hara | mf(ā-,rarely ī-)n. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';fr.1. hṛ-) bearing, wearing, taking, conveying, bringing (See kavaca--, vārttā-h-), taking away, carrying off, removing, destroying (See bala--, śakti-h-)  |
hara | mf(ā-,rarely ī-)n. receiving, obtaining (See aṃśa-h-)  |
hara | mf(ā-,rarely ī-)n. ravishing, captivating (See mano-h-)  |
hara | m. "Seizer","Destroyer", Name of śiva- etc.  |
hara | m. of a dānava-  |
hara | m. of a monkey  |
hara | m. of various authors etc.  |
hara | m. (in arithmetic) a divisor  |
hara | m. the denominator of a fraction, division  |
hara | m. a stallion (?)  |
hara | m. an ass  |
hara | m. fire  |
harabala | m. Name of a man  |
harabīja | n. " śiva-'s seed", quicksilver  |
haracāpāropaṇa | n. N  |
haracāpāropaṇa | n. of a drama.  |
haracaritacintāmaṇi | m. Name of a poem.  |
haracūḍāmaṇi | m. " śiva-'s crest-gem", the moon  |
haradagdhamūrti | m. "whose body has been burnt by śiva-", kāma-deva- (also"sexual love")  |
haradāsa | m. Name of an author (perhaps wrong reading for hari-d-)  |
haradatta | m. Name of various writers etc. (especially of the author of the pada-mañjarī-, a commentator or commentary on the kāśikā-vṛtti-, and the mitākṣarā-, a commentator or commentary on gautama-'s dharmasūtra-)  |
haradattacaritra | n. Name of work  |
haradattasiṃha | m. Name of a modern author  |
haradatttācārya | m. Name of a preceptor  |
haradatttīya | n. Name of work  |
haragaṇa | m. Name of poets  |
haragaurī | f. one of the forms of śiva- or of śiva- and pārvatī- conjoined (equals ardhanārīśa-)  |
haragaurīsaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
haragovinda | m. (also with vācaspati-and śarman-) Name of various authors  |
haragupta | m. Name of poets  |
harahāra | m. " śiva-'s necklace", Name of the serpent-demon śeṣa-  |
harahūrā | (?) f. equals hāra-h-, grape  |
harajī | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of the father of hara-datta-  |
harajit | m. Name of a man  |
haraka | m. a taker, seizer, conveyer  |
haraka | m. a rogue, cheat  |
haraka | m. a reflecting person  |
haraka | m. Name of śiva-  |
haraka | m. a divisor or division  |
haraka | m. a long flexible sword  |
harakeli | Name of a drama (composed by vigraha-rāja-deva- A.D. 1153).  |
harakeśa | incorrect for hari-keśa-.  |
harakośa | m. Name of a, dictionary.  |
harakṣetra | n. Name of a district sacred to śiva-  |
harakumāraṭhakkura | m. Name of a modern author  |
haramekhalā | f. Name of work  |
haramekhalin | m. a particular class of artisans  |
haramohana | m. Name of authors  |
haramuja | Name of a place  |
haramukuṭamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
haraṇa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') carrying, holding, containing (exempli gratia, 'for example' bali-haraṇī-, darvī-,"a ladle containing an oblation")  |
haraṇa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. taking away. removing (exempli gratia, 'for example' rajo-h-"removing dust")  |
haraṇa | m. "taker", a hand  |
haraṇa | m. an arm  |
haraṇa | m. Michelia Champaca  |
haraṇa | n. the act of carrying or bringing or fetching. etc.  |
haraṇa | n. offering  |
haraṇa | n. carrying off, robbing, abduction etc.  |
haraṇa | n. removing, destroying  |
haraṇa | n. dividing, division  |
haraṇa | n. a nuptial present (equals -yautaka-) |
haraṇa | n. a gift to a student at his initiation  |
haraṇa | n. fodder given to a stallion (equals vāḍaba-h-) on  |
haraṇa | n. ( also"a particular gesture "[ especially of an archer in shooting];"boiling water";"semen virile";"gold") .  |
haraṇabhāga | (h/araṇa--) mfn. entitled to partake (said of deceased ancestors)  |
haraṇāharaṇa | n. idem or 'n. (orf(ā-).) fetching the nuptial present '  |
haraṇahārika | n. (orf(ā-).) fetching the nuptial present  |
haranārāyaṇa | (also spelt harin-) m. Name of authors  |
haranartaka | n. a kind of metre (equals hariṇa-pluta-)  |
haranātha | (also spelt harin-) m. Name of authors  |
haranetra | n. śiva-'s eye  |
haranetra | n. a symbolical expression for the number"three"  |
haraṇi | f. a water-channel, gutter  |
haraṇi | f. death  |
haraṇīya | mfn. to be taken or seized etc.  |
harapati | m. Name of an author  |
harapradīpikā | f. Name of a medicine work  |
harapriya | m. Nerium Odorum  |
hararāta | m. Name of authors  |
hararūpa | m. "having the form of hara-", Name of śiva-  |
haras | n. a grasp, grip  |
haras | n. a draught, drink, beverage  |
haras | n. flame, fire (according to to some also "anger","fury") [ confer, compare Greek .]  |
harasakha | m. "Sam2gi1t's friend", Name of kubera-  |
haraśekharā | f. " śiva-'s crest", the Ganges  |
harasiddhipradā | f. Name of a particular family-deity  |
harasiṃha | m. Name of a king  |
haraśṛṅgārā | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
harasūnu | m. " śiva-'s son", Name of kārttikeya-  |
haraśūra | Name of a place  |
harasvāmin | m. Name of a man  |
harasvat | mfn. (h/aras--) seizing (or"fiery")  |
harasvat | f. (plural) rivers(?)  |
harasvin | mfn. fiery, energetic  |
haratejas | n. " śiva-'s energy", quicksilver  |
harave | Name of a place (= Herat)  |
haravijaya | m. Name of a poem by ratnākara-.  |
haravilāsa | m. a kind of musical composition  |
haravilāsa | m. Name of a poem.  |
harayāṇa | m. Name of a man  |
ābhara | etc. See under ā-bhṛ-.  |
ābhara | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
ābharadvasava | n. ābharadvasu |
ābharadvasu | mfn. bringing property or goods  |
ābharadvasu | m. Name of a man. ( ābharadvasava sava- n."composed by ābharad-vasu-", Name of a sāman-.)  |
ābharaṇa | n. decorating  |
ābharaṇa | n. ornament, decoration (as jewels etc.)  |
ābharaṇa | n. Name of several works (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
ābharaṇasthāna | n. a place (on the body) for ornament,  |
abhihara | etc. See abhi-hṛ-.  |
abhihara | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') carrying off, removing  |
abhiharaṇa | n. bringing or conveying near  |
abhiharaṇīya | mfn. to be brought near.  |
abhivyāharaṇa | n. equals abhi-vyāhāra- commentator or commentary on  |
abhūtāharaṇa | n. relating anything which in fact has not happened, a wrong account (given for deceiving or puzzling anybody)  |
abhyavaharaṇa | n. throwing away or down  |
abhyavaharaṇa | n. taking food, eating commentator or commentary on  |
abhyudāharaṇa | n. an example or illustration of a thing by its reverse  |
abhyuddharaṇa | n. ( )  |
ādhara | See under ā-dhṛ-.  |
ādhara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' supportable, tenable (see dur-).  |
adhara | mfn. (connected with adh/as-), lower, inferior, tending downwards  |
adhara | mfn. low, vile  |
adhara | mfn. worsted, silenced  |
adhara | m. the lower lip, the lip  |
adhara | n. the lower part, a reply, pudendum muliebre [ Latin inferus].  |
adharadala | n. a lip,  |
adharahanu | f. the lower jaw-bone  |
adharakaṇṭha | m. n. the lower neck, lower part of the throat  |
adharakāya | m. the lower part of the body.  |
adharamadhu | n. the moisture of the lips.  |
adharamūla | (/adh-), mfn. having the roots downwards,  |
adharapāna | n. "drinking the lip", kissing.  |
adhararucaka | n. lovely lips,  |
adharasapatna | (/adhara--) mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced  |
adharasmāt | ind. ablative below  |
adharastāt | ind. below |
adharasvastika | n. the nadir.  |
adharatas | ind. below  |
adharauṣṭha | m. the lower lip  |
adharauṣṭha | n. the lower and upper lip.  |
adharauṣṭharucaka | n. lovely lips,  |
adharaya | Nom. P. adharayati-, to make inferior, put under ; eclipse, excel.  |
adhikandharam | ind. upon or as far as the neck  |
adhiśirodharam | ind. on the neck,  |
adhobhāgadoṣahara | mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-), act of supplying (elliptical language)  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. supplement  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. act of inferring, inference.  |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be supplied  |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be inferred.  |
ādibharataprastāra | m. Name of work  |
ādigadādhara | m. "the first club-bearer", Name of an image of viṣṇu-  |
aditikuṇḍalāharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka- by kādamba-.  |
aghaharaṇa | n. removal of guilt  |
āghargharam | ind. snarlingly, growlingly,  |
agnimāṭhara | m. Name of an expounder of the ṛg-- veda-  |
agniśekhara | n. saffron  |
agniviharaṇa | n. removing the sacrificial fire from the āgnīdhra- to the sadas- maṇḍapa-  |
agnyuddharaṇa | n. taking the sacred fire from its usual place (previous to a sacrifice). |
agropaharaṇīya | mfn. that which has to be first or principally supplied  |
ahara | m. Name of an asura- (varia lectio su-hara-)  |
ahara | m. of a son of manu- (varia lectio a-dūra-).  |
āhara | etc. See ā-hṛ-.  |
āhara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' bringing, fetching  |
āhara | m. taking, seizing  |
āhara | m. accomplishing, offering (a sacrifice)  |
āhara | m. drawing in breath, inhaling  |
āhara | m. inhaled air  |
āhara | m. breath inspired, inspiration  |
āhara | (2. sg. imperative forming irregular tatpuruṣa- compounds with the following words) :  |
āharaceṭā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
aharahaḥkarman | n. daily-work  |
aharahar | ind. day by day, daily etc.  |
āharakaraṭā | (id est ā-hara karaṭa! ity-ucyate yasyāṃ kriyāyāṃ sā-),  |
āharaṇa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' taking away, robbing  |
āharaṇa | n. taking, seizing, bringing, fetching etc.  |
āharaṇa | n. extracting, removing  |
āharaṇa | n. accomplishing, offering (a sacrifice)  |
āharaṇa | n. battle, combat  |
āharaṇa | n. causing, inducing  |
āharaṇīkṛ | to offer, give as a present  |
āharaniṣkirā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
āharanivapā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
aharaṇīya | mfn. not to be taken away.  |
āharasenā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
āharavanitā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
āharavasanā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
āharavitanā | gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
ainduśekhara | mfn. (fr. indu-śekhara-), belonging to or treating of the moon-crested one id est śiva-  |
ākhara | m. ( commentator or commentary) the hole or lair of an animal  |
ākhara | m. Name of an agni-  |
akṣadhara | mfn. holding dice  |
akṣadhara | m. Trophis Aspera (See śākhoṭa-).  |
ambhodhara | m. a cloud  |
ambudhara | m. "water-holder", a cloud.  |
amṛtāharaṇa | m. "nectar-stealer", Name of garuḍa-  |
amṛtāharaṇa | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- work of the  |
aṃśahara | mfn. taking a share, a sharer.  |
aṃśudhara | m. "bearer of rays", the sun  |
anaṅgaśekhara | m. Name of a metre (of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi).  |
aṇḍadhara | m. Name of śiva-.  |
anirbhara | mfn. not excessive, little, slight, light.  |
aṅkuśadurdhara | m. a restive elephant.  |
antarābhara | See antar/ā-.  |
antarābhara | mfn. bringing close to, procuring  |
antarjaṭhara | n. the stomach  |
anuddharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-), non-removal  |
anuddharaṇa | n. not offering, not establishing or proving.  |
anuharamāṇa | mfn. imitating.  |
anuharaṇa | n. imitation  |
anuharaṇa | n. resemblance.  |
anuharaṇa | inheriting,  |
anuharaṇahāra | m. imitation  |
anuharaṇahāra | m. resemblance.  |
anuharat | mfn. imitating  |
anuharat | m. (an-) Name of a man, (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v)  |
anupraharaṇa | n. throwing into the fire  |
anuvyāharaṇa | n. repeated utterance  |
anvāharaṇa | n. making up, supplying commentator or commentary on  |
anyoktikaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
apabharaṇī | f. plural ( bhṛ-), the last lunar mansion  |
āpaduddharaṇa | n. bringing out of trouble  |
apahara | etc. See apa-hṛ-.  |
apahara | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') carrying off  |
apaharaṇa | n. taking away, carrying off  |
apaharaṇa | n. stealing  |
apaharaṇa | keeping off all contrarieties,  |
apaharaṇīya | mfn. to be taken away, carried off, stolen, etc.  |
apaharas | mfn. not pernicious  |
apariharaṇīya | mfn. not to be avoided, inevitable  |
apariharaṇīya | mfn. not to be abandoned or lost  |
apariharaṇīya | mfn. not to be degraded.  |
apathahara | mfn. choosing the wrong road,  |
aprakhara | mfn. dull, obtuse  |
aprakhara | mfn. bland, mild  |
arbudaśikhara | m. id.  |
ardhahara | mfn. inheriting half a property,  |
ardhaprahara | m. half a watch (one hour and a half).  |
ardharatha | m. a warrior who fights on a car along with another  |
ardhaśaphara | m. a kind of fish  |
ārṣaṃdhara | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
arthahara | mfn. inheriting wealth  |
artharacana | n. pursuing an aim, exertion, endeavour,  |
ārtihara | mfn. destroying pain.  |
ārtyapaharaṇa | n. the relieving of distress or pain etc.  |
asidhara | m. Name of a man  |
asitābhraśekhara | m. Name of a buddha-  |
aśmarīhara | m. the tree Pentaptera Arjuna or another plant (used as a lithontriptic)  |
aśrutidhara | mfn. not striking the hearing  |
aśrutidhara | mfn. not knowing the veda-  |
aṣṭamūrtidhara | m. "possessing eight forms", a Name of śiva-.  |
astaśikhara | m. equals mastaka- q.v  |
asthyuddharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
asuṃbhara | mf(ā-)n. only (supporting id est) caring for one's life  |
aṭavīśikhara | m. plural Name of a people  |
atikhara | mfn. very pungent or piercing.  |
avaharaṇa | n. putting aside, throwing away  |
avanīdhara | m. "earth-upholder", a mountain.  |
aviśrāntavidhyādharavyākaraṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammar by vāmana- (probably wrong reading for viśr-),  |
baddharabhasa | mf(ā-)n. impetuous, passionate  |
baddharasāla | m. a highly prized species of Mango  |
bādharahasya | n.  |
bāhupraharaṇa | m. striking with the arms, a striker, boxer  |
bāhupraharaṇa | n. boxing, wrestling  |
bāhuśikhara | n. "the upper part of the arm", the shoulder  |
bakulābharaṇacāṭu | n. Name of a poem.  |
bakulābharaṇamuni | m. Name of a sage  |
baladhara | m. "might-bearer", Name of a Brahman  |
baladhara | m. of a warrior  |
balahara | m. "taking away strength", Name of a man  |
bālarāmabharata | n. Name of a poem.  |
bālarūpadhara | m. "bearing a boy's form", Name of śiva-  |
baliharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. adapted for the presentation of oblations,  |
baliharaṇa | n. the presentation of oblations (see )  |
baliharaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bambhara | m. a bee  |
baṭukabhairavāpaduddharaṇapaṭala | n. Name of work  |
bhāgahara | mfn. taking a part, sharing, a co-heir  |
bhaganetrahara | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhagavadgītālakṣābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārtharakṣā | f. Name of work  |
bhāṇḍabharaka | m. the contents of any vessel  |
bhara | mf(ā-)n. ( bhṛ-) bearing, carrying, bringing  |
bhara | mf(ā-)n. bestowing, granting  |
bhara | mf(ā-)n. maintaining, supporting (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ṛtam--, kulam--, deham--, vājam-bh-and Calcutta edition )  |
bhara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the act of bearing or carrying etc.  |
bhara | m. carrying away or what is carried away, gain, prize, booty  |
bhara | m. war, battle, contest  |
bhara | m. a burden, load, weight (also a particular measure of weight equals bhāra- q.v ) etc. (accusative with kṛ-,to place one's weight, support one's self )  |
bhara | m. a large quantity, great number, mass, bulk, multitude, abundance, excess etc. ( bhareṇa reṇa- ind.and bharāt rāt- ind.in full measure, with all one's might )  |
bhara | m. raising the voice, shout or song of praise  |
bhara | n. dual number (with indrasya-,or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of 2 sāman-s  |
bharad | in compound for rat-.  |
bharadhyai | See bhṛ-.  |
bharadvāja | m. (bhar/ad--) "bearing speed or strength (of flight)", a skylark  |
bharadvāja | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic bārhaspatya-, supposed author of , and purohita- of diva-dāsa-, with whom he is perhaps identical; bharad- is also considered as one of the 7 sages and the author of a law-book) etc. (jasya a-dāra-sṛt-and a-dāra-sṛtau-, arkau-, upahavau-, gādham-, nakāni-, priśninī-, prāsāham-, bṛhat-, maukṣe-, yajñāyajñīyam-, lomanī-, vāja-karmīyam-, vāja-bhṛt-, viṣamāṇi-, vratam-, sundhyuḥ-and saindhukṣitāni-Name of sāman-s )  |
bharadvāja | m. of an arhat-  |
bharadvāja | m. of a district  |
bharadvāja | m. of an agni-  |
bharadvāja | m. of various authors  |
bharadvāja | m. plural the race or family of bharad-vāja-  |
bharadvājadhanvantari | m. Name of a divine being  |
bharadvājagārgapariṇayapratiṣedhavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
bharadvājaka | m. a skylark.  |
bharadvājaprādurbhāva | m. Name of chapter of  |
bharadvājapravraska | n. Name of  |
bharadvājasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bharadvājaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
bharadvājasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
bharadvājasūtra | n. Name of work  |
bharadvājin | m. in nāṃ vratam- Name of a sāman-  |
bharaga | a word invented to explain bharga- ( bharagatva -tva- n.)  |
bharagatva | n. bharaga |
bharahapāla | m. Name of a man |
bhārahara | mfn. equals -vāhika-  |
bharaheśvaravṛtti | f. Name of work (see bhareha-nagarī-).  |
bharahūti | m. (bh/ara--) a war-cry  |
bharahūti | mfn. raising a war-cry  |
bharama | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
bharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. bearing, maintaining  |
bharaṇa | m. Name of a nakṣatra- (equals bharaṇī-)  |
bharaṇa | n. the act of bearing (also in the womb) carrying, bringing, procuring etc.  |
bharaṇa | n. wearing, putting on  |
bharaṇa | n. maintaining, supporting, nourishing etc.  |
bharaṇa | n. wages, hire  |
bharaṇḍa | m. a master, lord  |
bharaṇḍa | m. a bull  |
bharaṇḍa | m. a worm  |
bharaṇḍa | m. the earth (?)  |
bharaṇḍa | m.  |
bharaṇḍakeṣṇa | (of unknown meaning), .  |
bharaṇī | f. See below  |
bharaṇi | mf. (prob.) Name of a nakṣatra- (equals bharaṇī-)  |
bharaṇī | f. (of ṇa-) Luffa Foetida or a similar plant  |
bharaṇī | f. (also plural) Name of the 7th nakṣatra- (containing 3 stars and figured by the pudendum muliebre)  |
bharaṇībhū | m. "born from bharaṇi-", Name of rāhu-  |
bharaṇika | mf(ī-)n. equals bharaṇena harati- gaRa bhastrādi-.  |
bharaṇiṣeṇa | m. Name of a man  |
bharaṇisena | m. Name of a man  |
bharaṇīya | mfn. to be borne or supported or maintained  |
bharaṇīya | m. a dependant  |
bharaṇya | (fr. bharaṇa-) Nom. P. yati- = sam-bhṛ- gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- ( )  |
bharaṇya | mfn. (for bharaṇīya-) to be maintained or cherished or protected  |
bharaṇya | m. Name of a son of muni- (varia lectio āraṇya-)  |
bharaṇya | n. wages, hire (alsof(ā-).) : cherishing, maintaining  |
bharaṇya | n. the asterism bharaṇī-  |
bharaṇyabhuj | m. "receiving wages", a hireling, servant, labourer  |
bharaṇyāhvā | f. Tiaridiusn Indicum  |
bharaṇyu | m. a protector or master  |
bharaṇyu | m. a friend.  |
bharaṇyu | m. fire  |
bharaṇyu | m. the moon  |
bharaṇyu | m. the sun  |
bharas | n. bearing, holding, cherishing (see viśva--and sa-bh-).  |
bharat | mfn. bearing, carrying etc. etc.  |
bharat | m. plural Name of the military caste  |
bharaṭa | m. a potter or a servant (see )  |
bharata | m. "to be or being maintained", Name of agni- (kept alive by the care of men)  |
bharata | m. of a particular agni- (father of bharata- and bharatī-)  |
bharata | m. a priest (equals ṛtvij-)  |
bharata | m. an actor, dancer, tumbler  |
bharata | m. a weaver  |
bharata | m. a hireling, mercenary  |
bharata | m. a barbarian, mountaineer (equals śabara-)  |
bharata | m. the fire in which the rice for Brahmans is boiled  |
bharata | m. Name of rudra- (the marut-s are called his sons)  |
bharata | m. of an āditya-  |
bharata | m. of a son of agni- bharata-  |
bharata | m. of a celebrated hero and monarch of India (son of duṣyanta- and śakuntalā-, the first of 12 cakra-vartin-s or sārvabhauma-s id est universal emperors) etc. |
bharata | m. of a son of dhruvasaṃdhi- and father of asita-  |
bharata | m. of a son of daśaratha- and kaikeyī- (and younger brother of rāma-, to whom he was very much devoted) etc.  |
bharata | m. of a son of ṛṣabha-,  |
bharata | m. of a son of vītihotra-  |
bharata | m. of a manu- (who gave the name to the country bhārata-)  |
bharata | m. of a son of manu- bhautya-  |
bharata | m. of a king of aśmaka-  |
bharata | m. of various teachers and authors (especially of an ancient muni- supposed author of a manual of the dramatic art called nāṭya-śāstra- or bharata-śāstra-)  |
bharata | m. = jaḍabharata- (q.v)  |
bharata | m. = bharata-mallīka- (below)  |
bharata | m. plural "the descendants of bharata-", Name of a tribe etc.  |
bharatā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
bharata | n. plural Name of a particular varṣa-  |
bharaṭa | raṇa-, rat/a- etc. See p.747.  |
bharatadvādaśāha | m. Name of a Partic. festival  |
bharatadvirūpakośa | m. Name of work  |
bharatāgraja | m. "elder brother of bharata-varṣa-", Name of rāma-  |
bharatajña | mfn. "knowing the science of bharata-varṣa-", conversant with dramatic writings and rules  |
bharaṭaka | m. a particular class of mendicants (also ḍaka-)  |
bharaṭakadvātriṃśikā | f. Name of a collection of 32 popular tales.  |
bharatakhaṇḍa | n. Name of a part of bharata-varṣa- (equals kumārikā-)  |
bharatamalla | m. Name of a grammarian  |
bharatamallika | m. Name of an author (equals -sena-)  |
bharatamallīka | m. Name of an author (equals -sena-)  |
bharatapāla | m. Name of a man.  |
bharataprasū | f. "mother of bharata-varṣa-"Name of kaikeyī- (wife of daśaratha-)  |
bharatapura | n. Name of a town  |
bharataputra | ( ) ( ) m. "son of bharata-varṣa-", an actor, mime.  |
bharataputraka | ( ) m. "son of bharata-varṣa-", an actor, mime.  |
bharatārjunanāṭaka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a drama by hasti-malla-sena-.  |
bharatārṇava | m. Name of work  |
bharataroha | m. Name of a man  |
bharataṛṣabha | m. equals bharatarṣabha- Name of viśvā-mitra- (see ) .  |
bharatarṣabha | (ta-ṛ-) m. the best or a prince (literally"bull") of the bharata-varṣa-  |
bharatasamuccaya | m. (a particular rhetoric figure consisting of an) accumulation of dramatic terms,  |
bharataśārdūla | m. the noblest (literally"tiger") of the bharata-varṣa-  |
bharataśāstra | n. bharata-varṣa-'s manual (of the dramatic art equals ṇātya-ś-)  |
bharataśāstra | n. another manual of music (by raghu-nātha-)  |
bharatasattama | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa-  |
bharatasena | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on various poems (lived about 100 years ago)  |
bharatāśrama | m. "hermitage of bharata-varṣa-"Name of a hermitage  |
bharataśreṣṭha | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa-  |
bharatasūtra | n. Name of a rhetoric work by śārṅgadhara- (also bharatasūtravṛtti -vṛtti- f.by vidyā-bhūṣaṇa-).  |
bharatasūtravṛtti | f. bharatasūtra |
bharatasvāmin | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on etc.  |
bharataṭīkā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of abhinava-gupta-'s commentator or commentary on bharata-'s Na1t2ya-s3astra  |
bharatatva | n. the name of bharata-varṣa-  |
bharatavākya | n. "speech of bharata-varṣa-"Name of the last verse or verses of a play (preceded almost always by the words tathāpīdam astu bharata-vākyam-)  |
bharatavākya | n. Name of chapter of  |
bharatavarṣa | n. "country of bharata-varṣa-", a Name of India (equals bhārata-v-)  |
bharatāvāsa | m. "abode of bharata-varṣa-", Name of  |
bharateśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bharatha | m. a world-protector (equals loka-pāla-)  |
bharatha | m. a king  |
bharatha | m. fire (see bharata-)  |
bharatī | f. Name of a daughter of agni- bharata-  |
bharatī | f. of a river  |
bharaṭika | mf(ī-)n. equals bharaṭena harati- gaRa bhastrādi-.  |
bhāroddharaṇa | n. the lifting of a lowest  |
bhartṛrājyāpaharaṇa | n. seizure of a husband's kingdom  |
bhāskhara |  |
bhasmapraharaṇa | mfn. having ashes for a weapon (said of a fever) (see -bāṇa-).  |
bhāṭṭaśabdenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
bhavaśekhara | m. " śiva-'s crest", the moon,  |
bhavavratadhara | mfn. devoted to śiva-, a worshipper of śiva-  |
bhinnabhāgahara | (prob. wrong reading for -hāra-), m. division of fractions,  |
bhohara | (?) m. Name of a poet  |
bhrāntihara | m. "taking away delusion", a counsellor, minister of a king.  |
bhṛgubharatasaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
bhṛkuṭidhara | mfn. bhṛkuṭi  |
bhṛtyabharaṇa | n. maintaining or cherishing servant  |
bhūdhara | mfn. "earth-bearing", dwelling in the earth  |
bhūdhara | m. "earth-supporting", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhūdhara | m. of baṭuka-bhairava-  |
bhūdhara | m. a mountain (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
bhūdhara | m. "mountain"and"king"  |
bhūdhara | m. a term for the number seven  |
bhūdhara | m. Name of śiva- or of the serpent-demon śeṣa-  |
bhūdhara | m. a kind of chemical or medical apparatus  |
bhūdhara | m. Name of several men  |
bhūdharaguhāntaratas | ind. from within the caves of the mountains  |
bhūdharaja | m. "mountain-born", a tree ( )  |
bhūdhararāja | m. equals -dhareśvara-  |
bhūdharatā | f. the state or act of supporting the earth  |
bhūdharayantra | n. a particular apparatus for boiling  |
bhujaśikhara | ( ) n. "arm-head", the shoulder  |
bhūmidhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
bhūmidhara | m. a symbolical expression for the number seven  |
bhūmidhara | m. a king, prince  |
bhūmidhara | m. Name of a poet  |
bhūtadhara | mfn. retaining (in the mind) or remembering the past  |
bhūtahara | m. bdellium  |
bījagaṇitodāharaṇa | n. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bījodāharaṇabālabodhini | f. Name of work on algebra  |
bimbādhara | m. a nether lip (red like the bimba- fruit)  |
bisābharaṇa | n. an ornament made of lotus-fibres,  |
bodhapṛthvīdhara | m. Name of a teacher  |
brahmadāyahara | mfn. brahmadāya |
brahmadhara | mfn. possessing sacred knowledge  |
brahmavratadhara | mfn. brahmavrata |
bṛhacchandenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
buddharakṣita | m. "guarded by Buddha", Name of a man  |
buddharakṣitā | f. Name of a woman,  |
budhamanohara | mn. Name of work  |
budharañjiṇī | f. Name of work  |
budharatna | n. " bhaṭṭotpala-'s gem", an emerald  |
cakradhara | mfn. or m. bearing a wheel, wheel-bearer (once -dhāra-)  |
cakradhara | mfn. equals -bhṛt-  |
cakradhara | mfn. driving in a carriage (?,"a snake"or"a governor"Scholiast or Commentator; see )  |
cakradhara | m. a sovereign, emperor, iii, xii  |
cakradhara | m. governor of a province  |
cakradhara | m. equals caraka-  |
cakradhara | m. a snake  |
cakradhara | m. a village tumbler (see cakrāṭa-)  |
cakradhara | m. Name of a man  |
cakradhara | m. of other men etc.  |
cakradhara | m. of a locality  |
camūhara | m. Name of one of the viśve- devā-s  |
candragrahaṇodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
candrakumāraśikhara | n. Name of a place  |
candrārdhakṛtaśekhara | mfn. one who has adorned his forehead with a crescent mark  |
candraśekhara | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candraśekhara | m. Name of a minister (father of the author of )  |
candraśekhara | m. of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
candraśekhara | m. of the author of the play madhurā-niruddha-  |
candraśekhara | m. of a prince  |
candraśekhara | m. of a mountain (see -parvata-)  |
candraśekharacampūprabandha | m. Name of work  |
cāpadhara | mfn. bow-armed  |
cāpadhara | m. Sagittarius  |
caraṇābharaṇa | n. a foot-ornament  |
cārupayodhara | mf(ā-)n. fair-bosomed,  |
caturdhara | m. Name of a family or race.  |
caturmukharasa | m. a preparation of great curative power  |
catuṣpatharatā | f. idem or 'f. "abiding on a cross-way", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- ' , 2645  |
cauroddharaṇa | n. extirpation of robbers.  |
cetohara | mf(ā-)n. captivating the heart  |
chāndasabaṭhara | m. the deceitful chāndasa-  |
chāyāmṛgadhara | m. equals bhṛt-  |
cihnadhara | mfn. bearing the signs or insignia (of office)  |
cintābhara | m. a heap of cares  |
citradhara | m. Name of an author.  |
citraśikhaṇḍadhara | m. wearing various tufts of hair (viṣṇu-), =  |
cūḍāmaṇidhara | m. " cūḍāmaṇi- -wearer", Name of a nāga-  |
dadhittharasa | m. the resin of Dadhittha, 49, 24.  |
dagdhajaṭhara | n. the hungry stomach  |
dagdharatha | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
dāhaharaṇa | n. "removing heat", the root of Andropogon Muricatus.  |
dahara | m. a child  |
dahara | m. a young animal  |
dahara | m. a mouse  |
dahara | mfn. (fr. dobhr/a-) small, fine, thin (varia lectio dabhra-)  |
dahara | mfn. young in age  |
dahara | m. a younger brother  |
daharaka | mfn. short (day),  |
daharapṛṣṭha | n. Name of ,  |
daharasūtra | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
daivajñamanohara | m. Name of work  |
dakṣiṇāpraharaṇa | (ṇ/ā--) mfn. hurled to the right  |
dānamanohara | m. Name of work  |
daṇḍadhara | mfn. "rod-bearer", punisher (of. genitive case), ix, 245  |
daṇḍadhara | m. a king, ix  |
daṇḍadhara | m. yama-, 655  |
daṇḍadhara | m. a judge,  |
daṇḍadhara | m. equals -mukha-  |
daṇḍadhara | m. a door-keeper  |
daṇḍadhara | m. a mendicant  |
daṇḍadhara | m. a potter  |
daṇḍavratadhara | mfn. equals -dhāraka-  |
dapharakhāna | m. Zaphar Khan (Sultan),  |
daramanthara | mfn. a little slow, .  |
darbhara | m. (gaRa aśmādi-) Perdix chinensis  |
darbharajju | f. a rope made of d-  |
darpahara | mfn. equals -ha-  |
daśakandhara | m. equals -kaṇṭha-  |
daśanaśikhara | the point of a tooth,  |
daśapāramitādhara | m. "possessing the 10 perfections", a buddha-  |
daurudhara | mfn. (fr. durudharā-)  |
dāyahara | m. receiver of inheritance, heir (see brahma--).  |
dehambhara | mfn. intent (only) upon nourishing the body or prolonging life  |
dehambharavārttika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. intent (only) upon nourishing the body or prolonging life '  |
dehambharavārttika | mfn. voracious, gluttonous (see udaram-bh-).  |
deharakṣā | f. "care of the body", chastity  |
deśīyarājaśekharakośa | m. Name of work  |
devadhara | m. (bhāgavatācārya-) Name of Scholiast or Commentator on  |
devaśekhara | m. "divine diadem", Artemisia Indica  |
devasvapaharaṇa | n. plunder of divine property, sacrilege  |
ḍhaḍḍhara | Name of a man  |
dhairyadhara | mfn. possessed of firmness or constancy  |
dhanahara | mfn. money-stealing  |
dhanahara | m. a thief or an heir  |
dhanahara | m. a kind of plant  |
dhanurdhara | m. equals -graha- etc. (also as Name of śiva-)  |
dhanurdhara | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanurdhara | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
dhara | mf(ā-)n. ( dhṛ-) bearing, supporting (scilicet the world, said of kṛṣṇa- and śiva-)  |
dhara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' holding, bearing, carrying, wearing, possessing, having, keeping (also in memory), sustaining, preserving, observing (see aṃśu--, akṣa--, kulaṃ--etc.) etc.  |
dhara | m. a mountain (see kṣiti--, bhū--etc.)  |
dhara | m. a flock of cotton  |
dhara | m. a frivolous or dissolute man (equals viṭa-)  |
dhara | m. a sword  |
dhara | m. Name of a vasu-  |
dhara | m. of a follower of the pāṇḍava-s of the king of the tortoises  |
dhara | m. of the father of padma-prabha- (6th arhat- of present tense ava-sarpiṇī-)  |
dhara | m. the uterus or womb  |
dhara | m. a vein or tubular vessel of the body  |
dhara | m. marrow  |
dhara | m. a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brahmans)  |
dhara | m. one of the 8 forms of sarasvatī- idem or 'm. a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brahmans) '  |
dhara | m. Name of one of the wives of kaśyapa- (mother of the land and water-birds, prob. = the Earth) (varia lectio irā-)  |
dhara | n. poison (varia lectio dara-)  |
dharādhara | m. "earth-bearer", Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
dhārādhara | m. "water-bearer", a cloud etc.  |
dhārādhara | m. sword  |
dharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. bearing, supporting  |
dharaṇa | m. a dike or bank  |
dharaṇa | m. the world  |
dharaṇa | m. the sun  |
dharaṇa | m. the female breast  |
dharaṇa | m. rice-corn  |
dharaṇa | m. Name of a king of the nāga-s  |
dharaṇa | m. or n. a sort of weight variously reckoned as = 10 pala-s, = 16 silver māṣaka-s, = 1 silver purāṇa-, = 1/10 śatamāna-, = 19 niṣpāva-, = 2/5 karṣa-, = 1/10 pala-, = 24 raktikā- etc.  |
dharaṇa | n. the act of bearing, holding, etc.  |
dharaṇa | n. bringing, procuring (see kāma--)  |
dharaṇa | n. support, prop, stay (see pṛtkivī--, savana-.)  |
dharaṇa | n. a particular high number (see dhamana-, dhamara-)  |
dharaṇānvita | mfn. endowed with a good memory  |
dharaṇapriyā | f. Name of the goddess executing the commands of the 19th arhat-  |
dharaṇī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
dharaṇi | f. (see the next) the earth (personified as the wife of dhruva-)  |
dharaṇī | f. (see ṇa-and ṇi-) the earth, the soil or ground  |
dharaṇī | f. a vein or tubular vessel of the body  |
dharaṇī | f. equals -kanda-  |
dharaṇī | f. a beam or rafter for a roof.  |
dharaṇī | f. Name of a Dictionary (see ṇi-kośa-).  |
dharaṇībandha | m. "earth-bond", id., .  |
dharaṇibhṛt | ( ) m. a prince or king.  |
dharaṇībhṛt | m. a mountain (see -dhṛt-).  |
dharaṇibhuj | ( ) m. a prince or king.  |
dharaṇidāsa | m. Name of a lexicographer  |
dharaṇidhara | m. "earth-bearer", Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- (see pṛthu-dharaṇi-dh-)  |
dharaṇidhara | m. a mountain (see ṇī-dh-).  |
dharaṇīdhara | mfn. bearing or sustaining the earth  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of śiva-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of śeṣa-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of the mythic. elephants fabled to support the earth  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. a mountain etc.  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. a tortoise  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. a king  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. Name of a man of the family of maunin- and son of maheśvara-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of the father of śaśi-dhara-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of the father of vāsudeva- and grandfather of the author hari-nātha-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of the father of dayā-śaṃkara-  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of a poet and other authors (also with pantha-)  |
dharaṇīdhara | m. of a bodhi-sattva- (also read ṇīṃ-dh-)  |
dharaṇīdhra | m. idem or 'm. "earth-bearer", Name of śeṣa-, (varia lectio -bhṛt-).' , a mountain  |
dharaṇīdhṛt | m. "earth-bearer", Name of śeṣa-, (varia lectio -bhṛt-).  |
dharaṇigonīga | m. Name of a man  |
dharaṇigrāma | m. Name of a village.  |
dharaṇija | m. "earth-born", a tree  |
dharaṇija | m. "son of the earth", metron. of the planet Mars  |
dharaṇīkanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant or esculent root  |
dharaṇīkīlaka | m. a mountain  |
dharaṇikośa | m. Name of the Dictionary of dharaṇi-dāsa-.  |
dharaṇimaṇḍa | m. or n. Name of a place  |
dharaṇīmaṇḍala | n. "earth-sphere", the globe  |
dharaṇīṃdhara | See ṇī-dh- (above) .  |
dharaṇīnārāyaṇastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
dharaṇipati | ( ) m. a prince or king.  |
dharaṇīplava | m. "having the earth as ship", id.,  |
dharaṇīpūra | m. "earth-flooding", the ocean  |
dharaṇīruha | m. "earth-growing", a tree  |
dharaṇistha | mfn. being or staying on earth  |
dharaṇīsura | m. "god on earth", a Brahman  |
dharaṇisuta | m. metron. of the planet Mars (see -ja-).  |
dharaṇīsuta | m. metron. of aṅgiras- or the planet Mars  |
dharaṇīsutā | f. of sitā-  |
dharaṇīśvara | m. (nīśv-) "earth-lord", Name of śiva-  |
dharaṇīśvararāja | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
dharaṇitala | n. the surface of the earth  |
dharaṇītala | n. the surface of the earth  |
dharaṇītalaśrī | m. Name of a prince of the kiṃnara-s  |
dharaṇitalataitila | m. a god on earth, a Brahman |
dharaṇīvarāha | m. Name of a king  |
dharaṇīvarāhasaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
dharaṇīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
dharaṇīya | mfn. to be held or borne (see śiro--).  |
dharapaṭṭa | m. Name of 2 princes of the vallabhī- dynasty  |
dharasaṃstha | mfn. mountain-like  |
dharasena | m. Name of 2 princes of the vallabhī- dynasty  |
dharitrīdhara | m. "earth-holder", mountain  |
dharmadhara | m.,"law-supporter", Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dharmadhara | m. of a prince of the kiṃnara-s  |
dharmadhara | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
dhātrīdhara | m. "earth-bearer", mountain  |
dhātuśekhara | n. "chief of minerals", green vitriol  |
dhiṣṇyaviharaṇa | n. the distribution of the dhiṣṇya- fires,  |
dhuraṃdhara | mfn. bearing a yoke or a burden (literally and figuratively), fit to be harnessed  |
dhuraṃdhara | mfn. helping another (genitive case) out of need  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. a beast of burden  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. chief, leader  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. a man of business  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. Name of śiva-  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. of a rakṣas-  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. Grislea Tomentosa  |
dhuraṃdhara | m. plural Name of a people  |
dhūrdhara | mfn. bearing a burden, managing affairs  |
dhūrdhara | m. beast of burden  |
dhūrdhara | m. leader, chief.  |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. "banner-striking", air, wind  |
dhvajapraharaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of vāyu-,  |
dīrgharada | m. "long-tusked", a hog  |
dīrgharaṅgā | f. "having a lasting colour", turmeric  |
dīrgharasana | m. "long-tongued", a serpent  |
dīrgharata | m. "long in copulation", a dog, (see -surata-).  |
doḥśekhara | n. "arm-top", shoulder  |
dolāghara | m. or n. a hall with a swing  |
dolāgharaka | m. or n. a hall with a swing  |
doṣahara | mfn. equals ghna-  |
doṣatrayahara | mfn. removing the 3 bad humours  |
draupadīharaṇa | n. "the forcible abduction of draupadī-", Name of chapter of  |
draupadīvastrāharaṇa | n. "the seizure of draupadī-'s garments", Name of a poem.  |
draviḍopaniṣacchekhara | m. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
dṛḍharaṅgā | f. "having a fast colour", alum  |
dṛḍharatha | m. "having a strong chariot", Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (thāśraya-, idem or 'f. "having a fast colour", alum ')  |
dṛḍharatha | m. of a son of jayad-ratha- and father of viśva-jit-  |
dṛḍharatha | m. of the father of the 10th arhat- of the 10th arhat- of the present ava-sarpiṇī-  |
duddhara | m. (for dur-dh-?) a kind of rope-ladder  |
durādhara | mfn. difficult to be withstood, irresistible, invincible, inaccessible  |
durādhara | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (see the prec.)  |
durāhara | mfn. difficult to be offered (sacrifice)  |
durbhara | mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or maintained  |
durbhara | mfn. heavily laden with (compound),  |
durdhara | mfn. difficult to be carried or borne or suffered, unrestrainable, irresistible etc.  |
durdhara | mfn. difficult to be administered (punishment)  |
durdhara | mfn. difficult to be kept in memory or recollected  |
durdhara | mfn. inevitable, absolutely necessary (suffix)  |
durdhara | m. quicksilver  |
durdhara | m. Name of two plants (ṛṣabha-and bhallātaka-)  |
durdhara | m. a kind of hell  |
durdhara | m. Name of a son of. dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (see -dharṣa-)  |
durdhara | m. of one of śambara-'s generals  |
durdhara | m. of mahiṣa-  |
durdhara | m. of candra-gupta-'s wife  |
durgandharasa | mfn. having a bad smell or taste,  |
durudāhara | mfn. difficult to be pronounced or uttered  |
dyutidhara | m. Name of a poet  |
ekaśrutadhara | mfn. keeping in mind what one has heard once  |
gadādhara | mfn. having a sick lip  |
gadādhara | mfn. bearing a club  |
gadādhara | m. kṛṣṇa- (see kaumodakī-)  |
gadādhara | m. Name of a physician  |
gadādhara | m. of the author of the work viṣaya-vicāra-  |
gadādhara | m. of the father of mukunda-priya- and uncle of rāmānanda-  |
gadādharabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author.  |
gambhara | n. idem or 'n. depth ' ("water" ) .  |
gaṇadhara | m. the head of an assemblage of ṛṣi-s under the arhat- mahā-vīra-  |
gandharasa | (see rasa-gandha-) in compound , odour and flavour  |
gandharasa | perfumes and spices  |
gandharasa | m. myrrh  |
gandharasa | m. Gardenia florida  |
gandharasāṅgaka | m. turpentine  |
gandharatā | f. Name of a plant  |
gandhaśekhara | m. musk  |
gāṇḍivadhara | m. "holding the gāṇḍiva- bow", Name of arjuna-  |
gaṅgādhara | m. "Ganges-receiver", the ocean  |
gaṅgādhara | m. "Ganges-supporter", Name of śiva- (according to the legend the Ganges in its descent from heaven first alighted on the head of śiva- and continued for a long period entangled in his hair see )  |
gaṅgādhara | m. Name of a man  |
gaṅgādhara | m. of a lexicographer  |
gaṅgādhara | m. of a commentator on the śārīraka-sūtra-s  |
gaṅgādhara | m. of a commentator on bhāskara-  |
gaṅgādharabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a scholiast  |
gaṅgādharacūrṇa | n. a particular powder  |
gaṅgādharamādhava | m. Name of the father of Dadabhai  |
gaṅgādharapura | n. Name of a town.  |
gaṅgādhararasa | m. (in med.) Name of a drug.  |
garbhanirharaṇa | n. drawing out a child (from the womb)  |
garbharakṣā | f. protecting the foetus ,  |
garbharakṣaṇa | n. "protecting the foetus", Name of a ceremony performed in the fourth month of gestation  |
garbharandhi | f. complete cooking  |
garbharasa | (g/arbha--) mf(ā-)n. desirous of impregnation  |
gardabharatha | m. a donkey-cart  |
gārdabharathika | mfn. fit for a donkey-cart (also a--, vi-- negative)  |
gaurakhara | m. a wild donkey (see gauḍaka-mṛga-.)  |
gayāśikhara | n. the mountain gaya- (gayā-śiras-) near gayā-  |
ghanapayodhara | m. a firm breast  |
gharaṇī | f. varia lectio for riṇī-.  |
gharaṭṭa | m. a grindstone  |
gharaṭṭaka | m. idem or 'm. a grindstone '  |
gharaṭṭikā | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a grindstone ' '  |
gharghara | mfn. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) uttered with an indistinct gurgling or purring sound  |
gharghara | mfn. sounding like gurgling  |
gharghara | mfn. (in music applied to a particular note)  |
gharghara | m. an indistinct murmur, crackling (of fire), rattling (of a carriage), creaking  |
gharghara | m. laughter, mirth  |
gharghara | m. a duck ("an owl" )  |
gharghara | m. a fire of chaff  |
gharghara | m. a curtain  |
gharghara | m. a door  |
gharghara | m. the post round which the rope of a churning stick is wound  |
gharghara | m. a particular form of a temple  |
gharghara | m. the river Gogra  |
gharghara | mf(ā-,or ī-). a kind of lute or cymbal.  |
ghargharadhvani | m. panting, puffing  |
ghargharaka | m. the river Gogra  |
giridhara | m. Name of a copyist of the 17th century.  |
girikuhara | n. equals -kandara-.  |
giriśikhara | mn. equals -kūṭa- :  |
gītagaṅgādhara | n. "the ocean of songs", Name of a poem by kalyāṇa-.  |
godhara | m. Name of a king of Kashmir  |
gohara | m. stealing of cows (varia lectio -graha-).  |
goharaṇa | n. idem or 'm. stealing of cows (varia lectio -graha-).' , 5  |
goharaṇa | n. Name of  |
govardhanadhara | m. " govardhana--supporter", kṛṣṇa-  |
grahaṇīhara | n. "removing dysentery", cloves  |
granthihara | m. removing difficulties  |
gṛharakṣā | f. the guarding of a house  |
gṛharandhra | n. equals -cchidra-  |
gūḍhārtharatnamālā | f. Name of commentary  |
guhara | mfn. fr. ha- gaRa aśmādi-.  |
guṇadhara | mfn. possessing good qualities  |
haladhara | m. "plough-holder", Name of bala-rāma- (as carrying a peculiar weapon shaped like a ploughshare)  |
haladhara | m. of various authors etc.  |
hālāhaladhara | m. "having venom", a small black snake  |
harāhara | m. Name of a dānava- (dual number rau-,also = " hara- and ahara-")  |
harihara | m. " viṣṇu-śiva-", a particular form of deity consisting of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined  |
harihara | m. (dual number or in compound) viṣṇu- and śiva-  |
harihara | m. Name of various persons etc.  |
harihara | m. of a river  |
hariharabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
hariharabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author  |
hariharabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author  |
hariharabhedadhikkāra | m. Name of work  |
hariharabrahmamānasikasnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
hariharabrahman | m. Name of author  |
hariharadeva | m. Name of certain man ( )  |
hariharadevahindūpati | m. Name of certain man ( )  |
hariharadīkṣita | m. Name of a man  |
hariharadrkṣitīya | n. Name of work  |
hariharakathā | f. the repeating of the names of viṣṇu- and śiva-  |
hariharakhāna | m. Name of certain man.  |
hariharakṣetra | n. "sacred place of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined"Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
hariharamahārāja | m. Name of a man  |
hariharamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
hariharamanṇḍalaṣoḍaśaliṅgobhava | m. Name of work  |
hariharamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
hariharapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
hariharapaṇḍita | m. Name of certain man ( )  |
hariharaprasāda | m. Name of author  |
hariharapraśaṃsā | f. Name of work  |
hariharapurī | m. Name of an author  |
hariharasarasvatī | m. Name of a teacher  |
hariharastotra | n. Name of various stotra-s  |
hariharasvāmin | m. Name of author  |
hariharatāratamya | n. Name of various works.  |
hariharatarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of certain man.  |
hariharavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
hariharayoga | m. Name of work  |
harimbhara | mfn. bearing the yellow-coloured (thunderbolt)  |
harṣadhara | m. Name of authors  |
hastābharaṇa | n. an ornament for the hand  |
hastābharaṇa | n. a kind of snake  |
haṭharatnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
heḍḍeśaharihara | m. Name of an author  |
himadhara | mfn. bearing snow (on its head, and of the himālaya-)  |
himadhara | m. the himālaya- moon  |
himakṣmādhara | m. snowy mountain, himālaya-  |
himanirjharavipruṣmat | mfn. mixed with or having drops of icy cold water-falls  |
hiraṇyākṣahara | m. Name of viṣṇu-. ( )  |
horāmakarandoharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hrādhara | m. Name of a man, cit-.  |
hṛdayābharaṇa | m. Name of an author  |
hṛdayadhara | m. Name of a man  |
icchābharaṇa | (icchābharaṇa-) m. Name of a man  |
indrapraharaṇa | n. indra-'s weapon, the thunderbolt  |
induśekhara | m. "moon-crested", Name of śiva-  |
induśekhara | m. of a kiṃnara-.  |
īśādhara | m. (with Buddhists) Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 8 mountains,  |
iṣudhara | m. an archer.  |
jaḍabharata | m. "the stupid bharata-", Name of a man simulating stupidity  |
jagadābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem by jagannātha- paṇḍita-rāja-  |
jagaddhara | m. Name of a son of ratnadhara- and grandson of vidyā-dhara- (author of comments on )  |
jagatīdhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
jagatīdhara | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-,  |
jaladhara | m. "holding water", a (rain-) cloud etc.  |
jaladhara | m. the ocean  |
jaladhara | m. Cyperus rotundus  |
jaladhara | m. Dalbergia ujjeinensis  |
jaladhara | m. a metre of 4x32 syllabic instants  |
jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña | m. "having a voice musical as the sound of the thunder of the clouds and conversant with the appearance of the regents of the nakṣatra-s", Name of a buddha-,  |
jaladharamālā | f. equals jalada-paṅkti-  |
jaladharamālā | f. two metres of 4 x 12 syllables each  |
jalaharaṇa | n. a metre of 4 x 32 syllabic instants.  |
jalaṃdhara | m. (gaRa 1. naḍādi-) "water-bearer", Name of a man  |
jalaṃdhara | m. of an asura- (produced by the contact of a flash from śiva-'s eye with the ocean, and adopted by the god of the waters;called from having caught the water which flowed from brahmā-'s eye)  |
jalaṃdhara | m. Name of a particular mudrā-  |
jālaṃdhara | m. equals jal- Name of an asura-  |
jālaṃdhara | m. equals ri-, toḍ-.  |
jālaṃdhara | m. a kind of mudrā-,  |
jālaṃdhara | m. plural Name of the 12 āditya-s when born as men  |
jālaṃdhara | m. Name of a people (equals tri-garta- )  |
jālaṃdhara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
jalaṃdharapura | n. Name of a town  |
jāmbavatīharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
jambhara | m. equals bhin-  |
jambhara | etc., See 1. jabh-.  |
jānakīharaṇa | n. "carrying off of sitā-", Name of a poem  |
janodāharaṇa | n. "man-laudation", fame  |
jaṭādhara | mfn. equals -dhārin-  |
jaṭādhara | m. an ascetic  |
jaṭādhara | m. śiva-  |
jaṭādhara | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
jaṭādhara | m. of a buddha-  |
jaṭādhara | m. of a lexicographer  |
jaṭādhara | m. plural Name of a people in the south of India  |
jaṭhara | mf(ā-)n. (varia lectio for baṭh- q.v) hard, firm, iv, 13 and (varia lectio jaraṭka-)  |
jaṭhara | mf(ā-)n. for jaraṭha-, old  |
jaṭhara | mf(ā-)n. equals baddha-  |
jaṭhara | mf(ā-)n. for javana-  |
jaṭhara | mf(ā-)n. ati--,"very hard"and"very old"  |
jaṭhara | m. Name of a man ( )  |
jaṭhara | m. of a mountain  |
jaṭhara | m. plural Name of a people (in the south-east of madhya-deśa- )  |
jaṭhara | n. ([m.]) the stomach, belly, abdomen, bowels, womb, interior of anything, cavity etc. |
jaṭhara | n. certain morbid affections of the bowels  |
jaṭhara | n. ([ confer, compare ; Gothic kiltheiorqvithrs]).  |
jaṭhara | (= 2. j- )  |
jāṭhara | mf(ī-)n. being on or in or relating to the stomach or belly or womb (jaṭh/ara-)  |
jāṭhara | mf(ī-)n. with agni-,"stomach fire", digestive faculty  |
jāṭhara | mf(ī-)n. hunger  |
jāṭhara | m. "womb-offspring", a child,  |
jāṭhara | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
jaṭharagada | m. a morbid affection of the abdomen or bowels (equals hṛd-roga- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
jaṭharajvālā | f. belly-ache, colic  |
jaṭharajvalana | n. "stomach-heat", hunger  |
jaṭharanud | m. "removing the jaṭhara- disease", Cathartocarpus fistula  |
jaṭhararoga | m. equals -gada-  |
jaṭharastha | mfn. being in the belly or in the womb, W  |
jaṭharasthāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the belly or in the womb, W'  |
jaṭharasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the belly or in the womb, W' '  |
jaṭharatva | n. ,"hardness", only a-- negative , tenderness  |
jaṭharavyathā | f. equals -jvālā-  |
jaṭharayantraṇā | f. pain endured (by the embryo) in the womb  |
jātiṃdhara | m. Name of a physician (śuddhodana- in a former birth)  |
jayadhara | m. Name of saṃkara-'s great-grandfather.  |
jayaśekhara | m. Name of a prince,  |
jayodāharaṇa | n. report or praise of victory,  |
jhara | m. a water-fall  |
jhara | f(ā-, ī-). id.  |
jhara | f. see mir--.  |
jharaṇodaka | n. water from a cascade  |
jharasī | f. Name of a pot-herb  |
jharat | mfn. flowing or falling down (see kṣar-)  |
jharavāhalā | f. Name of a river.  |
jharjhara | m. a kind of drum  |
jharjhara | m. a strainer  |
jharjhara | m. equals raka-  |
jharjhara | m. Name of a daitya- (son of hiraṇyākṣa-)  |
jharjhara | m. of a river  |
jharjhara | n. a sound as of splashing or dropping  |
jharjhara | n. equals rikā-  |
jhārjhara | m. (fr. jharjhara-) a drummer, tabor-player  |
jharjharaka | m. the kali-yuga-  |
jinaśekhara | m. Name of the founder of the 2nd subdivision of the kharatara-gaccha- of the Jain community.  |
jīrṇajvarahara | m. "removing that fever", Name of a plant  |
jītadhara | m. śāṇḍilya-.  |
jīvaṃdharaṇacaritra | n. Name of a tale by bhāskara-kavi-.  |
jvālākharagada | m. equals -gardabhaka-  |
jvarahara | mfn. febrifuge  |
jyotirvidābharaṇa | n. Name of work on astronomy  |
kailāsaśikharavāsin | m. "dwelling on the summit of the kailāsa-", Name of śiva-.  |
kākakhara | m. plural Name of a people.  |
kākapakṣadhara | mfn. wearing side-locks  |
kakṣadhara | m. the part of the body where the upper arm is connected with the shoulder, the shoulder-joint  |
kalābhara | m. "possessing the arts", an artist, mechanic  |
kalādhara | mfn. bearing or skilled in an art  |
kalādhara | m. "having digits", the moon  |
kalādhara | m. "bearing a digit of the moon", Name of śiva-.  |
kālanemihara | m. "destroyer of kāla-nemi-", Name of kṛṣṇa- or viṣṇu-  |
kāmadhara | m. Name of a lake in kāma-rūpa-  |
kāmadharaṇa | n. the procuring of desires, fulfilment of desire  |
kāmarūpadhara | mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean  |
kāmarūpadharatva | n. the state of assuming any form at will  |
kambukaṃdhara | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. "shell-neck", having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (see above) '  |
kaṃdhara | mf. (fr. kam-,head, and dhara-fr. dhṛ-), the neck etc.  |
kaṃdhara | m. (kam-= water) a cloud (see the last)  |
kaṃdhara | m. Ameranthus Oleraceus  |
kaṅkaṇābharaṇa | mfn. wearing a golden bracelet,  |
kaṅkaṇadhara | m. a bridegroom  |
kaṇṭakoddharaṇa | n. weeding or extracting thorns etc.  |
kaṇṭakoddharaṇa | n. removing annoyances, extirpating thieves or rogues or any national and public nuisance  |
kaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. an ornament for the neck, necklace |
kaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. a shorter Name of the work called sarasvatī-kaṇṭhābharaṇa- (see also kavika-)  |
kaṇṭhābharaṇadarpaṇa | n. Name of a commentary on the above work.  |
kaṇṭhābharaṇamārjana | n. Name of a commentary on the above work.  |
kaṇṭharava | m. Name of an author.  |
kāntihara | mfn. destroying beauty, making ugly, dulling, dimming |
kanyāharaṇa | n. carrying a girl off forcibly, rape  |
kaphahara | mfn. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic  |
karṇābharaṇa | n. an ornament for the ear, |
karṇābharaṇaka | m. Cathartocarpus fistula  |
karṇakharaka | m. Name of a vaiśya- commentator or commentary on  |
kārṇakharaki | m. a patronymic fr. karna-kharaka-  |
karphara | m. a mirror (see karkara-.)  |
kāṣṭharajanī | f. equals dāru-haridrā-  |
kāṣṭharajju | f. a cord for binding together a load of wood  |
kaṭaṃbhara | m. Bignonia Indica  |
kaṭhara | mfn. hard (see kaṭhina-.)  |
kaumārahara | mfn. devirginating  |
kauṇṭharavya | m. patronymic fr. kuṇṭha-rava-  |
kavacadhara | mfn. equals -hara- below.  |
kavacahara | mfn. wearing a coat of mail or jacket  |
kavacahara | mfn. wearing an amulet  |
kavacahara | m. a kṣatriya- youth when arrived at the age suitable for martial training on  |
kavarībhara | m. a fine head of hair  |
kavikaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on rhetoric by kṣemendra-  |
kavīndrakarṇābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kavirājavasuṃdhara | m. Name of a man.  |
keśadhara | m. plural Name of a people  |
keśavajātakapaddhatyudāharaṇa | n. a commentator or commentary by viśva-nātha- on the work jātaka-paddhati-.  |
keśavyudāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
khaḍgacarmadhara | m. a soldier armed with a sword and shield  |
khaḍgadhara | m. a swordsman  |
khaḍgadhara | m. Name of a soldier  |
khahara | mfn. (in arithmetic) having a cypher for its denominator (as a fraction) .  |
khakkhara | m. (?) , a beggar's staff (see hikkala-.)  |
khaṅkhara | equals khaṃ-kara- (q.v)  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. hard, harsh, rough, sharp, pungent, acid (opposed to mṛd/u-and ślakṣṇ/a-) etc.  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. solid (opposed to drava-,fluid) on  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. dense (clouds)  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. sharp, hot (wind)  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. hurtful, injurious, cutting (as speech or word) etc.  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. sharp-edged  |
khara | mf(ā-)n. cruel  |
khara | m. a donkey (so called from his cry) etc.  |
khara | m. a mule  |
khara | m. an osprey  |
khara | m. a heron  |
khara | m. a crow  |
khara | m. a thorny plant (sort of prickly nightshade or perhaps Alhagi Maurorum)  |
khara | m. Name of a fragrant substance  |
khara | m. a quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels (see)  |
khara | m.  |
khara | m. a place arranged for building a house upon, Name of the 25th year of the sixty years' bṛhaspati- cycle  |
khara | m. a daitya- or demon  |
khara | m. Name of the asura- dhenuka-  |
khara | m. Name of a rakṣas- slain by rāma- (younger brother of rāvaṇa-)  |
khara | m. Name of an attendant [of the Sun (= dharma-) ;of śiva- ]  |
khara | m. of a rudra- (?) (varia lectio)  |
khara | m. "a she-mule" See kharī-vātsalya-  |
khara | m. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
kharacchada | m. "sharp-leaved", Name of a tree (= bhūmī-saha-)  |
kharacchada | m. a kind of grass (ulūka-,or kundara-)  |
kharacchada | m. a kind of reed (itkaṭa-,commonly Okera)  |
kharacchada | m. Name of a small shrub (kṣudra-gholī-)  |
kharadalā | f. "sharp-leaved", the opposite-leaved fig-tree  |
kharadaṇḍa | n. "rough-stemmed", the lotus  |
kharadhāra | mfn. having a harsh edge or one full of notches (like that of a saw)  |
kharadhvaṃsin | m. "destroyer of the demon khara-", Name of rāma-  |
kharadūṣaṇa | m. "killing asses", the thorn-apple  |
kharadūṣaṇa | m. dual number the two demons khara- and dūṣaṇa-  |
kharadūṣaṇavadha | m. slaughter of those demons, Name of  |
kharagandhā | f. Uraria Lagopodioides  |
kharagandhanibhā | f. Uraria Lagopodioides  |
kharageha | n. a stable for asses  |
kharaghātana | m. "destroying asses", Mesua ferrea  |
kharagoyuga | n. a pair of donkeys Va1rtt. 3  |
kharagraha | m. idem or 'n. a pair of donkeys Va1rtt. 3 '  |
kharagraha | Name (also title or epithet) of various kings and chiefs,  |
kharagṛha | n. equals -geha-  |
kharagṛha | n. a tent  |
kharajaṅghā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
kharajru | (r/a--) mfn. sharp or quick in motion  |
kharaka | m. roaring of water,  |
kharakaṇḍūyana | n. "scraping or rubbing with a sharp object", making worse any evil  |
kharakaṇḍūyita | n. idem or 'n. "scraping or rubbing with a sharp object", making worse any evil '  |
kharakaṇṭha | (khar/a--) m. Name of a mythical being  |
kharakarṇī | f. "ass-eared", Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
kharakāṣṭhikā | f. "having hard wood", Sida cordifolia  |
kharaketu | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
kharakomala | m. "bracing yet mild", the month jyaiṣṭha-  |
kharakoṇa | m. the francoline partridge  |
kharakṣaya | m. equals -sāda-  |
kharakuṭī | f. a barber's shop  |
kharakuṭī | f. used also as an epithet of a man ( ) Va1rtt. 1  |
kharakvāṇa | m. equals -koṇa- |
kharaloman | varia lectio for -roman-  |
kharam | ind. in a sharp way  |
kharamajra | mfn. one who cleans very sharply ( )  |
kharamañjari | f. Achyranthes aspera (apāmārg/a-)  |
kharamañjarī | f. Achyranthes aspera (apāmārg/a-)  |
kharamayūkha | m. "hot-rayed", the sun  |
kharamukha | n. a horn for blowing,  |
kharamukhikā | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
kharanāda | m. the braying of an ass  |
kharanāda | m. Name of a medical author  |
kharanāda | etc. See 1. kh/ara-.  |
kharanādin | mfn. braying like an ass  |
kharanādin | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
kharanādin | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
kharanādinī | f. a kind of perfume or drug  |
kharanakhara | m. "having sharp claws", Name of a lion  |
kharanāla | n. equals -daṇḍa-  |
kharanarāya | m. Name of a son of śatānanda-,  |
kharaṇas | m. "sharp-nosed", Name of a man  |
kharaṇas | etc. See kh/ara-.  |
kharaṇasa | m. idem or 'm. "sharp-nosed", Name of a man ' and  |
kharapa | m. Name of a man gaRa 1. naḍādi-  |
kharapa | m. plural the descendants of that man gaRa yaskādi-.  |
kharapādāḍhya | m. the elephant or wood apple  |
kharapāla | m. a wooden vessel  |
kharaparṇinī | f. "sharp-leaved", Phlomis esculenta  |
kharapātra | n. an iron pot  |
kharapattra | m. "sharp-leaved", a kind of Ocimum (tulasī-)  |
kharapattra | m. equals maruvaka- (another kind of Ocimum)  |
kharapattra | m. a kind of cane  |
kharapattra | m. a variety of kuśa- grass  |
kharapattra | m. Trophis aspera  |
kharapattra | m. Tectona grandis (varia lectio śara-p-)  |
kharapattrā | f. a variety of the fig-tree  |
kharapattraka | m. a variety of Ocimum  |
kharapattrī | f. equals -parṇinī-  |
kharapattrī | f. the opposite-leaved fig-tree  |
kharaprāṇa | a particular vessel  |
kharapriya | m. "the donkey's friend", a pigeon  |
kharapuṣpa | m. a variety of Ocimum  |
kharapuṣpā | f. idem or 'm. a variety of Ocimum '  |
khararaśmi | m. equals -mayūkha-  |
kharari | m. "khara-'s enemy", Name (also title or epithet) of rāma-,  |
khararoman | m. "having rough hair", Name of one of the nāga- chiefs inhabiting hell  |
kharaśabda | m. "harsh-voiced", an osprey  |
kharaśabda | m. the braying of an ass  |
kharasāda | m. swooning, fainting-fit  |
kharaśāka | m. Clerodendrum siphonanthus  |
kharaśāla | m. produced in a donkey-stall  |
kharaśālā | f. a donkey-stable  |
kharaskandha | m. "having a rough stem", Buchanania latifolia  |
kharaskandha | m. Name of a demon  |
kharaskandhā | f. Phoenix sylvestris  |
kharasolla | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. an iron vessel ' '  |
kharasonda | m. idem or 'm. an iron vessel '  |
kharasoni | m. an iron vessel  |
kharasparśa | mf(ā-)n. sharp, hot (as wind)  |
kharasvarā | f. wild jasmine (vana-mallikā-)  |
kharaṭa | mfn. hard,  |
kharaṭa | m. hardness, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kharaṭakharaṭā | ind. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) only in compound with 1. -kṛ- to make the sound kharaṭa-  |
kharatara | mfn. sharper, very sharp  |
kharatara | mfn. Name of jineśvara- (who in 1024 A.D. overcame the caitya-vāsin-s and founded the gaccha-of the śvetāmbara-s called after him).  |
kharaturagīya | (with samparka-, m.), sexual union of a donkey and a horse,  |
kharatva | n. the state of an ass  |
kharatvac | f. "having a rough bark", Name of a plant (equals alambuṣā-)  |
kharavallikā | f. equals -gandha-nibhā-  |
kharavṛṣabha | m. a jackass  |
kharayāna | n. vehicle drawn by a donkey, donkey-cart  |
kharayaṣṭikā | f. "rough-stemmed", Name of a plant  |
khaṭvāṅgadhara | m. "staff-bearer", Name of śiva-  |
kīrtidhara | m. Name of an author.  |
kohara | m. varia lectio for kohala- q.v  |
kośāpaharaṇa | n. carrying off treasure.  |
koṭhara | m. idem or 'm. Alangium hexapetalum ' (see koṭara-.)  |
koṭharapuṣpī | f. Convolvulus argenteus  |
kramasaṃhitodāharaṇa | n. an example from a krama-saṃhitā-.  |
kṛmihara | m. equals -ghātin-  |
kṛtābharaṇa | mfn. adorned.  |
kṛtapraharaṇa | mfn. one who has practised the use of weapons  |
kṛtyāpratiharaṇa | n. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a series of hymns for counteracting spells,  |
kṣapāramaṇaśekhara | m. "wearing the moon on his head", Name of śiva-  |
kṣatahara | n. "removing sores", Agallochum or Aloe wood  |
kṣauṇīdhara | m. a mountain,  |
kṣīradhara | m. Name of a prince.  |
kṣitidhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
kṣmādhara | m. "upholder of the earth", a mountain  |
kṣmādhara | m. (hence) the number,"seven"  |
kṣoṇīdharamiśra | m. Name of a commentator.  |
kudhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
kudhara | See 2. ku-.  |
kuhara | m. (fr. kuh- equals guh-?), Name of a serpent belonging to the krodha-vaśa- race  |
kuhara | n. a cavity, hollow, hole etc.  |
kuhara | n. a small window (?)  |
kuhara | n. the ear  |
kuhara | n. the throat or larynx  |
kuhara | n. a guttural sound  |
kuhara | n. proximity  |
kuhara | n. copulation  |
kuharabhāj | mfn. dwelling in dens,  |
kuladhara | m. "upholder of his family", Name of a prince  |
kulambhara | mfn. carrying or upholding a family (with anaḍ-vah-,a bull kept for breeding)  |
kulambhara | m. varia lectio for kujambhala- (a thief)  |
kulaṃdhara | mfn. upholding one's family  |
kulaśekhara | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-- mālā-.  |
kulaśskharadeva | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
kuliśadhara | m. "holding the thunderbolt", Name of indra-  |
kumbhadhara | m. "pot-holder", the sign Aquarius  |
kumbhadhara | m. Name of a mantra- (pronounced over a weapon)  |
kuṇḍajaṭhara | m. "pitcher-bellied", Name of an old sage (see kuṇḍodara-.)  |
kuṇṭharava | m. Name of a man commentator or commentary on  |
kūrcaśekhara | the cocoa-nut tree  |
kuśikaṃdhara | m. Name of a muni- |
kuṣṭhahara | m. equals -sūdana-  |
kusumaśekharavijaya | m. Name of a play  |
kuṭhara | m. the post round which the string of the churning-stick winds  |
kuṭhara | m. Name of a nāga- (varia lectio kuṭara-).  |
lāgharakolasa | m. a particular form of jaundice  |
laghubinduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
laghugaṅgādhara | m. a particular powder (used in diarrhoea)  |
laghuśabdenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
laghuśekhara | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghuśikharatāla | m. Name of a particular time in music  |
lahara | m. pl, Name of a people (See prec.)  |
lahara | m. of a province in kaśmīra- (perhaps the Present Lahore)  |
lakṣmaṇābharaṇīya | n. Name of a campū-.  |
lakṣmīdhara | m. (also with ācārya-, kavi-, dīkṣita-, deśika-, bhaṭṭa-, sūri-) Name of various authors and other persons etc.  |
lakṣmīdhara | n. (prob.) a particular metre  |
lakṣmīdhara | m. or n. (?) Name of a commentary  |
lakṣmīdharakāvya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīdharasena | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣyābhiharaṇa | n. the carrying off of a prize  |
lambajaṭhara | mfn. big-bellied  |
lasopharañja | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
lauṭharatha | m. Name of a man  |
līlābharaṇa | (labh-) n. an ornament worn for mere pleasure (of no intrinsic value, as a bracelet of lotuses)  |
līlādharabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
liṅgadhara | mfn. (ifc.) wearing or having marks or mere marks, having the mere appearance of. simulating anything (mithyā-l-wearing false marks, a hypocrite; see suhṛl-l-)  |
lohara | m. or n. (?) Name of a district  |
loharajas | n. iron-dust, rust of iron or iron filings  |
loharatnākara | m. Name of work  |
lokanātharasa | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
loṣṭadhara | m. Name of a man  |
madanamanohara | m. Name of an author (son of madhu-sūdana- paṇḍita-rāja-)  |
madhyamāharaṇa | n. the elimination of the middle term of an equation  |
madhyejaṭharam | ind. in the middle of the body  |
magharava | m. Name of a niṣāda-  |
mahādaṇḍadhara | mf(ā-)n. (a ship) carrying a great mast  |
mahādhanurdhara | m. ( ) a great archer.  |
mahāghaṇṭādhara | mf(ā-)n. having a large bell  |
mahākāyaśirodhara | mfn. having a large body and strong neck  |
mahāmaṇidhara | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mahāmāyādhara | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
mahāmerudhara | m. a particular samādhi-  |
mahāmṛtyuharastotra | n. Name of work  |
mahāsāgaraprabhāgambhīradhara | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s  |
mahāśaphara | m. a species of carp  |
mahāśirodhara | mfn. See mahā-kāya-ś-.  |
mahāvratadhara | mfn. one who has undertaken great religious duties or vows  |
mahāyajñabhāgahara | m. "receiving a share of the great sacrifice", Name of viṣṇu-  |
mahīdhara | mfn. "earth bearing", supporting the earth  |
mahīdhara | m. a mountain etc.  |
mahīdhara | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
mahīdhara | m. of a deva-putra-  |
mahīdhara | m. of various men and authors (especially of a Scholiast or Commentator on )  |
mahīdharadatta | m. Name of a man  |
mālādhara | mfn. wearing a garland, crowned  |
mālādhara | m. Name of a class of divine beings  |
mālādhara | m. of a man  |
mālādhara | n. a kind of metre  |
mānābharaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
mānamanohara | m. or n. (?) Name of, work on the mīmāṃsā- by vāg-īśvara-.  |
mānasaharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
mandāgniharameṣadāna | n. Name of work  |
maṇidhara | mfn. having a string of beads for counting  |
maṇidhara | m. a particular samādhi-  |
maṇiśekhara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
manodhara | m. Name of an author  |
manohara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. "heart-stealing", taking the fancy, fascinating, attractive, charming, beautiful etc.  |
manohara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. Jasminum Multiflorum or Pubescens  |
manohara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. the third day of the civil month (karma-māsa-)  |
manohara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. Name of a poet  |
manohara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. of a work  |
manohara | n. gold  |
manoharadāsa | m. Name of a king (patron of sadā-śiva-)  |
manoharakāvya | n. Name of a poem  |
manoharakṛṣṇa | m. Name of an author  |
manoharaśarman | m. Name of an author  |
manoharasiṃha | m. Name of a king  |
manoharatara | mfn. more or most fascinating or beautiful ( manoharataratva ratva- n. )  |
manoharataratva | n. manoharatara |
manoharavīreśvara | m. Name of a teacher  |
manthara | mf(ā-)n. (allied to2. mand-and manda-,but in some meanings rather fr. math-) slow (literally and figuratively;often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"slow in") , lazy, tardy, indolent, dull, stupid, silly etc. ( mantharam am- ind.)  |
manthara | mf(ā-)n. low, hollow, deep (as sound)  |
manthara | mf(ā-)n. bent, curved, crooked, humpbacked (see ā- f.and mantharaka-)  |
manthara | mf(ā-)n. broad, wide, large, bulky  |
manthara | mf(ā-)n. tale-bearing  |
manthara | m. a treasure or hair or anger (equals kośa-, keśa-,or kopa-)  |
manthara | m. fruit  |
manthara | m. a spy  |
manthara | m. an antelope  |
manthara | m. of the month vaiśākha-  |
manthara | m. a fortress, stronghold  |
manthara | m. an obstacle, hindrance  |
manthara | m. whirling  |
manthara | m. a churning-stick  |
manthara | m. the mountain mandara- (see manthaparvata-)  |
manthara | m. Name of a tortoise  |
manthara | n. safflower.  |
mantharagāmin | mfn. slow-going  |
mantharaka | m. Name of a man  |
mantharaka | m. of a tortoise  |
mantharaka | m. of a stupid weaver  |
mantharaka | m. of a hunchback  |
mantharakaulika | m. a stupid weaver (called mantharaka- q.v)  |
mantharam | ind. manthara |
mantharatā | f. slowness, tardiness  |
mantharaviveka | mfn. slow in judgement, void of discrimination  |
mantradhara | ( ) m. a counsellor, adviser.  |
marudhara | m. Name of a country  |
mathara | mfn. (see gaRa kaḍārādī-) insisting on (locative case)  |
mathara | mfn. hard, harsh (of sound)  |
mathara | mfn. intoxicated  |
mathara | m. Name of a man (prob. of a saint) (see gaRa bidādi-and gargādi-)  |
mathara | m. hardness, harshness  |
māṭhara | m. (fr. maṭha-) the superintendent of a monastic school or college  |
māṭhara | m. Brahman  |
māṭhara | m. (fr. maṭhara- gaRa bidādi-), Name of an ancient teacher  |
māṭhara | m. of a disciple of paraśurāma-, bāl-.  |
māṭhara | m. of one of the Sun's attendants  |
māṭhara | m. (with ācārya-) of the author of the sāṃkhya-kārikā-vṛtti-  |
māṭhara | m. of vyāsa-  |
māṭhara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio rāmaṭha-)  |
māṭharaka | mfn. (fr. māṭhara-) gaRa dhūmādi-  |
maukhara | m. (fr. mukhara-) Name of a family or race  |
maulyābharaṇa | n. a head ornament |
maunavratadhara | mfn. ( ) equals -vṛtti-  |
mauñjīdhara | mfn. wearing or carrying muñja--grass  |
māyādhara | mfn. possessing illusion, skilled in magic  |
māyādhara | m. Name of a king of the asura-s  |
medinīdhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
megharaṅgī | f. Name of a rāga-  |
megharaṅgikā | f. Name of a rāga-  |
megharat | ind. like a cloud  |
megharatha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
megharava | m. "cloud-noise", thunder |
megharavā | f. "thundering like a cloud", Name of a mātṛ- attending on skanda-  |
meruśikharadharakumārabhūta | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
mithyāliṅgadhara | mfn. wearing false marks, being anything only in appearance  |
mṛgadhara | m. "having deer-like marks", the moon  |
mṛgadhara | m. Name of a minister of prasena-jit-  |
mṛgākhara | m. the lair or den of a wild animal  |
mūḍharatha | m. Name of a man, plural , his descendants  |
muharaparṇaka | wrong reading for mudgara-p- q.v  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. (fr. mukha-; see Va1rtt. i ) talkative, garrulous, loquacious (said also of birds and bees)  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. noisy, tinkling (as an anklet etc.)  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. sound resonant or eloquent with, expressive of (compound),  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. scurrilous  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. foul-mouthed, scurrilous speaking harshly or abusively  |
mukhara | m. a crow  |
mukhara | m. a conch shell  |
mukhara | m. a leader, principal, chief  |
mukhara | m. Name of a nāga-  |
mukhara | m. of a rogue  |
mukharajju | f. "mouth-cord", the bridle or bit of a horse  |
mukharaka | m. Name of, a rogue  |
mukharandhra | n. the mouth of a flute  |
mukharatā | f. talkativeness, garrulity, noisiness  |
mukharaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make talkative, cause to speak ; to make noisy or resonant ; to announce, notify, declare  |
muktābharaṇa | mfn. (for 2. muktā-bh-See under mukta-below) having no ornament  |
muktābharaṇa | (tābh-) mfn. (for 1. see under mukta-above) having a pearls ornament  |
muktāharaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
mūlahara | mfn. taking away the roots of (genitive case) id est utterly destroying  |
mūlaharatva | n. utter ruin  |
mūlarthaśekhara | m. Name of work  |
mūloddharaṇa | n. a means of plucking up anything (genitive case) by the root or of destroying  |
muralīdhara | m. "flutebearer", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
muralīdhara | m. of a grandson of kālidāsa- miśra-  |
mūrdhadhara | mf(ā-)n. supporting the head  |
mūrdharasa | m. the scum of boiled rice  |
mūrtidhara | mfn. having a body, corporeal, incarnate  |
mūtrajaṭhara | m. n. swelling of the abdomen in consequence of retention of urine  |
nadīdhara | m. "bearer of the river (Ganges)", Name of śiva-  |
nāgābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nagnadhara | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on  |
nagnavratadhara | mfn. observing the vow of a naked mendicant (śiva-)  |
nairjhara | mfn. belonging to a waterfall, to be found there  |
nakhara | mfn. shaped like a claw, curved, crooked  |
nakhara | m. a curved knife  |
nakhara | mf(ā-)n. nail, claw etc. nail-scratch  |
nakharajanī | f. a kind of plant and its fruit  |
nakharañjanī | f. nail-scissors  |
nakhararajanī | f. varia lectio for nakha-r- gaRa harītaky-ādi-  |
nāmasāroddhara | m. Name of a glossary of nouns.  |
nānārtharatnamālā | f. Name of dictionary  |
nānārtharatnatilaka | mn. Name of dictionary  |
nandibharata | m. or n. Name of work on music.  |
naṣṭāśvadagdharathavat | ind. like one whose horse was lost and one whose waggon was burnt (who therefore helped each other) on Va1rtt. 16.  |
natakaṃdhara | mfn. bowing (the neck)  |
nāṭyadhara | mfn. wearing an actor's costume  |
nāṭyaśekhara | m. Name of work  |
navagrahayantroddharaṇakrama | m. Name of work  |
nemiṃdhara | m. (with ) Name of one of the mountains  |
nigamāntārtharatnākara | m. equals nigamana-  |
nikāmadharaṇa | mfn. bearing according, to wish  |
nikhara | (?) mfn. Name of agni-  |
nīlakaṇṭhodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nimiṃdhara | m. Name of a prince  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. "without weight or measure", excessive, vehement, violent  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. deep, sound (as sleep), ardent (as an embrace) etc.  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. full of, abounding in etc. (also rita-with instrumental case )  |
nirbharam | ind. excessively, violently, very much, deeply. soundly.  |
nirbharanidrā | f. sound sleep  |
nirbharaparirambha | m. a passionate embrace  |
nirbharapraṇayitā | f. deep affection  |
nirbhararahaḥkrīḍa | f. excessive amorous sport  |
nirbharasambhoga | m. excessive enjoyment =  |
nirharaṇa | n. taking out, extracting, expelling, removing, destroying  |
nirharaṇa | n. carrying out (especially a dead body)  |
nirharaṇīya | ( ) mfn. to be taken away or removed.  |
nirjhara | m. (see jhara-, jharat-) a waterfall, cataract, mountain torrent, cascade etc. (also n. ;f(ī-). ;[ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f ā-., ] , and nirjharaṇa raṇa- n. )  |
nirjhara | m. burning chaff  |
nirjhara | m. an elephant  |
nirjhara | m. Name of one of the horses of the Sun (see nirṇara-)  |
nirjharaṇa | n. nirjhara |
nṛpaliṅgadhara | mfn. assuming the insignia of royalty  |
nyāsahara | m. robber of a deposit  |
nyāyalīlāvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
ogharatha | m. Name of a son of oghavat-  |
oṣṭhādhara | m. dual number the upper and lower lip.  |
padārtharatnamālā | f. Name of work |
padārtharatnamañjūṣā | f. Name of work |
padmadhara | m. "lotus-bearer", Name of a prince  |
padmaśekhara | m. Name of a king of the gandharva-s  |
paiṭhara | mf(ī-)n. (fr. piṭhara-) cooked in a saucepan  |
pakṣadhara | mfn. having wings (see m.)  |
pakṣadhara | mfn. taking the side of, clinging to (genitive case or locative case)  |
pakṣadhara | m. a bird  |
pakṣadhara | m. an elephant that has strayed from the herd  |
pakṣadhara | m. the moon (see -cara-)  |
pakṣadhara | m. Name of jayadeva- (author of the tattva-cintāmaṇy-āloka-)  |
pakṣadharamiśra | m. Name of an author  |
pakṣadharavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
pakṣahara | m. a recreant, traitor  |
pāṃsuhara | ( ) mfn. raising dust (said of wind).  |
paṇaphara | n. (fr.) the astrological house following upon a kendra- (q.v)  |
pāñcajanyadhara | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-)  |
pañcāṅgasādhanagrahodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
pañcapraharaṇa | mfn. having 5 carriage-boxes  |
pañcāyudharatnamālā | f. Name of work  |
pañcīkaraṇavārttikābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
paṅktīhara | See pāṅktīhari-.  |
pāpahara | mfn. removing evil  |
pāpahara | n. a means of removing evil  |
parāmarśagrantharahasya | n. Name of work |
paraśudhara | m. "axe-bearer", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
paraśudhara | m. of paraśu-rāma-  |
parasvaharaṇa | n. equals -graha-  |
paribhāṣenduśekhara | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣenduśekharasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
parighargharam | ind. with loud murmuring or grunting (wrong reading ghurgharam-,or ghurghuram-).  |
parihara | raṇa- etc. See pari-hṛ-.  |
parihara | m. varia lectio for hāra-, reserve, concealment  |
pariharaka | m. varia lectio for hāraka-  |