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"hanti" has 1 results
hanti: third person singular present present class 2 parasmaipadahan
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for hanti
hantif. the root or verb han- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahantif. idem or 'f. equals ahata-- q.v ' ([ vv.ll. ahantya /a-hantya- mfn."indestructible" ahantva /a-hantva- mfn. idem or 'f. equals ahata-- q.v ' ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arhantif. Name of a Buddhist nun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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anirukta अनिरुक्त a. 1 Not articulated or clearly spoken. -2 Not clearly stated or explained, vague, not plain or well-defined; ˚क्तप्रातःसवनः प्रथमः Kāty.; एतास्मिन्नदृश्ये$- नात्म्ये$निरुक्ते Ait. Br. -Comp. -गानम् indistinct singing or humming, a particular mode of chanting the सामवेद.
abhicaraṇam अभिचरणम् Enchanting, exorcising, employment of spells for malevolent purposes (such as श्येनयाग); कौटिल्यः कोपनो$पि स्वयमभिचरणे ज्ञातदुःखः प्रतिज्ञाम् Mu.4.12.
abhicarituḥ अभिचरितुः f. Ved. Enchanting.
abhicāraḥ अभिचारः 1 Exorcising, enchanting, employment of magical spells for malevolent purposes; magic itself (being regarded as one of the Upapātakas or minor sins); दिग्गजैर्दन्दशूकैश्च अभिचारावपातनैः Bhāg 7.5.43; अभिचारेषु सर्वेषु कर्तव्यो द्विशतो दमः Ms.9.29;11.63.197; K.19; ब्रह्मद्विषो ह्येष निहन्ति सर्वानाथर्वणस्तीव्र इवाभिचारः Mv. 1.62. -2 Killing गतः क्रियां मन्त्र इवाभिचारिकीम् Ki 3.56. -Comp. -कल्पः N. of a work on incantations regarded as part of the Atharvaveda. -ज्वरः a fever caused by magical spells. -मन्त्रः a magical formula, an incantation or formula for working a charm; स्फुटमिद- मभिचारमन्य एक Śi.7.58. -यज्ञः, होमः a sacrifice made for magical purposes.
abhicāraka अभिचारक चारिन् (˚रिकी, ˚रिणी f.) a. Conjuring, enchanting, using magical spells for evil purposes; magical. Ki.3.56. -कः, -री A conjurer, magician.
abhimantraṇam अभिमन्त्रणम् Consecrating, hallowing, making sacred by repetition of special formulas or Mantras; दत्त्वान्नं पृथिवीपात्रमिति पात्राभिमन्त्रणम् (कृत्वा) Y.1.238; मन्त्र- मुच्चारयन्नेव मन्त्रार्थत्वेन संस्मरेत् । शेषिणं तन्मना भूत्वा स्यादेतदभि- मन्त्रणम् ॥ Mīmāṁsā. -2 Charming, enchanting. -3 Addressing, inviting, advising.
udgītiḥ उद्गीतिः f. Singing aloud. -2 Chanting of the Sāma-veda. -3 A variety of the Aryā metre; see Appendix.
udgīthaḥ उद्गीथः [उद्-गै-थक्] 1 Chanting of the Sāmaveda (the office of an Udgātṛi). सामासाद उद्गीथे$पश्चयः Av.15.3.8. ŚB. on MS.1.4.44. -2 (The second part of the Sāma-veda; एष उ वा उद्गीथः प्राणो वा उत्प्राणेन हीदं सर्वमुत्तब्धं वागेव गीथोच्चगीथा चेति स उद्गीथः Bṛi. up.1.3.23.) भूयांस उद्गीथविदो वसन्ति U.2.3. -3 Designation of ओम् the three syllabled name of God; ओमित्येदक्षरमुद्गीथमुपासीत Ch. Up.1.1.1.
dyumat द्युमत् a. 1 Bright, brilliant; वितानानि द्युमन्ति च Bhāg. 1.81.3. -2 Clear, loud. -3 Strong, vigorous. -4 Calm, serene. -Comp. -गानम् a mode of chanting the Sāmaveda. -सेनः N. of a king of Śālva, and father of Satyavat, husband of Śāvitrī.
nāga नाग a. (-गी f.) Serpentine, formed of snakes, snaky. -2 Elephantine. -गः [न गच्छति इत्यगः न अगो नागः] 1 A snake in general, particularly the cobra; नासुरो$यं न वा नागः Ki.15.12. -2 A fabulous serpentdemon or semi-divine being, having the face of a man and the tail of a serpent, and said to inhabit the Pātāla; अनन्तश्चास्मि नागानाम् Bg.1.29; R.15.83. -3 An elephant; दिङ्नागानां पथि परिहरन् स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् Me.14,36; Si.4.63; V.4.25. -4 A shark. -5 A cruel or tyrannical person. -6 (At the end of comp.) Any pre-eminent or distinguished person, e. g. पुरुषनागः . -7 A cloud. -8 A peg projecting from a wall to hang anything upon. -9 N. of several plants as Mesua Roxburghii, Rottlera Tictoria, Piper betel; (Mar. नागचाफा, नागकेशर, पानवेल, नागरमोथा etc.); Bhāg.8.2.18; Rām.7. 42.4. -1 One of the five vital airs of the body, that which is expelled by eructation. -11 The number 'seven'. -12 A trumpet (see नागवेला). -गम् 1 Tin. -2 Lead. -3 One of the astronomical periods (Karaṇas) called ध्रुव -4 The effects of that period on anything done during it. -5 The asterism called आश्लेषा. -6 A captivating act of females (स्त्रीबन्धः), gesticulation; L. D. B. -7 A kind of coitus; Nm. -गी 1 A female Nāga. -2 A female elephant; -Comp. -अङ्गम् Hastināpura. -अङ्गना 1 a female elephant. -2 the proboscis of an elephant. -अञ्चला, -अञ्जना = नागयष्टि q. v. -अञ्जना a female elephant. -अधिपः an epithet of Śeṣa. -अन्तकः, -अरातिः, -अरिः 1 an epithet of Garuḍa. -2 a peacock. -3 a lion. -अशनः 1 a peacock; Pt.1.159. -2 an epithet of Garuḍa. -3 a lion. -आख्यः = नागकेसर q. v. -आननः an epithet of Ganeśa. -आनन्दम् a drama by Śrīharṣa. -आरूढ a. Riding upon an elephant. -आह्वः Hastināpura. -इन्द्रः 1 a lordly or superior elephant; नागेन्द्रहस्तास्त्वचि कर्कशत्वात... कदलीविशेषाः Ku. 1 36. -2 Airāvata, Indra's elephant; कुथेन नागेन्द्रमिवेन्द्रवाहनम् Śi. -3 an epithet of Śeṣa. -ईशः 1 an epithet of Śeṣa. -2 N. of the author of Paribhāṣenduśekhara and several other works. -3 N. of Patañjali. -उदम्, -उदरम् 1 a breast-plate. -2 a peculiar disease of pregnancy (गर्भोपद्रवभेद). -कन्यका, -कन्या a serpent-virgin. -कर्णः the castor-oil plant. -किंजल्कः = नागकेसर q. v. -कुमारी Rubia Munjiṣṭā (Mar. मंजिष्ठ). -केतुः An epithet of Karṇa (?); समरमधि- गतार्थः प्रस्थितो नागकेतुः Karṇabhāra 1.3. -केसरः N. of a tree with fragrant flowers, Mesua Roxburghii; कतकं नक्रनखरं नलदं नागकेसरम् Śiva B.3.14. -रम् a kind of steel. -गर्भम् red lead. -चूडः an epithet of Śiva. -जम् 1 red lead. -2 tin. -जिह्विका red arsenic. -जीवनम् tin. (-नः) orpiment. -दन्तः, -दन्तकः 1 ivory. -2 a peg or bracket projecting from a wall and used to hang things upon; N.18.15. -दन्ती 1 a kind of sun-flower. -2 a harlot. -द्वीपम् N. of a द्वीप in Bharatavarṣa. -नक्षत्रम्, -नायकम् the constellation called Āśleṣā. (-कः) the lord of serpents; अनन्तो वासुकिः पद्मो महापद्मो$पि नक्षकः । कर्कोटः कुलिकः शङ्ख इत्यष्टौ नागनायकाः ॥ Trikāṇdaśeṣa. -नामकम् Tin. -नामन् m. holy basil (तुलसी). -नासा the proboscis of an elephant. -निर्यूहः a large pin or bracket projecting from a wall. -पञ्चमी 1 N. of a festival on the fifth day in the bright half of Śrāvaṇa. -2 the fifth day in the dark half of Āsāḍha. -पतिः an epithet of (1) Airāvata. (2) Śesa. -पदः a mode of sexual enjoyment (रतिबन्ध). पादौ स्कन्धे तथा हस्ते क्षिपेल्लिङ्गं भगे लघु । कामयेत् कामुको नारीं बन्धो नागपदो मतः ॥ Ratimañjarī. -पर्णी the betel plant. -पाशः 1 a sort of magical noose used in battle to entangle an enemy. -2 N. of the noose or weapon of Varuṇa. -पाशकः a kind of coitus (रतिबन्ध). स्वजङ्घाद्वयमध्यस्थां हस्ताभ्यां धारयन् कुचौ । रमेन्निःशङ्कितो नारीं बन्धो$यं नागपाशकः ॥ Ratimañjarī. -पुरम् 1 Hastināpura. -2 N. of a city in Pātāla. -पुष्पः 1 the Champaka tree. -2 the Punnāga tree. -बन्धः 1 a snake as a chain. -2 N. of a metre, resembling the coilings of a snake. -बन्धकः an elephant-catcher. -बन्धुः the holy fig-tree. -बलः an epithet of Bhīma. -भूषणः an epithet of Śiva. -मण्डलिकः 1 a snake-keeper. -2 a snake-catcher. -मल्लः an epithet of Airāvata. -मारः a species of pot-herb (Mar. माका). -यष्टिः f., -यष्टिका 1 a graduated pole or post for showing the depth of water in a newly-dug pond. -2 a boring-rod driven into the earth. -रक्तम्, -रेणुः red lead. -रङ्गः the orange. -राजः 1 an epithet of Śeṣa. -2 a large elephant; अधस्तान्नागराजाय सोमायोर्ध्वं दिशं ददौ Hariv. -रिपुः (see नागान्तकः) Garuḍa; शार्ङ्गचक्रायुधः खड्गी सर्वनागरिपुध्वजः Mb.13.147.15. -रुकः the orange tree. -लता 1 the penis. -2 the piper betel. -वल्लरी, -वल्ली piper betel. -वेला the hour when a serpent-like instrument is blown; नागवेलायामागन्तव्य...... । यस्मिन् ग्रामे न नागाः...... तस्मिन्नपि स एव कालः । तत्र हि आगमनं क्रियते । ŚB. on MS.1.8.69. -लोकः the world of serpents, the race of serpents collectively, one of the regions below the earth called Pātāla. -वारिकः 1 a royal elephant. -2 an elephant-driver. -3 a peacock. -4 an epithet of Garuḍa. -5 the chief of a herd of elephants. -6 the chief person in an assembly. -वीथी that part of the moon's path which contains the asterisms अश्विनी, भरणी and कृत्तिका; अश्विनी कृत्तिका याम्या नागवीथीति शब्दिता V. P. -संभवम्, -संभूतम् red lead. ...... मञ्जिष्ठां नागसंभवम् Śiva. B.3.19. -साह्वयम् Hastināpura.
ninard निनर्द् 1 P. 1 To sound. -2 To prolong a note (in chanting).
ninardaḥ निनर्दः Prolonging a note in chanting.
pādaḥ पादः [पद्यते गम्यते$नेन करणे कर्मणि वा घञ्] 1 The foot (whether of men or animals); तयोर्जगृहतुः पादान् R.1.57; पादयोर्निपत्य, पादपतित &c. (The word पाद at the end of comp. is changed to पाद् after सु and numerals; i. e. सुपाद्, द्विपाद्, त्रिपाद् &c.; and also when the first member is used as a standard of comparison, but is a word other than हस्ति &c.; see P.V.4.138-14; e. g. व्याघ्रपाद्. The nom. pl. of पाद is often added to names of persons or titles of address to show great respect or veneration; मृष्यन्तु लवस्य बालिशतां तातपादाः U.6; जीवत्सु तातपादेषु 1.19; देवपादानां नास्माभिः प्रयोजनम् Pt.1; so एवमाराध्यपादा आज्ञापयन्ति Prab.1; so कुमारिलपादाः &c. -2 A ray of light; बालस्यापि रवेः पादाः पतन्त्युपरि भूभृताम् Pt.1.328; Śi.9.34; R.16.53 (where the word has sense 1 also). -3 The foot or leg of an inanimate object, as of a bed-stead; चतुष्पदी हि निःश्रेणी ब्रह्मण्येव प्रतिष्ठिता Mb.12.2.4. -4 The foot or root of a tree; as in पादप. -5 The foot of a mountain, a hill at the foot of a mountain (पादाः प्रत्यन्तपर्वताः); रेवां द्रक्ष्यस्युपलविषमे विन्ध्यपादे विशीर्णाम् Me.19; Ś.6.17. -6 A quarter, fourth part; as in सपादो रूपकः 'one and one fourth rupee'; Ms.8.241; Y.2.174; कार्षापणे दीयमाने पादो$पि दत्तो भवति ŚB. on MS.6.7.2. -7 The fourth part of a stanza, a line. -8 The fourth part of a chapter or book, as of the Adhyāyas of Pāṇini, or of the Brahma-sūtras. -9 A part in general. -1 A column, pillar; सहस्रपादं प्रासादं......अधिरोहन्मया दृष्टः Mb.5.143.3. -11 A foot as a measure equal to twelve Aṅgulis. -12 The quadrant of a circle. -13 The foot-hole or bottom of a water-skin; इन्द्रियाणां तु सर्वेषां यद्येकं क्षरतीन्द्रियम् । तेनास्य क्षरति प्रज्ञा दृतेः पादादिवोदकम् ॥ Ms.2.99. -14 A wheel; गिरिकूबरपादाक्षं शुभवेणु त्रिवेणुमत् Mb.3.175.4; Ki.12 21. -15 A golden coin (weighing one tola); स ह गवां सहस्रमव- रुरोध दश दश पादा एकैकस्याः शृङ्गयोराबद्धा बभुवुः Bṛi. Up.3.1.1. -Comp. -अग्रम् the point or extremity of the foot; पादाग्रस्थितया मुहुः स्तनभरेणानीतया नम्रताम् Ratn.1.1. -अङ्कः a foot-mark. -अङ्गदम्, -दी an ornament for the foot, an anklet. -अङ्गुलिः, -ली f. a toe. -अङ्गुष्ठः the great toe. -अङ्गुष्ठिका a ring worn on the great toe. -अन्तः the point or extremity of the feet. -अन्तरम् the interval of a step, distance of a foot. (-रे) ind. 1 after the interval of a step. -2 close or near to. -अन्तिकम् ind. near to, towards any one. -अम्बु n. butter-milk containing a fourth part of water. -अम्भस् n. water in which the feet (of revered persons) have been washed. -अरविन्दम्, -कमलम्, -पङ्कजम्, -पद्मम् a lotus-like foot. -अर्घ्यम् a gift to a Brāhmāṇa or a venerable person. -अर्धम् 1 half a quarter, an eighth; पादं पशुश्च योषिच्च पादार्धं रिक्तकः पुमान् Ms.8.44. -2 half a line of a stanza. -अलिन्दी a boat. -अवनामः bowing to a person's feet; इति कृतवचनायाः कश्चिदभ्येत्य बिभ्यद्गलितनयनवारेर्याति पादावनामम् Śi.11.35. -अवनेजः washing another's feet; विभ्व्यस्तवा- मृतकथोदवहास्त्रिलोक्याः पादावनेजसरितः शमलानि हन्तुम् Bhāg. 11.6.19. -अवसेचनम् 1 washing the feet. -2 the water used for washing the feet; दूरात् पादावसेचनम् Ms. 4.151. -अष्ठीलः the ankle; मर्मस्वभ्यवधीत् क्रुद्धः पादाष्ठालैः सुदारुणैः Mb.1.8.24. -आघातः a kick. -आनत a. prostrate, fallen at the feet of; कयासि कामिन् सुरतापराधात् पादानतः कोपनयावधूतः Ku.3.8. -आवर्तः 1 a wheel worked by the feet for raising up water from a well. -2 a square foot. -आसनम् a foot-stool. -आस्फालनम् trampling or motion of the feet, floundering. -आहतः a. kicked. -आहति f. 1 treading or trampling. -2 a kick. -उदकम्, -जलम् 1 water for washing the feet. -2 water in which the feet of sacred and revered persons are washed, and which is thus considered holy; विष्णु- पादोदकं तीर्थं जठरे धारयाम्यहम्. -उदरः a serpent; यथा पादो- दरस्त्वचा विनिर्मुच्यते Praśna. Up.5.5. -उद्धूतम् stamping the feet. -कटकः, -कम्, -कीलिका an anklet. -कृच्छ्रम् a vow in which taking of meals and observing a fast are done on alternate days; Y. -क्षेपः 1 a footstep. -2 a kick with the foot. -गण्डीरः a morbid swelling of the legs and feet. -ग्रन्थिः the ankle. -ग्रहणम् seizing or clasping the feet (as a mark of respectful salutation); अकारयत् कारयितव्यदक्षा क्रमेण पादग्रहणं सतीनाम् Ku.7.27. -चतुरः, -चत्वरः 1 a slanderer. -2 a goat. -3 the fig-tree. -4 a sand-bank. -5 hail. -चापल्यम् shuffling of the feet. -चारः going on foot, walking; यदि च विहरेत् पादचारेण गौरी Me.62 'if Gaurī should walk on foot'; R.11.1 -2 the daily position of the planets. -चारिन् a. 1 walking or going on foot. -2 fighting on foot. (-m.) 1 a pedestrian. -2 a foot-soldier. -च्छेदनम् cutting off a foot; पादेन प्रहरन् कोपात् पादच्छेदन- मर्हति Ms.8.28. -जः a sūdra; पादजोच्छिष्टकांस्यं यत्...... विशुद्धेद् दशभिस्तु तत् Mb.12.35.31. -जलम् 1 butter-milk mixed with one fourth of water. -2 water for the feet. -जाहम् the tarsus. -तलम् the sole of the foot. -त्रः, -त्रा, -त्राणम् a boot or shoe. -दारी, -दारिका a chap in the feet, chilblain. -दाहः a burning sensation in the feet. -धावनिका sand used for rubbing the feet. -नालिका an anklet. -निकेतः a foot-stool. -न्यासः movement of the feet; पादन्यासो लयमनुगतः M.2.9. -पः 1 a tree; निरस्तपादपे देशे एरण्डो$पि द्रुमायते H.1.67; अनुभवति हि मूर्ध्ना पादपस्तीव्रमुष्णम् Ś.5.7. -2 a foot-stool. (-पा) a shoe. ˚खण्डः, -ण्डम् a grove of trees. ˚रुहा a climbing plant. -पद्धतिः f. a track. -परिचारकः a humble servant. -पालिका an anklet. -पाशः 1 a foot-rope for cattle. -2 an anklet of small bells &c. (-शिकः, -शी) 1 a fetter; हस्तिपक-पादपाशिक-सैमिक-वनचर-पारिकर्मिकसखः Kau. A. -2 a mat. -3 a creeper. -पीठः, -ठम् a foot-stool; चूडामणिभि- रुद्घृष्टपादपीठं महीक्षिताम् R.17.28; Ku.3.11. -पीठिका 1 a vulgar trade (as that of a barber). -2 white stone. -पूरणम् 1 filling out a line; P.VI.1.134. -2 an expletive; तु पादपूरणे भेदे समुच्चये$वधारणे Viśva. -प्रक्षालनम् washing the feet; पादप्रक्षालने वज्री Subhāṣ. -प्रणामः prostration (at the feet). -प्रतिष्ठानम् a foot-stool. -प्रधारणम् a shoe. -प्रसारणम् stretching out the feet. -प्रहारः a kick. -बद्ध a. consisting of verses (as a metre). -बन्धनम् 1 a chain, fetter. -2 a stock of cattle. -भटः a foot soldier. -भागः a quarter. -मुद्रा a footprint. ˚पङ्क्तिः a track, trail. -मूलम् 1 the tarsus. -2 the sole of the foot. -3 the heel. -4 the foot of a mountain. -5 a polite way of speaking of a person; देवपादमूलमागताहम् K.8. -यमकः paronomasia within the Pādas. -रक्षः 1 a shoe. -2 a foot-guard; (pl.) armed men protecting the feet of an elephant in battle; शिरांसि पादरक्षाणां बीजवत् प्रवपन् मुहुः Mb.3.271.1. -रक्षणम् 1 a cover for the feet. -2 a leather boot or shoe. -रजस् n. the dust of the feet. -रज्जुः f. a tether for the foot of an elephant. -रथी a shoe, boot. -रोहः, -रोहणः the (Indian) fig-tree. -लग्नः a. lying at a person's feet. -लेपः an unguent for the feet. -वन्दनम् saluting the feet. -वल्मीकः elephantiasis. -विरजस् f. a shoe, boot. (-m.) a god. -वेष्टनिकः, -कम् a stocking. -शाखा a toe. -शैलः a hill at the foot of a mountain. -शोथः swelling of the foot; अन्योन्योपद्रवकृतः शोथः पादसमुत्थितः । पुरुषं हन्ति नारीं तु मुखजो गुह्यजो ह्ययम् ॥ Mādhava. -शौचम् cleaning the feet by washing, washing the feet; पादशौचेन गोविन्दः (तृप्तः) Pt.1.172. -संहिता the junction of words in a quarter of a stanza. -सेवनम्, -सेवा 1 showing respect by touching the feet. -2 service. -स्तम्भः a supporting beam, pillar, post. -स्फोटः 'cracking of the feet', chilblain. -हत a. kicked. -हर्षः numbness of the feet after pressure upon the crural nerves; हृष्यतः चरणौ यस्य भवतश्च प्रसुप्तवत् । पादहर्षः सः विज्ञेयः कफवातप्रकोपजः ॥ Suśruta. -हीनजलम् Water with a portion boiled, -हीनात् ind. 1 without division or transition -2 all at once.
prāmoda प्रामोद (दि) क a. (-की f.) Charming, enchanting, delightful; अहो प्रामोदिकं रूपम् U.6.2. (v. l.)
bhāvaḥ भावः [भू-भावे घञ्] 1 Being, existing, existence; नासतो विद्यते भावः Bg.2.16. -2 Becoming, occurring, taking place. -3 State, condition, state of being; लताभावेन परिणतमस्या रूपम् V.4; U.6.23; so कातरभावः, विवर्णभावः &c. -4 Manner, mode. -6 Rank, station, position, capacity; देवीभावं गमिता K. P.1; so प्रेष्यभावम्, किंकरभावम् &c. -6 (a) True condition or state, truth, reality; परं भावमजानन्तः Bg.7.24; इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसम- न्विताः 1.8. (b) Sincerity, devotion; त्वयि मे भावनिबन्धना रतिः R.8.52;2.26. -7 Innate property, disposition, nature, temperament; स तस्य स्वो भावः प्रकृतिनियतत्वादकृतकः U.6.14. -8 Inclination or disposition of mind, idea, thought, opinion, supposition; हृदयनिहितभावा गूढमन्त्रप्रचाराः किमपि विगणयन्तो बुद्धिमन्तः सहन्ते Pt.3.43; Ms.8.25;4.65; निकृष्टोत्कृष्टयोर्भावं यास्तु गृह्णन्ति ताः स्त्रियः Bu. Ch.4.23. -9 Feeling, emotion, sentiment; एको भावः Pt.3.66; Ku.6. 95; निर्विकारात्मके चित्ते भावः प्रथमविक्रिया S. D. (In the dramatic science or in poetic compositions generally, Bhāvas are either स्थायिन् primary, or व्यभिचारिन् subordinate. The former are eight or nine, according as the Rasas are taken to be 8 or 9, each rasa having its own स्थायिभाव. The latter are thirty-three of thirty four in number, and serve to develop and strengthen the prevailing sentiment; for definition and enumeration of the several kinds, see R. G. first ānana, or K. P.4). -1 Love, affection; attachment; द्वन्द्वानि भावं क्रियया विवव्रुः Ku.3.35; कुमुद्वती भानुमतीव भावं (बबन्ध) R.6.36. -11 Purport, drift, gist, substance; इति भावः (often used by commentators); जनको$प्युत्स्मयन् राजा भावमस्या विशेषयन् । प्रतिजग्राह भावेन भावमस्या नृपोत्तम Mb.12,32.18. -12 Meaning, intention, sense, import; अन्योन्यभावचतुरेण सखीजनेन मुक्तास्तदा स्मितसुधामधुराः कटाक्षाः Māl.1.25. -13 Resolution, determination. -14 The heart, soul, mind; तयोर्विवृतभावत्वात् Māl.1.12; भावसंशुद्धिरित्येतत् तपो मानसमुच्यते Bg.17.16; स्व एव भावे विनिगृह्य मन्मथम् Bu. Ch.4.11. -15 Any existing thing, an object, a thing, substance; पश्यन्ती विविधान् भावान् Rām.2.94.18; जगति जयिनस्ते ते भावा नवेन्दुकलादयः Māl.1.17,36; R.3.41; U.3.32. -16 A being, living creature. -17 Abstract meditation, contemplation (= भावना q. v.). -18 Conduct, movement. -19 (a) Gesture, behaviour; अहिंसा समता... भवन्ति भावा भूतानाम् Bg.1.5. (b) Amorous gesture or expression of sentiment; gesture of love; कामं प्रिया न सुलभा मनस्तु तद्भावदर्शनाश्वासि Ś.2.1. -2 Birth; तवाहं पूर्वके भावे पुत्रः परपुरंजय Rām.7.14.2. -21 The world, universe. -22 The womb. -23 Will; घोरैर्विव्यधतुर्बाणैः कृतभावावुभौ जये Rām.6.9.38. -24 Superhuman power; मिथो घ्नतं न पश्यन्ति भावैर्भावं पृथग्दृशः Bhāg.1.4.27. -25 Advice, instruction. -26 (In dramas) A learned or venerable man, worthy man, (a term of address); भाव अयमस्मि V.1; तां खलु भावेन तथैव सर्वे वर्ग्याः पाठिताः) Māl.1. -27 (In gram.) The sense of an abstract noun, abstract idea conveyed by a word; भावे क्तः. -28 A term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb. -29 (In astr.) An astronomical house. -3 A lunar mansion. -31 An organ of sense. -32 Welfare (कल्याण); भावमिच्छति सर्वस्य नाभावे कुरुते मनः Mb.5.36.16. -33 Protection; द्रोणस्याभावभावे तु प्रसक्तानां यथा$भवत् Mb.7.25.64. -34 Fate, destiny (प्रारब्ध); नातिप्रहीणरश्मिः स्यात्तथा भावविपर्यये Mb.5.77.14. -35 Consciousness of past perceptions (वासना); येभ्यः सृजति भूतानि काले भावप्रचोदितः । महाभूतानि पञ्चेति तान्याहुर्भूतचिन्तिकाः ॥ Mb.12.275.4. -36 Lordship (प्रभुत्व); ते$पि भावाय कल्पन्ते राजदण्डनिपीडिताः Rām.2.67. 32. -37 The six states (अवस्थाषट्क); A, Rām.1.7.31. -Comp. -अनुग a. not forced, natural. (-गा) a shadow. -अन्तरम् a different state. -अद्वैतम् 1 a natural cause. -2 material cause (as thread of a cloth). -3 identity of conception, oneness of view. -अर्थः 1 the obvious meaning or import (of a word, phrase &c.). -2 the subject matter; सर्वेषामपि वस्तूनां भावार्थो भवति स्थितः Bhāg.1.14.57. -आकूतम् (secret) thoughts of the mind; हृदयनिहितं भावाकूतं वमद्भिरिवेक्षणैः Amaru.4. -आख्यः One of the two types of creation according to the Sāṅkhya philosophy; लिङ्गाख्यो भावाख्यस्तस्माद् द्विविधः प्रवर्तते सर्गः Sāṅ. K.52. -आत्मक a. real, actual. -आभासः simulation of a feeling, a feigned or false emotion. -आलीना a shadow. -एकरस a. influenced solely by the sentiment of (sincere) love; ममात्र भावैकरसं मनः स्थितम् Ku.5.82. -कर्तृकः an impersonal verb; Kāśi. on P. II.3.54. -गतिः f. power to convey human feelings; भावगतिराकृतीनाम् Pratimā 3. -गम्भीरम् ind. 1 heartily, from the bottom of the heart. -2 deeply, gravely. -गम्य a. conceived by the mind; ममत्सादृश्यं विरहतनु वा भावगम्यं लिखन्ती Me.87. -ग्राहिन् a. 1 understanding the sense. -2 appreciating the sentiment. -ग्राह्य a. to be conceived with the heart; भावग्राह्यमनीडाख्यं भावाभावकरं शिवम् Śvet. Up.5.14. -चेष्टितम् amorous gesture. -जः 1 love. -2 the god of love. -ज्ञ, -विद् a. knowing the heart. -दर्शिन् a. see भालदर्शिन्. -निर्वृत्तिः the material creation (Sāṅ. phil.); न विना लिङ्गेन भावनिर्वृत्तिः Sāṅ. K.52. -नेरिः a kind of dance. -बन्धन a. enchanting or fettering the heart, linking together the hearts; रथाङ्गनाम्नोरिव भावबन्धनं बभूव यत्प्रेम परस्पराश्रयम् R.3.24. -बोधक a. indicating or revealing any feeling. -मिश्रः a worthy person, a gentleman (used in dramas); प्रसीदन्तु भावमिश्राः Ś.6. -रूप a. real, actual. -वचनम् denoting an abstract idea, conveying the abstract notion of a verb. -वाचकम् an abstract noun. -विकारः a property of a being; षड् भावविकारा भवन्तीति वार्ष्यायणिः । जायते$स्ति विपरिणमते वर्धते$पक्षीयते नश्यति । -वृत्तः an epithet of Brahman. -शबलत्वम् a mixture of various emotions (भावानां बाध्यबाधकभावमापन्नानामुदासीनानां वा व्यामिश्रणम् R. G., vide examples given ad loc.). -शुद्धिः f. purity of mind, honesty, sincerity. -शून्य a. devoid of real love; उपचारविधिर्मनस्विनीनां न तु पूर्वाभ्यधिको$पि भावशून्यः M.3.3. -संधिः the union or co-existence of two emotions (भावसंधिरन्योन्यानभिभूतयोरन्योन्याभिभावनयोग्ययोः सामानाधिकरण्यम् R. G., see the examples there given). -समाहित a. abstracted in mind, devout. -सर्गः the mental or intellectual creation; i. e. the creation of the faculties of the human mind and their affections (opp. भौतिकसर्ग or material creation). -स्थ a. attached; devoted (to one); न वेत्सि भावस्थमिमं कथं जनम् Ku.5.58. -स्थिर a. firmly rooted in the heart; Ś.5.2. -स्निग्ध a. affectionately disposed, sincerely attached; भावस्निग्धैरुपकृतमपि द्वेष्यतां याति किंचित् Pt.1.285. -भावंगम a. charming, lovely.
mantraḥ मन्त्रः [मन्त्र्-अच्] 1 A Vedic hymn or sacred prayer (addressed to any deity), a sacred text; (it is of three kinds:-it is called ऋच् if metrical and intended to be loudly recited; यजुस् if in prose and muttered in a low tone; and सामन् if, being metrical, it is intended for chanting). -2 The portion of the Veda including the Samhitā and distinguished from the Brāhmaṇa; q. v. -3 A charm, spell, an incantation; सो$हमस्मि मन्त्र- सिद्धः Dk.54; न हि जीवन्ति जना मनागमन्त्राः Bv.1.111; अचिन्त्यो हि मणिमन्त्रौषधीनां प्रभावः Ratn.2; R.2;32;5.57. -4 A formula (of prayer) sacred to any deity, as ओं नमः शवाय &c. -5 Consultation, deliberation, counsel, advice, resolution, plan; तस्य संवृतमन्त्रस्य R.1.2; मन्त्रः प्रतिदिनं तस्य बभूव सह मन्त्रिभिः 17.5; Pt.2.182; Ms.7.58; मन्त्रपूर्वाः सर्वारम्भाः Kau. A.1.15; also पञ्चाङ्गो मन्त्रः. -6 Secret plan or consultation, a secret; मन्त्रो योध इवाधीरः सर्वाङ्गैः संवृतैरपि Śi.2.29. -7 Policy, statesmanship. -8 A mean, contrivance; किं तु मन्त्रं प्रदास्यामि यो वै तान् निहनिष्यति Rām.7.6.1. -9 N. of Viṣṇu. -1 of Śiva. -11 (In astrol.) The fifth mansion. -Comp. -अक्षरम् a syllable in a spell. -अधिकारः business of council meetings; Kau. A.1.15. -अधिराजः supreme over all spells. -आराधनम् endeavouring to obtain by spells or incantations; मन्त्राराधनतत्परेण मनसा नीताः श्मशाने निशाः Bh.3.4. -उक्त a. mentioned in a hymn. -उदकम्, -जलम्, -तोयम्, -वारि n. water consecrated by means of spells, charmed water. -उपष्टम्भः backing up by advice. -करणम् 1 Vedic texts. -2 composing or reciting sacred texts; P.I.3.25. -कर्कश a. advocating a stern policy; ये$पि मन्त्रकर्कशाः शास्त्रतन्त्रकाराः Dk.2.8. -कारः the author of Vedic hymns. -कार्यम् subject of consultation. -कालः time of consultation or deliberation. स्त्रीम्लेच्छव्याधितव्यङ्गान् मन्त्रकाले$पसारयेत् Ms.7.149. -कुशलः a. skilled in giving advice. -कृत् m. 1 an author or composer of Vedic hymns; अप्यग्रणीर्मन्त्र- कृतामृषीणां कुशाग्रबुद्धे कुशली गुरुस्ते R.5.4;1.61;15.31. -2 one who recites a sacred text. -3 a counsellor, an adviser. -4 an ambassador; यद्वा अयं मन्त्रकृद्वो भगवानखिलेश्वरः Bhāg.3.1.2. -कृत a. Consecrated by mantras; यस्ते मन्त्रकृतः पाणिरग्नौ पापे मया धृतः Rām.2.14. 14. -गण्डकः knowledge, science. -गुप्तिः f. secret counsel. -गूढः a spy, a secret emissary or agent. -गृहम् a council-chamber. -ग्रहः listening to the counsels of ministers; सप्तमे तु मन्त्रग्रहो दूताभिप्रेषणानि च Dk.2.8. -जा the power of spells; L. D. B. -जागरः recital of Vedic texts at night. -जिह्वः fire; अमृतं नाम यत् सन्तो मन्त्रजिह्वेषु जुह्वति Śi.2.17. -ज्ञ a. 1 knowing sacred texts. -2 skilled in counsel. -3 skilled in spells. -(ज्ञः) 1 a counsellor, adviser. -2 a learned Brāhmaṇa; मन्त्रज्ञै- र्मन्त्रिभिश्चैव विनीतः प्रविशेत् सभाम् Ms. -3 a spy. -तत्त्वम् the essence of counsel. -तन्त्र see अमन्त्र. -दः, -दातृ m. a spiritual preceptor or teacher; पिता भवति मन्त्रदः Ms. 2.153. -दर्शिन् m. 1 a seer of Vedic hymns. -2 a Brāhmaṇa versed in the Vedas; यो ह्यग्निः स द्विजो विप्रैर्मन्त्र- दर्शिभिरुच्यते Ms.3.212. -दीधितिः fire. -दृश् a. 1 knowing sacred texts. -2 skilled in counsel or spells. (m.) 1 a seer of Vedic hymns -2 an adviser, a counsellor; अथाह तन्मन्त्रदृशां वरीयान् यन्मन्त्रिणो वैदुरिकं वदन्ति Bhāg.3. 1.1. -देवता the deity invoked in a sacred text or mantra. -धरः, -धारिन् m. a counsellor. -निर्णयः final decision after deliberation. -पदम् the words of a sacred text. -पूत a. purified by mantras. ˚आत्मन् m. an epithet of Garuḍa. -प्रचारः the course of counsel or procedure; Pt.2. -प्रभावः the power of a spell. -प्रयोगः, -युक्तिः f. application of spells. -बी(वी)- जम् the first syllable of a spell. -भेदः breach or betrayal of counsel. -मूर्तिः an epithet of Śiva. -मूलम् magic. -यन्त्रम् a mystical diagram with a magical formula. -युक्तिः application of spells; magical means. -योगः 1 employment or application of spells. -2 magic. -रक्षा not disclosing, keeping a secret. -वर्जम् ind. without the use of spells. -वहः N. of Viṣṇu. -वादः the substance of sacred texts. -वादिन् m. 1 a reciter of sacred texts. -2 an enchanter, a conjurer. -विद् see मन्त्रज्ञ above. -विद्या the science of spells, magic. -शक्तिः f. the power of spells. -श्रुतिः a consultation overheard. -संस्कारः any Saṁskāra or rite performed with sacred texts; अनृतावृतुकाले च मन्त्रसंस्कारकृत् पतिः Ms.5.153. -संस्क्रिया any magical rite. -संवरणम् concealment of a design; मन्त्रसंवरणेनास्मि कुन्त्या दुःखेन योजितः Mb.12.2. 18. -संहिता the whole body of Vedic hymns. -साधकः a magician, conjurer. -साधनम् 1 effecting or subduing by magic. -2 a spell, an incantation. -3 attainment of supernatural or magical powers (by muttering spells); चामुण्डे भगवति मन्त्रसाधनादाबुद्दिष्टामुपनिहितां भजस्व पूजाम् Māl. 5.25; K.37,4,44. -साध्य a. 1 to be effected or subdued by magic or spells; Pt. 1.65. -2 attainable by consultation. -सिद्ध a. 1 possessing the power of spells, rendered efficacious; सो$स्म्यहं मन्त्रसिद्धः Dk.2.2. -सिद्धिः f. 1 the working or accomplishment of a spell. -2 the power which the possession or knowledge of a spell gives to a person. -सूत्रम् a charm fastened on a string. -स्नानम् the recitation of particular texts as a substitute for ablution. -स्पृश् a. obtaining (anything) by means of spells. -हीन a. destitute of or contrary to sacred hymns.
manmathaḥ मन्मथः 1 Cupid, the god of love; मन्मथो मां मथ्नन्निज- नाम सान्वयं करोति Dk.1; Me.75; न मन्मथस्त्वं स हि नास्ति- मूर्तिः N. 8.29. -2 Love, passion; प्रबोध्यते सुप्त इवाद्य मान्मथः Ṛs.1.8; so परोक्षमन्मथः जनः Ś.2.19. -3 The wood apple. -4 N. of a संवत्सर. -था N. of Dākṣāyaṇī. -a. Enchanting, attractive; साक्षान्मन्मथमन्मथः Bhāg. 1.32.2. -Comp. -आनन्दः a kind of mango tree. -आलयः 1 the mango tree. -2 pudendum muliebre. -कर a. exciting love. -बन्धुः the moon. -युद्धम् amorous strife, sexual union, copulation. -लेखः a love letter; क्लान्तो मन्मथलेख एष नलिनीपत्रे नखैरर्पितः Ś.3.26.
mātaṅgaḥ मातङ्गः [मतङ्गस्य मुनेरयम् अण्] 1 An elephant; मातङ्गाः किमु वल्गितैः K. P.7; Śi.1.64. -2 A man of the lowest caste, a Chāṇḍāla. -3 A Kirāta, mountaineer or barbarian. -4 (At the end of comp.) Any thing the best of its kind; e. g. बलाहकमातङ्गः. -ङ्गी 1 N. of Pārvatī. -2 N. of Vasiṣṭha's wife. -3 N. of one of the ten Mahāvidyās. -4 A Chāṇḍāla lady; नताङ्गी मातङ्गी रुचिर- गीतभङ्गी Ā. L. -Comp. -कुमारी a Chāṇḍāla girl. -ज a. elephantine. -दिवाकरः N. of a poet. -नक्रः, -मकरः a crocodile as large as an elephant; मातङ्गनक्रैः सहसो- त्पतद्भिर्भिन्नान् द्विधा पश्य समुद्रफेनान् R.13.11. -लीला N. of a medical work.
mohin मोहिन् a. [मुह्-णिनि] 1 Stupefying. -2 Perplexing, bewildering, fallacious. -3 Fascinating, enrapturing, enchanting.
valmīkaḥ वल्मीकः कम् [वल्-ईक मुट् च Uṇ.4.25] An ant-hill, a hillock thrown up by white ants, moles &c.; धर्मं शनैः संचिनुयाद्वल्मीकमिव पुत्तिकाः Subhāṣ; Me.15; Ś.7.11. -कः 1 Swelling of certain parts of the body, elephantiasis. -2 The poet Vālmīki. -Comp. -भौमम्, -राशिः, -वपा an ant-hill. -शीर्षम् a kind of antimony (used as collyrium).
vinardin विनर्दिन् a. Roaring (applied to a kind of mode of chanting Sāman); विनर्दि साम्नो वृणे पशव्यम् Ch. Up.2.22.1.
śilīpadaḥ शिलीपदः Elephantiasis.
ślīpadam श्लीपदम् Swelled leg, elephantiasis. -Comp. -अपहः removing elephantiasis, the पुत्रजीवी tree, Putrañjiva Roxburghii. -प्रभवः the mango tree.
sāmanyaḥ सामन्यः 1 A Brāhmaṇa versed in the Sāmaveda; ऋग्यजुषमधीयानान् सामन्यांश्च सुमर्चयन् Bk.4.9. -2 One skilful in chanting the verses of that Veda.
sthūla स्थूल a. (compar. स्थवीयस् superl. स्थविष्ठ) 1 Large, great, big, bulky, huge; बहुस्पृशापि स्थूलेन स्थीयते बहिरश्मवत् Śi.2.78 (where it has sense 6 also); स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् Me.14,18; R.6.28. -2 Fat, corpulent, stout. -3 Strong, powerful; स्थूलं स्थूलं श्वसिति K. 'breathes hard'. -4 Thick, clumsy. -5 Gross, coarse, rough (fig. also) as in स्थूलमानम् q. v. -6 Foolish, doltish, silly, ignorant. -7 Stolid, dull, thick-headed. -8 Not exact. -9 (Inphil.) Material (opp. to सूक्ष्म). -लः The jack tree. -ला -1 Large cardamoms. -2 Scindaspus Officinalis (Mar. गजपिंपळी). -3 Cucumis Utilissimus (Mar. थोरकाकडी). -लम् 1 A heap, quantity. -2 A tent. -3 The summit of a mountain (कूट). -4 Sour milk, curds. -Comp. -अन्त्रम् the larger intestine near the anus. -आस्यः a snake. -इच्छ a. having immoderate desires. -उच्चयः 1 a large fragment of a crag or rock fallen from a mountain and forming an irregular mound. -2 incompleteness, deficiency, defect. -3 the middle pace of elephants; स्थूलोच्चयेनागमदन्तिकागताम् Śi.12.16. -4 an eruption of pimples on the face. -5 a hollow at the root of an elephant's tusks. -कण्टकिका the silk-cotton tree. -कण्टा the egg-plant. -कन्दः 1 a kind of esculent root. -2 red garlic. -काय a. fat, corpulent. -काष्ठाग्निः a tree-trunk or a large log of wood set on fire. -क्षेडः, -क्ष्वेडः an arrow. -चापः a large bow-like instrument used in cleaning cotton. -तालः the marshy date-tree. -त्वचा Gmelina Arborea (Mar. थोर शिवणी). -दला Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. कोरफड). -धी, -मति a. foolish, doltish. -नालः a kind of large reed. -नास, -नासिक a. thick-nosed. (-सः, -कः) a hog, boar. -नीलः a hawk, falcon. -पटः, -टम् coarse cloth. -पट्टः cotton. (-ट्टम्), -पट्टाकः coarse cloth. -पट्टः a. clubfooted, having swelled legs. (-दः) 1 an elephant. -2 a man with elephantiasis. -प्रपञ्चः the gross or material world. -फलः the silk-cotton tree. -भावः Bigness, grossness. -भूत n. pl. the five grosser elements (according to Sāṁkhya phil.). -मध्य a. thick in the middle. -मरिचम् a kind of berry (कक्कोल). -मानम् rough or inexact calculation, gross or rough computation. -मूलम् a kind of radish. -लक्ष, -क्ष्य a. 1 munificent, liberal, generous; अकत्थनो मानयिता स्थूललक्ष्यः प्रियंवदः Mb.3.45.1. -2 wise, learned. -3 inclined to recollect both benefits and injuries. -4 taking careless aim. -लक्षिता munificence, liberality. -वल्कलः the red Lodhra tree. -विषयः a gross or material object. -शङ्खा a woman having a large vulva. -शरीरम् the grosser or material and perishable body (opp. सूक्ष्म or लिङ्ग-शरीर q. v.) -शाटकः (-कम्), शाट(टि)का, -शाटिः a thick or coarse cloth. -शीर्षिका a small ant having a large head in proportion to its size. -शोफ a. greatly swollen. -षट्पदः 1 a large bee. -2 a wasp. -सूक्ष्म a. mighty and subtle (as the god). -स्कन्धः the lakucha tree. -स्थूल a. excessively thick. -हस्तः 1 an elephant's trunk; दिङ्ना- गानां पथि परिहरन् स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् Me.14. -2 a large or coarse hand.
Macdonell Search
8 results
udgītha m. (n.) chanting of the Sâma-veda by the Udgâtri.
kārmaṇa a. relating to or proceed ing from action; enchanting (-tva, n. abst. n.); n. sorcery, magic; -ika, a. produced bymagic.
kṣudra a. small, tiny; low, mean, base; wicked (in jest): (a)-ka, a. small, tiny; *-ghantikâ, f. small bell (ornament).
manobhū m. (arising in the mind), love, god of love; -mathana, m. (agitator of the soul), god of love; -máya, a. (î) consist ing of mind, spiritual (not material); -yâyin, a. going at will, going whereverone likes; -yúg, a. (V.) thought-yoked, i. e. yoked by a mere thought (steeds); suiting the under standing, wise; -ratha, m. (car of the mind), wish, desire; fancy, illusion; indirectly ex pressed wish; N.: -dâyaka, m. fulfilling wishes; N. of a Kalpa tree, -prabhâ, f. N., -siddhi, f. fulfilment of a wish; m. N.: -ka, --°ree; a. id.; -rama, a. delighting the mind, attractive, pleasing, charming, lovely, beau tiful; m. N.: -â, f. N.; -râgya, n. realm of fancy: â-ni kri, build castles in the air; -laya, m. loss of consciousness; -laulya, n. freak of the mind, whim, caprice; -vat-î, f. N.; -vallabhâ, f. mistress of one's heart; -vâñkhita, (pp.) n. heart's desire; -visud dhi, f. purity of mind; -vritti, f. working of the mind, mental operation; train of thought; mood, temper; -hán, a. mind-destroying; -hara, a. (â, î) captivating the mind, fascin ating, attractive; charming, beautiful: -tara, cpv. more beautiful, etc.: -tva, n. greater beauty; -hartri, m. heart-stealer, captivator; -hârikâ, f. N.; -hârin, a. captivating the heart, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful; -hrit, a. taking away life and de lighting the heart;-hlâda, m. gladness of heart; -hlâdin, a. gladdening the heart, at tractive, beautiful.
viśvaka m. N. of a protégé of the Asvins; -kartri, m. creator of the universe; -karman, n. every action (only °ree;--); (á) karman, a. accomplishing or creating every thing (V., E.); N. of the architect of the universe, resembling Pragâpati and often not distinguished from him; in C. he is the architect and artificer of the gods, also called Pragâpati, and with the pat. Bhauvana, father of Barhishmatî and Samgñâ; ep. of the sun (rare); -krít, a. creating everything; m. creator of the universe; the architect and artificer of the gods, Visvakarman; (á)-krish- ti, a. dwelling among all men, universally known (RV.); -kshaya, m. destruction of the world; -gata, pp. omnipresent; -guru, m. father of the universe; (á)-kakshas, a. all-seeing (RV.); (á)-karshani, a. = -krishti (RV.); -ganá, m. mankind; -gan&isharp;na, a. containing all kinds of people (V.); ruling all people (V.); benefiting the whole world (V., C.); (á)-ganya, a. containing all men (heaven and earth: V.); universal, dear to all men (V.); universally beneficial (discussion); -gít, a. all-subduing (V., P.); m. N. of an Ekâha in the Gavâmayana rite, the fourth day after the Vishuvat (Br., S., C.); -gîva, m. universal soul; -g&usharp;, a. all-impelling (RV.1); (á)-tas, ad. from or on all sides, everywhere; (á)-to-mukha, a. having a face on every side, facing in all directions; (á) tra, ad. everywhere; always; (á)-thâ, ad. in every way, always (V.); -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; (á)-darsata, a. visible to all (RV.); -d&asharp;nîm, ad. always (V.); (á)-deva, a. all-divine;m. pl. the All-gods, the Visve devâs; (á)-devya, a. relating, dear etc. to all gods (RV.); (á)-devyâ-vat, a. id.; accompanied by the Visve devâs (Indra); (á)-dh&abrevcirc;, ad. in every way, always (RV.); -dhar ana, n.preservation of the universe; (á) dhâyas, a. all-supporting (RV.); -dhâ-vîrya, a. effective in every way (AV.); (á)-dhena, a. all-feeding (RV.); -nâtha, m. lord of the universe, ep. of Siva; N.; -m-tara, a. all-subduing(Buddha); m. N. of a king with the pat. Saushadmana; -pâvana, a. all-purifying; -pís, a. all-adorned (RV.); -prakâsa, m. All-enlightener, T. of a dictionary; (á) psnya, a. all-nourishing (V.); -bhug, a. all-consuming; (á)-bheshaga, a. (î) all-healing (V.); n. dry ginger (C.); (á)-bhogas, a. all-supporting; -maya, a. containing the uni verse; -maha, m. a kind of personification; -mahesvara, m. great lord of all (Siva); -minvá, a. (RV.) all-moving; all-containing; -mûrti, a. whose body is the universe or having all forms; -m-bhará, a. all-supporting; m. ep. of Vishnu: â, f. earth: -bhug, m. king; -yoni, m. f. source or creator of the universe; -ruki, m. N. of a Dânava; -rûpa, n. sg. all kinds of shapes; (á)-rûpa, a. (â, &isharp;) many-coloured, variegated (V.); wearing all forms, manifold, various; N. of a son of Tvashtri, whose three heads were struck off by Indra; â, f.dappled cow (V.); N. of certain verses (Br.); (á-)vâra, a. containing, bestowing etc. all treasures (V.); -vikhyâta, pp. known in the whole world; -víd, a. all-knowing; -visruta, pp. known in the whole world; (á)-vedas, a.all-knowing; (á)-sam bhû, a. beneficial to all; -súk, a. all-enlightening (RV.1); (á)-skandra, a. all-glittering (RV.); -samvanana, n. means of enchanting all; -samhâra, m. general destruction; -sakha, m. universal friend.
ślīpadin a. suffering from ele phantiasis.
ślīpada n. elephantiasis.
sāmaga a. chanting Sâmans; m. chanter of Sâmans; -g&asharp;, a., m. id. (RV.); -gâya, m. Sâman chant (C.).
Bloomfield Vedic
8 results0 results212 results
atho hanti parāyatī RV.1.191.2b. See ghuṇān hantu parāyatī.
atho hanti pṛtanyataḥ TB. Cf. next.
avartiṃ hanti cakṣuṣā AVś.9.4.17b.
daṇḍena hanti manyutaḥ AVP.11.11.1b.
indro hanti vṛṣabhaṃ śaṇḍikānām RV.2.30.8d.
paidvo hanti kasarṇīlam AVś.10.4.5a.
triraśriṃ hanti caturaśrir ugraḥ RV.1.152.2c.
uta hanti pūrvāsinam AVś.10.1.27a.
aṃśuṃ rihanti matayaḥ panipnatam # RV.9.86.46c.
aṃśuṃ duhanti stanayantam akṣitam # RV.9.72.6a.
aṃśuṃ duhanti hastino bharitraiḥ # RV.3.36.7c.
agniṃ manthanti vedhasaḥ # RV.6.15.17b.
agrato 'pasthāntike guroḥ # Kauś.141.40d.
achinnaṃ tvā vāto hanti # AVP.13.3.6c.
ajas tamāṃsy apa hanti dūram # AVś.9.5.7c,11c.
atho avaghnatī hanti # RV.1.191.2c. See ghuṇān avaghnatī.
adhvagato harayas tvā vahanti # AVś.13.2.36b,43c.
antarā dyāvāpṛthivī vicṛttāḥ # śś.1.6.3b. Cf. tredhā tiṣṭhanti viṣitā.
antar ichanti taṃ jane # RV.8.72.3a.
apaḥ samudrād divam ud vahanti (Kauś. -hantu) # AVś.4.27.4a; AVP.4.35.4a; 14.1.8a; Kauś.3.3b. P: apaḥ samudrāt Vait.12.12.
apeyaṃ rātry uchatu # AVś.2.8.2a. P: apeyam Kauś.26.42. Cf. aped u, and apochantī.
abhi prayo nāsatyā vahanti (RV.6.63.7b, vahantu) # RV.1.118.4d; 6.63.7b.
araṃ vahanty āśavaḥ (RV.VS. vahanti manyave) # RV.6.16.43c; SV.1.25c; 2.733c; VS.13.36c; TS.; MS.2.7.17c: 101.9; KS.22.5c; JB.2.379.
aśmānam ṛchantīr yantu # AVP.1.36.1c--4c.
asaṃsṛṣṭān bhāgāṃś caturo vahanti # GB.1.5.24d.
asac chākhāṃ pratiṣṭhantīm # AVś.10.7.21a.
ākṣṇayāvāno vahanti # RV.8.7.35a.
ā jaṅghanti sānv eṣām # RV.6.75.13a; AVP.15.11.5a; VS.29.50a; TS.; MS.3.16.3a: 187.6; KSA.6.1a; N.9.20a. P: ā jaṅghanti Apś.20.16.12; Mś.
ā dyāṃ rohanti rodasī (AVP. rohantu rādhasaḥ) # AVś.4.14.4b; AVP.3.38.4b; VS.17.68b; TS.; MS.2.10.6b: 138.8; KS.18.4b; śB.; N.13.8b.
āpo naptre ghṛtam annaṃ vahantīḥ # RV.2.35.14c.
ā yam aśvāsaḥ suyujo vahanti # RV.7.78.4d.
āvṛtās tatra tiṣṭhanti # AG.4.7.16c.
ā satvanair ajati hanti vṛtram # RV.5.37.4c.
āsya vedaḥ khidati hanti nagnam # RV.4.25.7c.
āhataṃ gabhe pasaḥ # TS.; KSA.4.8c; TB. See next, and āhanti.
ichanti tvā somyāsaḥ sakhāyaḥ # RV.3.30.1a; VS.34.18a; AB.6.18.2; 19.4; GB.2.6.1 (bis). P: ichanti tvā Aś.7.5.20; śś.12.5.22; VHDh.6.46. Cf. BṛhD.4.105.
induṃ rihanti mahiṣā adabdhāḥ # RV.9.97.57a.
indraṃ vardhanti karmabhiḥ # RV.9.46.3c.
indraṃ vardhanti kṣitayaḥ # RV.8.16.9c.
indro dāśad dāśuṣe hanti vṛtram # RV.2.19.4b.
irāṃ vahanto (ApMB. vahato; MG.VārG. vahantī) ghṛtam ukṣamāṇāḥ (VārG. -māṇān) # Aś.2.5.17c; Apś.6.27.5c; AG.2.9.5c; śG.3.5.3c; ApMB.1.8.2c; MG.1.14.6c; 2.11.17c; VārG.15.17c. See prec.
iṣaṃ vahantīḥ sukṛte sudānave # RV.1.92.3c; SV.2.1107c. Cf. iṣaṃ pṛñcantā.
iṣaṃ pṛñcantā sukṛte sudānave # RV.1.47.8c. Cf. iṣaṃ vahantīḥ.
ugraṃ vahantībhyaḥ svāhā # TS.; KSA.4.3.
uchantī duhitā divaḥ # RV.7.81.1b; SV.1.303b; 2.101b. See vyuchantī etc.
utāśitam upa gachanti mṛtyavaḥ # RV.10.117.1b.
uttānā garbham ādadhe # RVKh.10.184.2b; MG.2.18.4b. See tiṣṭhantī garbham, bhūtānāṃ garbham, and vṛddhaiva garbham.
uttānāyāṃ daśa yuktā vahanti # RV.1.164.14b; AVś.9.9.14b.
uttānā hi devagavā vahanti # Apś.11.7.6.
ut tiṣṭhetaḥ kim ichantīdam āgāḥ # AVś.14.2.19a. P: ut tiṣṭhetaḥ Kauś.77.16.
ut tvā yajñā brahmapūtā vahanti # AVś.13.1.36a,43b.
utsaṃ duhanti kalaśaṃ caturbilam # TB.; Apś.1.13.1a; Mś. See kośaṃ duhanti.
utsaṃ duhanti stanayantam akṣitam # RV.1.64.6d; TS.; ā.
ud uttaram ārohantī # AVP.4.10.5a; ApMB.1.6.5a (ApG.2.5.22).
ud yodhanty abhi valganti taptāḥ # AVś.12.3.29a. P: ud yodhanti Kauś.61.37.
upa kṣatraṃ pṛñcīta hanti rājabhiḥ # RV.1.40.8a.
uṣā uchantī ribhyate vasiṣṭhaiḥ # RV.7.76.7b.
uṣā uchantī vayunā kṛṇoti # RV.1.92.6b.
uṣā uchantī samidhāne agnau # RV.1.124.1a.
ūrjaṃ vahantīr amṛtaṃ ghṛtaṃ payaḥ kīlālaṃ parisrutam # VS.2.34; śś.4.5.3; Apś.1.10.4; SMB.2.3.15; JG.2.2; BDh. Ps: ūrjaṃ vahantīḥ GG.4.3.26; KhG.3.5.31; ViDh.73.23; BṛhPDh.5.278; ūrjam Kś.4.1.19.
ūrdhvā tiṣṭhanti na nu jihmā bhavanti # AVP.1.101.4a.
ūrdhvās tiṣṭhanti girayaḥ # AVP.4.5.9a.
ṛco 'sya bhāgāṃś caturo vahanti # GB.1.5.24a.
ṛtaṃ yo agne anṛtena hanti # RV.10.87.11b; AVś.8.3.11b.
ṛtasya dhītir vṛjināni hanti # RV.4.23.8b; N.10.41b.
ṛtenādityās tiṣṭhanti # RV.10.85.1c; AVś.14.1.1c; ApMB.1.6.1c.
eṣa devo hanti rakṣāṃsi sarvā # AVś.14.2.24b.
ainaṃ gachanti samanaṃ na yoṣāḥ (AVP. samaneva yoṣāḥ) # RV.10.168.2b; AVP.1.107.2b.
ainaṃ catvāri vāmāni gachanti niṣkaḥ kaṃso 'śvataro hasty adhipatir bhavati svānāṃ cānyeṣāṃ ca ya evaṃ veda # AVP.11.16.13.
ainam iha hanti pūrvaḥ # Kauś.100.2b.
katamenāpo divam udvahanti # AVP.13.7.4a.
kathaṃ stomāḥ prati tiṣṭhanti teṣu # AVś.8.9.19c.
kāṇḍāt-kāṇḍāt prarohantī (śG. pra rohasi) # VS.13.20a; TS.;; MS.2.7.15a: 98.13; 3.2.6: 24.19; KS.16.16a; 20.6; śB.; TA.10.1.7a; Apś.16.24.1; Mś.; śG.6.6.9a; MahānU.4.3a. Ps: kāṇḍāt-kāṇḍāt Kś.17.4.18; HG.2.20.10; BṛhPDh.9.65,310; VHDh.8.19; kāṇḍāt YDh.1.300.
kim ichantī saramā predam ānaṭ # RV.10.108.1a; N.11.25a. Cf. BṛhD.8.26.
ko vo mahānti mahatām ud aśnavat # RV.5.59.4a.
kośaṃ duhanti kalaśaṃ caturbilam # AVś.18.4.30a. See utsaṃ etc.
kratuṃ rihanti madhunābhy (SV. madhvābhy) añjate # RV.9.86.43b; AVś.18.3.18b; SV.1.564b; 2.964b.
kṣitīr uchantī mānuṣīr ajīgaḥ # RV.6.65.1b.
kṣipraṃ vai tasya pṛchanti # AVś.12.5.50a.
gandharvasya praty āsnā rihanti # AVś.7.73.3d; Aś.4.7.4d; śś.5.10.23d.
giraḥ śumbhanti pūrvathā # RV.9.43.2b.
guru dveṣo araruṣe dadhanti # RV.7.56.19d; MS.4.14.18d: 247.13; TB.
guhā tiṣṭhantīr anṛtasya setau # RV.10.67.4b; AVś.20.91.4b.
grāmaṃ sajānayo gachanti # ApMB.2.13.11c. See grāmān.
grāme vidhuram (HG. vikhuram) ichantī svāhā # ApMB.2.14.1f; HG.2.3.7d.
ghuṇān hantu parāyatī # AVP.4.16.3b. See atho hanti parāyatī.
ghṛtapruṣas tvā sarito vahanti (Aś. tvā harito vahantu) # TB.; Aś.5.19.3c; Apś.5.6.3c; 14.17.1c. See ghṛtapruṣo haritas.
caturhotāro yatra saṃpadaṃ gachanti devaiḥ # TA.3.11.2c.
catvāro 'gre pra vahanti yuktāḥ # JB.3.338a.
citram uchantīm uṣasaṃ na gāvaḥ # RV.1.71.1d.
jayantī pratyātiṣṭhantī # AVś.5.5.3c; AVP.6.4.5c; 7.12.6c.
jātaṃ rihanti mātaraḥ # RV.9.100.1d; SV.1.550d.
jināti ved amuyā hanti vā dhuniḥ # RV.5.34.5c.
jyotir yachanti saviteva bāhū # RV.7.79.2d.
jyotir yachantīr uṣaso vibhātīḥ # RV.7.78.3b.
ta ā vahanti kavayaḥ purastāt # TS.; TB. See tayāvahante.
taṃ vatsā upatiṣṭhantī # AVś.13.4.6a.
taṃ vṛkṣā apa sedhanti # AVś.5.19.9a.
tato yugmanto anusaṃvahanti # JB.2.438b.
tad rāṣṭraṃ hanti duchunā # AVś.5.19.8d; AVP.9.19.4d.
tamāṃsi yatra gachanti (AVP. gachān) # AVś.2.25.5c; AVP.4.13.5e.
tam ā rohanti kavayo vipaścitaḥ # AVś.19.53.1c; AVP.11.8.1c.
tam it pṛchanti na simo vi pṛchati # RV.1.145.2a.
tam id gachanti juhvas tam arvatīḥ # RV.1.145.3a.
taṃ pṛchantī vajrahastaṃ ratheṣṭhām # RV.6.22.5a; AVś.20.36.5a.
tayāvahante kavayaḥ purastāt # MS.1.1.2c: 1.7; 4.1.2: 2.18. See ta ā vahanti.
tasmād arvāñcaḥ pravahanti sargāḥ # JB.3.312d.
tasmin sarve pratitiṣṭhanti gatvā # JB.3.338d.
tasya jyeṣṭhaṃ mahimānaṃ vahantīḥ # RV.2.35.9c; TS.; MS.4.12.4c: 188.4.
īṃ vardhanti mahy asya pauṃsyam # RV.1.155.3a.
tāṃs te pretyāpigachanti (VSK.īśāU. pretyābhi-) # VS.40.3c; VSK.40.3c; śB.; BṛhU.4.4.14c; īśāU.3c.
tiṣṭhanti svāruho yathā # TS. See rohanti pūrvyā.
tiṣṭhantu hatavarcasaḥ # AVś.1.17.1d. See tiṣṭhanti hata-.
tisro vahanti sādhuyā # RV.10.33.5b.
tīrtvā tamāṃsi bahudhā mahānti (AVś.9.5.3d, vipaśyan) # AVś.9.5.1c,3d.
tīvrās tiṣṭhanti pītaye yuvabhyām # Aś.6.5.24b.
tejo rāṣṭrasya nir hanti # AVś.5.19.4c; AVP.9.19.1c.
te tvā vahanti sukṛtām u lokam # AVś.18.4.44d.
te vidvāṃso 'bhivahanti brāhmaṇam # JB.2.73c.
te vṛkṣāḥ saha tiṣṭhanti # AVś.20.131.14.
te sedhanti patho vṛkam # RV.1.105.11c.
te 'smin kasmin pratitiṣṭhanti gatvā # JB.3.338d.
tokaṃ tokāya śravase vahanti # RV.7.18.23d.
trayas tiṣṭhanti parigṛhya kumbhīm # AVP.4.40.3c.
trayas tiṣṭhanti sukṛtasya loke # AVP.4.40.3a.
tredhā tiṣṭhanti viṣitā ruśantaḥ # AVś.4.16.6b; AVP.5.32.1b. Cf. antarā dyāvāpṛthivī vicṛttāḥ.
tvāṃ rihanti mātaraḥ (SV. dhītayaḥ) # RV.9.100.7a; SV.2.367a.
tvāṃ vardhanti kṣitayaḥ pṛthivyām # RV.6.1.5a; MS.4.13.6a: 206.13; KS.18.20a; JB.
tvāṃ vardhanti matibhir vasiṣṭhāḥ # RV.7.12.3b; SV.2.656b; JB.3.243; TB.; 6.1.3b.
tvāṃ vardhanti marutaḥ svarkāḥ # MS.2.5.10b: 61.20. See tvāṃ havanta.
tvāṃ havanta marutaḥ svarkāḥ # TS. See tvāṃ vardhanti marutaḥ.
divas (SV.JB. divaḥ) pṛṣṭham adhi tiṣṭhanti cetasā (JB. tejasā; SV. rohanti tejasā) # RV.9.83.2d; SV.2.226d; JB.3.54d.
dīnā dakṣā vi duhanti pra vāṇam # RV.4.24.9d.
durṇāmāno vā ṛtviyam asyā rihanti # AVP.5.37.2b.
duhanti saptaikām # RV.8.72.7a; AB.1.22.2; Aś.4.7.4; 5.12.15. P: duhanti sapta śś.5.10.8.
devaṃ vahanti ketavaḥ # RV.1.50.1b; AVś.13.2.16b; 20.47.13b; SV.1.31b; VS.7.41b; 8.41b; 33.31b; TS.; 4.43.1b; MS.1.3.37b: 43.6; KS.4.9b; 30.5b; śB.; 6.2.2b; KA.1.198.1b,19b; JG.1.4b; N.12.15b.
devānāṃ cakṣuḥ subhagā vahantī # RV.7.77.3a.
devīm uṣasaṃ svar āvahantīm # RV.5.80.1c.
devīr ā tasthau madhumad vahantīḥ # RV.3.7.2b.
dhuraṃ vahanti vahnayaḥ # RV.8.3.23b.
dhurā na yuktā (JB. -rā niyukta) rajaso vahanti # RV.1.164.19d; AVś.9.9.19d; JB.1.279d.
dhruvās tiṣṭhanti viśvahā # AVś.12.1.27b.
nakir yaṃ ghnanti hanti yaḥ # RV.8.84.9b.
na taṃ gūhanti sravato gabhīrāḥ # RV.10.108.4c.
na tiṣṭhanti na ni miṣanty ete # RV.10.10.8a; AVś.18.1.9a.
na mardhanti yuvatayo janitrīḥ # RV.3.54.14d.
na mardhanti svatavaso haviṣkṛtam # RV.1.166.2d.
na rudro hanti nāśaniḥ # AVP.8.15.11b.
naro hitam ava mehanti peravaḥ # RV.9.74.4d; KS.35.6d.
na vā araṇyānir hanti # RV.10.146.5a; TB.
na viṣaṃ hanti pūruṣam # AVP.4.19.7b.
nāḍyas tiṣṭhanti prathamāḥ # AVś.10.7.16b.
nāsmai pṛśniṃ vi duhanti # AVś.5.17.17a.
nāsya prajāṃ śarvo hanti # AVP.8.15.11a.
nir asya rasaṃ gaviṣo duhanti te # RV.10.76.7b.
nir vai kṣatraṃ nayati hanti varcaḥ # AVś.5.18.4a; AVP.9.17.3a.
ni svaṣṭrān yuvati hanti vṛtram # RV.10.42.5d; AVś.20.89.5d.
pakṣau nihanti bhūmyām # AVś.6.8.2b.
pade rebhanti kavayo na gṛdhrāḥ # RV.9.97.57b.
prati ṣṭobhanti sindhavaḥ pavibhyaḥ # RV.1.168.8a.
pratīpaṃ śāpaṃ nadyo vahanti # RV.10.28.4b.
pra yachanti vimite 'mitam # AVś.10.7.39d.
praṣṭayo yuktā anusaṃvahanti # AVś.10.8.8b.
prāṇāpānābhyāṃ balam āviśantī (SMB. āharantī; PG. ādadhānā; HG. āvahantī; ApMB.JG. ābharantī; MG.VārG. ābhajantī) # śG.2.2.1c; SMB.1.6.27c; PG.2.2.8c; HG.1.4.4c; ApMB.2.2.9c; MG.1.22.10c; JG.1.12c; VārG.5.7c.
premāṃ vācaṃ vadiṣyāmi bahu vadiṣyantīṃ bahu patiṣyantīṃ bahu kariṣyantīṃ bahu saniṣyantīṃ bahor bhūyaḥ kariṣyantīṃ svar gachantīṃ svar vadiṣyantīṃ svaḥ patiṣyantīṃ svaḥ kariṣyantīṃ svaḥ saniṣyantīṃ svar imaṃ yajñaṃ vakṣyantīṃ svar māṃ yajamānaṃ vakṣyantīm # ā. See prec.
bṛhaspatiṃ sahavāho vahanti # RV.7.97.6b; KS.17.18b.
brahmauṣadhayo ni tiṣṭhanti # AVP.8.9.4a.
bhagaṃ vṛṇānā vadhvaṃ vahanti # AVP.10.6.9a.
bhīmaṃ vahantībhyaḥ svāhā # TS.; KSA.4.3.
bhūrīṇy eko apratīni hanti # RV.4.19.19b.
bhojam aśvāḥ suṣṭhuvāho vahanti # RV.10.107.11a.
madhye poṣasva tiṣṭhantīm # AG.2.8.16c. See prec.
manaḥ paścād anu yachanti raśmayaḥ # RV.6.75.6d; AVP.15.10.6d; VS.29.43d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 186.4; KSA.6.1d; N.9.16d.
manasā putram ichantī # AVś.11.9.8b.
manojuvo vṛṣaṇo yaṃ vahanti # RV.1.186.5d.
marīcīnāṃ padam ichanti vedhasaḥ # RV.10.177.1d; TA.3.11.11d; 13.2d; JUB.3.35.1d.
maha ichanti paṇayo nidhīn vaḥ # RV.10.108.2b.
mātā jaghanyā sarpati (HG. gachanti: read gachati) # ApMB.2.14.1e; HG.2.3.7c.
mitro yachanti varuṇaḥ sudāse # RV.7.60.8b.
ya indro harivān na dabhanti taṃ ripaḥ # RV.7.32.12c; AVś.20.59.3c.
ya enaṃ hanti mṛduṃ manyamānaḥ # AVś.5.18.5a. See ya enāṃ hanti.
ya enāṃ hanti mṛdumanyamānaḥ # AVP.9.17.7a. See ya enaṃ hanti.
yaṃ smā pṛchanti kuha seti ghoram # RV.2.12.5a; AVś.20.34.5a; AVP.12.14.5a.
yac citram apna uṣaso vahanti # RV.1.113.20a.
yajūṃṣi bhāgāṃś caturo vahanti # GB.1.5.24d.
yat tiṣṭhanti śuddhā it tad bhavanti # AVP.6.3.10b.
yat parjanya stanayan hanti duṣkṛtaḥ # RV.5.83.2d; N.10.11d.
yatrā kṛpīṭam anu tad dahanti # RV.10.28.8d.
yad īṃ sūryaṃ na harito vahanti # RV.10.31.8d.
yadī manthanti bāhubhir vi rocate # RV.3.29.6a.
yadī vardhanti prasvo ghṛtena # RV.3.5.8b.
yadī vājāya sudhyo vahanti # RV.4.21.8d.
yaṃ te vahanti harito vahiṣṭhāḥ # AVś.13.2.6c,7c.
yan nv imaṃ putram ichanti # AB.7.13.2a; śś.15.17a.
yavā nopa tiṣṭhanti kukṣim # AVś.20.130.7.
yas te hanti patayantam (AVP. carācaram) # RV.10.162.3a; AVś.20.96.13a; AVP.7.11.2a; MG.2.18.2a.
yasmai bhūtāni balim āvahanti # TA.1.31.1a.
yasya bhānti ketavo yasya raśmayaḥ (TB. bhānti raśmayo yasya ketavaḥ) # MS.4.14.14a: 239.9; TB.
yaḥ satyāṃ vācam anṛtena hanti # AVP.5.32.6d.
īṃ vahanti sūryaṃ ghṛtācīḥ # RV.7.60.3b.
yāḥ kāś ca sindhuṃ pravahanti nadyaḥ # N.14.34b.
gachanti janaṃ-janam # AVP.7.13.14a; 15.19.12a.
jāmayo vṛṣṇa ichanti śaktim # RV.3.57.3a.
yāni trīṇi bṛhanti # AVś.8.9.3a.
yāṃ devā anutiṣṭhanti # AVś.11.10.27a.
rohanti punarṇavāḥ # AVś.8.7.8b.
yās tarke tiṣṭhanti yā valīke # AVP.5.9.6a.
yās tiṣṭhanti yā dhāvanti (śG. yāḥ sravanti) # śG.3.15.5a; ApMB.2.19.2a (ApG.8.21.3). P: yās tiṣṭhanti ViDh.73.12.
yās te tanūs tiraścīnā nirdahantīḥ śvasantīḥ # Kauś.131.2b.
yuktā vahanti sukṛtām u lokam # GB.1.5.24d.
yujo yuktā abhi yat saṃvahanti # ā.,3b.
yuṣmotaḥ samrāḍ uta hanti vṛtram # RV.7.58.4c.
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"hanti" has 2 results
saptasvaralit, the seven accents; the term refers to the seven accents formed of the subdivisions of the three main Vedic accents उदात्त, अनुदात्त and स्वरित viz उदात्त, उदात्ततर, अनुदात्त, अनुदात्ततर, स्वरित, स्वरितोदात्त,and एकश्रुति: cf त एते तन्त्रे तरनिर्देशे सप्त स्वरा भवन्ति ( उदात: । उदात्ततरः । अनुदात्तः ! अनुदात्ततरः । स्वरित: । स्वरिते य उदात्तः सोन्येन विशिष्टः । एकश्रुतिः सप्तम: ॥ M. Bh on P. I. 2. 33. It is possible that these seven accents which were turned into the seven notes of the chantings of the samans developed into the seven musical notes which have traditionally come down to the present day known as सा रे ग म प ध नी; confer, compare उदात्ते निषादगान्धारौ अनुदात्ते ऋषभधैवतौ । स्वरितप्रभवा ह्येते षड्जमध्यमपञ्चमाः। Pāṇini. Siksa. The Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya mentions the seven accents differently; confer, compare उदात्तादयः परे सप्त । यथा-अभिनिहितक्षैप्र-प्राशश्लिष्ट-तैरोव्यञ्जन-तैरोविराम-पादवृत्तताथाभाव्याः Uvvata on V.Pr.I.l l4.
svara(l)vowel, as contrasted with a consonant which never stands by itself independently. The word स्वर is defined generally :as स्वयं राजन्ते ते स्वराः ( Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on pan. The word स्वर is always used in the sense of a vowel in the Pratisakhya works; Panini however has got the word अच् (short term or Pratyahara formed of अ in 'अइउण्' and च् at the end of एऔच् Mahesvara sutra 4 ) always used for vowels, the term स्वर being relegated by him to denote accents which are also termed स्वर in the ancient Pratisakhyas and grammars. The number of vowels, although shown differently in diferent ancient works, is the same, viz. five simple vowels अ,इ,उ, ऋ, लृ, and four diphthongs ए, ऐ, ओ, and अौ. These nine, by the addition of the long varieties of the first four such as आ, ई, ऊ, and ऋ, are increased to thirteen and further to twentytwo by adding the pluta forms, there being no long variety for लृ and short on for the diphthongs. All these twentytwo varieties have further subdivisions, made on the criterion of each of them being further characterized by the properties उदात्त, अनुदIत्त and स्वरित and निरनुनासिक and सानुनासिक. (2) The word स्वर also means accent, a property possessed exclusively by vowels and not by consonants, as they are entirely dependent on vowels and can at the most be said to possess the same accent as the vowel with which they are uttered together. The accents are mentioned to be three; the acute ( उदात्त ), the grave अनुदात्त and the circumflex (स्वरित) defined respectively as उच्चैरुदात्तः, नीचैरनुदात्तः and समाहारः स्वरितः by Panini (P. I. 2.29, 30,3l). The point whether समाहार means a combination or coming together one after another of the two, or a commixture or blending of the two is critically discussed in the Mahabhasya. (vide Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 2.31). There are however two kinds of svarita mentioned by Panini and found actually in use : (a) the independent स्वरित as possessed by the word स्वर् (from which possibly the word स्वरित was formed) and a few other words as also many times by the resultant vowel out of two vowels ( उदात्त and अनुदात्त ) combined, and (b) the enclitic or secondary svarita by which name, one or more grave vowels occurring after the udatta, in a chain, are called cf P. VIII. 2.4 VIII. 2.6 and VIII 4.66 and 67. The topic of accents is fully discussed by the authors of the Pratisakhyas as also by Panini. For details, see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III. 1.19; T.Pr. 38-47 Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I. 108 to 132, II. I.65 Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. Adhyaya l padas 1, 2, 3 and Rk. Tantra 51-66; see also Kaiyata on P. I. 2.29; (3) The word स्वर is used also in the sense of a musical tone. This meaning arose out of the second meaning ' accent ' which itself arose from the first viz. 'vowel', and it is fully discussed in works explanatory of the chanting of Samas. Patanjali has given Seven subdivisions of accents which may be at the origin of the seven musical notes. See सप्तस्वर a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
Vedabase Search
130 results
hanti and destroysSB 10.46.40
SB 10.74.20-21
hanti annihilatesSB 1.8.16
SB 4.11.25
hanti curesSB 2.7.21
hanti destroysCC Madhya 15.270
CC Madhya 25.84
SB 10.4.46
SB 10.57.15
SB 10.64.35
SB 11.23.16
SB 12.3.47
SB 2.1.20
SB 3.16.5
SB 4.4.14
SB 5.25.11
SB 6.3.26
hanti killSB 1.7.36
hanti killedSB 10.30.17
hanti killsBG 18.17
BG 2.19
BG 2.21
SB 10.10.12
SB 3.18.4
SB 6.15.6
hanti used to killSB 4.13.40
hanti will killSB 10.24.37
hanti will vanquishSB 10.2.21
abhigacchanti enter intoIso 3
adhigacchanti come to knowSB 12.6.33
āgacchanti are comingSB 4.13.30
anutiṣṭhanti execute regularlyBG 3.31
anutiṣṭhanti regularly performBG 3.32
anutiṣṭhanti just to followSB 2.8.25
anutiṣṭhanti those who followSB 11.20.37
anvicchanti they also desireSB 10.44.7
anvicchanti they seek outSB 10.56.8
arhanti deserveSB 2.10.44
arhanti are ableSB 5.6.1
arhanti deserveSB 6.1.43
arhanti deserveSB 6.3.26
arhanti deserve to takeSB 8.8.39-40
arhanti can be savedSB 9.8.28
arhanti deserveSB 10.19.10
ārohanti climbSB 10.18.21
āvahanti they can offerSB 8.22.20
bṛhanti observeSB 4.22.12
dahanti chastiseSB 2.7.7
dahanti subjugateSB 2.7.7
duhanti they supplySB 11.19.33-35
gacchanti they reachBG 2.51
gacchanti goBG 5.17
gacchanti goBG 8.24
gacchanti goBG 14.18
gacchanti goBG 14.18
gacchanti attainBG 15.5
gacchanti they goSB 1.5.31
gacchanti they goSB 9.11.22
gacchanti reachSB 10.51.38
gacchanti they goSB 11.25.21
icchanti they desireSB 4.9.9
na icchanti do not desireSB 6.18.74
icchanti they wishSB 7.14.6
icchanti they desireSB 8.6.24
icchanti desireSB 9.4.67
na icchanti they do not desireSB 10.68.31
icchanti they wantSB 11.5.38-40
icchanti desireSB 11.20.12
na icchanti do not desireCC Adi 4.208
na icchanti do not desireCC Madhya 24.183
luṭhanti overwhelmsSB 1.15.18
mehanti discharge semenSB 2.3.18
na icchanti do not desireSB 6.18.74
na icchanti they do not desireSB 10.68.31
na icchanti do not desireCC Adi 4.208
na icchanti do not desireCC Madhya 24.183
nihanti killsSB 4.11.18
nihanti destroysSB 10.13.45
nirundhanti confineSB 5.26.34
nirundhanti confineSB 5.26.34
niṣedhanti order to stopSB 6.17.12
paṭhanti they study itSB 2.1.26
paṭhanti are recitingSB 5.2.9
paṭhanti it is saidSB 7.15.42
paṭhanti all the members of the old generation reciteSB 9.24.9
paṭhanti they reciteMM 38
prayacchanti deliverSB 6.6.9
prayacchanti they bestowSB 6.19.26-28
prayacchanti they presentSB 10.17.2-3
ṛcchanti attainSB 3.33.11
rohanti do grow (produce other bodies)SB 6.16.39
samadhigacchanti they attainSB 5.22.4
samavagacchanti very easily obtainSB 5.14.39
spardhanti rival one anotherSB 6.16.35
śumbhanti make beautifulSB 10.38.12
tiṣṭhanti dwellBG 14.18
tiṣṭhanti they remainSB 12.2.27-28
uddhanti exactsSB 2.7.22
udvahanti they carrySB 5.17.3
udvahanti carrySB 10.87.28
upatiṣṭhanti appearSB 11.15.1
upatiṣṭhanti they arriveSB 11.15.25
upatiṣṭhanti approachSB 11.15.31
vahanti do bearSB 1.13.41
vahanti carry onSB 1.13.42
vahanti observeSB 3.16.7
vahanti carrySB 5.21.15
vahanti carrySB 6.3.13
vahanti carrySB 10.18.21
vahanti they carrySB 10.74.2
vāñchanti desireSB 4.9.36
vāñchanti desireSB 8.3.20-21
vāñchanti jñānīs desireSB 9.13.9
vāñchanti desireSB 10.16.37
vāñchanti desireSB 10.39.2
vāñchanti they desireSB 10.47.58
vāñchanti hanker afterSB 10.52.43
vāñchanti they desireSB 10.60.53
vāñchanti they desireSB 10.83.43
vāñchanti desireSB 11.20.34
vāñchanti desireCC Adi 4.163
vāñchanti desireCC Madhya 8.216
vāñchanti desireCC Antya 4.63
vihanti give upSB 10.2.21
vyathanti are disturbedBG 14.2
vyathanti distressedSB 1.18.50
vyuttiṣṭhanti are rising upSB 11.6.34
yacchanti offerSB 6.14.20
yacchanti they giveSB 11.28.5
yacchanti bestowSB 12.12.62
4 results
hanti noun (feminine) the root or verb han (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26011/72933
anicchantika adjective
Frequency rank 42943/72933
anicchantikatā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 42944/72933
icchantika adjective one who is destitute of Buddha nature
Frequency rank 15536/72933


a text on human medicine written by Siddhanti Subrahmanyasastry in the 19th Century


a Hindu ceremony to welcome the newborn into the world, by stimulating senses by ghee, honey et Century and chanting oracles.


Plant elephant grass, Typha elephantina.


elephantiasis or lymphatic filariasis.

Parse Time: 1.655s Search Word: hanti Input Encoding: IAST: hanti