he | ind. a vocative particle ("oh!""ho!" etc.;also said to express envy or ill-will or disapprobation)  |
heḍ | or heḷ- (see hel-and hīḍ-) cl.1 A1. heḍate-, heḷate-, helate-, to be or make angry or hostile (krudhyati-karman- ; only occurring in /a-heḷat-, lamāna-,and ḷayat-,qq. vv.) ; to act or treat carelessly or frivolously (anādare- ; only in heḍamāna- ; helamāna- ; and Causal helayati-, te-[ see vi-hel-] perfect tense helayām-āsa- ) ; cl.1 P. heḍati- (perfect tense jiheḍa-etc. grammar), to surround, clothe, attire : Causal heḍayati- (Aorist ajiheḍat-or ajīhiḍat-; see under hīḍ-) grammar  |
heḍa | m. anger, passion, hatred  |
heḍaja | m. idem or 'm. anger, passion, hatred '  |
heḍana | See deva-h-.  |
heḍas | n. equals heḍa-  |
heḍāvuka | ( ) m. a horse-dealer, horse-seller.  |
heḍāvukka | ( ) m. a horse-dealer, horse-seller.  |
heḍḍeśaharihara | m. Name of an author  |
heḍh | ( heṭh-) cl.9 P. heḍhṇāti-, or heṭhṇāti-, to be born again ; to produce happiness or prosperity ; to purify  |
heḍieva | m. Name of a man  |
hekkā | f. equals hikkā-, hiccup  |
hel | (in the meaning"to sport, play" , prob. not identical with heḷ-, heḍ-,although sometimes confounded with it;only in the following derivatives; see hil-, avahelā-, prahelā-).  |
heḷ | heḷa-, heḷas- See heḍ-, p.1303.  |
heḷa | m. anger, passion, hatred  |
helā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) disrespect, contempt (see avahelā-)  |
helā | f. wanton sport, frivolity, amorous dalliance (of women;in dramatic language one of the 20 natural graces[ sattva-ja alaṃkāra-]of the nāyikā-) etc.  |
helā | f. sport, pastime, carelessness, ease, facility (in the beginning of a compound and instrumental case sg. or plural"in sport","sportively","easily","at once"; tṛṇa-helayā-,"as if it were a straw") etc.  |
helā | f. moonlight  |
helā | f. equals prastāva-  |
helācakra | m. Name of a man  |
helaka | n. a particular measure of weight (= 10 hoḍha-s)  |
heḷana | See deva-h-.  |
helana | n. the act of slighting, disregard, contempt  |
helana | n. sporting amorously, wanton dalliance (see hil-)  |
helañci | f. a kind of herb  |
helanīya | mfn. to be slighted or derided  |
helārāja | m. Name of a historian (used by kalhaṇa- for his rāja-taraṃgiṇī-) and of a grammarian  |
heḷas | n. equals heḍa-  |
helāvat | mfn. careless, taking things easily  |
helāvuka | m. equals heḍāv-  |
helāvukka | m. equals heḍāv-  |
heli | f. equals helā-  |
heli | f. an embrace  |
heli | f. a marriage-procession in the street  |
heli | m. (Greek ;for 1. heli-See above) the sun  |
helihila | mfn. of a sportive or wanton nature  |
helika | m. idem or 'm. (Greek;for 1. heli-See above) the sun '  |
helitavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be acted carelessly or frivolously  |
hellābha | m. "ploughlike", a piebald horse with a black stripe along its back  |
helu | Name of a village in kaśmīra-  |
heluga | and heluya-, a particular high number  |
helugrāma | m. the village helu-  |
hema | in compound for 3. heman-.  |
hema | m. a particular weight of gold (equals māṣaka-)  |
hema | m. a horse of a dark or brownish colour  |
hema | m. Name of buddha-  |
hema | m. of a son of ruśad-ratha-  |
hema | m. of the father of su-tapas-  |
hema | m. equals hema-candra-  |
hemā | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
hemā | f. the earth  |
hemā | f. a handsome woman  |
hemā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
hemā | f. of a river  |
hema | n. gold  |
hemābha | mfn. looking like golden  |
hemābhā | f. Name of the palace of rukmiṇī-  |
hemabhadrika | mf(ā-)n. wearing a golden amulet  |
hemabhastrā | f. a gold purse or purse containing gold  |
hemacakra | mfn. having golden wheels  |
hemācala | m. equals hema-parvata- (in both meanings)  |
hemacandra | mfn. decorated with a golden crescent (as a chariot)  |
hemacandra | m. Name of a king (son of viśāla-)  |
hemacandra | m. of a celebrated jaina- author (pupil of deva-candra- sūri- and teacher of king kumāra-pāla-;he lived between 1089 and 1173 A.D. and is the author of a great many works, especially of the anekārtha-keśa-, the abhidhānacintāmaṇi-, the uṇādi-sūtra-vṛtti-, the deśī-nāmamālā-, a Sanskrit and Prakrit grammar etc.)  |
hemacchanna | mfn. covered with golden  |
hemacchanna | n. a golden covering, golden trappings (of an elephant etc.)  |
hemacitra | n. Name of a mythical town  |
hemacūlin | mfn. having a golden crest or top  |
hemacūrṇa | n. gold dust |
hemadantā | f. "golden-toothed", an apsaras-  |
hemadhanvan | m. "having a golden bow", Name of a son of the 11th manu-  |
hemadhānya | n. sesamum grain (see homa-dh-)  |
hemadhānyaka | m. a particular weight (= 1 1/2 māṣaka-s)  |
hemadhāraṇa | n. a particular weight of golden (= 8 pala-s)  |
hemadharma | m. Name of a man  |
hemadharman | m. Name of a man  |
hemāḍhya | mfn. abounding in gold  |
hemadīnāra | m. a golden dīnāra-  |
hemādri | m. "golden mountain", meru- or sumeru-  |
hemādri | m. Name of an author (son of kāma-deva-;he lived in the 13th century A.D. and wrote the encyclopaedical work catur-varga-cintāmaṇi-, divided into 5 khaṇḍa-s, vrata-, dāna-, tīrtha-, mokṣa-, and pariśeṣa-)  |
hemādri | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on raghu-vaṃśa-  |
hemādridānakhaṇḍasāra | mn. Name of work  |
hemādrijaraṇa | m. (equals hemādrikā-) Name of work  |
hemādrikā | f. the plant svarṇa-kṣīrī-  |
hemādriprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
hemādriprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hemadugdha | m. "golden-juiced", Ficus Glomerata  |
hemadugdhā | f. equals svarṇa-kṣīrī-  |
hemadugdhaka | m. Ficus Glomerata  |
hemadugdhī | f. equals svarṇa-kṣīrī-  |
hemadugdhin | m. Ficus Glomerata  |
hemagandhinī | f. the perfume reṇukā-  |
hemagarbha | mfn. containing golden in the interior  |
hemagaura | mfn. of a golden yellow colour ( hemagaurāṅga rāṅga- mfn.having golden yellow limbs)  |
hemagaura | m. a kind of tree (equals kiṃkirāta-)  |
hemagaurāṅga | mfn. hemagaura |
hemaghna | n. lead  |
hemaghnī | f. turmeric  |
hemagiri | m. "golden mountain", Name of mount meru-  |
hemagiri | m. of another mountain  |
hemaguha | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
hemahaṃsagaṇi | m. Name of an author (pupil of ratna-śekhara-)  |
hemahastiratha | m. "golden-elephant-chariot", Name of one of the 16 mahādāna-s (q.v) |
hemāhva | m. "called after gold", Michelia Champaka  |
hemāhvā | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
hemāhva | f. equals svarṇakṣīrī-  |
hemaja | n. tin  |
hemajālālaṃkṛta | mfn. "adorned with a golden net", Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
hemajaṭa | m. plural Name of a class of kirāta-s  |
hemajīvantī | f. a kind of plant  |
hemajvāla | m. "golden-flamed", agni- or fire  |
hemaka | n. gold  |
hemaka | n. a piece of gold (in sa-h-)  |
hemaka | n. Name of a forest  |
hemaka | n. of a daitya- (?)  |
hemakakṣa | m. a golden girdle  |
hemakakṣa | mf(ā-)n. having golden walls  |
hemakakṣa | mf(ā-)n. equals next  |
hemakakṣya | mfn. having a golden girdle  |
hemakalaśa | m. a golden pinnacle or cupola  |
hemakamala | n. a golden lotus  |
hemakampana | m. Name of a man  |
hemakandala | m. having golden shoots, coral  |
hemakaṇṭha | m. a proper N.  |
hemakānti | mfn. having a golden lustre  |
hemakānti | f. Curcuma Aromatica or another species  |
hemakara | m. "golden-worker", Name of śiva-  |
hemakara | m. (with maithila-) Name of an author  |
hemakāra | m. a goldsmith  |
hemakaraka | m. a golden vase  |
hemakāraka | m. idem or 'm. a goldsmith '  |
hemakārikā | f. a kind of plant  |
hemakartṛ | m. a goldsmith  |
hemakartṛ | m. a kind of bird  |
hemakeli | m. "golden sport", Name of agni- or fire  |
hemakeśa | m. "golden-haired", śiva-  |
hemaketakī | f. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
hemakiñjalka | m. n. golden filaments  |
hemakiñjalka | n. "having golden filaments", the nāgakesara- flower  |
hemakirīṭamālin | mfn. garlanded with a golden diadem  |
hemakṣīrī | f. a kind of plant  |
hemakuḍya | Name of a place  |
hemakumbha | m. a golden jar  |
hemakuṇḍya | Name of a place  |
hemakūṭa | m. "golden-peaked", Name of one of the ranges of mountains dividing the known continent into 9 varṣa-s (situated north of himālaya- and forming with it the boundaries of the kiṃnara- or kimpuruṣa- varṣa-;See varṣa-) etc.  |
hemakūṭa | m. of a monkey  |
hemakūṭamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
hemakūṭhya | equals -kuḍya- above.  |
hemala | m. a goldsmith  |
hemala | m. a touchstone  |
hemala | m. a chameleon, lizard  |
hemalamba | m. Name of the 31st (or 5th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
hemalambaka | m. Name of the 31st (or 5th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
hemālaṃkāra | m. a golden ornament  |
hemālaṃkārin | mfn. adorned with golden  |
hemalatā | f. "golden creeper", a kind of plant (according to to some, Hoya Viridiflora)  |
hemalatā | f. Name of a princess  |
hemamākṣika | n. pyrites  |
hemamālā | f. "golden-garlanded", Name of the wife of yama-  |
hemamālikā | f. a golden necklace  |
hemamālin | mfn. garlanded or adorned with golden (as elephants, a rākṣasa- etc.)  |
hemamālin | m. the sun  |
hemamarīcimat | mfn. having golden rays  |
hemamāṣā | f. a particular weight of golden  |
hemamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of gold, golden  |
hemāmbhoja | ( ) n. a golden lotus-flower.  |
hemāmbu | n. liquid golden,  |
hemāmbuja | ( ) ( ) n. a golden lotus-flower.  |
hemamṛga | m. a golden deer (according to a story told in ,the rākṣasa- mārīca- transformed himself into a golden deer and so captivated rāma- and his wife sītā-, that the former left his forest-home to pursue it;during his absence rāvaṇa- q.v,disguised as a mendicant, presented himself before sītā- and carried her off).  |
heman | n. impulse ( "gold")  |
heman | n. water  |
heman | (See him/a-and next), winter (only used in locative case,"in the winter")  |
heman | n. (of doubtful derivation) gold etc.  |
heman | n. a gold piece  |
heman | n. (plural) golden ornaments  |
heman | n. Mesua Roxburghii  |
heman | n. the thorn-apple  |
heman | m. the planet Mercury  |
hemanābhi | m. a golden nave  |
hemanābhi | mfn. having a golden nave or centre  |
hemāṇḍa | ( ) n. the golden world-egg (see brahmāṇḍa-).  |
hemāṇḍaka | ( ) n. the golden world-egg (see brahmāṇḍa-).  |
hemanetra | m. "golden eyed", Name of a yakṣa-  |
hemāṅga | mf(ī-)n. having, golden limbs or parts, golden (varia lectio hemāṅka-)  |
hemāṅga | m. Michelia Champaka  |
hemāṅga | m. a lion  |
hemāṅga | m. the mountain meru-  |
hemāṅga | m. Name of brahmā-  |
hemāṅga | m. of viṣṇu-  |
hemāṅga | m. of garuḍa-  |
hemāṅgā | f. a particular plant (equals svarṇa-kṣīrī-)  |
hemāṅgada | m. "having a golden bracelet", Name of a gandharva-  |
hemāṅgada | m. of a king of the kaliṅga-s  |
hemāṅgada | m. of a son of vasudeva-  |
hemāṅka | mfn. adorned with golden (varia lectio hemāṅga-)  |
hemanta | m. winter, the cold season (comprising the two months agra-hāyaṇa- and pauṣa- id est from middle of November to middle of January) etc.  |
hemanta | hemavala- See p.1304, columns 1 and 2.  |
hemantajabdha | (t/a--) mfn. swallowed by winter (id est"hidden away or disappeared in winter")  |
hemantamegha | m. a winter-cloud  |
hemantanātha | m. "lord of winter", the wood-apple tree (equals kapittha-)  |
hemantānila | m. a winter wind |
hemantānta | m. (only in locative case nte-) the end of winter  |
hemantapratyavarohaṇa | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony)  |
hemantaṛtuvarṇana | n. "description of the winter season", Name of work  |
hemantasamaya | m. winter time  |
hemantasiṃha | m. Name of a king of karṇapūra-  |
hemantaśiśira | m. dual number (see ) winter and spring  |
hemantī | f. idem or 'm. winter, the cold season (comprising the two months agra-hāyaṇa- and pauṣa- id est from middle of November to middle of January) etc.'  |
hemaparvata | m. an (artificial) mountain made of golden (as a gift; see mahādāna-)  |
hemaparvata | m. Name of mount meru-  |
hemaphalā | f. "having golden fruit", a kind of plantain  |
hemapiṅgala | mfn. golden yellow  |
hemapīṭhādhidevatā | f. the tutelary deity of a golden footstool (applied to a monarch's foot)  |
hemaprabha | m. "having a golden lustre", Name of a vidyādhara- (f(ā-).)  |
hemaprabha | m. of a king of the parrots  |
hemapratimā | f. a golden statue or image  |
hemapṛṣṭha | mfn. overlaid with golden, gilded  |
hemapuñjaka | m. Name of a man (Bombay edition -kampana-).  |
hemapuṣkara | n. a lotus-flower of golden  |
hemapuṣpa | m. (only ) "bearing golden flowers", Michelia Champaka  |
hemapuṣpa | m. Jonesia Asoka  |
hemapuṣpa | m. Mesua Roxburghii  |
hemapuṣpa | m. Cassia Fistula  |
hemapuṣpa | n. the flower of Michelia Champaka etc. (See above) .  |
hemapuṣpaka | m. (only ) Michelia Champaka  |
hemapuṣpaka | m. Symplocos Racemosa  |
hemapuṣpī | f. Rubia Munjista  |
hemapuṣpī | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
hemapuṣpī | f. Curculigo Orchioides  |
hemapuṣpī | f. a colocynth  |
hemapuṣpī | f. equals kaṇṭakārī- and svarṇalī-  |
hemapuṣpikā | f. (ikā-) yellow jasmine  |
hemapuṣpikā | f. Linum Usitatissimum.  |
hemarāgiṇī | f. "gold-coloured", turmeric  |
hemarāja | m. (with miśra-) Name of an author  |
hemaratnamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of golden and jewels  |
hemaratnavat | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. consisting of golden and jewels '  |
hemareṇu | m. "gold dust", a kind of atom (= trasareṇu-)  |
hemasabhānāthamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
hemaśaila | m. "golden-peaked", Name of a mountain  |
hemaśaṅkha | m. "having a golden conch", Name of viṣṇu-  |
hemasāra | n. blue vitriol (see -tāra-)  |
hemasāvarṇi | m. Name of a man  |
hemaśikā | (?) f. "golden-crested", the plant svarṇa-kṣīrī-  |
hemaśikhā | (?) f. "golden-crested", the plant svarṇa-kṣīrī-  |
hemasiṃha | m. a throne of golden  |
hemaśīta | n. idem or '(?) f. "golden-crested", the plant svarṇa-kṣīrī- '  |
hemaśṛṅga | n. a golden horn  |
hemaśṛṅga | m. "golden-peaked", Name of a mountain  |
hemaśṛṅgin | mfn. having golden"tusks"and"peaks"  |
hemasūri | m. Name of a scholar (equals hema-candra-)  |
hemasūtra | n. "golden-thread", a necklace  |
hemasūtraka | n. "golden-thread", a necklace  |
hematāla | Name of a mountainous district in the north  |
hematāra | n. blue vitriol  |
hematāraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
hemataru | m. "golden tree", the Datura or thorn-apple  |
hematilakasūri | m. Name of a man  |
hemātra | m. or n. a particular high number  |
hemavala | n. a pearl (equals hima-v-; see next)  |
hemavala | n. a pearl  |
hemavallī | f. "golden creeper", Hoya Viridiflora  |
hemavarṇa | mfn. golden-coloured  |
hemavarṇa | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
hemavarṇa | m. of a buddha-  |
hemavat | ind. like golden  |
hemavat | mfn. adorned with gold  |
hemāvatīmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
hemavibhramasūtra | n. Name of work (see haim-)  |
hemavijaya | m. Name of a poet  |
hemaviṣāṇin | mfn. golden-horned  |
hemavyākaraṇa | n. Hema-candra's grammar  |
hemāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be or become gold  |
hemayajñopavītavat | mfn. furnished with a golden sacrificial thread  |
hemayūthikā | f. yellow jasmine  |
hemeśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
hemna | m. (Greek ) the planet Mercury  |
hemnā | f. idem or 'm. (Greek) the planet Mercury ' (?)  |
hemyāvat | mfn. having golden trappings or a golden girth (?) ( )  |
hera | n. (of unknown derivation) a sort of crown or tiara  |
hera | n. turmeric  |
hera | n. demoniacal illusion  |
heraka | m. a spy  |
heraka | m. Name of a demon attending on śiva- |
heramba | n. Name of gaṇeśa- etc. ( )  |
heramba | n. a buffalo  |
heramba | n. a boastful hero  |
heramba | n. a particular buddha- (equals heruka-)  |
herambahaṭṭa | m. Name of a country (said to be one of the provinces of the Deccan)  |
herambajananī | f. "mother of gaṇeśa-", durgā-  |
herambaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
herambakānanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
herambakasena | m. Name of an author  |
herambamantra | m. a particular mantra- (sacred to gaṇeśa-).  |
herambapāla | m. Name of a Kanouj king  |
herambasena | m. Name of a medicine author.  |
herambha | wrong reading for heramba-  |
herambopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
herika | m. a spy, secret emissary  |
heruka | m. Name of gaṇeśa-  |
heruka | m. of an attendant on mahā-kāla- or śiva-  |
heruka | m. of an inferior buddha-  |
heruka | m. plural Name of a class of heretics  |
herukā | f. a species of plant  |
heṣ | (see hreṣ-) cl.1 A1. ( ) h/eṣate- (Ved. Epic also ti-; p. h/eṣat- ; heṣamāṇa- ; perfect tense jiheṣire- ; future heṣitā-etc. grammar), to neigh, whinny  |
heṣ | (prob. connected with1. hi-), to be quick or strong or fiery (in the following derivatives):  |
heṣā | f. neighing, whinnying  |
heṣa | mfn. quick, strong (in heṣ/a-kratu-,"of strong power", others"roaring mightily", applied to the marut-s) |
heṣas | n. quickness, vigour, fire (others"wound")  |
heṣasvat | (h/eṣas--) mfn. quick, strong, fiery  |
heṣāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to neigh, whinny  |
heṣin | m. "neighing", a horse  |
heṣita | n. equals heṣā-  |
heṭh | (also written heṭ-, heḍh-) cl.1 P. A1. heṭhati-, te-, to be wicked ; vex, harass, hurt, injure ; cl.9 P. heṭhṇāti- See heḍh-: Causal heṭhayati- See vi-heṭh-.  |
heṭha | m. vexation, obstruction, hurt, injury  |
heti | f. (fr.1. hi-;in later language also m.) a missile weapon, any weapon (also personified) etc.  |
heti | f. stroke, wound  |
heti | f. agni-'s weapon, flame, light etc.  |
heti | f. a ray of the sun  |
heti | f. rapid motion, shot, impact (of a bow-string)  |
heti | f. an implement, instrument  |
heti | f. a young shoot or sprout  |
heti | m. Name of the first rākṣasa- king (represented as occupying the Sun's chariot in the month caitra- or madhu-)  |
heti | m. of an asura-  |
hetika | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals heti- (see śakti--, svadhiti-h-).  |
hetimantra | m. Name of a mantra-  |
hetimat | mfn. armed with missiles, possessed of weapons  |
hetimat | mfn. illuminated by the sun  |
hetṛ | mfn. urging on, inciting, an inciter  |
hetri | mfn. urging on, inciting, an inciter  |
hetu | m. "impulse", motive, cause, cause of, reason for (locative case,rarely dative case or genitive case; hetunā-, hetoḥ-, hetave-, hetau-,"for a cause or reason","by reason of","on account of"[with genitive case or compound exempli gratia, 'for example' mama hetoḥ-or mad-dhetoḥ-,"on account of me"]; kaṃ hetum-or ko heṭuḥ-,"wherefore?""why?" ; yato hetoḥ-,"because"; anena hetunā-or iti hetoḥ-,"for this reason"; mṛtyu-hetave-,"in order to kill"; hetur alaukikaḥ-,"a supernatural cause"; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' hetu-also ="having as a cause or motive","caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by" exempli gratia, 'for example' karma-hetu-,"caused by the acts [of a former existence]" ; māṃsa-hetu-,"attracted by [the smell of] flesh" ; karma-phala-hetu-,"impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act" ) etc.  |
hetu | m. a logical reason or deduction or argument, the reason for an inference (especially applied to the second member or avayava- of the five-membered syllogismSee nyāya-)  |
hetu | m. logic (in generalSee hetuvidyā-)  |
hetu | m. (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb  |
hetu | m. (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to pratyaya- q.v)  |
hetu | m. (with paśu-pati-s) that which causes the bondage of the soul id est the external world and the senses  |
hetu | m. a means (hetubhiḥ- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"by means of")  |
hetu | m. mode, manner (hetubhiḥ- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"according to")  |
hetu | m. price, cost  |
hetu | m. condition  |
hetu | m. (in rhetoric) equals kāvya-liṅga- (q.v)  |
hetubalika | mfn. strong in argument  |
hetudṛṣṭi | f. examination of reasons, scepticism  |
hetuduṣṭa | mfn. inconvincible by reasons, unreasonable (said of persons)  |
hetuhāni | f. omission of argument  |
hetuhetumadbhāva | m. the relation subsisting between cause and effect  |
hetuhila | n. a particular high number  |
hetuka | mf(ī-)n. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing, effecting  |
hetuka | mf(ī-)n. caused or effected or conditioned by etc.  |
hetuka | mf(ī-)n. destined for  |
hetuka | m. a cause, instrument, agent  |
hetuka | m. a logician  |
hetuka | m. Name of an attendant of śiva-  |
hetuka | m. of a buddha-  |
hetuka | m. of a poet  |
hetūkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make or consider anything a cause or motive etc.  |
hetulakṣaṇa | n. the characteristics of a hetu-  |
hetulakṣaṇāloka | m. Name of work  |
hetulakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
hetulakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
hetulakṣaṇavivecana | n. Name of work  |
hetumat | mfn. having a reason or cause, proceeding from a cause |
hetumat | mfn. accompanied with arguments, provided with reasons or proofs, well-founded  |
hetumat | mfn. having the hetu- (or second avayava- of a syllogism)  |
hetumat | mfn. controverted by arguments  |
hetumat | mfn. open to arguments, reasonable  |
hetumātramaya | mf(ī-)n. serving only as a pretext  |
hetumātratā | f. the being a mere pretext  |
hetūpamā | ( ) f. a simile accompanied with reasons.  |
hetūpanyāsa | m. the assignment of reasons or motives, statement of an argument  |
heturūpaka | n. a metaphor accompanied with reasons (exempli gratia, 'for example' gāmbhīryeṇa samudro 'si-,"because of thy profundity thou art a sea")  |
hetuśāstra | n. (equals -vidyā-)  |
hetuśāstrāśraya | m. reliance on the science of dialectics  |
hetuśliṣṭa | n. ? (in rhetoric) the combining of causes (a method of describing similarity by using epithets common to two objects)  |
hetuśūnya | mfn. devoid of reason, unfounded  |
hetutā | f.  |
hetūtprekṣā | ( ) ( ) f. a simile accompanied with reasons.  |
hetutva | n. the state of being a hetu-, causation, causativeness, existence of cause or motive  |
hetutvakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
hetuvacana | n. a speech accompanied with arguments  |
hetuvāda | m. a statement of reasons or arguments, assigning a cause, disputation  |
hetuvādika | m. a disputant, sceptic  |
hetuvādin | m. a disputant, sceptic  |
hetuvidyā | f. "science of causes", dialectics, logic (also -śāstra-)  |
hetuviśeṣokti | f. (in rhetoric) a"mention of difference" (See viś-) accompanied with reasons  |
hetuyukta | mfn. provided with reasons, well-founded  |
hetv | in compound for hetu-.  |
hetva | mfn. to be urged on or incited  |
hetvābhāsa | m. (in logic) a mere appearance of a reason, fallacious semblance of an argument, fallacious middle term, fallacy (said to be of 5 kinds, viz. vyabhicāra-or sa-vyobhicāra-, viruddha-, asiddha-, sat-pratipakṣa-, bādha-or bādhita-)  |
hetvābhāsa | m. Name of various works.  |
hetvābhāsadīdhitiṭippaṇī | f. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsapariṣkāra | m. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsarahasya | n. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsasāmānyalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hetvābhāsavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
hetvākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection accompanied with reasons  |
hetvantara | n. another argument  |
hetvapadeśa | m. the adducing or mentioning of a reason  |
hetvapadeśa | m. the second avayava- in a syllogism (see under hetu-)  |
hetvavadhāraṇa | n. (in dramatic language) reasoning  |
hevajra | m. Name of a Buddhist god  |
hevāka | m. (said to be fr. Marathi hevā-,"ardent desire") a whim, caprice  |
hevākasa | mfn. whimsical, capricious (as love)  |
hevākin | mfn. devoted to, absorbed in, engrossed by (compound; hevākitā ki-tā- f.)  |
hevākitā | f. hevākin |
hevara | a particular high number  |
heya | mfn. (for 2.See) to be gone etc.  |
heya | mfn. (for 1. and 3.See p.1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided ( heyatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
heya | mfn. to be subtracted  |
heya | mfn. (for 1. and 2.See p.1296and1297) idem or 'n. water '  |
heya | See pp. 1296, 1297, and 1304.  |
heyatva | n. heya |
abdhiphena | m. cuttle fish bone.  |
abhāgadheya | mfn. receiving no share,  |
abheda | m. non-fracture, compactness, closeness of array etc.  |
abheda | m. absence of difference or distinction, identity  |
abheda | mfn. not different, identical  |
abhedaka | mfn. not dividing, not causing any distinction  |
abhedin | mfn. not different  |
abhedya | mfn. not to be divided or broken or pierced  |
abhedya | mfn. indivisible  |
abhedya | mfn. not to be betrayed (as a secret formula)  |
abhedya | not to be seduced,  |
abhedya | n. a diamond  |
abhedyatā | f. ([ ]) indivisibility, impenetrability.  |
abhedyatva | n. ([ ]) indivisibility, impenetrability. |
ābherī | f. Name of one of the rāgiṇī-s or modes of music (personified as a female)  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be named or mentioned  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be expressed, to be spoken of etc.  |
abhidheya | mfn. being, spoken of, being expressed  |
abhidheya | n. signification, meaning  |
abhidheya | n. "that which is expressed or referred to", the substantive.  |
abhidheyarahita | mfn. having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical.  |
abhidheyatā | f. signification, meaning.  |
abhiheṣ | (parasmE-pada dative case m. -heṣate-) to neigh towards  |
abhimukhe | ind. in front or presence of (genitive case;or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhināmadheya | n. a surname,  |
abhipṛṣṭhe | ind. at the back of, behind  |
abhyardhe | ind. only locative case opposite to, in the face of (ablative)  |
abhyuttheya | mfn. to be greeted reverentially (id est by rising from one's seat) commentator or commentary on  |
ācārabheda | m. breaking the rules of traditional usage  |
āccheda | m. cutting, cutting off, excision  |
ācchedana | n. id  |
ācchedana | n. exclusion  |
ācchedanī | f. Name of the passage in ( , apām medhyam-,-10, śaradaḥ śatam-) in which the word ā-cchett/ṛ- occurs (by called chedanamantra-).  |
acchedika | mfn. not fit or needing to be cut  |
acchedya | mfn. improper or impossible to be cut, indivisible.  |
acchera | (or añś/era-), mfn. (said of the waters),  |
accheta | mfn. approached, attained  |
ācchettṛ | m. one who cuts off  |
acchetya | mfn. to be approached  |
addhābodheya | m. plural adherents of a particular śākhā- or recension of the white yajur-veda-.  |
ādhārādheyabhāva | m. the relation of the recipient and the thing to be received (as of a mirror and the object reflected)  |
ādhenava | n. (fr. a-dhenu-), want of cows commentator or commentary on  |
adhenu | mfn. yielding no milk  |
adhenu | mfn. not nourishing  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. to be kindled or placed (as a fire) commentator or commentary on  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. to be deposited or placed  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. to be pledged or mortgaged  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. to be assigned or attributed or given or conceded etc.  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. being contained, comprehended, included commentator or commentary on  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. being imputed  |
ādheya | n. putting on, placing (see agnyā-above) etc.  |
ādheya | n. an attribute, predicate etc.  |
ādheya | n. to be effected  |
ādheya | n. to be fixed  |
adhiṣṭheya | mfn. to be superintended or governed.  |
adribhedana | n. the splitting of the soma- stone,  |
agnihotroccheṣaṇa | n. the remains of the agnihotra- ([ ])  |
agnyādheya | n. ([ etc.]) placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place  |
agnyādheya | n. the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires āhavanīya- etc.  |
āgnyādheyika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the agnyādheya- (q.v)  |
āgraheṇa | ind. instrumental case obstinately  |
ahalyākāmadhenu | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a modern law-book  |
ahe | ind. a particle (implying reproach, rejection, separation ) (only in a sacrificial formula beginning with /ahe daidhiṣavya-and reoccurring in several other texts) .  |
aheḍamāna | mfn. not sporting or joking, being in earnest,  |
ahedhma | m. (with paiḍvasya-) Name (also title or epithet) of a sāman-,  |
aheḷamāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not angry, not displeased, favourable '  |
aheḷat | mfn. not angry, not displeased, favourable  |
aheḷayat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. not angry, not displeased, favourable ' ' |
ahelin | mfn. not dallying, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aheru | m. the plant Asparagus Racemosus  |
ahetu | m. absence of cause or reason  |
ahetu | m. not a real or sound argument  |
ahetu | m. (in rhetoric) a certain figure of speech.  |
ahetuka | mf(ā- )n. groundless.  |
ahetusama | m. a particular sophism tending to prove an argument to be untenable  |
ahetutva | n. (in Buddhist terminology) absence of cause or necessity  |
ahetuvāda | m. the doctrine of the cārvāka-s,  |
ahetuvādin | m. an adherent of it, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
āheya | mfn. (fr. ahi- ), belonging to or coming from a snake  |
ahiphena | n. (equals a-phena- q.v) "the saliva or venom of a snake", opium  |
āhrutabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. curing anything wounded or hurt  |
ājadhenavi | m. (fr. aja-dhenu-), a patronymic, (gaRa bāhv-ādi- q.v)  |
ākhedana | n. drawlng to one's self, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
akhedin | mfn. not wearisome, unwearied.  |
akheditva | n. continuous flow (of speech), one of the vāg-guṇas- of mahāvīra-  |
ākheṭa | m. ( khiṭ-?) chase, hunting  |
ākheṭabhūmi | f. hunting-ground  |
ākheṭaka | m. equals ā-kheṭa-  |
ākheṭaka | m. a hunter  |
ākheṭakāṭavī | f. a hunting-forest  |
ākheṭaśīrṣaka | varia lectio for ākhoṭa-ś- q.v  |
ākheṭika | m. (also akh- q.v) a hound  |
ākheṭika | m. a hunter  |
akheṭika | or ākheṭika- m. a dog trained to the chase.  |
akṣibheṣaja | n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, etc.  |
akṣibheṣaja | m. a tree, Red Lodh.  |
akṣṇayāpacchedana | n. transverse division,  |
ālīḍheya | m. ( ) a descendant of ālīḍha-.  |
aṃhubhedī | f. having a narrow slit (pudendum muliebre) |
amlabhedana | m. sorrel |
ānandabodhendra | m. Name of a scholiast.  |
aṅgabheda | mfn. causing rheumatism  |
aṅgabheda | m. self-betrayal,  |
aṅguṣṭhavibhedaka | m. "thumb-separator", a mitten,  |
ānidheya | mf(ī-[ ]) n. a descendant of a-nidheya- ([ ])  |
anirbheda | m. not blurting out, not revealing.  |
aniṣṭahetu | m. an evil omen. |
aṅkaccheda | m. (in dramatic language) interruption (of the action) by the close of an Act,  |
antarbheda | m. inner division,  |
anuccheda | m. equals an-uc-chitti-.  |
anucchedya | mfn. indestructible, not severable.  |
anudhe | Caus. -dhāpayati-, to cause to suck, to put to the breast  |
anusaṃdheya | mfn. to be investigated, worthy of inquiry or scrutiny, etc.  |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be effected, done or accomplished |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be observed  |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be proved or established.  |
anuvidheya | mfn. to be followed,  |
anuvidheya | to be prescribed according to (instrumental case),  |
anvādheya | n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family  |
anvādheyaādheyaka | n. property presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's family  |
anyoktipariccheda | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
anyonyabheda | m. mutual division or enmity.  |
apaccheda | mn. cutting off or away  |
apaccheda | mn. separation.  |
apacchedana | n. idem or 'mn. separation.'  |
apahelā | f. contempt  |
apahelana | n. = ava-- h-,  |
aparāddheṣu | m. an archer whose arrows miss the mark  |
aparahemanta | m. n. the latter part of winter.  |
aparāvṛttabhāgadheya | mfn. one to whom fortune does not return, miserable,  |
apariccheda | m. want of distinction or division  |
apariccheda | m. want of discrimination , want of judgement, continuance. |
aphena | mf(ā-)n. frothless  |
aphena | n. opium  |
aphenila | mfn. frothless,  |
apracchedya | mfn. inscrutable  |
ārambaṇacchedana | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ardhabheda | m. hemiplegia (see ardita- n.) , (see ava-bhedaka-.)  |
ardhapathe | ind. locative case midway  |
ardhāvabheda | m. equals ardhabheda- above  |
ardhāvabheda | mfn. dividing into halves.  |
ardhāvabhedaka | m. equals ardhabheda- above  |
ardhāvabhedaka | mfn. dividing into halves.  |
ardhe | ind. in the middle, (ardha-in compound with a substantive means"the half part of anything"[ see ],with an adjective (cf. mfn.) or past Passive voice p.[ see ]"half";also with an adjective (cf. mfn.) indicating measure[ see ];a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals[ see commentator or commentary ] exempli gratia, 'for example' ardha-tṛtīya-,containing a half for its third, id est two and a half; ardha-caturtha-,having a half for its fourth, three and a half.)  |
ardheḍā | f. "half the iḍā- ", the syllable up- inserted in some sāman- verses  |
ardhendra | mfn. that of which a half belongs to indra-  |
ardhendu | m. (-ardha-candra-above) a half moon or crescent  |
ardhendu | m. the semicircular impression of a finger nail  |
ardhendu | m. an arrow with a crescent-shaped head  |
ardhendu | m. the hand expanded in a semicircular from like a claw  |
ardhendu | m. the constellation also called ardhacandra- (q.v)  |
ardhendumauli | m. "whose diadem is a half-moon", śiva-  |
ardheṣṭakā | f. half a brick,  |
argheśvara | m. Name of śiva-, (see arghīśa-)  |
arthabheda | m. distinction or difference of meaning.  |
arthe | locative case ind. with 1. kṛ- (gaRa sakṣād-ādi- q.v)  |
arthega | mfn. following one's business or vocation,  |
arthehā | f. idem or 'f. desire of wealth '  |
arthepsutā | f. desire of wealth  |
arthet | mfn. ( i-), active, hasty (said of running waters)  |
asaṃbheda | m. non-contact, the being separate  |
asaṃbhedya | mfn. not to be brought into contact  |
asaṃdheya | mfn. not to be made peace with  |
asaṃdheya | mfn. for which no amends can be made, not to be redressed  |
asaṃdheyatā | f. the state of one with whom no peace is to be made,  |
asaṃrodhena | ind. instrumental case without injury to (with genitive case)  |
asaṃvṛttavidheya | (in rhetoric) the insertion into a compound of a word which ought to be independent,  |
asidhenu | f. a (small) knife  |
asidhenukā | f. idem or 'f. a (small) knife ' |
asiheti | m. a swordsman or soldier armed with a sword  |
aśmabheda | ([ ]) ([ ]) m. idem or 'm. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides (supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder) '  |
aśmabhedaka | ([ ]) m. idem or '([ ]) ([ ]) m. idem or 'm. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides (supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder) ' '  |
aśmarībhedana | a lithontriptic  |
aśraddheya | mfn. incredible  |
aśrāddheya | mfn. not fit for funeral rites  |
āsrāvabheṣaja | n. a medicament, medicine  |
āstheya | mfn. to be approached  |
āstheya | mfn. to be seized  |
āstheya | mfn. to be applied or practised  |
āstheya | mfn. to be regarded as  |
āstheya | mfn. to be acknowledged or adopted (as an opinion)  |
astheyas | mfn. (Comparative degree) not firmer  |
astheyas | mfn. not firm  |
asthibheda | m. fracturing or wounding a bone  |
asthibheda | m. a sort of bone.  |
āśuheman | m. urged to fast course, running on quickly  |
āśuheman | m. inciting his horses (Name of agni-, especially when regarded as apāṃ-napāt-)  |
āśuheṣas | mfn. having neighing horses  |
āśuheṣas | mfn. having quick horses or quickly praised ([ ])  |
āśuheṣas | mfn. Name of the aśvin-s  |
āśusaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be joined together or reconciled  |
aśvamedheśvara | m. Name of a king  |
aśvatthabheda | m. the tree Ficus Benjamina.  |
asyaheti |  |
asyaheti | (See /asyahaitika-.)  |
atidhenu | mfn. distinguished for his cows ,  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated.  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be conciliated, easy to be settled.  |
ātitheya | mf(ī- )n. (fr. atithi-), proper for or attentive to a guest, hospitable etc.  |
ātitheya | m. a descendant of atithi-, (gaRa śubhrādi- q.v)  |
ātitheya | n. idem or 'f. hospitality '  |
ātitheyī | f. hospitality  |
ātmārthe | ind. idem or 'ind. for the sake of one's self '  |
audbhettra | n. (fr. ud-bhettṛ-) idem or 'n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory '  |
audbhettriya | n. idem or 'n. (fr. ud-bhettṛ-) idem or 'n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory ' '  |
audheya | m. plural Name of a family  |
audheya | m. of a school (belonging to the White yajur-veda-),  |
aukheya | m. plural idem or 'm. plural the descendants or pupils of ukha-.'  |
aumbheyaka | mfn. (fr. umbhi- gaRa kattry-ādi- ), relating to one who fills up ( ?)  |
aupadhenava | m. a descendant of upadhenu-, Name of a physician  |
aupadheya | mfn. serving for the upadhi- (a particular part of the wheel of a carriage)  |
aupadheya | n. the part of a wheel called upadhi- on  |
avabhedaka | mfn. "piercing (the head)", aching (as hemiplegia) (see ardha-bheda-.)  |
avabhedin | mfn. splitting, dividing  |
avabhṛtheṣṭi | f. a supplementary sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and preceding one  |
avaccheda | m. anything cut off (as from clothes)  |
avaccheda | m. part, portion (as of a recitation)  |
avaccheda | m. separation, discrimination  |
avaccheda | m. (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining  |
avaccheda | m. a predicate (the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else).  |
avacchedaka | mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining  |
avacchedaka | m. "that which distinguishes", a predicate, characteristic, property  |
avacchedana | n. cutting off  |
avacchedana | n. dividing  |
avacchedana | n. discriminating, distinguishing  |
avacchedāvaccheda | m. removing distinctions, generalising  |
avacchedya | mfn. to be separated.  |
avadāheṣṭa | n. idem or 'm. "burning down", the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus '  |
avadhes | ind. ablative until, up to, as far as, as long as (genitive case [ ],or in compound)  |
avadheya | n. equals -dhātavya- q.v  |
avahela | f(ā-)n. ( hel-for hed-), disrespect  |
avahelana | n. disrespect  |
avahelayā | ind. instrumental case without any trouble, quite easily (see sāvahelam-.)  |
avahelita | mfn. disrespected  |
avahelita | n. disrespect  |
avāntarabheda | m. subdivision  |
avayātaheḷas | (/avayāta--.) mfn. whose anger is appeased  |
aviccheda | m. uninterruptedness, continuity etc.  |
avicchedāt | ind. ablative ([ ]) , uninterruptedly.  |
avicchedena | ind. instrumental case ([Comm. on ]) or in compound aviccheda-- ([ ]) , uninterruptedly.  |
aviheṭhita | mfn. unhurt, undamaged,  |
avitathehita | mfn. whose wishes are not frustrated  |
avitathena | ind. idem or 'ind. not falsely, according to truth ' , (ājñam-) avitathāṃ- 1. kṛ-, or avitathī- 1. kṛ-,"to make true or effective", fulfil (an order)  |
avyavaccheda | m. uninterruptedness  |
avyucchettṛ | m. one who does not injure (with genitive case)  |
ayatheṣṭa | mfn. not according to wish, not intended commentator or commentary  |
baheṭaka | m. Terminalia Belrica  |
bāhubhedin | m. "arm-breaker", Name of viṣṇu-  |
bahudhenūka | n. a great multitude of milch cows  |
bahudheya | (!) m. plural Name of a school ,  |
bahuphenā | f. a species of plant (equals sātala-)  |
bahuphenarasā | f. equals saptalā-  |
bālāmayapratithedha | m. Name of work  |
balavipulahetumati | n. Name of an asura-  |
bāḷhe | ind. bāḍha |
baudheya | m. plural Name of a school (see bodheya-).  |
bhādrabāheya | m. metron. fr. bhadra-bāhu-  |
bhagadheya | m. Name of a man  |
bhāgadheya | n. a share, portion, property, lot, fate, destiny etc. etc. happiness, prosperity  |
bhāgadheya | mfn. the share of a king, tax, impost  |
bhāgadheya | m. one to whom a share is due, heir, co-heir  |
bhāgadheya | mf(ī-)n. due as a share or part (see ) .  |
bhagavadgītāhetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhakticcheda | m. plural divided lines or streaks of painting or decoration (especially the separating or distinguishing marks on the forehead, nose, cheeks, breast and arms, which denote devotion to viṣṇu-, kṛṣṇa- etc.)  |
bhaktihetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bharaheśvaravṛtti | f. Name of work (see bhareha-nagarī-).  |
bhartṛhema | m. equals -hari-  |
bhāṣāpariccheda | m. "definition of (the categories of) speech", Name of a compendium of the nyāya- system by viśva-nātha-  |
bhāspheru |  |
bhāsurahemarāśi | m. a glittering heap of gold  |
bhāṭṭaśabdapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
bhavabandheśa | m. "lord of the fetters of worldly existence", Name of śiva-  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedana | mf(ī-)n. ( ) destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavanigaḍanibandhacchedhavināśin | ( ) mfn. destroying the chains and fetters of worldly existence.  |
bhavoccheda | m. equals va-ccheda-  |
bhayahetu | m. cause for fear, danger  |
bheḍa | m. a ram (see eḍa-, bheḍra-and bheṇḍa-)  |
bheḍa | m. a raft, float (see bhela-)  |
bheḍa | m. Name of a lexicographer and a physician  |
bheḍa | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
bheda | m. ( bhid-) breaking, splitting, cleaving, rending, tearing, piercing (also pass. the being broken etc.) etc.  |
bheda | m. breaking open, disclosing, divulging, betrayal (of a secret see rahasya-bh-)  |
bheda | m. bursting asunder, opening, gaping, parting asunder  |
bheda | m. bursting forth or out, expanding, blossoming, shooting out, sprouting  |
bheda | m. a cleft, fissure, chasm (see śilā-bh-; dual number pudendum muliebre)  |
bheda | m. rupture, breach, hurt, injury, seduction  |
bheda | m. shooting pain (in the limbs), paralysis (see ardhabh-)  |
bheda | m. separation, division, partition, part, portion  |
bheda | m. distinction, difference, kind, sort, species, variety etc.  |
bheda | m. disturbance, interruption, violation, dissolution  |
bheda | m. disuniting, winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (see upāya-)  |
bheda | m. disunion, schism, dissension between (instrumental case) or in (compound)  |
bheda | m. change, alteration, modification  |
bheda | m. contraction (see bhrūbh-) |
bheda | m. evacuation (of the bowels)  |
bheda | m. (in astronomy) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets  |
bheda | m. one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (see kukṣi-bh-)  |
bheda | m. (in mathematics) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle  |
bheda | m. (in dramatic language) equals saṃhati-bhedana-, or equals protsāhana-,  |
bheda | m. (in philosophy) dualism, duality (see compound)  |
bheda | m. Name of a man  |
bheda | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhedābheda | m. disunion and union, dualism and non-dualism  |
bhedābhedavādin | m. a maintainer of the doctrine both of the difference and the identity of God and the Universe  |
bhedabuddhi | f. perception or idea of a difference or distinction  |
bhedadarpaṇa | m. "mirror of duality", Name of work  |
bhedadarśin | mfn. equals -dṛṣṭi-  |
bhedadhikkāra | m. "refutation of duality", Name of a vedānta- work by nṛsiṃhāśrama-  |
bhedadhikkāranyakkārahuṃkṛti | f. Name of work  |
bhedadhikkāranyakkāranirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhedadhikkārasatkriyā | f. Name of work  |
bhedadhikkṛti | f. (in compound) equals -dhik-kāra-  |
bhedadhikkṛtitattvanivecana | n. Name of work  |
bhedadīpikā | f. "illustration of duality", Name of work  |
bhedadṛṣṭi | mfn. viewing or holding the Universe and the deity to be different and distinct  |
bheḍagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhedaka | mfn. breaking into or through, piercing, perforating  |
bhedaka | mfn. diverting (water-courses)  |
bhedaka | mfn. destroying (boundary-marks)  |
bhedaka | mfn. seducing (ministers)  |
bhedaka | mfn. making a difference, distinguishing, determining, defining.  |
bhedaka | n. a determinative id est an adjective (see bhedya-).  |
bhedakara | mf(ī-)n. breaking through or down  |
bhedakara | mf(ī-)n. sowing dissension among or in (genitive case or compound)  |
bhedakārin | mfn. causing dissension or disunion  |
bhedakārin | mfn. making or showing a difference, altered  |
bhedakhaṇḍana | n. "refutation of duality", Name of a vedānta- work  |
bhedakṛt | mfn. equals -kara-  |
bhedana | mfn. breaking, cleaving, splitting, rending, piercing, dividing, separating etc.  |
bhedana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to flow, giving free course (to a river)  |
bhedana | mfn. causing pain in the joints or limbs  |
bhedana | mfn. loosening (the faeces), cathartic, purgative  |
bhedana | mfn. destroying, dissolving, relieving (see hṛdaya-granthi-bh-)  |
bhedana | m. a hog  |
bhedana | m. Rumex Vesicarius  |
bhedana | n. the act of breaking, cleaving etc. etc.  |
bhedana | n. bursting, parting asunder, breach, fracture  |
bhedana | n. the passing (through an asterism)  |
bhedana | n. disclosure, betrayal (of a secret)  |
bhedana | n. embroilment, disunion, discord  |
bhedana | n. discrimination  |
bhedana | n. a purgative  |
bhedana | n. Asa Foetida  |
bhedanīka | See ghaṭa-bho-.  |
bhedanīya | mfn. to be broken or split or cleft or divided ( bhedanīyatā -tā- f. )  |
bhedanīya | mfn. causing the secretion of bad humours  |
bhedanīyatā | f. bhedanīya |
bhedaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
bhedaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bhedapratyaya | m. belief in dualism (see -dṛṣṭi-)  |
bheḍara | m. Name of an agra-hāra-  |
bhedasaha | mfn. capable of being disunited or seduced  |
bheḍasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bhedatas | ind. separately, singly, individually  |
bhedatas | ind. according to difference or diversities  |
bhedavādin | m. one who maintains the duality of God and the Universe  |
bhedavādin | m. Name of commentator or commentary on  |
bhedavādividāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhedavibhīṣikā | f. Name of work  |
bhedavidhi | m. the faculty of discriminating or discerning (between two different objects)  |
bheḍī | f. a ewe  |
bheḍī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhedikā | f. the act of breaking down or asunder, destruction, annihilation  |
bhedin | mfn. breaking, splitting, piercing, perforating etc.  |
bhedin | mfn. beating or knocking out (See dvi-netra-bh-)  |
bhedin | mfn. shaking, penetrating  |
bhedin | mfn. causing to flow (as juice)  |
bhedin | mfn. loosening (the bowels), cathartic, purgative  |
bhedin | mfn. breaking, violating (an agreement etc.)  |
bhedin | mfn. interrupting (devotion)  |
bhedin | mfn. disturbing (a country)  |
bhedin | mfn. dividing, separating from (ablative)  |
bhedin | mfn. (fr. bheda-) having a distinction or division  |
bhedin | mfn. (in philosophy) one who separates spirit and matter or holds the doctrine of dualism  |
bhedin | m. Rumex Vesicarius  |
bhedinī | f. (with tāntrika-s) Name of a particular śakti-  |
bhedira | n. equals bhidira-, a thunderbolt  |
bhedita | mfn. (fr. Causal) broken, split, cleft etc.  |
bhedita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') divided into  |
bheditva | n. separation, division, parting asunder  |
bhedīya | See doṣa-bh-.  |
bhedojjīvana | n. Name of work  |
bhedoktijīvana | n. Name of work  |
bhedonmukha | mf(ī-)n. just about to burst into blossom  |
bheḍra | m. a ram  |
bhedya | mfn. to be broken or split or pierced or perforated  |
bhedya | mfn. to be cut or opened  |
bhedya | mfn. to be set at variance or disunited  |
bhedya | mfn. to be divided or penetrated or betrayed or refuted (See a--, dur--, nir-bh-)  |
bhedya | mfn. to be (or being) determined  |
bhedya | n. a substantive (see bhedaka-). |
bhedyaka | See utpala-bh-.  |
bhedyaliṅga | mfn. distinguished by gender  |
bhedyaroga | m. any disease treated by incision or cutting  |
bheka | m. (probably onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds);but see ) a frog etc. (according to to the croaking of frogs was caused by the curse of agni- who was betrayed by them to the gods when he took refuge in the water)  |
bheka | m. a cloud  |
bheka | m. a timid man (equals bhīru-) (see bhela-)  |
bheka | m. Name of a niṣāda- and a brāhmaṇī-  |
bhekabhuj | m. "frog-eater", a snake  |
bhekaparṇī | f. "frog-leaved", a species of plant  |
bhekaśabda | m. the croaking of frogs  |
bhekī | f. a female frog Hydrocotyle Asiatica  |
bhekīpati | m. a male frog  |
bhekuri | f. Name of a class of apsaras- (see bākura-and bhākuri-).  |
bhela | mfn. (only ) timid  |
bhela | mfn. foolish, ignorant  |
bhela | mfn. till  |
bhela | mfn. active, restless  |
bhela | mfn. (also laka-) equals laghiṣṭha-  |
bhela | m. a species of small tiger  |
bhela | m. (also bhelaka laka- mn.) a raft, boat  |
bhela | m. Name of a physician (see bheḍa-).  |
bhelaka | mn. bhela |
bhelana | n. swimming  |
bhelu | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
bheluka | m. śiva-'s servant  |
bhelūpurā | f. Name of a suburb of Benares (?)  |
bhempura | n. Name of a grāma-  |
bhena | m. "lord of stars", the sun or the moon  |
bhena | bh/eśa- See under 4. bha-, p.742.  |
bheṇḍa | m. idem or 'm. a ram ' (see bhaiṇḍaka-).  |
bheṇḍā | f. Abelmoschus Esculentus (bheṇḍā-also"lotus-seed" )  |
bheṇḍī | f. Abelmoschus Esculentus  |
bheṇḍītaka | m. Abelmoschus Esculentus  |
bhera | m. ( bhī-?) a kettle-drum  |
bherī | f. (rarely ri-) a kettle-drum  |
bherībhāṃkāra | m. idem or 'm. the sound of a kettle-drum '  |
bherībhāṃkāra | m. Name of a poet ( bherībhāṃkārīya rīya- n.his work)  |
bherībhāṃkārīya | n. bherībhāṃkāra |
bherībhramaka | m. supposed Name of a poet  |
bherīghnat | m. "striking a kettle-drum", a kettle-drummer  |
bherīnāda | m. the sound of a kettle-drum  |
bherīśaṅkhavāda | mfn. sounding the drum and conch-shell,  |
bherīsvanamahāsvanā | f. "loud-sounding like the sound of a kettle-drum", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bherītādaṇa | n. "drum-beating", Name of work  |
bherotsa | See puṣpa-bh-.  |
bheruṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. (often varia lectio bheraṇḍa-) terrible, formidable, awful  |
bheruṇḍa | m. a species of bird  |
bheruṇḍa | m. (also ḍaka-) a beast of prey (wolf, jackal, fox, or hyena) (see pheru-)  |
bheruṇḍa | m. a particular form of śiva- (?)  |
bheruṇḍā | f. Name of a goddess (equals kālī-)  |
bheruṇḍa | m. of a yakṣiṇī-  |
bheruṇḍa | n. ( bhṛ-?) pregnancy  |
bheṣ | cl.1 P. A1. bheṣati-, te-, to fear, dread (others"to move, go") see bhī-, bhyas-.  |
bheśa | m. the regent of an asterism etc.  |
bheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. bhiṣaj-) curing, healing, sanative  |
bheṣaja | n. a remedy, medicine, medicament, drug, remedy against (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
bheṣaja | n. a spell or charm for curative purposes (generally from atharva-- veda-)  |
bheṣaja | n. water  |
bheṣaja | n. Nigella Indica  |
bheṣajabhakṣaṇa | n. "drug-eating", the act of taking medicine  |
bheṣajacandra | m. "moon of medicine", Name of a man  |
bheṣajāgāra | n. "medicine-room", a druggist's or apothecary's shop  |
bheṣajakalpa | m. Name of work  |
bheṣajakalpasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bheṣajakaraṇa | n. preparation of drugs or medicine  |
bheṣajakṛta | mfn. healed, cured  |
bheṣajāṅga | n. anything taken with or after medicine (as water gruel)  |
bheṣajasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
bheṣajatā | (j/a--) f. curativeness, healing power  |
bheṣajatarka | m. Name of work  |
bheṣajavīrya | n. the healing power of medicine  |
bheṣajya | mf(/ā-)n. curative, sanitary  |
bheṭaka | m. buying, purchase  |
bhetāla | equals vetāla-  |
bhetavya | mfn. to be feared or dreaded (n. often impersonal or used impersonally, especially na bhetavyam-,with abl, or genitive case,"one need not be afraid of")  |
bhetavya | See .  |
bhettavai | bhettavya-, bhettṛ- See under bhid-, .  |
bhettavya | mfn. to be broken or split  |
bhettavya | mfn. to be betrayed or divulged  |
bhettṛ | mfn. breaking, splitting, bursting through, piercing  |
bhettṛ | mfn. a breaker etc. etc., etc.  |
bhettṛ | mfn. a conqueror  |
bhettṛ | mfn. an interrupter, disturber, frustrator  |
bhettṛ | mfn. a divulger, betrayer  |
bhettṛ | mfn. a factious or seditious man  |
bhettṛ | m. Name of skanda-  |
bhettṛ | m. Name of a particular magical spell recited over weapons  |
bheya | mfn. equals prec. (n. impersonal or used impersonally with ablative exempli gratia, 'for example' arer bheyam-"one must fear an enemy")  |
bheya | See .  |
bheyapāla | (?) m. Name of a prince  |
bhikṣopabhegin | mfn. living on alms,  |
bhramaṇārthe | ind. for the sake of travelling  |
bhrūbheda | m. idem or 'm. equals -kuṭī- '  |
bhrūbhedin | mfn. frowning, attended with frowns  |
bhrūvibheda | ( ) m. idem or 'n. the bending or knitting of the brows, .'  |
bhūmahendra | m. a prince, king  |
bhūmibhedin | mfn. differing from (what exists on) earth  |
bhūriphenā | f. a species of plant (equals saptalā-)  |
bhūtamaheśvara | m. equals -bhartṛ-  |
bhūyiṣṭhena | ind. mostly etc.  |
bibhedayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) desirous of dividing or disuniting  |
bindubheda | m. Name of a particular yoga- posture  |
bisakisalayacchedapatheyavat | mfn. having pieces of fibres of young lotus as provisions for a journey  |
bodhendra | m. Name of an author  |
bodheya | m. plural Name of a Vedic school (see addhā-b-and baudheya-).  |
brahmapurābhidheya | mfn. (with nāma-) to be called by the name brahma-pura-  |
brahmaviṣṇumaheśvaradāna | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaddhemādri | (d-he-) m. the larger hemādri-.  |
buddhibheda | ( ) m. disturbance or aberration of mind.  |
budhe | ind. on a Wednesday (equals budha-vāre-)  |
budheya | m. plural Name of a school of the white yajur-veda-  |
cakrabhedinī | f. "dividing the cakra-(-va1ka) couples (see -bāndhava-) ", night  |
camasodbheda | m.  |
camasodbhedana | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage (spot of bursting forth of the river sarasvatī-)  |
carmaprabhedikā | f. a shoemaker's awl  |
caturvidhasaṃśayodbheda | m. "removal of doubts of 4 kinds", Name of a work  |
cheda | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "cutting off" See sthāṇu--  |
cheda | m. divisor, denominator  |
cheda | m. a cut, section, piece, portion etc.  |
cheda | m. an incision, cleft, slit,  |
cheda | m.  |
cheda | m. cutting off, tearing off dividing (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
cheda | m. separation (of syllables or words)  |
cheda | m. dissipating (doubt, etc.)  |
cheda | m. interruption, vanishing, cessation, deprivation, want, etc.  |
cheda | m. limit of (in compound)  |
cheda | m. smoothing (a conflict, by an ordeal, divya--)  |
chedādi | a gaṇa- of ( ).  |
chedagama | m. disappearance of the denominator.  |
chedaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' cutting off  |
chedaka | m. the denominator of a fraction  |
chedaka | m. see granthi--.  |
chedakara | mfn. making incisions  |
chedakara | m. a wood-cutter  |
chedana | mfn. cutting asunder, splitting  |
chedana | mfn. destroying, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'),  |
chedana | n. an instrument for cutting  |
chedana | n. section, part  |
chedana | n. (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') cutting, removal (of doubts, saṃśaya--)  |
chedana | n. a medicine for removing the humors of the body  |
chedanīya | mfn. to be cut up or divided  |
chedanīya | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
chedī | f. gaRa gaurādi- (not in )  |
chedī | m. see ṛṇa--.  |
chedi | mfn. one who cuts or breaks  |
chedi | m. a carpenter  |
chedin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' cutting off, tearing asunder  |
chedin | mfn. removing  |
chedita | mfn. cut, divided  |
cheditavya | mfn. to be cut, divisable  |
chedopasthāpanīya | n. taking the (Jain) vows after having broken with doctrines or practices adhered to formerly  |
chedya | mfn. to be cut or divided or split or cut off or mutilated  |
chedya | n. cutting off, cutting, tearing (with teeth or nails) ;  |
chedya | n. see kuḍya--, duḥkka--, pattra--, laghu--, saṃśaya--.  |
chedyaka | n. drawing, projection  |
chedyakādhyāya | m. Name of  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. clever, shrewd ( )  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. domesticated  |
cheka | m. a bee  |
cheka | m. equals kānuprāsa-  |
chekala | ([ ]), mfn. clever.  |
chekāla | ([ ]) mfn. clever.  |
chekānuprāsa | m. a kind of alliteration (with single repetitions of several consonants as in ;opposed to lāṭān-),  |
chekila | mfn. idem or '([ ]) mfn. clever.'  |
chektokti | f. indirect speech, hint, double entendre  |
chelaka | m. (fr. chagal-) a he-goat  |
chelikā | f. a she-goat, 76.  |
chelu | Vernonia anthelminthica  |
chemaṇḍa | m. equals cham-, an orphan  |
chemuṇā | f. idem or 'm. equals cham-, an orphan '  |
chemuṇā | f. see chā-  |
cheppa | (fr. s/epa-) tail  |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut off  |
chettavya | mfn. to be cut  |
chettavya | ttṛ-, etc. See 1. chid-.  |
chettṛ | mfn. one who cuts off, cutter, woodcutter (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chettṛ | mfn. a remover (of doubts, saṃśayānām-,2, 21)  |
cintāvidheya | mfn. influenced by a thought,  |
citrabheṣajā | f. "yielding various remedies", Ficus oppositifolia  |
citrahetu | m. a particular rhetoric fignre,  |
citsabheśānandatīrtha | m. Name of an author.  |
cittabheda | m. contrariety of purpose or will  |
cittakheda | m. grief  |
dadhidhenu | f. a cow represented by d/adhi- (offered to priests)  |
dagdheṣṭakā | f. a burnt brick  |
dānahemādri | m. equals -khaṇḍa-.  |
dantacchedana | n. biting through  |
dantodbheda | m. appearance of the teeth, dentition  |
darbheṇḍva | covering for the hands made of darbha- grass (?), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
darbheṣīkā | f. a stalk of d- grass  |
dehabheda | m. "destruction of the body", death  |
devaheḍana | n. offence against the gods  |
devaheḍana | n. Name of  |
devaheḷana | n. offence against the gods  |
devaheḷana | n. Name of  |
devaheti | f. divine weapon  |
devāsuramaheśvara | m. Name of śiva-  |
devībhedagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
dhānyadhenu | f. a heap of rice (like a cow) to be presented to a Brahman (see -gava-).  |
dharmadhenu | f. equals -dogdhrī-  |
dharmadṛḍhābhedyasunilambba | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s  |
dharmapramāṇapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
dharmitāvaccheda | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsatti | f. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsattinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakarahasya | n. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakatāvāda | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakatāvādārtha | m. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakavāda | m. Name of work |
dhe | cl.1 P. ( ) dh/ayati- etc. (perfect tense dadhau-,3. plural dh/ur- ; Aorist -adhāt- ; adhāsīt-or adadhat- ; preceding dheyāt-, ; future dhāsyati- , dhātā- grammar; dative case infinitive mood dh/ātave- ; ind.p. dhītv/ā-and -dh/īya- ; -dhāya- grammar) to suck, drink, suck or drink in, take to one's self, absorb, appropriate etc. etc.: Passive voice dhīyate- grammar : Causal dhāp/ayāte- (confer, compare Va1rtt. 1 ) to give suck, nourish ; ti- (confer, compare anu-- dhe-) ; Aorist adīdhapat- grammar : Desiderative dhitsati- : Intensive dedhīyate-, dādheti-, and dādhāti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin fe1-lare; Gothic dadd-jan; German ta1-an,ta1-jan.])  |
dhemātra | m. or n. a particular high number ( ), v.r. for dhamātra- (See dhamara-).  |
dhena | m. the ocean or a river  |
dhenā | f. a milch cow plural any beverage made of milk  |
dhenā | f. a mare (?),  |
dhenā | f. river  |
dhenā | f. speech, voice (?), ( ; see )  |
dhenā | f. Name of the wife of bṛhaspati-  |
dhenī | f. a river  |
dhenikā | f. coriander (varia lectio nukā-).  |
ḍheṅka | m. Name of a bird  |
ḍheṅkī | f. a kind of dance.  |
ḍheṅkikā | f. (in music) a kind of measure  |
ḍheṅkikātāla | m. idem or 'f. (in music) a kind of measure' |
dhenu | mfn. milch, yielding or giving milk  |
dhenu | f. a milch cow or any cow etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' of names of animals also denoting the female of any species of khaḍga--, go--, vaḍava--)  |
dhenu | f. any offering or present to Brahmans instead or in the shape of a cow (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [ see ghṛta--, jala--, tila--etc.] , where it also forms diminutives; see asi--, khaḍga--)  |
dhenu | f. metaph. = the earth  |
dhenu | f. plural any beverage made of milk  |
dhenu | n. Name of a sāman- (also marutāṃ dh-and dhenu-payasī- dual number)  |
dhenubhavyā | f. about to become a milch cow  |
dhenudakṣiṇa | mfn. (sacrifice) whereat a cow is given as a fee  |
dhenudugdha | n. cow's milk  |
dhenudugdha | n. a kind of gourd  |
dhenugoduha | n. cow and milker  |
dhenuka | m. a kind of coitus (see dhain-)  |
dhenuka | m. Name of an asura- slain by kṛṣṇa- or bala-bhadra-  |
dhenuka | m. of a son of dur-dama-  |
dhenuka | m. plural Name of a people  |
dhenukā | f. milch cow, cow  |
dhenukā | f. any female animal (also a woman) and etc.  |
dhenukā | f. equals dṛṣṭa-puṣpā-  |
dhenukā | f. equals dhenu- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' to form diminutive  |
dhenukā | f. a vein which when cut bleeds only at intervals  |
dhenukā | f. coriander (varia lectio dhenikā-)  |
dhenukā | f. Name of the wife of kīrti-mat- (son of aṅgiras-)  |
dhenukā | f. of a river  |
dhenuka | n. Name of a herd of milch cows  |
dhenuka | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
dhenūka | See bahu--.  |
dhenukadhvaṃsin | m. "slayer of dhenuka-", kṛṣṇa-  |
dhenukādugdha | n. cow's milk  |
dhenukādugdha | n. a kind of gourd  |
dhenukara | m. Daucus Carota  |
dhenukāri | m. "enemy of dhenukāri-", kṛṣṇa-  |
dhenukāri | m. a kind of small tree  |
dhenukāśrama | m. Name of a hermitage  |
dhenukasūdana | m. equals -dhvaṃsin-  |
dhenukavadha | m. the killing of dhenuka-  |
dhenukavadha | m. Name of chapter of  |
dhenumakṣikā | f. horse-fly, gad-fly  |
dhenumat | mfn. containing or yielding a nourishing beverage  |
dhenumat | mfn. containing the word dhenu- |
dhenumatī | f. Name of the wife of deva-dyumna-  |
dhenumbhavyā | f. equals nu-bh- ( Va1rtt. 3) .  |
dhenuṣṭarī | f. (fr. starī-) a milch cow ceasing to give milk  |
dhenuṣyā | f. a cow whose milk has been pledged (see ) .  |
dhenuṣyita | mfn. one who has pledged the milk of his cows (?) gaRa tārakādi-.  |
dhenutva | n. the state of being a cow  |
dhenvanaḍuha | n. sg. or m.> dual number milch cow and bull (see )  |
dheṣṭha | mfn. (superl.) giving the most, most liberal  |
ḍhevvukā | f. a coin,  |
dheya | mfn. (1. dkā-) to be held or taken etc.  |
dheya | mfn. to be created or what is created  |
dheya | mfn. to be applied or pat in practice  |
dheya | n. giving, imparting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see nāma--, bhāga--, mitra--etc. Va1rtt. 2, 3) .  |
dheyeśvara | m. Name of an author  |
dhṛtaheti | mfn. bearing weapons, armed  |
dhyānaccheda | m. interruption of thought or meditation  |
digbheda | m. difference of direction  |
dīrghervāru | m. a kind of cucumber (equals ḍaṅgari-)  |
doṣabheda | m. a particular disease of the 3 humours  |
doṣabhedīya | mfn. relating to it  |
draviḍopaniṣacchekhara | m. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
dṛḍhekṣurā | f. Eleusine Indica  |
dṛḍheṣudhi | m. "having a strong quiver", Name of a prince  |
dṛḍheyu | m. Name of one of the 7 sages of the west  |
dṛṣṭisambheda | m. "mixing glances", mutual glance  |
drumacchedaprāyaścitta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
dugdhaphena | m. the froth of milk, cream  |
dugdhaphenī | f. a kind of small shrub (equals gojā-parṇī-, payaḥ-phenī-,etc.)  |
duḥkhabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. healing woe (kṛṣṇa-)  |
duḥkhacchedya | mfn. to be cut or overcome with difficulty  |
duḥkheta | mfn. affected with sorrow, Va1rtt. 6,  |
duḥkhocchedya | mfn. equals duḥkha-cch- (varia lectio)  |
duḥsaṃdheya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be united '  |
duḥstheya | mfn. difficult to be stood  |
duḥstheya | n. difficult standing  |
dūrabheda | m. the act of piercing from a distance  |
duranuṣṭheya | mfn. difficult to perform  |
durbheda | mfn. equals -bhida-  |
durbhedya | mfn. equals -bhida-  |
dūreheti | mfn. (r/e--) whose arrows fly to a distance  |
dūreheti | m. a particular form of agni- commentator or commentary  |
durgāsaṃdehabhedikā | f. Name of work |
duruccheda | mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed  |
durucchedya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed '  |
durucchedya | mfn. difficult to be cut through (knot)  |
dvinetrabhedin | mfn. knocking out a person's 2 eyes  |
dvyahe | ind. after 2 days  |
ekadhenu | f. a unique or excellent cow  |
ekahelā | f. See eka-helayā-  |
ekahelayā | (instrumental case) ind. by one stroke, at once  |
gaḍḍālikāpravāheṇa | instrumental case ind. "like the current of the gaḍḍālikā- river", very slowly  |
gādhera | gaRa vākinādi- (gaudh- ; gāredha- ; gāreṭa- and )  |
gādherakāyani | m. patronymic fr. dhera-  |
gādheri | m. patronymic fr. dhera-  |
gādheya | m. patronymic of viśvā-mitra-  |
gādheyī | f. patronymic of satyavatī-  |
gandhakheḍa | n. Andropogon Schoenanthus  |
gandhakheḍaka | n. equals -tṛṇa-  |
gandhebha | m. equals dha-gaja-  |
gandhecchā | f. "wishing fragrances", Name of a goddess  |
gandhendriya | n. the organ of smell  |
gandheśa | m. "lord of fragrances", Name of a vīta-rāga-.  |
gaṅgodbheda | m. the source of the Ganges (sacred place of pilgrimage)  |
garbheśvara | m. "sovereign by birth", f(ī-). a princess by birth  |
garbheśvaratā | f. sovereignty attained by inheritance  |
garbheśvaratva | n. idem or 'f. sovereignty attained by inheritance '  |
garbhetṛpta | mfn. "contented already in the womb (or from the first origin)", indolent gaRa pātre-samitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.  |
gardabhejyā | f. an ass-sacrifice (see 17) .  |
gatibheda | m. idem or 'm. impediment to progress, stoppage ' ,  |
gaudhenuka | n. (fr. go-dhenu-), a herd of milch-cows  |
gaudhera | m. ( ) equals dhāra-  |
gaudheraka | m. a kind of small venomous animal  |
gaudheraka | m. see godh-.  |
gaudherakāyaṇi | m. patronymic fr. ra- gaRa vākinādi-.  |
gaudheya | m. (gaRa śubhrādi-) equals dhāra-  |
gaudheya | m. plural Name of a school of the black yajur-veda- (varia lectio baudh-).  |
gavārthe | ind. locative case idem or 'ind. for the sake of a cow '  |
gehe | (locative case of h/a- q.v)  |
gehedāhin | mfn. "scorching and burning at home", idem or 'mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.'  |
gehedhṛṣṭa | mfn. "insolent at home" idem or 'mfn. "overbearing at home" idem or 'mfn. "scorching and burning at home", idem or 'mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.' ' '  |
gehedṛpta | mfn. "overbearing at home" idem or 'mfn. "scorching and burning at home", idem or 'mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.' '  |
gehekṣveḍin | mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.  |
gehemehin | mfn. "making water at home", a lazy or indolent man gaRa pātre-samitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.  |
gehenardin | mfn. "shouting defiance at home", idem or 'mfn. "insolent at home" idem or 'mfn. "overbearing at home" idem or 'mfn. "scorching and burning at home", idem or 'mfn. "blustering at home", a house-hero, coward gaRa pātresamitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.' ' ' '  |
geheśūra | m. a house-hero, carpet-knight  |
gehevijitin | mfn. "victorious at home", a house-hero, boaster  |
gehevyāḍa | m. "fierce at home" idem or 'mfn. "victorious at home", a house-hero, boaster '  |
gharmaccheda | m. cessation of the heat  |
ghaṭabhedanaka | an instrument used in making pots  |
gheñculī | f. idem or 'f. Arum orixense (krauñcādana-) '  |
gheñculikā | f. Arum orixense (krauñcādana-)  |
ghoṇāntabhedana | m. "having a snout that is divided at the end", a hog  |
ghṛtadhenu | f. ghee in the shape of a milch-cow  |
ghṛtahetu | m. "cause of ghee", butter  |
godhenu | f. a milk-cow (see gaudhenuka-.)  |
godhera | m. (equals guh-) a guardian  |
godheraka | m. equals gaudh-  |
godheraka | See godh/ā-.  |
goṣṭhe | locative case of -ṣṭh/a- q.v  |
goṣṭhekṣveḍin | n. etc. See s. v. -ṣṭhe-. 2.  |
goṣṭhekṣveḍin | mfn. "bellowing in a cow-pen", a boasting coward, gaRa pātre-samitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-  |
goṣṭhepaṇḍita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "clever in a cow-pen", a vain boaster '  |
goṣṭhepaṭu | mfn. "clever in a cow-pen", a vain boaster  |
goṣṭhepragalbha | mfn. "courageous in a cow-pen", a boasting coward  |
goṣṭheśaya | mfn. sleeping in a cow-stable  |
goṣṭheśūra | m. a hero in a cow-pen, boasting coward gaRa pātre-samitādi- and yuktārohy-ādi-.  |
goṣṭhevijitin | mfn. "victorious in a cow-pen" idem or 'mfn. "courageous in a cow-pen", a boasting coward '  |
graheśa | m. equals ha-grāmaṇī-  |
graheṣṭaka | n. sg. a ladleful (of any fluid) and the bricks  |
granthibheda | m. equals -cchedaka-  |
granthibhedaka | m. idem or 'm. equals -cchedaka- ' (in PrakritgaNThi-bheyaga) (varia lectio for granthi-cchedaka-).  |
granthicchedaka | m. (equals -bheda-) a purse-cutter, pickpocket (in Prakrit)  |
gṛhabhedin | mfn. prying into domestic affairs, causing family quarrels  |
gṛhaviccheda | m. the extinction or destruction of a family  |
gṛhejñānin | mfn. "wise only inside a house", inexperienced, stupid (ha-jñ- edition Bomb.)  |
gṛheruha | mfn. growing in a house (a tree), 6070.  |
gṛheśa | m. the regent of zodiacal sign.  |
gṛheśūra | m. "bold at home", a cowardly bully,  |
gṛheśvara | m. equals hādhipa-  |
gṛheśvarī | f. a housewife  |
gṛhevāsin | mfn. living in a house  |
gṛhītanāmadheya | mfn. named, mentioned,  |
gṛhītapātheya | mfn. supplied with victuals for a journey,  |
grīṣmahemanta | m. dual number summer and winter  |
guḍadhenu | f. a sugar-cow (presented to Brahmans)  |
gūḍhacaturthapādaprahelikā | f. a riddle in which the fourth pāda- (of a stanza) is hidden  |
gūḍhe | ind. locative case secretly  |
gudhera | mfn. protecting  |
guhera | m. a smith, 62  |
guhera | m. a guardian  |
guheśvara | m. "lord of caverns", Name of an attendant in śiva-'s retinue  |
guṇabhedatas | ind. according to the difference of quality  |
guṇaccheda | m. "the breaking of a cord"and"the cessation of good qualities"  |
hahe | ind. gaRa cādi-.  |
haiheya | m. Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya- (see above)  |
hairaṇyabāheya | m. patronymic fr. hiraṇya-bāhu-  |
haṃsamāheśvara | m. Name of a tantra- work (see -paraṃeśv-)  |
hanubheda | m. the gaping or parting asunder of the jaws  |
hanubheda | m. Name of a particular form of the end of an eclipse  |
hariharabhedadhikkāra | m. Name of work  |
hariheti | f. indra-'s weapon id est the rainbow, (or) viṣṇu-'s weapon id est the cakra-  |
harihetihūti | m. "named after the cakra-", Anas Casarca (see cakra-vāka-).  |
harihetima | mfn. adorned with a rainbow  |
haritabheṣaja | n. a remedy against jaundice  |
harodbheda | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hastacchedana | m. the amputation of a hand  |
hinvidhenāman | mfn. (of unknown meaning)  |
hiraṇyaheman | n. gold  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenu | f. a golden figure representing the kāma-dhenu- (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s;See mahā-dāna-, tulā-puruṣa-), cit-.  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakaśipucchedin | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
holākhelana | n. the frolics practised at the holī- festival  |
homadhenu | f. a cow yielding milk for an oblation  |
hṛdbhedatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
hṛddyotabheṣaja | n. a remedy against internal disease  |
hutoccheṣaṇa | n. equals -huta-śiṣṭa-  |
iheḍa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a sāman-,  |
iheha | ind. here and there, now and then, repeatedly  |
ihehamātṛ | m. one whose mother is here and there id est everywhere  |
ihehamātṛ | others,"born at the same time".  |
indrabheṣaja | n. dried ginger  |
ityahe | ind. on this or that day,  |
jaladhenu | f. a cow in the shape of water  |
jalagandhebha | m. "scented water-elephant", a kind of mythic animal  |
jalaphena | m. "water-froth", os Sepiae  |
jalaruhekṣaṇa | mfn. lotus-eyed  |
jalāṣabheṣaja | (j/al-) mfn. possessed of healing medicines (rudra-)  |
jambhabhedin | m. " jambha--destroyer", indra-  |
jaṅgheratha | See gha-r-  |
jānudaṅghe | ind. as far up as the knee  |
jayabherī | m. "drum of victory", Name of a man  |
jihvāchedana | n. cutting off of the tongue  |
jīvanahetu | m. means of subsistence  |
jñātibheda | m. dissension among relatives  |
jyeṣṭheśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
kaccheṣṭa | m. the tortoise  |
kaccheśvara | m. Name of a town (see kaceśvara-.)  |
kaiṭabheśvaralakṣaṇa | n. (equals kaiṭabha- n.) Name of a class of writings  |
kaiṭabheśvarī | f. equals bhī-  |
kālabheda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kālindībhedana | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
kalpadhenu | f. Name of the cow of plenty.  |
kāmadhenu | f. the mythical cow of vasiṣṭha- which satisfies all desires, cow of plenty (equals surabhi-)  |
kāmadhenu | f. Name of a goddess  |
kāmadhenu | f. Name of several works  |
kāmadhenugaṇita | n. Name of work  |
kāmadhenutantra | n. Name of work on the mystical signification of the letters of the alphabet.  |
kaṇṭakapraticchedana | m. a two-edged battle-axe,  |
kaṇṭhaccheda | m. cutting off the neck.  |
kaṇṭheguḍa | m. the apple or protuberance in the throat,  |
kaṇṭhekāla | m. "black on the neck", Name of śiva-  |
kaṇṭheśvaratīrtha | m. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
kantheśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-,  |
kaṇṭheviddha | m. Name of a man (see kāṇṭheviddhi-.)  |
kāṇṭheviddhi | m. ( ) a descendant of kaṇṭhe-viddha-  |
kāṇṭheviddhī | f. a female descendant of kaṇṭhe-viddha-  |
kāṇṭheviddhyā | f. a female descendant of kaṇṭhe-viddha-  |
kaphelū | m. Cardia Latifolia commentator or commentary on  |
kārakahetu | m. the efficient cause.  |
karaṇasthānabheda | m. difference of articulation or organ of pronunciation.  |
karmabhedavicāra | m. Name of work  |
karmahetu | mfn. caused by acts, arising from acts.  |
karmaphalahetu | mfn. one who is actuated by the (thought of the) result of his acts,  |
karṇaprādheya | m. plural Name of a people.  |
karpāsadhenumāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
kāruṇyadhenu | m. "compassion-cow", Name of buddha-  |
kāruṇyadhenu | (applied to buddha-),  |
kāryapariccheda | m. right estimate of a case, discrimination  |
kāṣṭhabheda | m. cleaving of wood  |
kāṣṭhekṣu | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
kaṭhera | m. ( ) a needy or distressed man, pauper.  |
kaṭheraṇi | m. Name of a man gaRa upakādi-  |
kāṭheraṇi | m. (fr. kaṭheraṇi-), Name of a man gaRa gahādi-.  |
kāṭheraṇīya | mfn. relating to kāṭheraṇi- gaRa gahādi-.  |
kaṭheru | m. equals cāmara-vāta-  |
katibheda | mfn. of how many divisions or kinds?  |
kaumbheyaka | mfn. fr. kumbhī- gaRa kattryādi-.  |
kāvyakāmadhenu | f. Name of a commentator or commentary by vopa-deva- on his work called kavi-kalpadruma-.  |
khaḍgadhenu | f. a female rhinoceros  |
khaḍgadhenu | f. (equals asi-dh-) a small knife  |
khaḍgidhenukā | f. a female rhinoceros  |
khañjakhela | m. idem or 'm. the wagtail '  |
khañjakheṭa | m. the wagtail  |
khe | locative case of 3. kh/a-, in compound  |
khecara | mf(ī-)n. moving in the air, flying etc.  |
khecara | m. a bird  |
khecara | m. any aerial being (as a messenger of the gods)  |
khecara | m. a gandharva-,  |
khecara | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
khecara | m. a rakṣas-  |
khecara | m. a planet  |
khecara | m. (hence) the number,"nine"  |
khecara | m. quicksilver  |
khecara | m. Name of śiva-  |
khecarā | f. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
khecara | m. durgā-  |
khecara | m. a vidyā-dharī-  |
khecara | m. a particular mudrā- or position of the fingers  |
khecara | m. an earring or a cylinder of wood passed through the lobe of the ear  |
khecara | n. green vitriol  |
khecarāñjana | n. green vitriol  |
khecarānna | n. a particular dish made of rice.  |
khecaratā | f. the magical power of flying  |
khecaratva | n. idem or 'f. the magical power of flying '  |
khecarī | f. with siddhi- or gati-, the magical power of flying ix etc.  |
kheḍ | varia lectio for kheṭ- q.v  |
kheda | m. lassitude, depression etc.  |
kheda | m. exhaustion, pain, affliction, distress etc.  |
kheda | m. sexual passion Introd. on Va1rtt. 1  |
khedā | f. an instrument for splitting (belonging to indra-)  |
khedā | f. Name of a locality  |
kheḍa | (gaRa aśvādi- ) for kheṭa-, a village (see gandha-kh-.)  |
kheda | dana-, etc. See khid-.  |
khedana | mfn. piercing  |
khedana | n. lassitude, exhaustion,  |
khedana | n. pain, sorrow, affliction  |
khedāṅgasāra | m. Name of a tantra-  |
khedānvita | mfn. distressed, pained.  |
khedavigama | m. removal of sexual passion Introd. on Va1rtt. 1.  |
khedayitavya | mfn. to be depressed or made distressed  |
khedi | ayas- plural rays  |
khedin | mfn. tired (see a-kheditva-)  |
khedinī | f. the creeper Marsilea quadrifolia  |
khedinī | f. another plant (aśana-parṇī-)  |
khedita | mfn. disturbed, annoyed  |
khedita | mfn. injured (as by arrows)  |
khedita | mfn. afflicted, distressed  |
khedita | tavya-, etc. See khid-.  |
kheḍitāla | varia lectio for kheṭi-t-.  |
kheditavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be depressed or cast down or troubled  |
khegamana | m. "moving in the air", a kind of gallinule (equals kālakaṇṭha-)  |
khekhīraka | a hollow bamboo  |
khel | cl.1 P. lati-, to shake, move to and fro, swing, tremble : Causal P. khelayati-, to cause to move to and fro, swing, shake  |
khela | mfn. (in compound or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa kaḍārādi- ) moving, shaking, trembling  |
khela | m. Name of a man  |
khelā | f. sport, play gaRa kaṇḍvādi-.  |
khelagamana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having a stately walk '  |
khelagāmin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having a stately walk ' '  |
khelagati | mfn. having a stately walk  |
khelam | ind. so as to shake or tremble  |
khelana | n. moving to and fro, shaking  |
khelana | n. quivering motion (of the eyes)  |
khelana | |