ग्रह | mfn. ( ; gaRa vṛṣādi-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( Va1rtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding (see aṅkuśa--, dhanur--,etc.)  |
ग्रह | mfn. obtaining,  |
ग्रह | mfn. perceiving, recognising,  |
ग्रह | m. "seizer (eclipser)", rāhu- or the dragon's head etc.  |
ग्रह | m. a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner;sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn ;also 7 id est the preceding with rāhu- and ketu- ;also 9 id est the sun[ see ] and moon with the 7 preceding ;also the polar star is called a graha-, ( );the planets are either auspicious śubha--, sad--,or inauspicious krūra--, pāpa-- ;with jaina-s they constitute one of the 5 classes of the jyotiṣka-s)  |
ग्रह | m. the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac  |
ग्रह | m. the number"nine"  |
ग्रह | m. Name of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity etc.;it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons;those who especially seize children and cause convulsions etc. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets ) etc.  |
ग्रह | m. any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man  |
ग्रह | m. a crocodile (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
ग्रह | m. any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (especially of soma-) out of a larger vessel  |
ग्रह | m. Name of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with manas-, the hands and the voice)  |
ग्रह | m. (equals gṛha-) a house (see a--, khara--, -druma-and -pati-)  |
ग्रह | m. "anything seized", spoil, booty (see hāluñcana-)  |
ग्रह | m. as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (especially of soma-) etc.  |
ग्रह | m. the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used (su--, )  |
ग्रह | m. the beginning of any piece of music  |
ग्रह | m. grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
ग्रह | m. keeping back, obstructing  |
ग्रह | m. imprisoning, imprisonment (haṃ-gam-,"to become a prisoner" )  |
ग्रह | m. seizure (by demons causing diseases exempli gratia, 'for example' aṅga--,spasm of the limbs)  |
ग्रह | m. seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse  |
ग्रह | m. stealing, robbing  |
ग्रह | m. effort  |
ग्रह | m. insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (locative case or in compound)  |
ग्रह | m. taking, receiving, reception  |
ग्रह | m. taking up (any fluid)  |
ग्रह | m. choosing  |
ग्रह | m. "favour" See -nigraha-  |
ग्रह | m. mentioning, employing (a word) ,  |
ग्रह | m. apprehension, perception, understanding on and  |
ग्रहभक्ति | f. division (of countries) with respect to the presiding planets  |
ग्रहभक्ति | f. plural Name of  |
ग्रहभीतिजित् | m. "conquering the fear of the demons", Name of a perfume  |
ग्रहभोजन | m. a horse  |
ग्रहचरितविद् | m. "knowing the course of planets", an astrologer, .  |
ग्रहचिन्तक | m. idem or 'm. "knowing the course of planets", an astrologer, .'  |
ग्रहदशा | f. the aspect of the planets  |
ग्रहदाय | m. the length of life as granted by the planets  |
ग्रहधार | m. equals grahādh-  |
ग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of work |
ग्रहद्रुम | for gṛha-d-  |
ग्रहगण | m. a whole number of demons causing diseases  |
ग्रहगण | m. a whole number of planets taken collectively  |
ग्रहगणित | n. "calculation of the planets", the astronomical part of a jyotiḥ-śāstra-  |
ग्रहगोचर | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहग्रामणी | m. "planet-chief", the sun  |
ग्रहग्रस्त | mfn. possessed by a demon  |
ग्रहक | m. a prisoner  |
ग्रहकल्लोल | m. "wave (? or enemy) of the planets", rāhu-  |
ग्रहकाण्ड | n. "section treating of graha-s of soma- which are taken up by a ladle", Name of  |
ग्रहकौतुक | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहकोष्ठक | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहक्षेत्रिन् | for gṛha-kṣ-  |
ग्रहकुण्डलिका | f. the mutual relation of planets and prophecy derived from it  |
ग्रहलाघव | n. Name of an astronomical work of the 16th century.  |
ग्रहमर्द | m. (friction id est) opposition between certain planets.  |
ग्रहमर्दन | n. idem or 'm. (friction id est) opposition between certain planets.'  |
ग्रहमातृका | f. Name of a Buddhist goddess.  |
ग्रहमय | mfn. consisting of planets  |
ग्रहमुष् | m. (? for -puṣ- equals -puṣa-) the sun  |
ग्रहण | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' seizing, holding  |
ग्रहण | mfn. resounding in (?)  |
ग्रहण | n. the hand  |
ग्रहण | n. an organ of sense  |
ग्रहण | n. a prisoner  |
ग्रहण | n. a word mentioned or employed (exempli gratia, 'for example' vacana--,"the word vacana-") and  |
ग्रहण | n. seizing, holding, taking etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. taking by the hand, marrying,  |
ग्रहण | n. catching, seizure, taking captive etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession  |
ग्रहण | n. seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance  |
ग्रहण | n. choosing  |
ग्रहण | n. purchasing  |
ग्रहण | n. taking or drawing up (any fluid)  |
ग्रहण | n. the taking up of sound, echo  |
ग्रहण | n. attraction  |
ग्रहण | n. putting on (clothes)  |
ग्रहण | n. assuming (a shape)  |
ग्रहण | n. undertaking, devoting one's self to (in compound) |
ग्रहण | n. service  |
ग्रहण | n. including  |
ग्रहण | n. mentioning, employing (a word or expression) vArttika and  |
ग्रहण | n. mentioning with praise, acknowledgment  |
ग्रहण | n. assent, agreement  |
ग्रहण | n. perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science etc.  |
ग्रहण | n. acceptation, meaning Va1rtt. 5 and on  |
ग्रहण | n. equals ṇī-gada- (see kara--, keśa--, garbha--, cakṣur--, nāma--, pāṇi--, punar--.)  |
ग्रहणगत | mfn. eclipsed  |
ग्रहणक | containing, including,  |
ग्रहणान्त | mfn. being at the close of study  |
ग्रहणान्तम् | ind. until (the veda-) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned,  |
ग्रहणान्तिक | mfn. idem or 'ind. until (the veda-) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned, '  |
ग्रहणपञ्चाङ्ग | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
ग्रहणफल | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
ग्रहनाश | m. "destroying (the influence of) planets", Alstonia scholaris  |
ग्रहणसम्भवाधिकार | m. Name of an astronomical work.  |
ग्रहनाशन | m. idem or 'm. "destroying (the influence of) planets", Alstonia scholaris '  |
ग्रहनाशन | m. for gṛha-n- (a pigeon)  |
ग्रहणवत् | mfn. meant in reality, not to be taken in a different way on vArttika 1 and iv, 1, 4 Va1rtt. 2.  |
ग्रहनायक | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहनायक | m. the planet Saturn  |
ग्रहनेमि | m. the moon  |
ग्रहनेमि | m. the section of the moon's course between the asterisms mūla- and mṛga-śiras-  |
ग्रहणी | f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused)  |
ग्रहणि | f. equals ṇī-  |
ग्रहणी | f. of ṇa- q.v  |
ग्रहणीदोष | m. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator)  |
ग्रहणीगद | m. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery  |
ग्रहनिग्रह | m. dual number favour and punishment  |
ग्रहणीहर | n. "removing dysentery", cloves  |
ग्रहणीकपाट | m. a kind of mixture (for curing diarrhoea etc.)  |
ग्रहणीप्रदोष | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) '  |
ग्रहणिरोग | See ṇī-r-.  |
ग्रहणीरोग | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) ' ' ' (metrically also ṇi-r-).  |
ग्रहणीरोगिन् | mfn. affected with dysentery  |
ग्रहणीरुज् | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a morbid affection of the grahaṇī-, dysentery ' ("constipation"Scholiast or Commentator) ' '  |
ग्रहणीय | mfn. to be accepted as a rule or law, to be taken to heart  |
ग्रहणीयता | f. acceptableness  |
ग्रहणीयत्व | n. idem or 'f. acceptableness '  |
ग्रहपति | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहपति | m. the moon (gṛha-p-,B)  |
ग्रहपति | m. for gṛha-p-,  |
ग्रहपति | m. Calotropis gigantea  |
ग्रहपीडा | f. idem or 'n. "pain by rāhu-", an eclipse '  |
ग्रहपीडन | n. "pain by rāhu-", an eclipse  |
ग्रहपूजा | f. worship of the planets.  |
ग्रहपुष | m. "cherishing the planets (with light)", the sun  |
ग्रहराज | m. equals -grāmaṇī-  |
ग्रहराज | m. the moon  |
ग्रहराज | m. the planet Jupiter  |
ग्रहसमागम | m. equals -yuti-, .  |
ग्रहशान्ति | f. propitiation of the planets (by sacrifices etc.),  |
ग्रहसारणी | f. Name of work  |
ग्रहशृङ्गाटक | n. triangular position of the planets with reference to each other,  |
ग्रहशृङ्गाटक | n. Name of (treating also of many other positions of the planets) .  |
ग्रहस्थितिवर्णन | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहस्वर | m. the 1st note of a musical piece.  |
ग्रहता | f. the state of being a planet, .  |
ग्रहतिलक | m. Name of work  |
ग्रहत्व | n. equals -tā-  |
ग्रहत्व | n. the state of a ladleful or spoonful  |
ग्रहवर्मन् | varia lectio for guha-v-.  |
ग्रहवर्ष | m. a planetary year  |
ग्रहवर्षफल | n. Name of (describing the good and evil fortune belonging to certain days, months, or years ruled over by particular planets) .  |
ग्रहविचारिन् | m. equals -cintaka-  |
ग्रहविमर्द | m. equals -marda-  |
ग्रहविनोद | m. Name of work  |
ग्रहविप्र | m. equals -cintaka-  |
ग्रहयाग | m. equals -yajña-  |
ग्रहयागतत्त्व | n. Name of work  |
ग्रहयज्ञ | m. a sacrifice offered to the planets  |
ग्रहयज्ञतत्त्व | n. Name of part of  |
ग्रहयालु | varia lectio for gṛh-, 148.  |
ग्रहयामलतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
ग्रहयाय्य | varia lectio for gṛh-  |
ग्रहयोग | m. equals -yuti-  |
ग्रहयुद्ध | n. equals -marda-  |
ग्रहयुद्ध | n. Name of  |
ग्रहयुति | f. conjunction of planets.  |
अभिग्रह | m. seizing taking hold of  |
अभिग्रह | m. attack, onset  |
अभिग्रह | m. defiance, challenge  |
अभिग्रह | m. robbing, plundering  |
अभिग्रह | m. authority  |
अभिग्रह | m. a vow  |
अभिग्रहण | n. robbing  |
अधाराग्रह | m. a ladleful or cupful not drawn from flowing water,  |
अधिकारसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on bhakti- (rāmānuja- school).  |
आदित्यग्रह | m. a particular ladle-full of soma- in the evening-oblation  |
आगमतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
अग्रह | mfn. equals mukhya- (Comm.) propose to read agra-ha-, destroying the best part  |
अग्रह | m. non acceptance, a houseless man id est a vānaprastha-, a Brahman of the third class  |
अग्रह | mfn. (also) where no ladleful is drawn,  |
आग्रह | m. insisting on, strong or obstinate inclination for, obstinacy, whim  |
आग्रह | m. (equals grahaṇa-) seizing, taking  |
आग्रह | m. favour, affection  |
अग्रहण | n. not meaning,  |
अग्रहण | mfn. not afflicted by disease,  |
अग्रहस्त | m. equals -pāṇi-  |
अग्रहस्त | m. the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
अग्रहस्त | m. finger  |
आज्ञापरिग्रह | m. receiving an order  |
आज्यग्रह | m. a vessel of clarified butter  |
आज्यग्रह | m. plural Name of certain formulae  |
अनासादितविग्रह | mfn. unused to war.  |
अनवग्रह | mfn. resistless  |
अनवग्रह | mfn. not to be intercepted.  |
अनेकार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of two works on words.  |
अङ्गग्रह | m. "limb-seizure", spasm  |
अनिग्रह | mfn. unrestrained  |
अनिग्रह | m. non-restraint, non-refutation, not owning one's self refuted.  |
अनिग्रहस्थान | n. (in philosophy) occasion of non-refutation.  |
अनिष्टग्रह | m. an evil planet.  |
अङ्कुशग्रह | m. an elephant-driver.  |
अन्तर्यामग्रह | m. idem or 'speaking to one's self, unheard by another, '  |
अनुग्रह | m. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object  |
अनुग्रह | m. assistance  |
अनुग्रह | m. facilitating by incantations  |
अनुग्रह | m. rear-guard  |
अनुग्रह | m. Name of the eighth or fifth creation  |
अनुग्रहकातर | mfn. anxious to please or for favour.  |
अनुग्रहण | n. anu-graha-.  |
अनुग्रहण | practising, practice,  |
अनुग्रहसर्ग | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) creation of the feelings or mental conditions.  |
अन्वर्थग्रहण | n. the literal acceptation of the meaning of a word (as opposed to the conventional).  |
अन्यपरिग्रह | m. the wife of another,  |
अपाणिग्रहण | n. celibacy.  |
अपाणिग्रहण | mfn. unmarried,  |
अपरिग्रह | m. not including commentator or commentary on  |
अपरिग्रह | m. non-acceptance, renouncing (of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics)  |
अपरिग्रह | m. deprivation, destitution, poverty  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of possession  |
अपरिग्रह | mfn. destitute of attendants or of a wife  |
अप्रग्रह | ([ ]) or a-pragṛhya- ([ ]) m. not a vowel called pragṛhya- (q.v)  |
अप्राप्यग्रहण | n. perception of an object though the senses are not in any direct connection with it  |
अप्रतिग्रहण | n. not accepting (a girl into marriage), not marrying  |
आरामपरिग्रह | m. landed property (of monasteries),  |
अर्कग्रह | m. eclipse of the sun  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. abstraction, of money  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. (in grammar) apprehension of meaning  |
अर्थग्रहण | n. signification.  |
अर्थपरिग्रह | m. possession of wealth  |
अर्थपरिग्रह | mfn. dependent on money  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. accumulation of wealth  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. treasury  |
अर्थसंग्रह | m. "compendium of objects (treated of)", Name of one of the pūrva-mīmāṃsā- texts.  |
असदाग्रह | mfn. equals -graha- mfn.  |
असद्ग्रह | mfn. performing mischievous or malignous tricks  |
असद्ग्रह | m. caprice, idle or childish desire  |
असंग्रह | m. refraining from begging,  |
असम्परिग्रह | mfn. not accepted, refused,  |
असत्परिग्रह | mfn. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons  |
असत्प्रतिग्रह | m. (= - parigraha-),  |
आशीर्ग्रहण | n. accepting a benediction.  |
असृग्ग्रह | m. "the blood-planet", Mars  |
अतिग्रह | m. act of taking over or beyond surpassing, one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent, (in philosophy) equals atigrāha-.  |
आत्मत्राणपरिग्रह | m. a body guard  |
अउद्गात्रसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
अउद्ग्रहण | n. idem or 'n. the being such an offering '  |
अवग्रह | m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the pada- text of the veda-s) etc.  |
अवग्रह | m. the mark or the interval of such a separation  |
अवग्रह | m. the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs , the chief member of a word so separated  |
अवग्रह | m. obstacle, impediment, restraint etc.  |
अवग्रह | mark of the elision of an initial a-  |
अवग्रह | m. (equals varṣa pratibandha- ) drought  |
अवग्रह | m. nature, original temperament  |
अवग्रह | m. "perception with the senses", a form of knowledge  |
अवग्रह | m. an imprecation or term of abuse  |
अवग्रह | m. an elephant's forehead  |
अवग्रह | m. a herd of elephants  |
अवग्रह | m. an iron hook with which elephants are driven  |
अवग्रहण | n. the act of impeding or restraining  |
अवग्रहण | n. disrespect  |
अवग्रहणी | f. equals gṛhāva-- grahaṇī- q.v  |
अवग्रहशक | Name (also title or epithet) of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
अविग्रह | m. (said of a word) the not occurring in a separate form (but only in a compound)  |
अविग्रह | m. bodiless  |
अविग्रह | m. indisputable (as the dharma-)  |
अयनग्रह | m. a planet's longitude as corrected for ecliptic deviation  |
अयुगपद्ग्रहण | n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously  |
बदरिकामाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बद्धग्रह | mfn. insisting on something  |
बहुग्रह | mfn. receiving or holding much (said of a minister and a water-jar)  |
बालग्रह | m. "seizer of children", a kind of demon (said to cause 9 kinds of possession)  |
बालग्रहप्रतिषेध | m. Name of work  |
बालग्रहयोगशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
बलनिग्रह | m. reducing strength, weakening  |
बन्दिग्रह | m. taking prisoner, capture  |
बन्दीग्रह | m. plunder, spoil  |
बौधायनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्भक्तिसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गीतार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गीतासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवद्गुणसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवन्नाममाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतकथासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतपुराणभावार्थदीपिकाप्रकरनक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणभावार्थदीपिकासंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणबृहत्संग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतपुराणतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the  |
भागवतसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भागवतसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भगवत्सिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भक्तिसारसंग्रह | m. bhaktisāra |
भल्लालसंग्रह | m. Name of bhallāla-'s work.  |
भारतसंग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
भारततात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भस्मग्रह | m. "taking ashes", a particular part of a Brahman's education  |
भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रह | m. "whose body is smeared with ashes", Name of śiva-  |
भाष्यार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भाट्टदीपिकासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भाट्टसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भवानन्दसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भावनासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भेषजकल्पसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
भीमविग्रह | mfn. of fearful form, terrific in appearance  |
भूगोलसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बिल्मग्रहण | n. grasping or understanding by bits id est by degrees  |
बिन्दुसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मग्रह | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
बृहत्मञ्जरीसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बृहत्परिभाषासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
चक्रग्रहणी | f. "army-keeper", a rampart (Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
चक्षुर्ग्रहण | n. morbid affection of the eyes, .  |
चन्द्रग्रह | m. an eclipse of the moon  |
चन्द्रग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. an eclipse of the moon '  |
चन्द्रग्रहणोदाहरण | n. Name of work  |
छन्दःसंग्रह | m. "summary of metres", Name of a work  |
छायाग्रह | m. "receiving the image or the gnomon's shadow", a mirror or equals -yantra-  |
चिन्त्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
चूडाप्रतिग्रहण | n. Name of a caitya-  |
दधिग्रह | m. a cup with d/adhi-  |
दधिग्रहपात्र | n. the vessel used for taking up d/adhi-  |
दक्षिणाप्रतिग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s,  |
दण्डग्रहण | n. "taking the staff", becoming an ascetic  |
दारग्रहण | equals -karman-  |
दारपरिग्रह | m. equals -karman-  |
दारसंग्रह | m. equals -karman-  |
दारोपसंग्रह | m. "wife-taking", marriage  |
दशकण्ठनिग्रह | m. Name of  |
दायाधिकारक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दायक्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
देहग्रहण | n. assuming a body or visible form  |
देशीशब्दसंग्रह | m. equals -nāma-mālā-  |
देशीयशब्दसंग्रह | m. equals śī-ś-  |
देवग्रह | m. "divine seizer", a class of demons who cause harmless madness  |
धनंजयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. bearing a bow, an archer  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. the art of managing a bow  |
धनुर्ग्रह | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
धान्यसंग्रह | m. a store or magazine of grain  |
धाराग्रह | m. a cup filled from flowing soma-  |
धर्ममीमांसासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्ममीमांसासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of a collection of technical terms  |
धर्मसंग्रहनिवृत्ति | f. Name of a jaina- work  |
धर्मशास्त्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मशास्त्रसंग्रहश्लोक | m. plural Name of work  |
धर्मतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धर्मविचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
धातुसंग्रह | m. Name of work on verbal roots.  |
धूमग्रह | m. Name of rāhu-  |
ध्वनिग्रह | m. "sound-catcher", the ear  |
ध्वनिसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दिग्ग्रहण | n. observing and fixing the quarters of the compass  |
दिनग्रह | m. day-planet  |
दिव्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दोर्ग्रह | mfn. "seizing with the arms", strong  |
दोर्ग्रह | m. pain in the arm  |
द्रव्यगुणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
द्रव्यपरिग्रह | m. the acquirement or possession of property or wealth  |
द्रव्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
द्रव्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
दुःखग्रह | mfn. difficult to be conceived  |
दुरभिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be laid hold of  |
दुरभिग्रह | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
दुरभिग्रह | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
दुराग्रह | m. equals -avagraha- m.  |
दूरग्रहण | n. seizing or perceiving objects from afar (a supernatural faculty)  |
दुरवग्रह | mfn. difficult to be kept back or restrained  |
दुरवग्रह | m. wicked obstinacy, stubbornness  |
दुरवग्रहग्राह | (Bombay edition) mfn. difficult to be attained ( ) .  |
दुरवग्रहग्राह्य | mfn. difficult to be attained ( ) .  |
दुर्ग्रह | m. "seizing badly", the evil demon of illness, spasm, cramp  |
दुर्ग्रह | m. obstinacy, insisting upon (locative case), whim, monomania  |
दुर्ग्रह | mfn. difficult to be seized or caught or attained or won or accomplished or understood  |
दुर्निग्रह | mfn. difficult to be restrained or conquered  |
दुष्परिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be seized or kept  |
दुष्पार्ष्णिग्रह | mfn. having a dangerous enemy in the rear  |
दुष्प्रतिग्रह | mfn. difficult to be taken or laid hold of.  |
द्वैतनिर्णयसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. dvaitanirṇaya |
द्वैतनिर्णयशिवपूजासंग्रह | m. dvaitanirṇaya |
द्वैतसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
एकाङ्गग्रह | m. paralysis,  |
एकान्तग्रहण | n. partial comprehension  |
गदनिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
गलग्रह | m. seizing by the throat, throttling  |
गलग्रह | m. compression of the throat (a kind of disease)  |
गलग्रह | m. a fish-sauce (prepared with salt, pepper, ghee etc.)  |
गलग्रह | m. Name of certain days in the dark fortnight (viz. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, and 3 following days)  |
गलग्रह | m. begun but immediately interrupted study,  |
गन्धर्वग्रह | m. the being possessed by a gandharva-  |
गर्भग्रह | m. conception  |
गर्भग्रहण | n. equals ha-  |
घटग्रह | m. a water-bearer Va1rtt. 1.  |
घटीग्रह | m. equals ṭa-gr- Va1rtt. 1.  |
गीतपुस्तकसंग्रह | m. idem or 'n. Name of a collection of songs '  |
गोग्रह | m. capture of cattle, booty  |
गोग्रहतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
गृहावग्रहणी | f. equals ha-taṭī-  |
गृह्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work on domestic rites (by the son of gobhila-).  |
गृह्यासंग्रह | m. equals hya-s-.  |
गुदग्रह | m. spasm of the rectum  |
गुणग्रहण | n. acknowledging or appreciating merit or good qualities  |
गुणसंग्रह | m. a collection of merits or properties  |
गुणसंग्रह | m. equals -grahaṇa-  |
हनुग्रह | m. "jaw-seizure", lock-jaw  |
हरिलीलाविवरणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the taking of the hand  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the marriage ceremony  |
हस्तग्रह | m. the putting hand to or engaging in,  |
हठयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
हविर्ग्रहणी | f. a sacrificial ladle  |
हयसंग्रहण | n. the restraining or curbing or checking of horses  |
हिल्लाजग्रहफल | n. Name of work  |
ह्रदग्रह | m. "lake-monster", a crocodile, alligator  |
हृदयग्रह | m. seizure or spasm of the heart  |
हृद्ग्रह | m. "heart-seizure", spasm of the heart  |
इन्द्रियनिग्रह | m. restraint of the organs of sense.  |
जन्मपरिग्रह | m. birth (accusative with kṛ-,"to be born"),  |
जातकसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
जीवग्रह | m. filling (a cup) with living (or unpressed soma-)  |
ज्योतिषसंग्रह | m. the whole science of astronomy  |
कचग्रह | m. seizing or grasping the hair  |
कचग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. seizing or grasping the hair '  |
कालसंग्रह | m. period of time, term  |
कलिधर्मसारसंग्रह | m. Name of a work.  |
कणादरहस्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
कनकविग्रह | m. Name of a king of viśālapurī-.  |
कण्ठग्रह | m. "clinging to the neck", embracing, embrace  |
कण्ठग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. "clinging to the neck", embracing, embrace '  |
कन्याग्रहण | n. taking a girl in marriage.  |
करग्रह | (1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage  |
करग्रह | m. (2. kara-graha-;for 1.See) levying or gathering taxes  |
करग्रह | m. a tax-gatherer.  |
करग्रहण | (1. kara-grahaṇa-;for 2.See) n. idem or '(1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage ' (see pāṇi-gr-.)  |
करग्रहण | (2. kara-grahaṇa-) n. levying or gathering taxes.  |
कर्मसंग्रह | m. assemblage of acts (comprising the act, its performance, and the performer)  |
कर्मविपाकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
काषायग्रहण | n. Name of a caitya-  |
कथासंग्रह | m. a collection of tales or fables.  |
कवलग्रह | m. the taking a mouthful of water for swallowing  |
कवलग्रह | m. water for rinsing the mouth  |
कवलग्रह | m. a weight equals karṣa-  |
काव्यसंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
काव्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
केशग्रह | m. pulling the hair  |
केशग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. pulling the hair '  |
केशप्रतिग्रह | m. a barber,  |
केतुग्रह | m. the descending node (See above sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ketu-)  |
केतुग्रहवल्लभ | m. equals tu-ratna-  |
खण्डितविग्रह | mfn. "one whose body is injured", maimed, mutilated  |
खरग्रह | m. idem or 'n. a pair of donkeys Va1rtt. 3 '  |
खरग्रह | Name (also title or epithet) of various kings and chiefs,  |
कोशग्रहण | n. "drinking the water used at an ordeal", undergoing an ordeal  |
क्रमसंग्रह | m. Name of a treatise.  |
क्रतुसंग्रह | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
क्रतुसंग्रहपरिशिष्ट | n. idem or 'm. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the '  |
कृषिसंग्रह | m. Name of work (said to be written by parāśara-).  |
कृतासनपरिग्रह | mfn. one who has taken a seat.  |
कुग्रह | m. an unpropitious planet (five are reckoned, viz. maṅgala-, ravi-, śani-, rāhu-, and ketu-)  |
कुण्डमण्डपसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
कुञ्जरग्रह | m. an elephant-catcher  |
लघुग्रहमञ्जरि | f. Name of work  |
लघुसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
लघुसंग्रहणीसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
लग्नग्रह | mfn. insisting firmly on anything, persistent, obtrusive  |
लग्नग्रहण | n. the computation of the moment favourable for any undertaking,  |
लक्षणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
लक्ष्यग्रह | m. taking aim  |
ललितविग्रहराज | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka-.  |
लाङ्गलग्रह | m. "plough-holder", a ploughman, peasant  |
लाङ्गलग्रहण | n. the act of holding or guiding the plough, ploughing  |
लस्तकग्रह | m. seizing the middle of a bow  |
लौकिकन्यायसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
लीलामानुषविग्रह | mfn. having or taking a human form merely for amusement or in mere semblance (said of kṛṣṇa-)  |
लोकानुग्रह | m. the welfare of the world, prosperity of mankind  |
लोकानुग्रहप्रवृत्त | m. Name of gautama- buddha-  |
लोकसंग्रह | m. experience gained from intercourse with men  |
लोकसंग्रह | m. the propitiation or conciliation of men (varia lectio)  |
लोकसंग्रह | m. the whole of the universe, aggregate of worlds  |
लोकसंग्रह | m. the welfare of the world  |
लोकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
माधवसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मधुग्रह | m. a libation of honey  |
मध्वमतसंग्रहटीका | f. Name of work |
मध्यग्रहण | n. the middle of an eclipse  |
मध्यमसंग्रह | m. the middle method of intriguing with another's wife (presenting flowers etc.)  |
माघमाहत्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महाभारतसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महाभारतसंग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
महाभारतसारसंग्रह | m. (?) Name of work  |
महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णयप्रमाणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महाभारततात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महाग्रह | m. "the great planet", Name of rāhu-  |
महाग्रह | m. of the planet Saturn  |
महासंधिविग्रह | m. the office of prime minister of peace and war (see -sāṃdhivigrahika-).  |
महायानपरिग्रहक | m. a follower of the mahā-yāna- doctrines  |
महायानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महायानसम्परिग्रहशास्त्र | n. Name of work  |
मैथिलसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मानग्रहण | n. fit of sulkiness,  |
माण्डूक्योपनिषद्भाष्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मङ्गलग्रह | m. an auspicious planet, a lucky star  |
मणिकाञ्चनप्रमेयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मनोग्रहण | m. the act of seizing or captivating the mind  |
मन्त्रशास्त्रसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मन्याग्रह | m. spasm or contraction of the neck  |
मथुरामाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मेढ्रनिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मीमांसार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मीमांसासंग्रह | m. Name of work equals sārtha-saṃgraha-.  |
मीमांसासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work (see sā-bāla-prakāśa-)  |
मिताक्षरसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work connected with the mitākṣarā-  |
मित्रानुग्रहण | n. the act of favouring friends or causing them prosperity  |
मृद्ववग्रह | m. a particular slight separation of the members of a compound  |
मृगग्रहण | n. the capture of a deer  |
मुद्राराक्षसकथासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मुहूर्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मुखग्रहण | n. kissing the mouth  |
मुमुक्षुसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
मुमुक्षुसर्वस्वसारसंग्रह | m. mumukṣusarvasva |
मुष्टिग्रह | m. clasping with one hand  |
नाडीविग्रह | m. equals -deha-  |
नागरयायिग्रह | m. plural planets opposed to each other in various particular ways (see above) .  |
नग्नभूपतिग्रह | m. Name of a drama.  |
नक्षत्रग्रहयुत्यधिकार | m. Name of chapter of  |
नामधेयग्रहण | n. the mentioning of the name (of particular sacrificers),  |
नामग्रह | m. mentioning a name, naming  |
नामग्रहण | n. ( ) idem or 'm. mentioning a name, naming '  |
नामजातिग्रह | m. ( )  |
नामजातिग्रहण | n. ( ) mentioning the name and race.  |
नाममालासंग्रह | m. Name of a stotra-.  |
नामसंग्रह | m. collection of, nouns  |
नामसंग्रहमाला | f. Name of vocabulary.  |
नामसंग्रहनिघण्टु | m. Name of vocabulary.  |
नानाग्रह | m. taking separate (used to explain avagraha-)  |
नानार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of dictionary  |
नानावादसंग्रहग्रन्थ | m. Name of work  |
नपुंसकलिङ्गसंग्रह | m. Name of chapter of the nāmaliṅgānuśāsana-.  |
नरान्तकनिग्रहवर्णन | n.  |
नारायणधर्मसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
नाशितसंग्रह | m. intercourse with an outcast  |
नवग्रह | mfn. (for 2.See 4. n/ava-) recently caught. kad-.  |
नवग्रह | m. plural the 9 planets (id est sun, moon, 5 planets with rāhu- and ketu-)  |
नवग्रहबलिदानप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहचक्र | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहदान | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहदशालक्षण | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहध्यान | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहध्यानप्रकार | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहगणित | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहहोम | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहकवच | mn. Name of work  |
नवग्रहमख | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहमखशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहमङ्गलाष्टक | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहमन्त्र | m. plural Name of work  |
नवग्रहनामावलि | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहफल | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहप्रश्न | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहपूजा | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहपूजापद्धति | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहपूजाविधि | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहस्तव | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहस्थापन | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहस्तुति | f. Name of work  |
नवग्रहसूक्त | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहविधान | n. Name of work  |
नवग्रहयाग | m. Name of work  |
नवग्रहयन्त्रोद्धरणक्रम | m. Name of work  |
नयसंग्रह | m. "summary of political wisdom", Name of work  |
नेपथ्यग्रहण | n. making the toilet  |
निबन्धसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
निदानसंग्रह | m. Name of a medicine work  |
निघण्टुसंग्रहनिदान | n. Name of work  |
निग्रह | m. keeping down or back, restraining, binding, coercion, suppression, subjugation etc.  |
निग्रह | m. defeat, overthrow, destruction  |
निग्रह | m. seizing, catching, arresting, holding fast etc.  |
निग्रह | m. suppression of an illness id est healing, cure  |
निग्रह | m. confinement, imprisonment, any punishment or chastisement etc. (vadhanigt-,pain of death )  |
निग्रह | m. reprimand, blame  |
निग्रह | m. aversion, ill-will, dislike, disgust  |
निग्रह | m. anything for catching hold of. a handle (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
निग्रह | m. a place or occasion for being caught hold of, (especially in nyāya- philosophy) an occasion for refutation, a weak point in an argument or fault in a syllogism (see -sthāna-) |
निग्रह | m. a boundary, limit  |
निग्रह | m. Name of śiva- and viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
निग्रहण | mfn. holding down, suppressing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
निग्रहण | n. subduing, suppression  |
निग्रहण | n. capture, imprisonment, punishment  |
निग्रहण | n. war, fight  |
निग्रहसाधन | n. Name of work  |
निग्रहस्थान | n. (in philosophy) the position of being unfit to carry on an argument from impossibility of agreeing about first principles  |
निग्रहस्थानसूत्रटीका | f. Name of work  |
निग्रहस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
निमित्तग्रहण | n. taking aim,  |
निराग्रह | mfn. not insisting upon, not obstinate  |
नीरग्रह | m. taking up water in a ladle (See under graha-).  |
निरनुग्रह | mfn. ungracious, unkind  |
निरवग्रह | mfn. unrestrained, independent, free etc. ( niravagrahe he- ind.where there is room to move freely )  |
निरवग्रह | mfn. self-willed, headstrong  |
निर्णयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
निष्परिग्रह | mfn. having no property etc.  |
निष्परिग्रह | m. an ascetic without family or dependants  |
निष्प्रतिग्रह | mfn. not accepting gifts  |
निष्प्रतिग्रहता | f.  |
नीतिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
नीतिसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
न्यवग्रह | m. the accentless vowel at the end of the first member of a compound  |
न्यायमालावार्त्तिकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
न्यायसदर्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
न्यायसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
न्यायसंग्रहदिपिका | f. Name of work  |
न्यायसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पादग्रहण | n. laying hold of or clasping the feet (of a Brahman or superior, as a mark of respectful salutation)  |
पदार्थधर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
पदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
पदवाक्यरत्नाकरकारिकासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पदविग्रह | ( ) m. separation of words.  |
पादविग्रह | m. plural (prob.) a mode of reading (see pāda-v-) (varia lectio kāma-[for krama-?] -v-)  |
पादविग्रह | mfn. one-footed (opp. to catuṣpāda-)  |
पदोपसंग्रहण | n. clasping the foot (of a teacher)  |
पद्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पाकादिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पक्षग्रहण | n. taking the side of (genitive case)  |
पञ्चग्रहयोगशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
पाञ्चरात्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पञ्चास्तिकायसंग्रहसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चोपाख्यानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पङ्गुग्रह | m. the sea-monster makara- (see paṅka-g-)  |
पङ्गुग्रह | m. one of the signs of the zodiac (see makara-)  |
पाणिग्रह | m. taking (the bride) by the hand, marriage.  |
पाणिग्रहण | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) equals -graha- etc.  |
पाणिग्रहणमन्त्र | m. a nuptial verse or hymn  |
पाणिग्रहणसंस्कार | m. the ceremony of hand-taking  |
पाणिग्रहणिक | mfn. relating to marriage, nuptial  |
पाणिग्रहणिक | n. a welding present  |
पाणिग्रहणीय | mfn. idem or 'n. a welding present '  |
पाणिग्रहणीया | f. Name of  |
पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्त्यर्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पाणिसंग्रह | m.  |
पाणिसंग्रहण | n. clasping the hand (in confirmation of a promise)  |
पापग्रह | m. an inauspicious planet (as Mars, Saturn, rāhu-, ketu-), Var.  |
पापविनिग्रह | m. restraining wickedness  |
परदारपरिग्रह | m. one who takes or approaches or enjoys another's wife or wives, an adulterer ( )  |
परमहंसपरिव्राजकधर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परमरहस्यजपसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परमरहस्योपदेशसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परमार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परमार्थसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परमतखण्डनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परपरिग्रह | m. another's property  |
परपरिग्रह | m. another's wife  |
पराशरस्मृतिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परस्वग्रह | m. seizing another's property  |
परिभाषार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
परिभाषासंग्रह | m. Name of work |
परिभाषासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
परिभाषेन्दुशेखरसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
परिग्रह | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (especially the vedi- or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. wrapping round, putting on (a dress etc.), assuming (a form etc.)  |
परिग्रह | m. comprehending, summing up, sum, totality,  |
परिग्रह | m. taking, accepting, receiving or anything received, 2 gift or present etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"being possessed of or furnished with")  |
परिग्रह | m. household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince  |
परिग्रह | m. a house, abode  |
परिग्रह | m. root, origin, foundation  |
परिग्रह | m. admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception  |
परिग्रह | m. taking (a wife), marrying, marriage etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. a wife (also collect.) etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. choice, selection  |
परिग्रह | m. understanding, conception  |
परिग्रह | m. undertaking, beginning, commission or performance of, occupation with  |
परिग्रह | m. homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. dominion, control (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"dependent on, subject to")  |
परिग्रह | m. force, constraint, punishment (opp. to anu-graha-)  |
परिग्रह | m. claim on, relation to, concern with (locative case) etc.  |
परिग्रह | m. (in Vedic or Veda gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after iti-  |
परिग्रह | m. the form which precedes iti-  |
परिग्रह | m. a curse, imprecation, oath  |
परिग्रह | m. an eclipse of the sun  |
परिग्रह | m. the rear or reserve of an army (varia lectio prati-gr-)  |
परिग्रहबहुत्व | n. multitude of wives  |
परिग्रहद्वितीय | mfn. accompanied by one's wife or family  |
परिग्रहक | mfn. grasping, taking hold of, undertaking (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
परिग्रहमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a family  |
परिग्रहण | n. wrapping round, putting on  |
परिग्रहत्व | n. state of a wife, marriage  |
परिग्रहवत् | mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property |
परिशिष्टसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पार्ष्णिग्रह | mfn. seizing or threatening from behind  |
पार्ष्णिग्रह | m. a follower, either an ally who supports or an enemy who attacks the rear of a king  |
पार्ष्णिग्रहण | n. attacking or threatening an enemy in the rear  |
पर्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पतद्ग्रह | m. "receiving what falls", a receptacle for alms  |
पतद्ग्रह | m. a spittoon (also -grāha-) (also n.)  |
पतद्ग्रह | m. the rear of an army  |
पवनयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पयोग्रह | m. an oblation of milk  |
पयोग्रहसमर्थनप्रकार | m. Name of work  |
फलग्रह | mfn. "receiving fruits", deriving profit or advantage  |
फलग्रह | m. the act of doing so  |
पितृग्रह | m. "Pitri-demon", a particular demon causing diseases  |
प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रग्रह | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) holding in front, stretching forth  |
प्रग्रह | m. seizing, clutching, taking hold of (haṃ gataḥ-,seized, taken)  |
प्रग्रह | m. a particular manner of fighting (= śatror uttānapā-tanārtham pādākarṣaṇam-,or equals gala-hastakaḥ- )  |
प्रग्रह | m. the seizure of the sun or moon, beginning of an eclipse (see graha-)  |
प्रग्रह | m. friendly reception, kindness, favour  |
प्रग्रह | m. obstinacy, stubbornness (haṃgataḥ-,obstinate, stubborn)  |
प्रग्रह | m. a rein, bridle etc.  |
प्रग्रह | m. a ray of light (like all words meaning"rein"or"bridle")  |
प्रग्रह | m. a rope, halter, cord, string, thong  |
प्रग्रह | m. the cord or string suspending a balance  |
प्रग्रह | m. a guide, leader, ruler (also as Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-)  |
प्रग्रह | m. a companion, satellite  |
प्रग्रह | m. binding  |
प्रग्रह | m. taming, breaking (a horse)  |
प्रग्रह | m. the arm  |
प्रग्रह | m. a species of plant (Cassis Fistula )  |
प्रग्रह | m. a vowel not subject to the rules of saṃdhi- ( pragrahatva -tva- n. Scholiast or Commentator; see 1. pra-gṛhya-)  |
प्रग्रह | m. Name of a particular sacrificial rite (also -homa- )  |
प्रग्रह | mf(ā-)n. receiving, kind, hospitable (with sabhā- f.a hall of reception, an audience hall) (Bombay edition)  |
प्रग्रह | mf(ā-)n. equals ūrdhvabāhu- (?) (see pr/añjali-pragr-)  |
प्रग्रहण | m. a leader, guide (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [f(ā-).]"led by")  |
प्रग्रहण | m. stretching forth, offering  |
प्रग्रहण | m. taking, seizing, holding  |
प्रग्रहण | m. the seizure of the sun and moon, commencement of an eclipse  |
प्रग्रहण | m. a means for taming or breaking in  |
प्रग्रहण | m. the being a leader or guide, authority, dignity  |
प्रग्रहण | m. a rein, bridle  |
प्रग्रहण | m. a check, restraint  |
प्राग्रहर | mfn. taking the best share, chief principal among (genitive case or compound)  |
प्रग्रहत्व | n. pragraha |
प्रग्रहवत् | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') one who has seized, holding  |
प्रग्रहवत् | mfn. receiving, kindly, obliging (Scholiast or Commentator"keeping down the wicked"or"controlling the organs of sense")  |
प्रागुद्धारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रकीर्णसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रक्रियासंग्रह | m. Name of gram. work |
प्रक्रियासंग्रह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of gram. work  |
प्रमाणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रामाण्यवादसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रमेयसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
प्रमेयसंग्रहविवरण | n. Name of work |
प्रमेयसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
प्राणग्रह | m. "breath-catcher", the nose,  |
प्राणग्रह | m. plural Name of particular soma- vessels  |
प्राणनिग्रह | m. restraint of breath  |
प्राणपरिग्रह | m. possession of breath or life, existence  |
प्राञ्जलिप्रग्रह | mfn. holding the hands joined and outstretched (varia lectio liḥ pragr-).  |
प्रपञ्चसारसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्राप्तार्थाग्रहण | n. the not securing an advantage gained  |
प्रश्नसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. receiving, accepting, acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brahmans; see ) etc. (grahaṃ-kṛ-,to receive presents )  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. friendly reception  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. favour, grace  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. taking a wife, marrying  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. receiving with the ear id est hearing  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. a grasper, seizer (keśa--,a hair-cutter, barber) a receiver  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. a spittoon  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. a gift, present (especially a donation to a Brahman at suitable periods) etc. (instrumental case"as a present" )  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. Name of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 graha-s  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. equals kriyā-kāra-  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line)  |
प्रतिग्रह | m. the sun near the moon's node  |
प्रतिग्रहधन | n. money received as a present |
प्रतिग्रहधन | mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents  |
प्रतिग्रहकल्प | m. Name of pariśiṣṭa- of  |
प्रतिग्रहण | mfn. accepting (perhaps wrong reading)  |
प्रतिग्रहण | n. receipt, acceptance  |
प्रतिग्रहण | n. taking a wife, marrying (see /a-pratig-)  |
प्रतिग्रहण | n. a vessel  |
प्रतिग्रहणीय | mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable  |
प्रतिग्रहप्राप्त | mfn. received as a present  |
प्रतिग्रहप्रायश्चित्तप्रकार | m. Name of work  |
प्रतिनामग्रहणम् | (pr/ati--) ind. mentioning each individual name  |
प्रतिपक्षग्रह | m. the taking of the opposite side (haṃ cakruḥ-,they took the opposite side)  |
प्रतिष्ठासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रतिष्ठासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रत्यग्रह | m. Name of a son of vasu- and king of the cedi-s  |
प्रत्यग्रह | m. (equals -agra-;prob. a contracted form for pratyaggraha-).  |
प्रत्याख्यानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रत्युद्ग्रह | m.  |
प्रत्युद्ग्रहण | n. setting aside, dismissing  |
प्रौढतात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रविग्रह | m. ( grah-) separation of words by dividing or breaking up the saṃdhi-  |
प्रायश्चित्तादिसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
प्रायश्चित्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
प्रायश्चित्तसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
प्रायश्चित्त्तेन्दुशेखरसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रयतपरिग्रहद्वितीय | mfn. accompanied by a pious or chaste wife  |
प्रयोगग्रहण | n. acquirement of practice  |
प्रयोगसंग्रह | m.  |
प्रयोगसंग्रहविवेक | m. Name of work  |
प्रयोगविवेकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पुंस्त्वविग्रह | m. Andropngon Schoenanthus  |
पुनर्ग्रहण | n. repeatedly taking up (with a ladle etc.)  |
पुनर्ग्रहण | n. repetition  |
पुराणपदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पुराणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पुराणसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पुरातनयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पुरीषनिग्रहण | mfn. stopping or obstructing the bowels  |
पुरीषसंग्रहणीय | mfn. making the feces more solid  |
पूर्वमीमांसार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पूर्वपरिग्रह | m. first claim, prerogative, precedence  |
पूर्वपरिग्रह | mf(ā-)n. claimed as first privilege by (genitive case)  |
पुत्रप्रतिग्रहविधि | m. Name of work  |
पुत्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रागग्रहवत् | mfn. containing passions compared to crocodiles  |
रहस्यत्रयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रहस्यत्रयसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
राहुग्रह | m. the demon (literally"seizer") rāhu-  |
राहुग्रहण | n. "seizure by rāhu-", an eclipse  |
राजधर्मसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
राजसिंहसुधासंग्रह | m. Name of a medical work (written by mahādeva-, at the request of king rāja-siṃha-, and also called -sudhā-sindhu-).  |
राजतरंगिणीसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
राक्षसग्रह | m. " rākṣasa--demon", Name of a particular kind of insanity or seizure  |
रक्तग्रह | m. a kind of demon  |
रामकथासंग्रह | m. rāmakathā |
रमलरहस्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रामानुजसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work |
रामसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work on bhakti-.  |
रामायणभारतसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रामायणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रामायणतात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रणविग्रह | m. idem or 'm. Name of a man '  |
रसग्रह | mfn. apprehending flavours, having a taste for enjoyments  |
रसग्रह | m. the organ of taste  |
रसनानिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रससंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रससंग्रहसिद्धान्त | m. Name of work  |
रससारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रससिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रसेन्द्रसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रतिसंग्रहव्याख्या | f. Name of work  |
रत्नसंग्रह | m. Name of various works.  |
रत्नसारजातकेज्योतिषसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रविग्रह | m.  |
रविग्रहण | n. an eclipse of the sun  |
रेवतीग्रह | m. Name of a demon presiding over diseases  |
ऋक्थग्रहण | n. inheriting property.  |
ऋणग्रह | mfn. getting into debt, borrowing  |
ऋणग्रह | m. the act of borrowing  |
ऋणोद्ग्रहण | n. recovering a debt in any way from a creditor (by friendly or legal proceedings, by strategem or arrest)  |
रोगनिग्रहण | n. suppression of disease  |
ऋतुग्रह | m. a libation offered to the ṛtu-s or seasons  |
रुद्रयामलादिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रूपग्रह | mfn. apprehending forms, perceiving colours  |
रूपग्रह | m. the eye  |
शब्दग्रह | m. "receiver of sounds", the ear  |
शब्दग्रह | m. receiving or catching sound  |
शब्दग्रह | m. Name of a fabulous arrow  |
शब्दसद्रूपसंग्रह | m. Name of a nyāya- work  |
शब्दसंग्रहनिघण्टु | m. Name of work  |
सच्छलजातिनिग्रहमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of defeat (in disputation) accompanied by self-refuting objections and unfair arguments  |
सदाचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सदनुग्रह | m. favour towards the good  |
षड्दर्शनसंग्रहवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
षड्दर्शनसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सद्धर्मसम्परिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सद्ग्रह | m. a good or auspicious planet  |
सद्ग्रह | mfn. clinging or attached to what is good or true (with kṛṣṇe-,"attached to kṛṣṇa- as to the really true")  |
षड्ग्रहशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
षड्ग्रहयोगशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
साधारणप्रायश्चित्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
साधुनिग्रह | mf(ā-)n. having a convenient handle  |
सग्रह | mfn. filled with crocodiles (as a river)  |
सग्रह | mfn. taken up by means of ladles or other vessels (See graha-)  |
सग्रह | mfn. seized by the demon rāhu-, eclipsed (as the moon)  |
साग्रह | mfn. with pertinacity, insisting on anything, persistent ( sāgraham am- ind.)  |
साग्रहम् | ind. sāgraha |
साहित्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शैवसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शैवतात्पर्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सकलागमसंग्रह | m. Name of a tantra- work  |
सकलप्रबन्धवर्णसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सकलप्रमाणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सकलशान्तिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सखिविग्रह | m. war of friends, civil war  |
शकृद्ग्रह | wrong reading for sakṛd-gr- q.v  |
सकृद्ग्रह | ( ) m. plural Name of peoples.  |
शक्तिग्रह | mf(ā-)n. (only ) (see Va1rtt. 1 ) holding a spear or lance  |
शक्तिग्रह | mf(ā-)n. taking hold of the force or meaning (of a word or sentence etc.)  |
शक्तिग्रह | m. a spearman, lancer  |
शक्तिग्रह | m. Name of kārttikeya- and śiva-  |
शक्तिग्रह | m. perception or apprehension of the force or sense (of a word etc.)  |
शकुनिग्रह | m. Name of a demon causing children's diseases  |
समाधिविग्रह | m. embodiment of meditation  |
समरसारसंग्रह | m. samarasāra |
समाससंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
समस्यासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
संधिविग्रह | m. dual number peace and war  |
संधिविग्रहक | m. a minister presiding over the above  |
संधिविग्रहकार्याधिकारिन् | m. dual number the ministers presiding over the above affairs  |
संधिविग्रहकायस्थ | m. a secretary for managing (foreign) affairs in making peace and war  |
संधिविग्रहयानद्वैधीभावसमाश्रयग्रन्थ | m. Name of work  |
संगीतसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
संग्रह | m. holding together, seizing, grasping, taking, reception, obtainment etc.  |
संग्रह | m. taking (in the sense of eating or drinking food, medicine etc.)  |
संग्रह | m. the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means  |
संग्रह | m. bringing together, assembling (of men)  |
संग्रह | m. collecting, gathering, conglomeration, accumulation (as of stores) etc.  |
संग्रह | m. (in philosophy) agglomeration (equals saṃyoga- q.v)  |
संग्रह | m. a place where anything is kept, a store-room, receptacle  |
संग्रह | m. complete enumeration or collection, sum, amount, totality (eṇa-,"completely","entirely") etc.  |
संग्रह | m. drawing together, making narrower, narrowing, tightening, making thin or slender, the thin part of anything  |
संग्रह | m. a compendium, summary, catalogue, list, epitome, abridgment, short statement (eṇa-or āt-,"shortly","summarily","in few words") etc.  |
संग्रह | m. inclusion, comprehension  |
संग्रह | m. check, restraint, control  |
संग्रह | m. keeping, guarding, protection etc.  |
संग्रह | m. a guardian, ruler, manager, arranger  |
संग्रह | m. obstruction, constipation (See -grahanī-)  |
संग्रह | m. attracting, winning, favouring, kind treatment, propitiation, entertaining, entertainment etc.  |
संग्रह | m. taking to wife, marriage (See dāra-s-)  |
संग्रह | m. perception, notion  |
संग्रह | m. mention, mentioning  |
संग्रह | m. elevation, loftiness  |
संग्रह | m. velocity  |
संग्रह | m. Name of śiva-  |
संग्रह | m. Name of various works (especially of a gram. work in 100,000 śloka-s by vyāḍi-;also often in compound)  |
संग्रहचूडामणि | m. Name of work  |
संग्रहग्रहणी | f. a particular form of diarrhoea (alternating with constipation)  |
संग्रहग्रन्थ | m. Name of work  |
संग्रहकार | m. the composer or author of the saṃgraha-  |
संग्रहण | mf(ī-)n. grasping, seizing, taking  |
संग्रहण | n. the act of grasping or taking (See pāṇi-s-)  |
संग्रहण | n. receiving, obtaining, acquisition  |
संग्रहण | n. gathering, compiling, accumulating  |
संग्रहण | n. encasing, inlaying (of a jewel)  |
संग्रहण | n. complete enumeration  |
संग्रहण | n. stopping, restraining, suppressing  |
संग्रहण | n. attraction, winning over, propitiation  |
संग्रहण | n. sexual intercourse with (compound), adultery  |
सांग्रहण | mf(/ī-)n. (fr. saṃgrahaṇa-) relating to the act of taking possession or occupying  |
सांग्रहणेष्टि | f. Name of a śrauta- work  |
संग्रहणी | f. equals saṃgraha-grahaṇī-  |
संग्रहणीरत्न | n. Name of work  |
संग्रहणीय | mfn. to be taken hold of  |
संग्रहणीय | mfn. to be taken as a remedy against (any disease exempli gratia, 'for example' diarrhoea), |
संग्रहणीय | mfn. to be directed towards (locative case)  |
संग्रहणीय | mfn. to be drawn together or contracted or restrained  |
संग्रहपर्वन् | n. Name of work ( )  |
संग्रहप्रकाशिका | f. Name of work  |
संग्रहरामायण | n. Name of work  |
संग्रहरत्नमाला | f. Name of work  |
संग्रहश्लोक | m. a verse recapitulating what has been explained before (in prose intermixed with sūtra-s).  |
सांग्रहसूत्रिक | mfn. (fr. saṃgraha-sūtra-) equals saṃgraha-sūtram adhīte veda vā-  |
संग्रहवैद्यनाथीय | n. Name of work  |
संग्रहवस्तु | n. an element of popularity  |
संग्रहवत् | mfn. provided with a short summary of a subject  |
संग्रहविवरण | n. Name of work  |
शंकरभाष्यन्यायसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
संकेतग्रह | m. ( ) making an agreement.  |
संकेतग्रहण | n. ( ) making an agreement.  |
संक्षिप्तसारसंग्रह | m. Name of a grammar (by pītāmbara-śarman-)  |
संनिग्रह | m. restraint, punishment  |
संन्यासधर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
संन्यासग्रहण | n. assuming or practising asceticism  |
संन्यासग्रहणपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
संन्यासग्रहणरत्नमाला | f. Name of work  |
सम्परिग्रह | m. receiving with kindness  |
सम्परिग्रह | m. property  |
सम्प्रतिग्रह | m. kind reception, predilection for  |
सम्प्रोक्षणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सनिग्रह | mfn. furnished with a handle  |
शान्तिशतकसंग्रह | m. Name of work (?)  |
शफग्रह | m. the hoof or claw of an animal used as a kind of receptacle  |
सप्तर्षिस्मृतिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सारग्रहमञ्जरी | f. Name of work  |
सारार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on the bhagavad-gītā-.  |
सारसमग्रह | m. "concentration of the essence of any work", Name of various compendiums (also sārasamagrahajñānabhūṣaṇabhāṣya -jñāna-bhūṣaṇa-bhāṣya- n. sārasamagrahanighaṇṭu -nighaṇṭu- m. sārasamagrahasaṃgraha -saṃgraha-,m. )  |
सारसमग्रहज्ञानभूषणभाष्य | n. sārasamagraha |
सारसमग्रहनिघण्टु | m. sārasamagraha |
सारसमग्रहसंग्रह | m. sārasamagraha |
सारस्वतसारसरसमग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सारात्सारसुसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सारात्सारतत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शरीरग्रहण | n. assumption of a bodily form  |
शारीरकमीमांसान्यायसंग्रह | m. Name of Comm. on it. |
शारीरकन्यायसंग्रह | m. an abridgment in verse of rāmānuja-'s commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra- by bādhūla- śrī-nivāsācārya-.  |
शारीरकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सारोद्धारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वभूतरुतग्रहणी | f. "comprising the sounds of all beings", a kind of writing (see sarva-ruta-saṃgrahiṇi-lipī-)  |
सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह | m. "compendium of all the darśana-s", Name of a treatise on the various systems of philosophy (not including the vedānta-) by mādhavācārya- or his brother sāyaṇa-  |
सर्वदेशवृत्तान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वदेवताप्रतिस्थ्ठासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वग्रह | m. eating or swallowing all at once  |
सर्वग्रहरूपिन् | mfn. (perhaps) having the form of (or pervading) all the planets (said of kṛṣṇa-)  |
सर्वज्योतिषसंग्रह | m. Name of work T  |
सर्वपुराणार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वार्थसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वसंग्रह | m. a general or universal collection  |
सर्वसंग्रह | m. Name of various works.  |
सर्वसंग्रह | mfn. possessed of everything  |
सर्वसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वसारसंग्रहणी | f. a particular mode of writing  |
सर्वसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वस्मृतिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वश्रुतिपुराणसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वातोद्यपरिग्रह | m. "comprehending every musical instrument", Name of śiva-  |
सर्ववैदल्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सर्वविग्रह | m. "all-shaped", śiva-  |
ससंग्रह | mfn. one who studies the saṃgraha- (q.v) together (id est subsidiarily) on  |
शशिग्रह | m. "moon-seizure", an eclipse of the moon  |
शशिग्रहसमागम | m. a conjunction of the moon with asterisms or planets  |
शस्त्रग्रह | m. taking arms, battle, fight  |
शास्त्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शास्त्रसिद्धान्तलेशसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शास्त्रसिद्धान्तलेशसंग्रहसार | m. Name of work  |
सततपरिग्रहधर्मकाङ्क्षिणी | f. Name of a kiṃnarī-  |
सततपरिग्रहम् | ind. continually, incessantly  |
षट्चक्रादिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सत्परिग्रह | m. acceptance (of gifts) from a proper person  |
सत्प्रतिग्रह | m. acceptance of gifts from virtuous men  |
शत्रुविग्रह | m. "war of enemies", hostile invasion  |
सत्संग्रह | mfn. being understood by the good  |
शौचसंग्रहविवृति | f. Name of work  |
सौम्यग्रह | m. an auspicious or benign planet (such as Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and the full moon)  |
सावग्रह | mfn. having an obstacle, having restraint, restrained, limited  |
सावग्रह | mfn. (in gram.) having the mark of separation or elision called avagraha- (q.v), being separated into its component parts or analyzed (as a word in the pada-pāṭha- q.v)  |
सावग्रह | mfn. withholding (its water, as a cloud)  |
सविग्रह | mfn. having body or form, embodied  |
सविग्रह | mfn. having meaning or import, meaning, importing  |
सावित्रग्रहहोम | m. Name of a particular oblation  |
सायुधप्रग्रह | mfn. holding weapons in the hand  |
शेषसंग्रहनाममाला | f.  |
शेषसंग्रहसारोद्धार | m. Name of supplements to hema-candra-'s abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi-.  |
सेतुसंग्रह | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on the mugdha-bodha-.  |
सिद्धग्रह | m. Name of a demon causing a particular kind of seizure or madness  |
सिद्धान्तचिन्तारत्नसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धान्तसंग्रहटीका | f. Name of work  |
सिद्धान्तसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धौषधसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शिल्पसर्वस्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शिरोग्रह | m. "head-seizure", disease or affection of the head  |
शिवाचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शिवपूजासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
स्कन्दग्रह | m. the demon skanda- (causing disease)  |
श्लेषार्थपदसंग्रह | m. Name of a dictionary of ambiguous words (by śrīharṣa-kavi-). |
श्लोकसंग्रह | m. Name of various works.  |
स्मरणानुग्रह | m. the favour of remembrance, kind remembrance  |
स्मार्तपदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
स्मृतिसागरसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
स्मृतिसंग्रह | m. Name of an ancient law-book (often quoted) and of other compilations  |
स्मृतिसंग्रहरत्नव्याख्यान | n. Name of work  |
स्मृतिसंग्रहसार | m. Name of work  |
स्मृतिसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
स्मृतिसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
षोडशिग्रह | m. a libation consisting of 16 graha-s  |
सोमग्रह | m. a cup or bowl of soma-  |
सोमग्रह | m. an eclipse of the moon  |
सोमग्रहण | mf(ī-)n. holding or containing soma-  |
सोमग्रहण | n. an eclipse of the moon  |
सोपग्रहम् | ind. with conciliation, in a conciliatory or friendly manner  |
श्राद्धगुणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्राद्धकाण्डसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्राद्धसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्राद्धवचनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्राद्धविवेकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रौतकर्मपदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रौतपरिभाषासंग्रहवृत्ति | f.  |
श्रीभाष्यसंग्रह | m. Name of Comm.  |
श्रीग्रह | m. a trough or place for supplying birds with water (equals śakunīprapā-)  |
श्रीवैष्णवाचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रुतग्रह | m. the perception of sacred knowledge,  |
श्रुतप्रकाशिकासंग्रह | m. Name of vedānta- work  |
श्रुतिपुराणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रुतिसंग्रह | m. Name of two vedānta- works.  |
श्रुतिवाक्सारसंग्रह | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
स्रुवप्रग्रहण | mfn. taking with a ladle, id est taking all to one's self, appropriating all  |
स्तनग्रह | m. the sucking or drawing of the breast  |
स्तेननिग्रह | m. the restraining or punishing of thieves  |
स्तेननिग्रह | m. suppression of theft  |
स्थलविग्रह | m. a land-fight  |
स्थालीग्रह | m. a ladleful taken out of a cooking-vessel  |
स्त्रीग्रह | m. a female planet (see -kṣetra-),  |
स्त्रीसंग्रहण | n. the act of embracing a women (criminally), adultery, seduction ( ) .  |
सुबन्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सुबर्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
शुभग्रह | m. an auspicious planet, lucky star (such as Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the moon when more than half full)  |
सुभाषितसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सुधासंग्रह | m. Name of a medical work  |
शूद्राचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सुग्रह | mfn. having a good handle  |
सुग्रह | mfn. easy to be obtained  |
सुग्रह | mfn. easy to be learnt or understood  |
सुग्रहण | n. reverential clasping (of a person's feet)  |
सूक्तिसंग्रह | m. Name of a kāvya- by kṛṣṇa-dāsa- kāyastha-.  |
शूलग्रह | ( Scholiast or Commentator) ( ) m. "spear-bearer", Name of śiva-.  |
सुनिग्रह | mfn. well controlled, easily restrained  |
सुपद्मसमाससंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सुप्तविग्रह | mfn. "having sleep for a body", appearing as sleep (said of kṛṣṇa-)  |
सुराग्रह | m. a cupful of surā-  |
सुराग्रह | m. equals -kumbha-  |
सुरससंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सूर्यचन्द्रग्रहण | n. Name of work  |
सूर्यादिग्रहफलकुण्डली | f. Name of work  |
सूर्यदिग्रहप्रीत्यर्थदान | n. Name of work  |
सूर्यादिग्रहसाधन | n. Name of work  |
सूर्यग्रह | m. "sun-planet", the sun  |
सूर्यग्रह | m. "sun-seizure", an eclipse of the sun  |
सूर्यग्रह | m. "sun-seizer", Name of rāhu- and ketu-  |
सूर्यग्रह | m. the bottom of a water-jar  |
सूर्यग्रहण | n. "sun-seizure", a solar eclipse  |
सूर्यग्रहण | n. Name of work  |
सुसंग्रह | m. an excellent compendium  |
शुष्कविग्रह | m. a useless contest  |
सूतसंहितासंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सूत्रग्रह | mfn. holding a thread Va1rtt. 2  |
सूत्रसंग्रह | m. one who grasps or holds the reins  |
सूत्रसंग्रह | m. collection of sūtra-s (in next)  |
सूत्रसंग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of works.  |
सुविग्रह | mfn. having a beautiful body or figure  |
सुविग्रह | m. Name of a messenger  |
स्वच्छन्दसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
स्वच्छन्दसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्वग्रह | m. "dog-seizer", Name of a demon hostile to children  |
स्वग्रह | m. Name of a demon attacking children,  |
श्वग्रहगृहीत | mfn. attacked by the dog-demon (epilepsy),  |
श्वग्रहप्रायश्चित्त | n. expiation for epilepsy,  |
स्वरसंग्रह | m. Name of work on suppression of the voice and breath (for attaining beatitude).  |
स्ववग्रह | mfn. easily checked or restrained  |
स्वविग्रह | m. one's own body (ham-,"one's self")  |
स्वयंग्रह | m. the taking for one's self (without leave), forcible seizure  |
स्वयंग्रहण | n. idem or 'm. the taking for one's self (without leave), forcible seizure '  |
स्वीकारग्रह | m. robbery, forcible seizure  |
ताराग्रह | m. "star-planet", one of the 5 lesser planets exclusive of the sun and moon  |
तर्कसंग्रह | m. Name of a manual of the vaiśeṣika- branch of the nyāya- philosophy by annam-bhaṭṭa-  |
तर्कसंग्रहदीपिका | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on that work by its author.  |
तत्त्वसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
तीरग्रह | m. plural Name of a people  |
तिथिनिर्णयसंग्रह | m. Name of another work on astronomy  |
तोमरग्रह | m. a lance-bearer Va1rtt. 1  |
तोमरग्रह | m. lance-throwing  |
तोमरग्रह | m.  |
त्रिपादविग्रह | mfn. three-footed  |
तुलाप्रग्रह | m. the string of a balance  |
तुषग्रह | m. "husk-seizer", fire  |
उदवग्रह | mfn. having the udātta- on the first part of a compound which contains an ava-graha-  |
उद्ग्रहण | n. the act of taking out  |
उद्ग्रहण | n. recovering (a debt see ṛṇodgr-)  |
उद्ग्रहण | n. taking up, lifting up  |
उद्ग्रहण | n. describing.  |
उद्ग्रहणिका | f. replying in argument, objection commentator or commentary on  |
उपाधिन्यायसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
उपग्रह | m. (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) seizure, confinement  |
उपग्रह | m. a prisoner  |
उपग्रह | m. a handful (of kuśa- grass)  |
उपग्रह | m. adding, addition (of a sound) commentator or commentary on  |
उपग्रह | m. an e- used as nidhana- (q.v) at the end of a sāman-  |
उपग्रह | m. alteration, change  |
उपग्रह | m. propitiation, conciliation, coaxing  |
उपग्रह | m. a kind of saṃdhi- or peace (purchased by the cession of everything)  |
उपग्रह | m. the pada- or voice of a verb commentator or commentary on  |
उपग्रह | m. a kind of demon causing diseases (supposed to preside over the planets)  |
उपग्रह | m. (fr. graha-with upa-implying inferiority) , a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind, a comet, meteor, falling star etc.  |
उपग्रहण | n. the act of seizing from below, holding under, supporting  |
उपग्रहण | n. comprehending, learning  |
उपग्रहण | n. the taking any one prisoner, seizure, capture  |
उपाग्रहण | n. commencement of reading the veda- (after the performance of initiation etc.See upā-karaṇa-)  |
उपांशुग्रह | m. the first graha- or ladle-full of soma- pressed out at a sacrifice  |
उपसंग्रह | m. the act of clasping round, embracing, embrace (especially of the feet of a revered person)  |
उपसंग्रह | m. respectful salutation, polite address (performed by touching the feet of the addressed person with one's hands)  |
उपसंग्रह | m. clasping (a womanSee dāropa-)  |
उपसंग्रह | m. bringing together, collecting, joining  |
उपसंग्रह | m. a pillow, cushion  |
उपसंग्रहण | n. the act of clasping round, embracing (exempli gratia, 'for example' the feet), respectful salutation (by embracing the feet)  |
उपस्थनिग्रह | m. restraint of sexual desire  |
उरोग्रह | m. "chest-seizure", pleurisy,  |
ऊरुग्रह | m. paralysis of the thigh  |
उत्तमसंग्रह | m. intriguing with another man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous looks etc.  |
उत्तमस्त्रीसंग्रहण | equals -saṃgraha- above.  |
वचनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वचनसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वचोग्रह | m. "receiving words", the ear  |
वादसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वधनिग्रह | m. capital punishment  |
वैद्यबोधसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैद्यकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैद्यकसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैद्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैद्यसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैद्यशास्त्रसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैशम्पायननीतिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैष्णवाचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैष्णवकर्णाभरणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैष्णवप्रमाणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वैयाकरणभूषणसंग्रह | m. |
वाजपेयग्रह | m. a ladleful taken at the vājapeya-  |
वाक्यग्रह | m. paralysis of speech  |
वाक्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वनग्रहण | n. the act of occupying a forest (see -grāhin-)  |
वनग्रहणकोलाल | m. or n. the din of occupying a forest, hunting cries |
वर्चोग्रह | m. obstruction of the feces, constipation  |
वर्चोविनिग्रह | m. equals -graha-  |
वर्णिकापरिग्रह | m. varṇikā |
वार्त्तिकसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वरुणग्रह | m. "seizure by varuṇa-", paralysis  |
वसाग्रह | m. a ladleful of melted fat  |
वासिष्ठनवग्रहपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
वास्तुसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वातग्रह | m. "wind-seizure", a particular disease  |
वेदान्ताचार्यविग्रहध्यानपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
वेदान्तपदार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वेदान्तार्थसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वेदान्तार्थसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वेदान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वेदान्तसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वेदान्तश्रुतिसारसंग्रह | Name of work m.  |
वेदार्थसंग्रह | m. an abstract of the more important upaniṣad-s by rāmānuja-.  |
वेदोपग्रहण | n. an addition or supplement to the veda- (Bombay edition pabṛṃhaṇa-).  |
वेङ्कटाद्रिनाथीयग्रहतन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
वेत्रग्रहण | n. "grasping the staff", the office of a door-keeper  |
विभूतिग्रहण | n. taking up ashes (at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony)  |
विचारार्कसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विड्ग्रह | m. stoppage or obstruction of the feces, constipation  |
विधानसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विद्वद्भूषणपद्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विद्याग्रहण | n. acquisition of science  |
विद्यारण्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विग्रह | mfn. (for 2.See vi-grah-) freed from"the Seizer" id est rāhu- (said of the moon)  |
विग्रह | m. (for 1.See p.950. column 2) keeping apart or asunder, isolation  |
विग्रह | m. division,  |
विग्रह | m. distribution (especially of fluids see vi-grah-)  |
विग्रह | m. (in gram.) independence (of a word, as opp. to composition)  |
विग्रह | m. separation, resolution, analysis, resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts, the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are kṛdanta-s, taddhita-s, all samāsa-s or compound words, ekaśeṣa-s, and all derivative verbs like desideratives etc.;the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb, the singular of the noun, and a few indeclinables not derived from roots;all compounds being called nitya-or"fixed", when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts; see jamad-agni-) etc.  |
विग्रह | m. discord, quarrel, contest, strife, war with (instrumental case with or without saha-, sārdham-or sākam- locative case genitive case with upari-,or compound) etc.  |
विग्रह | m. (one of the 6 guṇa-s or measures of policy [ see under guṇa-],also applied to the conflict of hostile planets, in this sense also n. ; accusative with kṛ-,to make or wage war)  |
विग्रह | m. separate id est individual form or shape, form, figure, the body etc. (also applied to the shape of a rainbow; accusative with grah-, pari-grah-, kṛ-, upā-dā-,to assume a form)  |
विग्रह | m. an ornament, decoration  |
विग्रह | m. (in sāṃkhya-) an element  |
विग्रह | m. Name of śiva- |
विग्रह | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
विग्रहध्यान | n. Name of a stotra-  |
विग्रहग्रहण | n. the assumption of a form  |
विग्रहण | n. diffusion, distribution  |
विग्रहण | n. taking hold of, seizure  |
विग्रहपालदेव | m. Name of a king  |
विग्रहपर | mfn. intent on war, engaged in fighting  |
विग्रहपरिग्रह | m. equals -grahaṇa-  |
विग्रहराज | m. Name of various kings  |
विग्रहराज | m. of a poet  |
विग्रहवत् | mfn. having form or figure, embodied, incarnate etc.  |
विग्रहवत् | mfn. having a handsome form or shape, fine, beautiful  |
विग्रहव्यावर्तनी | f. Name of work  |
विग्रहय | Nom. P. yati-, to contend or fight with (sārdham-)  |
विज्ञानभैरवोद्द्योतसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विमुक्तप्रग्रह | mfn. with slackened reins  |
विनायकशान्तिसंग्रह | m. Name of work or chapter from work  |
विनिग्रह | m. separation, division  |
विनिग्रह | m. restraining, checking, stopping, subduing, controlling etc.  |
विनिग्रह | m. restriction, limitation  |
विनिग्रह | m. disjunction, mutual opposition, an antithesis which implies that when two propositions are antithetically stated peculiar stress is laid on one of them  |
विनियोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विपरीतग्रहप्रकरण | n. Name of. work  |
वीरमहेश्वराचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विसर्पखिन्नविग्रह | mfn. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the visarpa- disease  |
विषयवाक्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विष्णुनाममाहात्म्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विष्णुविग्रहशंसनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
विश्रान्तविग्रहकथ | mfn. one in whom,"war"or"a body" (see vi-graha-) is out of the question id est "unwarlike"and"bodiless"(applied to king udayana- and to the god of love)  |
विश्वकर्मपुराणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विवरणप्रमेयसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विवरणसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विवरणसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विवेकसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विविधविधिप्रयोगसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
व्रतग्रहण | n. the taking upon one's self of a religious vow, becoming a monk  |
व्रतसंग्रह | m. the undertaking of any religious obligation  |
व्रतसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
व्रतोपवाससंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वृत्तिसंग्रह | m. Name of a concise commentator or commentary on pāṇini-'s sūtra-s (by rāma-candra-, a pupil of nāgoji-).  |
व्याधिनिग्रह | m. suppression of disease  |
व्यग्रहस्त | mfn. having the hands occupied with (compound)  |
व्याकरणसंग्रह | m. Name of gram. work  |
व्याप्तिग्रह | m. apprehension of a general proposition or of universal concomitance, induction  |
व्याप्तिग्रह | m. Name of work (also vyāptigrahopāya hopāya- m. vyāptigrahopāyaṭippaṇī hopāya-ṭippaṇī- f. vyāptigrahopāyapūrvapakṣaprakāśa hopāya-pūrva-pakṣa-prakāśa- m. vyāptigrahopāyarahasya hopāya-rahasya- n.)  |
व्यवस्थासारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
याजनप्रतिग्रह | m. dual number the performance of sacrifices for others and the acceptance of gifts (as the two privileges of Brahmans)  |
यज्ञसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
यज्ञसिद्धान्तविग्रह | m. Name of work  |
यक्षग्रह | m. "the being possessed by yakṣa-s", a particular kind of insanity  |
यक्षग्रहपरिपीडित | mfn. afflicted with it  |
यक्ष्मग्रह | m. an attack of consumption, consumption  |
यन्त्रसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
यष्टिग्रह | mfn. carrying a stick or staff Va1rtt. 1.  |
यथाग्रहणम् | ind. according to any statement, according to what was mentioned  |
यथावद्ग्रहण | n. right comprehension  |
यतिधर्मसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
यावद्ग्रहणम् | ind. until taking  |
यावद्ग्रहनं | ind. (also) until understanding,  |
यावद्ग्रहनं | as long as possible,  |
योगदानप्रतिग्रह | n. a fraudulent gift or acceptance  |
योगसंग्रह | m. Name of several works.  |
योगसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
योगवासिष्ठसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
योगवृत्तिसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |