ābhid | Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be divided or torn or cleft.  |
abhiprabudh | A1. - budhyate-, to feel, experience,  |
abhirādh | Causal -rādhayati-, to propitiate, conciliate etc.: Causal Passive voice -rādhyate-, to be rendered propitious : Causal Desiderative -rirādhayiṣati-, to intend to render propitious  |
abhiśabdaya | Nom. P. (pr. p. yat-) to name, call : Passive voice -śabdyate-, to be called  |
abhisambandh | -badhnāti-, to refer to (accusative), mean by commentator or commentary on : Passive voice -badhyate-,"to be referred to", belong to, require to be connected with (instrumental case [ ]or accusative [ etc.]) .  |
abhisampad | Ved. -padyate-, to become ; to become similar to, be changed to (accusative) etc. ; to come to, arrive at, obtain : Causal -pādayati-, to make equal to, change into (accusative)  |
abhisamprapad | -padyate- (equals abhi-sam-pad-) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (accusative)  |
abhivibudh | -budhyate-, to notice, learn from.  |
abhyupapad | A1. -padyate-, to approach in order to help etc. ; to ask for help ; to furnish with  |
anunipad | -padyate-, to lie down by the side of  |
anurudh | to bar (as a way) ; to surround, confine, overcome etc. ; cl.4 A1. -rudhyate- or Epic P. -rudhyati- (2. sg. -rudhyase- ), to adhere to, be fond of, love ; to coax, soothe, entreat.  |
anuvad | P. (with accusative) to repeat the words of ; to imitate (in speaking) ; to resound ; to repeat, insist upon ; (according to ,also A1.if without object or followed by a Gen.) Passive voice (anūdyate-) to be expressed correspondingly ; see anudita- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
āpad | A1. -padyate- (perfect tense -pede- Aorist āpādi-,etc.) to come, walk near, approach ; to enter, get in, arrive at, go into etc. ; to fall in or into ; to be changed into, be reduced to any state ; to get into trouble, fall into misfortune ; etc. ; to get, attain, take possession ; to happen, occur etc.: Causal -pādayati- (Aorist 1. plural /ā-pīpadāma- ) to cause to enter, bring on ; to bring to any state ; to bring into trouble or misfortune etc. ; to bring near or towards, fetch, procure, produce, cause, effect etc. ; to procure for one's self, obtain, take possession ; to change, transform.  |
ārādh | Causal P. -rādhayati-, to conciliate, propitiate ; to strive to obtain the favour of or gain a boon from ; to solicit ; to honour, worship ; to deserve, merit etc.: Passive voice -rādhyate-, to be effected or accomplished  |
avabudh | budhyate- (future 3. plural -bhotsyante- ,rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' -budhyati- ;2. sg. -budhyasi- ) to become sensible or aware of, perceive, know Causal (imperfect tense -bodhayat-) to make one aware of, remind of ; to cause to know, inform, explain etc.: Passive voice -budhyate-, to be learnt by (instrumental case)  |
avacchid | ( chid-) to refuse any one : Passive voice /ava-cchidyate-, to be separated from (ablative)  |
avapad | -padyate- (subjunctive P. -padāti- ; preceding A1.3. sg. -padīṣṭa- ; Aorist subjunctive A1.3. sg. -pādi- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -p/adas- ) Vedic or Veda to fall down, glide down into (accusative) etc. ; (Imper. A1.3. plural -padyantām-; subjunctive P.2. sg. -patsi-; Potential P.1. sg. -padyeyam-) to drop from (ablative), be deprived of (ablative) ; (subjunctive A1.1. sg. -padyai-) to fall, meet with an accident ; (future 3. plural -patsyanti-) to throw down : Causal (Imper. 2. sg. -pādaya-; ind.p. -pādya-) to cause to glide or go down  |
āvid | P. (subjunctive 1. sg. /ā-vidam- ;Inf. -v/ide- ) A1. (subjunctive 1. sg. /ā-vide- ; Aorist 1. sg. /āvitsi- ) to reach, obtain ; to get into: Passive voice -vidyate-, to exist  |
bādh | cl.1 A1. ( ) bādhat/e-, Epic and mc. also P. ti- (perfect tense babādh/e- ; Aorist bādhiṣṭa- , bādhiṣṭām- ; future bādhiṣyate-, ti- etc., bādhitā- grammar; infinitive mood b/ādhe- , bādhitum- ; ind.p. bādhitvā-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order, b/ādhya- ), to press, force, drive away, repel, remove etc. ; (with v/arīyas-) to force asunder ; to harass, pain, trouble, grieve, vex etc. ; to resist, oppose, check, stop, prevent etc. ; to set aside (as a rule), annul, invalidate etc. ; to suffer annoyance or oppression : Passive voice bādhyate-, to be pressed etc. ; to be acted upon, suffer : Causal bādhayati- (Aorist ababādhat- ), to oppress, harass, attack, trouble, vex : Desiderative bibādhiṣate-, to wish to remove or chase away ; bhatsate-, to feel an aversion for, loathe, shrink from (ablative) etc. (see ) Intensive bābadhe- (See pra-bādh-) ; badbodh/e-, to press hard, hem in, confine ; pr. p. badbadhān/a-, striking, knocking against (accusative) ; hemmed in, pent up, [Cf. vadh-,also for kindred words.] |
bandh | cl.9 P. ( ) badhn/āti- (rarely A1. badhnīt/e-; cl.1 P. A1. bandhati-, te- ; cl.4 P. badhyati- ; imperative badhāna- , bandhāna- , -badhnīhi- , bandha- ; perfect tense P. bab/andha-,3. plural bedh/us- , babandhus- ; A1. bedh/e-, dhir/e- , babandhe- grammar; future bhantsyati- etc., bandhiṣyati-, te- ; banddhā- grammar; Aorist abhāntsīt- grammar; preceding badhyāt- ; infinitive mood banddhum-,or bandhitum- , b/adhe- ind.p. baddhv/ā- , dhv/āya- , -badhya- ; -bandham- ), to bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter etc. ; to bind round, put on ( ;later also P."on one's self") etc. ; to catch, take or hold captive, met. = to attach to world or to sin ; to fix, direct, fasten, rivet (eyes, ears or mind) on (locative case or infinitive mood) ; to arrest, hold back, restrain, suppress, stop, shut, close ; to bind a sacrificial victim, offer, sacrifice (with dative case of the deity to whom it is presented) : ; to punish, chastise ; to join, unite, put together or produce anything in this way, exempli gratia, 'for example' fold (the hands), clench (the fist), knit or bend (the eyebrows), arrange, assume (a posture), set up (a limit), construct (a dam or a bridge), span, bridge over (a river), conceive or contract (friendship or enmity), compose, construct (a poem or verse) etc. ; to form or produce in any way, cause, effect, do, make, bear (fruit), strike (roots), take up (one's abode) ; to entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution etc.) : Passive voice badhy/ate- (ti- ), to be bound etc. etc. ; (especially) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil, sin again ; to be affected by id est experience, suffer (instrumental case) : Causal bandhayati- (Aorist ababandhat-), to cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison etc. ; to cause to be built or constructed ; to cause to be embanked or dammed up ; to bind together (also bādhayati-) : Desiderative bibhantsati- grammar : Intensive bābanddhi-, bābadhyate- [ confer, compare Zend band; Greek , ; Latin foedus,fides; Lit.be4ndras; Gothic Anglo-Saxon bindan; German binden; English bind.] |
bhāva | m. state, condition, rank (with sthāvira-,old age; anyam bhāvam āpadyate-,euphem. = he dies;state of being anything, especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' bālabhāva-,the state of being a child, childhood equals bālatā-,or tva-;sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun exempli gratia, 'for example' tanutā-bhāva-,the state of thinness) etc.  |
bhṛṇīya | Nom. A1. y/ate-, to be angry (equals krudhyate-) (see bhrī-and hṛṇīya-).  |
budh | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bodhati-, te- ; cl.4 A1. b/udhyate- (Epic also P. ti-; perfect tense P. bubodha- ; subjunctive b/ubodhati- ; A1. bubudh/e-, parasmE-pada bubudhān/a- ; Aorist P. subjunctive bodhiṣat- ; imperative bodhi- ; A1.3 plural abudhram-, ran-; parasmE-pada budhān/a- subjunctive budh/anta- ; abhutsi- ; preceding A1. bhutsīṣṭa- ; future bhotsyati-, te- etc.; boddhā- grammar; ind.p. buddhvā- ; -budhya- etc.; infinitive mood b/udhe- ; budh/i- ; boddhum- etc.) , to wake, wake up, be awake etc. ; to recover consciousness (after a swoon) (Aorist Passive voice abodhi-) ; to observe, heed, attend to (with accusative or genitive case) ; to perceive, notice, learn, understand, become or be aware of or acquainted with etc. ; to think of id est present a person ("with" instrumental case) ; to know to be, recognize as (with two accusative) etc. ; to deem, consider or regard as (with two accusative) : Passive voice budhyate- (Aorist abodhi-), to be awakened or restored to consciousness ; See above: Causal bodh/ayati-, te- (Aorist abūbudhat-; Passive voice bodhyate-), to wake up, arouse, restore to life or consciousness etc. ; to revive the scent (of a perfume) ; to cause (a flower) to expand ; to cause to observe or attend, admonish, advise etc. ; to make a person acquainted with, remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two accusative) etc.: Desiderative bubhutsati-, te- (grammar also bubodhiṣati-, te-,and bubudhiṣati-, te-), to wish to observe, desire to become acquainted with : Desiderative of Causal See bibodhayiṣu- and bubodhayiṣu-: Intensive bobudhīti- (grammar also bobudhyate-, boboddhi-), to have an insight into, understand thoroughly (with accusative) [ confer, compare Zend bud; Greek for () in, Slavonic or Slavonian bu8de8ti,bu8dru8; Lithuanian bude4ti,budru4s; Gothic biudan; German biotan,bieten; Anglo-Saxon be4odan; English bid.] |
had | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) hadati-, te- (perfect tense jahade-; Aorist ahatta-etc. grammar), to evacuate, discharge excrement : Causal hādayati- grammar : Desiderative jihatsate- : Intensive jāhadyate-, jāhatti- [ confer, compare Greek .]  |
khid | cl.6. khindati- ( ;Ved. khidati- ; perf. cikheda-,or Vedic or Veda cakhāda- ; future khetsyati- ), to strike, press, press down ; to be depressed or wearied : cl.7 A1. khintte-, to be pressed down, suffer pain : cl.4 A1. khidyate- (rarely P. ), to be pressed down or depressed, be distressed or wearied, feel tired or exhausted etc.: Causal P. khedayati- (rarely A1. ), to press down, molest, disturb, make tired or exhausted (varia lectio) ; ([ confer, compare Greek ?]) |
mad | (confer, compare mand-) cl.4 P. ( ) m/ādyati- (Epic also te-; Vedic or Veda alsocl.1. P. A1. madati-, te-;cl.3. P. mam/atti-, ttu-, mam/adat-, /amamaduḥ-; Vedic or Veda imperative m/atsi-, sva-; perfect tense mam/āda-; Aorist amādiṣuḥ-, amatsuḥ-, amatta-; subjunctive m/atsati-, sat-; future maditā-, madiṣyati- grammar; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maditos-), to rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel in (instrumental case genitive case locative case,rarely accusative), be drunk (also figuratively) with (instrumental case) etc. ; to enjoy heavenly bliss (said of gods and deceased ancestors) ; to boil, bubble (as water) ; to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, animate, inspire : Causal mād/ayati-, te- ( ; Aorist /amīmadat-or amamadat-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maday/adhyai-), to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire etc. ; (A1.) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased or happy or at ease ; (A1.) to enjoy heavenly bliss : Desiderative mimadiṣati- grammar : Intensive māmadyate-, māmatti- ([Perhaps originally "to be moist"; confer, compare Greek ; Latin madere.])  |
mid | or mind- cl.1 A1. or cl.4 P. ( ) m/edate- or m/eiyati- (of the former only 3. sg. imperative med/atām- ; perfect tense mimeda-, mimide-; Aorist amidat-, amediṣṭa-; future meditā-, mediṣyati-, te-; ind.p. miditvā-or meditvā- grammar; Passive voice, midyate- impersonal or used impersonally ), to grow fat ; cl.10 P. ( ) mindayati- or medayati- (see mitra-) ; the latter also as Causal "to make fat"  |
mrad | (see 1. mṛd-) cl.1 A1. mradate- (grammar also perfect tense mamrade- future mraditā-etc.) , only in pra-- and vi-mrad-: Causal mradayati- (Aorist amamradat- ), to smooth: Desiderative mimradiṣate- grammar : Intensive māmradyate-, māmratti-  |
mṛd | (confer, compare mrad-and mṛḍ-) cl.9 P. mṛdnāti- (cl.1. P. A1. m/ardati-, te- ; confer, compare ; perfect tense P. mamarda-,3. plural mamṛduh-.or mamarduḥ- A1. mamṛde- ; Aorist, amaradīt- grammar; future, mardiṣyati-, te- ; infinitive mood marditum- ; tos- ; -mrad/e- ; ind.p., mriditvā- ; m/ṛdya- etc.; -mardam- ), to press, squeeze, crush, pound, smash, trample down, tread upon, destroy, waste, ravage, kill, slay etc. ; to rub, stroke, wipe (exempli gratia, 'for example' the forehead) ; to rub into, mingle with (instrumental case) ; to rub against, touch, pass through (a constellation) ; to overcome, surpass : Causal mardayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist amīmridat-or amamardat-), to press or squeeze hard, crush, break, trample down, oppress, torment, plague, destroy, kill etc. ; to rub ; to cause to be trampled down : Desiderative mimardiṣati-, to desire to crush or pound Intensive marmartti- (only imperative ttu- ), to crush, grind down, destroy ; marīmartti- and marimṛdyate- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek and under mṛdu-.])  |
mud | cl.1 A1. ( ) m/odate- (Epic and mc. also P. ti-; perfect tense mum/oda- ; mumude- etc.; Aorist amodiṣṭa- grammar; Potential mudīmahi- ; preceding modiṣīṣṭhās- ; future moditā- grammar; modiṣyate- ; ind.p. -modam- ), to be merry or glad or happy, rejoice, delight in (instrumental case or locative case) etc. etc.: Causal , modayati-, te- (Aorist amumudat-), to gladden, give pleasure, exhilarate : Desiderative , of Causal mumodayiṣati- : Desiderative mumodiṣate- or mumudithate- : Intensive momudyate-, momudīti-, momotti- grammar  |
nad | cl.1 P. ( ) n/adati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense nanāda-, nedur-, nedire- ; Aorist anādīt- grammar; future nadiṣyati-, ditā- ) to sound, thunder, roar, cry, howl etc. (also with nād/am-, śabdam-, svanam-etc.) etc. etc.: Passive voice nadyate- : Causal nad/ayati-, te-, to make resound or vibrate ; nādayati-, te-, to make resonant, fill with noises or cries etc. ; Aorist anīnadat- grammar ; Passive voice nādyate- : Desiderative ninadiṣati- grammar : Intensive 3. plural n/ānadati-, parasmE-pada n/ānadat- ; 3. sg. nānadyate-, parasmE-pada dyamāna- to vibrate or sound violently, to roar, howl, cry, neigh etc.  |
nand | cl.1 P. ( ) n/andati-, Epic also te- (perfect tense nananda- ; future nandiṣyate- , diṣyati-and ditā- grammar; Aorist anandīt-; infinitive mood nanditum- ) to rejoice, delight, to be pleased or satisfied with, be glad of (instrumental case,rarely ablative) etc. etc.: Passive voice nandyate- etc.: Causal nandayati-, te- Aorist ananandat-, to make glad, gladden etc.: Desiderative ninandiṣati- grammar : Intensive nānandyate-  |
nibandh | P. -badhnāti-, to bind on, tie, fasten to (locative case) etc. ; to enchain, fetter (literally and figuratively) etc. ; to contract, unite, join, close, obstruct ; to compose, draw up, write down etc. ; to catch, win, acquire ; to hold fast, restrain, check ; to put or fix upon (foot, eye etc. id est undertake, begin, with locative case) ; to fix, place, locate ; to show, exhibit : Passive voice -badhyate-, to be bound etc.  |
nibhid | (Passive voice -bhidyate-), to be opened, open (varia lectio anu-bh-).  |
nigad | P. -gadati-, (Aorist ny-agadīt- ), to recite, proclaim, announce, declare, tell, speak etc. ; to speak to, address (accusative), to say anything (accusative) to (accusative) ; to enumerate, cite, quote ; to call (especially Passive voice -gadyate-,to be called or named) etc.: Causal -gādayati-, to cause to recite : Intensive -jāgadyate-, (with pass. meaning) to assert firmly or repeatedly  |
nipad | A1. -padyate-, to lie down, rest, lie down with (accusative) : Causal -pādayati-, to throw down, fell  |
nirbhid | P. A1. -bhinatti- (2. sg. subjunctive Aorist -bhed- ; perfect tense -bibheda- etc.; -bibhide- ; ind.p. -bhidya- etc.) , to cleave or split asunder, divide, open, pierce, hurt, wound, destroy etc. ; (with locane-) to put out ; (with kham-) to form an aperture, excavate ; (with granthim-) to loose, untie ; to penetrate id est find out, investigate, discover etc.: Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken asunder cleave or split open (intrans.)  |
nirvid | P. -vindati-, (A1. -vide- ind.p. -vidya-), to find out (A1.) to get rid of, do away with (genitive case or accusative) : Passive voice -vidyate-, to be despondent or depressed, be disgusted with (ablative or instrumental case,rarely accusative) etc.: Causal -vedayati-, to cause despair  |
niṣidh | (2 sidh-) P. -ṣedhati- (imperfect tense ny-aṣedhat-; Aorist ny-aṣedhīt-; perfect tense niṣiṣedha-; Passive voice ni-ṣidhyate- imperfect tense ny-aṣidhyata- Aorist ny-aṣedhi-; ind.p. ni-ṣidhya- infinitive mood ni-ṣeddhum-; see ), to drive away ; to ward off, keep back, prevent from (ablative) etc. ; to forbid, prohibit, object to (accusative) ; to keep down, suppress, outdo, surpass : Causal -ṣedhayati-, to keep off, prohibit, forbid ; to deny  |
niṣpad | A1. -padyate-, to fall out (subjunctive -padyātai-) ; to come forth, issue, arise, be brought about or effected, become ripe, ripen etc.: Causal -pādayati-, te-, to bring about, accomplish, perform, do, make (with rājyam-,"to reign"), cause to ripen  |
nistud | P. -tudati- (Passive voice -tudyate-), to pierce, prick, sting  |
niyudh | A1. -yudhyate- (rarely ti-), to fight  |
nud | cl.6 P. A1. ( ) nud/ati-, te- (perfect tense nunoda- ; nunud/e-,3. plural dre- etc.; Aorist P. anautsīt- grammar; A1. anutthās- ; nudiṣṭhās- ; preceding -nudyāt- ; future -notsyati- ; te- etc.; nottā- grammar; ind.p. -nudya- ; infinitive mood -n/ude- ; -nudas- ; -nodam- ), to push, thrust, impel, move, remove etc. etc.: Causal nodayati- (Passive voice nodyate-), to push on, urge, incite etc.: Intensive nonudyate-, to push or drive away repeatedly  |
pad | cl.4 A1. ( ) padyate- (ti- ; Potential padyām- ; imperative patsva- ; perfect tense papāda- ; pede- ; Aorist apadmahi-, dran- [ subjunctive padāti- ]; apatsi-, patthās- ; preceding padīṣṭ/a- ; future patsyati- ; te- ; pattā- grammar; infinitive mood p/attave- ; tos-, tum- ; -p/adas- ; ind.p. -p/adya- ; -p/ādam- ), to fall, fall down or out, perish ; to go, resort or apply to, participate in (accusative), keep, observe : Causal pād/ayati-, te-, to cause to fall (Passive voice pādyate- ; Desiderative pipādayiṣati- etc.) ; padayate-, to go : Desiderative pitsate- : Intensive panīpadyate- ; panīpadīti-  |
paribhid | Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken or destroyed  |
pariniṣpad | A1. -padyate-, to change or turn into (Nominal verb)  |
parivid | P. -vindati-, to find out, ascertain ; to twine, twist round (See below) ; to marry before an elder brother (only Passive voice yayā-[ ] or yā-[ ] pari-vidyate-,[the woman] with whom such a marriage is contracted).  |
prabhid | P. -bhinatti-, to cleave, split asunder, break, pierce, open etc. etc.: Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken in pieces, crumble ; to be dissolved, open ; to split, divide (intr.) : Causal of Intensive -bebhidayya-  |
prabudh | A1. -budhyate- (Ved. infinitive mood -b/udhe-), to wake up, wake, awake (intrans.) etc. ; to expand, open, bloom, blossom etc. ; P. -bodhati-, to become conscious or aware of know, understand, recognise as (2. accusative) : Causal -bodhayati-, to wake up, awaken (trans.) etc. ; to cause to expand or bloom ; to stimulate (by gentle friction), ; to make sensible, cause to know, inform, admonish, persuade, convince etc. ; to instruct, teach (two accusative)  |
praklid | A1. -klidyate-, to become moist or humid, to become wet : Causal -kledayati-, to moisten, wet, make wet ; wrong reading for -kleśayati-  |
prapad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also P.), to fall or drop down from (ablative), throw one's self down (at a person's feet) ; to go forwards set out for, resort to, arrive at, attain, enter (with accusative,rarely locative case) etc. ; to fly to for succour, take refuge with (accusative) etc. ; to fall upon, attack, assail ; to come to a particular state or condition, incur, undergo (accusative) etc. ; (with an adverb in sāt-), to become exempli gratia, 'for example' sarpasāt pra-pad-, to become a serpent ; to obtain, gain (patini-,"as husband") , partake of, share in (accusative) ; to adopt or embrace (a doctrine) ; to undertake, commence, begin, do ; to form (a judgement) ; to assume (a form) ; to enjoy (pleasure) ; to take to (dative case) ; to come on, approach, appear ; to take effect, succeed ; to turn out (anyathā-,"differently" id est without any effect or consequence) ; to admit (a claim) : Causal -pādayati-, te-, to cause to enter, introduce into (accusative or locative case) : Desiderative P. p/itsati-, to wish to enter ; A1. -pitsate- (see ), to be going to incur or undertake  |
prasad | P. -sīdati- (Epic also A1. te-), to fall into the power of (accusative) ; to settle down, grow clear and bright, become placid or tranquil (as the sea or sky, met. applied to the mind) etc. ; to become clear or distinct ; to become satisfied or pleased or glad, be gracious or kind (with genitive case"to favour";with infinitive mood"to deign to"; imperative often "be so gracious, please") etc. ; to be successful (as an action) : Causal -sādayati- (mc. also te-; Passive voice -sādyate-), to make clear, purify ; to make serene, gladden (the heart) ; to render calm, soothe, appease, propitiate, ask a person (accusative) to or for (infinitive mood dative case locative case, arthe-with genitive case,or artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratibudh | A1. -budhyate- (Epic also P. ti-), to awaken (intr.), awake, wake etc. ; to perceive, observe, learn (2. perfect tense subjunctive -b/ubodhatha-; parasmE-pada A1. b/udhyamāna-,"attentive") ; to awaken (trans.) : Passive voice (only Aorist abodhi-) to expand : Causal bodhayati-, to awaken (trans.) ; to instruct, inform, admonish etc. ; to commission, charge, order  |
pratipad | A1. -padyate- (Epic future also -patsyati-), to set foot upon, enter, go or resort to, arrive at, reach, attain etc. ; to walk, wander, roam ; to come back to (accusative), return ; to happen, occur, take place ; to get into (accusative), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in or upon one's self. etc. ; to receive back, recover ; to restore to favour ; to undertake, begin (accusative dative case or infinitive mood), practise, perform, accomplish etc. ; to do anything to any person, act or proceed or behave towards or against (locative case genitive case or accusative) ; to make, render ; to fall to a person's (accusative) lot or share, ; to let a person (dative case) have anything ; to give back, restore ; to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of or acquainted with, understand, learn etc. ; to deem, consider, regard ; to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scilicet tathā-,or tatheti-), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise etc. ; to begin to speak, commence (with accusative or instrumental case) ; to answer (also with uttaram- ) : Causal -pādayati-, to convey or lead to, procure, cause to partake of (2 accusative). give a present to, bestow on (locative case dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to give in marriage ; to spend. ; to present with (instrumental case) ; to put in, appoint to (locative case) ; to produce, cause, effect etc. ; to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart etc. ; to deem, consider, regard as (2 accusative) (varia lectio -vadasi-for -pādayasi-): Desiderative -pitsate- ( ) , to wish to attain ; to wish to know : Desiderative of Causal -pipādayiṣati-, to wish or intend to explain or analyze  |
prativibudh | A1. -budhyate-, to be awakened  |
prativyadh | P. -vidhyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to shoot against, hit, wound etc., etc.: Passive voice -vidhyate-, to be aimed at or hit, to be touched upon or discussed  |
pratiyudh | A1. P. -yudhyate-, ti-, to fight against, be a match for (accusative), fight : Causal -yodhayati- idem or 'mfn. to be fitted with strings '  |
prayudh | A1. -yudhyate- (rarely P. ti-), to begin to fight, attack, fight with (accusative) : Causal -yodhayati-, to cause to begin to fight ; to attack, combat : Desiderative A1. -yuyutsate-, to wish to fight with (instrumental case)  |
prāyudh | (pra-ā-yudh-) A1. -yudhyate-, to fight  |
radh | or randh- cl.4 P. ( ) r/adhyati- (perfect tense rarandha-,1. plural rarandhima-or redhma- grammar;3. plural rāradh/uḥ- ; Aorist aradhat- ; subjunctive randhīs- imperative randhi-for randdhi- ; future radhitā-, raddhā- grammar; radhiṣyati-, ratsyati- ; infinitive mood radhitum- ), to become subject to (dative case), be subdued or overthrown, succumb ; to be completed or matured (see rādh-) ; to bring into subjection, subdue ; to deliver into the hand of (dative case) ; to hurt, torment : Causal randh/ayati- (Ved. also te-; Aorist rīradhat- ; ararandhat- grammar), to make subject, deliver over to (dative case) ; to torment, afflict ; to destroy, annihilate ; to cook, prepare (food) : Desiderative riradhiṣati-, riratsati- grammar : Intensive rāradhyate-, rāraddhi- grammar (in rārandh/i-for rāranddh/i-,and rāranta-for rārantta-) to hand over to, deliver.  |
rādh | (confer, compare ṛdh-and radh-) cl.5.4. P. ( ) rādhn/oti- rādhyati- (Vedic or Veda also proper rādhati-and r/ādhyate-; perfect tense rar/ādha- etc. etc. [2. sg. rarādhitha-or redhita-, confer, compare ]; Aorist, arātsīt-, rādhiṣi- ; preceding rādhyāsam- ; future rāddhā- grammar; rātsyati- ; ind.p. rāddhv/ā-, -rādhya- ), to succeed (said of things), be accomplished or finished ; to succeed (said of persons), be successful with (instrumental case), thrive, prosper ; to be ready for, submit to (dative case) ; to be fit for, partake of, attain to (dative case or locative case), ; (rādhyati-) to prophesy to (dative case) ; to accomplish, perform, achieve, make ready, prepare, carry out ; to hit, get at (accusative) ; to propitiate, conciliate, gratify ; to hurt, injure, destroy, exterminate (confer, compare ) : Passive voice rādhyate- (Aorist /arādhi-), to be conciliated or satisfied (confer, compare rādhyate-above) : Causal rādh/ayati- (Aorist arīradhat- ; Passive voice rādhyate- ), to accomplish, perform, prepare, make ready etc. ; to make favourable, propitiate, satisfy : Desiderative of Causal rirādhayiṣati- : Desiderative rirātsati- or -ritsati- Va1rtt. 1 : Intensive rārādhyate-, rārāddhi- grammar ([ confer, compare iradh-; Gothic gare7dan,rathjo1; Slavonic or Slavonian raditi.])  |
ṛdh | cl. (Potential 1. plural ṛdhema- ; subjunctive 3. sg. ṛdhat- ; present tense parasmE-pada ṛdh/at-; see ṛdh/ad-below) ṛdhyati- ; ṛdhnoti- ; ṛṇaddhi- ; ānardha-, ardhitā-, ardhiṣyati-, etc., to grow, increase, prosper, succeed etc. ; to cause to increase or prosper, promote, make prosperous, accomplish : Passive voice ṛdhyate-, to be promoted, increase, prosper, succeed : Causal ardhayati-, to satisfy : Desiderative ardidhiṣati- or īrtsati- ; ([ see rādh-and vṛdh-.])  |
rud | (confer, compare 1. ru-) cl.2 P. ( ; confer, compare ) roditi- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also rudati-, te-and rodati-, te-; perfect tense ruroda-, rurude- ; Aorist /arudat- etc.; arodīt-, diṣuḥ- grammar; araudiṣīt- ; future roditā- grammar; rodiṣyati- ; infinitive mood roditum- ; ind.p. ruditvā-or roditvā- ; -rudya- ), to weep, cry, howl, roar, lament, wail etc. ; to bewail, deplore : Passive voice rudyate- (Aorist arodi-; rudyamāne-,"while weeping is heard" ) : Causal rod/ayati- (Aorist arūrudat-), to cause to weep or lament etc. etc.: Desiderative rurudiṣati- grammar (confer, compare rurudiṣā-, ṣu-): Intensive rorudyate-, rorotti- (parasmE-pada rorudyamāna-, rorudat-) [ confer, compare Latin rudere; Lithuanian ru4dis,rauda4,raudo4ti; Anglo-Saxon reo4tan.]  |
rudh | cl.7 P. A1. ( ) ruṇ/addhi-, runddh/e- (1. plural -rudhmas- ; rundhati-, te- etc.; rodhati- perfect tense rurodha-, rurudhe- etc.; rurundhatuḥ- ; Aorist araut- ; arautsīt- etc.; rotsīs- ; arutsi-, aruddha- ; arautsi- ; arodham- ; arudhma- ; parasmE-pada rudh/at- see 1. rudh-; arudhat- etc.; preceding rudhyāt- ; future roddhā- grammar; rotsyati-, te- etc. infinitive mood roddhum-or rodhitum- ; roddhos- ; ind.p. ruddhvā- etc.; -r/udhya- etc.; -rundhya- ; -r/udham- ; -r/undham- ; -rodham- ), to obstruct, check, arrest, stop, restrain, prevent, keep back, withhold (always with na-), etc. ; to avert, keep off, repel (see rudhat-under1. rudh-) ; to shut, lock up, confine in (locative case) etc. (according to to also with double accusative) ; to besiege, blockade, invest etc. ; to close, block up (a path) ; to cover, conceal, veil, obscure etc. ; to stop up, fill ; to lay (dust) ; to touch, move (the heart) ; to torment, harass ; to lose, be deprived of (accusative) ; to tear, rend asunder (?) : Causal rodhayati- (Epic also te-and rundhayati-; Aorist arūrudhat-; Passive voice rodhyate-), to stop, arrest ; to cause to be confined by (accusative) ; to cause to be besieged by (instrumental case) ; to close (with a cover or lid) ; to fetter, enchain, influence ; to oppress, torment, harass : Desiderative rorutsate- ( ), ti- ( ), to wish to obstruct etc.: Intensive rorudhyate-, roroddhi-, to obstruct intensely or repeatedly etc. grammar (only rorudhaḥ- ) |
śabd | (rather a Nom. śabdaya-fr. śabda-) cl.10 P. ( ) śabdayati-, to make any noise or sound, cry aloud ; to call, invoke ; (śabdāpayati-, te-), to call, address : Passive voice ś/abdyate-, to be sounded etc. ; to be called ; (impersonal or used impersonally) it is chattered  |
śad | cl.1.6. A1. ( ) śīyate- (confer, compare ; P.in non-conjugational tenses, ; perfect tense śaśada-, śeduḥ- ; future śatsyati- ; Aorist aśadat- grammar; future śattā- ; infinitive mood śattum- ), to fall, fall off or out : Causal śādayati-, to impel, drive on (cattle) ; śāt/ayati-, te- (confer, compare ) , to cause to fall off or out or asunder, hew or cut off, knock out etc. ; to fell, throw down, slay, kill ; to disperse, dispel, remove, destroy : Desiderative śiśatsati- grammar : Intensive śāśadyate-, śāśatti- [ confer, compare, according to to some, Latin cedo.] |
sad | cl.1. or cl.6. P. ( ) sīdati- (Epic also te-;Ved. s/adati-or s/īdati-, te-; perfect tense sas/āda-, sas/attha-, sed/us-, sedir/e- ; sīdatus- ; sasadyāt-. ; Aorist asadat-[ confer, compare present tense stem-] grammar;2. 3. sg. s/atsi-, s/atsat- ; asādīt- ; future sattā- grammar; satsyati- ; sīdiṣyati- ; infinitive mood s/ade- ; sattum- ; sīditum- ; ind.p. -s/adya-, -s/adam- ; -sādam- ), to sit down (especially at a sacrifice), sit upon or in or at (accusative or locative case) ; to sit down before, besiege, lie in wait for, watch (accusative) ; to sink down, sink into despondency or distress, become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited, despond, despair, pine or waste away, perish etc. : Passive voice sadyate- (Aorist asādi-, sādi- ) : Causal sād/ayati-, te- (Aorist asīṣadat-), to cause to sit down or be seated, place down, put upon or in (locative case) etc. ; to put in distress, afflict, weary, exhaust, ruin, destroy etc.: Desiderative siṣatsati- grammar : Intensive sāsadyate- (grammar also sāsatti-), to sit down in an indecent posture [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin sidere,sedere; Lithuanian se4sti,sede4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian se8sti; Gothic sitan; German sitzen; Anglo-Saxon sittan; English sit.]  |
sādh | (connected with2. sidh-) cl.1 P. A1. s/ādati-, te- ; according to to , cl.4. sādhyati-, cl.5. sādhnoti- (in also sadhnoti-; perfect tense sasādha-; Aorist asātsīt-; future sāddhā-, sātsyati-; infinitive mood sāddhum-,in later language sādhitum-;Ved. infinitive mood s/adhase- q.v), to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful, succeed, prosper ; to bring straight to an object or end, further, promote, advance, accomplish, complete, finish ; to submit or agree to, obey ; (sādhyati-) to be completed or accomplished : Causal sādhayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist asīṣadhat-;Ved. also sīṣadhati-, dhaḥ-, dhema-, dhātu-; Passive voice sādhyate- etc.), to straighten, make straight (a path) ; to guide straight or well, direct or bring to a goal ; to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over etc. ; to summon, conjure up (a god or spirit) ; (in law) to enforce payment, recover (a debt), collect (taxes) etc. ; to subdue a disease, set right, heal, cure ; to bring to an end or conclusion, complete, make perfect, bring about, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, practice (with vākyam-,"to execute any one's [ genitive case ] order";with naiṣkarmyam-,"to practise inactivity";with marum-,"to practise abstinence";with mantram-,"to practise the recitation of spells") etc. ; to attain one's object, be successful ; to produce, make, render (two accusative) ; to establish a truth, substantiate, prove, demonstrate ; to make ready, prepare ; to gain, obtain, acquire, procure etc. ; to find out (by calculation), ; to grant, bestow, yield etc. ; to put or place in (locative case) ; to set out, proceed, go (in dramatic language according to to = gam-) etc.: Desiderative of Causal siṣādhayisati- or sisādhayirhati-, to desire to establish or prove : Desiderative siṣātsati- grammar : Intensive , sāsādhyate-, sāsdidhi- |
samabhipad | A1. -padyate-, to come to, arrive at, attain (accusative) ; to get one's reward ; to reply, answer  |
samanupad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also P. ti-), to enter into or upon, attain to (varia lectio -vatsyati-for -patsyati-).  |
samāpad | A1. -padyate-, to fall upon, attack, assail ; to fall into any state or condition, attain to, undergo, incur etc. ; to undertake, begin, ; to take place, occur, appear : Causal -padayati-, to cause to come to pass ; to bring about, complete, accomplish ; to restore  |
samavabudh | A1. -budhyate-, to perceive clearly, understand fully, learn, know  |
samavacchad | ( chad-) Causal -chādayati- (Passive voice -cchādyate-), to cover completely over, conceal, obscure  |
samavarudh | P. -ruṇaddhi- (Epic also -rundhati-), to shut up, enclose, confine : Passive voice -rudhyate-, to be enclosed or contained in (locative case) ; to be shut out of. be deprived of.  |
sambandh | P. -badhnāti-, to bind or fasten or tie together, bind or fix on, attach, connect, join, construct, form etc. ; to procure, furnish, supply : Passive voice -badhyate-, to be bound or fastened together etc. ; to be connected with or supplied, belong to on : Causal -bandhayati-, to cause to bind or be bound together etc. ; to cause to connect with or refer to (instrumental case) on  |
sambudh | A1. -budhyate- (pr. p. -budhyamāna- q.v), to wake up ; to perceive or understand thoroughly, notice, observe, know etc.: Causal -bodhayati-, to cause to wake up, rouse ; to cause to know, inform, advise, instruct ; teach (two accusative) etc. ; to call to on ; to cause to agree : Desiderative of Causal See sam-bubodhayiṣu-.  |
saṃchid | P. A1. -chinatti-, -chintte-, to cut to pieces, cut through, pierce, split, destroy etc. ; to remove, resolve (a doubt) ; to decide, settle (a question) : Passive voice -chidyate-, to be cut to pieces etc. |
samindh | A1. -inddhe-, or -indhe- (once in plural imperfect tense -aindhan-; see ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -/idham-and -/idhe-), to set fire to, set alight, light up, kindle, ignite, inflame (literally and figuratively) ; to take fire ; to swell, increase, exhibit, show, betray. (skill) : Passive voice -idhyate-, to be kindled, take fire, break out into flame  |
saṃnirudh | P. -ruṇaddhi-, to keep back, restrain, hinder, check, stop, obstruct, suppress ; to shut in, confine ; to withdraw (the senses from the outer world) : Passive voice -rudhyate-, to be kept back etc.  |
sampad | A1. -padyate- (in some forms also P.; ind.p. -pādam- q.v), to fall or happen well, turn out well, succeed, prosper, accrue to (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to become full or complete (as a number), amount to ; to fall together, meet or unite with, obtain, get into, partake of (instrumental case or accusative) etc. ; to enter into, be absorbed in (accusative or locative case) ; to be produced, be brought forth, be born, arise ; to become, prove, turn into (Nominal verb) etc. ; to be conducive to, produce (dative case) vArttika on ; (with adverb in sāt-) to become thoroughly ; to fall into a Person's, power ; (with adverb in tra-) to fall to a person's share ; to produce a particular sound (as that expressed by an onomatopoetic word in ā-) : Causal -pādayati- (rarely te-), to cause to succeed, cause to arise, bring about, produce, effect, accomplish (with śuśrūṣām-and genitive case,"to obey") etc. ; to make full, complete ; to transform, make or turn into (accusative) ; to provide or furnish with (instrumental case;with kriyayā-,"to charge or entrust a person with a business") ; to afford to, procure for (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to attain, obtain, acquire etc. ; to ponder on, deliberate ; to consent, agree : Desiderative of Causal -pipādayiṣati- (See sam-pipādayiṣā-etc., col, 2) : Intensive -panīpadyate-, to fit well |
samprabudh | A1. -budhyate-, to awake id est begin to take effect (as a spell or incantation) : Causal -bodhayati-, to rouse up, awaken  |
samprapad | A1. -padyate- (in some forms also P.), to go towards or enter together, approach, enter (accusative) ; to set out (on a journey accusative) ; to betake one's self or have recourse to (accusative) ; to succeed, be accomplished ; to become, be turned into (-sāt-) ; to set about, begin  |
samprarudh | Passive voice -rudhyate-, to be completely debarred from, be deprived of (varia lectio sam-ava-r-)  |
sampraśna | m. asking, inquiring about (compound), inquiry, question (praśno'tra na vidyate-,"there is here no question, it is a matter of course") etc.  |
sampratipad | A1. -padyate-, to go towards together, go near to, approach, arrive at (accusative) ; to addict one's self to, indulge in (accusative) ; to attain to, obtain, recover ; to be fully agreed about, agree upon, assent to (accusative or locative case) ; to consider, regard as (two accusative) ; to come to pass, arise ; to bring about, perform, accomplish : Causal -pādayati-, to cause to come to or receive, bestow, grant, give over to (genitive case or locative case)  |
samprayudh | A1. -yudhyate-, to begin to fight together, commence a war or battle, fight  |
samṛdh | P. -ṛdhyati-, -ṛdhnoti- (Ved. infinitive mood -ṛdhe-), to succeed well, prosper, flourish, increase or grow greatly Passive voice -ṛdhyate-, to be completely successful, be fulfilled or accomplished, succeed, prosper ; to share in abundantly, be amply furnished with (instrumental case) : Causal -ardhayati-, to cause to succeed or prosper, accomplish, fulfil ; to cause to be abundantly furnished with (instrumental case) ; to bestow liberally on (dative case)  |
saṃsādh | Causal -sādhayati-, to cause to be completely finished, accomplish, perform (with marum-[ quod vide ]"to practice abstinence from drinking") etc. ; to overpower, subdue ; to prepare food ; to procure, provide ; to get, attain ; to be successful ; to enforce (payment or the fulfilment of a promise), recover (a debt) ; to dismiss (a guest) ; to promote to (dative case) ; to destroy, kill, extinguish : Passive voice of Causal -sādhyate-, to be completely accomplished ; to be thoroughly provided or furnished with  |
samupapad | A1. -padyate-, to come to pass, be brought about or accomplished ; to meet with (accusative), experience : Causal -pādayati-, to bring about, make ready, prepare.  |
samuparudh | P. -ruṇaddhi-, to hinder greatly, disturb, obstruct: Passive voice , -rudhyate-, to be hindered or interrupted  |
samutpad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also ti-), to spring up together, be brought forth or born of (locative case), arise, appear, occur, take place, happen etc.: Causal -pādayati-, to cause to arise, produce, effect, cause  |
saṃvid | A1. (see ) -vindate- (parasmE-pada -vidān/a- q.v), to find, obtain, acquire ; to meet with (instrumental case), be joined or united to : Passive voice -vidyate-, to be found or obtained, be there, exist : Intensive See -v/evidāna- below.  |
saṃyudh | A1. -yudhyate- (rarely P. ti-), to fight together, fight with, combat, oppose (instrumental case with or without sārdham-) : Causal -yodhayati-, to cause to fight together, bring into collision ; to fight, encounter : Desiderative , -yuyutsati-, to wish to fight, be eager for battle (see next) .  |
sidh | cl.1 P. ( ) s/edhati- (in later language also te-; perfect tense siṣedha-, Epic also siṣidhe-; Aorist asedhīt- grammar also asaitsīt-; future seddhā-or sedhitā- grammar; setsyati-or sedhiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood seddhum- etc.; sedhitum- grammar; ind.p. -s/idhya- ), to drive off, scare away, repel, restrain, hinder ; to punish, chastise ; to ordain, instruct ; to turn out well or auspiciously : Passive voice sidhyate- (Aorist asedhi-), to be driven or kept off or repelled etc.: Causal sedhayati- (Aorist asīṣidhat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal siṣedhayiṣati- : Desiderative sisedhiṣati-, sisidhiṣati-, siṣitsati- : Intensive seṣidhyate-, seṣeddhi- (pr. p. -s/eṣidhat- )  |
sidh | (weak form of sādh-) cl.4 P. ( ) s/idhyati- (Epic and mc. also te-;pf: siṣedha- ; Aorist asidhat- grammar; saitsīt- ; preceding sidhyāsam- grammar; future seddhā- ; setsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood seddhum- grammar; ind.p. sedhitvā-, sidhitvā-,or siddhvā- ), to be accomplished or fulfilled or effected or settled, be successful, succeed etc. ; to hit a mark (locative case) ; to attain one's aim or object, have success etc. ; to attain the highest object, become perfect, attain beatitude ; to be valid or admissible, hold good ; to be proved or demonstrated or established, result from ; to be set right, (especially) be healed or cured ; to be well cooked ; to conform to a person's will, yield to (genitive case) ; to fall to a person's (genitive case) lot or share ; to come into existence, originate, arise : Causal sedhayati- (Aorist asīṣidhat-) or sādhayati-, to show the knowledge or skill (of any one, the former,"with reference to sacred things", the latter,"to secular things") on (sadh-), to accomplish, effect : Desiderative siṣitsati- grammar : Intensive seṣidhyate-, seṣeddhi-  |
skand | (confer, compare skandh-and skund-) cl.1 P. ( ) skandati- (mc. also te-; cask/anda- etc.; caskande- etc.; Aorist askan-, sk/an- ; /askān-, skān- ; askāntsīt- ; askadat- grammar; preceding skadyāt- ; future skanttā- ; skantsyati- ; infinitive mood skanditum- grammar; -sk/ade-, -sk/adas- ; ind.p. skanttvā- grammar; -sk/andya-or -sk/adya- ; -sk/andam- ), to leap, jump, hop, dart, spring, spurt out, be spilt or effused (especially said of semen) etc. ; (A1.) to emit seminal fluid ; to leap upon, cover (said of animals) ; to drop, fall down, perish, be lost : Passive voice skadyate- (perf. caskade-or caskande-; Aorist askandi-) grammar : Causal skandayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist acask/andat-), to cause to jump or leap (in explaining skanda-) ; to pour out, effuse, shed, spill, emit (especially seminal fluid) ; to omit, neglect etc. ; to cause to coagulate, thicken : Desiderative ciskantsati-, grammar : Intensive canīskadyate-, canīskandīti- (grammar), k/aniṣkan-, -caniṣkadat- ; ( ), to leap, jump, hop etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin scando,de-scendo;scAlaforscant(s)la.]  |
spardh | (or spṛdh-; see spṛh-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sp/ardhate- (mc. also P. ti-;Subj.[ pr/a-] -spūrdh/an- ; perfect tense paspṛdh/e-, dhān/a-, /apaspṛdhethām- ; paspardha- etc.; Aorist aspṛdhran-, spṛdhānd- : aspardhiṣṭa- grammar; future spardhitā-, spardhiṣyate- ; infinitive mood sp/ardhitum- ; spūrdh/ase- ; ind.p. -sp/ṛdhya- ), to emulate, compete, rival, vie or cope with (instrumental case with and without saha-,or accusative), contend or struggle for (locative case) etc. etc.: Causal spardhayati- grammar : Desiderative pispardhiṣate- : Intensive pāspardhyate-, pāsparddhi- (apāspāḥ- )  |
śṛdh | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) ś/ardhati-, te- (pr. p. Vedic or Veda ś/ardhat-and ś/ardhamāna-; grammar also perfect tense śaśṛdhe-; Aorist aśṛdhat-,or aśardhiṣṭa-; future śartsyati-or śardhiṣyate-; infinitive mood śardhitum-; ind.p. śardhitvā-or śṛddhvā-), to break wind downwards (in ava--and vi-śṛdh- q.v) ; to mock at, ridicule, defy (with genitive case) ; to moisten, become moist or wet : Causal śardhayati- (only in ati-praśardh/ayat-) : Desiderative śiśardhiṣate-, śiśṛtsati- grammar : Intensive śarīśṛdhyate-, śarīśṛdhīti-, śarīśarddhi-  |
sthāna | n. case, occurrence (nedaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate-,"this case does not occur")  |
sūd | (prob. connected with svad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sūdate- (occurring only in the reduplicated forms suṣūdima- ; s/uṣūdati-or dat- ; suṣūd/ata- ; grammar also future sūditā-, diṣyati-), to put or keep in order, guide aright : Causal or cl.10. (see ) sūd/ayati-, te- (parasmE-pada sūdayāna- ; Aorist asūṣudat-, ta-) idem or 'm. equals su-tr- Name of indra- ' ; to manage, arrange, prepare, effect, contrive ; to settle id est put an end to, kill, slay (also inanimate objects) etc. ; to squeeze, press, destroy : Desiderative susūdiṣate- grammar : Intensive sosūdyate-, sosūtti-  |
śudh | or śundh- cl.1 P. A1. ( ) śundhati-, te- (imperative śunddhi- ; perfect tense śuśundha- Aorist aśundhīt- future śundhitā-, śundhiṣyati- grammar), to purify (A1."one's self", become or be pure) ; cl.4 P. A1. ( ) śudhyati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense śuśodha- Aorist aśudhat- future śoddhā-, śotsyati-, infinitive mood śoddhum- grammar), to be cleared or cleansed or purified, become pure (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to become clear or free from doubts ; to be cleared or excused from blame, to be excusable : Passive voice śudhyate- (Aorist aśodhi-) grammar : Causal śundhayati-, to clear, purify ; śodhayati- (Aorist aśūśudhat-), to purify (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to correct, improve ; to remove (impurity or anything noxious) etc. ; to clear off, pay (debts) ; to acquit, exculpate, justify ; to put to test ; to try, examine ; to make clear, explain ; to subtract : Desiderative śuśutsati- : Intensive śośudhyate-, śośoddhi- grammar  |
svad | or svād- (prob. fr. 5. su- ad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/adate- (Vedic or Veda also P. sv/adati-; perfect tense sasvade- ; sasvāde- grammar; future svāditā-, svādiṣyate- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -s/ude-; ind.p. -svādya- ), to taste well, be sweet or pleasant to (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to taste with pleasure, relish, enjoy, like (accusative), delight in (locative case) ; (P.) to make palatable, season ; to make sweet or pleasant or agreeable ; to be pleasant or wholesome ; P. A1. svādati-, te- (confer, compare ), to taste, relish, enjoy (generally varia lectio khād- q.v) : Causal svad/ayati-, te- (Aorist asiṣvadat-), to make savoury or palatable, sweeten, season, prepare, cook ; to propitiate, conciliate ; svādayati- (confer, compare ), to eat, relish, taste, enjoy : Desiderative of Causal sisvādayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative sisvādiṣate- : Intensive sāsvādyate-, sāsvātti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin suadeo,and undersvAdu.] |
svād | or svad- (prob. fr. 5. su- ad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) sv/adate- (Ved. also P. sv/adati-; perfect tense sasvade- ; sasvāde- grammar; future svāditā-, svādiṣyate- ;Ved. infinitive mood -s/ude-; ind.p. -svādya- ), to taste well, be sweet or pleasant to (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to taste with pleasure, relish, enjoy, like (accusative), delight in (locative case) ; (P.) to make palatable, season ; to make sweet or pleasant or agreeable ; to be pleasant or wholesome ; P. A1. svādati-, te- (confer, compare ), to taste, relish, enjoy (generally varia lectio khād- q.v) : Causal svad/ayati-, te- (Aorist asiṣvadat-), to make savoury or palatable, sweeten, season, prepare, cook ; to propitiate, conciliate ; svādayati- (confer, compare ), to eat, relish, taste, enjoy : Desiderative of Causal sisvādayiṣati- grammar : Desiderative sisvādiṣate- : Intensive sāsvādyate-, sāsvātti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin suadeo,and undersvAdu.] |
svatā | f. the state of belonging to one's self, ownership (-tām paśyati-,"he thinks it belongs to him"; rāja-svatām upapadyate-,"it accrues to the king's ownership")  |
svid | cl.1 A1. 4. P. ( ) svedate- or svidyati- (A1. svidyate- ; parasmE-pada svidyamāna- ; perfect tense siṣveda- grammar; siṣvide- ; parasmE-pada siṣvidān/a- ; Aorist asvidat- ; future svettā-, svetsyati- grammar; ind.p. -svedam- ), to sweat, perspire etc. ; (svedate-), to be anointed ; to be disturbed (?) : Causal svedayati- (Aorist asiṣvidat-), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics ; to foment, soften : Desiderative of Causal sisvedayiṣati-, grammar : Desiderative sisvitṣati- : Intensive seṣvidyate-, seṣvetti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin su1dor,sUdare; Anglo-Saxon swa7t; English sweat; German Schweiss,schwitzen.]  |
ucchid | (ud-chid-) P. -chinatti- (imperative 2. sg. -chindhi- ; infinitive mood chettum- ; -chettav/ai- ) to cut out or off, extirpate, destroy etc. ; to interfere, interrupt, stop etc. ; to analyze, resolve (knotty points or difficulties) ; to explain ([ ]) : Causal P. -chedayati-, to cause to extirpate or destroy : Passive voice -chidyate-, to be cut off ; to be destroyed or extirpated ; to be interrupted or stopped ; to cease, be deficient, fail  |
udbhid | P. -bhinatti- (subjunctive -bhin/adat- ; Potential 1. sg. -bhideyam- ) to break or burst through, break out ; to appear above, become visible, rise up ; to pierce : Passive voice -bhidyate-, to spring open, burst forth ; to shoot open or up, break out, appear  |
udbudh | A1. -budhyate- (Aorist 3. plural -abudhran- ) to awake  |
upapad | A1. -padyate-, (rarely P.) -ti-, to go towards or against, attack ; to approach, come to, arrive at, enter ; to approach or come to a teacher (as a pupil) ; to approach for succour or protection ; to approach or join with in speech ; to reach, obtain, partake of ; to enter into any state ; to take place, come forth, be produced, appear, occur, happen ; to be present, exist ; to be possible, be fit for or adequate to (with locative case) etc. ; to be regular or according to rules ; to become, be suitable etc.: Causal P. -pādayati-, to bring to any state (with two accusative) ; to cause anything (accusative) to arrive at (locative case or dative case), cause to come into the possession of, offer, present etc. ; to cause to come forth or exist ; to accomplish, effect, cause, produce etc. ; to get ready, prepare, make fit or adequate for, make conformable to ; to furnish or provide or endow with etc. ; to make anything out of ; to examine ; to find out, ascertain etc. ; to prove, justify commentator or commentary on etc. ; to attend on a patient, physic  |
upasaṃpad | A1. -padyate-, to come to, arrive at, reach, obtain ; to come up to, be equivalent to : Causal P. -pādayati-, to bring near to, lead near to, procure, give ; to receive into the order of monks, ordain  |
utpad | (ud-pad-) A1. -padyate-, to arise, rise, originate, be born or produced ; to come forth, become visible, appear ; to be ready etc. ; to take place, begin on : Causal P. -pādayati- (rarely A1. -te-), to produce, beget, generate ; to cause, effect ; to cause to issue or come forth, bring forward ; to mention, quote (See ut-panna-). |
vad | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) v/adati-, te- (Epic mc. also vādati-; Potential udeyam- ; perfect tense uvāda- plural ūdim/a- ; ūde-etc. ; veditha-, dailuḥ-, duḥ- ; Aorist avādīt-, diṣuḥ- etc.; subjunctive vādiṣaḥ- ; avādiran- ; vadiṣma-, ṣihāḥ- ; preceding udyāt- ; future vadiṣy/ati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood v/aditos- ; vaditum- etc.; ind.p. uditvā- ; -udya- ), to speak, say, utter, tell, report, speak to, talk with, address (P.or A1.;with accusative of the thing said, and accusative [with or without abhi-]or genitive case,or locative case of the person addressed;also followed by yad-,"that", or by yadi-,"whether") etc. ; (P.) to praise, recommend ; to adjudge, adjudicate ; to indicate, designate ; to proclaim, announce, foretell, bespeak etc. ; to allege, affirm ; to declare (any one or anything) to be, call (two accusative or accusative and Nominal verb with iti-) etc. ; (with or scilicet vācam-) to raise the voice, sing, utter a cry (said of birds and 9.) etc. ; (A1.) to say, tell, speak to (accusative) etc. ; to mention, state, communicate, name ; to confer or dispute about ; to contend, quarrel ; to lay claim to (locative case) ; to be an authority, be eminent in (locative case) ; to triumph, exult : Passive voice udy/ate- (Aorist avādi-), to be said or spoken etc. : Causal vād/ayati- m.c. also te- (see ; Aorist avīvadat-; Passive voice vādyate-, Epic also ti-), to cause to speak or say ; to cause to sound, strike, play (with instrumental case,rarely locative case of the instrument) etc. ; to play music ; (with bahu-) to make much ado about one's self. ; to cause a musical instrument (accusative) to be played by (instrumental case) Va1rtt. 2 ; to speak, recite, rehearse : Desiderative vivadiṣati-, te-, to desire to speak, : Intensive v/āvadīti- ( ), vāvady/ate-, ( ), vāvatti- (grammar), to speak or sound aloud. [ confer, compare Lit.vadi4nti.] |
vadh | (also written badh-; confer, compare bādh-;properly only used in the Aorist and preceding tenses avadhīt-and dhiṣṭa-; vadhyāt-and vadhiṣīṣṭa- ;the other tenses being supplied by han-; confer, compare ;but in Vedic or Veda and Epic poetry also present tense vadhati-; Potential vadhet-; future vadhiṣyati-, te-;other Vedic or Veda forms are Aorist avadhīm-, v/ahīm- subjunctive vadhiṣaḥ-; badhīḥ- ; preceding badhyāsam-, suḥ- ), to strike, slay, kill, murder, defeat, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice vadhyate-, ti- (Aorist avadhi-), to be slain or killed : Causal vadhayati-, to kill, slay [a. Greek .]  |
vand | (see vad-) cl.1 A1. ( ) v/andate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense vavanda-, de- etc.; preceding vandiṣīm/ahi- ; future vanditā-, vandiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vanditum- etc.; vandādhyai- ; ind.p. vanditvā-vandya- etc.) , to praise, celebrate, laud, extol ; to show honour, do homage, salute respectfully or deferentially, venerate, worship, adore etc. ; to offer anything (accusative) respectfully to (dative case) : Passive voice vandyate- (Aorist avandi-, vandi-), to be praised or venerated etc. etc. Causal vandayati- (aor. avavandat- data-), to show honour to any one, greet respectfully : Desiderative See vivandiṣu-.  |
vibudh | A1. -budhyate-, to awake, be awake or a wakened etc. ; to become conscious or aware of, perceive, learn : Causal -bodhayati-, to awaken etc. ; to restore to consciousness  |
vid | cl.2 P. ( ) vetti- (vidmahe- ; vedati-, te- ; vid/ati-, te- etc.; vindati-, te- etc.; imperative vidāṃ-karotu- [ confer, compare ];1. sg. imperfect tense avedam-,2. sg. avet-or aves-[ ] etc.;3. plural avidus- [ confer, compare ]; avidan- etc.; perfect tense v/eda-[often substituted for proper vetti- confer, compare ], 3. plural vid/us-or vidre- ; viveda- etc.; vidāṃcak/āra- etc.[ confer, compare ; according to to also vidām-babhūva-]; Aorist avedīt- ; vidām-akran- ; future vedit/ā- ; vettā- future vediṣyati-, te- ; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood v/editum-, tos- ; vettum- etc.; ind.p. viditv/ā- etc.), to know, understand, perceive, learn, become or be acquainted with, be conscious of, have a correct notion of (with accusative,in older, language also with genitive case;with infinitive mood = to know how to) etc. (viddhi yathā-,"know that"; vidyāt-,"one should know","it should be understood"; ya evam veda-[in ],"who knows thus","who has this knowledge") ; to know or regard or consider as, take for, declare to be, call (especially in 3. plural vidus-,with two accusative or with accusative and Nominal verb with iti-, exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ sthaviraṃ viduḥ-,"they consider or call him aged"; rājarṣir iti māṃ viduḥ-,"they consider me a rājarṣi-") etc. ; to mind, notice, observe, remember (with genitive case or accusative) ; to experience, feel (accusative or genitive case) etc. ; to wish to know, inquire about (accusative) : Causal ved/ayate- (rarely ti-; Aorist avīvidat-; Passive voice vedyate-), to make known, announce, report, tell etc. ; to teach, explain ; to recognize or regard as, take for (two accusative) etc. ; to feel, experience etc.: Desiderative of Causal in vivedayiṣu- q.v : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, to wish to know or learn, inquire about (acc) : Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek for , for equals veda-; Latin videre; Slavonic or Slavonian ve8de8ti; Gothic witan,wait; German wizzan,wissen; Anglo-Saxon wa7t; English wot.])  |
vid | (originally identical with1. vid-) cl.6 P. A1. ( ) vind/ati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also vitt/e-, vid/e-; parasmE-pada vidān/a-or vidāna-[ q.v ]; Epic 3. plural vindate- Potential vindyāt-,often equals vidyāt-; perfect tense viv/eda-[3. plural vividus- subjunctive vividat-], vividv/as-,3. plural vividre-, vidr/e- etc.; parasmE-pada vividv/as- ; vividivas- ; Aorist /avidat-, data- [ Vedic or Veda subjunctive vid/āsi-, d/āt-; Potential vid/et-, deta- ;3. sg. videṣṭa- ]; A1.1. sg. avitsi- ; future vettā-, vediṣyati- grammar; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood vid/e- ; vettum- etc.; v/ettave- ; ttavai-[?] and tos- ; ind.p. vittv/ā- ; -vidya- etc.) , to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess etc. etc. (with diśas-,to find out the quarters of she sky ) ; to get or procure for (dative case) ; to seek out, look for, attend to etc. ; to feel, experience ; to consider as, take for (two accusative) ; to come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce ; (A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scilicet bhāryām-) etc. ; to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) ; to obtain (a son, with or scilicet sutam-) : Passive voice or A1. vidy/ate- (Epic also ti-; parasmE-pada vidyamāna-[ q.v ]; Aorist avedi-), to be found, exist, be etc. ; (especially in later language) vidyate-,"there is, there exists", often with na-,"there is not" ; with bhoktum-,"there is something to eat" ; followed by a future ,"is it possible that?" ; yathā-vid/e-,"as it happens" id est "as usual","as well as possible" : Causal vedayati-, to cause to find etc. : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, te- grammar (see vivitsita-): Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- (for parasmE-pada v/evidat-and dāna-See vi--and saṃvid-). |
vinad | P. -nadati-, to sound forth, cry out, roar, bellow, thunder etc. (with ravam mahā-svanam-,to roar aloud) ; to roar or scream at or about (accusative) ; to fill with cries : Causal -nādayati- (Passive voice -nādyate-), to cause to sound or resound, fill with noise or cries etc. ; to sound aloud  |
vinigad | P. -gadati-, to speak to, address : Passive voice -gadyate-, to be called or named  |
vipad | A1. -padyate-, to fall or burst asunder ; to come between, intervene, prevent, hinder ; to go wrongly, fail, miscarry, come to nought, perish die etc.: Causal pādayati-, to cause to perish, destroy, kill  |
vipratipad | A1. -padyate-, to go in different or opposite directions, turn here and there ; to roam, wander (said of the senses) ; to be perplexed or confounded, be uncertain how to act, waver, hesitate ; to differ or diverge in opinion, be mutually opposed ; to be mistaken, have a false opinion about (locative case) ; to reply falsely or erroneously  |
virudh | P. A1. -ruṇaddhi-, -runddhe-, (P.) to hinder, obstruct, invest, besiege ; to close ; (A1.) to encounter opposition from (instrumental case) : Passive voice -rudhyate- (mc. also ti-), to be impeded or checked or kept back or withheld etc. ; to be opposed, to contend with (instrumental case with or without saha-, genitive case locative case,or accusative with prati-) etc. ; to be at variance with or contradictory to (instrumental case) ; to fail : Causal -rodhayati- (rarely te-), to set at variance, disunite ; to oppose, encounter, fight against or contend, with (accusative,rarely genitive case) ; to object to (accusative) : Desiderative -rurutsati-, to wish to commence hostility  |
vṛdh | cl.1 A1. ( ) v/ardhate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense vav/ardha-, vavṛdhe- etc. etc. [Ved. also vāvṛ-; vavṛdhāti-, dhīt/ās-, dh/asva- ; vāvṛdh/ete- ; parasmE-pada vāvṛdh/at- ; Aorist Ved. avṛdhat-, vṛdhātas-, dhātu-; parasmE-pada vṛdh/at-, dhān/a-]; avardhiṣṭa- etc.; preceding vardhiṣīm/ahi- ; future vardhitā- grammar; vartsyati- ; vardhiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood Ved. vṛdhe-["for increase","to make glad"], vṛdh/ase-, vāvṛdh/adhyai-; Classical vardhitum-; ind.p. vṛddhvā-,or vardhitvā- grammar;in vṛdh-is sometimes confounded with1. vṛt-), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive ; to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (especially the gods, with praise or sacrifice) ; (intrans. A1.; in Vedic or Veda P.in perfect tense and Aorist; in Class. P.in Aorist future and Conditional; also P. mc. in other forms) , to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed etc. ; to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) ; to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instrumental case locative case genitive case) or in regard to (dative case), become joyful, have cause for congratulation (vṛdhaḥ-, dhat-in sacrificial formulas ="mayest thou or may he prosper";in later language often with diṣṭyā-) etc. etc.: Causal vardh/ayati-, te- (in later language also vardhāpayati-; Aorist Ved. avīvṛdhat-, dhata-), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (A1."for one's self") etc. ; to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ; to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive etc. ; to exalt, magnify, glorify (especially the gods), make joyful, gladden (A1.in Vedic or Veda also = to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in [instr.], enjoy etc.;with. or scilicet diṣṭyā-) to congratulate ; (cl.10. according to to ) "to speak" or "to shine" (bhāṣārthe-or bhāsārthe-): Desiderative of Causal See vivardhayiṣu-: Desiderative vivardhiṣate- or vivṛtsati- grammar : Intensive varivṛdhyate-, varivṛdhīti-  |
vyadh | cl.4 P. ( ) v/idhyati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense parasmE-pada vivyādha- etc.;3. plural vivyadhuḥ- , vividhuḥ- ; A1. vivyadhe- ; parasmE-pada vividhv/as- ; Aorist vyātsīḥ- ; preceding vidhyāt- grammar; future veddhā-, vetsyati-, te- ; vyaddhā-, vyatsyati- grammar; infinitive mood veddhum- ; -vidhe- ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā-, -vidhya- ), to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound etc. ; (with sirām-) to open a vein, bleed ; to pelt with (instrumental case) ; to inflict, attach to, affect with (accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing) ; to shake, wave ; (in astronomy) to fix the position of a heavenly body ; to cling to (accusative) : Causal vyādhayati-, (Epic also vedhayati-; Aorist avīvidhat-or avivyadhat-), to pierce, open (a vein) ; to cause to pierce or perforate : Desiderative vivyatsati-, to wish to affect or taint with (instrumental case) : Intensive vevidhyate- or vāvyaddhi- (?) grammar |
vyāpad | A1. -padyate-, to fall away, fall into misfortune, perish, be lost, fail, miscarry ; to disappear, be changed into another sound or symbol Sch (see vy-āpanna-): Causal -pādayati-, to cause to perish, make worse, injure, hurt, spoil, kill, destroy  |
vyavacchid | ( chid-) P. -cchinatti-, to cut off, separate etc. ; to tear asunder, open, sunder ; to limit, fix, settle, ascertain ; to resolve on (prati-) : Passive voice -cchidyate-, to be cut off or separated  |
vyavapad | A1. -padyate-, to fall down or asunder  |
vyṛdh | Passive voice -ṛdhyate-, to be unfortunate or unsuccessful, be excluded or deprived of (instrumental case) : Causal -ardhayati- (Passive voice -ardhyate-), to exclude from, deprive of (instrumental case) Desiderative vīrtsati-, to wish to nullify or render vain (see vīrtsā-,) .  |
vyutpad | A1. -padyate- (Aorist vyud-apādi-), to proceed from, arise, originate, have origin or derivation (especially in gram.), be derived (from a root etc.) ; (P.) to come back (from sea see vy-utthā-) ; to resist (?) : Causal -pādayati-, to cause to arise or come forth, produce, cause ; (in gram.) to derive, trace back to a root etc., ; to discuss in detail : Desiderative See vy-utpitsu-, column 2.  |
yudh | cl.4 A1. ( ) y/udhyate- (rarely P. ti-; cl.1 P. yodhati- ; imperative y/otsi- ; perfect tense yuy/odha-, yuyudh/e- etc.; Aorist Ved. yodhi-, yodhat-, yodhān/a-; ayodhīt-, yodhiṣat-; yutsmahi-; Epic yotsīs-;Class. ayuddha-; future yoddhā- ; yotsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood yudh/e-or yudh/aye- ; yudham- ; yoddhum- ; ind.p. -yuddhvī- ; -yudhya- ), to fight, wage war, oppose or (rarely) overcome in battle ; to fight with (instrumental case,also with saha-, samam-) or for (locative case) or against (accusative) etc. ; (y/udhyati-), to go ; to move, fluctuate (as waves) (confer, compare on ) : Passive voice yudhyate-, to be fought (also impersonal or used impersonally) (varia lectio): Causal yodh/ayati- ( ; mc. also te-; Aorist ayūyudhat- ; Passive voice yodhyate- ), to cause to fight, lead to war, engage in battle etc. ; to oppose or overcome in war, be a match for (accusative) etc. ; to defend : Desiderative y/uyutsati-, te- (P.in Class. only mc.) , to be desirous or anxious to fight, wish to fight with (instrumental case) etc.: Causal of Desiderative yuyutsayati-, to make desirous of fighting : Intensive yoyudhyate-, yoyoddhi- (confer, compare yavīy/udh-) grammar ([ confer, compare Zend yud; Greek .])  |