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Grammar Search
"havana" has 1 results
havana: neuter vocative singular stem: havana
Amarakosha Search
Results for havana
gṛham2.2.4-5NeuterSingularagāram, vastyam, sadma, geham, ālayaḥ, gṛhāḥ, bhavanam, niśāntam, veśma, nilayaḥ, mandiram, sadanam, niketanam, udavasitam, nikāyyaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
Results for havana
havanam. (for 2.See) fire or agni- the god of fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanam. a fire-receptacle (= f.)
havanan. the act of offering an oblation with fire, sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanan. a sacrificial ladle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanam. Name of a rudra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanan. calling, invocation, summons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanan. challenging or challenge to battle
havanapaddhatif. Name of a tantra- work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanaśrutmfn. listening to or hearing invocations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havanasyadmfn. hastening to an invocation or challenge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhibhavanan. overpowering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhibhavanan. the state of being overpowered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhihavanan. idem or 'm. pouring the oblation upon.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisambhavana n. attainment, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhavanamfn. stirring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhavanan. agitating, moving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agnihavanan. a sacrificial libation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhavanan. offering an oblation, offering sacrifice, a sacrifice
amṛtabhavanan. Name of a monastery (built by amṛta- prabhā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarbhavanan. the interior of a house. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarbhavanaSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astabhavanan. the seventh lunar mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahirbhavanan. the being outside, coming forth, emanation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) a place of abode, mansion, home, house, palace, dwelling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. horoscope, natal star (See bhavaneśa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanam. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 2nd manvantara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanam. a dog View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. coming into existence, birth, production on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. a site, receptacle (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. the place where anything grows (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' =field see śāli-bh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanan. equals bhuvana-, water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanadvāran. a palace-gate
bhavanandam. Name of an actor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanandanam. patronymic of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanandinm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanapatim. equals -svāmin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanapatim. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanasthānan. the place or room for a house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavanasvāminm. the lord of a house, pater familias View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmabhavanan. brahmā-'s abode View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddhavanagirim. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
carabhavanan. idem or 'n. equals -griha- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devabhavanan. "divine abode", heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devabhavanan. temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devabhavanan. Ficus Religiosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devībhavanan. equals -dhāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhātṛbhavanan. brahmā-'s heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvādaśabhavanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhabhavanan. (equals -gṛha-) the sanctuary of a temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtāhavanamfn. idem or 'mfn. one to whom the ghee oblation belongs (mitra- and varuṇa-, viṣṇu-, indra- and viṣṇu-) .' (agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
iḍepahavanan. one of the sacrificial utensils, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indradevībhavanan. Name of the monastery built by the above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kamalabhavanam. idem or 'm. "sprung from the lotus", Name of brahmā- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulabhavanan. the chief residence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lākṣābhavanan. equals -gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
latābhavanan. equals -gṛha- above, in apa-l-, q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madanabhavanan. "abode of love or matrimony", (in astrology) a particular station or state of the heavenly bodies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mādhavanandanam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māghavanamf(ī-)n. belonging to or ruled by indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghavanam. or n. (?) Name of an agra-hāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
morākabhavanan. Name of a temple built by morāka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navarātrahavanavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivāsabhavanan. sleeping-room View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nṛsiṃhavanan. Name of a district in the north-west of madhya-deśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paribhavanan. humiliation, degradation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhavanan. production, source, origin (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"springing from"; see meru-prabh-and ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhavanan. ruling, presiding (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāghavanandanam. Name of an astronomer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājabhavanan. a king's abode, royal palace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratibhavanan. equals -gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratibhavanan. a brothel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratibhavanan. pudendum muliebre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ripubhavanan. () () Name of the 6th astrological house. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudrahavanam. or n. (?) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakrabhavanan. indra-'s heaven, svarga- or paradise, I-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śālibhavanan. () a rice-field. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambhavanan. containing Va1rtt. 9. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhavanaSee saṃ-hu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhavanan. the act of sacrificing together or in a proper manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhavanan. a quadrangle, group of four houses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārvabhaumābhavanan. idem or 'n. an imperial palace ' , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhavanan. "grove of the Blest", Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudhābhavanan. a plastered or stuccoed house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudhābhavanan. the fifth muhūrta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sugandhavanamāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sundarībhavanan. Name of a temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surabhavanan. a god's abode, temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūtikābhavanan. equals -gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanayabhavanan. the 5th lunar mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tejobhibhavanam. Name of a village View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trikoṇabhavanan. the 5th and 9th mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttālībhavanan. impetuous proceeding. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāsabhavanan. equals -gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanaSee under vi-dhū-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanan. shaking off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhavanan. agitation, trembling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilāsabhavanan. (equals -gṛha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛkṣabhavanan. "tree-abode", the hollow of a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyayabhavanan. equals -gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yakṣabhavanan. a temple dedicated to yakṣa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathābhavanamind. according to houses, house by house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for havana9 results
havanam हवनम् [हु-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Offering an oblation with fire. -2 A sacrifice, an oblation. -3 A sacrificial ladle. -4 Calling, summoning, invocation. -5 Challenging to fight. -नः 1 Fire. -2 A fire-receptacle. -Comp. -आयुस् m. fire.
abhibhavanam अभिभवनम् Overpowering, overcoming, being subjected to or overpowered by; जरया चाभिभवनम् Ms.6.62.
ādhavanam आधवनम् Shaking, agitating.
āhavanam आहवनम् 1 A sacrifice; द्रष्टुमाहवनमग्रजन्मनाम् Śi.14.38. -2 An oblation.
prabhavanam प्रभवनम् 1 Production. -2 Source, origin.
bhavanam भवनम् [भू-आधारे ल्युट्] 1 Being, existence. -2 Production, birth. -3 An abode, residence, dwelling, mansion; अथवा भवनप्रत्ययात् प्रविष्टो$स्मि Mk.3; Me.34; Rām.7.11. 5. -4 A site, abode, receptacle; as in अविनयभवनम् Pt. 1.191. -5 A building. -6 A field; स शालिभवनं रम्यं सर्व- सस्यसमाचितम् Mb.5.84.15. -7 Nature. -8 Horoscope, natal star. -नः A dog. -Comp. -उदरम् the interior of a house. -द्वारम् a palace-gate. -पतिः, -स्वामिन् m. the lord of the house, a pater familias.
māghavana माघवन a. (-नी f.) Belonging to or ruled by Indra; ककुभं समस्कुरुत माघवनीम् Śi.9.25; अवनीतलमेव साधु मन्ये न वनी माघवनी विलासहेतुः Jag.
vidhavanam विधवनम् 1 Shaking, agitating. -2 Tremor, trembling.
saṃhavanam संहवनम् 1 The act of sacrificing together. -2 Sacrificing in a proper manner. -3 A quadrangular group of four houses.
Macdonell Vedic Search
Results for havana1 result
havanaśrut havana-śrút, a. (Tp.) listening to invocations, ii. 33, 15 [hávana (from hū call) + śrú-t hearingfrom śru hear with determinative t].
Macdonell Search
28 results
antarbāṣpa m. restrained tears; a. restraining the tears; -bhavana, ad. in or into the house (°ree;--); -bhâva, m. inclusion in (lc.); disappearance: -m gam, disappear; -bhâvita, pp. included; -bhûta, pp. contained in (lc.): -tva, n. abs. n.; -bheda, m. internal rupture; -mada½avastha, a. whose rut is still within, i. e. has not yet outwardly shown itself; -mandira, n. harem; -manmatha, m. concealed love; -mukha, a. entering the mouth; turned inwards.
anyathādarśana n. wrong in vestigation (leg.); -prathâ, f. becoming dif ferent; -buddhi, f. prejudice; -bhâva, m. change; difference; -½abhidhâna, n. false evi dence; -vâdin, a. giving false evidence, rais ing a false suit: (di)-tva, n. abst. n.; -vritti, a. of changed mood, agitated; -sambhâvanâ, f. false supposition; distrust; -sambhâvin, a. distrustful; -siddha, pp. falsely proved; -siddhi, f. false proof; -stotra,n. ironical praise.
amṛta pp. not hvg. died; immortal; m. god; â, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of immortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -tegas, m. N. of a fairy prince; -tvá, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -dîdhiti, m. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dhâyin, a. sipping --; -pâyin, a. drinking nectar=hearing fine speeches; -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; â, f. N.; -bhavana, n. N. of a monastery; -bhâsh ana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhug, m. god; -bhogana, a. eating the remnants of sacrifices; -máya, a. (î) immortal; nectar-like; consist ing of nectar; -rasmi, m. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -latâ, f. creeper yielding nectar; -loka, m. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hrada, m. lake of nectar.
ātmasaṃtāna m. son; -sam deha, m. personal risk; -sama, a. like oneself: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -samarpana, n. giving oneself up to (a deity); -sambhava, m. son; Kâma: â, f. daughter; -sambhâvanâ,f. self conceit; -sât-kri, place on oneself; make one's own; -stava, m. self-praise; praise of the Âtman; -hatyâ, f. suicide; -han, a. killing the soul; m. suicide; -hita, n. one's own welfare.
indratā f. Indra's power or dignity; -tva, n. id.; sovereignty; -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; -devî, f. N. of a queen: -bhavana, n. N. of a vihâra built by her; -dhanús, n. Indra's bow, rainbow; -nîla, m.sapphire or emerald; -purogama, a. preceded by Indra; -mada, m. certain disease of leeches; -mand ira, m. Indra's abode, heaven; -maha-kâm uka, m. dog.
kulapatana n. fall --, degradation of the family; -pati, m. head of the family; -parvata, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range; -p&asharp;, m. f. head of the family or community; -pâms anî, f. disgrace to her family; -pâlikâ, f. N.; -putra, m. son of a good family; virtuous youth: -ka, m. id.; -purusha, m. man of good family; virtuous man; -pratishthâ, f. support of the race; -prasûta, pp. born of a noble race; -bhava, a.coming of a noble race; -bhavana, n. chief residence; -bhûta, pp. being the head of the guild; -bhûbhrit, m. chief mtn. or mtn.-range; model of a prince; -mârga, m. ancestral path; -mitra, n. friend of the family.
garbha m. womb; interior (--°ree; a. con taining -within); foetus, embryo; new-born child; child; offspring, brood (of birds); con ception; sprout: *-ka, m. wreath of flowers interwoven with the hair; -kâma, a. desirous of the fruit of the womb; -kâra, n. N. of a Sastra (producing fertility); -kâla, m. time of pregnancy; -gata, pp. lying in the womb; -griha, -geha, n. inner apartment, bed chamber; inner sanctuarycontaining the image of the deity; -graha, m., -grahana, n. conception; -kyuti, f. birth; -tâ, f., -tva, n. pregnancy; -dâsa, m. (î, f.) slave by birth (Pr.); -dvâdasa, m. pl. twelfth year after conception; -dharâ, a. f. pregnant;-dhâr ana, n. pregnancy; -purodâsa, m. cake offered during the pregnancy of a female animal; -bhartri-druh, a. injuring the foetus and the husband; -bharman, n. nurture of the foetus; -bhavana, n. inner sanctuary con taining the image of the deity; -bhâra, m. burden of the womb: -m dhri, become preg nant; -mandapa, m. inner apartment, bed chamber; -mâsa, m. month of pregnancy; -rûpaka, m. young man; -lakshana, n. sign of pregnancy; -vatî, a. f. pregnant; -vasati, f., -vâsa, m. womb; -vesman, n. inner chamber; lying-in room; -sâtana, n. causing of abortion; -samsravana, n. miscarriage; -samkarita, m. one of mixed extraction; -sambhava,m. conception; -sambhûti, f. id.; -stha, a. being in the womb; -sthâna, n. womb; -srâva, m. miscarriage.
trisatya n. triple oath; -samdhya, n. the three diurnal junctures (sunrise, noon, sunset): -m, ad. at the time of the three Sam dhyâs; a. relating to the three Samdhyâs; -savana, a. & n.=tri-shavana; -sâdhana, a. produced or conditioned by three things; (í) suparna: -ka, m. n. N. of the verses RV. X, cxiv, 3-5; a. conversant with these verses; -stana, a. (î) three-breasted; -sthâna, a. having three places; -srotas, f. ep. of the Ganges (triple-flowing).
triṣadhastha a. being in three places; n. threefold place; -shavana, a. ac companied by three Soma-pressings; n. the three Soma-pressings during the day; with snâna, n. triple daily ablution: -m,ad. morn ing, noon, and evening, -snâyin, a. perform ing ablutions three times a day; -shash, a. pl. three times six, eighteen; -shtub-anta, a. ending with a trishtubh; -shtúbh, f. (triple praise), a. metre of 4 X 11 syllables.
durvaca a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance.
devapati m. lord of the gods, Indra; (á)-patnî, a. f. having a god for a husband; -pasu, m. animal consecrated to the gods; -pâtrá, n. cup of the gods; -p&asharp;na, a. serving the gods for drinking;-putra, m. son of a god; a. (devá-) having gods as children; -pur, f. citadel of the gods; Indra's abode; -pura, n. Indra's abode; -pûgâ, f. divine worship; -pûrva, a. preceded by the word deva: -giri, m.=deva-giri; -prabha, m. N. of a Gandharva; -prasâda, m. N.; -priya, a. beloved of the gods (Siva); -bhakti, f. devotion to a god or the gods; -bhavana, n. abode of the gods, heaven; temple; -bhi shag, m. divine physician; -bhûta,pp. hav ing become or being a god; -maní, m. divine jewel, esp. Vishnu's breast ornament; whirl of hair on a horse's neck; -maya, a. con taining the gods; -mâtri-ka, a. nourished by rain only, i. e. by no other water; -mârga, m. path of the gods, jocular designation of the hind quarters; -muni, m. divine sage.
devī f. of deva: -ka, --°ree; a. princess, queen; -kriti, f. N. of a pleasure grove; -garbha-griha, n. inner sanctuary containing the image of Durgâ; -griha, n. temple of Durgâ; queen's apartment; -tva, n.condition of a goddess or princess; -dhâman, n. temple of Durgâ; -bhavana, n. temple of Durgâ.
paribhaya m. apprehension, fear; -bhava, m. disrespect, contumely, insult, in jury, humiliation; disregard, contempt, for (g., lc., --°ree;), on the part of (in., ab., --°ree;): -pa da, -½âspada, n. object of contempt; -bhav ana, n. humiliation: î-ya, fp. who can be insulted or humiliated; to be humbled; -bhavin, a. insulting, despising, mocking (g.); -bhâva, m. disregard, contumely; -bhâvanâ, f. thought, reflexion; -bhâvin, a. slighting; mocking, baffling (--°ree;); -bhâvuka, a. sur passing (ac.); -bhâshana, n. conversation, chatter; reproof, reprimand: î-ya, fp. to be reproved; -bhâshâ, f. speech; censure, re proach, contumely; general rule or maxim; rule defining the application of (grammatical) sûtras; -bhâshin, a. speaking (--°ree;); -bh&usharp;, a. (with ac.) surrounding, encompassing; pervad ing; superior, guiding; (pári)-bhûti, f. su perior might (V.); disrespect, contumely, hu miliation (sts. pl.); -bhûshana, m. (sc. Samdhi) peace bought by the cession of all the revenues of a country; -bheda, m. injury; -bhoktri, m. enjoyer; one who lives on another, spunge; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; sexual intercourse; means of enjoyment or subsistence; -bhramsa, m. escape: -na, n. loss, of (ab.); -bhrama, m. digressions, irrelevant talk: -na, n. turn ing, revolution; going to and fro; circumfer ence; -bhrashta-sukha, a. whose joy has departed, joyless.
pādanamra a. bowing down to the feet of any one; -nikrit, a. having a de ficiency of a syllable in each quarter-verse; -nyâsa, m. setting down of the feet, step; footprint; -pa, m. (drinking by the root), plant, esp. tree: -ka, --°ree;, a. id.; -patana, n. throwing oneself at the feet of any one, pros tration; -patita, pp. having thrown oneself at any one's feet; -paddhati, f. line of foot steps, footprints; -padma, m. lotus-foot; -parikâraka, m. humble servant; -pâda dhâvana, n. washing of one foot with the other; -pîtha, n. footstool: î-kri, turn into a footstool; -pûrana, a., n. filling a verse foot; -prakshâlana, n. washing of the feet; -prasârana, n. stretching out the feet; -pra hâra, m. kick; -bhata, m. foot-soldier; -bhâ ga, m. a fourth; -bhâg, a. possessing=equalling only a fourth part of any one (g.) in (lc.); -mudrâ, f. footprint; trace, sign, indication:-pa&ndot;kti, f. line of footprints, track; -mûla, n. root of the foot, tarsus; sometimes used as a respectful designation of a person; foot of a mountain: e ni-pat, fall at the feet of (g.); -yuddha, n. foot-fight; -ragas, n.dust of the feet; -lagna, pp. sticking in the foot (thorn); lying at any one's feet; attached to the foot; -lepa, m. foot-ointment of a peculiarly magical power; -vandana, n. adoration of the feet, reverential salutation;-sabda, m. sound of footsteps; -sas, ad. foot by foot; by a fourth; sauka, n. cleansing of the feet; -stambha, m. supporting beam, pillar.
brahmanirvāṇa n. extinction or absorption in Brahman (n.); -nishtha, a. absorbed in the contemplation of Brahman (n.); -nîda, n. resting-place of Brahman (n.); -pattra, n. Brahman's leaf=leaf of the Palâsa tree (Butea frondosa); -patha, m. path to Brahman (m. or n.); -pada, n. place of Brahman (n.); pârâyana, n. complete study or entire text of the Veda; -putrá, m. son of a priest or Brâhman; son of the god Brahman; kind of vegetable poison; N. of a large river rising in the eastern Himâlayas and falling into the bay of Bengal; N. of a lake; -pura, n. Brahman's citadel (in heaven); N. of a city (Theopolis): î, f. id.; ep. of the city of Benares; -puraka, m. pl. N. of a people; -pura½âkhya, a. named Brahmapura; -purâna, n. T. of a Purâna; -purusha, m. servant of the Brahman priest; servant of the god Brahman; -prakriti-ka, a. having Brahman as its source (world): -tva, n. origination from Brahman; -priya, a. found of devotion; -prî, a. id. (RV.); -bandhava, n. function of a priest's assistant; -bandhu, m. priest fellow (used contemptuously), unworthy Brâhman, Brâhman in caste only, nominal Brâhman; sp. Brâhman who does not perform the morning and the evening Samdhyâ ceremony (according to Sâyana); -bindu, m. Dot (Anusvâra) of Brahman, T. of an Upani shad; -bîga, n. seed of the Veda, the sacred syllable &open;om;&close; -bruvâna, pr. pt. Â. calling himself or pretending to be a Brâhman; -bhavana, n. abode of Brahman; -bhâgá, m. share of the Brahman priest; -bhâva, m. absorption in the Absolute; -bhâvana, a. manifesting or teaching the Veda; -bhid, a. dividing the one Brahman into many; -bhuvana, n. world of Brahman; -bhûta, pp. having become one with, i.e. absorbed in Brahman or the Abso lute; -bhûya, n. identification with or absorption in Brahman; rank of a Brâhman, Brâhmanhood; -bhûyas, a. becoming one with Brahman; n. absorption in Brahman; -bhrashta, pp. having forfeited sacred knowledge; -ma&ndot;gala-devatâ, f. ep. of Lakshmî; -matha, m. N. of a monastic school or college; -maya, a. (î) consisting or formed of Brahman; -maha, m. festival in honour of Brâhmans; -mîmâmsâ, f. inquiry into the nature of Brahman, the Vedânta philosophy; -yagñá, m. sacrifice of devotion=Vedic reci tation or study (one of the five daily sacri fices of the householder); -yasas, n.: -a, n. glory of Brahman; -yasas-in, a. possessing the glory of Brâhmans; -yúg, a. yoked by prayer = bringing the god in answer to prayer; -yoni, f. home of Brahman (n.); a. having one's home in Brahman; sprung from Brahman: -stha, a. abiding in Brahman (n.) as one's source; -rakshas, n. kind of evil demon; -ratna, n. valuable present bestowed on Brâh mans; -ratha, m. Brâhman's cart; -râkshasa, m. kind of evil demon; -râga, m. N.; -râta, m.given by Brahman, ep. of Suka; N. of Yâgñavalkya's father; -râsi, m. entire mass or circle of Vedic texts or sacred knowledge.
bhavabhaṅga m. annihilation of mundane existence; -bhâva, m. love of the world; -bhâvana, a. bestowing welfare: â, f. regarding anything as good fortune (--°ree;); -bhîru, a. fearing rebirth; -bhûti, f. for tunate existence; m. N. of a dramatic poet, author of the Mâlatîmâdhava, the Mahâvîra karita, and the Uttararâmakarita, who lived in the eighth century a.d.; -bhoga, m. plea sures of the world; -manyu, m. resentment against the world; -maya, a. proceeding from Siva; -mokana, a. releasing from mundane existence; -sarman, m. N.; -sa&ndot;gin, a. at tached to worldly existence; -samtati, f. continuous series of transmigrations; -sâyu- gya, n. union with Siva (after death); -sâra, m. ocean of existence.
bhāvita cs. pp. (√ bhû) produced, manifested; cherished; good-humoured; elated, conscious of one's power; pervaded or inspired by, engrossed with (in. or --°ree;); directed towards (lc.); perfumed: -bhâvana, a. furthered and furthering; -buddhi, a. having purified or moulded one's intellect.
bhūtakaraṇa n. that which pro duces the past tense, augment; -kartri, m. creator of beings; -kâla, m. past time; -kâl ika, a. relating to the past; -krít, a. creat ing beings; m. creator of beings; -ketu, m. N. of a Vetâla; -gana, m. the host of created beings; a or the host of spirits; -grâ ma, m. sg. & pl. the aggregate of created beings, community of creatures; multitude of spirits; -kârin, a. moving among beings (Siva); -kintâ, f. investigation of the ele ments; -kaitanika, m. believer in the doc trine that mind is produced from material elements; -kaitanya, n. state of matter being mind; -gananî, f. mother of all beings; -gâta, n.aggregate of beings; -tâ, f. verity, truth; -tva, n. condition of created beings or elements; -dayâ, f. tenderness to all creatures; -druh, a. injuring creatures; -dharâ, f. supporter of creatures, earth; -dhâtrî, f. supporter of creatures (sleep); earth; -dhârinî, f. earth; -nâtha, m. ruler of spirits, ep. of Siva; -nikaya, m. (aggre gate of elements), body; -páti, m. lord of creatures, esp. of evil spirits, ep. of Agni, Bhava, Sarva, and Siva; -pâla, m.protector of creatures; -pûrva, a. having been before, former; old (stories); deceased: -tâ, f. for mer circumstances; -prakriti, f. primal source of created beings; -bhartri, m. lord of spirits, ep. of Siva; -bhâvana, a.blessing creatures, ep. of Brahman; -bhâvin, a. creating beings; past and future; -bhâshâ, f., -bhâshita, (pp.) n. language of the goblins; -bhrit, a. supporting beings; -bhautika, a. consisting of the elements and what is formed of them; -maya, a. (î) including all beings; formed out of the five elements; -mahesvara, m. great lord of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -mâ trâ, f. pl. the subtile elements; the gross and the subtile elements; -yagñá, m.offering to all created beings (one of the five Mahâya gñas to be performed daily by the householder; it consists in the oblation of the Bali, q. v.); -yoni, f. origin of created beings; -râg, m. king of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -rûpa, a. having the form of a goblin.
maryādā f. [giving a clear sign: √ mar*, shine], mark, landmark; boundary, limit; end; goal; verge of the ocean, coast; strictly defined relation; bounds of morality, moral law; established usage; limits of pro priety; definite or fixed rule; fast alliance or contract: -giri, -½akala, m. frontier moun tain; -dhâvana, n. running towards a goal; -bhedaka, m. destroyer of landmarks; -maya, a. forming the bounds of morality; -vakana, n. statement of the limit.
yakṣa n. [speeder], supernatural being, spectre, ghost (V.); m. N. of a class of demi-gods, attendants of Kubera: -tâ, f., -tva, n. condition of a Yaksha; -dara, m. (?) N. of a locality; -dâsî, f. N.; -dris, a.having a spectral appearance (RV.1); -deva-griha, n. Yaksha temple; -pati, m. lord of the Yakshas; ep. of Kubera; -bhavana, n. Yaksha temple; -bhrit, a. spectre-bearing (?; RV.1); -râg, m. king of the Yakshas, ep. ofKubera; -râga, m. id.; -½a&ndot;ganâ, f. wife of a Yaksha; -½adhipa, -½adhipati, m. id.; -½âyat ana, n. Yaksha temple.
ratikara a. (î) causing pleasure; -kriyâ, f. sexual intercourse; -griha, n. pleasure-house; -gña, a. skilled in the arts of love; -pati, m. husband of Rati, god of love; -parikaya, m. frequency of sexual union; -priya, a. pleasant during sexual in tercourse; -phala, a. productive of sensual pleasure, aphrodisiacal; -bandhu, m. lover, husband, -bhavana, n. pleasure-house; -mat, a. joyful, glad; delighting in (lc.); enamoured; accompanied by Rati; -mandira, n. cham ber of love; -ramana, m. lover of Rati, god of love; -rasa, m. sexual enjoyment; a. having the flavour of love; -rahasya, n. secrets of love, T. of a work; -vallî, f.creeper of love; -sarvasva, n. quintessence of sexual pleasure; T. of an erotic work; -sahakara, m. companion of Rati, god of love; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -½îsa, m. husband of Rati, god of love.
rājapaṭṭa m. kind of gem, dia mond of inferior quality; -patnî, f. consort of a king; -patha, m. royal road, highway; -paddhati, f. id.; -pitri, m. royal father; -putrá, 1. m. king's son, prince; Râjput (a mixed caste, offspring of Vaisya and Am bashthâ or Kshatriya and Karanî); son of the moon, planet Mercury: î, f. king's daugh ter, female Râjput; (r&asharp;ga)-putra, 2. a. hav ing kings as sons (RV.1); -putraka, m. king's son, prince: ikâ, f. princess; -putra-loka, m. assemblage of princes; -pums, m. royal servant or official; -pura, n. Kingstown, N. of a town; -purî, f. N. of a town; -pu rusha, m. king's man, royal servant or offi cial; -pûrusha, m. metr.=-purusha; -pau rushika, a. being in the service of a king; -prakriti, f. king's minister; -priyâ, f. mis tress of a king; mistress of the moon; -presh ya, m. king's servant; n. royal service; -bandin, m. N.; -bândhava, m. relation of a king: î, f. female relation of a king; -bîg in, a. of royal descent; -bhakti-puras krita, pp. distinguished by devotion to their king; -bhata, m. royal mercenary, soldier; -bhaya, n. fear of a king; danger from a king; -bhavana, n. royal palace; -bhâryâ, f. king's spouse; -bhrita, m. soldier; -bhri tya, m. king's servant; -bhauta, m. fool of a king; -bhratrí, m. king's brother; -mani, m. kind ofjewel; -mandira, n. royal palace; -mahishî, f. chief consort of a king; king's wife; -mâtri, f. king's mother, queen mother.
vāsaparyaya m. change of resi dence; -prâsâda, m. palace; -bhavana, n. bed-chamber; -bhûmi, f. place of abode, homestead.
vidhātavya fp. to be fixed (place); -procured; -performed or done; -enter tained (anxiety); -thought of; -employed or appointed; n. it should be so (tathâ) arranged or managed that (yathâ); -dhâtrí, m. dispenser, bestower; disposer, creator; ordainer of destiny, Brahman; personified fate: -trî, f. female author or creator; -dh&asharp; na, a. (î) regulating (rare); n. order, ordi nance, prescription, precept, rule, regulation; method, treatment, diet (in medicine); des tiny, fate (rare); arrangement, disposition, measure, for (--°ree;); means, expedient (rare); erection (of machines); creation, formation (rare); work (RV.); execution, performance; food of elephants (very rare); in. sg. & pl., or -tas, according to rule or precept; anena vidhânena, according to this rule, in this manner; desa-kâla-vidhânena, in the right place and at the right time; -dhânaka, n. rules to be observed; -dhâya-ka, a. prescrib ing, containing rules about (--°ree;); performing, executing; manifesting; m. founder, builder; -dhâyin, a. prescribing, regulating, contain ing rules regarding (--°ree;); performing, execut ing; causing, producing; m. builder, founder; -dhârana, n. stopping (a car); suppression or repression of (--°ree;); carrying; bearing, sup porting; -dhârin, a. checking, suppressing; -dhâvana,n. running about.
vibhājaka a. distributing; divid ing; -bhâgya, fp. to be divided; -bhândaka, m. N. of a sage with the pat. Kâsyapa; -bh&asharp;-t, pr. pt. (-î) shining afar; m. N. of a Pra gâpati world; -bhâta,pp. √ bhâ; n. day break; -bhânu, a. shining, beaming (Agni; RV.1); -bhâva, m. ep. of Siva; a represen tation of art as affecting the emotions (rh.); -bh&asharp;van, a. (vc. vas) shining, brilliant; -bhâvana, (cs.) a.developing, manifesting; n. development, creation; manifestation; perception; (causing to be before the mind , reflection on (--°ree;); arousing a certain emotion by a work of art: â, f. representation of effects the causes of which are left to be con jectured; -bhâvanîya, fp. to be perceived; to be convicted; -bhâ-varî, f. (starry) night: -kânta, -½îsa, m. moon; -bh&asharp;-vasu, a. ra diantly bright; m. fire; god of fire; sun; N. of a mythical prince; -bhâvin, a. mighty; causing to appear (--°ree;); arousing an emotion; perceptible, comprehensible; to be attended to; n. imps. one should pay heed to; -bhâ shâ, f. option, optionality: nm. sts.=in. op tionally; -bhâsá, m. N. of one of the seven suns; a certain Râga.
vilāsa m. manifestation; appear ance, aspect; diversion, sport, fun (common mg.); doings; (female) coquetry, dalliance (ord. mg.); wantonness (rare); liveliness (one of the eight masculine virtues; rare); charm, grace (rare): -kodanda, m. god of love; -griha, n. pleasure house; -kâpa, m. god of love; -dolâ, f. pleasure swing; -dhan van, m. god of love; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bâna, m. god of love; -bhavana, n. plea sure house; -bhitti, f. wall in appearance; -mani-darpana, m. mirror of jewels as a play thing; -maya, a. full of grace; -mekhalâ, f. toy girdle; -vat-î, f. coquettish woman; N.; -vasati, f. pleasure resort; -vâtâyana, n.balcony or terrace for amusement; -vip ina, n. pleasure wood; -vihâra, m. walking for pleasure, promenading; -vesman, n. pleasure house; -sayyâ, f. pleasure couch; -sîla, m. N. of a king; -sadman, n. plea sure house.
śubhakara a. auspicious; -karman, n. good work; a. acting nobly; -m-kara, m. (propitious), N. of an Asura; -datta, m. N.; -darsana, a. beautiful; -dina, n. auspicious day; -dhara, m. N.; -naya, m. N. of a sage; -prada, a. auspicious; -bhâvanâ, f. good opinion of men; -ma&ndot;gala, n. good fortune, prosperity; a. fortunate; -maya, a. (î) splen did, beautiful; -m-bhâvuka, a. looking beau tiful, splendid.
saṃskāra m. [√ kri] preparation, dressing (of food); refining (of metals etc.); polishing (of gems); cleansing, purifying; embellishment, decoration, adornment; rear ing (of animals or plants); toilet, attire (rare); correct formation or use (of a word); train ing, education; correctness (of pronuncia tion or expression); purificatory rite, domes tic consecration (applicable to all members of the first three castes), sacrament; sacrament of the dead, cremation (rare); mental impres sion (left by causes no longer operative and sts. dating from a previous birth; there are three kinds, vega, impulse, sthiti-sthâpaka, elasticity, andbhâvanâ, reproductive ima gination); after-effect; creation of the mind (regarded by it as real though actually non existent, such as material phenomena and all connected therewith; B.): -tâ, f. abst. n. of a cpd. ending insamskâra (=mental impres sion); -tva, n. decoration: kakshushâm samskâra-tvam sam-âp, become a feast to the eye; -nâman, n. sacramental name (= our baptismal name); -maya, a. (--°ree;) con sisting in the consecration of (rite); -vat, a. grammatically correct; -visishta, pp. better prepared (food).
Bloomfield Vedic
28 results0 results35 results
iṣirā havanaśrutā RV.5.75.5b.
ṛtubhir havanaśrutaḥ RV.6.52.10b; TS.; MS.4.10.3b: 150.10; KS.13.15b.
atyaṃ na vājaṃ havanasyadaṃ ratham # RV.1.52.1c; SV.1.377c; AB.5.16.17.
araṃ me gantaṃ havanāyāsmai # RV.6.63.2a.
arvāg avasā havanaśrutā gatam # RV.7.83.3d.
asann it tve āhavanāni bhūri # RV.7.8.5a.
asmān rāyo maghavānaḥ sacantām # RV.1.98.3b; VS.2.10b; MS.1.4.1b: 47.8; 2.4.3b (bis): 41.1,8; KS.5.2b; 32.2; śB.; śś.4.9.1b. See under asmān rāya.
asme naro maghavānaḥ sutasya # RV.7.48.1b.
āṅgūṣo vāṃ maghavānā janeṣu # RV.3.58.5b.
ā no gachataṃ havanā # śś.15.8.20. Comm. adds upa yajñam, and designates the mantra as sauparṇī.
ṛbhukṣaṇaṃ maghavānaṃ suvṛktim # RV.10.74.5c.
evā satyaṃ maghavānā yuvaṃ tat # RV.4.28.5a.
kadā gomaghā havanāni gachāḥ # RV.6.35.3d.
kad dha stha havanaśrutaḥ # RV.8.67.5c; N.6.27c.
garbham adhān madhavānaḥ # AVP.5.12.8a.
ghṛtāhavana īḍyaḥ # śś.8.24.1. Cf. ghṛtāhavanam.
ghṛtāhavanam īḍyam # RV.8.74.5c. Cf. ghṛtāhavana īḍyaḥ.
carṣaṇīdhṛtaṃ maghavānam ukthyam (SV. ukthyā3m) # RV.3.51.1a; SV.1.374a; KB.30.3; GB.2.4.15. P: carṣaṇīdhṛtam Aś.6.1.2; śś.9.2.3; Svidh.2.3.3. See vṛtrataraṃ ma-.
juṣethāṃ viśvā havanā matīnām # RV.6.69.4c.
tanā ca ye maghavānaḥ śaviṣṭhāḥ # RV.1.77.4c.
tam indraṃ johavīmi maghavānam ugram # RV.8.97.13a; AVś.20.55.1a; SV.1.460a; TB.; śś.18.4.8; 5.9,11. P: tam indraṃ johavīmi Aś.7.4.3; śś.12.4.9,23.
tiro aryo havanāni śrutaṃ naḥ # RV.7.68.2c.
turīyāditya (VSK. turyā-) savanaṃ (RV. havanaṃ) ta indriyam # RV.8.52 (Vāl.4).7c; VS.8.3c; VSK.8.1.2c; TS.; MS.1.3.26c: 39.5; KS.4.10c; śB.
te no arvanto havanaśruto havam # RV.10.64.6a; VS.9.17a; TS.; MS.1.11.2a: 162.14; KS.13.14a; śB.
tve agna āhavanāni bhūri # RV.7.1.17a.
dāna id vo maghavānaḥ so astu # RV.10.32.9c.
dūṇāśeyaṃ dakṣiṇā pārthavānām # RV.6.27.8d.
nābrahmāṇo maghavānaṃ sutāsaḥ # RV.7.26.1b; śB.
nīthe-nīthe maghavānaṃ sutāsaḥ # RV.7.26.2b; TS.; ApMB.2.11.8b.
pūṣā viṣṇur havanaṃ me sarasvatī # RV.8.54 (Vāl.6).4a.
bṛhaspate maghavānaḥ suvīrāḥ # RV.5.42.8b.
maryaṃ na śundhyuṃ maghavānam ūtaye # RV.10.43.1d; AVś.20.17.1d; SV.1.375d.
mānebhir maghavānā suvṛkti # RV.1.184.5b.
ya āsāṃ biladhāvanaḥ # TS.; KSA.4.8a.
yathā rājan madhavāna # AVP.5.12.7a.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"havana" has 2 results
prayogapallavaa small treatise in verses on the conjugation of roots, written by Bhavanatha Misra, son of Ramapati.
ṣaṭkārakavivecanaa small treatise on the six case-relations written by a grammarian Bhavananda who held the title Siddhāntavagisa.
Vedabase Search
45 results
amantrayan deliberated on how to stop the continuous disturbances in MahāvanaSB 10.11.21
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Adi 10.131
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda, the father of Rāmānanda RāyaCC Madhya 1.130
bhavānanda rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Madhya 10.49
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Madhya 10.50
bhavānanda-rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.15
bhavānanda-rāyera of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.61
bhavānanda rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.103
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.127
bhavānanda-rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.129
bhavānandera putra the son of BhavānandaCC Madhya 11.108
bhavānandera of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.120
bhavānandera putra the sons of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.125
kara bhavanātha Bhavanātha KaraCC Adi 12.60
paṭṭanāyaka-goṣṭhīke to the Paṭṭanāyaka family (the descendants of Bhavānanda Rāya)CC Antya 13.111
rāya kahe Bhavānanda Rāya repliedCC Madhya 10.54
kara bhavanātha Bhavanātha KaraCC Adi 12.60
loha-vana to LohavanaCC Madhya 18.67
mahā-vana to MahāvanaCC Madhya 18.67
mahā-vana MahāvanaCC Antya 13.45
yāi' mahā-vane going to the vicinity of MahāvanaCC Antya 13.47
mahā-vane at MahāvanaCC Antya 13.48
yāi mahāvana let us go to MahāvanaCC Madhya 18.156
paṭṭanāyaka-goṣṭhīke to the Paṭṭanāyaka family (the descendants of Bhavānanda Rāya)CC Antya 13.111
bhavānandera putra the son of BhavānandaCC Madhya 11.108
bhavānandera putra the sons of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.125
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Adi 10.131
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda, the father of Rāmānanda RāyaCC Madhya 1.130
bhavānanda rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Madhya 10.49
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Madhya 10.50
rāya kahe Bhavānanda Rāya repliedCC Madhya 10.54
bhavānanda-rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.15
bhavānanda rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.103
rāya bhavānanda Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.127
bhavānanda-rāya Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.129
bhavānanda-rāyera of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.61
rāyera of Bhavānanda RāyaCC Antya 9.145
tāńre him (Bhavānanda Rāya)CC Madhya 10.61
loha-vana to LohavanaCC Madhya 18.67
mahā-vana to MahāvanaCC Madhya 18.67
mahā-vana MahāvanaCC Antya 13.45
yāi' mahā-vane going to the vicinity of MahāvanaCC Antya 13.47
mahā-vane at MahāvanaCC Antya 13.48
yāi mahāvana let us go to MahāvanaCC Madhya 18.156
yāi' mahā-vane going to the vicinity of MahāvanaCC Antya 13.47
Results for havana17 results
havana noun (neuter) a sacrificial ladle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sacrifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of offering an oblation with fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12302/72933
anubhavana noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 23006/72933
antarbhavana noun (neuter) the interior of a house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43453/72933
abhavana noun (neuter) nonexistence
Frequency rank 44087/72933
abhibhavana noun (neuter) overpowering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the state of being overpowered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26532/72933
ekībhavana noun (neuter) union
Frequency rank 48037/72933
gavāṃbhavana noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 51226/72933
tanmayībhavana noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 53291/72933
taralībhavana noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 53343/72933
dravībhavana noun (neuter) liquefaction
Frequency rank 35897/72933
piṇḍībhavana noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 57994/72933
prabhavana noun (neuter) origin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
presiding (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
production (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ruling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
source (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37318/72933
bhavana noun (masculine) a dog (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a ṣi in the 2nd Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60597/72933
bhavana noun (neuter) a place of abode (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a site (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
birth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
coming into existence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
home (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
horoscope (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
natal star (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
palace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
production (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
receptacle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the place where anything grows (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1278/72933
meghavana noun (masculine neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā name of an Agrahāra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62544/72933
sambhavana noun (neuter) containing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69317/72933
siddhavana noun (neuter) name of a place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70564/72933
Wordnet Search
"havana" has 25 results.


atithi-gṛham, atithi-bhavanam, atithi-śālā   

yatra atithayaḥ nivasanti athavā atithīnāṃ nivāsasya kṛte nirmitaṃ gṛham।

atithi-gṛhe ekā api kakṣā riktā nāsti।


mandiram, devālayaḥ, īśvarasadma, devakulam, devagṛham, devabhavanam, devaveśman, devāgāram, devāyatanam, devāvasathaḥ, devatāgāram, pariṣkandaḥ, puṇyagṛham, pūjāgṛham, maṅgalagṛham, mahālayaḥ, vayunam, kīrtanam   

yatra bhavane devatā pratiṣṭhāpanāṃ kṛtvā pūjyate।

saḥ snātvā mandiraṃ gacchati।


prasūtigṛham, prasavagṛham, prasūtibhavanam   

yasmin gṛhe strī prasūyate।

prasūtigṛhasya svacchatā avaśyaṃ karaṇīyā।


bhavanam, prāsādaḥ, harmyam   

śilā tathā ca iṣṭikādibhiḥ vinirmitaḥ vāstoḥ kakṣāsvarūpaḥ bhāgaḥ।

asya bhavanasya nirmāṇe trīṇi varṣāṇi gatāni।


gṛham, geham, udvasitam, veśma, sadma, niketanam, niśāntam, natsyam, sadanam, bhavanam, agāram, sandiram, gṛhaḥ, nikāyaḥ, nilayaḥ, ālayaḥ, vāsaḥ, kuṭaḥ, śālā, sabhā, pastyam, sādanam, āgāram, kuṭiḥ, kuṭī, gebaḥ, niketaḥ, sālā, mandirā, okaḥ, nivāsaḥ, saṃvāsaḥ, āvāsaḥ, adhivāsaḥ, nivasati, vasati, ketanam, gayaḥ, kṛdaraḥ, gartaḥ, harmyam, astam, duroṇe, nīlam, duryāḥ, svasarāṇi, amā, dame, kṛttiḥ, yoniḥ, śaraṇam, varūtham, chardichadi, chāyā, śarma, ajam   

manuṣyaiḥ iṣṭikādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ vāsasthānam।

gṛhiṇyā eva gṛhaṃ śobhate।


prāsādaḥ, mahābhavanam, aṭṭālikā, aṭṭaḥ   

aṭṭālikopari gṛham।

mumbaīnagaryāṃ bahavaḥ aṭṭālikāḥ santi।



ekayā eva aṭṭālikayā yuktaṃ bṛhad gṛham।

amitaḥ ekasmin viśāle bhavane vasati।


yajñaḥ, yāgaḥ, medhaḥ, kratuḥ, adhvaraḥ, makhaḥ, ijyā, savaḥ, iṣṭiḥ, yajñakarma, yajanam, yājanam, āhavaḥ, savanam, havaḥ, abhiṣavaḥ, homaḥ, havanam, yājñikyam, iṣṭam, vitānam, manyuḥ, mahaḥ, saptatantuḥ, dīkṣā   

vaidikaḥ vidhiviśeṣaḥ yasmin devatām uddiśya vaidikaiḥ mantraiḥ saha haviḥ pradīyate। vaidikakāle yajñāḥ mahattvapūrṇāḥ āsan। /

aphalākāṅkṣibhir yajño vidhidṛṣṭo ya ijyate। yaṣṭavyam eveti manaḥ samādhāya sa sātvikaḥ॥ [bha.gī. 17।11]



bhavanasya nirmiteḥ kāryam।

varṣāyāḥ kāraṇāt bhavana-nirmāṇasya kāryaṃ bādhitam।



tat sthānaṃ yatra stheyāḥ nirṇayaṃ dadati।

stheyapariṣadbhavane stheyāḥ grāmiṇāḥ ca āsan।



rājyapālādīnāṃ kṛte vartamānaṃ śāsakīya-gṛham।

mukhyamantrīmahodayaḥ rājyapālamahodayān milanārthe rājabhavane agacchat।


veśyāgṛham, veśavāsaḥ, ratibhavanam, ratigṛham, veśyājanāśrayaḥ   

yatra veśyāḥ nivasanti।

veśyāvṛttiṃ pratiṣedhya veśyāgṛhāṇi api na bhaviṣyanti।


dravīkaraṇam, dravībhavanam   

bāṣpasya dravarūpe parivartanam।

sugandhitadravyasya nirmāṇaṃ dravīkaraṇasya prakriyayā bhavati।


nāṭyaśālā, raṅgabhavanam, nāṭyamandiram   

tat sthānaṃ bhavanaṃ vā yatra nāṭyaprayogaḥ bhavati।

adya nāṭyaśālāyāṃ rājā hariścandra iti nāṭakasya prayogaḥ asti।


vilāsamandiram, vilāsabhavanam, krīḍāmandiram, ratimandiram   

bhavanaviśeṣaḥ, rājabhavane āmodapramodārthe tathā ca vilāsārthe vā nirmitaṃ bhavanam;

kīcakaḥ ekākīnīṃ sairandhrīṃ vilāsamandire kapaṭena āhūtavān



kasyāpi vastunaḥ kayācit prakriyayā bāṣpasya rūpe parivartanam।

grīṣmakāle jalasya bāṣpībhavanaṃ sahajatayā bhavati।


apakṣayaḥ, alpībhavanam, nyūnībhavanam   

kṣīṇasya kriyā bhāvo vā।

āplāvena grastāḥ grāmīṇāḥ nadyāḥ jalasya apakṣayeṇa praśamitāḥ।



sampūrṇajāteḥ ekaḥ rāgaḥ।

candrabhavanaḥ dinasya prathamaprahare gīyate।



tad bhavanaṃ yatra vidhānasabhāyāḥ sabhā bhavati।

ekena manuṣyeṇa vidhānabhavanasya purataḥ ātmaghātasya prayāsaḥ kṛtaḥ।



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

buddhavanagiriḥ parvataḥ bauddhavāṅmaye varṇitaḥ dṛśyate



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

buddhavanagiriḥ parvataḥ bauddhavāṅmaye varṇitaḥ dṛśyate



ekaḥ abhinetā ।

kathāsaritsāgare bhavanandasya ullekhaḥ kṛtaḥ



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

bauddhasāhitye bhavanandī dṛśyate



ekaḥ grāmaḥ ।

tejobhibhavanasya ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe vartate



ekaḥ grāmaḥ ।

tejobhibhavanasya ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe vartate

Parse Time: 1.747s Search Word: havana Input Encoding: IAST IAST: havana