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Monier-Williams Search
4 results for garbhavat
garbhavatīf. pregnant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiraṇyagarbhavatīf. (-garbh/a--) a verse containing the word hiraṇya-garbha-
punargarbhavatīf. pregnant again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabdārthagarbhavatmfn. containing (virtually) sound and meaning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
garbhavatī गर्भवती A pregnant woman.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"garbhavat" has 1 results
garbhavatliterally just like a foetus. The word is used in connection with affixes that are placed like a foetus in the midst of a word in spite of the rule that affixes are to be placed after; confer, compare परश्च P. III. 1. 2. The affixes अकच् , टाप् et cetera, and others are of this kind; confer, compare गर्भवट्टाबादयो भवन्ति । यथा मध्ये गर्भस्तथा टाबादयः स्त्रीप्रत्ययाः प्रातिपदिकस्वाद्योर्मध्ये भवन्ति Sīradeva's ParibhāṣāvṛttiPar. Vṛ. Pari. 91.
Wordnet Search
"garbhavat" has 2 results.


garbhavatī, garbhiṇī, antarvatnī, gurviṇī, dohadavatī, sasatvā, āpannasatvā, udariṇī, gurvī   

yasyāḥ udare garbhaḥ asti।

garbhavatyāḥ suśruṣā samyak kartavyā।


garbhavatī, antaḥsattvā, āpannasattvā, āptagarbhā, udariṇī, gurviṇī, daurhṛdinī, sagarbhā, sasattvā, dohadavatī, gurvī   

garbhayuktā strī।

garbhavatīnāṃ viśeṣaṃ rakṣaṇaṃ karaṇīyam।

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