abhisidh | -sidhyati-, to be accomplished ; to obtain, win (with accusative)  |
ādā | P. /ā-dyati-, to bind on, fasten to  |
aditi | mfn. (4. dā-or do-, dyati-;for 1. /a-diti-See above) , not tied, free , boundless, unbroken, entire, unimpaired, happy  |
agadya | Nom. P. agadyati-, to have good health, (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- q.v) ; to heal  |
anumid | -medyati-, to become fat after another  |
anurudh | to bar (as a way) ; to surround, confine, overcome etc. ; cl.4 A1. -rudhyate- or Epic P. -rudhyati- (2. sg. -rudhyase- ), to adhere to, be fond of, love ; to coax, soothe, entreat.  |
anuvyadh | cl.4 P. -vidhyati-, to strike afterwards ; to penetrate, pierce through, wound.  |
aparādh | -rādhyati-or -rādhnoti-, to miss (one's aim, etc.) ; to wrong, offend against (genitive case or locative case) ; to offend, sin.  |
avabudh | budhyate- (future 3. plural -bhotsyante- ,rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' -budhyati- ;2. sg. -budhyasi- ) to become sensible or aware of, perceive, know Causal (imperfect tense -bodhayat-) to make one aware of, remind of ; to cause to know, inform, explain etc.: Passive voice -budhyate-, to be learnt by (instrumental case)  |
avado | -dyati- (ind.p. -dāya- ) Ved. to cut off, divide (especially the sacrificial cake and other objects offered in a sacrifice) etc. ; to cut into pieces ; (Aorist Potential A1.1. sg. -diṣīya-[derived fr. ava-dā-,"to present", by ];perhaps fr. ava-day-above) to appease, satisfy with (instrumental case)  |
avavyadh | -vidhyati-, to throw down into (locative case) , (opposed to abhyā-r/ohati- commentator or commentary equals pramadyati-) to fall or sink down ; (Potential -vidhyet-) "to throw down from", deprive of (locative case)  |
āvyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to throw in, fling away ; to drive or scare away ; to push away or out ; to shoot at, wound etc. ; to hit, pierce, break ; to pin on etc. ; to swing etc. ; to stir up, excite, agitate  |
āyudh | P. -yudhyati- (future -yotsyati- ) to war against, attack, oppose: Causal -yodhayati- idem or 'mfn. collected together, brought into connexion '  |
bandh | cl.9 P. ( ) badhn/āti- (rarely A1. badhnīt/e-; cl.1 P. A1. bandhati-, te- ; cl.4 P. badhyati- ; imperative badhāna- , bandhāna- , -badhnīhi- , bandha- ; perfect tense P. bab/andha-,3. plural bedh/us- , babandhus- ; A1. bedh/e-, dhir/e- , babandhe- grammar; future bhantsyati- etc., bandhiṣyati-, te- ; banddhā- grammar; Aorist abhāntsīt- grammar; preceding badhyāt- ; infinitive mood banddhum-,or bandhitum- , b/adhe- ind.p. baddhv/ā- , dhv/āya- , -badhya- ; -bandham- ), to bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter etc. ; to bind round, put on ( ;later also P."on one's self") etc. ; to catch, take or hold captive, met. = to attach to world or to sin ; to fix, direct, fasten, rivet (eyes, ears or mind) on (locative case or infinitive mood) ; to arrest, hold back, restrain, suppress, stop, shut, close ; to bind a sacrificial victim, offer, sacrifice (with dative case of the deity to whom it is presented) : ; to punish, chastise ; to join, unite, put together or produce anything in this way, exempli gratia, 'for example' fold (the hands), clench (the fist), knit or bend (the eyebrows), arrange, assume (a posture), set up (a limit), construct (a dam or a bridge), span, bridge over (a river), conceive or contract (friendship or enmity), compose, construct (a poem or verse) etc. ; to form or produce in any way, cause, effect, do, make, bear (fruit), strike (roots), take up (one's abode) ; to entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution etc.) : Passive voice badhy/ate- (ti- ), to be bound etc. etc. ; (especially) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil, sin again ; to be affected by id est experience, suffer (instrumental case) : Causal bandhayati- (Aorist ababandhat-), to cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison etc. ; to cause to be built or constructed ; to cause to be embanked or dammed up ; to bind together (also bādhayati-) : Desiderative bibhantsati- grammar : Intensive bābanddhi-, bābadhyate- [ confer, compare Zend band; Greek , ; Latin foedus,fides; Lit.be4ndras; Gothic Anglo-Saxon bindan; German binden; English bind.] |
dhyai | cl.1 P. dhy/āyati- (Epic also te-,or cl.2. dhyāti-; imperative dhyāhi-; Potential dhyāyāt- ; yīta- ; perf. dadhyau- etc.; Aorist /adhyāsīt- ;3. plural dhyāsur- ; future dhyāsyati- ; dhyātā- ; ind.p. dhyātvā- ; -dhyāya- ; dhyāyam- ) to think of, imagine, contemplate, meditate on, call to mind, recollect (with or scilicet manasā-or si-, cetasā-, dhiyā-, hṛdaye-etc.) etc. ; to brood mischief against (accusative) ; (alone) to be thoughtful or meditative etc. ; to let the head hang down (said of an animal) : Passive voice dhyāyate-, to be thought of, etc. ; Causal dhyāpayati- grammar : Desiderative didhyāsate- : Intensive dādhyāyate-, dādhyāti-, dādhyeti- grammar  |
dī | (dīdī-or dīdi-). cl.3 P. 3. plural dīdyati- (imperative dīdihi-and didīh/i- ; imperfect tense /adīdet- ; perfect tense dīdāya-or( ) dīdaya-; dīd/etha-, didiyus- ; subjunctive dīd/ayati-, yat- ; d/īdayat- ; dīdāyat- ; dīdayante- ; preceding dīdyāsam- ; parasmE-pada Pres. P. d/īdiat- A1. d/īdiāna-, parasmE-pada perfect tense dīv/as-) to shine, be bright ; to shine forth, excel, please, be admired ; bestow upon (locative case or dative case) by shining |
gadh | cl.4. gadhyati-, to be mixed  |
gṛdh | cl.4 P. g/ṛdhyati- (perf. 3. plural jagṛdhur- ; jāgṛdh/ur- ; Aorist /agṛdhat- ; future gardhiṣyati- ; pr. p. g/ṛdhyat- ; ind.p. gṛddhvā- ), to endeavour to gain ; to covet, desire, strive after greedily, be desirous of or eager for (locative case [ etc.] or accusative ) : Causal P. gardhayati-, to be greedy ; to make desirous or greedy ; A1. yate-, to deceive, cheat : Intensive 2. sg. imperfect tense ajarghāḥ- ; ([ confer, compare anu--, prati--; abhi-ghṛdhna-, pra-gardhin-; confer, compare also Old German gir: modern German gier:Engl.greedy(?): Gothic gredags,gaurs: Hibernian or Irish greadaim,"I burn";greadhnach,"joyful, glad";gradh,"love, charity;dear ";graidhneog,"a beloved female", etc.: Lithuanian godus,gedu: Slavonic or Slavonian glad,"hunger."])  |
gudh | cl.4 P. dhyati- (ind.p. gudhitvā- ;See upa-gudha-), to wrap up, envelop, cover, clothe (confer, compare guṇṭh-) : cl.9 P. dhnāti-, to be angry, : cl.1 A1. godhate-, to play, sport (confer, compare gūrd-, gud-), ; ([ confer, compare Greek ; Old German hu1t; German haut; Anglo-Saxon hyde,hyd; Latin cutis?])  |
heḍ | or heḷ- (see hel-and hīḍ-) cl.1 A1. heḍate-, heḷate-, helate-, to be or make angry or hostile (krudhyati-karman- ; only occurring in /a-heḷat-, lamāna-,and ḷayat-,qq. vv.) ; to act or treat carelessly or frivolously (anādare- ; only in heḍamāna- ; helamāna- ; and Causal helayati-, te-[ see vi-hel-] perfect tense helayām-āsa- ) ; cl.1 P. heḍati- (perfect tense jiheḍa-etc. grammar), to surround, clothe, attire : Causal heḍayati- (Aorist ajiheḍat-or ajīhiḍat-; see under hīḍ-) grammar  |
iradh | (anomalous Intensive of rādh-) A1. (3. plural iradhanta- ) P. iradhyati- to endeavour to gain ; to worship ([ ]) (The infinitive mood ir/adhyai-( ) is by referred to this form, and regarded as a shortened form for ir/adhadhyai-;but refers it to īr-.)  |
iṣudhya | Nom. (fr. iṣu-dhi-) P. A1. iṣudhyati-, -te-, to be a quiver, contain arrows gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- ; (for 2. iṣudhya-,also for iṣudhyā-and iṣudhyu-See next column)  |
klid | cl.4. klidyati- (rarely A1. te- ), to be or become wet or damp ; to rot, putrefy : Causal P. kledayati-, to bedew, wet, moisten ; (Aorist aciklidat-) ; "to soil" See kledita-.  |
krudh | cl.4 P. kr/udhyati- (Epic rarely A1. te- ;(See also krudhyamāna-); perf. cukrodha- etc.; future 2nd krotsyati- ; future 1st kroddhā- ; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. krudhas- ; infinitive mood kroddhum- ), to become angry, be wrathful or angry with (dative case [ ] or genitive case), on account of (locative case): Causal krodh/ayati- (Aorist /acukrudhat- ; subjunctive 1. sg. cukrudham-,1. plural dhāma-), to make angry, provoke, irritate (infinitive mood krodhayitum-); ([ confer, compare Lithuanian rus-tus,"angry";rus-tybe7"anger" ; Greek German groll; Hibernian or Irish corruidhe,"anger, wrath, motion";corruigh,"fury, resentment."])  |
kṣudh | cl.4 P. kṣ/udhyati- (parasmE-pada kṣ/udhyat-; imperfect tense /akṣudhyat-; Aorist subjunctive kṣudhat-; future 1st kṣoddhā- ; ind.p. kṣudhitvā- ), to feel hungry, be hungry  |
kṣviḍ | (or 2. kṣvid-= svid-) cl.1 A1. kṣveḍate-, kṣvedate-, to be wet or unctuous, exude, emit sap cl.4 P. kṣvidyati- idem or 'See gehe-kṣv-.'  |
mad | (confer, compare mand-) cl.4 P. ( ) m/ādyati- (Epic also te-; Vedic or Veda alsocl.1. P. A1. madati-, te-;cl.3. P. mam/atti-, ttu-, mam/adat-, /amamaduḥ-; Vedic or Veda imperative m/atsi-, sva-; perfect tense mam/āda-; Aorist amādiṣuḥ-, amatsuḥ-, amatta-; subjunctive m/atsati-, sat-; future maditā-, madiṣyati- grammar; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maditos-), to rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel in (instrumental case genitive case locative case,rarely accusative), be drunk (also figuratively) with (instrumental case) etc. ; to enjoy heavenly bliss (said of gods and deceased ancestors) ; to boil, bubble (as water) ; to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, animate, inspire : Causal mād/ayati-, te- ( ; Aorist /amīmadat-or amamadat-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maday/adhyai-), to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire etc. ; (A1.) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased or happy or at ease ; (A1.) to enjoy heavenly bliss : Desiderative mimadiṣati- grammar : Intensive māmadyate-, māmatti- ([Perhaps originally "to be moist"; confer, compare Greek ; Latin madere.])  |
maidhātitha | n. Name of a sāman- (also maidhyātitha-).  |
medhyātithi | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (a kāṇva- and author of ;3. 33; ix, 41-43) (see medh/atithi-and maidhyātitha-).  |
nidā | P. -dyati-, to bind on, fasten  |
niravado | P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (ind.p. -dāya-), to distribute or divide completely, give any one his share, appease or satisfy with (double accusative)  |
nirvyadh | P. -vidhyati- (ind.p. -vidhya-), to pierce through or into, hit, wound, beat, kill  |
nivyadh | P. -vidhyati- (Epic also te-), to throw down, break or push in ; to pierce through, shoot at, hit, wound  |
nyāvyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to cause to burst forth, let loose, set free  |
parāvyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to hurl or fling away or out ; to strike, hit, wound  |
parikhid | P. -khidyati-, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy : Causal -khedayati-, to trouble, afflict, destroy  |
parikrudh | P. -krudhyati-, to fly into a rage, become enraged  |
pariśudh | P. A1. -śudhyati-, te-, to be washed off, become clean or purified ; (A1.) to purify or justify one's self, prove one's innocence : Causal -śodhayati-, to clear, clean ; to clear off, restore ; to try, examine ; to solve, explain, clear up  |
parivyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to shoot at (accusative), hit, pierce with (instrumental case)  |
paryavado | P. -dyati-, to cut off or slice all round  |
pramad | (or mand-) P. (rarely A1.) -madati-, -mandati-, -mādyati- (te-), to enjoy one's self, be joyous, sport, play ; to be careless or negligent, to be indifferent to or heedless about (ablative or locative case) etc. ; to neglect duty for, idle away time in (locative case) etc. ; to be thrown into confusion : Causal P. -mādayati-, to gladden, delight ; A1. -mādayate-, to enjoy, indulge in  |
pramid | P. A1. -medyati-, -medate-, to begin to become fat  |
prasidh | P. -sidhyati-, (rarely A1. te-), to be accomplished or effected, succeed etc. ; to result from (ablative) ; to be explained or made clear on  |
pratigṛdh | P. -gṛdhyati-, to be greedy or eager for (accusative)  |
pratikrudh | P. -krudhyati-, to be angry with (accusative) in return  |
prativyadh | P. -vidhyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to shoot against, hit, wound etc., etc.: Passive voice -vidhyate-, to be aimed at or hit, to be touched upon or discussed  |
pratyavado | P. -dāt/i-, or -dyati-, to divide again  |
pravad | P. A1. -vadati-, te- (Ved. infinitive mood pr/a-vaditos-), to speak out, pronounce, proclaim, declare, utter, say, tell etc. ; to speak to (accusative) ; to raise the voice (said of birds and animals) ; to roar, splash (said of water) ; (see a-pravadat-) to assert, affirm, state ; to pronounce to be, call, name (2 accusative) etc. ; to offer for sale (with instrumental case of price) (varia lectio): Causal -vādayati-, to cause to sound, play (with accusative of the instrument) etc. ; (without an object) to play, make music (also -vādyati-,with act. meaning ) .  |
pravyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to hurl, cast, throw away or down etc. ; to hurl missiles, shoot ; to pierce, transfix, wound  |
pronmad | (pra-ud-mad-) P. -mādyati-, to begin to grow furious, begin to rut (as an elephant)  |
radh | or randh- cl.4 P. ( ) r/adhyati- (perfect tense rarandha-,1. plural rarandhima-or redhma- grammar;3. plural rāradh/uḥ- ; Aorist aradhat- ; subjunctive randhīs- imperative randhi-for randdhi- ; future radhitā-, raddhā- grammar; radhiṣyati-, ratsyati- ; infinitive mood radhitum- ), to become subject to (dative case), be subdued or overthrown, succumb ; to be completed or matured (see rādh-) ; to bring into subjection, subdue ; to deliver into the hand of (dative case) ; to hurt, torment : Causal randh/ayati- (Ved. also te-; Aorist rīradhat- ; ararandhat- grammar), to make subject, deliver over to (dative case) ; to torment, afflict ; to destroy, annihilate ; to cook, prepare (food) : Desiderative riradhiṣati-, riratsati- grammar : Intensive rāradhyate-, rāraddhi- grammar (in rārandh/i-for rāranddh/i-,and rāranta-for rārantta-) to hand over to, deliver.  |
rādh | (confer, compare ṛdh-and radh-) cl.5.4. P. ( ) rādhn/oti- rādhyati- (Vedic or Veda also proper rādhati-and r/ādhyate-; perfect tense rar/ādha- etc. etc. [2. sg. rarādhitha-or redhita-, confer, compare ]; Aorist, arātsīt-, rādhiṣi- ; preceding rādhyāsam- ; future rāddhā- grammar; rātsyati- ; ind.p. rāddhv/ā-, -rādhya- ), to succeed (said of things), be accomplished or finished ; to succeed (said of persons), be successful with (instrumental case), thrive, prosper ; to be ready for, submit to (dative case) ; to be fit for, partake of, attain to (dative case or locative case), ; (rādhyati-) to prophesy to (dative case) ; to accomplish, perform, achieve, make ready, prepare, carry out ; to hit, get at (accusative) ; to propitiate, conciliate, gratify ; to hurt, injure, destroy, exterminate (confer, compare ) : Passive voice rādhyate- (Aorist /arādhi-), to be conciliated or satisfied (confer, compare rādhyate-above) : Causal rādh/ayati- (Aorist arīradhat- ; Passive voice rādhyate- ), to accomplish, perform, prepare, make ready etc. ; to make favourable, propitiate, satisfy : Desiderative of Causal rirādhayiṣati- : Desiderative rirātsati- or -ritsati- Va1rtt. 1 : Intensive rārādhyate-, rārāddhi- grammar ([ confer, compare iradh-; Gothic gare7dan,rathjo1; Slavonic or Slavonian raditi.])  |
ṛdh | cl. (Potential 1. plural ṛdhema- ; subjunctive 3. sg. ṛdhat- ; present tense parasmE-pada ṛdh/at-; see ṛdh/ad-below) ṛdhyati- ; ṛdhnoti- ; ṛṇaddhi- ; ānardha-, ardhitā-, ardhiṣyati-, etc., to grow, increase, prosper, succeed etc. ; to cause to increase or prosper, promote, make prosperous, accomplish : Passive voice ṛdhyate-, to be promoted, increase, prosper, succeed : Causal ardhayati-, to satisfy : Desiderative ardidhiṣati- or īrtsati- ; ([ see rādh-and vṛdh-.])  |
reḍ | or reḷ- cl.1 A1. r/eḷate-, to be angry (= krudhyati-) (only in /a-reḍat- equals anādaram akurvat- )  |
sādh | (connected with2. sidh-) cl.1 P. A1. s/ādati-, te- ; according to to , cl.4. sādhyati-, cl.5. sādhnoti- (in also sadhnoti-; perfect tense sasādha-; Aorist asātsīt-; future sāddhā-, sātsyati-; infinitive mood sāddhum-,in later language sādhitum-;Ved. infinitive mood s/adhase- q.v), to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful, succeed, prosper ; to bring straight to an object or end, further, promote, advance, accomplish, complete, finish ; to submit or agree to, obey ; (sādhyati-) to be completed or accomplished : Causal sādhayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist asīṣadhat-;Ved. also sīṣadhati-, dhaḥ-, dhema-, dhātu-; Passive voice sādhyate- etc.), to straighten, make straight (a path) ; to guide straight or well, direct or bring to a goal ; to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over etc. ; to summon, conjure up (a god or spirit) ; (in law) to enforce payment, recover (a debt), collect (taxes) etc. ; to subdue a disease, set right, heal, cure ; to bring to an end or conclusion, complete, make perfect, bring about, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, practice (with vākyam-,"to execute any one's [ genitive case ] order";with naiṣkarmyam-,"to practise inactivity";with marum-,"to practise abstinence";with mantram-,"to practise the recitation of spells") etc. ; to attain one's object, be successful ; to produce, make, render (two accusative) ; to establish a truth, substantiate, prove, demonstrate ; to make ready, prepare ; to gain, obtain, acquire, procure etc. ; to find out (by calculation), ; to grant, bestow, yield etc. ; to put or place in (locative case) ; to set out, proceed, go (in dramatic language according to to = gam-) etc.: Desiderative of Causal siṣādhayisati- or sisādhayirhati-, to desire to establish or prove : Desiderative siṣātsati- grammar : Intensive , sāsādhyate-, sāsdidhi- |
samabhidhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, or -dhyāti-, to reflect deeply on, meditate on ; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for (accusative) |
samavado | (or3. dā-) P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (3. plural perfect tense A1. -dadire-), to divide and put together piece by piece  |
samāvyadh | P. -viddhyati-, to whirl, brandish  |
saṃdā | (or do-) P. -dāti-, or -dyati-, to cut together, gather by or after cutting (as the sacrificial grass) ; to cut, divide  |
saṃdā | P. -dyati-, to bind together, fasten together, tie  |
saṃkrudh | P. -krudhyati-, to be enraged, be angry with (accusative) (see ) .  |
samṛdh | P. -ṛdhyati-, -ṛdhnoti- (Ved. infinitive mood -ṛdhe-), to succeed well, prosper, flourish, increase or grow greatly Passive voice -ṛdhyate-, to be completely successful, be fulfilled or accomplished, succeed, prosper ; to share in abundantly, be amply furnished with (instrumental case) : Causal -ardhayati-, to cause to succeed or prosper, accomplish, fulfil ; to cause to be abundantly furnished with (instrumental case) ; to bestow liberally on (dative case)  |
saṃsidh | P. -sidhyati-, (Epic also te-), to be accomplished or performed thoroughly, succeed ; to attain beatitude or bliss  |
saṃśudh | P. -śudhyati-, to become completely pure or purified : Causal -śodhayati-, to purify or cleanse thoroughly, clear ; to clear (expenses), pay off ; to clear, secure (as a road against attack) ; to subtract ; to divide  |
saṃvyadh | P. -vidhyati- (m. Calcutta edition also te-), to shoot or pierce continuously  |
sidh | (weak form of sādh-) cl.4 P. ( ) s/idhyati- (Epic and mc. also te-;pf: siṣedha- ; Aorist asidhat- grammar; saitsīt- ; preceding sidhyāsam- grammar; future seddhā- ; setsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood seddhum- grammar; ind.p. sedhitvā-, sidhitvā-,or siddhvā- ), to be accomplished or fulfilled or effected or settled, be successful, succeed etc. ; to hit a mark (locative case) ; to attain one's aim or object, have success etc. ; to attain the highest object, become perfect, attain beatitude ; to be valid or admissible, hold good ; to be proved or demonstrated or established, result from ; to be set right, (especially) be healed or cured ; to be well cooked ; to conform to a person's will, yield to (genitive case) ; to fall to a person's (genitive case) lot or share ; to come into existence, originate, arise : Causal sedhayati- (Aorist asīṣidhat-) or sādhayati-, to show the knowledge or skill (of any one, the former,"with reference to sacred things", the latter,"to secular things") on (sadh-), to accomplish, effect : Desiderative siṣitsati- grammar : Intensive seṣidhyate-, seṣeddhi-  |
śudh | or śundh- cl.1 P. A1. ( ) śundhati-, te- (imperative śunddhi- ; perfect tense śuśundha- Aorist aśundhīt- future śundhitā-, śundhiṣyati- grammar), to purify (A1."one's self", become or be pure) ; cl.4 P. A1. ( ) śudhyati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense śuśodha- Aorist aśudhat- future śoddhā-, śotsyati-, infinitive mood śoddhum- grammar), to be cleared or cleansed or purified, become pure (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to become clear or free from doubts ; to be cleared or excused from blame, to be excusable : Passive voice śudhyate- (Aorist aśodhi-) grammar : Causal śundhayati-, to clear, purify ; śodhayati- (Aorist aśūśudhat-), to purify (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to correct, improve ; to remove (impurity or anything noxious) etc. ; to clear off, pay (debts) ; to acquit, exculpate, justify ; to put to test ; to try, examine ; to make clear, explain ; to subtract : Desiderative śuśutsati- : Intensive śośudhyate-, śośoddhi- grammar  |
svid | cl.1 A1. 4. P. ( ) svedate- or svidyati- (A1. svidyate- ; parasmE-pada svidyamāna- ; perfect tense siṣveda- grammar; siṣvide- ; parasmE-pada siṣvidān/a- ; Aorist asvidat- ; future svettā-, svetsyati- grammar; ind.p. -svedam- ), to sweat, perspire etc. ; (svedate-), to be anointed ; to be disturbed (?) : Causal svedayati- (Aorist asiṣvidat-), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics ; to foment, soften : Desiderative of Causal sisvedayiṣati-, grammar : Desiderative sisvitṣati- : Intensive seṣvidyate-, seṣvetti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin su1dor,sUdare; Anglo-Saxon swa7t; English sweat; German Schweiss,schwitzen.]  |
unmad | (ud-mad-) P. -mādyati-, to become disordered in intellect or distracted, be or become mad or furious : Causal -madayati-, or -mādayati-, to excite, agitate (See also /un-madita-) ; to make furious or drunk, inebriate, madden : (see un-mand-,next page.)  |
vidā | (or do-,not separable fr.4. dā-) P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (ind.p. -ditya-), to cut up, cut to pieces, bruise, pound ; to untie, release, deliver from (ablative) ; to destroy  |
vikṣudh | P. -kṣudhyati-, to be hungry  |
vimad | P. -mādyati- (Ved. also -madati-), to be joyful or merry (only p. -m/adat-) ; to become perplexed or discomposed ; to confound, embarrass, disturb : Caus, (only Aorist vy-amīmadam-), to confuse, perplex, be. wilder  |
virādh | P. -rādhyati-, to hurt, injure ; (only Aorist A1. -rādhiṣi-), to lose, be deprived of (instrumental case) : ; Causal -rādhayati-, to become disunited, be at variance, disagree (see a-virādhayat-).  |
viṣṭuti | f. a variety of arrangement for reciting the verses of the tri-vṛt- stoma- (3 such varieties are enumerated, viz. udyatī-, parivartinī-,and kulāyinī-)  |
viśudh | P. A1. -śudhyati-, te-, to become perfectly pure (especially in ritual sense) etc. ; to become clear (said of the senses) ; (in algebra) to remain naught, : Causal viśodhayati-, to purify (especially ritually) ; to improve, correct ; to free from suspicion, exculpate ; to justify ; to set clear, fix or determine accurately ; (in algebra) to subtract |
vivyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to pierce through, transfix  |
vyadh | cl.4 P. ( ) v/idhyati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense parasmE-pada vivyādha- etc.;3. plural vivyadhuḥ- , vividhuḥ- ; A1. vivyadhe- ; parasmE-pada vividhv/as- ; Aorist vyātsīḥ- ; preceding vidhyāt- grammar; future veddhā-, vetsyati-, te- ; vyaddhā-, vyatsyati- grammar; infinitive mood veddhum- ; -vidhe- ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā-, -vidhya- ), to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound etc. ; (with sirām-) to open a vein, bleed ; to pelt with (instrumental case) ; to inflict, attach to, affect with (accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing) ; to shake, wave ; (in astronomy) to fix the position of a heavenly body ; to cling to (accusative) : Causal vyādhayati-, (Epic also vedhayati-; Aorist avīvidhat-or avivyadhat-), to pierce, open (a vein) ; to cause to pierce or perforate : Desiderative vivyatsati-, to wish to affect or taint with (instrumental case) : Intensive vevidhyate- or vāvyaddhi- (?) grammar |
vyāvyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to throw or wave about, brandish  |
vyucchid | ( -ud-chid-) only Passive voice (with act. terminations) -chidyati-, to be cut off or interrupted or extirpated, become extinct, come to an end, cease, fail  |
yudh | cl.4 A1. ( ) y/udhyate- (rarely P. ti-; cl.1 P. yodhati- ; imperative y/otsi- ; perfect tense yuy/odha-, yuyudh/e- etc.; Aorist Ved. yodhi-, yodhat-, yodhān/a-; ayodhīt-, yodhiṣat-; yutsmahi-; Epic yotsīs-;Class. ayuddha-; future yoddhā- ; yotsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood yudh/e-or yudh/aye- ; yudham- ; yoddhum- ; ind.p. -yuddhvī- ; -yudhya- ), to fight, wage war, oppose or (rarely) overcome in battle ; to fight with (instrumental case,also with saha-, samam-) or for (locative case) or against (accusative) etc. ; (y/udhyati-), to go ; to move, fluctuate (as waves) (confer, compare on ) : Passive voice yudhyate-, to be fought (also impersonal or used impersonally) (varia lectio): Causal yodh/ayati- ( ; mc. also te-; Aorist ayūyudhat- ; Passive voice yodhyate- ), to cause to fight, lead to war, engage in battle etc. ; to oppose or overcome in war, be a match for (accusative) etc. ; to defend : Desiderative y/uyutsati-, te- (P.in Class. only mc.) , to be desirous or anxious to fight, wish to fight with (instrumental case) etc.: Causal of Desiderative yuyutsayati-, to make desirous of fighting : Intensive yoyudhyate-, yoyoddhi- (confer, compare yavīy/udh-) grammar ([ confer, compare Zend yud; Greek .])  |