haraka | m. a taker, seizer, conveyer | ||||||
haraka | m. a rogue, cheat | ||||||
haraka | m. a reflecting person | ||||||
haraka | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
haraka | m. a divisor or division | ||||||
haraka | m. a long flexible sword | ||||||
adharakaṇṭha | m. n. the lower neck, lower part of the throat | ||||||
āharakaraṭā | (id est ā-hara karaṭa! ity-ucyate yasyāṃ kriyāyāṃ sā-), | ||||||
bhāṇḍabharaka | m. the contents of any vessel | ||||||
daharaka | mfn. short (day), | ||||||
dolāgharaka | m. or n. a hall with a swing | ||||||
ghargharaka | m. the river Gogra | ||||||
hariharakathā | f. the repeating of the names of viṣṇu- and śiva- | ||||||
jharjharaka | m. the kali-yuga- | ||||||
karṇakharaka | m. Name of a vaiśya- commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kharaka | m. roaring of water, | ||||||
kharakaṇḍūyana | n. "scraping or rubbing with a sharp object", making worse any evil | ||||||
kharakaṇḍūyita | n. idem or 'n. "scraping or rubbing with a sharp object", making worse any evil ' | ||||||
kharakaṇṭha | (khar/a--) m. Name of a mythical being | ||||||
kharakarṇī | f. "ass-eared", Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue | ||||||
mantharaka | m. Name of a man | ||||||
mantharaka | m. of a tortoise | ||||||
mantharaka | m. of a stupid weaver | ||||||
mantharaka | m. of a hunchback | ||||||
mantharakaulika | m. a stupid weaver (called mantharaka- q.v) | ||||||
māṭharaka | mfn. (fr. māṭhara-) gaRa dhūmā | ||||||
mukharaka | m. Name of, a rogue | ||||||
pariharaka | m. varia lectio for hāraka- | ||||||
piṭharaka | mf(ikā-)n. (ikā- f. ) a pot, pan (see next) | ||||||
piṭharaka | m. Name of a nāga- | ||||||
piṭharakakapāla | n. a fragment of a pot, potsherd | ||||||
praharaka | m. striking the hours | ||||||
praharaka | m. a period of about 3 hours, watch (see ardha-praharikā-). | ||||||
śekharaka | m. Name of the viṭa- (q.v) in the drama nāgā | ||||||
spharaka | m. a shield (according to to some fr. Persian $) . | ||||||
viśvambharaka | m. a kind of scorpion or similar animal |
harakaḥ | हरकः 1 A stealer, thief. -2 A rogue. -3 A divisor. -4 N. of Śiva. -5 A long flexible sword. |
kharaka | खरक a. (a pearl) Having a rough surface; Kau. A.2.11. |
jharjharakaḥ | झर्झरकः The Kali age. |
piṭharakaḥ | पिठरकः कम् A pot, pan; पिठरककपालार्पितगलः Bh.3. 18. -Comp. -कपालः, -लम् a pot-sherd. |
praharakaḥ | प्रहरकः 1 A watch; प्रहरकमपनीय स्वं निदिद्रासतोच्चैः Śi.11.4. -2 Striking the hours. |
ātmādiṣṭa | pp. self-dictated; -adhika, a. dearer than oneself; -½adhîna, a. dependent on oneself; -½anapeksha, a. disinterested; -½anugamana, n. personal attendance; -½aparâdha, m.one's own transgression; -½âpahâra, m. dissimulation; -½apahâraka, -hârin, a. making away with oneself, denying oneself, dissimulating; -½abhim&asharp;ni-tâ, f. high opinion of oneself; -½amisha, m. alliance (peace) bought by sacrifice of one's army; -½artha: -m or lc. for oneself: lc. pl. in one's own interest. |
kṛtālaya | a. having taken up one's abode, dwelling (in, lc., --°ree;); feeling at home; -½avasakthika, a. having put on a loin cloth; -½avasatha, a. received into one's house; -½avastha, a.compelled to appear in court; -½âsamsa, a. hoping; -½astra, a. practised in arms or archery; -½âhâraka, a. having finished one's meal. |
nirharaṇa | n. removal; carrying out a corpse to the funeral pyre; -haranîya, fp. to be removed; -hâra, m. appropriation, personal expenditure from (ab.); -hâraka, a. carrying out a corpse to the funeral pyre; -hârana, n. causing a corpse to be carried out to the funeral pyre; -hriti, f. removal; -heti, a. unarmed; -hetu, a. causeless; -hrâda, m. sound; -hrâdin, a. resounding, echoing, pealing. |
nyāsa | m. setting down, planting (the foot); putting on; insertion, impact; applying, drawing, commitment; writing down, inscribing; written text; renunciation; laying aside; deposit; bringing forward, adduction: -dhâraka, m. depositary. |
paradāra | m. sg. & pl. another man's wife; adultery; -dûshana, m. ruin of the foe, peace in which the enemy seizes the revenue of the country; -desa, m. another place; foreign country; enemy's territory; -dosha-gña, a. knowing the faults of others; -dravya, n. pl. goods of others: -½apahâraka, a. stealing others' property; -droha, m. hostility towards others: -karma-dhî, a. injuring others in deed or thought; -dhana, n. another's property; -dharma, m. law or duties of another or of another caste; another's peculiarity. |
prāṇanātha | m. lord of life, lover, husband; -nâsa, m. loss of life, death; -ni graha, m. restraint of breath; -pati, m. lord of life, soul; -parikraya, m. staking one's life; -parikshîna, pp. whose life is on the decline; -parigraha, m. possession of life, existence; -parityâga, m. abandonment of life; -prada, a. having restored or saved any one's life; -pradâyaka, -pradâyin, a. id.; -prayâna, n. departure of the vital spirit, death; -priya, a. as dear as life; m. lover, husband; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to preserve one's life, in mortal terror; -bâdha, m. danger to life, mortal peril; -bhaksha, m. feeding on breath only (i. e. on the mere smell of food or drink); -bhaya, n. mortal fear; -bhâg, a. possessing life; m. living being; -bhûta, pp. being the vital breath; -bhrít, a. life-preserving; possessing life, living; m. living being; man; -máya, a. consisting of vital air orbreath; -mokshana, n. abandonment of breath, suicide; -yâtrâ, f. support of life, subsistence; -yâtrika, a. requisite for subsistence: -mâtrah syât, he should possess only as much as will support life; -yuta, pp. endowed with life, living, alive; -yoni, f. source of life; -rakshâ½ar tham, ad. for the preservation of life; -râg ya-da, a. having saved any one's life and throne; -rodha, m. suppression of the breath; -lâbha, m. saving of life; -vat,a. endowed with life, living; vigorous, strong; -vallabhâ, f. mistress or wife who is as dear to one as life; -vinâsa, m. loss of life, death; -vipra yoga, m. id.; -vritti, f. vital activity or function; -vyaya, m. renunciation orsacri fice of life; -vi½âyakkhana, n. imperilment of life; -samyama, m. suspension of breath; -samsaya, m. risk or danger to life (sts. pl.); -samkata, n. id.; -samtyâga, m. renunciation of life; -samdeha, m. risk or peril to life; -samdhârana, n. preservation of life; -sam nyâsa, m. giving up the spirit; -sama, a. dear as one's own life: â, f. mistress, wife; -sam mita, pp. dear as one's own life; reaching to the nose; -sâra, n. vital energy; a. full of strength, vigorous, muscular; -hara, a. taking away life, fatal to (--°ree;); capital (pun ishment); -hâni, f. loss of life; -hâraka, a. life-depriving, fatal; -hârin, a. id.; -hîna, pp. bereft of life, lifeless. |
bhayakara | a. terrifying; endan gering (g.); -kartri, -krit, m. one who terri fies or endangers; -m-kara, a. (î) fear-in spiring, terrifying, formidable (to, --°ree;); m. N.; -dindima, m. battle-drum; -trâtri, m. rescuer from danger; -da, a. terrifying or bringing danger to (g. or --°ree;); -dâna, n. gift given through fear; -dâyin, a. fear-inspir ing; -dhana, a. abounding in dread, terrible; -pratîkâra, m. removal of danger; -prada, a. fear-inspiring; -pradâyin, a. bringing into danger consisting of (--°ree;); -vihvala, a. agi tated with fear; -vyûha, m. kind of mili tary array in view of danger on all sides; -soka-samâvishta, pp. filled with fear and sorrow; -samtrasta-mânasa, a. having a mind scared with fear; -sthâna, n. occasion of danger; -hâraka, a. freeing from fear or danger; -hetu, m. cause of alarm. |
malavat | a. dirty; -vad-vâsas, a. having a soiled garment, menstruating; -vâh in, a. conveying or containing impurities (body); -visodhana, a. washing away dirt; -visargana, n. purification (of a temple); -hâraka, a. removing foulness or sin; -½âva ha, a. productive of impurity, defiling. |
yogakaraṇḍaka | m. N.; ikâ, f. N. of a mendicant nun; -kshemá, m. sg. & pl. (C. also m. du. & sg. n.) possession or security of property; property; prosperity (ordinarily explained as meaningacquisi tion and preservation of property); property meant for pious uses; -kûrna, n. magic pow der; -ga, a. produced by meditation or Yoga; -tantra, n. Yoga doctrine, treatise on Yoga; -dharmin, a. practising Yoga; -nanda, m. the pseudo-Nanda; -nidrâ, f. sleep induced by the practice of Yoga, somnolent condi tion, dozing; Vishnu's sleep at the end of an age; -m-dhara, m. N.; -pati, m. lord of Yoga (Vishnu); -patha, m. path to Yoga;-bhâraka, m. shoulderyoke for the carrying of burdens; -bhrashta, pp. lapsed from devotion or contemplation; -maya, a. (î) produced from contemplation or Yoga; -mâyâ, f. magic; illusion produced by abstract meditation; -mârga, m. road to Yoga; -yâtrâ, f. recourse to mental ab sorption or Yoga; -yukta, pp. absorbed in meditation, practising Yoga; -ratna, n. magic jewel; -rûdha, pp. having an etymo logical and aconventional meaning (e. g. pa&ndot;ka-ga, growing in the mud and lotus); -rokanâ, f. kind of magical ointment (ren dering invisible or invulnerable); -vat, a. joined, united; practising Yoga; -vartikâ, f. magic wick; -vaha, a. bringing about, furthering (--°ree;); -vâh-in, a. intriguing: (-i) tva, n. intrigue; -vid, a. knowing the right means or method; knowing what is fitting or suitable; versed in Yoga; -vidyâ, f. knowledge of Yoga; -vibhâga, m. splitting of a grammatical rule into two; -sabda, m. the word yoga; etymological word (the mean ing of which results from the derivation); -sâyin, a. somnolent in consequence of medi tation; -sâstra, n.Yoga doctrine (esp. of Patañgali); -samâdhi, m. mental absorp tion resulting from Yoga; -sâra, m. univer sal remedy; -siddha, pp. perfected by Yoga; -siddhi, f. simultaneous accomplishment: -mat, a. versed in magic; -sûtra, n. the Sû tras on the Yoga (attributed to Patañgali). |
vāgadhipa | m. lord of speech, ep. of Brihaspati; -apahâraka, a. stealing the words of others; -apeta, pp. destitute of speech, dumb; -âdambara, m. verbosity; -îsa, m. lord of speech, adept in eloquence (often --°ree; in names of scholars); m. ep. of Brahman. |
śāsana | a. (î) chastising; instruct ing; m. chastiser; instructor; n., C.: chas tisement, punishment; government, sway, rule, over (--°ree;); royal decree, edict, charter, grant; instruction, teaching (rare); precept, rule, counsel (rare); doctrine, faith, religion (rare); V., C.: direction, command, order, to any one (--°ree;): -m kri, obey the orders of (g.); e vrit or sthâ, obey any one (g., --°ree;); ab. sâsanât, by command of (g.): -dhara, m. bearer of a message, messenger; -vartin, a. obeying the orders of (g.); -vâhaka, m. mes senger; -silâ, f. edict engraved on stone; -hâraka, -hârin, m. messenger. |
haraka | noun (masculine) a divisor or division (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a long flexible sword (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a reflecting person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a rogue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a taker (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cheat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) conveyer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) seizer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 72332/72933 | |
adharakaṇṭakā | noun (feminine) name of a plant Frequency rank 42447/72933 | |
apaharaka | adjective stealing Frequency rank 43743/72933 | |
kharaka | adjective (describes a pearl of low quality) Frequency rank 50832/72933 | |
kharaka | noun (masculine) Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn. Frequency rank 50833/72933 | |
kharakaṇḍūyita | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 50834/72933 | |
kharakarṇī | noun (feminine) name of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50835/72933 | |
ghargharaka | noun (masculine) the river Gogra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 34800/72933 | |
nirbharaka | adjective nirbhāra Frequency rank 56249/72933 | |
piṭharaka | noun (masculine) name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 57962/72933 | |
pīṭharaka | noun (masculine) name of a Nāga Frequency rank 58065/72933 | |
bhūdharaka | noun (neuter) bhūdharapuṭa Frequency rank 37891/72933 | |
lāgharaka | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of pāṇḍuroga Frequency rank 29983/72933 |