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Grammar Search
"gacchet" has 1 results
gacchet: third person singular present optative class 1 parasmaipadagam
Vedabase Search
9 results
gacchet is promotedSB 7.12.17
gacchet one should goSB 11.17.38
gacchet should goSB 2.2.22
SB 4.11.32
gacchet will attainSB 10.87.3
na adhigacchet he should not approach to enjoySB 11.8.14
āgacchet one should comeBG 3.34
anugacchet can followSB 5.6.15
na adhigacchet he should not approach to enjoySB 11.8.14
Parse Time: 1.754s Search Word: gacchet Input Encoding: IAST: gacchet