han | cl.2 P. ( ) hanti- (3. dual number hat/aḥ-,3. plural ghnanti-;rarely A1. hate-,3. plural ghnate-;and cl.1. hanati-, Vedic or Veda also jighnate-, ti-; Potential hanyāt- also h/anīta-, ghnīta-; imperative jah/i- handh/i-; imperfect tense /ahan-, Vedic or Veda and Epic also ahanat-, ahanan-, aghnanta-; parasmE-pada jaghnat-, ghnamāna- ; perfect tense jagh/āna-, jaghn/uḥ- Epic also jaghne-, nire- subjunctive jagh/anat- ; parasmE-pada jaghniv/as-, Vedic or Veda also jaghanvas-; Aorist ahānīt- [ confer, compare vadh-]; future hantā- ; haṃsyati- ; haniṣy/ati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood h/antum-,Ved. also h/antave-, tav/ai-, toḥ-; ind.p. hatv/ā-,Ved. also tv/ī-, tvāya-, -hatya-; -hanya- ; -gh/ātam- etc.) , to strike, beat (also a drum) , pound, hammer (accusative), strike etc. upon (locative case) etc. ; to smite, slay, hit, kill, mar, destroy ; to put to death, cause to be executed ; to strike off ; to ward off, avert ; to hurt, wound (the heart) ; to hurl (a dart) upon (genitive case) ; (in astronomy) to touch, come into contact ; to obstruct, hinder ; to repress, give up, abandon (anger, sorrow etc.) ; (?) to go, move : Passive voice hany/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist avadhi-or aghāni-), to be struck or killed etc. etc.: Causal ghātayati-, te- (properly a Nom.fr. ghāta- q.v; Aorist ajīghatat-or ajīghanat-), to cause to be slain or killed, kill, slay, put to death, punish etc. ; to notify a person's death (kaṃsaṃ ghātayati- equals kaṃsa-vadham ācaṣṭe-) Va1rtt. 6 ; to mar, destroy (varia lectio): Desiderative j/ighāṃsati-, te- (Potential jighāṃsīyat- ; imperfect tense ajighāṃsīḥ- ), to wish to kill or destroy etc. etc.: Intensive j/aṅghanti- ( ; parasmE-pada jaṅghanat-, j/aṅghnat-or gh/anighnat-), jaṅghanyate- (with pass. sense ), jeghnīyate- ( ) , to strike = tread upon (locative case or accusative) ; to slay, kill ; to dispel (darkness) , destroy (evil, harm) ; to hurt, injure, wound [ confer, compare Greek , ; , ; Latin de-fendere,of-fendere; Lit.genu,gi4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian gu8nati.]  |
han | mf(ghnī-)n. killing, a killer, slayer (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See ari--, tamo-han-etc.)  |
hana | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ghnī-)n. killing, a killer, slayer (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See ari--, tamo-han-etc.)' (See vīra-haṇa-)  |
hana | m. killing, slaughter (See su-hana-)  |
hanā | f. (See dur-h/aṇā-).  |
hanana | mf(ī-)n. killing, a killer, slayer  |
hanana | m. (prob.) a drum-stick  |
hanana | m. a kind of worm  |
hanana | n. the act of striking or hitting  |
hanana | n. striking off  |
hanana | n. killing, destroying, removing, dispelling  |
hanana | n. multiplication  |
hananaśīla | mfn. of a murderous disposition, cruel |
hananīya | mfn. to be struck or beaten or killed, worthy of death  |
hananīya | Nom. P. yati- equals hananam icchati- (Desiderative jihananīyiṣati-) Va1rtt. 1  |
hananīyaka | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
hanavya | mf(ā-)n. relating to the jaws  |
hani | m. or f. a weapon  |
hanīla | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
hanīyas | mfn. more or most destructive  |
hanman | m. or n. a stroke, blow, thrust  |
hanna | mfn. evacuated (as excrement) |
hanta | ind. an exclamation or inceptive particle (expressive of an exhortation to do anything or asking attention, and often translatable by"come on!""here!""look!""see!"in later language also expressive of grief, joy, pity, haste, benediction etc. and translatable by"alas!""ah!""oh!" etc.;often repeated or joined with other particles exempli gratia, 'for example' hā hanta-, hanta hanta-, hanta tarhi-)  |
hantakāra | m. the exclamation hanta- (a particular formula of benediction or salutation;also explained as 16 mouthfuls of alms, in among the four teats of the cow, vāc-.)  |
hantavai | See root, .  |
hantave | See root, .  |
hantavya | mfn. to be slain or killed, to be punished with death etc.  |
hantavya | mfn. to be violated (as justice)  |
hantavya | mfn. to be refuted  |
hanti | f. the root or verb han-  |
hantokti | f. "saying alas!"tenderness, compassion  |
hantṛ | mf(trī-)n. (the former with genitive case,the latter with accusative) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer ( hantṛtva -tva- n.) etc.  |
hantṛ | m. a particular measure of food  |
hantṛ | mf(trī-)n. (the former with genitive case,the latter with accusative) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer ( hantṛtva -tva- n.) etc.  |
hantṛ | m. a particular measure of food  |
hantṛ | mf(trī-). See next.  |
hantrī | f. See next.  |
hantrīmukha | m. Name of a particular demon hostile to children  |
hantṛtva | n. hantṛ |
hantṛtva | n. hantṛ |
hantu | m. killing, slaying (see su-h-and root)  |
hantu | m. a bull  |
hantukāma | mf(ā-)n. (hantu-for tum-) desirous of killing  |
hantumanas | mfn. intending to kill  |
hantva | mfn. to be killed or slain  |
hanu | f. (only ) "anything which destroys or injures life", a weapon  |
hanu | f. death  |
hanu | f. disease  |
hanu | f. various kinds of drugs  |
hanu | f. a wanton woman, prostitute  |
hanu | m. Name of a particular mixed tribe  |
hanu | f. (according to to also m.;not fr. han-See cognate words below) a jaw (also h/anū-) etc.  |
hanu | n. "cheek", a particular part of a spearhead [ confer, compare Greek , , ; Latin gena,genui1nus; Gothic kinnus; German Kinn; English chin.]  |
hanubheda | m. the gaping or parting asunder of the jaws  |
hanubheda | m. Name of a particular form of the end of an eclipse  |
hanugraha | m. "jaw-seizure", lock-jaw  |
hanukā | f. a jaw  |
hanula | mfn. having strong jaws gaRa sidhmādi-.  |
hanumac | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumacchata | (for -śata-) n. Name of work on bhakti- by śrī-nivāsācārya-.  |
hanumad | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumadaṅgadasaṃvāda | m.  |
hanumadaṣṭaka | n.  |
hanumadaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n.  |
hanumadbāhuka | m. Name of work  |
hanumadbali | m. Name of work  |
hanumadbhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
hanumaddaṇḍaka | m. or n. Name of work  |
hanumaddīpa | m. Name of work  |
hanumaddurga | n. Name of work  |
hanumaddvādaśanāman | n. Name of work  |
hanumadekamukhakavaca | n.  |
hanumadgahvara | n. (equals man-mantra-g-) Name of work  |
hanumadīya | mfn. written or composed by hanumat-  |
hanumadīya | n. Name of work  |
hanumadrāmāyaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hanumadupaniṣad | f.  |
hanumadviṣayamantra | m. Name of work  |
hanumadvratakalpa | m. Name of work  |
hanumaj | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumajjayantī | f. the day of full moon of the month caitra- (being the supposed birthday of hanumat-)  |
hanuman | m. Calcutta edition for mat- (in hanumādi-)  |
hanuman | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumanmālāmantra | m. Name of work  |
hanumanmantragahvara | n. (= mad-gahvara-) Name of work  |
hanumanmantroddhāra | m. Name of work  |
hanumannāṭaka | n. Name of a drama (containing the story of the rāmāyaṇa- dramatized equals mahā-n- q.v)  |
hanumannighaṇṭu | m.  |
hanumanta | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumantabhaṭṭīya | n. Name of a poem.  |
hanumanteśvara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hanumanteśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hanumat | m. "having (large) jaws", Name of a monkey-chief (one of the most celebrated of a host of semi-divine monkey-like beings, who, according to ,were created to become the allies of rāma-candra- in his war with rāvaṇa-; hanumat- was held to be a son of pavana- or māruta-,"the Wind";and is fabled to have assumed any form at will, wielded rocks, removed mountains, mounted the air, seized the clouds, and rivalled garuḍa- in swiftness of flight;according to other legends, hanumat- was son of śiva-;his mother's name was añjanā- q.v;in modern times hanumat- is a very common village god in the Dekhan, Central and Upper India see ) etc.  |
hanumat | m. a particular sort of monkey, Simia Sinica  |
hanūmat | m. etc. equals hanu-mat-.  |
hanumatkalpa | m. Name of a chapter of the sudarśana-saṃhitā-.  |
hanumatkavaca | n. " hanumat-'s breast-plate", Name of various hymns (addressed to the five-headed hanumat- in various purāṇa-s).  |
hanumatkāvya | n. Name of work  |
hanumatkīrtana | n. Name of work  |
hanumatpaddhati | f. Name of work in 5 chapters (four of which are taken from the sudarśana-saṃhitā- and the last from the rāmāyaṇa-) describing the rites to be observed in the worship of hanumat-.  |
hanumatpañcāṅga | n. Name of work  |
hanumatpaṭala | mn. Name of work  |
hanumatprabandha | m. Name of work  |
hanumatprātaḥstotra | n. Name of work  |
hanumatpratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
hanumatpratiṣṭhākalpa | m. Name of work  |
hanumatsahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
hanumatsaṃhitā | f. Name of a poem describing the festivities on the occasion of the presence of rāma- and sītā- at a pastoral dance (rāsotsava-) on the banks of the sarayū-. |
hanumatstotra | n. Name of work  |
hanumattailavidhi | m. Name of work  |
hanumokṣa | m. relaxation of the jaws  |
hanuṣa | m. anger, wrath  |
hanuṣa | m. a rākṣasa-  |
hanūṣa | m. a rākṣasa-  |
hanusaṃhanana | n. ( ) a particular form of lock-jaw.  |
hanusaṃhati | f. ( ) a particular form of lock-jaw.  |
hanuṣkambha | m. equals -graha-  |
hanustambha | m. equals -graha-  |
hanusvana | m. sound made with the jaws  |
hanyamāna | mfn. (pr. p. Passive voice) being killed or slain etc.  |
hanyamāna | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio haṃsa-mārga-)  |
abaladhanvan | (abal/a--) mfn. possessing a weak bow  |
abandhana | mfn. without fetters, free  |
ābandhana | n. tying or binding on or round  |
abdavāhana | m. (for abja-vāhana- q.v), Name of śiva-  |
abdhimathana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a work in Apabhran6s3a  |
abhaktacohanda | m. want of appetite.  |
abhidhanv | (Aorist 3. pl. -/adhan-viṣuḥ-and perf. A1. -dadhanvir/e-) to come up in haste  |
abhidohana | n. milking upon  |
abhihan | (2. sg. Imper. -jahi- imperfect tense -h/an-[ ] & perf. -jaghantha-) to thump at, strike, kill etc. ; to beat (as a drum, etc.) etc. ; to afflict, visit with (instrumental case) : Desiderative -j/ighāṃsati-, to intend to strike down  |
abhikhan | to dig up, turn up (the soil)  |
abhilaṅghana | n. jumping over (genitive case) |
abhilaṅghana | n. violating, acting contrary to (in compound)  |
abhilekhana | n. writing upon, inscribing.  |
abhimanthana | n. the upper piece of wood (araṇi-) which is churned in the lower one (for kindling the fire)  |
abhimātihan | mfn. striking or destroying one's enemies  |
abhimethana | n. insulting or injurious speech  |
abhinahana | n. a bandage (over the eyes)  |
abhinahana | See abhi-naddha-.  |
abhinidhana | n. Name of different verses of the sāma-veda-  |
abhinihan | (p. -ghnat-) to beat, strike  |
abhiparihan | to overpower entirely  |
abhiprahan | (3. plural -ghn/anti-) to overpower  |
abhiprathana | n. spreading over  |
abhisambodhana | n. attaining the bodhi-  |
abhisaṃhan | (ind.p. -hatya-) to combine, confederate  |
abhisaṃrādhana | n. pacifying, conciliating  |
abhivahana | n. carrying near to  |
abhivardhana | n. strengthening, increasing,  |
abhogghan | m(Nominal verb plural -gh/anas-)fn. (fr. abhoj- equals /a-bhuñjat-), killing the stingy  |
abhraghana | mfn. thickly covered with clouds  |
abhyāhan | (Imper. 2. sg. -jah/i-; perf. A1. -jaghne-) to strike, wound ; to impede (Inf. -hanitum-)  |
abhyāhanana | n. impeding, interruption commentator or commentary on  |
abhyarthana | n. asking, requesting  |
abhyarthanā | generally (ā-) f. idem or 'n. asking, requesting'  |
abhyarthanīya | mfn. to be requested or asked.  |
abindhana | m. "having water (ap-) for fuel ", submarine fire  |
abjavāhana | m. "carrying the moon (on his forehead)", Name of śiva-.  |
abodhanīya | mfn. unintelligible  |
abodhanīya | mfn. not to be awakened or aroused.  |
acchādhanv | to run towards  |
acchandaska | mfn. having no metre,  |
ācchanna | mfn. clothed  |
ādahana | n. a place where anything is burnt  |
adhakhanana | n. undermining.  |
adhana | mfn. destitute of wealth.  |
adhanya | mfn. not richly supplied with corn or other produce, not prosperous  |
adhanya | mfn. unhappy.  |
adharahanu | f. the lower jaw-bone  |
adhimanthana | n. friction for producing fire  |
adhimanthana | mfn. suitable for such friction (as wood)  |
adhinirhan | (perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to destroy, root out from  |
adhivāhana | m. Name of a man (said to be a son of aṅga-).  |
adhobandhana | n. an under girth.  |
adhyavahan | to thrash upon  |
adhyavahanana | mfn. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed  |
adhyāvāhanika | n. that part of a wife's property which, she receives when led in procession from her father's to her husband's house.  |
adhyūhana | n. putting on a layer (of ashes).  |
ādityavardhana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Kanouj king,  |
adrimūrdhan | m. the head or summit of a mountain.  |
adṛṣṭahan | m. destroyer of venomous vermin  |
aduḥkhanavamī | f. the propitious ninth day in the first fortnight of bhādrapada- (when women worship devī- to avert evil for the ensuing year).  |
aghāhan | n. inauspicious day  |
aghana | mfn. not dense or solid.  |
aghanāsaka | mfn. sin destroying, expiatory  |
aghanāsaka | m. "an expiator", Name of viṣṇu-.  |
aghaśaṃsahan | m. slaying the wicked  |
agnimanthana | n. production of fire by friction  |
agnimanthanīya | mfn. relating to such friction  |
agnīndhana | n. kindling or feeding the fire  |
agnistambhana | n. the (magical) quenching of fire.  |
agnivardhana | mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic.  |
āgranthana | n. a knot (= granthi-), .  |
āgrathana | n. tying round, girding,  |
ahan | n. the base of the weak and some other cases of /ahar-, q.v exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case /ahnā- ([once ahan/ā- ])  |
ahan | dative case /ahne-  |
ahan | locative case /ahan- (Ved.) or /ahani-, or ahni-, etc.  |
ahan | Nominal verb dual number /ahanī- (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-) and plural /ahāni-  |
ahan | only Vedic or Veda are the middle cases of the plural /ahabhyas- ([ ]), /ahabhis- ([ ,nine times]),and /ahasu- ([ ]) , while the later language forms them fr. the base /ahas- q.v  |
āhan | P. -hanti- (imperative /ā-jahi- etc.; perfect tense /ā-jaghāna- etc.) A1. -hate- (only if no object follows ,or if the object is a part of one's own body ; Potential 1. sg. -ghnīya- on ) to strike at, hit, beat ; to attack, assault etc.: (A1.) to strike one's self (or any part of one's body) and commentator or commentary ; to make away with one's self ; to fasten ; to beat or cause to sound (a drum etc.) etc.: Intensive /ā-jaṅghanti- , to strike at or beat violently.  |
ahanā | instrumental case with an earlier form of accentuation for /ahnā-. See before.  |
āhanana | n. the act of striking at, beating  |
āhanana | n. killing (an animal)  |
āhanana | n. a stick for beating a drum  |
āhananaprakāra | mfn. fit for beating  |
āhananya | mfn. (fr. ā-hanana-), being in the act of beating (a drum etc.)  |
āhanas | mfn. to be beaten or pressed out (as soma-)  |
āhanas | mfn. to be skimmed (as milk)  |
āhanas | mfn. to be beaten (as an unchaste woman)  |
āhanas | mfn. unchaste, wanton  |
āhanas | mfn. obscene, lascivious, profligate  |
āhanasya | n. unchasteness, lasciviousness  |
āhanasya | n. lascivious words, obscenity  |
āhanasyā | f. plural (scilicet ṛcas-) verses of a lascivious character  |
āhanasyā | f. a chapter of the kuntāpa- hymns in the atharva-- veda- etc.  |
āhanasyā | f. (with anāhanasya an-ā-hanasya- mfn.chaste, decent )  |
ahanti | f. idem or 'f. equals ahata-tā- q.v ' ([ vv.ll. ahantya /a-hantya- mfn."indestructible" ahantva /a-hantva- mfn. idem or 'f. equals ahata-tā- q.v ' ])  |
ahantva | See the preceding.  |
ahantva | mfn. ahanti |
ahantya | See the preceding.  |
ahantya | mfn. ahanti |
ahanya | (4) mfn. daily  |
ahanyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being struck  |
ahihan | m. (dat -ghn/e-) f(ghn/ī-). n. killing serpents or vṛtra-  |
ahijambhana | n. a means of destroying snakes,  |
ahorathantara | n. commentator or commentary  |
aindhana | mfn. (fr. indhana-), produced from fuel (as fire)  |
aindranighanṭu | Name (also title or epithet) of a glossary by vara-ruci-.  |
ajaghanya | mfn. not last  |
ajaghanya | mfn. not least.  |
ajñānabandhana | n. the bond of ignorance.  |
ājyadhanvan | mfn. having the clarified butter for its bow  |
ākāragūhana | n. concealing or suppressing (any expression of the face or any gesture that might show) one's feelings, dissimulation  |
ākāśamuṣṭihananāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be foolish like one who beats the air with his fist (see )  |
akatthana | mfn. unboastful.  |
ākatthana | mfn. boasting, swaggering  |
ākhana | m. ?  |
akhanat | mfn. not digging  |
ākhaṇḍaladhanus | n. idem or 'm. n. "indra-'s bow", the rainbow '  |
ākhanika | m. (equals /ā-kha-above commentator or commentary) a digger, ditcher, a miner, underminer, thief  |
ākhanika | m. a hog  |
ākhanika | m. a mouse  |
ākhanikabaka | m. "a stork in relation to a mouse", (metaphorically) a man who behaves as an oppressor towards a weak person, (gaRa pātresamitādi-and yuktārohy-ādi- q.v) |
ākhuhan | m. "mouse-killer", a cat, on Va1rtt. 4.  |
akrodhana | mfn. free from anger  |
akrodhana | m. Name of a prince, son of ayutāyu-  |
akṣarachandas | n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables.  |
alabdhanātha | mfn. without a patron.  |
alabdhanidra | mfn. not obtaining sleep, unable to fall asleep  |
ālabhana | n. touching, handling  |
ālabhana | n. killing, sacrificing  |
ālambhana | n. seizure  |
ālambhana | n. taking hold of, touching  |
ālambhana | n. killing, sacrificing  |
ālambhanīya | mfn. to be taken hold of or handled  |
ālambhanīya | mfn. to be touched  |
alaṃdhana | mfn. possessing sufficient wealth  |
alāñchana | mfn. spotless  |
alaṅghana | n. not surmounting, not transgressing, not passing over or beyond.  |
alaṅghanīya | mfn. insurmountable, impassable, not to be crossed  |
alaṅghanīya | mfn. not to be reached or caught (by hastening)  |
alaṅghanīya | mfn. not to be transgressed, inviolable. -.  |
alaṅghanīyatā | f. impassableness, insurmountableness inaccessibility  |
alaṅghanīyatā | f. inviolability.  |
ālekhana | n. scratching, scraping  |
ālekhana | n. marking out by scratches  |
ālekhana | n. painting  |
ālekhana | m. Name of a teacher  |
ālekhana | See ā-likh-.  |
ālekhanī | f. a brush, pencil  |
ālekhani | m. Name of a teacher.  |
alpadhana | mfn. of little wealth, not affluent  |
āmardakatirthanātha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a śaiva- ascetic,  |
ambughana | m. hail, frozen rain  |
ambuvardhana | n. high sea-tide,  |
aṃhana | n. (from 1. aṃh-) the act of moving or creeping (like a snake),  |
amitradambhana | mfn. hurting enemies  |
amitrahan | mfn. killing enemies  |
amīvahan | mfn. destroying pains, killing evil spirits  |
amoghanandinī | f. Name of a śikṣā--text.  |
āmohanikā | f. ( muh-, Causal) , a particular fragrant odour  |
amṛtamanthana | n. "the churning for the amṛta-", Name of the chapters 17-19 of  |
amṛtavardhana | m. Name of a poet (quoted in śārṅgadhara-'s anthology).  |
anādinidhana | mfn. having neither beginning nor end, eternal.  |
anahan | n. a non-day, no day, an evil or unlucky day  |
anāhanasya | mfn. āhanasyā |
ānandacidghana | mfn. consisting only of joy and thought,  |
ānandaghana | mfn. consisting of pure joy  |
ānandavardhana | mfn. enhancing enjoyment  |
ānandavardhana | m. Name of a poet  |
anapahanana | n. not repelling from  |
anarthanāśin | m. "Evil-destroyer", śiva-.  |
anavalobhana | n. (for lopana-,"cutting off"commentator or commentary), Name of a ceremony observed by a pregnant woman to prevent miscarriage (treated of in an upaniṣad-)  |
āñchana | n. stretching, drawing, setting (a bone or leg)  |
aṇḍavardhana | n. swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele.  |
aṅgoñchana | n. a towel  |
anibandhana | mfn. causeless, accidental,  |
ānidhana | n. (scilicet sāman-) Name of a sāman-.  |
anilahan | mfn. equals -ghna-.  |
aniṣudhanva | mfn. without arrows and a bow  |
añjalibandhana | n. salutation with the añjali- raised to the forehead.  |
antaḥsthāchandas | n. Name of a class of metres.  |
antardadhana | n. the distillation of spirituous liquor (or a substance used to cause fermentation)  |
antardhana | n. a hidden or inner treasure,  |
antarghana | m. a place between the entrance-door and the house  |
antarghana | m. Name of a village  |
antarhan | forms the ind.p. -hatya- , and the Passive voice -haṇyate-  |
antarhanana | m. Name of a village  |
antarvigāhana | n. entering within  |
antyadhana | n. last member of an arithmetical series.  |
anubandhana | n. binding, connection, succession, unbroken series.  |
anubodhana | n. recollecting, reminding.  |
anudhanv | (perf. A1.3. sg. -dadhanv/e-) to run near  |
anujñāprārthanā | f. asking permission, taking leave.  |
anukathana | n. orderly narration, discourse conversation.  |
anupalambhana | n. want of apprehension or knowledge.  |
anurodhana | n. obliging or fulfilling the wishes of  |
anurodhana | n. means for winning the affection of.  |
anuṣṭobhana | n. praising after  |
anuṣṭupchandas | mfn. having anuṣṭubh- for metre  |
anuvihan | to interrupt, derange  |
anvālabhana | n. a handle (?)  |
anvālambhana | n. a handle (?)  |
anvavahan | to throw down by striking  |
apaghana | m. ( han-), ( ) a limb or member (as a hand or foot)  |
apaghana | mfn. cloudless.  |
apahan | (subjunctive 3. sg. -han-;Imper. 2. sg. -jah/i-,2. dual number -hatam-;2. plural -hat/ā-,or -hata-; perf. -jagh/āna-; pr. p. -ghn/at-; Intensive p. Nominal verb m. -j/aṅghanat-) to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy  |
apāhan | to throw off or back  |
apahanana | n. warding off (see apa-gh/āta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
apahantṛ | mf(trī- )n. beating off, destroying  |
apamūrdhan | mfn. headless.  |
aparicchanna | mfn. uncovered, unclothed.  |
apāṣṭhihan | mfn. killing with the claws  |
apaśuhan | (/a-paśu--) mf(ghnī-)n. not killing cattle  |
apavāhana | n. carrying off  |
apavāhana | n. subtraction.  |
apihan | (3. pl. ghnanti-) to remove or suppress (pregnancy, s/ūtum-)  |
apohana | n. idem or 'm. (in disputation) reasoning, arguing, denying.'  |
apohanīya | mfn. to be taken away, or removed, or expiated.  |
apombhana | n. a fetter  |
āpracchana | n. expression of civility on receiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding farewell etc. |
apracchanna | n. courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest,  |
aprahan | m(accusative haṇam-)fn. not hurting  |
āptacchandas | mfn. complete as to metre,  |
ārādhana | mfn. propitiating, rendering favourable to one's self  |
ārādhana | n. gratifying, propitiation, homage, worship, adoration etc.  |
ārādhana | n. effecting, accomplishment  |
ārādhana | n. acquirement, attainment  |
ārādhana | n. cooking  |
ārādhanā | f. worship, adoration, propitiation of the deities  |
ārādhanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
ārādhanīya | mfn. to be worshipped or adored  |
ārādhanīya | mfn. to be propitiated or conciliated  |
ardhakathana | n. relating only half (not to the end of a story) (varia lectio -ka-thita-,"half-related") . |
ardhanākula | n. a kind of yoga- posture,  |
ardhanārāca | m. a particular kind of arrow  |
ardhanārīnaravapus | mfn. having a body half man and half woman (said of rudra-)  |
ardhanārīnāṭeśvara | m. śiva-.,  |
ardhanārīśa | m. "the lord who is half female (and half male)", a form of śiva-.  |
ardhanārīśvara | m. "the lord who is half female (and half male)", a form of śiva-.  |
ārdhanārīśvara | n. (fr. ardha-nārīśvara- q.v), the story of the lord (śiva-) in his form as half female (and half male)  |
ardhanāva | n. half a boat  |
ardhaniśā | f. midnight.  |
ardhaniṣpanna | mfn. half-finished,  |
arhanta | mfn. worthy  |
arhanta | m. a buddha-  |
arhanta | m. a Buddhist mendicant  |
arhanta | m. a Name of śiva-  |
arhantikā | f. Name of a Buddhist nun  |
ārhantya | n. (gaRa brāhmaṇādi- ), the state or practice of an arhat- or jaina- saint.  |
arihan | mfn. killing or destroying enemies, N. |
ariṣṭahan | m. (equals -mathana- q.v) Name of viṣṇu-  |
ariṣṭamathana | m. "killer of the asura- ariṣṭa-", Name of śiva- (id est viṣṇu-) .  |
arjunāriṣṭasaṃchanna | mfn. covered with arjuna- and Nimb trees.  |
ārodhana | n. innermost part, secret place ([ ])  |
ārodhana | n. (fr.1. rudh-= ruh-), mounting, ascent [Pischel and ]  |
arthanā | f. request, entreaty  |
arthanāśa | m. loss of money.  |
arthanāśaka | mfn. wasting money, prodigal,  |
arthanibandhana | mfn. having its cause in wealth, contingent on affluence and respectability |
arthanirvṛtti | f. fulfilling of a purpose,  |
arthaniścaya | m. decision of a matter  |
arthaniścaya | m. determinate view of a matter  |
arthanīya | mfn. to be requested, asked for.  |
arthanyuna | mfn. "deficient in wealth", poor  |
arthasādhana | n. accomplishment of a purpose, means of attaining an object,  |
ārtihan | mfn. destroying pain.  |
aruśahan | m. (arus3a- equals aruṣ/a-?) striking the red (clouds), Name of indra- [killing enemies ]  |
arutahanu | mfn. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken  |
āryadhana | n. (with Buddhists) a noble treasure (7 in number),  |
asādhana | mfn. without means, destitute of resources or materials or instruments or implements etc.  |
asādhana | n. not a means, anything not effective of an object,  |
asahana | mf(ā-)n. not able to endure, unenduring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
asahana | mf(ā-)n. envious, jealous etc.  |
asahana | m. an enemy  |
asahana | n. not tolerating  |
asahanatā | f. weakness,  |
asaṃchanna | mfn. not covered  |
aśastihan | mfn. averting curses or cursers  |
askambhana | n. no pillar or support ["having no pillar or support" , the ether ]  |
aśmahanman | (/aśma--) n. a stroke of the thunderbolt  |
aśmamūrdhan | mfn. having a head of stone  |
asnehana | m. "without affection", a Name of śiva-  |
aśobhana | mfn. not beautiful, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
aśobhana | disagreeable, vicious, bad,  |
aśobhana | inauspicious,  |
aśokavardhana | m. Name of a king  |
astamūrdhan | m. equals -mastaka- q.v  |
asthan | the base of the weak cases of /asthi- q.v , exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case asthnā-, etc. (Ved. also instrumental case plural asth/abhis- ;and n. plural asthāni- ):  |
asthanvat | mfn. having bones, bony  |
asthanvat | mfn. vertebrated (as an animal)  |
asthibandhana | n. a sinew  |
asthidhanvan | m. a Name of śiva-  |
asthisaṃnahana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant,  |
asurahan | mf(-ghn/ī-)n. destroying the asura-s  |
aśvabandhana | n. fastening of horses  |
aśvabandhana | mf(ī-)n. used for fastening horses.  |
asvacchanda | mfn. not self-willed, dependant  |
asvacchanda | mfn. docile  |
aśvahana | m. equals -ghna- q.v  |
aśvahantṛ | m. equals -ghna- q.v  |
aśvahanu | m. Name of a man  |
aśvajaghana | mfn. having the lower limbs like those of a horse  |
aśvasādhana | mfn. effective by horses,  |
aticchanda | m. (probably) too much wilfulness or criticism, (Bombay edition - ccheda-).  |
aticchandas | mfn. past worldly desires free from them  |
aticchandas | fn. (ās-, as-) Name of two large classes of metres  |
aticchandas | n. (as-) Name of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place.  |
āticchandasa | n. (fr. /ati-cchandas-), Name of the last of the six days of the pṛṣṭhya- ceremony  |
atidhanvan | m. Name of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of śunaka-  |
atigahana | mfn. very deep  |
atigahana | mfn. very impenetrable.  |
atihan | Desiderative -jighāṃsati- (for -jighāsati-fr.2. hā-?), to try to escape  |
atilaṅghana | n. excessive fasting  |
atiśobhana | mfn. very handsome.  |
ativāhana | n. excessive toiling.  |
ativāhana | n. excessive toiling or enduring.  |
ativiśrabdhanavoḍhā | f. a fond but pert young wife.  |
ativyathana | n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain  |
ātmacchandatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ātmahan | mfn. one who kills his soul id est does not care about the welfare of his soul  |
ātmahan | m. a suicide  |
ātmahan | m. a priest in a temple attendant upon an idol (the priest subsisting by appropriating to himself offerings to deities for which future punishment is assigned) |
ātmahanana | n. suicide  |
aupacandhani | varia lectio for aupajandhani-, column 2.  |
aupacchandasika | mfn. (fr. upa-cchandas-), conformable to the veda-, Vedic  |
aupacchandasika | n. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of alternately eleven and twelve syllabic instantsSee grammar 969). |
aupajandhani | m. a descendant of upa-jandhani-, Name of a teacher  |
aupajaṅghani | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher (confer, compare jandhani-),  |
aurvadahana | m. the submarine fire  |
avabodhana | n. informing, teaching, instruction  |
avabodhanīya | mfn. to be reminded, admonished, censured  |
avacchanna | mfn. covered over, overspread, covered with (instrumental case) etc.  |
avacchanna | mfn. filled (as with anger)  |
avadyagohana | mfn. concealing imperfection  |
avagāhana | n. immersion, bathing.  |
avagūhana | n. hiding, concealing  |
avagūhana | n. embracing.  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. hiding, veiling  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. (often kṛtāvaguṇṭhana-,"enveloped in")  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a veil etc.  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a peculiar intertwining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. sweeping  |
avaguṇṭhanavat | mfn. covered with a veil  |
avahan | (subjunctive 2. sg. -han- ;Imper. 2. plural -hantanā- Imper. 2. sg. -jahi-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. -/ahan-,or ahan-; perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to throw down, strike, hit ; Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off etc. ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to thresh (parasmE-pada fem. -ghnatī-) etc.: A1. -jighnate-, to throw down : Causal (Pot -ghātayet-) to cause to thresh : Intensive (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi-) to drive away, fend off  |
avāhana | mfn. having no vehicle or carriage, not driving in a carriage  |
āvahana | n. bringing near.  |
āvāhana | n. sending for, inviting, calling  |
āvāhana | n. invocation, invitation  |
avahanana | n. threshing, winnowing (see adhy-avah-)  |
avahanana | n. the left lung commentator or commentary on  |
āvāhanī | f. a particular position of the hands (the palms being placed together, and the thumbs turned towards the root of the ring-finger)  |
avahantṛ | m. one who throws off or wards off  |
avakuṇṭhana | n. (equals ava-guṇṭhana- q.v) investing, surrounding, covering  |
avalehana | n. licking  |
avalehana | n. equals -lehikā-  |
avalekhana | n. brushing, combing  |
avalekhanī | f. brush, comb  |
avalobhana | See an-aval-.  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. ( luṇṭh-), robbing  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. wallowing on the ground  |
avamehana | n. urining upon  |
avamehanīya | mfn. to be urined upon, (an-- negative)  |
avamohana | n. a narcotic,  |
avantivardhana | m. Name of a son of pālaka-  |
avarodhana | mf(ī-)n. procuring  |
avarodhana | n. siege, blockade  |
avarodhana | n. secluding, imprisonment  |
avarodhana | n. a closed or private place, the innermost part of anything  |
avarodhana | n. obtaining |
avarodhana | n. the inner or women's apartments (in a royal palace)  |
avarodhana | n. plural equals ava-rodhās- m. plural  |
avarodhana | n. descending motion (opposed to ud rodhana- q.v)  |
avaṣṭambhana | n. having recourse to (in compound)  |
avatatadhanvan | (/avatata-) mfn. whose bow is unbent  |
avaṭavirodhana | m. a particular hell  |
aviddhanas | mfn. (said of a bull) having the nose not bored (by a nose-ring)  |
āvihan | P. -hanti-, to hew at  |
avikatthana | mfn. not boasting  |
avilaṅghana | n. non-transgression, not trespassing.  |
avilaṅghaniya | mfn. not to be exceeded or transgressed, prescribed, fixed.  |
avīrahan | mf(-ghnī-)n. not killing men, not pernicious to meu  |
āyodhana | n. war, battle  |
āyodhana | n. battle-field  |
āyodhana | n. killing, slaughter  |
ayoghana | m. an iron hammer  |
ayohanu | (/ayo--) mfn. iron-jawed  |
babhruvāhana | m. Name of a son of arjuna-, king of mahodaya-  |
baddhanepathya | mfn. attired in a theatrical dress  |
baddhanetra | mf(ā-)n. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly  |
baddhaniścaya | mf(ā-)n. firmly resolved, resolute  |
baddhaniṣyanda | mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded  |
baddhaniṣyanda | mfn. impeding it  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. impeding it  |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratihandhakatāvicāra | m.  |
bādhana | mfn. oppressing, harassing (See śatrub-)  |
bādhana | mfn. opposing, refuting  |
bādhanā | f. uneasiness, trouble, pain  |
bādhana | n. opposition, resistance, oppression, molestation, affliction (also plural)  |
bādhana | n. removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule etc.)  |
bādhanīya | mfn. to be removed  |
bahanaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
bāhannopaniṣad | (?) f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
bahirṇidhana | wrong reading for -nidh- q.v  |
bahirnidhana | n. the singing of a finale outside or apart  |
bāhubandhana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "arm-fetter", encircling arms,  |
bāhubandhana | m. the shoulder-blade  |
bahudhana | mfn. possessing much wealth, wealthy, rich ( bahudhanatva -tva- n.)  |
bahudhana | m. Name of a man  |
bahudhanatva | n. bahudhana |
bahudhaneśvara | m. a very rich man  |
bahudhanvin | mfn. having many bows (said of śiva-)  |
bahudhanya | wrong reading for dhānya-.  |
bahudohanā | f. yielding much milk  |
bahumūrdhan | mfn. many-headed  |
bahumūrdhan | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
bahusādhana | mfn. possessing many resources ( bahusādhanatā -tā- f.)  |
bahusādhanatā | f. bahusādhana |
bālabandhana | m. "child-binder", Name of a demon  |
bālabodhanī | f. Name of work  |
bālabodhanībhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bālabodhanīnyāsa | m. Name of work  |
bāladhana | n. the property of a minor or infant  |
balahan | mf(ghnī-)n. one who slays or destroys armies (varia lectio -vat-)  |
balahan | m. "destroyer of strength", phlegm, the phlegmatic humour  |
bālahan | mf(ghnī-)n. child-murdering  |
balahantṛ | m. "slayer of bala-", Name of indra-  |
balapramathanī | f. Name of a form of durgā-  |
bālapramathanī | f. a particular sakti-  |
balāsavardhana | mfn. increasing the phlegmatic humour  |
bālāvabodhana | n. bālāvabodha |
balavardhana | mfn. increasing power, strengthening  |
balavardhana | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
balavṛtrahan | m. "destroyer of bala- and vṛtra-", Name of indra-  |
balibandhana | m. "binder or killer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
balihan | m. "slayer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
balivāhana | mfn. carrying tribute,  |
balivṛṣahan | m. Name of a prince  |
bāṇahan | m. "slayer of bāṇa-", name of viṣṇu-  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. binding, tying, fettering etc.  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. captivating (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see bhāva-b-and )  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. holding fast, stopping  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') dependent on  |
bandhana | n. the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering etc.  |
bandhana | n. (alsof(ī-). ) a bond, tie (also figuratively), rope, cord, tether etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ā-). = bound to or fettered by)  |
bandhana | n. binding on or round, clasping  |
bandhana | n. binding up, bandaging, a bandage  |
bandhana | n. catching, capturing, confining, detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison  |
bandhana | n. building, construction etc.  |
bandhana | n. embanking or an embankment  |
bandhana | n. bridging over  |
bandhana | n. alloying (of metals)  |
bandhana | n. joining, junction, connection, coherence  |
bandhana | n. fixing upon, directing towards (locative case)  |
bandhana | n. checking, suppressing  |
bandhana | n. (in philosophy) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)  |
bandhana | n. hurting, killing  |
bandhana | n. a stalk, stem, peduncle (of a flower) etc.  |
bandhana | n. a sinew, muscle  |
bandhanādhikāra | m. Name of 3rd chapter of 1st part of the rasendra-kalpa-druma- (q.v)  |
bandhanāgāra | n. equals na-veśman-  |
bandhanagranthi | m. a noose, rope for tying cattle  |
bandhanakārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') fettering id est clasping, embracing ( bandhanakāritā ri-tā- f.)  |
bandhanakāritā | f. bandhanakārin |
bandhanālaya | m. equals na-veśman-  |
bandhanapālaka | m. a gaol-keeper  |
bandhanarajju | f. a rope or string for tying  |
bandhanastha | mfn. being in prison or captivity, a captive, prisoner  |
bandhanasthāna | n. "place for fastening", a stall, stable  |
bandhanaveśman | n. "house of bondage", a prison  |
bandhanika | m. a gaoler, turnkey  |
bandhanīya | mfn. to be (or being) bound or tied  |
bandhanīya | mfn. to be captured or taken prisoner  |
bandhanīya | mfn. to be embanked (Scholiast or Commentator"m. equals setu-,embankment") .  |
bandhanṛtya | n. (in music) a kind of dance  |
barhanetra | n. the eye in a peacock's tail  |
barhiṇavāhana | m. Name of skanda-  |
barhivāhana | m. "id.", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
bhagahan | m. "slayer of bhaga-", Name of śiva- (transferred to viṣṇu-)  |
bhagākṣihan | m. equals bhaganetra-han-  |
bhaganetrahan | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhāgāpavāhana | n. idem or 'f. assimilation of quantities by fractional decrease, reduction of quantities to uniformity by the subtraction of a fraction '  |
bhagavadārādhana | n. "propitiation of bhagavat-"  |
bhagavadārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadārādhanasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktisādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavallāñchanadhāraṇapramāṇaśatapradarśana | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabandhana | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhagavatsamārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhāgīrathīprārthana | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
bhairavārādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhakṣacchandas | n. a metre used while eating the sacrificial food,  |
bhaktacchanda | m. desire of food, hunger, appetite  |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktiprārthanā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃvardhanaśataka | n. Name of work  |
bhan | cl.1 P. bh/anati- (prob. connected with bhā-; see the later form bhaṇ-), to sound, resound, call aloud, speak, declare (equals arcati- ) .  |
bhanandana | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for bhalandana-).  |
bhand | cl.1 A1. ( ) bh/andate-, to be greeted with praise, receive applause ( also = to be or make fortunate or excellent;to be or make glad;to shine;to honour or worship) : Causal bhandayati-, to cause to prosper  |
bhandadiṣṭi | mfn. (prob.) hastening along with shouts and yells (said of the marut-s) (see krand/ad-iṣṭi-).  |
bhandana | mf(ā-)n. shouting, yelling ( "gladdening"or"beautifying")  |
bhandanā | f. (also plural) acclamation, applause, praise  |
bhandanā | f. plural rain-making sun-rays  |
bhandanāya | (Nom.fr. prec.) , only pr. p. y/at-, to shout loudly, yell  |
bhandanīya | mfn. a word formed in , to explain bhadra- q.v  |
bhandhruka | m. Name of a place  |
bhandhuka | m. Name of a place  |
bhandila | n. fortune  |
bhandila | n. tremulous motion  |
bhandila | n. a messenger (?)  |
bhandiṣṭha | mfn. (superl.) shouting most loudly, praising most highly |
bhandra | n. = bhadra-,  |
bharadvājadhanvantari | m. Name of a divine being  |
bhārasādhana | mfn. accomplishing great things (said of weapons), very efficacious  |
bhāravāhana | m. idem or 'm. a load-bearer, porter '  |
bhāravāhana | m. a beast of burden  |
bhāravāhana | m. an arm  |
bhāravāhana | n. a vehicle for loads, cart, waggon  |
bharehanagarī | f. Name of a town (see bharaha-pāla-).  |
bhartṛhāryadhana | mfn. (a slave) whose possessions may be taken by his master  |
bharukacchanivāsin | m. an inhabitant of bharu-kaccha-  |
bhasmacchanna | mfn. covered with ashes  |
bhasmaguṇṭhana | n. covering with ashes  |
bhāvabandhana | mfn. fettering or joining hearts (as love)  |
bhavadvirahanāma | n. the mere mention of separation from you  |
bhavasaṃśodhana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
bhayadhana | mfn. fearful, terrible  |
bhīmadhanvan | m. "having a formidable bow", Name of a prince  |
bhīmadhanvāyana | mf(ī-)n. bearing formidable bows  |
bhinnaghana | m. the cube of a fraction  |
bhogavardhana | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhrātṛvyahan | mf(ghn/ī-)n. killing rivals  |
bhrātṛvyasahana | n. overpowering a rivals  |
bhṛśaśokavardhana | mf(ī-)n. greatly increasing grief or sorrow  |
bhrūṇahan | mf(ghnī-)n. equals -ghna- etc.  |
bhrūṇahan | mf(ghnī-)n. one who kills a learned (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bhrūṇahan | m. or m. (?) equals -hati-  |
bhrūṇahanana | n. equals -hati-  |
bhrūṇahantṛ | m. the killer of an embryo, any mean murderer  |
bhūdhana | m. "whose property is the earth", a king, prince  |
bhūghana | m. the body  |
bhujabandhana | n. clasping in the arms, an embrace  |
bhujaṃgahan | m. "serpent-killer", Name of garuḍa-  |
bhūmivardhana | mn. "earth-increasing", a dead body, corpse  |
bhūridhana | (bh/ūri--) mfn. having much wealth or property  |
bhūrihan | m. "many-killer", Name of an asura-  |
bhūrinidhana | mfn. perishing in many ways  |
bhūtahan | mfn. creature-slaying,  |
bhūtahantrī | f. "destroying evil spirits", a species of dūrvā- grass  |
bhūtahantrī | f. equals vandhyā karkoṭakī-  |
bhūtalonmathana | m. "earth-shaker", Name of a dānava-  |
bhūtārthakathana | n. ( ) statement of facts  |
bhūtasādhana | mf(ī-)n. leading all creatures towards their end ( "producing creatures")  |
bhūtasādhanī | f. the earth  |
bhūtasammohana | mfn. bewildering all beings  |
bhūtavāhana | mfn. "having the bhūta-s for his vehicle", Name of śiva-  |
bhūtavāhanasarathi | m. śiva-'s charioteer  |
bhūtavāhanasarathi | n. a chariot drawn by bhūta-s  |
bhūtivāhana | mfn. bringing welfare (said of śiva-) (see bhūta-v-) |
bhūtivardhana | mfn. increasing welfare  |
bhūyaśchandika | mfn. having a great desire for anything.  |
bodhaghanācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
bodhana | mf(ī-)n. causing to awake or expand (a flower), arousing, exciting  |
bodhana | mf(ī-)n. enlightening, teaching, instructing (see bāla-bodhinī-)  |
bodhana | m. the planet Mercury  |
bodhana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bodhana | n. waking, being awake  |
bodhana | n. perceiving, understanding  |
bodhana | n. causing to wake, awakening, arousing etc.  |
bodhana | n. causing (a spell) to take effect  |
bodhana | n. calling forth a perfume, burning incense  |
bodhana | n. causing to perceive or understand  |
bodhana | n. instructing, teaching, informing  |
bodhana | n. denoting, indicating, signifying  |
bodhana | n. "the awaking of durgā-", Name of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month bhādra-  |
bodhanamantra | m. Name of chapter of  |
bodhānandaghana | m. Name of a teacher (see bodha-ghanācārya-).  |
bodhanī | f. intellect, knowledge  |
bodhanī | f. long pepper  |
bodhanī | f. equals bodha-vāsara-  |
bodhanī | f. a particular śakti-  |
bodhanīya | mfn. to be admonished  |
bodhanīya | mfn. to be known or understood  |
bodhanīya | mfn. to be made known or explained  |
bodhanmanas | varia lectio for bodhīn-m-.  |
brahmahan | mf(ghnī-)n. "Brahman-slaying", the murderer of a Brahman etc.  |
brāhmaṇadhana | n. the fee bestowed on brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmāṇḍayāmalepañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
brahmāstrakāryasādhana | n. Name of work  |
brahmavardhana | n. copper (as peculiarly suitable for sacrificial utensils)  |
brahmavivardhana | mfn. "increasing sacred knowledge", Name of viṣṇu-  |
bṛhacchandas | (h/ac-.) mfn. high-roofed, having a lofty ceiling  |
bṛhacchandenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaddhan | (han-) See bṛhat-tvan-,  |
bṛhaddhanus | ( ) m. Name of king.  |
bṛhajjaghana | mfn. having large hips  |
bṛhan | in compound for brih/at-.  |
bṛhanmadhya | mf(ā-)n. large in the middle  |
bṛhanmanas | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā-  |
bṛhanmanas | m. of a king  |
bṛhanmantra | m. Name of a grandson of brahman-  |
bṛhanmanu | m. "the larger manu-", Name of a law-book (prob. the precursor of the present version, mentioned by mādhava- and other commentators).  |
bṛhanmati | mfn. high-minded  |
bṛhanmati | m. Name of the author of , ,  |
bṛhannaḍa | m. reed-grass, Amphidonax Karka  |
bṛhannaḍa | m. Name of arjuna-  |
bṛhannakhī | f. a particular perfume  |
bṛhannala | m. a kind of large reed  |
bṛhannala | m. the arm  |
bṛhannala | mf. the name assumed by arjuna- when living in the family of king virāṭa- as a eunuch in female attire  |
bṛhannālika | n. a cannon  |
bṛhannāradapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
bṛhannāradīya | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
bṛhannāradīyapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
bṛhannāradīyatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
bṛhannārāyaṇa | n.  |
bṛhannārāyaṇī | f. the large or nārāyaṇa- upaniṣad- (treating of Vedantic doctrine and forming the last prapāṭhaka- of the taittirīya- āraṇyaka- of the black yajur-veda-).  |
bṛhannārāyaṇopaniṣad | f. the large or nārāyaṇa- upaniṣad- (treating of Vedantic doctrine and forming the last prapāṭhaka- of the taittirīya- āraṇyaka- of the black yajur-veda-).  |
bṛhannaṭa | m. Name of arjuna-  |
bṛhannāṭa | m. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
bṛhannāṭaka | n. Name of a play (prob. the mahā-n-). |
bṛhannaukā | f. Name of a favourable position in the game of catur-aṅga-  |
bṛhannāyakīdaṇḍaka | m. or n. (?) , Name of work  |
bṛhannetra | mfn. "large-eyed", (perhaps) far-sighted (figuratively)  |
bṛhannighaṇṭi | m. "the large glossary", Name of a dictionary.  |
bṛhannīlatantra | n. Name of work  |
bṛhannīlī | f. Name of plant (equals mahā-n-)  |
bṛhannirvāṇatantra | n. Name of a tantra-,  |
bṛhanniveśa | mfn. having large dimensions, large, protuberant  |
bṛhanta | mfn. equals bṛh/at-, large, great  |
bṛhanta | m. Name of a king  |
buddhanandi | (?) m. Name of the 8th Buddhist patriarch  |
buddhanirmāṇa | m. a magic figure of buddha-  |
buddhivivardhana | mfn. increasing the understanding  |
budhanāḍi | f. Name of work  |
budhanvat | mfn. containing the root budh-  |
būkhan | n. idem or 'mfn. equals bukka- the heart '  |
caitravāhanī | f. patronymic of citrāṅgadā- (fr. citravāhana-)  |
cakrabandhanā | f. a kind of jasmine  |
cakradhanus | m. Name of a ṛṣi-,  |
cakṣurhan | mfn. (m. accusative -haṇam-; Nominal verb plural -hanas-) killing with a look  |
cakṣurvahana | m. equals -bahala-  |
cakṣurvardhanikā | f. "refreshing the eyes", Name of a river  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
cāndhanāyana | m. patronymic of ānanda-ja- (see aupacandhani-.)  |
candrahan | m. "moon-slayer", Name of a dānava-  |
candrahantṛ | m. (equals han-) Name of a dānava-  |
candrahanu | m. Name of a dānava-, 12939.  |
candravāhana | m. Name of a prince of pratiṣṭhāna-,  |
carmabandhana | n. pepper  |
carmahantrī | f. "skin-destroying", Trigonella foenum graecum or a similar plant  |
cāruvardhanā | f. a woman  |
catuḥsādhana | mfn. yielding 4 ways of attaining an object  |
caturhanu | mfn. (c/at-) having 4 jaws  |
caturhanu | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio candra-h-).  |
caturnidhana | (c/at-) mfn. consisting of 4 concluding passages  |
catuṣpathaniketā | f. "abiding on a cross-way", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
chāgavāhana | m. equals -ratha- =  |
chanacchaniti | ind. (fr. natchanad-iti- ) onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) (imitative of the noise of drops falling on anything hot) (varia lectio chamaccham-iti- ,whence the author of the verse is called cchamikā-ratna-).  |
chand | and 2 See 1. and 3. chad-.  |
chand | varia lectio for chṛd- q.v  |
chanda | mfn. equals nna-  |
chanda | mfn. pleasing, alluring, inviting  |
chanda | mfn. praising (ch/anda- )  |
chanda | mfn. see madhu-cch-  |
chanda | m. appearance, look, shape  |
chanda | m. see prati- and vi-cch-  |
chanda | m. pleasure, delight, appetite, liking, predilection, desire, will etc.  |
chanda | m. according to the wish of (genitive case)  |
chanda | m. (a-cch- negative"against the wish of") 7098 and 8557  |
chanda | m. (a-cch- negative"involuntarily" )  |
chanda | m. poison  |
chanda | m. Name of śākya-muni-'s charioteer (chandaka-)  |
chanda | m. of a prince  |
chanda | m. see sva--  |
chanda | m. indra--, kalāpa--, deva-and vijaya--, various kinds of pearl-ornaments.  |
chanda | and 2 See 1. and 3. chad-.  |
chandacārin | mfn. complying with the wishes of (genitive case)  |
chandagati | f. interpretation of the veda- (nda-for ndas)  |
chandaḥ | in compound for das-  |
chandahānis | mfn. giving up one's desires (?)  |
chandaḥkalpa | m. collection of ritualistic rules  |
chandaḥkalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
chandaḥprakaraṇa | n. a chapter on metre  |
chandaḥprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
chandaḥpraśasti | f. equals nda-pr-.  |
chandaḥpratiṣṭhāna | mfn. based on metre,  |
chandaḥpuruṣa | m. metre personified  |
chandaḥsaṃgraha | m. "summary of metres", Name of a work  |
chandaḥsāra | m. piṅgala-'s work on metre  |
chandaḥśāstra | n. metrical science  |
chandaḥśāstra | n. equals -sāra-  |
chandaḥsiddhi | f. a chapter of the kāvya-kalpa-latā-vṛttiparimala-.  |
chandaḥstubh | mfn. idem or 'mfn. praising in hymns '  |
chandaḥstut | mfn. praising in hymns  |
chandaḥsudhākara | m. Name of work  |
chandaḥsūtra | n. equals -sāra-.  |
chandaja | mfn. "originating from one's own wish", self-produced (gods)  |
chandaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "charming" See sarva--  |
chandaka | m. Name of śākya-muni-'s charioteer  |
chandaka | 1. & 2.  |
chandakanivartana | n. " candaka-'s return", Name of a caitya-,  |
chandakapātana | m. a hypocrite  |
chandamṛtyu | mfn. having death in one's power  |
chandana | mfn. charming  |
chandana | 1. & 2.  |
chandānugāmin | mfn. complying with the wishes (of others), submissive  |
chandānuvartin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. complying with the wishes (of others), submissive '  |
chandānuvartin | mfn. following one's own will  |
chandānuvṛtta | varia lectio for do-'nuv-.  |
chandapātana | m. equals ndaka-p-  |
chandapraśasti | f. Name of work by harṣa-.  |
chandas | n. "roof" See bṛh/ac--  |
chandas | n. deceit |
chandaś | equals das-.  |
chandas | n. desire, longing for, will  |
chandas | n. intention, purport  |
chandas | n. a sacred hymn (of ;as distinguished from those of and ), incantation-hymn  |
chandas | n. the sacred text of the Vedic hymns etc.  |
chandas | n. metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms[ etc.] to which virāj- is added as the 8th[ ]; ch/andas-opposed to gāyatr/i-and triṣṭ/ubh- )  |
chandas | n. metrical science  |
chandas | n. equals do-grantha- ; ([ confer, compare Latin scando,"to step, scan."])  |
chandas | etc. See  |
chandaścit | mfn. piled with metres  |
chandaścūḍāmaṇi | m. a work by  |
chandasikā | f. equals ndo-grantha-.  |
chandaska | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) equals das-, metre  |
chandaskṛta | mfn. composed in metre  |
chandaskṛta | mfn. (a-cch- negative)  |
chandaspakṣa | (ch/and-) mf(ā-)n. borne aloft on the wings of desire  |
chandastva | n. the state of a sacred hymn or of its metre ,  |
chandasvat | (ch/and-) mfn. desiring (-pakṣa- )  |
chandasya | mfn. ( ) taking the form of hymns, metrical, relating to or fit for hymns  |
chandasya | mfn. made or done according to one's wish  |
chandasyā | f. (with /īṣṭakā-) Name of a sacrificial brick  |
chandāt | ind. ablative according to the wish of (in comp.)  |
chandatas | ind. at will, at pleasure |
chandatas | ind. according to the wish of (genitive case) |
chandena | ind. instrumental case ([also with svena-, ;or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with sva--( ) or ātma-- ]) according to one's own wish  |
chandita | mfn. gratified  |
chando | in compound for das-.  |
chandobaddha | mfn. equals das-kṛta-  |
chandobhāga | mf(ā-)n. one whose share is a metre  |
chandobhaṅgavat | mfn. offending against metre  |
chandobhāṣā | f. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-) the language of the veda- )  |
chandobhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
chandodeva | m. Name of mataṅga-  |
chandodevī | f. "metre-goddess", gāyatrī-  |
chandodīpikā | f. Name of work  |
chandoga | m. ( gai-) "singer in metre", chanter of the , udgātṛ- priest etc.  |
chandogabrāhmaṇa | n. equals chāndogya-br-  |
chandogāhnikapaddhati | f. Name of work by rāma-kṛṣṇa-.  |
chandogamāhaki | m. Name of a teacher  |
chandogapaddhati | f. Name of the work yajña-pārśva- (parīś-. xv'> )  |
chandogapariśiṣṭa | n. supplement on  |
chandogaśākhā | f. a branch of the (quoted in a work on śrāddha-s)  |
chandogasopāna | n. Name of work  |
chandogaśrāddhatattvapramāṇa | n. Name of work by raghu-nandana-  |
chandogaśruti | f. "tradition of the chandoga-s", the  |
chandogavṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work  |
chandogovinda | n. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandograntha | m. "metre-book"  |
chandoma | m. (fr. do-'ma-,"hymn's or metre's home"?) the 8th, 9th, and 10th day in the dvādaśāha- rite (but see )  |
chandoma | m. Name of the 3 stoma-s sung in that rite ,  |
chandomadaśāha | m. idem or 'm. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite '  |
chandomadaśarātra | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite  |
chandomālā | f. a similar work.  |
chandomāna | n. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-),"measure of a metre", a syllable regarded as the metrical unit  |
chandomāna | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chandomañjari | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandomañjarī | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
chandomapavamānatrirātra | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chandomārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work on metre.  |
chandomatrikakud | m. Name of a try-aha- rite  |
chandomavat | mfn. accompanied by a chandoma-  |
chandomavatparāka | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
chandomaya | mfn. consisting of or containing or representing sacred hymns |
chandonāma | mfn. "named metre", metrical  |
chandonāman | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "named metre", metrical '  |
chandonuśāsanavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
chandonuvṛtta | n. compliance with any one's wishes ( ; varia lectio dānuv-).  |
chandopahārāvali | f. Name of work  |
chandoratnākara | m. a similar work by sarvajña-ratnākara-śānti-.  |
chandorūpa | n. a form of metre,  |
chandoruṭstoma | m. (fr. -ruh-st-) Name of a ṣaḍ-aha- rite  |
chandovatī | f. (in music) a kind of śruti-.  |
chandoviciti | f. (gaRa ṛgayanādi-),"examination of metres", metrical science  |
chandoviciti | f. Name of work (called vedāṅga-)  |
chandovivṛti | f. explanation of metres  |
chandovivṛti | f. equals daḥsāra-  |
chandovṛtta | n. any metre  |
chandu | mfn. pleasing  |
chandya | mfn. equals ndu-  |
chandya | mfn.  |
channa | mfn. covered, covered over etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see )  |
channa | mfn. obscured (the moon)  |
channa | mfn. hidden, unnoticed by (dative case), secret, clandestine, disguised  |
channa | ind. (in compound nna--)  |
channa | ind. (with gai-,to sing) privately, in a low voice  |
channa | See 1. chad-.  |
channam | ind. secretly  |
channe | ind. locative case secretly  |
chinnabandhana | mfn. having the bands broken, liberated  |
chinnadhanvan | mfn. (a warrior) whose bow has been broken by his enemy's arrow  |
cidghana | m. equals -ātman-  |
citighana | m. the total amount of all the members of an arithmetical progression  |
citralekhanikā | f. equals -tūlikā-  |
citralikhana | n. painting  |
citravāhana | m. "having decorated vehicles", Name of a king of maṇi-pura- (see caitra-vāhanī-.)  |
dadhan | See 2. d/adhi-.  |
dadhana | n. "putting" See antar--.  |
dadhanvat | mfn. containing coagulated milk  |
dadhighana | m. "thickened d/adhi- ", curds  |
dadhimanthana | n. the churning of d/adhi-  |
dadhivāhana | m. Name of a prince (son of aṅga- and father of divi-ratha-) |
dadhivāhana | m. (adh- )  |
dadhivāhana | m. of a king of campā-, jain.  |
dāhana | n. (fr. the Causal) causing to burn or be burnt, reducing to ashes  |
dāhana | n. cauterizing  |
dahana | mf(ī-)n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
dahana | mf(ī-)n. (said of the dhāraṇā-of fire)  |
dahana | m. fire (of three kinds), agni- etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
dahana | m. the numeral three  |
dahana | m. one of the 5 forms of fire in the svāhā-kāra-  |
dahana | m. a pigeon  |
dahana | m. Plumbago zeylanica  |
dahana | m. Anacardium officinarum  |
dahana | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
dahana | m. Name of a rudra-,  |
dahana | n. burning, consuming by fire etc.  |
dahana | n. cauterising  |
dahana | n. sour gruel  |
dahanā | f. Name of part of the moon's course  |
dahanagarbha | mf(ā-)n. filled with the fire (of wrath)  |
dāhanāguru | wrong reading for dah-.  |
dahanāguru | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
dahanahalpa | m. a crematory rite,  |
dahanakarman | n. the act of burning  |
dahanaketana | m. "mark of burning", smoke  |
dahanapriyā | f. the wife of agni-  |
dahanārāti | m. "fire-enemy", water  |
dahanarkṣa | (ṛk-) n. the constellation kṛttikā-  |
dahanasārathi | m. the wind,  |
dahanatā | f. the state of fire  |
dahanavat | ind. as (at) cremation, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
dāhanī | f. Grislea Tomentosa  |
dahanī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
dahanīya | mfn. to be burnt, combustible  |
dahanīyatā | f. combustibility  |
dahanīyatva | n. idem or 'f. combustibility '  |
dahanolkā | f. a firebrand  |
dahanopakaraṇa | n. the means for cauterising  |
dahanopala | m. the sun-gem  |
daityahan | m. " daitya--slayer", Name of śiva-  |
daityahan | m. of indra-  |
daityahantṛ | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
dakṣamakhamathana | ri.,"destruction of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", Name of f.  |
dakṣamathana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-", śiva-  |
dakṣaṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dakṣanidhana | n. equals nidh-.  |
dakṣasādhana | mfn. effective of cleverness  |
dambhana | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "damaging" See am/itra- and sapatna-d/ambh-  |
dambhana | n. deceiving, 198  |
dānadharmakathana | n. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dānaviśodhana | n. dual number addition and subtraction,  |
dantaśodhana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaśodhanacūrṇa | n. tooth-powder  |
dantaśodhanī | f. a tooth-pick  |
darbhana | n. a mat of grass ( )  |
darpahan | m. śiva-.  |
daśadhanus | m. Name of an ancestor of śākya-muni-  |
daśakaṇṭhanigraha | m. Name of  |
daśendhana | m. "wick-kindling", a lamp  |
dasyuhan | m. (Nominal verb h/ā- instrumental case ghn/ā-)fn. destroying the dasyu-s (indra- i, ; indra-'s gift, x, 47, 4; many/u-,83, 3; m/anas-,iv, 16, 10) |
dasyuhantama | mfn. (superl.) most destructive to the dasyu-s, (agni-); (Light) (Buddha)  |
dasyuhantama | mfn. see  |
dauryodhana | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to dur-yodhana-  |
dauryodhani | m. patronymic fr. Dur-yodhana, .  |
davadahana | m. the fire in a burning forest (naka-, )  |
dāvadahanajvālākalāpaya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the sheet of flame in a burning forest  |
dāvasunidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dehasiddhisādhana | n. Name of work  |
devacchanda | m. a necklace of pearls (composed of 100 or 103 or 81 or 108 strings)  |
devacchandaprāsāda | m. a temple consecrated to a god  |
devacchandas | n. a divine metre  |
devacchandasa | n. a divine metre  |
devārādhana | n.  |
devārādhanā | f. worship of the gods  |
devatārādhana | (tār-) n. homage to the gods  |
devavāhana | mfn. (horse) carrying the gods  |
devavardhana | m. Name of a son of devaka-  |
dhan | cl.1 P. dhanati-, to sound (see dhaṇ-and dhvan-).  |
dhan | cl.3 P. dadh/anti-. ( ) to cause to run or move quickly (parasmE-pada dadh/anat-, dadhanv/as-; Potential dadhanyur- ) ; to bear fruit : Causal dhanayati-, te-, to cause to move or run ; to move or run (see dhanv-and dh/aniṣṭha-). |
dhana | n. the prize of a contest or the contest itself (literally a running match, race, or the thing raced for; hit/aṃ- dhānam-,a proposed prize or contest; dhanaṃ-ji-,to win the prize or the fight)  |
dhana | n. booty, prey (dhanam-bhṛ- A1.,to carry off the prize or booty)  |
dhana | n. any valued object, (especially) wealth, riches, (movable) property, money, treasure, gift etc.  |
dhana | n. capital (opp. to vṛddhi-interest)  |
dhana | n. equals go-dhana-  |
dhana | n. (arithmetic) the affirmative quantity or plus (opp. to ṛṇa-, kṣaya-, vyaya-, hāni-)  |
dhana | n. Name of the 2nd mansion  |
dhana | m. Name of a merchant  |
dhanabhakṣa | m. plural booty and enjoyments  |
dhanacandra | Name of an author.  |
dhanacchū | m. the Numidian crane (equals kareṭavyā-)  |
dhanacyuta | mfn. fallen from wealth, poor  |
dhanada | mf(ā-)n. "wealth-giving", liberal  |
dhanada | m. Barringtonia Acutangula  |
dhanada | m. Name of kubera- etc.  |
dhanada | m. a guhyaka-  |
dhanada | m. Name of a servant of padma-pāṇi-  |
dhanada | m. of several men  |
dhanada | m. of a monkey  |
dhanada | m. of a mountain  |
dhanadā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
dhanada | m. of a tantra- deity  |
dhanada | n. a kind of house  |
dhanadā | mfn. prize. giving, giving booty or treasures (see -da-).  |
dhanadadeva | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
dhanadākṣī | f. a kind of tree (equals kuberākṣī-)  |
dhanadāmantra | m. Name of a particular prayer  |
dhanādāna | n. acceptance of money  |
dhanādānanibandhana | mfn. contingent on the possession or non-possession of wealth  |
dhanadaṇḍa | m. fine, amercement  |
dhanadānuja | m. the younger brother of kubera-, Name of rāvaṇa-  |
dhanadāpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
dhanadarpa | m. pride of wealth  |
dhanadastotra | n. Name of a stotra-  |
dhanadāstotra | n. Name of a stotra-  |
dhanadatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dhanadatta | m. "wealth-given", Name of several merchants  |
dhanadāvāsa | m. kubera-'s residence, Name of the mountain kailāsa-  |
dhanadāya | Nom. P. yate-, to resemble kubera-  |
dhanadāyin | mfn. giving rewards or treasures  |
dhanadāyin | m. Name of agni-  |
dhanadeśvara | m. "wealth giving lord", Name of kubera-  |
dhanadeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dhanadeva | m. Name of a minister and author  |
dhanadeva | m. of another man  |
dhanadhānī | (dh/ana--) f. receptacle for valuable articles  |
dhanadhānya | n. money and grain ( dhanadhānyādhika nyādhika- mfn.rich in money and grain )  |
dhanadhānya | n. a spell for restraining certain magical weapons  |
dhanadhānyādhika | mfn. dhanadhānya |
dhanadharma | m. Name of a king  |
dhanadharman | m. Name of a king  |
dhanadharman | n. dual number (maṇī-) (prajā-pateḥ-) Name of 2 sāman-s  |
dhanādhigoptṛ | m. "guardian of treasury", Name of kubera-  |
dhanādhikāra | m. title or right to property  |
dhanādhikārin | m. heir  |
dhanādhikārin | m. = the next  |
dhanādhikṛta | m. "placed over treasures", a treasure  |
dhanādhipa | m. "lord of treasury", Name of kubera-  |
dhanādhipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of treasury", Name of kubera- '  |
dhanādhipatya | n. dominion over treasury  |
dhanāḍhya | mfn. opulent, rich  |
dhanādhyakṣa | m. "overseer of treasury", treasurer  |
dhanādhyakṣa | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanāḍhyatā | f. riches, wealth  |
dhanāgama | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) accession of wealth, gain  |
dhanagarva | m. "purse-proud", Name of a man  |
dhanagarvita | mfn. proud of money  |
dhanagiri | m. "money-mountain", Name of a man  |
dhanagoptṛ | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanagupta | mfn. (for gupta-dh-) one who guards his money carefully  |
dhanagupta | m. Name of a merchant's son ( dhanaguptatā -tā- f. )  |
dhanaguptatā | f. dhanagupta |
dhanahara | mfn. money-stealing  |
dhanahara | m. a thief or an heir  |
dhanahara | m. a kind of plant  |
dhanahāraka | mfn. with money  |
dhanaharī | f. a kind of perfume commonly called Chora  |
dhanaharin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanahārin | mfn. equals -hara-  |
dhanahārya | mfn. to be won by money  |
dhanahīna | mfn. equals -varjita-  |
dhanahīnatā | f. poverty  |
dhanahṛt | mfn. equals -hara-  |
dhanahṛt | m. a thief.  |
dhanahṛt | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
dhanaiṣin | mfn. longing for riches, wishing for money |
dhanaiṣin | m. a creditor who claims his money  |
dhanaiśvarya | n. dominion over riches  |
dhanajāta | mfn. arising from wealth, produced by wealth  |
dhanajāta | n. plural goods of every kind  |
dhanajit | mfn. winning a prize or booty, victorious, wealth-acquiring  |
dhanajit | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
dhanaka | m. avarice, covetousness  |
dhanaka | m. Name of a yādava- (son of dur-dama- or dur-mada-)  |
dhanaka | m. of another man  |
dhanakāma | (dh/ana-.) mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous  |
dhanakāmya | mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous  |
dhanakeli | m. "sporting with wealth", Name of kubera-  |
dhanakośa | m. treasure of wealth or money  |
dhanakrītā | f. a woman bought with money  |
dhanakrītī | f. a woman bought with money  |
dhanakṣaya | m. loss of money or property  |
dhanakṣaya | m. Name of a man  |
dhanalobha | m. desire of wealth, covetousness  |
dhanalobhin | mfn. equals -lubdha-  |
dhanalubdha | mfn. greedy of wealth, avaricious  |
dhanamada | m. pride of money  |
dhanamada | mfn. equals -vat- proud of money  |
dhanaṃdadā | f. "wealth-granting", Name of a Buddhist deity.  |
dhanamitra | m. Name of several men  |
dhanaṃjaya | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. fire,  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. a particular vital air supposed to nourish the body  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Plumbago Zeylanica  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Name of arjuna-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. the 9th day of the karma-māsa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), the plant Terminalia Arjuna  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a vyāsa-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a king of kaliṅga-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a king of Kausthalapura  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of the author of the dala-rūpaka- etc. (See below)  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a merchant  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a Brahman plural his descendants  |
dhanaṃjayakośa | m. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayanāmamālā | f. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayanighaṇṭu | m. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dhanaṃjayasena | m. Name of a poet  |
dhanaṃjayavijaya | m. "the victory of dhanaṃ-jaya- or arjuna-", Name of a vyāyoga- by kāñcana-  |
dhanamohana | m. Name of a merchant's son  |
dhanamūla | n. principal, capital  |
dhanamūla | mfn. proceeding from or founded on wealth  |
dhanamūlya | n. wealth root, capital  |
dhanamūlyatā | f.  |
dhananāsa | m. loss of wealth or property  |
dhanāndha | mfn. blinded by riches  |
dhananetṛ | m. "bringer of wealth", prince, king  |
dhanānvita | mfn. endowed with riches, wealthy  |
dhanāpahāra | m. taking away of property, fine, amercement  |
dhanāpahāra | m. plunder  |
dhanapāla | m. guardian of treasure, treasurer  |
dhanapāla | m. king  |
dhanapāla | m. Name of a grammarian  |
dhanapāla | m. of the author of the Palya-lacchi etc.  |
dhanapāla | m. of other men |
dhanapara | mf(ā-)n. fond of money  |
dhanapati | m. (dh/ana--) lord of wealth (with or scilicet dhanānām-)  |
dhanapati | m. a rich man  |
dhanapati | m. a king  |
dhanapati | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanapati | m. Name of several authors (also -misra-and -sūri-).  |
dhanapiśācī | f. thirst for wealth, avarice  |
dhanapiśācikā | f. thirst for wealth, avarice  |
dhanapriya | mfn. fond of wealth  |
dhanapriyā | f. Name of a plant (prob. wrong reading for ghana--).  |
dhanāpti | f. acquisition of wealth  |
dhanarakṣa | m. keeping money, not spending it  |
dhanarakṣaka | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanarca | ( )  |
dhanarci | ( ) mfn. shining with booty (fr. -ṛca-, -ṛci-; arc-).  |
dhanārcita | mfn. "honoured by wealth", rich, opulent  |
dhanārgha | mfn. deserving a reward or prize  |
dhanārjana | n. acquisition of wealth or property  |
dhanarṇa | (for -ṛṇa-) n. (in, arithmetic) positive and negative quantities  |
dhanārthin | mfn. "wealth-seeking", covetous, miserly  |
dhanarūpa | n. a particular kind of property  |
dhanasā | mfn. equals -s/ani-  |
dhanāśā | f. longing after wealth, desire for riches  |
dhanāśā | f. hope of gaining wealth  |
dhanasādhana | n. idem or '(dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth '  |
dhanasaṃcaya | m. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
dhanasaṃcayana | n. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. having a collection of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. a rich man  |
dhanasammata | m. Name of a prince  |
dhanasampad | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhanasampatti | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhanasani | mfn. granting or winning wealth  |
dhanasāti | (dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth  |
dhanaspṛt | mfn. carrying away the prize or booty  |
dhanaśrī | f. Name of a woman  |
dhanāśrī | or dhanyāśī- (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
dhanastha | mfn. "living in wealth", wealthy, rich  |
dhanasthāna | n. "receptacle for wealth", treasury  |
dhanasthāna | n. (astronomy) the 2nd mansion  |
dhanasthānādhikārin | m. "superintendent of treasury"a treasurer  |
dhanasū | m.,"wealth-producer", the fork-tailed shrike  |
dhanasvāmin | m. owner of money, capitalist on  |
dhanasyaka | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
dhanatama | m. (with dāya-) an exceedingly rich donation  |
dhanatṛpti | f. sufficiency of money  |
dhanatṛṣṇā | f. thirst for money, covetousness  |
dhanatyaj | mfn. resigning wealth  |
dhanava | Nom. (fr. the next) P., vati-, to become rich  |
dhanavarjita | mfn. destitute of wealth, poor  |
dhanavarman | m. Name of a man  |
dhanavat | mfn. wealthy, rich  |
dhanavat | m. a rich man etc.  |
dhanavat | m. the sea or ocean  |
dhanavat | m. Name of a vidyā-dharī- and a merchant's daughter  |
dhanavatī | f. the constellation dhaniṣṭhā-  |
dhanavibhāga | m. distribution of wealth  |
dhanaviparyaya | m. equals -nāśa-  |
dhanavṛddha | mfn. rich in money  |
dhanavṛddhi | f. increase of property  |
dhanavyaya | m. the spending of money or treasure, extravagance  |
dhanāya | Nom. P. A1. yati-, te-, to wish for wealth or money, be desirous of (genitive case dative case or accusative)  |
dhanāyā | f. desire of wealth, covetousness  |
dhanāyas | m. Name of a son of purū-ravas- (see van-).  |
dhanayauvanaśālin | mfn. endowed with wealth and youth  |
dhanāyu | mfn. acquiring money  |
dhandha | n. indisposition (see dhāndhya-).  |
dhandhuka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of various kings,  |
dhanecchā | f. desire for wealth  |
dhaneś | m. "wealth-lord", a rich man  |
dhaneśa | m. idem or 'm. "wealth-lord", a rich man '  |
dhaneśa | m. Name of kubera- ( dhaneśatva -tva-,n., )  |
dhaneśa | m. Name of vopadeva-'s teacher  |
dhaneśatva | n. dhaneśa |
dhaneśvara | m. "treasure-lord", Name of kubera-  |
dhaneśvara | m. Name of a Brahman  |
dhaneśvara | m. of vopadeva-'s teacher (see prec.) etc.  |
dhaneśvarī | f. a rich woman or the wife of kubera-  |
dhaneya | m. Name of a son of raudrāśva-  |
dhaneyaka | n. coriander seed (equals dhanyāka-)  |
dhanika | mfn. wealthy, opulent ( dhanikatā -tā- f.wealth, opulence )  |
dhanika | mfn. good, virtuous  |
dhanika | m. a rich man, owner, creditor  |
dhanika | m. a husband  |
dhanika | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on  |
dhanika | m. n. coriander  |
dhanikā | f. a virtuous or excellent woman  |
dhanika | m. any young woman or wife  |
dhanika | m. Panicum Italicum  |
dhanīkā | f. = dhanikā-, a young woman  |
dhanikatā | f. dhanika |
dhanin | mfn. possessing wealth or treasures, wealthy, rich, well off etc.  |
dhanin | m. a rich man, owner, creditor  |
dhanin | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanin | m. of a messenger of the kapa-s  |
dhanīrāma | m. Name of an author  |
dhaniṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of2. dhan-) very swift  |
dhaniṣṭha | mfn. (fr. dhana-) very rich  |
dhaniṣṭhā | f. sg. and plural the more modern Name of the nakṣatra- śraviṣṭhā- or 24th lunar mansion  |
dhanīya | Nom. P. yati-, to wish for riches  |
dhanīyaka | n. coriander seed (equals dhanyāka-)  |
dhanoṣman | (or noṣ-) m. burning desire for money or for wealth  |
dhanotpatti | f. income,  |
dhanū | m. a store of grain (for 2.See dhanu-).  |
dhanu | m. or ( ) 2. dhanū- f. (fr.2. dhan-?) a bow  |
dhanu | m. a measure of 4 hasta-s or cubits (see dhanv-antara-below)  |
dhanu | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanu | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
dhanu | m. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
dhanu | according to to some also,"water, juice etc."; confer, compare dhanv-, dhanutṛ-.  |
dhanu | f. (dh/anu-,or dhan/ū-) a dry sandbank, a sandy shore ([ confer, compare English bight, German Bucht]) (Nominal verb n/ūs-).  |
dhanugupta | m. Name of a man  |
dhanuḥ | in comp. for nus-.  |
dhanuhastā | f. Name of a being attendant on devī-  |
dhanuḥkāṇḍa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) .  |
dhanuḥkhaṇḍa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) .  |
dhanuḥpaṭa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) .  |
dhanuḥśākhā | f. equals nur-guṇā- (below)  |
dhanuḥśālā | f. bow-room  |
dhanuḥsaṃstha | mfn. shaped like a bow  |
dhanuḥśata | n. 100 dhanus- or 400 hasta-s or cubits  |
dhanuḥśreṇī | f. equals dhanu-ś- or = mahendra-vāruṇī-.  |
dhanuḥstambha | tn. a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body  |
dhanuketakī | f. a kind of flower  |
dhanur | in compound for nus-.  |
dhanurāja | m. Name of one of the ancestors of śakya-- muni-  |
dhanurākāra | mfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent  |
dhanurākṛti | mfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent  |
dhanurārtnī | f. the end of a bow (where the string is fastened)  |
dhanurāsana | n. a particular mode of sitting  |
dhanurāśi | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanurbhṛt | ( ) m. bow-man, archer.  |
dhanurdhara | m. equals -graha- etc. (also as Name of śiva-)  |
dhanurdhara | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius  |
dhanurdhara | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
dhanurdhārin | ( ) m. bow-man, archer.  |
dhanurdruma | m. "bow tree", the bamboo (used for bows)  |
dhanurdurga | mfn. made inaccessible or protected by a desert  |
dhanurdurga | n. a place so protected ( dhanva--).  |
dhanurdvitīya | mfn. furnished with a bow  |
dhanurgraha | m. bearing a bow, an archer  |
dhanurgraha | m. the art of managing a bow  |
dhanurgraha | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
dhanurgrāha | ( ) m. an archer.  |
dhanurgrāhin | ( ) m. an archer.  |
dhanurguṇa | m. a bow-string |
dhanurguṇā | f. Sanseviera Zeylanica (from the leaves of which a tough thread is extracted of which bow-strings were made)  |
dhanurhasta | mfn. bow in hand, having a bow  |
dhanurjyā | f. a bowstring  |
dhanurjyātalaśabda | m. the mere twanging noise of the bow-string  |
dhanurlatā | f. a bow (literally bow-creeper)  |
dhanurlatā | f. equals soma-vallī-  |
dhanurmadhya | n. the middle part of a bow (= lastaka-)  |
dhanurmaha | m. the consecration of a b  |
dhanurmakha | varia lectio for -maha-.  |
dhanurmālā | f. equals -guṇā-  |
dhanurmārga | m.,"bow line", curve  |
dhanurmāsamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
dhanurvakra | mfn. crooked like a bow  |
dhanurvaktra | m. "bow-mouth", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
dhanurvāta | m. a kind of disease  |
dhanurveda | m. the science of archery, an archery treatise (regarded as an upa-veda- connected with the yajur-veda-, and derived from viśvāmitra- or bhṛgu-) etc.  |
dhanurveda | m. Name of work by śārṅga-datta-  |
dhanurvedacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
dhanurvedapara | mfn. devoted to archery  |
dhanurvedaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to archery  |
dhanurvedaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dhanurvedasāra | m. Name of work  |
dhanurvedin | |