hina | ind. for, because (= 2. h/i-)  |
hina | See under 2. h/i-  |
hinānnavastraveṣa | mfn. (a brahma-cārin-) eating less food (than his preceptor) and wearing an inferior dress  |
hindola | m. (orf(ā-).) a swing, swinging cradle or hammock  |
hindola | m. an ornamental swing or litter in which figures of kṛṣṇa- are carried during the Swing-festival in the light half of the month śrāvaṇa- (see )  |
hindola | m. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
hindolaka | m. a swing  |
hindolaya | Nom. P. yati-, to swing, rock about (see andolaya-)  |
hindolī | f. a particular rāgiṇī-  |
hindu | m. (fr. the Persian $) a Hindu (more properly Hindo) .  |
hindudharma | m. the Hindu religion  |
hindusthāna | n. the country of the Hindus, Hindustan (properly restricted to the upper provinces between Benares and the Sutlej)  |
hintāla | m. the marshy date tree, Phoenix or Elate Paludosa (see tāla-and bṛhat-tāla-)  |
hinv | hinv/a-, hinvān/a- See 1. hi-.  |
hinva | m. "Inciter", Name of indra-'s father (prīṇayitri- )  |
hinvāna | See root, column 2.  |
hinvidhenāman | mfn. (of unknown meaning)  |
ābarhin | mfn. fit for tearing out  |
abdhinagarī | f. Name of dvārakā-, the capital of kṛṣṇa-.  |
abdhinavanītaka | m. the moon.  |
abhigrāhin | mfn. seizing,  |
abhilaṅghin | mfn. violating, acting contrary to (in compound)  |
abhinabhas | ind. towards the sky.  |
abhinabhyam | ind. near the clouds or the sky  |
abhinad | to sound towards (accusative) ; to sound, raise a noise : Causal -nādayati- (perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada -nādita-,or for the sake of the metre -nadita-[ ]), to cause to sound, fill with noise.  |
abhinaddha | mfn. ( nah-),"tied round"  |
abhinaddhākṣa | mfn. blindfold  |
abhinahana | n. a bandage (over the eyes)  |
abhinahana | See abhi-naddha-.  |
abhinakṣ | -n/akṣati- (perf 3. pl. -nanakṣ/uḥ-; parasmE-pada P. -n/akṣat- A1. -n/akṣamāṇa-) to approach, come to, arrive at  |
abhinam | (Aorist 3. sg. -anamat-,or -anān-[ ]) to bow or bend or turn towards.  |
abhināmadheya | n. a surname,  |
abhināmin | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the sixth manvantara-  |
abhinamra | mf(ā-)n. deeply bowed or curved  |
abhinand | to please ; to rejoice at, salute, welcome, greet, hail ; to praise, applaud, approve (often with na- negative"to refuse") ; to acknowledge: Caus. -nandayati-, to gladden  |
abhinanda | m. the delight, pleasure (of sensuality)  |
abhinanda | m. wish, desire for (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhinanda | m. Name of the first month  |
abhinanda | m. Name of a commentator on the amara-koṣa-  |
abhinanda | m. Name of the author of the yoga-vāsiṣṭhasāra-  |
abhinandā | f. delight  |
abhinandā | f. wish  |
abhinandana | n. delighting  |
abhinandana | n. praising, applauding  |
abhinandana | n. wish, desire  |
abhinandana | m. Name of the fourth jaina- arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-.  |
abhinandanīya | mfn. to be acknowledged or applauded  |
abhinandin | mfn. rejoicing at, wishing, desiring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhinandita | mfn. delighted, made happy, saluted, applauded, etc.  |
abhinanditṛ | mfn. gladdening  |
abhinandya | mfn. equals abhi-nandanīya-  |
abhinandya | ind.p. having rejoiced at  |
abhinandya | having gladdened.  |
abhinard | P. (Epic also A1.) to roar towards ; to roar  |
abhinaś | (Aorist subjunctive 3. sg. -naṭ- ) to attain, reach  |
abhināsikāvivaram | ind. to the opening of the nose  |
abhinata | mfn. bent, inclined,  |
abhinava | mf(ā-)n. quite new or young, very young, fresh  |
abhinava | mf(ā-)n. modern (see -kālidāsa-and -śākaṭāyana-below)  |
abhinava | mf(ā-)n. Name of two men  |
abhinava | mf(ā-)n. not having experience  |
abhinavacandrārghavidhi | m. "a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon", Name of the 114th chapter in the  |
abhinavagupta | m. Name of a well-known author.  |
abhinavakālidāsa | m. the modern kālidāsa-, id est mādhavācārya-.  |
abhinavaśākaṭāyana | m. the modern śākaṭāyana-.  |
abhinavavaiyākaraṇa | m. a modern grammarian.  |
abhinavayauvana | mf(ā-)n. youthful  |
abhinavībhū | to become new commentator or commentary on  |
abhinavodbhid | m. a new bud.  |
abhinaya | See 1. abhi-nī-.  |
abhinaya | m. (indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, etc.) acting, dramatic action (expressive of sentiment)  |
abhinetavya | mfn. to be represented dramatically.  |
abhinetṛ | m. one who brings near  |
abhineya | mfn. equals abhi-netavya-.  |
abhinī | (perf. Opt. -ninīyāt- ; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -neṣi- ) to conduct towards, bring near etc. ; to represent dramatically, act ; to adduce, quote  |
abhinī | ( -ni-i-), (Imper. -ny/etu-) to enter into (as in approaching a woman)  |
abhinidhā | P. to place upon or into (locative case) ; A1. to place upon one's self (as a burden) ; to touch slightly with (instrumental case) etc.: Passive voice -dhīyate-,"to be touched by each other", be in close contact (as the letters e-, o-and a-in the saṃdhi- called abhin/ihita- q.v)  |
abhinidhana | n. Name of different verses of the sāma-veda-  |
abhinidhāna | n. placing upon  |
abhinidhāna | m. [ and ] or n. [ ] "touching"or close contact (of letters in pronunciation, especially in the cases where initial a-is suppressed after e-and o-).  |
abhinidhyai | to give attention to  |
abhinigad | to speak to  |
abhinigadana | n. the act of talking or reciting to,  |
abhinihan | (p. -ghnat-) to beat, strike  |
abhinihata | mfn. put on (as on a spit), (abh/i n/ihata-)  |
abhinihata | mfn. for abhi-n/i-hita- q.v  |
abhinihita | mfn. touched with (instrumental case;also /an-- negative)  |
abhinihita | m. "close contact", Name of a special saṃdhi- (by which final e-and o-are brought into close contact with the initial a-of the following word, which in the old language probably was not entirely suppressed)  |
abhinihita | See abhi-ni-dhā-.  |
abhinihnava | m. ( hnu-), denial  |
abhinihnava | m. Name of a sāman-.  |
abhiniḥsṛ | to stream forth, issue  |
abhiniḥsṛj | to pour out towards |
abhiniḥsṛp | to move towards  |
abhiniḥsṛta | mfn. issued or issuing from (ablative) (= )  |
abhiniḥstan | to sound heavily (as a drum)  |
abhinikram | (Aorist 2. sg. -akramīs-) to tread down (with accusative)  |
abhinīla | mfn. very black or dark.  |
abhinīlanetratā | f. having dark-blue eyes (one of the 32 signs of perfection), .  |
abhinilīyamānaka | mfn. ( lī-), (a bird) lying down in its nest in the presence of (a spectator)  |
abhinimantr | to summon, invite  |
abhinimlocana | n. ( , Scholiast or Commentator) the setting of the sun upon anything.  |
abhinimluc | equals -mruc- before (see ni-mruc-and ni-mluc-.)  |
abhinimlupta | equals abhi-ni-mrukta- above  |
abhinimroka | m. ( , Scholiast or Commentator) the setting of the sun upon anything.  |
abhinimruc | -mr/ocati- (said of the sun) to set upon anybody who is sleeping or has not finished his work  |
abhinimrukta | mfn. upon whom while not doing any work or while sleeping the sun has set  |
abhinimrukta | mfn. (wrongly written abhi-nir-mukta-)  |
abhininartam | ind. ( nṛt-), so as to accomplish step by step id est repeating separately, (see abhy-ā-gāram-.)  |
abhininī | to pour out (water etc.) upon commentator or commentary on ; (ni-nī-.)  |
abhinipat | Caus. -pātayati-, to throw down  |
abhinipāta | m. equals abhini-dhāna- m.or n. above commentator or commentary on  |
abhinipīḍ | to press, squeeze, trouble  |
abhinipīḍita | mfn. pained, tormented.  |
abhiniras | to throw towards  |
abhinirbharts | (ind.p. -bhartsya-) to scold thoroughly  |
abhinirdiś | to point out, indicate etc. ; to appoint, characterize ; to settle, fix  |
abhinirgam | to go out or away from (ablative)  |
abhinirhṛ | to obtain (?), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
abhinirjita | mfn. ( ji-), conquered  |
abhinirmi | P. - miṇoti-, to cause by a miracle,  |
abhinirmi | to assume a shape, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
abhinirmita | mfn. (3. mā-), made, created |
abhinirmukta | for abhi-ni-mrukta- q.v  |
abhinirṇud | ( nud-), (Potential -ṇudet-) to drive out, frighten away  |
abhinirvad | to declare with regard to (accusative)  |
abhinirvap | to share out or add anything to another thing (either accusative and locative case [ ]or instrumental case and accusative [ ]).  |
abhinirvṛt | to result from, proceed : Causal -vartayati-, to produce, accomplish  |
abhinirvṛtta | mfn. resulting from  |
abhinirvṛtti | f. resulting, proceeding, accomplishment.  |
abhiniryā | to march out, go out towards (dative case) or from (ablative)  |
abhiniryāṇa | n. march of an assailant  |
abhiniryāṇa | n. = abhi-- niṣkramaṇa-,  |
abhiniṣad | ( sad-) to sit down or settle round (perf. 3. sg. -ṣasāda-) ; (optative 1. plural -ṣīdema-)  |
abhiniśam | (ind.p. -śāmya-) to perceive, notice  |
abhiniścikramiṣā | f. desire of going forth from home,  |
abhiniścita | mfn. (2. ci-), quite convinced of.  |
abhiniścita | mfn. settled or fixed with regard to (accusative)  |
abhiniṣic | ( sic-), to pour out, effuse, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
abhiniṣkārin | mfn. intending anything evil against, injuring (see abhi-k/ṛtvarī-.)  |
abhiniṣkram | to go out towards ; to lead towards (as a door) ; to leave the house in order to become an anchorite and  |
abhiniṣkramaṇa | n. going forth  |
abhiniṣkramaṇa | n. leaving the house in order to become an anchorite and  |
abhiniṣkrānta | mfn. gone out towards  |
abhiniṣkrānta | mfn. descended from (ablative)  |
abhiniṣkrānta | mfn. having left the house (ablative) in order to become an anchorite and  |
abhiniṣkrāntagṛhāvāsa | mfn. having left his house (for becoming an anchorite)  |
abhiniṣkṛta | mfn. directed against (as an evil action)  |
abhiniṣpad | to come to (accusative) ; to enter into, become (with accusative) ; to appear : Causal -pādayati-, to bring to (accusative) |
abhiniṣpat | to fly out towards (accusative) ; to spring forth, shoot forth.  |
abhiniṣpatana | n. springing forth, issuing.  |
abhiniṣpatti | f. appearance commentator or commentary on  |
abhiniśri | to pass (from one thing) to another (accusative)  |
abhiniṣṭāna | m. "a sound which dies away", the visarga-  |
abhinistāna | m. equals abhi-niṣṭāna-  |
abhiniṣṭāna | See abhi-niḥ-stan-.  |
abhiniṣṭhiv | to spit upon  |
abhinisyand | (or -ṣyand-), to trickle upon  |
abhiniṣyanda | m. trickling  |
abhinīta | mfn. brought near  |
abhinīta | mfn. performed  |
abhinīta | mfn. highly finished or ornamented  |
abhinīta | mfn. fit, proper etc.  |
abhinīta | mfn. equals marṣin- or amarṣin- (? patient or impatient)  |
abhinīti | f. gesture, expressive gesticulation  |
abhinīti | f. friendship, civility  |
abhinīti | persuasion,  |
abhinivartam | ind. ( vṛt-), so as to turn back towards (accusative)  |
abhiniveśa | m. application, intentness, study, affection, devotion (with locative case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhiniveśa | m. determination (to effect a purpose or attain an object), tenacity, adherence to (locative case)  |
abhiniveśana | n. application to, intentness on (compound),  |
abhiniveśin | mfn. intent upon, devoted to  |
abhiniveśin | mfn. determined.  |
abhiniveśita | mfn. made to enter into, plunged into.  |
abhiniviś | -viśate-, to enter (with accusative) ; to disembogue (as a river) into (accusative) ; to devote one's self entirely to (accusative) etc.: Caus. -veśayati-, to cause to enter, lead into (accusative) ; to cause to sit down upon (locative case) ; to cause any one to devote himself entirely to etc., (with manas-,or ātmānam-) to devote one's attention to (locative case)  |
abhiniviṣṭa | mfn. entered or plunged into  |
abhiniviṣṭa | mfn. intent on (locative case or in compound)  |
abhiniviṣṭa | mfn. endowed with  |
abhiniviṣṭa | mfn. determined, persevering.  |
abhiniviṣṭaka | mfn. (probably) stale, flat,  |
abhiniviṣṭatā | f. state of being persevering  |
abhinivṛt | to become, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
abhiniyama | m. definiteness as to (compound),  |
abhiniyukta | mfn. ( yuj-), occupied in.  |
abhinna | mfn. ( bhid-), uncut, unbroken etc.  |
abhinna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
abhinna | mfn. (a-bhinn/a-)  |
abhinna | mfn. (in arithmetic)"undivided", integer, whole (as numbers)  |
abhinna | mfn. unchanged, unaltered, not different from (ablative or in compound)  |
abhinnagati | mfn. not changing its course  |
abhinnakāla | mfn. occurring at the same time,  |
abhinnaparikarmāṣṭaka | n. the eight processes in working whole numbers.  |
abhinnasthiti | mfn. not breaking its rules  |
abhinnatā | f. ([ ]) "non-difference", identity  |
abhinnatā | f. (with numbers) wholeness.  |
abhinnataraka | mfn. (Comparative degree) not at all different  |
abhinnātman | mfn. "of undaunted spirit", firm.  |
abhinnatva | n. ([ ]) "non-difference", identity  |
abhinnatva | n. (with numbers) wholeness.  |
abhinnavela | mfn. not breaking bounds,  |
abhinnnāṇḍa | mfn. having a whole egg,  |
abhinṛmṇa | mf(ā-)n. exceedingly propitious  |
abhinṛt | -nṛtyati-, to dance towards (accusative) or in imitation of (accusative)  |
abhinu | A1. (3. plural abh/īnavante-) to turn one's self towards (accusative)  |
abhinu | P. A1. (proper 1. plural -navāmahe-,3. plural -navante-; imperfect tense P.3. plural -anāvan-; Aorist 1. sg. -anūṣi-,3. dual number -anūṣātām-,3. plural -anūṣata-[very frequently] or -nūṣata- ) to shout towards (accusative) : Intensive (1. plural -nonumas-) idem or 'A1. (3. plural abh/īnavante-) to turn one's self towards (accusative) '  |
abhinud | to push, press: Caus. -nodayati-, to excite, spur or urge on.  |
abhinyas | -asyati-, to depress (as fire)  |
abhinyāsa | m. a kind of fever  |
abhinyubj | to press down, hold down  |
abhivedhin | See abhi-vyadh-.  |
abhivedhin | mfn. (in geometry) cutting (as one line another) .  |
abhivyādhin | mfn. wounding  |
abhyarthin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') asking  |
acchinna | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed, uninjured  |
acchinna | mfn. undivided, inseparable.  |
ācchinna | mfn. cut off etc.  |
ācchinna | mfn. removed, destroyed (as darkness)  |
acchinnaparṇa | mfn. having uninjured leaves  |
acchinnapattra | mf(ā-)n. (/acchinna--) (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird) , having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured  |
acchinnapattra | mf(ā-)n. having uninjured leaves  |
adhināgam | ind. "on elephants"and"on snakes",  |
adhinam | Intensive A1. -n/amnate-, to incline over  |
adhinātha | m. a supreme lord, chieftain  |
adhinātha | m. Name of the author of the kālayogaśāstra-.  |
adhinī | (Aorist 2. plural -naiṣṭa-) to lead away from (ablative) , to raise above the ordinary measure, enhance  |
adhinidhā | Ved. to place upon ; to impart, grant.  |
adhinirhan | (perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to destroy, root out from  |
adhinirmuc | Passive voice -mucyate-, to escape from  |
adhinirṇij | mfn. covered over, veiled  |
adhiniṣad | ( sad-), (perf. 3. plural -ṣed/uḥ-) to settle in a place  |
adhiniśam | ind. by night, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
adhinivas | to dwell in.  |
adhinivyadh | (Imper. 3. dual number -vidhyatām-) to pierce through  |
adhinṛt | (Imper. -nṛtyatu-) to dance upon (accusative)  |
adhinyas | to throw upon  |
adhirohin | mfn. rising above, ascending, etc.  |
adrohin | mfn. free from malice or treachery.  |
agandhin | mfn. without smell, scentless,  |
agāradāhin | m. "house-burner", an incendiary  |
āgāradāhin | m. an incendiary  |
āgatarohin | mfn.  |
āgatayodhin | mfn.  |
aghorapathin | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
agrāhin | mfn. not taking, not holding (said of a leech and of tools)  |
agrayodhin | m. the foremost man or leader in a fight  |
agrayodhin | m. a champion.  |
āhārārthin | mfn. seeking or begging for food.  |
āhavaśobhin | mfn. distinguished in battle,  |
ahina | = 1. /ahīna-,  |
ahinakulikā | f. the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon  |
ahināmabhṛt | m. "bearing the name snake", Name of baladeva- (as identified with śeṣa-)  |
ahināman | n. any animal named snake  |
ahinas | mfn. having a nose like a snake commentator or commentary  |
ahinilvayanī | f. (confer, compare - nirvlayan/ī-) a snake's skin,  |
ahinirvlayanī | f. the cast-off skin of a snake ( )  |
ajagandhinī | f. a plant equals aja-śṛng/ī- q.v  |
ājiśobhin | mfn. distinguished in battle,  |
ajñānabodhinī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on the ātma-bodha- by śaṃkarācārya-  |
ākāśamukhin | m. plural Name of a śaiva- sect (the adherents of which keep their faces turned towards the sky).  |
akhinna | mfn. unwearied,  |
ālālamehin | mfn. discharging the above with the urine, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ālambhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' touching, taking hold of.  |
alimohinī | f. Name of a plant  |
alobhin | mfn. not desiring.  |
āmagandhin | mfn. idem or ' mfn. idem or 'mfn. smelling like raw meat or smelling musty ' '  |
ambaralekhin | mfn. touching the sky,  |
ambuvāhin | mfn. carrying or conveying water  |
ambuvāhinī | f. a wooden baling vessel  |
ambuvāhinī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio madhu-vāhinī-)  |
anaparādhin | mfn. innocent.  |
anavacchinna | mfn. not intersected, uninterrupted  |
anavacchinna | mfn. not marked off, unbounded, immoderate  |
anavacchinna | mfn. undiscriminated.  |
anavacchinnahāsa | m. continuous or immoderate laughter.  |
anavagāhin | mfn. ( gāh-), not dipping into, not studying.  |
annārthin | mfn. asking for food.  |
antarbhinna | mfn. inwardly divided or torn,  |
antardhināman | mfn. named concealment,  |
anubandhin | mfn. connected with, attached  |
anubandhin | mfn. having in its train or as a consequence, resulting  |
anubandhin | mfn. continuous, lasting, permanent.  |
anucchindat | mfn. not destroying.  |
anucchindat | mfn. cutting lengthwise.  |
anucchinna | mfn. not cut off  |
anucchinna | mfn. unextirpated.  |
anugrahin | m. proficient in magic skill.  |
anugrāhin | mfn. gracious, favourable.  |
anurodhin | mfn. complying with, compliant, obliging, having respect or regard to.  |
anuśobhin | mfn. shining.  |
anyonyaspardhin | mfn. = rivalling  |
apakārārthin | mfn. malicious, malevolent.  |
aparādhin | mfn. offending  |
aparādhin | mfn. criminal  |
aparādhin | mfn. guilty.  |
aparādhina | mfn. not dependent on another  |
aparibhinna | mfn. not broken into small pieces, not crumbled  |
aparicchinna | mfn. without interval or division, uninterrupted, continuous  |
aparicchinna | mfn. connected  |
aparicchinna | mfn. unlimited  |
aparicchinna | mfn. undistinguished.  |
apastambhinī | f. Name of a plant.  |
āpastambhinī | f. Name of a plant  |
apathin | nthās- m. absence of road  |
apracchinna | mfn. not split  |
apratiyodhin | mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)  |
ārambhin | mfn. enterprising, one who makes many new projects  |
arathin | m. a warrior who does not fight in a car, or owns no car  |
ārcābhin | m. plural Name of a school founded by ṛcābha- (a pupil of vaiśampāyana-), (gaRa kārtakaujapādi- )  |
ardhin | mfn. forming a half.  |
ardhin | mfn. giving half (the dakṣiṇā-)  |
ardhin | mfn. receiving half (the dakṣiṇā-)  |
arephin | mfn. equals a-riphita-  |
arkāśvamedhin | mfn. performing the two  |
ārohin | mfn. ascending, mounting  |
ārohin | mfn. one who mounts, rides  |
ārohin | mfn. leading to, helping to attain  |
arthābhinirvṛtti | f. accomplishment or successful issue of any matter  |
arthādhinātha | m. "lord of wealth", Name (also title or epithet) of kubera-,  |
arthagrāhin | mfn. choosing advantage  |
arthārthin | mfn. desirous of gaining wealth , desirous of making a profit, selfish  |
arthasambandhin | mfn. concerned or interested in an affair  |
arthasaṃgrahin | mfn. accumulating wealth  |
arthin | mfn. active, industrious  |
arthin | mfn. (cf arth/et-above)  |
arthin | mfn. one who wants or desires anything (instrumental case or in compound; see putrārthin-, balārthin-)  |
arthin | mfn. supplicating or entreating any one (genitive case)  |
arthin | mfn. longing for, libidinous  |
arthin | m. one who asks for a girl in marriage, a wooer  |
arthin | m. a beggar, petitioner, suitor  |
arthin | m. one who supplicates with prayers  |
arthin | m. a plaintiff, prosecutor  |
arthin | m. a servant  |
arthin | m. a follower, companion  |
asadgrāhin | mfn. equals -graha- mfn. (varia lectio -grahin-).  |
aṣāḍhin | mfn. wearing the staff (of palāśa- wood) called aṣāḍha-  |
asaṃbhindat | mfn. not damaging  |
asaṃbhindat | mfn. not bringing into contact, not mingling  |
asaṃbhinna | mfn. not broken or passed (as barriers or bounds)  |
asaṃbhinna | mfn. not being in contact, separated, separate  |
āsannayodhin | mfn. (an arrow) employed in close fight,  |
āśāvibhinna | mfn. disappointed in expectation.  |
asomapīthin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the soma- juice etc. ' '  |
aśrāddhin | mfn. not performing funeral rites  |
asrarodhinī | f. the plant Mimosa Pudica  |
asukhin | mfn. unhappy, sorrowful  |
āśvalāyanaśākhin | mfn. āśvalāyanaśākhā |
aśvamedhin | mfn. engaged in an aśva-medha-  |
atipathin | (Nominal verb -panthās-) m. a better road than common  |
atithin | mfn. ( at-), travelling  |
atithin | m. Name of a king (also suhotra- and atithi- q.v)  |
ativyādhin | mfn. piercing through, wounding  |
ātmadrohin | mfn. self-tormenting, fretful  |
ātmagrāhin | mfn. taking for one's self, selfish  |
ātmaślāghin | mfn. self-praising  |
atuhina | not cold,  |
atuhinadhāman | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atuhinaraśmi | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atuhinaruci | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atūrtapathin | (/atūrta--), m (Nominal verb -panthās-)fn. having a path that cannot be obstructed  |
avabhāsanaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga- demon  |
avabhinna | mfn. pierced  |
avabhinna | mfn. broken, injured  |
avacchinna | mfn. separated, detached etc.  |
avacchinna | mfn. (in logic) predicated (id est separated from everything else by the properties predicated) , distinguished, particularised  |
avalehin | mfn. lickerish, fond of dainties, ([ ;"sṛkkiṇī lelīhāna- id est sadā kruddha-"commentator or commentary ])  |
āvarhin | mfn. fit to be torn out  |
avarodhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') obstructing, hindering  |
avarodhin | mfn. wrapping up, covering  |
avarohaśākhin | m. "having branches with avaroha-- shoots ", the Indian fig-tree  |
avarohin | mfn. descending  |
avarohin | mfn. equals avaroha-vat- q.v (gaRa balādi- q.v)  |
avarohin | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
avasathin | mfn. having a habitation  |
avibhinna | mfn. not separated from (ablative)  |
avibhinna | mfn. unchanged , unchanged  |
avicchindat | mfn. not separating from each other, |
avicchinna | mfn. uninterrupted, continual  |
avicchinnapāta | m. continually falling (on one's knees)  |
avidāhin | mfn. not producing heartburn (on account of being imperfectly digested)  |
avidhinā | ind. instrumental case equals avidhāna-tas- q.v  |
avirodhin | mfn. not being out of harmony with, not being obstructive to (genitive case or in compound)  |
aviśrambhin | mfn. diffident  |
avivāhin | mfn. interdicted as to marriage, not to be married  |
āvyādhin | mfn. shooting, attacking, wounding  |
āvyādhinī | f. plural (inyas-) a band of robbers  |
avyathin | mfn.  |
avyathin | mfn. not discomposed,  |
avyavacchinna | mfn. uninterrupted and (together with s/aṃtata-)  |
avyavacchinnam | ind. or in compound avyavaccihinna-- ([ ]) uninterruptedly.  |
avyucchinna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
ayasobhin | mfn. bright with good fortune ayānaya- See s. v.  |
ayathāmukhina | mfn. having the face turned away  |
āyudhin | m. bearing weapons  |
āyudhin | m. a warrior  |
bādhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') injuring, impeding  |
bahucchinnā | f. a species of Cocculus  |
bāhucchinna | mfn. having a broken arm  |
bahuśākhin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
bāhuśardhin | mfn. relying on his arm (said of indra-)  |
bāhuyodhin | m. a wrestler, boxer  |
balakhin | mfn. coming from Balkh  |
bālaprabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
balārthin | mfn. desirous of power  |
balavardhin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
balavardhinī | f. a species of medicinal plant (equals jīvaka-)  |
bandhin | mfn. binding, clasping (see dṛḍhabandhinī-)  |
bandhin | mfn. catching (see matsya-bandhin-)  |
bandhin | mfn. causing, effecting, producing (see phala-b-, rāga-b-)  |
bandhin | mfn. showing, evincing, betraying (see vātsalya-b-).  |
barhin | m. a peacock etc.  |
barhin | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
barhin | m. of a ṛṣi- (equals barhiṣada-)  |
barhin | n. a kind of perfume  |
bhāgārthin | mfn. desirous of a share (as of a sacrifice)  |
bhagavadgītātatparyabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
bhaikṣārthin | mfn. seeking for alms,  |
bhaktivardhinī | f. Name of work  |
bhārasādhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. accomplishing great things (said of weapons), very efficacious '  |
bhāravāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. carrying lowest, a porter '  |
bhāryādrohin | mfn. acting maliciously towards a wife  |
bhāryārthin | (ryārth-) mfn. seeking or desiring a wife  |
bhasmagandhinī | f. "having the smell of ashes", a kind of perfume  |
bhaṭṭibodhinī | f. Name of Comms. on  |
bhavābdhināvinavika | m. a pilot on the boat (which crosses) the ocean of worldly existence  |
bhāvagrāhin | mfn. understanding the sense, appreciating the sentiment  |
bhāvaprabodhinī | f.  |
bhāvaviśodhinī | f. Name of work  |
bhikṣārthin | (kṣārth/in-) mfn. asking for alms, a beggar or mendicant  |
bhind | varia lectio for bind- q.v  |
bhinddhilavaṇā | f. (fr. 2. sg. imperative + l-) constant sprinkling of salt gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- (see paca-lavaṇā-).  |
bhindipāla | m. a short javelin or arrow thrown from the hand or shot through a tube (others"a stone fastened to a string"or"a kind of sling for throwing stones") (varia lectio bhindapāla-, bhiṇḍimālā-, bhindomāla-, bhindimāla-or laka-, bhindumāla-).  |
bhindipālaka | m. a short javelin or arrow thrown from the hand or shot through a tube (others"a stone fastened to a string"or"a kind of sling for throwing stones") (varia lectio bhindapāla-, bhiṇḍimālā-, bhindomāla-, bhindimāla-or laka-, bhindumāla-).  |
bhindu | m. a breaker, destroyer  |
bhindu | m. a bubble on liquids (see bindu-)  |
bhindu | f. a woman who brings forth a still-born child (see nindu-).  |
bhindu | bhinna- etc. See column 1.  |
bhindura | m. Ficus Infectoria  |
bhinna | mfn. split, broken, shattered, pierced, destroyed etc.  |
bhinna | mfn. leaky (as a ship)  |
bhinna | mfn. broken through, transgressed, violated etc.  |
bhinna | mfn. divided into parts, anything less than a whole etc.  |
bhinna | mfn. opened, expanded, blown etc.  |
bhinna | mfn. detached, disjoined, loosened  |
bhinna | mfn. interrupted, disturbed  |
bhinna | mfn. disclosed, betrayed  |
bhinna | mfn. disunited, set at variance  |
bhinna | mfn. seduced, bribed  |
bhinna | mfn. changed, altered  |
bhinna | mfn. distinct, different from or other than (ablative or compound) etc.  |
bhinna | mfn. deviating, abnormal, irregular  |
bhinna | mfn. mixed or mingled with (instrumental case or compound)  |
bhinna | mfn. cleaving to (locative case or compound)  |
bhinna | mfn. equals bhinna-karaṭa-  |
bhinna | m. (in arithmetic) a fraction,  |
bhinnā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
bhinna | n. a fragment, bit, portion  |
bhinna | n. a wound from a pointed weapon, a stab  |
bhinna | n. a particular mode of fighting  |
bhinnabhāgahara | (prob. wrong reading for -hāra-), m. division of fractions,  |
bhinnabhājana | n. a broken pot or vessel, potsherd  |
bhinnabhāṇḍa | n. a broken pot or vessel, potsherd  |
bhinnābhinna | mfn. distinct and not different, separate and not separate  |
bhinnabhinnātman | m. chick-pea, Cicer Arietinum  |
bhinnadalā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
bhinnadarśin | mfn. seeing different things, state a difference, making a different (opp. to sama-d-), partial  |
bhinnadeha | mfn. "whose body is pierced", wounded  |
bhinnadeśa | mfn. occurring or happening in various places  |
bhinnadeśatva | n.  |
bhinnadṛś | mfn. equals -darśin-  |
bhinnagaṇḍakaraṭa | mfn. equals -karaṭa-  |
bhinnagarbha | mfn. disunited in the centre, disorganised (said of an army)  |
bhinnagati | mfn. going with great strides or quickly  |
bhinnagātrikā | f. Cucumis Usitatissimus  |
bhinnaghana | m. the cube of a fraction  |
bhinnaguṇana | n. multiplication of fractions  |
bhinnahṛdaya | mfn. pierced through the heart  |
bhinnahṛti | f. division of fractions  |
bhinnajāti | mfn. plural of different rank commentator or commentary  |
bhinnajātimat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. plural of different rank commentator or commentary '  |
bhinnajātīya | mfn. of a different kind commentator or commentary  |
bhinnajātīya | mfn. of a different tribe or caste  |
bhinnaka | mfn. broken  |
bhinnaka | m. "a seceder", a Buddhistic mendicant  |
bhinnaka | m. Name of a musical mode or rāga-  |
bhinnakāla | mfn. one who does not keep to the right time,  |
bhinnakalpa | mfn. having different rites  |
bhinnakaraṭa | ( ) mfn. a rutting elephant having a fissure in the temples (from which fluid exudes).  |
bhinnakarīndrakumbhamuktāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of pearls fallen from the crack in the frontal protuberances of a chief elephant  |
bhinnakarṇa | mfn. having divided ears (said of particular animals)  |
bhinnakaṭa | ( ) mfn. a rutting elephant having a fissure in the temples (from which fluid exudes).  |
bhinnakī | ind. with kṛ-, to divide, separate  |
bhinnakleśa | mfn. one in whom the (Buddhistic) kleśa-s (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) are destroyed  |
bhinnakleśatva | n. |
bhinnakrama | mfn. out of order or place, displaced commentator or commentary  |
bhinnakumbha | m. a person who has regained his liberty by redeeming his pledge  |
bhinnakūṭa | mfn. each employing a different stratagem (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bhinnakūṭa | n. an army whose inferior officers have perished  |
bhinnaliṅga | n. incongruity of gender in a comparison  |
bhinnaliṅgaka | mf(ikā-)n. containing words of different gender  |
bhinnamantra | mfn. one who has betrayed a plan  |
bhinnamarman | mfn. pierced in the vital organs. mortally wounded  |
bhinnamaryāda | ( ) ( ) mfn. whose course is broken, separated from the right way, uncontrolled, unrestrained, regardless, disrespectful.  |
bhinnamaryādin | ( ) mfn. whose course is broken, separated from the right way, uncontrolled, unrestrained, regardless, disrespectful.  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍaka | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍika | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhinnanau | mfn. "whose ship is broken", shipwrecked  |
bhinnanauka | mfn. "whose ship is broken", shipwrecked  |
bhinnāñjana | n. divided antimony or collyrium mixed (with oil etc.), eye-ointment  |
bhinnāñjanābha | mfn. appearing like pounded antimony. ( )  |
bhinnāñjanacayopama | mfn. like a quantity of pounded antimony  |
bhinnāñjanākāra | mfn. appearing like pounded antimony. ( )  |
bhinnāñjanasaṃnibha | mfn. similar to pounded antimony  |
bhinnāñjanavarṇa | mfn. having the colour of pounded antimony ( bhinnāñjanavarṇatā -tā-, f.)  |
bhinnāñjanavarṇatā | f. bhinnāñjanavarṇa |
bhinnaparikarman | n. an arithmetical operation with fractions  |
bhinnapnakāra | mfn. of a different kind or sort  |
bhinnaruci | mfn. having a different taste  |
bhinnaśakṛt | mfn. equals -varcas-  |
bhinnasaṃhati | mfn. whose union is broken, disunited  |
bhinnasaṃkalana | ( ) ( ) n. addition of fractions,  |
bhinnasaṃkalita | ( ) n. addition of fractions,  |
bhinnasvara | mfn. having a broken or changed voice  |
bhinnasvara | mfn. discordant  |
bhinnasvaramukhavarṇa | mfn. having a broken or changed voice and complexion  |
bhinnatantra | mfn. occurring or happening in different actions  |
bhinnatva | n. the state of being different from (compound)  |
bhinnavacana | mf(ā-)n. containing words of different number  |
bhinnavacana | n. incongruity of number in a comparison  |
bhinnavarcas | mfn. voiding excrement (also ska-)  |
bhinnavarcas | mfn. having thin evacuations ( bhinnavarcastva -tva- n.)  |
bhinnavarcastva | n. bhinnavarcas |
bhinnavarga | m. the square of a fraction  |
bhinnavarṇa | mfn. changed in colour, discoloured, pale  |
bhinnavarṇa | mfn. of a different caste or tribe  |
bhinnavartman | mfn. separated from the right way  |
bhinnavat | mfn. one who has divided  |
bhinnaviṭka | mfn. (fr. 3. viṣ-) equals -varcas-  |
bhinnaviṭkatva | n. equals -varcas-tva- (Scholiast or Commentator"change of colour in the faeces") .  |
bhinnavṛtta | mfn. one who has abandoned the path of duty, leading a bad life  |
bhinnavṛtta | mfn. containing a metrical fault  |
bhinnavṛtti | mfn. having different occupations  |
bhinnavṛtti | mfn. having a different profession commentator or commentary  |
bhinnavṛtti | mfn. leading a bad life, following evil courses (equals vṛtta-; bhinnavṛttitā -tā- f.)  |
bhinnavṛtti | mfn. wrong reading for -vṛtta-  |
bhinnavṛttitā | f. bhinnavṛtti |
bhinnavyavakalita | n. subtraction of fractions  |
bhinnayojanī | f. Plectranthus Scutellarioides (wrong reading -yājanī-).  |
bhinnodara | m. "born from a different womb", a brother by a different mother, a half brother  |
bhinrārtha | mfn. having different aims commentator or commentary  |
bhinrārtha | mfn. having a clear or distinct meaning, clear, perspicuous  |
bhinrārthatā | f. clearness, intelligibleness  |
bhojanārthin | mfn. desirous of food, hungry  |
bījakāṇḍaprarohin | ( ) (i, 48) mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,  |
bījaprarohin | ( ) mfn. growing from seed.  |
bījodāharaṇabālabodhini | f. Name of work on algebra  |
bisakaṇṭhin | m. a kind of small crane  |
bodhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') intent upon, careful of.  |
bodhin | mfn. knowing, familiar with  |
bodhin | mfn. causing to know or perceive  |
bodhin | mfn. awakening, enlightening (see jñāna--, tattva--, bāla-bodhinī-).  |
bodhinmanas | mfn. (according to fr. bodhit-m-) one whose mind is awake, watchful, attentive  |
bodhinyāsa | m. Name of work  |
brahmabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
brahmagrāhin | mfn. worthy to receive that which is holy (varia lectio mārgha-).  |
brahmatattvasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
bṛhattuhinaśarkara | mfn. full of great lumps of ice  |
buddhakāyavarṇapariniṣpattyabhinirhārā | f. a particular dhāraṇī-  |
buddhivirodhin | m. Name of a man  |
cakrayodhin | m. "discus-fighter", Name of a dānava-  |
caraṇayodhin | m. "foot-fighter", a cock  |
caritārthin | mfn. desirous of success |
caturasraśobhin | mfn. beautifully symmetrical,  |
caturvāhin | m. (scilicet ratha-) a carriage drawn by 4 (horses or oxen)  |
celakaṇṭhin | mfn. for śveta-k-  |
chāyābhinna | mfn. divided in radiance, reflecting light from various surfaces  |
chindaka | m. Name of a race,  |
chindatprāṇi | n. an animal cutting (id est living on) grass  |
chinna | mfn. cut off, cut, divided, torn, cut through, perforated etc.  |
chinna | mfn. opened (a wound)  |
chinna | mfn. interrupted, not contiguous  |
chinna | mfn. disturbed (kiṃ naś chinnam-,"what is there in this to disturb us?"there is nothing to care about )  |
chinna | mfn. ? (said of the belly of a leach)  |
chinna | mfn. limited by (in compound)  |
chinna | mfn. taken away or out of.  |
chinna | mfn. disappeared  |
chinna | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' decaying or exhausted by  |
chinnā | f. a harlot  |
chinna | f. equals nnodbhavā- (see /a--, reṣm/a--).  |
chinnabandhana | mfn. having the bands broken, liberated  |
chinnabhakta | mfn. "having one's meals interrupted", starving  |
chinnabhinna | mfn. pierced through and through, cut up, destroyed  |
chinnabhūyiṣṭhadhūma | mfn. bursting through the thick smoke  |
chinnadhanvan | mfn. (a warrior) whose bow has been broken by his enemy's arrow  |
chinnadruma | m. a riven tree  |
chinnadvaidha | mfn. one whose doubts have been destroyed,  |
chinnagranthinikā | f. a kind of bulbous plant  |
chinnahasta | mfn. "cut-hand", Name of a man,  |
chinnaka | mfn. "having a little cut off."  |
chinnakarṇa | mfn. having the ears shortened (as animals)  |
chinnakarṇa | mf(ī-)n. ( )  |
chinnakatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) Va1rtt. 5.  |
chinnakeśa | mfn. having the hair cut  |
chinnama | m. Name of a poet (vv.ll. nnapa-, chittapa-) (chitrama- edition)  |
chinnamastā | f. equals staka- .  |
chinnamastakā | f. "decapitated", a headless form of durgā-  |
chinnamastakīkṛ | to decapitate  |
chinnamūla | mfn. cut up by the root  |
chinnanāsa | m. "cut-nose", Name of a man  |
chinnanāsya | mfn. having the nose-rein broken  |
chinnāntra | mfn. affected with a koṣṭha-bheda- disease  |
chinnapakṣa | (nn/a-.) mfn. having the wings torn off.  |
chinnapattrī | f. "having divided leaves", Hibiscus cannabinus  |
chinnaruha | m. Clerodendrum phlomoides  |
chinnaruhā | f. equals nnodbhavā-  |
chinnaruhā | f. Boswellia thurifera  |
chinnaruhā | f. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
chinnasaṃśaya | mfn. one whose doubts are dispelled, confident  |
chinnaśāsa | mfn. breathing at irregular intervals  |
chinnaśāsa | m. interrupted or irregular breathing, .  |
chinnasthūṇa | mfn. having broken legs,  |
chinnataraka | mfn. (Comparative degree) equals chinnaka-tara-, vArttika 1 and 2  |
chinnavat | mfn. (pf.p.P.) having cut or cut off.  |
chinnaveṣikā | f. Clypea hernandifolia  |
chinnnābra | n. a cloud torn asunder,  |
chinnodbhavā | f. Cocculus cordifolius |
ciramehin | m. "urining for a long time", an ass  |
citrabarhin | mfn. having a variegated tail (a peacock, son of garuḍa-),  |
citrayodhin | mfn. fighting in various ways  |
citrayodhin | m. arjuna-  |
citrayodhin | m. Terminalia Arjuna  |
citrayodhin | m. a quail  |
cittapramāthin | mfn. confusing the mind, exciting any one's (genitive case or in compound) passion or love  |
dadhinadī | f. Name of a river,  |
dādūpanthin | m. plural his followers  |
dāhin | mfn. burning, setting on fire  |
dāhin | mfn. tormenting, paining  |
daivadattaśaṭhin | m. pl. idem or 'm. plural the pupils of deva-datta-, Va1rtt. 5 (see deva-dattīya-)' gaRa śaunakādi-  |
daivānurodhin | mfn. obedient to fate or to the will of the gods  |
dambhin | mfn. acting deceitfully, (m.) a deceiver, hypocrite  |
dambhin | mfn. see a--.  |
dānabhinna | mfn. set at variance by bribes  |
daṇḍavāhin | m. a policeman  |
dāraparigrahin | m. one who takes a wife  |
darbhin | m. Name of a man  |
dehin | mfn. having a body, corporeal  |
dehin | m. a living creature, man etc.  |
dehin | m. the spirit, soul (enveloped in the body)  |
dehinī | f. the earth  |
deśakālavirodhin | mfn. neglecting place and time  |
deśavirodhin | ( ), mfn. contradictory as to time.  |
dhanalobhin | mfn. equals -lubdha-  |
dhanārthin | mfn. "wealth-seeking", covetous, miserly  |
dhanurgrāhin | ( ) m. an archer.  |
dharmādharmaprabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
dharmadrohin | mfn. equals -druh- |
dharmadrohin | m. a rākṣasa-  |
dharmanibandhin | mfn. dharmanibandha |
dharmapathin | m. (Nominal verb -panthās-) the way of duty or virtue, R  |
dharmarodhin | mfn. opposed to law, illegal, immoral  |
dharmaśreṣṭhin | m. Name of a Buddhist arhat-.  |
dharmasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
dhātugrāhin | m. calimine  |
dhinv | See 3. dhi-.  |
dhīśodhinī | f. Name of work  |
dinādhinātha | m. "day-lord", the sun  |
dīrghābhiniṣṭhānānta | mfn. ending in a long vowel or in visarga-,  |
dohin | mfn. milking, yielding milk or desires (see kāma-dohinī-).  |
doṣagrāhin | mfn. fault-finding, censorious, susceptible of evil (see guṇa--).  |
dṛḍhabandhinī | f. "winding closely round", a kind of creeper (equals śyāmā-)  |
dṛḍhagrāhin | mfn. seizing firmly, pursuing an object with untiring energy  |
drohin | mfn. hurting, harming  |
drohin | mfn. perfidious against, hostile to (genitive case or compound)  |
dṛṣṭipathin | m. (Nominal verb panthās-) idem or 'm. the path or range of sight '  |
dugdhin | mfn. having milk, milky  |
dugdhin | n. calcareous spar  |
dugdhinikā | f. red-flowered apāmārga-  |
duḥkhacchinna | mfn. cut with difficulty, tough, hard  |
duḥkhacchinna | mfn. pained, distressed  |
duḥkhaduḥkhin | mfn. having sorrow upon sorrow  |
duḥkhin | mfn. pained, afflicted, grieved  |
duḥsādhin | m. a door-keeper.  |
dundubhinirhrāda | m. "drum sounding", Name of a dānava-.  |
dūrabhinna | mfn. pierced from a distance, wounded deeply  |
dūrādhirohin | varia lectio for rārohin- q.v  |
dūrārohin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. mounted high, far gone or advanced '  |
dūravedhin | mfn. piercing from afar (as a missile, weapon)  |
dūravibhinna | mfn. "far separated", not related  |
durgamāśubodhinī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
duśchinna | mfn. badly cut out or extracted (thorn)  |
dvaṃdvabhinna | n. separation of the sexes  |
dvaṃdvayodhin | mfn. fighting in couples or by single combat  |
dvicchinna | mfn. cut into two, bisected  |
dvivivāhin | mfn. allied with 2 by matrimony  |
dvivivāhinhitāsapiṇḍīkaraṇa | n. Name of chapter of  |
edhini | f. the earth (= medinī-),  |
ekāntagrāhin | mfn. comprehending partially  |
ekarikthin | mfn. sharing the same heritage, co-heir  |
ekatīrthin | mfn. inhabiting the same hermitage  |
ekatīrthin | (lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text)), m. one who has the same teacher, fellow-student  |
gādhin | m. (equals gāth/in-) Name of viśvā-mitra-'s father (king of kānyakubja-)  |
gādhinagara | n. " gādhi-'s city", Name of kānyakubja-. |
gādhinandana | m. equals -ja-  |
gajabandhinī | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. a post to which an elephant is bound ' '  |
gajayodhin | mfn. fighting on an elephant  |
gajayodhin | mfn.  |
gandhagrāhin | mfn. perfumed  |
gandhamohinī | f. the bud of Michelia Campaka  |
gandhin | mfn. having a smell, odoriferous  |
gandhin | mfn. smelling of (in compound)  |
gandhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having (only the smell id est) a very little of anything  |
gandhin | mfn. (mātṛ-gandhinī-,"a mother only by name")  |
gandhin | mfn. for gardhin-  |
gandhin | m. a bug, flying bug  |
gandhin | m. Xanthophyllum virens  |
gandhin | n. idem or 'f. a kind of perfume '  |
gandhinī | f. a kind of perfume  |
gāndhinī | varia lectio for ndinī- q.v  |
garbhanābhināḍī | f. idem or 'f. "embryo-artery", the umbilical cord ' , 3, 28.  |
garbhin | mfn. pregnant, impregnated or filled with (accusative ;or instrumental case, ) (f. plural garbh/iṇayas-,ii, 1, 2, 6; see ) etc.  |
garbhin | mfn. (iṇī-), a pregnant woman etc.  |
garbhin | mfn. pregnant (as an animal) (see )  |
garbhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with words denoting animals (exempli gratia, 'for example' go-garbhiṇī-,a pregnant cow)  |
gārdabhin | m. plural Name of a dynasty (see gardabhila-.)  |
gardhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' desirous, greedy, eager after, longing for  |
garhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' abusing  |
garudyodhin | m. "fighting with the wings", a quail  |
gāthin | mfn. familiar with songs, singer  |
gāthin | m. ( ) Name of viśvā-mitra-'s father (son of kuśika-)  |
gāthin | m. plural (inas-) the descendants of gāthin- (varia lectio)  |
gāthin | See 3. gā-.  |
gāthina | m. ( ) patronymic fr. gāthin-  |
gāthinī | f. Name of a metre (containing 12 + 18 + 12 + 20 or 32 + 29 syllabic instants.)  |
gauḍābhinanda | m. Name of a poet  |
gauḍābhinandana | m. Name of a poet  |
gaveṣṭhin | m. Name of a dānava-  |
gehedāhin | mfn. "scorching and burning at home", idem or 'mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.'  |
gehemehin | mfn. "making water at home", a lazy or indolent man gaRa pātre-samitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.  |
gehinī | f. idem or 'f. equals gṛh-, a housewife '  |
ghṛtalekhinī | f. idem or 'f. a ladle for ghee '  |
godhinī | f. a variety of Solanum  |
govāhin | m. Bos Gavaeus,  |
grāhin | mfn. ( ) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' seizing, taking, holding, laying hold of (varia lectio)  |
grāhin | mfn. catching, engaged in catching,  |
grāhin | mfn. picking, gathering  |
grāhin | mfn. containing, holding  |
grāhin | mfn. gaining, obtaining, acquiring  |
grāhin | mfn. keeping ( )  |
grāhin | mfn. purchasing  |
grāhin | mfn. drawing, attracting, fascinating, alluring  |
grāhin | mfn. choosing  |
grāhin | mfn. searching, scrutinizing  |
grāhin | mfn. "perceiving, acknowledging" See guṇa--  |
grāhin | mfn. astringent, obstructing, constipating  |
grāhin | m. equals hi-phala-  |
granthibarhin | m. equals -parṇaka-  |
granthin | mfn. strung together (?)  |
granthin | mfn. one who reads books, well-read  |
granthinikā | f. a kind of bulbous plant (see chinna-g-.) |
grathin | See 2. grath-. |
grathin | mfn. false  |
gṛddhin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' eagerly longing for  |
gṛddhin | mfn. being very busy with (in compound)  |
gṛhamedhin | mfn. one who performs the domestic sacrifices, religious man  |
gṛhamedhin | mfn. being the object of domestic rites (as the marut-s)  |
gṛhamedhin | m. the householder who performs the domestic rites, a married Brahman who has a household, a Brahman in the 2nd period of his life etc.  |
gṛhamedhinī | f. the wife of a householder ("natural intelligence"Scholiast or Commentator)  |
gṛhin | mfn. possessing a house  |
gṛhin | m. the master of a house, householder, gṛha-stha- (genitive case plural hīṇām-for hiṇām-, ) etc.  |
grīvacchinna | mf(/ā-)n. one whose neck is cut  |
gucchin | m. equals guccha-karañja-  |
guhina | n. a wood, thicket  |
gulphinī | f. (for lminī-?) an army  |
guṇabhinna | mfn. separated according to the 3 guṇa-s sattva-, rajas-, and tamas-  |
guṇagrāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. appreciating merit '  |
haridrāmehin | mfn. suffering from it  |
hāridramehin | equals haridrā-m-, lb.  |
hariharadevahindūpati | m. Name of certain man ( )  |
hastimehin | mfn. hastimeha |
haṭhin | mfn. obstinately insisting on  |
hathināvagrāma | m. Name of a village  |
haṭṭavāhinī | f. a gutter in a market-place  |
havyalehin | m. "oblations-licker", fire, the god of fire  |
havyavāhinī | f. "oblations-bearer", Name of the tutelary deity of the family of kapila-  |
hemadugdhin | m. Ficus Glomerata  |
hemagandhinī | f. the perfume reṇukā-  |
hitānubandhin | mfn. having welfare as a consequence, having salutary consequence  |
hitārthin | mfn. seeking or desiring one's (own) or another's welfare or advantage  |
hṛdayadāhin | mfn. heart-burning  |
hṛdayagrāhin | mfn. captivating the heart  |
hṛdayapramāthin | mfn. agitating or disturbing the heart  |
hṛdayavedhin | mfn. heart-piercing  |
hrītamukhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals hrīṇa-m- '  |
ihārthin | mfn. busy in worldly objects,  |
īhārthin | mfn. aiming at any object, seeking wealth.  |
ikṣumehin | mfn. suffering from diabetes  |
indrāyudhaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga-.  |
indriyabodhin | mfn. arousing the bodily powers, sharpening the senses  |
indriyabodhin | n. any excitement of sense, an object of perception, a stimulus, etc.  |
jaganmohinī | f. "infatuating living beings", Name of a surāṅganā-  |
jahina | m. Name of a man (vv.ll. hila-, javina-).  |
jaladhinandinī | f. equals -jā-  |
jalārthin | mfn. desirous of water, thirsty  |
jambhin | m. the citron tree  |
janādhinātha | m. equals nanātha-  |
janādhinātha | m. viṣṇu-  |
janamohinī | f. "infatuating men", Name of a surāṅganā-  |
jayavāhinī | f. "conferring victory", Name of indra-'s wife  |
jihmayodhin | mfn. fighting unfairly  |
jihmayodhin | m. bhīma- (who struck an unfair blow at dur-yodhana-) =  |
jīmūtavāhin | m. smoke  |
jñānabodhinī | f. "awakening knowledge", Name of a Vedantic treatise.  |
jṛmbhin | mfn. yawning  |
jṛmbhin | mfn. blossoming  |
jyaiṣṭhineya | m. (gaRa kalyāṇyādi-) a son of the father's first wife (jyeṣṭhā-) (fr jyeṣṭhinī- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
jyeṣṭhinī | f. a woman who has an elder brother  |
jyeṣṭhinī | f. see jyaiṣṭhiney/a-.  |
kabandhin | mfn. "bearing huge vessels of water or clouds"("endowed with water" ), Name of the marut-s  |
kabandhin | m. Name of a kātyāyana-  |
kalahin | mfn. contentious, quarrelsome  |
kalakaṇṭhin | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
kālaprabodhin | mfn. awakening in time (as a mantra-)  |
kālaskandhin | m. Ficus glomerata  |
kalpaśākhin | m. equals -taru-.  |
kalyāṇābhiniveśin | mfn. intent on virtue or on benefiting others  |
kāmadohinī | f. "yielding desires" equals -dhenu-  |
kāmārthin | mfn. desirous of pleasure or love, amorous  |
kāmārthinagara | n. Name of a town.  |
kanakavāhinī | f. "gold stream", Name of a river  |
kāniṣṭhineya | m. (gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi-) a son of the youngest or of a younger wife  |
kāniṣṭhineya | m. (plural) commentator or commentary on (kaniṣ-printed text) .  |
kaṇṭhin | mfn. belonging to the throat.  |
kāṇvaśākhin | m. a follower of the kāṇva- branch of the veda-.  |
kanyārthin | (kanyārthin-) mfn. idem or '(kanyārthika-) mfn. wanting or desiring a girl.'  |
kaphavirodhin | mfn. obstructing the phlegm  |
kaphavirodhin | n. black pepper  |
kaphin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. phlegmatic '  |
kaphin | m. an elephant  |
kaphin | m. varia lectio for kapphiṇa- q.v  |
kaphina | vv.ll. for the above.  |
kaphinī | f. Name of a river  |
kapitthinī | f. a region abounding in kapittha-s gaRa puṣkarādi-  |
karabhin | m. "having a trunk", an elephant  |
karagrāhin | mfn. (1. kara-grāhin-;for 2.See) taking the hand  |
karagrāhin | mfn. a bridegroom  |
karagrāhin | (2. kara-grāhin-) mfn. levying a tax, a tax-collector.  |
karambhin | mfn. possessing gruel  |
karavīrakarambhin | n. Name of a wood (varia lectio karavīrākara-)  |
karmānubandhin | mfn. connected with or involved in works  |
karmavirodhin | mfn. disturbing or preventing any one's works  |
kāryārthin | mfn. making a request, seeking for business, applying for employment  |
kāryārthin | mfn. pleading a cause in court, going to law commentator or commentary on  |
kāṣṭhalohin | m. a club, short cudgel (especially if bound with iron)  |
kāṣṭhāmbuvāhinī | f. a wooden bucket or baling vessel  |
kāṣṭhin | mfn. wooden  |
kāṣṭhin | mfn. having wood  |
kaṭhaśāṭhin | m. plural the schools of kaṭha- and śāṭha-  |
kāṭhaśāṭhin | m. plural the pupils of kaṭhaśāṭha- gaRa śaunakādi-  |
kāṭhaśāṭhin | m. or of kaṭha- and śāṭha-  |
kaṭhina | mfn. (Comm. on ) hard, firm, stiff (opposed to mṛdu-)  |
kaṭhina | mfn. difficult etc.  |
kaṭhina | mfn. harsh, inflexible, cruel etc.  |
kaṭhina | mfn. violent (as pain)  |
kaṭhinā | f. crystallized sugar, a sweetmeat made with refined sugar  |
kaṭhinā | f. a species of betel  |
kaṭhina | n. an earthen vessel for cooking  |
kaṭhina | n. a strap or pole for carrying burdens (see vaṃśa-kaṭhina-)  |
kaṭhina | n. a shovel, scoop  |
kaṭhina | n. (also) a garment made in a day and offered to a monk as a present,  |
kāṭhina | n. (fr. kaṭhina-) hardness, sternness  |
kāṭhina | m. the date fruit  |
kaṭhinacitta | mfn. hard-hearted, cruel, unkind.  |
kaṭhinahṛdaya | mfn. equals -citta- above.  |
kaṭhinaka | m. a shovel, scoop  |
kaṭhinaphala | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
kaṭhinapṛṣṭha | m. "hard-backed", a tortoise  |
kaṭhinapṛṣṭhaka | m. idem or 'm. "hard-backed", a tortoise '  |
kaṭhinatā | f.  |
kaṭhinatārakanātha | m. the full moon,  |
kaṭhinatva | n. hardness, firmness, harshness, severity, etc.  |
kaṭhinatva | n. difficulty, obscurity  |
kaṭhināvadāna | n. Name of a Buddhist legend. |
kaṭhinaya | Nom. P. kaṭhinayati-, to harden, indurate, render hard  |
kaṭhinekṣu | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
kaṭhinī | f. chalk  |
kaṭhinībhū | to become hard.  |
kaṭhinībhūta | mfn. hardened, indurated.  |
kaṭhinikā | f. chalk  |
kaṭhinīkṛ | idem or 'Nom. P. kaṭhinayati-, to harden, indurate, render hard '  |
kāṭhinya | n. hardness, rigidity, stiffness, sternness, severity (Name of a disease)  |
kāṭhinya | n. firmness of character, difficulty, obscurity (of style) commentator or commentary on  |
kāṭhinya | n. error for kaṭhilla-  |
kāṭhinyaphala | n. the plant Feronia Elephantum (kapittha-)  |
keśavaśreṣṭhin | m. Name of a merchant.  |
khaḍgagrāhin | m. "a sword-bearer", a particular dignitary  |
khindaka | m. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.  |
khindhi | m. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.'  |
khindhika | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.' '  |
khinna | mfn. depressed, distressed, suffering pain or uneasiness etc.  |
khinna | mfn. wearied, exhausted  |
khinnamānasa | mfn. distressed in mind,  |
kindhin | m. a horse (varia lectio for kilkin-).  |
kohin | m. the tree Wrightia antidysenterica  |
kośapīthin | mfn. one who exhausts or has exhausted the wealth of any one  |
koṭivedhin | mfn. "striking an edge" id est performing most difficult things  |
koṭivedhin | m. Name of a plant  |
krāthin | See para-k-.  |
krodhin | mfn. id  |
krodhin | m. a buffalo  |
krodhin | m. a dog  |
krodhin | m. a rhinoceros  |
krodhin | m. the 38th year of the sixty years' bṛhaspati- cycle  |
krodhinī | f. a mystical Name of the letter r-.  |
kṛttattvabodhinī | f. Name of a grammatical treatise.  |
kṣaṇadādhinātha | m. the moon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kṣāramehin | mfn. one whose urine has that smell and taste  |
kṣaudramehin | mfn. affected with that disease  |
kṣemavṛddhin | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
kūcidarthin | mfn. (kūcid-) striving to get anywhere ["seeking oblations from any quarter" ]  |
kūcidarthin | See 2. k/ū-.  |
kugehinī | f. equals -kuṭumbinī-  |
kukurādhinātha | m. "lord of the yādava-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-.  |
kulaśreṣṭhin | mfn. of good family, eminent in family  |
kulaśreṣṭhin | m. the chief of a guild  |
kumāravāhin | m. "carrying skanda-", a peacock (as being skanda-'s usual vehicle)  |
kumbhin | mfn. having a jar  |
kumbhin | mfn. shaped like a jar  |
kumbhin | m. "having on his forehead the prominence called kumbha- ", an elephant  |
kumbhin | m. (hence) the number"eight"  |
kumbhin | m. a crocodile  |
kumbhin | m. a kind of poisonous insect.  |
kumbhin | m. a sort of fragrant resin (g/uggulu-) or the plant bearing it  |
kumbhin | m. Name of a demon hostile to children  |
kumbhinaraka | m. Name of a hell  |
kumbhinī | f. the earth  |
kumbhinī | (f. of bhin- q.v)  |
kumbhinībīja | n. the croton-nut (Croton Jamalgota)  |
kunakhin | mfn. having bad or diseased nails etc.  |
kunakhin | m. Name of a man  |
kunakhin | m. of a work belonging to the  |
kuṣṭhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. leprous '  |
kūṭayodhin | mfn. fighting unfairly or treacherously  |
lābhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') obtaining, meeting with, finding  |
lābhin | mfn.  |
laghubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
laghuvedhin | mfn. easily piercing, cleverly hitting  |
lakṣavedhin | mfn. piercing or hitting the mark (see lakṣya-v-).  |
lakṣyavedhin | mfn. piercing or hitting a mark (see lakṣa-vedhin-).  |
lalanāvarūthin | mfn. surrounded by a troop of women  |
lalitābhinaya | m. erotic performance, representation of love scenes  |
laṅkādāhin | m. "burner of laṅkā-", Name of hanumat- (as having set fire to the city with his burning tail)  |
lavaṇamehin | mfn. suffering from it  |
lehin | mfn. licking, a licker (See madhu-l-).  |
lehina | m. borax  |
lekhin | mfn. scratching, grazing, touching (ambara-l-."touching the sky")  |
liṅgavardhin | mfn. causing erections  |
lobhin | mfn. covetous, avaricious, desirous of. eager after, longing for (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ( lobhitā bhi-tā- f.)  |
lobhin | mfn. alluring, enticing, charming  |
lohinī | f. a woman with a red-coloured skin or red with anger  |
lohinī | See under 1. l/ohita-, column 1.  |
lohinikā | See under lohitaka- above.  |
lohinīkā | f. red glow or lustre  |
lohinya | (?) m. patronymic  |
lokapravāhin | mfn. flowing through the world  |
lokasaṃgrāhin | mfn. propitiating men  |
lokasīmānurodhin | mfn. conforming to ordinary limits, moderate,  |
lokavādhin | mfn. occupying space  |
lokavirodhin | mfn. (= - viruddha-).  |
lomapravāhin | mfn. equals loma-vāhin-  |
lomavāhin | mfn. either"bearing or having feathers, feathered", or"sharp enough to cut a hair"(said of an arrow)  |
madhulehin | ( ) m. "licking honey"or"longing after honey", a bee.  |
madhumehin | mfn. suffering from saccharine urine  |
madhurakaṇṭhin | mfn. "sweet-throated", singing sweetly  |
madhuvāhin | mfn. bearing or carrying honey (a river)  |
madhuvāhinī | f. Name of a river  |
mahābhiniṣkramaṇa | (hābh-) n. "the great going forth from home", Name of buddha-'s celebrated abandonment of his own family  |
mahāmohin | m. a thorn-apple  |
mahārajanagandhin | n. a kind of ruby  |
mahāskandhin | m. the fabulous animal śarabha-  |
mahin | mfn. equals mah/at-, great, mighty ( mahintama -tama- mfn. )  |
mahin | mfn. keeping a feast, festive (see 3. mahi-,above) .  |
mahina | mf(ā-)n. = mah/in-1, great, mighty  |
mahina | n. sovereignty, dominion  |
mahinā | See mahim/an-.  |
māhina | mf(ā-)n. (1. mah-) glad. some, blithe, causing or feeling joy (others"great, powerful")  |
māhina | n. dominion  |
mahinā | ind. mahiman |
mahinadī | f. (only in vocative case mahe-nadi-) a great river  |
mahinasa | m. a form of śiva- or rudra-  |
māhināvat | mfn. exhilarated, excited (others"great, mighty")  |
mahindhaka | m. a rat  |
mahindhaka | m. an ichneumon  |
mahindhaka | m. the cord of a pole for carrying loads  |
mahintama | mfn. mahin |
makaravāhinī | f. Name of a river  |
malavāhin | mfn. carrying filth or soil, bearing or containing dirt  |
malayagandhinī | f. Name of a vidyā-dharī-  |
malayagandhinī | f. of a companion of umā-  |
mandābhiniveśa | mfn. having little inclination for (locative case)  |
mandasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
mandavāhinī | f. "gently-flowing", Name of a river  |
mañjiṣṭhāmehin | mfn. suffering from this disease  |
manmathin | mfn. enamoured, impassioned, in love  |
manobhiniveśa | m. close application of mind, tenacity of purpose  |
manodāhin | m. "heart-inflamer", the god of love,  |
manodhinātha | m. "heart-lord", a lover, husband  |
manogrāhin | mfn. captivating the mind, fascinating  |
manomohinī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
manthin | mfn. shaking, agitating  |
manthin | mfn. paining, afflicting  |
manthin | m. soma--juice with meal mixed in it by stirring  |
manthin | m. semen virile (see ūrdhva-m-)  |
manthin | m. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
manthinī | f. a butter-vat  |
mārgarodhin | mfn. road-obstructing, blocking up a road  |
mārgaśākhin | m. a tree by the road-side  |
marmavedhin | mfn. ( marmavedhitā dhi-tā- f.) See a-marma-vedhitā-. |
mathin | m. (strong stem, m/anthan-,older m/anthā-; middle math/in-or math/i-[q.v.]; sg. Nominal verb m/anthās- accusative m/anthām-[for mantkānam-See manthāna-under manth-]; instrumental case math/ā- dual number math/ibhyām- plural math/ibhyas-etc.[ see pathin-and ] ; for mathīn/ām-See mathi-above) a churning-stick, any stick or staff for stirring or churning etc. |
mathin | m. the penis  |
mathin | m. a thunderbolt  |
mathin | m. wind  |
mathina | nati- (artificial Nom.fr. mathin-), Siddh. on  |
mātṛgandhinī | f. "having only the smell of a mother", an unnatural mother  |
mātṛvāhinī | f. "mother-carrying"a bat.  |
matsyabandhin | m. equals -bandha-  |
matsyabandhinī | f. a fish-basket (varia lectio for -bandhanī-)  |
matsyasagandhin | mfn. equals -gaudha-  |
mattebhakumbhapariṇāhin | mfn. round as the frontal globes of an elephant in rut  |
māyāyodhin | mfn. fighting illusively or with deceitful artifices  |
mayūkhin | mfn. radiant, brilliant  |
medhin | See gṛha-medhin-.  |
meghadundubhinirghoṣa | mfn. roaring as a cloud or a kettle-drum ( )  |
meghavāhin | m. "producing clouds", smoke  |
meghavāhinī | f. "riding upon a cloud", Name of a mātṛ- attending on skanda- (varia lectio meṣa-v-)  |
mehin | mfn. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') voiding urine, making water  |
mehin | mfn. suffering from a particular urinary disease (see ikṣu--. udaka--, geha--, nīla-m-etc.)  |
mehin | m. a species of small tiger or panther  |
meṣavāhinī | f. "riding on a ram", Name of a mātṛ- attending on skanda- (varia lectio megha-v-).  |
methinī | f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum  |
mitradrohin | mfn. equals -dr/uh-  |
mohin | mfn. deluding, confusing, perplexing, illusive etc.  |
mohinī | f. a fascinating woman (see )  |
mohinī | f. the flower of a species of jasmine  |
mohinī | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
mohinī | f. of a daughter of rukmāṅgada-  |
mohinīmantra | m. Name of work  |
mohinīrājasahasranāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
mṛgabandhinī | f. a net for snaring game  |
mugdhabodhasubodhinī | f. Name of work connected with vopadeva-'s grammar  |
mugdhabodhinī | f. (scilicet ṭīkā-) Name of 2 Comms. , on the amara-koṣa- and the bhaṭṭi-kāvya- by bharatasena-.  |
mukhaśodhin | mfn. cleansing the mouth  |
mukhaśodhin | m. a lime or citron, citron tree  |
mūlacchinna | mf(ā-)n. cut away with the root, id est gone, lost (as hope)  |
mūrdhabhinna | (mūrdh/a--) mfn. one who has his head cleft  |
nābhināḍī | f. the navel string (see garba-n-).  |
nābhināla | n. idem or 'f. the navel string (see garba-n-).' (only mf(ā-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nābhinālā | f. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. the navel string (see garba-n-).' (only mf(ā-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' (only mf(ā-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nāgabodhin | m. Name of an author  |
nāgabuddhinighaṇṭu | m. Name of his work  |
nāgavyādhinirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
nakhabhinna | mfn. scratched or torn off with a nail  |
nakhanirbhinna | (kh/a-n-) mfn. split asunder with the nail  |
nakhin | mfn. having nails or claws  |
nakhin | mfn. thorny, prickly  |
nakhin | m. a clawed animal, lion |
naramohinī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
naravāhin | mfn. drawn or carried by men  |
nāsāchinnī | f. a species of bird with a divided beak  |
nāsikāchinnī | f. ( ) equals nāsā-chinnī-  |
nāthin | mfn. having a protector or master  |
nātibhinna | mfn. not too much slit  |
nātibhinna | mfn. not very different from (ablative)  |
nāticchina | mfn. not too much torn or rent  |
nediṣṭhin | mfn. very near, very nearly related  |
nibandhin | mfn. binding, confining, fettering  |
nibandhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') joined by, connected with  |
nibandhin | mfn. causing, being the cause of  |
nidhinātha | m. "lord of treasure", Name of kubera-  |
nidhinātha | m. of an author  |
nidhyarthin | mfn. seeking treasure  |
nigūhin | See sādhu-ni-gūhin-.  |
nikāmasukhin | mfn. exceedingly happy  |
nīlālakavarūthin | mfn. encircled by a mass of dark locks,  |
nīlamehin | mfn. voiding bluish urine  |
nimittavedhin | mfn. hitting a mark  |
nirabhisaṃdhin | mfn. free from egoistic designs  |
nirantarodbhinna | mfn. densely sprouted  |
nirbādhin | mfn. removing all (impediments)  |
nirbandhin | mfn. insisting upon (locative case or compound)  |
nirbhinna | mfn. undistinguished, equal, like |
nirbhinna | mfn. broken asunder, budded, blossomed  |
nirbhinna | mfn. divided, separated, disunited  |
nirbhinna | mfn. pierced, penetrated  |
nirbhinna | mfn. found out, betrayed etc.  |
nirbhinnatanu | mfn. having the body pierced through or transfixed  |
nirmāthin | mfn. grinding down, crushing or stamping to pieces, churning, rubbing  |
nirodhin | mfn. obstructing, hindering  |
nirvāhin | mfn. leading or carrying out, discharging (as a wound)  |
nisargabhinna | mfn. naturally distinct  |
niṣedhin | mfn. defending, keeping back or down, excelling, surpassing  |
niśīthinī | f. night  |
niśīthinīnātha | m. "husband of night", the moon. (L.)  |
niśīthinīpati | m. "husband of night", the moon. ( )  |
niśumbhin | m. Name of vajra-ṭīka-  |
niśumbhin | m. an inferior deity of the Buddhists  |
nivyādhin | mfn. piercing, opening  |
nyagrodhin | mfn. gaRa kumudādi-and prekṣādi-.  |
nyāyabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamakarandavivardhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyārthalaghusubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyatantrabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyavirodhin | mfn. inconsistent with logical argument,  |
oṣadhināmāvalī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
padmavāhinī | f. Name of work  |
paitṛkatithinirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
pakṣagrāhin | ( ) mfn. one who takes the side or chooses the party of (genitive case or compound)  |
pakṣodgrāhin | mfn. equals kṣa-grāhin-  |
pakthin | m. "who cooks the oblation" ( ;prob. Name of a man)  |
pallavagrāhin | mfn. putting forth young shoots, sprouting in all directions, diffusive, superficial (as knowledge)  |
pallavagrāhin | m. (with doṣa-) the fault of prolixity or diffusiveness  |
pañcaśikhin | mfn. equals -śikha- mfn.  |
pañcavāhin | mfn. yoked with 5, drawn by 5 (as a carriage)  |
paradrohin | mfn. tyrannizing over another  |
paraguṇagrāhin | mfn. paraguṇa |
parakrāthin | m. Name of a kuru- warrior  |
paramakrodhin | m. idem or 'mfn. extremely angry ' , Name of one of the viśve-devā-s |
parameṣṭhin | mfn. standing at the head, highest, chief, principal etc.  |
parameṣṭhin | m. Name of any supreme being, of agni-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of prajā-pati- etc.  |
parameṣṭhin | m. a son of prajā-pati-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of brahmā-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of śiva-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of viṣṇu-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of garuḍa-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of manu- cakṣus-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. (with jaina-s) equals -ṣṭhi-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. the teacher of the teacher of any one's teacher  |
parameṣṭhin | m. a kind of virāj-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. a kind of ammonite  |
parameṣṭhin | m. Name of a son of aja-mīḍha-  |
parameṣṭhin | m. of a son of indradyumna- (Devadyumna)  |
parameṣṭhin | m. dual number viṣṇu- and śrī-  |
parameṣṭhina | equals -ṣṭh/in-  |
parameṣṭhinī | f. Ruta Graveolens |
parārthin | mfn. striving after the supreme good (emancipation)  |
parasambandhin | mfn. related or belonging to another  |
paraśvadhin | mfn. furnished with an axe  |
paribhinna | mfn. (p/ari--) broken, split or cleft open, crumbled  |
paribhinna | mfn. disfigured, deformed  |
paricchinna | mfn. cut off, divided, detached, confined, limited, circumscribed ( paricchinnatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
paricchinna | mfn. determined, ascertained  |
paricchinna | mfn. obviated, remedied  |
paricchinnatva | n. paricchinna |
paridāhin | mfn. burning hot  |
paridhin | m. Name of śiva- ( )  |
parigrahin | mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property |
parikhinna | mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted  |
parilehin | m. a particular disease of the ear (see pari-rih-).  |
parimāthin | mfn. torturing  |
parimohin | mfn. perplexed  |
parimohin | mfn. fascinating, bewitching  |
pariṇāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. = expensive, large '  |
pariṇāhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the extent of, as large as  |
paripanthin | mfn. standing in the way, hindering  |
paripanthin | m. equals prec. etc. (see )  |
parirambhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') clasped, girt by  |
parirambhin | mfn. embracing  |
parispardhin | mfn. ( spṛdh-) vying with, rivalling, emulating (in compound) (varia lectio)  |
parivāhin | mf(ṇī-)n. overflowing  |
parivāhin | mf(ṇī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') streaming with  |
parivāraśobhin | mfn. beautified by a retinue  |
pariveṣabandhin | mfn. forming a circle,  |
paṭhanādhinātha | m. a master in reading or studying  |
pathin | m. (strong stem p/anthan-,older p/anthā-;middle path/i-;weak path-; sg. p/anthās-(Nominal verb vocative case), p/anthānam-[ p/anthām- ]; path/ā-, th/e-, th/as-, th/i-; dual number p/anthānau-, path/ibhyām-, path/os-; plural p/anthānas-[ p/anthās-, thāsas- ; path/ayas- ]; path/as-[ pāth/as- , perhaps genitive case sg.?]; path/ibhis-, bhyas-; path/ām-[ thīn/ām- ]; path/iṣu-; see ) a way, path, road, course (literally and figuratively; panthānaṃ-dā-,with genitive case to cede the way to; pathānena-,"in this way or manner", pathi ni-as-See under ny-as-) etc.  |
pathin | m. range, reach (see karṇa--, darśana--etc.)  |
pathin | m. sect, doctrine  |
pathin | m. a division of hell  |
pathin | m. Name of a teacher with the patronymic saubhara- [ confer, compare patha-; Zend panthan; Greek ; Latin pont-em; Old Pruss.pintis; Slavonic or Slavonian pati8]  |
pāṭhin | mfn. one who has read or studied any subject  |
pāṭhin | mfn. knowing, conversant with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pāṭhin | m. a student  |
pāṭhin | m. a Brahman (especially one who has finished his sacred studies)  |
pāṭhin | m. Plumbago Zeylanica (also pāṭhī-kuṭa-)  |
phalabandhin | mfn. forming or developing fruit  |
phalagrāhin | m. a fruit tree  |
phalāgraśākhin | mfn. having fruits at the ends of its branches  |
phalārthin | mfn. one who aims at fruits or reward  |
phalegrāhin | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phenamehin | mfn. discharging frothy urine  |
phenavāhin | mfn. "carrying of the scum"  |
phenavāhin | n. (with vastra-) a filtering cloth |
phenavāhin | m. indra-'s thunderbolt (rather"Name of indra-"; see phenāśani-).  |
piṇḍasambandhin | mfn. qualified to receive the śrāddha- oblations from a living person  |
piṣṭamehin | mfn. suffering from it  |
pīthin | mfn. drinking up, exhausting (see kośa-p-).  |
pitṛdrohin | mfn. plotting against one's father  |
pitṛmātṛhina | mfn. destitute of father and mother, orphan  |
prabādhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') harassing, paining, tormenting  |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | mfn. shining with a circle of rays  |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | mfn. Name of work  |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | m. a particular samādhi-  |
prabhinna | mfn. split asunder, cleft, broken, pierced, opened etc.  |
prabhinna | mfn. blown (as a flower)  |
prabhinna | mfn. exuding (as blood)  |
prabhinna | mfn. flowing with juice (see -karaṭa-; m.an elephant in rut)  |
prabhinna | mfn. broken through, interrupted  |
prabhinna | mfn. disfigured, altered, depressed  |
prabhinnakaraṭa | mfn. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) ( prabhinnakaraṭāmukha ṭā-mukha- mfn.having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice )  |
prabhinnakaraṭāmukha | mfn. prabhinnakaraṭa |
prabhinnāñjana | n. mixed collyrium, an eye-salve mixed with oil  |
prabhinnaviṣ | mfn. secreting or relaxing the feces, aperient  |
prabodhin | mfn. awaking  |
prabodhin | mfn. coming forth from (ablative)  |
prabodhinī | f. the 11th day in the light half of kārttika- (= bodhanī-)  |
pracchindyākarṇa | mf(ī-)n. whose ear is to be cleft (see ) .  |
pragardhin | mfn. ( gṛdh-) pressing or hastening onwards, eager  |
pragrahin | mfn. guiding the reins  |
pralobhin | mfn. alluring, seducing  |
pralobhin | mfn. lusting after  |
pramathin | mfn. harassing, annoying, tormenting  |
pramāthin | mfn. stirring about, tearing, rending, troubling, harassing, destroying etc.  |
pramāthin | mfn. striking off, used for striking off  |
pramāthin | mfn. (in med.) throwing out id est producing secretion of the vessels  |
pramāthin | m. Name of the 13th (47th) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter (also wrong reading for pra-mādin-)  |
pramāthin | m. of a rākṣasa-  |
pramāthin | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
pramāthin | m. of a monkey  |
pramāthinī | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
pramehin | mfn. suffering from urinary disease  |
pramohin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') bewildering, infatuating  |
prāṇādhinātha | m. "life-lord", a husband  |
prāṇadrohin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') seeking another's life  |
prāṇārthin | mfn. eager for life  |
prapathin | mfn. roaming on distant paths (superl. -tama-)  |
prapathin | m. Name of a man  |
prarohin | mfn. growing or shooting up, shooting up from (compound)  |
prarohin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to grow, propagating  |
prarohiśākhin | mfn. (a tree) whose branches grow again  |
prārthin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') wishing for, desirous of  |
prārthin | mfn. attacking, assailing  |
praspardhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') rivalling with, equalling  |
praṣṭhivāhin | wrong reading for praṣṭi-v-.  |
praṣṭivāhin | mfn. idem or '(pr/a-) mfn. (a chariot) drawn (also) by side-horses, yoked (at least) with 3 horses '  |
prathitatithinirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
pratibādhin | mfn. obstructing  |
pratibādhin | m. an opponent  |
pratibandhin | mfn. meeting with an obstacle, being impeded or prevented  |
pratibandhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') impeding, obstructing  |
pratibhinna | mfn. pierced, divided  |
pratibhinna | mfn. distinguished by (instrumental case or compound)  |
pratibhinnaka | mfn. undecided (?)  |
pratibodhin | mfn. awaking, about to awake (see gaRa gamy-ādi-).  |
pratigrahin | mfn. one who receives, a receiver (opp. to dātṛ-)  |
pratigrāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who receives or accepts (See /a-pratig-).'  |
pratirodhin | mfn. obstructing, hindering etc.  |
pratirodhin | m. a robber, thief.  |
pratispardhin | mfn. emulous, coping with (genitive case), a rival  |
pratispardhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') resembling, like  |
pratiṣṭambhin | mfn. impeding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (see pratistambh-).  |
pratiyodhin | m. an antagonist, well-matched opponent gaRa gamy-ādi- (see a-pratiy-).  |
pratyabhinand | P. -nandati-, to greet in return, return a salutation ; to bid welcome (varia lectio for abhi-n-).  |
pratyabhinandin | mfn. receiving thankfully (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratyabhinandita | mfn. saluted, welcomed  |
pratyarthin | mfn. hostile, inimical  |
pratyarthin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') opposing, rivalling, emulating etc.  |
pratyarthin | m. an adversary, opponent, rival  |
pratyarthin | m. (in law) a defendant etc.  |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. descending, moving downwards  |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. moving or rising from a seat (a-pratyav-)  |
pravāhin | mfn. drawing, carrying, bearing along or away etc.  |
pravāhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') streaming  |
pravāhin | mfn. (fr. vāha-) abounding in streams gaRa puṣkarādi-  |
pravāhin | m. a draught animal  |
pravibhinna | mfn. ( bhid-) broken or torn off, wounded  |
prāyaścittasubodhinī | f. Name of work |
prodbhinna | (pra-udbh-) mfn. broken or burst forth, germinated  |
pronmāthin | mfn. destroying, annihilating  |
prothin | m. a horse  |
pucchin | mfn. equals puccha-vat-  |
pucchin | m. a cock  |
pucchin | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
punararthin | mfn. requesting again  |
puṇyagandhin | ( ) mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant.  |
puṣpavāhinī | f. (equals -vahā-) Name of a river  |
putrārthin | mf(iṇī-)n. wishing for a son  |
rādhāvedhin | mfn. shooting in a particular attitude (see rādhā-)  |
rādhāvedhin | m. Name of arjuna- (see -bhedin-).  |
rāgabandhin | mfn. exciting or inflaming the passions  |
raghuvaṃśasubodhinī | f. Name of Comm. of raghu-vaṃśa-.  |
rājadrohin | m. a rebel, traitor  |
rājjukaṇṭhin | m. plural the school of rajju-kaṇṭha-, gaRa śaunakādi-.  |
raktakaṇṭhin | mfn. equals -kaṇṭha-  |
raktamehin | mfn. suffering from this disease  |
raktapaṭavratavāhinī | f. a Buddhist nun  |
rāmābhinanda | m. Name of a nāṭaka-  |
rambhin | mfn. carrying a staff or stick (m.an old man, a doorkeeper )  |
rambhin | etc. See .  |
randhin | See sādhu-r-.  |
rasābhiniveśa | m. accession of sentiment, intentness of feeling or passion  |
ratārthin | mfn. wishing for sexual enjoyment, amorous, lascivious  |
ratārthinī | f. a wanton woman  |
rathārohin | mfn. one who fights from a chariots  |
rathin | mfn. possessing or going in a chariot or carriage, fighting in a war-chariot (superl. th/i-tama-) etc.  |
rathin | mfn. consisting of chariot  |
rathin | mfn. carried in chariot (as goods)  |
rathin | mfn. accustomed to chariot (as horses)  |
rathin | m. an owner of a carriage or chariot, charioteer, warrior who fights from a chariot etc.  |
rathin | m. a kṣatriya-  |
rathin | m. a driver  |
rathina | mfn. possessing or riding in a chariot  |
rathinī | f. a number of carriages or chariot gaRa khalādi- on vArttika  |
ratikhedakhinna | m. fatigued by sexual enjoyment  |
ratnaśikhin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
rebhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to resound  |
rekhin | mfn. having lines on the hand, lined (bahu-r-) |
rephin | mfn. having or containing the letter r-, having the nature of r-  |
reṣmachinna | (reṣm/a--) mfn. rent or torn up by a storm  |
rikthin | mfn. or m. inheriting property, an heir  |
rikthin | mfn. possessing property, wealthy  |
rikthin | m. a testator  |
ṛjuyodhin | m. a fair-fighter (opp. to jihma-- y-), (confer, compare )  |
ṛkthin | mfn. receiving or inheriting property, an inheritor, heir  |
ṛṇagrāhin | mfn. borrowing  |
ṛṇagrāhin | m. a borrower  |
rodhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals rodhaka- etc.  |
rodhin | mfn. obstructing, overpowering or drowning (one sound by another)  |
rodhin | mfn. filling, covering  |
rohaśikhin | m. fire which mounts upwards, ascending flame  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. rising  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mounting, ascending towards  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. grown, shot up, long, tall  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') grown on or in  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. growing, increasing (in number)  |
rohin | m. Andersonia Rohitaka  |
rohin | m. Ficus Indica and Religiosa.  |
rohin | mf(iṇī-)n. See under roha-, column 2.  |
romavāhin | mfn. cutting off hairs, sharp enough to cut a hairs  |
ṛtumukhin | mfn. taking place on the first day of a season commentator or commentary on  |
rudratripāṭhin | m. Name of an author  |
rūpayauvanotsāhin | mfn. possessing beauty youth and energy  |
śabdabāṇāgravedhin | mfn. hitting (an unseen object) with an arrow's point by (aiming at) the mere sound (see śabda-vedhin-).  |
śabdaśaktiprabodhinī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
śabdasiddhinibandha | m. Name of a modern school-book.  |
śabdavedhin | mfn. "sound-piercing", hitting an unseen (but heard) object ( śabdavedhitva dhi-tva- n. )  |
śabdavedhin | mfn. Name of arjuna-  |
śabdavedhin | mfn. of king daśa-ratha-  |
sābhinayam | ind. with dramatic gesture or gesticulations, pantomimically  |
sābhiniveśa | mfn. having or attended with a great inclination or predilection for anything  |
sabhyābhinavayati | m. Name of an author  |
sādhāraṇāsādhāraṇānupasaṃhārivirodhagrodhin | n. Name of work  |
sādhin | mfn. accomplishing, performing (See bhāra-s-).  |
sādhuniguhin | mfn. on  |
sādhurandhin | mfn. on  |
sādhuvāhin | mfn. drawing (a carriage) well  |
sādhuvāhin | m. a good or well-trained horse  |
sādhuvāhin | mfn. having good horses  |
sadyaḥśrāddhin | mfn. one who has recently taken part in a śrāddha-  |
sadyaśchinna | mfn. recently severed or cut or incised (said of a wound)  |
sadyobodhinīprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
sahacarabhinna | m. (in rhetoric) separation of what belongs together, joining discordant things or ideas (also sahacarabhinnnatā nna-tā- f. sahacarabhinnatva -tva- n.)  |
sahacarabhinnatva | n. sahacarabhinna |
sahacarabhinnnatā | f. sahacarabhinna |
sahajādhinātha | m. Name of a king  |
sahapathin | m. and f. (Nominal verb -panthās-, pathī-) going by the same road, a companion on a journey, fellow-traveller  |
sahārthin | mfn. seeking a companion, desirous of an ally  |
sahasravedhin | m. a kind of sorrel  |
sahasravedhin | m. musk  |
sahasravedhin | m. Calamus Fasciculatus  |
sahasravedhin | n. Asa Foetida  |
sāhasravedhin | mfn. equals sahasra-v-  |
śaikhina | mfn. (fr. śikhin-) relating to or coming from or produced by a peacock  |
saitavāhinī | f. (perhaps for sita v-) Name of the river bāhu-dā-  |
śākhin | mfn. provided with branches  |
śākhin | mfn. separated into schools (said of the veda-)  |
śākhin | mfn. adhering to a particular Vedic school  |
śākhin | m. a tree etc.  |
śākhin | m. a veda- which exists in various schools  |
śākhin | m. the follower of any Vedic school  |
śākhin | m. Salvadora Persica  |
śākhin | m. Name of a king  |
śākhin | m. plural Name of a people (equals turuṣka-; see śākhi-)  |
śakraśākhin | m. equals -vṛkṣa-  |
sakṛdācchinna | mfn. severed with one cut  |
śaktiprakāśabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
salilārthin | mfn. wishing for water, thirsty  |
salilastambhin | mfn. stopping water  |
samabhinand | P. -nandati-, to rejoice together with (See next) ; to greet, salute  |
samabhinandita | mfn. rejoiced with, congratulated  |
samabhiniḥsṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-) come forth, gushed forth (as blood from a wound)  |
samādhin | mfn. absorbed in contemplation  |
samādhiniṣṭha | mfn. devoted to meditation  |
samālambhin | mfn. seizing (the sacrificial victim), killing  |
sāmānyaniruktyabhinavavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
samārambhin | mfn. (prob.) hung with  |
samārthin | mfn. seeking or desiring equality  |
samārthin | mfn. seeking peace with (instrumental case) (perhaps wrong reading for śam-).  |
sambandhibhinna | mfn. divided or shared by relatives  |
sambandhin | mfn. connected with, belonging or relating to (genitive case or compound), adjunct, inherent etc.  |
sambandhin | mfn. connected with = possessed of (compound) |
sambandhin | mfn. related, connected by marriage, a relative  |
sambhinna | mfn. completely broken or divided etc.  |
sambhinna | mfn. interrupted, abandoned (See -vṛtta-)  |
sambhinna | mfn. contracted (See -sarvāṅga-)  |
sambhinna | mfn. joined, combined, mingled etc. |
sambhinna | mfn. come into contact with (compound)  |
sambhinna | mfn. close, tight  |
sambhinna | mfn. solid, compact  |
sambhinnabuddhi | mfn. one whose understanding is broken or impaired  |
sambhinnamaryāda | mfn. one who has broken through barriers or bounds  |
sambhinnapralāpa | m. idle talk (with Buddhists one of the 10 sins) ( )  |
sambhinnapralāpika | mfn. talking idly  |
sambhinnasarvāṅga | mfn. one who has contracted or compressed the whole body (as a tortoise)  |
sambhinnatā | f. the being joined or united with  |
sambhinnavṛtta | mfn. one who has abandoned good conduct  |
sambhinnavyañjanā | f. a kind of hermaphrodite ( sambhinnavyañjana na- n."the condition of a hermaphrodite")  |
sambhinnavyañjana | n. sambhinnavyañjanā |
saṃchinna | mfn. cut to pieces, cut off etc.  |
saṃdehin | mfn. doubtful, dubious  |
saṃdhin | m. a minister of alliances  |
saṃdhināla | m. or n. Unguis Odoratus  |
saṃdhinī | f. See next. |
saṃdhinī | f. a cow in heat etc.  |
saṃdhinī | f. (according to to ) a cow which has just taken the bull  |
saṃdhinī | f. a cow milked unseasonably or every second day.  |
saṃdhinīkṣīra | n. the milk of a cow in heat (prohibited as an article of food)  |
saṃdhinirmocana | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
saṃghātakaṭhina | mfn. hard or firm or solid from compactness  |
saṃgrahin | m. a collector, procurer (varia lectio)  |
saṃgrāhin | mfn. grasping, collecting, gathering, accumulating  |
saṃgrāhin | mfn. astringent, constipating  |
saṃgrāhin | mfn. winning over, propitiating (See loka-s-)  |
saṃgrāhin | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
saṃgrāmārthin | mfn. desirous of war or battle, pugnacious  |
saṃkṣepatithinirṇayasāra | m. Name of work  |
saṃkṣobhin | mfn. shaking about, jolting, jerking (as a carriage)  |
sammukhin | m. a looking-glass, mirror  |
samprabhinna | mfn. ( bhid-) split quite asunder, split open, cleft (said of an elephant whose temples are cleft during the rutting season; see mada-)  |
saṃrambhin | mfn. angry (as a sore), inflamed, irritable  |
saṃrambhin | mfn. ardently devoted to (compound)  |
saṃrambhin | mfn. wrathful, furious, angry, irascible  |
saṃrambhin | mfn. proud  |
samṛddhin | mfn. possessing abundance of (compound)  |
samṛddhin | mfn. prosperous, happy, blessed (said of gaṅgā-)  |
saṃrohin | mfn. growing up or in (compound)  |
saṃspardhin | mfn. jealous, vying with (compound)  |
saṃstambhin | mfn. stopping, averting (danger)  |
samucchinna | mfn. torn up, uprooted, eradicated, utterly destroyed, lost  |
samucchinnavāsana | mfn. one whose dress is torn off (or"one whose delusion is completely removed")  |
samūhin | mfn. forming an aggregate or fit for the formation of an aggregate  |
samupajātābhiniveśam | ind. after having formed a determined resolution  |
saṃvāhin | mfn. leading, conducting  |
saṃvāhinī | f. a particular vessel of the body (leading from the fetus to the mother)  |
śanairdehin | wrong reading for -mehin-  |
śanairmehin | mfn. suffering from dysuria  |
sāndramehin | mfn. suffering from it  |
śaṅkhabhinna | mf(ī-)n.  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessing a conch (as viṣṇu-)  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. bearing shells (as water)  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessing the treasure called śaṅkha-  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessed by the demon śaṅkha-  |
śaṅkhin | m. the ocean  |
śaṅkhin | m. a worker in shells  |
śaṅkhin | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
śāṅkhina | m. patronymic fr. śaṅkhin-  |
śaṅkhinī | f. of prec.  |
śaṅkhinī | f. mother of pearl  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a particular plant (according to to Andropogon Aciculatus, Cissampelos Hexandra equals śveta-cukrā-, śveta-puṃnāga-,and śveta-vṛndā-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a particular vein (nāḍī-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of one of the four classes into which females are divided (the other three being citriṇī-, padminī-,and hastinī-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of a śakti- worshipped by Buddhists  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a kind of semidivine being or fairy (upadevatā-viśeṣa-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of a tīrtha-  |
śaṅkhinīphala | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
śaṅkhinīvāsa | m. Trophis Aspera  |
sanmārgayodhin | mfn. fighting honourably,  |
sārabodhinī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the kāvya-prakāśa-.  |
śaracchikhin | (for -śikhin-) m. a peacock in autumn (supposed to cease its cries)  |
sāragrāhin | mfn. capable of extracting or apprehending the essence or best part of anything  |
saralāṅguliśobhin | mfn. having beautiful straight fingers  |
śaraṇārthin | mfn. seeking refuge or protection, wretched  |
sārārthin | mfn. desirous of deriving gain or profit from anything |