द्य | dyas- See a-dy/a-, sa-dy/as-.  |
द्यै | cl.1 P. dyāyati- ( ) , to despise, ill-treat. |
द्यै | ind. fie! for shame!  |
द्याम्पात | See under 2. dy/u-.  |
द्याम्पात | m. (fr. dyām- accusative of div-, dyu-+ p-) Name of a man (see daiyāmpāti-).  |
द्यौ | vṛddhi- form of dyu- in compound  |
द्यौद्यौर्दा | mfn. giving heaven  |
द्यौकामि | m. patronymic fr. dyu-kāma-.  |
द्यौलोक | m. the heavenly world  |
द्यौशंसित | (dy/au--) mfn. impelled or incited by heaven  |
द्यौष्पितृ | See under 3. div-.  |
द्यौत | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
द्यौतान | n. Name of a sāman-  |
द्यौत्त्र | n. light, splendour  |
द्यौत्त्र | n. forked lightning  |
द्यावा | See under 2. dy/u-.  |
द्यावा | (dual number of div-, dyu-,"heaven", generally connected with another dual number meaning earth, but also alone) heaven and earth |
द्यावा | night and day |
द्यावाभूमी | (dy/ā-) f. dual number heaven and earth  |
द्यावाक्षामा | (dy/ā-) f. dual number idem or 'f. dual number heaven and earth '  |
द्यावाक्षमे | f. dual number heaven and earth  |
द्यावन् | See vṛṣṭi--.  |
द्यावापृथिवी | f. (dy/ā-) dual number idem or '(dy/ā-) f. dual number idem or 'f. dual number heaven and earth ' ' etc. (vy/au-, )  |
द्यावापृथिवीवत् | mfn. connected with heaven and earth  |
द्यावापृथिवीय | mfn. relating or sacred to them (also vy/a-)  |
द्यावापृथिवीय | n. (scilicet sūkta-) a particular hymn  |
द्यो | guṇa- form of dyu- in compound  |
द्यो | dyota- etc. See under dyu- and 1. dyut-.  |
द्योभूमि | m. "moving between heaven and earth", a bird  |
द्योभूमी | f. dual number heaven and earth  |
द्योद्रुम | m. the heavenly tree equals kalpa-d-  |
द्योकार | m. "maker of brightness", builder of splendid edifices on (varia lectio jyā--.).  |
द्योषद् | m. "sitting in heaven", a deity  |
द्योत | m. light, brilliance (see kha--, cintya--, nakha--)  |
द्योत | m. sunshine, heat  |
द्योता | f. a squinting or a red-eyed or a red-haired woman commentator or commentary ,  |
द्योत | See hrid-d-.  |
द्योतक | mfn. shining, illuminating (see kha--)  |
द्योतक | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') making clear, explaining |
द्योतक | mfn. expressing, meaning  |
द्योतकत्व | n.  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--)  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning  |
द्योतन | m. a lamp  |
द्योतन | m. Name of a man ( )  |
द्योतन | n. shining, being bright  |
द्योतन | n. illumination  |
द्योतन | n. making manifest, explaining, showing  |
द्योतन | n. seeing, sight  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. shining, glittering  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. illuminating, enlightening (see kha--)  |
द्योतन | mf(ā-or ī-)n. explaining, meaning  |
द्योतन | m. a lamp  |
द्योतन | m. Name of a man ( )  |
द्योतन | n. shining, being bright  |
द्योतन | n. illumination  |
द्योतन | n. making manifest, explaining, showing  |
द्योतन | n. seeing, sight  |
द्योतन | See hrid-d-.  |
द्योतनक | mf(ikā-)n. making manifest, explaining  |
द्योतनि | f. splendour, brightness  |
द्योतनिका | f. explanation (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
द्योतिन् | mfn. shining, brilliant  |
द्योतिन् | mfn. meaning, expressing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
द्योतिरिङ्गण | m. a shining insect, fire-fly  |
द्योतिस् | n. light, brightness  |
द्योतिस् | n. a star  |
द्योतिष्पथ | m. "star-path", the upper part of the air (varia lectio jyotiṣ-.).  |
द्योतित | mfn. shone upon, illustrated, bright (see dyut-)  |
द्योतितप्रभ | mfn. resplendent  |
द्योत्मन् | See su-d-.  |
द्योत्य | mfn. to be expressed or explained  |
द्यु | m. (rarelyn.) day (especially in plural and in such forms as d/ivā-), by day (see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
द्यु | m. dy/avi-dyavi-, daily, every day  |
द्यु | m. /anu dy/ūn-, day by day, daily  |
द्यु | m. dy/ubhis- and /upa dy/ubhis-, by day or in the course of days, a long time  |
द्यु | m. brightness, sheen, glow (only dy/ubhis-)  |
द्यु | m. fire (Nominal verb dyus-) [ confer, compare dy/u-; Greek , etc. =dyau4s,diva4s; Latin Jou,JuinJu-piter,Jovis,Jovietc. =dyavas,dyavi; O.E. Ti4w; O.H.G. ZI7u O.N. Ty4r.]  |
द्यु | cl.2 P. dyauti- ( ; perfect tense dudyāva-,3 plural dudyuvur-) to go against, attack, assail  |
द्यु | for 3. div- as inflected stem and in compound before consonants.  |
द्यू | mfn. (fr.2. div-) playing or sporting with, delighting in (see akṣa--, eka--, kama--, mṛga--)  |
द्यू | f. game at dice (only dy/uvam-and dyuv/e-) (see dīv-).  |
द्युभक्त | (dy/u--) mfn. distributed by heaven  |
द्युचर | mfn. walking or moving in heaven, an inhabitant of heaven  |
द्युचर | m. a vidyā-dhara-, (rī-bhū-,to become a vidyā-dhara- )  |
द्युचर | m. a planet  |
द्युचारिन् | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
द्युदल | n. "sky-half."noon  |
द्युदन्तिन् | m. heavenly elephant (see dik-karin-)  |
द्युधामन् | m. having one's abode in heaven, a god  |
द्युधुनि | f. "heavenly river", the Ganges  |
द्युग | m. "sky goer", a bird (see khe-cara-).  |
द्युगण | m. equals dinarāśi-  |
द्युगत् | ind. ( gam-?) through the sky ( quickly)  |
द्युजन | m. a god  |
द्युजय | m. conquest or attainment of heaven  |
द्युजीवा | ( ) ( ) f. "sky. diameter", the diameter of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution.  |
द्युज्या | ( ) f. "sky. diameter", the diameter of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution.  |
द्युक | and k/ari- wrong reading for ghūka- and kāri-.  |
द्युकाम | m. Name of a man (see dyaukāmi-).  |
द्युकर्णार्ध | m. equals dina-vyāsa-dala-  |
द्युक्ष | mf(/ā-)n. (fr. 1. kṣ/a-) heavenly, celestial, light, brilliant  |
द्युक्षवचस् | mfn. (kṣ/a--) uttering heavenly words, .  |
द्युलोक | m. the heavenly world (see dyaur-ī-).  |
द्युमद्गामन् | mfn. loud-singing  |
द्युमैथुन | n. cohabitation by day (see divā-maithunin-).  |
द्युमणि | m. "sky-jewel", the sun  |
द्युमणि | m. Name of śiva-  |
द्युमणि | m. calcined copper  |
द्युमार्ग | m. equals -patha-  |
द्युमर्याद | (or -vat-) mfn. having the sky as boundary ( dyumaryādatva da-tva-n.and dyumaryādavattva da-vat-tva- n. )  |
द्युमर्यादत्व | n. dyumaryāda |
द्युमर्यादवत्त्व | n. dyumaryāda |
द्युमत् | mfn. bright, light, brilliant, splendid, excellent  |
द्युमत् | mfn. clear, loud, shrill  |
द्युमत् | mfn. brisk, energetic, strong  |
द्युमत् | m. Name of a son of vasiṣṭha-  |
द्युमत् | m. of divo-dāsa- (= pratardana-),  |
द्युमत् | m. of manu- svārociṣa-  |
द्युमत् | m. Name of a minister of sālva-  |
द्युमत् | n. eye  |
द्युमत् | ind. clearly, brightly, loudly  |
द्युमत्सेन | m. Name of a prince of śālva-, father of satyavat-  |
द्युमौर्वि | f. equals -jīvā-  |
द्युमय | mf(ī-)n. light, clear  |
द्युमयी | f. Name of a daughter of tvaṣṭṛ-  |
द्युमयी | f. and wife of the Sun  |
द्युम्न | n. splendour, glory, majesty, power, strength  |
द्युम्न | n. enthusiasm, inspiration  |
द्युम्न | n. wealth, possession (equals dhana- )  |
द्युम्न | n. food  |
द्युम्न | n. Name of a sāman-  |
द्युम्न | m. Name of the author of , of a sāman-  |
द्युम्न | m. Name of the author of  |
द्युम्न | m. of a son of manu- and naḍvalā-  |
द्युम्नहूति | (mn/a--) f. inspired invocation  |
द्युम्नासह् | (strong -sāh-) mfn. bearing strength, .  |
द्युम्नसाति | (mn/a--) f. receiving inspiration or power, .  |
द्युम्नश्रवस् | (mn/a--) mfn. producing a strong or clear sound, .  |
द्युम्नवर्धन | mfn. increasing strength, ix, 31, 2.  |
द्युम्नवत् | mfn. (mn/a--) inspired or clearly sounding  |
द्युम्नवत् | mfn. strong, powerful,  |
द्युम्नि | m. Name of a prince  |
द्युम्नीक | m. Name of a son of vasiṣṭha- and author of  |
द्युम्निन् | mfn. majestic, strong, powerful, inspired, fierce  |
द्युम्नोदा | (fr. a stem mnas-) mfn. granting splendour,  |
द्युन | See prec.  |
द्यून | mfn. (fr.1.and2. div-) lamenting, sorrowful (see p/ari--)  |
द्यून | mfn. playing, sportive  |
द्यून | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also -ka-) n. the 7th sign of the zodiac reckoning from that which the sun has entered (see dyuta-and dyuna-).  |
द्युनदी | f. idem or 'f. "heavenly river", the Ganges '  |
द्युनदीसंगम | m. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
द्युनिश् | day and night (only śi- ; śos- ; śam-,1 ; śe- dual number )  |
द्युनिश | day and night (only śi- ; śos- ; śam-,1 ; śe- dual number )  |
द्युनिवास | m. heavenly abode, heaven  |
द्युनिवास | m. inhabitant of heaven, a deity (also sin-, siddhānta-s.)  |
द्युनिवासीभूय | n. the becoming a deity.  |
द्युपथ | m. "sky-path", the upper part of the sky  |
द्युपति | m. "sky-lord", a god (plural)  |
द्युपति | m. the sun  |
द्युपति | m. Name of indra-  |
द्युपिण्ड | m. or n. equals ahar-gaṇa-  |
द्युपुरंध्रि | f. equals -yoṣit-  |
द्युराशि | m. equals ahar-gaṇa-  |
द्युरत्न | n. "sky-jewel", the sun,  |
द्युरात्र | n. day and night  |
द्युरात्रवृत्त | n. diurnal circle  |
द्युस् | See anye--, apare-- etc.  |
द्युषद् | m. "sitting in heavenly", a god  |
द्युषद् | m. a planet  |
द्युसद् | m. a god (see prec.)  |
द्युसद्मन् | m. a god (see prec.)  |
द्युसम्भव | mfn. originating by day  |
द्युसरस् | n. the lake of the sky  |
द्युसरित् | ( ) f. equals -nadī-.  |
द्युसिन्धु | ( ) f. equals -nadī-.  |
द्युस्थ | mfn. dwelling in heaven,  |
द्युस्त्री | f. yoṣit-  |
द्युत् | mfn. advancing against, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
द्युत् | cl.1 A1. dy/otate- (also ti-) etc. (perfect tense didyute-, parasmE-pada tān/a- [ see ], didy/ota- ; dyutur-. ; Aorist adyutat-and /adidyutat- ; /adyaut- , adyotiṣṭa- , parasmE-pada P. dyutat- A1. tān/a-or dy/utāna- ; future dyotiṣyati- ; ind.p. dyutitvā-or dyot- ; -dyutya- ) to shine, be bright or brilliant: Causal dyotayati-(te-, ) to make bright, illuminate, irradiate ; to cause to appear, make clear or manifest, express, mean : Desiderative dedyutiṣati- or didyot- : Intensive d/avidyot-, 3. plural dyutati- ; dedyutyate- , to shine, glitter, be bright or brilliant  |
द्युत् | f. shining, splendour, ray of light (see danta--).  |
द्युत् | Caus. dyotayati-, to break, tear open (see abhivi--, ā--).  |
द्युत | n. Name of the 7th mansion (=) (varia lectio dyuna-,or dyūna-).  |
द्यूत | n. (m.only ; see ) play, gaming, gambling (especially with dice, but also with any inanimate object). etc.  |
द्यूत | n. (figuratively) battle or fight, contest for (compound)  |
द्यूत | n. the prize or booty won in battle  |
द्यूतभूमि | f. gambling-ground, playing-place,  |
द्यूतबीज | n. a cowrie (a small shell used as a coin and in playing) ,  |
द्यूतदास | m. a slave won at dice,  |
द्यूतदासी | f. a female slave won at dice, 29.  |
द्यूतधर्म | m. the laws concerning gambling  |
द्यूताधिकारिन् | m. the keeper of a gambling-house  |
द्यूतजित | mfn. won at dice  |
द्यूतकर | m. a gambler  |
द्यूतकार | m. equals -kara-  |
द्यूतकार | m. equals next  |
द्यूतकारक | m. the keeper of a gaming-house  |
द्यूतकरमण्डली | f. a gambler's circle (see dyūtamaṇḍala-)  |
द्यूतकिंकरी | f. equals dāsī-,  |
द्यूतक्रीडा | f. playing with dice, gambling  |
द्यूतकृत् | m. a gambler  |
द्यूतलेखक | m. or n. a gambling-bill  |
द्यूतमण्डल | n. a circle or party of gamblers  |
द्यूतमण्डल | n. a gambling. house  |
द्यूतमण्डल | n. a circle drawn round a gambler (to make him pay)  |
द्युतान | mfn. shining, bright  |
द्युतान | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic māruta- or māruti-, author of ) and the hymn ascribed to him.  |
द्यूतपलायित | mfn. one who has run away from a game  |
द्यूतपौर्णिमी | f. the day of full moon in kārttika- (spent in games of chance in honour of lakṣmi-)  |
द्यूतफलक | n. gambling-board  |
द्यूतप्रतिपद् | f. the first day of the bright half of the month kārttika- (celebrated by gambling)  |
द्यूतप्रिय | mfn. fond of gambling  |
द्यूतपुर्णिमी | f. the day of full moon in kārttika- (spent in games of chance in honour of lakṣmi-)  |
द्युतरु | m. the tree of heaven  |
द्यूतसभा | f. ( ) a gambling -house  |
द्यूतसदन | n. ( ) a gambling -house  |
द्यूतशाला | f. (Kathls.),  |
द्यूतसमाह्वयप्रकरण | n. "a treatise on the law-suits arising from gambling", Name of chapter of viśveśvara-'s su-bodhinī-.  |
द्यूतसमाज | m. ( ) a gambling -house  |
द्यूतसमाज | m. an assembly of gamblers.  |
द्यूताष्यक्ष | m. superintendent of gambling  |
द्युतत् | mfn. shining  |
द्यूतता | f. equals -krīḍā-  |
द्युततद्यामन् | mfn. having a shining path  |
द्यूतवैतंसिक | m. plural men who live by gambling and bird-catching  |
द्यूतवर्त्मन् | n. method of gambling-bill  |
द्यूतविशेष | m. plural "different kinds of gambling-bill", Name of chapter of  |
द्यूतवृत्ति | m. a professional gambler  |
द्यूतवृत्ति | m. the keeper of a gambling-house  |
द्युति | f. splendour (as a goddess ), brightness, lustre, majesty, dignity. etc.  |
द्युति | f. (dramatic language) a threatening attitude  |
द्युति | m. Name of a ṛṣi- under manu- merusāvarṇa-  |
द्युति | m. of a son of manu- tāmasa-  |
द्युतिधर | m. Name of a poet  |
द्युतिकर | mf(ī-)n. producing splendour, illuminating, bright, handsome  |
द्युतिकर | m. the polar star or (in mythology) the divine sage dhruva-  |
द्युतिला | f. Hemionitis Cordifolia  |
द्युतिमत् | mfn. resplendent, bright  |
द्युतिमत् | mfn. splendid, majestic, dignified etc.  |
द्युतिमत् | m. Name of a prince of the Madras and father-in-law of saha-deva-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a prince of the śālva-s and father of ṛcīka-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a son of madirāśva- and father of su-vīra-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a son of priya-vrata- and king of krauñca-dvīpa-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a son of prāṇa- (pāṇḍu-)  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a ṛṣi- under the first manu- meru-sāvarṇa- ( ) or under manu- dākṣasāvarṇi-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a son of manu- svāyam-bhuva-  |
द्युतिमत् | m. of a mountain  |
द्युतिमती | f. Name of a woman  |
द्युतिमति | mfn. of brilliant understanding, clear-minded  |
द्युतित | mfn. enlightened, illuminated, shining (see dyotita-and )  |
द्युत्त | mfn. broken, torn or rent asunder  |
द्यूत्वा | See a-dyūty/a- and 2. div-.  |
द्यूत्य | See a-dyūty/a- and 2. div-.  |
द्युवधू | f. equals -yoṣit-  |
द्युवन् | m. the sun, heaven  |
द्युवन् | m. heaven,  |
द्युवन् | the sun, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
द्युवनी | f. heavenly grove  |
द्युयोषित् | f. "heavenly woman", an apsaras-  |
अभेद्य | mfn. not to be divided or broken or pierced  |
अभेद्य | mfn. indivisible  |
अभेद्य | mfn. not to be betrayed (as a secret formula)  |
अभेद्य | not to be seduced,  |
अभेद्य | n. a diamond  |
अभेद्यता | f. ([ ]) indivisibility, impenetrability.  |
अभेद्यत्व | n. ([ ]) indivisibility, impenetrability. |
अभिचैद्यम् | ind. against the prince of the cedi-s (id est śiśupāla-)  |
अभिद्यु | mfn. directed to heaven, tending or going to heaven  |
अभिद्यु | mfn. heavenly, bright  |
अभिमाद्यत्क | mfn. partially intoxicated, half-drunk  |
अभिनन्द्य | mfn. equals abhi-nandanīya-  |
अभिनन्द्य | ind.p. having rejoiced at  |
अभिनन्द्य | having gladdened.  |
आभीशवाद्य | n. idem or 'n. (fr. abhīśu-),"composed by abhīśu-"Name of a sāman- '  |
अभिष्टिद्युम्न | (abhiṣṭ/i--) mf(ā-)n. "whose glory is protecting or superior", being of benevolent majesty  |
अभिवाद्य | mfn. to be respectfully saluted  |
अभिवन्द्य | mfn. praiseworthy,  |
अभिविद्युत् | (Aorist -dyaut-) to break open, open by force  |
अभ्यानन्द्य | ind. having thanked and praised,  |
अभ्युद्यत | mfn. ( yam-), raised, lifted up etc.  |
अभ्युद्यत | mfn. offered  |
अभ्युद्यत | mfn. prepared for, engaged in, ready for (Inf.[ etc.] or dative case [ ]or locative case [ ] or in compound [ ])  |
अभ्युद्यत | mfn. (for abhy-udgata-), received kindly, welcomed  |
आच्छाद्य | ind. (and irregular ā-cchādayitvā- ) ind.p. having covered, having clothed etc.  |
आच्छाद्य | ind. covering, clothing etc.  |
अच्छेद्य | mfn. improper or impossible to be cut, indivisible.  |
आच्छिद्य | ind.p. cutting off etc.  |
आच्छिद्य | interrupting (exempli gratia, 'for example' a tale, kathām-)  |
आच्छिद्य | setting aside  |
आच्छिद्य | in spite of (accusative), not with standing  |
अच्छिद्यमान | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed  |
अच्छिद्यमान | mfn. not fragile (a needle)  |
अचिरद्युति | f. lightning.  |
अधरेद्युस् | ind. the day before yesterday  |
अधिद्यो | f. (Nominal verb aus-) a kind of brick,  |
अधिवाज्यकुलाद्य | m. Name of a country  |
अधिवेदनीयावेद्या | f. equals -vettavyā-.  |
अधिविद्यम् | ind. on the subject of science (treated of in the upaniṣad-s)  |
अध्यर्धपाद्य | mfn. amounting to one foot and a half.  |
अध्यात्मविद्या | f. equals -jñana-.  |
अध्युद्यम् | to put down,  |
अद्मसद्य | n. commensality  |
आद्य | mf(ā-)n. ([ ]) being at the beginning, first, primitive etc.  |
आद्य | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (equals ādi- q.v)  |
आद्य | mf(ā-)n. immediately preceding (exempli gratia, 'for example' ekādaśādya-,immediately before the eleventh id est the tenth) , earlier, older  |
आद्य | mf(ā-)n. being at the head, unparalleled, unprecedented, excellent  |
आद्य | m. plural a class of deities  |
आद्या | f. Name of durgā-  |
आद्य | m. the earth  |
आद्य | m. (for 2. ādy/a-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
आद्य | mf(ā-)n. ( ad-), to be eaten, edible  |
आद्य | n. food  |
आद्य | n. grain |
अद्य | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
अद्य | mfn. fit or proper to be eaten  |
अद्य | n. (am-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (see ann/adya-, havir adya-) food.  |
अद्य | ind. (Ved. ady/ā-) (fr. pronominal base a-,this, with dya-for dyu- q.v, Latin ho-die), to-day  |
अद्य | ind. now-a-days  |
अद्य | ind. now.  |
आद्यबीज | n. a primeval cause  |
आद्यादि | m. Name of a gaṇa- on  |
अद्यदिन | m. n. the present day.  |
अद्यदिवस | m. n. the present day.  |
आद्याद्य | mfn. each or every preceding (element), .  |
आद्यगङ्गा | f. Name of a river.  |
अद्याग्रेण | ind. henceforth,  |
अद्यैव | ind. this very day.  |
आद्यकालक | mf(ikā-)n. relating only to this day,  |
आद्यकवि | m. "the first poet", Name of vālmīki- (see ādi-kavi-above)  |
आद्यकवि | m. see  |
आद्यमाषक | m. Name of a weight equal to five guñjā-s  |
आद्यन्त | n. or au- dual number plural beginning and end, etc.  |
आद्यन्त | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' beginning and ending with  |
आद्यन्तवत् | mfn. "having beginning and end", finite  |
आद्यन्तवत् | ind. as if it were the beginning and the end  |
आद्यन्तयमक | n. "homophony in the beginning and end of a stanza", Name of a figure in poetry (occurring in etc.)  |
अद्यापि | ind. even now, just now  |
अद्यापि | ind. to this day  |
अद्यापि | ind. down to the present time  |
अद्यापि | ind. henceforth.  |
अद्यप्रभृति | ind. from and after to-day.  |
अद्यपूर्वम् | ind. before now.  |
आद्यर्त्विज् | (-ṛtvij-) m. chief-priest.  |
अद्यसुत्या | f. preparation and consecration of the soma- on the same day  |
अद्यश्व | mfn. comprising the present and the following day  |
अद्याश्व | n. the present and the following day  |
अद्यश्वीन | mfn. likely to happen to-day or (śvas-) to-morrow  |
अद्यश्वीना | f. a female near delivery  |
अद्यतन | mf(ī-)n. extending over or referring to to-day  |
अद्यतन | mf(ī-)n. now-a-days, modern  |
अद्यतन | m. the period of a current day, either from midnight to midnight, or from dawn to dark |
अद्यतनभूत | m. the aorist.  |
अद्यतनी | f. (in grammar) the aorist tense (from its relating what has occurred on the same day).  |
अद्यतनीय | mfn. extending over or referring to to-day  |
अद्यतनीय | mfn. current now-a-days.  |
अद्यतस् | ind. from to-day,  |
अद्यत्व | n. the present time,  |
अद्यावधि | mfn. beginning or ending to-day  |
अद्यावधि | mfn. from or till to-day.  |
अद्ययज्ञ | m. to-day's sacrifice, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
आद्योत | m. (fr.1. dyut-), light, brilliance  |
अद्योतक | mfn. not expressing or denoting, Sch.  |
अद्यु | mfn. not burning or not sharp  |
आद्युदात्त | mfn. having the udātta- accent on the first syllable  |
आद्युदात्तत्व | n. the condition of having the udātta- accent on the first syllable on  |
आद्यून | mf(ā-)n. ([etym. doubtful]) , shamelessly voracious, greedy  |
आद्युत् | A1. (perfect tense 3. sg. -didy/ota-) to grow rotten  |
अद्युत् | mfn. destitute of brightness  |
अद्यूत्य | n. (4) unlucky gambling  |
अद्यूत्य | mfn. not derived from gambling, honestly obtained.  |
अगद्य | Nom. P. agadyati-, to have good health, (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- q.v) ; to heal  |
अगर्तस्कन्द्य | mfn. "not having holes to be lept over", not offering hindrances  |
अग्निमान्द्य | n. slowness of digestion, dyspepsia.  |
अग्निष्टोमसद्य | n. the performance of agniṣṭoma-  |
अहृद्य | mfn. not pleasing, not being to one's taste (as food)  |
अइकपद्य | n. (See the last) unity of words, the state of being one word on  |
अइकशब्द्य | n. (fr. eka-śabda-), sameness or identity of words  |
अइन्द्रद्युम्न | mfn. relating to or treating of indradyumna-  |
अइन्द्रद्युम्नि | m. a descendant of indradyumna-, Name of janaka-  |
आजाद्य | m. a man or chief of the warrior-tribe called ajāda-  |
आजाद्य | See āja-.  |
अखाद्य | mfn. uneatable.  |
अक्लेद्य | mfn. not to be wetted.  |
अक्षद्यू | m. a gambler, a dice-player.  |
अक्षद्यूत | n. gambling  |
अक्षद्यूत | n. see ākṣadyūtika-.  |
अक्षद्यूतादि | a gaRa of  |
आक्षद्यूतिक | mfn. (fr. akṣa-dyūta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. akṣ/a-) effected by gambling  |
अक्षारमद्यमांसाद | mfn. not eating acrid substances nor (drinking) spirituous liquors nor eating meat  |
अल्पविद्य | mfn. ignorant, uneducated  |
आमाद्य | n. āmād |
अमद्यप | mfn. not drinking intoxicating liquors |
अमद्यपमद्यत् | mfn. being (inebriated or) joyful without (having drunk) any intoxicating liquor  |
अमितद्युति | mfn. of infinite splendour.  |
अमृषोद्य | n. true speech  |
अमृतद्युति | ([ ]) m. "nectar-rayed", the moon.  |
अनभिवाद्य | mfn. not to be greeted.  |
अनडुद्यज्ञ | m. a sacrifice for oxen,  |
अनाद्य | mfn. equals an-ādi- q.v  |
अनाद्य | mf(/ā-)n. (equals an-adya-), not eatable  |
अनाद्यनन्त | mfn. without beginning and without end  |
अनाद्यन्त | mfn. without beginning and end  |
अनाद्यन्त | m. Name of śiva-.  |
अनद्यतन | m. a tense (either past or future) not applicable to the current day  |
अनङ्गविद्या | f. (= kāma-- śāstra-),  |
अनन्यनिष्पाद्य | mfn. to be accomplished by no other.  |
अनासाद्य | mfn. not attainable.  |
अनत्युद्य | mfn. (equals aty-an-udya-), quite unfit to be mentioned, far above any expression  |
अनवद्य | mf(/ā-)n. irreproachable, faultless  |
अनवद्य | mf(/ā-)n. unobjectionable  |
अनवद्या | f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
अनवद्याङ्ग | mf(ī-)n. having faultless body or limbs.  |
अनवद्यरूप | (anavady/a--) mf(ā-)n. of faultless form or beauty  |
अनवद्यता | f. faultlessness.  |
अनवद्यत्व | n. faultlessness.  |
अनवसाद्य | ind.p. (Caus. of ava-sad-), not discouraging, not annoying.  |
अनेद्य | (4) mfn. ( nid-), not to be blamed  |
अङ्गविद्या | f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body, Chiromantia  |
आङ्गविद्य | mfn. familiar with chiromancy (aṅga-vidyā-, q.v), (gaRa ṛgayanādi- q.v)  |
अनिन्द्य | (3, 4) mfn. idem or 'mfn. irreproachable, virtuous.' |
अनिपद्यमान | ([ a-nip/adyamāna- ]) mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring  |
अनिवेद्य | ind.p. not having announced.  |
अङ्कविद्या | f. science of numbers, arithmetic.  |
अन्नाद्य | n. food in general, proper food.  |
अन्नाद्यकाम | mfn. desirous of food.  |
अन्तःस्पन्द्य | mfn. situated within the measuring cord,  |
अन्तरिक्षसद्य | n. residence in the atmosphere  |
अनुच्छेद्य | mfn. indestructible, not severable.  |
अनुद्य | mfn. unutterable  |
अनूद्य | mfn. to be spoken to afterwards.  |
अनूद्य | ind. having said afterwards or in reply.  |
अनुद्यमान | mfn. not being spoken  |
अनूद्यमान | mfn. spoken in reply to or according to.  |
अनुद्यत | mfn. ( yam-), inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance.  |
अनुद्योग | m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness.  |
अनुद्योगिन् | mfn. inactive, lazy, indifferent.  |
अनुद्यूत | n. continuation of the play at dice, Name of the chapters 70-79 in the second book of the  |
अनुमाद्य | (4, 5) mfn. to be praised in succession, to be granted with acclamation or praise  |
अनुमाद्य | See anu-mad-.  |
आनुपद्य | mfn. being behind any one's steps  |
अनुशब्द्य | ind.p. having communicated  |
अनुस्पन्द्यम् | ind. along the cord,  |
अनुत्पाद्य | mfn. not to be created, eternal.  |
अनुवाद्य | mfn. to be explained by an anuvāda-, to be made the subject of one  |
अनुवाद्य | n. the subject of a predicate.  |
अनुवाद्यत्व | n. the state of requiring to be explained by an anuvāda-.  |
अनुवेद्यन्तम् | ind. along the edge of the sacrificial ground  |
अन्यतरेद्युस् | ind. on either of two days  |
अन्येद्युक | mfn. ([ ]) occurring on another day  |
अन्येद्युक | m. a chronic fever.  |
अन्येद्युस् | ind. on the other day, on the following day etc. |
अन्येद्युस् | ind. the other day, once |
अन्येद्युष्क | mfn. ([ ]) occurring on another day  |
अन्येद्युष्क | m. a chronic fever.  |
अन्येद्युष्क | ( ), mfn. relating or belonging to the other day.  |
अन्येद्युस्क | ( ), mfn. relating or belonging to the other day.  |
अपाद्य | mf(ā-)n. (or /apādya-?), Name of certain iṣṭi-s (performed with the cavana vaiśvasṛja-) |
अपाद्य | m. Name (also title or epithet) of etc.,  |
अपनोद्य | mfn. to be removed.  |
अपरेद्युस् | ind. on the following day  |
अपरेद्युस् | See 2. /apara-.  |
अपरिवाद्य | mfn. ( vad-), not to be reprimanded  |
अपवाद्य | mfn. to be censured  |
अपवाद्य | mfn. to be excepted commentator or commentary on  |
अपविद्या | f. bad knowledge, ignorance,  |
अप्रच्छेद्य | mfn. inscrutable  |
अप्रणोद्य | mfn. ( nud-), not to be turned away (as a guest)  |
अप्रसाद्य | mfn. not to be propitiated  |
अप्रसाद्य | mfn. unappeasable, implacable.  |
अप्रतिपद्यमान | mfn. not consenting to (accusative)  |
अर्धपद्या | f. a brick measuring half a foot  |
अर्द्यमान | mfn. (Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. Causal) being distressed or afflicted or troubled.  |
आरेअवद्य | mfn. one from whom blame or insult is far removed  |
अर्कपुष्पाद्य | m. Name of a saman-.  |
अर्थद्योतनिका | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on dramatic art  |
अर्थविद्या | f. knowledge of practical life  |
अर्थोद्द्योतनिका | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a commentator or commentary on by rāghava-bhaṭṭa-.  |
आर्यहृद्य | mfn. beloved by noble ones  |
आसाद्य | mfn. equals ā-sādayitavya- above.  |
आसाद्य | ind. ind.p. having put down  |
आसाद्य | reaching.  |
असद्यस् | ind. not on the same day, not immediately  |
असंभेद्य | mfn. not to be brought into contact  |
असंशब्द्य | mfn. not worth mentioning  |
अश्मदिद्यु | (/aśma-.) mfn. whose missile weapons are stones or thunderbolts  |
अष्टापाद्य | mfn. eightfold  |
अस्त्रविद्या | f. the military science  |
आस्वाद्य | mfn. to be eaten  |
आस्वाद्य | mfn. to be tasted or enjoyed  |
आस्वाद्य | mfn. having a good taste, palatable delicious.  |
आस्वाद्य | n. food,  |
आस्वाद्यतोय | mf(ā-)n. having sweet or palatable water (as a stream)  |
अश्वत्त्थोद्यापन | n. the ceremony of raising a bank of earth round a holy fig-tree,  |
अश्ववैद्य | m. a veterinary surgeon.  |
अस्वेद्य | mfn. where the application of sudorifics is prohibited  |
अस्युद्यत | mfn. (for udyatāsi-) having the sword raised commentator or commentary  |
अतिप्रणुद्य | ind. having pushed far forward.  |
आत्मविद्या | f. knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit  |
आतोद्य | n. "to be struck", a musical instrument (PrakritAojja)  |
आत्तविद्य | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge from (ablative),  |
अउद्भिद्य | n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory  |
अउद्याव | mf(ī-)n. (fr. udyāva- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of the art of mixing or joining (?).  |
अवच्छेद्य | mfn. to be separated.  |
अवद्य | mfn. ( )"not to be praised" , blamable, low, inferior  |
अवद्य | mfn. disagreeable  |
अवद्य | n. anything blamable, want, imperfection, vice etc.  |
अवद्य | n. blame, censure  |
अवद्य | n. shame, disgrace  |
अवद्यभी | f. fear of vices or sin  |
अवद्यगोहन | mfn. concealing imperfection  |
अवद्यप | See mith/o-avadya-pa-.  |
अवद्यत् | mfn. (pr.p.) breaking off  |
अवद्यवत् | (avady/a-.) mfn. disgraceful, lamentable  |
अवद्योतक | mfn. illustrating, making clear commentator or commentary on  |
अवद्योतन | n. illustrating  |
अवद्योतिन् | mfn. equals -dyotaka-.  |
अवद्युत् | Caus. -dyotayati-, to illustrate, show, indicate, Comm. on  |
अवैद्य | mfn. unlearned  |
अवैशारद्य | n. want of confidence,  |
अवेद्य | mfn. not to be known, unascertainable  |
अवेद्या | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) non-admission of the ahaṃkāra-.  |
अवेद्य | mf(ā-)n. (3. vid-), not to be married  |
अवेद्य | m. a calf.  |
आवेद्य | mfn. equals ā-vedanīya- above.  |
आवेद्य | ind.p. having made known etc.  |
आवेद्यमान | mfn. being made known, being stated or represented.  |
अविद्य | mfn. unlearned, unwise  |
अविद्या | f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance  |
अविद्या | f. (in vedānta- philosophy) illusion (personified as māyā-); ignorance together with non-existence  |
अविद्यमान | mfn. (3. vid-; pr.Pass.p.) , not present or existent, absent etc.  |
अविद्यमानता | f. the not being present commentator or commentary on  |
अविद्यमानत्व | n. idem or 'f. the not being present commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on  |
अविद्यमानवत् | ind. as if not being present  |
अविद्यामय | mfn. consisting of ignorance.  |
अविपाद्यत् | mfn. not decaying or dying  |
अयथाद्योतन | n. intimation of something that should not be commentator or commentary  |
अयौगपद्य | n. non-contemporaneous existence, unsimultaneousness  |
बद्धोद्यम | mfn. making united efforts  |
बहुविद्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. much-knowing, very learned ' ( bahuvidyatā -tā- f.)  |
बहुविद्यता | f. bahuvidya |
बलाद्या | f. Sida Cordifolia (prob. wrong reading for balāhvā-).  |
बलिनियमनोद्युत | mfn. prepared to subdue bali-  |
भगवदुद्यमनाटक | n. Name of a play.  |
भगवद्यौवनोद्गम | m. Name of chapter of the kṛṣṇa-krīḍita-.  |
भागवतपद्यत्रयीव्याख्यान | n. Name of work  |
भागवतपुराणाद्यश्लोकत्रयीटीका | f. Name of work connected with the  |
भगवतीपद्यपुष्पाञ्जलि | m. Name of work  |
भग्नोद्यम | mfn. one whose efforts have been frustrated  |
भक्तीद्यावापृथिवी | f. dual number Name of the deities to whom the garbha-puroḍāśa- is offered  |
भक्तीद्यावापृथिव्य | mfn. sacred to these deities  |
भक्तिसंदर्भपद्यावली | f. bhaktisaṃdarbha |
भाण्डवाद्य | n. a musical instrument  |
भार्गवकल्पवल्लीचक्रविद्यारहस्य | n. Name of work  |
भसद्य | mfn. being or situated on the hinder parts  |
भाष्यप्रदीपोद्द्योतन | n. bhāṣyapradīpa |
भटोद्योग | m. exertion of soldiers  |
भाट्टनयोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
भावद्योतनिका | f. Name of 2 works.  |
भवग्रामीणवाद्योक्त | m. Name of a poet  |
भवनोद्यान | n. a garden belonging to a house or palace  |
भावप्रदीपोद्द्योत | m. bhāvapradīpa |
भावविद्येश्वर | m. Name of an author  |
भविष्यदनद्यतन | m. not the same day in the future on  |
भेद्य | mfn. to be broken or split or pierced or perforated  |
भेद्य | mfn. to be cut or opened  |
भेद्य | mfn. to be set at variance or disunited  |
भेद्य | mfn. to be divided or penetrated or betrayed or refuted (See a--, dur--, nir-bh-)  |
भेद्य | mfn. to be (or being) determined  |
भेद्य | n. a substantive (see bhedaka-). |
भेद्यक | See utpala-bh-.  |
भेद्यलिङ्ग | mfn. distinguished by gender  |
भेद्यरोग | m. any disease treated by incision or cutting  |
भिद्य | m. a rushing river or Name of a rushing (see )  |
भिद्य | n. splitting, breaking, destroying (see pūr-bh/idya-and śīrṣa-bh/idya-)  |
भीमाद्युपाख्यान | n. Name of chapter of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
भूगोलविद्या | f. knowledge of the terrestrial globe, geography  |
भूमविद्या | f. Name of  |
भूरिद्युम्न | m. "possessing great glory", Name of a pious prince (son of vīra-dyumna-)  |
भूरिद्युम्न | m. of the sons of 2 manu-s (varia lectio -dhāman-)  |
भूतानद्यतन | m. not the current day in past time on  |
भूतप्रेतपिशाचाद्य | m. plural the bhūta-s, preta-s, piśāca-s etc. (see ) .  |
भूतविद्या | f. equals -vijñāna-  |
भूयोविद्य | mfn. knowing more, more learned  |
ब्रह्माद्य | mfn. (fr. 1. ādya-) beginning with brahmā-  |
ब्रह्माद्य | mfn. (fr. 2. ādya-) to be eaten by priests or Brahmans  |
ब्रह्मपरिषद्य | m. plural equals -pārṣadya-  |
ब्रह्मपार्षद्य | m. plural (with Buddhists) brahmā-'s retinue, Name of a class of deities (see ) .  |
ब्रह्मास्त्रविद्यापूजापद्धति | f. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मवद्य | n. recitation of sacred texts  |
ब्रह्मवद्य | n. equals brahmodya-  |
ब्रह्मवद्य | mf(ā-)n. (in dyā-kathā-)  |
ब्रह्मवाद्य | n. rivalry in sacred knowledge or in magical power  |
ब्रह्मविद्या | f. knowledge of"the one self-existent Being", knowledge of brahma-, sacred knowledge etc. (see )  |
ब्रह्मविद्या | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (see below)  |
ब्रह्मविद्याभारण | n. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मविद्यामहोदधि | m. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मविद्यापद्धति | f. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मविद्यातीर्थ | m. Name of an author  |
ब्रह्मविद्याविजय | m. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मविद्याविलास | m. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मविद्योपनिषद् | f. Name of work  |
ब्रह्मोद्य | n. rivalry in sacred knowledge, playful discussion of theological questions or problems  |
ब्रह्मोद्य | mf(ā-)n. relating to sacred questions or problems  |
ब्रह्मोद्या | f. (with kathā-) a story or riddle from the veda- (see brahmavadya-).  |
बृहद्द्युम्न | m. Name of a king  |
बृहद्द्युति | f. a great light, radiance, splendour  |
बृहद्द्युति | mfn. intensely brilliant  |
बृहद्याज्ञवल्क्य | m. Name of the larger recension of yama-'s 0law-book  |
बृहद्यम | m. Name of the larger recension of yama-'s law-book.  |
बृहद्यात्रा | f. Name of work by varāha-mihira-  |
बृहद्योगियाज्ञवल्क्यस्मृति | f. Name of work,  |
बुद्धिद्यूत | n. "intellect-game", game at chess  |
चैद्य | m. patronymic fr. cedi- (plural)  |
चैद्य | m. a prince of the cedi-s (especially śiśu-pāla- )  |
चैद्य | m. (plural) the cedi- people  |
चैद्या | f. a princess of the cedi-s  |
चक्रस्वस्तिकनन्द्यावर्त | m. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha-  |
चण्डप्रद्योत | m. Name of a prince  |
चण्डेश्वरप्रश्नविद्या | f. "knowledge of caṇḍeśvara-'s questions", Name of work  |
चन्द्रद्युति | m. "moon-bright", sandalwood  |
चन्द्रवन्द्य | m. Name of a man.  |
चारणवैद्य | m. plural (fr. caranavidyā-) Name of a school of  |
चारणविद्य | m. plural (fr. caranavidyā-) Name of a school of  |
चर्मवाद्य | n. "skin-instrument", a drum, tabour, etc.  |
चातुःशब्द्य | n. 4 moods of expression (śabda-) on Va1rtt. 2, and iii, 1, 43.  |
चातुर्वैद्य | mfn. (fr. catur-vidyā- gaRa anuśatikādi-;fr. -veda- ) versed in the 4 veda-s  |
चातुर्वैद्य | m. equals rvedya-  |
चातुर्वैद्य | m. knowledge of the 4 veda-s gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
चतुर्वैशारद्यविशारद | mfn. wise through fourfold knowledge (Buddha)  |
चातुर्वेद्य | n. (fr. catur-veda-) a number of men versed in the 4 veda-s  |
चतुर्विद्य | mfn. ( ) familiar with the 4 veda-s (varia lectio cāt-)  |
चतुर्विद्या | f. gaRa anuśatikādi-.  |
चातुर्विद्य | mfn. ( ) equals cat-  |
चातुर्विद्य | n. the 4 veda-s  |
चातुर्विद्य | n. fourfold knowledge (viz. of dharma-, artha-, kāma-, mokṣa- )  |
चौर्यविद्या | f. "thieving science", a treatise ascribed to yogācārya- (imparted to him by kārttikeya-)  |
छद्मद्यूत | n. deceitful playing at dice  |
छाद्य | mfn. to be sheltered  |
छाद्य | m. the object obscured  |
छलद्यूत | n. equals chadma-dy-  |
छन्द्य | mfn. equals ndu-  |
छन्द्य | mfn.  |
छर्द्यायनी | f. equals dāpan-  |
छर्द्यायनिका | f. equals dāpan-  |
छेद्य | mfn. to be cut or divided or split or cut off or mutilated  |
छेद्य | n. cutting off, cutting, tearing (with teeth or nails) ;  |
छेद्य | n. see kuḍya--, duḥkka--, pattra--, laghu--, saṃśaya--.  |
छेद्यक | n. drawing, projection  |
छेद्यकाध्याय | m. Name of  |
चिन्त्यद्योत | m. plural "of brightness conceivable only by imagination", a class of deities  |
चित्रविद्या | f. the art of painting  |
चोद्य | mfn. to be impelled or incited  |
चोद्य | mfn. (a-- negative)  |
चोद्य | mfn. to be criticised  |
चोद्य | mfn. to be thrown  |
चोद्य | n. raising questions, consideration  |
चोद्य | n. "to be urged or objected", a difficult question raised to invite for controversy (pūrva-pakṣa-, praśna- )  |
चोद्य | n. astonishment, wonder  |
दैवाद्यन्त | mfn. beginning and ending with a ceremony in honour of the gods (opp. to pitrādy-)  |
दैवोद्यान | n. divine grove (see devody-).  |
दण्डोद्यम | m. lifting the stick against, threatening (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
दण्डोद्यम | m. plural application of power  |
दानोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
दन्तद्युत् | f. brightness of the teeth  |
दशद्यु | (d/aś-) m. Name of a man favoured by indra-  |
दशमहाविद्या | f. "possessing the 10 great sciences", durgā-  |
दशपद्य | mf(ā-)n. equals da-  |
दौर्मद्य | n. brawl, fight  |
दायाद्य | n. inheritance (gaRa brāhmaṇādi-) etc.  |
दायाद्यता | f. near relationship, affinity  |
देवद्युम्न | m. "glory of the gods", Name of a prince (son of devatā-jit- and father of parame-ṣṭhin-)  |
देवजनविद्या | f. knowledge of serpents etc.  |
देवराजसमद्युति | mfn. equal in glory to the king of the gods  |
देवविद्या | f. divine science (equals nirukta- )  |
देवोद्यान | n. "grove of the gods", sacred grove  |
धनुर्विद्या | f. "bow-science", archery  |
धनुर्विद्यादीपिका | f. Name of work  |
धनुर्विद्यारम्भप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
धाराधरोद्यान | n. "cloud-garden", Name of a grove,  |
धर्मदृढाभेद्यसुनिलम्ब्ब | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s  |
धर्मविद्या | f. knowledge of the law or right  |
धार्मविद्य | mfn. familiar with the law, a lawyer, jurist Va1rtt. 4  |
धार्ष्टद्युम्न | m. patronymic fr. dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-  |
धार्ष्टद्युम्नि | m. patronymic fr. dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-  |
धृष्टद्युम्न | m. Name of a son of dru-pada- (killed by aśvatthāman-)  |
धूम्रविद्या | f. Name of a form of magic  |
ध्यानद्युति | m. Name of a man  |
दीद्यग्नि | mfn. having bright fires (said of the aśvin-s)  |
दिद्योतिषु | mfn. ( dyut- Desiderative) wishing to shine  |
दिद्यु | m. (2. div-,or 1. dī-) a missile, weapon, arrow (see aśma--)  |
दिद्यु | m. the sky, heaven  |
दिद्युत् | mfn. shining, glittering |
दिद्युत् | f. an arrow, missile, thunderbolt of indra-  |
दिद्युत् | f. flame  |
दिद्युत् | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
दिनकरोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
दीर्घपाद्या | f. a kind of brick  |
दिवाकरोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
दृषद्य | Nom. A1. dyate- ; dyitā- or ditā-  |
दृष्टिविद्या | f. the science of vision, optics  |
दुद्यूषु | mfn. (2. div- Desiderative) wish to play with (accusative)  |
दुःखच्छेद्य | mfn. to be cut or overcome with difficulty  |
दुःखोच्छेद्य | mfn. equals duḥkha-cch- (varia lectio)  |
दुःसम्पाद्य | ( , duḥsampādyatva -tva- n.) mfn. difficult to be attained or arrived at.  |
दुःसम्पाद्यत्व | n. duḥsampādya |
दुर्भेद्य | mfn. equals -bhida-  |
दुर्द्यूत | n. a bad or unfair game  |
दुर्द्यूतदेविन् | mfn. playing unfairly, cheating at play  |
दुर्द्यूतवेदिन् | m. (prob. wrong reading for devin-) Name of śakuni-  |
दुर्निवेद्य | mfn. difficult to be related  |
दुर्निवेद्यत्व | n.  |
दुरुच्छेद्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed '  |
दुरुच्छेद्य | mfn. difficult to be cut through (knot)  |
दुर्विद्य | mfn. uneducated, ignorant  |
द्वादशाक्षरविद्या | f. ( ) probably idem or 'f. ( ) probably idem or 'm. the prayer of 12 syllables addressed to viṣṇu- (see dvādaśa-pattraka-) ' '  |
द्वादशोद्याम | mfn. having 12 traces or strings, |
द्वादश्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
द्विपाद्य | mfn. worth double, amounting to double  |
द्विपाद्य | n. a double penalty  |
एकद्यू | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
एकवाद्या | f. a kind of spirit or demon ([ ])  |
एतद्योनि | mfn. of this origin  |
एवमाद्य | mfn. beginning with such a one, of such qualities or kind, such  |
गद्गद्य | Nom. P. dyati-, to stammer gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
गाद्गद्य | n. (fr. gadgada-), stammering  |
गद्य | mfn. ( ) to be spoken or uttered  |
गद्य | n. prose, composition not metrical yet framed in accordance with harmony, elaborate prose composition  |
गद्यालक | m. idem or '([ ]) m. idem or '([ ]) m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a weight (= 32 guñjā-s or berries of Abrus precatorius, or = 64 such guñjā-s with physicians;= 6 māṣa-s of 7 or 8 guñjā-s each ) ' ' ' '  |
गद्याण | m. a weight (= 32 guñjā-s or berries of Abrus precatorius, or = 64 such guñjā-s with physicians;= 6 māṣa-s of 7 or 8 guñjā-s each )  |
गद्यान | ([ ]) m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a weight (= 32 guñjā-s or berries of Abrus precatorius, or = 64 such guñjā-s with physicians;= 6 māṣa-s of 7 or 8 guñjā-s each ) ' '  |
गद्याणक | m. idem or 'm. a weight (= 32 guñjā-s or berries of Abrus precatorius, or = 64 such guñjā-s with physicians;= 6 māṣa-s of 7 or 8 guñjā-s each ) '  |
गद्यानक | ([ ]) m. idem or '([ ]) m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a weight (= 32 guñjā-s or berries of Abrus precatorius, or = 64 such guñjā-s with physicians;= 6 māṣa-s of 7 or 8 guñjā-s each ) ' ' '  |
गद्यपद्यमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of prose and verses, .  |
गद्यरामायणकाव्य | n. a rāmāyaṇa- written in prose  |
गल्लवाद्य | n. sounding or music produced with the cheek  |
गन्धर्वविद्या | f. " gandharva--science", music  |
गन्धर्वविद्या | f. (plural)  |
गान्धर्वविद्या | f. equals -kalā-  |
गर्दभीविद्या | f. Name of a charm  |
गरुद्योधिन् | m. "fighting with the wings", a quail  |
गौलुन्द्य | m. patronymic fr. golunda- gaRa gargādi- (varia lectio landya-).  |
घण्टावाद्य | n. the sound of a clock  |
घर्मद्युति | m. equals -dīdhiti-  |
गिरिनद्यादि | m. a gaṇa- of ( vArttika)  |
गोवैद्य | m. a cow-doctor  |
गोवैद्यक | n. Name of a medical work  |
गृहीतविद्य | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, learned  |
गृहोद्यान | n. equals ha-vāṭikā-  |
गुहदवद्य | mfn. concealing deficiencies  |
गुह्यपतिविद्या | f. Name of a prayer  |
गुह्यविद्या | f. knowledge of mantra-s or mystical incantations  |
हार्दविद्या | f. Name of work  |
हस्तिगौरीव्रतोद्यापनविधि | m. Name of work  |
हस्तिवैद्यक | n. the art of healing elephants (as Name of work)  |
हस्तिवैद्यककार | m. the composer of such a work  |
हतविक्रमोद्यम | mfn. bereft of strength and energy  |
हठविद्या | f. the science or method of forced meditation  |
हतोद्यम | mfn. one whose efforts are crushed, broken in purpose, (conjectural)  |
हविरद्य | n. the act of eating or tasting the oblation  |
हयग्रीवगद्य | n. Name of stotra-s  |
हयविद्या | f. equals -jñāna-  |
हेतुविद्या | f. "science of causes", dialectics, logic (also -śāstra-)  |
हिमद्युति | m. "having cool radiance", the moon  |
हिरण्यद्यू | mfn. playing for gold or money ,  |
ह्रद्य | mf(ā-)n. being in a pond or lake  |
हृद्द्योत | m. an internal disease  |
हृद्द्योतभेषज | n. a remedy against internal disease  |
हृद्द्योतन | mfn. (see 3. dyut-) breaking or crushing the heart  |
हृद्य | mf(ā-)n. being in the heart, internal, inward, inmost, innermost  |
हृद्य | mf(ā-)n. pleasing or dear to the heart, beloved, cherished  |
हृद्य | mf(ā-)n. grateful, pleasant, charming, lovely etc.  |
हृद्य | mf(ā-)n. pleasant to the stomach savoury, dainty (as food)  |
हृद्य | mf(ā-)n. proceeding from or produced in the heart.  |
हृद्य | m. the wood-apple tree  |
हृद्य | m. a Vedic mantra- employed to effect the subjection of an enemy or rival  |
हृद्या | f. a particular medicinal root (equals vṛddhi-)  |
हृद्य | m. red arsenic  |
हृद्य | m. a she-goat  |
हृद्य | n. white cumin  |
हृद्य | n. the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia  |
हृद्य | n. thick sour milk  |
हृद्य | n. intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia  |
हृद्यगन्ध | mfn. smelling sweet, fragrant  |
हृद्यगन्ध | m. the bilva- tree  |
हृद्यगन्धा | f. Jasminum Grandiflorum  |
हृद्यगन्ध | n. small cumin  |
हृद्यगन्ध | n. sochal salt  |
हृद्यगन्धक | n. a kind of salt (equals sauvarcala-)  |
हृद्यगन्धि | m. small cumin  |
हृद्यांशु | m. "pleasant-rayed", the moon  |
हृद्यता | f.  |
हृद्यतम | mfn. most pleasant or dear to the heart  |
हृद्यतर | mfn. more pleasant or lovely  |
हृद्यत्व | n. heartiness, cordiality, agreeableness, delightfulness  |
हृद्योत | See hṛd-dy-.  |
हृद्योतन | See hṛd-dy-.  |
इन्द्रद्युम्न | m. Name of several men  |
इन्द्रद्युम्न | n. Name of a lake  |
इन्द्रजालविद्या | f. the science of magic art.  |
इष्टार्थोद्युक्त | mfn. zealous or active for a desired object.  |
इतरेद्युस् | ind. on another or different day  |
जगद्वैद्यक | m. "world-curer", Name of a physician  |
जगद्वन्द्य | mfn. "to be adored by the world", kṛṣṇa-  |
जगद्यत्रा | f. worldly affairs, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
जगद्योनि | m. "world-womb", brahmā-  |
जगद्योनि | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
जगद्योनि | m. śiva-  |
जगद्योनि | m. prakṛti-  |
जगद्योनि | m. the earth  |
जलवाद्य | n. a kind of musical instrument played by means of water, 8346; 8427 and 8436.  |
जनितोद्यम | mfn. making exertion, energetic  |
जरद्योषा | f. equals ratikā-  |
जातविद्या | f. (according to to some,"innate or peculiar knowledge")  |
जातविद्या | f. knowledge of what exists ( ) .  |
जयवाद्य | n. any instrument sounded to proclaim victory  |
जीर्नोद्यान | n. a neglected garden  |
ज्योतिर्विद्या | f. astronomy  |
ज्योतिषविद्या | f. astronomy  |
कालविद्या | f. knowledge of the calendar.  |
कमद्यू | f. (equals kāmasya dīpanī- ) , Name of a woman  |
कन्यासंवेद्य | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कपिलद्युति | m. Name of the sun  |
कापिञ्जलाद्य | m. a patronymic fr. lādi-  |
कर्मोद्योग | m. activity in work  |
कर्मोद्युक्त | mfn. actively labouring, busily engaged  |
कार्योद्योग | m. active engagement in any business.  |
कार्योद्युक्त | mfn. engaged in any business, intent upon any object.  |
कौषीद्य | See kausīdya-.  |
कौसीद्य | n. sloth, indolence (printed edition kauṣ-)  |
कौसीद्य | n. the practice of usury  |
खड्गविद्या | f. swordmanship  |
खाद्य | n. "eatable, edible", food, victuals  |
खाद्य | m. (equals khadira-) Acacia Catechu (see khaṇḍa-kh-.)  |
खाद्यक | m. Name of a particular food  |
खाद्याखाद्य | mfn. fit or unfit for food  |
खद्योत | m. equals -jyotis- etc.  |
खद्योत | m. (applied figuratively to transient happiness)  |
खद्योत | m. the sun  |
खद्योता | f. (scilicet dvār-) "shining-insect-like door", the left eye  |
खद्योता | f. Name of a deity  |
खद्योत | etc. See  |
खद्योतक | m. Name of a poisonous plant  |
खद्योतक | etc. See  |
खद्योतन | m. "sky-illuminator", the sun  |
खगोलविद्या | f. knowledge of the celestial sphere, astronomy  |
खण्डखाद्य | m. dainty, nice thing  |
खण्डखाद्य | n. Name of an astronomical karaṇa- (vv.ll. -khāṭṭaka-, -khāḍaka-)  |
खण्डखाद्यकरण | n. idem or 'n. Name of an astronomical karaṇa- (vv.ll. -khāṭṭaka-, -khāḍaka-) '  |
खण्डनखण्डखाद्य | n. Name of work on logic by harṣa-.  |
किमद्यक | mfn. not valuing the present day,  |
किंविद्य | mfn. possessing the science of what?  |
क्लेद्य | mfn. See a-kl- ( ) .  |
क्रमयौगपद्य | n. dual number successive order and simultaneousness  |
क्रन्द्य | n. neighing (see parj/anya-k-.)  |
कृच्छ्रोद्य | mfn. difficult to be pronounced, .  |
कृतद्युति | f. Name of the wife of king citra-ketu-  |
कृतविद्य | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, well informed, learned  |
क्षणद्युति | f. momentary flash, lightning (see -prabhā-and acira-dy-)  |
क्षत्रविद्या | f. ( ; gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-) the knowledge or science possessed by the kṣatriya- or military order (equals dhanur-veda- commentator or commentary)  |
क्षात्रविद्य | mfn. fr. kṣatra-vidyā-  |
क्षात्रविद्य | mfn. gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
क्षोद्य | mfn. to be stamped or trampled on  |
क्षोद्य | mfn. to be pounded  |
कुबेरहृद्य | n. Name of a hymn  |
कुचोद्य | n. an unsuitable question.  |
कुद्य | for kuḍya- q.v  |
कुड्यच्छेद्य | n. a hole in the wall, breach  |
कुलाद्य | See adhivājya-k-.  |
कुलविद्या | f. knowledge handed down in a family  |
कुण्डलोद्द्योतितानन | mfn. having his face radiant with glittering pendants.  |
कुण्डोद्द्योतदर्शन | n. Name of work by śaṃkarabhaṭṭa-.  |
कुवैद्य | m. a bad physician  |
कुवैद्य | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
लब्धविद्य | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge or wisdom, learned, educated  |
लघुच्छेद्य | mfn. easy to be cut or extirpated, easily destroyed (prob. wrong reading for laghūcchedya-).  |
लघ्वाद्युडुम्बराह्वा | f. equals lagh/udumbarikā-  |
लग्नोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
लक्षदीपव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षपद्मव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षपार्थिवलिङ्गव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षपूजोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षपुष्पपूजोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षपुष्पव्रतोद्यापनविधि | m. Name of work  |
लक्षस्वस्तिकव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षतुलसीव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षतुलस्युद्यापनविधि | m. Name of work  |
लक्षवर्तिकोद्यापनविधि | m. Name of work  |
लक्षवर्त्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
लक्षवर्त्युद्यापनविधान | n. Name of work  |
ललितागद्यनिरूपण | n. Name of work  |
लीलोद्यान | n. a pleasure-garden  |
लीलोद्यान | n. the garden of gods, indra-'s paradise  |
लिङ्गपूजोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
मादद्य | mfn. (fr. madadin-) gaRa pragady-ādi-.  |
मदनोद्यानान | n. "love's garden", Name of a garden  |
मधूद्यान | n. a spring garden  |
मधूद्युत | mfn. mixed with honey  |
मधुमद्य | n. intoxicating drink made from honey or from the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia  |
मधुविद्या | f. "science of sweetness", Name of a particular mystical doctrine etc.  |
मद्य | (for 2.See) Nom. P. yati-  |
मद्य | mf(ā-)n. (for 1.See) intoxicating. exhilarating, gladdening, lovely  |
मद्य | n. any intoxicating drink, vinous or spiritous liquor, wine  |
मद्य | 1. 2. See pp. 777 and 779.  |
मद्यभाजन | (L.) n. equals -kumbha- q.v  |
मद्यभाण्ड | ( ) . n. equals -kumbha- q.v  |
मद्यबीज | n. lees of wine, ferment  |
मद्यद्रुम | m. Caryota Urens  |
मद्यकीत | m. a kind of insect or animalcule bred in vinegar etc.  |
मद्याक्षेप | m. addiction to drink  |
मद्यकुम्भ | m. a vessel for intoxicating liquors, brandy-jar  |
मद्यलालस | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
मद्यमण्ड | m. yeast, barm, froth  |
मद्यमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of intoxicating liquors  |
मद्यामोद | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
मद्यप | mf(ā-)n. drinking intoxicating liquor, a drunkard etc.  |
मद्यप | m. Name of a dānava-  |
मद्यपान | n. the drinking of intoxicating liquors  |
मद्यपान | n. any intoxicating drink  |
मद्यपङ्क | m. vinous liquor for distilling, mash  |
मद्यपाशन | n. a drunkard's meal  |
मद्यपीत | mfn. equals pīta-madya- gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-.  |
मद्यपुर | n. dual number (?)  |
मद्यपुष्पा | f. Grislea Tomentosa  |
मद्यपुष्पी | f. Grislea Tomentosa  |
मद्यसंधान | n. distillation of spirit  |
मद्यासत्तक | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for madyāsaktaka-).  |
मद्यवासिनी | f. equals -puṣpā-  |
मद्यवीज | -see -bīja-.  |
मद्यविक्रय | m. the sale of intoxicating liquors  |
मागद्य | mfn. (fr. magadin-) gaRa pragady-ādi-  |
मागद्य | n. Name of a city or of a place  |
माघोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
महादेवविद्यावागीश | m. Name of learned man  |
महाद्योता | f. Name of a tantra- goddess  |
महद्युमन् | m. or n. (?) Name of a tīrtha- (others"of the sun")  |
महाद्युति | mfn. of great splendour, very bright or glorious |
महाद्युतिकर | m. Name of the sun  |
महागणपतिविद्या | f. Name of work  |
महाकालयोगशास्त्रेखेचरीविद्या | f. Name of work  |
महापद्यषट्क | n. "collection of 6 classical verses", Name of a poem in praise of king bhoja- (ascribed to kālidāsa-).  |
महापुरुषविद्या | f. a particular magical formula  |
महापुरुषविद्यायांविष्णुरहस्येक्षेत्रकाण्डेजगन्नाथमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
महाशिवरत्र्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
महातोद्य | (hāt-) n. a great drum  |
महाविद्या | f. a great or exalted science  |
महाविद्या | f. Name of lakṣmī- (equals viśva-rūpopāsanā- commentator or commentary)  |
महाविद्या | f. of durgā-  |
महाविद्या | f. of a mantra-  |
महाविद्या | f. plural of a class of personifications of the śakti- or female energy of śiva- (10 in number)  |
महाविद्यादीपकल्प | m. Name of work  |
महाविद्याप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
महाविद्याप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
महाविद्यासारचन्द्रोदय | m. Name of work  |
महाविद्यास्तव | m. Name of work  |
महाविद्यास्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
महाविद्येश्वरी | f. N. (perhaps a form of durgā-)  |
महाविद्युत्प्रभ | m. Name of a nāga-  |
महेश्वरवैद्य | m. Name of a lexicographer  |
महोद्यम | m. great effort or exertion  |
महोद्यम | m. (with jaina-s) , a particular kalpa-  |
महोद्यम | mfn. very energetic or diligent or persevering, studiously occupied or busily engaged in (locative case or dative case)  |
महोद्योग | mfn. making great exertions, very laborious or industrious  |
मकरन्दोद्यान | n. Name of a pleasure-garden near ujjayinī-  |
मालिन्द्य | m. Name of a mountain  |
मल्लविद्या | f. the art of wrestling  |
मानवाद्य | n. Name of a sāman-  |
मान्द्य | n. slowness, laziness, indolence  |
मान्द्य | n. weakness, feeble state (as of understanding, digestion etc.)  |
मान्द्य | n. sickness, disease (dyaṃ-kṛ-,to make one's self ill)  |
मान्द्य | n. stateliness  |
मान्द्यव्याज | m. simulation of illness  |
मङ्गलागौरीव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
मङ्गलातोद्य | n. equals la-bherī-  |
मन्त्रविद्या | f. the science of mantra-s, magic art  |
मासशिवरात्र्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
मत्स्यकूर्माद्यवतारिन् | m. "descending (and become incarnate) as a fish, tortoise etc.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
मायाचिद्योग | m. the union of cit- and māyā-  |
मेद्य | mfn. fat, thick, consistent  |
मिथोअवद्यप | (mith/o-av-) mfn. mutually averting calamities  |
मृगद्यू | mfn. delighting or taking pleasure in deserts  |
मृगद्यू | m. a hunter  |
मृगद्युत् | mfn. attacking or hunting a deer  |
मृषोद्य | mfn. speaking untruthfully, a liar  |
मृषोद्य | mfn. to be spoken falsely, uttered untruthfully  |
मृषोद्य | n. untrue speech, lying, a lie  |
मुखवाद्य | n. any musical instrument sounded with the mouth  |
मुखवाद्य | n. (in the worship of śiva-) a kind of musical sound made with the mouth (by striking it with the hand)  |
मूलविद्या | f. "principal science", Name of a particular mantra- (equals dvādaśākṣara- q.v Scholiast or Commentator)  |
मूलाविद्याविनाशक | mfn. destroying original ignorance  |
मुष्टिद्यूत | n. a kind of game, odd or even  |
मुष्टिमान्द्य | n. slight loosening of the bow-string (see -deśa-).  |
नाद्य | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
नद्यम्बुजीवन | mfn. (country) thriving by river-water  |
नद्याम्र | m. a kind of plant  |
नैषद्यिक | m. (with ) Name of one of the 12 dhūta-guṇa-s or ascetic practices  |
नैवेद्य | n. an offering of eatables presented to a deity or idol (cf )  |
नैवेद्यप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
नैवेद्यप्रसादमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
नैवेद्यविधि | m. Name of work  |
नखच्छेद्य | mfn. to be slit by the nail  |
नखवाद्य | ( ) n. "nail-music", noise made with the finger-nails.  |
नक्षत्रविद्या | f. "star-knowledge", astronomy  |
नकुलाद्या | f. the ichneumon plant  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. a kind of diagram (see ndikāv-)  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. anything so formed (exempli gratia, 'for example' a dish or vessel) ( ),a palace or temple (also n. )  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. a cake,  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. a species of large fish  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. Tabemaemontana Coronaria  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. the holy fig-tree  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. any tree  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. a kind of shell  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. see  |
नन्द्यावर्त | m. (in music) a particular attitude in dancing.  |
नन्द्युपाख्यान | n. Name of work  |
नन्द्युपपुराण | n. Name of work  |
नर्मद्युति | mfn. bright with joy, happy, merry  |
नर्मद्युति | f. enjoyment of a joke or any amusement  |
नातिप्रचुरपद्यवत् | mfn. containing not too many verses  |
नविद्य | ( ) mfn. ignorant.  |
नयद्युमणि | m. Name of work  |
नेद्य | See /a-nedya-.  |
नेत्रोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
निद्यमान | mfn. idem or 'mfn. reproached, ridiculed '  |
निगाद्य | mfn. to be told or communicated to (locative case)  |
निमेषद्युत् | m. a fire-fly  |
निन्द्य | mfn. (or n/indya-) equals danīya- etc.  |
निन्द्यता | f. blamableness, disgrace  |
निन्द्यवेश | mfn. (a convent) the entrance into which is faulty,  |
नीराजनपद्यालिलक्षणविभक्ति | f. Name of work  |
निरास्वाद्य | mfn. giving no enjoyment  |
निरास्वाद्यतम | mfn. most unsavoury  |
निरवद्य | mf(ā-)n. unblamable, unobjectionable etc. ( niravadyatva -tva- n. )  |
निरवद्य | n. blamelessness, excellence ( niravadyavat -vat- mfn. )  |
निरवद्य | n. or m. a particular high number  |
निरवद्य | -avayava- etc. See nir-, .  |
निरवद्यत्व | n. niravadya |
निरवद्यवत् | mfn. niravadya |
निर्भेद्य | mfn. having no cleft or fissure  |
निर्भेद्य | mfn. missing the aim  |
निर्भेद्य | (for 1.See) mfn. to be split asunder.  |
निर्द्युत् | Caus. -dyotayati-, to illustrate, explain  |
निरुद्यम | mfn. effortless, inactive, lazy  |
निरुद्योग | mfn. idem or 'mfn. effortless, inactive, lazy '  |
निरुद्योग | mfn. disheartened  |
निरुद्योग | mfn. causeless (?)  |
निर्विद्य | mfn. unlearned, uneducated  |
निषद्या | f. a small bed or couch  |
निषद्या | f. the hall of a merchant  |
निषद्या | f. a market-place  |
निशान्तोद्यान | n. a garden near a house  |
निष्पाद्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals pādanīya- '  |
निष्पाद्यत्व | n. commentator or commentary  |
नीतिविद्या | f. moral or political science  |
नित्योद्युक्त | m. "always energetic", Name of a bodhi-sattva- (see nityāy-).  |
निवेद्य | mfn. to be communicated or related or presented or delivered  |
निवेद्य | n. an offering of food for an idol (for naivedya-)  |
नोद्य | mfn. to be impelled or driven away or removed  |
नृत्यगीतवाद्य | n. plural dancing, singing, and instrumental music  |
न्यासविद्यादर्पण | m. Name of work  |
न्यासविद्याविलास | m. Name of work  |
न्यासोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
न्यायखण्डनखण्डखाद्य | n. Name of work  |
न्यायविद्या | f. "science of what is right", logic commentator or commentary  |
पादाद्यन्तयमक | n. paronomasia at the beginning and end of a verse ( ) .  |
पदाद्यविद् | m. (or dya-vid-) a bad student (literally who does not know or who knows only the beginning of verses or words)  |
पदद्योतिनी | f. Name of commentator or commentary on  |
पदार्थविद्यासार | m. Name of work |
पदवाद्य | n. (in music) a sort of drum.  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. (fr. 3. pad-and pada-) relating or belonging to a foot  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. hurting or coming in contact with the feet  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. marked with footsteps  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. measuring a pada- in length or breadth (also in compound with numerals; see ardha--, daśa--)  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. consisting of pada-s or parts of verses  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. consisting of one pada-  |
पद्य | mf(ā-)n. forming the end, final,  |
पद्य | m. a śūdra- (see paj-ja-)  |
पद्य | m. a part of a word, verbal element  |
पद्या | f. footsteps, paces (plural)  |
पद्य | m. a way, path, road  |
पद्य | m. a foot as a measure of length  |
पद्य | n. a verse, metre, poetry (opp. to gadya-,prose)  |
पद्य | n. Name of several hymns.  |
पाद्य | mf(ā-)n. relating or belonging to the foot (n. with or sc. udaka-,water used for washing the feet etc.)  |
पाद्य | mf(ā-)n. amounting to a quarter of anything  |
पाद्यक | mfn. pādya-prakāra- gaRa sthūlādi-.  |
पद्यकादम्बरी | f. Name of work of kṣemendra-.  |
पद्यालय | m. Name of work  |
पद्यमाला | f. Name of work  |
पद्यमात्रिका | f. a poem consisting only of verses,  |
पद्यमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of verses  |
पद्यामृता | f. (in the beginning of a compound) nectar of poetry  |
पद्यामृतसमुद्रटीका | f. Name of work  |
पद्यामृतसरोवर | n. Name of work  |
पद्यामृतसोपान | n. Name of work  |
पद्यामृततरंगिणी | f. Name of work  |
पद्यमुक्तावली | f. Name of work  |
पद्यपञ्जाशिका | f. Name of work  |
पद्यप्रसूनाञ्जलि | m. Name of work  |
पद्यरचना | f. Name of work  |
पद्यसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पद्यशतक | n. Name of work  |
पद्यत्मिकोपनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
पद्यत्रयीव्याख्यान | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on the first 3 verses of (also bhāgavata-trayī-vy-).  |
पद्यावलि | f. Name of work  |
पद्यवेणी | f. Name of work  |
पक्षप्रद्योत | m. Name of a particular position of the hands in dancing |
पञ्चब्रह्मविद्योपनिषद् | f. Name of work  |
पञ्चाग्निविद्या | f. the (esoteric) doctrine of the 5 fires ( pañcāgnividyāprakaraṇa -prakaraṇa- n.Name of work)  |
पञ्चाग्निविद्याप्रकरण | n. pañcāgnividyā |
पञ्चरात्रकनैवेद्यविधान | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चरात्रनैवेद्यविधान | n. Name of work  |
पण्डितवैद्य | m. Name of authors  |
परेद्यवि | ind. to-morrow (see ) .  |
परेद्यवि | pare-dyus- etc. See .  |
परेद्युस् | ind. idem or 'ind. to-morrow (see ) .'  |
परिच्छेद्य | mfn. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured (a-paricch-)  |
परिद्यून | mfn. sorrowful, sad  |
परिद्यून | mfn. made miserable by (instrumental case or compound)  |
परिद्यून | See pari-div-.  |
परिषद्य | mfn. to be sought after ( "to be avoided" "sufficient, adequate, competent")  |
परिषद्य | mfn. to be worshipped ( "belonging to an assembly")  |
परिषद्य | m. a member of an assembly, spectator, guest  |
पारिषाद्य | m. a member of an assembly, spectator, councillor (see ) .  |
परिवेद्य | n. the marrying of a younger brother before the elder  |
पारिवेद्य | n. idem or 'n. (-vettṛ-) the marriage of a younger brother before the elder '  |
पर्जन्यक्रन्द्य | (j/an-) mfn. muttering like parjanya- or a rain-cloud  |
पर्णशद्य | mfn. relating to it  |
पर्णवाद्य | n. "leaf-music", sounds produced by blowing into a folded leaves  |
पार्षद्य | m. equals pārtṣadya-, a member of an assembly, assessor  |
पार्षद्य | m. pl. equals pārṣada- plural  |
पार्थिवलिङ्गोद्यापन | n. Name of work or chapter of work  |
पर्यवपाद्य | mfn. effecting transformation  |
पाशद्युम्न | (p/āta--) m. Name of a man  |
पटवाद्य | n. (in music) a kind of cymbal.  |
पतिविद्य | n. finding a husband  |
पत्त्रच्छेद्य | n. equals -ccheda- ( equals ālekhya-?).  |
पौंश्चलीयविद्या | f. knowledge concerning harlots  |
पौष्पिद्य | (?) m. Name of an ancient teacher  |
पौत्राद्य | (prob.) wrong reading for prec.  |
पिण्डपाद्य | m. "thick-footed", an elephant  |
पिङ्गलप्रद्योत | m. Name of work  |
पिशाचविद्यावेद | m. the veda- of the piśāca-s  |
पीतमद्य | mfn. one who has drunk wine or any other intoxicating liquor  |
पित्राद्यन्त | mfn. beginning and ending with (a rite to) the pitṛ-s (as a śrāddha-), .  |
पीयूषद्युति | m. nectar -rayed, the moon  |
प्रच्छाद्य | ind. having covered or hidden |
प्रच्छाद्य | mfn. to be covered or hidden  |
प्रच्छेद्य | See a-pracchedya-.  |
प्रच्छिन्द्याकर्ण | mf(ī-)n. whose ear is to be cleft (see ) .  |
प्रदोषोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
प्रद्योत | m. radiance, light  |
प्रद्योत | m. a ray of light  |
प्रद्योत | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
प्रद्योत | m. of a king of magadha- and founder of a dynasty  |
प्रद्योत | m. of a king of ujjayinī- and other princes  |
प्रद्योत | m. Priyad.  |
प्रद्योतन | m. the sun  |
प्रद्योतन | m. Name of a prince of ujjayinī-  |
प्रद्योतन | m. (with bhaṭṭācārya-) Name of an author  |
प्रद्योतन | m. (plural) of a dynasty  |
प्रद्योतन | n. blazing, shining, light  |
प्राद्योति | m. patronymic fr. pradyota-  |
प्रद्योतिन् | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') illustrating, explaining  |
प्रद्योतित | mfn. equals dyutita-  |
प्रद्यु | n. merit (of good works) leading to heaven or securing heaven  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. "the pre-eminently mighty one", Name of the god of love (re-born as a son of kṛṣṇa- and rukmiṇī-, or as a son of saṃkarṣaṇa- and then identified with sanat-kumāra-) etc.  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. the pleasant (equals kāma-)  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. the intellect (equals manas-)  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. Name of a son of manu- and naḍvalā-  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. of a king  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. of several authors and teachers  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. of a mountain  |
प्रद्युम्न | m. of a river  |
प्रद्युम्नाभ्युदय | m. " pradyumna-'s rise", Name of a nāṭaka-.  |
प्रद्युम्नाचार्य | m. former Name of veda-nidhi-tīrtha- (died in 1576)  |
प्रद्युम्नागमन | n. pradyumna-'s arrival  |
प्रद्युम्नागमनीय | mfn. treating of it  |
प्रद्युम्नक | m. Name of the god of love  |
प्रद्युम्नानन्द | m. " pradyumna-'s joy", Name of a bhāṇa- (also pradyumnānandīya dīya- n.)  |
प्रद्युम्नानन्दीय | n. pradyumnānanda |
प्रद्युम्नपुर | n. " pradyumna-'s city", Name of a town on the candra-bhāgā- or Chenab  |
प्रद्युम्नरहस्य | n. " pradyumna-'s secret"Name of work  |
प्रद्युम्नशिखर | n. " pradyumna-'s peak", Name of a mountain  |
प्रद्युम्नशिखरपीठाष्टक | n. Name of work  |
प्रद्युम्नास्त्र | n. pradyumna-'s weapon |
प्रद्युम्नविजय | m. " pradyumna-'s victory"Name of a drama.  |
प्राद्युम्नि | m. patronymic fr. pra-dyumna- (see gaRa bahv-ādi-).  |
प्रद्युम्नोपाख्यान | n. "the story of pradyumna-", Name of a tale.  |
प्रद्युम्नोत्तरचरित | n. " pradyumna-'s further deeds", Name of a poem.  |
प्रद्युत् | A1. -dyotate-, to begin to shine : Causal -dyotayati-, to irradiate, illumine  |
प्रद्युतित | mfn. beginning to shine, illuminated  |
प्रगाद्य | mfn.  |
प्रागद्य | mfn. (fr. -gadin-)  |
प्रकामोद्य | n. talking to the heart's content, talkativeness  |
प्रामाद्य | m. (fr. -māda-) Adhatoda Vasica or Gendarussa Vulgaris.  |
प्रामाद्य | n. madness, fury. intoxication  |
प्रामोद्य | n. rapture, delight  |
प्राणद्यूत | n. play or contest for life  |
प्राणद्यूताभिदेवन | mfn. (a battle) played or fought with life as a stake  |
प्राणविद्या | f. the science of breath or vital airs  |
प्राणिद्यूत | n. gambling with fighting animals (such as cocks or rams etc.)  |
प्रणोद्य | mfn. to be driven or turned away, to be moved  |
प्रसाद्य | mfn. to be rendered gracious, be propitiated  |
प्रासाद्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to a palace, palatial, splendid ' ,  |
प्रसिद्धिविद्याविरुद्ध | mfn. contrary to common sense and science,  |
प्रश्नविद्या | f. Name of work  |
प्रातश्चन्द्रद्युति | mfn. having the colour of the moon in the moon id est pale,  |
प्रतिपाद्य | mfn. to be treated of or discussed, to be explained or propounded ( pratipādyatva -tva-. n.)  |
प्रतिपाद्यत्व | n. pratipādya |
प्रतिष्ठाद्योत | m. Name of work |
प्रतिष्ठोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
प्रतिविद्यम् | ind. in every doctrine  |
प्रत्युद्या | P. -yāti-, to rise and go towards or against, go to meet (a friend or an enemy)  |
प्रत्युद्यम् | P. -yacchati-, to counterbalance (accusative)  |
प्रत्युद्यम | m. ( ) f. ( ) counterbalance, equipoise.  |
प्रत्युद्यमिन् | mfn. maintaining an equipoise, counterbalancing  |
प्रत्युद्यामिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. maintaining an equipoise, counterbalancing ' , resisting, refractory  |
प्रत्युद्यान | n. the act of going forth against etc.  |
प्रत्युद्यत | mfn. presented, offered  |
प्रत्युद्यत | mfn. wrong reading for udgata-.  |
प्रत्युद्यात | mfn. met, encountered, received  |
प्रत्युद्यातृ | mfn. going forth against, attacking an assailant  |
प्रवाद्य | mfn.  |
प्रवद्यामन् | (v/ad--) mfn. having a downward path, rapid in its course (as a chariot) |
प्रवेद्य | mfn. to be made known  |
प्रायश्चित्तविवेकोद्द्योत | m. Name of work |
प्रायश्चित्तोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
प्रियवद्य | n. equals -vāda- (q.v)  |
प्रोद्यम् | (pra-ud-yam-) P. -yacchati-, to lift up, raise  |
प्रोद्यत | mfn. uplifted ( prodyatayaṣṭi -yaṣṭi- mfn.having an uplifted stick)  |
प्रोद्यत | mfn. raised (voice)  |
प्रोद्यत | mfn. being about to (infinitive mood)  |
प्रोद्यतयष्टि | mfn. prodyata |
पृषद्योनि | (p/ṛ-) mfn. (prob.) equals pṛśni-garbha-  |
पृषोद्यान | n. a small garden or grove  |
पृथिवीद्यावा | (v/ī--) Nominal verb dual number earth and heaven (see dyāvā-pṛthivī-).  |
पुनर्द्यूत | n. repeated gambling  |
पुण्योद्यान | mfn. having beautiful gardens  |
पुराणविद्या | f.  |
पूर्भिद्य | n. the breaking down strongholds or fortresses  |
पुरोद्यान | n. "city garden", a pleasure-garden belonging to a town, park  |
पूर्तोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
पुरुषाद्य | m. "first of men", Name of viṣṇu-  |
पुरुषाद्य | m. (with jaina-s) Name of ādi-nātha- or of ṛṣabha- (the first arhat- of present avasarpiṇī-) .  |
पूर्वाधिकद्युति | mfn. more brilliant than before  |
पूर्वाद्य | mfn. beginning with the east  |
पूर्वपद्य | mfn. belonging to the first member of a compound  |
पूर्वपरिभेद्य | (?) n. Name of work  |
पूर्वेद्युराहृत | mfn. fetched on the day before  |
पूर्वेद्युर्दुग्ध | mfn. milked on the day before  |
पूर्वेद्युस् | ind. on the day before, yesterday (opp. to uttaredyus-, apare-dyus-etc.) etc.  |
पूर्वेद्युस् | ind. early, betimes, in the morning.  |
पूर्वेद्युस् | ind. during that portion of a day on which religious ceremonies are to be performed equals dharmāhe-, dharma-vāsare-  |
पुष्पकरण्डोद्यान | n. puṣpakaraṇḍa |
पुष्पोद्यान | n. a flower-garden  |
पुत्रविद्य | n. equals -lābha-  |
रघुवीरगद्य | n. Name of work  |
रजतद्युति | m. Name of hanumat-  |
राजविद्या | f. royal science, state policy, statesmanship  |
राजविद्याधर | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
रक्षोविद्या | f. the science of dealing with rākṣasa-s  |
रामनामोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
रणातोद्य | n. a battle-drum  |
रणवाद्य | n. a military musical instrument, martial music  |
रङ्गविद्याधर | m. a master in the art of acting  |
रङ्गोद्द्योत | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
रथविद्या | f. ( commentator or commentary) the art of driving chariots.  |
रत्नद्योत | m. Name of work  |
रत्नत्रयोद्द्योत | m. Name of a śaiva- work  |
रत्नत्रयोद्यापन | n. Name of jaina- work  |
रोहिणीव्रतोद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
रोहितकूलीयाद्य | n. rohitakūlīya |
रोरुद्यमान | See Intensive of 1. rud-.  |
ऋष्टिविद्युत् | (ṛṣṭ/i-) mfn. glancing or glittering with swords (as the marut-s)  |
ऋतद्युम्न | (vocative case) mfn. brilliant or glorious through divine truth  |
ऋतोद्य | n. true speech, truth  |
शब्दालोकोद्द्योत | m. Name of Comm.  |
शब्दविद्या | f. "science of sounds or words", grammar, philology  |
शब्दविद्याशास्त्र | n. idem or 'f. "science of sounds or words", grammar, philology '  |
शब्दविद्योपाध्याय | m. a teacher of grammar  |
सादद्योनि | mfn. sitting in one's place  |
सधमाद्य | mfn. relating to a convivial party or feast, convivial, festal  |
सधमाद्य | m. equals mad-  |
सधमाद्य | n. a convivial feast  |
सदोद्यम | mfn. one who always exerts himself  |
षडुद्याम | (ṣ/aḍ--) mfn. provided with six ropes or traces  |
सद्वैद्य | m. a good physician  |
सद्वैद्यनाथ | m. Name of an author  |
सद्वैद्यरत्नाकर | m. Name of work  |
सद्विद्य | mfn. having true knowledge, well-informed  |
सद्विद्या | f. true knowledge  |
षड्विद्यागम | m. Name of work  |
षड्विद्यागमसांख्यायनतन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
सद्विद्याविजय | m. Name of work  |
सद्य | n. in upari--, talpa--, sattra-s-, qq. vv. (for 2. 3.See ).  |
साद्य | mfn. (fr. sādin-) fit for riding  |
साद्य | m. a riding-horse  |
सद्य | m. (for 1.See) a form of śiva- (= sadyo-jāta-)  |
सद्य | in compound for sadyas-.  |
साद्य | See .  |
सद्यः | in compound for sadyas-.  |
सद्यःकाल | mfn. equals sadyas-k-.  |
साद्यःक्र | mfn. (fr. sadyaḥ-krī-) performed with soma- bought on the same day  |
साद्यःक्र | m. Name of a particular ekāha-  |
सद्यःक्री | mfn. bought on the same day  |
सद्यःक्री | m. a particular ekāha- (during which an abridged form of the dīkṣā-, upasad-, and sutyā- ceremonies is performed)  |
सद्यःक्री | m. Name of work  |
सद्यःक्री | m. (also written sadyas-k-).  |
सद्यःकृत | mfn. done at the moment, done quickly or promptly  |
सद्यःकृत | n. a name  |
सद्यःकृत्त | mfn. recently cut  |
सद्यःकृत्तोत | mfn. spun and woven on the very same day  |
सद्यःक्षत | n. a fresh contusion or wound  |
सद्यःपाक | mf(ā-)n. having immediate consequences  |
सद्यःपाक | m. a dream during the fourth yāma- (between 3 and 6 a. m.)  |
सद्यःपर्युषित | mfn. one day old  |
सद्यःपातिन् | mfn. quickly falling or dropping  |
सद्यःफल | mf(ā-)n. bearing fruit immediately or having immediate consequences ( sadyaḥphalatva -tva- n.)  |
सद्यःफलत्व | n. sadyaḥphala |
सद्यःप्रज्ञाहर | mf(ā-)n. quickly taking away intelligence  |
सद्यःप्रज्ञाकर | mf(ī-)n. quickly causing intelligence  |
सद्यःप्रक्षालक | mfn. one who cleans corn for immediate use (without storing it)  |
सद्यःप्रक्षालितान्नक | m. a person who has food cleansed for one day  |
सद्यःप्राणहर | mfn. quickly destroying vigour  |
सद्यःप्राणकर | mfn. quickly causing vitality or inspiriting  |
सद्यःप्रसूता | f. a female that has just brought forth  |
सद्यःशक्तिहर | mfn. quickly destroying strength  |
सद्यःशक्तिकर | mfn. quickly causing strength |
सद्यःशौच | n. present or immediate purity  |
सद्यःस्नेहन | n. a quickly operating emollient  |
सद्यःशोथ | mfn. quickly swelling  |
सद्यःशोथा | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
सद्यःशोथा | f. Carpopogon Pruriens  |
सद्यःश्राद्धिन् | mfn. one who has recently taken part in a śrāddha-  |
सद्यःशुद्धि | f. equals -śauca-  |
सद्यःसुत्या | f. pressing out the soma- on the same day  |
सद्याजिन् | mfn. sacrificing what is true  |
साद्यन्त | mfn. having beginning and end, complete, entire ( sādyantam am- ind.,"from beginning to end")  |
साद्यन्तम् | ind. sādyanta |
सद्यस् | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
सद्यस् | ind. (fr. 7. sa+dyu-; see sad/ivas-) on the same day, in the very moment (either"at once","immediately"or"just","recently") etc.  |
सद्यस् | ind. daily, every day  |
सद्यश् | in compound for sadyas-.  |
सद्यश्छिन्न | mfn. recently severed or cut or incised (said of a wound)  |
सद्यस्क | mfn. belonging to the present day, immediate, present, quick  |
सद्यस्क | mfn. new, recent, fresh  |
सद्यस्क | mfn. a kind of sacrifice (varia lectio sād-).  |
साद्यस्क | mfn. (fr. sa-dyas-) taking place immediately  |
सद्यस्काल | m. the same day  |
सद्यस्काल | m. present time  |
सद्यस्काल | mf(ā-)n. falling on the same day ( sadyaskālatva -tva- n.)  |
सद्यस्कालत्व | n. sadyaskāla |
सद्यस्कालीन | mfn. belonging to the present time, recent, modern  |
सद्यस्कार | mf(ā-)n. being performed on the same day  |
साद्यस्क्र | mfn. (gaRa kaskādi-) (fr. sadyaḥ-krī-) performed with soma- bought on the same day  |
साद्यस्क्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सद्यस्क्री | mfn. equals sadyah-k-.  |
सद्यस्ता | f. ( ) ( ) the falling on the same day.  |
सद्यस्तन | mf(ī-)n. fresh, instantaneous  |
सद्यस्तप्त | mfn. just heated  |
सद्यस्त्व | n. ( ) the falling on the same day.  |
सद्यऊति | (sady/a--) mfn. assisting quickly or daily  |
सद्यो | in compound for sadyas-.  |
सद्योअर्थ | (sady/o--) mfn. quickly attaining one's aim  |
सद्योबल | mfn. quickly causing vigour  |
सद्योबलहर | mfn. quickly depriving of vigour  |
सद्योबलकर | mfn. idem or 'mfn. quickly causing vigour '  |
सद्योभव | mfn. recently arisen  |
सद्योभाविन् | mfn. newly born  |
सद्योभाविन् | m. a newly-born calf.  |
सद्योभाविन् | m. any calf  |
सद्योभिवर्ष | m. falling of rain on the same day  |
सद्योभृत् | mfn. borne on the same day  |
सद्योबोधिनीप्रक्रिया | f. Name of work  |
सद्योदुग्ध | mfn. freshly milked  |
सद्योगमुक्तावली | f. Name of work  |
सद्योगरत्नावली | f. Name of work  |
सद्योहत | mfn. recently wounded or injured,  |
सद्योहत | mfn. recently killed  |
सद्योज | mfn. newly born gaRa saṃkalādi- (for sādyo-j-?).  |
साद्योज | mfn. (fr. sadyo-ja-) gaRa saṃkalādi-.  |
सद्योजात | mf. (ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. newly born gaRa saṃkalādi- (for sādyo-j-?).'  |
सद्योजात | mf. addressed to śiva- sadyojāta-  |
सद्योजात | m. a newly-born calf.  |
सद्योजात | m. a calf  |
सद्योजात | m. a form of śiva-  |
सद्योजाता | f. a female that has just brought forth  |
सद्योजातपाद | m. Name of one of the 5 forms of the god of the śaiva-s  |
सद्योजू | mfn. quickly excited  |
सद्योज्वर | m. fresh fever  |
सद्योमांस | n. fresh flesh  |
सद्योमन्यु | mfn. causing immediate anger  |
सद्योमरण | n. death happening on the same day, immediate death  |
सद्योमृत | mfn. just dead  |
सद्योनुगत | mfn. just received (into the womb)  |
सद्योत्पन्न | mfn. newly born  |
सद्योवर्ष | m. ( ) ( ) falling of rain on the same day.  |
सद्योवर्षण | n. ( ) falling of rain on the same day.  |
सद्योव्रण | m. a suddenly caused wound,  |
सद्योवृध् | mfn. enjoying one's self every day  |
सद्योवृष्टि | f. equals -varṣa-  |
सद्योवृष्टि | f. chapter of  |
सद्योवृष्टिलक्षण | n. Name of the 65th pariśiṣṭa- of the ay-.  |
सद्योयज्ञ | m. a sacrifice performed on the same day  |
सद्योयज्ञसंस्था | f. the performance of a sacrifice in one day  |
सद्युक्ति | f. good reasoning  |
सद्युक्तिमुक्तावली | f. Name of work  |
सद्युवति | f. a good young woman, virtuous maiden  |
साहस्राद्य | m. a particular ekāha-  |
सकलविद्यामय | mf(ī-)n. containing all knowledge  |
सकृद्विद्युत्त | mf(ā-)n. flashing or gleaning once  |
सकृद्विद्युत्त | n. the act of flashing once  |
शकुनविद्या | f. equals prec.  |
समभ्युद्यत | mfn. ( yam-) striving, endeavouring  |
समाधियोगर्द्धितपोविद्याविरक्तिमत् | mfn. possessing or accompanied with meditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference  |
समद्युति | mfn. equal in radiance  |
समानविद्य | mfn. possessing equal knowledge ( samānavidyatā -tā- f.)  |
समानविद्यता | f. samānavidya |
समापद्यन | n. (?fr. samāpadya-stem of present tense tense) the being absorbed, absorption into  |
समापापाद्य | mfn. to be restored to its original form  |
समापापाद्य | n. the change of visarga- to s- or ṣ- (equals upā-carita-)  |
समापापाद्य | n. the change to ṣ- (in Vedic phonetics equals ṣa-tva-)  |
समरोद्यत | mfn. prepared for battle or war  |
समासासाद्य | ind. having approached etc.  |
समासासाद्य | ind. according to, by means or on account of (accusative)  |
समासासाद्य | mfn. attainable, practicable  |
समावेद्य | mfn. to be told or communicated fully  |
समयविद्या | f. "science of right moments", astrology  |
समयोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
सम्बन्धोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
साम्बप्रद्युम्नप्रबन्ध | m. Name of work  |
सम्भेद्य | mfn. to be broken through or pierced or perforated  |
सम्भेद्य | mfn. to be brought into contact (See a-s-).  |
संछेद्य | n. "the flowing together of two rivers"or"the mouth of a river entering the sea"  |
संध्याविद्या | f. Name of vara-dā-  |
संगीतविद्या | f. the science of singing with music etc.  |
संग्रहवैद्यनाथीय | n. Name of work  |
संकर्षणविद्या | f. the art of drawing a child from the womb of one woman and transferring it to that of another (applied to baladeva- see above )  |
संकेतोद्यान | n. a park or garden appointed as a rendezvous  |
संक्रान्त्युद्यापन | n. Name of work  |
सम्पाद्य | mfn. to be brought about or accomplished ( sampādyatva -tva- n.)  |
सम्पाद्य | mfn. to be made complete (in number)  |
सम्पाद्यत्व | n. sampādya |
सम्परिपूर्णविद्य | mfn. perfect in knowledge  |
सम्प्रदायप्रद्योतक | m. a revealer of the tradition of the veda-  |
सम्प्राप्तविद्य | mfn. one who has acquired all knowledge  |
सम्पूर्णविद्य | mfn. replete with knowledge  |
संशब्द्य | See above and a-saṃśabdya-.  |
संसर्गविद्या | f. the art of intercourse with men, social science  |
सांसर्गविद्य | mfn. = saṃsarga-vidyām adhīte veda vā- on  |
संशयच्छेद्य | mfn. saṃśayaccheda |
संस्कारोद्द्योत | m. Name of work  |
संतृद्य | mfn. to be joined together by pegs or fastenings (See above)  |
समुद्द्युत् | A1. -dyotate-, to blaze up, shine very brilliantly  |
सामुद्रकविद्या | f. the art of interpreting marks on the body, palmistry  |
समुद्य | ind. having spoken together etc.  |
समुद्य | ind. having concluded or agreed upon  |
समुद्य | See saṃ-vad- and sam-ud-, pp. 1114, 1166.  |
समुद्या | P. -yāti-, to rise up against (accusative), assail  |
समुद्यम् | P. -yacchati-, to raise up, lift up etc. ; to rein in, curb, restrain, drive (horses etc.)  |
समुद्यम | m. lifting up  |
समुद्यम | m. great effort or exertion, setting about, readiness to or for (locative case dative case,or compound)  |
समुद्यमिन् | mfn. exerting one's self. strenuous, eager, zealous  |
समुद्यत | mfn. raised up, lifted up etc.  |
समुद्यत | mfn. offered, presented  |
समुद्यत | mfn. intended, prepared, begun  |
समुद्यत | mfn. ready or eager for action, prepared to or about to (infinitive mood or dative case), engaged in (locative case) ![]() |