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Grammar Search
"geham" has 2 results
geham: neuter nominative singular stem: geha
geham: neuter accusative singular stem: geha
Amarakosha Search
1 result
gṛham2.2.4-5NeuterSingularagāram, vastyam, sadma, geham, ālayaḥ, gṛhāḥ, bhavanam, niśāntam, veśma, nilayaḥ, mandiram, sadanam, niketanam, udavasitam, nikāyyaḥ
Apte Search
1 result
geham गेहम् [गो गणेशो गन्धर्वो वा ईहः ईप्सितो यत्र Tv.] A house, habitation; सा नारी विधवा जाता गेहे रोदिति तत्पतिः Subhāṣ. N. B. The loc. of this word is used with several words to form aluk Tat. compounds; e. g. गेहेक्ष्वेडिन् a. 'bellowing at home only', i. e. a coward, poltroon. गेहेदाहिन् a. 'sharp at home only' i.e. a coward. गेहेनर्दिन् a. 'shouting defiance at home only'; i. e. a coward, dunghill-cock; यद् गेहेनर्दिनमसौ शरैर्भीरुमभाययत् Bk.5.41. गेहमेहिन् a. 'making water at home; i.e. indolent. गेहेव्याडः a braggadocio, braggart, boaster. गेहेशूरः 'a househero', a carpet-knight, boasting coward.
Macdonell Search
2 results
pratigaja m. hostile elephant; -gata, pp. √ gam; n. return; -gamana, n. return; -gará, m. call in reply (of the Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotri); -gar itri, m. one who replies with a call; -garg ana, n. answering roar (of a cloud): â, f. id.; -gâtra, °ree;-or -m, ad. at every member; -giri, m. mountain opposite; -gîryam, fp. n. one should reply with a call; -gúpya, fp. one should beware of (ab.); -griham, ad. in every house; -grihîtavya, fp. to be re ceived kindly, to be welcomed (incorrect for -grahî-); -grihîtri, m. receiver (incorrect for -grahî-); -geham, ac. ad. in every house.
bahiraṅga a. external; unessen tial: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -argala, --°ree;, a. external bolt; -artha, m. external object; -gata, pp. come forth: -tva, n. appearance; -giri, m. (country beyond the hills), N. of a country: pl. N. of a people; -geham, ad. outside the house; -grâmam, ad. outside the village; -grâma-pratisraya, a. dwelling outside the village; -dris, a. looking at the outside, superficial (person); -dvâra, n. outer door; space outside the door; -dvârin, a. being outside the door; -dh&asharp;, ad. prp. with ab. outside, away from (V.); -nirgamana, n. going out of (ab.); -nihsarana, n. taking out, removal; -bhava, a.external; -bhâga, m. exterior; -mandala-stha, a. being out side the circle; -mukha, a. issuing from the mouth; averting one's face, averse from (--°ree;); having one's mind outward, i.e. directed to wards the external world; -yâna, n. going out; (ír)-loma, a. having the hair turned outwards; -loman, a. id.; -vâsas, n. upper garment; -vikâram, ad. apart from indi vidual existence (Sâmkhya ph.); -vritti, f. occupation with external matters; -vedi, 1. f. space outside the Vedi; 2. ad. (í) outside the Vedi; -vedi-ka, a. being outside the Vedi.
Vedabase Search
11 results
geham family affairsCC Madhya 1.81
SB 10.82.48
geham houseSB 10.41.17
geham in family affairsCC Madhya 13.136
geham residenceSB 10.69.19
geham the housesSB 10.86.26
geham to the houseSB 9.18.34
drupada-geham in the palace of King DrupadaSB 1.15.7
para-geham another's homeSB 1.13.21
drupada-geham in the palace of King DrupadaSB 1.15.7
para-geham another's homeSB 1.13.21
Wordnet Search
"geham" has 1 results.


gṛham, geham, udvasitam, veśma, sadma, niketanam, niśāntam, natsyam, sadanam, bhavanam, agāram, sandiram, gṛhaḥ, nikāyaḥ, nilayaḥ, ālayaḥ, vāsaḥ, kuṭaḥ, śālā, sabhā, pastyam, sādanam, āgāram, kuṭiḥ, kuṭī, gebaḥ, niketaḥ, sālā, mandirā, okaḥ, nivāsaḥ, saṃvāsaḥ, āvāsaḥ, adhivāsaḥ, nivasati, vasati, ketanam, gayaḥ, kṛdaraḥ, gartaḥ, harmyam, astam, duroṇe, nīlam, duryāḥ, svasarāṇi, amā, dame, kṛttiḥ, yoniḥ, śaraṇam, varūtham, chardichadi, chāyā, śarma, ajam   

manuṣyaiḥ iṣṭikādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ vāsasthānam।

gṛhiṇyā eva gṛhaṃ śobhate।

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