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Monier-Williams Search
16 results for divo
दिवोin compound for vas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोदासm. (di-) "heaven's slave", Name of bharad-vāja- (celebrated for his liberality and protected by indra- and the aśvin-s ;the son of vādhry-aśva- ;his father is also called bhadra-sva-, bahv-aśva- etc., and his son mitra-yu- or mitrā-yu- )
दिवोदासm. of the father of su-dās-
दिवोदासm. of a king of kāśi- surnamed dhanvantari-, founder of the Indian school of medicine
दिवोदासm. of the father of pra-tardana-
दिवोदासm. of a descendant of bhīma-sena-
दिवोदासेश्वरलिङ्गn. Name of a liṅga-
दिवोदासोपाख्यानn. "the episode of dhanvantari-"in
दिवोद्भवmfn. "sky-born" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोद्भवf. cardamoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोदुह्mfn. milking from the sky (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोजाmfn. born or descended from heaven (uṣas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोकस्m. (see vau-,) a god or the cātaka- bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोल्काf. "sky-firebrand", a meteor (see vyo-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दिवोरुच्mfn. shining from heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिदिवोद्भवाf. large cardamoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
divodāsaḥ दिवोदासः N. of a reputed Vedic king, father of सुदास; Rv.7.18.25.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
0 results2 results
divodāsa atithigva Is one of the leading princes of the early Vedic age. He was a son of Vadhryaśva, and father, or more probably grandfather, of Sudās, the famous king of the Trtsu family, among the Bharatas. Probably Pijavana was the son and Sudās the grandson. Divodāsa was naturally a Bharata, and, like Sudās, was an opponent of the Turvaśas and Yadus. His great enemy was śambara, the Dāsa, who was apparently chief of a mountain people, and whom he repeatedly defeated. He was also, it seems, like his father Vadhryaśva, an energetic supporter of the fire ritual, for Agni is once called by his name in the Rigveda. On the other hand, he was defeated, with Ayu and Kutsa, by Indra’s aid. In several passages he seems closely connected with the singer family, the Bharadvājas. From one passage, where Divodāsa is said to have fought against the Panis, the Pārāvatas, and Brsaya, Hillebrandt has inferred that he was engaged in conflicts with the tribes of Arachosia, and interpreting the name as the ‘heavenly Dāsa’ conjectures that he was himself a Dāsa. This conclusion is not probable, for the Sarasvatī on which the battle in question took place, and which can hardly be the Haraqaiti of Arachosia, would naturally designate the later Sarasvatī, while the Pārāvatas are mentioned in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana, as in the east, about the Yamunā. Bergaigne’s opinion that Divodāsa and Atithigva were different people cannot be supported in view of the complete parallelism in the acts of the two persons. See also Pratardana. The people of Divodāsa are referred to in a hymn of the Rigveda.
divodāsa bhaimaseni (‘Descendant of Bhīmasena ’) is mentioned in the Kāthaka Samhitā as a contemporary of Aruni.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results2 results130 results
divo diśaḥ saṃtanu MS.2.13.3: 153.11.
divo duhitā bhuvanasya patnī RV.7.75.4d.
divo duhitroṣasā sacethe RV.1.183.2d.
divo devā avāsṛjan AVP.1.107.6d.
divo drapso madhumāṃ ā viveśa RV.10.98.3d.
divo dhartā bhuvanasya prajāpatiḥ RV.4.53.2a; KB.21.4.
divo dhartāra urviyā pari khyan RV.10.10.2d; AVś.18.1.2d.
divo dhartā sindhur āpaḥ samudriyaḥ RV.10.65.13b; N.12.30b.
divo dhartāsi śukraḥ pīyūṣaḥ RV.9.109.6a; SV.2.593a.
divo dharman dharuṇe seduṣo nṝn RV.5.15.2c.
divo dhāmabhir varuṇa RV.7.66.18a.
divo dhārā (KS. -rām) asaścata TS.; MS.1.3.36b: 42.17; KS.30.6b.
divo dhārāṃ bhindhi KS.11.9. See bhindhīdaṃ.
divo 'dhi pṛṣṭham asthāt KS.39.2d; Apś.16.29.1d.
divo na tubhyam anv indra satrā RV.6.20.2a.
divo na te tanyatur eti śuṣmaḥ RV.7.3.6c.
divo na tveṣo ravathaḥ śimīvān RV.1.100.13b.
divo napātā vanathaḥ śacībhiḥ RV.4.44.2b; AVś.20.143.2b.
divo napātā vidathasya dhībhiḥ RV.3.38.5c.
divo napātā vṛṣaṇā śayutrā RV.1.117.12b.
divo napātāśvinā huve vām RV.10.61.4b.
divo napātā sukṛte śucivratā RV.1.182.1d.
divo napātā sudāstarāya RV.1.184.1d.
divo na prītāḥ śaśayaṃ duduhre RV.3.57.2b.
divo nabhaḥ śukraṃ payaḥ Kauś.82.21c.
divo na yanti vṛṣṭayaḥ RV.9.57.1b; SV.2.1111b.
divo na yasya retasā RV.5.17.3c.
divo na yasya retaso dughānāḥ RV.1.100.3a.
divo na yasya vidhato navīnot RV.6.3.7a.
divo na raśmīṃs tanuto vy arṇave TB.
divo na vāraṃ savitā vyūrṇute SV.2.845c. See vāraṃ na devaḥ.
divo na vidyut stanayanty abhraiḥ RV.9.87.8c.
divo na vṛṣṭiḥ pavamāno akṣāḥ RV.9.89.1b.
divo na vṛṣṭiṃ prathayan vavakṣitha RV.8.12.6c.
divo na sadmamakhasam RV.1.18.9c.
divo na sargā asasṛgram ahnām RV.9.97.30a.
divo na sānu pipyuṣī RV.9.16.7a.
divo na sānu stanayann acikradat RV.1.58.2d; 9.86.9a.
divo nākasya pṛṣṭhāt AVś.4.14.3c; AVP.3.38.8c; VS.17.67c; TS.; MS.2.10.6c: 138.7; KS.18.4c; śB.
divo nāke madhujihvā asaścataḥ (AVP. asaśvataḥ) RV.9.73.4b; 85.10a; AVś.5.6.3b; AVP.6.11.4b; KS.38.14b; Apś.16.18.7b.
divo nābhā vicakṣaṇaḥ RV.9.12.4a; SV.2.549a.
divo nu māṃ (HG.ApMB. mā) bṛhato antarikṣāt AVś.6.124.1a; HG.1.16.6a; ApMB.2.22.13a (ApG.8.23.8). P: divo nu mām GB.1.2.7; Vait.12.7; Kauś.46.41.
divo no vṛṣṭim iṣito rirīhi RV.10.98.10d.
divo no vṛṣṭiṃ maruto rarīdhvam RV.5.83.6a; TS.; KS.11.13a.
divo 'ntebhyas etc. see divo antebhyas.
divo bhāgo 'si Apś.3.3.11.
divo maryā ā no achā jigātana RV.5.59.6d.
divo maryā ṛtajātā ayāsaḥ RV.3.54.13b.
divo mātrayā variṇā (VS.śB. varimṇā) prathasva VS.11.29d; 13.2d; TS.; 2.8.2d; MS.2.7.3d: 76.17; 3.1.5: 6.3; KS.16.3d,15d; 20.5; śB.; P: divaḥ Kś.16.2.24. Cf. under antarikṣāyarṣayas.
divo mādityā rakṣantu AVś.19.16.2a; 27.15a; AVP.10.8.5a; 12.6.6a.
divo mānaṃ not sadan RV.8.63.2a.
divo mā pāhi TS.; MS.2.7.15: 98.10; KS.40.5; TA.4.8.4; 5.7.9.
divo mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyopānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya MS.2.8.14: 118.6.
divo mūrdhānaḥ prasthitā vayaskṛtaḥ RV.9.69.8d.
divo mūrdhā vṛṣā sutaḥ RV.9.27.3b; SV.2.638b.
divo mūrdhāsi pṛthivyā nābhiḥ (MS. -si nābhiḥ pṛthivyāḥ) VS.18.54a; TS.; 7.13.2a; MS.2.12.3a: 146.15; KS.18.15a; 39.1a; śB. Ps: divo mūrdhāsi Mś.; divo mūrdhā Kś.18.6.17.
divo mūlam avatatam AVś.2.7.3a; AVP.7.7.7a.
divo yad akṣī amṛtā akṛṇvan RV.1.72.10b.
divo ya skambho dharuṇaḥ svātataḥ RV.9.74.2a.
divo yahvībhir na guhā babhūva RV.3.1.9d.
divo yahvīr avasānā anagnāḥ RV.3.1.6b.
divo yahvīṣv oṣadhīṣu vikṣu RV.7.70.3b.
divo raja uparam astabhāyaḥ RV.1.62.5d.
divo rarapśe mahimā pṛthivyāḥ RV.6.18.12b.
divo rukma urucakṣā ud eti RV.7.63.4a; KS.10.13a; TB.; Apś.16.12.1a. P: divo rukmaḥ śś.3.18.6.
divo retasā sacate payovṛdhā RV.9.74.1c.
divo rohāṃsy aruhat pṛthivyāḥ RV.6.71.5c.
divo varāham aruṣaṃ kapardinam RV.1.114.5a.
divo varṣanti vṛṣṭayaḥ RV.5.84.3d; KS.10.12d.
divo varṣman samidhyate VS.28.1c; TB.
divo varṣmāṇaṃ vasate svastaye RV.10.63.4d.
divo vaśanty asurasya vedhasaḥ RV.8.20.17b.
divo vasubhir aratir vi bhāti RV.10.3.2d; SV.2.897d.
divo vahadhva uttarād adhi ṣṇubhiḥ RV.5.60.7b.
divo vā dhṛṣṇava ojasā RV.5.52.14c.
divo vā nābhā ny asādi hotā RV.3.4.4c.
divo vā pārthivād adhi RV.1.6.10b; AVś.20.70.6b.
divo vā pṛṣṭhaṃ naryā acucyavuḥ RV.1.166.5b.
divo vābhiṣṭhām anu yo vicaṣṭe Mś. See devānāṃ viṣṭhām.
divo vā mahaḥ pārthivasya vā de RV.5.41.1b; MS.4.14.10b: 231.9.
divo vā ye rocane santi devāḥ RV.3.6.8b.
divo vā rocanād adhi RV.1.6.9b; AVś.20.70.5b.
divo vā viṣṇa (TS. viṣṇav) uta vā pṛthivyāḥ VS.5.19a; TS.;; KS.2.10a; 25.8; śB. Ps: divo vā viṣṇo Apś.11.7.3; 16.26.5; 20.4.5; divo vā Kś.8.4.11. See divo viṣṇa.
divo vā vṛṣṭim eraya MS.2.8.2: 107.17; KS.17.1. See divo vṛṣṭim etc.
divo vā sānu spṛśatā varīyaḥ RV.10.70.5a.
divo viśvasmāt sīm aghāyata uruṣyaḥ TA.6.2.1c: divo is metrically superfluous. See viśvasmāt sīm aghā-.
divo viśvāni rocanā RV.8.5.8b.
divo viṣṭambha uttamaḥ RV.9.108.16d.
divo viṣṭambha upamo vicakṣaṇaḥ RV.9.86.35d.
divo viṣṇa uta vā pṛthivyāḥ AVś.7.26.8a; MS.1.2.9a: 19.6; 3.8.7: 104.19. P: divo viṣṇo Mś.; See divo vā viṣṇa.
divo vṛkṣam ivāśaniḥ AVś.6.37.2d.
divo vṛṣṭiḥ VS.14.24; TS.;; MS.2.8.5: 109.12; KS.17.4; śB.
divo vṛṣṭiṃ varṣayatā purīṣiṇaḥ MS.2.4.7b: 45.1. See yūyaṃ vṛṣṭiṃ.
divo vṛṣṭiṃ subhago nāma puṣyan RV.2.27.15b.
divo vṛṣṭim eraya VS.14.8; TS.; śB.; TB.; Apś.4.11.1. See divo vā vṛṣṭim.
divo vṛṣṭir īḍyo rītir apām RV.6.13.1d; Apś.5.23.9d.
divo vo maruto huve RV.8.94.10b.
divo agne bṛhatā rocanena RV.6.1.7d; MS.4.13.6d: 207.3; KS.18.20d; TB.
divo adarśi duhitā RV.4.52.1c; SV.2.1075c.
divo antebhyas (KS. 'nte-) pari RV.1.49.3d; 8.88.5b; SV.1.367d; KS.16.13b. See divaḥ sadobhyas.
divo anyaḥ subhagaḥ putra ūhe RV.1.181.4d; N.12.3d.
divo abhrasya vidyutaḥ RVKh.5.84.1b.
divo amuṣmād uttarād ādāya RV.4.26.6d.
divo amuṣya śāsataḥ RV.8.34.1c--15c; SV.1.348c; 2.1157c--1159c.
divo arkā amṛtaṃ nāma bhejire RV.5.57.5d.
divo arcā marudbhyaḥ RV.5.52.5d.
divo aśmānam asyatām AVP.10.12.1d.
divo aśmānam upanītam ṛbhvā RV.1.121.9b.
divo astoṣy asurasya vīraiḥ RV.1.122.1c.
divo jajñire apāṃ sadhasthe RV.6.52.15b; KS.13.15b.
divo jāto divas putraḥ AVP.2.55.1a.
divo jyote (KS.9.3, jyotir) vivasva āditya te no devā deveṣu satyāṃ devahūtim āsuvadhvam KS.8.14; 9.3. See under devajūte vivasvann.
divo-diva ā suvā bhūri paśvaḥ AVś.7.14.3d. See dive-diva etc.
divodāsād atithigvasya rādhaḥ RV.6.47.22c.
divodāsād asāniṣam RV.6.47.23d.
divodāsam atithigvaṃ yad āvam RV.4.26.3d.
divodāsaṃ vadhryaśvāya dāśuṣe RV.6.61.1b; MS.4.14.7b: 226.4; KS.4.16b.
divodāsaṃ śambarahatya āvatam RV.1.112.14b.
divodāsaṃ na pitaraṃ sudāsaḥ RV.7.18.25c.
divodāsasya satpatiḥ RV.6.16.19c; KS.20.14c.
divodāsāya dāśuṣe RV.4.30.20c.
divodāsāya navatiṃ ca nava RV.2.19.6c.
divodāsāya mahi ceti vām avaḥ RV.1.119.4d.
divodāsāya mahi dāśuṣe nṛto RV.1.130.7b.
divodāsāya randhayaḥ (SV. -yan) RV.6.43.1b; SV.1.392b.
divodāsāya śambaram RV.9.61.2b; SV.2.561b.
divodāsāya sunvate RV.6.16.5b.
divodāsāya sunvate sutakre RV.6.31.4d.
divodāsebhir indra stavānaḥ RV.1.130.10c.
divorucaḥ suruco rocamānāḥ RV.3.7.5c.
Vedabase Search
3 results
divodāsaḥ a son named DivodāsaSB 9.17.5
divodāsaḥ DivodāsaSB 9.21.34
divodāsāt was born from DivodāsaSB 9.22.1
3 results
divodāsa noun (masculine) name of a descendant of Bhīmasena (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Bharadvāja (celebrated for his liberality and protected by Indra and the Aśvins) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of Pratardana (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of Sudās (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10105/72933
divolkā noun (feminine) a meteor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54450/72933
tridivodbhavā noun (feminine) large cardamoms
Frequency rank 35506/72933
Wordnet Search
"divo" has 2 results.



ekaḥ candravaṃśī rājā yaḥ bhīmarathasya putraḥ tathā ca kāśīrājyaṃ śaśāsa।

divodāsaḥ dhanvantareḥ avatāraḥ āsīt iti janāḥ manyante।



purāṇe varṇitaḥ ekaḥ puruṣaḥ yaḥ apsarasaḥ menakāyāḥ garbhāt jātaḥ।

divodāsaḥ ahalyāyāḥ putraḥ āsīt।

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