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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
गो g/aus- (accusative g/ām- instrumental case g/avā- dative case g/ave-, genitive case ablative g/os- locative case g/avi-; dual number g/āvā-[Ved.], g/āvau-; plural Nominal verb g/āvas- accusative g/ās-[rarely g/āvas- ] instrumental case g/obhis- dative case ablative g/obhyas-, genitive case g/avām-[once at the end of a pāda- ] and [in at the end of pāda-s only see ] g/onām- locative case g/oṣu-) m. an ox f. a cow, (plural) cattle, kine, herd of cattle etc. (in compound before vowels[ see ] gav-, gava-,qq. vv.; see also gavām-, gavi-, gāṃ- ss.vv.; gavāṃ vrata-Name of a sāman-; gavāṃ tīrtha-See go t-; g/oṣu-gam-,to set out for a battle [to conquer cows] ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.681s Search Word: g/os Input Encoding: Devanagari IAST: g/os