Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
granthiḥ | Masculine | Singular | parva, paruḥ | ||
granthitam | 3.1.85 | Masculine | Singular | sanditam, dṛbdham | |
karīraḥ | Masculine | Singular | krakaraḥ, granthilaḥ | ||
moraṭam | 2.9.111 | Neuter | Singular | pippalīmūlam, granthikam | |
śaṭī | Feminine | Singular | gandhamūlī, ṣaḍgranthikā, karcūraḥ, palāśaḥ | ||
svādukaṇṭakaḥ | 2.4.37 | Masculine | Singular | sruvāvṛkṣaḥ, granthilaḥ, vyāghrapāt, vikaṅkataḥ |
granthi | m. a knot, tie, knot of a cord, knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money (), bunch or protuberance of any kind (especially if produced by tying several things together) etc. | ||||||
granthi | m. the joint of a reed or cane | ||||||
granthi | m. joint of the body | ||||||
granthi | m. a complaint, (knotting id est) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele) | ||||||
granthi | m. "a knot tied closely and therefore difficult to be undone", difficulty, doubt etc. | ||||||
granthi | m. a bell | ||||||
granthi | the point of a moustache, | ||||||
granthi | m. Name of several plants and bulbous roots (granthi-parṇa-, hitā | ||||||
granthi | m. crookedness (literally and figuratively) | ||||||
granthibandham | ind. (with | ||||||
granthibandhana | n. tying a knot | ||||||
granthibandhana | n. tying together the garments of the bride and bridegroom at the marriage ceremony | ||||||
granthibarhin | m. equals -parṇaka- | ||||||
granthibheda | m. equals -cchedaka- | ||||||
granthibhedaka | m. idem or 'm. equals -cchedaka- ' (in PrakritgaNThi-bheyaga) (varia lectio for granthi-cchedaka-). | ||||||
granthicchedaka | m. (equals -bheda-) a purse-cutter, pickpocket (in Prakrit) | ||||||
granthidala | m. "knotty-leaved", a kind of perfume (coraka-) | ||||||
granthidalā | f. a kind of bulbous root | ||||||
granthidūrvā | f. a kind of dūrvā- grass | ||||||
granthihara | m. removing difficulties | ||||||
granthika | m. a relater, narrator (?,"one who understands the joints or divisions of time, of the year, etc."[fr. granthi- see kāla-granthi-],an astrologer, fortune-teller ) on Va1rtt. 15 | ||||||
granthika | m. a kind of disease of the outer ear | ||||||
granthika | m. a kind of plant or substance | ||||||
granthika | m. a N. assumed by nakula- (when master of the horse to king virāṭa-) | ||||||
granthika | m. equals saha-deva- | ||||||
granthika | mn. Capparis aphylla | ||||||
granthika | mn. a kind of resin, bdellium | ||||||
granthika | n. equals nthīka-, pepper | ||||||
granthika | n. equals nthiparṇaka- | ||||||
granthika | n. a kind of disease of women | ||||||
granthila | mfn. knotted, knotty gaRa sidhmā | ||||||
granthila | m. Name of several plants and roots (Flacourtia sapida, Capparis aphylla, Amaranthus polygonoides, Asteracantha longifolia, Cocculus cordifolius, hitā | ||||||
granthila | m. a kind of perfume | ||||||
granthila | n. equals nthīka- | ||||||
granthila | n. green or undried ginger | ||||||
granthilā | f. Name of two kinds of dūrvā- grass and of a kind of Cyperus | ||||||
granthilībhū | to become bulbous | ||||||
granthimat | mfn. tied, bound | ||||||
granthimat | m. "knotty", Heliotropium indicum | ||||||
granthimatphala | m. "bulb-fruited", Artocarpus Lacucha | ||||||
granthimocaka | m. equals -cchedaka- | ||||||
granthimūla | n. "bulb-rooted", garlic | ||||||
granthimūlā | f. equals -dūrvā- | ||||||
granthin | mfn. strung together (?) | ||||||
granthin | mfn. one who reads books, well-read | ||||||
granthinikā | f. a kind of bulbous plant (see chinna-g-.) | ||||||
granthiparṇa | m. idem or 'm. equals -dala- (coraka-) ' | ||||||
granthiparṇa | n. equals -parṇaka- | ||||||
granthiparṇā | f. the plant jatukā- | ||||||
granthiparṇaka | a kind of fragrant plant | ||||||
granthiparṇamaya | mfn. made of the perfume thiparṇa- | ||||||
granthiparṇī | f. equals nthap- | ||||||
granthipattra | m. equals -dala- (coraka-) | ||||||
granthiphala | m. "knotty-fruited", Feronia elephantum | ||||||
granthiphala | m. Vanguiera spinosa : the plant sākuruṇḍa- | ||||||
granthita | mfn. for grath- | ||||||
granthitva | n. the becoming knotty, hardening | ||||||
granthivajraka | m. a kind of steel | ||||||
granthivīsarpa | m. a kind of erysipelas | ||||||
granthivīsarpin | mfn. having the rpa- disease | ||||||
aṅgulīgranthi | m. a finger-Joint, | ||||||
bahugranthi | m. "many-knotted", Tamarix Indica | ||||||
bandhanagranthi | m. a noose, rope for tying cattle | ||||||
bisagranthi | m. a knot on a lotus-stalk (used for filtering or clearing water ) | ||||||
bisagranthi | m. a particular disease of the eyes | ||||||
brahmagranthi | m. Name of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord () | ||||||
brahmagranthi | m. of a particular joint of the body | ||||||
caraṇagranthi | m. "foot-joint", the ancle | ||||||
chinnagranthinikā | f. a kind of bulbous plant | ||||||
dāmagranthi | m. N. assumed by nakula- (see granthika-). | ||||||
devagranthi | m. a divine knot or tie | ||||||
dīrghagranthi | m. "having long knots or joints", Scindapsus Officinalis (equals gaja-pippalī-) | ||||||
dṛḍhagranthi | m. "hard-knotted", a bamboo | ||||||
gātrikāgranthi | m. a particular knot | ||||||
gogranthi | m. dried cow-dung | ||||||
gogranthi | m. equals -goṣṭha- | ||||||
gogranthi | m. equals -jihvā- | ||||||
hṛdayagranthi | m. "heart-knot", anything which binds the soul or grieves the heart | ||||||
kālagranthi | m. "a joint of time", year | ||||||
karmagranthiprathamavicāra | m. idem or 'm. Name of a jaina- work.' | ||||||
kaṭugranthi | m. dried ginger | ||||||
kaṭugranthi | m. the root of long pepper | ||||||
keśagranthi | m. a tie of hair | ||||||
kṛmigranthi | m. a disease of the eyes (caused by animalculae generated at the roots of the eye-lashes) | ||||||
mahāgranthika | mfn. (in med.) forming great knots | ||||||
mālāgranthi | m. equals -dūvā- | ||||||
māṃsagranthi | m. flesh-swelling, a gland | ||||||
mānagranthi | m. violent or lasting anger | ||||||
manuṣyagranthi | m. a knot formed by men | ||||||
medogranthi | m. a fatty tumour | ||||||
mṛdugranthi | m. a species of grass | ||||||
mūlagranthi | f. a species of dūrvā- grass | ||||||
mūtragranthi | m. a knot or induration at the neck of the bladder | ||||||
nigranthi | m. the cover of a book | ||||||
nirgranthi | mfn. free from knots, knotless | ||||||
nirgranthi | mfn. without blemish, perfect (thi-ramaṇīyatā-, ) | ||||||
nirgranthika | mfn. clever, conversant | ||||||
nirgranthika | mfn. equals hīna- | ||||||
nirgranthika | m. equals thaka- m. | ||||||
nirgranthisiratā | f. the having veins without knots (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), | ||||||
pādagranthi | m. "foot-knot", the ankle | ||||||
paṇagranthi | m. a fair, market | ||||||
paragranthi | m. "extreme point of a limb", an articulation, joint | ||||||
paryaṅkagranthibandha | m. the bending of the legs crossways under the body in sitting | ||||||
prāggranthi | mfn. having the knots turned eastward | ||||||
praśithilabhujagranthi | mfn. one who loosens the clasp of the arms | ||||||
pṛṣṭhagranthi | m. "back-knot", a hump on she back | ||||||
pṛṣṭhagranthi | m. a kind of swelling | ||||||
pṛṣṭhagranthi | mfn. hump-backed | ||||||
purastādgranthi | (r/ast-) mfn. having the knot turned towards the east | ||||||
purogranthi | mfn. equals purastādg- | ||||||
raktagranthi | m. a kind of Mimosa | ||||||
raktagranthi | m. a particular form of urinary disease | ||||||
rathagranthi | m. the knot of a chariots | ||||||
rūḍhagranthi | mfn. forming a knot | ||||||
ṣaḍgranthi | mfn. six-knotted | ||||||
ṣaḍgranthi | n. the root of long pepper | ||||||
ṣaḍgranthikā | f. Curcuma Zedoaria | ||||||
saṃdhigranthi | m. a gland which connects (and lubricates) a joint | ||||||
saṃkhyāmaṅgalagranthi | m. the auspicious ceremony of tying knots in a thread corresponding to the number of the past years of one's life | ||||||
sarvagranthi | m. the root of long pepper | ||||||
sarvagranthika | n. the root of long pepper | ||||||
śatagranthi | "having a hundred knots", dūrvā- grass | ||||||
satyagranthin | mfn. binding or tying securely (with knots) | ||||||
sugranthi | mfn. well knotted | ||||||
sugranthi | mfn. having beautiful joints | ||||||
sugranthi | m. a kind of perfume (equals coraka-) | ||||||
sugranthi | n. the root of Piper Longum | ||||||
śūlagranthi | m. or f. a kind of dūrvā- grass (wrong reading for mūla-g-) | ||||||
suvarṇagranthi | m. a pocket for keeping gold | ||||||
śyāmagranthi | f. a kind of dūrvā- grass | ||||||
tṛṇagranthi | f. Name of a plant | ||||||
udaragranthi | m. "knot in the abdomen", disease of the spleen (a chronic affection not uncommon in India). | ||||||
udgranthi | mfn. untied, free (from worldly ties) | ||||||
vastragranthi | m. a piece of cloth wrapped round the waist | ||||||
vastragranthi | m. the knot which fastens the lower garments above the hips | ||||||
vāyugranthi | m. a lump or swelling caused by disturbance of the air in the body | ||||||
viṣagranthi | Name of a plant (?) | ||||||
viṣṇugranthi | m. a particular joint of the body | ||||||
viśvagranthi | m. a kind of plant (equals haṃsa-padī-) | ||||||
vraṇagranthi | m. a scar, cicatrix |
granthiḥ | ग्रन्थिः 1 A knot, bunch, protuberance in general; स्तनौ मांसग्रन्थी कनककलशावित्युपमितौ Bh.3.2; so मेदोग्रन्थि. -2 A tie or knot of a cord, garment &c; इदमुपहितसूक्ष्म- ग्रन्थिना स्कन्धदेशे Ś.1.19; Mk.1.1; Ms.2.4; Bh.1. 57. -3 A knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money; hence, purse, money, property; कुसीदाद् दारिद्य्रं परकरगतग्नन्थिशमनात् Pt.1.11. -4 The joint or knot of a reed, cane &c. Mv.3.32. -5 A joint of the body. -6 Crookedness, distortion, falsehood, perversion of truth. -7 Swelling and hardening of the vessels of the body. -8 A difficult portion; ग्रन्थग्रन्थिं तदा चक्रे मुनिर्गूढं कुतूहलात् Mb.1.1.8. -9 A bell, gong; गृहीत्वा ग्रन्थिमुसलं मूढो भिक्षुरवादयत् Ks.65.135. -Comp. -छेदकः, -भेदः, -मोचकः a cut-purse, a pick pocket; अङ्गुलीग्रन्थिभेदस्य छेदयेत् प्रथमे ग्रहे Ms.9.277; Y.2.274; Ś.6. -पर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of a fragrant tree; न ग्रन्थिपर्णप्रणयाश्चरन्ति कस्तूरिकागन्धमृगा- स्तृणेषु Vikr.1.17. -2 a kind of perfume. -बन्धनम् 1 tying together the garments of the bride and the bridegroom at the marriage ceremony. -2 tying a knot. -3 a ligament. -मूलम् garlic. -वज्रकः a kind of steel. -हरः a minister. |
granthikaḥ | ग्रन्थिकः 1 An astrologer, a fortuneteller; ग्रन्थिकस्तु करीरे स्याद्दैवज्ञे गुग्गुलुद्रुमे' इति विश्वलोचनः; Mb.14.7.7. -2 The name assumed by Nakula when at the palace of Virāṭa. -3 A kind of disease of the outer ear. -4 A Bamboo-shoot; L. D. B. -कम् 1 The plant Piper longum (Mar. गांठी पिंपळमूळ). -2 The gum-resin (गुग्गुलु). |
granthila | ग्रन्थिल a. [ग्रन्थिर्विद्यते$स्य सिध्मा˚लच्] Knotted, knotty. -लम् 1 The root of long pepper. -2 Undried ginger. |
granthimat | ग्रन्थिमत् a. Knotty, tied by a knot; कृष्णत्वचं ग्रन्थिमतीं दधानम् Ku.3.46. |
granthin | ग्रन्थिन् m. 1 One who reads books, bookish; अज्ञेभ्यो ग्रन्थिनः श्रेष्ठा ग्रन्थिभ्यो धारिणो वराः Ms.12.13. -2 Learned well-read. -3 Relating to books. |
granthita | ग्रन्थित See ग्रथित. |
udgranthi | उद्ग्रन्थि a. 1 Untied (fig. also). -2 Free from worldly ties or attachments. |
nigranthiḥ | निग्रन्थिः m. The cover of a book; Hch. |
granthi | m. knot; knot in a garment for keeping money, etc.; joint: -ka, m. narrator, rhapsodist; astrologer; -kkhedaka, m. cut-purse. |
granthila | a. knotty. |
granthin | a. reading books. |
granthiparṇaka | n. (?) kind of fragrant plant; -bheda, m. cut-purse; -mat, a. tied, knit, entwined. |
granthiśamana | n. (bringing a garment to an end with a knot =) money knot. |
granthiṃ | na vi ṣya grathitaṃ punānaḥ RV.9.97.18a. |
dāmagranthiṃ | sanisrasam # AVP.6.14.5c. |
granthi | knot | SB 1.2.15 |
granthi | the bondage | SB 11.24.29 |
granthi | the knots | SB 3.26.2 |
granthi-hīna | without any knot | CC Madhya 24.16 |
granthi-hīna | without any knot | CC Madhya 24.16 |
granthiḥ | knots | SB 1.2.21 |
SB 11.20.30 | ||
granthilā | full of knots | CC Antya 1.163 |
granthilena | recorded | CC Adi 13.16 |
granthim | hard knot | SB 8.24.47 |
granthim | knot | SB 3.24.4 |
granthim | the knot | SB 3.24.18 |
SB 4.11.30 | ||
asthi-granthi | joints of the bones | CC Antya 14.65-66 |
avidyā-granthi | the bondage of ignorance | SB 5.19.20 |
hṛdaya-granthi-bhedakam | mystic yoga, which can loosen the knots of material attachment in the heart | SB 9.12.2 |
hṛdaya-granthi | the knot in the heart | SB 5.5.14 |
hṛdaya-granthi | the knot of false conceptions within the heart | SB 5.10.15 |
avidyā-granthi | the bondage of ignorance | SB 5.19.20 |
hṛdaya-granthi-bhedakam | mystic yoga, which can loosen the knots of material attachment in the heart | SB 9.12.2 |
asthi-granthi | joints of the bones | CC Antya 14.65-66 |
pīyūṣa-granthi | pīyūṣagranthi | CC Antya 18.106 |
hṛdaya-granthiḥ | the knot in the heart | SB 5.5.9 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot of the hearts | SB 5.5.8 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot within the heart | SB 5.25.8 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot of the heart (false identification with the material body) | SB 11.3.47 |
hṛdaya-granthiṣu | which (desire for material enjoyment) is in the cores of the hearts of all conditioned souls | SB 7.10.3 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot of the hearts | SB 5.5.8 |
hṛdaya-granthiḥ | the knot in the heart | SB 5.5.9 |
hṛdaya-granthi | the knot in the heart | SB 5.5.14 |
hṛdaya-granthi | the knot of false conceptions within the heart | SB 5.10.15 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot within the heart | SB 5.25.8 |
hṛdaya-granthiṣu | which (desire for material enjoyment) is in the cores of the hearts of all conditioned souls | SB 7.10.3 |
hṛdaya-granthi-bhedakam | mystic yoga, which can loosen the knots of material attachment in the heart | SB 9.12.2 |
hṛdaya-granthim | the knot of the heart (false identification with the material body) | SB 11.3.47 |
pīyūṣa-granthi | pīyūṣagranthi | CC Antya 18.106 |
granthi | noun (masculine) a bell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a complaint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a joint of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a knot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bunch or protuberance of any kind (esp. if produced by tying several things together) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Cynodon dactylon Pers. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 551) Cyperus rotundus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 551) crookedness (lit. and fig.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) difficulty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) doubt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) knot of a cord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money (Pañcat.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several plants and bulbous roots (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the joint of a reed or cane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the root of Piper longum Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 551) tie (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1604/72933 | |
granthi | noun (neuter) a kind of poisonous plant Frequency rank 34760/72933 | |
granthibheda | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 23914/72933 | |
granthibhedaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 51702/72933 | |
granthidala | noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51697/72933 | |
granthidalā | noun (feminine) a kind of bulbous root (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51696/72933 | |
granthidūrvā | noun (feminine) a kind of Dūrvā grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51698/72933 | |
granthika | noun (masculine) a kind of disease of the outer ear (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of plant or substance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a name assumed by Nakula (when master of the horse to king Virāṭa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a relater (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) an astrologer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) narrator (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27899/72933 | |
granthika | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of resin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bdellium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Capparis aphylla (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51695/72933 | |
granthika | noun (neuter) granthiparṇaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of disease of women (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of poisonous plant pepper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9167/72933 | |
granthikā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 27898/72933 | |
granthila | noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Capparis aphylla (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Flacourtia sapida (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14152/72933 | |
granthila | noun (neuter) green or undried ginger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51708/72933 | |
granthila | adjective knotted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) knotty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14870/72933 | |
granthilā | noun (feminine) a kind of Cyperus
name of two kinds of Dūrvā grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) snuhī Frequency rank 21242/72933 | |
granthimant | adjective bound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tied (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51704/72933 | |
granthimant | noun (masculine) Heliotropium indicum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51703/72933 | |
granthimocaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 51705/72933 | |
granthimūla | noun (neuter) garlic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51707/72933 | |
granthimūlā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 51706/72933 | |
granthin | noun (masculine) Name einer mediz. Substanz Frequency rank 51693/72933 | |
granthin | adjective one who reads books (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) strung together (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) well-read (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16750/72933 | |
granthinikā | noun (feminine) a kind of bulbous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51699/72933 | |
granthiparṇa | noun (neuter) -parṇaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Artemisia vulgaris Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552) Polygonum aviculare Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 552) Frequency rank 23913/72933 | |
granthiparṇa | noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51701/72933 | |
granthiparṇī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 27901/72933 | |
granthipattra | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 51700/72933 | |
granthiphala | noun (masculine) Feronia elephantum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant Sākuruṇḍa Vanguiera spinosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27902/72933 | |
granthita | adjective Frequency rank 27900/72933 | |
granthivīsarpa | noun (masculine) a kind of erysipelas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [medic.] a kind of visarpa Frequency rank 34762/72933 | |
agranthi | adjective Frequency rank 41725/72933 | |
agranthita | adjective Frequency rank 41726/72933 | |
aṅgāragranthika | noun (masculine) Name einer mediz. Substanz Frequency rank 41788/72933 | |
udgranthi | adjective free (from worldly ties) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) untied (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47315/72933 | |
ṛjugranthi | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of bandage
[medic.] a kind of suture Frequency rank 47891/72933 | |
kaṭugranthi | noun (neuter) the root of long pepper Frequency rank 27341/72933 | |
kandagranthin | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 48493/72933 | |
karīragranthila | noun (masculine) Capparis Aphylla Frequency rank 48692/72933 | |
kṛmigranthi | noun (masculine) a disease of the eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of disease of the joints (saṃdhi) Frequency rank 19190/72933 | |
chinnagranthinikā | noun (feminine) a kind of bulbous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28041/72933 | |
tṛṇagranthi | noun (feminine) name of a plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53740/72933 | |
dāmagranthi | noun (masculine) a name assumed by Nakula (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28333/72933 | |
dīrghagranthi | noun (masculine) Scindapsus Officinalis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54521/72933 | |
dṛḍhagranthi | noun (masculine) a bamboo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54864/72933 | |
nābhigranthi | noun (masculine) Name eines Körperteils (?)
the intestines near the navel Frequency rank 36190/72933 | |
nirgranthika | adjective Frequency rank 56183/72933 | |
pṛṣṭhagranthi | noun (masculine) a hump on she back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of swelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58409/72933 | |
bālagranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 60181/72933 | |
bisagranthi | noun (masculine) a particular disease of the eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60277/72933 | |
brahmagranthi | noun (masculine) name of a particular joint of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21927/72933 | |
mālāgranthi | noun (feminine) a kind of Dūrvā grass Frequency rank 62134/72933 | |
mṛdugranthi | noun (masculine) a species of grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62489/72933 | |
mūtragranthi | noun (masculine) a knot or induration at the neck of the bladder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25103/72933 | |
mūlagranthi | noun (feminine) a species of Dūrvā grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62724/72933 | |
raktagranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of Mimosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular form of urinary disease (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63175/72933 | |
rudragranthi | noun (masculine) (Haṭhayoga:) name of a granthi Frequency rank 63736/72933 | |
viśvagranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66137/72933 | |
viṣṇugranthi | noun (masculine) a particular joint of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66253/72933 | |
vraṇagranthi | noun (masculine) a scar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cicatrix (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39843/72933 | |
śatagranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of Dūrvā grass Frequency rank 67155/72933 | |
śyāmagranthi | noun (feminine) a kind of Dūrvā grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68118/72933 | |
ṣaḍgranthi | noun (neuter) the root of long pepper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68478/72933 | |
ṣaḍgranthikā | noun (feminine) Curcuma Zedoaria (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68479/72933 | |
sarvagranthi | noun (masculine neuter) the root of long pepper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69441/72933 | |
sugranthi | noun (neuter) the root of Piper Longum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70770/72933 | |
sugranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70771/72933 |