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Grammar Search
"himavat" has 3 results
himavat: neuter nominative singular stem: himavat
himavat: neuter accusative singular stem: himavat
himavat: neuter vocative singular stem: himavat
Monier-Williams Search
15 results for himavat
himavatmfn. having frost or snow, snowy, frosty, icy, snow-clad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatmfn. exposing one's self to coldness or enduring it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatm. a snowy mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatm. the himālaya-, , ; kailāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavata(m.), (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals -vat- gaRa śarat-prabhṛti-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatīf. Hoya Viridiflora View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatkhaṇḍan. Name of a book of the skanda-purāṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatkukṣim. a valley of the himālaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatprabhavamfn. springing from or belonging to the himālaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatpuran. the town on the himālaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatsutam. "son of the himālaya-", the mountain maināka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatsutāf. the Ganges View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himavatsutāf. pārvati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drāghimavatmfn. long, lengthy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāhimavatm. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
himavat हिमवत् a. Snowy, icy, frosty. -m. The Himālaya mountain; राज्ञा हिमवतः सारो राज्ञः सारो हिमाद्रिणा R.4.79; V.5.22. -Comp. -कुक्षिः a valley of the Himālaya. -पुरम् N. of Oṣadhiprastha, the capital of Himālaya; तत्प्रयातौषधिप्रस्थं सिद्धये हिमवत्पुरम् Ku.6.33. -सुतः the Maināka mountain. -सुता 1 Pārvatī. -2 the Ganges.
Macdonell Search
6 results
ekapatikā a. having the same husband; -patni-tâ, f. having one wife in common; -patnî, f. (é-) wife of any one man, faithful spouse; a. pl. having one and the same husband; -pád (or é-), strong base -pâd, f. -padî, a. one-footed; -pada, n. one and the same spot: -m, lc. at once, suddenly, in a trice; a. (é-) one-footed; only one step long: -m, ad. in short; -padâ, f. verse consisting of one pâda; -padî, f. foot-path; -pará, a. marked with one point (die); -pâna, m. single wager or stake; -pâtin, a. isolated, separate; connected: pl. taken together; -pâda, m. one foot; a. (é-) one-footed; -pârthiva, m. sole monarch; -pi&ndot;ga, m.(quite brown) ep. of Kubera: -la, m. id.: -½akala, m. Kubera's mountain, i. e. the Himavat; -pîta, a. quite yellow; -prakhya, a. homogeneous; uniform; -phala, a. bearing the same fruit as (--°ree;); -buddhi, a.unanimous; simple-minded; m. N. of a fish; f. simple conception (ph.); -bhakta, pp. serving or kept by one master; n. eating one meal a day; -bhakti-ka, a. taking only one meal a day; -bhaksha, m. sole food; -bhâva, m.simplicity, straightforwardness, sincerity; a. having one and the same nature; honest, sincere; behaving uprightly towards (g.); -bhâvin, a. becoming one, coalescing; -bhû- ta, pp. undivided; closely attentive; -bhû mi½îsvara, m. sole ruler of earth; -bhogin, a. eating only once a day; -mati, f. unanimity; concentration of mind; a. unanimous; -manas, a. having the mind fixed on one object, attentive (sts. --°ree;); unanimous; -maya,a. (î) consisting exclusively of, quite filled with (--°ree;); -mukha, a. superintended by one; -mûrti, f. one person; -mûla, a. having a single root.
gaṅgā f. [fr. intv. of √ gam: the swift Goer], the Ganges, daughter of the Himavat.
bhūdina n. civil day; -divasa, m. id.; -deva, m. god on earth, Brâhman; N.; -dhara, a. supporting the earth; m. moun tain: -ga, m. (mountain-born), tree, -tâ, f. habit of sustaining the earth, -½îsvara,m. lord of mountains, ep. of the Himavat.
maināka m. N. of a mountain, son of Himavat and Menakâ, which when Indra clipped the wings of the mountains alone re tained its own.
rājayakṣma m. kind of dangerous disease; later: pulmonary consumption; -yakshman, m. id.; -yakshm-in, a. consumptive; -yagña, m. royal sacrifice; -yâna, n. royal vehicle, palanquin; -ratha,m. royal carriage; -rambhâ, f. kind of plantain; -râkshasa, m. demon of a king; -râg, m. king of kings, emperor; moon; -râga, m. king of kings; ep. of Kubera: -giri, m. ep. of the Himavat; -tâ, f., -tva, n. dignity of a sovereign lord; -râgya, n. sovereignty over all kings; -½rishi, m. royal sage; -lakshana, n. mark indicative of (future) royalty; -lakshman, n. royal emblem; -lakshmî, f. regal glory or majesty; N. of a princess; -loka, m.assemblage of kings; -vamsa, m. royal race, dynasty; -vamsya, a. of royal descent; m. Kshatriya; -vat, 1. ad. like a king (nm. or ac.); as in the case of a king; 2. a. having a king; abounding in kings: lc. =in the presence of a king; m. N.: -î, f. N.; -vadana, m. N.; -vandin, m. N. (=-bandin); -varkasin, a. being in royal service; -valla bha, m. royal favourite: -turamgama, m. favourite steed of a prince; -vasati, f. life at the court of a king; -vahana, a. bearing or ridden by kings; -vâhana, m. N. of a king; -vidyâ, f. kingcraft, statesmanship; -vihâra, m. royal pleasure-seat; royal mon astery; -vîthî, f. royal road, highway; -vri ksha, m. kind of tree; -vritta, n.procedure or vocation of a king; -vesman, n. royal palace; -vesha, m. royal costume; -sârdûla, m. (tiger-like=) illustrious king; -sâsana, n. royal command; -srî, f. glory or majesty of a king.
haimavatā a. (&isharp;) belonging to, situated or growing on, bred in, coming from the Himavat; -î, f. pat. of the Ganges and of Pârvatî.
Bloomfield Vedic
6 results0 results8 results
garbho himavatām uta AVś.6.95.3b.
jātaṃ himavatas pari (ApMBḥG. himavata upari) AVś.4.9.9b; 5.4.2b; AVP.8.3.1b; TA.6.10.2b; ApMB.2.8.11b; HG.1.11.5b.
kuṣṭho himavatas pari AVś.19.39.1b; AVP.7.10.1b.
udakaṃ himavatsu AVP.8.16.11b.
yatra himavataḥ śiraḥ AVś.19.39.8b; AVP.7.10.8b.
udag jāto himavataḥ # AVP.1.31.2a. See udaṅ etc.
udaṅ jāto himavataḥ # AVś.5.4.8a. See udag etc.
yat te sujāte himavatsu bheṣajam # TB.
Vedabase Search
6 results
himavat HimalayanSB 4.10.5
himavat-vatsāḥ making the Himalayas the calfSB 4.18.25
himavat-vatsāḥ making the Himalayas the calfSB 4.18.25
himavataḥ of the Himalaya MountainsSB 1.13.51
SB 4.25.13
himavataḥ of the HimalayasSB 4.7.58
1 result
himavatputrī noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Pārvatī
Frequency rank 72580/72933


Himalayan mountains.

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