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Grammar Search
"dhatte" has 1 results
dhatte: third person singular present present class 3 ātmanepadadhā
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results1 result
dhatte dhānyaṃ patyate vasavyaiḥ RV.6.13.4d.
Vedabase Search
59 results
dhatte (the devotee) placesSB 11.4.10
dhatte acceptSB 5.1.13
dhatte acceptsSB 1.2.23
SB 2.10.36
SB 7.2.22
dhatte assumes its positionSB 11.22.17
dhatte eternally acceptsSB 1.15.35
dhatte executesSB 3.5.13
dhatte givesCC Antya 1.150
SB 6.1.51
dhatte has takenSB 4.8.26
dhatte He acceptsSB 8.5.22
dhatte He assumesSB 3.17.31
dhatte he assumesSB 7.14.41
dhatte He impregnatesSB 11.6.16
dhatte He performsSB 8.1.13
dhatte is manifestedSB 1.10.25
dhatte manifestsSB 10.87.46
dhatte one possessesSB 7.15.45
dhatte possessesSB 6.8.32-33
dhatte she inflictsSB 3.27.24
dhatte take placeSB 1.19.14
dhatte takes upon HimselfSB 10.74.3
abhidhatte repeatsSB 3.32.43
abhidhatte expoundsSB 3.33.37
abhidhatte he accepts as worshipableSB 5.14.29
abhidhatte designates as the object of worshipSB 11.21.43
abhidhatte directly describes (like a dictionary meaning)CC Madhya 6.142
abhidhatte set forthCC Madhya 20.147-148
ādhatte putsSB 4.29.33
ādhatte maintainsSB 10.86.56
ādhatte acceptsSB 11.10.9
anusandhatte knewSB 7.4.38
tanūḥ dhatte accepts the forms of incarnationsSB 8.24.5
tanūḥ dhatte accepts the forms of incarnationsSB 8.24.5
tirodhatte diminishesSB 3.7.12
vidhatte as He regulatesSB 3.5.5
vidhatte He performsSB 3.5.7
vidhatte can performSB 3.7.14
vidhatte executesSB 3.13.49
vidhatte awardsSB 3.16.25
vidhatte He performsSB 3.25.3
vidhatte he attributesSB 3.28.36
vidhatte carry onSB 3.33.3
vidhatte givesSB 5.11.16
vidhatte makesSB 5.13.16
vidhatte He givesSB 5.19.27
vidhatte makesSB 5.21.3
vidhatte performsSB 6.11.23
vidhatte prescribeSB 11.3.44
vidhatte enjoins (in the ritualistic karma-kāṇḍa)SB 11.21.42
vidhatte enjoins in sacrificeSB 11.21.43
vidhatte establishesSB 11.22.30
vidhatte createsSB 11.28.34
vidhatte directCC Madhya 20.147-148
vidhatte they ordainCC Madhya 20.147-148
vidhatte He givesCC Madhya 22.40
vidhatte He givesCC Madhya 24.103
vidhatte He givesCC Madhya 24.199
Parse Time: 1.642s Search Word: dhatte Input Encoding: IAST: dhatte