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Bloomfield Vedic
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asmabhyaṃ tad dhattana yad va īmahe # RV.5.53.13c.
te no ratnāni dhattana # RV.1.20.7a; AB.5.21.12; KB.26.17; Aś.8.11.3. P: te no ratnāni śś.10.11.8.
dyumantaṃ śuṣmaṃ maghavatsu dhattana # RV.1.64.14b.
ni barhiṣi dhattana somyāsaḥ # RV.10.30.14c.
pari rāṣṭrāya dhattana # AVś.19.24.1d; AVP.15.5.8d.
mahe kṣatrāya dhattana # AVś.19.24.2b; AVP.15.5.9b. See mahe rāṣṭrāya.
mahe rāṣṭrāya dadhmasi # HG.1.4.8b; JG.1.12b. See mahe kṣatrāya dhattana.
mahe śrotrāya dhattana (HG.JG. dadhmasi) # AVś.19.24.3b; AVP.15.5.10b; HG.1.4.8b; JG.1.12b.
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