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Grammar Search
"dhvanite" has 6 results
dhvanite: feminine accusative dual past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
dhvanite: feminine nominative dual past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
dhvanite: neuter accusative dual past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
dhvanite: neuter nominative dual past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
dhvanite: neuter locative singular past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
dhvanite: masculine locative singular past passive participle stem: dhvanita.
Vedabase Search
5 results
dhvanite by the soundCC Adi 17.141
bhūṣā-dhvanite by the sound of ornamentsCC Antya 17.25
bhūṣaṇa-dhvanite by the tinkling of her ornamentsCC Antya 3.233
bhūṣaṇa-dhvanite by the tinkling of her ornamentsCC Antya 3.233
bhūṣā-dhvanite by the sound of ornamentsCC Antya 17.25
Parse Time: 1.617s Search Word: dhvanite Input Encoding: IAST: dhvanite