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Monier-Williams Search
19 results for gacch
गच्छm. ( gam-) a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गच्छm. the period (number of terms) of a progression on 19 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गच्छm. family, race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गच्छm. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for kakṣa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गच्छत्mfn. pr. p. P. fr. gam- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभिगच्छत्mfn. approaching, etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अध्वगच्छत्m. a traveller, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अगच्छmfn. not going View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अगच्छm. a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अस्तंगच्छत्m. (= lagna-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अयुगच्छदm. Echites Scholaris, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चित्रबलगच्छm. Name of a Jain gaccha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जगच्छन्दस्(j/ag-) mfn. one to whom the jagatī- metre belongs, connected with it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रागच्छन्नm. "love-covered", Name of the god of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रागच्छन्नm. of rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शशिगच्छm. the lunar race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तपागच्छm. the 6th gaccha- of the śvetāmbara- Jains (founded by jagac-candra-, A.D. 1229). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तपोगच्छm. equals -g-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
युगच्छिद्रn. a hole in a yoke, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
gacchaḥ गच्छः 1 A tree. -2 The period (i. e. number of terms) of a progression (in math.).
agaccha अगच्छ a. [गम् बाहु. श, न. त.] Not going. -च्छः A tree.
Macdonell Search
2 results
gaccha pr. base of √ gam.
anāgacchat pr. pt. not coming.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results8 results
ādityavadgaṇasya soma deva te matividas tṛtīyasya savanasya jagatīchandasa indrapītasya narāśaṃsapītasya pitṛpītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi (Mś. savanasya jagacchandaso 'gnihuta indrapītasya) # TS.; Mś. P: ādityavadgaṇasya (followed by fragments ... narāśaṃsapītasya ... indrapītasya ...) Apś.12.24.7,9. Cf. under tasya ta.
indav indrapītasya ta indriyāvato jagacchandasaḥ sarvagaṇasya sarvagaṇa upahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi # PB.1.5.16.
ṛbhur asi jagacchandāḥ # AVś.6.48.2; śB.; KB.13.1.11. P: ṛbhur asi Vait.17.10. See sakhāsi jagac-, saghāsi, and svaro 'si.
tasya ta indav indrapītasyendriyāvato 'nuṣṭupchandaso harivataḥ sarvagaṇasya (Kś. -endriyāvato gāyatrachandasaḥ [also triṣṭupchandasaḥ, jagacchandasaḥ] sarvagaṇasya; PB.9.9.11, -endriyāvataḥ sarvagaṇasya) sarvagaṇa upahūta upahūtasya (Kś. -gaṇa upahūtasyopahūto) bhakṣayāmi # Kś.25.12.6,7; PB.1.6.1; 9.9.11. Cf. indav indrapītasya, and Vait.19.6.
narāśaṃsapītasya soma deva te matividaḥ prātaḥsavanasya gāyatrachandasaḥ pitṛpītasya (Mś., mativido mādhyaṃdinasya savanasya triṣṭupchandasaḥ; Mś., matividas tṛtīyasya savanasya jagacchandasaḥ) # Mś.;; P: narāśaṃsapītasya Mś.
yas te rājan varuṇa jagacchandāḥ pāśo viśi pratiṣṭhitas taṃ ta etenāvayaje # MS.2.3.3: 30.12. See yas te deva varuṇa jagatī-.
yas te rājan varuṇa triṣṭupchandāḥ pāśaḥ kṣatre pratiṣṭhitas taṃ ta etenāvayaje (KS. triṣṭupchandā jagacchandā anuṣṭupchandāḥ pāśas taṃ ta etad avayaje) # MS.2.3.3: 30.11; KS.12.6. See yas te deva varuṇa triṣṭup-.
yas te rājan varuṇa druhaḥ pāśas triṣṭupchandā (also pāśo gāyatrachandāḥ, pāśo jagacchandā, and pāśo 'nuṣṭupchandā) antarikṣam (also pṛthivīm, divam, and diśo) anvāviveśa (once 'nvāviveśa, after diśo) kṣatre (also brahmaṇi, viśi, and paśuṣu) pratiṣṭhitas taṃ ta etad avayaje # KS.17.19.
Vedabase Search
116 results
gaccha comeCC Antya 16.87
SB 4.12.5
gaccha goSB 10.36.30
SB 10.48.35
SB 3.24.38
SB 4.8.42
gaccha go awaySB 10.30.21
gaccha go toMM 20
gaccha immediately goSB 9.6.6
gaccha just goSB 11.30.46
gaccha now goSB 10.2.7
gaccha please goSB 10.46.3
SB 11.29.41-44
gaccha you goSB 9.3.33
SB 9.4.71
gacchan goingBG 5.8-9
CC Madhya 17.1
SB 6.17.4-5
gacchan movingSB 10.26.7
gacchan obtainingSB 11.3.7
gacchan travelingSB 10.38.2
gacchan while goingSB 12.6.11
gacchantaḥ going alongSB 10.12.7-11
gacchanti attainBG 15.5
gacchanti goBG 14.18
gacchanti goBG 14.18
BG 5.17
BG 8.24
gacchanti reachSB 10.51.38
gacchanti they goSB 1.5.31
SB 11.25.21
SB 9.11.22
gacchanti they reachBG 2.51
gacchasva please goSB 10.48.32
gacchatām of tourists on a program for going from one place to anotherSB 9.19.26
gacchatam please goSB 10.45.48
gacchati achievesBG 6.37
gacchati feelSB 10.31.11
gacchati goesBG 6.40
SB 10.1.40
gacchati it perishesSB 11.10.22
gacchatīm going forwardSB 4.12.33
gaccheḥ would doSB 3.12.30
gacchet is promotedSB 7.12.17
gacchet one should goSB 11.17.38
gacchet should goSB 2.2.22
SB 4.11.32
gacchet will attainSB 10.87.3
abhigacchanti enter intoIso 3
abhigacchati approaches for sexual intercourseSB 5.26.20
adhigacchanti come to knowSB 12.6.33
adhigacchati attainsBG 2.64
adhigacchati attainsBG 2.71
adhigacchati attainsBG 4.39
adhigacchati attainsBG 5.6
adhigacchati attainsBG 5.24
adhigacchati does attainBG 6.15
adhigacchati is promotedBG 14.19
adhigacchati one attainsBG 18.49
adhigacchati realizesSB 4.7.54
adhigacchati goes backSB 4.29.84
adhigacchati one can understandSB 7.12.16
adhigacchati he attainsSB 11.29.25
na adhigacchet he should not approach to enjoySB 11.8.14
adhyagaccham properly understoodSB 2.6.35
adhyagacchan reachedSB 8.5.17-18
na adhyagacchan they could not come to a conclusionSB 10.74.18
adhyagacchat understandSB 2.9.5
adhyagacchat could findSB 6.18.59
na adhyagacchat do not obtainSB 10.3.27
āgaccha please come hereSB 10.11.16
āgaccha please comeSB 10.41.12
āgacchanti are comingSB 4.13.30
āgacchat returnedSB 10.47.68
āgacchat came forwardSB 10.78.11
agacchat he wentSB 10.81.14
agacchat nidhanam became lostSB 11.23.10
āgacchataḥ of one who is comingSB 5.17.9
āgacchataḥ those who were comingSB 11.8.24
āgacchati has come backSB 5.8.19
na āgacchati does not comeSB 10.53.23
āgacchati is comingCC Antya 6.285
āgacchet one should comeBG 3.34
anugacchet can followSB 5.6.15
anvagaccham ran afterSB 11.26.11
anvagacchan followed one after anotherSB 1.9.2
anvagacchan followedSB 4.4.4
anvagacchan they followedSB 11.30.45
anvagacchat followedSB 8.12.27
apagacchati is spoiledNoI 6
avagaccha must knowBG 10.41
avagaccha should knowCC Madhya 20.375
avagacchati knowsCC Madhya 2.18
na eva gacchati does not goCC Antya 1.67
śaraṇam gaccha surrenderBG 18.62
tat gacchatam now both of you may returnSB 10.10.42
na eva gacchati does not goCC Antya 1.67
na adhyagacchat do not obtainSB 10.3.27
na āgacchati does not comeSB 10.53.23
na adhyagacchan they could not come to a conclusionSB 10.74.18
na adhigacchet he should not approach to enjoySB 11.8.14
na eva gacchati does not goCC Antya 1.67
agacchat nidhanam became lostSB 11.23.10
nigacchati attainsBG 9.31
nigacchati gainsBG 18.36
nirgacchantī going out toward the streetSB 11.8.25-26
nirgacchat emanatingSB 8.15.19
samadhigacchanti they attainSB 5.22.4
samadhigacchati attainsBG 3.4
samavagacchanti very easily obtainSB 5.14.39
sańgacchante becomeSB 5.6.2
śaraṇam gaccha surrenderBG 18.62
tat gacchatam now both of you may returnSB 10.10.42
upāgacchat cameSB 6.14.14
upagacchati he obtainsSB 5.14.15
vinirgacchan while leavingSB 1.18.30
9 results
gaccha noun (masculine) a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
family (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the period (number of terms) of a progression (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50945/72933
agacchant adjective not going
Frequency rank 20424/72933
anadhigacchant adjective not reaching (an aim) not understanding
Frequency rank 22917/72933
anāgacchant adjective
Frequency rank 31792/72933
anirgacchant adjective not going out not leaving
Frequency rank 22970/72933
apratyāgacchant adjective
Frequency rank 43915/72933
gacchatrā noun (feminine) Tiaridium Indicum
Frequency rank 55802/72933
bhṛṅgacchallī noun (feminine) a species of creeper
Frequency rank 60835/72933
yugacchada noun (masculine) Bauhinia variegata
Frequency rank 63060/72933
Wordnet Search
"gacch" has 6 results.


gacchatā kālena   

cirakālāt anantaram।

gacchatā kālena saḥ yad ghaṭitaṃ tad vismṛtavān tathā ca rāmaṃ mitryakarot।


vṛkṣaḥ, taruḥ, drumaḥ, pādapaḥ, druḥ, mahīruhaḥ, śākhī, viṭapī, amokahaḥ, kuṭaḥ, sālaḥ, palāśī, āgamaḥ, agacchaḥ, viṣṭaraḥ, mahīruṭ, kuciḥ, sthiraḥ, kāraskaraḥ, nagaḥ, agaḥ, kuṭāraḥ, viṭapaḥ, kujaḥ, adriḥ, śikharī, kuṭhaḥ, kuñjaḥ, kṣitiruhaḥ, aṅgaghripaḥ, bhūruhaḥ, bhūjaḥ, mahījaḥ, dharaṇīruhaḥ, kṣitijaḥ, śālaḥ   

śākhā-parṇa-skandha-mūlādi-yuktā dīrghajīvīnī vanaspatiḥ।

vṛkṣāṇāṃ rakṣaṇaṃ kartavyam।


yātrikaḥ, pānthaḥ, atkaḥ, adhvagaḥ, adhvanīnaḥ, ahiḥ, āhiṇḍakaḥ, itvaraḥ, gamathaḥ, gāntuḥ, deśikaḥ, pathilaḥ, pādavikaḥ, prothaḥ, vahataḥ, vahatuḥ, samīraṇaḥ, adhvagacchan   

yaḥ yātrāṃ karoti।

nirave mārge dvau yātrikau coreṇa mṛṣṭau।


sammil, saṃgacch, samāgacch, same, sannipat   

ekasmin sthāne ekatrībhavanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

sarve bālakāḥ prāṅgaṇe sammilanti।



kasyāpi aṅgādeḥ chedanaṃ kṛtvā teṣāṃ pṛthakkaraṇam।

śāhajahām̐ iti nāmnā rājñā tejomahālayasya nirmātṛṇāṃ tejomahālayasya nirmāṇānantaraṃ aṅgacchedanaṃ kṛtam।



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

gacchasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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