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Grammar Search
"haste" has 6 results
haste: neuter nominative dual stem: hasta
haste: feminine nominative dual stem: hasta
haste: neuter accusative dual stem: hasta
haste: feminine accusative dual stem: hasta
haste: neuter locative singular stem: hasta
haste: masculine locative singular stem: hasta
Monier-Williams Search
Results for haste
haste(locative case of hasta-), in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastebandham. equals hasta-b- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastegṛhyaind. (equals hasta-gr-) mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastekaraṇan. taking (the bride's) hand, marrying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastekṛP. -karoti-, to take in hand, take possession of. make one's own View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for haste1 result
hastekaraṇam हस्तेकरणम् Marrying.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
raṃh Raṃh hasten, I. ráṃha; cs. raṃháya cause to speed, i. 85, 5.
Macdonell Search
36 results
atijava m. extreme rapidity; -na, a. extremely swift: -tâ, f. great haste.
ativega m. excessive haste; -vedanâ, f. violent pain; -vepathu-mat, a. trembling violently.
abhidhā a. surrounding; f. appellation, name: -tavya, fp. to be said or announced, -tri, m. one who speaks, -na, n. statement; designation; name; word: -kosa, m. dictionary, -yin, a. saying, speaking; stating, explaining; -dhâvaka, a. hastening up.
abhipāta m. hastening up.
alīka a. disagreeable; false; n. dis agreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; forehead; -nimîlana, n. feigned closing of the eyes; -pandita, m. philosophaster; -man trin, m. dishonest minister; -vâda-sîla, a. lying; -supta, -ka, n. feigned sleep.
asat pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad; -î, f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil; -kalpanâ, f. false supposition; lie; -krita, pp. badly treated; offered ungraciously; n. injury; -tva, n. non-existence:-vakana, a. expressing no entity: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -putra, a. sonless; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift from an unworthy person; -pralâpa, m. empty talk; -pravritti, f. evil course of action.
ūrdhvakara a. with raised hands or upward rays; -karna, a. pricking up one's ears; -krita, pp. raised upwards; -ga, a. going upwards; -gati, f. going upwards; bounding; a. going upwards or to heaven; -gamana, n. rising, ascending, elevation: -vat, a. moving upwards; -gâmin, a.=-ga; -gvalana, n. flaming up; -ghampa, m. up ward leap; -dris, a. looking upwards; -drishti, a. upward gaze; -pâtra, n. tall vessel; -pâda, a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot; -pundra, -ka, m. vertical line marked with sandal &c. on the forehead of a Brâhman, sectarian mark; -bâhu, a. having the arms raised; -brihatî, f. a metre; -bhâga, m.upper part; -mukha, a. with upturned face; having its mouth turned upwards; darting up wards; -munda, a. shaved on the crown; -râgi, f. upward streak; -rekhâ, f. upward line; -retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste; -loka, m. upper world, heaven; -vâla, a. hair outwards; -vrita, pp. worn above=over the shoulder.
ṛjipya a. hastening forward.
kulaṭā f. unchaste woman.
kṛtatīrtha a. to which a stair has been made; -tvara, a. hastening; -dâra, a. married; -dâsa, m. one who offers himself as a slave for a fixed time; -dîrgha-rosha, m. protracted wrath; -dhî, a.clever; resolved on (inf.); -dhvag, a. furnished with banners; -nâsaka, a. ungrateful; -nâsana, a. id.; -niskaya, a. convinced; firmly resolved on (d., lc., inf., --°ree;); resolute; -niskayin, a. resolute.
jagmi a. going, nimble; hastening to (ac., lc.).
java a. swift; m. swiftness, speed; haste: ab. at once; -ana, a. (î) quick, swift; n. quickness, swiftness; -anikâ, f. curtain.
tvarita pp.; n. haste, hurry.
tvarā f. haste, hurry, urgency (with in., lc., or --°ree;): in. hastily, quickly; vivâha krite tvarâ, hurry with regard to the wed ding; tvarâm kri, hasten with (g.).
dvipravrājinī a. f. running after two men, unchaste; -bâhu, a. two-armed; m. man; -bhâga, m. half; -bhâdra, a. having two months of Bhâdra; -bhuga, a. two-armed; -mâtra, a. twice as great; con taining two morae; -mukha, a. (î) two-mouthed; -mûrdhan, a. two-headed; -rada, a. having two tusks; m. elephant; -râtrá, a. lasting two days; m. feast lasting two days.
parivatsara m. complete year; &isharp;-na, a. relating to a full year; -vargana, n. avoidance of, abstention from (g. or --°ree;): î-ya, fp. to be avoided; -varta, m. revolution; end of a period, esp. of a cycle (yuga); end; exchange, barter; change; moving to and fro, haste, bustle; abode, place; causing to come to an end: -ka, a. causing to flow back; -vártana, a. (î) causing to turn; n. turn ing; tossing or rolling about on (--°ree;); revo lution; periodic course; end of a period; exchange, barter; change; -vartanîya, fp. to be exchanged for (in.); -vartin, a. turn ing, revolving; winding; circling, under going perpetual cycles, ever renewing itself; turning into, being exchanged for (--°ree;); abid ing or being in, at, or near (lc., -tas, --°ree;); -vartula, a. quite round; -vardhaka, m. groom; -vardhana, n. augmentation, mul tiplication; -vardhita-ka, a.reared; -vas trâ, f. curtain; -vaha, m. one of the seven winds; one of the seven tongues of fire.
parīpsā f. wish to obtain, main tain, or preserve; haste; -½îpsu, des. a. wish ing to preserve (ac.).
pūrvapakṣa m. fore part or side; first half of a lunar month (when the moon increases), light fortnight; (primâ facie case), action at law; first objection to a proposi tion; -pakshin, a. making the first objection to a proposition; -pakshî-kri, make the first objection to a proposition; -patha, m. pre vious path, same way as before; -pada, n. previous member of a compound (gr.); -pad ya, a. belonging to the first member of a compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, pre cedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege by (g.); -pâda, m. fore-foot; -pitâmaha, m. fore-grandfather=ancestor; -pîthikâ, f. in troduction; -purusha, m.forefather (pl. ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: -½upârgita, pp. collected by one's ancestors; -pûgita, pp. previously consecrated; -pûrva, a. every preceding one, each previously men tioned one; m. pl.ancient ancestors; -pûr va½ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before; -péya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence (in general); -pragñ&asharp;, f. knowledge of the past, memory; -prati-panna, pp. having previously agreed to or promised something; -pravritta, pp. having occurred previously; -prasthita, pp. having started previously, hastening on before.
pragama m. first advance of love in courtship; -gardhín, a. hastening onwards (RV.); -galbha, 1. den. Â. be courageous or resolute; be capable of (lc.), be able to (inf.); 2. a. bold, intrepid, resolute, confident; mature (age): -kulâla, m. dexterous potter, -tâ, f. boldness, confidence; -gâthá, m. kind of three-verse stanza (combination of a Brihatî or Kakubh with a Satobrihatî); N. of a Rishi; -guna, a. right, correct (road); being in good order, efficient; excellent; gunaya, den. P. put in order; manifest, show: pp. ita, put in order, properly arranged; -guna-rakanâ, f. putting in proper order; -gunin, a. kind towards (lc.); -gunî kri, put in proper order, arrange; render amenable to (lc.); -grihîta-pada, a. having the words pronounced separately (i. e. with out Sandhi); -grihya, fp. (to be) pronounced separately, not liable to the rules of Sandhi (vowel).
prajana m. (n.) procreation, impregnation; parturition; m. procreator; -gánana, a. generating, procreative; n. impregnation; parturition, procreation; birth, propagation; production, of (--°ree;); genital member; progeny, children; -gaya, m. victory; -galpa, m. conversation; prattle; -galpana, n. speaking, talking; -gavá, m. haste, speed; -gav ana, a. running very fast; -gavin, a. hurry ing, running fast, quick;-gas, a. --°ree;=pragâ, progeny; -gahitá, pp. given up, abandoned.
prapakva a. inflamed (med.); -pak sha, m. tip of a wing; -pañka, m. expansion, prolixity, amplification, of (g. or --°ree;); phe nomenon; manifestation or form of (g.); phenomenal world (ph.); mutual flattery (rh.); ludicrous dialogue (dr.): in. or -tas, ad. in detail, -pañka-ka, a. (ikâ) multiply ing (--°ree;); amplifying, explaining in detail; -pañkana, n. detailed or prolix account; -pañka-buddhi, a. crafty, wily; -pañka-ya,den. describe or explain in detail; represent in a false light; -pañka-vakana, n. prolix discourse; -paná, m. trade, barter, purchase; -patana, n. flying away; falling down, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); -patti, f.pious resignation; (á)-patha, m. onward way, journey; road; -pathín, a. wandering; -pad, f. 1. road; 2. (prá-) fore part of the foot; (prá) pada, n. fore part or tip of the foot; -pada na, n. entry, into (--°ree;); -padam, ad. reciting in such a manner as to cut up verses into sec tions of an equal number of syllables and to interpose between them formulae contain ing the word prapadye (Br.); -panna, pp. (√ pad) reached, arrived; attained, obtained: -pâla, m. protector of suppliants (Krishna); -palâyana, n. flight; -palâyin, a. fleeing, fugitive; -p&asharp;, f. water-tank, reservoir, well; water-hut for travellers; affluent (of a tank etc.); -pâka, m.ripening (of an ulcer etc.); digestion; -pâtha: -ka, m. lesson (subsection in books); -pâni, m. fore-arm: -ka, m. id.; -pându, a. very white: -ra, a. id.; -pâta, m. kind of flight; leaping forward; hasten ing away; fall, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); falling out (of the hair); effusion (of semen); fall (of a glance on anything); steep declivity, precipice; -pâtana, n. felling, cast ing down; directing or causing (the eye) to alight (--°ree;);-pâna, n. drinking; -pâ-pâlikâ, -pâ-pâlî, f. female watcher of a water-tank, well, or water-hut; -pâ-mandapa, m. water hut (for travellers); -pâlaka, m. protector, guardian; -pâlana, n. guarding, protecting.
bandha m. tying, fastening, bandaging; catching, capturing; fettering; arrest; connexion with (--°ree;); intercourse with (--°ree;); putting together, joining (the hands etc.); posture, position of the hands and feet; construction, building (of a bridge etc.); damming up (of a river); bridging; fixing on, directing towards (lc.); assumption or obtainment of a body (--°ree;); manifestation, display, or possession of (--°ree;); bond, deposit, pledge; mundane bondage (opp. final emancipation); bond, tie; band, fillet; bandage; fetter; sinew, tendon; receptacle; combination of words or letters: -ka, m. binder (of animals); catcher (--°ree;); rope, thong, fetter; part (--°ree; with an ordinal, e.g. tenth); n. (?) pledging: î, f. unchaste woman; -karana, n. fettering or checking by magic; -kartri, m. binder, fetterer, restrainer (Siva).
māhiṣa a. (î) belonging to or de rived from the buffalo: i-ka, m. keeper of buffaloes; paramour of an unchaste woman.
raṃhi f. (V.) flowing, stream; haste, speed.
raṅghas n. haste.
vega m. [√ vig] shock, jerk (V., C., rare); C.: rush, impact; flood (of water, tears), cur rent; impetus (esp. of missiles), force, velo city, speed; impetuosity, vehemence, haste, sudden impulse; outbreak, outburst (of pas sion etc.), excitement; attack (of disease); circulation, working (of a poison; sts. pl.); impulse: -tara, m. greater swiftness: vegâd vegataram gam, run faster and faster; -tas, ad. with a sudden jerk; speedily, hastily, impetuously; -danda, m. elephant (=ve tanda); -vat, a. impetuous, hasty, swift, energetic, violent (wind); m. N. of a fairy: -î, f. N. of a fairy; -vâhin, a. flowing (river) or flying (arrow) swiftly; -sarî,f. female mule; -½anila, m. violent wind.
vyabhicaraṇa n. uncertainty; -kâra, m. divergence, disconnexion; vari ability; failure; transgression, infidelity (esp. of a woman), towards (g., lc., --°ree;); change (in a-, unchangeable, unswerving); violation or neglect of (g.); extension beyond (--°ree;); -kâri-tâ, f. divergence; variability; -kâri tva, n. variability or multiplicity of mean ing; -kârin, a. straying from (--°ree;), deviating or diverging from (ab.); going astray, erring; unchaste, faithless (woman), towards (g.); changeable (opp. sthâyin, constant); violat ing, breaking (an agreement, --°ree;); -mâna, m. erroneous view; -hâsa, m. ridicule.
śravasya den. a) only pt. -yát, praising (V.); b) -yá, P. (V.) hasten, be swift; snatch up (ac.).
saraṇya den. P. hasten (RV., rare).
sasaṃrambha a. enraged, angry: -m, ad. angrily; hurriedly, very briefly; -samvâda, a. agreeing: -m, ad.; -samvid, a. with whom an agreement has been made; -samsaya, a. doubting, doubtful; dubious; -sakhî-kâ, a. f. accompanied by her friends; -sakhî-ganâ, a. f. id.; -samketa, a. arranged with, sharing a secret; -sa&ndot;ga, a. adhering, attached: -tva, n. adhesion, contact; -saki va, a. attended by hisministers; -sattva, a. courageous; inhabited by animals; together with the creatures in it (water): â, f. pregnant; -sadbhâva, a. accompanied with affection; -samtati-ka, a. together with offspring; -samtâna, a. id.; -samdeha, a. doubting; -samdhya, a. with the morning twilight: -½amsa, a. with the evening twilight; -sabh ya, a. together with assessors or judges; -sampad, a. affluent; -sambhrama, a. agi tated, flurried, showing great haste or zeal: -m, ad. hastily, hurriedly; -sarpa, a. in fested by serpents.
saraṇyu a. hastening, nimble: &usharp;, f. N. of a daughter of Tvashtri, mother of Yama and Yamî and of the Asvins (RV.1).
sādhvī f. (of sâdhu) virtuous or chaste woman (also -strî); female saint.
sārin a. 1. [√ sri] going, hasten ing; --°ree;, following; 2. having the essence or best (sâra) of, having excellent (--°ree;): n-î, f. stream, channel.
sidhma a. 1. making straight for his aim (RV.1); 2. leprous (V., rare); m. n. kind of leprosy (C.); -man, m. n. kind of leprosy; -ma-lá, a. leprous; -rá, a. (RV.) hastening to his goal; efficacious, successful.
susakhi m. (nm. â) good friend; -samkruddha, pp. greatly enraged; -sam gatâ, f. N.; -samgama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrihîta, pp. well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, m.good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggî kri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp. well-gathered, carefully accumulated: -m sam-ki, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a.(î) very like (g.); -samtushta, pp. per fectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samdîpta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdrís, a. fair to see; -samdha, a. true to one's word; -sanna, pp. [√ sad] completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (sú)-samâhita, pp. [√ dhâ] well laden (waggon, Br.); C.: well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sú)-samiddha, pp. [√ idh] well-kindled;(sú)-samriddha, pp. [√ ridh] V.: quite per fect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sú)-sampish- ta, pp. completely shattered (car; RV.1); -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confu sion, excessive haste; -sambhrânta, pp. completely bewildered; (sú)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahâya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sâdh ana, a. easy to prove; -sâdhita, pp. well trained; -sâdhya, fp. easy to control, amen able; -sâman, n.very conciliatory words; -sârathi, a. having a good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp. well-cooked; very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -½artha, a. having completely attained one's object; -sî ma, a. having a good parting (woman).
hasta m. hand (ord. mg.); C.: elephant's trunk; as a measure=fore-arm or cubit (about 18 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (--°ree; after words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --°ree; a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gam, fall into the hand of (--°ree;); e kri, take into one's hand; also=gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a girl); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face);tasya haste loka-dvayam sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand=are assured to him.
Bloomfield Vedic
36 results0 results15 results
brahmaṇāṃ hasteṣu prapṛthak sādayāmi AVś.6.122.5b; 10.9.27b; 11.1.27b.
kaśā hasteṣu yad vadān (JB. yād vādān) RV.1.37.3b; SV.1.135b; JB.3.277b.
paḍbhir hastebhiś cakṛmā tanūbhiḥ RV.4.2.14b.
takṣā hastena vāsyā AVś.10.6.3b; Apś.7.9.9b.
ā yaṃ haste na khādinam # RV.6.16.40a; TS.; MS.4.10.3a: 148.7; KS.15.12a; AB.1.16.15; KB.8.1; Aś.2.16.7; śś.3.13.17.
ā yasmin haste naryā mimikṣuḥ # RV.6.29.2a.
ukhyaṃ (AVś. ukhyān; AVP. ukhyāṃ) hasteṣu bibhrataḥ # AVś.4.14.2b; AVP.3.38.2b; VS.17.65b; TS.; MS.2.10.6b: 138.1; KS.18.4b; śB.
evo 'bhūt tato 'bhūt , yathā te mahiraḥ priyo hastenābhimṛśāt tata # JB.3.247.
karat # MG.1.14.17 (Bhāradvāja-Gṛhyasūtra 1.19, karad dadhac chivena tvā pañcaśākhena hastena etc.); VārG.16.2. See karat svāhā.
kṛtaṃ me dakṣiṇe haste # AVś.7.50.8a; AVP.1.49.1a.
gṛhāṇa grāvāṇau sakṛtau vīra haste # AVś.11.1.10a. P: gṛhāṇa grāvāṇau Kauś.61.19.
dhiṣva vajraṃ dakṣiṇa indra haste # RV.6.22.9c; AVś.20.36.9c.
parūṃṣi vidvāṃ chasteva # AVś.9.3.3c.
priyo me mahiro dṛśe hastenābhimṛśāt tata # JB.3.247.
yudho nara (MS. narā) iṣuhastena vṛṣṇā # RV.10.103.2d; AVś.19.13.3d; AVP.7.4.3d; SV.2.1200d; VS.17.34d; TS.; MS.2.10.4d: 135.12; KS.18.5d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"haste" has 1 results
drutaliterally rapid; the vice of rapidity in utterance;a fault of speech especially in connection with the utterance of vowels in Vedic recital when on account of haste the utterance of letters becomes indistinct. confer, compare संदृष्टमेणीकृतमर्धकं द्रुतं विकीर्णमेताः स्वरद्रोषभावनाः । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). Ahnika 1 vart. 18.
Vedabase Search
Results for haste86 results
haste by the handSB 10.9.11
haste in the handCC Adi 16.65
CC Adi 5.190
CC Madhya 12.100
SB 10.11.20
haste in the handsCC Madhya 1.261
SB 2.7.16
haste on the handSB 4.15.9-10
haste the handsCC Antya 18.91
haste with his handCC Madhya 13.93
hastena by one handSB 8.7.12
hastena by the handSB 8.6.38
hastena handSB 10.25.19
SB 10.30.20
SB 10.46.25
hastete kariyā taking in the handsCC Madhya 20.26
hastete kariyā taking in the handsCC Madhya 20.26
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
dakṣiṇa-haste on the palm of the right handSB 9.20.23
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
dui haste in two handsCC Adi 17.14
eka-hastena with one handSB 10.43.26-27
dakṣiṇa-haste on the palm of the right handSB 9.20.23
mṛdu-haste by His soft handCC Adi 14.45
dui haste in two handsCC Adi 17.14
śrī-haste with His handsCC Madhya 7.7-8
sva-haste by His own handCC Madhya 8.193
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Madhya 11.115
śrī-haste with His handCC Madhya 11.132
śrī-haste by His own transcendental handCC Madhya 11.199
ūrdhva-haste raising the handCC Madhya 11.201
śrī-haste by His own handCC Madhya 12.79
śrī-haste by His own handCC Madhya 12.80
śrī-haste with His own handCC Madhya 12.99
śata-haste with one hundred handsCC Madhya 12.115
śrī-haste with His own handCC Madhya 12.199
sva-haste by His own handCC Madhya 13.29
śrī-haste by the hand of Lord Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 13.30
sva-haste with His own handCC Madhya 16.45
vetra-haste with a cane in the handsCC Madhya 16.112
śrī-haste by the spiritual handCC Madhya 20.55
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.17
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.17
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.18
śrī-haste in His own handCC Antya 6.98
svarūpera haste in the hands of Svarūpa DāmodaraCC Antya 6.204
śrī-haste by His own transcendental handCC Antya 6.298
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 8.28
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Antya 11.68
śrī-haste in the transcendental handsCC Antya 11.82
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Antya 11.104
tomāra haste by your handsCC Antya 12.132
tarańga-haste by the waves of the Yamunā, which are compared to handsCC Antya 18.91
vāma-hastena with his left handSB 6.12.24
eka-hastena with one handSB 10.43.26-27
mṛdu-haste by His soft handCC Adi 14.45
śata-haste with one hundred handsCC Madhya 12.115
śrī-haste with His handsCC Madhya 7.7-8
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Madhya 11.115
śrī-haste with His handCC Madhya 11.132
śrī-haste by His own transcendental handCC Madhya 11.199
śrī-haste by His own handCC Madhya 12.79
śrī-haste by His own handCC Madhya 12.80
śrī-haste with His own handCC Madhya 12.99
śrī-haste with His own handCC Madhya 12.199
śrī-haste by the hand of Lord Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 13.30
śrī-haste by the spiritual handCC Madhya 20.55
śrī-haste in His own handCC Antya 6.98
śrī-haste by His own transcendental handCC Antya 6.298
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Antya 11.68
śrī-haste in the transcendental handsCC Antya 11.82
śrī-haste with His transcendental handsCC Antya 11.104
sva-haste by His own handCC Madhya 8.193
sva-haste by His own handCC Madhya 13.29
sva-haste with His own handCC Madhya 16.45
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.17
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.17
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 5.18
sva-haste with his own handCC Antya 8.28
svarūpera haste in the hands of Svarūpa DāmodaraCC Antya 6.204
tarańga-haste by the waves of the Yamunā, which are compared to handsCC Antya 18.91
tomāra haste by your handsCC Antya 12.132
ūrdhva-haste raising the handCC Madhya 11.201
vāma-hastena with his left handSB 6.12.24
vetra-haste with a cane in the handsCC Madhya 16.112


chaste life; celibacy before marriage; sexual restrain to promote physical, mental and spiritual health.


Plant five leaved chaste tree, Indian privet, roots and leaves of Vitex negundo; nirguṇḍitaila oilbased preparation with nirgunḍi as main ingredient used in vraṇa.


Plant five-leaved chaste tree, Vitex nigundo


1.holy basil; 2. gum-myrrh, resin, fragrant grass; 3. five leaved chaste tree (Vitex negundo)

Wordnet Search
"haste" has 3 results.



hastaḥ eva yatra karaṇam।

asya kārayānasya saṃyoktaṃ hastena parivartate।


hastena spṛś   

santoṣeṇa hastena sparśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

prasannaḥ ācāryaḥ rameśasya pṛṣṭhaṃ hastena aspṛśat।


udāratayā, muktahastena, akārpaṇyena   


saḥ āplāvapīḍitebhyaḥ udāratayā dānaṃ dattavān।

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