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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
dusthaSee duḥstha- etc. under duḥ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
hinduḥ हिन्दुः also हिन्दू. N. of the people of Hindusthan or Bhāratavarṣa. The name appears to have been derived from Sindhu, the name of the celebrated river where the Vedic Āryans recited their Vedic mantras. In the Avesta स् is pronounced as ह्; so सप्तसिन्धु was pronounced by the Persians as हप्तहिन्दु. The Bhaviṣya-Purāṇa speaks of हप्तहिन्दु. Here are a few references in a few Kośas and the Purāṇas :(1) The Kālikā-Purāṇa says, "कलिना बलिना नूनमधर्माकलिते कलौ । यवनैर्घोरमाक्रान्ता हिन्दवो विन्ध्यमाविशन् ॥" (2) The Merutantra of the 8th century A. D.-- "हिन्दुधर्मप्रलोप्तारो जायन्ते चक्रवर्तिनः । हीनं च दूषयत्येष हिन्दूरित्युच्यते प्रिये ॥" (3) The Rāmakośa--"हिन्दुर्दुष्टो ना भवति नानार्यो न विदूषकः । सद्धर्मपालको विद्वान् श्रौतधर्मपरायणः ॥" (4) The Hemantakavikośa-- "हिन्दुर्हि नारायणादिदेवताभक्तः" (5) The Adbhutarūpakośa-- "हिन्दुर्हिन्दूश्च पुंसि द्वौ दुष्टानां च विघर्षणे ।" -Comp. -धर्मः the Hindu religion.
Macdonell Search
1 result
dustha du-stha, -˚sthita v. ݣ°ree; duh-.
1 result
dustha adjective ?
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