dhṛ | cl.1 P. A1. dharati-, te- ( ; A1. Potential dhareran- ), but more commonly in the same sense the Causal form dhārayati-, te- (perf. P. dādh/āra-, dh/artha-[Impv. dadhartu- ]; A1. dadhr/e-,3. plural dhrir/e- etc.; Aorist adhāram- ; adhṛta-, dhṛthās- ; /adīdharat- etc.[ dīdhar-, didhṛtam-, ta- ;3. plural rata- ]; adārṣīt- grammar; future dhariṣyati- ; ṣy/e- ; dhartā- ; infinitive mood dhartum- , tavai- [ dhart/ari-See under tṛ-]; ind.p. dhṛtvā-, -dhṛtya- ) to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo etc. ; (with or scil ātmānam-, jīvitam-, prāṇān-, deham-, śarīram-etc.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive etc. (especially future dhariṣyati-; confer, compare Passive voice below) ; to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist etc. ; to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (locative case) etc. ; to destine for (dative case; A1.also to be destined for or belong to) ; to present to (genitive case) ; to direct or turn (attention, mind, etc.) towards, fix or resolve upon (locative case or dative case) ; A1. to be ready or prepared for ; P. A1. to owe anything (accusative) to (dative case or genitive case) (confer, compare ) ; to prolong (in pronunciation) ; to quote, cite ; (with garbham-) to conceive, be pregnant (older bham-bhṛ-) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to inflict punishment on (locative case) (also damam-) ; (with keśān-,or śmaśru-) to let the hair or beard grow ; (with raśmīn-[ ] or praharān-[ ]) to draw the reins tight ; (with dharamam-) to fulfil a duty ; (with vrat/am-) to observe or keep a vow etc. ; (with dhāraṇām-) to practise self-control ; (wit. ipas-) to perform penance ; (with mūrdhnā-or dhni-, śirasā-or si-) to bear on the head, honour highly ; (with or scilicet tulayā-) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure etc. ; (with or scilicet manasā-) to bear in mind, recollect, remember ; (with samaye-) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact (Bombay edition dṛṣṭvā-for dhṛtvā-): Passive voice dhriy/ate- (Epic also yati-; perfect tense dadhr/e-etc. = A1.; Aorist adhāri-) to be borne etc. ; so be firm, keep steady etc. ; continue living, exist, remain etc. (also dhāryate- ) ; to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dative case; accusative or infinitive mood) : Causal dhār/ayati-, te- See above: Desiderative didhīrṣati- (See ṣā-), didhariṣate- ; didhārayiṣati-, to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam-) : Intensive d/ardharti- ( ) and dādharti- (3. plural dhrati- ; confer, compare ) to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten. [ confer, compare Zend dar; Greek ,; Latin fre1-tus,fre1-num.] |
dṝ | cl.9 P. dṛṇāti- Potential -dṛṇīyāt- ; cl.2 P. 2. sg. subjunctive d/arṣi-, 2. 3. sg. d/art- imperfect tense 2. sg. adar- (perfect tense dad/āra-,[2. sg. dadaritha- plural dadrur-or dadarur-, ] Aorist adarat-[Ved. adārīt-] ; subjunctive P. darṣasi-, d/arṣat-; A1. darṣate-; Potential ṣīṣṭa- ; preceding dīryāt- ) to burst, break asunder, split open (confer, compare above) ; to cause to burst, tear, rend, divide : Passive voice dīryate- (ti- ) , p. dīryamāṇa- and dīryat- ; perfect tense dadre- ( ) to be split, break open, fall asunder, decay ; to be dispersed or scattered (as an army) ; to be frightened or afraid (also darati-) : Causal P. darayati-, to split, tear, break open ; P. A1. dārayati-, te- ; Aorist adadarat- ( ) to tear asunder, divide by splitting or digging etc. ; to scatter, disperse : Intensive P. d/ardarti- or d/ādarti- ; imperative 2. sg. dādṛh/i- ; subjunctive 3. sg. dardirat- ; imperfect tense 2. 3. sg. /adardar-, 3. plural adardirur- = Causal [ confer, compare Greek and ; Lithuanian diru4; Slavonic or Slavonian drati; Gothic tairan; Anglo-Saxon te0ran; English to@tear; German zerren,zehren.]  |