abanddhra | (or defectively written a-bandhr/a-) mfn. without bonds or ligatures  |
abandhra | See a-banddhr/a-.  |
abhyavahṛ | to throw down into water (accusative; ap/aḥ-or samudr/am-or hrad/am-) (see abhy-ava-nī-) ; to bring near ; to take food, eat : Causal to cause to throw down (into water) ; to attack (as an enemy) ; to take food, eat ; to cause to eat  |
abhyuddru | -dr/avati-, to run up to (accusative)  |
bhadrasvapna | (bhadr/ā--) m. a good dream  |
bhadravrāta | (bhadr/a--) mfn. having or forming a happy assemblage  |
caṇḍa | mf(ā- ; ī- etc.)n. (probably fr. candr/a-,"glowing"with passion) fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry etc.  |
canda | m. (for dr/a-) the moon  |
candira | m. (fr. ndr/a-) the moon  |
candra | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ścandr/a- q.v) glittering, shining (as gold), having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods, of water[ ] and of soma-)  |
cāndra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. candr/a-) lunar etc.  |
candrabudhna | (dr/a--) mfn. having a bright standing-ground  |
candradakṣiṇa | (dr/a--) mfn. offering anything bright or gold in sacrifice  |
candramas | m. (dr/a--) (mas- equals m/ās-; gaRa dāsī-bhārādi-) the moon, deity of the moon (considered as a dānava- ;named among the 8 vasu-s ) etc.  |
candramas | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order candr/a-.  |
cāndramasa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. candr/a-mas-) lunar, relating to the moon etc.  |
candranirṇij | (dr/a--), having a brilliant garment  |
candraratha | (dr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant carriage  |
candravarṇa | (dr/a--) mfn. of brilliant colour  |
candravat | mfn. (dr/a--) illuminated by the moon  |
candrimā | f. (fr. candr/a-mas-; see pūrṇimā-) moonlight  |
dānu | n. a fluid, drop, dew (nas p/atī- m.du, Name of mitra-- varuṇa- or of the aśvin-s ; see ārdr/a--, jīr/a--).  |
dhrai | cl.1 P. dhrāyati-, to be pleased or satisfied ; cl.2. etc. dhr/āti-, dhr/āti-, dhr/ayati- See dhr/a-.  |
dhraj | dhrañj- or dhrāj- cl.1 P. ( ) dhr/ajati- (dhrañjati-or dhṛñjati- grammar; parasmE-pada A1. dhrājamāna- ; Aorist Potential A1. dhrājiṣīya- ) to move, go, glide, fly, sweep on. (Cf. dhṛj-and dhrij-.)  |
dhrāji | f. equals dhr/ajas- (also dhrāj/i-)  |
dīrgha | mf(ā-)n. (Comparative degree dr/āghīyas-,superl. dr/āghiṣṭha-[qq. vv.];rarely dīrghatara-[ iv, 13/14] and tama-[ ]) long (in space and time) , lofty, high, tall  |
drā | cl.2 P. dr/āti- (imperative dr/ātu-, dr/āntu- ; perfect tense dadrur-, parasmE-pada A1. dadrāṇ/a- ; Aorist adrāsīt-; subjunctive drāsat- ), to run, make haste: Causal drāpayati- (Desiderative of Causal d/idrāpayiṣati-) ; Aorist adidrapat- : Intensive d/aridrāti- ; 3 plural daridrati- ; to run hither and thither ; to be in need or poor: Desiderative of Intensive didaridrāsati- and didaridriṣati- Va1rtt. 2 [ confer, compare 2. dru-and dram-; Greek , .] |
dram | cl.1 P. dr/amati- ( ) to run about, roam, wander ; perfect tense dadramur- : Intensive dandramyate- idem or 'm. or n. a particular high number ' [ confer, compare drā-and 2. dru-; Greek , .]  |
draviṇas | n. movable property, substance etc. (= dr/aviṇa-)  |
dṛp | cl.4 P. dṛpyati- (darpati-only ; future dr/apsyati-or darpiṣyati- ; darpitā-, ptā-,and draptā- ; perfect tense dadarpa-; Aorist adṛpat- ; adrāpsīt- Va1rtt. 7; adarpīt-and adārp sīt- ) to be mad or foolish, to rave ; to be extravagant or wild, to be arrogant or proud, to be wildly delighted. etc. ; to light, kindle, inflame (darpati-or darpayati- varia lectio for chṛd-): Causal darpayati-, to make mad or proud or arrogant  |
dṛś | (Pres. forms supplied by paś- q.v; perfect tense P. dad/arśa- etc. [2. sg. dadarśitha-and dadraṣṭha- ]; A1. dadṛś/e- [ d/adṛśe-,3 plural dṛśre- ; śrire- ]; parasmE-pada P. dadṛśv/as- ; sivas- ; darśivas- q.v; A1. d/adṛśāna- ; future P. -drakṣy/ati- etc.; A1. ṣyate-and future 2. draṣṭā- ; Aorist P. adarśam-, śas-, śat-,3 plural śur- ; 1 plural adarśma- ; adṛśma- ; subjunctive darśam-, śat-, śathas- ; A1.3 plural /adṛśran- ; śram- ; parasmE-pada dṛśān/a-or d/ṛśāna-[ confer, compare sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ] ; P. dṛśan-,3 plural /adṛśan- ; Potential dṛś/eyam- ; śema- ; P. adrākṣit-and adrāk- ; A1.3 plural /adṛkṣata-; subjunctive 2 sg. d/ṛkṣase- ; infinitive mood dṛś/e-and driś/aye- ; dr/aṣṭum- etc.; ind.p. dṛṣṭv/ā- etc.[ also dṛśya-], ṭvāya- ; -d/ṛśya- ; -darśam- ) to see, behold, look at, regard, consider etc. ; to see id est wait on, visit ; to see with the mind, learn, understand etc. ; to notice, care for, look into, try, examine ; to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, etc.) : Passive voice dṛśy/ate- (Epic also ti-) Aorist ad/arśi- etc. to be seen, become visible, appear etc. ; to be shown or manifested, appear as (iva-), prove etc.: Causal P. A1. darśayati-, te- etc. ; Aorist adīdṛśat- ; adadarśat- , to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (A1. especially of something belonging to one's self) or person (P.and A1.with or scilicet ātmānam-,also one's self) , to (accusative etc.; genitive case etc.; dative case etc.; instrumental case after A1.refl. ) ; to show = prove, demonstrate etc. ; to produce (money) id est pay ; (a witness) , : Desiderative A1. didṛkṣate- (Epic also ti-) to wish to see, long for (accusative) etc.: Desiderative of Causal didarśayiṣati-, to wish to show ; adidarśayiṣīt- : Intensive darīdṛśyate-, to be always visible ; darīdarṣṭi- or dard- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Gothic tarhjan.] |
dru | cl.1. P. ( ; Epic also A1.) dr/avati-, te- etc. (perfect tense dudrāva- ; drotha-, druma- ; druvur- etc.; Aorist adudruvat- ; drot- subjunctive dudr/avat- ; future droṣyati- ; infinitive mood -drotum- ; ind.p. druṭv/ā-and -drutya- ) to run, hasten, flee etc. ; to run up to (accusative), attack, assault ; to become fluid, dissolve, melt : Causal drāv/ayati- (Epic also te-; dravayate-See under drav/a-) to cause to run, make flow ; to make fluid, melt, ; to drive away, put to flight (Passive voice drāvyate-, ) : Desiderative dudrūṣati- grammar : Desiderative of Causal dudrāvayiṣati- or dud- : Intensive dodrūyate- or dodroti- grammar (dodrāva- ) . ([ confer, compare 2. drā-and dram-; Zend dru,drvant.])  |
dudhravāc | (dhr/a--) mfn. speaking boisterously or confusedly  |
indrajūta | (indr/a--) mfn. promoted or excited or procured by indra- and  |
khulla | mfn. (see kṣulla-;Prakrit form for kṣudr/a-) small, little  |
khuṇḍ | cl.1 A1. ḍate-, to break in pieces ; to limp : cl.10 P. khuṇḍayati- (varia lectio khoḍayati- see kṣodayati-fr. kṣudr/a-), to break in pieces  |
kratu | m. intelligence, understanding (exempli gratia, 'for example' bhadr/a kr/atu-,right judgement, good understanding;also in conjunction or in compound or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with d/akṣa-See kr/atu-d/akṣau-and dakṣakrat/ū-)  |
kṣodiṣṭha | mfn. (See kṣudr/a- ) smallest, thinnest  |
kṣodīyas | mfn. (See kṣudr/a- ) smaller, still inferior |
kṣud | cl.1 P. kṣ/odati-, to strike against, shake ( ) ; A1. to move, be agitated or shaken : cl.7 P. A1. kṣuṇatti-, kṣuntte- (imperfect tense akṣuṇat-; Aorist 3. plural akṣautsur-; future kṣotsyati- ), to stamp or trample upon : Causal kṣodayati- (imperfect tense /akṣodayat-), to shake or agitate by stamping ; to crush, pound, pulverise ; (Nom. P.fr. kṣudr/a-) to reduce, diminish ; ([ confer, compare Greek , for, ; Lithuanian skausti ?])  |
kṣudrapṛṣatī | (dr/a--) f. (a cow) covered with small spots  |
kṣudrīya | mfn. fr. dr/a- gaRa utkarādi-.  |
kṣulla | mfn. (originally a Prakrit form of kṣudr/a-;derived fr. 2. kṣ/udh-and lā- ) small, little, minute, inferior  |
madana | mfn. equals mandr/a-  |
mandrajihva | (mandr/a--) mfn. "pleasing-tongued", pleasant-voiced  |
mandratama | (mandr/a--) mfn. most or more pleasant or charming  |
mandratara | (mandr/a--) mfn. most or more pleasant or charming  |
mandraya | Nom. A1. dr/ayate-, to praise, honour (= arcati-)  |
mas | equals mās- in candr/a-mas-.  |
mṛdhravāc | (mṛdhr/a--) mfn. speaking injuriously or contumeliously, insulting  |
niṣeddhra | See a-niṣeddhr/a-.  |
pāratas | (pādr/a--) ind. opposite the opposite bank or the further side, beyond (genitive case) |
raudra | mf(ā-or ī-)n. or raudr/a- (fr. rudra-) relating or belonging to or coming from rudra- or the rudra-s, rudra--like, violent, impetuous, fierce, wild ( raudram am- ind.) etc.  |
rudrahotṛ | (rudr/a--) mfn. having the rudra- for invokers, being invoked by the rudra- (see rudr/a-hūti-).  |
rudrahūti | (rudr/a--) mfn. invoked by the rudra- (or according to to "by praisers") (see rudr/a-hotṛ-).  |
rudravartani | (rudr/a--) m. dual number "moving in terrific paths", Name of the aśvin-s (others"moving on red or shining paths", scilicet after the rising of the dawn) .  |
rudravat | mfn. (rudr/a--) having rudra- or the rudra- etc.  |
rudravatvadgaṇa | mfn. (rudr/a--) surrounded by the rudra- troop (said of soma-)  |
rudriya | mf(ā-)n. terrific, fearful, impetuous ( "uttering praise or giving pleasure'"; see rudr/a-) m. (sg. and plural) the marut-s  |
saṃcaraṇa | n. (with samudr/am-) navigation  |
samuditṛ | mfn. rising, surging (used to explain samudr/a-)  |
samudra | m. (n.only ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). see udr/a-, an-udr/a-;for sa-mudra-See)"gathering together of waters", the sea, ocean (in veda- also"the aerial waters","atmospheric ocean or sky"[ see ];in ,seven circular concentric [elsewhere 3 or 4] oceans are named, viz. lavaṇa-,"salt-water"; ikṣu-,"syrup"; surā-,"wine"; ghṛta-,"clarified butter"; dadhi-,"curds"; dugdha-,"milk"; jala-,"fresh water";in later language the Ocean is often personified as king of the rivers) etc.  |
samudrajyeṣṭha | (dr/a--) mf(ā-)n. having the ocean as chief (said of waters)  |
samudravāsas | (dr/a-.) mfn. "sea-clothed"veiled or concealed in the waters (said of agni-)  |
samudravyacas | (dr/a--) mfn. whose capacity equals that of the sea or a soma-vessel (said of indra-)  |
ścandra | mfn. shining, radiant (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See aśva-ścandra-, puru-ścandr/a-, viśv/a-ścandra-, suścandr/a-, śv/a-ścandra-,and h/ari-ścandra-).  |
sendratā | (dr/a--) f. ( ) union or connection with indra-.  |
śūdrakṛta | (śūdr/a--) mfn. made by a śūdra-  |
tandr | cl.1 P. drati-, = sad- ; (subjunctive drat-) to make languid : Causal dr/ayate-, to grow fatigued ( ) (with infinitive mood).  |
udra | n. See anudr/a- and udr/in-.  |