dhyā | dhyāta-, dhyāna- See under dhyai-, below.  |
dhyā | f. thinking, meditation  |
dhyai | cl.1 P. dhy/āyati- (Epic also te-,or cl.2. dhyāti-; imperative dhyāhi-; Potential dhyāyāt- ; yīta- ; perf. dadhyau- etc.; Aorist /adhyāsīt- ;3. plural dhyāsur- ; future dhyāsyati- ; dhyātā- ; ind.p. dhyātvā- ; -dhyāya- ; dhyāyam- ) to think of, imagine, contemplate, meditate on, call to mind, recollect (with or scilicet manasā-or si-, cetasā-, dhiyā-, hṛdaye-etc.) etc. ; to brood mischief against (accusative) ; (alone) to be thoughtful or meditative etc. ; to let the head hang down (said of an animal) : Passive voice dhyāyate-, to be thought of, etc. ; Causal dhyāpayati- grammar : Desiderative didhyāsate- : Intensive dādhyāyate-, dādhyāti-, dādhyeti- grammar  |
dhyāma | mfn. dark-coloured, black (see śyāma-)  |
dhyāma | n. any or a particular fragrant grass  |
dhyāma | n. Artemisia Indica  |
dhyāmaka | n. a participle kind of grass  |
dhyāmala | mfn. dark-coloured, black, impure, unclean  |
dhyāmalīkṛ | to make dirty, soil, pollute  |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. making dark-coloured, blackening  |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. burning, consuming  |
dhyāmīkṛta | mfn. made dark-coloured, blackened  |
dhyāna | n. meditation, thought, reflection, (especially) profound and abstract religious meditation, (nam āpad-, ā-sthā-or naṃ-gam-,to indulge in religious meditation) etc. (with Buddhists divided into 4 stages ;but also into 3 )  |
dhyāna | n. mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity  |
dhyāna | n. insensibility, dulness  |
dhyāna | m. Name of a particular personification  |
dhyāna | m. of the 11th day of the light half in brahma-'s month  |
dhyānabhaṅga | m. equals -ccheda-  |
dhyānabindūpaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
dhyānacakṣus | n. the eye of meditation  |
dhyānaccheda | m. interruption of thought or meditation  |
dhyānadhīra | ( ) mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful.  |
dhyānadīpa | m. Name of work  |
dhyānadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
dhyānadṛṣṭi | mfn. seeing with the mind's eye  |
dhyānadyuti | m. Name of a man  |
dhyānagamya | mfn. attainable by meditation  |
dhyānāgāra | m. or n. a room to indulge in meditation |
dhyānagocara | m. plural a particular class of deities  |
dhyānāhāra | m. the nutriment of meditation  |
dhyānajapya | m. pl. Name of a race (varia lectio kara-j-and dhyāna-puṣṭa-).  |
dhyānalakṣaṇa | n. "mark of meditation", Name of chapter of  |
dhyānālaṃkāra | m. Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dhyānamātra | n. mere meditation, thought alone  |
dhyānamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of meditation  |
dhyānāmbā | f. Name of a woman  |
dhyānamudrā | f. a prescribed attitude in which to meditate on a deity  |
dhyānaniṣṭha | ( ) mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful.  |
dhyānanitya | ( ) mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful.  |
dhyānapara | ( ) mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful.  |
dhyānapāramitā | f. perfection of meditation  |
dhyānaphala | n. "fruit of meditation", Name of chapter of  |
dhyānapuṣṭa | See -japya-.  |
dhyānapūta | mfn. purified by meditation  |
dhyānaśataka | n. Name of work  |
dhyānaśīlā | f. Name of a Buddhist goddess.  |
dhyānāspada | n. place of meditation,  |
dhyānāśrayaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
dhyānastha | ( ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.  |
dhyānasthita | ( ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.  |
dhyānastimitalocana | mfn. having an eye rigid by meditation  |
dhyānataraṃgaṭīkā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
dhyānatatpara | mfn. lost in meditation, thoughtful  |
dhyānāvacara | m. plural Name of a class of Buddhist deities (see na-gocara-).  |
dhyānavallarī | f. Name of work  |
dhyānavat | mfn. intent on religious meditation  |
dhyānayoga | m. profound meditation (or"meditation and abstraction"),  |
dhyānayoga | m. Name of a kind of magic  |
dhyānayogasara | m. Name of an extract from  |
dhyānayogin | mfn. absorbed in meditation  |
dhyāni | in compound for nin-.  |
dhyānibodhisattva | m. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva-  |
dhyānibuddha | m. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva-  |
dhyānika | mfn. proceeding from religious meditation  |
dhyānin | mfn. contemplative, engaged in religious meditation  |
dhyāninīya | mfn. equals dhyeya-  |
dhyāta | mfn. thought of, meditated on  |
dhyātamātra | mfn. merely thought of  |
dhyātamātrāgata | mfn. appearing when merely thought of  |
dhyātamātropagāmin | mfn. appearing when merely thought of  |
dhyātamātropanata | mfn. appearing when merely thought of  |
dhyātamātropasthita | mfn. appearing when merely thought of  |
dhyātavya | mfn. to be thought of or reflected upon  |
dhyātṛ | m. one who reflects upon, a thinker  |
dhyātṛdhyātavyatva | n. equals dhyātṛtva- + dhyātavyatva-  |
dhyātva | n. thought, reflection  |
dhyāyam | ind. (repeated) meditating on (accusative)  |
dhyāyamāna | mfn. being reflected or meditated upon  |
dhyāyat | mf(antī-)n. thinking, meditating, imagining  |
dhyāyati | m. Name of dhyai-  |
dhyāyin | mfn. absorbed in meditation, quite intent upon or engrossed in (compound)  |
dhyeya | mfn. to be meditated on, fit for meditation, to be pondered or imagined  |
dhyuṣita | mfn. dazzling white  |
dhyuṣitāśva | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio vyuṣit-).  |
abadhya | mfn. unmeaning, nonsensical  |
abadhya | See a-vadhya-.  |
abādhya | mfn. not to be opposed or pained.  |
abandhya | mfn. not to be fettered or bound.  |
abandhya | mf(ā-)n. not barren, not unfruitful, fruitful, productive (see a-vandhya-,which is perhaps the better spelling.)  |
abdhyagni | m. submarine fire.  |
abhidhyā | f. wish, longing for, desire.  |
abhidhyai | -dhyāyati-, to direct one's intention to, set one's heart upon, intend, desire etc. ; to meditate  |
abhidhyālu | mfn. covetous,  |
abhidhyāna | n. desiring, longing for (locative case)  |
abhidhyāna | n. meditation |
abhidhyāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving one's attention to  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. deserving attention  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. (negative an--)  |
abhinidhyai | to give attention to  |
abhrānadhyāya | m. pause in the study on account of rainy weather  |
abhyadhyayana | n. studying (the veda- etc.) at any place (compound),  |
abhyayodhyam | ind. towards or against ayodhyā-  |
abuddhyā | ind. unintentionally.  |
abudhya | mfn. not to be awakened  |
ābudhya | n. (fr. a-budha-), want of discernment, foolishness  |
abudhyamāna | mfn. not being awake  |
acyutopādhyāya | m. equals acyuta-jallakin- q.v  |
addhyālohakarṇa | mfn. having ears quite red see adhirūḍha-k/arna-.  |
adhamārdhya | mfn. connected with or referring to the lower part  |
ādhyā | See under ā-dhyai-.  |
ādhyā | f. = the next  |
adhyābhṛ | (imperfect tense /adhy-ābharat-) to bring near from  |
adhyācar | -to use  |
adhyācāra | m. reach, range,  |
adhyādhā | to place upon.  |
adhyadhi | ind. on high, just above  |
adhyadhikṣepa | m. excessive censure  |
adhyadhikṣepa | m. gross abuse.  |
adhyadhīna | mfn. completely subject to or dependent on (as a slave)  |
adhyadhvam | ind. on the road,  |
adhyāgam | to meet with.  |
adhyagni | ind. over or by the nuptial fire (property given to the bride).  |
adhyagnīkṛta | n. property given to the wife at the wedding.  |
adhyagnyupāgata | n. property received by a wife at the wedding.  |
adhyah | perf. -āha-, to speak on behalf of (dative case)  |
adhyāhāra | m. act of supplying (elliptical language)  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-), act of supplying (elliptical language)  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. supplement  |
adhyāharaṇa | n. act of inferring, inference.  |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be supplied  |
adhyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be inferred.  |
adhyāhāriṇī | f. (with lipi-) a kind of written character (varia lectio madhyāh-, quod vide),  |
adhyāhartavya | mfn. to be supplied  |
adhyāhartavya | mfn. to be inferred.  |
adhyāhṛta | mfn. supplied, argued.  |
ādhyai | (see ā-dhī-) P. (parasmE-pada -dhyāyat-[ ]; imperative 2. sg. -dhyāhi-[ ]) to meditate on ; to wish or pray for anything for another.  |
adhyājya | mfn. sprinkled with ghee,  |
adhyākāśam | ind. in the air,  |
adhyākram | to attack ; to choose  |
adhyākramaṇa | n. stepping over,  |
adhyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. perceptible to the senses, observable  |
adhyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. exercising supervision  |
adhyakṣa | m. an eye-witness  |
adhyakṣa | m. an inspector, superintendent  |
adhyakṣa | m. the plant Mimusops Kauki (kṣīrikā-).  |
adhyakṣaram | ind. on the subject of syllables  |
adhyakṣaram | ind. above all syllables (as the mystic om-).  |
ādhyakṣya | n. (fr. adhy-akṣa-), superintendence  |
adhyakta | mfn. ( añj-), equipped, prepared.  |
adhyaṃsa | mfn. being on the shoulder  |
ādhyāna | See under ā-dhyai-.  |
ādhyāna | n. meditating upon, reflecting on, remembering with regret, pensive or sorrowful recollection.  |
adhyañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, tending upwards, eminent, superior  |
adhyaṇḍā | f. the plants Carpopogon Pruriens (cowage) and Flacourtia Cataphracta.  |
adhyāṇḍā | f. equals adhy-aṇḍā-  |
adhyantena | ind. close to  |
ādhyāpaka | m. a teacher, a religious preceptor (= adhyāpaka- q.v)  |
adhyāpaka | mfn. a teacher (especially of sacred knowledge).  |
adhyāpaka | etc. See adhī-.  |
adhyāpakodita | m. styled a teacher.  |
adhyāpana | n. instruction, lecturing.  |
adhyapavic | -vin/akti-, to put into by singling out from  |
adhyāpayitṛ | m. a teacher  |
adhyāpita | mfn. instructed  |
adhyāpya | mfn. fit or proper to be instructed.  |
adhyarbuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre.  |
adhyardha | mf(ā-)n. "having an additional half", one and a half.  |
adhyardhaka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half.  |
adhyardhakākiṇīka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kākiṇī-.  |
adhyardhakaṃsa | m. n. one and a half kaṃsa-  |
adhyardhakaṃsa | mf(ī-)n. amounting to or worth one and a half kaṃsa-.  |
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-.  |
adhyardhakārṣāpaṇika | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-.  |
adhyardhakhārīka | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half khārī-.  |
adhyardhamāṣya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half māṣa-.  |
adhyardhapādya | mfn. amounting to one foot and a half.  |
adhyardhapaṇya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half paṇa-.  |
adhyardhapratika | mfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-.  |
adhyardhasahasra | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.  |
adhyardhasāhasra | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.  |
adhyardhaśāṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa-.  |
adhyardhaśāṇya | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śāṇa-.  |
adhyardhaśata | mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.  |
adhyardhaśatamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-.  |
adhyardhaśātamāna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śatamāna-.  |
adhyardhaśatya | mfn. amounting to or bought with one hundred and fifty.  |
adhyardhasauvarṇika | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-.  |
adhyardhaśūrpa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half śūrpa-.  |
adhyardhasuvarṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-.  |
adhyardhaviṃśatikīna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty.  |
adhyardhopā | f. an ūpā- and a half, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
adhyārohaṇa | n. ascending,  |
adhyāropa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.  |
adhyāropaṇa | f(ā-)n. idem or 'm. (in vedānta- philosophy) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.'  |
adhyāropita | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) erroneously transferred from one thing to another.  |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. mounted up, ascended  |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. above, superior to (instrumental case)  |
adhyārūḍha | mfn. below, inferior to (ablative)  |
adhyāruh | to ascend up on high, mount: Caus. -ropayati-, to cause to mount.  |
adhyarvuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre.  |
adhyas | to throw or place over or upon ; (in philosophy) to attribute or impute wrongly.  |
adhyās | to sit down or lie down upon, to settle upon ; to occupy as one's seat or habitation ; to get into, enter upon ; to be directed to or upon ; to affect, concern ; to preside over, influence, rule ; to cohabit with: Causal P. adhy-āsayati-, to cause to sit down : Desiderative (parasmE-pada adhyāsisiṣamāṇa-) to be about to rise up to (accusative)  |
adhyāsa | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
adhyāsa | m. (2. as-), imposing (as of a foot)  |
adhyāsa | m. (in philosophy) equals adhy-āropa-  |
adhyāsa | m. an appendage  |
adhyāsad | to sit upon (accusative) : Causal (1. sg. /adhy-/ā-sādayāmi-) to set upon (locative case)  |
adhyaśana | n. eating too soon after a meal (before the last meal is digested).  |
adhyāsana | n. act of sitting down upon  |
adhyāsana | n. presiding over  |
adhyāsana | n. a seat, settlement |
adhyāsañj | (1. sg. -sajāmi-) to hang up, suspend  |
adhyāśaya | m. inclination, disposition,  |
adhyāśaya | an imagination,  |
adhyāśaya | purpose,  |
ādhyāsika | mfn. (fr. adhy-āsa- q.v), (in philosophy) belonging to or effected by erroneous attribution  |
adhyāsin | mfn. sitting down or seated upon.  |
adhyāsīna | mfn. seated upon.  |
adhyāsita | mfn. seated down upon  |
adhyāsita | mfn. seated in a presidential chair  |
adhyāsita | mfn. settled, inhabited  |
adhyāsita | n. sitting upon  |
adhyasta | mfn. placed over  |
adhyasta | mfn. disguised  |
adhyasta | mfn. supposed.  |
adhyastha | n. the upper part of a bone  |
adhyasthi | n. a bone growing over another  |
ādhyaśvi | m. (fr. adhy-aśva-), Name of a place, (gaRa gahādi-on )  |
ādhyaśvīya | mfn. ( ) belonging to the place ādhyaśvi-.  |
adhyāsyā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) an additional verse,  |
adhyātma | n. the Supreme Spirit  |
adhyātma | mfn. own, belonging to self  |
adhyātmacetas | m. one who meditates on the Supreme Spirit.  |
adhyātmacintāmaṇi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
adhyātmadṛś | mfn. knowing the Supreme Spirit.  |
adhyātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the Supreme Spirit or of ātman-.  |
adhyātmam | ind. concerning self or individual personality.  |
adhyātmarāmāyaṇa | n. a rāmāyaṇa-, in which rāma- is identified with the universal spirit (it forms part of the brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa-).  |
adhyātmarati | m. a man delighting in the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit.  |
adhyātmaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
adhyātmavid | mfn. equals -dṛś-.  |
adhyātmavidyā | f. equals -jñana-.  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. adhy-ātma-), relating to self or to the soul  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. proceeding from bodily and mental causes within one's self  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. relating to the supreme spirit etc.  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. spiritual, holy  |
ādhyātmika | n. (scilicet duḥkham-), Name of a class of diseases  |
adhyātmika | or better  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ī-)n. relating to the soul or the Supreme Spirit.  |
adhyātmottarakāṇḍa | n. the last book of the adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
adhyavahan | to thrash upon  |
adhyavahanana | mfn. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed  |
adhyāvāhanika | n. that part of a wife's property which, she receives when led in procession from her father's to her husband's house.  |
adhyāvap | -/ā-vapati-, to scatter upon  |
adhyāvāpa | m. the act of sowing or scattering upon  |
adhyavarah | to step downwards upon  |
adhyāvas | to inhabit, dwell in (accusative or locative case)  |
adhyavasāna | n. attempt, effort, exertion  |
adhyavasāna | n. energy, perseverance  |
adhyavasāna | n. determining  |
adhyavasāna | n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.  |
adhyavasāya | m. idem or 'n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.'  |
adhyavasāya | m. (in philosophy) mental effort, apprehension.  |
adhyavasāya | clinging to (earthly things),  |
adhyavasāyayukta | mfn. resolute.  |
adhyavasāyin | mfn. resolute.  |
adhyavasāyita | mfn. attempted.  |
adhyavaseya | mfn. only to be conceived in the mind,  |
adhyavasita | mfn. ascertained, determined, apprehended.  |
adhyavasiti | f. exertion, effort.  |
adhyavaso | cl.4 P. -syati-, to undertake, attempt, accomplish ; to determine, consider, ascertain. |
adhyāya | m. a lesson, lecture, chapter  |
adhyāya | m. reading  |
adhyāya | m. proper time for reading or for a lesson  |
adhyāya | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a reader (See vedādhyāya-)  |
adhyayana | n. reading, studying, especially the veda-s (one of the six duties of a Brahman),  |
adhyayana | etc. See adhī-.  |
adhyayana | also going over, recitation, repetition (of the veda- etc.)  |
adhyayanapuṇya | n. religious merit acquired by studying.  |
adhyayanasaṃvṛtti | f. community of occupation in reciting (the veda- etc.),  |
adhyayanatapasī | n. dual number study and penance.  |
adhyayanīya | mfn. fit to be read or studied.  |
adhyāyaśatapāṭha | m. "Index of One Hundred Chapters", Name of work  |
ādhyāyika | m. (fr. adhy-āya-), occupied or employed in reading or studying  |
adhyāyin | mfn. engaged in reading, a student.  |
adhyāyopākarman | n. the opening ceremony of the annual course of Vedic recitation,  |
adhyedh | to increase, prosper.  |
adhyeṣaṇa | f(ā-)n. solicitation, asking for instruction.  |
adhyeṣaṇa | See adhīṣṭa-.  |
adhyeṣyamāṇa | mf(ā-)n. (future p.) intending to study, about to read  |
adhyetavya | mfn. to be read.  |
adhyetavya | etc. See adhi-.  |
adhyetavyaeya | mfn. to be read.  |
adhyetṛ | m. a student, reader.  |
adhyeya | 1 mfn. (it is) to be studied or learned (Name (also title or epithet) impersonal or used impersonally),  |
adhyeya | 2 mfn. not to be thought of,  |
adhyoḍha | m. = adhy-- ūḍha-,  |
adhyṛdh | to expand  |
adhyudbhṛ | to take or carry away from  |
adhyuddhi | f. See /adhy-ūdhnī-.  |
adhyuddhi | f. ( dha-) ([ ]), a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum.  |
adhyuddhṛ | ( hṛ-), (Imper. 2. sg. /adhy-/ud-dhara-) to draw (water) from  |
adhyūḍha | mfn. ( vah-), raised, exalted  |
adhyūḍha | mfn. affluent  |
adhyūḍha | mfn. abundant  |
adhyūḍha | m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage ([ see 1. sahoḍha-])  |
adhyūḍha | m. śiva-  |
adhyūḍhā | f. a wife whose husband has married an additional wife.  |
adhyūḍhaja | m. the son of a woman pregnant before marriage.  |
adhyūdhnī | f. (fr. ūdhan-) ([ ]) a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum.  |
adhyudyam | to put down,  |
adhyūh | to lay on, overlay ; to place upon, to raise above.  |
adhyūhana | n. putting on a layer (of ashes).  |
adhyupekṣ | (- upa-- īkṣ-; P. - upe- kṣati-), to disregard,  |
adhyupekṣā | f. disregard, neglect, indifference,  |
adhyuras | ind. on the breast,  |
adhyuṣa | m. a kind of measure (= two prasṛta-s, quod vide),  |
adhyuṣita | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
adhyuṣita | mfn. (2. vas-)  |
adhyuṣita | mfn. (5. vas-) inhabited  |
adhyuṣita | mfn. occupied.  |
adhyuṣite | ind. locative case at daybreak  |
adhyūṣivas | ān-, uṣī-, at- (perf. p. 5. vas-), one who has dwelt in  |
adhyuṣṭa | mfn. (invented as the Sanskrit representative of the Prakrit addhuththha-,which is derived from ardha-caturtha-), three and a half.  |
adhyuṣṭavalaya | m. forming a ring coiled up three and a half times (as a snake).  |
adhyuṣṭra | m. a conveyance drawn by camels.  |
adhyutthā | ( sthā-) to turn away from  |
agrasandhyā | f. early down.  |
āhūtādhyāyin | mfn. one who studies only after having been called (by the teacher).  |
aikadhya | n. (fr. ekadhā-), singleness of time or occurrence  |
aikadhyam | ind. at once, together  |
aikadhyatas | ind. idem or 'ind. at once, together '  |
akrudhyat | mfn. not being angry,  |
akṣudhya | mfn. not liable to hunger  |
alpamadhyama | mfn. thin-waisted.  |
āmadhyāhnam | ind. to midday.  |
amadhyama | -āsas-, (Ved.) m. plural of whom none is the middle one (see /a-kaniṣṭha-.)  |
amadhyastha | mfn. not indifferent.  |
amātāputrādhyāpaka | m. amātāputra |
amedhya | mfn. not able or not allowed to sacrifice, not fit for sacrifice, impure, unholy, nefarious, foul etc.  |
amedhya | mfn. (am-) ,n. faeces, excrement  |
amedhyākta | mfn. soiled with ordure  |
amedhyakuṇapāśin | mfn. feeding on carrion.  |
amedhyalepa | m. smearing with ordure.  |
amedhyalipta | mfn. smeared with ordure  |
amedhyapratimantraṇa | n. conjuring of unlucky omens,  |
amedhyatā | f. impurity, foulness, filthiness.  |
amedhyatva | n. impurity, foulness, filthiness.  |
amedhyayukta | mfn. filthy, foul.  |
amitāyurdhyānasūtra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
amlādhyuṣita | n. a disease of the eyes (caused by eating acid food)  |
anadhyakṣa | mfn. not perceptible by the senses, not observable  |
anadhyakṣa | mfn. without a superintendent.  |
anadhyāsa | mf(ā-)n. without an addition or appendix,  |
anadhyātmavid | mfn. not knowing the Supreme Spirit, .  |
anadhyavasita | mfn. irresolute,  |
anadhyāya | m. idem or 'n. not reading or studying, intermission of study '  |
anadhyāya | m. a time when there is intermission of study  |
anadhyāya | non-recitation, silence,  |
anadhyāyadivasa | m. a vacation day, holiday.  |
anadhyayana | n. not reading or studying, intermission of study  |
anādimadhyānta | mfn. having no beginning, middle or end.  |
ananudhyāyin | mfn. not missing, not missing anything  |
ananudhyāyin | mfn. not insidious  |
anativyādhya | mfn. invulnerable  |
anavabudhyamāna | mfn. deranged  |
anavarārdhya | mfn. chief, principal  |
anavarodhya | mfn. not to be constrained or forced,  |
āndhya | n. (fr. andha- ), blindness  |
āndhya | n. darkness  |
aṅkapāśādhyāya | m. the study of that concatenation.  |
antaḥpurādhyakṣa | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antardhyāna | n. profound inward meditation.  |
anubandhya | mfn. principal, primary, liable to receive an adjunct (as a root, a disease) (see anū-b/andhya-.)  |
anūbandhya | mfn. to be fastened (as a sacrificial animal) for slaughtering  |
anudhyā | f. sorrow  |
anudhyai | to consider attentively, think of, muse ; to miss, ; to bear a grudge  |
anudhyāna | n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude.  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. contemplating, meditating  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. missing  |
aṇumadhyabīja | n. Name of a hymn.  |
anumadhyama | mfn. next oldest to the middle  |
anusandhyam | ind. evening after evening, every twilight.  |
anvādhya | m. plural a kind of divinity  |
anvadhyas | to throw upon after another  |
anvadhyāyam | ind. according to the chapters (of the veda-), according to the sacred texts  |
apadhyai | to have a bad opinion of, curse mentally |
apadhyāna | n. envy, jealousy etc.  |
apadhyāna | n. meditation upon things which are not to be thought of.  |
aparārdhya | mfn. without a maximum, unlimited in number |
aparārdhya | mfn. having no highest possible number, unlimited,  |
aparodhya | mfn. to be expelled or excluded from,  |
apratisādhya | mfn. incurable, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ārādhya | mfn. to be made favourable  |
ārādhya | mfn. to be worshipped  |
ārādhya | mfn. to be accomplished  |
ārādhyakarpūra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a poet,  |
ārādhyamāna | mfn. being worshipped, receiving worship  |
ārādhyamāna | mfn. being in course of fulfilment, being accomplished.  |
araṇyādhyayana | n. reading or study in a forest on  |
ardhya | mfn. forming the half of (genitive case),  |
ardhya | mfn. (3) to be accomplished  |
ardhya | mfn. to be obtained  |
arodhya | mfn. (2. rudh-), not to be hindered or obstructed, unobstructed.  |
asadadhyetṛ | m. a Brahman who reads heterodox works |
asādhya | mfn. not to be effected or completed, not proper or able to be accomplished etc.  |
asādhya | mfn. incurable, irremediable etc.  |
asādhya | mfn. not to be overpowered or mastered  |
asādhya | mfn. not susceptible of proof commentator or commentary on  |
asādhyatā | f. incurableness  |
asādhyatā | f. the state of one not to be mastered  |
asādhyatva | n. incurableness  |
asamidhya | ind.p. not having kindled  |
asāṃnidhya | n. "non-nearness", absence  |
aśraddhya | n. unbelief,  |
aṣṭādhyāyī | f. "a collection of eight books or chapters", Name of  |
aṣṭādhyāyī | f. also of pāṇini-'s grammar.  |
aśvabudhya | mfn. (/aśva-.) based on horses, consisting of horses (as wealth)  |
aśvabudhya | mfn. horses (as wealth)  |
aśvādhyakṣa | m. a guardian of horses, N.  |
asvādhyāya | mfn. (a Brahman) who has not performed his repetition of the veda-, who has not repeated or does not repeat the veda-s  |
asvādhyāya | m. interruption or interval of repetition (prohibited on certain days of the moon, at eclipses, etc.)  |
asvādhyāyapara | mfn. not devoted to the repetition of the veda-s  |
atidhyai | to meditate deeply  |
atimadhyandina | n. high noon.  |
ativyādhya | mfn. vulnerable.  |
ātmavadhyā | f. idem or 'm. suicide '  |
aupādhyāyaka | mfn. (fr. upādhyāya-), coming from a teacher on  |
aupasaṃdhya | mfn. (fr. saṃdhyā-with upa-), relating to dawn  |
avadhya | mfn. not to be killed, inviolable  |
avadhya | See a-vadh/a-.  |
avadhyai | (perf. -dadhyau-)to think Ill of (accusative), disregard  |
avadhyāna | n. disregard  |
avadhyatā | (avadhy/a--) f. inviolability  |
avadhyāta | mfn. disregarded  |
avadhyatva | n. idem or '(avadhy/a--) f. inviolability '  |
avadhyāyin | mfn. disregarding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
avadhyeya | mfn. to be disregarded  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. = a-bandhya-2 q.v  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. Name of a place.  |
avarārdhya | mfn. being on the lower or nearer side  |
avarārdhya | mfn. beginning from below  |
avarārdhya | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) the least part, the minimum,  |
avarārdhya | mfn. being the minimum (see an-avarārdhya-.)  |
avarudhyamāna | mfn. being enclosed or surrounded  |
avedhya | mfn. un-pierceable, not to be pierced  |
āvedhya | mfn. to be pierced or pinned on  |
āvedhya | mfn. to be put on.  |
avidhya | mfn. not to be pierced or wounded, invulnerable,  |
āvidhya | ind.p. having pierced etc.  |
avindhya | m. Name of a minister of rāvaṇa-  |
avindhyā | f. Name of a river  |
aviśrāntavidhyādharavyākaraṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammar by vāmana- (probably wrong reading for viśr-),  |
ayodhya | mf(/ā-)n. (3, 4) not to be warred against, irresistible  |
ayodhyā | f. the capital of rāma- (the modern Oude on the river sarayu- described in ).  |
ayodhyādhipati | m. the sovereign of ayodhyā-.  |
āyodhyaka | mfn. belonging to or native of ayodhyā-  |
ayodhyākaṇḍa | n. Name of  |
ayodhyāvāsin | mfn. inhabiting ayodhyā-.  |
āyodhyika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to or native of ayodhyā- '  |
ayudhya | mfn. unconquerable  |
ayutādhyāpaka | m. an excellent teacher ,  |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratihandhakatāvicāra | m.  |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyatāvāda | m.  |
bādhya | mfn. to be (or being) pressed hard or harassed or distressed or pained or checked or suppressed, etc.  |
bādhya | mfn. to be (or being) set aside or suspended or annulled  |
bādhyabādhakatā | f. the condition of oppressed and oppressor  |
bādhyabādhakatā | f. the condition of one who pains such as deserve to be pained  |
bādhyamānatva | n. the condition of being suspended or set aside, suspension, annulment  |
bādhyaretas | m. one whose generative fluid is obstructed, impotent on  |
badhyatas | ind. (freedom) from the crowd (varia lectio madhya-t/as-).  |
bādhyatva | n. the state of being set aside, suspension, annulment  |
bādhyaugāyana | m. patronymic fr. badhyoga- gaRa haritādi-.  |
badhyoga | m. Name of a man gaRa bidādi- (see bādhyoga-).  |
bādhyoga | ( ), bādhyauga- ( on ) patronymic fr. badhyoga-.  |
bahiḥsaṃdhya | mfn. one who performs his morning and evening prayers outside (the village) ( bahiḥsaṃdhyatva -tva- n.)  |
bahiḥsaṃdhyatva | n. bahiḥsaṃdhya |
bāhumadhya | mfn. occupying a middle position with the arm (see janghā-jaghanya-).  |
bahumadhyaga | mfn. going among or belonging to many  |
bahuramadhya | mfn. (bahura- equals bahula-+ m-) thick in the middle (said of the soma- juice during the process of fermentation) ( )  |
bahvadhyāya | mfn. consisting of many chapters gaRa guṇādi-.  |
bahvadhyayana | ( ) mfn. consisting of many chapters gaRa guṇādi-.  |
bahvṛcasaṃdhyābhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
balādhyakṣa | m. the superintendent or commander of an army, a general, minister of war  |
bālādhyāpaka | m. a teacher of boys ( bālādhyāpakatā -tā- f.),  |
bālādhyāpakatā | f. bālādhyāpaka |
bālāriṣṭādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
bālasaṃdhyā | f. early twilight, dawn  |
bālasaṃdhyābha | mfn. "dawn-like", of a purple colour  |
balivindhya | m. Name of a son of manu- raivata-  |
bandhya | mfn. to be bound or fettered or imprisoned  |
bandhya | mfn. to be constructed (see vandhya-).  |
bandhyāśva | prob. wrong reading for vadhryaśva- q.v  |
baudhya | mfn. born in bodha- gaRa śaṇḍikādi-  |
baudhya | m. patronymic fr. bodha- ( ) , Name of a teacher  |
bhagavaccaraṇāravindadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavaddhyānamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavaddhyānasopāna | n. Name of work  |
bhaktivivṛddhyupāyagrantha | m. Name of work  |
bharadhyai | See bhṛ-.  |
bhāvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
bhavanmadhya | mf(ā-)n. having bhavat- in the middle  |
bhavanmadhyam | ind. with bhavat- in the middle  |
bhāvaphalādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
bhṛtādhyāpana | varia lectio for bhṛtyādh- q.v  |
bhṛtakādhyāpaka | m. a hired teacher  |
bhṛtakādhyāpana | n. instruction given by a hired teacher  |
bhṛtakādhyāpita | mfn. taught by a hired teacher  |
bhṛtakādhyayana | n. learning from a hired teacher,  |
bhṛtyadhyāpana | n. (prob.) wrong reading for bhṛtyādh- q.v  |
bhṛtyādhyāpana | n. teaching the veda- for hire (varia lectio bh/ṛtādh-). 1.  |
bhrūmadhya | n. the interval between the eyebrows  |
bhujamadhya | n. "space between the arms", the breast  |
bhujāmadhya | n. "the middle of the arm", the elbow (see bhuja-m-).  |
bījādhyakṣa | m. "presiding over seed", Name of śiva-  |
bilvamadhya | n. the flesh of the bilva- fruit  |
bodhya | mfn. to be known or understood, to be regarded or recognized as (Nominal verb) etc.  |
bodhya | mfn. to be made known  |
bodhya | mfn. to be enlightened or instructed  |
bodhya | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
bodhyagītā | f. Name of  |
bodhyaṅga | n. a requisite for attaining perfect knowledge (7 in number )  |
bodhyaṅgavatī | f. a particular samādhi-  |
brahmabodhyā | f. Name of a river (Bombay edition -vedhyā-).  |
brahmamedhyā | f. Name of a river (see -bodhyā-).  |
brahmavadhyā | f. idem or 'm. the murder of a Brahman '  |
brahmavadhyākṛta | n. act of murdering a Brahman  |
brahmavedhyā | See -bodhyā-.  |
bṛhanmadhya | mf(ā-)n. large in the middle  |
buddhyadhika | mfn. superior in intellect  |
buddhyatīta | mfn. beyond the reach of the understanding  |
buddhyavajñāna | n. disregard or contempt of any one's understanding  |
budhya | mfn. See a-budhy/a-.  |
cakrāyodhya | m. "not to be conquered by a discus"Name of a prince  |
caturadhyāyī | f. "consisting of 4 adhyāya-s", Name of śaunaka-'s  |
caturādhyāyī | for -adh-.  |
caturadhyāyika | n.  |
caturadhyāyikā | f.  |
caturādhyāyika | for -adh-.  |
caturādhyāyikā | for -adh-.  |
caturaṅgabalādhyakṣa | m. the commander-in-chief of a complete army  |
caturaśītiyogādhyāya | m. "containing 84 chapters on the yoga-", Name of a work  |
caturavarārdhya | mfn. at least 4  |
cāturvidhya | n. (fr. c/atur-vidha-) the being fourfold  |
chedyakādhyāya | m. Name of  |
dadhy | in compound for dhi-.  |
dadhyac | m. (Nominal verb -/aṅ- accusative -/añcam-; dative case dhīc/e- genitive case dhīc/as-; see ) "sprinkling d/adhi- " (see dhi-kr/ā-and ghṛtāī-) Name of a mythical ṛṣi- or sacrificer ( and [called aṅgiras-] [ āṅgirasa-] ;son of atharvan-[ see ātharvaṇ/a-] ;having the head of a horse and teaching the aśvin-s to find in tvaṣṭṛ-'s house the m/adhu-or soma- ;favoured by indra- [ ] who slays 99 vṛtra-s or foes with a thunderbolt made of his bones ;propounder of the brāhmaṇa- called m/adhu- )  |
dadhyac | -anna-, etc. See above.  |
dadhyagra | n. equals dhi-maṇḍa-  |
dadhyāhva | m. the resin of Pinus longifolia  |
dadhyāhvaya | m. the resin of Pinus longifolia  |
dadhyākara | m. equals dhi-samudra-  |
dadhyānī | f. Name of a plant  |
dadhyanna | n. rice prepared with d/adhi-  |
dadhyāśir | (d/adh-) mfn. mixed with d/adhi- (soma-)  |
dadhyasya | Nom. jati- idem or '+ Nom. yati- equals dhīya- '  |
dadhyodana | m. ( ) boiled rice mixed with d/adhi-  |
dadhyuda | mfn. equals dhi-vāri-  |
dadhyuttara | n. equals -agra-  |
dadhyuttarā | f. bulb-milk  |
dadhyuttaraga | n. equals dhy-uttara-  |
dakṣiṇārdhya | mfn. being on the right or southern side  |
dakṣiṇārdhyapūrvārdhya | mfn. being on the south-western side  |
dānadharmādhyāya | m. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dantamadhya | n. the space between an elephant's tusks  |
dāruṇādhyāpaka | m. an indefatigable teacher  |
dattākārīṣagandhyā | f. dual number dattā- and kārīṣagandhyā- Va1rtt. 6  |
daurgandhya | ( ) n. bad smell, fetor.  |
dehamadhya | n. "middle of the body", waist  |
devāsuragaṇāṇādhyakṣa | m. Name of śiva-  |
devatādhyāya | (t/adh-) n. (scilicet brāhmaṇa-) Name of a of the  |
dhanādhyakṣa | m. "overseer of treasury", treasurer  |
dhanādhyakṣa | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhāndhya | n. indisposition (see dhandha-).  |
dhanurmadhya | n. the middle part of a bow (= lastaka-)  |
dhāraṇādhyayana | n. the conservative method of reading (id est the rehearsing of a work to keep it in memory, as opp. to grahaṇādh-,the acquisitive method)  |
dharmādhyakṣa | m. "overseer of justice", minister of justice, judge, magistrate  |
dharmakaropādhyāya | m. Name of an author  |
dharmameghadhyāna | n. dharmamegha |
dīrghasaṃdhya | mfn. performing long prayers or rites at the different twilights  |
dīrghasaṃdhyatva | n.  |
divāmadhya | n. midday, noon  |
dormadhya | n. the middle of the arm  |
dreṣkāṇādhyāya | m. Name of chapter of  |
dṛgadhyakṣa | m. "sight-ruler", the sun  |
dṛṣṭiphalabhāvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
drutamadhyā | f. "quick in the middle", a kind of metre,  |
duḥsādhya | mfn. difficult to be performed or accomplished etc.  |
duḥsādhya | mfn. difficult to be managed or dealt with difficult to be reconciled |
duḥsādhya | mfn. difficult to be cured  |
duḥsādhya | mfn. difficult to be conquered  |
duradhyavasāya | m. a bad or foolish beginning  |
duradhyaya | mfn. difficult of attainment  |
duradhyayayana | mfn. equals adhīyāna-  |
duradhyeya | mfn. difficult to be studied or learnt  |
duradhyeyatva | n.  |
durārādhya | mfn. difficult to be propitiated or won or overcome  |
durbodhya | mfn. equals -bodha- Scholiast or Commentator on  |
durdharāyogādhyāya | m. Name of a chapter of the mīna-rāja-jātaka-.  |
durdhyāna | n. evil thoughts  |
durgādhyakṣa | m. the governor of a fortress  |
duṣprasādhya | ( ) mfn. difficult to be managed or dealt with.  |
dvādaśādhyāyī | f. Name of jaimini-'s mīmāṃsā- (consisting of 12 adhyāya-s).  |
dvaidhya | n. duplicity, falsehood  |
dvaidhya | n. diversity, variance, discrepancy  |
dvaisaṃdhya | n. morning and evening twilight  |
dvaividhya | n. twofold state or nature or character, duplicity, variance  |
dvārādhyakṣa | ( ) m. equals ra-rakṣin-.  |
dvibhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
dvisaṃdhya | mfn. having a morning and an evening twilight  |
ekādhyāyin | m. a single pupil  |
gadhya | mfn. ( ) to be seized or gained as booty  |
gadhya | mfn. see v/āja-gandhya-.  |
gajādhyakṣa | m. the master of the elephants  |
gamadhyai | Ved. infinitive mood See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 1. gam-.  |
gaṇādhyakṣa | m. idem or 'm. (equals dhipa-) Name of gaṇeśa- ' , .  |
gandharvopādhyāya | m. a music master,  |
gandhya | See v/āja-g-. |
gaṅgāmadhya | n. the bed or stream of the Ganges  |
gaṇitādhyāya | m. Name of a chapter in the brahmasiddhānta-.  |
gārddhya | n. (fr. gṛddha-), desire, greediness (? ati--)  |
gauṇasādhyavasānā | f. (scilicet lakṣaṇā-) a kind of ellipse  |
ghorādhyāpaka | m. a venerable or excellent teacher  |
gocarādhyāya | m. equals ra-phala-  |
golādhyāya | m. Name of chapter i of bhāskara-'s siddhānta-śiromaṇi- treating of the terrestrial and celestial globes.  |
gomadhyamadhya | mfn. slender in the waist  |
gopādhyakṣa | m. an overseer of herdsmen, chief herdsman  |
goṣṭhādhyakṣa | m. equals ṣṭha-pati-  |
grahādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
grāmādhyakṣa | m. idem or 'm. (grāmasyādh- )'  |
grāmādhyayana | n. study in a village  |
grāmaśatādhyakṣa | m. the governor of a province, 119  |
grāmopādhyāya | m. the religious instructor of a village  |
grāsāvarārdhya | n. at least one morsel,  |
gṛdhya | mfn. longed for greedily  |
gṛdhya | m. ?  |
gṛdhyā | f. greediness after, desire for (in compound)  |
gṛhamedhya | mfn. ( ) relating to the dh/a- or domestic sacrifice  |
gurumadhya | mfn. equals madhye-guru-, heavy in the middle part  |
hariharopādhyāya | m. Name of an author  |
harimadhyā | f. having a yellowish waist (and so reminding of viṣṇu-)  |
harimadhyā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
harināthamahopādhyāya | m. Name of author.  |
harināthopādhyāya | m. Name of author.  |
hastyadhyakṣa | m. a superintendent of elephants  |
haṭṭādhyakṣa | m. the surveyor of a market  |
hayādhyakṣa | m. "superintendent of horses", a head groom  |
horādhyāya | (horādh-) m.  |
huvadhyai | huvān/a- See hve-.  |
iṅgitādhyāsita | n. play of features |
īrayadhyai | (Ved.inf. of Causal of īr-), to set in motion, .  |
īśādhyāya | m. Name of the īśā-upaniṣad-.  |
iṣudhya | Nom. (fr. iṣu-dhi-) P. A1. iṣudhyati-, -te-, to be a quiver, contain arrows gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi- ; (for 2. iṣudhya-,also for iṣudhyā-and iṣudhyu-See next column)  |
iṣudhya | Nom. P. iṣudhy/ati-, to implore, request, crave for (dative case) ; ([ confer, compare Zend iṣud-,"prayer"; iṣūidyāmahi-,"we will pray."])  |
iṣudhyā | f. imploring, request  |
iṣudhyu | mfn. imploring, requesting  |
iyadhyai | (Ved.inf. of 5. i-), to come, .  |
jagatīmadhya | n. "world-centre", the earth  |
jalādhyakṣa | m. idem or 'm. "water-lord", varuṇa- '  |
kābandhya | n. the state of being a trunk.  |
kākabandhyā | for -vandhyā-.  |
kākavandhyā | f. a woman that bears only one child commentator or commentary on  |
kakṣādhyāya | m. Name of a part of a commentary by bhū-dhara- on the sūrya-siddhānta-.  |
kālādhyakṣa | m. "the overseer or ruler of time", the sun  |
kanakādhyakṣa | m. the superintendent of gold, treasurer.  |
kāṇṭheviddhyā | f. a female descendant of kaṇṭhe-viddha-  |
kapirasādhyā | f. Spondias Mangifera  |
karamadhya | m. a particular measure (equals karṣa-),  |
karmādhyakṣa | m. overseer or superintendent of actions  |
kaṣṭasādhya | mfn. to be accomplished with difficulty, painful, toilsome  |
kaṭhādhyāpaka | m. a teacher of the above branch.  |
kaumudagandhyā | f. patronymic Va1rtt. 2  |
khaṇḍikopādhyāya | m. a teacher of khaṇḍika- pupils Va1rtt. 13  |
kiṣkindhya | m. incorrect reading for ndha-  |
kiṣkindhyā | f. likewise for ndhā-.  |
kośādhyakṣa | m. a treasurer  |
kośādhyakṣa | m. Name of kubera-  |
kramādhyayana | n. reciting or reading according to the krama- method  |
kramādhyāyin | mfn. studying the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text  |
kṛcchrasādhya | mfn. to be done with difficulty  |
kṛcchrasādhya | mfn. curable with difficulty  |
kṛtavadhyacihna | mfn. bearing the marks of death,  |
kṛtisādhyatva | n. the state of being accomplished by exertion.  |
krudhyamāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being angry, feeling provoked '  |
krudhyat | mfn. being angry, feeling provoked  |
kṣaṇadāndhya | n. night-blindness, nyctalopsis (see kṣapāndhya-, naktāndhya-)  |
kṣapāndhya | n. night-blindness (equals kṣaṇadāndhya-)  |
kṣāramadhya | m. Achyranthes aspera  |
kṣīṇamadhya | mfn. slender-waisted  |
kumārādhyāpaka | m. a teacher while still a youth, gaRa śramaṇādi-.  |
kusumamadhya | n. Name of a tree bearing a large acid fruit (commonly Ca1lita1 Gac, Cordia Myxa or Dillenia Indica)  |
kuṭṭakādhyāya | m. that branch or chapter of arithmetic (treated by brahmagupta-) which treats of the multiplier called kuṭṭaka-.  |
lakṣapuṣpodhyāpana | n. Name of work  |
layamadhya | mfn. to be performed in mean or moderate time (as a piece of music)  |
līlāsādhya | mfn. to be effected with ease  |
lokaprasiddhyā | ind. lokaprasiddhi |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middle (used likemedius exempli gratia, 'for example' m/adhye- samudr/e-,"in the midst of the sea")  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middlemost, intermediate, central  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. standing between two, impartial, neutral  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middle id est being of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate (with vṛtti- f."a middle course") etc.  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. (in astronomy) mean id est theoretical (opp. to spaṣṭa-,or sphuṭa-) ( madhyatva -tva- n.)  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. lowest, worst  |
madhya | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the middle of the body, (especially) a woman's waist etc.  |
madhya | m. (in algebra) the middle term or the mean of progression  |
madhyā | f. a young woman, a girl arrived at puberty  |
madhya | m. the middle finger  |
madhya | m. (in music) a particular tone  |
madhya | m. (also n.) a kind of metre  |
madhya | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) the middle, midst, centre, inside, interior etc. ( madhyam am- ind.into the midst of, into, among, with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' etc.; madhyena dhyena- ind.in or through the midst of, on the inside, through, between, with genitive case accusative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' etc.; madhyāt dhyāt- ind.from the midst of. out of. from among etc.; madhye dhye- ind.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
madhya | n. the middle of the sky (with or scilicet nabhasas-)  |
madhya | n. space between (exempli gratia, 'for example' bhruvos-,the eye brows)  |
madhya | n. midday (with ahnaḥ-),  |
madhya | n. the meridian  |
madhya | n. intermediate condition between (genitive case)  |
madhya | n. the belly, abdomen  |
madhya | n. the flank of a horse  |
madhya | n. (in music) mean time  |
madhya | n. ten thousand billions  |
madhya | n. cessation, pause, interval  |
madhya | n. Name of a country between Sindh and Hindustan proper [ confer, compare Zend maidhya; Greek , for ; Latin medius; Gothic midjis3; English midinmidland,midnightetc.]  |
madhyā | ind. in the middle, between, among (genitive case)  |
madhyā | ind. meanwhile  |
mādhya | mfn. (fr. madhya-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) middle, central, mid  |
madhyabha | (in astronomy) the meridian ecliptic point.  |
madhyabhāga | m. the middle part or portion  |
madhyabhāga | m. the middle of the body, waist  |
madhyabhakta | mfn. eaten in the middle (a term applied to any medicine taken in the middle of a meal)  |
madhyabhāva | m. middle state or condition, mediocrity  |
madhyabhāva | m. a middling or moderate distance  |
madhyacārin | mf(iṇī-)n. going in the midst or among (genitive case)  |
madhyacchāyā | f. (in astronomy) mean or middle shadow  |
madhyadanta | m. a front tooth  |
madhyadeha | m. the middle or trunk of the body, belly etc.  |
madhyadeśa | m. middle region, middle space, the central or middle part of anything  |
madhyadeśa | m. (equals madhyaṃ nabhasaḥ-), the meridian  |
madhyadeśa | m. the middle of the body, waist etc.  |
madhyadeśa | m. the trunk of the body, belly, abdomen  |
madhyadeśa | m. the midland country (lying between the himālaya-s on the north, the vindhya- mountains on the south, vinaśana- on the west, prayāga- on the east, and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad, agra-, Delhi, Oude etc.) (see )  |
madhyadeśa | mfn. belonging to or living in the midland country, of midland origin  |
madhyadeśa | m. plural the inhabitants of the midland country  |
madhyadeśīya | ( ) ( ) mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
madhyadeśya | ( ) mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
madhyādhidevana | n. the middle of a playing-ground  |
madhyadina | for madhyaṃ-dina- q.v  |
madhyadīpaka | n. (in rhetoric)"illuminating in the middle" , Name of a figure in which light is thrown on a description by the use of an emphatic verb in the middle of a stanza (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
madhyāditya | m. the midday sun (-gate' hani-,"when the day has reached the mid-sun" id est at noon)  |
madhyaga | mf(ā-)n. going or being in the middle or among (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
madhyagandha | m. "having a middling scent (?)", the mango tree  |
madhyagata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. going or being in the middle or among (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') '  |
madhyagata | n. the middle syllable  |
madhyagrahaṇa | n. the middle of an eclipse  |
madhyāhāriṇīlipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character (Calcutta edition adhyāh-). |
madhyāhna | m. midday, noon etc.  |
madhyāhna | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-  |
madhyāhnakāla | m. midday time, noon  |
madhyāhnakriyā | f. idem or 'n. midday duty or business or observance '  |
madhyāhnakṛtya | n. midday duty or business or observance  |
madhyāhnasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
madhyāhnasaṃdhyā | f. the midland saṃdhyā-  |
madhyāhnasavana | n. midland sacrifice  |
madhyāhnasnānavidhi | m. midland ablution  |
madhyāhnavelā | f. equals -kāla-  |
madhyāhnenduprabhākarṇa | m. or n. the hypotenuse of the moon's midland shadow  |
madhyāhnika | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
mādhyāhnika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. madhyāhna-) belonging to midday, taking place at noon  |
mādhyāhnikamantra | mn. Name of work  |
mādhyāhnikasaṃdhyāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
madhyajainendravyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
madhyajihva | n. the middle of the tongue (said to be the organ of the palatals)  |
madhyajyā | f. the sign of the meridian  |
madhyakarṇa | m. a half diameter, radius  |
madhyakaumudī | f. equals madhya-sid-dhānta-kaumudī- q.v  |
madhyakṣāmā | f. "slender-waisted"or,"slender in the centre", Name of a kind of metre  |
madhyākṣaravistaralipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character  |
madhyakuru | (prob.) m. pl. Name of a country  |
madhyalagna | n. the point of the ecliptic situated on the meridian  |
madhyalīlā | f. Name of work  |
madhyaloka | m. the middle world, earth, abode of mortals  |
madhyalokeśa | m. "lord of the middle world or earth", a king  |
madhyam | ind. madhya |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. (superl. of m/adhya-) middle (used like Latin medius exempli gratia, 'for example' madhyame gulme-,"in the midst of the troop")  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest),  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. standing between two persons or parties, impartial, neutral etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. (in astronomy) mean (see madhya-)  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. relating to the meridian  |
madhyama | m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe)  |
madhyama | m. the middle character in plays  |
madhyama | m. the midland country (equals madhya-deśa-)  |
madhyama | m. (in music) the 4th or 5th note  |
madhyama | m. the middlemost of the 3 scales  |
madhyama | m. a particular rāga-  |
madhyama | m. (in gram.) the 2nd person (equals -puruṣa-)  |
madhyama | m. the governor of a province  |
madhyama | m. a kind of antelope  |
madhyama | m. Name of the 18th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
madhyama | m. plural a class of gods  |
madhyama | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a particular sect  |
madhyama | m. n. the middle of the body, waist etc.  |
madhyamā | f. the womb  |
madhyama | m. the middle finger  |
madhyama | m. midnight  |
madhyama | m. a girl arrived at puberty  |
madhyama | m. the pericarp of a lotus  |
madhyama | m. a central blossom  |
madhyama | m. a kind of metre  |
madhyama | m. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
madhyama | n. the middle  |
madhyama | n. mediocrity, defectiveness,  |
madhyama | n. Name of the 12th (14th) kāṇḍa- of the  |
madhyama | n. (in astronomy) the meridian ecliptic point  |
mādhyama | mfn. (fr. madhyama-) relating to the middle, middlemost, central (also applied to the composers of the middle portion of the ṛg-- veda- id est of books ii-vii)  |
mādhyama | mfn. middle-born  |
mādhyama | m. plural Name of a race  |
madhyamabhṛtaka | m. a husbandman, a farm-labourer who works both for his master and himself  |
madhyamādhikāra | m. Name of the 1st chapter of  |
madhyamadhyā | f. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
madhyamādi | m. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
madhyamādī | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
madhyamāgama | m. one of the 4 āgama-s  |
madhyamagati | f. (in astronomy) mean motion of a planet  |
madhyamagrāma | m. (in music) the middle scale  |
madhyamāharaṇa | n. the elimination of the middle term of an equation  |
madhyamajāta | mfn. middle-born, born between (two other children), middlemost.  |
madhyamaka | mf(ikā-)n. middlemost  |
madhyamaka | mf(ikā-)n. common (as property)  |
madhyamaka | n. the interior of anything (kam pra-viś-,to enter)  |
mādhyamaka | mf(ikā-)n. (from madhyama-) relating to the middle region (id est the atmosphere)  |
madhyamakakṣā | f. the middle enclosure or courtyard  |
madhyamakālaṃkāloka | m. Name of work  |
madhyamakālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
madhyamakāṇḍa | n. Name of the 2nd kāṇḍa- of the  |
madhyamakavṛtti | f. Name of work (also madhyamika v-).  |
madhyamakeya | m. plural Name of a people  |
mādhyamakeya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio madhyamakeya-).  |
madhyamakhaṇḍa | n. (in algebra) the middle term of an equation  |
madhyamakhaṇḍa | n. Name of part ii of the  |
madhyamaloka | m. the middle world (between heaven and the nether world), the earth  |
madhyamalokapāla | m. "protector of the middle world", a king  |
madhyamalokendu | m. "moon of the middle world", a king  |
madhyamandira | m. Name of the author of the mahābhārata-tātparya-nirṇaya-  |
madhyamandira | m. of madhvācārya-  |
madhyamandira | n. pudendum muliebre and anus  |
madhyamāṅgiras | m. the middle-sized aṅgiras-  |
madhyamāṅguli | m. the middle finger  |
madhyamaṇi | m. the central or principal gem of a necklace  |
madhyamanoramā | f. Name of a grammatical work (an abridgement of the manoramā-).  |
madhyamapada | n. the middle number (which is sometimes omitted and requires to be supplied in a compound consisting of two words)  |
madhyamapadalopa | m. the omission of the middle member of a compound (as in, śāka-pārthiva-,the king of the era, for sākapriya-pārthiva-,the king dear to the era)  |
madhyamapadalopin | m. (scilicet samāsa-) a compound which omits the middle member  |
madhyamapāṇḍava | m. "the middlemost of the five pāṇḍava-s", arjuna-  |
madhyamaparṇa | n. (prob.) a middle-sized leaf  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. a particular personification  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation, a termination of the second person (see prathama-puruṣa-, uttama-puruṣa-).  |
madhyamapūruṣa | m. a mediocre person  |
madhyamarātra | m. midnight  |
madhyamarekhā | f. (in astronomy) the central meridian of the earth (a line conceived to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kuru-kṣetra-, and meru-; see madhya-rekhā-).  |
madhyamasāhasa | m. the middlemost penalty or amercement, punishment for crimes of a middle degree  |
madhyamasāhasa | mn. violence or outrage of the middle class (injuring buildings, throwing down walls etc.) |
madhyamasaṃgraha | m. the middle method of intriguing with another's wife (presenting flowers etc.)  |
madhyamaśī | m. "lying or being in the middle", (prob.) an intercessor  |
madhyamastha | mfn. standing or being in the middle gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
madhyamasthā | mfn. standing in the middle, forming the centre (of a community)  |
madhyamastheya | n. the state of standing in the middle or forming the centre  |
mādhyamasthya | n. (fr. madhyama-stha-) gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
madhyamasvabhāva | mfn. indifferent, neutral,  |
madhyamasvara | m. the middle or dominant note  |
madhyamasvara | mfn. spoken in a middle tone (not too loud and not too low)  |
madhyamaṭīkā | f. Name of work by kumārila-  |
madhyamātreya | m. the middle sized ātreya-  |
madhyamavāh | mfn. driving at middling or slow speed (equals manda-gamanena vāhaka-) (prob."driving in the middle", scilicet between gods and men) .  |
madhyamavayas | n. middle age  |
madhyamavayaska | mfn. middle-aged  |
madhyamayāna | n. "the middle passage", the middle way to salvation  |
madhyaṃdina | m. (madhy/a--) (n. ) midday, noon etc.  |
madhyaṃdina | m. the midday offering (savana- or pavamāna-)  |
madhyaṃdina | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhyaṃdina | m. Name of a disciple of yājñavalkya-  |
madhyaṃdina | n. Midday (personified as a son of puṣpārṇa- by prabhā-)  |
madhyaṃdina | mfn. equals mādhyaṃdina- (q.v) |
mādhyaṃdina | mf(ī-)n. (m/ādh-) (fr. madhyaṃ-dina-) belonging to midday, meridional etc.  |
mādhyaṃdina | m. equals mādhyaṃdinaḥ pavanaḥ-  |
mādhyaṃdina | m. plural Name of a branch of she vājasaneyin-s etc. (see )  |
mādhyaṃdina | m. of an astronomy school who fixed the starting-point of planetary movements at noon  |
mādhyaṃdina | m. of a family  |
mādhyaṃdina | n. equals mādhyaṃdinaṃ savanam-  |
mādhyaṃdina | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
madhyaṃdinagata | mfn. having reached the meridian (as the sun)  |
mādhyaṃdinagṛhya | n. Name of work  |
mādhyaṃdināraṇyakavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
madhyaṃdinārkasaṃtapta | mfn. burnt by the midday-sun  |
mādhyaṃdinaśākhā | f. the school of the mādhyaṃdina-s ( mādhyaṃdinaśākhīya khīya-. mfn.belonging to it)  |
mādhyaṃdinaśākhīya | mfn. mādhyaṃdinaśākhā |
madhyaṃdinasamaya | m. midday-time, noon  |
mādhyaṃdinasaṃdhiyāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mādhyaṃdinasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
mādhyaṃdinavat | ind. as at the midday oblation  |
mādhyaṃdināyana | m. (prob. fr. madhyaṃ-dina-) Name of a teacher,  |
mādhyaṃdineya | m. plural the school of the mādhyaṃdina-s  |
mādhyaṃdinī | f. (with śikṣā-), Name of work  |
mādhyaṃdini | m. (fr. idem or 'm. (prob. fr. madhyaṃ-dina-) Name of a teacher, ') Name of a grammarian, on  |
madhyaṃdinīya | mfn. meridional, meridian, belonging to noon or midday  |
mādhyaṃdinīya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. mādhyaṃdina-) usual at the midday oblation (also yaka-)  |
mādhyaṃdinīya | mf(ā-)n. belonging to the school of the mādhyaṃdina-s  |
madhyameṣā | f. a particular part of a chariot  |
madhyameṣṭha | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameṣṭhā | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameṣṭheya | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameśvara | m. Name of a liṅga- of śiva- in Benares  |
madhyamikā | f. a marriageable woman  |
madhyamikā | f. Name of the 2nd or middle grantha- of the kāṭhaka- (see mādhyamika-)  |
madhyamika | prob. wrong reading for mādhyamika- q.v  |
mādhyamikā | f. Name of the middle portion of the kāṭhaka-.  |
mādhyamika | mfn. (fr. madhyama-) equals m/adhyamaka- (also applied to a kind of cloth )  |
mādhyamika | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school  |
mādhyamika | m. of a people in central India  |
madhyamikavṛtti | See under madhyamaka-.  |
mādhyamikīya | mfn. equals madhyamikāyām bhavaḥ-  |
mādhyamineya | m. metron. fr. madhyamā- gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi-.  |
madhyamīya | mfn. relating to the middle, middlemost, central gaRa gahādi-.  |
madhyāmlakesara | m. or n. the citron  |
madhyamoccaistara | mf(ā-)n. half loud and very loud  |
madhyamotkhāta | m. a particular division of time  |
madhyanagara | n. the interior of a city  |
madhyāṅguli | (or lī-) f. the middle finger  |
madhyanihita | mfn. placed in the middle, inserted, fixed into (anything)  |
madhyānta | (in the beginning of a compound) middle and end  |
madhyāntavibhāgaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
madhyāntavibhaṅgaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
madhyāntayamaka | n. a yamaka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the midland and end of averse (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
madhyāntika | m. Name of an arhat-  |
madhyanya | mfn. occupying a middle place, having a middle rank or position (in any caste etc.)  |
madhyaparimāṇa | n. the middle measure or magnitude (or that between an atom and infinitude)  |
madhyapāta | m. falling or going in the midst, intercourse, commerce  |
madhyapāta | m. (in astronomy) the mean occurrence of the aspect.  |
madhyapatita | mfn. fallen in the middle lying between or in the midst  |
madhyaprasūtā | f. (a cow) which has had a calf not very long ago  |
madhyapraviṣṭa | mfn. one who has stolen into another's confidence  |
madhyarātra | m. midnight ( madhyarātrau trau- ind.at midnight)  |
madhyarātrau | ind. madhyarātra |
madhyarātrau | ind. madhyarātri |
madhyarātri | f. midnight ( madhyarātrau trau- ind.at midnight)  |
madhyarekhā | f. the middle line the central or first meridian (the line conceived by the Hindus to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kurukṣetra-, and other places to mount meru-)  |
madhyārjuna | m. or n. Name of a district  |
madhyārjunakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
madhyārjunatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- on the southern bank of the kāverī-  |
madhyaśarīra | mfn. having a middle-sized body or one of moderately full habit  |
madhyaśāyin | mfn. lying in the midst lying within  |
madhyasiddhāntakaumudī | f. "the middle-sized "Name of an abridgment of the by varada-rāja-. =  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being in the middle, being between or among (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being in the middle space id est in the air  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. standing between two persons or parties mediating, a mediator  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. belonging to neither or both parties, (only) a witness, impartial, neutral, indifferent etc.  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being of a middle condition or kind, middling  |
madhyastha | m. "arbitrator, umpire", Name of śiva-  |
mādhyastha | mfn. (fr. madhya-stha-) being in a middle state indifferent, impartial  |
mādhyastha | n. indifference, impartiality  |
madhyasthala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-).) a middle place or region, (especially) the middle of the body, the waist or hip  |
madhyasthāna | n. the middle space id est the air ( madhyasthānadevatā -devatā- f.a deity of the air )  |
madhyasthāna | n. a neutral soil  |
madhyasthānadevatā | f. madhyasthāna |
madhyasthatā | f. intermediate situation, indifference, impartiality  |
madhyāsthi | n. Grewia Asiatica  |
madhyasthita | mfn. being in the middle, being among or between (genitive case)  |
madhyasthitā | f. indifference (see -stha-tā-).  |
madhyasthityardha | m. or n. (in astronomy) the mean half duration.  |
mādhyasthya | n. (fr. madhya-stha-) equals preceding n.  |
mādhyasthya | n. intercession, mediation  |
madhyasūtra | n. the central meridian (see madhya-rekhā-).  |
madhyasvarita | mfn. having the svarita- accent on the middle syllable  |
madhyāt | ind. madhya |
madhyatā | f. the state of being in the middle, mediocrity  |
madhyatamas | n. circular or annular darkness, central darkness  |
madhyatāpinī | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
madhyatas | ind. from or in the middle, centrally, centrically etc.  |
madhyatas | ind. out of. among (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
madhyatas | ind. of middle sort  |
madhyatastaḥkārin | m. Name of the 4 principal priests (viz. the hotṛ-, adhvaryu-, brahman-, and udgātṛ-)  |
madhyatva | n. See under madhya-.  |
madhyatva | n. madhya |
madhyavallī | f. Name of a vallī- of the (probably from being in the middle of the book) .  |
madhyāvarṣa | n. the middle of the rainy season ,  |
mādhyāvarṣa | mfn. celebrated in the middle of the rainy reason, .  |
madhyavartin | mfn. being in the middle or between or among, middle, central  |
madhyavartin | m. a mediator  |
madhyavayas | mfn. middle-aged  |
madhyavidaraṇa | n. Name of one of the ten ways in which an eclipse ends  |
madhyavivartin | mfn. equals -vartin-  |
madhyavivartin | mfn. impartial, a mediator  |
madhyavivekin | mfn. of mediocre discernment, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
madhyavṛtta | n. the navel  |
madhyayava | m. a weight of six white mustard seeds  |
madhyāyin | mfn. recited in the middle tone  |
madhyayogin | mf(inī-)n. (in astronomy) being in the middle of a conjunction, completely covered or obscured  |
madhyāyu | ( ya-yu-) mfn. intermediate, being a mediator or seeking a mediation  |
madhye | ind. in the middle, in the midst, within, between, among, in the presence of (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';sometimes also in the beginning of a compound; see compound below) etc. (with kṛ-[ ind.p. -kṛtya-or -kṛtvā- ],to place in the middle, make an intermediary of. on ;to count among )  |
madhye | ind. madhya |
madhyebhabandhana | n. a band or rope round an elephant's body  |
madhyecchandas | n. (prob.) said to mean"the sun"or"the middle of the year"  |
madhyegaṅgam | ind. in or into the Ganges.  |
madhyeguru | mfn. (prob.) having a long syllable in the middle,  |
madhyejalāt | ind. from out of the middle of the water  |
madhyejaṭharam | ind. in the middle of the body  |
madhyejyotis | f. a kind of Vedic metre  |
madhyekṛtya | ind. with regard to  |
madhyemadhyamāṅgulikarpūram | ind. between middle finger and elbow  |
madhyena | ind. madhya |
madhyenadi | ind. in or into the river  |
madhyenagaram | ind. in the middle of the city  |
madhyenareśvarasabham | ind. in the middle of the assembly of princes  |
madhyenidhana | mfn. having the passage called nidhana- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle  |
madhyepadmam | ind. in a lotus flower  |
madhyepṛṣṭam | ind. having the sacrificial days called pṛṣṭhya- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle  |
madhyepṛṣṭam | n. a particular ajana-  |
madhyeraṇam | ind. in the battle  |
madhyerathyam | ind. in the middle of the street  |
madhyesabham | ind. in the assembly, in public  |
madhyesamudram | ind. in the middle of the sea,  |
madhyeśmaśānam | ind. on the burial-place,  |
madhyevārdhi | ind. equals -samudram-  |
madhyevāri | ind. in or under the water  |
madhyevindhyāntar | ind. in the middle of the vindhya-  |
madhyevindhyāṭavi | ind. in the forests of the vindhya- range  |
madhyevyoma | ind. in the air  |
madhyeyajñam | ind. in the middle of the sacrifice  |
madhyodātta | mfn. having the udātta- or acute accent on the middle syllable  |
magadhya | Nom. P. yati-, to surround (gaRa kaṇḍvādi-), to serve, be a slave |
mahābhāratādhyāyānukramaṇī | f. Name of work  |
mahābodhyaṅgavatī | f. Name of a tantra- deity.  |
mahāmahopādhyāya | m. a very great or venerable teacher (a title given to learned men)  |
mahāmunisvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
mahānasādhyakṣa | m. a chief kitchen-superintendent  |
mahāratnābhiṣekarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
mahāvandhyā | f. a wholly barren woman  |
mahopādhyāya | m. "great teacher", Name of various scholars and authors (exempli gratia, 'for example' of bhāravi-, vidyā-nātha-, raghu-nātha- etc.) (see mahā-mahop-).  |
mākāradhyāna | n. (prob. fr. 1. mā-+ k-+ dh-) a particular method of abstract meditation  |
māṃsagṛdhyin | mfn. desirous of flesh  |
mānādhyāya | m. "measurement-chapter", Name of chapter of  |
māndhyoda | m. patronymic (prob. wrong reading)  |
maṇimadhya | n. Name of 2 metres  |
maṇimadhya | n. Chandoiu.  |
mantrārṣādhyāya | m. "chapter on the Vedic ṛṣi-s", a ṛṣy-anukramaṇī- of the kāṭhaka- yajur-veda- |
mantrasādhya | mfn. to be subdued or effected by incantations or spells ( mantrasādhyatva -tva- n.)  |
mantrasādhya | mfn. to be attained by consulation  |
mantrasādhyatva | n. mantrasādhya |
mantrasaṃdhyā | f. Name of work  |
mārgamadhyaga | mfn. going in the middle of a road, being on the road  |
māsabhāvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
mathādhyakṣa | m. idem or 'm. the superintendent of a monastery, principal of a college etc. ' a monastery, college  |
maulyādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
medhya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. medha-) full of sap, vigorous, fresh, mighty, strong  |
medhya | mf(ā-)n. fit for a sacrifice or oblation, free from blemish (as a victim), clean, pure, not defiling (by contact or by being eaten) etc.  |
medhya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. medhā-). wise, intelligent  |
medhya | mf(ā-)n. equals medhām arhati- gaRa daṇḍādi-  |
medhya | m. a goat  |
medhya | m. Acacia Catechu  |
medhya | m. Saccharum Munja  |
medhya | m. barley  |
medhya | m. Name of the author of  |
medhyā | f. Name of various plants (thought to be sacrificially pure)  |
medhya | m. the gall-stone of a cow (equals recanā-)  |
medhya | m. a particular vein  |
medhya | m. Name of a river  |
medhyamandira | m. Name of a man  |
medhyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of pure, matter  |
medhyatā | f. ( ) ritual purity.  |
medhyatama | mfn. most pure, purest  |
medhyatara | mfn. more pure, purer  |
medhyātithi | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (a kāṇva- and author of ;3. 33; ix, 41-43) (see medh/atithi-and maidhyātitha-).  |
medhyatva | n. ( ) ritual purity.  |
mithaspṛdhya | ind.p. ( sp/ṛdh-) meeting together as rivals, mutually emulous ( mithaspr/idhyā-).  |
mithyādhyavasiti | (mithyādh-) f. a particular figure of speech (in which the impossibility of a thing is expressed by making it depend upon some impossible contingency)  |
mithyāvadhyānukīrtana | n. the proclaiming that any one has been unjustly sentenced to death  |
miyedhya | mfn. equals m/edhya-, partaking of the sacrificial food  |
mṛdumadhyā | f. Name of a mūrchanā-  |
mṛdumadhyā | f. of a kṣānti-  |
mṛdumadhyādhimātra | mfn. moderate, middling and (or?) excessive ( mṛdumadhyādhimātratva -tva- n.)  |
mṛdumadhyādhimātratva | n. mṛdumadhyādhimātra |
mṛṣādhyānin | m. "feignedly meditative", Ardea Nivea (a species of crane compared to a religious hypocrite)  |
mṛṣādhyāyin | m. "feignedly meditative", Ardea Nivea (a species of crane compared to a religious hypocrite)  |
mṛtyuṃjayadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
mūrtidhyāna | n. Name of two works.  |
mūyyādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
mūyyādhyāyavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nābhasayogādhyāya | m. Name of 12th chapter of and 10th chapter of  |
nabhomadhya | n. "sky-centre", the zenith  |
nagarādhyakṣa | ( ) m. town-chief, head police-officer.  |
naighaṇṭukaikādhyāya | m. Name of a glossary by bāhlikeyamiśra-.  |
nairbādhya | mfn. equals nir-b-  |
nairgandhya | n. absence of smell, inodorousness, on  |
naiṣadhya | mfn. belonging or peculiar to the niṣadha-s  |
naiṣadhya | m. niṣadha- prince  |
naktāndhya | n.  |
nakulāndhya | n. "ichneumon-blindness", a kind of disease of the eyes  |
nākulāndhya | n. equals nak-  |
navagrahadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
navagrahadhyānaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
netropādhyāya | m. Name of an author  |
nidhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (perfect tense -dadhyau-, dhyur-), to observe, perceive ; to meditate, think of, remember (accusative) : Desiderative -didhyāsate-, to wish to meditate on, think of attentively  |
nidhyāna | n. intuition, seeing, sight  |
nidhyapti | f. reflection, philosophical meditation  |
nidhyarthin | mfn. seeking treasure  |
nidhyāta | mfn. meditated or thought on  |
nididhyāsana | See ni-dhyai-.  |
nididhyāsana | n. profound and repeated meditation  |
nidididhyāsitavya | mfn. to be thought about or attended to  |
nidididhyāsu | mfn. desirous of meditating on or attending to  |
niḥśodhya | mfn. not to be cleansed or purified  |
niḥśodhya | mfn. clean, pure  |
niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāra | mfn. neither studying the veda-s nor offering burnt sacrifices  |
nīlasaṃdhyā | f. equals -giri-karṇikā-  |
nimagnamadhyā | f. (a woman) having a depressed navel or a slender waist  |
nirbādhya | mfn. able to remove all (impediments)  |
nirdhyai | (present tense p. -dhyāyat- ; ind.p. -dhyāya- ), to think of, reflect upon,  |
nirdhyāta | mfn. thought of, meditated  |
nirmadhya | mfn. having no middle  |
nirmadhyā | f. a particular fragrant substance (prob. wrong reading for nirmathyā-).  |
nirmādhyastha | n. absence of impartiality, interest, sympathy (Bombay edition)  |
nirudhyamāna | being checked or reined in  |
nirvindhyā | f. "being outside or coming from the vindhya-", Name of a river  |
niṣedhya | mfn. to be kept back or prohibited or hindered  |
nityānadhyāya | m. invariable suspension of repetition of the veda-s (as on the day of full moon etc.)  |
nityasvādhyāyin | mfn. always engaged in the study of the veda- ( nityasvādhyāyitā yi-tā- f.)  |
nityasvādhyāyitā | f. nityasvādhyāyin |
nividadhyāya | m. Name of work  |
nivṛttayajñasvādhyāya | mfn. ceasing from sacrifices and the repetition of prayers  |
nṛtyādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapañcādhyāyī | f. equals -sūtra-.  |
oṣadhyanuvāka | m. a particular anuvāka-.  |
padādhyāhāravāda | m. Name of work  |
pādādhyāsa | m. treading upon, kicking  |
padādhyayana | n. the recitation of the veda- according to the pada-pāṭha-  |
padādhyāyin | mfn. reciting the veda- in this way  |
pādādimadhyayamaka | n. paronomasia at the beginning and in the middle of a verse (as )  |
pādamadhyayamaka | n. paronomasia in the middle of the 4 verses of a stanza (as in ).  |
pādānudhyāna | mfn. "thought of by (the feet of) such a one", the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor)  |
pādānudhyāta | mfn. "thought of by (the feet of) such a one", the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor)  |
padātyadhyakṣa | m. a commander of infantry  |
pākādhyāya | m. Name of chapter of work  |
pakṣādhyāya | m. casuistry, logic  |
pañcadhābandhyāprakāśa | m. (?) Name of work  |
pañcādhyāyī | f. "consisting of 5 chapters", Name of several works.  |
pañcapādikādhyāsabhāṣyavyākhyā | f. Name of Comm.  |
pāñcavidhya | n. (fr. pañca-vidhī-), Name of a sūtra- treating of the 5 vidhi-s of a sāman-  |
pānīyādhyakṣa | m. a water superintendent  |
paradhyāna | n. intent meditation  |
paramārādhya | m. Name of a man  |
parameśvarapañcamukhadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
parārdhya | mf(ā-)n. being on the more remote or opposite side or half.  |
parārdhya | mf(ā-)n. most distant in number, of the highest possible number  |
parārdhya | mf(ā-)n. highest in rank or quality, most excellent, best etc.  |
parārdhya | mf(ā-)n. more excellent than (ablative)  |
parārdhya | n. a maximum (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"amounting at the most to")  |
parīdhya | (pari-+ idhya-, indh-), to be kindled  |
parīdhyai | (only perfect tense -dadhyau-), to meditate, ponder  |
paridhyupānta | mf(ā-)n. bordered by the ocean (as the earth)  |
paryadhyayana | mfn. averse from study Va1rtt. 4  |
paścārdhya | mfn. being on the west side  |
pathimadhye | ind. in the middle of the road  |
pativratādhyāya | m. Name of chapter of  |
paṭṭopādhyāya | m. the writer of royal grants or documents etc.  |
pavamānādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
peśalamadhya | mfn. slender-waisted  |
phalādhyakṣa | m. "superintendent of fruit", Mimusops Kauki  |
phalavandhya | mfn. barren or destitute of fruits, not bearing fruit (see phalāv-).  |
phalāvandhya | mfn. not barren of fruit, bearing fruit  |
pipīlikamadhya | mf(ā-)n. thin in the middle like an ant  |
pipīlikamadhyā | f. Name of any metre the middle pāda- of which is shorter than the preceding and following,  |
pipīlikāmadhya | mfn. Name of a kind of fast (beginning on the day of full moon with 15 mouthfuls, decreasing by one daily until the day of new moon, and after that increasing by one daily until the next day of full moon) on  |
pipīlikamadhyama | mf(ā-)n. thin in the middle like an ant  |
pipīlikamadhyamā | f. Name of any metre the middle pāda- of which is shorter than the preceding and following,  |
pitṛmātṛguruśuśrūṣādhyānavat | mfn. only intent on obeying father and mother and teacher  |
prabandhādhyāya | m. Name of the 4th chapter of the saṃgīta-darpaṇa- and of the saṃgītaratnākara-  |
prabodhya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be awakened  |
pradhānādhyakṣa | m. a chief superintendent  |
pradhānādhyakṣatā | f. the office of chief superintendent  |
pradhyai | P. A1. -dhyāyati-, te-, to meditate upon, think of (accusative with or without prati-) ; to reflect, consider ; to excogitate, devise, hit upon  |
pradhyāna | n. meditating upon, reflection, thinking, deep thought, subtle speculation  |
pradhyanīka | n. the centre of a segment  |
pradhyanīka | n. a well  |
prādhyayana | n. commencement of recitation or study  |
prādhyeṣaṇa | n. (fr. pra-adhi--1. iṣ-) incitement, exhortation (to study),  |
praiṣādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
prajādhyakṣa | m. (jādh-) "surveyor of creatures", Name of the sun  |
prajādhyakṣa | m. of kardama- and dakṣa-  |
prakīrṇādhyāya | m. a chapter containing miscellaneous subjects (Name of )  |
prākṛtādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
prākṛtāṣṭādhyāyī | f. Name of work  |
prāksaṃdhyā | f. morning twilight  |
praṇidhyai | (only perfect tense -dadhyau-), to attend to (accusative)  |
prarādhya | mfn. to be satisfied or made content  |
prasādhya | mfn. to be mastered or conquered  |
prasādhya | mfn. accomplishable, practicable  |
prasādhya | mfn. to be destroyed or defeated  |
prātaḥsaṃdhyā | f. morning twilight, dawn (see )  |
prataḥsaṃdhyāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
prataḥsaṃdhyāvandana | n. Name of work  |
prataḥsaṃdhyāvandanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
prātaradhyeya | mfn. to be recited every morning  |
prātarmādhyaṃdinasavana | n. Name of work  |
pratibadhya | mfn. to be obstructed or hindered |
pratidhyāta | mfn. ( dhyai-) thought upon, meditated (varia lectio pra-dhyāta-).  |
pratiṣedhya | mfn. to be prevented or rejected or prohibited  |
pratiṣedhya | mfn. to be denied or negatived  |
prativindhya | m. Name of a king who ruled over a particular part of the vindhya- mountains  |
prativindhya | m. of a son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-  |
prativindhya | m. plural Name of his descendants  |
praugādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
pravarādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
prāyaścittādhyāya | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittādhyāyabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
prayojakādhyāyabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
prāyudhyuddheṣin | m. (for -heṣin-) or -yudh-eṣin- a horse (literally"neighing in or longing for the battle") .  |
preṣaṇādhyakṣa | m. a superintendent of the commands (of a king), chief of the administration  |
prītisambodhyaṅga | n. (with Buddhists) joyfulness (one of the 7 requisites for attaining supreme knowledge)  |
priyopabhogavandhya | mfn. barren or destitute of the enjoyment of a lover  |
pṛṣṭhamadhya | m. the middle of the back  |
punaḥprādhyeṣaṇa | n. repeated invitation to study,  |
purādhyakṣa | ( ) m. the governor of a city or fortress, prefect of police.  |
puraskṛtamadhyamakrama | mfn. taking or adopting a middle course  |
purorujrugadhyāya | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthasiddhyupāya | m. Name of work  |
pūrvadhyāna | n. the first (stage of) contemplation,  |
pūrvādhyuṣita | mfn. formerly inhabited  |
pūrvamadhyāhna | m. the forenoon  |
pūrvārdhya | mfn. being on the eastern side  |
pūrvasaṃdhyā | f. "earlier twilight", dawn, day-break  |
rādhya | mfn. to be accomplished or performed  |
rādhya | mfn. to be obtained or won  |
rādhya | mfn. to be appeased or propitiated  |
rādhya | mfn. to be worshipped  |
rāgadhyānādikathanādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
rājayogādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
raktasaṃdhyaka | n. the flower of Nymphaea Rubra  |
rāmadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
rāmadhyānastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
rāmāyaṇāyodhyākāṇḍa | m. Name of a poem based upon the 2nd book of the rāmāyaṇa-.  |
rāmopādhyāya | m. Name of a preceptor  |
raṅgamadhya | n. the middle of an arena  |
rasādhyakṣa | m. a superintendent of liquors or fluids  |
rasādhyāya | m. Name of a medical work  |
rāsapañcādhyāyī | f. Name of a chapter of the  |
rathamadhya | mf(ā-)n. occupying the centre of a car =  |
rathamadhyastha | mfn. standing in the centre of a car  |
rātryāndhya | n. night-blindness  |
ṛṇabhaṅgādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
rodhya | mfn. to be stopped or checked or restrained (See a-r-).  |
ṛṣisvādhyāya | m. repetition of the veda-  |
rudhirādhyāya | m. Name of a chapter of the kālikā- purāṇa-.  |
rudradhyānavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
rudrādhyāya | m. Name of particular prayers addressed to rudra-  |
rudrādhyāyaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
rudrādhyāyāyin | mfn. reciting the above prayers  |
rudrajapapañcādhyāya | m. plural Name of work  |
rudraṛṅmantradhyāna | n. Name of work  |
rūpyādhyakṣa | m. a superintendent of silver or silver coinage, master of the mint  |
śabdādhyāhāra | m. the supplying of a word (to complete an ellipsis)  |
śabdasādhyaprayoga | m. Name of a grammar by rāma-nātha- cakravartin-.  |
śabdavedhya | mfn. to be shot at without being seen (see prec.)  |
śabdavedhya | n. equals -vedha- m.  |
śabdavidyopādhyāya | m. a teacher of grammar  |
sabhāmadhye | ind. in society  |
sacadhyai | See sac-.  |
sādbanādhyakṣa | m. superintendent of the military forces (Bombay edition)  |
saddhyāyin | mfn. meditating on what is true  |
sādhya | mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed, conquerable, amenable etc.  |
sādhya | mfn. to be summoned or conjured up  |
sādhya | mfn. to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured  |
sādhya | mfn. to be formed (grammatically)  |
sādhya | mfn. to be cultivated or perfected  |
sādhya | mfn. to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable etc.  |
sādhya | mfn. being effected or brought about, taking place  |
sādhya | mfn. to be prepared or cooked  |
sādhya | mfn. to be inferred or concluded  |
sādhya | mfn. to be proved or demonstrated  |
sādhya | mfn. to be found out by calculation  |
sādhya | mfn. to be killed or destroyed  |
sādhya | mfn. relating to the sādhya-s (See below)  |
sādhya | m. (plural) "they that are to be propitiated", Name of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the gaṇa-devatā- q.v,sometimes mentioned in the veda- [see ];in the their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods;according to yāska-[ ] their locality is the bhuvarloka- or middle region between the earth and sun;in , the sādhya-s are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in , as children of the soma-sad-s, sons of virāj-;in the purāṇa-s they are sons of sādhyā-, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen;in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the siddha-sSee siddha-;and their names are manas-, mantṛ-, prāṇa-, nara-, pāna-, vinirbhaya-, naya-, daṃśa-, nārāyaṇa-, vṛṣa-, prabhu-) etc.  |
sādhya | m. the god of love  |
sādhya | m. Name of a Vedic ṛṣi-.  |
sādhya | m. of the 21st astronomical yoga-  |
sādhyā | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- and wife of dharma- or manu- (regarded as the mother of the sādhya-s)  |
sādhya | n. accomplishment, perfection  |
sādhya | n. an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate  |
sādhya | n. (in logic) the major term in a syllogism  |
sādhya | n. silver  |
sādhya | n. Name of a sāman-  |
sādhyā | ind. (for 1.See under sādhy/a-) equals sādhuy/ā-  |
sādhya | etc. See column 1.  |
sādhyābhāva | m. absence of the thing to be proved  |
sādhyābhāva | m. impossibility of cure  |
sādhyāhāra | mfn. having or with something to be supplied  |
sādhyakośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
sādhyapakṣa | m. the side of the thing to be proved (in a lawsuit)  |
sādhyapramāṇasaṃkhyāvat | mfn. containing the number of the things to be proved and of the proofs  |
sādhyarṣi | (ya+ṛṣi-) m. Name of śiva-  |
sādhyāsa | mfn. having an addition  |
sādhyasādhana | n. the means of establishing what is to be proved (exempli gratia, 'for example' a hetu- or reason) , effecting what has to be done etc.  |
sādhyasādhanakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
sādhyasādhanakhaṇḍa | f. Name of work  |
sādhyasama | m. an assertion identical with the point to be proved, petitio principii  |
sādhyasamatva | n. sameness with the point to be proved (tvāt-,"because it is the same with what is to be proved")  |
sādhyasiddha | mfn. to be still accomplished and already accomplished  |
sādhyasiddhi | f. accomplishment of what has to be done  |
sādhyasiddhi | f. the establishing of what has to be proved  |
sādhyasiddhi | f. the success of an undertaking, accomplishment fulfilment  |
sādhyasiddhi | f. proof. conclusion  |
sādhyasiddhipāda | m. the fourth stage or division of a suit at law, judgement, decision  |
sādhyatā | f. practicableness, feasibility  |
sādhyatā | f. conquerableness (See a-s-)  |
sādhyatā | f. curableness (See a-s-)  |
sādhyatovacchedaka | n. the distinguishing property of the thing to be proved  |
sādhyatva | n. curableness  |
sādhyatva | n. perfectibility  |
sādhyatva | n. practicability  |
sādhyavasānā | f. (in rhetoric) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied)  |
sādhyavasānikā | f. (in rhetoric) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied)  |
sādhyavasāya | mfn. elliptical  |
sādhyavat | mfn. comprehending the point to be proved  |
sādhyavat | mfn. containing the major term (in logic)  |
sādhyavat | m. the party on whom the burden of proof in a lawsuit rests  |
sādhyavyāpaka | mfn. (in logic) invariably inherent in that which is to be proved  |
sādhyavyāpakatā | f. invariable inherence in what is to be proved  |
ṣaḍjamadhyā | f. a particular mūrchanā-  |
ṣāḍvidhya | n. (fr. ṣaḍ-vidha-) sixfoldness on  |
ṣaḍvindhyā | f. a kind of insect  |
sahadhyai | See under 1. sah-, p.1192, col, 3.  |
sahādhyayana | n. studying together, companionship in study  |
sahādhyāyin | m. a fellow-student, condisciple etc.  |
sahādhyāyin | m. one who studies the same science  |
sāhasādhyavasāyin | mfn. acting with inconsiderate haste  |
sahasrabhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work (wrong reading -dhyāna-rāma-).  |
sāhityavidhyādhara | m. Name of cāritra-vardhana- muni- (author of a commentator or commentary on the naiṣadha-caritra-)  |
sainyādhyakṣa | m. "army-overseer", a general, commander  |
śaiṣyopādhyāyikā | f. (fr. śiṣya-+ upādhyāya-) the relation between pupil and teacher  |
sakalavedādhyāyin | mfn. repeating all the veda-s  |
śākhādhyetṛ | (khādh-) m. the reciter of a śākhā-, follower of any particular text of the veda-  |
samabhidhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, or -dhyāti-, to reflect deeply on, meditate on ; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for (accusative) |
samādhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to meditate deeply upon, reflect upon, be lost in thought  |
samadhyama | mfn. moderate on  |
samadhyās | A1. -āste-, to sit upon together, inhabit, occupy : Desiderative -āsisiṣate-, to wish to occupy  |
samadhyāsita | mfn. sat upon or occupied together (as a scat)  |
samadhyayana | n. going over or studying together, (or) that which is gone over or repeated together  |
sāmagrīpratibadhyatā | f. Name of work  |
samānopādhyāya | m. a common or general preceptor  |
samānottamamadhyamādhama | mfn. one to whom the best and the middle and worst are all the same  |
samanudhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect upon, think of (accusative)  |
samapadhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to think ill or badly of, meditate evil or injury against, injure  |
sāmasādhya | mfn. to be accomplished in a conciliatory or peaceable way  |
samāsādhyāhāra | m. the supplying an ellipsis in a compound etc.  |
samayādhyuṣita | mfn. half-risen (as the sun) etc.  |
samayādhyuṣita | n. a time at which neither stars nor sun are visible |
sambadhyamāna | mfn. being bound together or connected  |
sambadhyamānaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being in some degree related to  |
sambodhya | mfn. to be enlightened or instructed  |
sambodhyaṅga | n. sambodhi |
sambudhyamāna | mfn. being quite aware  |
saṃdhy | in compound for saṃdhi-.  |
saṃdhya | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) being on the point of junction etc.  |
saṃdhya | mfn. based on saṃdhi- or euphonic combination  |
saṃdhyā | f. See next.  |
saṃdhyā | f. holding together, union, junction, juncture, (especially) juncture of day and night, morning or evening twilight etc.  |
saṃdhyā | f. juncture of the three divisions of the day (morning, noon, and evening)  |
saṃdhyā | f. the religious acts performed by Brahmans and twice-born men at the above three divisions of the day (accusative with ās-or anv-ās-or upa-ās-,"to perform these saṃdhyā- services", which consist of sipping water, repetition of prayers and mantra-s, especially of the gāyatrī- prayer;if regarded as an act of meditation the saṃdhyā-may be connected with saṃ-dhyai-)  |
saṃdhyā | f. Twilight (especially evening Twilight, personified as a manifestation or daughter of brahmā-, and as the consort of śiva-, of the Sun, of kāla-, of pulastya-, of pūṣan- etc., and as the mother-in-law of vidyut-keśa-) etc.  |
saṃdhyā | f. a girl one year old representing the goddess saṃdhyā- at the durgā- festival  |
saṃdhyā | f. a deity presiding over the three divisions of the day  |
saṃdhyā | f. the period which precedes a yuga- or age of the world (See yuga-)  |
saṃdhyā | f. a boundary, limit  |
saṃdhyā | f. promise, agreement, assent  |
saṃdhyā | f. equals saṃ-dhāna-  |
saṃdhyā | f. a particular flower  |
saṃdhyā | f. Name of a river  |
saṃdhya | mfn. (for 1.See column 2) thinking about, reflecting  |
saṃdhyā | f. thinking about, reflection, meditation  |
sāṃdhya | mfn. produced by coalescence (as a syllable)  |
sāṃdhya | mfn. (fr. saṃ-dhyā-) relating to the evening twilight, vespertine  |
sāṃdhya | mfn. relating to the morning twilight or dawn  |
saṃdhyābala | m. "strong during twilight", a rākṣasa-  |
saṃdhyābali | m. the evening or twilight oblation  |
saṃdhyābali | m. a bull (or its image) in a temple of śiva-  |
saṃdhyābhāṣya | n. Name of various works.  |
sāṃdhyabhojana | n. an evening meal  |
saṃdhyābhra | n. (dhyābh-) equals -payoda-  |
saṃdhyābhra | n. a sort of red chalk  |
saṃdhyācala | m. (dhyāc-) "twilight-mountain", Name of a mountain,  |
saṃdhyācalatarpaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyadhyāya | m. an adhyāya- or chapter on saṃdhi-  |
saṃdhyādibrahmakarman | (dhyād-), n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect or meditate on, think about  |
saṃdhyākāla | m. twilight-time, evening-time  |
saṃdhyākāla | m. the interval of a yuga-  |
saṃdhyākālika | mfn. belonging to twilight-time, vespertine  |
saṃdhyākalpa | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyākārikā | f. plural Name of work  |
saṃdhyākārya | n. the morning or evening devotional acts etc.  |
saṃdhyākramapaddhati | f. Name of work treating of the saṃdhyā- ceremonial.  |
saṃdhyakṣara | n. a compound vowel, diphthong,  |
sāṃdhyakusumā | f. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis  |
saṃdhyāmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāmaṅgala | n. the auspicious saṃdhyā- service  |
saṃdhyāmantra | m. plural Name of work  |
saṃdhyāmantravyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāmantravyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of twilight  |
saṃdhyāṃśa | (dhyāṃ-) m. ( ) "portion of twilight", the period at the end of each yuga- (See above) .  |
saṃdhyāṃsa | (dhyāṃ-) mfn. having the morning and evening twilight for shoulders  |
saṃdhyāṃśaka | m. ( ) "portion of twilight", the period at the end of each yuga- (See above) .  |
saṃdhyāṃśu | (dhyāṃ-) m. "twilight-ray", twilight  |
saṃdhyānāṭin | m. "dancing at evening twilight", Name of śiva- (wrong reading -nādin-).  |
saṃdhyānirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyānirṇayakalpavallī | f. Name of work  |
saṃdhyānyāsa | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāpañcīkaraṇavārttika | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāpātra | n. a vessel used for pouring out water in performing the saṃdhyā- ceremonies  |
saṃdhyāpayoda | m. a twilight rain-cloud  |
saṃdhyāprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāprayoga | m. equals -kārya-  |
saṃdhyāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāpuṣpī | f. Jasminum Grandiflorum  |
saṃdhyāpuṣpī | f. nutmeg  |
saṃdhyārāga | m. the red glow of twilight  |
saṃdhyārāga | mfn. having the colour of twilight  |
saṃdhyārāga | n. red-lead  |
saṃdhyārāma | (dhyār-) m. "delighting in the saṃdhyā-", Name of brahmā-  |
saṃdhyarkṣa | (for -ṛkṣa-?)  |
saṃdhyāsamaya | m. twilight-period  |
saṃdhyāsamaya | m. a portion of each yuga-  |
saṃdhyāśaṅkha | m. the evening conch-shell (of worship, used as an instrument to sound the evening hour)  |
saṃdhyāśaṅkhadhvani | m. the sound made with it  |
saṃdhyāśatasūtrībhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāsūtrapravacana | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyātṛ | mfn. one who reflects or meditates  |
saṃdhyātṛ | mfn. one who binds (wrong reading for saṃ-dātṛ-)  |
saṃdhyātraya | n. the 3 divisions or periods of the day (morning, noon, and evening)  |
saṃdhyātrayaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyātrayavidhi | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyātva | n. the state of twilight  |
saṃdhyātva | n. the time for devotional exercises  |
saṃdhyāvandana | n. the morning and evening hymns and acts of worship  |
saṃdhyāvandana | n. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāvandanabhāṣya | n. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanagurubhāṣya | n. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanalaghubhāṣya | n. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanamantra | m. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanavidhi | m. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanavivaraṇa | n. Name of work |
saṃdhyāvandanopāsanakrama | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāvāsa | m. Name of a village  |
saṃdhyāvidhi | m. equals -kārya-  |
saṃdhyāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāvidhimantrasamūhaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
saṃdhyāvidyā | f. Name of vara-dā-  |
saṃdhyāya | Nom. A1. dhyāyate-, to resemble twilight (yāyita- mfn. )  |
saṃdhyopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
saṃdhyopāsana | n. worship performed at the saṃdhyā-  |
saṃdhyopāsanavidhi | m. Name of various works.  |
saṃdhyopasthāna | n. adoration (of the Sun) at the saṃdhyā-  |
saṃgītavinodenṛtyādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
saṃhitādhyayana | (tādh-) n. the repeating of the saṃhitā- of a veda-  |
saṃhitādhyāyin | (tādh-) mfn. repeating the saṃhitā- of a veda-  |
samidhya | Nom. P. yati- (future -idhyitā-or -idhitā-), to wish for fuel  |
samidhyamāna | mfn. (pr. p. Passive voice) being kindled or ignited  |
samidhyamānavat | mfn. containing the word samidhyamāna-  |
saṃkīrṇarāgādhyāya | m. Name of work on music  |
saṃkṣepādhyātmasāra | m. Name of work |
sāṃnidhya | n. (fr. saṃ-nidhi-) the being near, nearness, vicinity, presence, attendance (accusative with kṛ-,"to make one's appearance, be or become present";with Causal of kṛ-,"to cause to be near, call near";with yā-,or vraj-"to come near, approach"; -pakṣe-jan-with genitive case,"to take the place of")  |
sāṃnidhyatā | f. vicinity, neighbourhood  |
sāṃnidhyatas | ind. from proximity  |
saṃnyāsinsaṃdhyā | f. Name of work  |