |
agnihotrahavanī | f. a spoon used at the agnihotra-  |
agnihotrahoma | m. a libation at the agnihotra-  |
agnihotrahut | mfn. offering the agnihotra-  |
agnihotrāhuti | f. a libation or offering at the agnihotra- ([ see āhuti-])  |
agnihotraprāyaṇa | mfn. beginning with the agni-hotra-,  |
agnihotrasthālī | f. a pot used at the agnihotra-  |
agnihotratva | n. the state of the agnihotra-  |
agnihotravelā | f. the time of the agni-hotra-,  |
agnihotrāvṛt | f. (See āvṛt-) the mere agnihotra- without recitation of Vedic formulas  |
agnihotrāyaṇin | mfn. one who offers only the agnihotra-  |
agnihotṛbrāhmaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Brahmans (who regard agni- as chief deity),  |
agnihotreṣṭi | f. a libation or offering at the agnihotra- ([ see iṣṭi-])  |
agnihotrī | f. the cow destined for the agnihotra-  |
āgnihotrika | mfn. belonging to the agnihotra- commentator or commentary on  |
agnihotrin | mfn. practising the agnihotra-, maintaining the sacrificial fire  |
agnihotrivatsa | m. her calf.  |
agnihotroccheṣaṇa | n. the remains of the agnihotra- ([ ])  |
agnihotrocchiṣṭa | n. the remains of the agnihotra- ([ ])  |
agniṣṭomahotra | n. title of a Vedic text.  |
āgrabhojanika | mfn. (fr. agrabhojana-), one to whom food is first offered commentator or commentary  |
agrabhojya | mfn. enjoying the best of anything,  |
aho | (instead of ahā-[ equals /ahar-]in compound before the letter r-).  |
aho | ind. a particle (implying joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue, discontent, compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise see ) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling ) Ho! Halo! (of contempt) Pshaw! Often combined with other particles of similar signification, as aho dhik- or dhig aho-, aho bata-, etc.  |
āho | ind. (gaRa cādi- ) an interjection, of asking and of doubt,"Is it so?"  |
ahobala | m. Name of a commentator  |
ahobala | m. Name of a place.  |
ahobala | m. Name (also title or epithet) of various authors (also with śāstrin- or sūri-),  |
ahoma | m. no oblation  |
ahopuruṣikā | f. for āho-pur- q.v  |
āhopuruṣikā | f. (gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- ) boasting of one's manliness or military prowess  |
āhopuruṣikā | f. vaunting of one's power  |
ahorathantara | n. commentator or commentary  |
ahoratna | n. equals ahar-maṇi- above  |
ahorātra | m. [pl. ; dual number & ; sg. or plural etc.] or n. [pl. etc.; dual number etc.; sg. or dual number or plural etc.] equals ahar-nisa- (q.v), a day and night, (having twenty-four hours or thirty muhūrta-s)  |
ahorātra | See  |
ahorātram | ind. day and night, continually  |
ahorūpa | n. commentator or commentary  |
ahorūpa | See  |
āhosvit | ind. an interrogative particle (often after kim- exempli gratia, 'for example' kim īśvarānapekṣikam āho svid īśvarāpekṣam-,"is it independent of God or dependent on God?")  |
ahotṛ | mfn. not sacrificing, not competent to sacrifice  |
ahovīrya | m. Name of a man  |
ahovīrya | See 2. aho-.  |
ājyahoma | m. an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
akālameghodaya | m. unseasonable rising of clouds or mist.  |
akarmabhoga | m. enjoyment of freedom from action.  |
akaṭhora | mfn. not hard, weak.  |
ākhoṭa | m. (equals akṣoṭa- q.v) the walnut tree  |
ākhoṭakatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-,  |
ākhoṭaśīrṣaka | n. a kind of pavement  |
āmanahoma | m. an offering at which the above two verses of the are spoken  |
ambho | (in compound for ambhas-).  |
ambhoda | m. a cloud  |
ambhoda | m. the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis Nees.  |
ambhodhara | m. a cloud  |
ambhodhi | m. "receptacle of waters", the ocean  |
ambhogarbha | mfn. containing water (as a cloud),  |
ambhoja | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "water-born", the day lotus  |
ambhoja | m. the plant Calamus Rotang  |
ambhoja | m. the sārasa- or Indian crane  |
ambhojabandhu | m. "lotus-friend"the sun,  |
ambhojajanman | m. Name of brahma- (born in a lotus).  |
ambhojakhaṇḍa | n. a group of lotus flowers  |
ambhojanmajani | m. (equals ja-janman-) brahmā-  |
ambhojanman | n. (equals -ja-) "water-born", the lotus  |
ambhojavadanā | f. a lotus-faced woman,  |
ambhojayoni | m. idem or 'm. "lotus-friend"the sun, '  |
ambhojinī | f. the lotus plant etc.  |
ambhojinī | f. an assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they abound, (gaRa puṣ karādi- q.v)  |
ambhomuc | m. "water-shedder", a cloud  |
ambhonidhi | m. the ocean.  |
ambhonīdhi | the ocean.  |
ambhorāśi | m. =  |
ambhoruh | n. "water-growing", the lotus.  |
ambhoruha | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) idem or 'n. "water-growing", the lotus.' etc.  |
ambhoruha | m. (equals -ja-m.) the Indian crane  |
ambhoruha | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
ameghopaplava | mfn. not covered with clouds,  |
aṃholiṅga | mfn. characterized by the word aṃhas- (said of a series of texts),  |
aṃhomuc | mfn. delivering from distress  |
aṃhoyu | mfn. troublesome  |
amṛṣṭabhojin | mfn. not eating delicate food or dainties (see 1. mṛṣṭa-)  |
amṛtabhojana | mfn. one who eats the residue of a sacrifice  |
amṛtasahodara | m. "brother of Nectar", a horse (see -bandhu-)  |
anābhoga | mfn. having or offering no enjoyments,  |
anācāryabhogīna | mfn. unfit or improper for a spiritual teacher to eat or enjoy.  |
anāgamopabhoga | m. enjoyment of such property.  |
analpaghoṣa | mfn. very clamorous, very noisy.  |
aṅgulisphoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers.  |
animantritabhojin | mfn. eating without being invited.  |
annahoma | m. a sacrifice connected with the aśvamedha-  |
anubhoga | m. (in law) enjoyment, a grant of hereditary land in return for service.  |
anuccho | ( cho-) cl.4 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -chya-) to cut open or cut up  |
anuhoḍa | m. a cart (?), (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v)  |
anuhoma | m. after-oblation,  |
aparibhogam | ind. without being eaten,  |
apsuhomya | m. Name of a man  |
araṇyagholī | f. Name of a vegetable  |
ardhocchiṣṭa | mfn. having the half left,  |
ardhodaya | m. half (id est partial) rising of the sun or the moon.  |
ardhodita | mfn. (fr. 1. ud-ita-) half risen  |
ardhodita | mfn. (fr. 2. udita-) half-uttered.  |
ardhokta | mfn. half, uttered, said imperfectly or indistinctly.  |
ardhokti | f. "half-speech", speaking incompletely, broken or interrupted speech.  |
ardhona | mf(ā-)n. diminished by half a short syllable  |
ardhopā | f. half an ūpā-, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ardhoruka | mfn. reaching to the middle of the thighs  |
ardhoruka | n. a short petticoat  |
arśoghora | mfn. destroying hemorrhoids  |
arśoghora | m. the plant Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
arśoghora | m. one part of buttermilk with three parts of water  |
arśoghorī | f. the plant Curculigo Archioides Lin.  |
arthoddyotanikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on by rāghava-bhaṭṭa-.  |
arthopakṣepaka | mfn. "indicating or suggesting a matter (so as to facilitate the understanding of the plot)", a N. applied to the parts of a drama called viṣkambha-, cūlikā-, aṅkāsya-, aṅkāvatāra-, and praveśaka-, qq.vv.  |
arthopakṣepaṇa | n. suggesting or indicating a matter  |
arthopama | n. a simile which merely states the object of comparison (without adding the tertium comparationis or any particle of comparison exempli gratia, 'for example'"he is a lion", said in praise)  |
arthopārjana | n. equals arthārjana- above.  |
arthoṣman | m. glow or pride of wealth, condition of being wealthy  |
arthotpāda | m. (in rhetoric), production of a (different) sense, putting words in an artificial order so that they give a different sense.  |
arthotsarga | m. expenditure of money  |
āruṇihotṛ | mfn. having āruṇi- as hotṛ- priest  |
asaṃbhoga | m. non-enjoyment  |
asaṃbhoga | m. absence of sexual union  |
asaṃbhojya | mfn. one with whom one ought not to eat  |
asarvahoma | m. not offering the whole of an oblation (keeping back a portion),  |
askṛdhoyu | mfn. (see kṛdh/u-), not deficient, abundant  |
āsphoṭa | m. (andf(ā-). ) moving or flapping to and fro  |
āsphoṭa | m. quivering, trembling, shaking  |
āsphoṭa | m. the sound of clapping or striking on the arms (as made by combatants, wrestlers, etc.)  |
āsphoṭa | m. a species of plant  |
āsphota | m. (probably for ā-sphoṭa-above) , Name of several plants, viz. Calotropis Gigantea ( ), Bahinia Variegata, Echites Dichotoma  |
āsphotā | f. Name of several plants, viz. Jasminum Sambac ( ), Clitoria Ternatea (of two kinds, with white and blue flowers ), Echites Frutescens, Echites Dichotoma  |
āsphoṭaka | m. a species of plant  |
āsphotaka | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
āsphoṭana | n. shaking, moving to and fro  |
āsphoṭana | n. slapping or clapping the arms or the noise made by it  |
āsphoṭana | n. stretching  |
āsphoṭana | n. blowing, expanding  |
āsphoṭana | n. closing, sealing  |
āsphoṭanī | f. a gimlet or auger  |
aśrāddhabhojin | mfn. one who has taken a vow not to eat during the performance of the śrāddha- ceremonies  |
aṣṭabhoga | (a fiscal term),  |
astrīsambhogin | mfn. not enjoying women (by sexual intercourse) commentator or commentary on  |
asukhodarka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing or ending in unhappiness '  |
asukhodaya | mfn. causing or ending in unhappiness  |
aśvaghoṣa | m. Name of a Buddhist patriarch.  |
aśvaghoṣa | , m. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of the buddha-carita- (2nd or 3rd cent. D.)  |
aśvaśākhoṭa | m. Name of a plant.  |
aśvattthodyāpana | n. the ceremony of raising a bank of earth round a holy fig-tree,  |
atathocita | mfn. not deserving of such (a fate), not used to this (with genitive case)  |
atho | ind. (equals atha-above) , now  |
atho | ind. likewise  |
atho | ind. next  |
atho | ind. therefore.  |
athovā | ind. equals atha-vā-  |
atibhojana | n. eating too much  |
atibhojana | n. morbid voracity.  |
atikaṭhora | mfn. very hard, too hard.  |
ātmaghoṣa | m. "uttering one's own name", a crow  |
ātmaghoṣa | m. a cock  |
avaccho | ( cho-), (ind.p. -cchāya-) to cut off ; to skin  |
avaghoṣa | m. See jayāvaghoṣa-.  |
avaghoṣaṇa | n. proclaiming  |
avaghoṣaṇā | f. announcement, publication,  |
avaghoṭita | mfn. ( ghuṭ-), (said of a palanquin)"covered"or,"cushioned (?)"  |
avasphoṭana | n. cracking the fingers,  |
āvirhotra | m. Name of a man  |
ayathocita | mfn. unsuitable  |
ayathoktam | ind. not in accordance with what has been stated  |
āyurmahodadhi | m. Name of work  |
āyuṣyahoma | m. Name of a kind of oblation  |
ayutahoma | m. Name of a sacrifice  |
baddhodyama | mfn. making united efforts  |
baddhotsava | mfn. enjoying a festival or holiday  |
bahubhogyā | f. "to be enjoyed by many", a courtesan, prostitute  |
bahubhojaka | mfn. eating much  |
bahubhojana | wrong reading for -bhojaka-.  |
bahubhojin | mfn. eating much, voracious ( bahubhojitā ji-tā- f.) on  |
bahubhojitā | f. bahubhojin |
bahubhoktṛ | m. a great eater  |
bāhyasambhoga | m. "external coition", (prob.) gratification of sexual passion outside the vulva  |
bālabhojya | n. "children's food", pease  |
bālagrahopaśamana | n. Name of work  |
balibhoja | m. a crow (see bhuj-).  |
balibhojana | m. a crow (see bhuj-).  |
balihoma | m. the offering of oblations  |
barhirhoma | m. an oblation (prepared) for the sacrificial grass  |
bhadantaghoṣaka | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhagīrathopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter xxxv of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bhakṣyabhojyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of food of all kinds  |
bhakṣyabhojyavihāravat | mfn. furnished with various kinds of food and places of refection  |
bhaktimahodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhavabhoga | (in the beginning of a compound) the pleasures or enjoyments of the world,  |
bhīṣmagarjitaghoṣasvararāja | m. Name of a number of buddha-s  |
bho | See bhos-, .  |
bho | in compound for bhos-.  |
bhobhāva | m. the nature of bhoh-  |
bhobhavatpūrvakam | ind. with bhoḥ- and bhavat- preceding  |
bhoga | m. (1. bhuj-) any winding or curve, coil (of a serpent) etc.  |
bhoga | m. the expanded hood of a snake  |
bhoga | m. a particular kind of military array  |
bhoga | m. a snake  |
bhoga | m. the body  |
bhoga | m. (3. bhuj-) enjoyment, eating, feeding on etc. etc. (with jaina-s"enjoying once" , as opp. to upa-bhoga-, q.v)  |
bhoga | m. use, application etc.  |
bhoga | m. fruition, usufruct, use of a deposit etc.  |
bhoga | m. sexual enjoyment etc.  |
bhoga | m. enjoyment of the earth or of a country id est rule, sway  |
bhoga | m. experiencing, feeling, perception (of pleasure or pain) etc.  |
bhoga | m. profit, utility, advantage, pleasure, delight etc.  |
bhoga | m. any object of enjoyment (as food, a festival etc.)  |
bhoga | m. possession, property, wealth, revenue etc.  |
bhoga | m. hire, wages (especially of prostitution)  |
bhoga | m. (in astronomy) the passing through a constellation  |
bhoga | m. the part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 lunar mansions  |
bhoga | m. (in arithmetic) the numerator of a fraction (?)  |
bhoga | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhogā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
bhoga | n. wrong reading for bhogya- or bhāgya-.  |
bhogabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a poet  |
bhogabhṛtaka | m. a servant who works only for maintenance  |
bhogabhuj | mfn. enjoying pleasures  |
bhogabhuj | m. a wealthy man  |
bhogabhūmi | f. "fruition-land", the place where people enjoy the reward of their works (opp. to karmabh-,land of works)  |
bhogadā | f. "granting enjoyments", Name of the goddess of the piṅgala-s |
bhogadattā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhogadeha | m. "the body of feeling"(the intermediate body which a dead person acquires through the śrāddha- after cremation, and with which, according to his works, he either enjoys happiness or suffers misery see adhiṣṭhāna-d-, sambhogakāya-)  |
bhogadeva | m. Name of a man  |
bhogādhi | m. a pledge or deposit which may be used until redeemed  |
bhogagrāma | m. Name of a village  |
bhogagṛha | n. "pleasure-chamber", the women's apartments, harem on  |
bhogaguccha | n. hire of prostitution  |
bhogajāta | mfn. produced by enjoyment or by suffering  |
bhogakara | mf(ī-)n. producing or affording enjoyment  |
bhogakārikā | f. Name of work  |
bhogakarman | m. (with kāśmīra-), Name of a poet (equals bhogi-varman-).  |
bhogalābha | m. "acquisition of profit", welfare  |
bhogalābha | m. the gain or profit made by the use of anything deposited or pledged  |
bhogamālinī | f. Name of a dik-kanyā-  |
bhogamaṇḍapa | m. the part of the Jagan-nath temple where the food for offerings is cooked  |
bhogaṃkarā | f. Name of a dik-kanyā-  |
bhoganātha | m. a nourisher, supporter  |
bhoganidhi | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
bhogānta | m. the end of enjoyment or of suffering  |
bhogapāla | m. a groom (see bhogika-).  |
bhogapati | m. "revenue-lord", the governor of a town or province  |
bhogapiśācikā | f. hunger  |
bhogaprastha | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhogārha | mfn. fit for enjoyments, to be enjoyed or possessed  |
bhogārha | n. property, money  |
bhogārhya | n. corn, grain  |
bhogasadman | n. "seat or abode of pleasure", the women's apartments  |
bhogasaṃkrāntividhi | m. Name of a section of the bhaviṣyottara- purāṇa-.  |
bhogasena | m. Name of a man  |
bhogasthāna | n. the body  |
bhogasthāna | n. the women's apartments  |
bhogasvāmin | m. Name of a man  |
bhogatṛṣṇā | f. desire of worldly enjoyments  |
bhogatṛṣṇā | f. selfish enjoyments,  |
bhogatva | n. the state of being curved or winding, curvedness  |
bhogāvalī | f. the panegyric of professional encomiasts or bards  |
bhogāvalī | f. wrong reading for bhogāvatī-  |
bhogāvalivṛtti | f. Name of work  |
bhogavardhana | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhogavarman | m. Name of various men  |
bhogāvāsa | m. "abode of pleasure", the women's apartments  |
bhogāvāsā | f. a sleeping-room  |
bhogavastu | n. an object of enjoyment  |
bhogavat | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) furnished with windings or curves or rings, ringed, coiled (as a serpent)  |
bhogavat | mfn. furnished with a hood (see mahā-bh-)  |
bhogavat | mfn. a serpent or serpent-demon  |
bhogavat | mfn. (for 1.See column 2) furnished with enjoyments, having or offering enjoyments, delightful, happy, prosperous  |
bhogavat | m. dancing, mimics  |
bhogavat | m. Name of satya-bhāmā-'s residence  |
bhogavat | m. Name of ujjayinī- in the dvāpara- age  |
bhogavat | m. of a town  |
bhogavat | m. of a dik-kanyā-  |
bhogavat | m. of work  |
bhogavatī | f. a serpent-nymph  |
bhogavatī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhogavatī | f. the city of the serpent-demons in the subterranean regions (also gā-vatī- )  |
bhogavatī | f. the sacred river of the serpent-demons (or a tīrtha- in that river sacred to the serpent-king vāsuki-)  |
bhogavatī | f. the night of the 2nd lunar day  |
bhogāyatana | n. a place of enjoyments,  |
bhogeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place (wrong reading for bhogīśv-?) .  |
bhogi | in compound for 1. bhogin-.  |
bhogibhuj | m. "serpent-eater", an ichneumon  |
bhogigandhikā | f. a species of ichneumon plant  |
bhogika | m. a horse-keeper, groom (equals bhogapāla-)  |
bhogika | m. a chief of a village  |
bhogikānta | m. "dear to serpents", air, wind  |
bhogin | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) furnished with windings or curves or rings, curved, ringed (as a serpent) etc.  |
bhogin | m. a serpent or serpent-demon etc.  |
bhogin | m. a kind of shrub  |
bhogin | mfn. (for 1.See column 2) enjoying, eating  |
bhogin | mfn. having or offering enjoyments, devoted to enjoyments, wealthy, opulent etc.  |
bhogin | mfn. suffering, experiencing, undergoing  |
bhogin | mfn. using, possessing  |
bhogin | m. a voluptuary  |
bhogin | m. a king  |
bhogin | m. the head man of a village  |
bhogin | m. a barber  |
bhogin | m. equals vaiyāvṛtti-kara- (?)  |
bhogin | m. a person who accumulates money for a particular expenditure  |
bhogin | m. Name of a prince  |
bhogin | m. the concubine of a king or a wife not regularly consecrated with him  |
bhogīna | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') vArttika 1 and 2 (see pitṛ-bhogīṇa-, mātṛ-bh-).  |
bhoginandana | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhogīndra | m. "serpent-king", Name of ananta-  |
bhogīndra | m. of patañjali-  |
bhogīndranandana | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhogīndratanaya | m. patronymic of śāli-vāhana-  |
bhoginī | f. a serpent nymph  |
bhoginī | f. a kind of heroine  |
bhogipura | n. the city of serpent-demons  |
bhogīśa | m. "serpent-king", Name of ananta- and śeṣa-  |
bhogivallabha | n. "dear to serpent", kind of sandal  |
bhogya | See p.767.  |
bhogya | mfn. to be enjoyed, to be used (in the sense"to be eaten"bhojya-is more common), what may be enjoyed or used, useful, profitable etc.  |
bhogya | mfn. to be endured or suffered  |
bhogya | mfn. (in astronomy) to be passed  |
bhogyā | f. a harlot  |
bhogya | n. an object of enjoyment, possession, money  |
bhogya | n. corn, grain  |
bhogya | n. a precious stone  |
bhogyādhi | m. equals -bhogādhi- above.  |
bhogyārha | n. corn, grain (see bhogārhya-).  |
bhogyatā | f. ( ) ( ) the state of being used, usefulness, profitableness, enjoyableness.  |
bhogyatva | n. ( ) the state of being used, usefulness, profitableness, enjoyableness.  |
bhoḥ | in compound for bhos-.  |
bhohara | (?) m. Name of a poet  |
bhoḥśabda | m. the word bhoḥ-  |
bhoj | mfn. in a-bhog-gh/an- q.v  |
bhoja | mfn. bestowing enjoyment, bountiful, liberal  |
bhoja | mfn. enjoying, leading a life of enjoyment  |
bhoja | m. a king with uncommon qualities  |
bhoja | m. (plural) Name of a country (near the vindhya- mountain) or of a people (the descendants of mahā-bhoja-) etc.  |
bhoja | m. a king of the bhoja-s  |
bhoja | m. Name of bhoja-deva- (q.v)  |
bhoja | m. of various kings and other men etc.  |
bhoja | m. equals bhoja-kaṭa- q.v  |
bhojā | f. a princess of the bhoja-s (varia lectio bhojyā-)  |
bhoja | m. Name of the wife of vīra-vrata-  |
bhoja | m. a cowherd  |
bhojacampū | f. Name of work  |
bhojacaritra | n. Name of work  |
bhojadeva | m. Name of a celebrated king of dhārā- (who was a great patron of learning at the beginning of the 11th century, and is the reputed author of several works., especially of a commentator or commentary on the yoga-sūtra-s see ) etc.  |
bhojadeva | m. of a king of kaccha-  |
bhojadevaśabdānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
bhojādhipa | m. "king of the bhoja-s", Name of kaṃsa- of karṇa- (the half brother of the pāṇḍu-s)  |
bhojādhirāja | m. a king of the Bhojpur  |
bhojaduhitṛ | f. a princess of the Bhojpur Va1rtt. 9  |
bhojaka | mfn. eating (See bahu-bh-)  |
bhojaka | mfn. being about to eat  |
bhojaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) giving to eat, nourishing  |
bhojaka | m. (perhaps) a waiter at table  |
bhojaka | m. Name of a class of priests (or Sun-worshippers, supposed to be descended from the maga-s by intermarriage with women of the bhoja- race)  |
bhojaka | m. an astrologer  |
bhojaka | m. Name of a king  |
bhojakanyā | f. a girl of the race of the bhoja-s  |
bhojakaṭa | n. Name of a town  |
bhojakaṭa | n. the country of bhoja- (the present Bhojpur, or the vicinity of Patna and Bhagalpur)  |
bhojakaṭa | m. plural the inhabitants of the town of bhoja-kaṭa- |
bhojakaṭīya | m. plural the inhabitants of bhojakaṭa-  |
bhojakulapradīpa | m. "lamp of the race of Bhojpur", Name of a king of vidarbha-  |
bhojana | mf(ī-)n. feeding, giving to eat (said of śiva-)  |
bhojana | mf(ī-)n. voracious  |
bhojana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhojana | n. the act of enjoying, using  |
bhojana | n. the act of eating (exceptionally with accusative of object) etc.  |
bhojana | n. a meal, food (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,"feeding on","affording anything as food","serving as food for"; tridvyekabhojana tridvy-eka-bh/ojana- mfn."taking food every 3rd day, every 2nd day and every day")  |
bhojana | n. anything enjoyed or used, property, possession  |
bhojana | n. enjoyment, any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it  |
bhojana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of giving to eat, feeding (varia lectio)  |
bhojana | n. dressing food, cooking  |
bhojanabhāṇḍa | n. a dish of meat  |
bhojanabhūmi | f. a place for eating  |
bhojanācchādana | n. food and raiment  |
bhojanādhikāra | m. superintendence over food or provisions, the office of a master of the kitchen  |
bhojanagara | n. Name of a town  |
bhojanagṛha | n. a dining-room  |
bhojanaka | m. a species of plant commentator or commentary  |
bhojanakāla | m. meal-time  |
bhojanakastūrī | f. Name of work  |
bhojanakīsmṛti | f. Name of work  |
bhojanakutūhala | n. Name of work on culinary art,  |
bhojananda | m. Name of an author (rather bhajanānanda-).  |
bhojanarendra | m. Name of bhoja-deva-, king of dhārā-  |
bhojanārthin | mfn. desirous of food, hungry  |
bhojanasamaya | m. meal-time  |
bhojanasūtra | n. Name of work  |
bhojanatyāga | m. abstinence from food, fasting  |
bhojanavelā | f. plural course or act of eating, a meal  |
bhojanavelā | f. meal-time  |
bhojanavidhi | m. "the ceremony of dining", Name of various works. (see ) .  |
bhojanaviśeṣa | m. choice food, a dainty, delicacy  |
bhojanavṛtti | f. plural course or act of eating, a meal  |
bhojanavyagra | mfn. occupied or engaged in eating  |
bhojanavyagra | mfn. distressed or straitened for want of food  |
bhojanavyaya | m. expenditure for food  |
bhojanidhi | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
bhojanīya | See p.767.  |
bhojanīya | mfn. to be eaten, eatable (See n.)  |
bhojanīya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be fed, to be made to eat  |
bhojanīya | mfn. one to whom enjoyment is to be afforded or service to be done  |
bhojanīya | n. food (especially what is not masticated, as opp. to khādanīya-)  |
bhojanīya | n. sea salt  |
bhojanīyamṛta | mfn. one who has died from indigestion commentator or commentary  |
bhojanottara | mf(ā-)n. to be taken after a meal (as pills)  |
bhojanṛpati | m. equals -narendra-  |
bhojāntā | f. Name of a river  |
bhojapati | m. the king of the bhoja-s, king bhoja-  |
bhojapati | m. Name of kaṃsa-  |
bhojapati | m. equals -rāja-  |
bhojapitṛ | m. the father of a king  |
bhojaprabandha | m. Name of work (celebrating the deeds of king bhoja- )  |
bhojaprabandhasāra | m. Name of work (celebrating the deeds of king bhoja- )  |
bhojapura | n. ( ) ( ) Name of towns.  |
bhojapurī | f. ( ) Name of towns.  |
bhojaputrī | f. a princess of the bhoja-s Va1rtt. 9  |
bhojarāja | m. the king of the bhoja-s  |
bhojarāja | m. Name of kaṃsa-  |
bhojarāja | m. of bhoja-deva- (king of dhārā-, above)  |
bhojarājakavivarga | m. Name of work  |
bhojarājaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
bhojarājasaccarita | n. Name of work  |
bhojarājavārttika | n. Name of work  |
bhojarājavijaya | m. Name of work  |
bhojarājavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
bhojarājīya | mfn. relating to or coming from bhoja-rāja-  |
bhojas | See puru-bh/ojas-, viśv/a-bh-, su-bh/ojas- (see bh/ojase-under 3. bhuj-,) .  |
bhojasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
bhojavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhojayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made to eat, to be fed  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to enjoy or eat, feeding  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. one who makes another enjoy or feel anything  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. a promoter of enjoyment or amusement  |
bhojayitvā | ind. having caused to eat, having fed, |
bhojendra | m. a king of the bhoja-s  |
bhojika | m. Name of a Brahman  |
bhojin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') enjoying, eating etc.  |
bhojin | mfn. using, possessing  |
bhojin | mfn. exploiting (see a-śrāddha-bh-, griha-bh-, bhujaṃgabh-, saha-bh-).  |
bhojya | See p.767.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or eaten, eatable, what is enjoyed or eaten, (especially) what may be eaten without mastication etc.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or used etc.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed sexually  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or felt  |
bhojya | mfn. to be suffered or experienced  |
bhojya | mfn. to be fed, one to whom food must be given  |
bhojya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made to eat, to be fed  |
bhojya | m. plural Name of a people (prob. wrong reading for bhoja-)  |
bhojyā | f. a procuress  |
bhojya | m. a princess of the bhoja-s (see bhojā-)  |
bhojya | n. anything to be enjoyed or eaten, nourishment, food etc.  |
bhojya | n. the act of eating, a meal  |
bhojya | n. a festive dinner  |
bhojya | n. a dainty  |
bhojya | n. a feast a store of provisions, eatables , enjoyment, advantage, profit  |
bhojyakāla | m. eating time, meal-time  |
bhojyamaya | mfn. See bhakṣya-bhojya-maya-.  |
bhojyānna | mfn. one whose food may be eaten  |
bhojyasambhava | m. "having its origin in food", chyle, chyme, the primary juice of the body (see rasa-)  |
bhojyatā | f. ( ) the condition of being eaten, the state of being food (tāṃyā-,to become food) .  |
bhojyatva | n. ( ) the condition of being eaten, the state of being food (tāṃyā-,to become food) .  |
bhojyoṣṇa | mfn. too hot to be eaten  |
bhokṣyaka | m. Name of a people  |
bhokṣyaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhoktavya | mfn. to be enjoyed or eaten etc.  |
bhoktavya | mfn. to be used or employed  |
bhoktavya | mfn. to be possessed or governed or ruled  |
bhoktavya | mfn. to be utilized or exploited  |
bhoktavya | mfn. to be fed (n. impersonal or used impersonally"a meal is to be eaten")  |
bhoktavya | tṛ- See .  |
bhoktṛ | m. (f(trī-)) one who enjoys or eats, enjoyer, eater, experiencer, feeler, sufferer etc. (also as future of3. bhuj- )  |
bhoktṛ | m. a possessor, ruler of a land, king, prince  |
bhoktṛ | m. a husband, lover  |
bhoktṛśakti | f. the faculty of the soul as the enjoyer and possessor of nature  |
bhoktṛtva | n. the state of being an enjoyer etc., enjoyment, possession, perception  |
bhola | m. the son of a vaiśya- and of a naṭī-  |
bholānātha | m. Name of śiva-  |
bholānātha | m. of an author  |
bholi | m. a camel  |
bhomīrā | f. coral  |
bhoṃsala | m. Name of a royal family of Tanjore  |
bhoṃsalavaṃśāvalī | f. Name of a campū-  |
bhos | (fr. bhavas- vocative case of bhavat- q.v;before vowels and soft consonants bho-;before hard consonants bhos-and bhoḥ-;the latter form also in pause see ;but there is occasional confusion of these forms, especially in later literature;often also bhobhoḥ-.), an interjection or vocative case particle commonly used in addressing another person or several persons = O! Ho! Hallo l, in soliloquies = alas! etc. etc. (according to a particle of sorrow and of interrogation).  |
bhoskāra | m. rules of address  |
bhoṭa | m. Name of a country, bhoṭa- Tibet (see mahā-bh-and ) .  |
bhota | wrong reading for bhoṭa-.  |
bhoṭadeśa | m. the country of bhoṭa-  |
bhoṭago | m. "the Tibetan ox", Bos Gavaeus  |
bhoṭāṅga | m. Name of a country, Bhutan  |
bhoṭānta | m. Name of a country (see prec.)  |
bhoṭīya | mfn. Tibetan  |
bhoṭīyakośī | f. Name of a river  |
bhovādin | mfn. saying bhoḥ-  |
bhujagabhojin | m. "serpent-eater", a peacock  |
bhujagābhojin | m. equals gāśana-  |
bhujaṃgabhogin | m. "id.", a peacock (varia lectio -bhojin-).  |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. idem or 'm. "id.", a peacock (varia lectio -bhojin-).'  |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. a kind of snake.  |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. Name of garuḍa-  |
bhujasambhoga | m. "union of arms", an embrace  |
bhuktabhoga | mf(ā-)n. made use of, used, enjoyed  |
bhuktabhoga | mf(ā-)n. one who has enjoyed an enjoyment or suffered a suffering  |
bhuktabhogya | mf(ā-)n. of which, that which is to be enjoyed has been enjoyed (varia lectio -bhoga-).  |
bhūribhoja | mfn. having many enjoyments  |
bhūsphoṭa | m. "earth-blister", a mushroom  |
bhūtabālagrahonmāda | m. madness produced by the action of bhūta-s or demons inimical to children  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. murmur (arising from the recital) of prayers (also plural) (also brahmaghoṣarava ṣa-rava- m. )  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. the sacred word or text, the veda-  |
brahmaghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
brahmaghoṣarava | m. brahmaghoṣa |
brāhmāhorātra | m. a day and night of brahmā- (a period of 2000 ages of the gods or 2 kalpa-sof mortals) (see )  |
brāhmaṇabhojana | n. the feeding of brāhmaṇa- (as a religious act)  |
brāhmaṇabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāmahodadhi | m. Name of work  |
bṛhacchoka | (hac-+ śo-) mfn. being in great sorrow  |
bṛhaddhomapaddhati | (d-ho-) f. Name of work  |
bṛhallakṣahoma | m. a particular oblation  |
buddhaghoṣa | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar (who lived at the beginning of the 5th century A.D.;the name is not found in Sanskrit works)  |
buddhoktasaṃsārāmaya | m. Name of work  |
buddhopāsaka | m. (f(ikā-).) a worshipper of buddha-  |
caṇabhojin | m. "eating chick-pease", a horse  |
caṇḍaghoṣa | m. Name of a man |
cārughoṇa | mfn. handsome-nosed  |
caruhoma | m. offering the caru- oblation  |
caturhotṛ | m. (c/at-) sg. or plural Name of a litany (recited at the new-moon and full-moon sacrifice)  |
caturhotṛ | m. (see -hotra-) Name of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio for -netṛ-)  |
caturhotra | m. (see tṛ-) viṣṇu-  |
caturhotra | m. varia lectio for anuha-  |
caturhotra | m. for cāt- q.v  |
cāturhotra | mfn. performed by the 4 chief priests (hotṛ-, adhvaryu-, udgātṛ-, and brahman-) Introd.  |
cāturhotra | n. a sacrifice performed by 4 priests (varia lectio cat-) (varia lectio catur-hotraka-)  |
cāturhotra | n. the duties of the 4 chief priests  |
cāturhotra | n. the 4 chief priests (collectively)  |
caturhotraka | for cāturhotra- q.v  |
cāturhotriya | mfn. attended by 4 chief priests (agni-)  |
cāturhotrīyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a particular chapter (called brāhmaṇa-)  |
cāturhotṛka | mf(ī-)n. ( ) relating to the catur-hotṛ- service  |
caturhotṛtva | n. the condition of the caturhotṛ- litany  |
caturoghottīrṇa | mfn. one who has passed across the 4 floods (Buddha)  |
caturthodāttatama | mfn. "reciting the 4th as the highest tone (or accent)", said of a particular way of reciting the  |
cho | cl.4. chyati- ( ; perf. 3. plural cacchur- see Va1rtt. 2 ; Aorist acchāt-and acchāsīt-, ) to cut off, cut : Causal chāyayati- ; see anu--, ava--, ā--.  |
choja | Name of a man  |
cholaṅga | m. the citron tree  |
cholaṅga | n. a citron  |
choraṇa | n. abandoning  |
chorana | rita-. See chur-. |
chorita | mfn. abandoned, thrown away  |
chorita | mfn.  |
chorita | mfn. drawn (a sigh)  |
choṭana | n. cutting off  |
choṭana | ṭi-, etc. See chuṭ-.  |
choṭi | varia lectio for ṭin-, 1  |
choṭikā | f. snapping the thumb and forefinger,  |
choṭin | m. a fisherman (varia lectio ṭi-).  |
choṭita | mfn. cut off  |
choṭita | mfn. see ā-cch-.  |
cittābhoga | m. full consciousness  |
dadhigharmahoma | m. idem or 'm. a warm oblation of d/adhi- '  |
dagdhodara | n. equals dha-jaṭhara-  |
daityāhorātra | m. a day and night of the daitya-s (= a year of man)  |
daivyahotṛ | m. plural the divine priests (see above)  |
dākṣiṇahoma | m. the oblation connected with the sacrificial fee  |
dālbhyaghoṣa | m. Name of an ancient sage  |
damaghoṣa | m. Name of a cedi- prince (father of śiśu-pāla-)  |
damaghoṣaja | m. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla-  |
damaghoṣasuta | m. idem or 'm. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- ' , .  |
dambhodbhava | m. Name of a prince (who fought with hermits but was worsted)  |
dāmbhola | See a-- (additions)  |
dambholi | m. indra-'s thunderbolt  |
dambholi | m. agastya- (ṛṣi- of the Ist manv-antara-)  |
dambholi | m. (dattogni-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttoni-) and (varia lectio dānt-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttātri-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttātreya-)  |
dambholipāṇi | m. " d--handed", indra-  |
dambholipāta | m. the falling of indra-'s thunderbolt,  |
dambholipātāya | Nom. yate-, to fall down like indra-'s thunderbolt  |
darvihoma | m. an oblation made with a ladle  |
darvīhoma | m. equals vi--,  |
darvīhoma | m. see dārvīhaumika-.  |
dārvihomika | mfn. equals vīhaumika- commentator or commentary on  |
darvihomin | mfn. offering m/a-  |
dārvīkvāthodbhava | n. collyrium prepared from Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza  |
daśahotṛ | (d/oś-) m. Name of = = (symbolizing the 10 parts of a sacrifice)  |
dehodbhava | mfn. born in the body, innate  |
dehodbhūta | mfn. born in the body, innate  |
dehotkampa | m. trembling of the body,  |
devabhoga | m. pleasure of the gods, heavenly joy  |
devabhojya | n. "food of gods", amṛta-  |
devabhojya | n. nectar  |
devaghoṣa | m. Name of a man  |
devahotra | m. Name of the father of yogeśvara- (a partial incarnation [ aṃśa-] of hari-)  |
devakabhojaputrī | f. patron. of devakī-  |
dhārāghoṣa | m. the noise of milk flowing into a bucket  |
dharmaghoṣa | m. Name of an author  |
dharmāmṛtamahodadhi | m. "the ocean of law-nectar", Name of work.  |
dhātughoṣā | f. Name of work on verbal roots.  |
dhiṣṇyahoma | m. a sacrifice offered in a dhiṣṇya-  |
dhoḍa | m. a sort of snake (commonly Dhora)  |
dhoīkavi | m. Name of a poet (prob. equals dhoyin-)  |
ḍhola | m. a large drum,  |
ḍholāsamudra | equals ḍhora-s-  |
ḍholasamudrikā | f. "coming from or growing in ḍhola-samudra- (- ḍhora-s-) ", Leea macrophylla  |
ḍhollarī | f. a kind of composition.  |
dhor | cl.1 P. (perfect tense dudhora- future dhoritā-; Causal Aorist adudhorat- grammar) to run, trot, be quick or alert  |
dhoraṇa | n. any vehicle  |
dhoraṇa | n. a horse's trot  |
dhoraṇa | n. going well or quickly  |
dhoraṇī | dhoraṇi f. an uninterrupted series, tradition  |
dhoraṇi | dhoraṇī f. an uninterrupted series, tradition  |
ḍhorasamudra | Name of a locality  |
dhorita | n. a horse's trot  |
dhoritaka | n. a horse's trot  |
dhotra | n. a rope, cord,  |
dhoyī | m. Name of a poet (see dhoī-kavi-)  |
dhoyīka | m. Name of a poet (see dhoī-kavi-)  |
dhoyin | m. Name of a poet (see dhoī-kavi-)  |
dīkṣāmahotsava | m. Name of work  |
dīpakhori | f. the wick of a lamp-black  |
dīpasikhopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
dīrghocchvāsam | ind. with a deep-drawn sigh  |
dīrghotkaṇṭhamanas | mfn. having the heart full of an old longing  |
dogdhos | ablative infinitive mood of 2. duh-  |
dugdhodadhi | m. the sea of milk  |
duḥkhocchedya | mfn. equals duḥkha-cch- (varia lectio)  |
duḥkhodarka | mfn. having pain as result  |
duḥkhopacarya | mfn. equals khācāra-  |
duḥkhopaghāta | m. violent pain or grief.  |
duḥkhopahatacetas | mfn. having the heart stricken with sorrow  |
duḥkhopeta | mfn. affected by pain, suffering distress  |
duḥkhottara | mfn. followed by pain  |
duḥsphoṭa | m. "difficult to be burst", a sort of weapon  |
dundubhisvaranirghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
durbhogā | f. equals bhikṣukī-  |
durghoṣa | m. "harsh-sounding, roaring", a bear  |
dutthotthadavīra | (astrology) Name of the 13th yoga-.  |
dvihotṛ | (dv/i-.) m. a double hotṛ- (agni-)  |
edhodaka | n. fuel and water  |
ekabhoga | m. sole and entire right of enjoyment,  |
ekabhogya | n. sole and entire right of enjoyment,  |
ekabhojana | n. the eating only one meal (a day) |
ekabhojana | n. eating together  |
ekabhojin | mfn. eating only one meal (a day)  |
ekānnanaktabhojana | mfn. taking one's only meal at night  |
ekānnanaktabhojin | mfn. taking food but once a day  |
ekānnanaktabhojinādin | mfn. eating food given by only one person  |
gabholika | m. a small round pillow  |
gāḍhodvega | mfn. extremely anxious,  |
gambhīranirghoṣa | m. "deep-sounding", Name of a nāga-  |
gaṇabhogya | mfn. to be possessed in joint tenure by a number of persons (as opp. to eka-- bhogya-),  |
gaṇabhojana | n. eating in common  |
gaṇahoma | m. Name of work  |
gaṇaratnamahodadhi | m. "great ocean in which the gaṇa-s form the pearls", a collection of grammatical gaṇa-s by vardhamāna-.  |
gandhoda | n. equals dha-jala-  |
gandhodaka | n. idem or 'n. equals dha-jala- '  |
gandhoddāma | mfn. thoroughly perfumed or fragrant,  |
gandholi | f. equals dha-palāśī-  |
gandholī | f. idem or 'f. equals dha-palāśī- '  |
gandholī | f. Paederia foetida  |
gandholī | f. Cyperus rotundus  |
gandholī | f. dried ginger  |
gandholī | f. (equals dhālī-) a wasp  |
gandholī | f. Name of indrāṇī-  |
gandhopajīvin | m. equals dhājīva-  |
gandhopala | m. equals dha-pāṣāṇa-  |
gandhoṣṇīṣa | m. "having a fragrant mane", a lion  |
gandhotkaṭa | m. Artemisia Abrotanum  |
gandhottama | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
gandhottamā | f. spirituous or vinous liquor  |
gandhotu | for dhautu-  |
garbhopaghāta | m. miscarriage of the sky's offspring (See g/arbha-)  |
garbhopaghātinī | f. miscarrying (as a cow or female)  |
garbhopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
garbhotpāda | m. idem or 'f. the formation of the embryo.'  |
garbhotpatti | f. the formation of the embryo.  |
gehopavana | n. a small forest near a house  |
ghanābhoga | m. the orb or circumference of a cloud,  |
ghoḍa | (equals ghoṭa-?) only in compound  |
ghoḍācolin | m. Name of a man, .  |
ghoḍeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ghol | (in Prakrit for Causal of ghuṇ- equals ghūrṇ-) cl.10 P. layati-, to mix, stir together into a semi-fluid substance  |
ghola | n. buttermilk  |
gholī | f. purslain (see araṇya--, kṣudra--,and vana-gholī-.)  |
gholi | f. equals lī-  |
gholikā | f. equals lī-  |
ghoṇā | f. (equals ghrāṇā-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). gaRa kroḍādi-) the nose (also of a horse )  |
ghoṇā | f. the beak (of an owl)  |
ghoṇā | f. a kind of plant causing sneezing  |
ghoṇaka | m. equals ṇasa-  |
ghoṇāntabhedana | m. "having a snout that is divided at the end", a hog  |
ghoṇasa | m. a kind of serpent  |
ghonasa | m. idem or 'm. a kind of serpent ' (see go-n-.)  |
ghonasa | See ghoṇaka-.  |
ghoṅgha | m. a kind of animal, 687 Scholiast or Commentator  |
ghoṅgha | m. intermediate space  |
ghoṇika | m. (scilicet hasta-) "resembling a nose", a particular position of the hand,  |
ghoṇin | m. "large-snouted", a hog  |
ghoṇṭā | f. a kind of jujube  |
ghoṇṭā | f. the betel-nut tree  |
ghoṇṭāphala | n. the betel-nut  |
ghoṇṭāphala | m. Uraria lagopodioides  |
ghoṇṭī | f. equals ṇṭā-  |
ghora | mf(/ā-)n. (see ghur-) venerable, awful, sublime (gods, the aṅgiras-, the ṛṣi-s)  |
ghora | mf(/ā-)n. terrific, frightful, terrible, dreadful, violent, vehement (as pains, diseases, etc.) (in compound, gaRa kāṣṭhādi-)  |
ghora | m. "the terrible", śiva- (see -ghoratara-)  |
ghora | m. Name of a son of aṅgiras-  |
ghorā | f. the night  |
ghora | m. Name of a cucurbitaceous plant  |
ghora | m. (scilicet gati-) Name of one of the 7 stations of the planet Mercury  |
ghora | n. venerableness  |
ghora | m. awfulness, horror  |
ghora | m. "horrible action", magic formulas or charms |
ghora | m. a kind of mythical weapon  |
ghora | m. poison  |
ghora | m. saffron (see dhīra-and gaura-).  |
ghora | m. (also) a jackal,  |
ghoracakṣas | (r/a--) mfn. of frightful appearance  |
ghoradarśana | mfn. equals -cakṣas-  |
ghoradarśana | m. an owl (see )  |
ghoradarśana | m. a hyena  |
ghorādhyāpaka | m. a venerable or excellent teacher  |
ghoraghoratara | mfn. (Comparative degree) extremely terrific (śiva-)  |
ghoraghuṣya | n. "sounding dreadfully", brass, bell-metal  |
ghorahṛdaya | m. "of a pitiless heart", a form of īśvara-  |
ghoraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
ghorākāra | mfn. equals ghorākara-rūpa-  |
ghorākṛti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals ghorākara-rūpa- '  |
ghoram | ind. "dreadfully", very much gaRa kāṣṭādi-  |
ghorapuṣpa | varia lectio for -ghuṣya-.  |
ghorarāsana | for -vāśana-.  |
ghorarāsin | for -vāśin-.  |
ghorarūpa | mfn. of a frightful appearance  |
ghorarūpa | n. a hideous appearance  |
ghorarūpā | f. Name of a female attendant of durgā-  |
ghorarūpin | mfn. of a frightful appearance, hideous  |
ghorasaṃkāśa | mfn. equals -rūpa-  |
ghorasaṃsparśa | mfn. terrible to the touch  |
ghorasaṃsparśa | mfn. (superl. tama-)  |
ghorāśaya | mfn. having a cruel feeling towards (locative case)  |
ghorasvara | mfn. of dreadful sound  |
ghoratā | f. horribleness.  |
ghoratara | mfn. more terrible, very awful (see -ghoratara-.)  |
ghorātighora | mfn. equals raghoratara- (said of a hell)  |
ghoratva | n. idem or 'f. horribleness.'  |
ghoravāluka | Name of a hell  |
ghoravarpas | (r/a--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. of a frightful appearance, hideous ' (the marut-s)  |
ghoravāśana | m. "crying hideously", a jackal  |
ghoravāśin | m. idem or 'm. "crying hideously", a jackal '  |
ghoravāśinī | f. a female jackal  |
ghorī | f. Name of a female attendant of durgā-  |
ghorikā | f. equals ghurikā-  |
ghorita | n. snorting,  |
ghoṣa | m. indistinct noise, tumult, confused cries of a multitude, battle-cry, cries of victory, cries of woe or distress, any cry or sound, roar of animals etc.  |
ghoṣa | m. the sound of a drum, of a conch-shell, of the soma- stones, of a carriage, etc. etc.  |
ghoṣa | m. the whizzing or whir of a bow-string ([ ]) , crackling of fire ([ ]) , singing in the ear ([ ])  |
ghoṣa | m. the roaring of a storm, of thunder, of water, etc.  |
ghoṣa | m. the sound of the recital of prayers  |
ghoṣa | m. the sound of words spoken at a distance  |
ghoṣa | m. rumour, report (also personified )  |
ghoṣa | m. a proclamation  |
ghoṣa | m. a sound (of speech)  |
ghoṣa | m. the soft sound heard in the articulation of the sonant consonants (g-, gh-, j-, jh-, ḍ-, ḍh-, d-, dh-, b-, bh-, ṅ-, ñ-, ṇ-, n-, m-, y-, r-, l-, v-, h-), the vowels, and anusvāra- which with the yama-s of the first 10 of the soft consonants make up altogether 40 sounds (see a-gh-)  |
ghoṣa | m. an ornament that makes a tinkling sound  |
ghoṣa | m. a station of herdsmen etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see )  |
ghoṣa | m. (plural) the inhabitants of a station of herdsmen  |
ghoṣa | m. a particular form of a temple  |
ghoṣa | m. a musquito  |
ghoṣa | m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
ghoṣa | m. Name of śiva-  |
ghoṣa | m. Name of a man ( )  |
ghoṣa | m. of an asura-  |
ghoṣa | m. of a prince of the kāṇva- dynasty  |
ghoṣa | m. of a son of dakṣa-'s daughter lambā-  |
ghoṣa | m. of an arhat-  |
ghoṣa | m. a common N. for a kāya-stha- or one of the writer caste  |
ghoṣa | m. plural (gaRa dhūmādi-) Name of a people or country  |
ghoṣa | mn. brass, bell-metal  |
ghoṣā | f. Anethum Sowa  |
ghoṣā | f. equals karkaṭa-śṛṅgī-  |
ghoṣā | f. Name of a daughter of kakṣīvat- (? imperative ghuṣ-) (see ātma--, indra--, uccair--,etc.)  |
ghoṣa | ṣaka-, etc. See 1. ghuṣ-.  |
ghoṣabuddha | (gh/oṣ-) mfn. made attentive by the sound  |
ghoṣad | "money"or"substance" (Scholiast or Commentator) varia lectio for go-ṣ/ad- q.v  |
ghoṣādi | a gaṇa- of  |
ghoṣādī | See go-ṣād/ī-.  |
ghoṣaka | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a crier, proclaimer (exempli gratia, 'for example' paṭaha--, q.v)  |
ghoṣaka | m. the creeping plant Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
ghoṣakākṛti | m. "resembling the ghoṣaka- plant", Name of a plant (with white blossoms)  |
ghoṣakoṭi | f. Name of the peak of a mountain (?).  |
ghoṣakṛt | m. any one making a noise  |
ghoṣamati | m. Name of a man  |
ghoṣaṇa | mfn. sounding  |
ghoṣaṇa | n. proclaiming aloud, public announcement (varia lectio)  |
ghoṣaṇa | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' )  |
ghoṣaṇā | f. idem or 'n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' )'  |
ghoṣaṇīya | mfn. to be proclaimed aloud  |
ghoṣasthalī | f. Name of a locality gaRa dhūmādi- (not in )  |
ghoṣātakī | f. the plant śveta-ghoṣā-  |
ghoṣavadādi | mfn. beginning with a sonant,  |
ghoṣavarṇa | m. a sonant letter  |
ghoṣavasu | m. Name of a prince of the kāṇva- dynasty  |
ghoṣavat | mfn. sounding, making a noise  |
ghoṣavat | mfn. sonant, uttered with the soft articulation called ghoṣa-  |
ghoṣavat | m. Name of a man  |
ghoṣavatī | f. a peculiar kind of lute  |
ghoṣavṛddha | m. an elder at a station of herdsmen  |
ghoṣayātrā | f. walk or procession to the stations of the herdsmen  |
ghoṣayātrāparvan | n. Name of iii, chapters 235-257.  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. a crier, proclaimer, herald  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. a Brahman  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
ghoṣayitnu | See 1. ghuṣ-.  |
ghoṣi | mfn. sounding aloud  |
ghoṣi | mfn. (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 1. ghuṣ-.) |
ghoṣila | m. a hog  |
ghoṣila | m. Name of one of king udayana-'s 3 ministers  |
ghoṣila | m.  |
ghoṣin | mfn. sounding, noisy  |
ghoṣin | mfn. (in grammar) sonant, having the soft sound called ghoṣa-  |
ghoṣiṇī | f. plural (iṇyas-) Name of certain evil spirits (see ) (see grāma-ghoṣ/in-.)  |
ghoṣita | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a man,  |
ghoṣṭṛ | mfn. a proclaimer  |
ghoṣṭṛtva | n. the state of a proclaimer  |
ghoṭa | m. (see ghuṭ-) a horse  |
ghoṭa | m. the beard  |
ghoṭagala | m. "horse-throat", a kind of reed  |
ghoṭaka | m. a horse  |
ghoṭakamukha | m. "horse-faced", Name of a man (varia lectio ṭam-)  |
ghoṭakamukha | m. (author of the kanyā-samprayuktakādhikaraṇa-)  |
ghoṭakamukhī | f. Name of a woman  |
ghoṭakāri | m. "enemy of horses", a buffalo  |
ghoṭikā | f. a mare  |
ghoṭikā | f. Portulaca oleracea  |
ghoṭikā | f. a shrub resembling the jujube  |
ghotkāra | m. (equals ghūt-k-) panting, puffing  |
ghṛtahoma | m. a sacrificial offering of ghee  |
ghuraghurāghoṣa | varia lectio for rughur-.  |
ghurughurāghoranirghoṣa | m. great noise (produced by panting or puffing)  |
ghurughurāghoṣa | m. m. great noise (produced by panting or puffing) ' 58/59 (in Prakrit); viii, 27.'>  |
girirajaghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
girirajaghoṣesvara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
gopaghoṇṭā | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. Flacourtia sapida ' ' ,  |
goṣṭhodumbara | m. a kind of tree, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
grahabhojana | m. a horse  |
grahoktha | n. a hymn sung while a ladleful (of soma-) is being taken up  |
grāmaghoṣin | mfn. sounding among men or armies (as a drum)  |
grāmaṇibhogīna | mfn. Va1rtt. 3  |
grāmyehoparama | m. ceasing from sexual desires  |
gṛhabhojin | m. an inmate of the same house |
gṛhasthopaniṣad | f. religious knowledge of a householder  |
gṛhodaka | n. rice-gruel,  |
gṛhodyāna | n. equals ha-vāṭikā-  |
gṛholikā | f. equals hālika-  |
gṛhopakaraṇa | n. any domestic utens .  |
gṛhotpāta | m. any domestic nuisance (vermin etc.)  |
gūḍhotman | (for ḍhātman-) m.  |
gūḍhotpanna | mfn. equals ḍha-ja-  |
guṇabhoktṛ | mfn. perceiving the properties of things  |
haṃho | ind. (see ham-) a vocative particle (corresponding to"ho!""hollo!" according to to some also expressing haughtiness or contempt;in dramatic language a form of address used by equals to each other)  |
haribhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
harighoṣa | m. Name of a man  |
hariharāgnihotrin | m. Name of author  |
harināthamahopādhyāya | m. Name of author.  |
harināthopādhyāya | m. Name of author.  |
hastahoma | m. an oblation offered with the hand  |
hastighoṣā | f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant  |
hastighoṣātakī | f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant  |
hastyaśvarathaghoṣa | m. the sound of chariots (and) horses (and) elephants  |
hayanirghoṣa | m. the clatter of a horse's hoofs  |
hemāmbhoja | ( ) n. a golden lotus-flower.  |
hṛcchoka | m. (for -śoka-) heartache, sorrow, grief, a pang  |
hṛcchoṣa | m. (for -śoṣa-) internal dryness  |
hṛdambhoja | n. a lotus-like heart  |
hṛtsphoṭa | m. breaking of the heart, broken heart  |
hṛtsphoṭam | ind. (to die) of a broken heart  |
hutabhojana | ( ) m. equals -bhakṣa-.  |
hutabhoktṛ | ( ) m. equals -bhakṣa-.  |
hutahoma | m. one who has offered oblation  |
ibhoṣaṇā | f. a kind of aromatic plant  |
ihabhojana | (ih/a-) mfn. whose goods and gifts come hither  |
ikṣurasakvāthoda | m. the sea of syrup  |
indraghoṣa | m. "having the name indra-", Name of a particular deity  |
indramahotsava | m. a great festival in honour of indra-.  |
iṣṭāhotrīya | n. Name of a sāman-  |
iṣṭāhotrya | n. Name of a sāman-  |
iṣṭārthodyukta | mfn. zealous or active for a desired object.  |
itihoti | mfn. telling news,  |
jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña | m. "having a voice musical as the sound of the thunder of the clouds and conversant with the appearance of the regents of the nakṣatra-s", Name of a buddha-,  |
japahoma | m. sg. and plural muttering prayers as a religious offering  |
japahoma | m.  |
japahoma | m. (maka-)  |
japahoma | m. dual number a muttered prayer and an offering  |
jātakāmbhonidhi | m. "ocean of nativities", Name of an astrology work by bhadrabāhu-.  |
jauhotyādika | mfn. belonging to juhoty-ādi-  |
jayaghoṣa | m. a shout of victory  |
jayaghoṣā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
jayaghoṣaṇa | n. equals ṣa-  |
jayaghoṣaṇā | f. equals ṣa-  |
jayāvaghoṣa | m. equals yārava-  |
jhoḍa | m. the betel-nut tree  |
jhombaka | mfn. making grimaces when singing.  |
jīvabhojana | mfn. giving enjoyment to the soul of (genitive case)  |
jīvabhojana | n. the pleasure of living beings  |
jīvaghoṣasvāmin | m. Name of a grammarian.  |
juhoti | m. a technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which hu- (not yaj-) is applied |
juhoti | m.  |
juhoticodana | mfn. impelled by the word juhoti-,  |
juhotiyajatikriyā | f. plural the offering of burnt oblations and (other) sacrifices, .  |
juhotyādi | the (3rd) class of roots beginning with hu-  |
jyāghoṣa | m. the twang of a bow  |
kacchora | n. a kind of turmeric  |
kacchoṭikā | f. equals kacchaṭikā-  |
kahoḍa | m. (gaRa śivādi-), Name of a man with the patronymic kauṣītaki-, or kauṣītakeya-  |
kāhoḍa | m. a patronymic fr. kahoḍa- gaRa śivādi-.  |
kāhoḍi | m. idem or 'm. a patronymic fr. kahoḍa- gaRa śivādi-.'  |
kahola | m. idem or 'm. (gaRa śivādi-), Name of a man with the patronymic kauṣītaki-, or kauṣītakeya- '  |
kahola | n. Name of work by kahoḍa- or kahola-  |
kālabhogin | m. Coluber Naga  |
kalaghoṣa | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
kālahorā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kalhoḍīgaṅgeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
kāmabhoga | m. plural gratification of desires, sensual gratification  |
kāmopabhoga | m. enjoyment of pleasures,  |
kaṇṭhokta | mfn. spoken of or enumerated singly or one by one commentator or commentary on  |
kaṇṭhokti | f. speaking of or enumerating one by one  |
kaṇvahotṛ | mfn. one whose hotṛ- priest is a kaṇva-  |
kaṇvīyasaṃhitāhoma | m. Name of work  |
kapālasphoṭa | m. "splitting the skull", Name of a rakṣas-  |
kaphoṇi | mf. the elbow  |
kaphoṇighāta | m. a stroke with the elbow  |
kaphoṇiguḍa | m. a ball on the elbow (as a symbol of unsteadiness or uncertainty).  |
kaphoṇiguḍāya | Nom. A1. āyate-, to be like a ball on the elbow id est to be unsteady or uncertain  |
karabhorū | f. a woman whose thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant  |
karasphoṭa | m. extending the hands  |
karasphoṭa | (2. kara-sphoṭa-;for 1.See) m. extending the rays.  |
karṇasphoṭā | f. Gynandropsis pentaphylla  |
kaṭaghoṣa | m. Name of a place in the east of India on  |
kaṭaghoṣīya | mfn. belonging to the above place  |
kathodaya | m. the beginning of or introduction to a tale  |
kathodghāta | m. the beginning of a tale  |
kathodghāta | m. (in dramatic language) the opening of a drama by the character that first enters overhearing and repeating the last words of the sūtradhāra- or manager (see udghātyaka-)  |
kaṭhola | mfn. equals kaṭhora-  |
kathopakathana | n. conversation, talking together, conference, narration.  |
kathopākhyāna | n. narration, narrative, relation, telling a story.  |
kaṭhopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (generally said to belong to the atharva-- veda-, but in some manuscripts and books ascribed to the Black yajur-veda-, probably because the story of naciketas- occurs also in )  |
kaṭhopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of a commentary on the kaṭhopaniṣad-  |
kaṭhopaniṣadbhāṣyaṭīkā | f. Name of a commentary on the last  |
kaṭhopaniṣadbhāṣyaṭīkāvivaraṇa | n. Name of a commentary on the last.  |
kaṭhora | mf(ā-)n. ( ) hard, solid, stiff, offering resistance etc.  |
kaṭhora | mf(ā-)n. sharp, piercing etc.  |
kaṭhora | mf(ā-)n. hard, severe, cruel, hard-hearted  |
kaṭhora | mf(ā-)n. full, complete, full-grown (as the moon) commentator or commentary on commentator or commentary on  |
kaṭhora | mf(ā-)n. luxuriant, rank  |
kaṭhoracitta | mfn. hard-hearted, cruel,  |
kaṭhoragiri | m. Name of a mountain,  |
kaṭhorahṛdaya | mfn. equals -citta- above  |
kaṭhoratā | f.  |
kaṭhoratārādhipa | m. "full-star-lord", full moon  |
kaṭhoratva | n. hardness, firmness  |
kaṭhoratva | n. rigour, severity.  |
kaṭhoraya | Nom. P. kaṭhorayati-, to cause to thrive, make luxuriant  |
kaṭhorībhū | to grow strong, become hard or intense  |
kaṭhorita | mfn. made to thrive, strengthened  |
kaumudīmahotsava | m. the festival of full moon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kaustubhoras | m. idem or 'm. "whose breast is decorated with the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' ' ' '  |
kavyabhojana | m. plural "oblation-eaters", the manes or a class of manes  |
khakholka | m. "sky-meteor", the sun  |
khakholkāditya | m. a form of the sun  |
kharkhoda | n. a kind of magic  |
kharkhoda | n. (khārkhoṭa-)  |
khārkhoṭa | equals kharkhoda- q.v  |
khoḍ | cl.1 P. ḍati- = khor- q.v : cl.10 P. = kṣoṭ- q.v  |
khoḍa | mfn. (in compound or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa kaḍārādi-,not in ) limping, lame (see khora-.)  |
khoḍakaśīrṣaka | n. (equals kapi-ś-) the arched roof of a house, coping of a wall  |
khol | = khor-  |
khola | mfn. (see) limping, lame  |
khola | m. n. a helmet or a kind of hat  |
khola | m. see mūrdha-kh-.  |
kholaka | m. a helmet  |
kholaka | m. an ant-hill  |
kholaka | m. a pot, saucepan  |
kholaka | m. the shell of a betel-nut  |
kholaśiras | mfn. furnished with a helmet  |
kholi | f. a quiver  |
kholka | m. sky-meteor  |
kholka | m. a planet (see kha-kh-.)  |
kholmuka | m. the planet Mars (see gaganolm-.)  |
khonamukha | m. Name of a village (the modern Khunmoh) (-muṣa-).  |
khoṅgāha | m. (equals khuṅg-) a white and brown horse  |
khor | (= khoṭ-, khoḍ-, khol-) cl.1 P. rati-, to limp, be lame  |
khora | mfn. limping, lame  |
khoraka | m. a particular disease of the feet  |
khorī | f. See dīpa--.  |
khori | varia lectio for khoṭi- q.v  |
khoṣaḍaha | Name of a district  |
khoṭ | cl.1 P. ṭati- = khor- : cl.10 P. varia lectio for kṣoṭ- q.v  |
khoṭa | mfn. varia lectio for khora- q.v  |
khoṭana | n. limping |
khoṭi | f. a cunning or scheming woman (varia lectio khori-)  |
khoṭī | f. Boswellia thurifera  |
kokilahotra | n. "relating to the duties or office of the hotṛ- priest at the kaukila- ceremony", Name of a treatise.  |
koṭihoma | m. a kind of sacrificial offering  |
koṭihomavidhi | m. Name of work  |
kravyabhojana | mfn. carnivorous  |
kṛcchrabhojin | mfn. undergoing austerities  |
kṛmibhojana | mfn. feeding on worms  |
kṛmibhojana | m. Name of a hell  |
kroḍakhorā | f. Name of a plant  |
krodhodana | m. varia lectio for śuddhod- (q.v)  |
krodhojjhita | mfn. free from wrath, composed, calm.  |
kṛṣṇabhogin | m. equals -bhujaṃga-  |
kṛtabhojana | mfn. one who has dined or made a meal.  |
kṛtopabhoga | mfn. used, enjoyed.  |
kṣiprahoma | m. a speedy sacrifice (in which several ceremonies are omitted) commentator or commentary on  |
kṣīrahomin | mfn. idem or '(r/a--) mfn. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) equals -yāj/in- '  |
kṣīrahotṛ | (r/a--) mfn. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) equals -yāj/in-  |
kṣudragholī | f. Name of a small shrub (equals civillikā-)  |
kṣudrasphoṭa | m. a pustule  |
kubhoga | m. bad pleasure  |
kubhojana | n. equals -bhukta-.  |
kubhojya | n. idem or 'n. equals -bhukta-.'  |
kumbhaghoṇatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
kumbhodara | m. Name of an attendant of śiva-  |
kumbhodbhava | m. (equals kumbha-sambh-), Name of agastya-.  |
kumbhodbhūta | m. idem or 'm. (equals kumbha-sambh-), Name of agastya-.'  |
kumbholūka | m. a kind of owl  |
kuntibhoja | m. Name of a yādava- prince (king of the kunti-s, who adopted kuntī-) etc.  |
kuntibhoja | m. plural Name of a people  |
kuntībhoja | a wrong spelling for kunti-bh- q.v  |
kūrmapṛṣṭhonnata | mfn. raised or elevated like the back of a tortoise |
kuthodarī | f. Name of a daughter of nikumbha-  |
kvāthodbhava | mfn. produced by boiling  |
kvāthodbhava | n. blue vitriol used as a collyrium  |
labdhodaya | mfn. one who has received birth or origin  |
labdhodaya | mfn. one who has attained prosperity  |
laghubhojana | n. a light repast, slight refreshment  |
laghuhomapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
laghuhorā | f. Name of work  |
laghulakṣahoma | m. a particular sacrifice  |
laghulakṣahoma | m. Name of the 30th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva-- veda-.  |
lagnahorāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
lahoḍa | m. Name of a man (see kahoḍa-).  |
lājasphoṭam | ind. (with sphuṭ-) to crack asunder like parched grain  |
lakṣahoma | m. a particular sacrifice offered to the planets  |
lakṣahomapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
lakṣahomavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīsahodara | m. equals -saha-ja- (q.v)  |
lāsphoṭanī | f. equals āsphoṭanī-, a gimlet, auger  |
lobhotkarṣa | m. excess of avarice or greed  |
lohottama | m. "best metal", gold  |
madanamahotsava | m. idem or 'm. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva- '  |
madhughoṣa | m. "sweetly-sounding", the Indian cuckoo  |
madhumāsamahotsava | m. the spring festival  |
madhuranirghoṣa | m. Name of an evil spirit or demon  |
magadhodbhava | mf(ā-)n. born or grown in magadha-  |
magadhodbhavā | f. long pepper  |
māghodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
māghona | n. bountifulness, liberality  |
māghona | mfn. belonging to or ruled by indra-, .  |
māghonī | f. (scilicet diś-) the east  |
māghotsava | m. the chief festival kept by the Samajes (in commemoration of the founding of monotheistic worship by Rammohun Roy on the 11th of māgha- id est on the 23rd of January)  |
mahābhoga | m. (fr. 1. bhoga-) a great curve or coil, great hood (of a snake), great winding  |
mahābhoga | mfn. (a snake) having great windings or coils, having a great hood  |
mahābhoga | m. a great serpent  |
mahābhoga | (hābh-) mfn. having a wide girth, having a large compass  |
mahābhoga | m. (fr. 2. bhoga-) great enjoyment  |
mahābhoga | mf(ā-)n. causing great enjoyment  |
mahābhogā | f. Name of durgā-  |
mahābhogavat | mfn. having great windings etc.  |
mahābhogavat | mfn. having great enjoyment  |
mahābhogin | mfn. equals -bhoga-vat- 1  |
mahābhoja | m. a great monarch  |
mahābhoja | m. Name of a king  |
mahābhoṭa | m. Great Tibet  |
mahābhoṭadeśa | m. Great Tibet  |
mahābhraghoṣa | mfn. sounding deep like thunder,  |
mahāghoṇṭā | f. the big jujube  |
mahāghora | mfn. very terrible or formidable  |
mahāghora | m. Name of a hell  |
mahāghoṣa | mf(ā-)n. loud-sounding  |
mahāghoṣa | m. a loud noise  |
mahāghoṣā | f. Boswellia Thurifera  |
mahāghoṣa | m. equals karkaṭa-śṛṅgī- (or a kind of gall-nut)  |
mahāghoṣa | m. equals śṛṅgī-  |
mahāghoṣa | n. a market  |
mahāghoṣānugā | f. Name of a tantra- deity  |
mahāghoṣasvararāja | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāghoṣeśvara | m. Name of a king of the yakṣa-s  |
mahāmahopādhyāya | m. a very great or venerable teacher (a title given to learned men)  |
mahāmeghaughanirghoṣa | mfn. sounding like a multitude of large thunder-clouds  |
mahāmṛtyuṃjayahoma | m. Name of work  |
mahendramahotsava | m. a great festival in honour of great Inscr  |
mahocchraya | mfn. of great height, very lofty  |
mahocchrāyavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. of great height, very lofty '  |
mahodadhi | m. the great ocean, a great sea (4 in number) etc.  |
mahodadhi | m. Name of a poet  |
mahodadhija | m. "sea-born", a muscle, shell  |
mahodara | n. "large abdomen", dropsy  |
mahodara | mf(ī-)n. big-bellied  |