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Grammar Search
"gamat" has 1 results
gamat: third person singular tense paradigm injunctive class parasmaipadagam
Monier-Williams Search
14 results for gamat
गमथm. a traveller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गमथm. a road View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आगमतत्त्वसंग्रहm. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चण्डवेगासंगमतीर्थn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हृदयंगमताf. hṛdayaṃgama
जङ्गमत्वn. movableness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लिङ्गागमतन्त्रn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मृगमत्तकm. a, jackal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नागमतीf. Ocimum Sanctum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निगमतत्त्वसारm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शक्तिसंगमतन्त्रn. Name of Tantric work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संगमतन्त्रराजm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विमलेश्वरपुष्करिणीसंगमतीर्थn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यक्तरोमोद्गमत्वn. romodgama
Apte Search
1 result
gamathaḥ गमथः 1 A traveller. -2 A road.
Macdonell Search
1 result
viṣṇukrama m. pl. Vishnu's steps (three steps to be taken by the sacrificer be tween Vedi and Âhavanîya); -gupta, m. ep. of Kânakya; N. of a Buddhist; -gâmâtri, m. son-in-law Vishnu; -tva, n.Vishnu's nature; -datta, m. N.; -nya&ndot;ga, a. in which Vishnu is frequently mentioned; -pada, n. zenith; sky; -purâna, n. T. of a Purâna; -mat-î, f. N. of a princess; -maya, a. (î) relating to, having the nature of, Vishnu; -mitra, m. frequent N. (used as an instance like Cajus); -loka, m. Vishnu's world; -vâh ana, n. Vishnu's vehicle, Garuda; -sakti, 1. f. Vishnu's energy, Lakshmî; 2. m. N. of a king; -sarman, m. N. of various men, esp. of the narrator of the Pañkatantra and the Hitopadesa; -sûkta, n. hymn to Vishnu; -svâmin, m. temple or statue of Vishnu.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results3 results
gamat sa gomati vraje RV.7.32.10d. Cf. gamema gomati.
gamat sa śiprī na sa yoṣad ā gamat RV.8.1.27c.
bhūtasyājīgamat patiḥ # AVP.1.50.1d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"gamat" has 1 results
aṃ(ं)nasal utterance called अनुस्वार and written as a dot a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the vowel preceding it. confer, compare स्वरमनु संलीनं शब्द्यते इति; it is pronounced after a vowel as immersed in it. The anusvāra is considered (l) as only a nasalization of the preceding vowel being in a way completely amalgamated with it. confer, compare Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.V. 11,31; XV. 1; XXII. 14 ; (2) as a nasal addition to the preceding vowel, many times prescribed in grammar as nuṭ (नुट् ) or num (नुम् ) which is changed into anusvāra in which case it is looked upon as a sort of a vowel, while, it is looked upon as a consonant when it is changed into a cognate of the following consonant (परसवर्ण) or retained as n (न्). confer, compare P. VIII.4.58; (3) as a kind cf consonant of the type of nasalized half g(ग्) as described in some treatises of the Yajurveda Prātiśākhya: cf also Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.)1.22 V.Pr.14.148-9. The vowel element of the anusvāra became more prevalent later on in Pali, Prkrit, Apabhraṁśa and in the spoken modern languages while the consonantal element became more predominant in classical Sanskrit.
Vedabase Search
15 results
aikyam amalgamationCC Madhya 9.30
ajohavīt amalgamated itSB 1.15.41
ajuhot amalgamatedSB 1.15.42
bhāva-samāhāra amalgamation of the feelingsCC Madhya 19.234
dhārayan amalgamatingSB 9.7.25-26
mahāntam the mahat-tattva, the raw amalgamation of matterSB 11.6.16
meli' being amalgamatedCC Madhya 20.254
bhāva-samāhāra amalgamation of the feelingsCC Madhya 19.234
samāhāraḥ manifest amalgamationSB 12.7.12
saṃhatāḥ amalgamatedSB 11.22.18
saṃhatya by amalgamationSB 11.24.9
sandadhe amalgamatedSB 4.23.17
sańghāṭaḥ the amalgamationSB 12.4.6
sanniveśam the amalgamationSB 11.1.10
yuktaiḥ being so amalgamatedSB 3.11.40


roasting; oxidizing metals; amalgamation of mercury; assimilation; digestion of metals by mercury.

Wordnet Search
"gamat" has 3 results.


sahajatā, sugamatā, saralatā, ṛjutā, ārjava   

sahajasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

yad kāryaṃ mama kṛte kaṭhīnam āsīt tad kāryaṃ aruṇā sahajatayā karoti।


yātrikaḥ, pānthaḥ, atkaḥ, adhvagaḥ, adhvanīnaḥ, ahiḥ, āhiṇḍakaḥ, itvaraḥ, gamathaḥ, gāntuḥ, deśikaḥ, pathilaḥ, pādavikaḥ, prothaḥ, vahataḥ, vahatuḥ, samīraṇaḥ, adhvagacchan   

yaḥ yātrāṃ karoti।

nirave mārge dvau yātrikau coreṇa mṛṣṭau।


bāghamatī, bāgamatī nadī   

nepāladeśasya samatale bhāge tathā ca bihārapradeśe pravahantī nadī।

bāgamatī bihāraprānte mithilā kṣetre vartate।

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