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Amarakosha Search
5 results
anādaraḥ1.7.22NeuterSingularparibhāvaḥ, asūrkṣaṇam, tiraskriyā, rīḍhā, avamānanā, avajñā, paribhavaḥ, avahelanamdisrespect
dravaḥ1.7.32MasculineSingularkrīḍā, khelā, narma, keliḥ, parīhāsaḥdalliance or blandishnment
krīḍāFeminineSingularkūrdanam, khelāa play or game
pravalhikā1.6.6FeminineSingularprahelikāriddle/ name of the atharvaveda
Monier-Williams Search
111 results for hel
hel(in the meaning"to sport, play" , prob. not identical with heḷ-, heḍ-,although sometimes confounded with it;only in the following derivatives; see hil-, avahelā-, prahelā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāf. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) disrespect, contempt (see avahelā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāf. wanton sport, frivolity, amorous dalliance (of women;in dramatic language one of the 20 natural graces[ sattva-ja alaṃkāra-]of the nāyikā-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāf. sport, pastime, carelessness, ease, facility (in the beginning of a compound and instrumental case sg. or plural"in sport","sportively","easily","at once"; tṛṇa-helayā-,"as if it were a straw") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāf. moonlight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāf. equals prastāva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helācakram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helakan. a particular measure of weight (= 10 hoḍha-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helanan. the act of slighting, disregard, contempt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helanan. sporting amorously, wanton dalliance (see hil-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helañcif. a kind of herb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helanīyamfn. to be slighted or derided View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helārājam. Name of a historian (used by kalhaṇa- for his rāja-taraṃgiṇī-) and of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāvatmfn. careless, taking things easily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāvuka m. equals heḍāv- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helāvukkam. equals heḍāv- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helif. equals helā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helif. an embrace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helif. a marriage-procession in the street View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helim. (Greek ;for 1. heli-See above) the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helihila mfn. of a sportive or wanton nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helikam. idem or 'm. (Greek;for 1. heli-See above) the sun ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helitavyan. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be acted carelessly or frivolously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hellābham. "ploughlike", a piebald horse with a black stripe along its back View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
heluName of a village in kaśmīra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helugaand heluya-, a particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helugrāmam. the village helu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahelinmfn. not dallying, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apahelāf. contempt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apahelanan. = ava-- h-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahelaf(ā-)n. ( hel-for hed-), disrespect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahelanan. disrespect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahelayāind. instrumental case without any trouble, quite easily (see vahelam-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahelitamfn. disrespected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahelitan. disrespect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelamfn. (only ) timid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelamfn. foolish, ignorant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelamfn. till View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelamfn. active, restless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelamfn. (also laka-) equals laghiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelam. a species of small tiger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelam. (also bhelaka laka- mn.) a raft, boat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelam. Name of a physician (see bheḍa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelakamn. bhela
bhelanan. swimming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelum. or n. (?) a particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelukam. śiva-'s servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhelūpurāf. Name of a suburb of Benares (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chelakam. (fr. chagal-) a he-goat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chelikāf. a she-goat, 76. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cheluVernonia anthelminthica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekahelāf. See eka-helayā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekahelayā(instrumental case) ind. by one stroke, at once View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gūḍhacaturthapādaprahelikāf. a riddle in which the fourth pāda- (of a stanza) is hidden View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
holākhelanan. the frolics practised at the holī- festival View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaphelūm. Cardia Latifolia commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khañjakhelam. idem or 'm. the wagtail ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khel cl.1 P. lati-, to shake, move to and fro, swing, tremble : Causal P. khelayati-, to cause to move to and fro, swing, shake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelamfn. (in compound or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa kaḍārādi- ) moving, shaking, trembling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelāf. sport, play gaRa kaṇḍvādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelagamanamf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having a stately walk ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelagāminmfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having a stately walk ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelagatimfn. having a stately walk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelamind. so as to shake or tremble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanan. moving to and fro, shaking View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanan. quivering motion (of the eyes) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanan. play, pastime, sport View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanāf. moving to and fro, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanakan. play, sport View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelanīf. a chessman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelāyaNom. P. yati- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to play, sport View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelif. (equals keli-) play, sport View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelim. an animal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelim. a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelim. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelim. an arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khelim. a song View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kheludaa particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuhelikāf. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. fog, mist ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
līlākhelamfn. moving or sporting playfully, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
līlākhelan. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahelāf. a woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
helam. patronymic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahelāpādamfn. gaRa hasty-ādi- ( mahilā-p-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahelikāf. equals mahelā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phalakhelāf. a quail (equals phāla-kh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phālakhelāf. a quail (see phaṇi--and phala-khela-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phaṇikhelam. a quail (prob. wrong reading for phāla-kh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phel cl.1 P. phelati-, to go, move View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phelan. remnants of food, refuse, orts (also -, li-, likā-, -) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phelan. a particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phelāf. (prob.) wrong reading for pelā- equals peṭā-, a small box View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phelukam. the scrotum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelāf. playfulness, free or unrestrained behaviour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelakan. ( hil-?) a kind of pastry. sweetmeat etc. distributed at a festival (see pra-heṇaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelayāind. freely, without constraint View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praheli() f. an enigma, riddle, puzzling question. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelīf. idem or '(,6 kinds) f. an enigma, riddle, puzzling question.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelījñānan. the art or science of proposing riddles View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahelikā(,6 kinds) f. an enigma, riddle, puzzling question. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahelamfn. full of play or sport, wanton, careless, unconcerned ( sahelam am- ind.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahelam. Name of a man (also laka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahelamind. sahela
sakhelamind. with a gentle motion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāvahelamfn. disdainful, contemptuous, careless ( sāvahelam am- ind."carelessly, quite easily") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāvahelamind. sāvahela
sindhukhelam. "played or flowed over by the indu-s", the country Sindh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāghellaName of a family View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihel Causal A1. -helayate-, to vex, annoy (Bombay edition -ghātayate-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathākhelamind. playfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
27 results
hel हेल् 1 Ā. (हेलते) To disregard; see हेड्.
helā हेला [हेड्-भावे-डस्य लः] 1 Contempt, disrespect, insult; तत्पूर्वमंसद्वयसं द्विपाधिपाः क्षणं सहेलाः परितो जगाहिरे Śi.12.72. -2 (a) Amorous sport or dalliance, wanton sport; हेलात्यन्तं समालक्ष्य विकारः स्यात् स एव च S. D.128; भावो हावश्च हेला च त्रयस्तत्र शरीरजाः D. R.2.32. (b) Pleasure, delight, pastime; मुग्धेन्दुसुन्दरतदीयमुखावलोकहेलाविशृङ्खलकुतू- हलनिह्नवाय Māl.9.43. -3 Strong sexual desire; प्रौढे- च्छया$तिरूढानां नारीणां सुरतोत्सवे । शृङ्गारशास्त्रतत्त्वज्ञैर्हेला सा परि- कीर्तिता ॥ -4 Ease, facility; निवेशयामासिथ हेलयोद्धृतम् Śi.1. 34; हेलया 'easily', without any difficulty or trouble. -5 Moonlight. -6 A pause in a note or shaking (as in music).
helanam हेलनम् ना 1 Disregarding, slighting, contempt, insulting. -2 Sporting amorously, wanton dalliance.
helañcī हेलञ्ची A common herb; L. D. B.
helāvat हेलावत् a. Careless, taking things easily.
helāvukkaḥ हेलावुक्कः A horse-dealer.
heliḥ हेलिः [हिल्-इन्] The sun; व्यतरन्नरुणाय विश्रमं सृजते हेलि- हयालिकालनाम् N.2.8;3.8; विक्रीय तं हेलिहिरण्यपिण्डं तारा- वराटानियमादित द्योः N.22.13; हेलिः केलिसरोजबन्धुः Yaśastilaka 3.43; also हेलिकः in this sense. -f. 1 Wanton or amorous sport, dalliance. -2 An embrace. -3 A marriage-procession in the street.
kaphelū कफेलू a. Phlegmatic. -m. N. of a plant (Mar. भोंकर).
khel खेल् 1 P. (खेलति, खेलित) 1 To shake, move to and fro. -2 To tremble. -3 To play, sport; खेलल्लोलम्बकोलाहल- मुखरितदिक्चक्रवालान्तरालम् Bhar. Ch. -Caus. To swing, shake; कृपणो$हं हि जीवामि भुजगं खेलयन्सदा Ks.9.76.
khela खेल a. 1 Sportive, amorous, playful; लीलाखेलमनुप्रापु- र्महोक्षास्तस्य विक्रमम् R.4.22. V.4.32. -2 Moving, shaking. -ला Sport, play, pastime; सिंहखेलगतिर्धीमान् Mb.12.1.19. -Comp. -गति, -गमन, -गामिन् a. having a sportive or stately gait; गमितेन खेलगमने विमानतां नय मां न वेन वसतिं पयोमुचा V.4.74; खे खेलगामी तमुवाह वाहः Ku.7.49.
khelanam खेलनम् 1 Shaking, quivering motion (of the eyes); कापि विलासविलोलविलोचनखेलनजनितमनोजम् Gīt.1.4. -2 Play, pastime. -3 A performance. -नी A piece or man at chess &c.
kheliḥ खेलिः f. 1 Sport, play. -2 A song or hymn. -m. 1 An arrow. -2 An animal. -3 A bird. -4 The sun.
chelakaḥ छेलकः A goat.
chelā छेला (फेला) The vault of the foundation-pit; Kāmikāgama 31.74-75.
prahelakaḥ प्रहेलकः 1 A kind of cake or sweetmeat. -2 A riddle; see प्रहेलिका below.
prahelā प्रहेला Free or unrestrained behaviour, loose conduct, playful dalliance; भूमौ प्रहेलया पश्चाज्जारहस्तो$ङ्गनास्विव Pt.2.44.
praheliḥ प्रहेलिः f., प्रहेलिका A riddle, an enigma, a conundrum. It is thus defined in the विदग्धमुखमण्डन :-- व्यक्तीकृत्य कमप्यर्थं स्वरूपार्थस्य गोपनात् । यत्र बाह्यान्तरावर्थौ कथ्येते सा प्रहेलिका. It is आर्थी or शाब्दी; तरुण्यालिङ्गितः कण्ठे नितम्ब- स्थलमाश्रितः । गुरूणां सन्निधाने$पि कः कूजति मुहुर्मुहुः (where the answer is ईषदूनजलपूर्णकुम्भः) is an instance of the former kind; सदारिमध्यापि न वैरियुक्ता नितान्तरक्ताप्यसितैव नित्यम् । यथोक्तवादिन्यपि नैव दूती का नाम कान्तेति निवेदयाशु ॥ (where the answer is सारिका), of the latter. Daṇḍin, however, mentions 16 different kinds of प्रहेलिका; see Kāv.3.96-124.
phālakhelā फालखेला A quail.
phel फेल् 1 P. (फेलति) To go, move. फेलम् phēlam फेला phēlā फेलिका phēlikā फेली phēlī फेलम् फेला फेलिका फेली (alos फेलकः, फेलिः according to L. D. B.) Remnants of food, leavings of a meal, orts.
phelā फेला f. (or छेला) The vault of a foundation pit.
phelukaḥ फेलुकः The scrotum.
bhela भेल a. [भी-र रस्य लः] 1 Timid, cowardly. -2 Foolish. ignorant. -3 Unsteady, inconstant. -4 Tall. -5 Agile, quick. -लः A boat, raft, float.
bhelakaḥ भेलकः कम् A boat, raft.
bhelanam भेलनम् Swimming.
vihel विहेल् Caus. Ā. (विहेलयते) To vex, annoy; Mb.13.
sahela सहेल a. Sportive, playful.
sāvahela सावहेल a. Disdainful, disdaining, despising. -लम् ind. Disdainfully, scornfully.
Macdonell Vedic Search
10 results
abhiṣṭidyumna abhiṣṭí-dyumna, a. (Bv.) splendid in help, iv. 51, 7 [dyumná, n. splendour].
abhiṣṭiśavas abhíṣṭi-śavas, a. (Bv.) strong to help, iii. 59, 8 [śávas, n. might]. [224]
av av help, I. P. ávati, i. 85, 7; ii. 12, 14; 35, 15; iv. 50, 9. 11; vii. 49, 1-4; 61, 2; x. 15, 1. 5; quicken, v. 83, 4.
avas áv-as, n. help, i. 35, 1; 85, 11; ii. 12, 9; iii. 59, 6; x. 15, 4 [av help].
avasyu avas-yú, a. desiring help, iv. 50, 9.
avitr av-i-tṛ́, m. helper, ii. 12, 6.
ūti ū-tí, f. help, i. 35, 1; viii. 48, 15; x. 15, 4 [av favour].
śarman śár-man, n. shelter, i. 85, 12; v. 83, 5; x. 129, 1 [Lith. szátma-s ‘helmet’, OG. helm ‘helmet’].
śikṣ śikṣ be helpful, pay obeisance, I. śíkṣa, iii. 59, 2 [ds. of śak be able].
hari hár-i, m. bay steed, i. 35, 3 [Av. zairi- ‘yellowish’; Lat. helu-s, Lith. zelù, OG. gělo].
Macdonell Search
8 results
helā f. kind of unrestrained behaviour of an amorous woman; carelessness, ease: °ree;-and in. helayâ, frivolously; with ease, without trouble or more ado (trina-, as easily as if it were a straw): -krishta,pp. drawn in fury; -kakra, m. N.; -râga, m. N. of an author.
helana n. derision, mockery, disregard.
helu m. N. of a village: -grâma, m. id.
ahelā f. no joke, good earnest.
khela a. swinging, swaying, rocking; m. N.: -gamana, a. of playful gait; -ana, n. flying or moving to and fro; restless mo tion (of the eye): -ka, n. play, sport; -i, f. (?) play, sport.
chelaka m. he-goat; ikâ, f. she-goat.
prahelā f. unconstrained behaviour: in. without constraint; -helikâ, f. riddle, enigma.
mahelā f. woman.
Bloomfield Vedic
8 results0 results8 results
adhi no brūhi sumanā aheḍan (VSK. ahelan) # VS.15.1c; VSK.16.1.1c; MS.2.8.7c: 111.6; KS.17.6c. See asme dīdihi.
ava te heḍo varuṇa namobhiḥ # RV.1.24.14a; TS.; MS.4.10.4a: 153.10; 4.14.17a: 246.7; KS.40.11a; Aś.6.13.7; Apś.13.19.7. Ps: ava te heḍo varuṇa MS.4.14.3: 219.2; ava te heḍaḥ (śś. helaḥ) TS.;; TB.; 8.1.6; TA.2.4.1; śś.6.10.11; 8.11.5; Apś.17.22.3; Mś.; śG.5.2.4; ava MDh.11.253.
avaiṣāṃ heḍa (VSK. hela) īmahe # AVP.14.3.9e; VS.16.6e; VSK.17.1.6e; TS.; MS.2.9.2e: 121.9; KS.17.11e; NīlarU.9e.
aheḍamāno (VSK. ahela-) varuṇeha bodhi # RV.1.24.11c; VS.18.49c; 21.2c; VSK.20.2.12c; 23.2c; TS.; MS.3.4.8c: 56.8; 4.14.17c: 246.4; KS.4.16c; 40.11c; śB.; ApMB.1.4.13c.
ājā khelasya paritakmyāyām # RV.1.116.15b.
tam agne heḍaḥ (VSK. helaḥ) pari te vṛṇaktu # VS.13.45d; VSK.14.4.8d; TS.; MS.2.7.17d: 102.9; KS.16.17d; śB.; See tām etc.
devasya heḍo (VSK.KA. helo) 'va yāsisīṣṭhāḥ # RV.4.1.4b; VS.21.3b; VSK.23.3b; TS.; MS.4.10.4b: 153.12; 4.14.17b: 246.9; KS.34.19b; KA.1.198.29b; ApMB.1.4.14b.
no dyāvāpṛthivī hīḍiṣethām (KA. yāvāpṛthivī helate helayethām) # MS.4.9.12d: 133.5; KA.1.198.12d. See mā dyāvā-.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"hel" has 42 results
helārājaa learned grammarian who wrote a commentary on the third Kanda of the Vakyapadiya of Bharthari to which he has given the name प्रकीर्णप्रकाश.
abhyantarainterior; contained in, held in; confer, compare अभ्यन्तरश्च समुदाये अवयवः । तद्यथा वृक्षः प्रचलसहावयवैः प्रचलति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.56.
ambūkṛtautterance (of words) accompanied by water drops coming out of the mouth; a fault of utterance or pronunciation; मुखात् विप्रुषो निर्गमनम् . It is explained differently in the Rk. Prātiśākhya; confer, compare ओष्ठाभ्यां नद्धं अम्बूकृतम्म्वृ (Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XIV.2.) held tight between the lips which of course, is a fault of pronunciation; confer, compareग्रस्तं निरस्तमविलम्बितं निर्हतं अम्बूकृतं ध्मात मथो विकम्पितम्. MBh. I. 1. पस्पशाह्निक.
avyutpattipakṣathe view held generally by grammarians that all words are not necessarily susceptible to analysis or derivation, an alternative view opposed to the view of the etymologists or Nairuktas that every word is derivable; confer, compare पाणिनेस्त्वव्युत्पत्तिपक्ष एवेति शब्देन्दुशेखरे निरूपितम् Pari. Śekh. Pari. 22; वाचक उपादान: स्वरूपवानिति अव्युत्पत्तिपक्षे Vyāḍi's Saṁgraha.
asiddhainvalid; of suspended validity for the time being: not functioning for the time being. The term is frequently used in Pāṇini's system of grammar in connection with rules or operations which are prevented, or held in suspense, in connection with their application in the process of the formation of a word. The term (असिद्ध) is also used in connection with rules that have applied or operations that have taken place, which are, in certain cases, made invalid or invisible as far as their effect is concerned and other rules are applied or other operations are allowed to take place, which ordinarily have been prevented by those rules which are made invalid had they not been invalidatedition Pāṇini has laid down this invalidity on three different occasions (1) invalidity by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. which makes a rule or operation in the second, third and fourth quarters of the eighth chapter of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. invalid when any preceding rule is to be applied, (2) invalidity by the rule असिद्धवदत्राभात् which enjoins mutual invalidity in the case of operations prescribed in the Ābhīya section beginning with the rule असिद्धवत्राभात् (VI. 4.22.) and going on upto the end of the Pāda (VI.4.175), (3) invalidity of the single substitute for two letters, that has already taken place, when ष् is to be substituted for स्, or the letter त् is to be prefixed, confer, compare षत्वतुकोरसिद्धः (VI. 1.86). Although Pāṇini laid down the general rule that a subsequent rule or operation, in case of conflict, supersedes the preceding rule, in many cases it became necessary for him to set, that rule aside, which he did by means of the stratagem of invalidity given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. Subsequent grammarians found out a number of additional cases where it became necessary to supersede the subseguent rule which they did by laying down a dictum of invalidity similar to that of Pāṇini. The author of the Vārttikas, hence, laid down the doctrine that rules which are nitya or antaraṅga or apavāda, are stronger than, and hence supersede, the anitya, bahiraṅga and utsarga rules respectively. Later gram marians have laid down in general, the invalidity of the bahiraṅga rule when the antaraṅga rule occurs along with it or subsequent to it. For details see Vol. 7 of Vvyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya(D. E. Society's edition) pages 217-220. See also Pari. Śek. Pari. 50.
upasargapreposition, prefix. The word उसपर्ग originally meant only 'a prefixed word': confer, compare सोपसर्गेषु नामसु Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI. 38. The word became technically applied by ancient Sanskrit Gratmmarians to the words प्र, परा, अप, सम् et cetera, and others which are always used along with a verb or a verbal derivative or a noun showing a verbal activity; confer, compare उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे P. I. 4.59. 'These prefixes are necessariiy compounded with the following word unless the latter is a verbal form; confer, compare कुगतिप्रादयः P.II. 2.18. Although they are not compounded with a verbal form, these prepositions are used in juxtaposition with it; sometimes they are found detached from the verbal form even with the intervention of one word or more. The prefixes are instrumental in changing the meaning of the root. Some scholars like Śākaṭāyana hold the view that separated from the roots, prefixes do not express any specific sense as ordinary words express, while scholars like Gārgya hold the view that prefixes do express a sense e. g. प्र means beginning or प्रारम्भ; confer, compare न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुरिति शाकटायनः । नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयोगद्योतका भवन्ति । उच्चावचाः पदार्था भवन्तीति गार्ग्यः । तद्य एषु पदार्थः प्राहुरिमं तं नामाख्यातयोरर्थविकरणम् Nirukta of Yāska.I. 8. It is doubtful, however, which view Pāṇini himself held. In his Ātmanepada topic, he has mentioned some specific roots as possessing some specific senses when preceded by some specific prefixes (see P. I. 3.20, 24, 25, 40, 4l, 46, 52, 56, et cetera, and others), which implies possibly that roots themselves possess various senses, while prefixes are simply instrumental in indicating or showing them. On the other hand, in the topic of the Karmapravacanīyas,the same words प्र, परा et cetera, and others which, however, are not termed Upasargas for the time being, although they are called Nipātas, are actually assigned some specific senses by Pāṇini. The Vārttikakāra has defined उपसर्ग as क्रियाविशेषक उपसर्गः P. I. 3.I. Vārt 7, leaving it doubtful whether the उपसर्ग or prefix possesses an independent sense which modifies the sense of the root, or without possessing any independent sense, it shows only the modified sense of the root which also is possessed by the root. Bhartṛhari, Kaiyaṭa and their followers including Nāgeśa have emphatically given the view that not only prefixes but Nipātas, which include प्र, परा and others as Upasargas as well as Karmapravacanīyas, do not denote any sense, but they indicate it; they are in fact द्योतक and not वाचक. For details see Nirukta of Yāska.I. 3, Vākyapadīya II. 190, Mahābhāṣya on I. 3.1. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7 and Kaiyaṭa's Mahābhāṣyapradīpa.and Mahābhāṣya-Pradīpoddyota by Nāgeśa.thereon. The Ṛk Prātiśākhya has discussed the question in XII. 6-9 where, as explained by the commentator, it is stated that prefixes express a sense along with roots or nouns to which they are attachedition It is not clear whether they convey the sense by denotation or indication, the words वाचक in stanza 6 and विशेषकृत् in stanza 8 being in favour of the former and the latter views respectively; cf उपसर्गा विंशतिरर्थवाचकाः सहेतराभ्यामितरे निपाताः; क्रियावाचकभाख्यातमुपसर्गो विशेषकृत्, सत्त्वाभिधायकं नाम निपातः पादपूरणः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. st. 6 and 8. For the list of upasargas see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. 6, Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 15, Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VI.24, and S. K. on P. I.4.60.
ṛktantraa work consisting of five chapters containing in all 287 sūtras. It covers the same topics as the Prātiśākhya works and is looked upon as one of the Prātiśākhya works of the Sāma Veda. Its authorship is attributed to Śākaṭāyana according to Nageśa, while औदिव्राज is held as its author by some, and कात्यायन by others. It bears a remarkable similarity to Pāṇini's Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. especially in topics concerning coalescence and changes of स् and न् to ष् and ण् respectively. It cannot be definitely said whether it preceded or followed Pāṇini's work.
kāṇḍamāyananame of an ancient writer of a Prātiśākhya work who held that Visarga before the consonant स् is dropped only when स् is followed by a surd consonant; confer, compare Tai.Pr. IX. 1.
kāśikā(1)name given to the reputed gloss (वृत्ति) on the Sūtras of Pāṇini written by the joint authors.Jayāditya and Vāmana in the 7th century A.D. Nothing definitely can be said as to which portion was written by Jayāditya and which by Vamana, or the whole work was jointly written. Some scholars believe that the work was called Kāśikā as it was written in the city of Kāśī and that the gloss on the first five Adhyāyas was written by Jayāditya and that on the last three by Vāmana. Although it is written in a scholarly way, the work forms an excellent help to beginners to understand the sense of the pithy Sūtra of Pāṇini. The work has not only deserved but obtained and maintained a very prominent position among students and scholars of Pāṇini's grammar in spite of other works like the Bhāṣāvṛtti, the Prakriyā Kaumudi, the Siddhānta Kaumudi and others written by equally learned scholars. Its wording is based almost on the Mahābhāṣya which it has followed, avoiding, of course, the scholarly disquisitions occurring here and there in the Mahābhāṣya. It appears that many commentary works were written on it, the wellknown among them being the Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā or Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Jinendrabuddhi, called Nyāsa. written by Jinendrabuddhi and the Padamañjari by Haradatta. For details see Vyākaraṇamahābhāṣya Vol.VII pp 286-87 published by the D. E. Society, Poona. ( 2 ) The name Kāśikā is sometimes found given to their commentaries on standard works of Sanskrit Grammar by scholars, as possibly they were written at Kāśī; as for instance, (a) Kāśikā on Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasāra by Hari Dīkṣita, and ( b ) Kāśikā on Paribhāṣenduśekhara by Vaidyanātha Pāyaguṇḍe.
gārgyaan ancient reputed grammarian and possibly a writer of a Nirukta work, whose views, especially in.connection with accents are given in the Pratisakhya works, the Nirukta and Panini's Astadhyayi. Although belonging to the Nirukta school, he upheld the view of the Vaiyakaranas that all words cannot be derived, but only some of them: cf Nirukta of Yāska.I. 12.3. cf, also Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.IV. 167, Nirukta of Yāska.I. 3.5, III. 14.22: Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 13; XIII. 12: P. VII. 3.99, VIII. 3.20, VIII. 4.69.
gūḍhaheld up or caught between two words with which it is connected; exempli gratia, for example the word असि in इयं ते राट् यन्ता असि यमनः ध्रुव: धरुणः। confer, compare Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.IV. 176.
grastaa fault of pronunciation due to the utterance of a letter hindered or held back at the throat; confer, compare जिह्वामूलनिग्रहे ग्रस्तमेतत् R.Pr.XIV.3; confer, compare also ग्रस्तं निरस्तमवलम्बितम् । ग्रस्तः जिह्वामूले गृहीतः । अव्यक्त इत्यपरे । Pradipa on Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). Ahnika 1.
grāsaa fault in the utterance of a letter which makes it indistinct by being held up at the throat.Seeग्रस्त.
cakrapāṇi( शेष )a grammarian of the Sesa family of the latter half of the 17th century who held views against Bhattoji Diksita and wrote प्रौढमनोरमाखण्डन, कारकतत्व and कारकविचार.
cātuḥsvāryathe view that there are four accents-the udatta, the anudatta, the svarita and the pracaya held by the Khandikya and the Aukhiya Schools.
jātigenus; class;universal;the notion of generality which is present in the several individual objects of the same kindeclinable The biggest or widest notion of the universal or genus is सत्ता which, according to the grammarians, exists in every object or substance, and hence, it is the denotation or denoted sense of every substantive or Pratipadika, although on many an occasion vyakti or an individual object is required for daily affairs and is actually referred to in ordinary talks. In the Mahabhasya a learned discussion is held regarding whether जाति is the denotation or व्यक्ति is the denotation. The word जाति is defined in the Mahabhasya as follows:आकृतिग्रहणा जातिर्लिङ्गानां च न सर्वभाक् । सकृदाख्यातनिर्गाह्या गोत्रं च चरणैः सह ॥ अपर आह । ग्रादुभीवविनाशाभ्यां सत्त्वस्य युगपद्गुणैः । असर्वलिङ्गां बह्वर्थो तां जातिं कवयो विदुः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on IV. 1.63. For details see Bhartphari's Vakyapadiya.
jātipakṣathe view that जाति, or genus only, is the denotation of every word. The view was first advocated by Vajapyayana which was later on held by many, the Mimamsakas being the chief supporters of the view. See Mahabhasya on P. I. 2.64. See Par. Sek. Pari. 40.
dhātvartheliterally meaning of a root, the verbal activity, named क्रिया or भावः . confer, compare धात्वर्थः क्रिया; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.2. 84, III.2.115. The verbal activity is described generally to be made up of a series of continuous subordinate activities carried on by the different karakas or agents and instruments of verbal activity helping the process of the main activity. When the process of the verbal activity is complete, the completed activity is looked upon as a substantive or dravya and a word denoting it, such as पाक,or याग does not get conjugational affixes, but it is regularly declined like a noun.Just as स्वार्थ, द्रब्य, लिङ्ग, संख्या, and कारक are given as प्रातिपदिकार्थ, in the same manner क्रिया, काल, पुरुष, वचन or संख्या, and कारक are given as धात्वर्थ, as they are shown by a verbal form, although strictly speaking verbal activity (क्रियorभाव) alone is the sense of a root, as stated in the Mahbhasya. For details see Vaiyak.Bh.Sara, where it is said that fruit ( फल) and effort ( ब्यापार ) are expressed by a root, confer, compare फलव्यापारयोर्धातुः. The five senses given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. are in fact conveyed not by a root, but by a verb or अाख्यात or तिडन्त.
naddhaa fault of pronunciation when a letter, although distinctly pronounced inside the mouth, does not become audible, being held up ( बद्ध ) by the lips or the like. The fault is similar to अम्बूकृत: confer, compare ओष्ठाभ्यामम्बूकृतमाह नद्धम् R.Pr.XIV.2.
navyamataa term used for the differentiation in views and explanations held by the comparatively new school of Bhattoji Diksita, as contrasted with those held by Kasikakara and Kaiyata; the term is sometimes applied to the differences of opinion expressed by Nagesabhatta in contrast with Bhagttoji Diksita. For details see p.p. 23-24 Vol.VII of the Patanjala Mahabhasya edition D.E. Society, Poona.
paribhāṣāan authoritative statement or dictum, helping (1) the correct interpretation of the rules (sūtras) of grammar, or (2) the removal of conflict between two rules which occur simultaneously in the process of the formation of words, (पदसिद्धि), or (3) the formation of correct words. Various definitions of the word परिभाषा are given by commentators, the prominent ones beingपरितो व्यापृतां भाषां परिभाषां प्रचक्षते(न्यास);or, परितो भाष्यते या सा परिभाषा प्रकीर्तिता. The word is also defined as विधौ नियामकरिणी परिभाषा ( दुर्गसिंहवृत्ति ). परिभाषा can also be briefiy defined as the convention of a standard author. Purusottamadeva applies the word परिभाषा to the maxims of standard writers, confer, compare परिभाषा हिं न पाणिनीयानि वचनानि; Puru. Pari. 119; while Haribhaskara at the end of his treatise परिभाषाभास्कर, states that Vyaadi was the first writer on Paribhaasas. The rules तस्मिन्निति निर्दिष्टे पूर्वस्य, तस्मादित्युत्तरस्य and others are in fact Paribhaasa rules laid down by Panini. For the difference between परिभाषा and अधिकार, see Mahabhasya on II.1.1. Many times the writers of Sutras lay down certain conventions for the proper interpretation of their rules, to which additions are made in course of time according to necessities that arise, by commentators. In the different systems of grammar there are different collections of Paribhasas. In Panini's system, apart from commentaries thereon, there are independent collections of Paribhasas by Vyadi, Bhojadeva, Purusottamadeva, Siradeva, Nilakantha, Haribhaskara, Nagesa and a few others. There are independent collections of Paribhasas in the Katantra, Candra, Sakatayana,Jainendra and Hemacandra systems of grammar. It is a noticeable fact that many Paribhasas are common, with their wordings quite similar or sometimes identical in the different systemanuscript. Generally the collections of Paribhasas have got scholiums or commentaries by recognised grammarians, which in their turn have sometimes other glosses or commentaries upon them. The Paribhaasendusekhara of Nagesa is an authoritative work of an outstanding merit in the system of Paninis Grammar, which is commented upon by more than twenty five scholars during the last two or three centuries. The total number of Paribhasas in the diferent systems of grammar may wellnigh exceed 500. See परिभाषासंग्रह.
pāriṣadaliterally belonging to the assembly; the term पारिषद refers to the results of the discussions held at the assemblies of specially prominent scholars or learned persons ; confer, compare सर्ववेदपारिषदं हीदं शास्त्रं (ब्याकरणम्) तत्र नैकः पन्था: शक्य आस्थातुम् । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II. 1. 58; VI. 3.14.
pragṛhītaliterally held as it is, uncombinable by euphonic rules; the same as प्रगृह्य.
pragṛhītapadāa description of the Samhhita text of the Veda in which a pragrhya vowel preceding another vowel is held up ( प्रगृह्य ) id est, that is kept as it is, without any euphonic combination; confer, compare सहोदयास्ताः प्रग्रहीतपदाः सर्वत्रैव त्र्यक्षरान्तास्तु नैव Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) II. 27.
prācyapadavṛttisuccession of two vowels where the former vowel, which is either ए, or ओ remains without coalescence with the following vowel अ, even though by rules it is liable to be changed; exempli gratia, for exampleसुजाते अश्वसूनृते । अध्वर्यो अद्रिभिः सुतम् । In such cases the vowel अ is pronounced like ए. This view is held by the senior Sakalya (स्थविरशाकल्य); confer, compare प्राच्यपञ्चाल-उपधानिभोदयाः शाकल्यस्य स्थविरस्येतरा स्थितिः, R.Pr. II.44; confer, compare also स पूर्वस्यार्धसदृशमेकेषाम् Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI.19 and the commentaries thereon; confer, compare also छन्दोगानां सात्यमुग्रिराणायनीया अर्धमेकारमर्धमोकारं चाधीयते । सुजाते ए अश्वसूनृते । अध्वर्यो ओ अद्रिभिः सुतम् । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Siva Sutra 3, 4 as also on P.I.1.48.
brahmakāṇḍaname given to the first section or Kanda of Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya. It deals with Sphota, and in a way it contains in a nutshell the philosophy of Sanskrit Grammar.
bhāskaraśāstrīsurnamed Abhyankar (1785-1870) a great grammarian in the line of the pupils of Nāgeśa who was educated at Poona and lived at Sātārā. He taught many pupils, a large number of whom helped the spread of Vyākaraṇa studies even in distant places of the country, such as Vārāṇasi and others. For details see Vyākaraṇa The Volume of the introduction in Marathi to the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya, written by K. V. Abhyankar and published by the O. E. Society, Poona. pp. 27-29, D. E. Society's Edition.
mācākīyaan ancient writer of a Pratisakhya work, who is quoted in the Taittiriya Pratisakhya as one, holding the view that य and व् preceded by अ and followed by उ and ओ respectively, are dropped provided they stand at the beginning of a Pada ( word ). माचाकीय, who belonged to the Yajurveda school, is said to have held this view which is generally held by the followers of the Rgveda: confer, compare उकारौकारपरौ लुप्यते माचाकी यस्य(Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.X.29) on which the commentator adds वह्वृचानामयं पक्षः.
rāmatarkavāgīśaa learned grammarian who held the titles महामहोपाध्याय and भट्टाचार्य, He was an advocate of the Mugdhabodha School and wrote commentaries on (1) the Mugdhabodha, (2) the Kavikalpadruma, (3) the Amarakosa and (4) the Unadi sutras. He also wrote a short gloss on case-relations, his treatise on the subject being named कारकटिप्पणी,
laghukaumudīknown as लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी also, an abridged work based upon the Siddhāntakaumudi of Bhațțojī Dīkşita, written by Bhațțojī's pupil Varadarāja. The work is very valuable and helpful to beginners in grammar. It has got the same topics as the Siddhāntakaumudī, but arranged differently. The work, named सारसिद्धान्तकौमुदी is the same as लघुसिध्दान्तकौमुदी. Possibly सारसिद्धान्तकौमुदी was the original name given by the author.
vārtikavacanaa small pithy statement or assertion in the manner of the original sutras which is held as much authoritative as the Sutra: cf न ब्रुमो वृत्तिसूत्रवचनप्रामाण्यादिति | किं तर्हि | वार्तिकवचनप्रामाण्यादिति [ M.Bh. on P.II..1.1 Varttika 23.
vaiyākaraṇaśābdamālāवैयाकरणशब्दरत्नमाला a treatise on the use of words written as a helpful guide to Sanskrit writers, by a grammarian named Somayajin in 1848 A.D.
vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntakārikāa very scholarly work by Bhattoji Diksita on the interpretation of words and sentences, based upon the learned discussions on that subject introduced in the Mahabhasya, Vakyapadiya, Pradipa, et cetera, and others and discussed fully in his Sabdakaustubha by the author himselfeminine. The work although scholarly and valuable, is compressed in only 72 verses ( karikas ) and has to be understood with the help of the Vaiyakaranabhusana or BhuSansara written by Kondabhatta, the nephew of the author. See वैयाकरणभूषण and वैयाकरणभूषणसार.
vyutpattipakṣathe view that every word is derived from a suitable root as contrasted with the other view viz. the अव्युत्पत्तिपक्ष. The grammarians hold that Panini held the अव्युत्पत्तिपक्ष,id est, that is the view that not all words in a language can be derived but only some of them can be so done, and contrast him (id est, that isPanini) with an equally great grammarian Sakatayana who stated that every word has to be derived: confer, compare न्यग्रोधयतीति न्यग्रोध इति व्युत्पत्तिपक्षे नियमार्थम् ! अव्युत्पत्तिपक्ष विध्यर्थम् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana.on P.VII.3.6.
śabdparavipratiṣedhacl,. comparatively superior strength possessed by a word, which in the text of a particular sutra is later than another word, which is put in earlier in the Sutra. This शब्दपरविप्रतिषेधे is contrasted with the standard शास्त्रपरविप्रतिषेध which is laid down by Panini in his rule विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् and which lays down the superior strength of that rule which is put by Panini later on in his Astadhyayi: e. g. in the rule विभाषा गमहनविदविशाम्,it is not the word हन् although occuring earlier, but the word विश् occuring later in the rule, which helps us to decide which विद् should be taken confer, compareज्ञानार्तस्य सत्यपि विदरूपत्वे अर्थस्य भेदकत्वेन रूपवदाश्रयणात्प्रतिषेधाभावः | यद्यपि हन्तिना साहचर्ये विदेरस्ति तथापि शब्दपरविप्रतिषेधाद् विशिर्व्यवस्थाहेतुर्न हान्तिः ! Kaiyata on P. VII.2.18:confer, compare also, P.VI.1.158 V.12.
śikṣāgeneral name given to a work on Phonetics. Although there are many such works which are all called शिक्षा, the work, which is often referred to, by the word, is the Siksa named पाणिनीयशिक्षा, about the authorship of which, however, there is a doubt whether it was the work of Panini or of somebody belonging to his school. The Siksa works are helpful, no doubt, for the study of grammar, but no topic belonging to Siksa is given by Panini which apparently means that these works do not come under the subject or province of Grammar. The reason why the Siksa topics are not given by Panini, is worth consideration. These Siksa works are not specifically related to a particular Veda and it cannot be said whether they preceded or succeeded the Pratisakhya works.
śrīmaṇikaṇṭhaa famous grammarian who held the titles महामहोपाध्याय, प्रगल्भतर्कसिंह and भट्टाचार्य and who has written a systematic work on caserelations named कारकखण्डनमण्डन; the work is also known by the name षट्कारकखण्डनमण्डन.
ṣaṭkārakavivecanaa small treatise on the six case-relations written by a grammarian Bhavananda who held the title Siddhāntavagisa.
saṃśliṣṭavery closely held together just as the sound of the consonant र् in the vowel क; confer, compare ऋलृवर्णे रेफलकारौ संश्लिष्टौ अश्रुतिधरौ एकवर्णौ where Uvvata has explained the word संश्लिष्ट as एकीभूत; cf Uvvata on Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.IV. 148.
saṃsṛṣṭavādipakṣathe theory, that the meaning of a sentence is a novel thing ( अपूर्व ), held by some Mimamsakas who believe that words connected with activity display their phenomenal capacity ( अनुभाविकाशक्ति ) after the recalling of the senses of words by the recalling capacity (स्मारिकाशाक्ति ).
samānākṣarasimple vowels or monophthongs अ, इ and उ as contrasted with diphthongs ( संध्यक्षर ); cf अष्टौ समानाक्षराण्यादितस्ततश्चत्वारि संध्यक्षराण्युत्तराणि Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 11, confer, compare also अथ नवादितस्समानाक्षराणि Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.1. 2. Some writers of Pratisakhyas held ऋ as संध्यक्षर and not as समानाक्षर; cf अन्यत्तु मतम्-ऋकारादीनां त्रयाणां त्वरद्वयसंधिरूपत्वाभावेपि रूपद्वयसद्भावादेषा संज्ञा न युक्तेति नवानामेवाहेति। gloss on Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 2.
hṛradattaname of a reputed grammarian of Southern India who wrote a very learned and scholarly commentary, named पदमञ्जरी, on the Kasikavrtti which is held by grammarians as the standard vrtti or gloss on the Sutras of Panini,and studied especially in the schools of the southern grammarians. Haradatta was a Dravida Brahmana, residing in a village on the Bank of Kaveri. His scholarship in Grammar was very sound and he is believed to have commented on many grammarworks.The only fault of the scholar was a very keen sense of egotism which is found in his work, although it can certainly be said that the egotism was not ill-placed and could be justified: confer, compare एवं प्रकटितोस्माभिर्भाष्ये परिचय: पर:। तस्य निःशेषतो मन्ये प्रतिपत्तापि दुर्लभः॥ also प्रक्रियातर्कगहने प्रविष्टो हृष्टमानसः हरदत्तहरिः स्वैरं विहरन् ! केन वार्यते | Padamajari, on P. I-13, 4. The credit of popularising Panini's system of grammar in Southern India goes to Haradatta to a considerable extent.
Vedabase Search
138 results
helā very easilyCC Madhya 10.119
hela-ullāsa because of neglectful jubilationCC Madhya 14.181
hela-ullāsa because of neglectful jubilationCC Madhya 14.181
helābhiḥ easilySB 3.14.20
helana insultsSB 11.1.2
helanam disrespectful behaviorSB 4.11.33
helanam insult, neglectSB 4.13.28
helanam neglectfullySB 6.2.14
helanam negligenceSB 3.24.29
SB 7.15.72
helanam offenseSB 10.25.3
SB 10.57.12-13
helanāt because of an offenseSB 3.16.3
helāya very easilyCC Madhya 25.154
helayām āsa made fun ofSB 10.67.14-15
helayām āsa made fun ofSB 10.67.14-15
helayām āsa ridiculedSB 10.67.13
helayām āsa ridiculedSB 10.67.13
gṛha-antaḥ khelantyaḥ who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
atihelanāt being too apatheticSB 3.14.38
bāhire phelāya throw outsideCC Madhya 12.89
bhela there wasCC Madhya 8.194
bheli becameCC Madhya 8.194
brahma-helanam the result of disobedience to the brāhmaṇasSB 3.16.31
caitanyera khelā the activities of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 5.87
kṛta-deva-helanāt because of disobeying the orders of the LordSB 1.19.2
deva-helanam disrespect of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.3.15
deva-helanāni negligent of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.6.10
deva-helanāt from neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to brāhmaṇas, Vaiṣṇavas and the Supreme LordSB 6.8.17
deva-helanam offense to the demigodsSB 6.9.4
deva-helanam an offense against Varuṇa and the other godsSB 10.22.19
diyāche phelāiyā have been thrownCC Madhya 1.198
gṛha-antaḥ khelantyaḥ who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
guru-helanam disrespect to the spiritual masterSB 6.7.10
sara khela hañā being the managerCC Madhya 15.96
kṛta-helanaḥ because of transgressing the etiquetteSB 7.15.72
kṛta-helanāḥ having shown contemptSB 10.23.52
kṛta-helanaḥ having committed offenseSB 10.27.2
sura-helanam disobeying great demigodsSB 3.15.36
brahma-helanam the result of disobedience to the brāhmaṇasSB 3.16.31
kṛta-helanam contempt having been shownSB 4.4.9
tat-helanam disrespect to themSB 4.14.22
deva-helanam disrespect of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.3.15
guru-helanam disrespect to the spiritual masterSB 6.7.10
deva-helanam offense to the demigodsSB 6.9.4
deva-helanam an offense against Varuṇa and the other godsSB 10.22.19
deva-helanāni negligent of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.6.10
kṛta-deva-helanāt because of disobeying the orders of the LordSB 1.19.2
deva-helanāt from neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to brāhmaṇas, Vaiṣṇavas and the Supreme LordSB 6.8.17
kare jala-khelā performed sports in the waterCC Madhya 14.75
jala-phelāpheli throwing water on each otherCC Madhya 14.79
jala khele performs this water sportCC Madhya 14.81
jala-khelā sporting in the waterCC Madhya 14.102
jala pheli' throwing waterCC Madhya 17.31
kaila khelā plays with KṛṣṇaCC Adi 5.135
kare jala-khelā performed sports in the waterCC Madhya 14.75
khelā pastimesCC Adi 5.125
kaila khelā plays with KṛṣṇaCC Adi 5.135
khelā playingCC Adi 11.20
khelā pastimesCC Madhya 12.203
kare jala-khelā performed sports in the waterCC Madhya 14.75
jala-khelā sporting in the waterCC Madhya 14.102
sara khela hañā being the managerCC Madhya 15.96
khelā-tīrtha Khelā-tīrthaCC Madhya 18.66
khelā pastimesCC Madhya 21.101
caitanyera khelā the activities of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 5.87
mahāprabhura khelā the play of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 14.121
khelan playingCC Madhya 1.76
khelan playingCC Antya 1.79
khelan playingCC Antya 1.114
khelana sportingCC Adi 14.23
khelana sportingCC Antya 10.47
gṛha-antaḥ khelantyaḥ who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
pāśaka khelāya plays with diceCC Antya 16.7
khele He playsCC Adi 5.25
khele playsCC Adi 14.9
jala khele performs this water sportCC Madhya 14.81
khele sportsCC Madhya 14.81
khele sportsCC Madhya 14.82
khele He playsCC Madhya 14.121
kṛṣṇa-phelā the remnants of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 16.130
kṛta-deva-helanāt because of disobeying the orders of the LordSB 1.19.2
kṛta-helanam contempt having been shownSB 4.4.9
kṛta-helanaḥ because of transgressing the etiquetteSB 7.15.72
kṛta-helanāḥ having shown contemptSB 10.23.52
kṛta-helanaḥ having committed offenseSB 10.27.2
phelāilā lañā picked up and threwCC Antya 16.36
phelā-lava a particle of the remnantsCC Antya 16.96
mahāprabhura khelā the play of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 14.121
manuṣya theli' pushing the crowd of menCC Adi 10.142
phelā-nāma the name is phelāCC Antya 16.98
pāśaka khelāya plays with diceCC Antya 16.7
phala phele throws away the fruitsCC Madhya 15.84
phelā-lava a particle of the remnantsCC Antya 16.96
phelā-nāma the name is phelāCC Antya 16.98
phelā the remnants of foodCC Antya 16.100
phelā of the nectar of whose lipsCC Antya 16.119
kṛṣṇa-phelā the remnants of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 16.130
phelāila threw awayCC Adi 17.94
phelāilā lañā picked up and threwCC Antya 16.36
phelāite to throwCC Antya 9.30
diyāche phelāiyā have been thrownCC Madhya 1.198
phelāñā throwingCC Antya 1.29
phelāñā yāya is thrown awayCC Antya 16.12
jala-phelāpheli throwing water on each otherCC Madhya 14.79
phelāpheli throwing back and forthCC Antya 18.85
se phelāra of those remnantsCC Antya 16.131
phelāya throwsCC Madhya 12.88
bāhire phelāya throw outsideCC Madhya 12.89
phele distributesCC Adi 9.30
phele breaks downCC Madhya 15.33
phala phele throws away the fruitsCC Madhya 15.84
phele throwsCC Antya 6.317
pheli' throwingCC Madhya 15.23
jala pheli' throwing waterCC Madhya 17.31
phelila He threw themCC Adi 14.43
phelila threwCC Madhya 3.94
phelila threwCC Madhya 6.253
phelilā threwCC Antya 12.119
phelilā leftCC Antya 16.35
prahelī enigmaCC Madhya 16.265-266
prahelī enigmaCC Madhya 16.268
tarajā-prahelī a sonnet in equivocal languageCC Antya 19.18
sara khela hañā being the managerCC Madhya 15.96
sūryadāsa sarakhela Sūryadāsa SarakhelaCC Adi 11.25
se phelāra of those remnantsCC Antya 16.131
sura-helanam disobeying great demigodsSB 3.15.36
sūryadāsa sarakhela Sūryadāsa SarakhelaCC Adi 11.25
tarajā-prahelī a sonnet in equivocal languageCC Antya 19.18
tat-helanam disrespect to themSB 4.14.22
helāṭheli competition of pushing forwardCC Madhya 13.119
hele when he pushesCC Madhya 13.94
hele pushesCC Madhya 13.189
hele pushesCC Madhya 14.55
manuṣya theli' pushing the crowd of menCC Adi 10.142
helitei as soon as He pushedCC Madhya 13.190
khelā-tīrtha Khelā-tīrthaCC Madhya 18.66
phelāñā yāya is thrown awayCC Antya 16.12
21 results
helakī noun (feminine) name of a mantra
Frequency rank 72726/72933
helana noun (feminine neuter) contempt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disregard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sporting amorously (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of slighting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wanton dalliance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20405/72933
heli noun (masculine) the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 41485/72933
helin adjective
Frequency rank 72725/72933
helā noun (feminine) amorous dalliance (of women) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
carelessness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contempt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disrespect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ease (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
facility (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
frivolity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in dram. one of the 20 natural graces [sattvaja alaṃkāra] of the Nāyikā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
moonlight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pastime (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sport (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wanton sport (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14595/72933
atihelana noun (neuter) excessive contempt
Frequency rank 42282/72933
avahela noun (feminine neuter) disrespect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32673/72933
avahelana noun (neuter) disrespect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45278/72933
āsannadūdhelī noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 46794/72933
kaphelu noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 48588/72933
khel verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to move to and fro (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to shake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to swing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to tremble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23843/72933
khela adjective moving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shaking (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
trembling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15664/72933
khelā noun (feminine) play (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sport (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27768/72933
khelana noun (neuter) moving to and fro (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pastime (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
play (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
quivering motion (of the eyes) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shaking (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sport (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50918/72933
chelikā noun (feminine) a she-goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52591/72933
prahelikā noun (feminine) (rhet.) a kind of yamaka with obscure/difficult meaning an enigma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
puzzling question (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
riddle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29274/72933
bhela noun (masculine) a raft (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a species of small tiger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
boat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a physician (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37861/72933
bhūmidūdhelī noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 60994/72933
mahelā noun (feminine) a woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61946/72933
śunakaphelaka noun (masculine) [rel.] a class of gods (?)
Frequency rank 67884/72933
suhelā noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 71387/72933


froth of the sea; cuttle fish bone, i.e. spongy and chalky internal shell of a mollusc that floats on water after it dies.


Plant double coconut; dried endosperm of Lidoicea maldivica; L. seychellarum.


Plant wild cumin, purple fleabane, Vernonia anthelmintica.


teacher of Agniveśa and Bhela, physician at Takṣaśila.


1. kind of shell; 2. Plant broken bones plant, Bignonia indica, Oroxylum indicum.


student of Ātreya, native of northwest (Gāndhāra) India and author of Bhela samhita, manuscript found in the Tanjore library.


glow-choler; one of the five pittas located in skin, that ascribes glow to the skin and helps digest oils applied on.


Plant stalk of lotus; bisavartma porous condition of sebaceous gland; xanthelasma; a disease of eye.


kind of ālocakapitta located in mind; first described by Bhela.


a bird, ruddy shelduck.


Plant sampangi, flowers of Michelia champaca.


vivifying; herbs that help survive; jīvanīyapañcamūla śatāvari, jīvanti, jīvaka, ṛṣabhaka, vīra.


1. a geographical region in ancient India corresponding to present day Afghanistan; 2. Plant ironweed plant, Veronia anthelminthica.


a small shell or cowrie; Cypraea moneta.


1. pot, bowl; 2. shell of tortoise; 3. cup.


Plant hellebore, dried rhizome of Picrorhiza kurroa


Plant sharproot, hellebore, Picrorhiza kurroa.


worm, helminthiasis, krimidanta dental caries.


(kukkuṭa.anḍa.tvak.bhasma) ash of the hen’s egg shell, used as medicine in many diseases, ex: svetapradara or leucorrhoea.


Plant hellebore, Picorrhiza kurroa.


1. salt, salty, saline; 2. Plant balloon plant, Cardiospermum helicacabum.


Plant Indian heliotrope, scorpion weed, Indian turnsole, Heliotropium indicum.


foot, motor organ that helps in locomotion; pādabhramśa foot drop; pādadāha burning sole; feet; pādaśūla pain in the foot; pādasuptata numbness of feet; pādatala sole.


Plant fragrant padri tree, Stereospermum chelonoides.


1. anointing, smearing; 2. lime made of calcined shelss; pralepakajvara hectic fever.


one of the sixteen rites conducted in the prenatal life to help mother conceive male baby.


Plant orris root, dried root of Inula racemosa, I. helenium; Inula recemosa; Costus speciosus; Saussurea lappa.


snail shell.


one of the three rectal folds that helps holding back feces.


conch shell, śankhaviṣa white arseni Century


Plant bitter black cumin, Centratherum anthelmiticum


1. vinegar, fermented liquors. 2. treacle, 3. honey, 4. fermented rice gruel and watery substance above the curds are kept in a new and clean vessel underneath a bushel of paddy for three days.(Dalhana).


1. oyster shell, 2. a weight measurement equal to 24 grams.


multiple spots on the sclera of eye resembling oyster shell, xeropthalmia.


otter, a semiaquatic mammal that feeds on fish and shellfish.


Plant 1. purple flebane; Centratherum anthelminticum; 2. Vernonia cinerea


shell, cowrie.


1. lethal point (marma) below the ear, damage can lead to deafness; 2. helpless, widower, distress.


medicated oil with sesame base to help in muscuto-skeletal diseases.


one of the three rectal folds that helps excrete feces.


river Jhelum in north India referred in Rigveda.

Wordnet Search
"hel" has 37 results.


apamānaḥ, bhartsanā, nirbhartsanā, avajñā, avajñānam, paribhavaḥ, avalepaḥ, avahelā, avahelanam, anādaraḥ, parivādaḥ, anādarakriyā, apavādaḥ, avamānavākyam, tiraskāravākyam, tiraskāraḥ, tiraskriyā, paribhāvaḥ, parivādaḥ, vākpāruṣyam, paribhāṣaṇam, asūrkṣaṇam, avamānanā, rīḍhā, kṣepaḥ, nindā, durvacaḥ, dharṣaṇam, anāryam, khaloktiḥ, apamānakriyā, apamānavākyam, vimānanā   

sā uktiḥ ācāro vā yena kasyacit pratiṣṭhāyāḥ nyūnatā bhavati।

kasyāpi apamānaḥ na karaṇīyaḥ।


krīḍā, khelā, keliḥ, līlā, narma, kūrdanam   

manorañjanātmikā śarīravyāpārādikriyā।

krīḍāyāṃ jayaparājayau staḥ eva।


garvita, garvin, sagarva, garvara, garvavat, garvitacitta, sadarpa, darpavān, darpī, mānī, ahaṅkārī, ahaṃyu, sāhaṅkāra, ahamānī, pragalbha, uddhata, uddhatacitta, uddhatamanas, samuddhata, prauḍha, unnaddha, samunnaddha, sāṭopa, āṭopī, utsikta, unnataśiraska, unnatamanaska, samunnatacitta, ūrdhvadṛṣṭi, avalipta, darpaghmāta, sāvahela, pradhṛṣṭa   

yaḥ garvaṃ karoti।

rājeśaḥ garvitaḥ।


kāmadevaḥ, kāmaḥ, madanaḥ, manmathaḥ, māraḥ, pradyumnaḥ, mīnaketanaḥ, kandarpaḥ, darpakaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, pañcaśaraḥ, smaraḥ, śambarāriḥ, manasijaḥ, kusumeṣuḥ, ananyajaḥ, ratināthaḥ, puṣpadhanvā, ratipatiḥ, makaradhvajaḥ, ātmabhūḥ, brahmasūḥ, viśvaketuḥ, kāmadaḥ, kāntaḥ, kāntimān, kāmagaḥ, kāmācāraḥ, kāmī, kāmukaḥ, kāmavarjanaḥ, rāmaḥ, ramaḥ, ramaṇaḥ, ratināthaḥ, ratipriyaḥ, rātrināthaḥ, ramākāntaḥ, ramamāṇaḥ, niśācaraḥ, nandakaḥ, nandanaḥ, nandī, nandayitā, ratisakhaḥ, mahādhanuḥ, bhrāmaṇaḥ, bhramaṇaḥ, bhramamāṇaḥ, bhrāntaḥ, bhrāmakaḥ, bhṛṅgaḥ, bhrāntacāraḥ, bhramāvahaḥ, mohanaḥ, mohakaḥ, mohaḥ, mātaṅgaḥ, bhṛṅganāyakaḥ, gāyanaḥ, gītijaḥ, nartakaḥ, khelakaḥ, unmattonmattakaḥ, vilāsaḥ, lobhavardhanaḥ, sundaraḥ, vilāsakodaṇḍaḥ   

kāmasya devatā।

kāmadevena śivasya krodhāgniḥ dṛṣṭaḥ।


sūryaḥ, savitā, ādityaḥ, mitraḥ, aruṇaḥ, bhānuḥ, pūṣā, arkaḥ, hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, pataṅgaḥ, khagaḥ, sahasrāṃśuḥ, dinamaṇiḥ, marīci, mārtaṇḍa, divākaraḥ, bhāskaraḥ, prabhākaraḥ, vibhākaraḥ, vivasvān, saptāśvaḥ, haridaśvaḥ, citrarathaḥ, saptasaptiḥ, dinamaṇi, dyumaṇiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, khamaṇiḥ, khadyotaḥ, pradyotanaḥ, ambarīśaḥ, aṃśahastaḥ, lokabāndhavaḥ, jagatcakṣuḥ, lokalocanaḥ, kālakṛtaḥ, karmasākṣī, gopatiḥ, gabhastiḥ, gabhastimān, gabhastihastaḥ, graharājaḥ, caṇḍāṃśu, aṃśumānī, uṣṇaraśmiḥ, tapanaḥ, tāpanaḥ, jyotiṣmān, mihiraḥ, avyayaḥ, arciḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, padminīvallabhaḥ, padmabandhuḥ, padminīkāntaḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, hiraṇyaretaḥ, kāśyapeyaḥ, virocanaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonudaḥ, tamopahaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, hariḥ, harivāhanaḥ, grahapatiḥ, tviṣāmpatiḥ, ahaḥpatiḥ, vṛdhnaḥ, bhagaḥ, agaḥ, adriḥ, heliḥ, tarūṇiḥ, śūraḥ, dinapraṇīḥ, kuñjāraḥ, plavagaḥ, sūnuḥ, rasādhāraḥ, pratidivā, jyotipīthaḥ, inaḥ, vedodayaḥ, papīḥ, pītaḥ, akūpāraḥ, usraḥ, kapilaḥ   

pṛthivyāḥ nikaṭatamaḥ atitejasvī khagolīyaḥ piṇḍaḥ yaṃ paritaḥ pṛthvyādigrahāḥ bhramanti। tathā ca yaḥ ākāśe suvati lokam karmāṇi prerayati ca।

sūryaḥ sauryāḥ ūrjāyāḥ mahīyaḥ srotaḥ।/ sūrye tapatyāvaraṇāya dṛṣṭaiḥ kalpeta lokasya kathaṃ tamitsrā।


vartikaḥ, vartakaḥ, gāñjikāyaḥ, citrayodhī, phalakhelāḥ, phālakhelāḥ, bhāratī, labaḥ, vartakā, vānāḥ, vārtākaḥ, viṣṇuliṅgī, vyomanāsikā   

tittirasadṛśaḥ laghupakṣī।

kecana janāḥ adanārthe vartikām ādatte।


krīḍā, khelā, keliḥ   

manovinodanārthaṃ kṛtā kriyā।

vālāḥ jale krīḍāṃ kurvanti।



pṛṣadaśvaḥ yasya pṛṣṭhāsthini śyāmarekhā vartate।

hellābham āruhya saḥ nagaraṃ gacchati।


strī, nārī, narī, mānuṣī, manuṣī, mānavī, lalanā, lalitā, ramaṇī, rāmā, vanitā, priyā, mahilā, yoṣā, yoṣitā, yoṣit, yoṣīt, vadhūḥ, bharaṇyā, mahelā, mahelikā, māninī, vāmā, aṅganā, abalā, kāminī, janiḥ, janī, joṣā, joṣitā, joṣit, dhanikā, parigṛhyā, pramadā, pratīpadarśinī, vilāsinī, sindūratilakā, sīmantinī, subhrūḥ, śarvarī   

manuṣyajātīyānāṃ strī-puṃrūpīyayoḥ prabhedadvayayoḥ prathamā yā prajananakṣamā asti।

adhunā vividheṣu kṣetreṣu strīṇām ādhipatyam vartate।


krodhaḥ, kopaḥ, roṣaḥ, āmarṣaḥ, pratighaḥ, bhīmaḥ, krudhā, ruṣā, helaḥ, haraḥ, hṛṇiḥ, tyajaḥ, bhāmaḥ, ehaḥ, hvaraḥ, tapuṣo, jūrṇiḥ, manyuḥ, vyathiḥ, ruṭ, krut, kruṭ   

pratikūle sati taikṣṇyasya prabodhaḥ।

saḥ atīva krodhāt tam ahan। / viṣamasthaṃ jagat sarvaṃ vyākulaṃ samudāhṛtam। janānāṃ jāyate bhadre! krodhe krodhaḥ parasparam।


sahela, helāvat   

yaḥ kasyāpi cintāṃ na karoti।

saḥ sahelaḥ svasya vicāre eva magnaḥ asti।



naṭena pradarśitaḥ khelaḥ।

mahyaṃ naṭakhelaḥ rocate।


krīḍ, khel, ram   

manovinodanārthe śarīrasya kūrdanādikrīḍānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

bālāḥ prāṅgaṇe krīḍanti।


līlā, alāyāsaḥ, nirāyāsaḥ, sukaraḥ, susādhyaḥ, akaṣṭaḥ, sukhasādhyaḥ, sugamaḥ, akaṭhinaḥ, aviṣamaḥ, sulabhaḥ, niḥśalyorthaḥ, akleśaḥ, sukaram, ayatnataḥ, saukaryeṇa, duḥkhaṃ vinā, kleṣaṃ vinā, susahaḥ, helayā   

sukhena yat kartum śakyate।

śrīkṛṣṇena govardhanaparvataḥ līlayā utthāpitaḥ।


udvejay, bādh, kopay, kliś, pīḍay, today, vyathay, tāpay, ard, atibādh, adhibādh, paribādh, prabādh, vibādh, mich, mṛc, vidhṛṣ, vihelay   

anyakartari pīḍānubhūtiviṣayakasya kāraṇasya preraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

kṛṣṇaḥ gopīḥ bahu udavejayat।


paribhramakhelanakam, bhamaraḍo   

tarkuvat khelanakaṃ yaṃ bālāḥ sūtrasañjitaṃ kṛtvā kintu sūtrasya antaḥ haste eva dhṛtvā bhūmau nikṣipya paribhrāmayanti।

bālāḥ krīḍāsthāne paribhramakhelanakaṃ khelanti।


dolāya, āndolaya, hindolaya, andolaya, dolaya, hillolaya, udbhrāmaya, khel, āvyadh, iṣ, īṅkh, udiṅg, preṅkh   

hindolam āruhya ekadiktaḥ aparadikparyantaṃ vicalanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ horāṃ hindole dolāyate।



ekaḥ kalpitaḥ grahaḥ yasya āgamanāt carma sugandhitaṃ bhavati tathā ca kīṭāḥ naśyanti iti manyante।

suhelasya āgamanaṃ śubham asti iti hindīkavayaḥ manyante।


uḍupaḥ, kolaḥ, bhelakaḥ, uḍūpaḥ, taraṇaḥ, tāraṇaḥ, tārakaḥ, plavaḥ   

kāṣṭhanirmitaṃ śilpaṃ yad naukāvad nadyādīn pārayitum upayujyate।

uḍupena nadīṃ pāraṅkṛtā।


śārī, khelanī, sārī, glahaḥ, śāriḥ, sāriḥ   

caturaṅgakrīḍāyāḥ gulikā।

saḥ śāreḥ trāṇāya prāyatata।


prahelikā, pravalhikā, pravahlikā, pravalhiḥ, pravahlī, praheliḥ, praśnadūtī, pravahlīkā   

svarūpārthasya gopanaṃ yatra api ca tam arthaṃ jñātuṃ buddheḥ āyāsaḥ bhavati।

saḥ prahelikāṃ uttarayati।


vitastā, jhelama   

bhāratasya kāśmiraprānte vartamānā ekā pramukhā nadī।

vitastā pañjābakāśmirādiṣu pravahati।




rameśaḥ mohelaṃ gāyati।


dhūmikā, dhūpikā, khabāṣpaḥ, kuñjhaṭikā, kuñjhaṭiḥ, himañjhatiḥ, kūhā, kuhelikā, kuhelī, kuheḍikā, kuheḍī, rubheṭī, ratāndhrī, nabhoreṇuḥ   

dhūmasadṛśāḥ bāṣpakaṇāḥ ye sūryaprakāśam apahṛtya janān kuhayanti;

śiśire prātaḥ dhūmikā dṛśyate



āmrāṇām ekaḥ prakāraḥ।

hyaḥ pitrā paṇavīthyāḥ spriṅga-phelsa-āmrāṇām ekā peṭikā ānītā।



spriṅga-phelsa iti nāmakānām āmrāṇāṃ vṛkṣaḥ।

spriṅga-phelsa-āmre āhatya daśa phalāni santi।



phinlaiṇḍadeśasya rājadhānī।

helsiṅkīnagaraṃ phinlaiṇḍadeśasya mahiṣṭhaṃ paṇyaṃ tathā sāṃskṛtikaṃ kendram asti।


sūryaḥ, sūraḥ, aryamā, ādityaḥ, dvādaśātmā, divākaraḥ, bhāskaraḥ, ahaskaraḥ, vradhraḥ, prabhākaraḥ, vibhākaraḥ, bhāsvān, vivasvān, saptāśvaḥ, haridaśvaḥ, uṣṇaraśmiḥ, vivarttanaḥ, arkaḥ, mārttaṇḍaḥ, mihiraḥ, aruṇaḥ, vṛṣā, dyumaṇiḥ, taraṇiḥ, mitraḥ, citrabhānuḥ, virocan, vibhāvasuḥ, grahapatiḥ, tviṣāmpatiḥ, ahaḥpatiḥ, bhānuḥ, haṃsaḥ, sahastrāṃśuḥ, tapanaḥ, savitā, raviḥ, śūraḥ, bhagaḥ, vṛdhnaḥ, padminīvallabhaḥ, hariḥ, dinamaṇiḥ, caṇḍāṃśuḥ, saptasaptiḥ, aṃśumālī, kāśyapeyaḥ, khagaḥ, bhānumān, lokalocanaḥ, padmabandhuḥ, jyotiṣmān, avyathaḥ, tāpanaḥ, citrarathaḥ, khamaṇiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, gabhastihastaḥ, heliḥ, pataṃgaḥ, arcciḥ, dinapraṇīḥ, vedodayaḥ, kālakṛtaḥ, graharājaḥ, tamonudaḥ, rasādhāraḥ, pratidivā, jyotiḥpīthaḥ, inaḥ, karmmasākṣī, jagaccakṣuḥ, trayītapaḥ, pradyotanaḥ, khadyotaḥ, lokabāndhavaḥ, padminīkāntaḥ, aṃśuhastaḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, hiraṇyaretāḥ, pītaḥ, adriḥ, agaḥ, harivāhanaḥ, ambarīṣaḥ, dhāmanidhiḥ, himārātiḥ, gopatiḥ, kuñjāraḥ, plavagaḥ, sūnuḥ, tamopahaḥ, gabhastiḥ, savitraḥ, pūṣā, viśvapā, divasakaraḥ, dinakṛt, dinapatiḥ, dyupatiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, nabhomaṇiḥ, khamaṇiḥ, viyanmaṇiḥ, timiraripuḥ, dhvāntārātiḥ, tamonudaḥ, tamopahaḥ, bhākoṣaḥ, tejaḥpuñjaḥ, bhānemiḥ, khakholkaḥ, khadyotanaḥ, virocanaḥ, nabhaścakṣūḥ, lokacakṣūḥ, jagatsākṣī, graharājaḥ, tapatāmpatiḥ, sahastrakiraṇaḥ, kiraṇamālī, marīcimālī, aṃśudharaḥ, kiraṇaḥ, aṃśubharttā, aṃśuvāṇaḥ, caṇḍakiraṇaḥ, dharmāṃśuḥ, tīkṣṇāṃśuḥ, kharāṃśuḥ, caṇḍaraśmiḥ, caṇḍamarīciḥ, caṇḍadīdhitiḥ, aśītamarīciḥ, aśītakaraḥ, śubharaśmiḥ, pratibhāvān, vibhāvān, vibhāvasuḥ, pacataḥ, pacelimaḥ, śuṣṇaḥ, gaganādhvagaḥ, gaṇadhvajaḥ, khacaraḥ, gaganavihārī, padmagarbhaḥ, padmāsanaḥ, sadāgatiḥ, haridaśvaḥ, maṇimān, jīviteśaḥ, murottamaḥ, kāśyapī, mṛtāṇḍaḥ, dvādaśātmakaḥ, kāmaḥ, kālacakraḥ, kauśikaḥ, citrarathaḥ, śīghragaḥ, saptasaptiḥ   

hindūnāṃ dharmagrantheṣu varṇitā ekā devatā।

vedeṣu sūryasya pūjāyāḥ vāraṃvāraṃ vidhānam asti।


sādikrīḍāyuddham, samūhakhelā, krīḍā-pratiyogitā   

vividheṣu saṅgheṣu paṅkti-paramparayā krīḍamāṇā krīḍā।

asmin saptāhe yaṣṭikandukasya sādikrīḍāyuddham asti।


ajā, chāgā, chagalam, chelikā, culumpā, payasvinī, bhīru, mañjā, mañjī, sañjā, śubhā, medhyā, galestanī, chāgikā, sarvabhakṣyā, galastanī, mukhaviluṇṭhikā   


saḥ ajāḥ tṛṇabhakṣaṇārthe nayati।



ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ yaḥ ṛṣiṣu gaṇyate।

bhelasya varṇanaṃ vedeṣu asti।




sukhelakasya pratyekasmin caraṇe krameṇa nagaṇaḥ jagaṇaḥ bhagaṇaḥ jagaṇaḥ ragaṇaśca bhavati।



madhyabhāratasya ekaṃ kṣetraṃ yad madhyapradeśarājyasya īśānye sthitam asti।

baghelakhaṇḍakṣetre madhyapradeśarājyasya rīvā,satanā ityādīni maṇḍalāni uttarapradeśarājyasya sonabhadramaṇḍalaṃ tathā ca ilāhabādakṣetrasya prācyāḥ bhāgāḥ santi।



ekaḥ cikitsakaḥ ।

bhelasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

sahelasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

helācakrasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

khelasya varṇanaṃ ṛgvede vartate

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